Liberia India Thailand - CLC Ministries International
Liberia India Thailand - CLC Ministries International
2012 Issue No. 1 Broad Street in Liberia Liberia The rebirth of a ministry pg. 3 India New stores pg. 8 Thailand Response to flooding in Bangkok pg. 12 Dave Almack Editor INTERNATIONAL CLC World is published four times per year by CLC Ministries International, 701 Pennsylvania Ave., Fort Washington, PA 19034, a non-profit organization meeting literature needs around the world since 1941. © 2010 CLC Ministries International, Inc. No part of this periodical may be reproduced electronically or in print without permission. We welcome your comments. Email us at [email protected]. CLC U.S.A. is part of an interdenominational faith mission working in over 58 countries on six continents and is a member of The Mission Exchange (formerly EFMA). FINANCIAL POLICY This multi-ethnic ministry involves approximately 1,000 people of different nationalities who, by faith, trust God to supply their needs. Gifts received for projects are used as designated. Gifts given in excess of project funding needs will be designated to similar projects. Proceeds from book sales are used in the extension of the work worldwide—opening and developing bookshops and mobile ministries as well as publishing and distributing literature in many languages. Audited annual financial reports are available upon request from our office. Subscriptions to CLC World are free. The average cost for publication and mailing for one year is $5.00. CLC Ministries International 701 Pennsylvania Ave. P.O. BOX 1449 Fort Washington, PA 19034 215-542-1242 Dear CLC World Readers, We begin 2012 with much anticipation, excitement and gratitude to our Lord for all that He has done and will do in the year ahead. As you will read in the pages ahead, we have seen God allow us to establish several new CLC stores in Kenya and India this past year and know that they will be providing vital resources to the rapidly growing Christian church in these countries. When you read these stories and see the pictures, please take time to pray for the new ministry outposts staffed by dedicated and sacrificial national team members. Our big project this year is working to see the CLC Ministry in Liberia re-established. As you will read in the article on the next few pages, it has been fifteen years since the CLC store operations were “temporarily suspended” due to the civil war that engulfed Monrovia. We believe that 2012 is the year that God will allow us to re-open our doors once again, but much needs to be done for this to happen. I will be traveling to Liberia in February shortly after you receive this magazine in the mail to help with some of the initial start-up plans and decisions that need to be made. I would covet your prayers for my trip. We will be accepting donations of books, Bibles and funds for this crucial project. Many of you pray regularly for the CLC work around the world and give generously to our projects and missionaries. This year, I would like to challenge you to consider how you might become an advocate for us in recruiting the next generation of CLC missionaries. We have several locations around the world that need people right now, but we have no one to send. In addition, we would like to start work in new countries that will require missionary staffing at the outset. For more information on the specific needs, please visit our website – . It is our joy to partner with you in working to make evangelical Christian literature available to all nations so that people may come to faith and maturity in our Lord Jesus Christ. In this issue... 3-5 ..... Liberia—The Rebirth of a Ministry Liberia The Rebirth of a Ministry 6 ..... In Gratitude—Al Gower 7 ..... In Memoriam—Mabel Fredlund & Bonnie Hilton 8 ..... New Stores in India 10 ..... Johnny’s Shoes 12 ..... Thailand—Response to Flooding in Bangkok 14 ..... Kenya—Though Lions Roar 16 ..... Opportunities to Serve, Give and Go In 2012, we are preparing to restart the work of CLC in Monrovia, Liberia and are trusting the Lord to provide all we will need to make this significant dream a reality. The CLC work in Liberia began in 1948, in the first decade of the life of CLC itself. It was one of the first eight nations in which God allowed CLC to open a Christian bookstore and was a vital outpost for the advance of the gospel in this West African nation. Many missionaries (over several decades), including Herb and Marion Congo, Bonnie Hilton, Betty Wendland, Pat Jenkins and Lorna Line gave of their lives and earthly treasure to see this work prosper for nearly fifty years. In the late 1980s, with great joy, the work was entrusted to the hands of a capable national leader, Isaac George, and his team of Liberian workers. Unfortunately, war overtook the nation and the CLC shop was twice the victim of looting and destruction. After the first incident in 1992, the team cautiously began the work again and out of the rubble was able to see the ministry continue. Sadly, the civil war heated up again and after a second round of looting and destruction in 1996 the work was reluctantly “temporarily suspended” as many of the local team had to flee the country for their safety. Since the end of a second civil war in 2003, CLC teams around the world have been praying about the possibility of returning and setting up operations again. In 2008, a research team visited and determined that the conditions of stability and safety were such that a new start could take place. After an initial attempt to work with a local ministry was not successful, the decision was made to pursue a full-scale restart of the work. Starting the work again from scratch is a major undertaking and not to be done lightly, especially in a Liberia, with its many challenges. At this point, though political stability has returned, much of the key infrastructure, such as good roads, running water and consistent electricity, still need to be developed on a wider scale. Despite these issues, there are several positive factors. English is the national language and education is a key priority for the new government. Through the fires of war, God used the tragic circumstances to strengthen his church and allow national leaders to take responsibility for local church growth and development. These churches are now crying out for the return of a Christian resource center that can provide a regular supply of Bibles and books. CLC’s new bookstore will be a strategic part of developing next generation of church leaders and lay people dedicated to spreading the gospel throughout Liberia. In addition, it will support the many Bible colleges, Bible institutes and para-church ministries that have begun again. For the last four years, we have been raising funds, awareness and personnel to relaunch a store once again. In February, a CLC team will visit Monrovia to scout out a potential location for the store and to begin the process of government registration. A container of Bibles and books is being sent as the start-up inventory and a missionary is committed to spending several months in Liberia developing a strong local team once again to take over the day-to-day running of the work. Would you commit to praying for us about this significant new advance of the CLC work in Africa and consider donating funds or quality used books for the project? To donate funds or used books go to In Gratitude In Memoriam “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints”(Ps. 116:15). Heaven has just gained two more saints and former CLCers. Mabel Louise Fredlund and Bonnie Zell Hilton arrived at their permanent homes in Glory. “I’m moving to another office. Call Al to ask him to move my intercom phone.” “The “44” line is not working. Call Al.” Al Gower “The intercom phones in the apartment building aren’t working. Call Al to ask if he can come fix them.” I n today’s world, it’s critical to have an information technology guru on staff to keep the computers running. For the last 50 years, CLC has had the blessing of a telephone guru to keep our telecommunications running. Al Gower’s association with CLC began almost as an afterthought. In 1961 he had finished four years in the Air Force, and spent five years at Prairie Bible Institute in Canada. He was on his way home to Maine, traveling with a classmate who happened to be an MK (missionary kid from a family serving with WEC, a mission located next to CLC). His classmate’s father was driving Al to the bus station for the final leg of his trip when in discussion he learned that Al had worked in Prairie’s electrical shop, especially with telephones. He mentioned to Al that CLC had just built a headquarters building and they needed to install an intercom system. Al had no plans to hinder him from considering it, so his driver turned around and returned to CLC to introduce Al to Ken Adams. He spent a few weeks at home and then came to live at the Fort Washington property while installing the intercom system. (He installed a system for WEC as well.) He moved to Lansdale in 1963 and continued to volunteer at CLC as needed. Al’s dream had always been to serve in missions, and while he was helping with mission organizations, the doors were not opening for him to join full time. In 1965, as the remainder of the CLC buildings were going up, the contractor hired Al to help with construction. But work eventually ran out, and the contractor suggested to Al that perhaps he could apply for a job at Bell Telephone Company. Realizing that God was now leading him in a different direction, he applied to Bell Telephone, where he worked until retirement in 1997. When called upon, he would use Saturdays to come to CLC’s aid; after retirement, the red van could be found on the property any day of the week. And if too many days passed, Al would call just to make sure all was in working order. Pat, Al’s wife, faithfully sacrificed family time so that Al could volunteer at CLC. “I couldn’t have done it without her.” Al and Pat have three children and five grandchildren. Al praises the Lord for the opportunity that he has been given to serve the servants. His abilities and experiences were shaped by the Lord to be used to bless the saints over the last 50 years. Thank you so much, Al. May God’s blessing rest on you! Mabel Fredlund M abel graduated from Prairie Bible College in Alberta, Canada. She and her husband, Don, served for 14 years in Pakistan: along with her ministry in CLC, she was the librarian at the Karachi American School with TEAM. Don and Mabel arrived at our CLC headquarters in January 1968. CLC was blessed with Mabel’s loving, outgoing personality. She served in the bookstore which was located at the headquarters during that time. Two of CLC’s requirements for workers are availability and flexibility. Mabel certainly met those two qualifications during her time with CLC. She worked in the mailorder department, served as receptionist and CLC hostess. Mabel’s sense of humor will be remembered by many, as will her infectious laugh. During one of our monthly potluck dinners, held outside in the summer, Mabel won the prize for spitting watermelon seeds the farthest! From May 1978 to July 1987 the Fredlunds left CLC to serve at High Street Christian Academy and High Street Church of God. However, they returned to CLC in Aug. 1987 and stayed until Nov. 1991, when they retired in Canada. Mabel was a woman of faith and prayer. Many of the CLC family were encouraged by her fervent prayers during the regularly scheduled morning prayer times. She believed that the living God would hear and answer as she interceded for CLC’s many needs around the world. She is missed by many. However, her husband Don expressed it best: “She doesn’t need me now, she has Jesus.” Thank you, Mabel, for your loving service to the CLC family. We look forward to meeting again when we gather around the throne to worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Bonnie Hilton B onnie was a long-serving CLC missionary in Liberia, who went home to be with the Lord on Sunday, November 27, 2011. She will always be remembered as someone who loved talking to people about the Lord and she loved selling a person a Bible. In addition to working in the bookstore, Bonnie taught Bible classes in the public schools in Liberia. She was also a counselor at Camp Lawana in Liberia every year. May her legacy of faithfulness be honored as CLC works to establish a new ministry in Liberia in 2012. Ne w M B o o k sh o ps uch has been written about the center of Christianity moving to the global south in recent years. This has certainly been true in the CLC ministry around the world as we have seen the Lord allow our teams to grow and expand in Latin America, Africa and India. Our CLC team in India works under the name ELS (Evangelical Literature Service) and they were delighted to be able to open two new stores in 2011. These new stores in Ooty and Vizag bring the total number of ELS stores to 19. They provide vital resources to the exploding evangelical i n In di a church in this rapidly developing nation. Please pray for Christopher Robert (the CLC team leader) and the many ELS workers as they struggle to provide the needed resources in a land hungry for the gospel. There is a specific need for more English Bibles these days and the CLC USA team can use donations of quality used Bibles and donations to purchase new Bibles that we can send in our next container shipment to them. In 2011, we were able to send two separate containers to India and we have more shipments planned for 2012. J ohnny, a homeless man, sits outside of our Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia bookstore almost every day. I walked out the door on my way to the bank during my first week in the CLC shop and noticed him on the sidewalk beside the door. Seeing his ragged clothes and scraggly beard, I didn’t expect much response, but I greeted him and introduced myself. sat down beside Johnny and asked him to tell me his story. “I’m Johnny,” he told me. I talked with him a moment or two and found him to be pleasant and intelligent. Over the next few days, I saw that he could usually be found in that same spot on the sidewalk, so I made sure to greet him when I saw him. “I don’t sit here all day,” he protested. “Sometimes I do some carpentry to help a man with a project he is working on.” He told me about the project which may or may not be ongoing. One day, I noticed that his shoes were threadbare and losing their soles. “What size shoes do you wear, Johnny?” I asked. “10 ½” he answered hopefully. On arriving home that evening, I asked my wife if someone hadn’t given us a couple or pairs of shoes of size 10½. (I wear size 10 and my son wears size 11). Sure enough, out from a box came two pairs of nice, almost new shoes. A grin split Johnny’s face the next day when I pulled out the shoes. “These will be great for the winter,” he said as he took them in his weather-beaten hands. At that point, I “Not much to tell,” he said. “You are a smart guy, Johnny,” I said. “I happen to know that God created you to be and do more than sit on the sidewalk all day.” “Hmmm,” I commented. “What is your perspective on religion, Johnny?” “You don’t want to know,” he countered. “Yes, I do. That’s why I asked!” I returned with a laugh. “I was raised in a Christian home, became an atheist in the army, turned into an agnostic when I got out of the army and now…” he rambled on with a questionable assortment of beliefs. “Hmmm,” I commented again. “I notice that you like to read the paper. “Would you read a book if I gave one to you?” “Sure,” he replied. guy is really intelligent, isn’t he?” I grinned and told him to keep reading as I wanted his feedback when he was done. “Have you ever heard of C.S. Lewis?” I asked. “He was a professor at Oxford. He was raised in a Christian home like you, and became an atheist like you. He later wrote a book, called Mere Christianity that I would like to give you.” I told him that I would see if I had a copy in the shop and went inside. Will you pray for Johnny as he continues to read this book and as he “reads” our lives and words as we interact with him regularly? There are many others like him who are in and around our shops on a daily basis, people whom God has put in our way so that we can share with them the great, good news of Jesus Christ. Thirty minutes later, Johnny walked in. “Did you find that book yet?” he asked. I explained to him that I hadn’t had time to look, but then found a copy and gave it to him. He thanked me and left. The next day when I greeted him, he told me that he had started reading it. “Keep reading it,” I said. “I think you are going to find it very interesting.” I next saw Johnny a couple of days later and asked, “How is that book coming?” “I am taking my time with it,” he said. “That Serving the Suffering in Thailand This past year there was terrible flooding in Thailand, affecting hundreds of thousands of people and shutting down factories and even entire industries for a period of time. The flooding took place from July through December and is estimated to have killed over 600 people and disrupted the lives of millions. In the face of this massive tragedy, there is not much that one small group of people can do, but that did not deter our CLC team in Chiang Mai in northern Thailand. This team had recently seen God bless them with a new, larger and better located bookstore and have been providing Christian resources from this strategic location in both Thai and English. This past summer, a CLC USA intern, Scott Miller, was privileged to serve with them. When national tragedies like this occur, our teams will sometimes stop what they are doing and provide relief assistance for a period of time, as was done in Myanmar after the Cyclone Nargis and in Indonesia after the tsunami some years ago. In this case, our team did not stop what they were doing in the store, but decided to help anyway. As it turns out, Air Asia had agreed to ship aid down to Bangkok for free. Our team leader, Yongyut, has a good relationship with the governor of Bangkok and as a result we were able to send ready-to-eat food packs down to the neediest areas. CLC Chiang Mai actually had two different opportunities to send much-needed food care packs down to Bangkok to help with the flood victims. The first time, the team hired someone to cook and pack the food, and then they shipped it down by airplane. The second time they cooked the food themselves, preparing 2,650 meals which were sent down to Bangkok to be eaten the same day. To get this done in time, the team worked all night as the food was taken at 4:30 a.m. The food was purchased by donated funds, and CLC was very grateful to all those who felt led to give for this relief effort. One of the team members reflecting on this afterward said, “It is in times like these that we are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and we rejoice that He blessed us with the opportunity to serve in this way.” W hat a year 2011 has been for the CLC team in Kenya! And through it all, God has been faithful. The CLC work in Nairobi began in 2007 with the simple idea that Christian books needed to be more widely available in Kenya. Most local Christian bookstores had to order their products from the USA and UK and wait months for them to arrive. Rather than start a new bookstore initially, CLC opened a distribution center to supply the local needs by carrying larger numbers of popular and important titles. Right away, the availability and accessibility of key titles improved and the demand continued to grow. Based on this initial success, CLC started supplying local churches and ministries as well as Christian bookstores in Kenya and surrounding countries. One local church appreciated the work of CLC so much that they invited us to establish a bookstore on their campus. As a result, our first Bookshop-In-A-Box project was launched and a bookstore was opened on the church campus in what used to be a shipping container. This refurbished container was a great way to make books available in a strategic location at a reasonable cost. CLC is now looking at launching several more Bookshops-In-A-Box projects in other parts of Africa. Though Lions Roar CLC Expands in Kenya Early in 2011, our warehouse street sign was removed by the local city council officers with no advance warning because they claimed it was causing some sort of obstruction. For some time before this incident, the CLC Kenya team had been praying that “the presence of God would saturate CLC Kenya so much that people passing by the property would be drawn in with a desire to know God.” The week after the sign was taken down, a man walked in and said that he wanted to know Jesus. This was particularly amazing because there was no sign even on the building to indicate that CLC was a Christian organization at that moment. The man became a Christian and the team was delighted to share the truths of the gospel with him. Late in the year, a group of men armed with spears and pangas (a type of machete) cut through the fence around the CLC property in Nairobi in the middle of the night. They tied up Gideon, the watchman who lives on the premises, and then tried to enter the building. Despite their sharp weapons, they were unable to break the grills over the windows or the padlock on the door. They also tried to break into Gideon’s home but they couldn’t open the door. A few personal items were taken from him, but he was unharmed. Despite these challenges, the team continues to advance, and two new stores were opened at the end of the year. One is located in the university town of Kakamega and the other is a town called Eldoret. Interestingly, while our team was interviewing potential candidates to manage the store in Kakamega, a person who applied was actually led to the Lord during the interview. Please pray for God’s continued protection of our team and for the success of these two new literature outlets. CLC’s purpose is Deepen Your Partnership with CLC in 2012 INTERNATIONAL CLC Bookcenters Center City Bookcenter 730 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19106 215-922-6868 Chestnut Hill Bookcenter 7700 Crittenden Street Philadelphia, PA 19118 215-242-4790 Northfield Bookcenter Moorestown Bookcenter 529 Tilton Road Northfield, NJ 08225 609-641-4764 401 Route 38 (Kmart center) Moorestown, NJ 08057 856-866-2688 CLC Church Stores Word of Life Bookcenter First African Baptist Church 901 Clifton Avenue Sharon Hill, PA 19079 610-461-1108 Bread of Life Bookcenter ENON Tabernacle Baptist Church 2800 West Cheltenham Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19150 215-276-7200 Sharon Reed Bookcenter Sharon Baptist Church 3955 Conshohocken Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19131 215-473-3000 Website – Call – 215-542-1242 INTERNATIONAL PRAY – the foundation of our worldwide ministry is the faithful prayers of God’s people like you. Consider getting our monthly e-prayer fuel newsletter with fresh prayer requests from around the CLC world or request a printed version to be delivered to you in the mail. Order all CLC books online at Order online 24 hours a day at for Everyday Discounts!! for Everyday Discounts!! GIVE – our missionaries and projects are sustained by the faithful and sacrificial giving of people just like you. Please visit our website for easy online giving options and information about our ongoing needs around the world. GO – we desire to send many more missionaries around the world in the years to come and have opportunities for almost every skill set. No matter how God has gifted you, if you are interested in utilizing your gifts for the kingdom in a literature mission, we want to chat with you. We have both short-term and long-term opportunities available in Englishspeaking and non-English-speaking countries. Visit our website for an updated list of current opportunities and connect with us via e-mail or give us a call. INTERNATIONAL 15 % off INTERNATIONAL In-store purchases of $30 or more Expires 2/29/2012. May not be combined with any other offer $5 off In-store purchases of $25 or more Expires 2/29/2012. May not be combined with any other offer VOLUNTEER – we have a growing need for volunteers at our headquarters in Fort Washington and in our local Christian bookstores. These flexible positions provide many opportunities to minister and serve in whatever hours you have available. Please call us to find out what our current needs are. DONATE – we are actively seeking quality used Christian books for our Christian Booklink program. These donated books will be given away to needy people in third world countries, used in prisons here in the USA or sold as bargain books in our stores to support our mission activities. INTERNATIONAL 25 % off INTERNATIONAL In-store purchase of any one non-sale item valued at $25 or more Expires 2/29/2012. May not be combined with any other offer $10off In-store purchases of $40 or more Expires 2/29/2012. May not be combined with any other offer
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