May 31 - Annandale United Methodist
May 31 - Annandale United Methodist
…AND I WILL SUPPORT THE CHURCH WITH MY PRAYERS, MY PRESENCE, MY GIFTS AND MY SERVICE. OUR PRAYERS: (Please put prayer requests in writing or call the office.) For our ongoing ministries For the sick and those in need: Cory Jarvis, nephew of Becki Stewart Lynette Dillard Kent Martino, brother of Patricia Martino-Shapiro BreAunne Rice Bob Stevenson, friend of Tina Svenson Becky, cousin of Theresa Bock Marty Thomas, daughter-in-law of Evelyn Thomas Fred Warren Isabelle Brown, mother of Clarence Brown Evie Gibson Patty Anderson, mother of Katie Anderson Delsa Hildebrandt, wife of Eldon Hildebrandt Burns/Myers families Alvin Teegarden, friend of the Wilkins family Sue, friend of Erin McKenney Beth Neary, niece of Jackie Flynn Luis Vasquez, son-in-law of Dottie Rogerson Kurt Kruger Brent Lewis, friend of Marcelo M. Soliz Helen Smith Beverly Thompson, mother of Amy Floyd Janet Petty Sabo Lynn Dannenfelser, friend of Dawn Perez Faye Liming Cathy Bass, cousin of Richard Rosenberger George Hill, Jr. Serge Kostun, cousin of Peter and Alice Snitzer Melanie Wirick Jasmine Gardner, friend of Charles Cox Stephen Lawson, son of Liz Lawson WH Farley, friend of Cyndi Jones Aubrey Stroggs, daughter of Cherrie Welch Robin Evans Drew and Erin Halford, brother of Jenny Otto Janet Woods Guenther Koch, friend of Cyndi Jones Victoria Weyant, mother of Debbie Strickland Paul Flynn Darren McFate, friend of Denny and Jennifer Stokes Vincent Guidi Robin Holmes, friend of Betsy Clevenger Jim Shepard Andy Murphree, brother of Nancy Davis Lisa Fitchett Tari Foltz, daughter-in-law of Betsy Clevenger Dan DeSouza Betty Chase, sister-in-law of Sandra Chase Bill Stacy Dave Sherfey, nephew of Gary Sherfey Dale Hay Bill Marts, brother-in-law of Cyndi Jones Ed Oliver Pam Seale, friend of Margi McCarthy Liz Plewes Ron Spangenberg, father of Laurie Scheible Patti Jones Gary Thatcher, friend of Betsy Clevenger Michael Boley, friend of Ed Bock Mary White, aunt of Davis Oliver Jacqueline Wilson, friend of Sandra Chase Charles George Leany Hall, niece of Vincent and Jeanne Guidi Matt McConville, brother of Jim McConville Andrew Miga Matthew McConville, nephew of Jim McConville Victoria Mayo Marcia Cornell, cousin of Luanne Pond Bereaved members and their families: Cherrie Welch and family on the death of her granddaughter, Mackenzie Scroggs Winnie Tegge and family on the death of her sister, Ann Penner Wayne Bevis and family on the death of his wife, Mary Bevis Tom Rose and family on the death of his brother, Peter Rose Hearing devices are available upon request from the ushers. Presiding Bishop: Young Jin Cho, Richmond Area Virginia Conference District Superintendent: Jeffrey P. Mickle Senior Pastor: Rev. Dr. Clarence R. Brown, Jr. Associate Pastor: Rev. Eduardo Carrillo Associate Pastor, Adult Discipleship: Rev. Cynthia Johnson-Oliver, J.D. Dir. of Christian Ed. for Children: Becki Stewart Dir. of Youth Ministries: Trish Bradley Dir. of Music Ministries: Patrick Vaughn Pianist: Justin B. Dean Dir. of Weekday Children’s Programs: Maribeth Day Seminary Intern: Jim Harrington Annandale United Methodist Church (Rev. Cynthia Johnson-Oliver, [email protected]) ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:45 a.m. Bible Fellowship is studying the Book of Proverbs in Room 111. Exploring Faith in Life is studying Making Sense of the Bible in Room 303. Immanuel is studying Mark: Hope for the Gentiles in Room 300. In His Steps is studying Love Walked Among Us in Room 302. Issues in Christianity meets in Room 307. Parents and Promises is studying Alpha in Room 305. Speaking of Faith is listening to podcasts with Krista Tippet in Room 210. Williams Bible Class is studying Men of the Bible in Room 118. Women in Search of Truth is studying a Beth Moore study in Room 306. Women of the Day is studying Living Like You Belong to God in the Parlor. SUNDAY, June 14, 12:30 p.m. - Young Adult lunch and discussion in Room 210. MID WEEK CLASSES – Visit (Director: Trish Bradley, [email protected] ) There will be no Sunday School classes today because of the Youth Car wash - come join us in the back parking lot from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Our final Ramp is TONIGHT - hope to see you there! 5 to 7:30 p.m. Youth Sunday is June 14! Youth participants are needed to help lead the service (one service at 10:30) - come and support our high school graduates and new confirmands! We will also bridge our new rising sixth grade students! Mark your calendars - Collide is June 14 from 3 to 6 p.m. Come for our big end-of-year celebration in the back parking lot. Cost is $20, or free for new Griddies! Children’s Ministries (Director: Becki Stewart, [email protected]) Celebration Singers (K-5th grade): 9:15 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL (3 year olds through 5th grade): 9:45 a.m., 3rd floor classrooms. Cherub Choir (2 years and 3-4 year old class): during Sunday School, room 311. CHAPEL (age 4 years through 3rd grade): follows Moments with Children, room 313. GSKids Service Project (3rd-5th graders): follows 11 a.m. service, room 311. Join us for the Great Supermarket Race to help stock ACCA’s Food pantry! VBS REGISTRATION! Join us for God’s Camp – Discovering Faith, July 20-24, 9 a.m. - noon Monday through Friday. Children age 3 (as of Sept. 30, 2014) – 4th Grade. Go to to sign up your child or to be a volunteer. Forms also available in the office, atrium, or on 3rd floor across from 310. Come KNOW, GROW, and SOW with us! 6935 Columbia Pike, Annandale, Virginia Phone: 703-256-8330 ~ Fax: 703-914-8896 E-mail: [email protected] We are a Stephen Ministry Church THE CHURCH GATHERS FOR DIVINE WORSHIP May 31, 2015 • 8:30 and 11 a.m. TRINITY SUNDAY +GATHERING SONG “I Will Call Upon the Lord” *FWS No. 2002 WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS +GREETING OUR NEIGHBORS IN PEACE +PROCESSIONAL HYMN “Holy, Holy, Holy” Hymnal No. 64 +CALL TO WORSHIP Rev. Johnson-Oliver Leader: God’s love is poured out on God’s world. People: From the foundations of time, God’s love is woven into all things. Leader: When we cry “Abba, Father!”, God hears and lovingly responds to us. People: Thanks be to God who forgives and lifts us up. Leader: Now we are called to be born anew! All: Open our hearts and our lives that we may truly be born with hearts aflame with God’s love. Amen. +OPENING PRAYER Holy God, like Isaiah the prophet, we stand in awe of Your glory, feeling tremendously small and polluted by our sin, and the sin of our society. Even so, You touch us with Your burning presence, and we are made clean and whole. Continue to build this household of faith into what You want us to be. Lead us to do as You will. Blessed Trinity, fill this place and these people with Your presence. For yours is the power, and the Salvation, and the Creation, now and always. Amen. MOMENTS WITH CHLDREN Becki Stewart (11 a.m. – Children may leave for Children’s Chapel.) ANTHEM “Holy and Mighty” PROCLAMATION AND RESPONSE Choplin Adult Choir PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of your Holy Spirit, that, as the Scriptures are read and your Word proclaimed, we may hear with joy what you say to us today. Amen. LAY READING +HYMN 8:30 Sandra Chase, 11 Mary Parker “Holy, Holy” Isaiah 6:1-8 *FWS No. 2039 PRAYERS OF JOY AND CONCERN THE LORD’S PRAYER OFFERING OF THE PEOPLE OFFERTORY “All Creatures of Our God and King” Jim Harrington 2012 Graduating Senior Information arr. Shackley Justin Dean, piano Hymnal No. 94 +DOXOLOGY Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! John 3:1-17 “How Can It Be?” Rev. Carrillo SENDING FORTH “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)” On Screens +HYMN OF RESPONSE +BENEDICTION +CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE “As We Go” As we go may Your Spirit go before us As we go may we follow where You lead May we live what we have learned Share the message we have heard And be a light unto the world as we go “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” +POSTLUDE +Please stand as you are able. * Faith We Sing Supplementary Hymnal Flowers on the Altar are offered to the Glory of God and in honor of Brett Wilson on his birthday by Emily Wilson. Flowers on the Altar are offered to the Glory of God and in honor of Jane and Ralph May on their wedding anniversary by Jane May. Connec t Quality time: Take a few minutes to visit members/visitors/friends in Wright Hall (fellowship hall) after worship. If you see someone you don’t know, introduce yourself. +PRAYER OF DEDICATION SERMON SCRIPTURE Minister: The Word of God for the People of God. People: Thanks be to God. SERMON …AND I WILL SUPPORT THE CHURCH WITH MY PRAYERS, MY PRESENCE, MY GIFTS AND MY SERVICE. OUR PRESENCE: May 17 Sunday Worship: 358 Sunday School: 35 On Screens arr. Sprunger Justin Dean, piano We extend a special welcome to visitors and pray that something in our worship today – the message, the music, the fellowship - will touch you, and we invite you to come back and worship with us again. Next Sunday, June 7, Rev. Dr. Brown will preach. Join us for refreshments and coffee in Wright Hall after the worship service. Flowers on the Altar Needed: If you would like to place flowers on the altar in memory or honor of a loved one, please circle the date(s) you wish and return this form with a check, made payable to AUMC. Cost: $25 per arrangement. Flowers are not placed on the altar on the first Sunday of each month, Communion Sunday; Easter Sunday and the Sunday before Christmas have special flowers. Next Sunday: AUMC’s Got Talent Talent Show and Ice Cream Social will be Saturday, June 13. Sign up in the parking lot beginning at 7:45 a.m. For more information about the events visit the Taste of Annandale Facebook page. Kings Dominion discounts: As part of a special arrangement with the Virginia Conference, Kings Dominion amusement park offers United Methodists discounted prices on tickets during United Methodist Days at the park. Cost is $34 per person for ages 3 and older for discount tickets valid June 25-29, July 1-6 and July 18-20. Children ages 2 and under will be admitted free. During the discount days, two Christian music events will be held on the park grounds. KingsFest (three days of Christian music, speakers and singers including Skillett, LeCrae, Tenth Avenue North, and Jeremy Camp) will be June 25-27. JoyFest (one of the country’s largest gospel festivals featuring Fred Hammond, Tamela and David Mann and Tye Tribbett) will be Saturday, July 18. KingsFest and JoyFest tickets are sold separately in advance through the call center at 804-876-5000. Cost is $40 for Good Any Day tickets, which are valid April 11-Oct. 31. Kings Dominion is located 20 miles north of Richmond, off Interstate 95. To purchase tickets online, go to and enter promo code KDUMC04 in the top right corner under “my cart.” The Virginia Conference will receive $1 for each ticket purchased online during United Methodist Days. Grow On the church calendar, May 31 is Trinity Sunday and Peace with Justice Sunday. Trinity Sunday is the first Sunday after Pentecost and honors the Holy Trinity—the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. On Peace with Justice Sunday, the United Methodist Church asks members of God’s family to think compassionately, pray wholeheartedly and share with open hands. Gifts on this Special Sunday help amplify voices crying for peace and justice around the world. Connect and Grow: Attend the final Wednesday Night Together dinner (until October 18 (check one) rIn Memory of rIn Honor of _______________________________ Academy of Discipleship Year-End Appreciation Lunch and brief November 23 8 15 30 29 _______________________________ December 27 I/we wish to leave the flowers for distribution to shut-ins or those in the hospital. YES _____ NO ______ cleaned at the Youth Car Wash during both services. During the week you can buy an AUMC car magnet by making a suggested donation of $5 in the church office. Learn more about Shade & Fresh Water: Next Sunday, June 7, Keila Guimarães, 20 August Today: Support the youth summer mission trip and get your vehicle Taste of Annandale 5K Run will depart from the AUMC parking lot on September 26 Serve Aid ACCA: Help support the Annandale Christian Community for Action (ACCA) Phone:________________________ July June 7 – AUMC’s Got Talent/Ice Cream Social June 13 – Taste of Annandale (AUMC is a sponsor) June 14 – Youth Sunday (single service at 10:30 a.m.) June 19 – Music Appreciation Dinner June 21 – Annandale Booklovers held on June 7 at 6:30 p.m. Come for a night of fun and fellowship! Last year’s event was a huge success and we are confident that this year’s talent will be even better. If you sing, play an instrument, dance, act, juggle, or whatever, come and be a part of this great evening for the whole Annandale church family! To sign up or for more information, contact Pat Vaughn at [email protected] or 703-256-8330. Signups are needed by Wednesday, June 3. the fall) on June 10 in Wright Hall. Dinner begins at 5:45 p.m.; the program begins at 6:30 p.m. The menu will be green salad, oven BBQ chicken, potato salad, corn bread, and strawberry shortcakes. The program will be the Many Missions of AUMC. Register for dinner by noon on June 8 on the pew pad, at, or by contacting Joyce Kitzmiller: [email protected] or 703-256-8330. The meal price (pay at the door) is $8/person, $3/child under 9, and $25/family maximum. Name of Donor: Mark Your Calendar meeting will take place on Sunday, June 14 following the 10:30 a.m. worship service. All teachers and small group leaders are cordially invited to attend. Thank you for another year of ministry in adult discipleship. through the United Way’s Do More 24 online fundraiser on Thursday, June 4. It’s quick and easy. Just go to webpage and search for ACCA. You can also donate by mailing a check to ACCA, 7200 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA 22003 (just write “Do More 24” in the memo line). Small donations are most welcome, and can make a difference. With just a $24 donation, ACCA can deliver a bag of groceries. the national coordinator of Shade & Fresh Water in Brazil, will visit AUMC, along with Bishop João Alves Oliveira of the Brazilian Methodist Church. AUMC has long been a partner/supporter of the Shade & Fresh Water program. These representatives of the program will attend worship with us and speak during Sunday School hour. Recycle: AUMC’s Earth and Spirit Bible Class is collaborating with a private firm to collect specific items to recycle and then convert to new products (“upcycle”). Collection boxes are on a table outside Wright Hall. Items that can be recycled are tape dispensers and cores (Scotch tape reels) and specific personal care items: mouthwash bottles and caps, deodorant containers and caps, toothpaste tubes and caps, floss containers, and toothbrushes. It is important that items are clean! There is a potential for a small donation to AUMC if the amount of items collected is substantial. Give: Samaritan Gifts, which will be received through June 21, Father’s Day, go directly to the financial support of residents in need who reside at a Virginia United Methodist Home (VUMH). Your gift can be designated to any VUMH community or go where the need is greatest as an undesignated gift. Donate: AUMC’s Lenten Mission projects. To make a donation, and for more information, visit or call the church office 703-256-8330. Volunteer: Shepherds and center leaders are needed for AUMC’s Vacation Bible School “God’s Camp – Discovering Faith” July 20-24, 9 a.m. to noon. Contact Becki Stewart, [email protected] or call 703-256-8330. Sign up: The ASP mission trip to Brenton, WVA, with the Appalachian Service Project (ASP), is scheduled for Oct. 5-11. The team will be doing relational ministry and home repairs. Cost for the 7-day trip is $450 and includes transportation, lodging, meals and all construction materials. Cost for the shorter trip is $300. Email John Clarke, [email protected]. Commitments are needed with a nonrefundable deposit. Feed: Distribute food to needy neighbors at Heritage campus every Thursday, 5 – 7 p.m. Contact: Betsy Clevenger, 703-425-6424. Support: Annandale United Methodist Preschool Programs by saving box tops, and labels. Bring in “Box Tops for Education” labels from General Mills products and “Labels for Education” from Campbell’s Soup products, and deposit in the marked box by door #2. If you have a Safeway rewards card, log on to, go to “sign up”, register your card, and select the AUMC Preschool Group ID #149029884. If you have a Harris Teeter savings card, give the cashier the code #1481 during checkout and AUMC Preschool will receive a percentage of your Harris Teeter brand purchases. AUMC’s CDC code with Harris Teeter is #5814.
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Hearing devices are available upon request from the ushers.