September 2015


September 2015
Germantown UMC
525 Farmersville Pk
Germantown, OH
Sunday Worship:
9:00 Tradi onal
11:15 Contemporary
“Now all glory to
God, who is able,
through his mighty
power at work
within us, to
infinitely more than
we might ask or
Ephesians 3:20, NLT
April 2013
“You Just Keep Going”
Have you ever been through one of
those “nothing is working out right”
I’m sure you have; we all have. One of
those (mes—days, weeks, even
months—that it seems nothing works
right, that everything breaks, and no
ma er what you do, you can’t seem to fix
Well, we’ve had a string of failures with
technology at the church for about a
month now, and it has tested our
pa(ence and will power to not say a
“bad” word.
It all began with the freezing of our web
domain name, the one we had for years
and years. It was registered with a
company that we have had problems
with for over a year. We repeatedly
asked them to release our domain name
to our current webhost company, but
received no response. When the annual
renew period expired, so did our name,
and with it all our email addresses and
our website. Days were spent trying to
get the company to reply to us, but to no
avail. We finally made the dras(c
decision to change our domain name.
So we are now
As a result, our website needed to be
reconstructed, as well upda(ng folks on
our email addresses. It took a while (and
there are probably some things that s(ll
need to be updated), but I think it will be
worth all the haste to get away from a
bad company to one that is very
responsive to our calls.
Then our server crashed.
Remember that severe storm we had a
few Saturday nights/Sunday mornings
ago? Well, it crashed the hard drive in our
server, which meant we couldn’t get to
any of our shared files and our database
(including working on this newsle er).
A$er a few days of trying to fix it, we had
to buy a new computer. And while se'ng
up a computer is exci(ng for the nerd in
me, ge'ng everything to work and play
together is a (me consuming task. And
thanks to a device we borrowed from
Chris Kitchel, we were able to retrieve our
files from the old hard drive.
Some mes, it’s hard to get everything
working right when it’s all working
wrong! But, you know that you have to
keep at it. You can’t give up. You’ve got
to keep trying. You’ve got to keep going.
Paul writes:
For our present troubles are small and
won’t last very long. Yet they produce for
us a glory that vastly outweighs them and
will last forever! So we don’t look at the
troubles we can see now; rather, we fix
our gaze on things that cannot be seen.
For the things we see now will soon be
gone, but the things we cannot see will
last forever. (2 Corinthians 4:17-18, NLT)
The troubles of today will not last. The
promises of God for tomorrow will always
be there. So just keep going on towards
what God has for us.
Page 2
Current Sermon Series
Whether we realize it or not, our Chris(an faith is on display… every day and in
every way. Our words, our ac(ons, our reac(ons all tell a story about the validity
of our faith in our lives. If we say something that contradicts what our friends
think a Chris(an should say, or if we profess a faith but show li le evidence to
that faith, we communicate to people that either the Chris(an faith is lacking, or
we are lacking Chris(an faith.
The Book of James was wri en by
none other than Jesus’ halfbrother. He had seen first-hand in
his brother what God in the flesh
was like. He had witnessed a life
that was completely lived upon
the principles of Godly living. In
his book, he shares those
principles to encourage and
remind people that our friends
are watching. They will judge the
faith upon our ability to live it out.
Running from August to the end of September, we are studying this incredible
book of faith-living. Come join us.
Then all of you can join
together with one voice,
giving praise and glory to
God, the Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:6,
The mission of
Germantown UMC is:
Building a Christ
Connec on
Upcoming Sundays
Na onal Back to Church Sunday—September 20
Now in its 7th year, the Na(onal Back to Church
Sunday is the largest annual community
outreach in the na(on. So join us and invite
someone to come to church with you.
World Communion Sunday—October 4
World Communion Sunday is a celebra(on observed by
several Chris(an denomina(ons that promotes Chris(an
unity and ecumenical coopera(on. The tradi(on
originated with a Presbyterian Church in 1933, and
subsequently spread to other denomina(ons.
Page 3
New Children’s Sunday School Curriculum
Exci(ng news, kids!! We’ve started our new curriculum “Deep Blue.” This is for all
ages as they take an adventure through the bible and see it through a kid’s eye.
Each weekly adventure begins at church and then con(nues through the week at
home with parent conversa(on and ac(vity (ps both printed and online. You
won’t want to miss the free Deep Blue Adventure app that brings me and my
friends right to your phone or tablet.”
“This will con%nue un%l we
We will be sending home a
paper a$er Sunday school to all come to such unity in
give you instruc(ons on how our faith and knowledge of
to download the new Deep
God’s Son that we will be
Blue app right to your phone
mature in the Lord,
or tablet. Then each week
measuring up to the full
you can con(nue the
lessons at home. There are
and complete standard of
games for your children to
Christ.” (Ephesians 4:13,
play and videos they can
watch. We are really excited
to start this new curriculum!
Two New Mid-Week Bible Studies Being Offered, Plus a First Sunday Class
Barbara Watkins will be having a
Bible Study class on Tuesday
evenings from 7-9pm. It is en(tled
Having a Mary Heart in a Martha
World; finding in(macy with God in
the busyness of life by Joanna
Myra Wheeler will have a new Beth
Moore Bible Study on Mondays
beginning on September 28th from
6:30—8:30pm in Fellowship Hall. It is
en(tled Children Of The Day.
There will be a First Sunday Class on
Sunday, October 4 from 3:30-7:00.
The class will be Bible Basics, which
will explore the keys and tools to
studying the Bible.
Page 4
Appor onment Update
If you have been in the United Methodist Church for a few years, you have
probably heard the term “Appor(onments” thrown around. Maybe you have
wondered what it meant.
The United Methodist Church is a connec(onal church; each congrega(on is not
independent but connected to each other. Whether they are down the street,
across the state, or around the world, we are connected. We share many things,
including the ability to fund ministries and missions. Together, we can make a
greater impact to relieve suffering, feed the hungry, and proclaim the Gospel of
Jesus Christ at home and around the world.
“Give away your life; you'll
find life given back, but
not merely given back—
Here’s where we stand on our 2015 Appor(onments.
given back with bonus and
Unfortunately, our expenses have matched our increase giving for this year so that
blessing. Giving, not
we have fallen behind. At the last Give Team, we saw that we have some money to
ge5ng, is the way.
send for Appor(onments, but we decided to wait un(l the bills for the Playground
Generosity begets
and the Parking Lot reseal were paid, just to be careful with our cash flow.
generosity." (Luke 6:38,
Once those projects are paid, there will be money available for Appor(onments,
but to be fully paid by the end of the year, we need $37,369.
The Message)
Giving Recap: As of the end of July 2015
To Date
Budgeted Need
Last Year
Total Income
“ All must give as they are able, according to the blessings given to them by the LORD
your God.”
Deuteronomy 16:17 (NLT)
Page 5
Proposed Partnership Agreement with St. Paul’s UMC
The following is a proposed Partnership Agreement Between Germantown
United Methodist Church and St. Paul United Methodist Church that has been
forwarded to the Administra(ve Board by the Go Team and Ministry Council:
Our mission at Germantown United Methodist Church is Building a Christ
Connec*on. Everything we do is towards the fulfillment of that mission. Our
strategy of fulfillment is a 4G strategy: Glorify, Grow, Give, and Go. We will
glorify our God, grow into the likeness of His son, give extravagantly out of
thanksgiving and faith, and go in the power of the Holy Spirit.
For years, Germantown United Methodist Church has helped St. Paul United
Methodist Church in the fulfillment of their mission: Empowered by the love of
Jesus Christ, St. Paul United Methodist Church will open doors of service,
jus*ce and peace to the world, and windows into a life in Christ for all people.
They demonstrate this mission within the community through the various
ongoing outreach efforts, which include the weekly Tuesday lunch offering and
Saturday Breakfast, Food Pantry, Christ Centered a5er school program,
Christmas Shops for parents and children among many other ministries
supported by over thirty partner churches and volunteers. The ministry at St.
Paul is designated as an “Advanced Special” for the West Ohio Conference.
The people of Germantown United Methodist Church wish to increase our
involvement in the ministry of St. Paul by becoming a Primary Covenant
Partner, which would include at least the following:
1. GUMC will provide one member for the St. Paul UMC Governing Board.
(Julie Smith is currently fulfilling this role.)
2. GUMC will provide 2 annual meals in support of the St. Paul Tuesday Lunch
offering. (We currently provide a meal in July and a meal in December)
3. GUMC will focus on ministries to the poor, and in par*cular St. Paul UMC,
for the four weeks preceding the annual Tuesday Cookout Celebra*on in
July, with the goal of raising awareness, increasing par*cipa*on, and
receiving pledges/gi5s for the ministry of St. Paul.
4. GUMC will strive to provide outreach ministries to be shared with St. Paul
UMC (i.e. Tinkerbell’s Closet and Music Ministry)
5. GUMC will commit to providing $2,400 annually as part of the Advanced
Special contribu*on applicable to St. Paul UMC.
Please read and pray about this. If you have any ques(ons, contact Julie Smith
or Pastor Gary.
This will be presented to the Administra(ve Board at their September 28
mee(ng for final approval.
“Therefore, go and make
disciples of all the
na%ons…” (MaHhew
28:19, NLT)
Deadline for submiGng
ar cles is the 20th of each
Love to cook and want to
help a mission team?
Contact Kathy Kitchel
Page 6
GO (Con nued)
Help Needed with the Pretzel Fes val September 26-27
We will once again partner with Union
Chapel UMC to sponsor the Methodist
Bread Basket. Each church is expected
to provide 200 loaves of homemade
bread. At this me we s ll need 121
loaves of bread to fulfill our
commitment. With only two weeks
away from the fes(val, it’s crunch (me!
We need everyone to help out by
baking bread and/or working a shi$ at
the fes(val. The proceeds are divided
evenly. Sign-up sheets and instruc(on
sheets/(ps are on the Welcome Center.
If you have ques(ons you may contact Karen Lurker at
855-3841 or call the church office at 855-2102.
The FaithSeeker’s Sunday School
Class is also sponsoring a booth and
need everyone’s help with
dona(ons of water/soda, and your
(me to help work at the Booth. The
money raised is used for many
projects, missions & within our own
church. Please see sign-up sheets at
the Welcome center for dona(ons &
work schedule.
If you have any ques(ons, you may
call Karen Tucker at 937-344-4586
or call the church office at 855-2102.
Helping Valley View Students and Beyond
Sonshine In A Bag con(nues to be a growing ministry. This year, 117 Valley View students are signed up to receive
help, who do not have nourishing food to eat over the weekend. A bag of food is given to each child as they leave
school on Friday. There is a collec(on bin and list of needed items outside the church office. Please pick up a list
and add a few items to your personal grocery list to help hungry children.
Tinkerbell’s Closet has begun its Fall push. Located in the youth building at 20 Wetz Lane, it is a place for girls to
come and find that perfect dress and accessories for their school’s formal dance. The ministry has already served
75 girls in the last week. They can always use helpful volunteers to assist clients with selec(ons or some(mes an
occasional handyman for building projects. Fall is a very busy (me with homecoming and holiday dances.
Dona(ons of gently used party dresses and accessories are greatly appreciated. You may contact Kathy Kitchel at
684-1446 with ques(ons, to make arrangements to volunteer or drop off clothing. If you haven’t had the
opportunity to see Tinkerbell’s Closet you should stop by during open hours. You will be pleasantly surprised!
September Mission Needs
For the month of September we are accep(ng dona(ons of clothing for all family members which will be delivered
to Valley View Community Clothes Closet. Please place your clothing dona(ons in the right hand coat closet as you
come in the front doors of the church. Please have bags labeled “missions”. We are also accep(ng dona(ons of
new socks in all sizes and types. A collec(on basket is located outside the church office. These socks will be
delivered to C.A.M.P. in Farmersville in November and will be placed in the Christmas boxes for local families.
C.A.M.P. serves families in the Germantown, Farmersville and New Lebanon communi(es.
Page 7
The New Playground Equipment is installed, dedicated, and enjoyed!
August’s Church Picnic/Potluck was a
huge success. We had a great (me in
fellowship and food.
And of course, we dedicated our long
an(cipated playground equipment
(on the right is a picture of it coming
off the trailer).
Thanks to all those who gave over
the years, and worked very hard to
install it. Special thanks to Jaron
Develbiss for picking a terrific set!
Upcoming Family Events
October 24 Trunk or Treat
Game Night
Gingerbread and Jesus
Second Try on the Parking Lot
Due to a scheduling conflict with the contractor, parking lot
repairs have been rescheduled for September 17, 18, and
19. The church building and property will be closed during
this (me. Please make a note of it.
Page 8
Go Team (8/25): Looking to add a Valley View family to our Christmas Adopt-aFamily, and approved a proposal to become a Primary Covenant Partner Church
with St. Paul UMC.
Ministry Council (8/25): Discussed the various ministries and family events,
recommending to the Administra(ve Council a proposal to become a Primary
Covenant Partner Church with St. Paul UMC.
Trustees (8/18): Making prepara(ons for installa(on of the new playground and
resealing the parking lot, discussed the process by which we retake possession of
Market St. when/if the Vineyard Church closes.
Upcoming Church Mee ngs:
Trustees: September 1, 7:00 PM
Glorify Team: September 3, 7:00 PM
Give Team: September 13, 12:30 PM
Grow Team: September 15, 6:30 PM
Administra ve Council: September 28, 7:30 PM
Germantown United Methodist Church
525 Farmersville PK., Germantown, Oh 45327 (937) 855-2102
Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.
Fellowship Time/Coffee/Donuts 10:00 – 10:15
Sunday School Classes 10:15
Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 9:00am to 4:00pm, Friday 9:00am to noon
Rev. Gary K. Wheeler, Pastor
[email protected]
E-mail: [email protected] Website:
For any emergencies, not during office hours, contact Pastor Gary at
(937) 204-4400.