07-and-08.2015-NEWSL.. - First Presbyterian Church of Bakerstown
07-and-08.2015-NEWSL.. - First Presbyterian Church of Bakerstown
BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS JULY / AUGUST 2015 P.O. Box 127, Route 8 at Heckert Road, Bakerstown PA 15007 Phone: 724-443-1555 Website: www.fpcb.org FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of BAKERSTOWN Connecting the people around us to the God who loves us ... through Reaching, Growing, and Serving! Sunday Schedule 8:45 - 9:45 a.m. Praise Worship Service 10:00 - 10:50 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 - 12:00 p.m. Choral Worship Service The Café is open from 9:45-10:45 a.m. Senior Pastor - Dan Muttart Assistant Pastor - Jeremy Collins Parish Pastor - Gary Weston Director of Christian Education - Sandy Floyd Choral Director - Mia Tepper Organist - Rich Anthony Children’s Ministry Asst. - Danni Hackel Youth Ministry Asst.- Lee Haney, Jr. Business Manager - Mike Herron Financial Assistant - Kelly Ganter Program Assistant - Leslie Ward Office Assistant - Linda Smith Hospitality Coordinator- Brenda Clifford Housekeeper - Lisa Wood Custodian - Mike Risk Pastor Emeritus - Richard A. Morledge Deadline for Sept. Newsletter: Aug. 10 A Glimpse at the Calendar July 12, Aug. 9, Flying Solo Lunch July 13-17, Summer Blast Camp—Everest July 19, Summer Blast Sunday—One 10 a.m. Worship Service July 25, Youth Outcry Concert Aug. 10-14, Middle School Mission Week at Hosanna Aug. 12-14, Hosanna / FPCB Work Days Aug. 20, Pirates Game, Faith Night Aug. 23, Sept. 27, Oct. 25, Papercrafting Aug. 23, 6th Grade BBQ at home of the Collins Aug. 29, Chancel Choir Retreat Aug. 30, BPCC Sunday, Apple Wish Tree Sept. 13, Rally Day, Youth BBQ Sept. 18, WOB Fall Gathering See bulletins, call the church office, or visit www.fpcb.org for details. Dear Friends, I feel led during these summer months to address a feeling that some of you might have when you come back from that longed-for summer vacation. It is a feeling expressed when you say something like, “You mean I waited all year for that? Is that all there is?” Many times we build up beyond reasonable expectation in our lives certain events: vacation, graduation, the new job, the new boyfriend/girlfriend, the latest purchase. I reflected on this as I was preparing a message based on one of the things Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matt. 6:19-20 NIV). The treasures on earth satisfy for a time, but the reason why we come back from a vacation and say, “Is that all there is?” and the reason that we find ourselves thinking three weeks after the big purchase, “I’m still not happy,” is that these things are but poor substitutes for what we as human beings truly crave: close connection with our Creator, and the peace that comes from feeling His presence in us and from having daily communication with Him. In a fallen world, there is always something around the bend that can take away the temporary high we get from the “treasures on earth.” But as God inspired the apostle Paul to say in his letter to the Romans: “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 8:38-39 NIV). His presence in your life, His peace, the ability to commune with your Creator in prayer, and to feel His guiding and comforting hand in your life, these are the “treasures in heaven” that He gives us hints of in this life, and that we will experience fully when we see Him face to face. And so, if you come back from vacation this summer a little less energized, a little less satisfied than you thought, fear not and fret not. Instead, remember as the writer of the Hebrews was inspired to say, “This world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come” (Heb. 13:14 NLT). True satisfaction awaits all who place there hope in Him, no matter the dissatisfactions, disappointments or heartbreaks of the moment. Not just a summer hope, but a lifetime hope, and an eternal certainty. Blessings, Pastor Dan Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS Adult Education (Sundays Mornings; Sundays Evenings) page 2 Something new . . . Sunday Mornings at 10 a.m. SUNDAYS THROUGH —AUGUST 16 “COUNTER CULTURE” by David Platt; Jeremy Collins, facilitator Sunday Evenings 7 – 8 p.m. Do Christians in the contemporary church have the courage to counter the culture? David Platt believes that the truths of the gospel should compel us to a contrite, compassionate, and courageous personal response to social issues in the culture. Using biblical foundations, practical illustrations, and personal exhortations, this study is a pointed yet winsome call for readers to faithfully follow Christ in countercultural ways. Week 1, June 21—Culture, Jeremy Collins Week 2, June 28—Wealth, Jeremy Collins Week 3, July 5—Human Life, Amy Scheuring Week 4, July 12—Sexuality, Jeremy Collins July 19—No Class due to Summer Blast Sunday Week 5, July 26—Paganism, Bob Klein Week 6, August 2—Paganism, Bob Klein Week 7, August 9—Race, Jeremy Collins Week 8, August 16—Faith, Jeremy Collins Sundays, August 23, 30, September 6 Co-ed Class—Parable Series August 23—Parable of the Talents, Al Wettach August 30—Dower and the Seed, Bob Klein September 6—Workers in the Vineyard, Nelson Crooks Kid Raisers—Your Legacy by James Dobson Men’s Study—Men’s Fraternity June 14 at Edward’s Ice Cream was a nice gathering— despite the rain! Pastor Jeremy led a discussion on Luke 9:23-25. Join us: July 19 (Wynn home, 11064 Babcock Blvd., Gibsonia), Kerrie & Joe Wynn have opened their backyard for us to meet. Ice cream sundaes will be provided. Just bring your lawn chair! Enjoy time with Pastor Gary (Matthew 18:21-35). August 9 (Narcisi Winery, 4578 Gibsonia Road, Gibsonia). Gather at Narcisi Winery with your lawn chairs. Small snacks will be provided. Enjoy time with Pastor Dan (Romans 8:28-30). Bring your lawn chair and Bible. Enjoy lite refreshments and fellowship as we look at some of your pastors’ favorite Bible verses! Family & friends are encouraged to attend! To help us plan, please RSVP the Wednesday prior to the Sunday evening … [email protected] or 724-443-1555. Summer’s Best 2 Weeks ran from June 11-19. See details on page 5. Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS Church Family News / Faith Night Church Family News Please contact the church office with news to share! Congratulations, 2015 High School Graduates! Their plans for next fall: Randall Allen Carter Grove City College Hannah Marie Clogan Cosmetology License Alexander Joseph Downing American University Jordan Thomas Martig Gannon University Kaylee Clara Perovich Clarion University Catriona Lee Reynolds California University of PA Nathan Thomas Williams West Virginia University Born: Celia Mae Nunes, daughter of Meghan Swartz Nunes & Troy P. Nunes, on June 6 FPCB’s Office Assistant Linda Smith became a grandmother for the first time on June 5 with the birth of Colton Michael Holtz, son of Loren Smith Holtz & Todd Holtz Baptized on Father’s Day, June 21: Talia Capri Sabatine, daughter of Christine Kratz Sabatine & Vincent J. Sabatine, granddaughter of Charles & Diana Kratz, great granddaughter of Harry & Marcella Bittle Ava Violet Anzelone, daughter of Ashley Sasse Anzelone and Daniel J. Anzelone, granddaughter of Judy & Drew Sundquist Happy Anniversary: Jack & Shirley Shields will celebrate their 70th anniversary on July 5 Our Prayers Go Out to: Linda Honeywill in the death of her mother Lois M. Errington on May 27 Bill Ross in the death of his father Ernest J. Simmons on June 5 page 3 An expression of thanks In Our Mailbox from the residents of St. Barnabas Village: “To FPCB Volunteer Drivers, also to the Lighthouse Foundation and volunteer crew of drivers and the volunteers who drove their personal vehicles to transport residents of St. Barnabas Village to the 11 a.m. services of FPCB. Thanks to all of you. May God bless you for your service! Sincerely, Ross & Martha Crist, Rosemarie Coleman, Pat & George Donges, Marie Mitchell, Rheta Archer, Ruth Chambers, Dave Hepler, Jo Henderson, Hazel Boliver, Bob & Barbara Koebley.” “Dear FPCB Family, We want to extend our heartfelt thanks for the love and support of our church family following the recent death of Bill's father. In addition to the many cards, visits, prayers, etc., what a comfort it was to know that we could call on FPCB without hesitation to provide our family with a funeral luncheon when this service was not available through his father's church. Thank you to all who helped with that luncheon in any way. It was truly a blessing to be welcomed with open arms after a very difficult and emotional day, and the food was delicious, too. Our entire family thanks you from the bottom of our hearts. With Grateful Hearts, Lynn and Bill Ross” Blessings to all this summer! Youth Sunday & Senior Recognition on June 7 was a special day in the life of the church. Through song, drama, prayer, Scripture, and preaching, the youth led worship in both the 8:45 and 11:00 a.m. worship services. Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS Discipleship & Fellowship / Vision Team / Choral News Discipleship & Fellowship Opportunities. Here are some of them! Watch bulletins for details. TOPS. Tuesdays at 6 p.m. in the Colonial Room. Contact: Lisa Wood. This fitness and health group for men and women is still going strong! New folks are welcome! Papercrafting. Usually meets the 4th Sunday of the month from 1-4 p.m. Westminster Room. Future dates: August 23, September 27, October 25. Contact: Lori Demas. Flying Solo, a Ministry for Single Women. Usually meets the 2nd Sunday of the month. Future dates: July 12 (Narcisi Winery), August 9. Contact: Linda Smith. Water Color Classes meet Mondays, 1-3 p.m. & Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m. in the Westminster Room with Shelby Hill. Many thanks to the Chancel Choir, Joyful Noise, & Angels in the Wings for their powerful choral ministry! We’re already planning for Fall . . . For Children: Angels in the Wings A Choir for Grades 3-5 Rehearsals are Thursdays from 4:30-5:15 p.m. For Youth: Joyful Noise Angels in the Wings A Choir for Grades 6-12 Rehearsals are Thursdays from 6-7 p.m. page 4 FPCB’S VISION TEAM What's a "Vision Team", and where do YOU fit? If you've heard the term “Vision Team”, it's not a new secret society in our church. It is a small group formed as an outgrowth of a meeting between our elders and a representative from the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) a few months ago. In that meeting, our ruling (active) elders and our college of elders (those who have served previously), reviewed the vitality of our church, to evaluate where we are as disciples in our community, and where we want to be. All agreed that God wanted us to continue moving forward and growing in Bakerstown. A Vision Team was gathered and now meets regularly, with the prayerful support of several dozen prayer partners. Our team consists of Dan Muttart & Jeremy Collins, Bobbi Battista, Nelson Crooks, Rick Duncan, Doug Kingan, Janine Kline & Amy Scheuring. Our mission, as we listen to the Spirit of God, is to refocus or redefine the vision of our church. What do we now wish to be in God's Kingdom in western Pennsylvania, and how do we best do that? How can we best act as God's disciples and effectively accomplish His mission? And now, where do you fit in? Prayer! Pray that God's word and His Holy Spirit would infect and inspire the Vision Team, keep our thoughts, words and ideas on track with His path for us, and lead us to the future that God has planned for FPCB. For Adults: Chancel Choir Rehearsals are Thursdays from 7:30-9 p.m. A Note to invite YOU -current choir members and anyone who has an interest in singing in the choir -- to a Choir Retreat Saturday, August 29 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at FPCB It will be a glorious day of music, fellowship & (of course!) food! RSVP to Mia Tepper at [email protected] Faith Night @ PNC Park—August 20th A Great Opportunity for the entire FPCB Church Family! This is a fantastic evening to cheer on the Buccos and after the game hear the gospel proclaimed. We will have 50 tickets, and prices should be between $20-$25. Email [email protected] if you are interested. Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS Serving Day / Stewardship / SB2W Serving Day June 13 from 8:30 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Reaching, Growing & Serving… The third annual “Serving Day” was held on Saturday, June 13 from 8:30 a.m. till 3:00 p.m. with this year’s project being working around the FPCB Campus. Due to the threat of rain, exterior painting was deferred. This allowed all twenty-nine volunteers to spend the day focused on the church grounds. Tasks accomplished included weeding all of the landscaped areas, trimming and pruning the bushes and trees, removing some overgrown shrubbery, and spreading a whole lot of mulch. The Stewardship Team and Property Committee would like to thank Elaine, Bob and Melinda Brown for donating a truck load of mulch; Erich and Raylene Gumto for donating the flowers planted by the children on Sunday morning; Dan Muttart for providing encouragement to the volunteers; and for the following volunteers who spent much of Saturday Serving the Lord at His church in Bakerstown: Amanda Becker; Brenda Clifford; Donna Dallatore; Beth Day; Jim Durham; Paula and Rick Duncan; Dave Deiters; Mary Ehmann; Karen Evans; Sandy and Ed Floyd; Danni, Bob, Mackenzie and Mia Hackel; Mike Herron; Ed Jaicks; Brenda and Bob Joyce; Roy Millhouse; Mike Risk; Jen, Craig, Nora and Owen Russell; Kelly and Bob Sanguigni; and Howard Utz. Summer’s Best 2 Weeks Wrap-up! (more pictures on page 2) Summer’s Best 2 Weeks at the Que provided 9 days of great fun and memories! Camp Motto: GOD FIRST, OTHERS SECOND, I’M THIRD! Serving as captains for 2015: For the Galatians (girls): Judy Kahn For the Romans (girls): Morgan Bittle This year the Romans won the competition. page 5 Memories of my grandmother Stewardship patiently collecting dimes are still vivid. I close my eyes, and can see her at the kitchen table counting them. As a child, I was fascinated at the flat paper strips that transformed into little tubes as she filled them. Those carefully wrapped rolls of dimes were tucked safely into the top desk drawer. She continued to gather them patiently throughout the year until December came, when they became her means to purchase Christmas gifts. This memory has been a very genuine lesson in how diligence in small things can add up to something of greater impact. What does this have to do with stewardship? Think for a moment if as an entire church this principle was applied. Consider what might happen if families put aside their spare change, as an additional offering to God, over a period of time. Those coins collected could add up and become a significant contribution to the ministries of the church. In September, the Stewardship Committee will launch a giving campaign named “Just Change.” Everyone will be invited to participate. “Change” is the important word here, selected intentionally due to its double meaning. First, the word references the coins, or spare “change” that will be collected. Second, and more importantly, the word signifies the “change” that can occur in our hearts as we follow God’s direction to give back to the needs of others. Members of the committee are hopeful that the simple discipline of placing coins aside for God will be a reminder of how blessed we are to be called His children and “change” our heart’s desire to become ever more joyful in our giving. In 2 Corinthians 8: 1-15, Paul writes of the importance of giving generously. “But just as you excel in everything – in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us – see you excel in this grace of giving.” 2 Corinthians 8:7 Serving as Counselors: Teresa Dallatore and Kaelin Clogan Awards: Kayak Trip: winner, Shelby Wood Hiking Trip: runner up, Cody Wood Overall Camp I’m Third Award: runner up, Morgan Bittle Fellowship of Christian Athlete Award: runner up, Judy Kahn Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving Debra Schleiden BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS Children’s Ministry Children’s Ministry page 6 Summer Blast 2015—Theme: “EVEREST” Children planted flowers around the Administration Building on June 14 … July 13-17 from 9 a.m.—12:30 p.m. Summer Blast Sunday, July 19 at 10 a.m. Age 4 – Pre- K: Preschool climbers K – Grade 5: Elementary climbers (completed K – completed Grade 5) Parents, grandparents, & friends are invited to join us each day at 12:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary for Summit Celebration! Please pray for the children, parents and volunteers participating in Summer Blast. Pray that God will help kids believe and grow in their faith. … and experienced the satisfaction of a job well done. Below are the points kids will learn each day at camp. Monday: God has the power to provide. Tuesday: God to the power to comfort. Wednesday: God has the power to heal. Thursday: God has the power to forgive Friday: God has the power to love us forever. Contact: Sandy Floyd, 724-443-1555 or [email protected]. Do you have a heart for children to learn & grow in knowing Jesus? Prayerfully consider how you might be a part of this exciting ministry to children. Scheduling for the next year (September 2015—August 2016) begins soon. Reminder: Summer Schedule: In July and August, we will combine these classes: K-Grade 2; and Grades 3-5. Fall TEAM. Sunday, August 12, 12:30 p.m. Colonial Room. A time for teachers to be encouraged, appreciated and motivated. All teachers should plan to attend as we prepare for a new year! Needed are: teachers of Sunday School from 9 - 10:50 a.m. or 11 a.m. – noon (four times/quarter) childcare givers in the stork & toddler area from 8:30 – 10 a.m. or 10 a.m. – noon (one Sunday/month) childcare givers for 2 & 3’s and 4/pre-k’s during worship (one Sunday/month) resource room team (organize supplies and materials for teachers and families to use) Youth are invited to help with childcare and in the classroom if they have finished 6th grade. Contact: Sandy Floyd, [email protected] or 724-443-1555. Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS Mission / BPCC / Women’s Choice Network page 7 Mission Updates Hosanna Industries Hosanna Industries has completed 50 projects for needy households this year to date, with a current project waiting list of 92 and over 100 in the application process! Let’s pitch in and help to complete even more projects! August 12-14 Hosanna / FPCB Workdays! The job location will be determined as we get closer to that date due to weather and client circumstances. Please sign up trusting that you will be doing productive work to show Christ's love to our needy neighbors! All ages and skill levels welcome! Hosanna will provide the tools. Middle-schoolers will also have the opportunity to stay on Hosanna's campus with Jeremy that week. Contact Amanda Becker at 412-559-7062 or [email protected] to sign up. Where the Choice is Life! Thank you First Presbyterian of Bakerstown Your Baby Bottle Campaign raised $1,725.29 for the Women’s Choice Network! BPCC had a wonderful two weeks of preschool camp with lots of little campers learning about traveling our world, the wild wild west, and having fun with learning about art. We played outside, made hats, art projects, sang songs, and are grateful to the Lord for beautiful weather for fun outside play. Also, thank you to our camp staff this year: Mrs. Brenda Joyce, Mrs. Beth Joyce, Mrs. Bev Stone, Mrs. Leah Prasse, Mrs. Jane Mobley. Without these very gifted teachers, we wouldn’t be able to host an amazing preschool camp!! Thank you, ladies, for your serving hearts! BPCC Upcoming Dates: Saturday, August 8~Richland Community Day~ Come and visit BPCC in the Barn! Sunday, August 30~Preschool Sunday~ meet our 2015-16 preschool staff! The Apple Tree will be ready for blossoming! Phone: 724-443-5330 [email protected]. Preschool Director Emily Willard Emily Willard, Director Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving JULY / AUGUST 2015 NEWSLETTER First Presbyterian Church of Bakerstown P.O. Box 127 Route 8 at Heckert Road Bakerstown, PA 15007 Phone: 724-443-1555 Internet: www.fpcb.org Sunday Schedule: 8:45 — 9:45 a.m. Praise Worship Service 10:00 — 10:50 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 — 12:00 p.m. Choral Worship Service The Café is open from 9:45-10:45 a.m. The storm shall pass. Meanwhile, dance in the rain! Upcoming Events . . . NYC Missions Trip Meeting: July 7th, 7 p.m. in the Café. Parents and students must attend this informational meeting as we prepare for our trip July 26th-August 1st. Movie Night: July 21st at 7 p.m. at Jeremy’s house NYC Missions Trip: July 26th - August 1st Our High School students will be spending the week in New York City serving the community in soup kitchens, shelters and churches. Hosanna Missions Trip: August 10th - 14th Our Middle School students will be working alongside the Hosanna mission workers during this entire week. Randy Carter’s Sermon on Youth Sunday, June 7, was “Do Not Be Anxious” based on Matthew 6:25-34. Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving Non-Profit Org. Nonprofit Standard Mail Permit #9 U.S. Postage Bakerstown, PA 15007 BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS Get to Know our New Members, who joined on May 31 NEW MEMBERS May 31, 2015 Betty Jean Beacha 701 Laurel Oak Drive Valencia, PA 16059 724-625-9321 Betty lives in Butler County at St. Barnabas Woodlands Community. Betty started attending FPCB because it is closer to home and she can attend more. She attends the 11:00 a.m. Service and is transferring from Smithfield United Church of Christ, Pittsburgh where she used to greet. Christopher (Chris) and Michele (Shelley) Brough 1252 Woodhill Drive Gibsonia, PA 15044 724-443-0985 Chris’ e-mail: [email protected] Shelley’s e-mail: [email protected] Chris and Shelley and their daughters Emily, grade 6, and Elizabeth, grade 2, live in Allegheny County, Orchard Park. The girls attend Pine-Richland School District and are good friends with the Hackel girls. Chris is a teacher of 4th grade at Deer Lakes School District. Shelley is a substitute preschool teacher at the Deer Lakes Nursery School. Shelley first came to FPCB by accepting an invitation from Mary Beth Pratt to attend First Things First Bible Study and the Live Nativity. The first Worship Service they attended Chris and Shelley were pleasantly surprised at the frequent reference of the Holy Spirit and felt right at home. They usually attend the 11:00 a.m. Service but sometimes visit the 8:45 a.m. Service too. In their previous church Chris was head usher and a VBS Helper. He would like to be able serve here at FPCB wherever he can. Shelly at their previous church helped with the Nursery (ages 3-5), Sunday School Teacher (ages 6-11) and VBS Teacher. She is interested in the Children’s Ministry Program and maybe Bell Choir. They will be joining FPCB by Reaffirmation of Faith. Richard (Dick) & Rebecca (Becky) Bruce 1903 Ambassador Lane Valencia, PA 16059 724-687-0384 Dick’s e-mail: [email protected] Becky’s e-mail: [email protected] Dick and Becky reside at Adams Crossing, Butler County. Dick is a retired Geologist and Becky is retired too. Both Dick and Becky served as a Deacon at Elfinwild U.P. Church. They have 2 children, eight grandchildren, and 7 great-grandchildren. They attend the 11:00 a.m. Service . They will be transferring from Allegheny Center Alliance Church, Pittsburgh. Some responsibilities they had in other churches they attended were parking ministry, lead usher, choir, and Worship Team. BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS Get to Know our New Members, who joined on May 31 page ____ Kenneth (Ken) & Megan McCrory 2022 Blackberry Lane Valencia, PA 16059 724-898-1950 Ken’s e-mail: [email protected] Megan’s e-mail: [email protected] Ken and Megan and their 2 daughters (Sarah, 6th grade and Abby, K) reside in Butler County and live in the Blackberry Estates, Mars School District. Ken works at the VA as a Purchase Card Manager and Megan is a stay at home mom. They usually attend the 11:00 a.m. Service, but sometimes like to visit the 8:45 a.m. Service. They had many reason why they first came to FPCB: BPCC (Abby was enrolled), the Route 8 Sign, and Summer Blast Camp. Sarah is attending Junior High activities and events with Jeremy. Ken and Megan will be transferring from Christ Our King Church, Bel Air, MD. Ken ushered in his previous church and would like to continue to usher here at FPCB. Megan was active with Children’s Time, Sunday School Teacher, and Nursery Worker. Robert and Barbara (Barb) Koebley 5850 Meridian Road, Apt. 211C Gibsonia, PA 15044 724-444-6784 Robert and Barb reside in Allegheny County at St. Barnabas Retirement Village. They attend the 11:00 a.m. Service and ride the St. Barnabas Transportation Bus to church on Sunday mornings. They will transfer from First United Methodist Church, Warren, PA. They started to attend FPCB because they were invited to Worship by their friends at The Village. Connie Muttart 203 Corey Drive Gibsonia, PA 15044 Connie is married to our Senior Pastor, Dan. They reside in Allegheny County and live on Corey Drive in Gibsonia. She grew up in Moon Township. She has two daughters, Danielle and Katie. She loves her job at St. Barnabas. She will be joining by Reaffirmation of Faith and attends both services. Abbey M. Taylor 400 Glade Mill Road Valencia, PA 16059 724-584-3886 [email protected] Abbey lives in Butler County and in the Mars School District. She is employed by Custom Marble and Granite. She is engaged to Jon Brown and they will be married here at the church on January 9, 2016. She attends the 8:45 a.m. Service and will be joining by Reaffirmation of Faith. She is interested in water color classes and the women’s group.
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bakerstown connections - First Presbyterian Church of Bakerstown, PA
Senior Pastor - Dan Muttart
Assistant Pastor - Jeremy Collins
Parish Pastor - Gary Weston
Director of Christian Education - Sandy Floyd
Choral Director - Mia Tepper
Organist - Rich Anthony
P.O. Box 127, Route 8 at Heckert Road, Bakerstown PA 15007 Phone: 724-443-1555 Fax: 724-443-5223 Website: www.fpcb.org