Embroider Buddy Catalogue
Embroider Buddy Catalogue
www.echidnaclub.com.au Freecall: 1800 000 360 Embroider Buddy Catalogue Please note: Styles shown were current at the me of publica on and may change without no ce. Before placing your order, please check our website to view our current range. TOY SAFETY–The Embroider Buddy factory is ICTI (Interna onal Council of Toy Industries) cer fied. ICTI covers the health and safety of children throughout the world by promo ng interna onal toy safety standards. Plus, every Embroider Buddy is designed and manufactured to the Australian Standards for children's safety. So, how do you know if a stuffed animal is safe for children? The quality of Embroider Buddy™ embroiderable stuffed animals cannot be matched, with each buddy being made of the best finish, so est materials, embroidered eyes, and newest whimsical designs. Embroider Buddy™ work closely with their embroiderers and each individual customer un l they get things just right. Embroider Buddy™ has been in the toy business for 70 years and for much of that me they have sold stuffed toys. As genera ons of happy children have played with their plush animals over the years the company have always prided themselves in self-regula ng toy safety. Secure eyes, good seams and good quality plush – it's always been common sense. In the past 10 years or so, the governments of many countries have become more involved in regula ng toys. It’s now necessary to invest in expensive laboratory tests and reports. At this me, unfortunately there is no standard for worldwide tes ng. Since children are the same all around the world, Embroider Buddy™ think that would make a lot of sense. But un l that happens they have to do their due diligence when tes ng toys, be it for USA, Canada, Europe or Australia – the countries where they sell the most Embroider Buddy™ and other plush toy products. When purchasing stuffed toys always look to see if they're from a reputable company. A reputable company will answer your ques ons. As a reseller of toys you need to know that YOU are distribu ng a quality product that meets safety standards in order to protect your reputa on and prevent you from liability. Here's a four-point checklist to help you know if the product you are buying is safe: 1) Look for seams that are secure. No stuffing should be exposed. Loose stuffing is a child hazard if swallowed. 2) Ensure the eyes and nose are secure. (By the way, Embroider Buddy™ eyes and noses are all embroidered). 3) Make sure there are no loose threads or strings. 4) Toys should be washable. (Embroider Buddy™ skins and pods are machine washable and can go in both the washer and dryer). Billy Black Bear – 16 inch Order code: EB-BBE16 Mister Buddy Bear – White 16 inch Order code: EB-MBB16-W Buddy Bunny 16 inch Order code: EB-BB16 Buster Bulldog 16 inch Order code: EB-BBU16 Duncan Donkey 16 inch Order code: EB-DD16 Elford Elephant – Grey 16 inch Order code: EB-EE16-G Gerry Giraffe 16 inch Order code: EB-GG16 Howie Horse 16 inch Order code: EB-HH16 Kerry Kangaroo 16 inch Order code: EB-KKA16 Landy Ladybug – Red 16 inch Order code: EB-LL16-R Kory Koala 16 inch Order code: EB-KK16 Lambton Lamb 16 inch Order code: EB-LA16 Monty Monkey 16 inch Order code: EB-MM16 MooMoo Cow 16 inch Order code: EB-MMC16 Peyton Panda 16 inch Order code: EB-PPA16 Pauley Puppy 16 inch Order code: EB-PPD16 Pendrick Penguin 16 inch Order code: EB-PP16 Randy Reindeer 16 inch Order code: EB-RR16 Rory inchinch RoryLion Lion1616 Order Order code: code: EB-RL16 EB-RL16 Sonny Snowman Blankey Bear Blue16 20inch inch Order code: code: EB-SS16 EB-BB220-B Hedley Hedgehog 16 inch Order code: EB-HHE16 Okie Owl inch Rory Lion1616 inch Order code: EB-OO16 Order code: EB-RL16 Dino Dinosaur 16 inch Order code: EB-DDI16 Mister Buddy Blankey BearBear Blue16 20inch inch Order Ordercode: code:EB-MBB16-P EB-BB220-B Tory Tiger 16 inch Order code: EB-TT16 Clara Collec on - Bella Bunny Order code: EB-SHB8-B Zachary Zebra 16 inch Order code: EB-ZZ16 Clara Collec on - Benjamin Bear Order code: EB-SHB8-P Clara Collec on - Claire Cat Order code: EB-SHB8-P Clara Collec on - Dalton Dog Order code: EB-SHB8-B Clara Collec on - Frederick Fox Order code: EB-CCFF Clara Collec on - Oberon Owl Order code: EB-CCOO Blankey Bear Blue 20 inch Order code: EB-BB20-B Blankey Lambton Lamb White 20 inch Order code: EB-BLL20-W Blankey Bear Pink 20 inch Order code: EB-EB20-P Download a free Embroider Buddy design at: echidnaclub.com.au/page/free-designs Sleepyhead Bear Blue Order code: EB-SHB8-B Christmas Stocking 19 inch Order code: EBC-CS Sleepyhead Bear Blue Order code: EB-SHB8-P Christmas Hat Order code: EBC-CH Easy as 1-2-3 Pillow ... 4 colours available! Blue Topaz Red Order code: EBP-14-BT Order code: EBP-14-R 1) Order your pillow Oatmeal Order code: EBP-14-O 2) Flip pillow over Pink Lady Order code: EBP-14-PL Inserts not included available for separate sale Order code: 020039 3) Open Velcro flaps to insert or to remove the filling Embroider Buddy Home Collection