catálogo - Editorial Quintessence
catálogo - Editorial Quintessence
LIBROS MULTIMEDIA REVISTAS 20 CATÁLOGO 15 CONTENIDOS 2 CATÁLOGO 2015 PUBLICACIONES EN CASTELLANO 3NOVEDADES 5MULTIMEDIA 6 GUÍAS ITI 7ESTÉTICA 9IMPLANTES 10 PROSTODONCIA 12 PERIODONCIA - CIRUGÍA 13 OCLUSIÓN 14 ORTODONCIA - ENDODONCIA 15 EDUCACIÓN AL PACIENTE 16 REVISTAS TELÉFONO: FAX: E-MAIL: (+34) 93 491 23 00 (+34) 93 409 13 60 [email protected] WEB: DIRECCIÓN: Torres Trade (Torre Sur). Gran Vía Carles III, 84. 08028 BARCELONA Los precios marcados en el catálogo pueden sufrir cambios sin previo aviso. = iBook disponible - el precio varía = eBook disponible - el precio varía Síguenos en FaceBook: Editorial Quintessence, S.L. Previsualiza nuestros productos multimedia: Editorial Quintessence, S.L. EVOLUTION: Protocolos Contemporáneos del Implante Unitario Anterior Dr. Iñaki Gamborena y Dr. Markus Blatz Este libro abre nuevos caminos para el tratamiento de implantes de un solo diente en la zona estética. Su lectura impulsará a los clínicos y técnicos dentales al conocimiento de vanguardia de la innovación en protocolos de implantes. A nuevos métodos biológicos y técnicos y a los procedimientos clínicos actuales, proporcionando una concisa visión de conjunto de las novedades científicas. Espléndidamente ilustrado y presentado, este libro llevará a los lectores a un viaje visual único, proporcionando una detallada guía paso a paso para dominar la terapia de implantes en los incisivos. NOVEDADES c 440 págs; 1,985 ilust. a color; ISBN 978-84-89873-63-6; 320 € Ajuste oclusal en implantes y dientes naturales: oclusión en 3D Dr. Vicente Jiménez-López Este libro ofrece un meticuloso análisis de la oclusión, una de las especialidades más importantes de la odontología, pues de ella depende en gran parte, la salud de los componentes del sistema estomatognático. Hablamos de dientes, implantes, hueso peridentoimplantario, encías, prótesis (tanto sobre dientes naturales como implantes), músculos masticatorios, ligamentos, A.T.M., capsula articular, disco, etc. Los problemas a los que puede conducir una “mala oclusión”, dependen también de factores como son el estrés emocional del paciente y las parafunciones del rechinamiento, apretamiento y malposiciones de la mandíbula fuera de oclusión en situación de estrés. Sin dejar de comentar aquellos “dolores referidos a distancia”, que pueden dar sintomatología en la articulación y estar causadas por problemas musculares en la zona del cuello o en los músculos masticatorios. Es muy típica la aparición de dolores faciales y cefaleas, diagnosticadas de atípicas y que se deben a problemas musculares relacionados con la oclusión (maseteros, temporales etc.) y del cuello. ¡Y existen muchos! ISBN 978-84-89873-58-2; 148 € Más allá de la ortodoncia lingual. Vol. 1 Dr. Roberto Lapenta El incremento en la solicitud de un tratamiento de ortodoncia invisible con aparatología lingual por parte de los pacientes, es ahora una verdad consagrada. Atrás quedaron los años en que se pensaba que el uso de esta técnica sólo era reservada para profesionales habilidosos. Por lo tanto, es con gran placer que aprovecho esta oportunidad para presentar este libro adicional dedicado a la ortodoncia lingual. Su texto, ágil e integral, se presenta de forma ordenada y didáctica, mostrando la gran variedad de aplicaciones de la técnica lingual en la práctica diaria. La completa documentación fotográfica, combinada con una exposición muy clara, permite apreciar de inmediato los beneficios que la ortodoncia lingual puede ofrecer como una alternativa de tratamiento. El lector encontrará en este libro que todos los distintos procedimientos son explicados paso a paso, y que a través de la presentación de numerosos casos clínicos e investigaciones científicas, se proporcionará al lector un importante know-how de aplicaciones. Creo sinceramente que este texto será capaz de añadir un aporte extra a los expertos en la materia, como así también a los jóvenes que incursionan en la ortodoncia lingual por primera vez. Indiscutiblemente, el conocimiento y dominio de la técnica lingual debe formar parte del bagaje cultural que cada especialista en ortodoncia debe poseer. Con los mejores deseos para una gran propagación. 612 págs; ISBN: 978-84-89873-64-3; PRÓXIMAMENTE Blanqueamiento Dental, métodos para el éxito Dr. Enrico Cogo, Dr. Pietro Sibilla y Dr. Roberto Turrini Existe muy poca literatura sobre el blanqueamiento dental, y los autores a menudo han trabajado “a ciegas” con los nuevos productos que salían al mercado, confiando plenamente en las indicaciones del fabricante. En este libro se han recogido todas las experiencias contrastadas con la literatura existente. Se describen aquellas experiencias personales que se han encontrado después de aplicar muchos de los materiales existentes en el mercado y detallan paso a paso sus aplicaciones y resultados en cada tipo de paciente. Un libro imprescindible, sin lugar a dudas, si usted aplica un blanqueamiento dental a sus pacientes. ISBN: 978-84-89873-61-2; Precio: 126 a Os presentamos el nuevo libro más actualizado del Blanqueamiento Dental. Avalado por los prestigiosos Dres. Mauro Fradeani y Giorgio Calura. Como siempre ha ocurrido en el pasado, las ideas nacen a partir de un problema. Este libro se ha escrito a raíz de los problemas que los autores se han ido encontrando en los numerosos tratamientos de blanqueamiento dental aplicados en sus pacientes. 3 NOVEDADES Decálogo de la estética dental Dr. Manuel Cueto En la actualidad, cada vez abundan más los pacientes que acuden a la consulta dental en demanda de tratamientos estéticos para mejorar su sonrisa. Para realizar tratamientos que satisfagan sus expectativas y que consigan además de embellecerlos aumentar su autoestima, el dentista actual debe de ser un buen conocedor tanto de los materiales como de las técnicas terapéuticas más actuales. Además, para conseguir esos resultados es necesario conocer los problemas que afean la sonrisa, es decir, es preciso saber diagnosticar. El objetivo de este libro será enseñar a los profesionales a diagnosticar dichos problemas de una manera metódica, sencilla y eficaz. El formato de Decálogo nos va a servir de regla nemotécnica que permitirá, siguiendo unas líneas, ver rápidamente cuáles son los problemas de la sonrisa en cada caso concreto. De este modo, podremos elaborar un plan de tratamiento desde la primera visita, causando una sensación muy positiva en el paciente que percibe cómo sus problemas forman parte de una sistematización diagnóstica y no de una casuística dispersa. La segunda parte del libro se plantea como un plan de autoaprendizaje para el lector. Consta de casos clínicos reales tratados por el autor, donde se muestra con abundante iconografía las sonrisas de pacientes reales que demandan mejoras. El lector deberá seguir el Decálogo para lograr hallar las normas alteradas. A continuación se da una solución terapéutica para cada caso que se justifica adecuadamente para validar la elección por la que el autor optó. ISBN 978-84-89873-52-0; 115 € eB Cerámicas de alta resistencia, perspectivas interdisciplinares J. L. Ferencz, N. Silva, J. M. Navarro Los avances científicos en los materiales y las tecnologías digitales han revolucionado el campo de la cerámica en la odontología restauradora e implantológica. Con visión de futuro, los facultativos y técnicos de laboratorio deben afrontar este escenario en continuo cambio. Se hace necesaria la evaluación de estas nuevas tecnologías y materiales para determinar cuáles son validados mediante pruebas clínicas y de laboratorio, y valorar cuáles tienen el potencial de mejorar los resultados en el paciente y además son prácticos para aplicaciones clínicas. Para dar a conocer estas cuestiones, los editores de este libro han reunido los talentos de los diversos profesionales que intervienen en este campo. Profesionales de gran renombre internacional procedentes de una variedad de disciplinas se han unido para compartir conocimientos sobre los biomateriales, desde la perspectiva de la industria, los clínicos y los laboratorios. El resultado es un libro que combina un análisis del estado de la ciencia con asesoramiento clínico práctico para dentistas y técnicos de laboratorio. Este libro proporcionará a los lectores las herramientas necesarias para formar una opinión crítica sobre la investigación presentada en la literatura. Además, servirá para incorporar las mejores prácticas y avances en materiales y tecnología a su material terapéutico, de una manera que beneficiará a sus pacientes. Contenido • Investigación y pruebas • Evaluar la efectividad de los materiales• El papel de la industria • Flujo de trabajo digital en Odontología Restauradora • Recubrimiento parcial en restauraciones posteriores • Coronas • FPDs • Implantes • Aplicaciones de la cerámica para restaurar Implantes • Zirconio • Reconstrucciones del arco completo • Aplicaciones de la cerámica en varias subestructuras • Cementación. ISBN 978-84-89873-60-5; PRÓXIMAMENTE Sara va al dentista Montse Banal A Sara le encanta jugar con su mascota Pipo y merendar con él todos los días. Pero un día Sara siente un dolorcito en su muela… ¿Qué será? Les presentamos el primer libro infantil publicado por Quintessence en formato Pop-up. Con él los niños y niñas podrán comprender de forma divertida el por qué es importante acudir al dentista cuando tenemos dolor de muelas. 4 Los libros “pop-up”, son libros que al abrirlos surgen figuras en tres dimensiones que literalmente se levantan de las páginas y que muchas veces (por medio de paneles deslizables) permiten interactuar con las ilustraciones. Utilizan diferentes técnicas sobre papel. Son considerados como verdaderos “artefactos de la fantasía y la memoria” y han sido desde su aparición una fuente inagotable de placer visual y artístico sobre papel. ISBN 978-84-89873-53-7; PRÓXIMAMENTE MULTIMEDIA DENTAL EXPLORER 3D (DVD-ROM) Le invitamos a descubrir la nueva dimensión en la información clínica al paciente: Dental Explorer 3D, un programa interactivo espectacular, intuitivo, fácil de usar y muy eficaz. Basado en el clásico Dental Explorer 2.0, completamente revisado y actualizado, el nuevo Dental Explorer 3D marca nuevos estándares internacionales de calidad, reafirmándose como la herramienta ideal para decidir, planificar y explicar el tratamiento dental. Paso a paso y en tiempo real. Y sin que el paciente se mueva del sillón. Un exclusivo producto multimedia con 20.000 imágenes integradas y 26 clips de vídeo animado en 3D de alta calidad y gran precisión, que abarca una completa gama de tratamientos de implantología a nivel óseo y tisular. Reconocido por prestigiosos galardones internacionales, como el Master of Excellence en la categoría Media Supported Communications Concepts. Un innovador DVD que revoluciona el enfoque actual de la comunicación en la consulta. DENTAL EXPLORER 3 D, una nueva dimensión tecnológica en su consulta Interfaz de usuario y vídeos en 6 idiomas: alemán, francés, inglés, español, italiano y turco. Demo en: Sistemas: PC y Macintosh. ISBN 978-3-938947-82-1: monolicencia 986 € + IVA multilicencia 1.198 € + IVA EN CASTELLANO DENTAL EXPLORER MOBILE El perfecto "asistente" para la comunicación con el paciente, con tecnología 3D, animaciones, videos y gráficos. Contenido de vanguardia aumenta el cumplimiento de sus pacientes, ayudándoles a comprender los temas de salud y bienestar. Documentos archivados de las sesiones educativas le dan una mayor seguridad jurídica. La biblioteca de contenidos incluye ejemplos de referencia de casi todas las posibilidades de tratamiento dental, utilizando animaciones 3D fáciles de entender, clips de vídeo y gráficos. App para iPad y Android; 395 € año / 39.50 € mes Descarga: 5 GUÍAS ITI ITI Treatment Guide La implantología oral se ha convertido en una opción terapéutica habitual para la rehabilitación de pacientes parcial o totalmente edéntulos. Dado que cada vez más odontólogos ejercen la implantología oral, garantizar que sus métodos de tratamiento cumplen los más elevados estándares es de suma importancia. Las Guías de Tratamiento ITI son un compendio de técnicas de tratamiento con implantes basadas en la evidencia y utilizadas en la práctica diaria, que han sido elaboradas por prestigiosos clínicos y que ofrecen una visión integral de diversas alternativas terapéuticas. Las Guías de tratamiento ITI se sirven de una presentación ilustrada paso a paso para mostrar a los facultativos cómo abordar diferentes situaciones clínicas, haciendo hincapié en diagnósticos sólidos, métodos de tratamiento basados en la evidencia y resultados predecibles. ITI Treatment Guide Volumen 8. Complicaciones biológicas y complicaciones relacionadas con el material en Implantología oral U. Brägger y L. J. A. Heitz-Mayfield A pesar de que a día de hoy la implantología oral está bien documentada y muestra resultados predecibles, sigue existiendo un porcentaje significativo de pacientes que experimenta complicaciones. Por consiguiente todos los odontólogos tienen la obligación de conocer las causas de las complicaciones relacionadas con los implantes y cómo evitarlas y manejarlas. La presente ITI Treatment Guide proporciona a los profesionales clínicos los datos basados en la evidencia más recientes sobre el origen y el tratamiento de las complicaciones tanto biológicas como técnicas y mecánicas. También incluye un análisis actualizado de la evidencia disponible basado en parte en las actas de la IV y V Conferencias de Consenso ITI celebradas en Stuttgart en 2008 y en Berna en 2013, así como en una revisión de la bibliografía reciente. Se examinan el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de las complicaciones biológicas y técnicas por medio de 16 casos clínicos presentados por especialistas de todo el mundo. Como siempre, la misión del ITI de “... promover y diseminar el conocimiento de todos los aspectos de la implantología oral en beneficio de los pacientes” ha sido el principio que ha guiado la elaboración de esta ITI Treatment Guide. 232 págs; ISBN: 978-84-89873-65-0; Precio: 86 a eB PRÓXIMAMENTE ITI Treatment Guide Volumen 7. Técnicas de aumento del reborde alveolar en pacientes receptores de implantes S. Chen, D. Buser y D. Wismeijer 6 El Volumen 7 de la ITI Treatment Guide proporciona a los médicos la información más reciente basada en evidencias científicas sobre las técnicas y materiales utilizados para el aumento de hueso en implantología. Doce casos clínicos demuestran la planificación y los principios de tratamiento necesarios para rehabilitar exitosamente a pacientes con diferentes grados de pérdida de hueso. 232 págs; ISBN: 978-84-89873-59-9; Precio: 86 a eB ITI Treatment Guide Volumen 6. Grandes espacios edéntulos en la zona estética J.G. Wittneben y H.P. Weber 276 págs; ISBN: 978-84-89873-56-8; Precio: 86 a eB ITI Treatment Guide Volumen 5. Procedimientos de Elevación de Seno S. Chen, D. Buser y D. Wismeijer 232 págs; ISBN: 978-84-89873-48-3; 86 a ITI Treatment Guide Volumen 4. Protocolos de Carga en Implantología Oral D. Wismeijer, P. Casentini, G. Gallucci y M. Chiapasco 248 págs, 746 ilustraciones a color; ISBN: 978-84-89873-08-7; Precio: 86 a eB La Clasificación SAC en Implantología Oral A. Dawson, S. Chen, D. Buser, L. Cordaro, W. Martin y U. Belser ITI ha formalizado un sistema de clasificación para las técnicas de implantología oral con el fin de ayudar a los clínicos, independientemente de su nivel de habilidad y experiencia. Esta publicación tiene su base en el debate y en las conclusiones de una Conferencia de Consenso ITI a la que asistió un grupo multidisciplinario de 28 clínicos y que se celebró en Mallorca en marzo de 2007. Proporciona unas pautas sobre una gran variedad de situaciones implantológicas para casos protésicos, que se clasifican en tres categorías: Sencillo (S), Avanzado (A) y Complejo (C). ITI emplea la Clasificación SAC como parte de su programa educativo desde 2003. Esta publicación representa una herramienta de referencia imprescindible para todos los odontólogos en la toma de decisiones a la hora de seleccionar un tratamiento en concreto. Unas descripciones y una clasificación sumamente claras permiten a los clínicos evaluar el grado de complejidad y el riesgo de cada caso y las habilidades necesarias para llevar a cabo el tratamiento. Esta obra no sólo ayuda a los clínicos a planificar el tratamiento, sino que es también una herramienta de gran utilidad para los profesionales docentes a la hora de diseñar programas de formación con un nivel alto de dificultad. 158 págs, 252 ilustraciones; ISBN: 978-84-89873-46-9; 98 a ESTÉTICA LAYERS, un Atlas de Estratificación de Composites Jordi Manauta y Anna Salat Layers: Un Atlas de Estratificación de Composites es un libro de referencia gráfica, que utiliza cientos de imágenes para mostrar el “paso a paso” de cómo mejorar las técnicas básicas de estratificación y desarrollar características más avanzadas en las restauraciones dentales. Todas estas técnicas son aplicables a una vasta gama de materiales estéticos. Las técnicas de estratificación no solo ayudan a crear restauraciones estéticas, también imitan la bio-arquitectura de los dientes y ofrecen resultados estéticos y funcionales. 448 págs; 1.234 ilustraciones; ISBN 978-84-89873-55-1; 198 a eB También en formato digital Restauraciones de Porcelana Adherida en los Dientes Anteriores: Un Enfoque Biomimético Rehabilitación Estética en Prostodoncia Fija: Volumen 1. Análisis Estético Mauro Fradeani Este libro está organizado de una manera práctica y sistemática, desde el momento que el paciente es recibido en la consulta, hasta el análisis estético con los aspectos técnicos del tratamiento. El Dr. Fradeani ha adoptado un formato que permite una fácil lectura, donde cada principio está ilustrado con un caso clínico, que a su vez ha sido estudiado en profundidad y con los conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo de los años de práctica clínica y laboratorio. 352 págs; 1.136 ilustraciones a color; ISBN 978-84-89873-37-2; 218 a Rehabilitación Estética en Prostodoncia Fija: Volumen 2. Tratamiento protésico. Abordaje sistemático a la integración estética, biológica y funcional 600 págs; 2.500 ilustraciones a color; ISBN 978-84-89873-41-4; 280 a + Volumen 1 y 2 por solo 448 € Este libro ofrece un enfoque exclusivo sobre la restauración estética de la dentición anterior. Basándose en el concepto de la biomimética, los autores combinan los sólidos principios biológicos con un enorme respeto por los dientes naturales intactos para conseguir unos resultados estéticos satisfactorios con las restauraciones de porcelana adheridas. A diferencia de los veneres tradicionales, el método que aquí se describe se remite en los colores idóneos, los matices más sutiles y sobre todo la anatomía intracoronal del diente intacto como base para la reconstrucción y como parámetro para valorar los resultados. Desde este punto de vista, se ofrecen una serie de criterios estéticos fundamentales y se explican con detalle la planificación del tratamiento, el diagnóstico, la preparación de los dientes, los métodos de laboratorio, las técnicas de adhesión y los protocolos de mantenimiento. El lector encontrará toda la información y las instrucciones detalladas necesarias para obtener los inmejorables resultados alcanzados por los autores, que se presentan como ejemplo a lo largo del libro. Contenido • Comprensión del diente intacto y el principio biomimético • Estética oral natural • Opciones ultraconservadoras de tratamiento • Evolución de las indicaciones de las restauraciones adheridas de porcelana • Tratamiento inicial planificado y enfoque diagnóstico • Preparación del diente, impresiones y provisionales • Procedimientos de laboratorio • Pruebas y procedimientos adhesivos fotopolimerizables • Protocolo de mantenimiento. 406 págs; 1.037 ilustraciones; ISBN 978-84-89873-28-5; 215 a eB También en formato digital Vistas de Carillas Oliver Reichert di Lorenzen La estética dental es mucho mas que una simple optimización de los dientes. La totalidad de las carillas que se muestran en este libro, no requieren de una preparación previa de los dientes. Se colocan por medio de un procedimiento exento de dolor, sin necesidad de reducción de la estructura dental y sin anestesias. Descubra cómo hacer carillas que dejarán a sus pacientes con la boca abierta. Libro bilingüe Inglés / Español. Mauro Fradeani · Giancarlo Barducci Este libro tan esperado presenta las fases del procedimiento necesario para conseguir unos resultados óptimos con la rehabilitación estética de los pacientes que necesitan prótesis fijas. Se da especial relieve a la comunicación entre el clínico y el técnico, que resulta esencial para la integración estética, biológica y funcional de la rehabilitación protésica, mediante la presentación paso a paso de todos los procedimientos clínicos y de laboratorio. Los capítulos muestran los métodos para conseguir registros precisos del arco facial, los materiales y las técnicas de impresión, la fabricación de las prótesis provisionales y la incorporación de los tratamientos interdisciplinarios para conseguir una comodidad y resultado estético ideales. Toda la información se traduce en una prótesis final, que debería aportar una solución protésica a largo plazo a los pacientes con un buen ajuste, forma y función. Cada fase del tratamiento y situación descrita se acompaña de cientos de fotografías clínicas a todo color e ilustraciones detalladas. Este bello libro empieza donde terminaba el volumen 1 y consigue transmitir su mensaje con la misma claridad y precisión. Pascal Magne y Urs Belser 120 págs; 300 ilustraciones a color; ISBN 978-1-85097-200-6; 98 a 7 ESTÉTICA Cambie su Sonrisa Desafiando la naturaleza (incluye DVD) Paulo Kano Este libro, considerado un hito, cambiará la forma en que los técnicos fabrican prótesis. Orienta a los lectores, paso a paso, a través de una técnica revolucionaria de moldeado de cera creada por el autor para recrear la compleja morfología de los dientes premolares y molares. Profusamente ilustrado. El libro va acompañado de un DVD que contiene técnicas de moldeado. Contenido • Nomenclatura: Dientes Posteriores• Características: Dientes Posteriores • Encerado 1: Ejercicios de Entrenamiento • Encerado 2: Dientes Superiores con sus Antagonistas • Encerado 3: Dientes Inferiores con sus Antagonistas • Encerado 4: Dientes Superiores e Inferiores • Casos Clínicos • Cementación: Cementación Adhesiva. 384 págs; 800 ilustraciones; ISBN 978-85-78890-21-6; 220 a Ronald E. Goldstein El objetivo de Cambie su sonrisa es demostrar que no hay motivo alguno para andar por el mundo con una sonrisa que no nos gusta. Siempre existen posibilidades para sentirse mejor con uno mismo, con independencia de la edad, del presupuesto o del alcance del problema. El primer y fundamental paso consiste en realizar el análisis de la sonrisa del capítulo 1, que nos permitirá determinar lo que no nos gusta de nuestra sonrisa. En los capítulos siguientes se presentan numerosos ejemplos de distintos aspectos de su sonrisa que quizás quiera cambiar, acompañados de todas las soluciones posibles. Con ellos conocerá, de forma sencilla, las ventajas y las posibles limitaciones de los distintos tratamientos y la durabilidad esperada de los resultados. El objetivo de este libro es servir de manual de referencia para descubrir lo que uno desea y cómo lograrlo, además de convertirse en herramienta de comunicación con el dentista. En la mayoría de los casos, el fracaso estético no se debía a una mala praxis, sino a la falta de comunicación entre el paciente y el dentista. 224 págs, 426 ilustraciones a color; ISBN: 978-84-89873-45-2; 48 a Estética Natural eB También en formato digital Dario Adolfi La consecución de restauraciones estéticas y la modificación de situaciones que siendo naturales no están de acuerdo con los patrones de belleza y los criterios de armonía que hoy son vigentes en nuestra sociedad, constituyen un objetivo prioritario en la práctica del arte dental y son el motor, sin duda, de avances e innovaciones. Para el logro de este objetivo el clínico y el técnico de laboratorio, además de trabajar coordinadamente, han de conocer perfectamente una serie de principios estéticos fundamentales que precisamente el Dr. Adolfi nos presenta en este libro, que se lee con facilidad y se disfruta de una magnífica iconografía que nos revela sus profundos conocimientos técnicos y su importante percepción artística. Asímismo, dada la claridad de su texto y la extraordinaria calidad y pertinencia de su iconografía pensamos que será de consulta habitual en las bibliotecas de las Facultades de Odontología. 128 págs; 436 ilustraciones; ISBN 84-89873-32-1; 115 a eB También en formato digital Principios de Integración Estética Claude R. Rufenacht Este libro guiará los clínicos hacia un mejor entendimiento del arte y la ciencia estética, ayudándoles a desarrollar un conocimiento concienzudo sobre varios factores que afectan a ésta. El autor describe e ilustra unos procedimientos para integrar restauraciones dentales en la composición facial individual con respecto a requerimientos biológicos, funcionales y estéticos. Dado que los pacientes ya tienen un alto interés sobre su estética, cada clínico, desde dentista general hasta especialista, debe adquirir un conocimiento sólido y práctico sobre los principios, criterios y factores que generan la belleza en las composiciones dentofaciales. 248 págs.; 532 ilustraciones a color; ISBN 84-89873-26-7; 148 a OFERTA ESPECIAL 80 a eB También en formato digital Fundamentos de la Estética Bucal en el Grupo Anterior Ernest Mallat Desplats. Ernest Mallat Callís 8 En esta obra extensamente documentada se presenta el estudio y la justificación de los problemas que aparecen en el grupo anterior de dientes en la práctica diaria. Entre los temas tratados se mencionan los fundamentos estéticos de los dientes y su relación con puntos de referencia de la cara, y los caminos que se pueden seguir para lograr una buena estética y una excelente naturalidad. Como complemento a éste capítulo el autor describe la forma como deben solucionarse aquellos casos de los que carecemos de las necesarias referencias en cuanto a la forma, tamaño y color de los dientes, bien sea por la ausencia de los mismos, bien por llevar unas prótesis defectuosas. 404 págs; 819 ilustraciones a color; ISBN 84-89873-24-0; 178 a OFERTA ESPECIAL 50 a eB También en formato digital Diccionario de Odontología: Inglés-Español, Español-Inglés Ana Verónica , Franscini-Pavia Este diccionario de términos dentales, es el más completo diccionario bilingüe en Inglés-Español/ EspañolInglés. Contiene más de 22.000 voces subdivididas y clasificadas en 25 categorías correspondientes a las áreas de preclínica, clínica, gestión de clínica dental y medicina relacionada con la odontología. Por ejemplo: histología, fisiología, radiología, implantología, prótesis, odontología conservadora, estadística, salud pública, psicología y medicina general. La misión de este diccionario bilingüe, no es la de prolongar o actualizar el inglés corriente o el vocabulario español, sino la de reflejar fielmente la terminología odontológica. Es un instrumento indispensable para todas las personas enfrentadas con temáticas odontológicas a nivel internacional. El objetivo de este diccionario es proporcionar a investigadores, dentistas, técnicos dentales, asistentes dentales, intérpretes, traductores, estudiantes y otras personas activas en el campo dental, un instrumento ideal para evaluar o traducir textos profesionales. 521 págs; ISBN 84-89873-36-4; 56 a D. Buser Esta edición es una revisión y actualización del libro más vendido de regeneración ósea guiada en implantología. Los primeros cuatro capítulos ayudan al lector a entender los antecedentes biológicos y biomateriales sobre los conocimiento de las técnicas quirúrgicas esenciales. La segunda mitad del libro se centra en las aplicaciones clínicas de la GBR. Cada capítulo presenta aplicaciones específicas y describe los criterios para la selección de los pacientes, el paso a paso del procedimiento quirúrgico, y los aspectos del tratamiento postoperatorio. Al igual que su predecesor, este libro es un recurso imprescindible para todos los clínicos que tengan interés en la implantología. 272 págs; 615 ilustraciones; ISBN 978-84-89873-49-0; 138 a eB También en formato digital Carga o Función Inmediata en Implantología: Aspectos quirúrgicos, protésicos, oclusales y de laboratorio El Aumento de Hueso en Implantología Fouad Khoury Esta oportuna y completa monografía abarca todos los métodos conocidos de aumento horizontal y vertical de los alveolos maxilares y mandibulares como preparación previa a la colocación de implantes, incluyendo los injertos con hueso cosechado en zonas intraorales y extraorales; técnicas guiadas de regeneración ósea; uso de biomateriales; y aumento con osteogénesis por distracción. Partiendo de la información básica sobre la biología del hueso y los transplantes óseos, los autores documentan exhaustivamente cada procedimiento, presentando distintos estudios, deteniéndose en los conceptos científicos en que se basan éstos y aportando referencias a la bibliografía especializada. El lector aprenderá a comprender los criterios esenciales para el éxito de los tratamientos, y a identificar y evitar las potenciales complicaciones. Esta obra es un recurso de incalculable valor para todos los profesionales del campo de la implantología oral y la cirugía maxilofacial. 536 págs; 1.894 ilustraciones a color; ISBN 978-84-89873-44-5; 285 a eB También en formato digital Vicente Jiménez-López La carga o función inmediata en Implantología es una técnica relativamente nueva, que permite en determinados pacientes y en un mismo día, extraer los dientes, posicionar las fijaciones y colocar una prótesis fija sobre la misma. Dada la poca experiencia que se suele tener sobre esta técnica, en este libro se ha pretendido actualizar las posibilidades quirúrgicas, protéticas y de laboratorio. Se trata pues de ofrecer soluciones en todas las situaciones que puedan plantearse con esta problemática, haciendo especial hincapié en el cuando, el cómo y el donde esta técnica es aplicable. En general, se pretende valorar la importancia del trabajo en equipo para poder alcanzar un resultado final muy satisfactorio, tanto en el porcentaje de éxito de las fijaciones como en la obtención de funcionalidad y estética, puntos todos ellos imprescindibles para poder calificar como exitoso cualquier tratamiento de implanto-prótesis. 288 págs; 796 ilustraciones; ISBN: 84-89873-30-5; 169 a eB También en formato digital Rehabilitación oral en prótesis sobre implantes: Su relación con la Estética, Oclusión, A.T.M., Ortodoncia, Fonética y Laboratorio Vicente Jiménez-López 370 págs; 920 ilustraciones en color; ISBN 84-89873-12-7; 149 a OFERTA ESPECIAL 80 a eB También en formato digital Injertos Óseos en Implantología: Técnicas y Aplicaciones Clínicas Federico Hernández Alfaro En esta obra se analizan meticulosamente las diversas técnicas de toma de injertos óseos y su aplicación práctica en implantología oral. Numerosos esquemas y fotografías clínicas ilustran no solo los procedimientos de extracción de injertos sino las diversas indicaciones y aplicaciones clínicas de los mismos. ¿POR QUÉ INJERTOS ÓSEOS? El concepto side preservation and site development hace referencia a que el edentulismo se asocia con frecuencia a cierto grado de reabsorción ósea. De hecho, la remodelación ósea que conduce a la atrofia alveolar comienza inmediatamente tras la extracción o avulsión dentaria. Un injerto es una parte de un órgano o tejido que tras ser extirpado de una “zona donante” se coloca o inserta en otra “zona receptora” con el objetivo de dar soporte y/o de corregir un defecto estructural. El injerto se nutrirá eventualmente de la zona receptora. Los autoinjertos, también denominados injertos autólogos, son transplantes realizados entre dos regiones del mismo individuo. Por tanto no provocan problemas de histocompatibilidad. Los injertos óseos son funcionales desde un punto de vista estructural a pesar de que las células inicialmente transplantadas no permanecen viables. Esto es así porque la matriz extracelular es repoblada por células que la invaden desde la vecindad, lo que se conoce con el nombre inglés de creeping substitution. Este fenómeno no ocurre en injertos de otros tejidos (como la piel o las mucosas), para cuyo éxito es esencial la supervivencia de la población celular inicial. 234 págs; 796 ilustraciones; ISBN 84-89873-34-8; 149 a eB También en formato digital El libro es todo un repaso a las técnicas de rehabilitación oral con implantes, con un enfoque multidisciplinario e integral, que es hoy en día esencial para asegurar el resultado final estético y funcional de nuestros pacientes. Recorre toda la problemática de los dientes unitarios, de los tratamientos combinados con ortodoncia, las posibilidades prostodónticas para el cierre de mordidas abiertas anteriores, las prótesis parciales y sobredentaduras, la biomecánica de la prótesis sobre implantes, la oclusión y ATM, la estética, los aspectos fonéticos en implantología y la anatomía aplicada de la región. Contiene un gran muestrario de casos clínicos y las soluciones adoptadas son explicadas paso a paso, razonadamente, acompañadas de una fotografía de alta calidad. IMPLANTES 20 Años de Regeneración Ósea Guiada en Implantología, Segunda Edición 9 PROSTODONCIA Prótesis Total Fundamentos Esenciales en Prótesis Fija Ingrid Grunert · Michael Crepaz La rehabilitación de pacientes desdentados, todavia necesaria, es una de las especialidades más complejas de la odontología, y depende en gran parte de la probada experiencia, intuición y creatividad de clínicos y técnicos protésicos. El profesor Uhlig consideraba acertadamente en 1979 que la prótesis total es “El arte de implantar dientes artificiales en pacientes desdentados, y de siempre ha precisado un importante fundamento experimental, condición ésta que hoy aún mantiene su vigencia”. Ya que a la dificultad técnica que todo procedimiento de total rehabilitación de la boca supone debido a la necesidad de que el paciente colabore y mantenga una cierta capacidad de adaptación; se añade hoy en dia un mayor envejecimiento de los pacientes con la consecuente pérdida de capacidad adaptativa, condicionantes físicos y frecuentemente psíquicos disminuidos. El presente libro describe todos los pasos para la elaboración de las prótesis totales vistos desde el campo médico y protésico, y por este motivo está dirigido a las dos profesiones. Representa un concepto terapéutico orientado a la práctica, que aporta a odontólogos y protésicos nuevas perspectivas en la prótesis total y facilita el mejor tratamiento posible para los pacientes. 228 págs; 550 ilustraciones; ISBN 84-89873-40-2; 125 a eB También en formato digital Herbert T. Shillingburg, Jr., Sumiya Hobo, Lowell D. Whitsett, Richard Jacobi y Susan E. Brackett (Traducción de la 3ª ed. original). 1ª edición en castellano año 2000. 1ª reimpresión en castellano año 2002. 2ª reimpresión en castellano año 2006. La esperada tercera edición de este popular libro, ahora la primera reimpresión de la primera edición en castellano, se ha actualizado y aumentado de contenido para reflejar las nuevas investigaciones, materiales y técnicas que se emplean en prótesis fijas. A lo largo del texto se describen e ilustran claramente todos los conceptos y los procedimientos clínicos; la presentación del contenido, además, mejora al aumentar el tamaño de página del libro. Esta edición incluye capítulos nuevos sobre: coronas sólo de cerámica y otras restauraciones de cerámica, articuladores, planificación del tratamiento para prótesis unitarias, prótesis parciales fijas cementadas con resina y restauraciones en dientes comprometidos periodontalmente. Los profesionales encontrarán que esta nueva edición del libro es una fuente excelente como referencia y de revisión. 582 págs; 1.290 ilustraciones a color; ISBN 84-89873-01-1; 89 a OFERTA ESPECIAL 50 a eB También en formato digital Prótesis Tejido - integradas: La Oseointegración en la Odontología Clínica Brånemark / Zarb / Albrektsson Prótesis Buco-Maxilo-Facial Este libro versa sobre la técnica de “La sustitución con éxito de los dientes naturales perdidos, por análogos de las raices integradas en los tejidos”. Los principios presentados en este libro continúan, en su mayoría, en plena vigencia y todavía no han sido superados por el arrollador avance de la ciencia. 352 págs; 301 ilustraciones; ISBN 84-89873-15-1; 105 a Autora y coordinadora, Dra. Isabel Jankielewicz y Co-autores, con prólogo del Prof. Edmundo Pinto daFonseca Editado por la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Rehabilitación de la Cara y Prótesis BucoMaxilo-Facial. Contenido I: Generalidades - Multidisciplina, II: Crecimiento y Desarrollo, III: Cirugía - Traumatología - Radioterapia, IV: Prótesis Obturatriz y Mandibular, V: Prótesis Ocular, VI: Prótesis Faciales, VII: Prótesis Buco-Maxilo-Faciales. OFERTA ESPECIAL 20 a eB También en formato digital 10 Attachments: No laboratório / en el Laboratorio 516 págs; 1.173 ilustraciones a color; ISBN 84-89873-29-1; 179 a Frank Kaiser eB También en formato digital Frank Kaiser, con este su tercer libro, nos vuelve a ofrecer un aliciente nuevo para recorrer nuestro individual camino. El éxito de casos protéticos no depende sólo del conocimiento de la técnica, sino también de la comunicación, gran valía entre la clínica y el laboratorio. Este libro es un instrumento para que el técnico y el cirujano dentista sigan juntos una línea lógica de raciocinio, tanto en la planificación como en la ejecución de prótesis envolviendo attachments, pues la diversidad de los sistemas requiere mucho conocimiento y atención en el momento de la indicación. Frank Kaiser, su intensa dedicación en escribir sus libros y los resultados obtenidos fueron grandes obras de arte, no sólo por el contenido discursivo, sino también por la ilustración por medio de perfectos e impresionantes diseños, hechos en tres dimensiones que facilitan mucho la comprensión del lector y hacen el libro didáctico y agradable para el lector.Libro Bilingüe Portugués/Español. 336 págs; profusamente ilustrado a color; ISBN 978-85-87425-81-2-; 98 € OFERTA ESPECIAL 80 a Mauro Fradeani Este libro está organizado de una manera práctica y sistemática, desde el momento que el paciente es recibido en la consulta, hasta el análisis estético con los aspectos técnicos del tratamiento. El Dr. Fradeani ha adoptado un formato que permite una fácil lectura, donde cada principio está ilustrado con un caso clínico, que a su vez ha sido estudiado en profundidad y con los conocimientos adquiridos a lo largo de los años de práctica clínica y laboratorio. 352 págs; 1.136 ilustraciones a color; ISBN 978-84-89873-37-2; 218 a Rehabilitación Estética en Prostodoncia Fija: Volumen 2. Tratamiento protésico. Abordaje sistemático a la integración estética, biológica y funcional Mauro Fradeani · Giancarlo Barducci Este libro tan esperado presenta las fases del procedimiento necesario para conseguir unos resultados óptimos con la rehabilitación estética de los pacientes que necesitan prótesis fijas. Se da especial relieve a la comunicación entre el clínico y el técnico, que resulta esencial para la integración estética, biológica y funcional de la rehabilitación protésica, mediante la presentación paso a paso de todos los procedimientos clínicos y de laboratorio. Los capítulos muestran los métodos para conseguir registros precisos del arco facial, los materiales y las técnicas de impresión, la fabricación de las prótesis provisionales y la incorporación de los tratamientos interdisciplinarios para conseguir una comodidad y resultado estético ideales. Toda la información se traduce en una prótesis final, que debería aportar una solución protésica a largo plazo a los pacientes con un buen ajuste, forma y función. Cada fase del tratamiento y situación descrita se acompaña de cientos de fotografías clínicas a todo color e ilustraciones detalladas. Este bello libro empieza donde terminaba el volumen 1 y consigue transmitir su mensaje con la misma claridad y precisión. 600 págs; 2.500 ilustraciones a color; ISBN 978-84-89873-41-4; 280 a + Volumen 1 y 2 por solo 448 € Jakob Wirz, Andreas Hoffmann La electroformación añade una nueva dimensión a la calidad de las restauraciones dentales gracias al perfecto ajuste y a la estética que proporciona, inalcanzables con la clásica técnica de cerámica sobre metal. Las ventajas del oro puro, material con el que se confeccionan las restauraciones electroformadas, se conocen desde hace décadas. Con la utilización actual del titanio la electroformación se consolida como una técnica de futuro dado que cumple con la exigencia de colocar un único tipo de metal o aleación en la cavidad oral. La combinación de titanio y electroformación, complementada con el uso de técnicas de unión sin soldadura, ofrece nuevas posibilidades, en particular en el campo de la prótesis implantosoportada. Este libro, tan exhaustivo como vinculado a la práctica, analiza la gama completa de aplicaciones dentales de la electroformación. A ello contribuyen las aportaciones de respetados profesionales de la investigación, la innovación, el laboratorio dental y la práctica clínica que muestran la técnica a todos aquellos que de alguna manera están implicados en la odontología restauradora. PROSTODONCIA Electroformación en Odontología Restauradora: Nuevas Facetas de la Prótesis Biológica Rehabilitación Estética en Prostodoncia Fija: Volumen 1. Análisis Estético 430 págs.; 751 ilustraciones a color; ISBN 84-89873-31-3; 206 a OFERTA ESPECIAL 100 a eB También en formato digital Restauración Prostodóncica del Complejo Dentina-Raiz: Perno-Muñón Colado Dr. Urbano Santana Penín Profesor de la Facultade de Medicina e Odontoloxía de la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela En este manual se exponen las bases del procedimiento restaurativo prostodóncico del diente endodonciado con alto grado de destrucción coronal. Se revisan las bases del desarrollo histórico de este procedimiento. Se exponen los métodos de realización que incluyen la fases clínicas y de laboratorio, hasta mostrar el resultado final, y se proponen nuevos métodos para realizar pernos-muñones complejos, pormenorizando cómo realizarlos bajo prótesis fijas ya existentes. El propósito es que el lector pueda sistematizar las posibilidades y limitaciones que desde el punto de vista restaurativo ofrece el tratamiento del diente endodonciado. Práctico e instructivo para el clínico general y para el estudiante de Odontología. Contenido Introducción • Evolución histórica del tratamiento protésico del complejo dentina-raíz • Consideraciones biológicas sobre el complejo dentina-raíz del diente endodonciado • Diagnóstico • Plan de tratamiento • Preparaciones dentarias • Técnicas de confección del patrón • Confección de perno-corona provisionales • Puesta en revestimiento y colado • Prueba, cementado y acabado • Consideraciones sobre dientes multirradiculares • Incrustaciones de anclaje intrarradicular,para coronas/ puentes ya instaladas • Pernos-muñón bajo prótesis fijas ya existentes • Perno-corona articulados • Fracasos • Remoción de pernos intrarradiculares. OFERTA ESPECIAL 30 a eB También en formato digital 176 págs; 179 ilustraciones; ISBN: 84-89873-11-9; 51 a 11 PERIODONCIA-CIRUGÍA Cirugía Estética Mucogingival Giovanni Zucchelli La cirugía estética mucogingival comprende el tratamiento de las alteraciones estéticas mucogingivales. Estas pueden estar representadas por las recesiones gingivales (asociadas a abrasiones y/o caries radiculares) o, por el contrario, por casos de erupción pasiva alterada. Entre los objetivos de la cirugía estética mucogingival se incluyen también el aumento del volumen y altura gingival en torno a los elementos protésicos o implantes, así como el aumento de tejidos blandos en crestas edéntulas. Las técnicas para crestas edéntulas se describen en el segundo volumen. Este volumen describe e ilustra técnicas de cirugía mucogingival aplicadas a dientes o implantes con el objetivo de satisfacer las demandas estéticas de los pacientes. Contenido • Consideraciones relativas al tratamiento de las hendiduras • Consideraciones relativas al tratamiento de las abrasiones/caries cervicales asociadas a recesiones gingivales • Consideraciones relativas al colgajo de reposición coronal con incisiones de descarga • Consideraciones relativas al colgajo reposicionado lateral y coronalmente • Consideraciones relativas a los injertos gingivales • Consideraciones relativas a la técnica en 2 fases • Consideraciones relativas a las técnicas de obtención del injerto del tejido conectivo • Consideraciones relativas sobre la técnica bilaminar • Consideraciones relativas al colgajo reposicionado coronalmente para recesiones múltiples • Consideraciones relativas a las técnicas bilaminares para tratar defectos de recesiones múltiples • Consideraciones relativas al tratamiento restaurador-periodontal para recesiones múltiples • Consideraciones relativas al tratamiento quirúrgico de la erupción pasiva alterada • Terapia farmacológica e higiene postquirúrgica, consejos dietéticos y otros. 830 págs; ISBN 978-84-89873-57-5; 300 € Cirugía Estético-Plástica Periodontal e Implantológica Otto Zuhr y Marc Hürzeler En este libro, los autores proporcionan el primer enfoque general de los principios básicos, las indicaciones y las técnicas clínicas de microcirugía plástico-estética periodontal e implantológica. Se trata de una ejemplar combinación entre los conocimientos científicos y la experiencia práctica. Todos los casos son analizados exhaustivamente sobre la base de la literatura científica disponible y la evidencia clínica actual. Los procedimientos de microcirugía que se presentan en el libro se explican paso a paso con ejemplos de casos meticulosamente ilustrados. Listas de comprobación de los materiales necesarios, instrumentos y los protocolos de trabajo se agregan para facilitar la aplicación práctica de los procedimientos de microcirugía. Por último, pero no menos importante, los autores proporcionan instrucciones sobre cómo solucionar todas las dificultades más importantes de cada procedimiento. Este libro es, sin duda, una de las publicaciones más importantes de cirugía bucal en los últimos años y, de obligada lectura para todos los implantólogos y periodoncistas. 872 págs; 1,898 ilust. a color; ISBN 978-84-89873-54-4; 320 € Técnicas de Sutura en Cirugía Oral Sandro Siervo 12 El tratamiento de los tejidos blandos en la periodoncia, de los implantes y de la cirugía reconstructiva tiene cada vez más importancia a la hora de conseguir buenos resultados en la odontología cosmética. Para conseguir que los tejidos blandos no adopten posiciones incorrectas durante el postoperatorio, los profesionales deben conocer a fondo los conceptos de cicatrización y suturación de las heridas. Tomando como referencia una serie de diferentes casos clínicos, este libro se centra en las técnicas de sutura que se emplean en los procedimientos quirúrgicos más frecuentes, y se explica cómo llevarlas a cabo. Las detalladas ilustraciones y tablas, clarifican algunos conceptos técnicos que de otro modo resultarían complejos, y la guía de referencia rápida sirve de ayuda para consolidar la información esencial sobre cada tipo de suturación. 240 págs; 397 ilustraciones; ISBN 978-84-89873-19-3; 120 € Cirugía Periodontal: Atlas Clínico Naoshi Sato Un atlas que explora múltiples opciones en cirugía periodontal, mientras enfatiza procedimientos generativos, ilustrado con casos del autor. El libro aclara procedimientos clínicos efectivos en un formato paso a paso, comparando resultados clínicos del autor con aquellos de estudios relacionados. Fotografías e ilustraciones clínicas excepcionales apoyan las explicaciones de los procedimientos de forma clara y concisa. Muchos casos clínicos detallados muestran resultados terapéuticos. Todo el libro está provisto además de consejos clínicos prácticos y tablas resumen para una lectura comprensiva. Contenido Capítulo 1, Objetivos y Técnicas de la Cirugía Periodontal. Capítulo 2, Aumento de la Encía Insertada. Capítulo 3, Regeneración Periodontal Mediante Curetaje a Cielo Abierto. Capítulo 4, Regeneración Periodontal Mediante Regeneración Tisular Guiada. Capítulo 5, Regeneración Ósea Guiada. Capítulo 6, Cirugía Plástica Periodontal. 448 págs; 2.820 ilustraciones; ISBN 84-89873-27-5; 298 € Terapia Periodontal: Enfoques clínicos y evidencia de éxito Michael J. Engelman Myron Nevins y James J. Mellonig Este libro está diseñado para un uso práctico y consolida el conocimiento más actualizado sobre oseointegración. Se trata de un manual de fácil manejo que está organizado según categorías definidas por la localización y extensión de la pérdida dental. En el texto se aportan las ventajas y desventajas y las posibilidades de tratamiento para cada tipo de implantes. En su contenido se incluyen: objetivos de tratamiento, necesidades prequirúrgicas y consideraciones que incluyen posición y número de implantes; limitaciones de espacio; anchura del reborde alveolar; altura del hueso; cantilevers, angulación y su oclusión; colocación del implante; y evaluación estética. Existen capítulos sobre educación del paciente y economía, planificación y secuencia de tratamiento, y se proporcionan muestras de cartas, hojas de instrucciones y organigramas de los diferentes procedimientos para poder utilizar. Este libro es una referencia indispensable para el profesional. 219 págs; 272 ilustraciones a color; ISBN 84-89873-00-3; 89 a OFERTA ESPECIAL 50 a eB También en formato digital Bruxismo: Teoría y Práctica D. A. Paesani Destacados clínicos e investigadores concentran su experiencia y pericia en una completa evaluación de la terapia periodontal contemporánea. Con más de 1000 ilustraciones y numerosos casos clínicos el libro examina los resultados a largo plazo del tratamiento periodontal exitoso basado en la evidencia disponible en la actualidad. Incluye discusiones y comentarios actualizados sobre el diagnóstico y plan de tratamiento orientado a objetivos específicos, las técnicas quirúrgicas y la terapia no quirúrgica, las técnicas regenerativas actuales, el tratamiento de pacientes médicamente comprometidos, el mantenimiento a largo plazo, el cuidado periodontal de soporte y muchos más temas relacionados con la periodoncia actual. Es una obra clásica que todo profesional debe tener y disfrutar. 412 págs.; 1.113 ilustraciones a color; ISBN 84-89873-21-6; 194 € OFERTA ESPECIAL 70 a Dolor Orofacial según Bell: Sexta edición PERIODONCIA-CIRUGÍA / OCLUSIÓN Oseointegración: Diagnóstico Clínico y Alternativas Restauradoras Jeffrey P. Okeson Esta guía está basada en las evidencias del Bruxismo, y da respuestas a muchas preguntas que surgen en la práctica odontológica cotidiana. La primera parte trata sobre los aspectos generales del bruxismo, así como las directrices a seguir para realizar un diagnóstico: la fisiología del sueño, la etiología, factores periféricos y emocionales, los trastornos, y el bruxismo en los niños. La segunda parte está dedicada a los efectos del bruxismo sobre los distintos componentes de la masticación y explora su relación con el dolor. La parte final aborda los diversos aspectos del tratamiento, tanto farmacológicos como clínicos, así como los datos relativos a la restauración específica para el paciente con bruxismo, incluye recomendaciones para la óptima elección de los materiales dentales, las consideraciones para el uso de las prótesis sobre implantes, y unos ejemplos de restauraciones complejas. La sexta edición de Dolor Orofacial de Bell es de lectura obligada para aquellos interesados en el acercamiento clínico a los trastornos de dolor Orofacial y sus mecanismos neurales. Como las ediciones precedentes, este libro cubre un tema muy importante en la odontología clínica. El dolor en la cara y boca es muy común y de hecho es una de las razones principales por las que los pacientes solicitan atención dental. Para tratar de forma efectiva con desórdenes dolorosos, el clínico debe tener un buen conocimiento de los mecanismos subyacentes al desorden. La base de conocimiento es aun limitada, pero ha habido varios hallazgos en estos procesos desde la última edición de este libro como consecuencia del aumento de la investigación dedicada a los mecanismos del dolor. 540 págs; 850 ilustraciones; ISBN 978-1-85097-191-7; Próximamente - 180 € 566 págs;223 ilustraciones; ISBN 978-84-89873-39-1; 80 € eB También en formato digital Fundamentos Científicos y Aplicaciones Prácticas de la Oclusión Medicina dental del sueño en niños y adultos Charles McNeill De forma clara y precisa, este libro explica todo lo relacionado con el sueño humano y su patología para que los lectores puedan entenderlo. Un libro eminentemente práctico para los dentistas, estomatólogos y cirujanos maxilo-faciales en el que se aborda todo un sistema nuevo de diagnóstico y tratamiento del ronquido y la apnea obstructiva del sueño. 554 págs;650 ilustraciones; ISBN 84-89873-20-8; 172 € ISBN 978-84-89873-51-3; 78 € eB También en formato digital En este libro innovador y multidisciplinario, cuarenta y ocho expertos abogan por objetivos y plan de tratamiento biológicos para el manejo clínico de la oclusión. El examen de los temas abarca las bases de la Biología, la Biomecánica y la Fisiología de la oclusión para llegar a la toma de decisiones clínicas y a la resolución de problemas desde varios puntos de vista clínicos. Este completo libro, dado el papel fundamental que juega la oclusión en todos los aspectos de la Odontología, será una fuente de ciencia aplicada para todos los dentistas, la fuente definitiva para el profesional. Dr. José Mª Rodríguez Flores 13 ORTODONCIA / ENDODONCIA Tratamientos Ortodóncicos Precoces Conceptos y Estrategias en Ortodoncia Antonio Patti, Guy Perrier d’Arc Frans P.G.M. van der Linden ¿Por qué y cuándo comenzar un tratamiento ortodóncico precoz? La ortodoncia ha realizado notables avances en el dominio de los conocimientos de la fisiología, el crecimiento, las reacciones tisulares, el diagnóstico cada vez más sofisticado, las técnicas, los materiales utilizados, la informática y, sin embargo, hoy todavía muchos profesionales han de afrontar un eterno dilema: intervenir o no intervenir antes de la erupción completa de los dientes permanentes. La elección terapéutica no es sino la consecuencia final de un diagnóstico completo. Para poder determinar el mejor momento para el tratamiento se precisa poseer una sólida base de conocimientos fundamentales al objeto de comprender la patogenia de las diferentes dismorfosis: el crecimiento craneofacial normal y patológico, las velocidades y ritmos de crecimiento, la fisiología de las funciones orofaciales, la morfogénesis de las arcadas dentales y la psicología del niño. Todos estos conocimientos permiten plantear con el máximo conocimiento posible las indicaciones de un tratamiento precoz y evitar caer en la trampa de tratar sistemáticamente todos los casos en dentadura mixta. El texto escrito se ha reducido intencionadamente para dar prioridad a la documentación clínica mediante fotografías. El propósito de este texto es proporcionar información clínica relevante. Se ilustra en detalle, principalmente mediante esquemas y fotografías clínicas, cómo deben ser utilizados los aparatos y qué puede conseguirse con éstos. Asimismo se proporcionan trucos y aspectos clínicos para la obtención de los mejores resultados. Los procedimientos clínicos se presentan de manera que el lector pueda aplicarlos de forma directa. Por otro lado los contenidos están indicados para proporcionar información a los pacientes. El texto se limita, y se relaciona de forma directa, a la realización de las técnicas ilustradas. Se ilustra cómo debe ser enfocado un problema, cuáles son las trampas que pueden esperarse y cuáles son los peligros que se han de evitar. Además se refutan algunos mitos y errores de concepto vigentes. El éxito del tratamiento de ortodoncia depende de muchos factores, los cuales en ocasiones pueden parecer de poca importancia. Si algunos aspectos se pasan por alto puede no obtenerse el resultado deseado, o incluso la situación puede empeorar. Se enfatiza en la detección de estos elementos. 320 págs; 2.300 ilustraciones a color; ISBN 84-89873-38-0; 188 € 124 págs; 219 ilustraciones; ISBN:978-84-89873-23-0; 68 € Mini-Implantes Ortodónticos Reanudación del Tratamiento Endodóncico Ludwig, Baumgaertel, Bowman Este libro sirve como referencia tanto teórica como práctica a la hora de enfrentarse a los implantes ortodónticos. En él se exponen, de un modo sencillo y orientado a la práctica diaria, los conceptos básicos sobre la selección y colocación de miniimplantes, ejemplificándolos a través de diversos casos clínicos. Además, las soluciones a los problemas específicos se ilustran mediante ejemplos relevantes que explican a fondo tanto los procesos a seguir, como las indicaciones y contraindicaciones, los riesgos potenciales, y las alternativas para la resolución de los diferentes casos. Los autores, con años de experiencia clínica, y de reconocida fama mundial, han sabido rodearse de un gran equipo de colaboradores para conseguir dar vida a un libro que resulta completo y fiable, y que está eminentemente orientado a los aspectos prácticos de la implantología ortodóntica. 204 págs; 477 ilustraciones; ISBN 978-84-89873-42-1; 118 € Stéphane Simon Wilhelm, J. Pertot En este nuevo manual, consagrado a la parte más cronófaga de la endodoncia, se ha valorado sobre todo el paso a paso técnico que, incluso frente a complicaciones, como los topes, las perforaciones o los ápices inmaduros, permite limpiar, preparar y obturar el endodonto para impedir la proliferación de bacterias, y con ello las bacteriemias y sus complicaciones más graves. Esta persistencia de bacterias en un refugio, el sistema ductal en el que, a falta de vasos (sanguíneos), nuestra policía inmunitaria no tiene ya acceso, nos obliga a tapiarlo («obturación tridimensional») lo más completamente posible ya que, conociendo su presencia, importa que se impida, físicamente, su desarrollo. 144 pp; 300 ilustraciones; ISBN 978-84-89873-35-3; 78 € eB También en formato digital Microcirugía Endodóncica Enrique M. Merino 14 En el pasado, la cirugía endodóncica sufría de mala visión y del uso de materiales no biocompatibles. La aparición del microscopio operativo y nuevos biomateriales han ampliado espectacularmente el espectro de situaciones clínicas en las que se puede conservar el diente de una manera predecible. Se presentan todas las fases de la microcirugía endodóncica periapical y lateroradicular, las técnicas periodontales de regeneración ósea guiada aplicadas a la microcirugía endodóncica, las relaciones endodoncia-periodoncia y los índices actuales de éxito-fracaso en microcirugía endodóncica. Pero cuando no es posible salvar el diente (fractura radicular vertical, imposible restauración, insuficiente soporte periodontal, etc.) el macro y microdiseño de los implantes modernos permiten la restauración de la función y la estética el mismo día de la extracción del diente. Se presentan los posibles defectos óseos alveolares a los que el clínico ha de enfrentarse en implantología inmediata unitaria y su adecuado manejo microscópico. Contenido • Ampliando el campo quirúrgico con el microscopio operativo • Consideraciones Prequirúrgicas • Microcirugía Endodóncica paso a paso • Consideraciones Postquirúrgicas • Relaciones Endodoncia-Periodoncia • Tratamiento de los defectos óseos en microcirugía periapical • Tratamiento de los defectos óseos en microcirugía perirradicular • Implantología inmediata • Índices actuales de éxito-fracaso en microcirugía endodóncica. “... será el libro de referencia en cirugía endodóncica en la próxima década que ahora comenzamos en el 2010”. James Gutmann 356 págs; 1.164 ilustraciones a color; ISBN: 978-84-89873-43-8; 188 € EDUCACIÓN AL PACIENTE ¿Qué es la Enfermedad Periodontal? ¿Qué son Implantes Dentales? ¿Qué es una Endodoncia? Joel M. Berns, DMD Thomas D. Taylor, DDS, MSD, William R. Laney, DMD, MS 62 páginas; 31 ilustraciones a color ISBN 84-89873-05-4 OFERTA ESPECIAL 8 a 74 páginas; 32 ilustraciones a color ISBN 84-89873-03-8 OFERTA ESPECIAL 8 a eB También en formato digital 60 páginas; 45 ilustraciones a color ISBN 84-89873-04-6 OFERTA ESPECIAL 8 a Joel M. Berns, DMD eB También en formato digital eB También en formato digital ¿Qué es un Molar Impactado? ¿Qué es la Ortodoncia? Joel M. Berns, DMD Joel M. Berns, DMD Harold T. Pery, DDS, PhD, David P. Forbes, DDS, PhD 24 páginas; 11 ilustraciones a color ISBN 84-89873-06-2 OFERTA ESPECIAL 8 a 32 páginas; 25 ilustraciones a color ISBN 84-89873-08-9 OFERTA ESPECIAL 8 a 56 páginas; 32 ilustraciones a color ISBN 84-89873-16-X OFERTA ESPECIAL 8 a eB También en formato digital eB También en formato digital eB También en formato digital ¿Por qué reponer una muela perdida? 15 REVISTAS QUINTESSENCE INTERNACIONAL Dr. José Manuel Navarro, Director-in-chief Les presentamos la Nueva Revista Quintessence Internacional editada ahora por Editorial Quintessence España. A fin de mejorar su calidad científica se ha contado con profesionales de reconocido prestigio como es el nuevo Director in Chief, el Dr. José Manuel Navarro y todo su equipo de colaboradores científicos. La revista continúa atendiendo a las necesidades de los odontólogos generales, ofreciendo artículos de altísima calidad científica y de carácter clínico. Se ofrecen los artículos de la versión Inglesa publicados en la Quintessence International así como aquellos artículos más relevantes publicados en los más que famosos QDT. 10 Números/año España Fuera de España Particulares 208 € 208 €* Instituciones 507 € 507 €* Estudiantes 88 € 88 €* *Más gastos de envío El precio incluye la versión digital. QUINTESSENCE TÉCNICA Dr. Iñaki Gamborena, Director-in-chief La Nueva Revista Quintessence Técnica, editada ahora por Editorial Quintessence España, mejora su calidad científica contando con profesionales de reconocido prestigio a nivel mundial como es el nuevo Director in Chief, el Dr. Iñaki Gamborena y todo su equipo de colaboradores científicos. En esta revista se ofrecen los artículos de la versión Alemana publicados en la Quintessenz Zahntechnik, traducidos y revisados al castellano. Está dirigida a todos los técnicos dentales y protésicos que desean estar en vanguardia con la odontología moderna. Estar actualizado con las nuevas técnicas de trabajo, innovaciones tecnológicas y quieran realizar un aprendizaje con los casos clínicos presentados. 6 Números/año España Fuera de España Particulares 94 € 94 €* Instituciones 233 € 233 €* Estudiantes 51 € 51 €* *Más gastos de envío El precio incluye la versión digital. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESTHETIC DENTISTRY (EJED) Dr. Jaime Gil, Director-in-chief Ofrece todos los artículos de la versión inglesa publicados en la EJED, traducidos y revisados. Una herramienta de estudio para conocer, de cerca, las sesiones de planificación y tratamiento de grandes profesionales dentro de sus respectivas especialidades. Sus páginas permiten explorar las últimas innovaciones en implantes, así como mantenerse informado sobre las actualizaciones clínicas. Cada número se convierte en un instrumento de consulta indispensable, que acerca los exitosos resultados estéticos que los pacientes exigen. REVISTA OFICIAL DE SEPES (Sociedad Española de Prótesis Estomatológica y Estética) 16 4 Números/año España Fuera de España Socios SEPES 80 € Consultar No Socios SEPES 111 € 111 €* Instituciones 203 € 203 €* Estudiantes 62 € 62 €* *Más gastos de envío El precio incluye la versión digital. Dr. Jaime del Río Highsmith, Director-in-chief Primera revista internacional de prótesis en español. Proporciona a la comunidad española y latinoamericana información actualizada y fiable, desde un punto de vista científico, sobre el cuidado del paciente, la investigación y formación en Prostodoncia, y las disciplinas con las que se interrelaciona. Incluye artículos de autores de todo el ámbito de habla española, artículos internacionales traducidos al castellano y artículos elaborados por socios de SEPES. Básica para todos los especialistas. REVISTAS REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE PRÓTESIS ESTOMATOLÓGICA REVISTA OFICIAL DE SEPES (Sociedad Española de Prótesis Estomatológica y Estética) 4 Números/año España Fuera de España Socios SEPES 82 € 82 € No Socios SEPES 139 € 139 €* Instituciones 214 € 214 €* Estudiantes 69 € 69 €* *Más gastos de envío Gratuita para: miembros SEPES Jr-Estudiante, SEPES recién licenciado, SEPES Jr-Licenciado. El precio incluye la versión digital. EJOI (EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORAL IMPLANTOLOGY) Dr. Carlos Aparicio, Director-in-chief Publica artículos clínicos relacionados con la ciencia y práctica de la implantología oral y las áreas relacionadas. Provee información actualizada y basada en la evidencia para facilitar la toma de decisiones. Todos los manuscritos son revisados por un comité editorial antes de su publicación, asegurando así, la selección de estudios de alta calidad. EJOI también edita revisiones sistemáticas, pautas clínicas, estudios y ensayos clínicos aleatorios controlados, estudios de cohorte y estudios de casos controlados, casos anecdóticos y/o procedimientos clínicos. Un material auxiliar irreemplazable para los especialistas. REVISTA OFICIAL DE LA SEI (Sociedad Española de Implantes) 4 Números/año España Fuera de España Socios SEI GRATIS Consultar No Socios SEI 121 € 121 €* Instituciones 198 € 198 €* Estudiantes 54 € 54 €* *Más gastos de envío El precio incluye la versión digital. REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE ODONTOLOGÍA RESTAURADORA Y PERIODONCIA Dr. Jaime Gil y Dr. José Nart, Directors-in-chief Un compromiso con el contenido editorial de la más alta calidad ha conseguido crear un público fiel de esta revista, producida con suma elegancia, ahora en su 34º año de publicación. Abarcando la relación entre un periodonto sano y las restauraciones precisas, así como la integración de los implantes en la planificación del tratamiento integral, esta revista única en el mundo contiene información que puede ser aplicada directamente a su práctica diaria. 4 nímeros / año. PRÓXIMA EDICIÓN 2016 17 La herramienta imprescindible en formación continuada QUINTESSENCE formación ofrece dos propuestas de calidad reconocida: una selección de cursos únicos, desarrollados por los más prestigiosos autores internacionales, y el vanguardista programa DENTAL LIMITS. Un estilo de formación continuada creado a medida de las exigencias profesionales, con sesiones teórico-prácticas en grupos reducidos que aseguran el aprendizaje personalizado de las técnicas más avanzadas. En entornos elegantes y agradables. Una oportunidad única para el intercambio de conocimiento con los mejores clínicos, con los líderes de opinión de la odontología mundial. Una experiencia tan exclusiva como el alto nivel de QUINTESSENCE formación. Editorial Quintessence, S.L. Torres Trade (Torre Sur). Gran Vía Carles III, 84. 08028 – BARCELONA. Tel.: +34 934 912 300. e-mail: [email protected] - QUINTESSENCE DIGITAL LA OTRA FORMA DE LEER Ahora, mediante QUINTESSENCE DIGITAL, ponemos a su disposición nuestra selección de libros y revistas científicas más actuales, en formato digital. Para que usted pueda leerlos en el momento, el lugar y la pantalla que prefiera. Consulte el catálogo de publicaciones en versión digital en y descárguelas con QUINTESSENCE Reader, la APP gratuita de Editorial QUINTESSENCE, directamente, desde cualquier dispositivo. QUINTESSENCE Reader, la App de Editorial QUINTESSENCE Versiones XP, Windows 7 o Windows 8 MacOSX Linux iPhone y iPad, próximamente disponible en la AppStore de Apple. SmartPhones y tablets Android, disponible en Google Play. Descárguela gratis en Editorial Quintessence, S.L. Torres Trade (Torre Sur). Gran Vía Carles III, 84. 08028 – BARCELONA. Tel.: +34 934 912 300. e-mail: [email protected] - 19 CONTENTS CATALOGUE 2015 PUBLISHING ENGLISH EDITIONS 21 AESTHETICS 25 ENDODONTICS 28 IMPLANTS 36 MULTIDISCIPLINARY 46 OMFS, ORAL MEDICINE, ORAL PATHOLOGY 49 ORTHODONTICS 53 PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY 55 PERIODONTICS 58 PRACTICE MANAGEMENT 60 PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY, DENTAL HYGIENE 61 PROSTHODONTICS, DENTAL TECHNOLOGY 66 RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY 68 TMD, OCCLUSION 70 JOURNALS Prices listed in the catalogue are subject to change without notice. 20 = iBook available-prices vary = eBook available-prices vary Find us on Facebook: Editorial Quintessence, S.L. F = French edition available G = German edition available S = Spanish edition available P = Portugues edition available I = Italian edition available Preview our multimedia products: Editorial Quintessence, S.L. BESTSELLER Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry: Material Selection and Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry (DVDs) Technique, Second Edition I P G World of Anterior Ceramic Restorations Yeojoon Koh This clinical atlas details anterior ceramic restoration to correct esthetic problems. Each case focuses on a distinct set of esthetic and dental conditions such as fracture, crowding, rotation, asymmetry, discoloration, contour, caries, or implant considerations, among others. The clinical images illustrate the procedure, step-by-step. This book is intended as a communication tool between the dentist, the ceramist, and the patient: It functions as a guide to various approaches for the dentist, a tool for understanding tooth shape and conditions for the ceramist, and a preview of the esthetic result for the patient. Because communication and cooperation between these three parties are essential for a successful esthetic outcome, this book is an indispensable resource for any esthetic dentist. 216 pp; 614 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-89-5741-207-7; 120 € G FORTHCOMIN Science, Art, and Creativity Loris Prosper Contents Epidemiology • Diagnosis and Treatment Planning • Occlusion • Mucogingival Surgery and Pink Esthetics • The Dental Abutment • Provisional Restoration • Impression Taking • Implant Esthetics • Color • Maintenance of Fixed Prosthetic Restorations Available Autumn 2015 Volume 2: The Impression Process (Chapter 5) • Soft Tissue Management • Double-Cord Gingival Displacement Using an Elastomeric Impression Material • The Digital Highway ISBN 978-1-85097-257-0; 21 min. Volume 3: Provisionalization (Chapter 7) • Developing a Composite Veneer Prototype Utilizing an Indirect/ Direct Flowable Resin Technique • Managing Tooth Size Discrepancy for the Orthodontic Patient Using an Indirect/ Direct Flowable Resin ISBN 978-1-85097-258-7; 33 min. Volume 4: Esthetic Post Systems (Chapter 8) • Fundamental Concepts for Restoring the Intraradicular Space ISBN 978-1-85097-259-4; 17 min. Volume 5: Dental Photography (Chapter 11) • Intraoral and Extraoral Photographic Documentation ISBN 978-1-85097-260-0; 15 min. Volume 6: Periodontal Plastic Surgery (Chapter 12) • Clinical Crown Lengthening in the Esthetic Zone • Clinical Crown Lengthening in the Esthetic Zone Utilizing an Internal Bevel Gingivectomy ISBN 978-1-85097-261-7; 21 min. Special 6-volume set price 149 € KAGE + T OUN DISC P RIC Book and 6 DVDs for only 415 € Solutions for Dental Esthetics: The Natural Look Toyohiko Hidaka 155 pp; 345 illus; ©2008; ISBN 978-1-85097-176-4; 148 € I G A Diary Through the Lens Naoki Hayashi 144 pp; 334 illus; ©2005; ISBN 978-4-87417-859-1; 198 € This book describes a methodology for creating biomimetic restorations that harmonize with the remaining natural teeth. The authors analyze the methodology for each phase of work, including the diagnosis and treatment planning, the stages of preparation and fabrication, and the cementation of the definitive restoration. All the essential components are covered, including occlusal analysis, soft tissue management, color selection, implant considerations, and guidelines for home maintenance. The merits of a multidisciplinary approach are shown within the a functional esthetic paradigm in which the prosthodontist, surgeon, orthodontist, and dental technician work as a closeknit team to ensure a predictable and reproducible result. Volume 1: Ceramic Materials (Chapter 4) • An Interdisciplinary Process for Achieving Restorative and Esthetic Excellence Using the Preparationless Veneer ISBN 978-1-85097-256-3; 17 min. D Bioesthetics in Oral Rehabilitation: ©2013; 29 € each E 752 pp; 2,000 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-0-86715-573-0; 318 € These supplementary DVDs illustrate the procedures, techniques, and scientific concepts presented in the book. Each video begins with an introduction by Dr Terry that touches on the science and application of the technique involved, followed by live demonstrations of that technique from clinical cases similar to those presented in the respective chapter. PAC Douglas A. Terry and Willi Geller Advancements in restorative material formulations and adhesive technology have expanded the treatment possibilities for the clinician and technician and provided simpler, more conservative, and more economical solutions to many restorative and esthetic challenges. This book demonstrates these solutions step-by-step through the presentation of everyday clinical situations, relying on the scientific knowledge and clinical and laboratory expertise of an international team of masters. With new photographic techniques including ring flash and bilateral flash, new cases on composite resin restoration and porcelain inlays, and new techniques such as restoring the anterior alveolar ridge deficiency using stratified porcelain buildup, this second edition explores many facets of esthetic and restorative dentistry. Each chapter begins with a materials science introduction to the topic, followed by clinical applications and procedures illustrated with exquisite images. This combination of scientific, clinical, and laboratory information provides clinicians, technicians, and auxiliaries with the tools necessary to maximize their productivity while providing improved oral health care to their patients. AESTHETICS e 21 AESTHETICS Esthetic Rehabilitation in Fixed Prosthodontics Volume 1– Esthetic Analysis: BESTSELLER Volume 2 – Prosthetic Treatment: A Systematic BESTSELLER Approach to Esthetic, Biologic, and Functional Integration A Systematic Approach to Prosthetic Treatment Mauro Fradeani and Giancarlo Barducci Mauro Fradeani This second volume presents the procedural phases required to achieve optimal esthetics in fixed prostheses. Communication between the clinician and the technician is highlighted through a presentation of all clinical and laboratory procedures. Detailed clinical photographs and illustrations accompany each treatment phase. This text provides a systematic approach to facial evaluation during esthetic treatment planning. Each chapter presents a different esthetic parameter involved in facial, dentolabial, phonetic, dental, and gingival analysis. This popular book is an invaluable tool for all clinicians practicing esthetic and restorative dentistry. 352 pp; 1,136 illus; ©2004; ISBN 978-1-85097-108-5; 210 € KAGE D PAC I T OUN E DISC P RIC + BESTSELLER 600 pp; 2,500 illus; ©2008; ISBN 978-1-85097-171-9; 280 € F S G I Volume 1 and 2 for only 448 € F S G G FORTHCOMIN Shortcuts in Esthetic Dentistry Ronaldo Hirata Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning: Principles, Design, Implementation Edited by Michael Cohen This book articulates the process by which master clinicians treatment plan their cases. In the first part of each chapter, 18 of the world’s most respected clinicians share the key principles that guide their case-planning decisions. In the second part, they present the diagnostic findings of one of their own cases, invite the reader to treatment plan the case, then present their own plan and the actual treatment rendered along with large, full-color images. With the authors representing every specialty in dentistry – periodontology, orthodontics, prosthodontics, endodontics, and oral and maxillofacial surgery – this book demonstrates comprehensive treatment-planning principles from the perspective of every clinician. 568 pp; 1,350 illus; ©2008; ISBN 978-0-86715-474-0; 328 € I G Interdisciplinary Treatment Planning, Volume II: Comprehensive Case Studies This clinical text focuses on the difficulties of esthetic restorative dentistry with the aim of revealing simple and practical solutions to common questions and problems. Topics range from dental adhesives to dental implants, and the author reviews the relevant scientific literature for each section and then illustrates restorative procedures step by step with key clarifications for problem solving complex clinical situations. Restoration strategies include guidance on recontouring, stratification schemes, layering techniques, characterization, occlusal concepts, and more. Available Summer 2015 BESTSELLER The Science and Art of Porcelain Laminate Veneers Galip Gürel This book guides the entire esthetic team in understanding the patient’s needs and formulating a treatment plan to address esthetic considerations as well as occlusal, periodontal, and functional requirements. It also discusses expandedPLV applications, minimally invasive tooth preparation, and impression techniques. 528 pp; 1,200 color illus; ©2003; ISBN 978-1-85097-060-6; 198 € I G F P 536 pp; 1,226 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-0-86715-501-3; 320 € Veneer Visions Oliver Reichert di Lorenzen The state-of-the-art veneer procedures described in this atlas require neither reduction of tooth structure nor administration of anesthetic; the perfect smile can be delivered to patients in one painless appointment. Moreover, use of a wax-up/ mock-up allows patients to preview the proposed smile makeover before committing to treatment. Full-color before-and-after cases demonstrate the use of no-prep veneers alone and in combination with other fixed prostheses. 120 pp; 300 illus; ©2010; ISBN 978-1-85097-200-6; 98 € The Art of Passion: PAC A Photographic Journey KAGE T OUN DISC E 22 This second volume allows readers to learn by repetition through the presentation of additional cases treated by master clinicians from every specialty. Each chapter is introduced by the clinician, who provides the rationale for choosing the particular case, a suggested focus in treatment plan design, key elements to consider when planning the case, and what the reader can expect to learn from the process. The case presentations follow the format established in the first volume: Diagnostic findings and pretreatment images are presented first to allow the reader to develop a treatment plan, then the master clinician’s proposed treatment plan and account of actual treatment provided are detailed, accompanied by treatment and posttreatment images. This book provides the opportunity to learn through the experience of developing comprehensive treatment plans under the guidance of master clinicians. D Edited by Michael Cohen P RIC + Edward A. McLaren Volume 1 and 2 for only 600 € 112 pp; 150 illus; ©2010; ISBN 957-41-3740-6; 148 € S G NEW Iñaki Gamborena and Markus B. Blatz This book beautifully showcases the concepts, materials, and techniques essential to mastering the most demanding of all surgical and restorative challenges: the anterior single-tooth implant. To achieve the long-lasting esthetic and functional results displayed in this clinical masterpiece, one must attend to the myriad details associated with each phase of treatment. Designed for a new generation of visually oriented learners, the book presents step-by-step clinical procedures that unfold like the frames of a film, so that readers may "watch" at their own pace and pause as necessary to contemplate these fine details. This experience will spark the curiosity, creativity, and imagination of even the most veteran surgeon. AESTHETICS Evolution: Contemporary Protocols for Anterior Single-Tooth Implants Contents Esthetic and Soft Tissue Considerations • Biologic Impact of Implant, Abutment, and Prosthetic Design • Ideal 3D Implant Placement • Creating a Natural Soft Tissue Contour • Laboratory Communication for Definitive Restoration • Definitive Restoration 440 pp; 1,985 illus; ©2015; ISBN 978-0-86715-496-2; 362 € Comprehensive Esthetic Dentistry NEW Edited by Florin Lăzărescu Nothing can replace the sense of professional fulfillment and personal reward that comes when a patient's smile is successfully restored. This book presents the standard protocols that makes up the foundation of esthetic dentistry and provides keen insight into the artistic aspects essential to a truly esthetic outcome. The authors demonstrate their professional passion for esthetic dentistry as a necessary ingredient for success and show how development of an “artistic touch” allows a clinician to shape dental treatment and elevate patient smiles. Based on scientific research, clinical evidence, and the practical experience of the authors, this book is a practical approach to esthetic dentistry. Contents Contemporary Esthetic Dentistry • Dental and Dentofacial Esthetics • Photographic Examination • Dentist-Patient Communication • Ceramic Materials • Ultraconservative Dentistry • Adhesive Techniques • Tooth Discoloration • Anterior and Posterior Esthetic Restoration • Luting Protocol for All-Ceramic Restorations • In-Office CAD/CAM Technology • Dental Implants in the Esthetic Zone • Esthetic Soft Tissue Management in Implant Dentistry • Esthetic Strategies in Orthodontics 356 pp; 820 illus; ©2015; ISBN 978-1-85097-278-5; 178 € CLASSIC Bonded Porcelain Restorations in the Anterior Dentition: A Biomimetic Approach Pascal Magne and Urs Belser This book introduces a unique approach to esthetic restoration of the anterior dentition. Guided by the philosophy of biomimetics, the authors combine sound biologic principles with an overriding respect for the natural intact tooth to achieve esthetic satisfaction with bonded porcelain restorations. The reader will find all the information and step-bystep instruction needed to obtain the authors’ superior results, which are showcased throughout the book. 406 pp; 1,037 illus; ©2002; ISBN 978-0-86715-422-1; 218 € I F S G Inspiration: People, Teeth, and Restorations Edited by Luiz Narciso Baratieri This stunning atlas represents over 25 years of dedicated study into the optical behavior of teeth and restorative materials. Although the authors wow readers with dazzling photography throughout, this book moves beyond a mere clinical art book that only shows what is possible. The practical purpose of this book is to outline the clinical sequences of how to use composite resins and dental ceramics to achieve the optical characteristics observed so exquisitely in natural teeth. By blending art and dental science, the authors have created an ultimate textbook on dental anatomy and restorative dentistry that explores the underlying makeup of the layered structures of the teeth and reveals the techniques of how to meet the challenge of mimicking natural tooth. 482 pp; 1,672 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-1-85097-229-7; 228 € Aesthetic Dentistry Dilemmas & Solutions David Bartlett and Paul A. Brunton Irfan Ahmad This volume is not intended to serve as a definitive textbook on aesthetic dentistry; rather, it provides tips and hints designed to help practitioners improve their practice of everyday aesthetic techniques. The basic theories underlying the advice presented are also well explained. Focusing on the anterior dentition, the author demonstrates how a systematic approach can transform esthetic dilemmas into solutions. The pros and cons of various treatment options are presented in the comprehensive planning of each case. Copious clinical photographs detail every stage of treatment and show the latest techniques to refine esthetic results for success in any practice. 136 pp; 383 illus; ©2008; ISBN 978-1-85097-172-6; 118 € 102 pp; ©2005; ISBN 978-1-85097-077-4; 42 € Esthetic Clinical Case Studies: 23 AESTHETICS CLASSIC Esthetics of Anterior Fixed Prosthodontics Tooth Whitening in Esthetic Dentistry Gerard J. Chiche and Alain Pinault So-Ran Kwon, Seok-Hoon Ko, and Linda H. Greenwall With superior color illustrations, this book offers principles and methods for achieving the best possible esthetic results. Learn how the restorative dentist works with the dental technician, the periodontist, and the orthodontist. As clear as it is comprehensive, this book is invaluable to the general dentist, the specialist, and the laboratory technician. This two-volume guide describes the full range of professional tooth whitening procedures. In addition, the authors address the topics of sensitivity, maintenance of bleaching results, and over-the-counter bleaching products. Useful tools such as a whitening algorithm, patient questionnaire, and tooth shade evaluation protocol are provided. The accompanying Tooth Whitening Communication Tool is a collection of treatment photographs to help the clinician communicate the expected outcome of whitening procedures to the patient. 204 pp; 505 illus; ©1993; ISBN 978-0-86715-258-6; 144 € 216 pp; 371 illus; ©2008; ISBN 978-1-85097-177-1; 168 € Dental Bleaching The Art of Detailing: Martin Kelleher The Philosophy Behind Excellence Bleaching has been scientifically proven to be a simple, safe, and effective modality. Used appropriately, bleaching treatments provide significant aesthetic benefits to patients and incur only a very low biologic risk and a reasonable financial cost. Inside/outside bleaching has dramatically reduced the further destruction of damaged teeth caused by the placement of post crowns. 127 pp; 180 illus; ©2007; ISBN 978-1-85097-131-3; 42 € The Art of the Smile: Integrating Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, Periodontics, Dental Technology, and Plastic Surgery in Esthetic Dental Treatment Edited by Rafi Romano This book offers a multidisciplinary perspective on diagnosis and treatment planning, integrating procedures for many common clinical situations. 24 456 pp; 1,167 illus; ©2005; ISBN 978-1-85097-096-5; 258 € Edited by Rafi Romano This book brings together representative cases from respected clinicians around the world to illustrate the philosophies that guide sound treatment decisions. For each case, the author shares special challenges that were faced and aspects of treatment that could be improved given new knowledge and insight. 360 pp; 1,200 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-1-85097-242-6; 240 € The Art of Treatment Planning: Dental and Medical Approaches to the Face and Smile Edited by Rafi Romano This book examines the treatment planning process from a multidisciplinary perspective in an effort to balance the very complex process of diagnosis with the need for simplicity and coherence. 480 pp; 866 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-1-85097-197-9; 298 € ENDODONTICS Endodontology: An Integrated Biological and Clinical View Domenico Ricucci and José F. Siqueira, Jr This unique book is a serious study of clinical endodontics that underscores the biologic foundation of endodontic treatment and seeks to bridge the gap between basic endodontic knowledge and advanced endodontic biology. Written by a well-established clinician and a researcher with extensive background in endodontic microbiology, this book combines invaluable histologic illustrations of endodontic disease with a robust clinical text that (1) describes the pathologies affecting dental tissues as well as their reactions to the clinical procedures and (2) uses clinical microbiology to explain the observed phenomena. Treatments of complex endodontic infections are presented for both vital and nonvital pulp therapy, and the influences of periradicular pathology are addressed in detail. Moreover, the authors wade into controversial topics with detailed and comprehensive analysis, including the implications of lateral canals on treatment and the causes of treatment failures and how to avoid them. The purpose of this book is to improve endodontic treatment, and the authors demonstrate how an in-depth knowledge of endodontic infections can help clinicians to synthesize the data from patient examinations in order to visualize what has taken place, understand the processes at work, and predict what will occur with the patient. An essential clinical text for comprehensive endodontic treatment. Contents Dentin-Pulp Complex and Periradicular Tissues • Pulp Response to Caries and Restorative Procedures • Vital Pulp Therapy • Periradicular Pathology • Endodontic Infections • Treatment Procedures • Periradicular Tissue Healing Following Endodontic Treatment • Lateral Canals • Failure of Endodontic Treatment • Endodontic-Periodontal Interrelationships 440 pp; 1,689 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-1-85097-264-8; 198 € Seltzer and Bender’s Dental Pulp, Second Edition Edited by Kenneth M. Hargreaves, Harold E. Goodis, and Franklin R. Tay This comprehensive update of a classic text presents the latest research on the dental pulp and its interaction with other tissues, highlighting its central role in both local and systemic health. The second edition has been completely revised to incorporate new chapters featuring the most topical issues in research and clinical practice, including developments in stem cell research and pulpodentin regeneration, the effects of the aging process on the pulp, and the interdependent relationship of the pulp and restorative dental procedures. New contributors bring fresh perspective to topics such as pulpal infections, odontalgia, and the relationship between the pulp and periodontal disease. Each chapter provides an introduction to its major themes for the busy clinician or dental student as well as upto-date, biologically based clinical recommendations for restorative and endodontic procedures. Practicing clinicians will find this information to be essential to providing accurate diagnoses and effective treatment. Endo-periodontal Lesions Edoardo Foce Endodontic and periodontal lesions can manifest identical symptoms despite originating from separate pathogens, and traditional classification has reinforced etiologic imprecision in both diagnosis and treatment. Supported by a thorough analysis of the diagnostic, etiopathogenic, and clinical factors, the author of this succinct book proposes new terminology and a simplified classification of endoperiodontal lesions that shed light on an ambiguous pathologic situation that is often misinterpreted in clinical practice. Step-by-step, the reader is guided through a systematic differential diagnosis in order to distinguish the signs and symptoms arising from each etiology, which determine how to proceed with appropriate treatment. 120 pp; 636 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-1-85097-210-5; 108 € I G 512 pp; 707 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-0-86715-480-1; 128 € Treatment of Endodontic Infections Practical Lessons in Endodontic Treatment José F. Siqueira, Jr Donald E. Arens et al 416 pp; 355 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-1-85097-205-1; 128 € This companion to the popular book Practical Lessons in Endodontic Surgery offers expert guidance to clinicians who have limited experience in the nonsurgical procedures involved in root canal therapy. Synthesizing the latest clinical concepts and technologies with tried-and-true traditional treatment methods, it introduces readers to the challenges associated with nonsurgical endodontics and delivers realistic solutions in a clear, step-by-step, “lesson-based” format. Each of the 42 lessons offers useful, workable, and, above all, practical information and recommendations covering a specific aspect of endodontic care. 344 pp (spiral bound); 355 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-0-86715-483-2; 128 € The ultimate goal of endodontic treatment is either to prevent the development of apical periodontitis or to create adequate conditions for periradicular tissue healing. This book provides effective treatment options for achieving both goals. The first section of the book details the microbiologic and pathophysiologic aspects of apical periodontitis. The second section focuses on the principles and practice of predictable endodontic treatment and the prevention of apical periodontitis. In this way, a thorough understanding of disease etiology, pathogenesis, and host-pathogen interaction issues sets the groundwork for effective endodontic treatment. 25 ENDODONTICS NEW Reintervention in Endodontics Mario Luiz Zuolo, Daniel Kherlakian, José Eduardo de Mello, Jr, Maria Cristina Coelho de Carvalho, and Maria Inês Ranazzi Cabral Fagundes This book helps practitioners navigate through each stage of endodontic retreatment, from understanding the indications for treatment through reobturation of the canal. Written by a team of experienced specialists, this exceptional guide explores the various options for retreatment and relies on evidence from the literature and experience from clincial practice to make recommendations. The authors analyze the parameters of initial success in endodontic treatment and present new materials, tools, and technologic resources for use in cases of retreatment. They cover the management of complications, including optimal techniques for correction of canal access and locating canals, even those that are calcified. 332 pp; 1,367 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-85-7889-042-1; 180 € G FORTHCOMIN Best Practices in Endodontics: A Desk Reference Edited by Richard S. Schwartz and Venkat Canakapalli; Illustrations by Anthony L. Horalek This book is a compilation of practical information shared by some of the fi nest clinical endodontists in the world. Most of the chapters are short and focus on how to perform a single clinical procedure. They are written in simple language with ample photographic support. This book provides guidance for most common endodontic procedures but also for some procedures that are less common, such as how to treat teeth containing Russian Red; surgical extrusion; root submergence; and decompression. Because most of the procedures described are performed under a dental operating microscope, there are chapters on operatory design for microscopic endodontics, microscope ergonomics for the doctor and assistant, and how to set up and use a microscope for photography and video documentation. In addition, two chapters are devoted exclusively to understanding and applying CBCT imaging. Written at a specialist level, the book serves as a desk reference for clinical procedures and as a daily practical guide, but it contains information that is useful to anyone who aspires to perform endodontics at a high level. Contents The Dental Operating Microscope • CBCT and Endodontics • Nonsurgical Endodontic Procedures • Retreatment • Restorative Considerations • Resorption • Trauma Management • Other Topics ISBN 978-0-86715-677-5; Available Spring 2015 Endodontic Microsurgery Enrique Merino Drawing on more than 15 years of experience, the author of this step-bystep approach to endodontic microsurgery patiently guides the reader through each phase of treatment: anesthesia, flap design and execution, osteotomy window creation, curettage, hemostasis, apicoectomy, ultrasonic retrocavity preparation, drying, obturation, and suturing. He also offers an in-depth explanation of the features, parts, and accessories of the operating microscope for effective use in the dental office, along with discussions of presurgical and postsurgical considerations, periodontal regeneration techniques, endo-perio relationships, and placement of immediate implants when the tooth cannot be saved. A comprehensive and contemporary guide to effective microsurgical endodontic treatment. 26 352 pp; 1,232 illus; © 2009; ISBN 978-1-85097-178-8; 188 € Fractured Instrument Removal: A Systematic NEW Rational Root Canal Treatment in Practice, Approach (DVD) Second Edition Michael Arnold John M. Whitworth Instrument breakage is a possible complication of mechanical preparation and widening of complex root canal systems. The more difficult the endodontic treatment, the greater the risk of instrument fracture. Recent studies show that more than 90% of all broken endodontic instruments can be successfully removed without surgical intervention. However, before undertaking a removal attempt, clinicians must know how to determine when a broken instrument should be removed and when it should be left in place; the appropriate methods for broken instrument removal; and which instruments should be used for each level of difficulty. This DVD provides a simple, step-by-step strategy to instrument removal that is illustrated by numerous images and clinical case demonstrations. This systematic approach can help significantly improve the odds of successfully removing broken endodontic instruments from the root canal. The accompanying booklet includes insightful articles on minimally invasive fragment removal using CBCT as well as a systematic approach to orthograde removal of fractured instruments. Endodontics is one of the fastest-growing aspects of everyday clinical practice. Linked to the sustained growth in endodontics is the introduction of many new instruments, materials and techniques. Keeping abreast of these diverse developments and applying them to the best advantage clinically is a challenge for the specialist, let alone the hard-pressed dental practitioner. Rational Root Canal Treatment in Practice – Volume 2 of the Quintessentials Series – has been written to help all those practising endodontics to meet this challenge. From anatomical considerations through the "thrill of the fill" and pointers to long-term outcomes, the many complexities of state-of-the-art endodontics are explained and beautifully illustrated in most careful detail. Rational Root Canal Treatment in Practice is a valuable volume in the Quintessentials for General Dental Practitioners Series – an outstanding self-contained update for practitioners and students. ENDODONTICS NEW 144 pp; 188 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-1-85097-276-1; 42 € Contents Complex Case with Long, Tapered NiTi Fragments in the Mandibular Molars • Fragment Removal from Maxillary First Molar with Vertucci Type VI Canal Configuration • Fragment Removal from Maxillary First Molar with Rare and Difficult Root Morphology Format: NTSC/PAL; 140 min; 30 pp; 85 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-1-85097-273-0; 48 € G Endodontics: Modern Treatment Concepts (DVD-ROM) Problems in Endodontics: Oliver J. Pontius Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment The anatomy of root canal systems are visualized with 3D animation, and each treatment stage is illustrated. Edited by Michael Hülsmann and Edgar Schäfer Contents Access Cavity • Strategies for Successful Preparation and Cleaning • Preparation with Hand and Rotating Instruments • 3D Filling with Gutta-Percha • Continuous Wave of Condensation This book offers clinically relevant information for overcoming common problems in endodontic treatment. This is a compendium of the field, including key findings and data from the scientific literature as well as case presentations and practical advice. Format: NTSC/PAL; 30 min; ©2004; ISBN 978-3-87652-959-2; 48 € 600 pp; 850 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-1-85097-186-3; 218 € G Managing Endodontic Failure in Practice Managing Dental Trauma in Practice Bun San Chong Richard R. Welbury and Terry A. Gregg 152 pp; ©2004; ISBN 978-1-85097-086-6; 42 € G F The management of dental trauma will continue to be an integral element of everyday clinical practice, practitioners will need to continue to be abreast of current thinking in the management of dental trauma. 124 pp; 89 illus; ©2006; ISBN 978-1-85097-087-3; 42 € Managing Endodontic Failures in Practice, provides a concise, practical overview of the "when" and "how" to save teeth with an unsatisfactory, and often deteriorating endodontic outcome. From diagnosis to the monitoring of successfully retreated teeth, Managing Endodontic Failures in Practice is clearly the work of an endodontist "in the know" and "up to speed" on the latest thinking, developments and techniques. 27 IMPLANTS BESTSELLER Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy for Oral Implantology Louie Al-Faraje Anatomical textbooks and atlases often fail to meet the clinical demands of defining intraoperative structures for oral implantologists because of the overwhelmingly detailed minutia. Because certain anatomical landmarks are hard to illustrate in a diagram format, students and professionals can be confused when confronted with actual specimens in the dissecting room or in the operatory. This book, however, shows the structures of the maxilla, the mandible, and the nasal cavity as they actually exist in the dissected or live body, through the presentation of cadaver specimens and clinical cases. Several of the chapters include full-page images of specific cadaver sections with all the relevant anatomical parts labeled for convenience. Cone beam computed tomography images are also presented to show how this technology can be used to measure the bone density, the width of the alveolar ridge, and the exact distance available for implant placement under or above certain anatomical landmarks prior to implant selection. This book will simplify the learning and execution of implant-related surgical procedures in a region of the body that presents special topographic and anatomical difficulties. 264 pp; 424 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-0-86715-574-7; 218 € NEW Implantology Step by Step Christoph T. Sliwowski Implantology Step-by-Step, a consistently practice-oriented, instruction-based and illustrated technical textbook, has provided guidance and help to a whole generation of dentists venturing into the field of dental implant treatment. This successful and popular work is now appearing in a fully revised and extended second edition, translated into English. Its author, Christoph Sliwowski, has brought together the treatment of the maxilla and mandible in one volume and has included a chapter on the totally edentulous patient. A wealth of newly included patient reports illustrate novel methods and techniques, replacing any material that has since become obsolete. What remains is the innovative concept that a variety of baseline situations and degrees of difficulty are taken into account for all clinical situations - from the restoration of singletooth gaps to the treatment of the edentulous maxilla and mandible with sinus elevation and immediate implants. Important complications are also considered, with causes and solutions. Finally, the author has not shied away from including sample cases with unsatisfactory treatment outcomes, raising the reader's awareness of the special pitfalls of implant treatment. KAGE D PAC 592 pp; 2,337 illus; ©2015; ISBN 978-1-85097-281-5; 189 € T E UN ISCO D P RIC G Surgical Complications + in Oral Implantology Etiology, Prevention, and Management Louie Al-Faraje, dds + for only 400 € Oral Implantology Surgical Procedures: Checklist Louie Al-Faraje Controversial Issues in Implant Dentistry Federico Hernández Alfaro Dental implantology has seen a dramatic shift in the last decade for a variety of reasons including the incorporation of 3D tools for diagnosis and treatment planning, new implant surfaces and designs, bioactive materials, tissue engineering techniques, and minimally invasive surgical procedures. The combined effect of these innovations is a new paradigm of implant dentistry that is already changing the way clinicians treat edentulous patients and improving treatment options. Despite these advances within implantology, questions remain about many new techniques and developing technologies. This book focuses on the dynamic parts of this new paradigm that are still evolving – the controversial topics that are still subject to debate. The author asks pressing questions and provides sound assessments. 264 pp; 575 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-1-85097-234-1; 128 € Just as checklists used in the aviation industry dramatically reduce the incidence of human error and provide higher safety and success margins, implant surgery should start with a thorough presurgery check by the surgeon. Surgeons have relied solely on memory for these checks, but the complexity of the information regarding the procedures today makes it difficult to properly deliver it to patients in a consistent, correct, and safe manner. This checklist booklet outlines the proper sequence for surgical procedures, details the setups for necessary instruments, provides postoperative instructions, and even includes a clear roadmap to follow in emergency scenarios that might be encountered during or after surgery. It offers the implant surgeon a standardized approach to ensure that surgical procedures run smoothly and that an extra margin of safety is respected at all times. A built-in collapsible stand facilitates viewing in the treatment room. Washable pages make this book usable even in sterile environments, and when written on in ballpoint pen, the ink can be easily erased with an alcohol wipe. 92 pp (spiral bound); 50 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-0-86715-570-9; 68 € Implantology in General Dental Practice Lloyd J. Searson et al 28 4D Implant Therapy: ©2005; ISBN 978-1-85097-054-5; 42 € Esthetic Considerations for Soft Tissue Management Akiyashi Funato and Tomohiro Ishikawa 216 pp; 900 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-1-85097-201-3; 128 € G Bone Reformation: Contemporary Bone Augmentation Procedures in Oral and Maxillofacial Implant Surgery Stefan Lundgren and Lars Sennerby 144 pp; 560 illus; ©2008; ISBN 978-1-85097-157-3; 88 € Guidelines for a Therapeutic Approach Luigi Galasso and Gian Antonio Favero After nearly three decades of widespread application, implant-prosthetic therapy has been proved to be effective and safe. However, implant treatment modalities cannot be considered entirely free of complications, and there remains a need to reduce the clinical incidence of avoidable errors. Although rare and usually minor, complications in implant dentistry require tested management protocols. The authors detail common complications through clinical case examples and explain the best strategies to optimize treatment outcomes. This practical reference book serves as a guide for diagnosis and treatment of complications and also, more importantly, provides a code of conduct and a philosophy for how to approach complications. 340 pp; 705 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-88-7492-182-9; 250 € I G FORTHCOMIN Implants in the Esthetic Zone: A Step by Step Treatment Strategy Ueli Grunder Written by a highly respected and innovative surgeon, this book presents an unconventional implant treatment strategy for the esthetic restoration of anterior teeth that has proven effective over years of clinical experience. In addition to reviewing biologic principles, treatment planning, indications, esthetic analysis, and prosthetic options, the author focuses on factors such as gentle tooth extraction, precise implant positioning, criteria for one- and two-stage implant placement, and most importantly, a wide range of soft tissue management techniques in his approach. This book also presents techniques to improve the esthetic outcome of any dental implant therapy, regardless of treatment strategy. With more than 4,000 clinical images and illustrations of all procedures and techniques discussed, this tour de force by a leader in implant dentistry raises the reader's awareness of the high demands of implant dentistry and how clinicians can achieve optimal results. IMPLANTS Atlas of Complications and Failures in Implant Dentistry: 848 pp; 4,049 illus; ISBN 978-1-85097-283-9; 320 € G Available Autumn 2015 BESTSELLER Surgical Complications in Oral Implantology: Etiology, Prevention, and Management Louie Al-Faraje This exceptional book is designed as a self-instruction guide to the diagnosis, management, and prevention of surgery-related complications in implant dentistry. It functions in two ways: First, it is a valuable resource for the implant surgeon seeking practical and succinct information about how to manage a complication in an emergency setting; and second, it can be read from cover to cover as a primer on implant surgery, from the initial consultation and treatment planning through the restorative phase of treatment. Besides addressing pre-, intra-, and postoperative implant surgery complications, the book also includes a comprehensive treatmentplanning protocol that allows for the early detection of potential surgical complications and how to avoid them. Early detection of complications that are amenable to rescue therapies may reverse the fate of a failing implant or a bone grafting procedure. 248 pp; 711 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-0-86715-506-8; 198 € F G Practical Implant Dentistry: The Science and Art, Second Edition Ashok Sethi and Thomas Kaus The science and art of implant dentistry encompasses both complex surgical protocols and advanced prosthodontics, and no beginner can achieve excellence in this discipline without a clear understanding of the step-by-step guidelines. This established textbook, written by clinicians for clinicians, presents evidencebased protocols and focuses on the technical skill and practical craftsmanship that are essential to predictable outcomes in implant placement, augmentation, and restoration. Detailed clinical algorithms facilitate understanding of the various treatment options available, and checklists ensure that the proper protocol is followed before advancing to the next phase of therapy. Updated throughout, the book now features new sections on the use of cone beam imaging, computerbased diagnostics, and CAD/CAM restorative laboratory procedures. This book provides the perfect introduction to implantology with instruction to advance the skills and extend the clinical scope of every practitioner. 408 pp; 1,208 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-1-85097-223-5; 178 € Surgical Manual of Implant Dentistry: Daniel Buser Step-by-Step Procedures A perfect companion to the Surgical Manual of Implant Dentistry, this DVD presents the basic surgical procedures involved in the placement of implants in posterior and anterior sites. In addition to basic implant placement, procedures for simultaneous GBR use and for simultaneous sinus floor elevation via the lateral window and osteotome techniques are featured. Daniel Buser, Jun-Young Cho, and Alvin B. Yeo Format: NTSC and PAL; 95 min; ©2007; 180 € 132 pp; 473 illus; ©2007; ISBN 978-0-86715-379-8; 85 € This practical manual describes and illustrates each step of the basic surgical procedures for implant placement. In addition, it presents indications and procedures for guided bone regeneration and for simultaneous sinus floor elevation. G Surgical Procedures in Implant Dentistry (DVD) 29 IMPLANTS NEW ITI Treatment Guide Series With the broadening of dental treatment options and an increasing number of clinicians who provide implant therapy, it is important to ensure that the treatment methods used meet the highest clinical standards. The ITI Treatment Guide series is a compendium of evidence-based implant-therapy techniques and procedures for daily practice. Written by renowned clinicians and supported by contributions from expert practitioners, the ITI Treatment Guides provide a comprehensive overview of various clinical options. The management of different clinical situations is discussed with an emphasis on sound diagnostics, evidence-based treatment concepts, and predictable treatment outcomes with minimal risk to the patient. Volume 8 – Biological and Hardware Complications in Implant Dentistry Edited by Daniel Wismeijer, Daniel Buser, and Stephen Chen Volume 8 of the ITI Treatment Guide provides clinicians with the latest evidence-based information on the origins and treatment of biological as well as hardware complications. This analysis of the current evidence is based in part on the proceedings of the 4th ITI Consensus Conference held in Stuttgart in 2008 and of the 5th Consensus Conference held in Bern in 2013, as well as on a review of the current literature. Sixteen step-by-step clinical cases presented by experienced clinicians from all over the world illustrate the diagnosis and treatment of complications. 232 pp; 515 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-3-86867-240-4; 86 € Volume 7 – Ridge Augmentation Procedures in Implant Patients: A Staged Approach I G F S ITI Treatment Guide: Sinus Floor Elevation Procedures (DVD-ROM) Edited by Daniel Wismeijer, Stephen Chen, and Daniel Buser Daniel Buser, Dieter Weingart, and Hideaki Katsuyama 232 pp; 600 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-3-86867-217-6; 86 € This DVD-ROM presents the evidence-based sinus floor elevation protocols outlined in volume 5 of the ITI Treatment Guide series. Five live surgical procedures demonstrate the use of lateral window protocols, simultaneous graft placement, bone harvesting, and piezoelectric surgery as well as the management of complications. Volume 6 – Extended Edentulous Spaces in the Esthetic Zone I 54 min; ©2011; ISBN 978-1-85097-224-2; 86 € Also Available: • Multilingual Edition (English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, Japanese, Chinese); ISBN 978-1-85097-230-3; 86 € G F S Edited by Daniel Wismeijer, Stephen Chen, and Daniel Buser 276 pp; 810 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-3-86867-141-4; 86 € Volume 5 – Sinus Floor Elevation Procedures I G F S Edited by Stephen Chen, Daniel Buser, and Daniel Wismeijer 232 pp; 620 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-3-938947-18-0; 86 € Volume 4 – Loading Protocols in Implant Dentistry: Edentulous Patients I G F S Edited by Daniel Wismeijer, Daniel Buser, and Urs Belser 30 The SAC Classification in Implant Dentistry 248 pp; 746 illus; ©2010; ISBN 978-3-938947-16-6; 86 € Edited by Anthony Dawson and Stephen Chen Treatment Options Since 2003, ITI has recommended the SAC Classification to categorize implant treatment procedures into three levels of difficulty – straightforward, advanced, and complex. In 2007, the ITI organized a conference to standardize the application of the SAC classification, the conclusions of which are presented in this volume. 172 pp; 252 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-1-85097-188-7; 98 € I G F S Volume 3 – Implant Placement in Post-Extraction Sites: Edited by Daniel Buser, Daniel Wismeijer, and Urs Belser G 216 pp; 553 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-3-938947-14-2; 86 € Volume 2 – Loading Protocols in Implant Dentistry: Partially Dentate Patients I G F P Edited by Daniel Wismeijer, Daniel Buser, and Urs Belser 184 pp; 420 illus; ©2007; ISBN 978-3-938947-12-8; 86 € Volume 1 – Implant Therapy in the Esthetic Zone: Single-Tooth Replacements I G F P Edited by Daniel Buser, Urs Belser, and Daniel Wismeijer 268 pp; 763 illus; ©2006; ISBN 978-3-938947-10-4; 86 € Implant Therapy, Volume 2: Prosthetics and Maintenance Therapy Mauro Merli This second volume on integrated implant therapy provides in-depth analysis of the prosthetic rehabilitation of implant-supported restorations in complex clinical cases, including single-tooth, partially edentulous, and fully edentulous situations. The diagnostic process is examined from a prosthetic perspective and focuses on the use of digital methodologies for recording data for effective esthetic analysis and functional planning. The author discusses the management of biologic and biomechanical complications. Furthermore, this book includes a section on the role of the dental technician through each phase of treatment. The pertinent literature is cited throughout to provide the reader with further background awareness, and clinical cases demonstrate both surgical and prosthetic phases. IMPLANTS G FORTHCOMIN Available Autumn 2015 Implant Therapy, Volume 1: The Integrated Treatment Plan Mauro Merli The current emphasis on patientcentered medicine necessitates revision of the diagnostic and therapeutic process toward an integrated treatment plan that promotes collaboration among the specialties as well as the patient’s active participation. This text describes how to implement such a treatment plan for patients requiring implant treatment in an area of esthetic and/or functional interest. It begins by assessing the potential risk factors, then delves into the process of constructing a diagnosis, and finally describes stepwise many of the surgical procedures currently in use. Also provided are laminated decision-making algorithms, most with illustrations, for situations such as an atrophic posterior maxilla, immediate or early implant placement, horizontal and vertical bone defects, and soft tissue management in implant surgery. 792 pp; 1,560 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-88-7492-170-6; 280 € I G Implant-Supported Restorations (DVD-ROMs) This four-volume DVD-ROM compendium follows four separate dental restoration teams as they work together to treatment plan and fabricate functional and esthetic implant-supported restorations. ©2012; DVD; €66 each | Blu-ray; €79 each Volume 1; 83 min; ISBN 978-3-86867-113-1 Volume 2; 61 min; ISBN 978-3-86867-114-8 Volume 3; 100 min; ISBN 978-3-86867-115-5 Volume 4; 67 min; ISBN 978-3-86867-116-2 Special 4-volume set price: DVD 248 € 20 Years of Guided Bone Regeneration in Implant Dentistry, Second Edition Implant Placement with Simultaneous GBR (DVD) Edited by Daniel Buser This DVD features seven live surgical procedures in various clinical situations performed by the author. Each narrated video demonstrates the surgical procedures, step-by-step. A must-have resource for all clinicians interested in GBR use in implant dentistry. 272 pp; 615 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-0-86715-401-6; 135 € I G P S Contents Single Tooth Replacement in the Anterior Maxilla with Simultaneous Contour Augmentation • Single Tooth Replacement of a First Premolar in the Maxilla with Simultaneous GBR • Single Tooth Replacement in the Anterior Maxilla with GBR and Simultaneous Coverage of a Gingival Recession with a Connective Tissue Graft • Placement of Two Adjacent Implants with Simultaneous GBR to Replace Two Central Incisors in the Maxilla • Implant Placement in an Extended Edentulous Space in the Maxilla with Simultaneous Contour Augmentation • Implant Placement with GBR in Postextraction Premolar Sites of the Mandible • Surgical Handling of an Implant Failure with Severe Bone Loss in the Esthetic Zone Format: NTSC and PAL; 112 min; ©2009; 188 € This completely revised and updated edition brings the reader up-to-date on the developments in GBR over the past 20 years. Each chapter presents specific indications and describes the criteria for patient selection, the stepby-step surgical procedure, and aspects of postoperative treatment. Daniel Buser 31 IMPLANTS Sinus Floor Elevation: Avoiding Pitfalls Using Cone-Beam CT Yasuhiro Nosaka The only way to ensure a good treatment outcome is to avoid pitfalls through careful evaluation and diagnosis. This book explores the issues that may be encountered by clinicians during sinus floor elevation and how to avoid complications. The author demonstrates the necessity of preoperative CBCT imaging for every case and discusses the efficacy and pitfalls of both the lateral window and the osteotome techniques. The many case presentations show diverse pathologic findings, such as the treatment of maxillary sinusitis, mucous retention cysts, and apical lesions, as well as solutions for situations with difficulties due to the presence of the alveolar artery and septa. This book provides effective techniques for sinus floor elevation to guide clinicians to a successful, complicationfree outcome. 120 pp; 806 illus; ISBN 978-1-85097-265-5; 88 € The Percrestal Sinuslift— From Illusion to Reality (Book/DVD-ROM set) Georg Watzek Oral Implants: Bioactivating Concepts Edited by Rolf Ewers and J. Thomas Lambrecht This book informs clinicians about the latest techniques and innovations in dental implant research. The authors discuss the bioactivating concepts from scientific as well as clinical perspectives. The research findings detail bioactivation of bone morphogenesis and regeneration by bone morphogenetic proteins, biomaterials and bone repair, bone and soft tissue engineering, as well as cellular and subcellular physiology. Clinical chapters focus on intraoral surgical techniques, including step-by-step procedures for bone augmentation. This exceptional book provides a comprehensive overview of the use of bioactivating concepts in oral implantology and provides insight into the future of scientific and clinical research. Transcrestal sinus floor elevation has become an increasingly popular procedure, particularly with the introduction of innovations targeted at minimally invasive techniques. This book is intended to alert the reader to the shortcomings of some accepted techniques of transcrestal sinus floor elevation and provide a blueprint to help develop a surgical protocol that meets the general medical standards of a minimally invasive procedure. The author builds a careful case through a critical review of pertinent anatomy, biologic considerations, biomechanics, and generally accepted procedures before elucidating the key elements needed for successful sinus elevation, including radiologic evaluation, preoperative work-ups, transcrestal osteotomy techniques, methods of sinus augmentation, use of technologic innovation, and management of complications. The accompanying DVD-ROM includes surgery footage documenting the percrestal sinuslift using the gel pressure technique. An indispensible book for implant surgeons. 244 pp; 494 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-1-85097-222-8; 128 € 536 pp; 1,585 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-1-85097-233-4; 248 € 32 Maxillary Sinus Surgery and Alternatives in Treatment The Sinus Bone Graft, Tiziano Testori et al Edited by Ole T. Jensen The authors of this book have created an up-to-date text that brings together the most recent scientific discoveries and innovative clinical protocols for maxillary sinus augmentation as well as alternatives to these techniques. The book begins with anatomy, otorhinolaryngologic implications, and bone healing, then progresses to diagnostic, surgical, and patient-monitoring phases. An invaluable resource for both students and professional clinical experts. This completely revised and expanded edition offers recommendations concerning all aspects of sinus bone grafting procedures. Written for the uninitiated as well as the experienced clinician, the book guides readers through the maze of new materials and techniques. It also explores the future prospects for genetic engineering and other gene-based therapies. 380 pp; 409 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-1-85097-170-2; 198 € The Osseointegration Book: From Calvarium I Second Edition 384 pp; 735 illus; ©2006; ISBN 978-0-86715-455-9; 180 € G to Calcaneus Osseointegration and Multidisciplinary Treatment Edited by Per-Ingvar Brånemark et al Edited by Carlos E. Francischone 512 pp; 1,200 illus; ©2005; ISBN 978-1-85097-090-3; 248 € 354 pp; 1,000 illus; ©2008; ISBN 978-85-87425-76-8; 160 € Proceedings of the First P-I Brånemark Scientific Symposium, Gothenburg 2009 Edited by Robert Gottlander et al 395 pp; 536 illus; ©2010; ISBN 978-1-85097-207-5; 148 € Stefan Renvert and Jean-Louis Giovannoli This book positions peri-implantology as an emerging discipline and provides a comprehensive discourse on the etiology, clinical features, and diagnosis of peri-implantitis and implant mucositis. Based on more than a decade of dedicated research and clinical focus on peri-implantology, this book presents predictable surgical and nonsurgical protocols that go beyond the current treatment guidelines that were largely adapted from therapies for periodontal disease. The authors summarize the current research on peri-implantitis and outline the steps for effective early diagnosis. By focusing on identifying the multiple risk factors, the authors provide an effective paradigm for preventing peri-implant infection in everyday practice. 272 pp; 1,197 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-2-912550-98-9; 160 € I IMPLANTS BESTSELLER Peri-Implantitis G F CLASSIC Soft Tissue and Esthetic Considerations in Implant Therapy Quintessence Dental Implant Logbook Anthony G. Sclar This convenient logbook allows you to keep track of the details of every implant that you place. Each book contains space for over 500 patient entries (2,000 implants or more) and tracks the most important information: This book presents specific surgical maneuvers for managing peri-implant soft tissues, the surgical and prosthetic protocols for preserving the natural hard and soft tissue anatomy, soft tissue grafting techniques for augmenting attached tissues, and an innovative technique for reconstructing defects in the anterior maxillary area. • Patient name/chart no. • Implant location and size • Initial stability • Procedures followed • Recommended restoration • Implant manufacturer • Bone grafting procedures • Healing abutments • Recommended healing period • 6-month and 12-month follow-ups This book is beautifully crafted with a durable leather-like vinyl cover and includes additional sections at the back for recording details of completed implant continuing education courses, selected contact information, and additional notes. 240 pp; ©2013; ISBN 978-0-86715-602-7; 48 € 292 pp; 1,257 illus; ©2003; ISBN 978-0-86715-354-5; 268 € I G F P Peri-Implant Infection: Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment Frank Schwarz and Jürgen Becker The authors provide a clear description of periimplant tissue anatomy and structure as well as treatment options for peri-implantitis. This book offers a comprehensive and critical introduction to successful management of peri-implantitis, including nonsurgical therapies, antimicrobial and antiphlogistic treatments, and surgical procedures. 272 pp; 510 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-1-85097-193-1; 148 € I G P The Art of Computer-Guided Implantology Edited by Philippe B. Tardieu and Alan L. Rosenfeld 240 pp; 741 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-0-86715-477-1; 148 € Bone Augmentation in Oral Implantology Fouad Khoury, Hadi Antoun, and Patrick Missika Today, bone augmentation is an important chapter in implant treatment. This book describes different possibilities to augment the bone volume in the maxilla and the mandible. The text includes the underlying scientific concept of the different methods from grafting with mandibular bone, to grafting with bone from extraoral sites, to GBR techniques and biomaterials up to augmentation with distraction osteogenesis as well as detailed guidelines for practical application. Important criteria for success are presented, as well as, possible complications and their treatment. Bone Augmentation in Oral Implantology is a must-read for every implantologist, oral and maxillofacial surgeon, and anyone with an interest in dental surgery. 448 pp; 1,500 illus; ©2006; ISBN 978-1-85097-159-7; 248 € I G F P This timely book simplifies implant delivery through specialized scanning appliances that are used to transfer prosthetically relevant information to the CT study, giving clinicians the means to develop a prosthetically directed surgical treatment plan and a surgical template. Readers will benefit from the knowledge imparted by clinicians and researchers with years of experience in computer-guided implant placement. BESTSELLER 33 IMPLANTS NEW Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration: Immediate-Loaded Implants in Compromised Alveolar Sockets Edited by José Carlos Martins da Rosa Immediate dentoalveolar restoration (IDR) is a treatment modality for immediate loading of single-tooth dental implants in fresh extraction sockets. This textbook provides a comprehensive step-by-step presentation of the IDR procedures and detailed clinical cases showing IDR used in various clinical situations. IDR reduces the number of interventions by integrating reconstruction of any tissue loss during the same visit as the implant placement and provisional crown fabrication. Predictability of the esthetics is ensured through careful esthetic assessment and use of advanced prosthetic techniques, including platform switching and contouring of the emergence profile. The minimally invasive techniques that are central to IDR are featured throughout. In addition, the authors cover the most important adjunctive topics, such as immediate loading, use of the maxillary tuberosity for bone grafts, and esthetic restoration. 372 pp; 2,098 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-85-7889-036-0; 228 € Zygomatic Implants: Immediate Loading: A New The Anatomy Guided Approach Era in Oral Implantology Edited by Carlos Aparicio Edited by Tiziano Testori, Fabio Galli, and Massimo Del Fabbro Zygomatic implants are only now seeing a strong resurgence of interest because they can provide patients with a fixed dentition in a short amount of time without any grafts, general anesthesia, or morbidity from a donor site, even in challenging clinical situations. Thus, a technique of relative complexity becomes minimally invasive in its application. This book reviews the state of the art of zygomatic implants and outlines several new surgical techniques and adjunctive procedures. The authors cover the fundamentals of using zygomatic implants, including the rationale behind the approach, anatomical and biomechanical considerations, imaging of the zygoma, possible sinus reactions, contraindications, prosthodontic considerations, and management of complications. This book will arm clinicians with clear guidelines for using zygomatic implants in the rehabilitation of edentulous patients. 280 pp; 562 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-1-85097-225-9; 128 € Ridge Preservation and Immediate Implantation Devorah Schwartz-Arad This impressive evidence-based textbook covers all aspects of immediate implant placement and immediate loading with the aim of helping practitioners attain an advanced level of clinical practice in implant dentistry. Chapters present the fundamentals of implant placement, socket preservation, augmentation, peri-implant soft tissue management, and immediate loading protocols, which constitute the basis for predictable, functional, and esthetic outcomes. This book provides additional insight into many topics of growing interest, including preoperative orthodontic therapy, dental trauma and dental implants, stress and anxiety in immediate implant placement, smoking and immediate loading, and management of complications. A final chapter on complex and unusual cases showcases the author's surgical skills and underscores her mastery of all the presented concepts. It is a book to be read and reread by the serious practitioner of implant dentistry. 34 308 pp; 1,594 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-1-85097-216-7; 178 € Immediate Loading of Dental Implants: Theory and Clinical Practice Mithridade Davarpanah et al 368 pp; 750 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-2-91255-050-7; 210 € This book synthesizes all the considerations that affect immediate loading protocols, first explaining the biology that underpins the innovate strategy and systematically moving through all the stages of the process, from the presurgical diagnosis to the posttreatment management of the patient. The authors emphasize the importance of the prosthetic-implant team working as a unit, demonstrating that only through close collaboration among specialists can a high degree of predictability and success be achieved. This book offers the most precise, reliable, and updated information currently available on the subject. 586 pp; 960 illus; ©2010; ISBN 978-1-85097-202-0; 280 € I G Advanced Immediate Loading Georgios E. Romanos This expert guide presents the research and state-of-the-art protocols for advanced immediate loading of dental implants. The most advanced immediate loading procedures, including immediate implant placement in grafted bone, management of immunocompromised patients, and simultaneous sinus elevation and implant placement with immediate functional loading, are similarly explained and demonstrated through compelling case examples. 192 pp; 617 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-0-86715-4917; 148 € I Immediate Function & Esthetics in Implant Dentistry Edited by Peter Moy et al This book explains the Nobel Guide concept of computerised implant dentistry for immediate loading. Step-by step protocols guide practitioners from clinical evaluation to computerised analysis, surgical planning, and prosthetic restoration. Detailed direction on soft tissue manipulation and avoiding complications helps practitioners realise optimal aesthetic results. 120 pp; 334 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-1-85097-173-3; 78 € IMPLANTS DVD Compendium (DVD-ROMs) Minimally Invasive Treatment Concepts in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry Wolfgang Bolz, Hannes Wachtel, Markus Hürzeler, and Otto Zuhr The DVD Compendium is an impressive demonstration on 15 DVDs of the broad spectrum of minimally invasive therapeutic concepts in periodontics and implantology, presented by recognized specialists in the various fields in original live video recordings. Basic principles, clinical management, treatment techniques, materials, and preoperative preparations are covered exhaustively with live commentary. These DVDs provide state-of-the-art advanced training. 945 min; ©2013; 398 € G FORTHCOMIN Fundamentals of Implant Dentistry: Surgical Principles (Volume II) Edited by Peter K. Moy, Patrick Palacci, Alessandro Pozzi, and John Beumer III Since the concept of osseointegration was introduced to the dental community more than 35 years ago by Professor P-I Brånemark, significant improvements have been achieved in patient evaluation, methods used to enhance the bone and soft tissues of potential implant sites, and surgical techniques to prepare the osteotomy sites and place the implants. In particular, CBCT scans and associated software planning programs now enable the implant team to analyze the bone sites in three dimensions in relation to the proposed contours of the implantretained prosthesis; select implants of suitable diameter, length, and configuration; position them virtually in ideal locations; and fabricate surgical templates that enable surgeons to prepare the osteotomy sites and place the implants with great precision. These topics are thoroughly discussed from the perspective that an interdisciplinary approach will yield the most predictable outcomes for treatment of the dental implant patient. The authors address the sometimes controversial topic of immediate loading and provide useful insights regarding when this approach can achieve predictable outcomes and when it is to be avoided. The use of CAD/CAM technologies is emphasized throughout the text, and the latest developments and their use in this rapidly expanding arena are fully described. ISBN 978-0-86715-584-6; Available Autumn 2015 Peri-Implant Tissue Remodeling: Scientific Background and Clinical Implications Edited by Luigi Canullo, Roberto Cocchetto, and Ignazio Loi This textbook covers advanced concepts in platform switching, immediate implant placement, and the use of piezoelectric surgery for implant osteotomies. Flap design and peri-implant tissue stability are discussed in relation to gingival biotypes and biologic width. Minimally invasive implant site preparation using piezoelectric surgical techniques is presented in combination with platform switching. Subsequent chapters address implant-abutment connection configurations and peri-implant bone remodeling as well as preparation design, finish lines, emergence profiles, and the shoulderless abutment. Bringing all of these concepts together, a comprehensive minimally invasive prosthetic protocol is presented with clinical cases. 166 pp; 488 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-88-7492-166-9; 144 € I Flapless Implantology Dental Implant Restoration: Byung-Ho Choi et al Principles and Procedures This book shows readers how to overcome the perceived challenges of the flapless technique in order to take advantage of its extraordinary benefits, including the preservation of vascularization, soft tissue architecture, and hard tissue volume at the site; decreased surgical time; improved patient comfort; and accelerated healing. Case presentations address a variety of clinical situations and demonstrate the efficacy of flapless surgery. The evidence-based protocols outline the techniques to maximize the definitive outcome, even in the management of challenging cases. The final chapter focuses on flapless implant surgery for specific implant systems. This practical book is a fund of knowledge and an invaluable guide for all those who are interested in flapless implant surgery. 344 pp; 1,306 illus; ©2010; ISBN 978-1-85097-195-5; 188 € F Stuart H. Jacobs and Brian C. O’Connell This concise and easy-to-follow guide provides a basic understanding of the fundamental principles of implant dentistry and prepares the clinician to lead the treatment team through the stages of restoration to produce an esthetic and functional result. The first part provides an overview of implants and their components, the theory of osseointegration, and a guide to patient diagnosis and treatment planning. The second part consists of effective clinical protocols for simple implant restoration using techniques that are currently available and commonly used. This book is an ideal starting point for students and practitioners new to implant dentistry. 288 pp; 698 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-1-85097-101-6; 118 € Implants in Qualitatively Compromised Bone Federico Hernández Alfaro Edited by Georg Watzek 234 pp; 1,000 illus; ©2006; ISBN 978-1-85097-103-0; 148 € S 188 pp; 145 illus; ©2004; ISBN 978-1-85097-050-7; 84 € Techniques and Clinical Applications Bone Grafting in Oral Implantology: 35 MULTIDISCIPLINARY BESTSELLER Pictorial Atlas of Clinical Anatomy Clinical Dental Medicine 2020 provides authoritative commentaries on the origins, present capabilities and anticipated challenges and opportunities in the main elements of the clinical practice of dentistry. For all those with interests and responsibilities in dentistry and oral health sciences, this book provides an insightful roadmap through to 2020 and possibly beyond as well as emphasising the challenges and, possibly more importantly, the opportunities available to forwardlooking members of the dental team. This book features elaborate composite illustrations created in layers, starting from the skeleton and working out to the surface of the skin. CT scans are used for the skeletal template, MRI series depict the inner layers of the facial region, angiographs report the anatomy of the blood vessels, and photographs of anatomical specimens as well as a living model fill out the rest. The final products are anatomical images of hyper 3D clarity and arresting beauty. Significant landmarks, anatomical details, and clinically relevant groupings of nerves and blood vessels are the primary focus of each image series to preserve clinical relevance. Al Reader, John Nusstein, and Melissa Drum Administration of local anesthesia is invariably the first step in any dental procedure, and it affects everything thereafter. If the patient is not adequately anesthetized, difficulties inevitably arise. This book will help you successfully anesthetize your patients using the newest technology and drugs available. It presents the rationale, advantages, and limitations of the various anesthetic agents and routes of administration. A special emphasis is placed on supplemental anesthetic techniques that are essential to the practice of dentistry. 174 pp (softcover); 207 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-0-86715-513-6; 76 € Oral and Intravenous Bisphosphonate–Induced Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: History, Etiology, Prevention, and Treatment, Second Edition Robert E. Marx While many clinicians currently recognize that bisphosphonate usage is associated with ONJ, this book establishes the causal relationship between the two. It presents definitive treatment protocols for patients who present at each stage in the progression of ONJ as well as a simplified staging system and information about the serum CTX test for oral bisphosphonate cases. The book offers a simple method for predicting risk as well as crucial recommendations for preventing the disease from developing when bisphosphonate therapy is indicated. Comprehensive case histories provide direct guidance in managing patients spanning the full presentation spectrum. 160 pp (softcover); 211 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-0-86715-510-5; 75 € I G 232 pp; 235 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-1-85097-189-4; 98 € G F Successful Local Anesthesia for Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics Edited by Nairn H. F. Wilson Ralf J. Radlanski and Karl H. Wesker 366 pp; 406 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-1-85097-270-9; 148 € 36 Clinical Dental Medicine 2020 The Face: CLASSIC Critical Thinking: Understanding and Evaluating Dental Research, Second Edition Donald Maxwell Brunette The second edition of this classic textbook prepares readers to identify the information they need, read it from a critical vantage point, and assess the soundness of the conclusions. It introduces issues of logic, statistics, mea surement, research design, and argument. Invaluable for anyone who wishes to become a discerning reader of dental literature. 324 pp (softcover); 90 illus; ©2007; ISBN 978-0-86715-426-9; 48 € Defense From Within: A Guide to Success As a Dental Malpractice Defense Expert Jeffrey A. Krompier In this straightforward and highly informative book, an attorney with nearly 30 years of experience defending health care providers against malpractice suits offers dental clinicians essential advice and inside information regarding what it takes to be a successful defense expert witness. Those interested in taking on this challenge will discover the characteristics, skills, and assets that are required and determine whether they are well-suited for the role. From there, the text details the work involved in serving as an expert witness, such as case assessments and literature reviews, expert opinions, deposition testimony, and handling examination in the courtroom. Finally, the author offers helpful tips on building a curriculum vitae and marketing oneself as a defense expert witness, thereby providing the reader with all the tools required to enter into this unique service well prepared for success. 144 pp (softcover); ©2012; ISBN 978-0-86715-583-9; 42 € MULTIDISCIPLINARY NEW The Oral-Systemic Health Connection: A Guide to Patient Care Edited by Michael Glick The current emphasis on disease prevention means that dentists are expected to promote the general as well as oral health of their patients. Over the past several decades, an impressive body of knowledge has accumulated about the impact of oral infections on overall health and well-being. New information is being published at a rapid pace, and clinicians must sort through sometimes conflicting findings. Written by distinguished experts in the fields of oral medicine, periodontology, epidemiology, and microbiology, this book gathers the latest scientific information on the associations between the oral environment and overall health. With careful analysis, the authors weigh the latest evidence about the relationships between oral infections and systemic diseases and conditions such as diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease, pulmonary disease, inflammation, obesity, and complications of pregnancy. Other chapters focus on cutting-edge research into areas such as infectious disease screening, bioinformatics, targeted cancer therapies, and salivary diagnostics. This book will help readers to better understand current and future evidence on the associations between oral health and general health and enable readers to examine with a critical eye the claims made by scientists working on this subject. More importantly, readers will be able to apply this information clinically to guide treatment decisions and recommend preventive strategies, for the benefit of their patients. 312 pp; 117 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-0-86715-650-8; 118 € The Long Climb: From Barber-Surgeons to Doctors of Dental Surgery Philias Roy Garant Unlike other books on the history of dentistry, The Long Climb: From Barber-Surgeons to Doctors of Dental Surgery outlines the personal struggles endured and victories achieved by the leading personalities of dentistry during its development from antiquity to the present. It showcases the courage and determination of dentistry’s pioneers while exposing the episodes of weakness and dishonesty that tarnished the image of the dentist. By highlighting the controversies surrounding major advances in dentistry—gold versus amalgam filling materials, operative versus mechanical dentistry, the relationship between medicine and dentistry, and the restriction of practice imposed by patents—this book gives life to the same old story, making this history book the most robust and entertaining of its kind. G FORTHCOMIN Medical Microbiology and Immunology for Dentistry Nejat Düzgünes This clinically oriented textbook explores medical microbiology and immunology as it relates to the practice of dentistry, including sections on the microbiologic basis of caries, periodontal disease, and endodontic infections. Clinical cases with study questions are featured throughout to engage understanding and critical thinking. Sections on recombinant DNA technology, molecular diagnostics, genomics, and proteomics familiarize the reader with new technologies and emerging fields that will impact future practice. Available Autumn 2015 496 pp (softcover); 223 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-0-86715-649-2; 38 € BESTSELLER Clinical Success in Impacted Third Molar Extraction Jean-Marie Korbendau and Xavier Korbendau This clinical manual presents the rationale and indications for third molar extraction along with comprehensive information on radiographic examinations, anesthesia, surgical protocol, and germectomy. Illustrated Topics in Dental Research and Clinical Practice Edited by Hiromasa Yoshie This volume brings together articles on the topics of bioscience and clinical science, punctuated with striking illustrations. The first half addresses scientific topics such as diagnosis of periodontal disease, tooth regeneration, tissue-engineered bone, correlation of periodontal disease with other conditions, and genetic diagnosis of drug-induced gingival overgrowth. In the second half, the focus is on clinical issues, including dentinal remineralization, whitening procedures, caries detectors, nerve injury, morphologic changes following tooth loss, and identification of vessels and nerves prior to implant placement. 108 pp; 188 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-0-86715-515-0; 98 € G 136 pp (softcover); 258 illus; ©2002; ISBN 978-2-912550-18-7; 68 € I At the Forefront: 37 MULTIDISCIPLINARY iPad for Dentistry: Digital Communication for the Patient and the Dental Team Mario Imburgia iPadentistry is an innovative approach to digital dentistry that simplifies the use of smile design protocols for chairside digital communication. The author demonstrates, step by step, how to apply the smile design technique in everyday cases as well as how to use this technique of visual communication to educate patients. Learn to encourage awareness and confidence in patients and how to increase their acceptance of treatment plans. Discover how this method can improve communication among the entire dental team. 192 pp; 482 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-88-7492-194-2; 127 € I G FORTHCOMIN Dentistry in Art: The Treasury of Visual Art from the Dawn of History to the Present Peter Katz and Anna Katz Clinical Photography in Dentistry: A New Perspective Peter Sheridan This book will help dentists appreciate the value and scope of digital photography in general dentistry and allow them to seamlessly incorporate the equipment and techniques into their general dental practice and workflow. Unlike many books on this subject, this one does not dwell on esthetics, cosmetics, or fashion images but regards photography as a tool to improve clinical records and communication. It will be of interest to dental students, general practitioners, and specialists alike. 218 pp; 242 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-0-615-47715-2; 75 € Available Autumn 2015 Photography in Dentistry: Theory and Techniques in Modern Documentation Laser in Dentistry (DVD-ROM) Pasquale Loiacono and Luca Pascoletti Andreas Moritz et al This book presents guidelines for photographic documentation that will enable practitioners to produce images that faithfully convey clinical data. Precise instructions including the positions of the patient, assistant, and practitioner; camera settings and flash positions; aiming and focal points; and the types and positions of required accessories are detailed in the text and images, and an example of the desired final image is provided. 336 pp; 847 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-88-7492-169-0; 122 € I F This DVD presents live-action video demonstrations of laser applications in endodontics, periodontics, oral surgery, and restorative and cosmetic dentistry based on 15 years of research. Concise information on the physics underlying laser technology is followed by the theoretical principles guiding each treatment application. Cases illustrate advantages of laser treatment in daily dental practice and explain how and when dental lasers can be reliably and safely implemented. ©2006; 35 min; ISBN 978-3-87652-764-2; 89 € Oral Laser Application Edited by Andreas Moritz 38 This unique book offers a comprehensive account of all conventional indications for laser-assisted dentistry, including cavity preparation, endodontics, and periodontal therapy, as well as recent advancement such as laser-assisted bleaching, soft laser applications, and the treatment of hypersensitive cervical areas. For each indication, detailed instructions on the use of the laser are provided in both text and illustrations to allow even novices to make successful, responsible, and immediate use of this innovative technology. In addition, each chapter presents its topic in the context of the underlying scientific concepts and a thorough and up-to-date review of the extant literature. The book also features in depth discussion of all available wavelengths and their specific applications to guide readers in the purchase of a new laser system as well as extensive case reports to demonstrate achievable therapeutic outcomes and allow readers to compare their results with those of other users. Oral Laser Application is an invaluable guide for all clinicians currently using or wishing to integrate laser-assisted dentistry in their practice. 592 pp; 820 illus; ©2006; ISBN 978-1-85097-150-4; 248 € G Digital Dental Revolution: The Learning Curve Alessandro Agnini and Andrea Agnini with Christian Coachman In recent years, innovative technology has allowed the dental team to use new materials and equipment in the production of prosthetic dental restorations that offer greater precision than conventional protocols. However, many clinicians find themselves struggling to make the transition to a digital workflow. With this book, the authors present the digital workflow they have developed and tested over time as new materials and software have continued to evolve. Readers will discover how to integrate new technology into their daily routine to improve communication with patients and their dental team and increase the quality of their restorations, ultimately enhancing the satisfaction of their patients and the success of their practice. Available Spring 2015 NEW Sutures: The Oral Surgery Suture Trainer (iTunes App) MULTIDISCIPLINARY G FORTHCOMIN G FORTHCOMIN Giulio Rasperini This app provides exquisite 3D animations of suturing techniques used in periodontics and oral surgery. From the app menu, select the surgery suture you want to watch. Review the indications, advantages, and disadvantages of the technique before viewing the 3D animation. The perfect app for studying or refining suturing technique. Emergencies in the Dental Office Edited by Harry Dym and Orrett Ogle Practitioners must be prepared to manage medical emergencies that may arise during treatment. Despite the use of effective preventive measures in clinical practice, emergencies will occur, and the entire dental staff must have sufficient medical knowledge to be able to respond with appropriate treatment. This practical manual addresses the most common medical emergencies encountered during dental treatment and outlines the steps for immediate treatment. An essential office manual. Available Autumn 2015 Available now through iTunes! 9.99 € NEW Advances in Oral Tissue Engineering Edited by Masaru Murata and In-Woong Um For many decades, researchers have tried to develop materials that could be used just like autogenous bone. The editors of this book have assembled experts to showcase recent developments in tissue engineering and to demonstrate the basic biologic phenomena of bone repair using dentin grafts, growth factors, stimulating factors, inductive factors, and other factors in clinical applications. The research gathered in this book underscores the excellent outcomes based on sound science and pioneering clinical applications. New techniques using the tooth materials provide realistic and practical regenerative treatments for all patients. 84 pp (softcover); 275 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-0-86715-648-5; 98 € Photo-Atlas of Neuroanatomy Diagnostics and Therapy in Dental Medicine Today and in the Future (Book/DVD-ROM set) Edited by Jean-François Roulet et al Klaus-Peter Valerius and Hans-Rainer Duncker 256 pp; 319 illus; ©2008; ISBN 978-1-85097-182-5; 146 € 352 pp; 158 illus; ©2004; ISBN 978-3-932119-33-0; 58 € Statements: 39 MULTIDISCIPLINARY Dancing Hands Herluf Skovsgaard Quality and performance in dental practice depend on well-trained hands, and this book presents a new paradigm in manual training for dentists and assistants. Manual abilities are a fundamental part of clinical competence and are essential to chairside teamwork in the dental treatment room. However, acquiring this complex competence is too often left to individual experience and bad habits set over time. This book establishes a standard for manual competence, which can be learned and trained. The author outlines the 12 basic principles that underscore the postures, movements, workspace organization, and communication necessary to support the best working methods, decrease unnecessary fatigue, improve chairside assistance, and increase productivity. The dos and don’ts of practice, posture, and positioning equipment are all here. 296 pp; 672 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-1-85097-263-1; 148 € Suturing Techniques in Oral Surgery Treatment Planning for Traumatized Teeth, Second Edition Mitsuhiro Tsukiboshi Increased knowledge of treatment outcomes combined with better techniques, new materials, and innovative technology have led to improved diagnosis and management of dental traumatic injuries. This new edition emphasizes procedures aimed at assisting the natural healing process of the dental hard tissues, pulp, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone; where possible, invasive restoration, pulpectomy, and extraction are avoided. Key points related to examination and diagnosis, treatment planning, and treatment procedures are described for specific types of dental trauma. New cases elucidate the most recent approaches to effective treatment of dental traumatic injuries, and the use of CBCT, which has dramatically improved diagnosis for traumatized teeth, is emphasized throughout. 240 pp (softcover); 743 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-0-86715-511-2; 82 € G FORTHCOMIN 3D Imaging in Dentistry: From Multiplane Cephalometry to Guided Navigation in Implantology Giovanna Perrotti, Tiziano Testori, and Massimiliano Politi 40 For those who are finding the transition from 2D radiography to 3D CBCT confusing, this text explains the use of volumetric imaging in clinical practice and details the indications for its use in every field of dentistry. Ample direction is given on proper image processing and how to read CBCT scans, including a comprehensive anatomical atlas. In addition, the authors explain how to compile volumetric 3D reconstructions and use them in computer simulation to plan surgical phases. The authors focus on topics of greatest clinical interest, including cephalometric diagnostics and a novel approach to esthetic analysis, analysis of the anatomical airway for sleep apnea, a comprehensive review of the maxillary sinus and the clinical surgeries related to it, and treatment planning for guided implant surgery. 560 pp; 1,277 illus; ISBN 978-88-7492-018-1; Available Summer 2015 Sandro Siervo This book outlines suturing techniques for the most common surgical procedures, providing indications as well as techniques for implementation. The detailed illustrations and tables clarify difficult technical concepts, and a quick reference guide consolidates the essential information for each suture type. 240 pp; 397 illus; ©2008; ISBN 978-88-7492-120-1; 178 € I G S Atlas of Laser Applications in Dentistry Donald J. Coluzzi and Robert A. Convissar This clinical atlas presents an overview of intraoral laser use followed by the indications and contraindications, special considerations, and relevant risks associated with procedures in each discipline. 230 pp; 477 illus; ©2007; ISBN 978-0-86715-476-4; 138 € Quintessence Practice Live (DVD-ROM) This 5 DVD-ROM box set provides unique and meticulously compiled film productions focusing on the work of daily practice. Experienced dental practitioners and technicians give valuable advice for others in the field. The series provides films from all relevant areas of dentistry in outstanding quality. Contents Endodontics • Surgery/Implantology • Restorative and Prosthetic Treatment • Prosthodontics – Methods and Materials Science • Periodontology – Prophylaxis and Preservative Therapy ©2009; ISBN 978-3-87652-722-2; 198 € MULTIDISCIPLINARY N NEW EDITIO Cone Beam Volumetric Imaging in Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine: Fundamentals, Diagnostics and Treatment Planning, Second completely revised and expanded edition (Book/DVD-Rom set) Jörg Neugebauer and Joachim E. Zöller Now available in an atlas format with enlarged illustrations, the original best-selling book on CBVI has been completely revised to cover the plethora of new developments since its publication. In the first part of the book, the authors introduce the basic principles of CBVI, how to optimize CBVI image quality, the system parameters for clinical applications, and relevant aspects of the anatomy of the facial skeleton. The second part provides case examples of relevant indications and findings to demonstrate the possible applications of CBVI in dental diagnosis and treatment planning. The third part discusses the use of CBVI in implant dentistry, particularly in conjunction with other CAD/CAM technology for implant treatment planning, bone augmentation, and surgical template fabrication as well as for postoperative evaluation and management of complications. Further instruction is included on the accompanying DVD-ROM with 30 CBVI data sets ready for analysis and discovery. A tutorial gives an introduction to the use of the software and the routine interpretation of CBVI images. 288 pp; 528 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-1-85097-269-3; 168 € G Atlas of Cone Beam Imaging for Dental Applications, Second Edition Dale A. Miles CBCT is fast becoming commonplace in dental practices for every specialty, and this best-selling book has been updated to reflect the ways in which CBCT is being used by dental practitioners. The book introduces readers to the different ways of viewing CBCT data sets and guides clinicians in identifying familiar and unfamiliar anatomical landmarks in the three planes of section (axial, sagittal, and coronal). New to this edition are chapters presenting endodontic applications of CBCT, selected cases from radiology practice, and issues of risk and liability associated with capturing CBCT data. In addition, the anatomy chapter has been updated with many new illustrations and a new section on small-volume anatomy. Comprehensive case presentations demonstrate the diagnostic and treatment-planning capabilities of CBCT in its full range of applications while at the same time highlighting situations in which traditional radiographic imaging will suffice. 408 pp; 624 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-0-86715-565-5; 142 € Dental Explorer 3D (DVD-ROM) Wolfgang Kohlbach This innovative DVD-ROM is the ideal tool for professional chairside communication and treatment planning with patients. The interactive real-time 3D models allow clinicians to illustrate the complete range of restorative options, make useful comparisons, and provide step-by-step demonstration of recommended dental treatment to their patients. Dental Explorer 3D also contains over 20,000 photographs and 3D models and features a wide range of implant treatments at the bone and tissue levels, including 26 outstanding 3D-animated video clips. ©2011; ISBN 978-3-938947-82-1; single user 986 €; multi user 1.198 € Upgrade from version 2: 498 € (Purchase will be charged at full price unless the older version is returned) User interface and videos can be set in six languages: German, French, English, Spanish, Italian, and Turkish. System requirements: Microsoft Windows 7, Vista SP1, or XP SP3, Mac OS Lion or Snow Leopard, Intel-processor with at least 2 GHz speed; 2 GB of RAM; graphics card with 512 MB of RAM or more, NVIDIA recommended; minimum screen resolution 1280x1024 pixels, 24-bit color depth (True Color); sound adapter and speakers; DVD drive; Internet connection for registration. Dental Explorer mobile Edited by W. Kohlbach, A. Müller, and M. Prüfert The perfect patient education "assistant“ with cutting-edge 3D-animations, videos and graphics! Educate your patients directly chairside. Cutting-edge content increases the compliance of your patients by helping them understand health and wellness issues. Archived documentations of the education sessions give you more legal certainty. The content library includes reference examples of almost all dental treatment possibilities using easy-to-understand 3D-animations, video clips and graphics. App for iPad and Android-tablets; 395 € per year | 39.50 € per month Download: 41 MULTIDISCIPLINARY NEW Cell-to-Cell Communication: Periodontal Regeneration (DVD-ROM) Bernd Stadlinger and Hendrik Terheyden Unlike bone, which is constantly undergoing resorption followed by bone apposition, teeth are not subject to remodeling. They are remarkably resistant to physiologic remodeling processes. The reason for this is found in the periodontium and cementum. The mechanisms that take effect in this area and the effectiveness of the periodontal system – consisting of gingiva, alveolar bone, periodontium, and cementum – after injury can be visualized in this scientific 3D film. The visualization of these complex processes is of great interest for academic teaching as well as for the clinician, as the cellular interactions are presented in the context of four phases. For the first time, scanning electron microscopic images of real cells can be visualized alongside computer-animated simulations, allowing the comparison of their characteristics. 2 DVDs in hardcover including detailed booklet; expert version 14 min; patient version 13 min; ©2015; ISBN 978-1-85097-267-9; 98 € G Osseointegration (DVD-ROM) Cell-to-Cell Communication: Bernd Stadlinger and Hendrik Terheyden Inflammatory Reactions (DVD-ROM) This award-winning animation dramatizes the complex biodynamic process known as osseointegration. This film chronicles the four phases triggered in succession when a titanium implant is placed where a tooth has been lost. The accompanying booklet includes an article outlining the scientific documentation for the processes depicted in the film as well as the original film script and a quiz on the topics discussed in the film. Bernd Stadlinger and Hendrik Terheyden Cell-to-Cell Communication: This animation depicts the highly complex processes of intercellular interaction during an inflammatory periodontal reaction. The various cell types use a finely tuned communication process in their quest to destroy the bacterial invaders. The accompanying booklet includes the original film script and a quiz on the topics discussed in the film. DVD in hardcover including detailed booklet; 12 min; ©2011; ISBN 978-1-85097-209-9; 68 € G 2 DVDs in hardcover including detailed booklet; expert version 15 min; patient version 15 min; ©2012; ISBN 978-1-85097-231-0; 98 € G G FORTHCOMIN Cell-to-Cell Communication: Oral Health and Systemic Diseases (DVD-ROM) Søren Jepsen, Mariano Sanz, Bernd Stadlinger, and Hendrik Terheyden This new installment in the Cell-to-Cell Communication series focuses on the associations linking periodontal and systemic health. The film shows the dissemination of bacteria in periodontitis, the impact of periodontitis on the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis), the effect of periodontitis on the metabolism (type 2 diabetes), and the effect of dental treatment. Available Summer 2015 42 Culturally Sensitive Oral Healthcare DentalAssist (iTunes App) Crispian Scully and Narin Wilson Edited by White and White This book is presented in three sections. The first section covers the many aspects of culturally sensitive healthcare, the second section outlines features of various religions and faiths and the third discusses cultural groups. In the second and third sections, topics have been arranged alphabetically for convenience. We do not attempt to be comprehensive. Cross-referencing has been essential. Although we are based in the United Kingdom, we hope that our efforts will help improve culturally sensitive oral healthcare worldwide. DentalAssist is an iPad App for taking and recording patient medical histories in a dental office. Additional patient notation includes options for esthetic corrections or quality of artificial dentition, among others. The records are documented in a PDF file and are confirmed by a signature. Clinicians can add their own comments or notes to the document. Finally, the document can be printed via AirPrint and stored in iTunes. 190 pp; 90 illus; ©2006; ISBN 978-1-85097-118-4; 42 € Available through iTunes! 29.99 € Second Edition Cynthia Pine and Rebecca Harris 532 pp (softcover); 107 illus; ©2007; ISBN 978-1-85097-162-7; 78 € Autotransplantation of Teeth Mitsuhiro Tsukiboshi 192 pp; 700 illus; ©2001; ISBN 978-0-86715-395-8; 150 € Al Dente: Culinary Delight for the Dental 21st Century Imaging Patient—Recipes, Tips, and Advice Keith Horner et al Norbert Salenbauch 176 pp; 220 illus; ©2007; ISBN 978-1-85097-097-2; 42 € 104 pp; 18 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-1-85097-187-0; 38 € I G Interpreting Dental Radiographs Panoramic Radiography Keith Horner et al Vivian E. Rushton and John Rout 176 pp; 220 illus; ©2003; ISBN 978-1-85097-052-1; 42 € 145 pp; 131 illus; ©2006; ISBN 978-1-85097-080-4; 42 € Hypnosis and Communication in Dental Practice Dictionary of Dentistry: David Simons et al Ana Verónica Franscini-Paiva 280 pp; ©2007; ISBN 978-1-85097-116-0; 58 € 422 pp; ©2005; ISBN 978-84-89873-36-0; 72 € Infection Control for the Dental Team Dental and Craniofacial Applications of Platelet-Rich Plasma Michael Martin et al MULTIDISCIPLINARY Community Oral Health, English-Spanish/Spanish-English 76 pp; 32 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-1-85097-132-0; 30 € Robert E. Marx et al Practical Conscious Sedation Practical Dental Local Anaesthesia, 168 pp; 364 illus; ©2005; ISBN 978-0-86715-432-0; 98 € David Craig and Meg Skelley Second edition 144 pp; 86 illus; ©2004; ISBN 978-1-85097-070-5; 42 € John G. Meechan Dental Team Companion Special Care Dentistry Mabel Slater et al Janice Fiske et al 174 pp; 41 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-1-85097-121-4; 42 € 152 pp; 52 illus; ©2007; ISBN 978-1-85097-134-4; 42 € 124 pp; 215 illus; ©2010; ISBN 978-1-85097-204-4; 42 € 43 MULTIDISCIPLINARY Illustrated Guide to Aesthetic Botulinumtoxin Injections: Basics / Localization / Uses Michael Kane and Gerhard Sattler This book provides a practical step-by-step guide to aesthetic botulinum toxin A injections in the face, including treatment of the forehead, glabella, brow, lower eyelid, bunny lines, marionette lines, nasolabial folds, cheeks, gummy smile, upper and lower lip, chin, neckline, and décolletage. Each aesthetic procedure is described in full from the patient examination through the suggested treatment protocol and is supplemented with procedural checklists. The text includes QR codes throughout that link readers to video sequences of each procedure. Detailed anatomical illustrations and photos highlight the pertinent muscles in each region as well as the target structures for injection, and case reports reveal the tips, pitfalls, and combination possibilities for each treatment. 170 pp; 260 illus; ISBN 978-1-85097-250-1; 149 € G The Muscle Book Pictorial Atlas of Botulinum Toxin Injection: Anatomy / Testing / Movement Dosage / Localization / Application, Second Edition K.-P. Valerius et al The Muscle Book is a reference for all those who work with the locomotor apparatus: physicians, physiotherapists, athletes, students of sport, occupational therapists and alternative practitioners. The text is a collaborative effort by an interdisciplinary team of authors consisting of anatomists, medical professionals, researching and practicing physiotherapists, athletes and numerous advisers. 432 pp (softcover); 880 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-1-85097-213-6; 32.90 € G Wolfgang Jost This comprehensive atlas, now in its second edition, presents all of the information necessary for botulin toxin use, including dosage, muscle action, localization, and injection technique. Designed for quick navigation, it details the treatment of 126 different muscles organized by body region, illustrating muscle action, injection sites, injection protocols, and injection techniques for each muscle. Revisions to this new edition include updated and refined illustrations and expanded product information. G 294 pp; 556 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-1-85097-175-7; 148 € NEW Illustrated Guide to Chemical Peels: ING FORTHCOM Basics / Indications / Uses Basics / Indications / Uses M. G. Rubin, N. Y. Schürer, L. G. Wiest, and U.Gout 44 This book is a new title in the “Aesthetic Methods for Skin Rejuvenation Series”. Written by a team of internationally renowned authors, the book provides a practical and unique, step-by-step introduction to chemical peels with the help of 306 outstanding didactic photos and anatomical graphics. Starting with basic current knowledge, the book provides the information needed for a successful peel, be it superficial, medium-depth or deep. The book combines experiences compiled internationally over several decades with those gathered by the authors themselves. Authentic, photographically documented histories of selected cases provide an impression of the efficacy and lasting results of this treatment method. 280 pp; 390 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-1-85097-252-5; 149 € G Illustrated Guide to Injectable Fillers: Gerhard Sattler and Uliana Gout This book is a new title in the “Aesthetic Methods for Skin Rejuvenation Series”. Written by internationally renowned specialists, the book provides a practical, unique, step-by-step introduction to aesthetic procedural techniques for injectable skin fillers, with the help of 375 outstanding didactic photos and anatomical graphics. The reader can further access invaluable and practical argumentation video sequences online via the QR codes contained in the book. The book shows how to use fillers to rejuvenate the skin in the most common visible areas on the face, the neck and on the back of the hands. Authentic case histories for procedures in the mid-face, periorbital region, nasolabial folds, lips, marionette lines, forehead and chin are supported with photographic documentation. Practical product charts (“Filler navigator”), tips and checklists are also included. approx. 200 pp; 380 illus; ISBN 978-1-85097-251-8; 149 € Available Spring 2015 G Laser Therapy on Human Skin: An evidence based assistance guide to indications, parameters and results U. Paasch, S. Grunewald, M. Hædersdal, and R. A. Anderson This atlas and guide to evidence-based laser dermatology follows a new concept of textbooks enabling everyone, from beginners to experts, to use the book efficiently. The published evidence section lists all the studies of importance with regard to a given laser, procedure, or indication. The book provides the following key points: • A comprehensive description of laser systems, their modes of action, and their evidence-based use for specific indications, along with safe and effective settings, important side-effects,- and items of informed consent; • A practical guide for appropriate patient selection, as well as preparations before, during-, and after interventions; • Hundreds of high-quality photos and graphics exclusively illustrate the text; • Additional chapters describe standards for laser therapy, documentation, and aftercare; • Checkboxes provide do's and don'ts, items of informed consent, caveats, and tips; • A wealth of invaluable information is provided in the evidence based practice section, together with laser intervention recommendations based on a ranking of all the relevant studies, which are cited accordingly. approx. 550 pp; 500 illus; ISBN 978-1-85097-287-7; 149 € G MULTIDISCIPLINARY ING FORTHCOM Available Summer 2015 NEW Illustrated Guide to Eyelid and Periorbital Surgery: Applied Anatomy / Examination / Blepharoplasty A. Fratila, A. Zubcov-Iwantscheff, and W. P. Coleman A successful series of illustrated guides on a variety of esthetic dermatological procedures is now followed by the first surgical reference work. The Illustrated Guide to Eyelid and Periorbital Surgery uses the triedand-tested concept of “hands-on” teaching, communicating practical knowledge to the specialist using a structured approach and eye-catching illustrations. Aspects of eyelid correction are presented from the expert's point of view, starting with the anatomical details of the eyelid region, via pre- and postoperative management, the way to the individual surgical procedures. The instructions are clear and vivid, so they can be readily and independently implemented by the reader. Basic cutting and suturing techniques are taught using intraoperative photographs and high-quality illustrations. Individual indications are tackled with regard to individual planning, the operation and complication management. 450 pp; 800 illus; ISBN 978-1-85097-272-3; 149 € Illustrated Guide to Percutaneous Collagen Induction: Basics / Indications / Uses Matthias Aust, Svenja Bahte, and Desmond Fernandes 224 pp; 434 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-1-85097-253-2; 149 € G Illustrated Atlas of Esthetic Mesotherapy: Active Substances / Dosage / Administration Britta Knoll Mesotherapy is a simple and effective method of esthetic treatment involving targeted microinjections of medicinal substances into the skin and connective tissues. This atlas introduces the practice of esthetic mesotherapy and arms clinicians with what they need to know to get started. Treatment sequencing is detailed for the most common therapeutic applications, including skin rejuvenation (mesolift), preventive skin toning (mesoglow), treatment combined with injections of botulinum toxin (mesobotox), hair loss treatment (mesohair), cellulite treatment, treatment of local fat pads (lypolysis), and other dermatologic indications. The clinical illustrations provide detailed step-by-step instruction, and the inclusion of case histories confirms the benefits and efficacy of this esthetic therapy. 138 pp; 215 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-1-85097-232-7; 149 € G This illustrated step-by-step guide describes the application of percutaneous collagen induction, also known as medical needling. Combining impressive case histories, anatomical illustrations, and scientific data, the authors demonstrate the efficacy of the method in rejuvenating scars, lines, sagging skin, and stretch marks. Chapters cover the basics of the technique and indications for its use as well as each stage of treatment and patient management. The authors also highlight the latest devices and provide expert practical tips for patient treatment. G 45 OMFS/ORAL MEDICINE/ORAL PATHOLOGY ING FORTHCOM Surgical Design for Dental Reconstruction with Implants: A New Paradigm Martin Chin This book presents a novel strategy to improve the outcome of maxillofacial reconstruction by combining evolving principles of neurophysiology and tissue engineering with an integrated surgical and laboratory technique. The objective of this book is to bridge the gap between the routine practice of maxillofacial surgery and theoretical laboratory science. The early chapters set down clear, specific treatment-planning principles that should be considered in every surgical design to optimize healing. Subsequent chapters detail the laboratory and surgical techniques that make precise skeletal movements predictable. This methodology is validated with comprehensively illustrated clinical examples, including long-term follow-up. This integrated approach to reconstructive therapy offers the potential to solve clinical problems that are known to be resistant to conventional treatments. Guided by this book, the reader will be able to exploit emerging biotechnical discoveries to establish a working model that can be applied to real problems affecting real patients. ISBN 978-0-86715-684-3; Available Spring 2015 CLASSIC Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology: A Rationale for Diagnosis and Treatment, Second Edition Robert E. Marx and Diane Stern It has been more than a decade since the first edition of this comprehensive oral and maxillofacial pathology book was published. This award-winning text covers the vast array of conditions that oral and maxillofacial surgeons need to be prepared to identify and treat. In addition to its clinical presentation, each disease entity includes its pathogenesis, differential diagnosis, diagnostic work-up, histopathology, treatment, and prognosis. This updated two-volume edition includes several new disease entities, the latest information on recognizing and treating previously described conditions, and new clinical images and cases that better portray the clinical presentation and/or treatment of specific diseases. Significant additions include the section on bisphosphonateinduced osteonecrosis of the jaws and the incorporation of new reconstructive techniques using recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein, stem cell concentrates, and tissue engineering principles. An essential reference for any oral and maxillofacial surgeon or resident. All revisions ensure that this new edition is up to date and in compliance with the current standards of care. 1,008 pp; 2,700 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-0-86715-512-9; 475 € CLASSIC Clinician’s Handbook of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Edited by Daniel M. Laskin This handbook functions equally well as a survival manual for first-year residents, as a quick reference for experienced clinicians, as a go-to source for those faced with emergency situations, and as a study guide for anyone preparing for board exams. Spanning the full scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery, chapters address routine aspects of care such as taking a history and interpreting lab tests; specialized treatment for patients with cysts and tumors, salivary gland disease, neck masses, and other oral and maxillofacial pathologies; and protocols for responding to severely traumatized patients and those with life-threatening injuries. Compact and portable, this handbook is a ready source of essential information for the busy clinician. 404 pp (spiral bound); 38 illus; ©2010; ISBN 978-0-86715-493-1; 68 € Decision Making in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Edited by Daniel M. Laskin and A. Omar Abubaker Clinical Oral Physiology 268 pp; ©2007; ISBN 978-0-86715-463-4; 120 € Timothy S. Miles, Birgitte Nauntofte, and Peter Svensson The Osteoperiosteal Flap: 298 pp; 76 illus; ©2004; ISBN 978-1-85097-091-0; 68 € A Simplified Approach to Alveolar Bone Reconstruction Edited by Ole T. Jensen Odontogenic Tumors and Allied Lesions Peter A. Reichart et al 388 pp; 280 illus; ©2004; ISBN 978-1-85097-059-0; 148 € This volume presents procedures for various osteoperiosteal flaps. This relatively closed wound approach seems to spontaneously activate the epigenetic signal within the gingivoalveolar complex, and the augmentation develops in a manner analogous to primordial growth. Soft tissue generally follows suit, and implant therapy can commence, creating a functional gingiva-alveolus-implant matrix. Once mastered, bone flaps can almost entirely eliminate the need for block grafting or guided bone regeneration. 320 pp; 911 illus; ©2010; ISBN 978-0-86715-418-4; 218 € 46 Decision Support Software (CD-ROM) Decision Support software provides diagnostic tools that can be used chairside to interpret radiographic findings (DS X-Ray) or identify and manage oral soft tissue lesions (DS OML). These CD-ROM programs can help clinicians narrow diagnosis by pinpointing images with similar characteristics from the software libraries. Clinical features, differential diagnosis, and appropriate clinical management are included for each diagnosis. Questions such as when to refer a patient to a specialist are also amply addressed. DS X-Ray Version 2.0: Decision Support for the Interpretation and Clinical Management of Radiographic Lesions (CD-ROM) DS OML Version 2.0: Decision Support for the Interpretation and Clinical Management of Oral Mucosa Lesions (CD-ROM) ©2003; ISBN 978-3-87652-914-1; 198 € ©2003; ISBN 978-3-87652-919-6; 198 € Osteology Guidelines for Oral and Maxillofacial Regeneration: Clinical Research Edited by William V. Giannobile, Niklaus P. Lang, and Maurizio S. Tonetti This book guides researchers in creating protocols that lead to meaningful outcomes in oral and maxillofacial tissue regeneration. This text is written by a group of eminent investigators with expertise in all facets of clinical research from methodology to clinical protocols. Covered topics include oral and maxillofacial imaging, histomorphometry, examiner calibration, good clinical practice, ridge augmentation, soft and hard tissue grafting, sinus augmentation, and periodontal regeneration protocols. This is an essential reference guide for clinical researchers engaged in research in oral tissue regeneration. 328 pp; 230 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-1-85097-274-7; 128 € 3D Head & Neck Anatomy for Dentistry (DVD-ROM) Patricia A. Reynolds et al G FORTHCOMIN Anesthesia Considerations for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Matthew Mizukawa, Samuel McKenna, and Luis Vega The role of the in-office anesthesia provider has become an integral part of the oral and maxillofacial surgery practice. This book expertly guides oral surgeons in the selection and administration of the safest possible office-based anesthetic. It serves as a quick yet comprehensive reference on how to interpret patient information, choose the appropriate anesthetic, and safely and effectively deliver it. Available Autumn 2015 Essentials in Piezosurgery: Clinical Advantages in Dentistry Tomaso Vercellotti This book presents the clinical advantages of piezosurgery over traditional methods for tooth extraction, ridge expansion, sinus elevation, bone grafting, and clinical crown lengthening, as shown by research and clinical experience over the decade since the author first developed the technique. General practitioners, oral surgeons, and implant dentists will find unique insight into the clinical benefits of piezoelectric bone surgery. 136 pp; 340 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-1-85097-190-0; 100 € I G Clinical Success in Bone Surgery with Ultrasonic Devices ©2011; ISBN 978-1-90436-983-7; 285 € Breath Malodor: A Step-by-Step Approach Daniel van Steenberghe 95 pp (softcover); 40 illus; ©2004; ISBN 978-1-85097-104-7; 38 € Fractures of the Mandibular Condyle: Basic Considerations and Treatment Edited by Johannes Kleinheinz and Christopher Meyer This text overviews the principles of treatment of condylar fractures. Options for treatment are explained in relation to the anatomical, functional, and biomechanical principles of the mandibular condyle. 288 pp; 462 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-1-85097-180-1; 186 € This book presents the clinical applications of ultrasonic devices in piezoelectric bone surgery. Surgical protocols and illustrated clinical cases help guide surgeons for optimal clinical results. Orthodontic-Surgical Treatment of Dento-facial Anomalies: 92 pp (softcover); 230 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-2-912550-64-4; 75 € F Paolo Ronchi An Integrated Esthetic-Functional Approach (Book/DVD-ROM set) 304 pp; 1,141 illus; ©2005; ISBN 978-88-7492-101-0; 268 € I Marie G. Poblete-Michel and Jean-François Michel This DVD-ROM contains 3D models of the head, neck, face, oral and nasal cavities, dentition, individual teeth, nerves, larynx and pharynx, sinuses, eyes, brain, and more. Users can rotate the 3D models and add or remove layers of anatomy. Animations show the functional anatomy of the TMJs and muscles. The MRI section includes scans in three planes (axial, sagittal, and coronal) that can be viewed with the corresponding 3D models. Simple edit functions allow the user to export and print any image from the software for use in presentations and brochures. OMFS/ORAL MEDICINE/ORAL PATHOLOGY NEW 47 OMFS/ORAL MEDICINE/ORAL PATHOLOGY ING FORTHCOM Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Review: A Study Guide Din Lam and Daniel Laskin This comprehensive text, prepared by experts in their field, provides a quick and effective way for both residents and busy clinicians to review important information and published literature in dentoalveolar surgery and implantology, anesthesiology, medicine, pathology, orthognathic surgery, craniofacial and reconstructive surgery, cosmetic surgery, and TMJ disorders and facial pain, as well as to gain new knowledge in these areas. The content is organized in bullet-point format and complemented by numerous illustrations, tables, and algorithms, making the material easy to remember. This is an excellent resource for board preparation as well as recertification. Contents Medical Assessment and Management of the Surgical Patient • Anesthesia • Dentoalveolar Surgery • Trauma • Orthognathic Surgery • Craniofacial Surgery • Obstructive Sleep Apnea • Cosmetic Surgery • TMJ Surgery • Facial Pain • Pathology • Reconstruction ISBN 978-0-86715-674-4; Available Summer 2015 Atlas of Oral and Extraoral Bone Harvesting Oral Surgery (DVD-ROM) Edited by Friedrich Wilhelm Neukam, Stefan Schultze-Mosgau, and Gerd Basting These specifically oriented training videos from the Oral Surgery series clearly and comprehensively convey expert knowledge in oral surgery for everyday practice. Basic concepts, diagnosis, and various treatment approaches are clearly and completely described step by step and in superior picture quality on this new DVD-ROM version. Volume 1 Extracting Impacted Lower Wisdom Teeth • Operative Therapy for Retained Teeth in the Maxilla 63 min; ©2004; ISBN 978-3-87652-463-4; 86 € 168 pp; 253 illus; ©2010; ISBN 978-0-86715-482-5; 185 € Essentials of Orthognathic Surgery, Second Edition 65 min; ©2004; ISBN 978-3-87652-464-1; 86 € Johan P. Reyneke N Minor Oral Surgery in Dental Practice, Second Edition John G. Meechan et al This authoritative atlas presents a detailed approach to mastering the applied surgical techniques for harvesting bone from intraoral and extraoral sites. The authors guide readers to a thorough understanding of each donor site by addressing anatomy, patient positioning, surgical approach, dressings and drains, postoperative care, complications, and modifications for children. This highly practical surgical atlas serves equally well as a clinical guide for all surgeons, a quick refresher of a specific procedure, and a detailed student reference. Volume 2 Surgical Techniques for Closure of Oro-Antral Communications • Sinus Floor Augmentation with Autogenous Chin Bone Grafts NEW EDITIO 48 Robert E. Marx and Mark R. Stevens This book is a modern, authorative and practical consideration of these responsibilities as they relate to surgery in the everyday clinical practice of dentistry. From patient assessment through to managing complications and emergencies, with chapters on surgical principles, relevant pharmacology and the various types of surgery undertaken in clinical practice, the text is logically structured, easy to read, exceptionally well-illustrated and peppered with practical guidance – everything expected of a volume in the Quintessentials series. In addition, and in common with all the volumes in the series, this book may be read over an evening or two and has been prepared to subsequently make a valuable addition to the reference texts the dental team should have to hand. Overall, this is an excellent addition to the Quintessentials series. 176 pp; 28 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-1-85097-266-2; 42 € The revised edition of this essential text presents a concise approach to the diagnosis and surgical treatment of dentofacial deformities encountered in clinical practice. The treatment process and the most common surgical techniques are featured in step-by-step protocols. The contents have been updated to reflect the most current interpretation of diagnostic data, including expanded discussions of the rotation of the maxillomandibular complex and anterior open bite dentofacial deformities as well as new sections on distraction osteogenesis and the intraoral vertical mandibular ramus osteotomy. 280 pp; 821 illus; ©2010; ISBN 978-0-86715-500-6; 180 € Oral and Implant Surgery: Principles and Procedures Edited by J. Thomas Lambrecht 504 pp; 1,490 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-1-85097-184-9; 178 € G Orthodontic Setup Giuseppe Scuzzo, Kyoto Takemoto, and Luca Lombardo The orthodontic setup is meant to provide a three-dimensional representation of the occlusion at the end of treatment. Although the orthodontic setup was first described by Kesling in 1945 and has become an indispensible tool, there are no standardized guidelines. Orthodontic technicians must therefore draw on their personal experience, know-how, and best professional practices – in short, a series of unwritten rules that are by no means universal. With this in mind, the authors have set out to describe the procedures used in the construction and evaluation of a setup that can be used both for diagnostic purposes and to manufacture customized orthodontic appliances. The manual and digital tools currently available to professionals in this field are discussed, with a particular focus on the recent developments in CAD/CAM bracket-positioning technology. Contents The History • Current Trends • Construction Criteria • Manual Setup Procedure • Digital Setup Procedure • Orthodontic Applications of the Setup ORTHODONTICS NEW 128 pp; 342 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-8-87492-188-1; 95 € I G FORTHCOMIN Atlas of Bracketless Fixed Lingual Orthodontics: Basic Concepts Anna Mariniello and Fabio Cozzolino This atlas illustrates a bracketless technique for resolving malocclusions in the permanent dentition that provides invisible orthodontic treatment with minimal patient discomfort. This innovative method, characterized by the use of orthodontic wires directly bonded to the lingual surfaces of the teeth, was first used to treat relapse of anterior misalignments and tooth crowding in the anterior dentition. Over time the technique has evolved, and the authors of this book use bracketless fixed lingual orthodontics to resolve all types of malocclusions. This monograph details their technique, including the materials used, clinical procedure for forming appliances, bonding to dental surfaces, detailed analysis of possible treatments in relation to various malocclusions, and how to control specifi c tooth movements. The therapeutic concepts are fully illustrated through case examples of increasing complexity. Additional topics include use of provisional teeth in extraction cases as well as bone regeneration through orthodontic movements. Available Summer 2015 Clinical Success in Invisalign Orthodontic Treatment Richard Bouchez The author introduces the reader to the essentials of Invisalign, from the biomechanics of thermoformed plastic aligners to the ClinCheck 3D simulation software, which allows the clinician to program in advance the velocity and direction of tooth movements; amount and frequency of force; anchorage; and available space necessary for the planned movements. Clinical results are shown using the Invisalign system alone and in conjunction with other orthodontic treatments. 138 pp (softcover); 516 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-2-912550-67-5; 89 € F CLASSIC Radiographic Cephalometry: From Basics to 3-D Imaging, Second Edition (Book/CD-ROM set) Edited by Alexander Jacobson and Richard L. Jacobson This important textbook reflects recent technologic innovations: the advantages of 2D versus 3D analysis; the use of imaging; the value of electronic storage, analysis, and retrieval of records; anteroposterior cephalometry; and 3D cephalometric analysis. An accompanying CD-ROM contains a reproducible headfilm and templates for both manual and digital cephalometry. 320 pp; 509 illus; ©2006; ISBN 978-0-86715-461-0; 110 € Applications of Orthodontic Mini-Implants The Invisalign System Jong Suk Lee et al This textbook presents the Invisalign treatment process, from impression taking and image acquisition to virtual diagnosis through digital 3D treatment planning. The software, appliance design, manufacturing, material properties, biomechanics, and periodontal response to treatment are explained. 286 pp; 1,200 illus; ©2007; ISBN 978-0-86715-465-8; 168 € 330 pp; 856 illus; ©2006; ISBN 978-1-85097-127-6; 198 € The use of orthodontic mini-implants offers an alternative to orthognathic surgery and allows asymmetric tooth movement in three planes of space. Conditions and techniques for clinical application of orthodontic mini-implants are described, including biologic principles, design and function, surgical procedures, and the mechanotherapy of predictable tooth movement. Edited by Orhan C. Tuncay 49 ORTHODONTICS G FORTHCOMIN The Biomechanical Foundation of Clinical Orthodontics Charles J. Burstone and K. C. Choy All orthodontic treatment modalities can be improved by the application of sound biomechanics, yet most orthodontic therapy today is delivered without consideration of forces or force systems. Orthodontic hardware itself is only a means to an end point, such as tooth alignment, bone remodeling, or growth modification; the orthodontist can achieve these goals only by manipulating forces, regardless of the techniques used. Written by a world-renowned authority on the subject, this book teaches biomechanics in an easy-to-understand and engaging way, using universal examples outside orthodontics to illustrate basic force systems and how they function and then applying these principles to the practice of clinical orthodontics. The authors cover all of the force systems an orthodontist needs to understand to deliver effective treatment, explaining how each can be controlled and manipulated and demonstrating the forces at work through highly instructive 3D illustrations. Most chapters conclude with the presentation of several study problems, allowing the reader an opportunity to practice developing treatment plans using the biomechanical concepts discussed in each chapter. (Answers are provided at the end of the book.) This book is sure to be an instant classic. 608 pp; 2,198 illus; ISBN 978-0-86715-651-5; Available Spring 2015 Evidence-Based Clinical Orthodontics Orthodontic and Surgical Management of Impacted Teeth Edited by Peter G. Miles et al Vincent G. Kokich and David P. Mathews Despite the ever-expanding array of orthodontic journals and textbooks available today, too many clinical decisions are based on either anecdotal evidence or the espoused treatment philosophy of the current luminary of the lecture circuit. The authors of this book take an unbiased approach to orthodontics by systematically reviewing the relevant clinical literature and analyzing the scientific evidence to help practitioners select the most effective and efficient modes of treatment. Each chapter addresses a specific topic by summarizing the literature, critically reviewing the evidence, and offering impartial recommendations that can be adopted by clinical practitioners. Topics include Class II and Class III malocclusions, wires and wire sequences, dental asymmetries, causes of root resorption, and retention strategies, among others. 220 pp; 590 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-0-86715-564-8; 118 € Biomechanics in Orthodontics: Impacted teeth are commonly encountered in dental practice, yet currently there is not a comprehensive book detailing the surgical treatments and orthodontic therapy to erupt or manage these teeth. Written by arguably the best orthodontist in the world and his periodontist colleague of almost 40 years, this text covers the various types of impactions an orthodontist and surgeon will encounter, including maxillary central incisors, maxillary canines (both labially and palatally impacted), mandibular canines, premolars, and mandibular molars. Each chapter focuses on a specific impacted tooth and how it can be surgically uncovered and orthodontically moved. The book also presents a chapter on failed cases, explaining what went wrong and how to prevent such negative outcomes when treating similar cases. Ideal for any dental practitioner who treats impacted teeth, this comprehensive and up-to-date book is a fitting legacy for Dr Kokich, whose impact within the field of orthodontics will be felt for years to come. 188 pp; (softcover) 590 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-0-86715-445-0; 106 € Principles and Practice Ram S. Nanda and Yahya S. Tosun Handbook of Cephalometric Superimposition Correct application of the principles of biomechanics leads to highly efficient and successful orthodontic treatment; a lack of proper understanding produces ineffectual systems that may even lead to collateral tissue damage. In addition, knowledge about the properties of the latest wire, bracket, and bonding materials and designs is a key factor in the configuration of successful orthodontic appliances. This essential book introduces students of orthodontics to the evolution of orthodontic technology and the properties of orthodontic materials and outlines the essential mechanical principles behind successful orthodontic treatment. Herman S. Duterloo and Pierre-Georges Planché The authors provide a critical review of cephalometric superimposition and the background and development of the structural method, demonstrate how to apply the structural method, and provide help and instruction for correct interpretation of the resulting superimpositions. 220 pp; 550 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-0-86715-508-2; 118 € 168 pp; 350 illus; ©2010; ISBN 978-0-86715-505-1; 98 € Manual of Wire Bending Techniques 50 Eiichiro Nakajima This manual promotes precise, intuitive bending and presents the essential components and techniques of customized wire bending, including trimming of casts; selection of pliers; the first-order bends (in or out), second-order bends (up or down), and third-order bends (torque); and optimal methods of adjustment during orthodontic treatment. 96 pp (spiral bound); 288 illus; ©2010; ISBN 978-0-86715-495-5; 85 € CLASSIC Contemporary Cephalometric Radiography Kunihiko Miyashita In this book, radiographs of the skull are juxtaposed with photographs and drawings, and tracing procedures for posteroanterior cephalograms, submental-vertex radiographic projections, and lateral cephalograms are detailed. 292 pp; 929 illus; ©1996; ISBN 978-4-87417-517-0; 194 € Aligner Orthodontics: Diagnostics, Biomechanics, Planning and Treatment Werner Schupp and Julia Haubrich This book presents useful tips and strategies on how to integrate the Invisalign system successfully into clinical practice. The authors review the diagnostic protocols and the biomechanics of aligners before presenting Invisalign treatment protocols. With the support of accompanying case documentation, discussion of each malocclusion includes information on the associated symptoms, the rationale behind the selected treatment approaches, and the various outcomes achieved. The last section of this book deals with the advantages of the Invisalign system and can help patients and clinicians in deciding whether this system can provide optimal treatment outcomes for a particular clinical situation. This is a practical manual for any clinician interested in the novel treatment modality of aligner orthodontics. approx. 450 pp; approx. 2,000 illus; ISBN 978-1-85097-284-6; approx. 220 € Available Summer 2015 Early-Age Orthodontic Treatment Aliakbar Bahreman This book presents readers with the information necessary to understand the morphogenesis of orthodontic problems, to differentiate among various conditions, and to apply early intervention approaches to optimal effect. The author emphasizes the developmental stages that must be recognized during patient examination to facilitate differential diagnosis; presents clear, step-by-step instructions for different treatment options; and demonstrates the benefits achieved by intervention in developing malocclusions and guidance of eruption. This book cuts through the controversy surrounding early versus late treatment and shows that clinicians must decide on a case-by-case basis when to provide orthodontic treatment. 436 pp; 1,534 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-0-86715-566-2; 142 € G FORTHCOMIN NEW A Concept of “En Bloc” Movement of Teeth Using Gummetal Wire Shin Hasegawa The discovery of GUMMETAL, with its super-low Young's modulus, now allows us to truly control teeth three-dimensionally and to construct orthodontic appliances that distribute force that is very close to the optimum amount needed to steadily and gently move teeth. In this book, the reader will discover much more about GUMMETAL orthodontic wire and how to utilize its characteristics for the enhancement of orthodontic therapy. 260 pp; 1,928 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-4-7812-0386-7; 120 € The Alexander Discipline, Volume 3: The Alexander Discipline, Volume 2: Long-Term Stability Unusual and Difficult Cases R. G. “Wick” Alexander R. G. “Wick” Alexander Following in the footsteps of the previous two volumes, this third volume of the Alexander Discipline, focusing on unusual and difficult cases, demonstrates through the presentation of complete patient records how these principles can be used to achieve beautiful, functional, and stable results even in patients requiring creative treatment planning and treatment mechanics. In the situations presented in this book, there is no one right answer to the problem, and the orthodontist must have the confidence and relevant knowledge to formulate the treatment plan most suitable for each patient. ISBN 978-0-86715-469-6; Available Spring 2015 ORTHODONTICS G FORTHCOMIN With so many factors influencing longterm stability, this book presents six guidelines for approaching long-term stability in orthodontics, focusing on the periodontium, torque control, skeletal and transverse control, occlusion, and the soft tissue profile. 204 pp; 1,000 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-0-86715-468-9; 152 € Development of the Human Dentition (iBook) Frans P.G.M. van der Linden R. G. “Wick” Alexander Introduced in 1978, the Alexander Discipline represents a unique approach to orthodontic treatment; today, clinicians around the world apply its 20 master principles in their practices. 232 pp; 1,000 illus; ©2008; ISBN 978-0-86715-467-2; 138 € For almost three decades, Prof Van der Linden’s classic text, Development of the Dentition, has been the international standard reference in its field. Now, he has updated those concepts in a new iBook-only format that is sure to become the new standard reference. Emphasis is placed on the relationship among the development of the dentition, the growth of the face, and functional factors. Subsequently, the development of orthodontic malocclusions is presented, followed by the effects of untimely loss of primary teeth. iBook only: 1,224 illus; 50 video clips; ©2013; ISBN 978-0-86715-524-2; 74.99 € [order exclusively through Apple iBooks] The 20 Principles of the Alexander Discipline 51 ORTHODONTICS Clinical Success in Surgical and Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth Jean-Marie Korbendau and Antonio Patti This book explains how impacted teeth can be erupted and moved into the dental arch. The authors present step-by-step procedures for establishing a precise anatomical diagnosis, restoring eruptive pathways, making room in the dental arch, locating the impacted tooth, and developing effective appliances. 136 pp; 332 illus; ©2006; ISBN 978-2-912550-44-6; 71 € I F Lingual Orthodontics: A Simplified Approach Using STb Light Lingual System and Lingual Straight Wire Giuseppe Scuzzo and Kyoto Takemoto This excellent manual details the solutions possible through the use of the STb light lingual system and its innovative variablefriction lingual bracket. The authors detail improvements such as improved patient comfort, increased predictability of results, shortened treatment times, and decreased laboratory work. The biomechanical benefits are explained in comprehensive chapters on extractive and nonextractive mechanics, absolute anchorage control, low frictional force, and the lingual straight-wire method. 264 pp; 877 illus; ©2010; ISBN 978-1-85097-192-7; 168 € 52 NEW Mini-Implants: The Orthodontics of the Future Skander Ellouze and François Darque Mini-implants offer a useful orthodontic anchorage solution with relatively simple placement that does not rely on patient cooperation and is reliable. This comprehensive book presents the essentials of orthodontic treatment using mini-implants and outlines selection, placement, biomechanics, diagnosis, and treatment strategies. The authors detail the biomechanical application of miniscrew-supported alveolar anchorage in precise and effective therapeutic protocols to treat every type of malocclusion, including orthodontic movements that were difficult or even impossible to achieve previously. The authors also discuss the management of mini-implants in multidisciplinary treatment. With clearly defined indications, codified protocols, and reproducible therapeutic efficacy and clinical results, this book details a full-fledged treatment system that uses mini-implants to achieve functional and esthetic outcomes. 240 pp; 875 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-2-36615-018-6; 168 € F The Herbst Appliance: Research-Based Clinical Management Hans Pancherz and Sabine Ruf This book is based on more than 30 years of experience with the Herbst appliance in the therapy of Class II malocclusions. Includes design and construction, shortand long-term treatment effects, mandibular growth stimulation, influence on extractions, early versus late treatment, application in young adults, and use as an alternative to orthognathic surgery. 266 pp; 1,089 illus; ©2008; ISBN 978-1-85097-169-6; 148 € Lingual & Esthetic Orthodontics Orthodontic Concepts and Strategies Edited by Rafi Romano Frans P.G.M. van der Linden 704 pp; 2,234 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-1-85097-206-8; 278 € 304 pp; 2,300 illus; ©2004; ISBN 978-1-85097-094-1; 148 € The Masters of Functional Orthodontics Treating the Triad: Aurelio Levrini and Lorenzo Favero 408 pp; 1,707 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-88-7492-152-2; 248 € I 416 pp; 542 illus; ©2004; ISBN 978-1-85097-076-7; 180 € I Teeth, Muscles, TMJs Giuseppe Cozzani Promoting the Oral Health of Children: Theory and Practice, Second Edition Edited by Aubrey Sheiham, Samuel Jorge Moysés, Richard G. Watt, and Marcelo Bönecker Improving the oral health of children requires a public health approach that moves beyond conventional dental health education. Written by experts in dental public health and pediatric dentistry, this evidence-based book examines several approaches to improving pediatric oral health and explains what strategies work and why. The authors advocate for a new model of pediatric oral health that tackles the underlying causes of poor oral health through a range of complementary actions, including the establishment of working partnerships with the relevant agencies and sectors and a focus on eliminating risk factors and their social determinants. This book outlines practical strategies for prevention and measurement of common dental problems among children, including dental caries, periodontal disease, traumatic dental injury, and malocclusion. Practical direction is given on creating supportive environments, building healthy public policies, strengthening community action, and reorientating health services. 450 pp; 121 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-85-7889-037-7; 110 € BESTSELLER Revolutions in Pediatric Dentistry Pediatric Laser Dentistry: Edited by Christian H. Splieth A User’s Guide As a cross-sectional discipline that involves treatment from all areas of specialization, pediatric dentistry relies on the implementation of important developments in every dental field. This book discusses the most recent innovations in dentistry with direct implications for pediatric treatment and explores the rationale behind advocated changes in clinical practice. Presented by an international group of recognized specialists in their respective fields, the topics include the latest on epidemiologic research, fluoride guidelines, caries diagnosis, options for non- and minimally invasive caries treatment, pain-free techniques for local anesthesia, endodontic treatment, use of space maintainers, and treating children in vulnerable populations. With a focus on systematic, evidence-based dentistry, this book presents the developments that will set the standards of tomorrow. 224 pp; 150 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-1-85097-212-9; 78 € PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY N NEW EDITIO Giovanni Olivi, Fred S. Margolis, and Maria Daniela Genovese This comprehensive text, the first to focus on laser applications in pediatric dentistry, reviews the fundamental principles of laser energy and demonstrates the essential therapeutic steps of laser radiation in conservative pediatric dentistry. Detailed explanations of the unique interactions of laser radiation with dental tissues – with a focus on the differences specific to primary and young permanent teeth – help clinicians take advantage of the many inherent benefits of laser energy, such as selective removal of carious tissue, preservation of healthy mineral structure, disinfection of prepared surfaces, excellent hemostasis, and improved patient comfort and compliance. The predictable clinical protocols for hard and soft tissue applications are detailed step by step with explanations on technique and suggested laser parameters, and the outcomes are illustrated in multiple case studies. This practical guide will inspire pediatric dentists who are new to the laser as well as those experienced in providing laser therapy to adults. 224 pp; 521 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-0-86715-494-8; 168 € What’s in Your Mouth? What’s in Your Child’s Mouth? Case Reports in Paediatric Dentistry Douglas A. Terry This collection of pediatric dental case reports addresses a number of clinical problems and shows how well-known practitioners have solved them. Practical treatment strategies illustrate how to achieve the highest standards in clinical children’s dentistry. This book serves as a useful reference to help practitioners solve clinical problems related to pediatric patients. 66 pp; 96 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-0-86715-618-8; 30€ G 144 pp; 270 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-1-85097-196-2; 78 € Health care providers have a responsibility to instill each new generation of patients with the importance of oral health care, and this book teaches pediatric patients and their parents the importance of proper brushing and flossing by showing what happens when children neglect their teeth. This hardcover book is two books in one. The first half (What’s in Your Mouth?) is written to introduce children to the importance of daily hygiene care, and fun tooth characters (Pearl and Cuspy) are present on each page to reinforce this message. The second half (What’s in Your Child’s Mouth?), on the flip side, provides parents with the information to guide their children’s oral health habits. This book is sure to enthrall and inform patients of all ages. Edited by Evert van Amerongen et al 53 PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY How the Tooth Mouse Met the Tooth Fairy Lizzette de Vries and Cecile de Vries; Illustrations by Tul Suwannakit Bobby is about to lose his first baby tooth, and he can hardly wait to leave it for Max, the Tooth Mouse. But before the wobbly tooth actually falls out, Bobby’s parents announce that the family is moving from South Africa to Canada! Will Max be able to find Bobby’s tooth all the way in Canada? Learn what happens when Max goes to Canada and comes face to face with Fia, the Tooth Fairy. This charming and delightfully illustrated book entertains as it teaches children the importance of brushing twice a day, and the colorful and delightful illustrations will have both kids and parents smiling and making new discoveries with every read. A perfect way to educate at home or in the waiting room. 32 pp; ©2010; ISBN 978-0-86715-507-5; 20 € G Periodontal Management of Children, Adolescents and Young Adults Paediatric Cariology Valerie Clerehugh et al This easy-to-read, well-illustrated book helps the practitioner understand, prevent, and manage caries in children by presenting the latest concepts and clinical guidance for handling simultaneously the child, the caries, and the parent. This is a practical guide to the management of the patient from childhood through to young adulthood with gingival and periodontal diseases. It provides a simple step-by-step approach to periodontal diagnosis and subsequent management for the general dental practitioner, emphasising the value of teamwork and including an awareness of when to treat and when to refer to a specialist periodontist. Chris Deery, Marie Thérèse Hosey, and Paula Waterhouse 100 pp; ©2005; ISBN 978-1-85097-073-6; 42 € 204 pp; 164 illus; ©2004; ISBN 978-1-85097-071-2; 42 € Child Taming: How to Manage Children in Dental Practice Barbara L. Chadwick and Marie Thérèse Hosey 54 Dentistry can provoke great apprehension in children and successfully managing younger patients presents both the greatest challenge and the greatest reward for dentist. This book is less about child taming and more about training the dental team and parents how to work together to ensure that a child's visit to the dentist is a pleasurable experience. 140 pp; ©2003; ISBN 978-1-85097-062-0; 42 € G Treatment Planning for the Developing Dentition Helen D. Rodd and Alyson P. Wray This book presents the basic principles underlying sound treatment planning for the young patient, whose early experiences can significantly affect future behaviour and attitudes. 150 pp; 119 illus; ©2006; ISBN 978-1-85097-081-1; 42 € ING Periodontal Diagnosis and Therapy FORTHCOM Giano Ricci Practical Periodontal and Peri-Implant Surgery Manual Renata Cimões, Estela Santos Gusmão, and Nikos Donos Effective periodontal and peri-implant therapies are based on the fundamentals: formulation of a correct diagnosis, accurate treatment planning, precision in clinical treatment, and appropriate follow-up. This beautifully illustrated text addresses comprehensive clinical periodontal treatment by detailing the nonsurgical and surgical therapies that can ensure the essential stability of the hard and soft tissues. Emphasis is placed on understanding the longterm behaviors of soft tissue and bone tissue as well as on providing expert clinical treatment to achieve successful long-term results. Clinicians must base their surgical practice on the latest scientific evidence, and the objective of this book is to provide the most up-todate evidence-based techniques for periodontal and implant protocols. The authors of this manual address the complex execution of periodontal and peri-implant surgery in a simple and clear discourse, and the use of 3D illustrations clarifies the critical technical details. The result is a highly practical book that will enrich clinical practice and optimize patient treatment. 752 pp; 3,100 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-88-7492-191-1; 245 € I PERIODONTICS NEW approx. 350 pp; approx. 745 illus; ISBN 978-1-85097-285-3; approx. 178 € Available Summer 2015 ING BESTSELLER FORTHCOM Periodontal Review: A Study Guide Deborah Termeie This comprehensive review manual provides all the information a prospective candidate needs to prepare for the American Board of Periodontology Qualifying Examination. Set in a question/answer format, the text provides complete yet succinct, evidencebased responses to questions with references to pertinent research. When appropriate, answers are provided as lists, tables, and with graphic design elements to aid in memorization and recall. The final chapter provides sample case presentations with questions to allow the reader to prepare for the protocol portion of the exam and offers helpful advice such as when a well-supported response based on sound rationale, rather than a specific answer, is required. A highly recommended resource. Glossary of Preventive Dentistry and Periodontology (App) Edited by Niklaus P. Lang, Mariano Sanz, and William V. Giannobile This electronic glossary, compiled by an international panel of experts in prevention and periodontology, contains more than 2,000 terms. The glossary offers straightforward definitions and pertinent scientific and clinical information about terms in the areas of anatomy and morphology, etiology, pathogenesis/immunology, peri-implant diseases, classification, epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis, radiology, nonsurgical therapy, surgery, reevaluation/maintenance, systemic manifestations/periodontal medicine, and clinical research/statistics. The glossary also features numerous photographs, illustrations, and tables to further elucidate the meanings of the entries. An exceptional resource for anyone needing to communicate in the clinical and scientific language of prevention and periodontology. Available Spring 2015 296 pp (softcover); 192 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-0-86715-591-4; 68 € Periodontal Regenerative Therapy Edited by Anton Sculean 304 pp; 718 illus; ©2010; ISBN 978-1-85097-158-0; 158 € Roger Detienville This book presents approaches to treating advanced periodontitis that can be tailored to each individual case. Numerous clinical cases illustrate the repair capacities obtained through the use of time-tested maintenance techniques. 120 pp (softcover); 202 illus; ©2005; ISBN 978-2-912550-41-5; 65 € F This book presents an overview of the use of contemporary regenerative techniques in the treatment of periodontal osseous and soft tissue defects. The authors present effective treatment paradigms that incorporate biologic concepts and biomaterial enhancements with predictable surgical techniques. A must-read for any practitioner with an interest in the rationale, possibilities, and limitations of regenerative procedures of periodontal therapy. Clinical Success in Management of Advanced Periodontitis 55 PERIODONTICS BESTSELLER Plastic-Esthetic Periodontal and Implant Surgery: NEW Plastic-Esthetic Periodontal and Implant Surgery A Microsurgical Approach (DVD-ROMs) Otto Zuhr and Marc Hürzeler Otto Zuhr and Marc Hürzeler The authors blend scientific knowledge and practical experience to provide a comprehensive overview of the principles, indications, and clinical techniques of plastic-esthetic periodontal and implant microsurgery. The microsurgical procedures presented in the book are explained step by step in meticulously illustrated case examples. Checklists for the necessary materials, instruments, and work steps are added to facilitate practical implementation of the microsurgical procedures. The authors provide instructions on how to manage all major complications for each procedure. These DVDs showcase the exceptional minimally invasive microsurgical techniques featured in the best-selling book. 872 pp; 1,898 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-1-85097-226-6; 320 € I G F S ©2013; 68 € each Volume 1: Autograft Harvesting 24 min; ISBN 978-1-85097-235-8 Volume 2: Gingival Augmentation with Autologous Connective Tissue 29 min; ISBN 978-1-85097-236-5 Volume 3: Singular Gingival Recession Coverage 63 min; ISBN 978-1-85097-244-0 Volume 4: Multiple Gingival Recession Coverage 47 min; ISBN 978-1-85097-245-7 Volume 5: Esthetic Crown Lengthening 38 min; ISBN 978-1-85097-246-4 Volume 6: Horizontal Papilla Augmentation with Autologous Connective Tissue 17 min; ISBN 978-1-85097-237-2 NEW Pre-, Peri- and Postoperative Soft Tissue Management: E-Learning Lessons (DVD) Otto Zuhr and Marc Hürzeler With a focus on evidence-based protocols, this DVD addresses the most important concerns regarding soft tissue management, including the differences in approach to functional and esthetic sites, how the clinician can influence the healing potential, what materials should be used, who should consider preoperative soft tissue improvements, and what factors are key for success. The authors explain the research and clinical experience behind their technique and provide stepwise instruction for many protocols, including implant uncovering in both esthetic and posterior quadrants. 130 min; ©2014; ISBN 978-1-85097-275-4; 78 € Periodontal Diseases: A Manual of Diagnosis, Treatment, and Maintenance Hans R. Preus and Lars Laurell 89 pp; 64 illus; ©2003; ISBN 978-1-85097-072-9; 43 € 56 History of Periodontology Volume 7: Management of Extraction Sockets 77 min; ISBN 978-1-85097-238-9 Volume 8: Soft Tissue Augmentation Under Bridge Pontics 62 min; ISBN 978-1-85097-247-1 Volume 9: Defect Reconstruction and Concurrent Implant Placement 60 min; ISBN 978-1-85097-248-8 Volume 10: Implant Placement Using a Modified Roll Flap Technique 17 min; ISBN 978-1-85097-239-6 Special 10-volume set price 600 € G FORTHCOMIN Aesthetic Perio-Implantology Julio Cesar Joly, Paulo Fernando Mesquita de Carvalho, and Robert Carvalho da Silva The culmination of more than a decade of research and clinical application, this book presents an innovative approach to merging the concepts of esthetic periodontal and peri-implant reconstruction with restorative dentistry and prosthetic design. The authors of this interdisciplinary book provide comprehensive clinical protocols for sophisticated plastic and regenerative modalities that favor simplified techniques with proven results. Algorithms facilitate comprehensive treatment planning, and the extensive case studies demonstrate the technical details for treatment of every clinical situation discussed. This book balances the latest scientific support with accumulated clinical experience to provide the concepts, philosophy, and technical guidance to make esthetic treatment in peri-implant dentistry accessible and effective. Available Fall 2015 Successful Periodontal Therapy: A Non-Surgical Approach Fermín Carranza et al Peter A. Heasman et al 224 pp (softcover); 87 illus; ©2003; ISBN 978-0-86715-424-5; 42 € 132 pp; 78 illus; ©2004; ISBN 978-1-85097-074-3; 42 € Mucogingival Esthetic Surgery Giovanni Zucchelli I Advanced Laser Surgery in Dentistry Georgios E. Romanos This beautifully illustrated book explains the art and science of esthetic surgical techniques on the mucogingiva around natural teeth and implants. The author shows how to diagnose and treat mucogingival defects, with detailed explanation of the diagnosis of and the surgical options for covering varying degrees of gingival recession. The text features protocols for the treatment and preparation of root caries and noncarious lesions as well as the surgical procedures to cover exposed root surfaces and increase the volume of the affected gingiva. Throughout, the author places special emphasis on minimizing patient recovery time and postoperative discomfort while achieving the patient’s esthetic goals to the best extent possible. 830 pp; 2,000+ illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-88-7492-171-3; 300 € G FORTHCOMIN Lasers have become an integral part of surgical dental treatment in large part because they allow minimally invasive intervention with little pain and accelerated postoperative healing. This new book displays the current spectrum of advanced applications for surgical lasers in dentistry and showcases the medical benefits. Each surgical protocol is presented with clear case examples and practical tips. The author reviews the use of different wavelengths, the scientific principles behind the protocols, and the fundamental safety considerations to help the reader implement this technology in daily practice, avoid complications, and achieve excellent clinical results. PERIODONTICS BESTSELLER Contents Laser-Tissue Interactions • Laser Systems • Laser Wound Healing • Oral Biopsies • Oral Surgical Procedures • Bone Surgery • Periodontology • Implant Dentistry • Photodynamic Therapy • Laser Safety Available Summer 2015 G F S CLASSIC Periodontal Surgery: A Clinical Atlas Naoshi Sato This atlas explores the otions in periodontal surgery while emphasizing regenerative procedures. Many detailed clinical cases demonstrate therapeutic outcomes over time. Additionally, practical tips and summary tables allow for at-a-glance understanding. 448 pp; 2,820 illus; ©2000; ISBN 978-0-86715-377-4; 320 € I G F S Periodontics & Restorative Maintenance: A Clinical Atlas Naoshi Sato This lavishly illustrated, comprehensive book outlines periodontal maintenance therapy. Relevant case studies – some with more than 25 years of follow-up – demonstrate the clinical applications of periodontal therapy. 504 pp; 3,179 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-1-85097-194-8; 278 € I G Decision-Making for the Periodontal Team Periodontal Medicine: Suzanne Noble et al Iain L. C. Chapple and John Hamburger High-quality dental patient management demands an appropriately skilled team. It is the general dental practitioner's responsibility to co-ordinate the team and to take overall responsibility as the team leader. Your team provides all the specialities necessary to achieve a stable, functional, aesthetic masticatory unit, which not only encompasses the management of periodontal disease, but integrates a treatment plan the patient can maintain. 172 pp; ©2003; ISBN 978-1-85097-063-7; 42 € A Window on the Body Periodontal Medicine is a sub-discipline of Periodontology which deals with non-plaque-induced conditions/lesions of the periodontal tissues, including the periodontal manifestations of systemic diseases and syndromes. It reminds us of the often forgotten and frequently ignored medical aspects of a traditionally surgical discipline. This heavily illustrated text attempts to guide the reader through over 100 conditions using their clinical presentation as the guiding principle to categorization. 250 pp; 262 illus; ©2006; ISBN 978-1-85097-079-8; 68 € An Illustrated Guide to the Art Behind the Science Geoffrey Bateman et al 204 pp; 238 illus; ©2007; ISBN 978-1-85097-123-8; 42 € Understanding Periodontal Diseases: Assessment and Diagnostic Procedures in Practice Iain L. C. Chapple and Angela D. Gilbert ©2003; ISBN 978-1-85097-053-8; 42 € Contemporary Periodontal Surgery: G 57 PRACTICE MANAGEMENT NEW Smile! Your Guide to Esthetic Dental Treatment Douglas A. Terry Many patients are unaware of the wide range of treatment options available for esthetic dental restoration and enhancement, and it is often difficult for them to visualize the change that is possible with such treatment. This book presents full-page images to show how various areas of the mouth can be restored and transformed to make the smile more esthetic. Before-and-after photographs of exceptional quality reveal the significant improvements that are possible with procedures as simple as crown lengthening, composite restoration, or veneers. Other topics include all-ceramic crowns, fixed partial dentures, connective tissue grafting, implant therapy, and esthetic contouring. The author also addresses tooth fracture and diastema closure, missing teeth, noncarious lesions, sealants, interproximal restoration, inlays and onlays, minor orthodontics, bleaching, and root canal therapy. Smile! Your Guide to Esthetic Dental Treatment is the perfect tool for showing patients how they can benefit from esthetic dental treatment. 54 pp; 131 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-0-86715-667-6; 30 € G FORTHCOMIN Communication Skills for Dental Health Care Providers Lance Brendan Young, Cynthia O’Toole, and Bianca Wolf This evidence-based textbook presents the essential communication strategies clinicians should know to facilitate interaction with patients. With a focus on practical strategies instead of dense communication theories, the authors facilitate improved patient-provider communication and demonstrate how to elicit accurate patient information during the health interview, communicate effectively during examinations and procedures, and present preventive and restorative treatment plans from a patient-centered perspective. ISBN 978-0-86715-690-4; Available Spring 2015 BESTSELLER NEW Discover How a New Smile Can Transform Your Life, Fourth Edition What’s in Your Mouth? Your Guide to a Lifelong Smile Ronald E. Goldstein Douglas A. Terry Dental clinicians have a responsibility to teach patients the importance of oral health care, and this book shows adult patients what can happen if they neglect their teeth. It presents full-page images to show what plaque, decay, and gingivitis look like and how they can contribute to periodontal disease and tooth loss. It also instructs the reader on the proper brushing and flossing techniques to prevent such negative outcomes. With the combination of exquisite clinical images and descriptive yet succinct text, What’s in Your Mouth?: Your Guide to a Lifelong Smile is an excellent chairside tool for patient education on oral hygiene. (softcover) Dentists Who Care: James T. Rule and Muriel J. Bebean 184 pp (softcover); 45 illus; ©2005; ISBN 978-0-86715-451-1; 28 € 58 Change Your Smile speaks directly to patients about the range of possibilities as well as the limitations of cosmetic dental treatment. This book invites readers to analyze their own smile and then observe how specific cosmetic procedures dramatically improved the appearance of actual patients who sought treatment for the same problem. Featuring abundant before-and-after photographs and detailed charts for side-by-side comparison of treatment options. 244 pp (softcover); 484 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-0-86715-466-5; 30 € 48 pp; 98 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-0-86715-666-9; 30 € Inspiring Stories of Professional Commitment Change Your Smile: (hardcover) Also Available in Hardcover: ISBN 978-0-86715-488-7; 48 € I G F S Quintessence for the Dental Team Live (DVD-ROM) This DVD-ROM provides information for the entire dental team: The Business of Dentistry Raj Rattan and George Manolescue 160 pp; 41 illus; ©2003; ISBN 978-1-85097-058-3; 42 € Contents Successful Diagnosis with Panoramic X-Ray Units • Sharpening Scalers and Curettes • Placing a Rubber Dam • Bleaching Trays Made With or Without a Thermoforming Unit • Bleaching: Rationally, Efficiently, Practically ©2005; ISBN 978-0-86715-387-3; 36 € Dental Practice: Building a Rewarding Practice and a Balanced Life Get in the Game Gerald I. Kendall and Gary S. Wadhwa Dental practitioners and their staff will find this engaging story an easy and fun way to learn how to implement powerful, scientifically based project-management principles into their practice. It will help you to identify the few key issues that are holding you back; substantially increase your profits within weeks; treat more patients in less time without sacrificing quality of care; reduce waste, repeated work, and stress; improve relationships among the practitioners, staff, and outside service providers; work fewer hours while performing more of the kind of treatments you enjoy; increase referrals and patient demand; and develop an effective scheduling system. Edited by Michael Okuji This book is written for senior dental students and recent graduates on the verge of entering the exciting and sometimes bewildering business of dental practice. The introductory chapter helps readers examine their goals and objectives to determine their ideal career paths. Subsequent chapters address issues such as finding a first job, purchasing or starting a new practice, insuring a practice and oneself, communicating with patients and staff, understanding basic financial aspects of dental practice, complying with regulations, managing managed care, and formulating a business plan. 240 pp (softcover); 5 illus; ©2010; ISBN 978-0-86715-492-4; 48 € 200 pp (softcover); 10 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-0-86715-489-4; 38 € CLASSIC PRACTICE MANAGEMENT Dentistry with a Vision: Tough Questions, Great Answers: Responding to Patient Concerns about Today’s Dentistry Success Strategies for the Aesthetic Dental Practice Linda Greenwall and Cathy Jameson Although esthetic care has been an important part of dentistry for many decades, very few practices do as much esthetic dentistry as they would like. When faced with trying to respond to esthetic demands of existing patients and expand services to potential patient populations, most clinicians need some direction. The purpose of this book is to provide dentists with the guidelines and strategies to grow the esthetic segment of their practice. The authors detail the many key elements of success, such as establishing a strategic plan, monitoring critical factors of the practice, developing a dynamic and productive team, implementing marketing, using a treatment coordinator, and understanding how to finance and schedule esthetic dentistry. In addition, each chapter is interspersed with informative interviews with some of the most successful esthetic dental practitioners from around the world and outstanding members of their team who offer unique insights into how their teams operate and what has made their practices succeed. 312 pp; 196 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-1-85097-221-1; 78 € Robin Wright “Do you guarantee your work?” “Do you treat AIDS patients?” “How do you set your fees?” Furnishing technical information to patients isn’t enough; this book shows you how to provide trust-building responses. The format includes questions and answers, with explanations of what works, what doesn’t, and why. 152 pp (softcover); 8 illus; ©1997; ISBN 978-0-86715-320-0; 28 € Ethical Questions in Dentistry, Second Edition James T. Rule and Robert M. Veatch This book presents clinical practice cases in which arguments can be made for differing courses of action or in which the obligations of the professional are in conflict; the reader is asked to determine the correct response to such conflicts. 340 pp (softcover); ©2004; ISBN 978-0-86715-443-6; 35 € Communicating in Dental Practice: Quality Matters: Stress-Free Dentistry and Improved Patient Care From Clinical Care to Customer Service Ruth Freeman and Gerry Humphris 176 pp; 71 illus; ©2007; ISBN 978-1-85097-100-9; 42 € 104 pp; 20 illus; ©2006; ISBN 978-1-85097-099-6; 42 € Raj Rattan Risk Management in General Dental Practice Derek Richards et al Raj Rattan and John Tiernan 156 pp; 35 illus; ©2008; ISBN 978-1-85097-126-9; 42 € 164 pp ©2004; ISBN 978-1-85097-066-8; 42 € Evidence-Based Dentistry: Managing Information for Better Practice 59 PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY/DENTAL HYGIENE NEW Evidence-Based Dentistry for the Dental Hygienist Edited by Julie Frantsve-Hawley Like any other dental professional, dental hygienists must practice evidence-based dentistry (EBD) to provide the best care to their patients, whether it be through scaling and root planing, caries prevention, or patient education. This book is intended as a textbook for dental hygienists to learn the importance of EBD in the practice of dental hygiene as well as how to implement EBD practices and share EBD findings among office staff. As the dental knowledge base evolves and scientific discoveries are made, dental hygienists must understand how to seek out and evaluate findings and, if appropriate, apply them in their clinical practice, and this book provides all the necessary tools to do just that. Contents Study Design, Levels of Evidence, and Systematic Reviews • Literature Searching • Online Resources • Critical Appraisal and Evidence Summaries • Clinical Recommendations and Guidelines • Introduction to Statistics • EBD in the Practice of Dental Hygiene • EBD in Dental Public Health • Caries Preventive Strategies • Community Water Fluoridation • Application of EBD to Periodontal Diseases • Screening for Cancers of the Oral Cavity and Pharynx • Antiresorptive Agent–Induced Osteonecrosis of the Jaw 376 pp (softcover); 48 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-0-86715-646-1; 56 € Vol 3 – Diagnosis and Risk Prediction of Periodontal Diseases Vol 2 – Diagnosis and Risk Prediction of Dental Caries Per Axelsson This book includes a comprehensive discussion of the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, risk factors, individual risk profiles, and epidemiology of caries. 316 pp; 280 illus; ©1999; ISBN 978-0-86715-362-0; 128 € Per Axelsson This book presents a comprehensive discussion of the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, risk indicators and factors, individual risk prof les, and epidemiology of periodontal diseases. Considers periodontal diseases as possible risk factors for systemic diseases and presents current and future trends in the management of periodontal diseases. 472 pp; 480 illus; ©2002; ISBN 978-0-86715-363-7; 140 € Vol 4 – Preventive Materials, Methods, and Programs Per Axelsson This book describes how to use the materials and methods associated with mechanical toothcleaning (self-care and professional), chemical plaque control, fluorides, and fissure sealants. Also provided are schedules showing how these agents and techniques should be implemented on a needs-related basis, according to the state of the art and based on evidence from recent research. 664 pp; 607 illus; ©2002; ISBN 978-0-86715-364-4; 178 € Get Sharp: Nonsurgical Periodontal Vol 5 – Minimally Invasive Treatment, Arrest, and Control of Periodontal Diseases Per Axelsson With a focus on minimally invasive treatment, the principles covered in this book ensure long-term treatment success and prevention of periodontal diseases. Specific topics include minimally invasive scaling, root planing, and debridement; healing of infectious inflamed periodontal tissues; repair and regeneration of lost periodontal tissues; and needsrelated periodontal preventive and maintenance care. This book is an indispensable guide for general practitioners and dental hygienists. 312 pp; 519 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-0-86715-365-1; 148 € Instrument Sharpening Marisa Roncati 60 Correct sharpening of nonsurgical periodontal instruments is essential for effective prophylaxis. Incorrect sharpening can modify the instrument blade and jeopardize safe treatment, and continued use of a dull instrument can lead to inadequate treatment, partial removal of calculus deposits, and compromised healing. This book simplifies key concepts to ensure restoration of the fine cutting edge as well as maintenance of the original design of the blade. 124 pp; 300 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-88-7492-153-9; 26 € I G Tissue Preservation in Caries Treatment Edited by Tomas O. Albrektsson et al 368 pp; 274 illus; ©2001; ISBN 978-1-85097-046-0; 78 € Dental Implant Prosthetics: A Patient-Oriented Strategy Edited by Stefan Wolfart Although literature on the surgical aspects of dental implantology is abundant, there has not been a comprehensive and systematic text to address implant-supported prosthetic rehabilitation – the ultimate goal of almost all dental implant surgeries. Written by a team of renowned authors, this book satisfies that need in exemplary fashion. With more than 2,000 illustrations and a full complement of restorative algorithms, it offers coherent, evidence-based strategies for prosthetically driven implant surgery and custom esthetic restoration, from initial planning through prosthetic delivery and follow-up. In addition, key aspects of interactions between the implant surgeon and the prosthodontist, the prosthodontist and the dental technician, and the patient and the treatment team are discussed in detail. This book is a must for all clinicians involved in implant restoration and is destined to become a standard reference work. 728 pp; 2,163 illus; ISBN 978-1-85097-282-2; approx. 289 € Available Autumn 2015 G S Challenging Nature: Wax-Up Techniques in Aesthetics and Functional Occlusion Paulo Kano Fabrication of posterior prosthetic teeth is an art that requires technicians to reproduce the minute details of occlusal form using difficult methods of wax-up. Written for students as well as experienced clinicians, this unique atlas will change the way that technicians wax up teeth. It guides readers, step by step, through the author’s revolutionary wax-up technique to re-create the complex morphology of premolar and molar teeth. The accompanying text provides straightforward explanations and illustrations of all techniques. Lavishly illustrated throughout, each chapter builds technical knowledge with sections on nomenclature, morphology, wax handling and application, functional wax-up sequences for maxillary and mandibular dentition, and adhesive cementation and culminates in a series of impressive clinical cases. A must-have resource for any dental technician wanting to review occlusal form and improve the functional morphology of posterior restorations. NEW Foundations of Dental Technology: Anatomy and Physiology Arnold Hohmann and Werner Hielscher Dental technicians must have a comprehensive knowledge of dental anatomy, physiology, and pathology in order to work with dentists to produce successful dental prostheses. Much training for dental technicians is spent on honing sound technical skills, but this textbook lays out the theoretical foundation that is prerequisite for reproducing functional and esthetic teeth and replacement tissues for individual dentitions. By providing the medical and technical context for dental technology work and focusing on the functional interrelation among the anatomical components, the authors establish the variables and criteria for measuring success. This book provides the high-level technical knowledge necessary to develop profession-specific competence and innovation in dental technology. 400 pp (softcover); 830 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-0-86715-611-9; 98 € G PROSTHODONTICS/DENTAL TECHNOLOGY G FORTHCOMIN 384 pp; 800 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-1-85097-203-7; 210 € Natural Waxing-Up Technique Attachments in the Laboratory (DVD-ROM) Frank Kaiser Dieter Schulz This DVD presents the “occlusal compass” and the natural waxing-up technique. The occlusal compass helps technicians to predict and define the natural directional movements of the mandible on the horizontal plane, including protrusion, laterotrusion, and mediotrusion. In addition, the natural waxing-up technique is considered to be one of the most appropriate methods of implementing the occlusal compass to facilitate the modeling of anatomically correct and functional occlusal surfaces of molar teeth. This DVD includes a presentation of the occlusal compass, the applicable anatomy, nomenclature, dental coordinate system, and the waxing up of all segments of a maxillary molar and an entire quadrant following the natural waxing-up technique. A step-by-step demonstration shows how to locate contact points and where spaces must be maintained. Understanding the diversity of attachment systems available for removable partial prostheses requires a great deal of knowledge and careful attention. This unique atlas provides a meticulous study of approximately 75 different types of attachments currently found on the market. The classification of these connectors by concept (function; mechanism; and location, such as intracoronary, extracoronary, on bars, or for overdentures) allows for better clinical decision making and improved communication between dentists and laboratory technicians. Laboratory procedures are detailed step by step, enhanced by objective explanations, 3D schemata, and detailed photographs. An invaluable reference for every dental technician. 316 pp; 840 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-1-86715-588-4; 98 € © 2013; ISBN 978-3-86867-202-2; 29.95 € Guide to Occlusal Waxing, Third Edition Edited by William J. O’Brien A sturdy manual styled for convenient reference during occlusal waxing. Six views of each tooth depict occlusal morphology, centric contacts, inclined planes, excursive pathways of opposing cusps, and proximal contacts from buccal and occlusal views. This book presents the essential knowledge of material structure and properties and shows how to apply the framework of materials science to restorative treatment plans. This didactic approach will enable students to select appropriate materials and handle them correctly for optimum clinical performance. 58 pp (spiral bound); 181 illus; ©2001; ISBN 978-0-86715-385-9; 34 € 448 pp; 250 illus; ©2008; ISBN 978-0-86715-437-5; 68 € Herbert T. Shillingburg, Jr, Edwin L. Wilson, Jr, and Jack T. Morrison Dental Materials and Their Selection, Fourth Edition 61 PROSTHODONTICS/DENTAL TECHNOLOGY NEW QDT 2015 QDT 2014 Edited by Sillas Duarte, Jr Edited by Sillas Duarte, Jr With its focus on the newest techniques and materials for esthetic restorative outcomes, QDT 2015 features original articles on CAD/ CAM, conservative adhesive restorations, nonprep veneers, pink esthetics, full-mouth reconstructions, and overall challenging cases. Two State of the Art articles are presented: Mastering Esthetic and Functional Rehabilitation of the Severely Worn Dentition, by Sergio Arias et al, and CAD/CAM Technology for Complete Denture Fabrication, by Tae Kim and Sillas Duarte, Jr. Neimar Sartori et al provide this year’s Biomaterials Update on CAD/CAM High-Strength Glass Ceramics. 220 pp; 915 illus; ©2015; ISBN 978-0-86715-689-8; 132 € G FORTHCOMIN Esthetic Dental Strategies: Art, Science, and Technology Stefano Inglese In this beautifully illustrated volume, the author encourages readers to understand natural tooth forms through simple observation in order to create dental restorations that look natural in the context of the mouth, face, personality, and age of the specific patient being treated. The author focuses on the morphologic characteristics of teeth and their relationship to the surrounding structures, such as the lips and gingiva. It also examines the tooth surface at the micro and macro levels and how its effects on light reflection can change the appearance, size, and morphology of teeth. All the phenomena and optical properties that must be understood and re-created in restorations in order to achieve lifelike results are analyzed, and a classification based on the shape and contour of the tooth is presented. Clinical cases provide practical application of these concepts. Available Summer 2015 Atlas of Dental Rehabilitation Techniques Romeo Pascetta and Davide Dainese 416 pp; 1,496 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-88-7492-178-2; 208 € CLASSIC Shade Matching and Communication in Esthetic Dentistry, Second Edition Stephen J. Chu et al y of color and helps dentists communicate shade easily and accurately. It begins with the basics of color theory within the context of esthetic dentistry and the factors that affect the transmission and perception of color. Chapters on conventional and technology-based shade matching provide step-by-step shade-matching methods and protocols. This updated and expanded second edition also includes chapters on the use of digital photography for shade verification and the influence of material selection on color matching. I Failure in the Restored Dentition Michael D. Wise and Antony Laurie 768 pp; 1,553 illus; ©1995; ISBN 1-85097-033-5; 129.99 € Only available as an iBook I Nature’s Morphology: Shape and Color: The Key to Successful Ceramic Restorations Fundamentals of Color: 168 pp (softcover); 366 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-0-86715-497-9; 68 € The talented ceramist authors of this book have distilled their practical experience into the essential techniques, the keys to material selection, and the use of emerging technologies that can guarantee successful prosthetic restoration and patient satisfaction. They illustrate the working techniques necessary to create esthetic and functional dental prostheses that reproduce the look of natural teeth. In addition, they detail the technology, materials, and equipment used in their laboratory. In documenting their everyday work routine, the authors underscore the significance of accurate planning, precision work, and clinical and laboratory communication and reveal the steps of the fabrication process for different kinds of restorations. Intended as an accessible and quick-to-consult volume, this exceptional book provides the reader with useful details to address many techniques. 62 With a focus on the newest techniques and materials for ultimate esthetic outomes, QDT 2014 features original articles on minimally invasive indirect restorations, modelguided soft tissue regeneration, opacity control using pressed ceramics, complex integrated esthetic rehabilitation, CAD/CAM tooth-colored occlusal splints, shade interpretation, optical phenomena, and the art of visual thinking. This year’s State of the Art article by Paulo Kano and Nelson Silva describes the Anatomic Shell Technique for mimicking nature. Sillas Duarte et al provide the year’s Biomaterials Update on ceramic-reinforced polymers—novel CAD/CAM hybrid restorative materials. 212 pp; 850 illus; ISBN 978-0-86715-660-7; 128 € I Gérald Ubassy An Atlas of Tooth Shape and Form Shigeo Kataoka and Yoshimi Nishimura The study of shapes and how they interact with color is the focus of this book. The author stresses the need for interpersonal contact between the dentist and dental technician and emphasizes the importance of observation of natural teeth to achieve esthetic, long-lasting restorations. English edition edited by Avishai Sadan 216 pp; 463 color illus; ©1995; ISBN 978-0-86715-207-4; 112 € 100 pp; 336 illus; ©2002; ISBN 978-0-86715-411-5; 86 € This beautifully illustrated atlas provides restorative dentists and technicians with images and information that will help them work together to produce functional and esthetic restorations. John Beumer III, Robert F. Faulkner, Kumar C. Shah, and Peter K. Moy It is now generally recognized that implant dentistry is driven by the prosthodontic needs of the patient, and so it is fitting that the first book of the two-volume Fundamentals of Implant Dentistry series focuses on the design and fabrication of implantretained prostheses. The authors of this definitive textbook cover the full range of restorative treatment options for edentulous and partially edentulous situations, from relatively simple problems that can be handled by a solo practitioner to those with substantial prosthodontic complexities, periodontal compromise of existing dentition, and significant bone and soft tissue defects. Throughout, the authors emphasize the importance of an interdisciplinary approach and demonstrate how it encourages the best results, particularly when restoring partially edentulous patients. The text covers the latest innovations in diagnostic evaluation, surgical procedures, and the methods and materials used to fabricate prostheses, including the use of CAD/CAM technologies. The authors also address special and sometimes controversial topics in implant dentistry, including the use of implants in irradiated patients and in growing children as well as the symbiotic relationship between orthodontics and osseointegration. Lastly, readers will appreciate the illustrated glossary of terms. This groundbreaking work provides the kind of unrivaled insight that can ensure the highest degree of clinical success in prosthetic restoration, and it is destined to become the definitive textbook and desk reference for dental students and practitioners alike. 456 pp; 1,105 illus; ©2015; ISBN 978-0-86715-585-3; 168 € NEW High-Strength Ceramics: The Complete Denture: Interdisciplinary Perspectives A Clinical Pathway, Second Edition (iBook) Edited by Jonathan L. Ferencz, Nelson R.F.A. Silva, and Jose M. Navarro Advances in materials science and digital technologies have revolutionized the field of ceramic-based restorative and implant dentistry. Forward-thinking clinicians and dental technicians must negotiate this rapidly changing landscape as they evaluate these new technologies and materials to determine which ones are validated by laboratory and clinical evidence, have the potential to improve patient outcomes, and are practical for clinical application. To provide insight into these issues, the editors of this book have assembled the talents of the various stakeholders in this field. International authorities from a variety of disciplines have come together to share expertise from the biomaterials, industry, clinical, and laboratory perspectives. The result is a book that combines thoughtful analysis of the state of the science with practical clinical advice for dentists and laboratory technicians alike. This book will provide readers with the tools to judge the research presented in the literature and incorporate best practices and advances in materials and technology into their armamentarium in a way that will benefit their patients. 296 pp; 734 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-0-86715-639-3; 158 € Technology Live (DVD-ROMs) These videos provide dentists and dental technicians with expert information on dental prosthetics and implantology and are filmed live in the dental practice. Each video shows the sequence of work steps in detail and in chronologic order in a live recording. Volume 1 • Anatomical Wax-Up • APF-NT, A Set-Up System ©2005; 36 € Volume 2 • Full Denture ©2005; 36 € This completely updated step-by-step manual provides the knowledge and skill needed for clinicians to effectively rehabilitate patients who are completely edentulous. Treatment involving complete dentures is not simply a mechanical skill: It demands an accurate diagnosis of systemic and local problems as well as a focus on prosthetic design. In this book, the author expands on these essential skills as he describes a standardized pathway based on scientific principles to mastering the art of fabricating a complete denture. iBook only; ©2014; ISBN 978-0-86715-652-2; 35.99 € Diagnosis and Treatment in Prosthodontics, Second Edition Edited by William R. Laney et al This book addresses the medical and surgical aspects of treating partially and completely edentulous patients and emphasizes the need to attend to the biologic, psychologic, and social dimensions of illness and care. This book presents a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment. New technologies and materials in immediate loading, ceramic materials, and threedimensional imaging techniques allow more predictable and successful outcomes. 352 pp; 578 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-0-86715-404-7; 189 € Maxillofacial Rehabilitation: Prosthodontic and Surgical Management of Cancer-Related, Acquired, and Congenital Defects of the Head and Neck, Third Edition Edited by John Beumer III, Mark T. Marunick, and Salvatore J. Esposito This updated textbook provides insights into the latest developments in reconstructive surgery, maxillofacial prosthetics, and dental care. New chapters present information on digital technology and tissue engineering, and all chapters have undergone significant revision, reflecting advances in the use of implants and free vascularized flaps. 468 pp; 1,555 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-0-86715-498-6; 198 € Inspiration: Precision in Dental Esthetics: Truly Natural Tooth Restoration Clinical and Laboratory Procedures David Korson Domenico Massironi et al 112 pp; 310 illus; ©2005; ISBN 978-1-85097-151-1; 78 € 464 pp; 1,331 illus; ©2006; ISBN 978-88-7492-011-2; 220 € Volume 3 • Best Fitting of One-Piece Cast in Precious Alloy for Implant-Borne Prosthesis • Anatomical Wax-Up of Anterior Posterior Teeth • Electroforming ©2005; 36 € Special offer: Volumes 1–3; 98 € Michael I. MacEntee PROSTHODONTICS/DENTAL TECHNOLOGY NEW Fundamentals of Implant Dentistry: Prosthodontic Principles (Volume I) 63 PROSTHODONTICS/DENTAL TECHNOLOGY G FORTHCOMIN Soft Tissue Management: The Restorative Perspective – Putting Concepts into Practice Ariel J. Raigrodski The soft tissue – restorative interface is where the artistry of the dental technician meets the clinical skill of the restorative dentist. The challenge for the clinician lies in managing the soft tissue frame, the essence of restorative dentistry. This compelling clinical monograph outlines a simplified approach to finish line design and preparation that is exceedingly practical. The author provides step-by-step instructions for each stage of therapy so that restorative dentists can understand how to manage the soft tissue frame, minimize trauma, and ensure a healthy and esthetic treatment outcome. Multiple cases are followed throughout the book, with individual chapters focusing on those portions of the case that illustrate the concepts elucidated in the chapter. Employing strict evidence-based principles, the author provides clinical tools for effective soft tissue management that will prevail even as technology in dentistry continues to evolve. 208 pp; 779 illus; ISBN 978-0-86715-691-1; Available Spring 2015 NEW Columbus Bridge Protocol: Immediate Loading Bridge (Book/DVD-ROM set) Karim Dada and Marwan Daas Tiziano Tealdo, Marco Bevilacqua, and Paolo Pera The Columbus Bridge Protocol provides for the realization of a full-arch, screw-retained, functionally loaded provisional prosthesis within 24 to 48 hours after implant surgery in the maxilla. Every aspect of treatment is addressed, including diagnostic procedures, choice of implant and abutment types, data transfer to the laboratory, laboratory procedures, surgical procedures, choice of restorative materials, delivery of the provisional and definitive prostheses, complication management, and instructions for hygiene and follow-up care. Two cases of full-arch treatment are presented in the text, and an accompanying DVD also presents a complete clinical case. 388 pp; 700 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-88-7492-154-6; 214 € Esthetic Implant Therapy and Restoration in the Edentulous Maxilla: A Simplified Protocol I Mandibular Suction-Effective Denture and BPS: A Complete Guide Jiro Abe, Kyoko Kokubo, and Koji Sato This book presents a dramatic approach to complete denture prosthetics that combines a simple four-step fabrication technique with effective mandibular suction. Using the Biofunctional Prosthetic System (BPS) in an easy-to-learn clinical technique, the authors explain, step by step, how to fabricate a BPS denture and then outline the procedure necessary for fabricating a suction-effective denture. A new approach to impression taking is outlined that allows for a more accurate denture form and thus better denture suction. Included are discussions related to the management of complex cases of total edentulism in both the maxilla and the mandible. 292 pp; 1,000 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-4-7812-0260-0; 170 € Teeth for Life for Older Adults P. Finbar Allen ©2002; ISBN 978-1-85097-056-9; 42 € Based on clinical, radiographic, and computer analysis, the simplified clinical protocols described in this book represent a revolution in the rehabiliation of the edentulous maxilla. The treatment strategy highlights a standardized esthetic analysis and focuses on the importance of the preparatory phases as well as of effective communication among the members of the treatment team. The authors outline the design principles and clinical methodology for different treatment options, step by step, and discuss indications for immediate loading, delivery of a fixed prosthesis shortly after the surgery, flapless surgery, and the all-on-four treatment concept, all of which can be used to limit postoperative difficulties for the patient. By simplifying the surgical and prosthetic protocols, the authors of this book have developed predictable esthetic treatment strategies that will be applicable to the largest number of patients and possible by the largest number of clinicians. 216 pp; 606 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-0-86715-645-4; 124 € F Principles and Practices of Complete Dentures: Creating the Mental Image of a Denture Iwao Hayakawa 255 pp; 714 illus; ©1999; ISBN 978-4-87417-607-8; 118 € Clinical Success in Immediate Complete Dentures: An Alternative Approach Michel Pompignoli, Michel Postaire, and Didier Raux This book presents the clinical and laboratory protocols for successful treatment of a hopeless dentition using an immediate complete denture delivered on the same day as the extractions. 92 pp (softcover); 233 illus; ©2008; ISBN 978-2-912550-57-6; 64 € F Prosthetic Rehabilitation: Diagnosis and Preprosthetic Care 64 Complete Dentures: From Planning to Edited by Giulio Preti P. Finbar Allen and Seán McCarthy 240 pp; 501 illus; ©2008; ISBN 978-1-85097-166-5; 128 € Problem Solving, Second Edition ©2003; ISBN 978-1-85097-227-3; 42 € Comprehensive Dentistry Prosthetic Rehabilitation, Part II: Technical Procedures Masahide Tsutsui et al Edited by Giulio Preti 444 pp; 3,000 illus; ©2008; ISBN 978-1-85097-161-0; 210 G 304 pp; 1,089 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-1-85097-198-6; 198 € Herbert T. Shillingburg et al The fourth edition of this popular undergraduate text has been updated and expanded to reflect new research, materials, and techniques in fixed prosthodontics, with the addition of more than 350 new illustrations and three new chapters on the restoration of implants. It is designed to serve as an introduction to restorative dentistry techniques using fixed partial dentures and cast metal, metal-ceramic, and all-ceramic restorations, providing the background knowledge needed by the novice and serving as a refresher for the practitioner or graduate student. Specific techniques and instruments are discussed, and updated information has been added to cover new cements, new impression materials and equipment, and changes in soft tissue management methods used during impression procedures. New articulators, facebows, and concepts of occlusion have been added, along with precise ways of making removable dies. Different ways of handling edentulous ridges with defects that provide better control over the functional and cosmetic outcome are also presented. Finally, the topics of esthetic and implant restorations, which have become increasingly emphasized in dental practice, are given greater attention. 584 pp; 1,455 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-0-86715-475-7; 128 € Color Atlas of Fixed Prosthodontics Fixed Prosthodontics: Yoshiyuki Hagiwara H. W. Anselm Wiskott Principles and Clinics This book reviews practical solutions to clinical problems in prosthodontics and emphasizes the fundamentals necessary to achieve efficiency and success with every prosthetic protocol. The author demonstrates each step of prosthetic rehabilitation, starting with accurate impression taking, cast preparation and articulation, record taking, and thorough treatment planning. The sequences for fixed prosthodontic restorations are detailed in both arches for posterior fullcoverage crowns, anterior porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns, and porcelain laminate veneers. Comprehensive illustrations complement the descriptions. This atlas outlines the theories, skills, and therapeutic philosophy that are crucial to achieving excellence in prosthodontic rehabilitation. This textbook presents a methodical and scientifically based approach to restora tive dentistry using fixed prosthodontics. The author supplies the interdisciplinary context for related basic sciences as well as the clinical fields of periodontics, orthodontics, operative dentistry, and implant dentistry. Once the scientific background is established, the text guides the reader, chapter by chapter, through the process of providing reliable treatment, and the accompanying illustrations depict common clinical situations and recommended treatment options to clarify the essential principles of fixed prosthodontics. By addressing the strategic, operational, and technical aspects of prosthetic dentistry, the author outlines the clinical steps of restorative dentistry and simplifies the complex concepts that students struggle with in the early phases of professional development. 196 pp; 539 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-4-7812-0320-1; 120 € 768 pp; 825 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-1-85097-208-2; 98 € Stewart’s Clinical Removable Partial Prosthodontics, Fourth Edition Rodney D. Phoenix, David R. Cagna, and Charles F. DeFreest The fourth edition of this classic prosthodontic textbook provides an overview of removable partial denture service in contemporary dental practice with an emphasis on clinical and design aspects. Features a new chapter on implantassisted removable partial dentures. 528 pp; 1,316 illus; ©2008; ISBN 978-0-86715-485-6; 98 € CLASSIC An Atlas of Removable Partial Denture Design Russell J. Stratton and Frank J. Wiebelt Part I covers basic principles and rationale of design and presents rules for rest placement and clasp selection. Part II illustrates designs for 250 of the most common partially edentulous arches. A standard design is presented, and variations are discussed. An excellent tool for dentisttechnician communication. 335 pp; 800 illus; ©1988; ISBN 978-0-86715-190-9; 76 € Fixed Prosthodontics in Dental Practice Removable Partial Dentures Michael O’Sullivan 156 pp; 211 illus; ©2004; ISBN 978-1-85097-075-0; 42 € 200 pp; ©2005; ISBN 978-1-85097-095-8; 42 € Nicholas J. A. Jepson New Magnetic Applications in Clinical Dentistry Hiroshi Mizutani Edited by Minoru Ai and Yuh-Yuan Shian 184 pp; 566 illus; ©2004; ISBN 978-4-87417-828-7; 85 € Basic Clinical Manual of Magnetic Overdenture (Book/CD-ROM set) 60 pp (softcover); 216 illus; ©2010; ISBN 978-4-7812-0153-5; 30 € PROSTHODONTICS/DENTAL TECHNOLOGY CLASSIC Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics, Fourth Edition 65 RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY NEW Routes for Excellence in Restorative Dentistry: Mastery for Beginners and Experts (Two-Volume Box Set) Edited by Luiz Narciso Baratieri, Sylvio Monteiro Junior, and Tiago Spezia de Melo et al Although true mastery in restorative dentistry requires a lifetime of learning and improvement, this two-volume compendium distills many essential clinical insights for the student clinician who is learning the craft of restorative dentistry. Envisioned as a comprehensive clinical textbook, this book elucidates the fundamental concepts of restorative dentistry and illustrates procedures step by step to ensure precision in esthetics, biomechanics, and function. The authors provide an up-to-date review of direct and indirect restorative techniques and cover the most important protocols used in daily clinical practice. As the title Routes suggests, there are many different ways to approach restorative treatment, and this book will prepare clinicians to successfully navigate treatment options and the complexity of dental restoration to attain excellence in their clinical practice. 760 pp; 1,900 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-85-7889-039-1; 140 € Principles and Practice of Operative Dentistry: A Modern Approach Enosakhare S. Akpata, Qasem D. Alomari, and Abdullah R. Al-Shammery Dental Erosion: Clinical and Technical Aspects of Minimally Invasive Rehabilitation (DVD-ROM) Tomislav Kresic, Wolfgang Kohlbach, and Udo Plaster Acid reflux–related dental erosion is a topic of increasing relevance. This DVD-ROM presents an exceptional case report documenting a minimally invasive treatment for a severely eroded dentition owing to acid reflux disease. The film highlights the collaboration among a dentist and two dental technicians as they work together to find a treatment strategy to restore the patient’s lost vertical dimension and ensure both excellent function and esthetics. The film highlights the use of novel methods and materials, including the “siliconein-silicone” method in which mock-ups, a therapeutic splint, and temporary overlays are created from the same multiple-use polymerization mold. The exceptional restorative results validate the innovative techniques. This book incorporates the latest developments with the best practices in operative dentistry to equip novice dental students with the essentials of clinical practice. Topics include caries management based on the medical model, ergonomic clinical setting for operative dental practice, expanded and updated information on tooth-colored restorations, and current bonding techniques. The authors outline the underlying principles and provide step-by-step techniques for each dental procedure. 264 pp; 441 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-1-85097-254-9; 89 € Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry: A Contemporary Approach, Fourth Edition 80 min; ©2013; ISBN 978-1-85097-262-4; 86 € Guidelines for Adhesive Dentistry: The Key to Success (Book/DVD-ROM set) Francesco Mangani, Angelo Putignano, and Antonio Cerutti This book/DVD-ROM set provides a dynamic multimedia program that effectively teaches the fundamental techniques of contemporary operative dentistry. 416 pp; 1,383 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-1-85097-179-5; 168 € I G Edited by Thomas J. Hilton, Jack L. Ferracane, and James C. Broome Over the past two decades, Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry has become one of the most trusted textbooks on clinical restorative dentistry. By integrating time-tested methods with recent scientific innovation, the authors promote sound concepts for predictable conservative techniques. Now in its fourth edition, this classic text has been completely updated with full-color illustrations throughout and substantial revisions in every chapter to incorporate the latest scientific developments and current research findings. In addition, new chapters on color study and shade matching address new areas of focus in the preclinical curriculum. A valuable resource for understanding the scientific basis for current treatment options in dentistry. 612 pp; 1,696 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-0-86715-528-0; 128 € Dental Erosion Dental Materials in Operative Dentistry Decision Making in Operative Dentistry 86 pp; 69 illus; ©2006; ISBN 978-1-85097-165-8; 42 € Christina Mitchell Paul A. Brunton 140 pp; 104 illus; ©2008; ISBN 978-1-85097-129-0; 42 € ©2002; ISBN 978-1-85097-057-6; 42 € Rubber Dam in Only 100 Seconds (CD-ROM) Adhesive Technology for Restorative Dentistry Minimally Invasive Dentistry: Edited by Johannes Müller and Norman Tischer Edited by Jean-François Roulet and Guido Vanherle The Management of Caries Platform: PC (Windows XP); ©2006; 48 € 208 pp; 208 illus; ©2005; ISBN 978-1-85097-107-8; 98 € 168 pp; 170 illus; ©2007; ISBN 978-1-85097-105-4; 78 € R. Graham Chadwick 66 Edited by Nairn H. F. Wilson RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY Contemporary Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth: Evidence-Based Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Edited by Nadim Z. Baba This much-needed book has a wealth of evidence-based information on all facets of the restoration of pulpless teeth. With a better understanding of the factors that can influence the prognosis of severely compromised teeth, the approach to treating these teeth has evolved, and this text offers a well-balanced, contemporary approach to treatment planning. Traditional principles and techniques are reviewed and reinforced, along with modern materials and methods, all with a firm foundation in the best available scientific evidence and with an emphasis on clinical studies. Many of the chapters provide comprehensive, step-by-step descriptions of technical procedures with accompanying illustrations to guide the reader through every stage of restoring pulpless teeth. Preprosthetic adjunctive procedures, such as surgical crown lengthening, repair of perforations, and orthodontic measures, are also described and illustrated. For years to come, this text will remain a definitive reference for specialists involved in the restoration of pulpless teeth or engaged in planning treatment for structurally compromised teeth. 228 pp; 460 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-0-86715-571-6; 118 € G FORTHCOMIN EndoProsthodontics: Guidelines for Clinical Practice Edited by Maciej Zarow Written by renowned international experts in the field of restoration of endodontically treated teeth, this book details the endodontic, restorative, and esthetic principles of treating pulpless teeth. Topics include how to avoid fractures, endodontic retreatment versus extraction and implant placement, use of direct and indirect restoration, tooth whitening after endodontic treatment, use of fiber posts, treating subgingival defects, and use of porcelain veneers versus ceramic crowns. The aim of the book is to provide substantive direction to guide practitioners in successful decision making. Each chapter includes detailed clinical cases, step-by-step descriptions of technical protocols, and practical tips for everyday use. Available Autumn 2015 Dental Erosion: Diagnosis, Risk Assessment, Prevention, Treatment Edited by Adrian Lussi and Thomas Jaeggi This book provides a comprehensive overview of dental erosion, focusing in particular on its diagnosis, risk assessment, prevention, and treatment. The authors detail how to recognize dental erosion through the basic erosive wear examination; how to conduct a thorough risk assessment with a dietary questionnaire, health history, and measurement of salivary flow rate; how to plan appropriate restorative treatment based on the severity of the erosion, providing recommendations for specific instruments and materials to be used; and how to prevent and/or reduce further erosion after treatment through dietary alterations, dental hygiene measures, and even drug treatments or surgical measures. Ample case studies illustrate the many different presentations of dental erosion and restorative procedures are detailed step by step. 144 pp; 220 illus; ©2011; ISBN 978-1-85097-218-1; 58 € Layers: An Atlas of Composite Resin Stratification Jordi Manauta and Anna Salat Despite the many advances of contemporary dental research in biomaterials and tissue regeneration, no dental material can perfectly correspond to natural tooth. The authors of this dynamic atlas posit that it is the mastery of layering techniques and not the material itself that is most important in re-creating natural-looking restorations. This reference book presents over a thousand images to explore the stratification of natural tooth and demonstrate solutions for how to arrange layers of composite resin to re-create the color, opacity, shape, and surface abnormalities of natural tooth. The authors provide step-bystep instruction in basic layering techniques as well as in advanced applications of dental characteristics, which are possible with a wide range of esthetic dental materials. In addition, each chapter is prefaced with insights from luminaries in esthetic dentistry, including Luiz Narciso Baratieri, Galip Gürel, Pascal Magne, Francesco Mangani, Ricardo Mitrani, and Angelo Putignano, among others. Optimal stratification techniques not only create natural-looking beauty in restorations but also imitate the innate bioarchitecture of teeth, which is the foundation of functional and esthetic results. G Esthetics with Resin Composite: Basics and Techniques (Book/DVD-ROM set) Burkard Hugo This book/DVD-ROM set shows how highly esthetic direct resin composite restorations can be created in the anterior dentition using a minimally invasive approach. Indirect Restorations David Bartlett et al 158 pp; 309 illus; ©2007; ISBN 978-1-85097-078-1; 42 € Advances in Restorative Dentistry Edited by Adrian Lussi and Markus Schaffner This beautifully illustrated book documents the most significant developments in technology as well as changes in scientific understanding. The 25 substantive chapters cover the broad scope of restorative and preventive dentistry with topics including caries prevention, magnification in restorative dentistry, minimally invasive preparations, adhesive techniques, bleaching, dental erosion, endodontic therapies, and halitosis. 272 pp; 310 illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-1-85097-228-0; 118 € G F G Successful Posterior Composites Christopher D. Lynch 148 pp; 135 illus; ©2008; ISBN 978-1-85097-120-7 ; 42 € Adhesive Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth Francesco Mannocci et al 130 pp; 266 illus; ©2007; ISBN 978-1-85097-135-1; 42 € 272 pp; 1,227 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-1-85097-183-2; 178 € I 448 pp; 1,234 color illus; ©2012; ISBN 978-8-87492-173-7; 195 € 67 TMD/OCCLUSION NEW The Science and Art of Occlusion and Oral Rehabilitation Martin Gross This clinically oriented book provides an overview of current concepts and clinical practices for managing occlusion in restorative dentistry. The book explains the rationale behind treatment concepts and provides evidence-based protocols for simple treatments (eg, single restorations) to the most involved cases (eg, fixed and removable prostheses). Contents The Masticatory System • Fundamentals of Occlusion • Posterior Support • Vertical Dimension • Excursive Guidance • Implants and Occlusion • Articulators • Diagnosis and Treatment Planning • Restoration of the Occlusion • Normal Variation • Esthetic Perspectives • Periodontal Prosthesis • Restoring Occusal Wear • Implant Prosthetics • Management of TMDs and Rehabilitation 544 pp; 3,406 illus; ©2015; ISBN 978-1-85097-215-0; 280 € Orofacial Pain: Guidelines for Assessment, Diagnosis, and Management, Fifth Edition Treatment of TMDs: Bridging the Gap Between Advances in Research and Clinical Patient Management Edited by Charles S. Greene and Daniel M. Laskin The mechanism by which nociceptive impulses are initiated, transmitted, and perceived as pain is not unique to the masticatory system. This means that much of the information discovered about musculoskeletal disorders through recent research tools and innovative experimental designs can be directly or indirectly applied to the TMJ. However, many dental clinicians are unaware of this type of information because it is presented mainly in medical publications or nonclinical scientific journals. This book bridges the gap for the clinician, applying the latest scientific research to the clinical treatment of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs), focusing on the anatomy, biochemistry, neurophysiology, and psychology of the common TMDs. Each chapter discusses present knowledge in the particular field before explaining how it may apply to the diagnosis and treatment of TMD patients. In addition, every chapter provides an overview of current new research in the field and its potential for changing future patient care. This book is sure to transform the way clinicians think about TMDs and approach TMD treatment. This book is an invaluable resource for all health care professionals who evaluate and treat patients with orofacial pain and face the daunting task of “keeping up with the literature” in the rapidly emerging arena of pain management in clinical practice. This new edition continues to emphasize evidence-based knowledge and, for the first time, offers a summary of key points at the beginning of each chapter. Other important changes include an entirely new chapter on sleep and its relationship to pain and well-being; new imaging guidelines for the diagnosis of headache, TMD, and neuropathic pain; a new section on dysesthesias related to neuropathic pain; comprehensive descriptions of SUNCT/SUNA in the chapter devoted to primary headache disorders; and recommendations for quantitative sensory testing, narcotic agreement, and brief screening questionnaires used in patient assessment. Most important, the differential diagnosis and TMD chapters reflect the recommendations of the long-awaited RDC/TMD taxonomy, which will have a significant impact on clinical practice. 216 pp; 60 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-0-86715-586-0; 108 € 312 pp; 8 illus; ©2013; ISBN 978-0-86715-610-2; 48 € Sleep Apnea: Treatment of Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders in Dentistry (DVD) Uwe Bussmeier, Uwe Fremder, and Jürgen Langenhan ©2009; ISBN 978-3-938947-85-5; 148 € Bruxism: Theory and Practice Edited by Daniel A. Paesani This comprehensive textbook reviews general bruxism knowledge as well as guidelines for diagnosis, sleep physiology, etiology, peripheral and emotional factors, movement disorders, and bruxism in children. It covers the effects of bruxism on the different components of the masticatory system and explores its relationship to pain and addresses bruxism treatment as well as particulars of restoration specific to the bruxing patient. 552 pp; 958 illus; ©2010; ISBN 978-1-85097-191-7; 178 € N NEW EDITIO Applied Occlusion (Book/DVD-ROM set), Second Edition Robert Wassell et al This three-part DVD provides a complete guide to treating the two main causative bite relationships associated with sleep apnea – the edge-to-edge bite and the deep bite. A mandibular advancement device will not solve the problem in every case, but it does help many patients improve their quality of life and prevent serious complications of the disease. Successful treatment of sleep apnea requires the systematic teamwork of specialists and a sound knowledge of the disease. 68 Edited by Reny de Leeuw and Gary D. Klasser S This best-selling book adopts a clinical approach to understanding occlusion and demystifies it for dentists and students. An accompanying narrated DVD-ROM provides 3D animations that clarify the effects of jaw movement. Comprehensive clinical videos demonstrate the process of investigating and managing real-life occlusal problems. This is an essential guide to understanding occlusion. 194 pp; 210 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-1-85097-277-8; 76 € Managing Orofacial Pain in Practice Eamonn Murphy The concept of pain management has evolved over the last 50 years. It encompasses several medical disciplines and has now become a distinct dental entity. This book explores the diagnostic techniques and management philosophies for common orofacial pain complaints. 160 pp; 75 illus; ©2008; ISBN 978-1-85097-130-6; 42 € Orofacial Pain and Headache, Second Edition Edited by Yair Sharav and Rafael Benoliel For many years, the study and treatment of orofacial pain have been considered as separate from the study and treatment of headaches, but the editors of this updated award-winning textbook take the philosophical stance that orofacial pain and headache must be considered together. The authors integrate knowledge across these disciplines to improve diagnostic accuracy and clinical management of chronic pain conditions and foster a beneficial collaboration between headache specialists and orofacial pain experts. The first chapters cover the diagnostic process, psychosocial modifying factors, and the anatomy and neurophysiology of the trigeminal nerve, but the bulk of the book is given over to a comprehensive review of the major clinical families of craniofacial pain. In this new edition, the authors place a focus on presenting clinical features and outlining treatment strategies, and the clinical case reports offer insight into the complexity of orofacial pain diagnosis and management. Because pharmacotherapy remains the primary treatment for most craniofacial pain, two chapters detail the pharmacology, efficacy, and side effects of commonly used drugs, although treatment options for neurosurgical and complementary and alternative medicine are also included. Finally, a new chapter addressing facial pain, headache, and sleep provides much-needed insight to this oftenoverlooked topic. The authors interweave an impressive body of scientific evidence with solid clinical experience to provide a timely and instructive addition to the pain literature. TMD/OCCLUSION G FORTHCOMIN Available Spring 2015 Sleep Medicine for Dentists: A Practical Overview Edited by Gilles J. Lavigne, Peter A. Cistulli, and Michael T. Smith This concise clinical handbook educates dental practitioners seeking to understand, recognize, and manage disorders such as sleep apnea, sleep bruxism, and chronic pain, which often interfere with or intrude into sleep and are critically important to the practice of dentistry. Leading experts in medicine and dentistry articulate and guide readers in performing the specific responsibilities of dental practitioners, such as routinely examining patients for the risk of sleep-disordered breathing; providing guidance and appropriate referrals to patients who report snoring, sleepiness, and morning headache; managing the tooth damage or pain generated by bruxism; kno wing when to prescribe oral appliances and understanding their associated risks; and collaborating closely with maxillofacial surgeons or ENT specialists when surgery is indicated. This unique book is a rapid source of practical information for students, practicing dentists, and researchers who wish to expand their knowledge base on this important topic. 224 pp; 40 illus; ©2009; ISBN 978-0-86715-487-0; 68 € I F Current Concepts on Temporomandibular Disorders Edited by Daniele Manfredini This comprehensive book presents current and emerging evidence-based research on TMDs. The authors address the complex group of pathologies that affect the masticatory system through a comprehensive discussion of the anatomy, classification, etiology, diagnosis, and management of TMDs. N NEW EDITIO Bell’s Oral and Facial Pain (Formerly Bell's Orofacial Pain), Seventh Edition Jeffrey P. Okeson Pain, especially chronic pain, is a major health care problem, a fact that has precipitated a recent dramatic expansion in pain-related research efforts. This revised edition of Dr Welden Bell’s classic text has been updated to incorporate the latest findings from these studies, including advanced understanding of the neurophysiology and central processing of pain and the resulting changes to diagnostic, classification, and treatment guidelines. To assist clinicians in the difficult and often complicated task of managing patients suffering from oral and facial pain, this textbook provides documented information concerning pain and pain behavior so that one may better understand what pain is, how it behaves, and how it might best be managed; develops a useful classification of orofacial pain disorders; offers practical diagnostic criteria by which the different orofacial pain disorders can be identified on a clinical level; and suggests guidelines for the effective management of patients who suffer from pain in the region of the mouth and face. The concepts and techniques discussed are supplemented with case reports as well as new, full-color photographs and illustrations to help the clinician better understand orofacial pain disorders and how to treat them effectively. 560 pp; 260 illus; ©2014; ISBN 978-0-86715-654-6; 98 € 512 pp; 320 illus; ©2010; ISBN 978-1-85097-199-3; 158 € Occlusion: Principles & Treatment José dos Santos, Jr 240 pp; 354 illus; ©2007; ISBN 978-0-86715-473-3; 98 € An Evidence-Based Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment Edited by Daniel M. Laskin, Charles S. Greene, and William L. Hylander 560 pp; 461 illus; ©2006; ISBN 978-0-86715-447-4; 158 € TMDs: 69 JOURNALS The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants Editors-in-Chief: Myron Nevins and Marc L. Nevins The International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants continues its tradition of publishing timely, original articles on implant-related research and patient care. Internationally recognized for its high editorial and scientific standards, JOMI presents pioneering research, seminal studies, emerging technology, position papers, and consensus reports, as well as the many clinical and therapeutic innovations that ensue as a result of these efforts. The editorial board is composed of recognized opinion leaders in their respective areas of expertise and reflects the international reach of the journal. Under their leadership, JOMI maintains its strong scientific integrity while expanding its influence within the field of implant dentistry. Editor-in-Chief: Steven E. Eckert An international reputation for highquality editorial content and unparalleled color illustrations has created a loyal following for this elegantly produced journal, now in its 34th year of publication. Encompassing the relationship between a healthy periodontium and precise restorations, as well as integrating implants with comprehensive treatment planning, this unique journal emphasizes information that can be directly applied to your daily practice. Official journal of the Academy of Osseointegration Volume 35, 2015 Subscription Rates (includes free Web access and free iPad App) 6 issues/year print and online International– Surface Mail International– Surface Mail 276 € Individual 221 € Institutional 545 € Institutional 430 € Student* 221 € Student* 145 € Single Issue 48 € Single Issue 38 € The International Journal of Prosthodontics Editor-in-Chief: Barry J. Sessle Editor-in-Chief: George A. Zarb Official journal of the American Academy of Orofacial Pain, European Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders, Australian and New Zealand Academy of Orofacial Pain, Asian Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders, and Ibero-Latin American Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders Volume 29, 2015 Subscription Rates (includes free Web access and free iPad App) 4 issues/year print and online *Verification of student status is required. Journal of Oral & Facial Pain and Headache Founded upon sound scientific principles, this journal—with a new name reflecting its broadened scope—continues to make important contributions that strongly influence the work of dental and medical professionals involved in treating oral and facial pain, including temporomandibular disorders, and headache. In addition to providing timely scientific research and clinical articles, the journal presents diagnostic techniques and treatment therapies for oral and facial pain, headache, mandibular dysfunction, and occlusion and covers pharmacology, physical therapy, surgery, and other pain-management methods. 6 issues/year print and online Individual *Verification of student status is required. 70 Volume 30, 2015 Subscription Rates (includes free Web access and free iPad App) International– Surface Mail Prosthodontics demands a clinical research emphasis on patient- and dentistmediated concerns in the management of oral rehabilitative needs. It is about making the best clinical decisions, as well as implementing them, to enhance patients’ quality of life via applied biologic architecture—a role that far exceeds that of traditional prosthetic dentistry with its emphasis on materials and techniques. The International Journal of Prosthodontics is dedicated to exploring and developing this conceptual shift in the role of today’s prosthodontist, clinician, and educator alike. The editorial board is composed of a distinguished team of leading international scholars. Official journal of the International College of Prosthodontists, International Society for Maxillofacial Rehabilitation, German Society for Prosthodontics and Dental Materials Science, and Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry Volume 28, 2015 Subscription Rates (Includes free Web access and free iPad App) 6 issues/year print and online International– Surface Mail Individual 146 € Individual 213 € Institutional 275 € Institutional 405 € Student* 91 € Student* 137 € Single Issue 44 € Single Issue 38 € *Verification of student status is required. *Verification of student status is required. Read journals on the go with the new Quintessence iPad apps. Current subscribers can receive complimentary access to the iPad versions of our journals. Visit the Apple Store and enter "quintessence" in the search field for more information on to our apps. JOURNALS Quintessence iPad Journal Apps Now Available! Quintessence Dental Video Journal Taking advantage of the outstanding training value of liveaction video, the Quintessence Digital Journal presents advanced clinical procedures performed live by world-class clinicians. Each DVD contains 2 or 3 video series, each on a different dental-related topic (restorative, surgical, implant, etc). This quarterly journal enables first-hand observation of how experienced practitioners manage every step – including unexpected problems – of common clinical procedures performed in real time and on actual patients. Nothing facilitates learning so well as viewing procedures as they are performed by expert clinicians and listening as they explain the decision making that guides them. The new QDJ introduces a new era in the way advanced clinical procedures are taught. 4 DVDs/year Air Mail Individual 248 € Single Issue 98 € Quintessence International The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry Editor-in-Chief: Eli Eliav Editors: Jean-François Roulet and Bart Van Meerbeek QI has a new contemporary design but continues its time-honored tradition of serving the needs of the general practitioner with clinically relevant articles that are scientifically based. Dr Eli Eliav and his editorial board are dedicated to practitioners worldwide through the presentation of high-level research, useful clinical procedures, and educational short case reports and clinical notes. Rigorous but timely manuscript review is the first order of business in their quest to publish a high-quality selection of articles in the multiple specialties and disciplines that encompass dentistry. New materials and applications in adhesion are profoundly changing the way dentistry is delivered. Bonding techniques, which have long been restricted to the tooth hard tissues, enamel, and dentin, have obvious applications in operative and preventive dentistry as well as in esthetic and pediatric dentistry, prosthodontics, and orthodontics. The current development of adhesive techniques for soft tissues and slow-releasing agents will expand applications to periodontics and oral surgery as well. Scientifically sound, peer-reviewed articles explore the latest innovations in these emerging fields. Official journal of the International Academy for Adhesive Dentistry 10 issues/year print and online International– Surface Mail Volume 17, 2015 Subscription Rates (includes free Web access and free iPad App) 6 issues/year print and online International– Surface Mail Individual 184 € Individual 225 € Institutional 416 € Institutional 400 € Student* 92 € Student* 115 € Single Issue 23 € Single Issue 40 € *Verification of student status is required. *Verification of student status is required. Volume 46, 2015 Subscription Rates (includes free Web access and free iPad App) 71 JOURNALS Oral Health & Preventive Dentistry Editors: Jean-François Roulet, Paul Erik Petersen, and Anton Sculeen The emphasis of this journal is on the healthy and pathologic function of the craniomandibular system and the treatment of craniomandibular dysfunction. Its primary goal is to highlight the interdisciplinary aspects of diagnosis and subsequent treatment of craniomandibular dysfunction, thereby intensifying communication between medicine and dentistry. Ultimately, the aim of this practice-oriented journal is to advise clinicians of the most promising treatments available for their patients. Published in a dual EnglishGerman format. Official journal of the World Congress of Minimally Invasive Dentistry Official journal of the German Association for Functional Diagnostics and Treatment Volume 13, 2015 Subscription Rates (includes free Web access and free iPad App) Volume 7, 2015 Subscription Rates (includes free Web access and free iPad App) International– Surface Mail 4 issues/year print and online International– Surface Mail Individual 208 € Individual 132 € Institutional 420 € Institutional 280 € Student* 105 € Student* 70 € Single Issue 38 € Single Issue 40 € *Verification of student status is required. *Verification of student status is required. The Chinese Journal of Dental Research The International Journal of Sports Dentistry Editor-in-Chief: Guang Yan Yu Editor: Misao Kawara The Chinese Journal of Dental Research is a peer-reviewed general dental journal in English sponsored by the Chinese Stomatological Association. The journal publishes original articles, short communications, invited reviews, and case reports. The Japanese Academy of Sports Dentistry’s official journal (in English), The International Journal of Sports Dentistry provides an overview of the scientific developments in sports-related dentistry around the world, with an emphasis on orofacial injury prevention and management of dentofacial trauma and craniofacial pain. Official journal of the Chinese Stomatological Association Official journal of the Japanese Academy of Sports Dentistry Volume 18, 2015 Subscription Rates (includes free Web access and free iPad App) Volume 8, 2015 Subscription Rates 4 issues/year print and online Editors: A. Hugger, M. O. Ahlers, O. Bernhardt, and M. Lange Clinicians, general practitioners, teachers, researchers, and public health administrators will find this journal an indispensable source of essential, timely information about scientific progress in the fields of oral health and the prevention of caries, periodontal diseases, oral mucosal diseases, and dental trauma. Central topics, including oral hygiene, oral epidemiology, oral health promotion, and public health issues, are covered in peer-reviewed articles such as clinical and basic science research reports; reviews; invited focus articles, commentaries, and guest editorials; and symposium, workshop, and conference proceedings. 6 issues/year print and online 72 Journal of Craniomandibular Function International– Surface Mail 1 issues/year print and online International– Surface Mail Individual 84 € Individual 17 € Institutional 140 € Institutional 00 € Student* 44 € Student* 10 € Single Issue 24 € Single Issue 17 € *Verification of student status is required. *Verification of student status is required. ENDO—Endodontic Practice Today Editor-in-Chief: Alessandro Devigus Editors: Edgar Schäfer, Bun San Chong, and Antonio Bonaccorso Boasting an editorial board that unites the world’s most talented master clinicians, The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry seeks to advance the state of the art in the practices of esthetic dentistry. Each issue features articles on the latest techniques, materials, and technology, allowing readers to obtain the outstanding esthetic results that more and more patients are demanding. Photos of breathtaking beauty grace the pages of this quarterly journal. The aim and scope of ENDO is to publish articles relevant to the science and practice of endodontics and interdisciplinary fields. It is intended for dental practitioners with an interest in endodontics, including specialist endodontists. Its purpose is to act as a bridge between original science and clinical practice. The journal also includes contributions on endodontics in relation to periodontics, traumatology, pedodontics, orthodontics, oral surgery, prosthodontics, and implantology. Official journal of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry Official journal of the Belgian Association for Endodontology and Traumatology, French Society of Endodontics, and Norwegian Endodontic Society Volume 10, 2015 Subscription Rates (includes free Web access and free iPad App) Volume 9, 2015 Subscription Rates (includes free Web access and free iPad App) 4 issues/year print and online International– Surface Mail 4 issues/year print and online International– Surface Mail Individual 146 € Individual 122 € Institutional 280 € Institutional 230 € Student* 74 € Student* 62 € Single Issue 38 € Single Issue 32 € *Verification of student status is required. *Verification of student status is required. European Journal of Oral Implantology International Journal of Computerized Dentistry Editor-in-Chief: Marco Esposito Editors: Albert Mehl and Olaf Schenk EJOI prides itself on presenting evidencebased practical insights in oral implantology to specialists and general practitioners alike. Under the guidance of Dr Marco Esposito and his highly regarded editorial board, this journal encompasses systematic reviews, clinical trials and articles, and case series, with a focus on article quality and substance. Full descriptions and relevant illustrations are included so clinicians can fully understand all procedures presented. The aim of this journal is to provide reliable clinical guidance to practitioners to help them make the best decisions possible for their patients. Official journal of the British Society of Oral Implantology, Danish Society for Oral Implantology, Italian Society of Oral Surgery and Implantology, German Association of Oral Implantology, Spanish Society of Implantology, and British Academy of Implant Dentistry 4 issues/year print and online International– Surface Mail This journal explores the myriad innovations in the emerging field of computerized dentistry and how to integrate them into clinical practice. The bulk of the journal is devoted to the science of computer-assisted dentistry, with research articles and clinical reports on all aspects of computer-based diagnostic and therapeutic applications, with special emphasis placed on CAD/CAM and image-processing systems. Articles also address the use of computer-based communication to support patient care, assess the quality of care, and enhance clinical decision making. The journal is presented in a bilingual format, and each issue offers three types of articles: science-based, application-based, and national society reports. Official journal of the International Society of Computerized Dentistry Volume 18, 2015 Subscription Rates (includes free Web access and free iPad App) 4 issues/year print and online International– Surface Mail Individual 132 € Individual 118 € Institutional 250 € Institutional 240 € Student* 68 € Student* 64 € Single Issue 35 € Single Issue 32 € *Verification of student status is required. *Verification of student status is required. Volume 8, 2015 Subscription Rates (includes free Web access and free iPad App) JOURNALS The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry 73 AUTHOR INDEX 74 Abe, J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Abubaker, A. O.. . . . . . . . . 46 Adolfi, D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Agnini, Al.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Agnini, An.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Ahlers, M. O.. . . . . . . . . . . 72 Ahmad, I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Ai, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Akpata, E. S.. . . . . . . . . . . 66 Al-Faraje, L.. . . . . . . . . 28, 29 Al-Shammery, A. R. . . . . . . 66 Albrektsson, T. O.. . . . . 10, 60 Alexander R. G. . . . . . . . . . 51 Allen, P.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Alomari, Q. D. . . . . . . . . . . 66 Anderson, R. A. . . . . . . . . . 45 Antoun, H. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Aparicio, C.. . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Arens, D. E.. . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Arnold, M.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Aust, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Axelsson, P.. . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Baba, N. Z. . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Bahreman, A. . . . . . . . . . . 51 Bahte, S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Banal, M.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Baratieri, L. N.. . . . . . . 23, 66 Barducci, G.. . . . . . . 7, 11, 22 Bartlett, D.. . . . . . . . . . 23, 67 Basting, G. . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Bateman, G.. . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Baumgaertel. . . . . . . . . . . 14 Bebean, M. J. . . . . . . . . . . 58 Becker, J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Belser, U.. . . . . . . 6, 7, 23, 30 Benoliel, R. . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Berns, J. M. . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Beumer III, J. . . . . . . . 35, 63 Bevilacqua, M.. . . . . . . . . . 64 Blatz, M. B.. . . . . . . . . . 3, 23 Bolz, W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Bonaccorso, A.. . . . . . . . . . 73 Bönecker, M.. . . . . . . . . . . 53 Bouchez, R. . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Bowman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Brackett, S.. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Brägger, U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Brånemark, P-I.. . . . . . 10, 32 Broome, J. C.. . . . . . . . . . . 66 Brunette, D. M. . . . . . . . . . 36 Brunton, P. A. . . . . . . . 23, 66 Burstone, C. J. . . . . . . . . . 50 Buser, D. . . . . 6, 9, 29, 30, 31 Bussmeier, U.. . . . . . . . . . . 68 Cagna, D. R. . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Canakapalli, V.. . . . . . . . . . 26 Canullo, L. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Carranza, F.. . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Carvalho da Silva, R. . . . . . 56 Casentini, P.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Cerutti, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Chadwick, B. L.. . . . . . . . . 54 Chadwick, R. G.. . . . . . . . . 66 Chapple I. L. C. . . . . . . . . . 57 Chen, S. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 30 Chiapasco, M.. . . . . . . . . . . 6 Chiche, G. J.. . . . . . . . . . . 24 Chin, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Cho, J-Y.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Choi, B-H.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Chong, B. S. . . . . . . . . 27, 73 Choy, K. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Chu, S. J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Cimões, R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Cistulli, P. A.. . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Clerehugh, V. . . . . . . . . . . 54 Coachman, C.. . . . . . . . . . 39 Cocchetto, R. . . . . . . . . . . 35 Coelho de Carvalho, M. C. . 26 Cogo, E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Cohen, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Coleman, W. P. . . . . . . . . . 45 Coluzzi, D. J. . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Convissar, R. A. . . . . . . . . . 40 Cordaro, L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Cozzani, G. . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Cozzolino, F. . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Craig, D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Crepaz, M.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Cueto, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Daas, M.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Dada, K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Dainese, D.. . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Darque, F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Davarpanah, M.. . . . . . . . . 34 Dawson, A. . . . . . . . . . . 6, 30 de Leeuw, R.. . . . . . . . . . . 68 de Mello Jr, J. E. . . . . . . . . 26 de Vries, C. . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 de Vries, L. . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Deery, C.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 DeFreest, C. F.. . . . . . . . . . 65 Del Fabbro, M.. . . . . . . . . . 34 Detienville, R.. . . . . . . . . . . 55 Devigus, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Donos, N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 dos Santos, J.. . . . . . . . . . 69 Drum, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Duarte Jr, S.. . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Duncker, H-R. . . . . . . . . . . 39 Duterloo, H. S. . . . . . . . . . . 50 Düzgünes, N. . . . . . . . . . . 37 Dym, H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Eckert, S. E.. . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Eliav, E.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Ellouze, S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Engelman, M. . . . . . . . . . . 13 Esposito, M.. . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Esposito, S. J.. . . . . . . . . . 63 Ewers, R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Faulkner, R. F. . . . . . . . . . . 63 Favero, G. A.. . . . . . . . . . . 29 Favero, L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Ferencz, J. L.. . . . . . . . . 4, 63 Fernandes, D. . . . . . . . . . . 45 Ferracane, J. L.. . . . . . . . . 66 Finbar Allen, P. F.. . . . . . . . 64 Fiske, J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Foce, E.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Forbes, D. P. . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Fradeani, M. . . . . . . 7, 11, 22 Francischone, C. E. . . . . . . 32 Franscini-Paiva, V. . . . . . 8, 43 Frantsve-Hawley, J.. . . . . . 60 Fratila, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Freeman, R.. . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Fremder, U.. . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Funato, A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Galasso, L.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Galli, F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Gallucci, G.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Gamborena, I.. . . . . . . . 3, 23 Garant, P. R.. . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Geller, W.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Genovese, M. D. . . . . . . . . 53 Giannobile, W. V. . . . . . 47, 55 Gilbert, A. D. . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Giovannoli, J-L.. . . . . . . . . 33 Glick, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Goldstein, R. E. . . . . . . . 8, 58 Goodis, H. E.. . . . . . . . . . . 25 Gottlander, R.. . . . . . . . . . . 32 Gout, U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Greene, C. S.. . . . . . . . 68, 69 Greenwall, L. H.. . . . . . 24, 59 Gregg, T. A.. . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Gross, M.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Grunert, I,. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Grunder, U. . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Grunewald, S. . . . . . . . . . . 45 Gürel, G.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Gusmão, S.. . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Hædersdal, M. . . . . . . . . . 45 Hagiwara, Y.. . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Hamburger, J.. . . . . . . . . . 57 Hargreaves, K. M.. . . . . . . . 25 Harris, R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Hasegawa, S. . . . . . . . . . . 51 Haubrich, J. . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Hayakawa, I. . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Hayashi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Heasman, P. A.. . . . . . . . . . 56 Heitz-Mayfield, L. J. A.. . . . . 6 Hernández Alfaro, F.. 9, 28, 35 Hidaka, T.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Hielscher, W.. . . . . . . . . . . 61 Hilton, T. J.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Hirata, R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Hobo, S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Hoffmann, A.. . . . . . . . . . . 11 Hohmann, A.. . . . . . . . . . . 61 Horalek, A. L.. . . . . . . . . . . 26 Horner, K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Hosey, M. T. . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Hugger, A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Hugo, B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Hülsmann, M. . . . . . . . . . . 27 Humphris, G.. . . . . . . . . . . 59 Hürzeler, M.. . . . . . 12, 35, 56 Hylander, W. L.. . . . . . . . . . 69 Imburgia, M. . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Inglese, S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Ishikawa, T.. . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Jacobi, R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Jacobs, S. H. . . . . . . . . . . 35 Jacobson, A. . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Jacobson, R. L. . . . . . . . . . 49 Jaeggi, T.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Jameson, C. . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Jankielewicz, I.. . . . . . . . . . 10 Jensen, O. T.. . . . . . . . 32, 46 Jepsen, S. . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Jepson, N. J. A.. . . . . . . . . 65 Jiménez-López, V. . . . . . . 3, 9 Joly, J. C.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Jost, W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Kaiser, F.. . . . . . . . . . . 10, 61 Kane, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Kano, P.. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 , 61 Kataoka, S.. . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Katsuyama, H. . . . . . . . . . . 30 Katz, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Katz, P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Kaus, T.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Kawara, M.. . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Kelleher, M. . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Kendall, G. I. . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Kherlakian, D. . . . . . . . . . . 26 Khoury, F. . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 33 Klasser, G. D.. . . . . . . . . . . 68 Kleinheinz, J. . . . . . . . . . . 47 Knoll, B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Ko, S-H.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Koh, Y.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Kohlbach, W. . . . . . . . . 41, 66 Kokich, V. G. . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Kokubo, K.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Korbendau, J-M.. . . . . 37, 52 Korbendau, X. . . . . . . . . . . 37 Korson, D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Kresic, T.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Krompier, J. A. . . . . . . . . . 36 Kwon, S-R. . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Lam, D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Lambrecht, T. J. . . . . . 32, 48 Laney, W. R.. . . . . . . . . 15, 63 Lang, N. P. . . . . . . . . . 47, 55 Lange, M.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Langenhan, J.. . . . . . . . . . 68 Lapenta, R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Laskin, D. M. . 46, 48, 68, 69 Laurell, L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Lavigne, G. J.. . . . . . . . . . . 69 Låzårescu, F.. . . . . . . . . . . 23 Levrini, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Loi, I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Loiacono, P. . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Lombardo, L. . . . . . . . . . . 49 Ludwig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Lundgren, S. . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Lussi, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Lynch, C. D.. . . . . . . . . . . . 67 MacEntee M. I.. . . . . . . . . . 63 Magne, P. . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 23 Mallat Callís, E. . . . . . . . . . . 8 Mallat Desplats, E.. . . . . . . . 8 Manauta, J.. . . . . . . . . . 7, 67 Manfredini, D.. . . . . . . . . . 69 Mangani, F. . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Mannocci, F. . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Manolescue, G.. . . . . . . . . 58 Margolis, F. S. . . . . . . . . . . 53 Mariniello, A.. . . . . . . . . . . 49 Martin, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Martin, W.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Martins da Rosa, J. C. . . . . 34 Marunick, M. T. . . . . . . . . . 63 Marx, R. E. . . . 36, 43, 46, 48 Massironi, D.. . . . . . . . . . . 63 Mathews, D. P. . . . . . . . . . 50 McCarthy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 McKenna, S. . . . . . . . . . . . 47 McLaren E. A. . . . . . . . . . . 22 McNeill, C.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Meechan, J. G. . . . . . . 43, 48 Mehl, A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Mellonig, J.. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Merino, E. . . . . . . . . . . 14, 26 Merli, M.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Mesquita de Carvalho, P. F.. 56 Meyer, C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Michel, J-F.. . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Miles, D. A. . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Miles, P. G. . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Miles, T. S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Missika, P. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Mitchell, C. . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Miyashita, K. . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Mizukawa, M. . . . . . . . . . . 47 Mizutani, H.. . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Monteiro Jr, S.. . . . . . . . . . 66 Moritz, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Morrison, J. T.. . . . . . . . . . 61 Moy, P. K.. . . . . . . . 34, 35, 63 Moysés, S. J. . . . . . . . . . . 53 Müller, A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Müller, J.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Murata, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Murphy, E.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Nakajima, E. . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Nanda, R. S. . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Nauntofte, B. . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Navarro, J. M.. . . . . . . . 4, 63 Neugebauer, J. . . . . . . . . . 41 Neukam, F. W. . . . . . . . . . . 48 Nevins, M. . . . . . . . . . 13, 70 Nevins, M. L.. . . . . . . . . . . 70 Nishimura, Y.. . . . . . . . . . . 62 Noble, S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Nosaka, Y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Nusstein, J. . . . . . . . . . . . 36 O´ Brien, W. J.. . . . . . . . . . 61 O´ Connel, B. C. . . . . . . . . . 35 O´ Sullivan, M.. . . . . . . . . . 65 O´Toole, C.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Ogle, O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Okeson, J. P.. . . . . . . . 13, 69 Okuji, M.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Olivi, G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Paasch, U. . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Paesani, D. A. . . . . . . . 13, 68 Palacci, P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Pancherz, H. . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Pascetta, R.. . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Pascoletti, L. . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Patti, A.. . . . . . . . . . . . 14, 52 Pera, P.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Perrier, G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Perrotti, G. . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Pertot, J.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Pery, H. T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Petersen, P. E.. . . . . . . . . . 72 Phoenix, R. D. . . . . . . . . . . 65 Pinault, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Pine, C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Pinto, E.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Planché, P-G.. . . . . . . . . . . 50 Plaster, U.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Poblete-Michel, M. G.. . . . . 47 Politi, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Pompignoli, M.. . . . . . . . . . 64 Pontius, O. J. . . . . . . . . . . 27 Postaire, M.. . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Pozzi, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Preti, G.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Preus, H. R.. . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Prosper, L.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Prüfert, M.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Putignano, A.. . . . . . . . . . . 66 Radlanski, R. J. . . . . . . . . . 36 Raigrodski, A. J.. . . . . . . . . 64 Ranazzi Cabral Fagundes, M.I. 26 Rasperini, G. . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Rattan, R. . . . . . . . . . . 58, 59 Raux, D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Reader, A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Reichart, P. A. . . . . . . . . . . 46 Reichert di Lorenzen, O. . 7, 22 Renvert, S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Reyneke, J. P. . . . . . . . . . . 48 Reynolds, P. A. . . . . . . . . . 47 Ricci, G.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Richards, D.. . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Ricucci, D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Rodd, H. D.. . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Rodríguez Flores, J. M. . . . 13 Romano, R.. . . . . . . . . 24, 52 Romanos, G. E. . . . . . . 34, 57 Roncati, M.. . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Ronchi, P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Rosenfeld A. L.. . . . . . . . . . 33 Roulet, J-F. . . . 39, 66, 71, 72 Rout, J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Rubin, M. G. . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Ruf, S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Rufenacht, C.. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Rule, J. T.. . . . . . . . . . . 58, 59 Rushton, E. V. . . . . . . . . . . 43 Sadan, A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Salat, A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 67 Salenbauch, N. . . . . . . . . . 43 Santana, U.. . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Sanz, M. . . . . . . . . . . . 42, 55 Sato, K.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Sato, N.. . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 57 Sattler, G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Schäfer, E.. . . . . . . . . . 27, 73 Schaffner, M.. . . . . . . . . . . 67 Schenk, O.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Schultze-Mosgau, S. . . . . . 48 Schulz, D.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Schupp, W. . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Schürer, N. Y. . . . . . . . . . . 44 Schwartz-Arad, D.. . . . . . . 34 Schwartz, R. S.. . . . . . . . . . 26 Schwarz, F. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Sclar, A. G.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Sculean, A. . . . . . . . . . 55, 72 Scully, C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Scuzzo, G. . . . . . . . . . 49, 52 Searson, L. J. . . . . . . . . . . 28 Sennerby, L.. . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Sessle, B. J.. . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Sethi, A.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Shah, K. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Sharav,Y.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Sheiham, A.. . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Sheridan, P. . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Shian, Y-Y.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Shillingburg Jr, H. T.. . . 10, 61 Shillingburg, H. T.. . . . . . . . 65 Sibilla, P.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Siervo, S. . . . . . . . . . . 12, 40 Silva, N. R.F.A.. . . . . . . . 4, 63 Sliwowski, C. T. . . . . . . . . . 28 Simons, D. . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Siqueira Jr, J. F.. . . . . . . . . 25 Skelley, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Skovsgaard, H.. . . . . . . . . . 40 Slater, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Smith, M. T.. . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Spezia de Melo, T. . . . . . . . 66 Splieth, C. H. . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Stadlinger, B. . . . . . . . . . . 42 Stern, D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Stevens, M. R. . . . . . . . . . . 48 Stratton, R. J.. . . . . . . . . . . 65 Suk Lee, J. . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Suwannakit, T.. . . . . . . . . . 54 Svensson, P. . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Takemoto, K. . . . . . . . . 49, 52 Tardieu, P. B.. . . . . . . . . . . 33 Tay, F. R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Taylor, T. D. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Tealdo, T.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Terheyden, H. . . . . . . . . . . 42 Termeie, D.. . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Terry, A. D.. . . . . . . 21, 53, 58 Testori, T. . . . . . . . 32, 34, 40 Tiernan, J.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Tischer, N.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Tonetti, M. S. . . . . . . . . . . 47 Tosun, Y. S. . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Tsukiboshi, M. . . . . . . 40, 43 Tsutsui, M. . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Tuncay, O. C. . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Turrini, R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Ubassy, G.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Um, I-W.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Valerius K. P. . . . . . . . . 39, 44 van Amerongen, E. . . . . . . 53 van der Linden, F.. . 14, 51, 52 Van Meerbeek, B.. . . . . . . . 71 van Steenberghe, D. . . . . . 47 Vanherle, G.. . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Veatch, R. M.. . . . . . . . . . . 59 Vega, L.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Vercellotti, T. . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Wachtel, H. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Wadhwa, G. S.. . . . . . . . . . 59 Wassel, R.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Waterhouse, P.. . . . . . . . . . 54 Watt, R. G.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Watzek, G.. . . . . . . . . . 32, 35 Weber, H.P.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Weingart, D. . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Welbury, R. R. . . . . . . . . . . 27 Wesker, K. H. . . . . . . . . . . 36 White and White . . . . . . . . 42 Whitsett, L.. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Whitworth, J. M.. . . . . . . . . 27 Wiebelt, F. J.. . . . . . . . . . . 65 Wiest, L. G. . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Wilhelm, S. S. . . . . . . . . . . 14 Wilson Jr, E. L.. . . . . . . . . . 61 Wilson, N. H. F. . . . 36, 42, 66 Wirz, J.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Wise, M. D.. . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Wiskott, H. W. A.. . . . . . . . . 65 Wismeijer, D.. . . . . . . . . 6, 30 Wittneben, J.G.. . . . . . . . . . 6 Wolf, B.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Wolfart, S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Wray, A. P.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Wright, R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Yan Yu, G.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Yeo, A. B.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Yoshie, H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Young, L. B. . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Zarb, G. A.. . . . . . . . . . 10, 70 Zarow, M.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Zöller, J. E. . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Zubcov-Iwantscheff, A. . . . 45 Zucchelli, G.. . . . . . . . . 12, 57 Zuhr, O.. . . . . . . . . 12, 35, 56 Zuolo, M. L.. . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Para realizar pedidos desde España y Portugal dirigirse a: TELÉFONO: FAX: E-MAIL: WEB: (+34) 93 491 23 00 (+34) 93 409 13 60 [email protected] Nota: Los pedidos son en firme. No se admiten devoluciones o cambios. Precios sujetos a cambio sin previo aviso. 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