2016 Raker List
2016 Raker List
C. RAKER & SONS, INC. 10371 RAINEY ROAD LITCHFIELD, MICHIGAN 49252 P: 517.542.2316 F: 517.542.2565 WWW.RAKER.COM CONNECT SALES CUSTOMER P R O D U C T SUPPORT SUPPORT GROW DELIVERY INVOICING FedEx / UPS / CPU Susie Raker 517-542-4560 Kristy Stanton 517-542-4551 Lori Ricketts 517-542-4598 Bill Winchell 517-542-4577 Louie LaMothe 517-542-4518 Steve Reed 517-542-4538 Rene’e Titus 517-542-4504 Jenny Kuhn 517-542-4520 Trisha Bills 517-542-4557 Ralph Masarik 517-542-4525 Tim Raker 517-542-4511 Deb Eichler 517-542-2316 Lynn Impey 517-542-4503 Jarvis Green 517-542-4505 Sarah Seiy 517-542-4558 Corey Bills 517-542-4517 Freight Teresa From 517-542-4507 Front Desk C. RAKER & SONS, INC. Alerts Jennifer Hatalski 517-542-4585 Janice Carpenter 517-542-4506 Teresa Hawkins 517-542-4531 Kelly Staats 517-542-4541 Patty Raker 517-542-4513 TRIAL GARDENS 10371 RAINEY ROAD LITCHFIELD, MICHIGAN 49252 phone: 517.542.2316 fax: 517.542.2565 TO CONNECT VIA EMAIL: TYPE IN THE PERSON’S NAME (NO SPACES) @RAKER.COM e.g., [email protected] WWW.RAKER.COM RESEARCH TAGS CATALOGS Sally Wade 517-542-4522 Andrew Stella 517-542-4581 Genetic Evaluation Greg Michalak 517-542-4550 Paul Karlovich 517-542-4523 w w w.raker.com/availability C. RAKER & SONS, INC. RAKER is the leading wholesaler of custom grown DELIVERY We ship directly to your greenhouse. plugs and liners in North America. Through both seed Our tested packaging delivers high-quality plants and vegetative propagation, Raker supplies over 3,000 intact and ready-to-grow. Additionally, a 50-tray order plant varieties to customers around the planet. qualifies for private (Grower Truck) delivery. Simply ask and we will place your order on our patented shipping CONTACT US If you have questions or concerns cradle system. Plant products ship primarily via FedEx, regarding your plants, please feel free to contact UPS, and Grower Truck. Raker. We believe open, honest communication is key to a successful business relationship. Raker caters to DISCOUNTS Preparation is vital to success. small and medium-sized growers. Raker rewards readiness with two discounts that apply regardless of the season: Early Order and Volume. CUSTOM PRODUCTION In addition to the Early Order provides a 10% discount on any order plant varieties we list, a Raker specialty service is placed 12 weeks before the ship date. Volume provides custom growing. Once a custom grow is approved, the an automatic discount of between 8-33% (depending minimum for seed items is only 3 trays and vegetative on your order history). items is only 200 cuttings. TAGS Raker is a simple solution for your plant tag QUOTE SERVICE Always submit your order purchases. If tags are not required as part of a patent, to Raker for a competitive bid. Our pricing structure let us know and we will deliver them with your plants. provides small and medium-sized growers with the Our small bundle sizes (and delivery savings) make best possible price on plugs and liners. The quote ordering tags from Raker a smart choice. service is no charge to you and ensures you are getting the best price. TRAYS We primarily grow product in 6 tray sizes (3 plug & 3 liner trays). In addition to these standard BROKERS All Raker orders route through our tray sizes, we have the ability to grow product in an network of 35 broker offices. This network completely additional 24 tray sizes. covers North America – for a list of brokers, please refer to pages 4-5. TRIAL GARDENS We continuously research and evaluate new and existing plant varieties. Our yearly ALL-INCLUSIVE PRICING The quoted price is Trials provide more than four acres of over 3,000 plant the bottom line. Whether it is delivered or freight-on- varieties in three Trial categories: row, hanging basket, board, Raker never adds on royalty, boxing, handling, and container . Please visit us during the summer to or fuel charges. experience our world renowned trials. AVAILABILITY / SPECULATION In addition to custom-grown items, we maintain an extensive “atonce” inventory. Our real-time inventory management system ensures trays ordered online (www.raker.com/ availability) are truly in-stock. When you order a tray from Raker Availability / Speculation, you will receive that tray (not a substitute). ADDITIONAL PROGRAMS 2016 C. RAKER & SONS, INC. 241 MUMS / 10 NEW / 16 EXCLUSIVE MUMBOS / 15 ASTERS / 1 DAISY POINSETTIA 130 POINSETTIAS · 12 NEW · ECKE, SELECTA, SYNGENTA GENETICS · DELIVERY 7 / 6 - 9 / 12, 2015 NEW AUTUMN LEAVES NEW NEW CHRISTMAS AURORA CHRISTMAS BEAUTY QUEEN ORDER BY FOR SHIP WEEK JASODA PURPLE SHANNON WHITE VERITAS ORANGE JASODA RED EXCLUSIVE! JASODA WHITE 16MUMBOS 2016 C. RAKER & SONS, INC. 2016 C. RAKER & SONS, INC. NEW CHRISTMAS JOY WHITE BEVERLY BRONZE NEW CHRISTMAS PARTY april 17 july 06 april 24 july 13 may 01 july 20 may 08 july 27 may 15 august 03 may 22 august 10 may 29 august 17 june 05 august 24 june 12 august 31 june 19 september 07 p:517.542.2316 ASHLEY CINNAMON JASODA YELLOW www.raker.com THERA RED f:517.542.2565 w ww.raker.com/availability NEW NEW PEPPERMINT RUFFLES PRESTIGE BURGUNDY p:517.542.2316 245 PANSIES · 10 NEW · 123 VIOLAS · 6 NEW · DELIVERY: APRIL 27 – DECEMBER 27, 2015 NEW Begonia Bossa Nova Red NEW Gazania Big Kiss Red NEW Petunia Easy Wave Red Velour NEW Pepper Mama Mia Gallo NEW Cool Wave Blue Skies NEW Matrix Beaconsfield NEW Wonderfall Tricolor Mix NEW Sorbet XP Lavender Pink NEW NEW Begonia Big Pink NEW Geranium Pinto Lavender Rose NEW Vinca Jams N Jellies Blueberry NEW Tomato Carmello NEW Cool Wave Lemon Surprise NEW Matrix Solar Flare NEW Sorbet XP Coconut Swirl NEW Sorbet XP Orange Jump Up NEW JINGLE BELL ROCK NEW JASODA ORANGE 2016 C. RAKER & SONS, INC. PANSY·VIOLA CHRISTMAS MORNING OFF YOUR ORDER THE RAKER EARLY ORDER DISCOUNT (EOD) IS APPLICABLE ALL YEAR, ALL PROGRAMS 842 ANNUALS · 27 HERBS · 86 VEGETABLES · 36 NEW ITEMS · DELIVERY: 04/28 – 12/26/15 NEW CHRISTMAS JOY PINK AND RECEIVE 10% SEASON SAVER NEW TITAN PINK www.raker.com NEW NEW NEW NEW Coleus Kong Lime Sprite Pentas Graffiti Velvet Red Zinnia Zahara Raspberry Tomato Fantastico p: 517 542 2316 www.raker.com [email protected] f: 517 542 2565 NEW NEW Wonderfall Mix Sorbet XP Jump Up Mix Sorbet XP Yesterday, Today... p: 517 542 2316 www.raker.com [email protected] f: 517 542 2565 Delta Premium Buttered Popcorn TITAN WHITE f:517.542.2565 NEW NEW PLUGS actual sizes 505-PLUG 285-PLUG 128-PLUG The 505-plug tray represents our best value (least expensive) annual plug. The 285-plug tray contains our most popular and versatile plug. The 128-plug tray contains our largest, fastest-finishing Annual plug. Available only weeks 1-17, 505-plugs are most suitable as bedding plant or 4” and 6” pot inputs. Available all year, 285 plugs are great as bedding plant; 4”, 6”, & gallon container; and hanging basket inputs. Available all year, 128’s are ideal as bedding plant; 4”, 6”, & gallon container; & hanging basket inputs. SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS average liner age: 4 weeks tray pattern: 32 x 16 cell count: 512 ‘sold as’ count: 505 cell width: 0.5625” cell depth: 0.8750” cell taper: 9° cell volume: 3.0cc average plug age: 5 weeks tray pattern: 24 x 12 cell count: 288 ‘sold as’ count: 285 cell width: 0.7500” cell depth: 1.0000” cell taper: 11° cell volume: 6.0cc average plug age: 6 weeks tray pattern: 16 x 8 cell count: 128 ‘sold as’ count: 128 cell width: 1.0625” cell depth: 1.5000” cell taper: 15° cell volume: 14.0cc DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS 21¼” 21¼” 11” 11” 11” 21¼” w w w.raker.com/availability LINERS actual sizes 51-STRIP 36-STRIP 18-STRIP The 51-strip tray is for premium vegetative product. The 36-strip tray is for premium vegetative product. The 18-strip tray contains our largest, fastest-finishing liner. Transplant a single 51-strip liner into multiple pots or use multiple liners for baskets and larger containers. Raker Poinsettias use a 25-strip tray (36-strip tray w/ empty row) to enhance plant development. Available all year, 18-strip liners are perfect for any size pot (especially mixed containers). SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS average liner age: 4 weeks tray pattern: 17 x 3 cell count: 51 ‘sold as’ count: 51 cell width: 1.1875” (30mm) cell depth: 1.5000” cell taper: 5° cell volume: 27.2cc average liner age: 5 weeks average plug age: 10 weeks cell count: 36 (25) ‘sold as’ count: 36 (25) cell width: 1.3750” (35mm) cell depth: 1.7500” cell taper: 5° cell volume: 42.3cc average liner age: 7 weeks average plug age: 12 weeks cell count: 18 ‘sold as’ count: 18 cell width: 2.0000” (45mm) cell depth: 2.2500” cell taper: 5° cell volume: 116.5cc DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS 5½” 5½” 5½” 21¼” 5½” 5½” 21¼” 5½” 21¼” w ww.raker.com/availability RAKER BROKERS UNITED STATES ABBOT-IPCO P.O. BOX 551329 DALLAS, TX 75355-1329 p: 800.525.1379 · f: 214.341.7873 http://www.abbott-ipco.com/ FRED C GLOECKNER CO 600 MAMARONECK AVENUE HARRISON, NY 10528-1635 p: 800.345.3787 · f: 914.698.0848 http://www.fredgloeckner.com/ KOENIG & ASSOCIATES, INC. 4339 NE Campaign Street Portland, OR 97218 p: 503.282.3183 · f: 503.284.1361 http://www.koenigplants.com/ BALL SEED COMPANY 622 TOWN ROAD WEST CHICAGO, IL 60185-2614 p: 800.879.2255 · f: 800.234.0370 http://www.ballhort.com/ GERMANIA SEED CO 5978 N NORTHWEST HIGHWAY CHICAGO, IL 60631-2664 p: 800.380.4721 · f: 773.631.4449 https://www.germaniaseed.com/ LEO BERBEE BULB CO., INC. PO BOX 670 MARYSVILLE, OH 43040 p: 800.642.2852 · f: 937.644.5341 http://www.berbeeus.com/ BFG: THE PLANT CONNECTION 14500 KINSMAN ROAD, PO BOX 479 BURTON, OH 44021-9642 p: 800.883.0234 · f: 800.368.4759 http://www.bfgsupply.com/ GRIMES HORTICULTURE, INC 11335 CONCORD HAMBDEN ROAD CONCORD, OH 44077-9704 p: 800.241.7333 · f: 440.352.1800 http://www.grimes-hort.com/ MCHUTCHISON 64 MOUNTAINVIEW BOULEVARD WAYNE, NJ 07470-6710 p: 800.943.2230 · f: 866.234.8884 http://www.mchutchison.com/ EASON HORT RESOURCES 939 HELEN RUTH DRIVE FORT WRIGHT, KY 41017-9677 p: 800.214.2221 · f: 859.578.2266 http://ehrnet.com/ HARRIS SEEDS 355 PAUL ROAD, PO BOX 24966 ROCHESTER, NY 14624-0966 p: 800.544.7938 · f: 877.892.9197 http://www.harrisseeds.com/ MID ATLANTIC PLANT CO 5582 KIRKWOOD HIGHWAY WILMINGTON, DE 19808-5002 p: 800.366.0350 · f: 302.368.1599 http://www.midatlanticplant.com/ ePLANTSOURCE.COM 10955 Westmoor Drive Westminster, CO 80021-2704 p: 855.674.8440 · f: 888.820.8618 http://eplantsource.com/ HENRY F MICHELLS PO BOX 60160 KING OF PRUSSIA, PA 19406-0160 p: 800.422.4678 · f: 610.265.4208 http://www.michells.com PARK SEED WHOLESALE 1 PARKTON AVENUE GREENWOOD, SC 29647-0001 p: 800.845.3366 · f: 800.209.0360 http://www.parkwholesale.com/ EXPRESS SEED COMPANY 51051 US Highway 20 Oberlin, OH 44074 p: 800.221.3838 · f: 440.774.2728 http:// http://www.expressseed.com/ HORT COUTURE PLANTS 10371 RAINEY ROAD LITCHFIELD, MI 49252 p: 517.542.4548 · f: 517.542.2565 http://www.hortcoutureplants.com/ POPPYSTARTS PO BOX 2902 MOUNT VERNON, WA 98273 p: 360.202.6000 · f: 360.230.3131 no website FLORASOURCE, LTD PO BOX 758 SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92674-0758 p: 949.498.1131 · f: 949.498.1196 http://www.florasourceltd.com/ IVY GARTH SEEDS & PLANTS 8422 MAYFIELD ROAD CHESTERLAND, OH 44026-2400 p: 800.351.4025 · f: 440.729.7692 http://www.ivygarth.com/ w w w.raker.com/availability CANADA RAYMOND PERRI CO 8 WINDING TRAIL ROAD PINE BUSH, NY 12566-5620 p: 845.744.6801 · f: 845.744.8473 no website TUOHY HORT ENTERPRISES, INC PO BOX 178 FRANKFORT, IL 60448 p: 815.806.8785 · f: 815.806.8786 http://www.thehort.com/ BALL SUPERIOR CANADA 11831 COLD CREEK ROAD, UNIT B KLEINBURG, ON L0J 1C0 CANADA p: 905.893.7101 · f: 905.893.7108 http://www.ballhort.com/ RON IWASAKI HORT SALES 25500 SW MELOTT ROAD HILLSBORO, OR 97123-8728 p: 503.628.1969 · f: 503.628.1122 no website VANDENBERG BULB, INC 4315 OAK GROVE ROAD HOWELL, MI 48855-9373 p: 800.955.3813 · f: 517.546.3429 http://www.vandenbergbulb.com/ JVK, LTD 1894 SEVENTH STREET, PO BOX 910 ST CATHARINES, ON L2R 6Z4 CANADA p: 905.641.5599 · f: 905.684.6260 http://jvk.ca/ S.G. CALAUTTI CO, LLC 537 HARTFORD ROAD, PO BOX 3803 MANCHESTER, CT 06040-4831 p: 860.645.1028 · f: 860.645.1117 no website VAUGHAN’S HORTICULTURE 40 Shuman Boulevard, #175 Naperville, Il 60563 -8224 p: 855.864.3300 · f: 855.864.5790 http://www.vaughans.com/ SHS GRIFFIN 4343 COMMERCE COURT, SUITE 500 LISLE, IL 60532-3672 p: 800.454.8159 · f: 630.969.6373 http://www.shsgriffin.com/ VIS SEED CO PO BOX 661953 ARCADIA, CA 91006-2868 p: 626.445.1233 · f: 626.445.3779 http://www.visseed.com/ SOOS GROWER RESOURCES, LLC PO BOX 9 MIDDLEVILLE, MI 49333-9775 p: 269.795.7890 · f: 269.795.7891 http://www.soosgr.com WALDO & ASSOCIATES 28214 GLENWOOD ROAD PERRYSBURG, OH 43551-4810 p: 800.468.4011 · f: 419.666.2079 http://www.waldoinc.com/ STAR ROSES AND PLANTS 41700 ROAD 100, PO BOX 217 DINUBA, CA 93618-8701 p: 800.457.1859 · f: 559.528.1088 http://www.starrosesandplants.com/ WEHOP PO BOX 1109 PORT HADLOCK, WA 98339-1109 p: 800.669.6480 · f: 360.344.3555 http://www.wehop.com/ w ww.raker.com/availability PARIDON HORTICULTURAL LTD 5985 104th STREET DELTA, BC V4K 3N3 CANADA p: 604.596.3422 · f: 604.596.6155 http://www.paridon.com/ TABLE OF PLANTS All series and varieties listed below are NEW for 2016 ANNUALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Alyssum North Face. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Begonia (Seed). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Begonia Bossa Nova . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Begonia San Fransisco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Begonia Non Stop Mocca Bright Orange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Begonia Illumination Lemon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Begonia Non Stop Joy Yellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Begonia Baby Wing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Begonia Big Rose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Begonia (URC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Bidens Beedance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Bracteantha Mohave Fire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Calibrachoa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Calibrachoa Chameleon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Calibrachoa MiniFamous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Canna Cannova Lemon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Celosia Dragon’s Breath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Celosia Kelos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Coleus (Seed). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Coleus Premium Sun Flip Side. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Coleus (URC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Coleus Cool Vibes Mellow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Coleus Globetrotters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Coleus Partytime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Dahlia Mystic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Dahlia XXL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Dianthus (Seed). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Dianthus Jolt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Euphorbia Glamor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Gazania New Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Geranium (Seed). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Geranium (URC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Geranium (Regal) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Heliotrope Marino White. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Impatiens (New Guinea Seed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Impatiens (New Guinea URC). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Impatiens Sunpatiens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Kwik Kombo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Lobularia Stream Raspberry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Marigold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Osteospermum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Osteospermum 4D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Pansy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Pansy Cool Wave Blue Skies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Pansy Delta Premium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Pentas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Petchoa SuperCal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Petunia (Seed Trailing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Petunia Easy Wave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Petunia (Seed Bedding). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Petunia Daddy Red. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Petunia Tritunia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Petunia (URC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Petunia Crazytunia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Petunia Hells Fruit Punch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Petunia Sanguna Salmon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Petunia Starlet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Petunia Surfinia Summer Double Salmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Portulaca. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Rudbeckia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Salvia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Salvia Summer Jewel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Snapdragon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Trixi Combo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Verbena. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Verbena Lanai Vintage Vodka. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Vinca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Viola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Viola Sorbet XP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Zinnia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Zinnia Zahara Double. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Zinnia XL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 FLORIST POT CROPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Cyclamen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Cyclamen Laser Snowridge Scarlet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Cyclamen Halios HD White. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Cyclamen Halios Select. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Gerbera. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Gerbera Garvinea Sweet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Lisianthus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Lisianthus Rosanne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 GRASSES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 HERBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Basil Dolce Fresca. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 PERENNIALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Achillea Song Siren Angie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Aquilegia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Buddleia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Buddleia Buzz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Campanula Rapido . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Chelone Tiny Tortuga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Coreopsis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Delphinium. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Dianthus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Dianthus Pink Kisses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Dianthus Kahori. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Echinacea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Gaillardia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Heliopsis Double Sunstruck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Heuchera. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Iberis White Heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Iberis Lavish. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Iberis Whiteout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Lavandula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Lavandula Bandera Purple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Lobelia Starship Deep Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Penstemon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Phlox. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Salvia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Scabiosa Flutter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Sedum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Veronica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Viola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 SUCCULENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 VEGETABLES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140 Broccoli Destiny. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Strawberry Ruby Ann. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Tomato Heirloom Marriage Cherokee Carbon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 w w w.raker.com/availability ANNUALS Abutilon Bella Select Mix price (tray) Q (128-plug) age (weeks) 6 Acmella Peek A Boo price (tray) K (128-plug) E (36-strip) species hybridum ship weeks 1-52 ABUTILON – aGERATUM age (weeks) 8-10 species oleracea patent no ship weeks 1-52 tag no input seed input seed panamseed.com Ageratum Blue Hawaii 5.0 price (tray) F (505-plug) D (285-plug) C (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 patent no ship weeks 1-52 tag no input seed panamseed.com species patent no tag no benary.com Blue Hawaii 5.0 Ageratum Horizon Blue price (tray) E (505-plug) C (285-plug) B (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 ship weeks 1-52 species patent no input seed Bella Select Mix Peek A Boo Acalypha Chenille Trailing Ageratum Blue Danube price (tray) F (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) species pendula ship weeks 45-17 input URC tag no sakata.com age (weeks) 5-6 patent no ship weeks 1-52 tag no input seed multiple sources species patent no tag no benary.com Horizon Blue Ageratum Patina price (tray) P (51-strip) age (weeks) 3 species ship weeks 45-17 input URC patent yes tag yes syngentaflowers.com Chenille Trailing Blue Danube w ww.raker.com/availability Blue Purple 10 1 ALTERNANTHERA – ALYSSUM Alternanthera Purple Knight price (tray) N (128-plug) F (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-12 species dentata ship weeks 1-52 patent yes input seed tag yes annuals Alternanthera Little Ruby price (tray) J (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 input URC panamseed.com price (tray) A (285-plug) species ship weeks 45-17 Alyssum Easter Bonnet age (weeks) 5 species patent yes ship weeks 1-52 tag yes input seed athenabrazil.com Purple Knight patent no tag no panamseed.com Deep Pink Deep Rose Lavender Lemonade Alternanthera Brazilian price (tray) J (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 species ficoidea ship weeks 45-17 patent yes input URC tag yes multiple sources Little Ruby Alyssum Clear Crystals price (tray) D (505-plug) C (285-plug) age (weeks) 5 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed Brazilian Red Hots tag no panamseed.com B (505-plug) Mix Alternanthera Burgundy price (tray) G (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 species ficoidea ship weeks 45-17 input URC patent no tag no multiple sources Burgundy Threads 2 Lavender Shades Mix Pastel Mix Peach Purple Shades White Violet B (505-plug) White w w w.raker.com/availability annuals ALYSSUM – ANGELONIA Alyssum North Face Angelonia Carita price (tray) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5 price (tray) M (51-strip) species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no age (weeks) 5 age (weeks) 9-11 species patent yes ship weeks 1-52 tag yes input seed input URC floranova.co.uk price (tray) U (285-plug) L (128-plug) E (36-strip) species ship weeks 45-17 Angelonia Serena syngentaflowers.com patent no tag no panamseed.com ADD NEW Purple Blue ADD Mixture ADD Raspberry White Angelonia Carita Cascade price (tray) M (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 species ship weeks 45-17 input URC North Face patent yes tag yes syngentaflowers.com Alyssum Snow Crystals price (tray) D (505-plug) B (285-plug) A (128-plug) age (weeks) 5 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Purple panamseed.com ADD ADD Deep Purple Snow Crystals Raspberry White 09 w ww.raker.com/availability Waterfall Mixture White 3 Angelonia – asparagus annuals Angelonia Serenita Angelonia Sungelonia price (tray) U (285-plug) L (128-plug) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 9-11 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no price (tray) P (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 Lavender Pink patent yes input URC age (weeks) 4 species x hybrida ship weeks 45-17 tag yes panamseed.com ADD price (tray) M (51-strip) species ship weeks 45-17 Argyranthemum Comet patent yes input URC suntory.com tag yes dummengroup.com ADD Mix ADD Pink Red Argyranthemum Flutterby ADD price (tray) M (51-strip) E (18-strip) age (weeks) 4-6 species x hybrida ship weeks 45-17 patent yes input URC Pink Purple Blue tag yes dummengroup.com NEW Deep Pink White Argyranthemum Butterfly price (tray) J (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 species x hybrida ship weeks 45-17 input URC patent no tag no multiple sources Yellow Asparagus densiflorus price (tray) G (51-strip) age (weeks) 18 ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Sky Blue multiple sources ADD Raspberry 4 species densiflorus ADD White Butterfly w w w.raker.com/availability myersii annuals asparagus – bacopa Asparagus sprengeri price (tray) B (51-strip) age (weeks) 18 Aster Pot & Patio Mix price (tray) H (505-plug) E (285-plug) species sprengeri age (weeks) 3-4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no multiple sources Bacopa Scopia price (tray) M (51-strip) age (weeks) 4-6 species sutera ship weeks 45-17 input URC tag yes panamseed.com Pot & Patio Mix patent yes danzinger.co.il Gulliver Blue Gulliver Pink Heart Bacopa Atlas White price (tray) N (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 species sutera ship weeks 45-17 input URC patent yes tag yes dummengroup.com species White E (18-strip) Gulliver White Aster Matsumoto Mix Bacopa Blutopia Bacopa Snowtopia price (tray) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 ship weeks 1-52 input seed price (tray) K (128-plug) D (36-strip) species age (weeks) 8-10 ship weeks 1-52 tag no input seed sakata.com Matsumoto Mix species patent no price (tray) K (128-plug) D (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-10 species patent no ship weeks 1-52 tag no input seed panamseed.com Blutopia w ww.raker.com/availability patent no tag no panamseed.com Snowtopia 5 BEGONIA: SEED annuals SEED PROPAGATED BEGONIA Begonia Bossa Nova ship weeks 1-52 price (tray) F (36-strip) age (weeks) 15 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species elatior patent no tag no benary.com price (tray) ZC (285-plug) T (128-plug) I (36-strip) species boliviensis age (weeks) 8-12 patent no ship weeks 1-52 tag no input seed input seed Begonia Charisma Begonia San Fransisco price (tray) Q (128-plug) H (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-12 Raker offers 100 Begonia varieties propagated from Seed. Fibrous Begonias for the landscape, tuberous Begonias for pots and baskets, and hybrid Begonias for both landscape and containers. Seed Begonias are offered all year in 285- and 128-plug trays, select varieties in 36-strip trays. floranova.co.uk species boliviensis patent no tag no Pink benary.com Salmon Orange NEW Mix Orange NEW Scarlet Begonia Bada Boom NEW price (tray) D (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 7-8 Pink Glow ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no San Fransisco Pure White species fibrous bronze leaf syngentaflowers.com Begonia Santa Cruz Sunset price (tray) ZC (285-plug) T (128-plug) I (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-12 species boliviensis ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed Red Rose tag no benary.com Mix Pink Rose Rose Bicolor Scarlet White NEW Salmon Shades 6 Santa Cruz Sunset w w w.raker.com/availability annuals BEGONIA: SEED Begonia Cocktail price (tray) D (505-plug) B (285-plug) A (128-plug) age (weeks) 7-8 species fibrous bronze leaf Begonia Senator price (tray) D (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 7-8 species fibrous bronze leaf Begonia Ambassador price (tray) D (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 7-8 ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed benary.com Brandy Gin Mix sakata.com Rose Scarlet Scarlet White Soft Pink price (tray) D (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 7-8 Rum Tequila Vodka Whiskey species fibrous green leaf patent no tag no sakata.com Pink Begonia Ambassador species fibrous green leaf White Begonia Bada Bing price (tray) D (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 7-8 species fibrous green leaf ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no sakata.com syngentaflowers.com Bicolor Coral Mix Pink Mix Pink Rose Rose Bicolor Rose Rose Blush Scarlet White Begonia Senator price (tray) D (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 7-8 species fibrous bronze leaf ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no sakata.com Deep Rose Mix w ww.raker.com/availability 7 BEGONIA: SEED annuals Begonia Super Olympia price (tray) D (505-plug) B (285-plug) A (128-plug) age (weeks) 7-8 species fibrous green leaf Begonia Non Stop Mocca price (tray) I (285-plug) F (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-14 species tuberous bronze leaf Begonia Illumination price (tray) K (128-plug) D (36-strip) age (weeks) 10-14 ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed benary.com benary.com species tuberous green leaf patent no tag no benary.com NEW Light Pink Apricot Mix Golden Picotee NEW Pink Red Bright Orange Rose White Cherry Deep Orange Lemon Mix Pink Shades Mix Orange Scarlet White Rose Salmon Pink Scarlet White Begonia Volumia price (tray) F (285-plug) age (weeks) 8 species fibrous green leaf ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no syngentaflowers.com Formula Mix 8 Yellow w w w.raker.com/availability annuals BEGONIA: SEED Begonia Non Stop Begonia Dragon Wing price (tray) I (285-plug) F (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-14 species tuberous green leaf Begonia Baby Wing price (tray) T (285-p) R (128-p) E (36-s) B (18-s) age (weeks) 7-12 species x hybrida price (tray) T (285-plug) R (128-plug) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-10 species x hybrida ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed benary.com panamseed.com patent no tag no panamseed.com NEW Appleblossom Pink Deep Rose NEW Red Begonia Baby Wing price (tray) T (285-plug) R (128-plug) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-10 Deep Salmon Joy Yellow species x hybrida ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Red (green-leaf) panamseed.com Begonia Big price (tray) T (285-plug) R (128-plug) age (weeks) 7-8 Mix Orange Pink Red White ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no big-begonia.com White (bronze-leaf) NEW Rose Petticoat species x hybrida bronze leaf Bicolor (green-leaf) Red (bronze-leaf) Rose (bronze-leaf) Pink (green-leaf) Red (green-leaf) NEW Mix (green-leaf) NEW Yellow Yellow w/ Red Back Pink (green-leaf) White (green-leaf) w ww.raker.com/availability Rose (green-leaf) 9 BEGONIA: SEED – BEGONIA: VEGETATIVE Begonia Whopper price (tray) T (285-plug) R (128-plug) age (weeks) 7-8 species x hybrida ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed annuals VEGETATIVE PROPAGATED BEGONIA tag no benary.com Begonia Autumn Embers price (tray) Q (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 7-10 Begonia Waterfall price (tray) Q (36-strip) species age (weeks) 6 species boliviensis patent yes ship weeks 7-12 patent yes tag yes input URC tag yes input TC Rose (bronze-leaf) Raker offers 32 Begonia varieties propagated from Unrotted Cuttings (URC) or Tissue Culture (TC). Elatior & hiemalis Begonias, plus boliviensis and unique flowering hybrids for baskets and containers. URC & TC Begonias deliver in 36-strip trays for limited weeks in February / March 2016. cultivaris.com ornamentals.beekenkamp.nl Red (bronze-leaf) Red (green-leaf) Rose (green-leaf) Begonia Gryphon V (285-p) M (128-p) F (36-s) C (18-strip) age (weeks) 8-13 species x hybrida ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no panamseed.com Angel Falls Soft Pink Autumn Embers Begonia Bonfire Orange price (tray) N (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 45-17 input URC species boliviensis patent yes tag no selectanorthamerica.com Encanto Orange Begonia Solenia price (tray) P (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 species elatior ship weeks 45-17 input URC patent yes tag yes dummengroup.com Gryphon 10 Bonfire Orange w w w.raker.com/availability Apricot Cherry annuals BEGONIA: VEGETATIVE Begonia Solenia price (tray) P (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 Begonia Belleconia price (tray) N (36-strip) species elatior ship weeks 45-17 Begonia hiemalis age (weeks) 6 price (tray) Q (36-strip) species hiemalis age (weeks) 6 patent yes ship weeks 7-10 patent yes ship weeks 7-12 tag yes input URC tag yes input URC input URC dummengroup.com greenex.com species x hybrida patent yes tag yes multiple sources Dark Pink Dusty Rose Barkos (red) Batik (orange) Apricot Blush Light Pink Light Yellow Blitz (dark yellow) Borias (bicolor) Soft Orange Rose Begonia Summerwings price (tray) Q (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 7-12 input URC Orange Red Improved Netja (dark pink) Louise (light pink) species x hybrida patent yes tag yes multiple sources Begonia Vermillion Red price (tray) P (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 Salmon Coral Velvet Red species elatior ship weeks 7-12 patent yes input URC tag yes ornamentals.beekenkamp.nl Begonia hiemalis Dark Ellegance Deep Red Orange Ebony & Orange Rose White ADD price (tray) N (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 species hiemalis ship weeks 7-10 patent yes input URC tag yes greenex.com Baladin (dark red) Banita (orange red) Vermillion Red w ww.raker.com/availability 11 BIDENS – BROWALLIA annuals Bidens Marietta Gold Spark price (tray) N (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 age (weeks) 5 patent yes input URC Bracteantha Mohave price (tray) N (51-strip) species ferulifolia ship weeks 45-17 Bidens Beedance ship weeks 45-17 tag yes age (weeks) 4 patent yes input URC suntory.com price (tray) L (51-strip) species x hybrida species bracteata ship weeks 45-17 tag yes patent yes input URC suntorycollection.com tag no selectanorthamerica.com NEW Gold Spark Red Stripe Bidens Yellow Charm Brachyscome Mauve Delight price (tray) J (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 age (weeks) 5 patent yes input URC Dark Rose Dark Red Yellow price (tray) P (51-strip) species ferulifolia ship weeks 45-17 Basket Yellow species ship weeks 45-17 tag yes patent yes input URC danziger.co.il tag yes dummengroup.com ADD NEW Mauve Delight Bracteantha Mohave price (tray) L (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 ship weeks 45-17 input URC Yellow Charm species bracteata patent yes tag no Fire selectanorthamerica.com Bidens Beedance ADD price (tray) N (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 price (tray) G (285-plug) D (128-plug) species x hybrida ship weeks 45-17 input URC Browallia Bells age (weeks) 7-9 species patent yes ship weeks 1-52 patent no tag yes input seed tag no suntorycollection.com panamseed.com NEW Painted Red 12 Apricot w w w.raker.com/availability J (505-plug) Marine Silver annuals CALIBRACHOA Calibrachoa Callie price (tray) L (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 price (tray) L (51-strip) species x hybrida ship weeks 45-17 input URC Calibrachoa Callie patent yes age (weeks) 5 input URC syngentaflowers.com price (tray) L (51-strip) species x hybrida ship weeks 45-17 tag yes Calibrachoa Chameleon patent yes tag yes age (weeks) 5 species x hybrida ship weeks 45-17 patent yes input URC syngentaflowers.com tag yes dummengroup.com NEW Apricot Orange Sunrise Peach Cherry Banana NEW Melon Berry NEW Bright Red Burgundy Pink w/ Eye Purple Coral Pink Cream w/ Eye Rose 11 Scarlet Red 08 Lavender Sorbet NEW Dark Blue Deep Yellow Star Coral Star Pink Pink Passion NEW Gold w/ Red Eye Light Blue 11 White White w/ Rose Vein Pink Sorbet NEW Mango Orange 08 Yellow Improved w ww.raker.com/availability Plum Cobbler NEW Sunshine Berry 13 CALIBRACHOA annuals Calibrachoa Crave Sunset price (tray) U (285-plug) M (128-plug) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-9 species x hybrida ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Calibrachoa Lindura price (tray) K (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 input URC panamseed.com Crave Sunset price (tray) K (51-strip) species x hybrida ship weeks 45-17 Calibrachoa Lindura patent yes age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 45-17 tag yes input URC dummengroup.com Blue Cielo species x hybrida patent yes tag yes dummengroup.com Pink Purple Red Sunset Calibrachoa Kabloom price (tray) U (285-plug) M (128-plug) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-9 species x hybrida ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Cosmos Hot Pink Cosmos Strawberry Dark Blue Dark Purple White Deep Pink Dark Red Light Blue White Yellow Heart Yellow Neon Orange Yellow panamseed.com Deep Blue White 14 w w w.raker.com/availability Yellow Star annuals CALIBRACHOA Calibrachoa Million Bells price (tray) N (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 price (tray) N (51-strip) species x hybrida/mounding ship weeks 45-17 patent yes input URC Calibrachoa Million Bells tag yes age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 45-17 input URC suntory.com Blue (mounding) Brilliant Pink (mounding) Cherry Pink (mounding) Crackling Fire (mounding) Lavender (mounding) Neon Yellow (mounding) Calibrachoa MiniFamous price (tray) J (51-strip) species x hybrida/trailing patent yes age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 45-17 tag yes Magenta (trailing) Blue 09 (trailing) Pink (trailing) patent yes input URC suntory.com Blue (trailing) species x hybrida tag no selectanorthamerica.com Apricot Red Eye Dark Blue Dark Pink w/ Eye Electric Purple Lemon Light Pink & Eye NEW Red (mounding) Terra Cotta (mounding) Neo Deep Yellow Neo Lavender Blue ADD Trop. Delight (mounding) White (mounding) Red (trailing) Wine (mounding) Yellow (mounding) White (trailing) Yellow (trailing) w ww.raker.com/availability Neo Purple Neo Rose Neo Royal Blue Neo White 15 CALIBRACHOA annuals Calibrachoa MiniFamous price (tray) J (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 45-17 Calibrachoa MiniFamous price (tray) J (51-strip) species x hybrida patent yes input URC Calibrachoa MiniFamous tag no selectanorthamerica.com age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 45-17 price (tray) L (51-strip) species x hybrida/compact patent yes input URC age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 45-17 tag no input URC selectanorthamerica.com species x hybrida/double patent yes tag no selectanorthamerica.com NEW Orange Pure Yellow Compact Purple Compact Safran Calibrachoa MiniFamous price (tray) L (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 45-17 input URC species x hybrida/double patent yes tag no Double Comp Pink selectanorthamerica.com Tangerine Double Amethyst Double Blue Double Comp Red Double Comp White Double Deep Yellow Double Magenta Double Pink Double Pink Vein Double Purple Double Rose Chai NEW Scarlet Vampire Calibrachoa MiniFamous price (tray) J (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 45-17 input URC species x hybrida/compact patent yes tag no selectanorthamerica.com Compact Deep Yellow Compact Orange 16 Double Apricot Double Chiffon Double Comp Lemon w w w.raker.com/availability annuals CANNA – CELOSIA Canna Cannova Celosia Amigo Mix price (tray) Z (128-plug) M (36-strip) age (weeks) 4-5 Celosia Century Mix price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) species age (weeks) 5-6 species cristata price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed takii.com Bronze leaf Scarlet benary.com Red Shades NEW species plumosa patent no tag no sakata.com Amigo Mix Century Mix Celosia Prestige Scarlet Celosia Dragon’s Breath price (tray) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5 price (tray) S (285-plug) K (128-plug) species cristata age (weeks) 5-6 species plumosa ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no sakata.com sakata.com NEW Prestige Scarlet Lemon Celosia Arrabona price (tray) E (285-plug) D (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species plumosa ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed Rose Yellow tag no Dragon’s Breath panamseed.com Canna South Pacific Scarlet ADD price (tray) Z (128-plug) M (36-strip) age (weeks) 4-5 Celosia Fresh Look price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) species age (weeks) 5-6 species plumosa ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no takii.com South Pacific Scarlet benary.com Arrabona w ww.raker.com/availability Gold Mix 17 CELOSIA – CLEOME annuals Celosia Fresh Look Celosia New Look price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species plumosa price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species plumosa Chyrsanthemum Snowland price (tray) D (285-plug) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed benary.com benary.com species paludosum patent no tag no takii.com Red Orange Yellow New Look Celosia Glorious Mix Celosia Smart Look price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species plumosa price (tray) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5 species plumosa ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed benary.com patent no tag no benary.com Snowland Cleome Clio Magenta price (tray) O (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 45-17 input URC Glorious Mix Red Celosia Kelos Celosia Flamingo Feather price (tray) N (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 1-52 patent no tag no input seed tag no beekenkamp.nl NEW Magenta 18 species spicata patent no input URC kieft-pro-seeds.com NEW Orange Pink and White Purple w w w.raker.com/availability patent yes tag yes danziger.co.il price (tray) B (285-plug) species ship weeks 45-17 Romantica species Clio Magenta annuals CLEOME – COLEUS Cleome Queen Mix price (tray) C (505-plug) C (285-plug) age (weeks) 4-6 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed SEED PROPAGATED COLEUS tag no Raker offers 32 Coleus varieties propagated from Seed. Seed Coleus, including the classic Wizard series, are for landscape applications. Premium Sun & Kong series perform well in containers and full sun. Seed Coleus are offered all year in 505-, 285- and 128-plug trays. multiple sources Coleus Black Dragon price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species ship weeks 1-52 input seed Coleus Kong price (tray) T (285-plug) K (128-plug) age (weeks) 6-8 ship weeks 1-52 tag no input seed panamseed.com Queen Mix Black Dragon Cleome Sparkler Coleus Kong price (tray) T (285-plug) age (weeks) 6-7 species patent no patent no tag no panamseed.com Empire Mix B (18-strip) Mosaic B (18-strip) Red B (18-strip) Rose price (tray) T (285-plug) K (128-plug) species age (weeks) 6-8 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed syngentaflowers.com Blush Lavender K (128-plug) Mix Rose patent no tag no panamseed.com Salmon Pink B (18-strip) Lime Sprite w ww.raker.com/availability Scarlet 19 Coleus annuals Coleus Kong Jr. Coleus Premium Sun price (tray) T (285-plug) K (128-plug) age (weeks) 6-7 species Coleus Wizard price (tray) S (285-plug) K (128-plug) age (weeks) 6-7 price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) species chocolate age (weeks) 5-6 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed panamseed.com panamseed.com Green Halo Lime Vein Crimson Gold Rose Scarlet Dark Chocolate tag no panamseed.com Lime Delight Coleus Premium Sun patent no Coral Sunrise Golden Jade Mosaic NEW price (tray) S (285-plug) K (128-plug) age (weeks) 6-7 species chocolate ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no panamseed.com B (128-plug) Mix Flip Side Mighty Mosaic Rose to Lime Chocolate Covered Cherry Chocolate Mint 20 Chocolate Splash Pastel Pineapple Scarlet Watermelon w w w.raker.com/availability Sunset Velvet Red annuals coleus VEGETATIVE PROPAGATED COLEUS Raker offers 24 Coleus varieties propagated from Unro0ted Cuttings (URC). URC Coleus include many unique varieties that work well in both landscape and containers with sun tolerance. URC Coleus are offered in 51-strip trays weeks 45-17. Coleus Globetrotters price (tray) L (51-strip) age (weeks) 3 ship weeks 45-17 input URC species patent yes tag yes terranovanurseries.com/growers Coleus Carnival Coleus Finger Paint price (tray) G (51-strip) age (weeks) 3 price (tray) G (51-strip) species ship weeks 45-17 age (weeks) 3 patent no input URC NEW species ship weeks 45-17 tag no input URC athenabrazil.com patent no tag no Fiona athenabrazil.com ADD NEW Gaga NEW Carnival Finger Paint Coleus Cool Vibes Mellow Coleus Fishnet Stockings price (tray) L (51-strip) age (weeks) 3 ship weeks 45-17 input URC price (tray) G (51-strip) C (18-strip) species age (weeks) 3-5 patent yes species ship weeks 45-17 tag yes input URC terranovanurseries.com/growers patent no tag no athenabrazil.com Jackie NEW Mellow NEW Fishnet Stockings w ww.raker.com/availability Taylor 21 Coleus annuals Coleus Kingswood Torch Coleus Stained Glassworks price (tray) G (51-strip) age (weeks) 3 price (tray) M (51-strip) species ship weeks 45-17 age (weeks) 3-5 patent no input URC ship weeks 45-17 tag no input URC multiple sources Coleus Stained Glassworks price (tray) M (51-strip) species patent yes tag yes age (weeks) 3 species ship weeks 45-17 input URC dummengroup.com patent yes tag yes dummengroup.com ADD Kingswood Torch Big Blonde E (18-strip) Burgundy Wedding Copper Defiance Kiwi Fern Luminesce Coleus Partytime price (tray) I (51-strip) age (weeks) 3 ship weeks 45-17 input URC species patent yes tag no sakata.com NEW Lime Eruption Raspberry Tart NEW Pink Berry 22 Green Autry w w w.raker.com/availability Molten Lava Oompah Tilt A Whirl Trailing Plum annuals colocasia – dahlburg daisy Colocasia Royal Hawaiian price (tray) W (36-strip) age (weeks) 8 price (tray) B (285-plug) species esculenta ship weeks 6-12 Cosmos Sea Shells Mix age (weeks) 4 price (tray) H (51-strip) species patent yes ship weeks 1-52 patent no tag yes input seed tag no input TC planthaven.com Black Coral Blue Hawaii age (weeks) 5 species hyssopifolia ship weeks 45-17 patent no input URC multiple sources tag no multiple sources Sea Shells Mix Allyson Heather Cosmos Cosmic Cuphea Cuphoric Pink price (tray) C (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 Diamond Head Cuphea Allyson Heather price (tray) P (51-strip) species sulfureus ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Hawaiian Punch benary.com age (weeks) 3 species ramosissima ship weeks 45-17 input URC patent yes tag yes syngentaflowers.com Cosmos Sonata price (tray) F (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 species bipinnatus ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no panamseed.com B (128-plug) Mix Orange Cuphoric Pink Dahlburg Daisy Golden Fleece price (tray) H (505-plug) E (285-plug) B (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 Carmine Red Yellow species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no kieft-pro-seeds.com Crossandra Marmalade Orange price (tray) G (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 species ship weeks 45-17 Pink D (128-plug) Mix Pink Blush White input URC patent yes tag no dummengroup.com Marmalade Orange w ww.raker.com/availability Golden Fleece 23 dahlia annuals Dahlia Dahlinova price (tray) L (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 price (tray) Q (51-strip) species ship weeks 45-17 input URC Dahlia Hypnotica patent yes age (weeks) 4 input URC dummengroup.com Florida Lisa Burgundy price (tray) Q (51-strip) species ship weeks 45-17 tag no Dahlia Hypnotica patent yes age (weeks) 4 ship weeks 45-17 tag no Bronze Bicolor patent yes input URC dummengroup.com Bellini species tag no dummengroup.com Tropical Breeze Yellow Dahlia Mystic price (tray) P (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 45-17 input URC Lisa Dark Pink Montana Cherish Pink Dark Knight patent yes tag yes planthaven.com ADD Oregon Texas Lavender Orange Dreamer ADD Haze Dahlia Figaro Mix ADD price (tray) G (285-plug) D (128-plug) age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no panamseed.com Purple Bicolor Red Red Velvet Rose Bicolor Illusion ADD Figaro Mix 24 Sangria w w w.raker.com/availability Spirit ADD Wonder annuals dahlia – dianthus Dahlia XXL Dianthus Diana price (tray) P (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 price (tray) G (285-plug) species ship weeks 45-17 input URC age (weeks) 5 price (tray) G (285-plug) species chinensis age (weeks) 5 species chinensis patent yes ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no tag yes input seed tag no input seed tag no dummengroup.com ADD Alamos Dianthus Venti Parfait hemgenetics.com syngentaflowers.com ADD Chiapas Crimson Crimsom Eye Dianthus Amazon ADD price (tray) E (128-plug) age (weeks) 7 species interspecific ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Lavender Picotee panamseed.com Dianthus Super Parfait price (tray) L (505-plug) G (285-plug) C (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-7 ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Durango syngentaflowers.com ADD Hidalgo Mayo 2015 Paraiso Neon Cherry Neon Duo ADD ADD Raspberry Red Peppermint ADD Neon Purple Sunset ADD Taxco species chinensis ADD Veracruz Strawberry w ww.raker.com/availability Rose Magic 25 dianthus – dichondra annuals Dianthus Telstar Dianthus Ideal Select price (tray) K (505-plug) F (285-plug) price (tray) E (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-7 age (weeks) 5-7 species interspecific species interspecific ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no Diascia Tower of Flowers Aurora price (tray) Q (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 species x hybrida ship weeks 45-17 input URC tag yes takii.com panamseed.com patent yes planthaven.com K (505) C (128) Mix Raspberry Crimson C (128-plug) Mix Apricot Cherry Blossom Red Rose Purple Picotee Red Picotee Dark Pink Light Pink Diascia Sundiascia Upright price (tray) T (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 ship weeks 45-17 input URC Salmon Violet White White Fire price (tray) K (128-plug) D (36-strip) species interspecific age (weeks) 8-10 species argentea patent yes ship weeks 1-52 tag yes input seed suntory.com Blush White patent no tag no panamseed.com Silver Falls Dianthus Jolt Dichondra Emerald Falls price (tray) S (285-plug) age (weeks) 5 Dichondra Silver Falls price (tray) K (128-plug) D (36-strip) species interspecific age (weeks) 8-10 species repens ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no Bright Pink panamseed.com NEW Cherry 26 Rose Pink panamseed.com NEW Pink Peach w w w.raker.com/availability Emerald Falls annuals digiplexus – euphorbia Digiplexis Illumination price (tray) N (505-plug) I (285-plug) price (tray) R (36-strip) age (weeks) 12 Dusty Miller Cirrus species age (weeks) 6 species ship weeks 6-14 patent yes ship weeks 1-52 patent no input URC tag yes input seed tag no Raspberry Dorotheanthus Mezoo price (tray) O (51-strip) E (18-strip) age (weeks) 6-8 species bellidiformis ship weeks 45-17 price (tray) K (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 species chamaesyce ship weeks 45-17 patent yes input URC multiple sources cultivaris.com Flame Euphorbia White Manus tag yes athenabrazil.com Cirrus White Manus Dusty Miller Silver Dust Euphorbia Glamour price (tray) C (505-plug) C (285-plug) B (128-plug) age (weeks) 6-7 species price (tray) L (128-plug) D (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-9 species hypericifolia patent yes ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no tag yes input seed tag no input seed tag no input URC syngentaflowers.com multiple sources panamseed.com NEW Mezoo Trailing Red Silver Dust Dracaena Spike Euphorbia Hip Hop price (tray) L (51-strip) price (tray) C (51-strip) age (weeks) 20 species indivisa ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no age (weeks) 4 species chamaesyce ship weeks 45-17 input URC patent yes tag yes athenabrazil.com multiple sources Glamour Euphorbia Glitz price (tray) L (128-plug) D (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-9 species hypericifolia ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no panamseed.com Spike Hip Hop w ww.raker.com/availability Glitz 27 evolvulus – fuchsia annuals Evolvulus Hawaiian Blue Eyes Flowering Kale Glamour Red price (tray) E (51-strip) age (weeks) 6 price (tray) P (285-plug) species glomeratus ship weeks 45-17 age (weeks) 4 Flowering Kale Pigeon price (tray) D (285-plug) species fringed age (weeks) 4 species rounded patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 tag no input seed tag no input seed input URC multiple sources patent no takii.com tag no takii.com Hawaiian Blue Eyes Red Victoria Flowering Cabbage Osaka Flowering Kale Nagoya Fuchsia Trailing price (tray) C (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 price (tray) C (285-plug) species wavy age (weeks) 4 price (tray) F (51-strip) species fringed ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no sakata.com Pink Mix Red Red White Rose White price (tray) C (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 input URC patent no tag no multiple sources Dark Eyes Lena price (tray) D (285-plug) species feathered age (weeks) 4 species rounded patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no takii.com 28 species trailing ship weeks 45-17 Flowering Kale Pigeon ship weeks 1-52 Prince age (weeks) 5 sakata.com Mix Flowering Kale Coral White Queen takii.com Purple Red w w w.raker.com/availability Marinka Southgate Swingtime annuals fuchsia – gazania Fuchsia Upright Gazania Frosty Kiss price (tray) F (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 price (tray) H (285-plug) species upright ship weeks 45-17 age (weeks) 5-6 Gazania New Day price (tray) F (285-plug) species age (weeks) 5-6 species patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 tag no input seed tag no input seed input URC multiple sources syngentaflowers.com patent no tag no panamseed.com NEW D (128-plug) Mix Flame Mix Gazania New Day price (tray) F (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Gartenmeister Bonstedt panamseed.com Red Stripe Gazania Big Kiss price (tray) R (285-plug) age (weeks) 5 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no syngentaflowers.com E (128-plug) Bright Mix Clear Orange Rose Stripe Strawberry Shortcake NEW Mix White Flame Red Yellow Yellow Flame J (505-plug) E (128-plug) Tiger Mix Pink Shades J (505) E (128-plug) Mix Red Shades w ww.raker.com/availability Sunny Side Up Mix Yellow 29 geranium: seed annuals Geranium Bullseye price (tray) R (285-plug) K (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-7 species diploid ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no GERANIUM Raker offers 44 Geranium varieties propagated from Seed. Seed Geraniums are perfect for pack and landscape applications, and are very programmable. Seed Geraniums are offered all year in 285- and 128-plug trays. Geranium Maverick Geranium Maverick SEED PROPAGATED syngentaflowers.com price (tray) R (285-plug) J (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-7 Cherry species diploid price (tray) R (285-plug) J (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-7 species diploid ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no Red syngentaflowers.com syngentaflowers.com Mix Light Pink Salmon Scarlet Orange Pink Scarlet Quicksilver Red Violet Geranium Maverick Geranium Pinto price (tray) R (285-plug) J (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-7 White price (tray) R (285-plug) J (128-plug) species diploid age (weeks) 5-7 species diploid ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no syngentaflowers.com Appleblossom 30 Coral Rose Salmon Scarlet Picotee Star w w w.raker.com/availability syngentaflowers.com Blush Pink annuals geranium: seed Geranium Pinto Premium price (tray) R (285-plug) J (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-7 species diploid Geranium Pinto Premium price (tray) R (285-plug) J (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-7 species diploid Geranium Ringo 2000 price (tray) R (285-plug) J (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-7 species diploid ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed tag no syngentaflowers.com syngentaflowers.com Scarlet Deep Red Coral Deep Rose Salmon Splash Rose Bicolor Orange Bicolor Violet Salmon Cardinal Deep Red Deep Rose Deep Scarlet Lavender White Lavender Lavender Rose syngentaflowers.com White to Rose w ww.raker.com/availability Pink Rose Star Salmon Scarlet Star Violet White 31 geranium: URC annuals VEGETATIVE PROPAGATED GERANIUM Geranium Caliente price (tray) J (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 input URC Geranium Blizzard price (tray) J (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 species ivy ship weeks 45-17 input URC patent yes tag yes syngentaflowers.com Geranium Calliope price (tray) J (36-strip) species interspecific ship weeks 45-17 Raker offers 89 Geranium varieties propagated from Unrooted Cuttings (URC). URC Geraniums are great for container and basket applications. Our comprehensive list includes interspecific hybrids, ivies, and zonals. URC Geraniums are offered weeks 45-17 in 36-strip trays. patent yes tag yes age (weeks) 4 species interspecific ship weeks 45-17 input URC syngentaflowers.com patent yes tag yes syngentaflowers.com Coral Deep Red Burgundy Blue Fire 09 Lavender Hot Pink Dark Red Hot Coral Orange Pink Rose Dark Red Pink GERANIUM: URC Week 7-10, 2016, refer to www.raker.com/programs and download the “2016 Limited Availability Items” spreadsheet for Regal Ellegance Geraniums (18-strip). 32 Lavender Rose Scarlet Fire w w w.raker.com/availability Red 11 White annuals geranium: URC Geranium Cascade price (tray) I (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 price (tray) I (36-strip) species ivy ship weeks 45-17 input URC Geranium Contessa patent yes tag yes age (weeks) 5 patent yes input URC syngentaflowers.com age (weeks) 5 patent yes input URC syngentaflowers.com Burgundy Bi (Picasso) species ivy ship weeks 45-17 tag yes Burgundy (Taj Mahal) Acapulco Compact price (tray) I (36-strip) species ivy ship weeks 45-17 Geranium Freestyle tag yes syngentaflowers.com Orchid Geranium Temprano price (tray) I (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 species ivy ship weeks 45-17 input URC Bright Dbl Lilac (Summer Rose) Lavender (Amethyst) Pink (Pink Spirit) Purple (Black Magic) Red (Beach) White (Luna) patent yes tag yes syngentaflowers.com Dark Red 11 Geranium Freestyle price (tray) I (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 species ivy ship weeks 45-17 input URC Sofie Lila Compact patent yes tag yes syngentaflowers.com White Arctic Red Cherry Rose w ww.raker.com/availability Lavender (Butterfly) Orange (Mandarin) Pink 11 Salmon (Molina) 33 geranium: URC annuals REGAL GERANIUM Raker offers 11 Regal Geranium varieties. Regal Geraniums are pinched, cooled, and bud-initiated. This programs the Regal Geraniums to finish for Spring sales. Regal Geraniums are offered only weeks 7-10 in 18-strip trays. Geranium Americana price (tray) I (36-strip) age (weeks) 4 species tetraploid ship weeks 45-17 input URC patent yes tag yes syngentaflowers.com Geranium Candy Flowers Geranium Elegance price (tray) M (18-strip) age (weeks) 12 price (tray) M (18-strip) species tetraploid ship weeks 7-10 input URC age (weeks) 12 species tetraploid patent yes ship weeks 7-10 patent yes tag yes input URC tag yes pac-elsner.com dummengroup.com Bright Red Cherry Rose Coral Dark Red Light Pink Splash Orchid Pink Red ADD Bicolor Bravo ADD Bright Red ADD Pink w/ Eye 34 Burgundy Imperial Lilac Sachet Lt. Lavender Splash Purple Majesty Rose Bicolor ADD Violet w w w.raker.com/availability Rose Mega Splash annuals geranium: URC Geranium Americana price (tray) I (36-strip) age (weeks) 4 price (tray) I (36-strip) species tetraploid ship weeks 45-17 patent yes input URC Geranium Classic age (weeks) 4 Salmon Violet Imp. White White Splash Imp. patent yes input URC syngentaflowers.com price (tray) J (36-strip) species tetraploid ship weeks 45-17 tag yes Geranium Rocky Mountain age (weeks) 4 ship weeks 45-17 tag yes input URC syngentaflowers.com Pink Blush species tetraploid patent yes tag yes syngentaflowers.com Lavender Light Pink Magenta Orange Geranium Classic price (tray) I (36-strip) age (weeks) 4 species tetraploid ship weeks 45-17 input URC patent yes tag yes syngentaflowers.com Dark Salmon Lavender Red Salmon Pink Scarlet White Red Royal Red Geranium Rocky Mountain price (tray) J (36-strip) age (weeks) 4 species tetraploid ship weeks 45-17 input URC Light Salmon Mosaic Purple Mosaic Red Pink patent yes tag yes syngentaflowers.com Dark Red Deep Rose w ww.raker.com/availability Salmon 08 Violet White 35 geranium: URC – Gypsophila Geranium Tango price (tray) J (36-strip) age (weeks) 4 input URC Geranium Tango price (tray) J (36-strip) species tetraploid ship weeks 45-17 annuals patent yes age (weeks) 4 input URC syngentaflowers.com price (tray) D (285-plug) species tetraploid ship weeks 45-17 tag yes Gomphrena Qis age (weeks) 5 species globosa / haageana patent yes ship weeks 1-52 patent no tag yes input seed tag no syngentaflowers.com kieft-pro-seeds.com Dark Red Deep Pink Rose Splash Salmon Carmine Formula Mix Deep Red Hot Pink Tango Velvet Red Purple Red Gomphrena Gnome price (tray) F (505-plug) D (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 ship weeks 1-52 input seed Lavender Light Pink Violet 10 White 11 species globosa / haageana patent no tag no sakata.com Gomphrena Fireworks price (tray) T (285-plug) L (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no panamseed.com B (128-plug) Purple Mix Gypsophila Gypsy Deep Rose price (tray) P (285-plug) H (128-plug) age (weeks) 6-7 ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Neon Purple Orange 36 species muralis sakata.com Rose Mega Splash Fireworks w w w.raker.com/availability Deep Rose annuals gomphrena – IMPATIENS Gomphrena Pinball Purple price (tray) K (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 price (tray) G (51-strip) species ship weeks 45-17 age (weeks) 6 patent yes input URC Helichrysum Licorice price (tray) L (51-strip) species petiolare ship weeks 45-17 tag no patent no input URC sakata.com Heliotrope Marino age (weeks) 5 species ship weeks 45-17 tag no patent yes input URC multiple sources tag no selectanorthamerica.com ADD NEW Licorice Marino Blue Helichrysum Silver Mist Hypoestes Splash Select price (tray) M (128-plug) D (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-11 species petiolare Marino White price (tray) E (505-plug) C (285-plug) C (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no Pinball Purple panamseed.com panamseed.com Helenium Dakota Gold price (tray) K (128-plug) D (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-9 species amarum ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no panamseed.com Silver Mist Pink Red Rose White Heliotrope Fragrant Delight price (tray) I (51-strip) age (weeks) 6 species ship weeks 45-17 input URC Dakota Gold patent no tag no mchutchison.com Helichrysum Lemon Licorice Impatiens Big Bounce price (tray) G (51-strip) age (weeks) 6 price (tray) M (51-strip) species petiolare ship weeks 1-52 patent no input URC tag no age (weeks) 4 ship weeks 45-17 input URC multiple sources Lemon Licorice species interspecific patent yes tag no selectanorthamerica.com Fragrant Delight w ww.raker.com/availability Cherry Lavender 37 annuals NEW GUINEA (ng) impatiens Impatiens Big Bounce price (tray) M (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 ship weeks 45-17 species interspecific patent yes input URC tag no SEED PROPAGATED NEW GUINEA IMPATIENS Raker offers 16 New Guinea (NG) Divine Impatiens propagated from Seed. NG Divine Impatiens are an excellent alternative to URCs and offer a wide selection of colors for large packs, pots, and landscape. NG Divine Impatiens are offered all year in the 128-plug tray. selectanorthamerica.com Impatiens Divine price (tray) F (128-plug) age (weeks) 8 input seed Lilac Red Violet White price (tray) F (128-plug) species new guinea ship weeks 1-52 Impatiens Divine age (weeks) 8 species new guinea patent no ship weeks 1-52 tag no input seed panamseed.com patent no tag no panamseed.com Blue Pearl Cherry Red Mystic Mix Orange Fresh Mix Lavender Orange Bronze Leaf Pink Red and White Mix Scarlet Bronze Leaf Salsa Mix Scarlet Red Violet White Impatiens Bounce price (tray) M (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 ship weeks 45-17 input URC species interspecific patent yes tag no selectanorthamerica.com Cherry Lilac Pink Flame White Violet 38 Hot Cha Cha Mix Islander Mix Mix w w w.raker.com/availability annuals NEW GUINEA (ng) impatiens VEGETATIVE PROPAGATED NEW GUINEA IMPATIENS Raker offers 37 New Guinea (NG) Impatiens propagated from Unrooted Cuttings (URC) - Paradise, Sonic, and Super Sonic. NG URC Impatiens work well for shade containers and landscape. NG URC Impatiens are offered weeks 45-17 in the 36-strip tray. Impatiens Sonic price (tray) I (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 species new guinea ship weeks 45-17 input URC patent yes tag yes syngentaflowers.com Impatiens Paradise price (tray) I (51-strip) price (tray) J (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 species new guinea ship weeks 45-17 input URC Impatiens Sonic patent yes tag yes age (weeks) 4 input URC Bright Red Deep Pink Electric Orange Fuchsia Light Lavender Light Pink patent yes tag yes syngentaflowers.com dummengroup.com Blush White species new guinea ship weeks 45-17 D (18-strip) Magic Pink Amethyst Bright Pink Orange 08 Deep Purple Deep Red Pink Light Lavender Lilac Salmon Scarlet 09 Sweet Cherry Sweet Orange 09 Sweet Purple 09 White Light Pink w ww.raker.com/availability Red 39 NEW GUINEA (ng) impatiens Impatiens Super Sonic price (tray) I (51-strip) D(18-strip) age (weeks) 4-6 ship weeks 45-17 input URC species new guinea patent yes annuals Impatiens Super Sonic price (tray) I (51-strip) D(18-strip) age (weeks) 4-6 ship weeks 45-17 tag yes input URC syngentaflowers.com Dark Salmon Flame species new guinea Impatiens Accent price (tray) F (505-plug) D (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 patent yes ship weeks 1-52 patent no tag yes input seed tag no syngentaflowers.com Purple species walleriana Red 08 syngentaflowers.com Salmon Picotee Star Mix Impatiens Accent Premium price (tray) F (505-plug) D (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 Hot Pink Lavender 08 Sweet Cherry species walleriana ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no White syngentaflowers.com Impatiens Accent price (tray) F (505-plug) D (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 Lilac 09 Pastel Pink 40 ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Magenta 08 Orange Ice Pink species walleriana syngentaflowers.com Bright Eye Lilac Burgundy Coral Deep Orange Limited Edition Mix Deep Pink Lavender Blue Mix Mystic Mix Red Star Rose Star Orange Star Pastel Mix w w w.raker.com/availability annuals impatiens Impatiens Accent Premium price (tray) F (505-plug) D (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species walleriana Impatiens Super Elfin price (tray) F (505-plug) D (285-plug) B (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species walleriana Impatiens Super Elfin XP price (tray) F (505-plug) D (285-plug) B (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species walleriana ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed syngentaflowers.com panamseed.com patent no tag no panamseed.com Peppermint Mix Pink Lipstick Mix Hot Mix Lilac Red Rose Paradise Mix Ruby Pink Punch Salmon Violet Seaside Mix Sedona Mix Red Red and White Mix Red Starburst Rose Impatiens Super Elfin XP price (tray) F (505-plug) D (285-plug) B (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species walleriana ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed Violet Star White tag no panamseed.com Impatiens Super Elfin price (tray) F (505-plug) D (285-plug) B (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species walleriana ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no panamseed.com Bright Orange Cha Cha Mix Blue Pearl Clear Mix Salmon Salmon Splash Coral Formula Mix Scarlet Violet w ww.raker.com/availability 41 IMPATIENS annuals Impatiens Super Elfin XP Impatiens Sunpatiens price (tray) F (505-plug) D (285-plug) B (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species walleriana ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Impatiens Sunpatiens price (tray) K (36-strip) age (weeks) 3 ship weeks 45-17 input URC panamseed.com price (tray) K (36-strip) species x hybrida compact patent yes age (weeks) 3 species x hybrida spreading ship weeks 45-17 tag yes patent yes input URC sakata.com tag yes sakata.com NEW Violet Starburst White Carmine Red (G/L) Clear White Impatiens Sunpatiens NEW price (tray) K (36-strip) age (weeks) 3 ship weeks 45-17 species x hybrida compact patent yes input URC tag yes Neon Pink sakata.com Blush Pink Deep Rose Pink Lilac Clear Orange NEW Corona Pink Flash NEW Coral Pink Electric Orange (G/L) 42 Royal Magenta Hot Coral Red White Improved (G/L) Lavender w w w.raker.com/availability annuals impatiens – ipomoea Impatiens Sunpatiens Impatiens Sunpatiens price (tray) K (36-strip) age (weeks) 3 price (tray) K (36-strip) species x hybrida spreading ship weeks 45-17 patent yes input URC age (weeks) 3 patent yes input URC tag yes sakata.com Salmon (variegated) price (tray) G (36-strip) D (18-strip) species x hybrida vigorous ship weeks 45-17 tag yes Ipomoea Marguerite age (weeks) 3-5 ship weeks 45-38 Orange NEW patent no input URC sakata.com Scarlet Red species batatas tag no multiple sources White Improved Ipomoea Blackie price (tray) G (36-strip) D (18-strip) age (weeks) 3-5 species batatas ship weeks 45-38 patent no input URC tag no multiple sources Marguerite Ipomoea Tricolor price (tray) G (36-strip) age (weeks) 3 species batatas ship weeks 45-38 patent no input URC Tropical Orange (variegated) Shell Pink White (variegated) Impatiens Sunpatiens price (tray) K (36-strip) age (weeks) 3 ship weeks 45-17 input URC Blackie Tricolor Ipomoea Mardi Gras Ipomoea Venetian Mask price (tray) J (36-strip) species x hybrida vigorous patent yes tag yes age (weeks) 3 Magenta price (tray) J (36-strip) species batatas ship weeks 45-17 input URC sakata.com Lavender tag no multiple sources patent yes tag yes dummengroup.com Mardi Gras w ww.raker.com/availability age (weeks) 3 species batatas ship weeks 45-17 input URC patent yes tag yes dummengroup.com Venetian Mask 43 ipomoea – kwik kombo Ipomoea Bright Ideas price (tray) K (36-strip) E (18-strip) age (weeks) 3-5 species batatas ship weeks 45-17 input URC patent yes tag yes floranova.co.uk annuals Kwik Kombo Kwik Kombo price (tray) R (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 price (tray) R (36-strip) species combination liners ship weeks 45-17 patent yes input URC age (weeks) 5 species combination liners ship weeks 45-17 tag yes input URC syngentaflowers.com tag yes syngentaflowers.com NEW Black patent yes NEW Lime A Touch of Color Mix Rusty Red Curb Appeal Mix Callie Citrus Fire Mix Callie Color Wheel Mix Cherry Blossom Mix Darling Pink Mix Callie Pink Bliss Mix Carita Summer Berry Blast Fire and Ice Mix Grape Expectations Mix Lanai Passion Mix Lanai Cranberry Bliss Lanai Purple Rain Mix Lanai Red Devotion Mix Iresine Purple Lady price (tray) M (128-plug) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-9 species herbstii ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no panamseed.com NEW Purple Lady 44 Carolina Memories Mix w w w.raker.com/availability annuals kwik kombo Kwik Kombo Kwik Kombo price (tray) R (36-strip) price (tray) R (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 species combination liners ship weeks 45-17 species combination liners ship weeks 45-17 patent yes input URC age (weeks) 5 input URC tag yes patent yes Please refer to pages 74-74 for TRIXI COMBOS tag yes syngentaflowers.com syngentaflowers.com NEW NEW Sour Patch Mix Southwestern Summer NEW Moms Chosen One Mix Lanai Spirit Mix Patio Selfie Mix Night in Pompeii Mix Plumtastic Mix Primary Perfection Mix Spring Decorations Mix NEW NEW Old Glory Days Mix Rock N Roll Mix Royal Gold Mix Spring Picnic Mix Summer Skyline Mix Sanguna Moody Blues Sanguna Punk Rock Mix Techno Sea Breeze Mix The Red Carpet Mix NEW Pink Infusions Mix Pink Lemonade Mix Sanguna Salute Mix Sanguna Summer Cooler w ww.raker.com/availability Tutti Frutti Mix NEW Welcome Back Spring 45 lantana – lobelia annuals Lantana Bandana price (tray) M (51-strip) E (18-strip) age (weeks) 6-8 ship weeks 45-17 input URC species camara semi-trailing patent yes tag yes Lantana price (tray) F (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 Lemon Zest price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) species camara semi-trailing ship weeks 45-38 input URC syngentaflowers.com Cherry Sunrise Lobelia Regatta age (weeks) 6-8 patent no ship weeks 1-52 tag no input seed multiple sources Confetti species erinus cascading Dallas Red patent no tag no panamseed.com Blue Splash Lilac Lilac Splash Marine Blue Lantana New Gold price (tray) F (51-strip) B (18-strip) age (weeks) 5-7 species camara semi-trailing ship weeks 45-38 input URC Orange Peach Pink 09 Red 09 patent no tag no multiple sources A (128-plug) Midnight Blue New Gold Leycesteria Jealousy price (tray) K (128-plug) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 9-10 species formosa ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no panamseed.com A (128-plug) Mix Rose Sapphire Rose Improved 46 Jealousy w w w.raker.com/availability Sky Blue A (128-plug) White annuals lobelia – lobularia Lobelia Techno Heat price (tray) M (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 Lobelia Magadi price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) species erinus cascading ship weeks 45-17 Lobelia Riviera age (weeks) 6-8 species erinus upright patent yes ship weeks 1-52 patent no tag yes input seed tag no input URC syngentaflowers.com panamseed.com E (18-strip) Dark Blue Electric Blue Blue Eyes Blue Splash E (18-strip) Light Blue Light Purple Lilac Marine Blue Violet 11 E (18-strip) White 10 tag no selectanorthamerica.com Blue Basket Dark Blue White age (weeks) 4 patent yes tag yes syngentaflowers.com Dark Blue patent yes input URC price (tray) O (51-strip) species erinus upright input URC ship weeks 45-17 Lobularia Stream price (tray) M (51-strip) ship weeks 45-17 species x hybrida Electric Blue Lobelia Techno Heat age (weeks) 4 price (tray) J (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 Light Blue Imp species ship weeks 45-17 input URC A (128-plug) Mix A (128-plug) Midnight Blue patent yes tag yes danziger.co.il Rose Bicolor Pink Stream Purple Stream NEW Purple White Sky Blue A (128-plug) White w ww.raker.com/availability Raspberry Stream White Stream 47 lophospermum – marigold Lophospermum Lophos price (tray) S (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 input URC Marigold Inca II age (weeks) 4-5 species american price (tray) U (505-plug) P (285-plug) H (128-plug) age (weeks) 4-5 species american patent yes ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 tag yes input seed tag no input seed suntory.com Compact Rose Marigold Vanilla price (tray) O (505-plug) H (285-plug) D (128-plug) species ship weeks 45-17 annuals Compact White syngentaflowers.com Gold Mix patent no tag no panamseed.com Vanilla Marigold Safari price (tray) D (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 White Wine Red species french anemone ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Orange benary.com Marigold Antigua price (tray) O (505-plug) H (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 species american ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no syngentaflowers.com Yellow Primrose Marigold Moonsong price (tray) X (505-plug) S (285-plug) J (128-plug) age (weeks) 4-5 Gold species american ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Mix syngentaflowers.com Orange Primrose 48 Yellow Deep Orange w w w.raker.com/availability Bolero Mix Red Tangerine Yellow annuals marigold – melampodium Marigold Bonanza price (tray) D (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 species french crested Marigold Janie Marigold Disco price (tray) D (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 species french crested price (tray) D (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed panamseed.com panamseed.com Bee Deep Orange Bright Yellow Deep Orange Flame Gold Flame Gold Harmony Primrose Harmony species french single patent no tag no benary.com Marietta Mix Orange Red Yellow Melampodium Derby price (tray) F (285-plug) E (128-plug) age (weeks) 4-5 Orange ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Mix Mix Yellow Spry species benary.com Tangerine w ww.raker.com/availability Derby 49 melampodium – nicotiana annuals Melampodium Lemon Delight Nemesia Cherry Red price (tray) K (285-plug) H (128-plug) age (weeks) 4-5 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no price (tray) R (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 patent yes input URC takii.com price (tray) R (51-strip) species x hybrida ship weeks 45-17 Nemesia Little Dragons tag yes age (weeks) 5 species x hybrida ship weeks 45-17 patent yes input URC planthaven.com tag yes planthaven.com Lemon Delight Cherry Red Azure Flame Melampodium Showstar Nemesia French Connection Nicotiana Saratoga Mix price (tray) F (285-plug) D (128-plug) age (weeks) 4-5 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no price (tray) R (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 species x hybrida ship weeks 45-17 patent no tag yes input seed tag no planthaven.com Easter Bonnet Mimulus Magic Mix Nemesia Lagoon Blue age (weeks) 4-6 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species patent no tag no species alata ship weeks 1-52 Showstar price (tray) J (505-plug) F (285-plug) C (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 patent yes input URC benary.com price (tray) E (505-plug) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) syngentaflowers.com Framboise price (tray) R (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 species x hybrida ship weeks 45-17 input URC floranova.co.uk patent yes tag yes planthaven.com Saratoga Mix Nicotiana Perfume price (tray) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 6 species x sanderae ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no floranova.co.uk Magic Mix 50 Lagoon Blue w w w.raker.com/availability Deep Purple Mix annuals nierembergia – pansy Nierembergia Osteospermum 4D price (tray) G (505-plug) E (285-plug) C (128-plug) age (weeks) 7-8 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Osteospermum Asti price (tray) N (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 45-17 age (weeks) 7-9 patent yes input URC kieft-pro-seeds.com price (tray) U (128-plug) I (36-strip) species species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no tag no selectanorthamerica.com syngentaflowers.com NEW Purple Robe Robe White White Osteospermum 4D Pansy Colossus price (tray) N (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 price (tray) F (285-plug) species ship weeks 45-17 age (weeks) 6 patent yes input URC patent no input seed tag no tag no Dark Violet White selectanorthamerica.com NEW syngentaflowers.com NEW Violet Ice species ship weeks 1-52 NEW Yellow Blotched Mix Deep Blue w/Blotch Fire G (128-plug) Formula Mix Osteospermum Asti price (tray) U (128-plug) I (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-9 patent no input seed tag no Berry White syngentaflowers.com NEW Lemon Ice NEW Pink NEW Purple species ship weeks 1-52 Lavender Shades Mix Lavender Medley Lemon Shades Purple Purple Bicolor Neon Violet Ocean NEW Silver w ww.raker.com/availability 51 pansy annuals Pansy Colossus Pansy Cool Wave price (tray) F (285-plug) age (weeks) 6 Pansy Cool Wave price (tray) U (285-plug) L (128-plug) species age (weeks) 6 price (tray) U (285-plug) L (128-plug) species age (weeks) 6 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed syngentaflowers.com Pure Rose panamseed.com Berries N Cream Mix patent no tag no panamseed.com Blueberry Swirl Mix Pastel Mix Purple Sunshine and Wine Violet Wing White NEW Purple Blotch Red Blotch Rose Blotch Yellow Blotch Blue Skies Pansy Delta price (tray) F (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 Rose Medley Tricolor Frost species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Golden Yellow syngentaflowers.com NEW White White Blotch White w/Purple Wing Yellow 52 Lemon Surprise w w w.raker.com/availability Berry Tart Mix Blaze Mix Citrus Mix Cotton Candy annuals pansy Pansy Delta price (tray) F (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 Pansy Delta Premium Pansy Delta price (tray) F (285-plug) price (tray) F (285-plug) species age (weeks) 5-6 age (weeks) 5-6 species species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed tag no syngentaflowers.com Fire Formula Mix syngentaflowers.com syngentaflowers.com Pure Rose Blue Blotch Tricolor Mix Deep Blue NEW Fruit Salad Lavender Blue Shade Wine and Cheese Watercolors Mix Pansy Delta Premium price (tray) F (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 Monet Mix species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Pink Shades Buttered Popcorn syngentaflowers.com NEW Pumpkin Pie K (505-) G (128-plug) Pure Colors Mix Apple Cider Pure Red NEW Beaconsfield Cool Water Mix K (505-) G (128-plug) Blotch Mix w ww.raker.com/availability Gold w/ Blotch Marina 53 pansy – PENTAS annuals Pansy Delta Premium price (tray) F (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 Pansy Delta Premium price (tray) F (285-plug) species age (weeks) 5-6 Pansy Ultima Morpho price (tray) H (505-plug) E (285-plug) species age (weeks) 5-6 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed syngentaflowers.com patent no syngentaflowers.com K (505-) G (128-plug) Mix Neon Violet Red w/ Blotch Rose w/ Blotch Persian Medley Primrose Blotch Tapestry True Blue tag no sakata.com Ultima Morpho 2016 PANSY VIOLA Complete Pansy Viola posted March 2016 www.raker.com/programs Pure Golden Yellow Pure Lemon Violet and White White w/ Blotch Pentas Butterfly price (tray) G (128-plug) age (weeks) 9 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed Pure Light Blue Pure Orange Yellow w/ Blotch Yellow w/ Purple tag no panamseed.com Pansy Frizzle Sizzle price (tray) K (505-plug) F (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 Pure Primrose Pure Violet Pure White Pure Yellow 54 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no kieft-pro-seeds.com Formula Mix w w w.raker.com/availability Deep Pink Deep Rose Lavender Shades Light Lavender annuals pentas – petchoa Pentas Butterfly price (tray) G (128-plug) age (weeks) 9 Pentas Graffiti Pentas Northern Lights price (tray) P (285-plug) species age (weeks) 8 price (tray) I (128-plug) species age (weeks) 9 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed panamseed.com Mix benary.com Pink Rose patent no tag no benary.com Northern Lights Lavender Pentas Starcluster price (tray) R (51-strip) age (weeks) 6 species ship weeks 45-17 input URC Red White Pentas Graffiti White syngentaflowers.com price (tray) H (128-plug) species age (weeks) 9 ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed benary.com Bright Red tag yes Pentas New Look price (tray) P (285-plug) age (weeks) 8 Violet patent yes Lavender species patent no tag no benary.com Mix Pink Lavender Red Rose White Petchoa Supercal price (tray) K (51-strip) D (18-strip) age (weeks) 4-6 ship weeks 45-17 input URC Lipstick Red Velvet Mix Red Rose Violet White w ww.raker.com/availability species patent yes tag yes sakata.com Artist Rose Blue 55 petchoa – SEED petunia (TRAILING) annuals Petchoa Supercal SEED PROPAGATED TRAILING PETUNIA price (tray) K (51-strip) D (18-strip) age (weeks) 4-6 ship weeks 45-17 input URC species patent yes tag yes Raker offers seven Trailing Petunia series propagated from Seed. The vigor of these series range from mild to extremely vigorous and work well in baskets, containers, or landscape. Available all year in 285- & 128-plug trays, plus select varieties in the 36-strip tray. sakata.com NEW Petunia African Sunset price (tray) U (285-plug) M (128-plug) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-9 ship weeks 1-52 species multiflora prostrate Light Yellow price (tray) U (285-plug) age (weeks) 6-7 species multiflora prostrate patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no tag no input seed tag no input seed Cherry Improved Petunia Ramblin takii.com syngentaflowers.com NEW African Sunset M (128-plug) Nu Blue M (128-plug) Peach Glo Pink Razzleberry Mix Petunia Ramblin price (tray) U (285-plug) age (weeks) 6-7 species multiflora prostrate ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Pink syngentaflowers.com Neon Rose Purple M (128-plug) Amethyst M (128-plug) Burgundy Chrome M (128-plug) Red Sugar Plum Pink Ice Salmon Glow Lavender Lilac Glo Salmon Capri Shades of Pink Terra Cotta Violet Mix M (128-plug) Neon Rose Violet M (128-plug) White 56 w w w.raker.com/availability annuals SEED petunia (TRAILING) Petunia Wave Petunia Easy Wave price (tray) T (285-plug) L (128-plug) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 species multiflora prostrate Petunia Easy Wave price (tray) T (285-plug) L (128-plug) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 species multiflora prostrate price (tray) T (285-plug) L (128-plug) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 species multiflora prostrate ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed panamseed.com panamseed.com patent no tag no panamseed.com Blue Lavender Burgundy Star Coral Reef Plum Pudding Mix Plum Vein Misty Lilac Pink Formula Mix Gelato Mix B (18-strip) Red Red Velour NEW B (18-strip) Purple Improved Rose Great Lakes Mix Neon Rose Opposites Attract B (18-strip) Pink Petunia Easy Wave price (tray) T (285-plug) L (128-plug) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 species multiflora prostrate ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no panamseed.com Silver NEW Beachcomber Mix Berry Velour B (18-strip) Blue Burgundy Velour Pink Passion w ww.raker.com/availability Rosy Dawn South Beach Mix Starfish Mix Sweet Tart Mix 57 seed petunia (TRAILING) annuals Petunia Easy Wave Petunia Shock Wave price (tray) T (285-plug) L (128-plug) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 species multiflora prostrate price (tray) U (285-plug) M (128-plug) age (weeks) 6-7 species milliflora prostrate Petunia Shock Wave price (tray) U (285-plug) M (128-plug) age (weeks) 6-7 species milliflora prostrate ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed panamseed.com panamseed.com patent no tag no panamseed.com NEW B (18-strip) White The Flag Mix Coconut Violet Coral Crush Yellow Deep Purple Petunia Tidal Wave NEW price (tray) T (285-plug) L (128-plug) age (weeks) 6-7 species hedgiflora single ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed Yellow tag no Denim Pink Shades Pink Vein Power Mix Cherry Hot Pink Red Rose Purple Silver panamseed.com Petunia Shock Wave price (tray) U (285-plug) M (128-plug) age (weeks) 6-7 species milliflora prostrate ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no panamseed.com NEW Amp Mix 58 Buzz Mix Spark Mix Volt Mix w w w.raker.com/availability Red Velour annuals seed petunia (bedding) SEED PROPAGATED BEDDING PETUNIA Raker offers ten Bedding Petunia series propagated from Seed. Bedding Petunias are suitable for packs and containers. These ten series offer a variety of flower forms – single, double, and ruffled. Available all year in 505-, 285-, and 128plug trays. Petunia Carpet price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species multiflora single ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no panamseed.com Petunia Carpet Petunia Carpet price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species multiflora single ship weeks 1-52 input seed price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species multiflora single patent no ship weeks 1-52 tag no input seed panamseed.com patent no tag no panamseed.com Velvet White Petunia Cascade (Double) price (tray) G (505-plug) D (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 patent no input seed tag no Neptune Mix Blue Lace species grandiflora double ship weeks 1-52 panamseed.com Pink Pink Morn Blue Burgundy Mix Pink Blue Blue Star Plum Rose Bright Red Butter Cream Rose Star Salmon Lilac Mix Sky Blue True Blue w ww.raker.com/availability Orchid Mist 59 seed petunia (bedding) annuals Petunia Daddy Petunia Debonair price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 price (tray) Q (285-plug) H (128-plug) species grandiflora single age (weeks) 6-7 species multiflora single Petunia Dreams price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species grandiflora single ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed panamseed.com Blue panamseed.com tag no panamseed.com A (128-plug) Midnight Orchid patent no A (128-plug) Mix Black Cherry Mix NEW Lime Green Dusty Rose Neon Rose Petunia Dreams price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species grandiflora single ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed Red Peppermint Sugar 60 tag no panamseed.com Pink Patriot Mix Pink Appleblossom Burgundy A (128-plug) Red Red Picotee Burgundy Picotee Coral Morn Rose Rose Morn w w w.raker.com/availability annuals seed petunia (bedding) Petunia Dreams Petunia Frost price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species grandiflora single Petunia Picobella price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species grandiflora single price (tray) D (285-plug) age (weeks) 6 species multiflora single ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed tag no panamseed.com Salmon Rose Picotee syngentaflowers.com Blue Mix syngentaflowers.com Red Rose Rose Morn Rose Star Merlin Blue Morn Salmon White Petunia Picobella Petunia Pirouette Petunia Merlin Blue Morn price (tray) G (505-plug) C (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 Sky Blue Waterfall Mix A (128-plug) White Wild Rose Mix Petunia Madness Mix price (tray) G (505-plug) D (285-plug) C (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-7 species multiflora double ship weeks 1-52 input seed patent no input seed tag no sakata.com price (tray) D (285-plug) age (weeks) 6 price (tray) G (505-plug) D (285-plug) species multiflora single age (weeks) 5-6 species grandiflora double patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 tag no input seed tag no input seed panamseed.com Madness Mix species multiflora single ship weeks 1-52 syngentaflowers.com tag no panamseed.com Blue Carmine Purple Light Lavender Mix Rose w ww.raker.com/availability patent no Red 61 SEED petunia (bedding) Petunia Prism Sunshine price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species grandiflora single annuals Petunia TriTunia Petunia TriTunia price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 price (tray) C (505-plug) B (285-plug) species grandiflora single age (weeks) 5-6 species grandiflora single ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed tag no floranova.co.uk syngentaflowers.com syngentaflowers.com NEW NEW Prism Sunshine Petunia Sophistica price (tray) Q (285-plug) age (weeks) 6 species grandiflora single ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no panamseed.com Blue Star Star Mix NEW NEW Petunia Valentine price (tray) G (505-plug) D (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species grandiflora double ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed Antique Shades Blackberry Crimson Star Red Star NEW Blue Morn Lime Bicolor Lime Green Twilight 62 tag no panamseed.com Rose Star w w w.raker.com/availability Valentine annuals URC petunia VEGETATIVE PROPAGATED PETUNIA Raker offers 90 Petunia varities propagated from Unrooted Cuttings (URC). URC Petunias offer a wide variety of colors and habits not traditionally found in seed-propagated Petunia varieties. Available weeks 45-17 in 51-strip trays. Petunia Crazytunia price (tray) N (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 45-17 input URC patent yes tag yes westflowers.de Petunia Cascadias Petunia Crazytunia price (tray) P (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 price (tray) N (51-strip) species ship weeks 45-17 age (weeks) 4 patent yes input URC tag yes input URC danziger.co.il Autumn Mystery species ship weeks 45-17 patent yes tag yes westflowers.de Bicolor Cabernet Black Mamba Knight Rider Imp. Mandeville Pulse Red Blues Star Jubilee NEW Rim Magenta NEW Rim Violet Petunia Crazytunia price (tray) N (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 45-17 patent yes input URC tag yes Lucky Lilac westflowers.de NEW Blackberry Cheesecake Starlight Blue NEW Pink Frills w ww.raker.com/availability Stonewashed 63 URC petunia annuals Petunia Crazytunia price (tray) N (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 patent yes input URC Petunia Night Sky price (tray) K (51-strip) species ship weeks 45-17 Petunia Hells age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 45-17 tag yes price (tray) L (51-strip) species patent yes input URC westflowers.de age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 45-17 tag no patent yes input URC westflowers.de tag no selectanorthamerica.com ADD Terracotta Twilight Blue Twilight Lime Twilight Red Bells Night Sky Petunia Double Wave ADD NEW price (tray) K (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 input URC Petunia Ray price (tray) P (51-strip) species multiflora prostrate ship weeks 45-17 NEW age (weeks) 4 patent yes ship weeks 45-17 tag no dummengroup.com input URC Fruit Punch Glow species patent yes tag yes danziger.co.il Petunia Moonlight Eclipse price (tray) P (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 45-17 patent yes input URC Blue Blue Vein Pink Purple Red White 64 tag yes suntory.com Black Moonlight Eclipse w w w.raker.com/availability Salmon Sunshine annuals URC petunia Petunia Sanguna price (tray) L (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 input URC Petunia Starlet price (tray) L (51-strip) species multiflora prostrate ship weeks 45-17 Petunia Sanguna patent yes age (weeks) 4 ship weeks 45-17 tag yes patent yes input URC syngentaflowers.com price (tray) K (51-strip) species multiflora prostrate age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 45-17 tag yes input URC syngentaflowers.com patent yes tag no selectanorthamerica.com ADD NEW Atomic Blue Blue 11 Burgundy Lavender Vein Salmon Dark Pink Petunia Starlet ADD ADD price (tray) K (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 45-17 input URC Light Blue Lipstick patent yes tag no Lavender Star selectanorthamerica.com Light Blue ADD Picotee Punch Pink Vein Plum Vein Radiant Blue Magenta Blue ADD Red White Pearl ADD Burgundy ADD Carmine Star w ww.raker.com/availability ADD Orange ADD Pink Lemonade 65 urc petunia annuals Petunia Starlet Petunia Surfinia Summer price (tray) K (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 price (tray) P (51-strip) species ship weeks 45-17 input URC age (weeks) 4 patent yes price (tray) P (51-strip) species milliflora double ship weeks 45-17 tag no patent yes input URC selectanorthamerica.com Petunia Surfinia Trailing age (weeks) 4 species multiflora prostrate ship weeks 45-17 tag yes patent yes input URC suntory.com tag yes suntory.com ADD Double Pink Double Rose Baby Deep Purple Brilliant Pink Double White Blue Veined Giant Blue NEW Purple Star Double Salmon ADD ADD Petunia Surfinia Sumo price (tray) P (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 ship weeks 45-17 input URC Red Salmon species multiflora prostrate patent yes tag yes suntory.com Deep Red ADD Salmon Red Vein Giant Purple Heavenly Blue Lime Magenta Pink Veined Red ADD Velvet ADD White 66 Bold Lilac ADD Yellow Pink Plum w w w.raker.com/availability annuals urc petunia – portulaca Petunia Surfinia Trailing price (tray) P (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 ship weeks 45-17 Plectranthus Silver price (tray) K (128-plug) D (36-strip) species multiflora prostrate age (weeks) 5-7 species argentaeus Portulaca Happy Hour price (tray) E (285-plug) age (weeks) 6-7 species patent yes ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 tag yes input seed tag no input seed input URC suntory.com Rose Veined Sky Blue panamseed.com Crest Shield patent no tag no panamseed.com Banana Coconut Deep Red Fuchsia Lemon Orange Plectranthus Variegata price (tray) E (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 species coleoides ship weeks 45-17 patent no input URC Vari Baby Purple White Improved Wild Plum Yellow Petunia Sweet Sunshine price (tray) J (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 ship weeks 45-17 input URC tag no multiple sources Variegata Plectranthus Brazilian Purple price (tray) N (51-strip) species multiflora double patent yes tag no selectanorthamerica.com Burgundy Provence Hot Pink Red age (weeks) 4 species hilliardiae ship weeks 45-17 input URC patent yes tag yes athenabrazil.com Brazilian Purple w ww.raker.com/availability I (505-plug) C (128-plug) Mix Peppermint Pink Passion Mix Rosita Tropical Mix 67 portulaca – rudbeckia Portulaca Pazzaz price (tray) K (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 input URC Portulaca Sundial price (tray) E (285-plug) species oleracea ship weeks 45-17 annuals age (weeks) 6-7 price (tray) E (285-plug) species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 tag yes input seed tag no input seed benary.com Deep Pink Pink Glow Red Flare Tangerine Chiffon Vivid Yellow Yellow Improved Fuchsia Gold Portulaca Toucan Pink Princess Pink Scarlet Tangerine White Yellow species hirta ship weeks 1-52 tag no patent no input seed Mango Fuchsia Hot Mix I (505-plug) C (128-plug) Mix Scarlet Shades Yellow Peach 68 tag no benary.com age (weeks) 6-9 patent no panamseed.com patent no price (tray) H (285-plug) E (128-plug) B (36-strip) species input seed species Rudbeckia Autumn Colors Mix price (tray) Q (285-plug) H (128-plug) ship weeks 1-52 age (weeks) 6-7 patent yes danziger.co.il age (weeks) 7 Portulaca Sundial Orange Peppermint w w w.raker.com/availability tag no benary.com Autumn Colors Mix annuals rudbeckia Rudbeckia Cherokee Sunset price (tray) H (285-plug) E (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-9 species hirta Rudbeckia Goldilocks price (tray) C (285-plug) C (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-9 species hirta Rudbeckia Maya price (tray) L (285-plug) H (128-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-9 ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed multiple sources benary.com species hirta patent no tag no benary.com Cherokee Sunset Maya Rudbeckia Cherry Brandy Rudbeckia Moreno price (tray) P (285-plug) K (128-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-9 price (tray) C (285-plug) C (128-plug) B (36-strip) species hirta age (weeks) 6-9 species hirta ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no multiple sources Goldilocks kieft-pro-seeds.com Rudbeckia Indian Summer price (tray) C (285-plug) C (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-9 species hirta ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no fleckesaatenhandel.de Cherry Brandy Indian Summer Moreno Rudbeckia Denver Daisy Rudbeckia Marmalade Rudbeckia Prairie Sun price (tray) H (285-plug) E (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-9 species hirta price (tray) C (285-plug) C (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-9 species hirta price (tray) N (285-plug) I (128-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-9 species hirta ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed tag no benary.com Denver Daisy benary.com Marmalade w ww.raker.com/availability benary.com Prairie Sun 69 rudbeckia – salvia annuals Rudbeckia Sonora price (tray) H (285-plug) E (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-9 species hirta Salvia Summer Jewel Salvia Evolution price (tray) F (505-plug) C (285-plug) C (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species coccinea price (tray) D (505-plug) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed benary.com takii.com species farinacea patent no tag no benary.com NEW Sonora Deep Violet Rudbeckia Tiger Eye Gold Salvia Fairy Queen price (tray) U (285-plug) Q (128-plug) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-9 White price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) species hirta age (weeks) 6 species farinacea ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no syngentaflowers.com Mix benary.com Tiger Eye Gold Fairy Queen Rudbeckia Toto Salvia Sallyfun Blue price (tray) F (285-plug) D (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-9 ship weeks 1-52 input seed price (tray) O (51-strip) species hirta age (weeks) 4 patent no ship weeks 45-17 tag no benary.com input URC Pink Red Lemon Mix Rustic 70 species farinacea patent yes tag yes danziger.co.il ADD NEW Gold Fairy Queen White w w w.raker.com/availability Sallyfun Blue annuals salvia Salvia Strata Salvia Saucy Red price (tray) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 6 price (tray) N (51-strip) species farinacea ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no age (weeks) 4 input URC floranova.co.uk Salvia Victoria Salvia Vista species farinacea species splendens patent yes ship weeks 1-52 tag yes input seed patent no tag no panamseed.com B (128-plug) Red Saucy Red price (tray) B (505-plug) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) age (weeks) 5 cultivaris.com Strata age (weeks) 5-6 price (tray) D (505-plug) C (285-plug) species splendens ship weeks 45-17 Salvia Vista price (tray) D (505-plug) C (285-plug) age (weeks) 5 species splendens ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed floranova.co.uk patent no tag no panamseed.com Salmon White Salvia Wendy’s Wish price (tray) K (36-strip) age (weeks) 4 species x hybrida ship weeks 45-17 Blue White input URC B (128-plug) Mix patent yes tag yes planthaven.com Salvia Lighthouse price (tray) D (505-plug) C (285-plug) age (weeks) 5 species splendens ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no kieft-pro-seeds.com Lighthouse Lavender Purple Red and White Rose w ww.raker.com/availability Wendy’s Wish 71 scaevola – snapdragon Scaevola Bombay price (tray) O (51-strip) age (weeks) 6 Snapdragon Twinny Peach price (tray) F (285-plug) species aemula ship weeks 45-17 annuals age (weeks) 6 Snapdragon Liberty Classic price (tray) D (285-plug) species double age (weeks) 6 species garden standard patent yes ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no tag yes input seed tag no input seed tag no input URC syngentaflowers.com F (18-strip) Dark Blue hemgenetics.com Pink syngentaflowers.com Lavender Rose Pink Yellow White Twinny Peach White Scaevola Diamond Snapdragon Liberty Classic Snapdragon Montego price (tray) I (51-strip) age (weeks) 6 price (tray) D (285-plug) species x hybrida ship weeks 45-17 patent yes input URC tag no age (weeks) 5-7 age (weeks) 5-7 species garden standard ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no westflowers.de syngentaflowers.com Bronze Diamond price (tray) D (285-plug) species garden standard Crimson syngentaflowers.com Burgundy Bicolor Orange Bicolor Scaevola Suntastic price (tray) N (51-strip) age (weeks) 6 species x hybrida ship weeks 45-17 input URC patent yes tag yes westflowers.de Suntastic 72 F (505-plug) B (128-plug) Mix w w w.raker.com/availability F (505-plug) B (128-plug) Mix annuals snapdragon – stock Snapdragon Montego price (tray) D (285-plug) age (weeks) 6 Snapdragon Rocket price (tray) C (285-plug) species garden standard age (weeks) 5-7 Snapdragon Candy Shower price (tray) I (128-plug) species garden standard age (weeks) 7 ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed syngentaflowers.com Pink Red panamseed.com Purple Golden D (505-plug) A (128) Mix Rose Pink Red Rose Bicolor Rose White Snapdragon Candy Shower price (tray) I (128-plug) age (weeks) 7 ship weeks 1-52 input seed Scarlet Sunset Violet White Yellow species trailing patent no tag no sakata.com Rose Yellow White Stock Midget Mix price (tray) E (505-plug) C (285-plug) species trailing age (weeks) 4-5 patent no ship weeks 1-52 tag no input seed sakata.com Mix Deep Purple Orange Red w ww.raker.com/availability species garden patent no tag no takii.com Midget Mix 73 stock – trixi combo annuals Stock Vintage Mix price (tray) E (505-plug) C (285-plug) age (weeks) 4-5 species garden ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Torenia Moon Trixi Combo price (tray) O (51-strip) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 45-17 ship weeks 45-17 tag yes input URC danziger.co.il Blue Vintage Mix age (weeks) 5 patent yes input URC panamseed.com price (tray) S (36-strip) species species combination liner patent yes tag no selectanorthamerica.com Purple Blue Fashion Strobilanthes species Blueberry Parfait NEW price (tray) F (36-strip) D (18-strip) age (weeks) 6-8 species dyerianus ship weeks 45-17 patent no input URC tag no multiple sources Rose Yellow Trixi Combos price (tray) S (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 45-17 input URC species species combination liner patent yes tag no Bolero selectanorthamerica.com Torenia Kauai NEW price (tray) F (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no panamseed.com Ayers Rock Berry Daring NEW Blue & White Deep Blue J (505-plug) D (128) Mix Rose 74 Breakdance Cajun Flare Blues w w w.raker.com/availability Caribbean Cocktail annuals trixi combo Trixi Combo Trixi Combo price (tray) S (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 45-17 input URC price (tray) S (36-strip) species combination liner patent yes age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 45-17 tag no input URC selectanorthamerica.com species combination liner patent yes Please refer to pages 44-45 for KWIK KOMBOS tag no selectanorthamerica.com NEW Cherry Kiss Crazy for Crayons Double Date Double Delight Flirtini NEW Party Favor NEW Express Yourself Fashion Jam Session La Bomba Pretty Princess Spring Valley NEW NEW Liberty Bell Lollipop Strawberry Shortcake Sweet Candy NEW Fairy Night Fall Old Glory Treasure Chest Twinkle Star NEW Geisha Girl Gold and Bold Out of the Blue Purple with a Purpose Walk On The Cloud w ww.raker.com/availability Wild Berry 75 verbena annuals Verbena Voodoo price (tray) J (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 price (tray) H (285-plug) species ship weeks 45-17 Verbena Obsession age (weeks) 5-7 Verbena Obsession price (tray) H (285-plug) species age (weeks) 5-7 species patent yes ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no tag yes input seed tag no input seed tag no input URC westflowers.de syngentaflowers.com syngentaflowers.com Pink Star Salmon Star Cotton Candy Crimson w/ Eye Scarlet M (505-plug) Spirit Mix Merlot Star Red Star M (505-plug) Eyed Mix Lavender M (505-plug) White Wine and Cheese Verbena Obsession Verbena Lanai price (tray) H (285-plug) age (weeks) 5 price (tray) L (51-strip) species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no syngentaflowers.com age (weeks) 4-6 ship weeks 45-17 input URC Light Blue w/ Eye Lilac species semi trailing patent yes tag yes syngentaflowers.com Apricot Berry Tart Mix M (505-plug) D (128) Mix Pastel Mix E (18-strip) Blue Blue Denim M (505-plug) Blue w/ Eye Bordeaux M (505-plug) Pink Pink Chiffon E (18-strip) Bright Eye Bright Pink M (505-plug) Burgundy w/ Eye Coral w/ Eye M (505-plug) Red M (505-plug) Red w/ Eye Dark Red E (18-strip) Deep Pink 76 w w w.raker.com/availability annuals verbena Verbena Lanai Verbena Lanai price (tray) L (51-strip) age (weeks) 4-6 ship weeks 45-17 input URC Verbena Imagination price (tray) M (51-strip) species semi trailing patent yes tag yes age (weeks) 4-6 ship weeks 45-17 input URC syngentaflowers.com price (tray) F (505-plug) D (285-plug) B (128-plug) species semi trailing age (weeks) 5-7 patent yes ship weeks 1-52 tag yes input seed syngentaflowers.com species speciosa patent no tag no benary.com NEW Deep Purple Lavender Star Blue Eyes Lime Green Magenta Improved Candy Cane Twister Amethyst Imagination Verbena Temari price (tray) N (51-strip) age (weeks) 4 ship weeks 45-17 E (18-strip) Peach Improved Purple Star E (18-strip) Twister Pink E (18-strip) Red Royal Purple w/ Eye Twister Purple input URC species trailing patent yes tag yes suntory.com Twister Red Blue Bright Pink Candy Stripe Cherry Red Red Violet NEW Scarlet w/ Eye White Strawberry & Cream Vintage Vodka w ww.raker.com/availability 77 vinca annuals Vinca Cora Vinca Cora Cascade price (tray) Q (285-plug) H (128-plug) age (weeks) 7-8 species price (tray) U (285-plug) N (128-plug) age (weeks) 7-8 species Vinca Jams N Jellies price (tray) P (285-plug) G (128-plug) age (weeks) 7-8 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed syngentaflowers.com syngentaflowers.com Apricot Burgundy Deep Lavender Lavender Cherry Pink Mix Apricot patent no tag no panamseed.com Blueberry Lilac American Pie Mix Blackberry Vinca Mediterranean price (tray) I (285-plug) D (128-plug) age (weeks) 7-8 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed Punch Red Magenta Mix Strawberry Violet Peach Blush Strawberry White 78 Polka Dot w w w.raker.com/availability tag no panamseed.com Deep Orchid Lilac Polka Dot annuals vinca Vinca Mediterranean XP price (tray) I (285-plug) D (128-plug) age (weeks) 7-8 species Vinca Pacifica XP price (tray) E (505-plug) C (285-plug) age (weeks) 7 species Vinca Pacifica XP price (tray) E (505-plug) C (285-plug) age (weeks) 7-8 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed panamseed.com Dark Red Lipstick Mix panamseed.com patent no tag no panamseed.com Hot Rose Apricot Blush Lilac N/A 505-plug Lipstick Mix Mix Bold Mix Burgundy Magenta Halo Mix Peach Burgundy Halo Cherry Red Halo Mystic Mix Orange Polka Dot Punch Red Cranberry Rose Rose Halo Dark Red Deep Orchid Raspberry Really Red Strawberry White Halo Mix Icy Pink Rose Halo White w ww.raker.com/availability 79 vinca – viola annuals Vinca Titan Vinca Titan price (tray) O (285-plug) age (weeks) 7 Viola Sorbet price (tray) O (285-plug) species age (weeks) 7 price (tray) E (285-plug) species age (weeks) 7 species cornuta ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed panamseed.com Apricot Blush Bubblegum Mix Burgundy Clear Mix Cotton Candy Mix Dark Red Icy Pink Lavender Blue Halo Lilac Polka Dot 80 panamseed.com patent no tag no panamseed.com Mix Antique Shades Babyface Mix Punch Pure White Black Delight Black Jump Up Red and White Mix Rose Blue Heaven Carmine Rose Icy Blue Fire Lemon Blueberry Swirl Lemon Chiffon Romance Mix Rose Halo Summer Breeze Mix w w w.raker.com/availability Lilac Ice Midnight Glow annuals viola Viola Sorbet Viola Sorbet XP price (tray) E (285-plug) age (weeks) 7 Viola Sorbet XP price (tray) E (285-plug) species cornuta age (weeks) 7 price (tray) E (285-plug) species cornuta age (weeks) 7 species cornuta ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed panamseed.com panamseed.com patent no tag no panamseed.com NEW Peach Melba Ocean Breeze Mix Blue Blotch Blueberry Frost Mix NEW Jump Up Mix Pink Wing Phantom NEW Ruby/Gold Babyface Red Blotch Coconut Swirl Viola Sorbet XP price (tray) E (285-plug) age (weeks) 7 species cornuta ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no panamseed.com Citrus Mix Delft Blue Lavender Pink Denim Jump Up Harvest Mix Lemon Parfait Mix I (505-plug) E (128) Mix Lemon Jump Up Morpho Orange Beaconberry Mix Beaconsfield Blackberry Blackberry Sundae Mix Lemon Ice Blotch w ww.raker.com/availability 81 viola – zinnia annuals Viola Sorbet XP Viola Sorbet XP price (tray) E (285-plug) age (weeks) 7 Zinnia Crystal White price (tray) E (285-plug) species cornuta age (weeks) 7 price (tray) K (285-plug) species cornuta age (weeks) 5 species angustifolia ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed panamseed.com patent no tag no panamseed.com takii.com NEW Violet Beacon White Crystal White Zinnia Star price (tray) E (505-plug) C (285-plug) age (weeks) 4-5 Orange Jump Up species angustifolia ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no White Blotch panamseed.com Orchid Rose Beacon Orchidberry Frost Mix Yellow Yellow Blotch Bright Mix Gold Pink Halo Primrose Blotch Yellow Jump Up Orange White Yellow Frost NEW Zinnia Benarys Giant Mix price (tray) G (285-plug) age (weeks) 3 Purple Purple Face Raspberry Select Mix 82 species elegans ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no benary.com Yesterday Today Tomorrow w w w.raker.com/availability Benarys Giant Mix annuals zinnia Zinnia Dreamland price (tray) N (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 Zinnia Magellan price (tray) T (285-plug) species elegans age (weeks) 3 Zinnia Swizzle price (tray) W (285-plug) S (128-plug) species elegans age (weeks) 3-4 species elegans ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed tag no takii.com Ivory Coral syngentaflowers.com M (128-plug) Mix Orange syngentaflowers.com Cherry and Ivory Scarlet and Yellow Zinnia Uproar Rose price (tray) T (285-plug) P (128-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 H (128-plug) Mix Pink Pink Salmon Red Rose Scarlet Yellow species elegans ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no syngentaflowers.com Zinnia Short Stuff price (tray) P (285-plug) age (weeks) 3 patent no input seed tag no Yellow Scarlet species elegans ship weeks 1-52 syngentaflowers.com Zinnia Zowie Yellow Flame Zinnia Magellan price (tray) T (285-plug) P (128-plug) price (tray) T (285-plug) age (weeks) 3 Uproar Rose age (weeks) 3-4 species elegans species elegans ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no syngentaflowers.com syngentaflowers.com Cherry Ivory Mix Zowie Yellow Flame w ww.raker.com/availability 83 zinnia annuals Zinnia Profusion price (tray) K (285-plug) F (128-plug) age (weeks) 4-5 species interspecific Zinnia Profusion Double price (tray) K (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 Zinnia Zahara price (tray) J (285-plug) F (128-plug) species interspecific age (weeks) 4-5 species interspecific ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed sakata.com All American Mix 5 Color Mix Apricot sakata.com patent no tag no panamseed.com Cherry Deep Salmon Coral Rose Fire Fire Golden Mix Rasp Lemonade Mix NEW Cherry Coral Pink Hot Cherry Mix Deep Apricot Fire White Yellow Red Zinnia Zahara price (tray) J (285-plug) F (128-plug) age (weeks) 4-5 Orange White 84 species interspecific ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Yellow panamseed.com Bonfire Mix Cherry w w w.raker.com/availability Raspberry Scarlet Starlight Rose Sunburst annuals zinnia Zinnia Zahara Zinnia Zahara Double price (tray) J (285-plug) F (128-plug) age (weeks) 4-5 Zinnia Zahara XL price (tray) J (285-plug) F (128-plug) species interspecific age (weeks) 4-5 price (tray) J (285-plug) F (128-plug) species interspecific age (weeks) 4-5 species interspecific ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed panamseed.com panamseed.com tag no panamseed.com NEW White patent no NEW Yellow Zinnia Zahara Double price (tray) J (285-plug) F (128-plug) age (weeks) 4-5 species interspecific ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Yellow panamseed.com Pink Zinnia Zahara XL NEW price (tray) J (285-plug) F (128-plug) age (weeks) 4-5 species interspecific ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed Cherry Duo Mix tag no panamseed.com NEW NEW White NEW Salmon Rose Fire Strawberry Fire Yellow w ww.raker.com/availability 85 FLORIST POT CROPS & CUT FLOWERS Alstroemeria Jazze Cyclamen Laser price (tray) R (18-strip) age (weeks) 11 Cyclamen Laser Synchro price (tray) U (128-plug) I (36-strip) species x hybrida age (weeks) 15-16 species intermediate price (tray) U (128-plug) I (36-strip) age (weeks) 15-16 species intermediate ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed tag no panamseed.com Purple Rose syngentaflowers.com Rose Frost Snowridge Purple Cyclamen Laser Rose Flame Purple Flame Scarlet price (tray) U (128-plug) I (36-strip) species intermediate age (weeks) 15-16 species intermediate ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no syngentaflowers.com Fuchsia Purple Cyclamen Laser Synchro price (tray) U (128-plug) I (36-strip) age (weeks) 15-16 Snowridge Wine syngentaflowers.com syngentaflowers.com Rose J (36-strip) Coral Flame Mix Salmon Wine Pink Pink Flame White Wine Flame NEW Snowridge Scarlet 86 w w w.raker.com/availability florist pot crops & cut flowers Cyclamen Winfall Mix price (tray) U (128-plug) age (weeks) 17 cyclamen Cyclamen Halios price (tray) U (128-plug) species miniature age (weeks) 15-16 Cyclamen Halios price (tray) U (128-plug) species standard age (weeks) 15-16 ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed syngentaflowers.com Mix Scarlet cyclamen.com Bright Scarlet Deep Rose Cyclamen Friller patent no tag no cyclamen.com White w/ Eye Winter Mix Cyclamen Halios HD price (tray) U (128-plug) age (weeks) 15-16 species standard price (tray) U (128-plug) species standard age (weeks) 15 species standard ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no syngentaflowers.com Light Purple Magenta cyclamen.com Flame Mix I (36-strip) Mix Magenta Flame I (36-strip) Mix Bright Rose Bright Scarlet Pink Purple Pure White Purple Deep Magenta Flamed Mix Salmon Scarlet Purple Flame Rose w/ Eye Grenadine Light Rose White Wine Salmon Rose Scarlet Red Lilac Mix w ww.raker.com/availability 87 cyclamen florist pot crops & cut flowers Cyclamen Halios HD Cyclamen Halios Select price (tray) U (128-plug) age (weeks) 15 price (tray) U (128-plug) species standard age (weeks) 15 Cyclamen Halios Select Fantasia price (tray) U (128-plug) species standard age (weeks) 15 ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed cyclamen.com cyclamen.com Neon Rose Pure White Red Silverleaf Salmon Salmon Rose Silverleaf Flame Mix Silverleaf Blush Mix species standard patent no tag no cyclamen.com Purple Purple Silverleaf Red Rose Cyclamen Halios Select HD Dhiva NEW price (tray) U (128-plug) age (weeks) 15 ship weeks 1-52 input seed Scarlet Salmon Victoria 50 White Cyclamen Halios Select age (weeks) 15 patent no ship weeks 1-52 tag no input seed input seed cyclamen.com NEW Blush Intense Friola Magenta 88 species standard patent no tag no cyclamen.com Light Purple NEW Falbala Rose NEW tag no cyclamen.com price (tray) U (128-plug) species standard ship weeks 1-52 patent no Cyclamen Halios Select Fantasia price (tray) U (128-plug) age (weeks) 15 Victoria 50 Salmon species standard Deep Rose Magenta Pure White Purple Magenta Silverleaf Mix Rose w/ Eye Salmon NEW Friola Light Purple w w w.raker.com/availability florist pot crops & cut flowers Cyclamen Rainier price (tray) I (36-strip) age (weeks) 16 cyclamen Cyclamen Sierra price (tray) U (128-plug) species standard age (weeks) 15-16 Cyclamen Sierra Synchro price (tray) U (128-plug) I (36-strip) species standard age (weeks) 15-16 species standard ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed tag no syngentaflowers.com syngentaflowers.com Light Pink w/ Eye Lilac I (36-strip) Flame Mix Mix Pink I (36-strip) Fuchsia Purple Purple Flame Rose Salmon Scarlet White White w/ Eye Wine Flame syngentaflowers.com Deep Rose Deep Salmon I (36-strip) Purple Flame Light Pink w/ Eye Mix I (36-strip) Salmon I (36-strip) Snowridge Purple Purple Rose I (36-strip) Snowridge Rose I (36-strip) Wine Scarlet White I (36-strip) Snowridge Scarlet w ww.raker.com/availability Wine Flame 89 cyclamen – gerbera Cyclamen Winter Ice Mix price (tray) I (36-strip) age (weeks) 16 florist pot crops & cut flowers Gerbera Festival price (tray) S (128-plug) H (36-strip) species standard age (weeks) 7-10 species Gerbera Festival Dark Eye price (tray) S (128-plug) H (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-8 ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed syngentaflowers.com sakata.com species patent no tag no sakata.com Mini Mix Semi Double Mix Orange Peach Winter Ice Mix Spring Bouquet Mix Winter Holiday Mix Pink Shades Red Gerbera Festival Gerbera Festival Dark Eye Scarlet Yellow price (tray) S (128-plug) H (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-10 species price (tray) S (128-plug) H (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-8 ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed sakata.com species patent no tag no sakata.com Gerbera Festival Light Eye price (tray) S (128-plug) H (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-8 ship weeks 1-52 input seed Complete Mix Fall Harvest Mix 90 E (18-strip) Grower Select Mix Apricot Cherry Golden Yellow Neon Rose Mix w w w.raker.com/availability species patent no tag no sakata.com Apricot Blush Lemon Yellow Orange florist pot crops & cut flowers Gerbera Festival Light Eye price (tray) S (128-plug) H (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-8 species gerbera Gerbera Flori Line Maxi Dk Eye price (tray) S (128-plug) age (weeks) 7-8 Gerbera Flori Line Maxi Lt Eye price (tray) S (128-plug) species age (weeks) 7 ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed sakata.com floristholland.nl species patent no tag no floristholland.nl Rose Salmon Lilac H (36-strip) Mix Mexican Pink Orange Salmon Rose White Shades Orange Pink Pink Red White Yellow Gerbera Flori Line Maxi price (tray) S (128-plug) H (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-8 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species patent no tag no floristholland.nl Gerbera Flori Line Midi price (tray) S (128-plug) H (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-8 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed Double Mix Mix Red tag no floristholland.nl White Yellow Spider Mix w ww.raker.com/availability Eyecatcher Dark Eye Purple Double Mix Dark Eye Bicolor Mix 91 gerbera florist pot crops & cut flowers Gerbera Garvinea Sweet Gerbera Garvinea Sweet price (tray) U (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 price (tray) U (36-strip) species ship weeks 2-8 age (weeks) 6 patent yes input TC patent yes input TC floristholland.nl Dreams (dark pink) price (tray) S (128-plug) H (36-strip) species ship weeks 2-8 tag no Gerbera Jaguar age (weeks) 7-8 ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no tag no floristholland.nl Smile (yellow) Glow (red) Surprise (pink) species syngentaflowers.com Pink Red Rose Picotee Rose Dark Center Gerbera Jaguar price (tray) S (128-plug) H (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-8 Honey (gold) species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no Sixteen (pink) syngentaflowers.com NEW Spice Deep Orange Deep Rose Salsa Mix Fall Colors Mix Fire Salmon Pastels Fire Dark Center Formula Mix Spring Time Mix Lemon Dark Center Orange Picotee Scarlet Dk Center Scarlet NEW Heart (Salmon) 92 w w w.raker.com/availability Tangerine florist pot crops & cut flowers Gerbera Jaguar Gerbera Patio price (tray) S (128-plug) H (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-8 gerbera – lisianthus species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no price (tray) U (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 White price (tray) G (285-plug) species ship weeks 2-8 patent yes input URC tag no syngentaflowers.com Tangerine Dk Center Lisianthus ABC age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 1-52 Yellowstone patent no input seed floristholland.nl Volcanoes species cut flower tag no panamseed.com 1 Misty Blue 1 Purple 1 Rose Rim 1 White 1 Yellow 2 Blue 2 Blue Blush 2 Blue Rim 2 Lavender 2 Misty Blue 2 Misty Pink 2 Purple Gerbera Cartwheel price (tray) T (128-plug) I (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-8 patent no input seed tag no Yellow Dk Center Yellow species semi-double ship weeks 1-52 syngentaflowers.com Gerbera Patio price (tray) U (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 species ship weeks 2-8 patent yes input URC tag no floristholland.nl Bighorn Everglades Autumn Colors Lisianthus ABC price (tray) G (285-plug) age (weeks) 6 Great Smoky Mtns. Olympic Karoo Serengeti species cut flower ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no panamseed.com 1 Deep Rose 1 Green w ww.raker.com/availability 93 lisianthus florist pot crops & cut flowers Lisianthus ABC Lisianthus Echo price (tray) G (285-plug) age (weeks) 6 Lisianthus Mariachi price (tray) E (285-plug) species cut flower age (weeks) 6 price (tray) G (285-plug) species cut flower age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed panamseed.com sakata.com 2 Yellow 2 Rose Champagne 3 Purple 3 Rose 3 White Lisianthus Echo tag no sakata.com Grand White Lime Green Misty Blue Misty Pink Pink Picotee Pink Pink Picotee Pure White Yellow Pure White Yellow price (tray) G (285-plug) species cut flower patent no Pink Lisianthus Mariachi price (tray) E (285-plug) age (weeks) 6 species cut flower age (weeks) 6 Lisianthus Mermaid price (tray) D (285-plug) B (128-plug) species cut flower age (weeks) 9-10 species cut flower ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed tag no sakata.com Blue 94 Lavender sakata.com Blue Carmine w w w.raker.com/availability sakata.com Blue Pink florist pot crops & cut flowers Lisianthus Rosanne Ornamental Pepper price (tray) N (285-plug) age (weeks) 6 lisianthus – ranunculus price (tray) T (285-plug) P (128-plug) species cut flower age (weeks) 4-5 species Primula Danova price (tray) Q (285-plug) age (weeks) 8-10 ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed tag no input seed sakata.com panamseed.com species acaulis patent no tag no sakata.com NEW H (128-plug) Mix Grower Select Mix Ranunculus Bloomingdale price (tray) K (128-plug) age (weeks) 14 1 Brown patent no input seed tag no Purple Flash NEW species ship weeks 1-52 sakata.com Ornamental Pepper price (tray) P (285-plug) K (128-plug) age (weeks) 4-5 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species patent no tag no panamseed.com Special Mix Ranunculus Mache Mix price (tray) K (128-plug) age (weeks) 14 1 Green Chilly Chili Ornamental Pepper Ornamental Pepper price (tray) T (285-plug) P (128-plug) age (weeks) 4-5 species input seed tag no syngentaflowers.com price (tray) P (285-plug) K (128-plug) age (weeks) 4-5 species patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no panamseed.com Calico patent no Medusa ship weeks 1-52 Black Pearl species ship weeks 1-52 panamseed.com Sangria w ww.raker.com/availability Mache Mix 95 GRASSES Carex Red Rooster Carex Evercolor price (tray) P (285-plug) G (128-plug) D (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species buchananii patent no age (weeks) 12 tag no bloom mid-summer zone 6-9 sun full sun to part shade height 15-24” fyf no price (tray) E (285-plug) B (128-plug) C (36-strip) species oshimensis ship weeks 8-12 patent yes age (weeks) 6-10 tag yes input URC bloom early summer zone 5-9 sun part shade height 16-18” source kieft-pro-seeds.com Erianthus species price (tray) S (36-strip) Red Rooster Everoro ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 7-9 height 5-12” sun full sun fyf no ADD Everillo species ADD tag no price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) C (36-strip) ship weeks 1-52 bloom early summer input seed sun full sun to part shade species Festuca Glauca age (weeks) 6-10 species ovina patent no sun full sun to part shade height 8-12” Eversheen Everlime tag no bloom mid-summer zone 3-7 fyf no source kieft-pro-seeds.com tag no bloom late summer source multiple species comans patent no patent no zone 5-9 ADD price (tray) P (285-plug) G (128-plug) D (36-strip) species ravennae height 60-168” source evercolorplants.com/us Carex Bronco age (weeks) 7-11 input seed fyf no ADD Red Rooster ship weeks 1-52 fyf no source jelitto.com ADD Bronco Bronco Carex Amazon Mist price (tray) P (285-plug) G (128-plug) D (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 7-9 height 10-12” species comans v. stricta patent no tag no bloom summer sun full sun to part shade fyf no source kieft-pro-seeds.com Amazon Mist 96 Amazon Mist Everest Glauca Cortaderia Isolepis Live Wire price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 7-10 height 60-120” species selloana patent no bloom early fall sun full sun to part shade fyf no source multiple Rosea Pink price (tray) P (285-plug) G (128-plug) D (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-12 tag no Glauca ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 8-11 height 6-8” species cernuus patent no sun full sun to part shade fyf no source panamseed.com White Feather w w w.raker.com/availability Live Wire tag no bloom n/a Live Wire grasses carex – schizachyrium Juncus Combo Fuseables price (tray) U (285-plug) L (128-plug) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-13 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species designer combo patent no tag no bloom n/a zone 5-9 Twisted Dart input seed zone 3-8 height 12-14” patent no tag no bloom n/a input seed sun full sun species alopecuroides patent no tag no bloom late summer zone 5-9 fyf no Javelin ship weeks 1-52 sun full sun to part shade height 24-48” fyf no source multiple Javelin Juncus Blue Dart P (285-plug) G (128-plug) D (36-strip) B (18-strip) ship weeks 1-52 ship weeks 1-52 price (tray) H (285-plug) D (128-plug) D (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-9 source panamseed.com Juncus Twister age (weeks) 8-14 species pallidus height 48-60” source panamseed.com Twisted Arrows age (weeks) 8-14 zone 7-10 fyf no Pennisetum species price (tray) P (285-plug) G (128-plug) D (36-strip) input seed sun full sun height 18-36” Juncus Javelin species effusus ssp. spiralis patent no tag no bloom n/a price (tray) P (285-plug) G (128-plug) D (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-14 species tenuis ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed sun part shade zone 2-9 fyf no sun part shade height 14-16” source panamseed.com tag no bloom n/a fyf no source panamseed.com species Schizachyrium Standing Ovation price (tray) R (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 3-15 input URC zone 3-8 height 36-48” Twister Twister Blue Dart Juncus Blue Arrows price (tray) P (285-plug) G (128-plug) D (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-13 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 5-9 height 36” bloom n/a sun full sun fyf no tag yes bloom late summer sun full sun fyf no source northcreeknurseries.com Millet tag no ADD age (weeks) 4-7 species ornamental ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed source panamseed.com Blue Arrows patent yes price (tray) O (128-plug) G (36-strip) species inflexus patent no Blue Dart species scoparium tag no panamseed.com Jade Princess Jester Purple Baron Purple Majesty w ww.raker.com/availability Standing Ovation 97 HERBS Basil Aristotle Basil Queen of Sheba I (285-plug) E (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 4-7 B (285-plug) B (128-plug) species ship weeks 1-52 age (weeks) 4 species patent no ship weeks 1-52 tag no input seed input seed vegetalis.co.uk tag no sahin.nl Basil Cinnamon Basil Spicy Globe B (285-plug) B (128-plug) A (36-strip) age (weeks) 4-7 patent no B (285-plug) A (128-plug) A (36-strip) species age (weeks) 4-7 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no multiple sources Basil Dolce Fresca B (285-plug) A (128-plug) A (36-strip) age (weeks) 4-7 species multiple sources NEW Basil Sweet Dani Lemon B (285-plug) A (128-plug) A (36-strip) age (weeks) 4-7 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no panamseed.com Basil Greek Columnar E (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 species panamseed.com Basil Sweet Large Leaf A (285-plug) A (128-plug) A (36-strip) age (weeks) 4-7 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input URC tag no input seed tag no multiple sources Basil Pesto Perpetuo H (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 species multiple sources Chives Garlic B (285-plug) A (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 species schoenoprasum ship weeks 1-52 patent yes ship weeks 1-52 patent no input URC tag yes input seed tag no multiple sources Basil Purple Ruffles B (285-plug) B (128-plug) A (36-strip) age (weeks) 4-7 species multiple sources Chives species B (285-plug) A (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-10 species schoenoprasum ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no panamseed.com 98 multiple sources w w w.raker.com/availability herbs basil – mint Cilantro Santo Geranium Lemon Fizz A (285-plug) A (128-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 3-5 species sativum H (25-strip) age (weeks) 5 species scented ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 6-14 patent no input seed tag no input URC tag no multiple sources Coriander Slow Bolt multiple sources Geranium Sweet Mimosa A (285-plug) A (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 3-5 species H (25-strip) age (weeks) 5 species scented ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 6-14 patent no input seed tag no input URC tag no multiple sources Dill Fernleaf multiple sources Geranium Torento C (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 4-6 species graveolens H (25-strip) age (weeks) 5 species scented ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 6-14 patent no input seed tag no input URC tag no panamseed.com Fennel Bronze Lemon Balm species F (285-plug) D (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 4-7 multiple sources species vulgare A (285-plug) A (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 5-9 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no multiple sources Fennel species Marjoram Sweet species A (285-plug) A (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 4-7 multiple sources species vulgare A (285-plug) A (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 5-9 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no multiple sources Geranium Attar of Roses multiple sources Mint Apple H (25-strip) age (weeks) 5 species scented D (36-strip) age (weeks) 4 species suaveolens ship weeks 6-14 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input URC tag no input URC tag no multiple sources Geranium Concolor Lace multiple sources Mint Pineapple H (25-strip) age (weeks) 5 species scented D (36-strip) age (weeks) 4 species suaveolens ship weeks 6-14 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input URC tag no input URC tag no multiple sources multiple sources w ww.raker.com/availability 99 oregano – rosemary Oregano species Parsley Plain A (285-plug) A (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 herbs species heracleoticum A (285-plug) A (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 species plain ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no multiple sources Oregano species multiple sources Peppermint Chocolate E (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 species vulgare aureum D (36-strip) age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input URC tag no input URC tag no multiple sources Oregano Compactum E (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 species vulgare multiple sources Peppermint species A (285-plug) A (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input URC tag no input seed tag no multiple sources Oregano Hot and Spicy multiple sources Rosemary Arp E (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 species vulgare F (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 species officinalis ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input URC tag no input URC tag no multiple sources Oregano species multiple sources Rosemary Barbeque A (285-plug) A (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 species vulgare F (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 species officinalis ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input URC tag no multiple sources Oregano Variegata ballhort.com Rosemary Huntington Carpet E (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 species vulgare F (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 species officinalis prostratus ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input URC tag no input URC tag no multiple sources Parsley Curled multiple sources Rosemary Spice Island A (285-plug) A (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 species curled F (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 species officinalis ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input URC tag no multiple sources 100 multiple sources w w w.raker.com/availability herbs sage – thymus Sage Scarlet Pineapple E (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 species elegans Stevia Sweet Herb R (285-plug) H (128-plug) D (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input URC tag no input seed multiple sources Sage Berggarten species officinalis patent no tag no sahin.nl Tarragon French E (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 species rebaudiana E (36-strip) age (weeks) 7 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input URC tag no input URC tag no multiple sources Sage Icterina multiple sources Thymus Golden Lemon E (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 species officinalis I (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 species citriodorus aureus ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input URC tag no input URC tag no multiple sources Sage Purpurascens multiple sources Thymus Doone Valley E (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 species officinalis I (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 species citriodorus ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input URC tag no input URC tag no multiple sources Sage species multiple sources Thymus species A (285-plug) A (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 5-8 species officinalis I (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-9 species serpyllum ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no multiple sources Sage Tricolor Thymus English E (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 multiple sources species officinalis A (285-plug) A (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 species vulgaris ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input URC tag no input seed tag no multiple sources multiple sources Spearmint species A (285-plug) A (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no multiple sources w ww.raker.com/availability 101 PERENNIALS Achillea Cloth of Gold Achillea Summer Pastel Mix price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) age (weeks) 6-8 ship weeks 1-52 input seed price (tray) H (285-plug) D (128-plug) B (36-strip) species filipendulina patent no tag no bloom early summer zone 2-8 sun full sun height 36-48” age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species millefolium patent no bloom early summer zone 2-9 fyf no sun full sun height 16-24” source multiple tag no fyf yes Achillea Song Siren Angie price (tray) H (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 1-52 species millefolium patent yes input URC bloom late spring zone 4-9 sun full sun height 20-22” source sahin.nl tag no fyf yes source darwinperennials.com NEW Cloth of Gold Paprika Song Siren Angie Achillea Paprika Achillea Moonshine Agastache Blue Boa price (tray) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 2-9 height 18-36” source multiple price (tray) I (36-strip) species millefolium patent no bloom summer sun full sun fyf yes tag no age (weeks) 8 ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 2-9 height 12-24” price (tray) L (36-strip) species x hybrida patent no age (weeks) 6 tag no bloom mid-summer sun full sun fyf yes source bloomsofbressinghamplants.com ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 5-10 height 30-36” species x hybrida patent yes tag yes bloom summer sun full sun fyf yes source terranovanurseries.com/growers ADD Paprika 102 Moonshine w w w.raker.com/availability Blue Boa perennials achillea – alchemilla Agastache Blue Fortune Ajuga Burgundy Glow price (tray) F (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 1-52 input URC species rugosa patent no age (weeks) 4 tag no bloom mid-summer zone 6-9 sun full sun height 36-40” Alcea Queeny price (tray) D (36-strip) ship weeks 1-52 input URC patent no tag no ship weeks 1-52 input seed sun full sun to full shade height 4-6” source multiple age (weeks) 4-8 bloom late spring zone 3-9 fyf yes price (tray) D (285-plug) B (128-plug) C (36-strip) species reptans zone 2-8 fyf no height 20-30” source multiple species rosea patent no tag no bloom summer sun full sun fyf yes source hemgenetics.com Purple Purple Alcea Chaters Double price (tray) E (285-plug) B (128-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 4-8 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 2-8 height 72-96” Blue Fortune Burgundy Glow Ajuga Black Scallop Ajuga Chocolate Chip price (tray) J (36-strip) age (weeks) 4 ship weeks 1-52 input URC patent yes age (weeks) 4 tag yes bloom mid-spring zone 3-9 sun full sun to full shade fyf no Black Scallop zone 3-9 fyf no source multiple sources species reptans patent no tag no bloom late spring sun full sun to full shade fyf no Chocolate Chip Chocolate Chip Mix price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) C (36-strip) species reptans patent no age (weeks) 4-8 tag no bloom late spring sun full sun to full shade fyf no source multiple Bronze Beauty sun full sun Alcea Summer Carnival price (tray) E (36-strip) height 4-8” zone 3-9 height 3-4” Ajuga Bronze Beauty input URC tag no bloom early summer source multiple Black Scallop ship weeks 1-52 ship weeks 1-52 input URC source multiple age (weeks) 4 patent no price (tray) D (36-strip) species reptans height 5-6” species rosea ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 2-8 height 48-60” species rosea patent no tag no bloom mid-summer sun full sun fyf yes source panamseed.com Bronze Beauty Summer Carnival Summer Carnival w ww.raker.com/availability Pink Purple Red Yellow 103 alstromeria – aquilegia perennials Alchemilla Thriller Aquilegia species price (tray) C (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 4-8 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species mollis patent no age (weeks) 7-9 tag no ship weeks 1-52 bloom early summer zone 2-7 input seed sun full sun to part shade height 18-20” zone 2-8 fyf no height 12-18” source benary.com Thriller Aquilegia Biedermeier Mix price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) species alpina patent no age (weeks) 7-9 tag no ship weeks 1-52 bloom late spring input seed sun full sun to part shade species x hybrida patent no zone 2-9 fyf no sun part shade to full sun height 12-18” source multiple tag no bloom late spring fyf no source multiple Thriller Alyssum Mountain Gold price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 2-7 height 6” species montanum patent no tag no bloom spring sun full sun fyf no source multiple species Biedermeier Mix Aquilegia Clementine Aquilegia Double Winky price (tray) U (285-plug) S (128-plug) F (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 2-9 height 12-18” species vulgaris patent no price (tray) S (285-plug) P (128-plug) D (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 tag no ship weeks 1-52 bloom spring input seed sun part shade to full sun Blue Dark Purple patent no tag no bloom spring zone 2-9 fyf no height 20” source kieft-pro-seeds.com Mountain Gold species x hybrida sun part shade to full sun fyf no source kieft-pro-seeds.com Dark Blue and White Anemone species price (tray) J (285-plug) F (128-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 11-17 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 2-8 height 12-20” species sylvestris patent no sun part shade to full sun fyf no Red source multiple species 104 tag no bloom late spring species Rose Mix Salmon Rose w w w.raker.com/availability Red and White Rose and White perennials aquilegia – arabis Aquilegia McKana Giants Mix price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species x hybrida patent no Aquilegia Winky age (weeks) 7-9 tag no ship weeks 1-52 bloom late spring zone 2-9 input seed sun part shade to full sun height 24-36” Arabis Spring Charm price (tray) L (285-plug) I (128-plug) zone 2-9 fyf no height 20” source multiple price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) species x hybrida patent no age (weeks) 6-10 tag no bloom spring sun part shade to full sun fyf no source kieft-pro-seeds.com McKana Giants Mix Blue and White D (36-strip) Mix Aquilegia Origami ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 2-9 height 24-30” tag no bloom early spring zone 5-9 sun full sun height 6-12” fyf no source multiple Spring Charm age (weeks) 6-10 tag no ship weeks 1-52 bloom spring input seed sun part shade to full sun Spring Charm species caucasica patent no sun full sun height 4-6” Early Sky Blue Red and White tag no bloom early spring zone 3-7 fyf no source syngentaflowers.com Blue and White patent no price (tray) H (285-plug) E (128-plug) B (36-strip) species x hybrida patent no input seed species blepharophylla Arabis Compinkie price (tray) S (285-plug) P (128-plug) D (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 ship weeks 1-52 fyf no source benary.com Purple and White Compinkie Compinkie Arabis Snow Cap price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species caucasica patent no zone 3-7 height 5-6” Pink Red and White tag no bloom early spring sun full sun fyf no source benary.com Mix Rose and White Yellow Rose Snow Cap w ww.raker.com/availability 105 arenaria – aster perennials Arenaria species Artemisia Silver Mound price (tray) Q (285-plug) H (128-plug) D (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 2-9 height 2-8” species montana patent no age (weeks) 5 tag no bloom late spring fyf no species input seed zone 2-8 height 6-10” species maritima patent no tag no bloom late spring input seed zone 5-9 height 12-14” sun full sun to part shade fyf no 106 input seed zone 4-9 fyf no height 24-36” Silver Mound species patent no tag no ship weeks 1-52 bloom summer zone 2-8 input seed sun full sun zone 2-7 fyf no patent no tag no height 12” bloom mid summer sun full sun fyf no Silver Brocade input URC zone 5-8 height 24-36” fyf yes species species alpinus patent no tag no bloom late spring sun full sun to part shade fyf no Mix Mix Aster Wartburg Star price (tray) E (36-strip) ship weeks 1-52 sun full sun source multiple Silver Brocade age (weeks) 4 tag no bloom summer Aster Mix age (weeks) 6-11 Artemisia Powis Castle species pseudarmeria patent no price (tray) D (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) species stellerana height 6-12” Splendens species tuberosa source multiple source multiple source kieft-pro-seeds.com Ballerina Red ship weeks 1-52 input URC price (tray) N (285-plug) J (128-plug) B (36-strip) ship weeks 1-52 ship weeks 1-52 sun full sun price (tray) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 4 Armeria Ballerina Red age (weeks) 6-10 zone 1-8 Artemisia Silver Brocade source multiple Splendens tag no bloom late summer Silver Mound price (tray) D (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) ship weeks 1-52 patent no age (weeks) 6-10 source multiple Armeria Splendens age (weeks) 8-12 price (tray) E (285-plug) C (128-plug) B (36-strip) species schmidtiana height 4-12” source multiple species ship weeks 1-52 input URC sun full sun to part shade Asclepias species price (tray) F (36-strip) price (tray) D (285-plug) B (36-strip) species x hybrida patent no age (weeks) 6-11 tag no bloom late summer sun full sun fyf no source multiple Powis Castle w w w.raker.com/availability ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 3-8 height 12-24” source multiple Wartburg Star species tongolensis patent no tag no bloom early summer sun full sun to part shade fyf no perennials astilbe – bergenia Astilbe species Aurinia Compactum price (tray) E (285-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 9-14 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 3-8 height 8-18” species chinensis v. Pumila patent no tag no bloom late summer sun part shade to full sun fyf no age (weeks) 6-1o species saxatilis ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed zone 3-9 price (tray) C (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 5-9 tag no bloom mid spring ship weeks 1-52 input seed sun full sun to part shade height 6-12” source multiple species Bellis Rominette Mix price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) fyf no species perennis patent no zone 3-10 sun full sun to part shade height 5” source multiple tag no bloom spring fyf yes source benary.com species Aubrieta Grandiflora Mix price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-1o ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 4-8 height 6-8” species x hybrida patent no tag no bloom spring sun full sun fyf no source multiple Compactum Rominette Mix Bellis Galaxy Bellis Super Enorma Mix price (tray) K (285-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 5-9 ship weeks 1-52 input seed patent no zone 3-10 Grandiflora Mix age (weeks) 5-9 tag no bloom spring height 5” Grandiflora Mix price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) species perennis sun full sun to part shade fyf yes source sakata.com ship weeks 1-52 input seed species perennis patent no tag no bloom spring zone 3-10 sun full sun to part shade height 6-8” fyf yes source multiple Aubrieta Whitewell Gem price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-1o ship weeks 1-52 species x hybrida patent no input seed bloom mid spring zone 4-8 sun full sun height 4-8” tag no fyf no Super Enorma Mix source multiple Bergenia species price (tray) G (285-plug) D (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 9-13 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 2-8 F (128-plug) Mix Whitewell Gem F (128-plug) Red height 12-24” species cordifolia patent no tag no bloom early spring sun full sun to part shade fyf no source multiple Rose w ww.raker.com/availability species species 107 brunnera – calendula perennials Brunnera Alexander’s Great price (tray) X (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 patent yes input URC age (weeks) 4 tag yes ship weeks 45-17 bloom spring zone 4-9 input URC sun part shade height 14” patent yes Alexander’s Great tag yes bloom summer fyf yes source multiple input URC patent no tag no bloom early summer zone 5-9 sun full sun to part shade fyf yes source multiple Ivory Purple NEW price (tray) E (36-strip) ship weeks 1-52 species davidii height 48-84” Buddleia Black Knight age (weeks) 4 ship weeks 45-17 input URC sun full sun to part shade height 36-48” source terranovanurseries.com/growers price (tray) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 4 species zone 5-9 fyf no Alexander’s Great Buddleia Pink Delight price (tray) N (36-strip) species macrophylla ship weeks 4-10 Buddleia Buzz species davidii patent no tag no bloom mid-summer zone 5-9 sun full sun height 48-84” fyf yes Pink Delight source multiple Buddleia Royal Red price (tray) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 4 ship weeks 1-52 input URC species davidii patent no zone 5-9 sun full sun height 48-60” Black Knight Midnight Black Knight tag no bloom summer fyf yes source multiple Buddleia Buzz price (tray) N (36-strip) age (weeks) 4 ship weeks 45-17 input URC zone 5-9 height 36-48” species davidii patent yes tag yes bloom summer sun full sun to part shade fyf yes Sky Blue source multiple NEW Velvet Royal Red Buddleia Nanho Calendula Winter Wonders price (tray) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 4 ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 5-9 height 36-48” price (tray) Q (36-strip) species davidii patent no age (weeks) 4 tag no bloom mid-summer sun full sun fyf yes source multiple Hot Raspberry 108 Blue Royal Red ship weeks 6-12 species patent yes input URC bloom late spring zone 5-10 sun full sun height 10-12” tag no fyf yes source conceptplants.com Purple w w w.raker.com/availability Banana Blizzard Peach Polar perennials campanula – cerastium Campanula Pearl Campanula Superba price (tray) P (285-plug) H (128-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 10-15 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species carpatica patent no age (weeks) 7-10 tag no ship weeks 1-52 bloom early summer zone 2-9 input seed sun full sun to part shade height 6-12” zone 2-8 fyf no height 20-36” source benary.com Deep Blue White input seed zone 3-9 height 5-7” patent no age (weeks) 7-11 tag no ship weeks 1-52 bloom mid-summer input seed sun full sun to part shade zone 2-8 fyf no height 16-30” patent no Superba Blue Campanula Blue species carpatica tag no ship weeks 1-52 bloom spring input seed sun full sun zone 2-7 fyf yes height 12-36” source kieft-pro-seeds.com patent no tag no bloom mid-summer sun full sun fyf yes Blue Centranthus species price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 10-15 species caerulea source multiple Superba price (tray) P (285-plug) H (128-plug) C (36-strip) ship weeks 1-52 price (tray) C (285-plug) B (36-strip) species glomerata source multiple Campanula Rapido age (weeks) 10-15 Catananche Blue price (tray) B (285-plug) B (36-strip) species persicifolia patent no price (tray) C (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 tag no bloom late spring ship weeks 1-52 input seed sun full sun to part shade fyf no zone 4-8 height 18-36” source multiple species ruber patent no tag no bloom late spring sun full sun to part shade fyf yes source multiple NEW Blue NEW Blue species Campanula White Cerastium species price (tray) B (285-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 10-15 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 2-7 height 12-36” price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) species persicifolia patent no age (weeks) 6-10 tag no bloom early summer sun full sun to part shade fyf no source multiple White White ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 1-7 height 6-12” species tomentosum patent no tag no bloom late spring sun full sun to part shade fyf no source multiple White w ww.raker.com/availability species species 109 chelone – coreopsis perennials Coreopsis Rising Sun Chelone Tiny Tortuga age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 6-12 input URC age (weeks) 7-11 species lyonii patent yes tag no zone 3-9 ship weeks 1-52 input seed bloom late summer sun full sun to part shade height 12-16” Coreopsis Sunfire price (tray) I (285-plug) E (128-plug) B (36-strip) price (tray) R (36-strip) species grandiflora patent no tag no bloom summer zone 4-9 species grandiflora patent no tag no bloom summer zone 4-9 fyf yes sun full sun height 20-24” source panamseed.com source conceptplants.com ship weeks 1-52 input seed sun full sun height 20-36” fyf no price (tray) I (285-plug) E (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 fyf yes source panamseed.com NEW Rising Sun Rising Sun Sunfire Sunfire Coreopsis Solanna Golden Sphere Coreopsis American Dream price (tray) P (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 45-17 input URC zone 4-9 height 10-12” Tiny Tortuga price (tray) E (36-strip) species grandiflora patent yes age (weeks) 6 tag yes bloom early summer sun full sun ship weeks 1-52 input URC species rosea patent no zone 3-8 fyf yes sun full sun to part shade height 12-24” source danziger.co.il tag no bloom early summer fyf yes source multiple Coreopsis Baby Sun price (tray) C (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species grandiflora patent no tag no bloom early summer zone 4-9 sun full sun height 16-20” fyf no Golden Sphere source benary.com Golden Sphere Coreopsis Sun Up price (tray) I (285-plug) E (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 4-9 height 10-12” Baby Sun Baby Sun species grandiflora patent no tag no bloom spring sun full sun fyf yes source kieft-pro-seeds.com Coreopsis Early Sunrise Coreopsis Bengal Tiger price (tray) E (285-plug) C (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 4-9 height 16-24” price (tray) Q (36-strip) species grandiflora patent no age (weeks) 6 tag no ship weeks 1-52 bloom early summer input URC sun full sun zone 5-10 fyf yes height 20” source panamseed.com Early Sunrise 110 American Dream Early Sunrise species verticillata patent yes bloom summer sun full sun fyf yes source terranovanurseries.com Sun Up w w w.raker.com/availability Bengal Tiger tag yes perennials coreopsis – delosperma Coreopsis Citrine Coreopsis Moonbeam age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 1-52 input URC age (weeks) 6 species verticillata patent no tag no bloom early summer zone 3-9 Moonbeam Coreopsis Route 66 price (tray) Q (36-strip) input URC age (weeks) 6 tag yes bloom summer sun full sun patent yes bloom mid-summer zone 5-9 sun full sun height 24-28” fyf yes source itsaulplants.com Coreopsis Ruby Frost input URC Jethro Tull price (tray) O (36-strip) species x hybrida patent yes age (weeks) 6 tag yes bloom summer ship weeks 1-52 input URC sun full sun height 9-11” source itsaulplants.com sun full sun height 12-18” Coreopsis Desert Coral ship weeks 1-52 tag yes bloom summer Jethro Tull zone 6-10 fyf yes patent yes Citrine age (weeks) 6 tag yes species x hybrida zone 5-9 fyf yes price (tray) O (36-strip) species verticillata ship weeks 1-52 input URC source terranovanurseries.com Moonbeam ship weeks 1-52 input URC patent yes height 6-8” fyf yes source multiple age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 1-52 price (tray) P (36-strip) species x hybrida zone 5-10 sun full sun height 18-24” Coreopsis Jethro Tull price (tray) O (36-strip) price (tray) F (36-strip) species x hybrida patent yes zone 6-10 fyf yes sun full sun height 24-30” source terranovanurseries.com tag yes bloom summer fyf yes source terranovanurseries.com Ruby Frost Delosperma Wheels of Wonder price (tray) P (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 6-12 input URC zone 5-11 height 6-8” Route 66 Desert Coral Coreopsis Zagreb Coreopsis Garnet price (tray) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 3-9 height 8-15” patent yes tag no bloom spring sun full sun fyf yes source conceptplants.com price (tray) O (36-strip) species verticillata patent no age (weeks) 6 tag no bloom early summer sun full sun fyf yes source multiple Zagreb species hybrida ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 7-10 height 8-10” species x hybrida patent yes tag yes bloom summer sun full sun fyf yes source terranovanurseries.com Zagreb Garnet w ww.raker.com/availability Fire Wonder Golden Wonder Hot Pink Wonder Violet Wonder 111 delphimium perennials Delphinium Belladonna Delphinium Magic Fountains price (tray) D (285-plug) C (128-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species belladonna patent no age (weeks) 7-11 tag no bloom early summer zone 2-7 sun full sun to part shade height 36-48” price (tray) F (285-plug) C (128-plug) C (36-strip) fyf yes ship weeks 1-52 input seed species elatum patent no price (tray) F (285-plug) C (128-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 tag no ship weeks 1-52 bloom summer zone 2-7 input seed sun full sun to part shade height 24-36” source multiple Delphinium Pacific Giant zone 2-7 fyf yes height 60-72” source benary.com Belladonna Belladonna species elatum patent no tag no bloom summer sun full sun to part shade fyf yes source multiple Lilac Pink / White Bee Mix Delphinium Bellamosum price (tray) D (285-plug) C (128-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species belladonna patent no tag no bloom early summer zone 2-7 sun full sun to part shade height 36-48” fyf yes Pure White source multiple Sky Blue / White Bee Mix Delphinium Pacific Giant price (tray) F (285-plug) C (128-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 2-7 height 60-72” Bellamosum Bellamosum species elatum patent no tag no bloom summer sun full sun to part shade fyf yes Percival source multiple Delphinium Blue Mirror Delphinium Magic Fountains price (tray) E (285-plug) C (128-plug) C (36-strip) price (tray) F (285-plug) C (128-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed age (weeks) 7-11 species elatum patent no zone 2-7 zone 2-7 height 16-24” fyf yes Dark Blue / Dark Bee Dark Blue / White Bee Lavender / White Bee 112 input seed sun full sun to part shade source benary.com Cherry Blossom ship weeks 1-52 tag no bloom summer height 24-36” Summer Skies Astolat Black Knight Blue Bird Galahad Guinevere King Authur w w w.raker.com/availability source multiple Blue Mirror species grandiflorum patent no tag no bloom summer sun full sun to part shade fyf yes perennials delphinium – dianthus Delphinium Summer Dianthus Indian Carpet Mix price (tray) K (285-plug) G (128-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 species grandiflorum ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no bloom summer zone 2-7 fyf yes ship weeks 1-52 zone 2-9 height 6-10” source benary.com Blues age (weeks) 6-10 input seed sun full sun to part shade height 10-14” price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) species barbatus patent no Dianthus Vampire price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 tag no bloom late spring ship weeks 1-52 input seed sun full sun to part shade fyf no zone 2-9 height 6-8” source multiple species deltoides patent no tag no bloom summer sun full sun fyf yes source bertrand-flowers.com Cloud Vampire Vampire Dianthus Velvet N Lace price (tray) B (285-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 5-9 height 10-12” Morning Nights species plumarius patent no tag no bloom summer sun full sun fyf yes source sahin.nl Indian Carpet Mix Velvet N Lace Dianthus Arctic Fire Dianthus Zing Rose price (tray) D (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 2-9 height 6-8” Stars species deltoides patent no price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 tag no bloom summer sun full sun fyf yes source kieft-pro-seeds.com Velvet N Lace ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 2-9 height 4-6” species deltoides patent no tag no bloom early summer sun full sun fyf yes source sahin.nl Dianthus Double Dwarf Mix price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 species barbatus ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 2-9 height 6-8” patent no tag no bloom late spring sun full sun to part shade fyf no source multiple Double Dwarf Mix Arctic Fire w ww.raker.com/availability Zing Rose 113 dianthus perennials Dianthus Devon Cottage price (tray) M (36-strip) age (weeks) 9 ship weeks 5-12 input URC species gratianapolitanus patent yes tag yes bloom spring zone 5-9 VEGETATIVE PROPAGATED DIANTHUS sun full sun height 12-18” fyf yes Raker offers 21 varieties propagated from unrooted cuttings (URC) weeks 5-12, 2016. Grown in a 36-strip tray, Raker Dianthus Liners are pinched, bulked up, and grown in a cool environment for 10 weeks, substantially reducing your crop time. source planthaven.com Dianthus Kahori Dianthus Pink Kisses price (tray) M (36-strip) age (weeks) 10 ship weeks 5-12 input URC patent yes zone 4-10 Rosy Cheeks age (weeks) 10 tag yes bloom spring ship weeks 5-12 input URC sun full sun height 6-10” Bright Eyes price (tray) N (36-strip) species x hybrida species interspecific patent yes zone 8-11 fyf yes sun full sun height 12-16” source dummengroup.com fyf yes source selectanorthamerica.com NEW Ruby’s Tuesday Waterloo Sunset Dianthus Everlast price (tray) M (36-strip) age (weeks) 10 ship weeks 5-12 input URC zone 4-9 height 8-12” tag no bloom summer sun full sun fyf yes source selectanorthamerica.com Burgundy Blush Dark Pink Lavender + Eye Lilac + Eye 114 Pink Kisses Dianthus Scent First Dianthus Super Trouper age (weeks) 11 patent yes Orchid NEW Kahori price (tray) M (36-strip) species ship weeks 5-12 input URC price (tray) M (36-strip) species x hybrida patent yes age (weeks) 12 tag yes bloom spring zone 5-9 height 6-10” tag no bloom spring sun full sun fyf yes source planthaven .com Candy Floss ship weeks 5-13 input URC zone 6-10 height 10-14” patent yes tag no bloom spring sun full sun fyf yes source selectanorthamerica.com Lilac on Purple Magenta and White Purple Coral Reef Passion Orange Raspberry Surprise Sugar Plum Velvet Red w w w.raker.com/availability species perennials digitalis – echinacea Digitalis Carillon Digitalis Camelot price (tray) C (285-plug) B (128-plug) age (weeks) 6-8 ship weeks 1-52 species grandiflora patent no age (weeks) 6-10 tag no input seed bloom mid-summer zone 2-8 sun part shade height 12-16” Digitalis Foxlight price (tray) Q (285-plug) H (128-plug) D (36-strip) ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 4-9 fyf yes height 40-48” source kieft-pro-seeds.com species purpurea patent no price (tray) S (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 tag no bloom summer sun full sun to part shade fyf yes species x hybrida ship weeks 1-52 patent yes input URC bloom late spring zone 7-11 sun full sun height 22-24” source syngentaflowers.com tag no fyf yes source darwinperennials.com ADD Carillion Carillion Lavender Mix Plum Gold Digitalis species ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 4-8 height 36-48” Rose Ivory Doronicum Little Leo price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 ADD price (tray) I (285-plug) D (128-plug) B (36-strip) species mertonensis patent no age (weeks) 7-11 tag no species orientale ship weeks 1-52 bloom early summer patent no input seed sun full sun to part shade zone 2-8 fyf no sun full sun to part shade height 12-15” White Rose source multiple tag no bloom early spring fyf no source benary.com Digitalis Excelsior price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) age (weeks) 6-7 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 4-9 height 36-60” species species species purpurea patent no tag no bloom mid-summer sun full sun to part shade fyf no Little Leo source multiple Digitalis Camelot Echinacea Dreams price (tray) Q (285-plug) H (128-plug) age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 4-9 height 40-48” price (tray) X (36-strip) species purpurea patent no age (weeks) 8 tag no species purpurea ship weeks 4-10 bloom summer patent yes input TC sun full sun to part shade sun full sun height 16-24” Excelsior Excelsior ADD price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 4-9 height 24-36” fyf yes source terranovanurseries.com/growers Digitalis Foxy Mix age (weeks) 6-10 tag yes bloom spring zone 4-10 fyf yes source syngentaflowers.com Little Leo ADD species purpurea patent no tag no bloom mid summer sun full sun to part shade fyf yes source panamseed.com Amazing Day ADD Cream Foxy Mix Foxy Mix w ww.raker.com/availability Glowing ADD Tangerine 115 echinacea – eucalyptus perennials Echinacea Pow Wow Echinacea White Swan price (tray) T (285-plug) R (128-plug) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species purpurea patent no age (weeks) 6-10 tag no zone 3-9 fyf yes price (tray) L (285-plug) F (128-plug) C (36-strip) input seed species purpurea zone 3-8 tag no bloom summer zone 3-8 fyf yes ship weeks 1-52 sun full sun to part shade tag no bloom mid-summer sun full sun fyf yes source multiple White Swan species x hybrida patent no tag no bloom mid-summer zone 4-9 sun full sun height 18-30” source syngentaflowers.com patent no price (tray) Y (285-plug) V (128-plug) G (36-strip) input seed fyf yes zone 2-8 height 24-48” species ritro Echinacea Cheyenne Spirit age (weeks) 6-10 tag no ship weeks 1-52 input seed sun full sun to part shade White Swan bloom summer height 18-24” patent no price (tray) D (285-plug) C (128-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 source multiple Echinacea Prairie Splendor patent no species purpurea height 28-36” Wild Berry White ship weeks 1-52 input seed sun full sun to part shade source panamseed.com age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 bloom early summer height 20-24” Echinops species price (tray) C (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) fyf yes species source panamseed.com Eucalyptus species price (tray) I (285-plug) E (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 8-10 height 72-120” Prairie Splendor Prairie Splendor Echinacea Ruby Star ship weeks 1-52 input seed species purpurea patent no zone 3-8 tag no ship weeks 4-10 source jelitto.com input seed sun full sun to part shade fyf yes tag no bloom n/a sun full sun fyf no source multiple price (tray) X (36-strip) age (weeks) 8 bloom summer height 36-40” patent no Echinacea Secret price (tray) Q (285-plug) H (128-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 Cheyenne Spirit Cheyenne Spirit species cinerea zone 4-10 height 18-24” species x hybrida patent yes tag yes bloom summer sun full sun fyf yes source terranovanurseries.com species species Eucalyptus Lemon Bush price (tray) O (128-plug) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 9-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 8-10 height 36-48” Ruby Star 116 Glow Joy Passion Romance w w w.raker.com/availability species citriodora patent no tag no bloom spring sun full sun fyf no source sahin.nl Lemon Bush Lemon Bush perennials eucalyptus – gaillardia Eucalyptus Silverdrop Euphorbia species price (tray) N (285-plug) F (128-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 8-10 height 24-36” species gunnii patent no age (weeks) 6-10 tag no bloom spring ship weeks 1-52 input seed sun full sun species polychroma patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed sun full sun to part shade height 12-24” source sahin.nl tag no price (tray) I (285-plug) E (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 bloom early spring zone 2-8 fyf no Gaillardia Arizona price (tray) M (285-plug) I (128-plug) D (36-strip) species grandiflora patent no zone 2-9 fyf no sun full sun height 12” source multiple fyf yes source benary.com Silverdrop species Sun Eucalyptus Baby Blue Spiral Euphorbia Ascot Rainbow Gaillardia Burgundy price (tray) F (128-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 9-11 ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed bloom n/a zone 8-10 sun full height 20” price (tray) Q (36-strip) species pulverulenta tag no Baby Blue Spiral tag yes bloom early summer sun full sun to part shade fyf no patent no zone 5-9 sun full sun fyf no source multiple Ascot Rainbow tag no ship weeks 1-52 Ascot Rainbow input seed bloom late spring zone 2-10 sun full sun height 10-24” Apricot Burgundy tag no bloom early summer sun full sun fyf no Burgundy price (tray) D (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 tag no fyf yes source benary.com species zone 2-9 patent no Gaillardia Dazzler species grandiflora patent no input seed species grandiflora source multiple price (tray) I (285-plug) E (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 height 14-36” Gaillardia Arizona species myrsinites bloom late spring species age (weeks) 6-10 source planthaven.com input seed height 6-9” patent yes height 18-24” price (tray) U (285-plug) D (36-strip) ship weeks 1-52 price (tray) D (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) species x martinii zone 5-9 fyf no Euphorbia species age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 input URC source sahin.nl Baby Blue Spiral age (weeks) 6 tag no bloom summer ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 2-9 height 24-36” species grandiflora patent no tag no bloom early summer sun full sun fyf no source multiple Red Shades w ww.raker.com/availability Dazzler Dazzler 117 gaillardia – gaura perennials Gaillardia Celebration Gaillardia Mesa price (tray) Q (36-strip) age (weeks) 8 ship weeks 1-52 input URC species grandiflora patent yes age (weeks) 6-10 tag yes bloom spring zone 5-9 ship weeks 1-52 input seed sun full sun height 14-16” Gaura Ballerina price (tray) Q (285-plug) K (128-plug) D (36-strip) species grandiflora patent no sun full sun height 16-18” source planthaven.com tag no bloom early spring zone 5-9 fyf yes price (tray) H (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 1-52 input URC species lindheimeri patent yes zone 6-9 fyf yes sun full sun to part shade height 12-18” source panamseed.com tag yes bloom late spring fyf yes source ballhort.com Compact White Rose Gaura Belleza price (tray) H (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 45-17 input URC species lindheimeri patent yes zone 5-10 sun full sun height 12-18” Celebration Bright Bicolor tag no bloom spring fyf yes source selectanorthamerica.com Gaillardia Fanfare Blaze price (tray) Q (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 1-52 species grandiflora patent yes input URC bloom late spring zone 2-9 sun full sun height 12-18” tag yes fyf yes Peach source planthaven.com Compact Light Pink Yellow White Galium species price (tray) F (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 3-8 height 4-12” Fanfare Blaze Fanfare Blaze species odoratum patent no tag no bloom early summer sun full sun to part shade fyf no source multiple Gaillardia Goblin Gaura Siskiyou Pink price (tray) D (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 input seed price (tray) E (36-strip) species grandiflora patent no age (weeks) 5 tag no ship weeks 1-52 bloom early summer zone 2-9 height 9-14” input URC sun full sun zone 6-9 fyf no height 24-36” source benary.com Goblin 118 Dark Pink species lindheimeri patent no tag no bloom late spring sun full sun to part shade fyf yes source multiple Goblin species w w w.raker.com/availability Siskiyou Pink Siskiyou Pink perennials gaura – hedera Gaura Sparkle White Geranium Rozanne price (tray) N (285-plug) G (128-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 5-8 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species lindheimeri patent no tag no bloom late spring zone 6-9 age (weeks) 7 ship weeks 4-10 input TC sun full sun to part shade height 10-24” fyf yes zone 5-8 height 18-20” source kieft-pro-seeds.com Gypsophila Double Snowflake price (tray) V (36-strip) price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) species x hybrida patent yes age (weeks) 6-10 tag yes species paniculata ship weeks 1-52 bloom late spring patent no input seed sun full sun to part shade fyf yes zone 2-9 sun full sun height 30-36” source bloomsofbressingham.com tag no bloom early summer fyf no source jelitto.com Double Snowflake Double Snowflake Gypsophila price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species repens patent no zone 2-8 sun full sun height 18-24” Sparkle White Rozanne Gaura Whirling Butterflies Geum Lady Stratheden price (tray) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 1-52 input URC patent no tag no bloom late spring zone 6-9 fyf no source multiple price (tray) D (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) species lindheimeri age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 input seed sun full sun to part shade height 36-42” tag no bloom early summer fyf yes zone 5-7 height 18-24” source multiple species chiloense patent no tag no bloom late spring sun full sun to part shade fyf no Rose source multiple White Hedera Gold Child price (tray) G (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 5-10 height 2-6” Whirling Butterflies Whirling Butterflies Geranium Crystal Rose ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 4-9 height 6-8” tag no bloom n/a sun full sun to part shade fyf no source multiple price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) species x cantabrigiense patent yes tag yes bloom summer sun full sun fyf yes source planthaven.com Crystal Rose Lady Stratheden patent no Geum Mrs. Bradshaw price (tray) Q (36-strip) age (weeks) 7 Lady Stratheden species helix Crystal Rose age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 5-7 height 18-24” species chiloense patent no tag no bloom late spring sun full sun to part shade fyf no source multiple Mrs. Bradshaw Mrs. Bradshaw w ww.raker.com/availability Gold Child 119 helenium – heuchera perennials Helenium Red & Gold Hybrids price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 species autumnale ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no zone 3-8 sun full sun fyf yes patent no Red & Gold Hybrids Heliopsis Sunstruck price (tray) L (36-strip) tag no input seed bloom early summer zone 4-9 sun part shade ship weeks 45-17 patent yes input URC bloom spring zone 4-9 height 20-24” fyf no source benary.com species micrantha patent no tag no ship weeks 1-52 input TC sun full sun to part shade fyf no zone 4-9 height 10-12” source multiple Ruby Bells price (tray) T (36-strip) age (weeks) 4-8 & 24-28 bloom late spring height 12-24” source darwinperennials.com sun full sun to part shade Heuchera Carnival ship weeks 1-52 tag no bloom late spring Heuchera Palace Purple zone 4-8 fyf yes patent no Ruby Bells input seed sun full sun height 14-16” input seed species sanguinea Dales Strain age (weeks) 8-14 tag no ship weeks 1-52 zone 3-8 fyf no price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) species helianthoides price (tray) H (285-plug) D (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-14 source jelitto.com Red & Gold Hybrids age (weeks) 7 ship weeks 1-52 species americana height 24” source multiple Heuchera Ruby Bells price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-14 bloom late summer height 36-48” Heuchera Dales Strain species villosa patent yes tag yes bloom spring sun shade fyf yes source darwinperennials.com ADD Sunstruck Black Olive Candy Apple Cocoa Mint Coffee Bean Limeade Peach Parfait Plum Crazy Watermelon Heliopsis Double Sunstruck price (tray) M (36-strip) age (weeks) 7 species helianthoides ship weeks 45-17 patent yes input URC bloom late spring zone 4-9 sun full sun height 14-16” tag no fyf yes Palace Purple source darwinperennials.com NEW Heuchera Bressingham Hybrids price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-14 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species sanguinea patent no tag no bloom late spring zone 3-8 height 12-30” sun full sun to part shade fyf no source benary.com Double Sunstruck 120 Bressingham Hybrids Bressingham Hybrids w w w.raker.com/availability perennials heuchera – heucherella Heuchera Amethyst Mist price (tray) O (36-strip) age (weeks) 8 ship weeks 1-52 input URC patent no age (weeks) 8-14 tag no bloom early summer zone 4-9 sun full sun to part shade fyf yes Amethyst Mist input URC patent yes tag yes sun full sun to part shade fyf yes Lemon Chiffon input URC zone 4-9 height 16-20” source multiple Kassandra Malachite ship weeks 1-52 input seed patent yes bloom late spring sun part shade fyf yes age (weeks) 8 tag yes ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 4-9 height 24-30” sun full sun to part shade fyf no Silver Scrolls Silver Scrolls price (tray) O (36-strip) age (weeks) 8 tag no ship weeks 1-52 input URC sun full sun to part shade fyf no species x hybrida patent no tag no bloom summer zone 4-9 sun full sun to part shade height 16-32” fyf yes source florexpo.net Melting Fire price (tray) O (36-strip) species x hybrida tag yes bloom summer Heuchera Stormy Seas bloom late spring Melting Fire patent yes source multiple species x hybrida zone 4-9 input URC species x hybrida height 24” Malachite patent no ship weeks 1-52 zone 4-9 fyf yes Heuchera Plum Pudding price (tray) T (36-strip) ship weeks 1-52 sun part shade source kieft-pro-seeds.com Heuchera Kassandra age (weeks) 8 zone 4-9 height 15-18”” source mchutchison.com Burgundy bloom early summer age (weeks) 10-16 bloom early summer zone 4-9 input seed price (tray) T (285-plug) M (128-plug) F (36-strip) species x hybrida height 12-16” tag no Heuchera Melting Fire price (tray) S (36-strip) ship weeks 1-52 patent no price (tray) T (36-strip) age (weeks) 8 source kieft-pro-seeds.com Heuchera Harvest age (weeks) 8 ship weeks 1-52 species x hybrida height 8-18”” source mchutchison.com Amethyst Mist Heuchera Silver Scrolls price (tray) T (285-plug) M (128-plug) F (36-strip) species x hybrida height 8-9” Heuchera Malachite Stormy Seas Heucherella Copper Cascade price (tray) T (36-strip) species x hybrida patent no age (weeks) 8 tag no bloom summer sun full sun to part shade fyf no source multiple Plum Pudding w ww.raker.com/availability ship weeks 4-10 input URC zone 4-9 height 8-12” species x hybrida patent yes tag yes bloom spring sun part shade fyf yes source terranovanurseries.com/growers Copper Cascade 121 heucherella – iberis perennials Heucherella Falls Hibiscus Luna price (tray) X (36-strip) age (weeks) 8 ship weeks 4-10 input URC species x hybrida patent yes age (weeks) 5-7 tag yes ship weeks 1-52 bloom spring zone 4-9 input seed sun part shade height 6-15” Iberis Lavish price (tray) T (128-plug) I (36-strip) patent no tag no ship weeks 1-52 input URC sun full sun to part shade height 24-36” source terranovanurseries.com/growers age (weeks) 8 bloom summer zone 4-9 fyf yes price (tray) I (36-strip) species moscheutos fyf yes species gibraltarica patent yes zone 7-10 sun full sun height 10-12” source panamseed.com tag no bloom spring fyf yes source darwinperennials.com NEW Glacier Redstone Pink Swirl Red Sunrise Yellowstone Rose White Hibiscus Mahogany Splendor price (tray) M (128-plug) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 5-7 ship weeks 1-52 input seed age (weeks) 8 tag no bloom n/a zone 8-9 ship weeks 1-52 input URC sun full sun height 36-60” Iberis White Heat Iberis Purity price (tray) G (36-strip) species acetosella patent no Lavish zone 7-10 fyf no height 8-10” source panamseed.com price (tray) E (36-strip) species amara patent yes age (weeks) 8 tag no bloom spring ship weeks 1-52 input URC sun full sun zone 3-9 fyf yes height 6-10” source darwinperennials.com species sempervivens patent no tag no bloom spring sun full sun to part shade fyf yes source multiple NEW Mahogany Splendor Mahogany Splendor Purity Hypericum species Iberis Tahoe Snow White price (tray) R (285-plug) L (128-plug) age (weeks) 10-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 5-7 height 12-18” price (tray) O (285-plug) H (128-plug) C (36-strip) species calycinum patent no age (weeks) 6-10 tag no ship weeks 1-52 bloom mid-summer input seed sun part shade zone 3-9 fyf no height 8-10” source multiple species 122 Purity species sempervivens patent no tag no bloom spring sun full sun to part shade fyf no source syngentaflowers.com species White Heat w w w.raker.com/availability Snow White Snow White perennials iberis – lathyrus Iberis Whiteout Lamium Beacon Silver price (tray) O (285-plug) H (128-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species sempervirens patent no age (weeks) 5 tag no bloom spring zone 3-9 ship weeks 1-52 input URC sun full sun height 6-8” price (tray) L (36-strip) species maculatum patent no species maculatum ship weeks 1-52 patent yes input URC sun part shade height 4-8” source kieft-pro-seeds.com tag no age (weeks) 5 bloom late spring zone 2-9 fyf no Lamium Purple Dragon price (tray) D (36-strip) zone 2-9 fyf yes sun part shade height 4-8” source ballhort.com tag yes bloom late spring fyf yes source multiple ADD Beacon Silver Beacon Silver Lamium Golden Anniversary price (tray) F (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 1-52 input URC species maculatum patent yes zone 2-9 sun part shade height 6-8” Whiteout tag yes bloom late spring fyf yes Purple Dragon source multiple Kniphofia Flamenco Lamium Nancy price (tray) K (285-plug) E (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-12 ship weeks 1-52 input seed price (tray) D (36-strip) species uvaria patent no age (weeks) 5 tag no bloom mid-summer zone 5-9 patent no input URC sun full sun height 32” species maculatum ship weeks 1-52 zone 2-9 fyf yes sun part shade height 6-10” Golden Anniversary source benary.com Golden Anniversary tag no bloom late spring fyf yes source multiple Lamium Orchid Frost price (tray) G (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 2-9 height 4-6” Flamenco Flamenco species maculatum patent yes tag yes bloom late spring sun part shade fyf yes source dummengroup.com Kniphofia Royal Castle ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 5-9 height 36-48” price (tray) N (285-plug) C (36-strip) species uvaria patent no age (weeks) 5-8 tag no ship weeks 1-52 bloom early summer input seed sun full sun zone 3-9 fyf no height 48-96” source kieft-pro-seeds.com Royal Castle White Nancy Lathyrus Mix price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-12 Red Nancy Royal Castle species latifolia patent no tag no bloom mid-summer sun full sun fyf no source multiple Orchid Frost w ww.raker.com/availability Mix Mix 123 lavandula perennials Lavandula Big Time Blue price (tray) O (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 6-12 input URC zone 5-9 height 12-24” Lavandula Lusi species angustifolia patent yes tag no age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 6-12 bloom summer input URC sun full sun fyf yes source conceptplants.com Big Time Blue Big Time Blue species angustifolia patent no input seed bloom late spring zone 5-9 sun full sun height 12-24” patent yes tag no tag no zone sun zone 4-9 fyf height 12” Pink ship weeks 1-52 tag no bloom summer zone 4-9 tag no bloom summer sun full sun fyf yes Vicenza Blue Lavandula Bandera Purple species angustifolia patent no patent no Vicenza Blue price (tray) C (285-plug) B (128-plug) B(36-strip) age (weeks) 9-13 species angustifolia source benary.com Purple price (tray) R (285-plug) I (128-plug) D (36-strip) age (weeks) 9-13 ship weeks 1-52 input seed sun full sun height 12-16” source kieft-pro-seeds.com ship weeks 1-52 height ” input seed fyf yes age (weeks) 9-13 input seed bloom Lavandula Munstead price (tray) O (285-plug) G (128-plug) C (36-strip) ship weeks 1-52 price (tray) N (285-plug) F (128-plug) C (36-strip) species angustifolia source conceptplants.com Lavandula Ellagance age (weeks) 8-13 Lavandula Vicenza Blue price (tray) O (36-strip) species stoechas patent no zone 7-10 fyf no sun full sun height 7-9” source multiple tag no bloom spring fyf yes source kieft-pro-seeds.com NEW Pink Purple Munstead Munstead Lavandula Platinum Blonde price (tray) L (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 45-17 input URC zone 6-9 height 16-24” Sky Snow species angustifolia patent yes tag yes bloom mid-summer sun full sun fyf yes source cultivaris.com Lavandula Hidcote Blue Lavandula Goodwin Creek Grey price (tray) P (285-plug) G (128-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 9-13 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 4-9 height 18-24” price (tray) E (36-strip) species angustifolia patent no age (weeks) 6 tag no ship weeks 1-52 bloom early summer input URC sun full sun 124 species x heterophylla patent no tag no bloom summer zone 7-9 fyf no height 24-36” source multiple Hidcote Blue Bandera Purple sun full sun fyf no source goodwincreekgardens.com Hidcote Blue Platinum Blonde w w w.raker.com/availability Goodwin Creek Grey Goodwin Creek Grey perennials LAVANDULA – LIATRIS Lavandula Grosso Leucanthemum Crazy Daisy price (tray) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-8 ship weeks 1-52 input URC price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) species x intermedia patent no tag no bloom mid-summer zone 5-8 sun full sun height 18-36” age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species superbum patent no source multiple tag no sun full sun height 24-28” fyf no Crazy Daisy Leucanthemum Real Dream price (tray) O (36-strip) input URC patent yes bloom late spring zone 4-9 sun full sun tag no fyf no Snowcap Snowcap Liatris Floristan Violet age (weeks) 8-12 tag yes bloom summer ship weeks 1-52 input seed sun full sun to part shade height 14-16” Grosso patent no input URC price (tray) E (285-plug) B (36-strip) species superbum zone 5-9 species superbum source multiple Crazy Daisy ship weeks 45-17 ship weeks 1-52 height 14-18” source benary.com age (weeks) 5 price (tray) G (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 bloom mid-summer zone 4-9 fyf no Leucanthemum Snowcap fyf yes species spicata patent no zone 2-9 sun full sun height 36-48” source florexpo.net tag no bloom mid-summer fyf no source multiple Lavandula Phenomenal price (tray) L (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 45-17 input URC zone 5-9 height 24-30” species x intermedia patent yes tag yes bloom spring sun full sun fyf yes source cultivaris.com Phenomenal Phenomenal Leucanthemum Alaska price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 4-9 height 24-36” species superbum patent no fyf no source multiple Alaska Floristan Violet Leucanthemum Snow Lady Liatris Kobold price (tray) M (285-plug) J (128-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 tag no bloom early summer sun full sun Real Dream ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed bloom late spring zone 4-9 sun full sun height 8-16” tag no fyf yes Snow Lady ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 2-9 height 16-30” species spicata patent no tag no bloom mid-summer sun full sun fyf no source kieft-pro-seeds.com source sakata.com Alaska price (tray) F (285-plug) D (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-12 species superbum Snow Lady w ww.raker.com/availability Kobold Kobold 125 limonium – lupinus perennials Limonium species Lithodora Star price (tray) D (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-12 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species perezii patent no age (weeks) 8 tag no zone 9-11 patent yes input URC sun full sun tag yes ship weeks 1-52 input seed sun full sun to part shade height 6-12” source multiple age (weeks) 4-6 bloom spring zone 5-9 fyf no price (tray) G (285-plug) E (128-plug) D (36-strip) species diffusa ship weeks 1-52 bloom summer height 18-36” Lupinus Gallery price (tray) O (36-strip) zone 3-7 fyf yes height 15-20” source prideofplaceplants.com Star species x hybrida patent no tag no bloom early summer sun full sun to part shade fyf yes source multiple Star Blue Pink Lobelia Starship price (tray) S (285-plug) O (128-plug) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 9-13 species speciosa ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed zone 6-10 sun full sun height 20-24” species NEW price (tray) L (285-plug) E (128-plug) C (36-strip) ship weeks 1-52 input seed fyf yes source kieft-pro-seeds.com Linum Sapphire age (weeks) 8-10 tag no bloom summer species perenne patent no tag no bloom late spring zone 2-9 sun full sun to part shade height 10-15” fyf no Deep Rose source kieft-pro-seeds.com Scarlet Mix Lobelia Vulcan Red price (tray) S (285-plug) O (128-plug) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 9-13 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 6-10 height 24-32” Sapphire Sapphire species speciosa patent no tag no bloom summer sun full sun fyf yes source kieft-pro-seeds.com Lithodora Grace Ward ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 5-7 height 6-12” price (tray) C (285-plug) C (128-plug) D (36-strip) species diffusa patent no age (weeks) 4-6 tag no ship weeks 1-52 bloom late spring input seed sun full sun to part shade zone 3-7 fyf yes height 36-48” source multiple Grace Ward 126 Yellow Lupinus Russell Mix price (tray) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 8 Red species x hybrida patent no tag no bloom early summer sun full sun to part shade fyf no source multiple Grace Ward Vulcan Red w w w.raker.com/availability Russell Mix Russell Mix perennials lychnis – nepeta Lychnis species Monarda Balmy price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species chalcedonica patent no tag no age (weeks) 6 zone 2-9 sun full sun fyf no price (tray) M (36-strip) species didyma ship weeks 45-17 bloom early summer height 24-48” patent yes input URC bloom late spring zone 4-9 sun full sun height 10-12” source multiple Monarda Petite Delight price (tray) M (36-strip) age (weeks) 7 tag no input URC zone 3-9 fyf yes height 12-15” source darwinperennials.com species input seed tag yes bloom summer sun full sun to part shade fyf no ADD ADD price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) ship weeks 1-52 patent yes Pink Lilac Lychnis species age (weeks) 6-10 species x hybrida source perennials.com ADD species ship weeks 1-52 ADD species coronaria patent no tag no bloom late spring zone 3-8 sun full sun to part shade height 24-36” fyf no Rose Purple source multiple Petite Delight Myosotis Victoria Blue Monarda Panorama Mix price (tray) F (285-plug) C (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 5-9 ship weeks 1-52 input seed patent no zone 3-9 species species tag no bloom mid-summer sun full sun to part shade height 30” price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 5-9 species didyma ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 3-8 height 6-8” fyf no species sylvatica patent no tag no bloom mid-spring sun part shade fyf no source multiple source benary.com Lysimachia Aurea price (tray) D (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 3-9 height 2-4” source multiple species nummularia patent no tag no bloom spring sun full sun to part shade fyf no Panorama Mix Panorama Mix Monarda Jacob Cline ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 3-9 height 48” price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) species x hybrida patent no age (weeks) 5-8 tag no bloom summer sun full sun to part shade fyf yes source multiple Aurea Jacob Cline Victoria Blue Nepeta Catmint price (tray) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 Victoria Blue ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 3-8 height 12-24” species mussinii patent no tag no bloom early summer sun full sun to part shade fyf no source multiple Jacob Cline w ww.raker.com/availability Catmint Catmint 127 nepeta – papaver perennials Nepeta Junior Walker Oenothera Siskiyou price (tray) L (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 5-9 height 14-16” Papaver Allegro price (tray) E (36-strip) species x fassenii patent yes age (weeks) 5 tag yes bloom early summer sun full sun to part shade fyf no ship weeks 1-52 input URC patent no age (weeks) 8-12 tag no bloom summer zone 5-8 ship weeks 1-52 input seed sun full sun height 6-12” source starrosesandplants.com price (tray) C (285-plug) C (128-plug) B (36-strip) species speciosa species orientale patent no zone 2-7 fyf yes sun full sun height 14-24” source multiple tag no bloom early summer fyf no source multiple Siskiyou Siskiyou Allegro Allegro Papaver Champagne Bubbles Mix Papaver Beauty of Livermore price (tray) F (285-plug) D (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species naudicaule patent no zone 2-7 Junior Walker tag no bloom mid-spring ship weeks 1-52 input seed sun full sun to part shade height 12-18” price (tray) C (285-plug) C (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-12 fyf yes species orientale patent no zone 2-7 sun full sun height 30-36” source kieft-pro-seeds.com tag no bloom early summer fyf no source sahin.nl Oenothera Youngii price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 3-8 height 12-36” species fruticosa patent no tag no bloom early summer sun full sun fyf no Beauty of Livermore source multiple Beauty of Livermore Papaver Brilliant price (tray) C (285-plug) C (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-12 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 2-7 height 30-36” Youngii Youngii Champagne Bubbles Mix Oenothera species Papaver Garden Gnome Mix price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 3-8 height 6-12” species missouriensis patent no sun full sun to part shade source multiple species 128 tag no bloom early summer fyf yes source multiple price (tray) C (285-plug) C (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species naudicaule patent no tag no bloom mid-spring zone 2-7 height 12” sun full sun to part shade fyf yes source benary.com species Garden Gnome Mix Garden Gnome Mix w w w.raker.com/availability Brilliant species orientale patent no tag no bloom early summer sun full sun fyf no perennials papaver – perovskia Papaver Pizzicato Mix Penstemon Huskers Red price (tray) C (285-plug) C (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-12 ship weeks 1-52 species orientale patent no input seed bloom late spring zone 2-9 sun full sun height 18-24” price (tray) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 tag no ship weeks 1-52 input URC patent no age (weeks) 5-9 tag no bloom early summer sun full sun to part shade height 30-48” source multiple price (tray) Q (285-plug) H (128-plug) D (36-strip) species digitalis zone 4-9 fyf no fyf no Huskers Red Penstemon Arabesque bloom late spring zone 5-9 sun full sun tag no fyf yes patent no age (weeks) 6 tag no bloom spring zone 6-9 Purple Red price (tray) I (36-strip) species hartwegii ship weeks 1-52 input URC sun full sun height 24-30” Pizzicato Mix patent no input seed Penstemon Red Rocks price (tray) L (128-plug) E (36-strip) input seed species x mexicale source kieft-pro-seeds.com Huskers Red ship weeks 1-52 ship weeks 1-52 height 8-10” source multiple age (weeks) 7-9 Penstemon Carillo species x mexicale patent yes zone 4-8 fyf yes sun full sun to part shade height 15-30” source syngentaflowers.com tag yes bloom summer fyf yes source multiple Papaver price (tray) C (285-plug) C (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-12 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species orientale patent no tag no bloom early summer zone 2-7 sun full sun height 32” fyf no source jelitto.com Royal Wedding Victoria Louise Penstemon Rondo Mix ship weeks 1-52 input seed species barbatus patent no Pink Red Violet age (weeks) 6 tag no zone 3-8 ship weeks 1-52 input URC sun full sun to part shade zone 5-8 fyf yes height 12” source benary.com Rondo Mix Perovskia Crazy Blue price (tray) M (36-strip) bloom early summer height 14-16” Red Rocks Penstemon Rock Candy price (tray) C (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 5-9 Appleblossom price (tray) M (36-strip) species x hybrida patent yes age (weeks) 6 tag yes bloom summer sun full sun to part shade fyf yes source starrosesandplants.com Rondo Mix Pink Purple w ww.raker.com/availability ship weeks 1-52 species atriplicifolia patent yes input URC bloom late spring zone 4-9 sun full sun height 16-18” tag no fyf no source ballhort.com Crazy Blue Crazy Blue 129 perovskia – phlox perennials Perovskia Lacey Blue Phlox subulata price (tray) S (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 1-52 input URC species atriplicifolia patent yes tag no bloom summer zone 4-9 Phlox Delilah price (tray) D (36-strip) ship weeks 1-52 input URC sun full sun height 18-20” age (weeks) 13 patent no tag no ship weeks 1-52 input URC sun full sun height 6” source ballhort.com age (weeks) 6 bloom spring zone 2-9 fyf no price (tray) P (36-strip) species subulata patent yes sun full sun height 24-32” fyf yes source mchutchison.com Candy Stripe Delilah Emerald Blue ADD price (tray) Q (36-strip) ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 3-8 height 12-18” Emerald Pink McDaniels Cushion Red Wing Scarlet Flame Delilah Phlox Flame age (weeks) 6 species paniculata patent yes sun full sun to part shade fyf yes source multiple price (tray) F (36-strip) ship weeks 1-52 input URC species atriplicifolia patent no tag no bloom mid-summer zone 4-9 sun full sun height 36-48” fyf no source multiple Light Pink Lilac Phlox Eva Cullum price (tray) G (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 3-8 height 24-36” species species species paniculata patent no tag no bloom mid-summer sun full sun to part shade fyf yes source multiple Phlox David price (tray) G (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 3-8 height 36-60” species paniculata patent no tag no bloom mid-summer sun full sun to part shade fyf yes Purple source multiple David 130 David Eva Cullum w w w.raker.com/availability Pink tag yes bloom summer Perovskia species age (weeks) 6 tag yes bloom summer zone 4-8 fyf no source multiple Lacey Blue species paniculata White perennials phlox – potentilla Phlox Laura Physostegia Rosea price (tray) G (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 3-8 height 36-42” Platycodon Mariesii price (tray) J (285-plug) C (36-strip) species paniculata patent no age (weeks) 7-10 tag no bloom summer ship weeks 1-52 input seed sun full sun to part shade fyf yes patent no age (weeks) 6-10 tag no bloom mid-summer zone 2-9 sun full sun to part shade height 24-36” source multiple price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) species virginiana fyf no Rosea zone 3-8 sun full sun to part shade fyf yes price (tray) G (285-plug) E (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 species patent no tag no bloom mid-summer zone 3-8 height 12-18” Mariesii Platycodon Sentimental Blue price (tray) K (285-plug) Laura tag no bloom mid-summer Mariesii Platycodon Astra input seed patent no source multiple Rosea ship weeks 1-52 input seed species grandiflorus height 12-24” source multiple age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 sun full sun to part shade fyf yes source sakata.com ship weeks 1-52 input seed species patent no tag no bloom mid-summer zone 3-8 sun full sun to part shade height 6-10” fyf yes source sakata.com Physalis species price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 5-9 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 2-9 height 18-24” species alkekengi patent no tag no bloom late spring sun full sun to part shade J (128-plug) C (36-strip) Blue fyf no source multiple species J (128-) Pink species J (128-) C (36-strip) Semi Dble Blue Physostegia Alba Potentilla species price (tray) P (285-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-10 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 2-9 height 24-48” price (tray) C (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) species virginiana patent no age (weeks) 6-10 tag no ship weeks 1-52 bloom mid-summer input seed sun full sun to part shade fyf yes source multiple Alba Sentimental Blue Alba zone 2-8 J (128-) C (36-strip) Semi Dble Lavender J (128-) C (36-strip) Semi Dble Pink Semi Dble White J (128-) C (36-strip) White w ww.raker.com/availability height 6-12” species fragiformis megalantha patent no tag no bloom early summer sun full sun to part shade fyf no source multiple species species 131 potentilla – salvia perennials Potentilla Miss Willmott Pulsatilla species price (tray) B (285-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-10 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species nepalensis patent no age (weeks) 10-16 tag no bloom early summer zone 2-8 sun full sun to part shade height 12-18” Sagina species price (tray) L (285-plug) F (128-plug) C (36-strip) fyf no ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 2-7 height 6-12” source multiple species vulgaris patent no tag no bloom mid-summer sun full sun to part shade fyf no bloom early summer zone 2-8 sun part shade height 8-15” zone 4-7 sun part shade fyf yes species price (tray) G (285-plug) E (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 5-9 tag no input seed ship weeks 1-52 input seed species argentea patent no sun full sun height 6-12” species tag no bloom summer zone 5-8 fyf no source benary.com tag no bloom mid-summer Salvia Artemis species denticulata patent no patent no species Miss Willmott price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) ship weeks 1-52 input seed species subulata source multiple Primula Ronsdorf Strain age (weeks) 9-13 ship weeks 1-52 height 2-6” source multiple Miss Willmott price (tray) C (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 fyf no source sahin.nl Rudbeckia Goldsturm price (tray) G (285-plug) E (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-12 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 3-9 height 18-30” species fulgida patent no tag no bloom mid-summer sun full sun to part shade fyf yes Artemis source multiple Artemis Salvia Black and Blue price (tray) D (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 7-10 height 18-30” Ronsdorf Strain Goldsturm Primula Supernova Mix Rudbeckia species price (tray) Q (285-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 8-12 ship weeks 1-52 input seed bloom summer zone 6-8 height 8” source sakata.com Supernova Mix 132 sun part shade fyf no source multiple price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) species polyanthus patent no Goldsturm age (weeks) 7-12 tag no ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 3-10 height 24-40” species triloba patent no tag no bloom mid-summer sun full sun to part shade fyf yes source multiple species species w w w.raker.com/availability Black and Blue species guaranitica patent no tag no bloom mid-summer sun full sun fyf yes perennials salvia – saponaria Salvia Blue Marvel Salvia Friesland Pink price (tray) N (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 1-52 input URC species nemorosa patent no age (weeks) 6 tag no ship weeks 1-52 bloom early spring zone 4-9 sun full sun height 10-12” Salvia May Night price (tray) L (36-strip) fyf no patent yes input URC bloom late spring zone 4-9 sun full sun height 16-20” source darwinperennials.com price (tray) G (36-strip) species nemorosa age (weeks) 6 tag yes ship weeks 1-52 input URC species x sylvestris patent no zone 3-7 fyf yes sun full sun height 18-30” source multiple tag no bloom early summer fyf yes source multiple May Night May Night Salvia Snow Hill price (tray) F (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 3-7 height 15-18” Blue Marvel Friesland Pink Salvia Caradonna Salvia New Dimension price (tray) F (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 1-52 patent no tag no bloom early summer sun full sun fyf yes source multiple price (tray) I (285-plug) B (36-strip) species nemorosa patent no input URC bloom late spring zone 4-9 sun full sun height 24-36” species x sylvestris age (weeks) 7-11 tag no ship weeks 1-52 input seed species nemorosa patent no zone 5-8 fyf yes sun full sun height 9-12” source multiple tag no bloom summer fyf yes Snow Hill source kieft-pro-seeds.com Snow Hill Saponaria species price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 2-7 height 5-10” Caradonna Caradonna Salvia East Friesland ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 4-9 height 16-24” tag no bloom late spring sun full sun fyf no source multiple price (tray) O (36-strip) species nemorosa patent no age (weeks) 6 tag no bloom early summer sun full sun fyf yes source multiple East Friesland Rose patent no Salvia Marcus price (tray) F (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 Blue species ocymoides ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 4-8 height 6-12” species x sylvestris patent yes tag yes bloom summer sun full sun fyf yes source multiple East Friesland Marcus Marcus w ww.raker.com/availability species 133 saxifraga – sedum perennials Saxifraga Purple Robe Scabiosa Pink Mist price (tray) C (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 13-17 ship weeks 1-52 species arendsii patent no input seed age (weeks) 5 tag no ship weeks 1-52 bloom mid-spring zone 4-7 sun part shade height 3-8” Sedum species price (tray) G (36-strip) fyf no patent yes input URC bloom late spring zone 3-8 sun full sun height 16-24” source benary.com price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) species columbaria tag no Pink Mist Purple Robe species Sedum Oracle patent no price (tray) G (285-plug) D (128-plug) B (36-strip) tag no bloom early summer zone 5-7 fyf no species species japonica v. alpina sun full sun to part shade height 6-8” sun full sun to part shade source multiple price (tray) J (285-plug) G (128-plug) input seed tag no bloom late spring zone 3-8 Scabiosa Ritz ship weeks 1-52 patent no height 2-4” source planthaven.com age (weeks) 6-7 species acre ship weeks 1-52 input seed fyf yes Pink Mist age (weeks) 7-10 fyf yes age (weeks) 11-14 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species forsterianum patent no zone 3-8 sun full sun height 3-9” source benary.com tag no bloom summer fyf no source benary.com Scabiosa Butterfly Blue price (tray) G (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 species columbaria ship weeks 1-52 patent no input URC bloom late spring zone 3-8 sun full sun height 12-18” tag no fyf yes Blue source multiple Rose Scabiosa Vivid Violet price (tray) Q (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 3-7 height 12-18” Butterfly Blue Butterfly Blue species x hybrida patent yes tag yes bloom summer sun full sun fyf yes source terranovanurseries.com/growers Scabiosa Flutter Sedum Blue Spruce price (tray) I (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 price (tray) E (36-strip) species columbaria ship weeks 1-52 patent yes input URC age (weeks) 7 tag no ship weeks 1-52 bloom spring zone 5-9 input URC sun full sun height 12-14” zone 4-7 fyf yes height 3-6” source darwinperennials.com NEW Blue 134 Oracle species reflexum patent no tag no bloom summer sun full sun fyf no source multiple NEW Pink Vivid Violet w w w.raker.com/availability Blue Spruce Blue Spruce perennials sedum – stachys Sedum Angelina Sedum Voodoo price (tray) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 7 ship weeks 1-52 input URC species repestre patent no age (weeks) 8-11 tag no bloom mid-summer zone 4-7 sun full sun height 3-6” Angelina species spurium zone 3-8 input seed species patent no zone 5-9 fyf no tag no bloom summer sun full sun height 2-6” fyf no source multiple Voodoo price (tray) N (36-strip) age (weeks) 7 tag no bloom mid-summer sun full sun height 3-6” sun full sun ship weeks 1-52 Sedum Autumn Charm price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) input seed tag no bloom mid-summer Voodoo price (tray) C (285-plug) C (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 12-18 source benary.com Angelina patent no input seed patent no height 6-8” Sedum Dragons Blood ship weeks 1-52 ship weeks 1-52 species spurium zone 3-8 fyf no source planthaven.com age (weeks) 8-11 Sempervivum Hardy Species Mix price (tray) F (285-plug) C (128-plug) B (36-strip) ship weeks 1-52 input URC species telephium patent yes zone 3-9 fyf no sun full sun height 14-16” source multiple tag yes bloom mid-summer fyf no Hardy Species Mix source mchutchison.com Solidago Baby Gold price (tray) B (285-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 3-9 height 20-30” Dragons Blood Dragons Blood Sedum Tricolor ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 3-8 height 12-18” source multiple Autumn Charm patent no tag no bloom mid-summer sun full sun to part shade fyf yes source multiple Sedum Autumn Joy price (tray) E (36-strip) age (weeks) 7 Autumn Charm species canadensis price (tray) F (36-strip) species spurium patent no bloom summer sun full sun fyf no age (weeks) 7 tag no ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 2-9 height 12-24” species telephium patent no tag no bloom late summer sun full sun to part shade fyf no source multiple Baby Gold Baby Gold Stachys Lambs Ear price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 4-7 ship weeks 1-52 species byzantina patent no input seed bloom late spring zone 3-8 sun full sun height 12-18” tag no fyf no source multiple Tricolor Autumn Joy w ww.raker.com/availability Lambs Ear Lambs Ear 135 tanacetum – veronica perennials Tanacetum Robinsons Verbena Homestead Purple price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 species coccineum ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed age (weeks) 5 tag no bloom mid-summer zone 2-7 sun full sun to part shade height 24-36” price (tray) D (36-strip) fyf no ship weeks 1-52 input URC price (tray) N (36-strip) species canadensis patent no age (weeks) 6 tag no zone 7-9 sun full sun fyf yes species spicata patent yes input URC bloom late spring zone 4-9 sun full sun height 12-14” source multiple Dark Crimson ship weeks 1-52 bloom early summer height 6-8” source multiple Veronica Moody Blues tag yes fyf yes source starrosesandplants.com Mix Thymus species price (tray) B (285-plug) B (128-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 6-9 species serpyllum ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no bloom mid-spring zone 2-9 sun full sun to part shade height 3-6” fyf no source multiple Homestead Purple Dark Blue Veronica Sunshine Veronica Red Fox price (tray) F (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 2-8 height 1-2” species species price (tray) F (36-strip) species reptans patent no age (weeks) 6 tag no ship weeks 1-52 bloom late spring input URC sun full sun to part shade fyf no species spicata patent no zone 2-8 sun full sun to part shade height 10-18” source multiple tag no bloom early summer fyf no source multiple Tiarella Spring Symphony price (tray) P (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 species x hybrida ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 4-9 height 6-12 patent yes tag yes bloom early spring sun part shade fyf yes source terranovanurseries.com/growers Sunshine Sunshine Red Fox Veronica Blue Carpet Veronica Rose price (tray) B (285-plug) B (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 2-8 height 8-12” price (tray) C (285-plug) species spicata patent no age (weeks) 5 tag no 136 Blue Carpet ship weeks 1-52 bloom summer input seed sun full sun to part shade fyf no source kieft-pro-seeds.com Spring Symphony Red Fox Blue Carpet w w w.raker.com/availability zone 2-8 height 18” species spicata patent no sun full sun to part shade fyf no source multiple Rose tag no bloom early summer Rose perennials veronica – viola Veronica Royal Candles Vinca species price (tray) N (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 1-52 input URC species spicata patent yes age (weeks) 6 tag yes bloom summer zone 2-8 fyf no patent no tag no age (weeks) 6 ship weeks 1-52 bloom early spring zone 6-10 input URC sun full sun to part shade height 12-18” source perennials.com Royal Candles ship weeks 1-52 price (tray) F (36-strip) species major variegata input URC sun full sun to part shade height 15-18” Viola Etain price (tray) J (36-strip) fyf yes zone 4-8 height 6-8” source multiple species cornuta patent no tag no bloom late spring sun part shade fyf yes source multiple Royal Candles Veronica Blue Bouquet price (tray) N (285-plug) C (36-strip) age (weeks) 7-11 ship weeks 1-52 input seed species subsessilis patent no tag no bloom mid-summer zone 6-9 sun full sun to part shade height 12-15” fyf yes source panamseed.com species Etain Vinca Wojos Jem Viola Johnny Jump Up price (tray) O (36-strip) age (weeks) 7 ship weeks 1-52 patent yes input URC bloom late spring zone 7-10 sun full sun height 6-12” Blue Bouquet Blue Bouquet price (tray) B (285-plug) B (36-strip) species major variegata tag yes age (weeks) 6-9 ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 4-9 fyf yes height 4-12” source multiple species tricolor patent no tag no bloom late spring sun part shade fyf yes source multiple Veronica Sunny Border Blue price (tray) F (36-strip) age (weeks) 5 ship weeks 1-52 input URC species x hybrida patent no tag no bloom mid-summer zone 3-8 height 18-24” source multiple sun full sun fyf no Wojos Jem Wojos Jem Vinca Bowles ship weeks 1-52 input URC zone 3-9 height 6” price (tray) B (285-plug) B (36-strip) species minor patent no age (weeks) 6-9 tag no bloom early spring sun part shade fyf no source multiple Sunny Border Blue Bowles Johnny Jump Up Viola King Henry price (tray) I (36-strip) age (weeks) 6 Johnny Jump Up ship weeks 1-52 input seed zone 4-9 height 4-12” species tricolor patent no tag no bloom late spring sun part shade fyf yes source multiple Bowles w ww.raker.com/availability King Henry King Henry 137 SUCCULENTS Aenomium Kiwi price (tray) E (18-strip) age (weeks) 8 ship weeks 8-12 Crassula Campfire price (tray) E (18-strip) species arboreum age (weeks) 8 patent no ship weeks 8-12 tag no input URC input URC multiple sources Crassula Springtime price (tray) E (18-strip) species erosula age (weeks) 8 patent no ship weeks 8-12 tag no input URC multiple sources species patent no tag no multiple sources Aenomium Kiwi Crassula Campfire Crassula Springtime Aenomium Pinwheel Crassula Hobbit Echeveria Black Prince price (tray) E (18-strip) age (weeks) 8 ship weeks 8-12 price (tray) E (18-strip) species haworthii ship weeks 8-12 tag no input URC input URC multiple sources Aenomium Pinwheel 138 age (weeks) 8 patent no price (tray) E (18-strip) species ovata montrose age (weeks) 8 patent no ship weeks 8-12 tag no input URC multiple sources Crassula Hobbit w w w.raker.com/availability species patent no tag no multiple sources Echeveria Black Prince succulents xxx – xxx Echeveria Perle Von Nurnberg Kalanchoe price (tray) E (18-strip) age (weeks) 8 Sedum Ogon price (tray) E (18-strip) species x hybrida age (weeks) 8 price (tray) C (18-strip) species thyrsiflora age (weeks) 8 ship weeks 8-12 patent no ship weeks 8-12 patent no ship weeks 8-12 input URC tag no input URC tag no input URC multiple sources multiple sources species makinoi patent no tag no multiple sources Kalanchoe thyrsiflora Sedum Ogon X Sedeveria Sedum species price (tray) E (18-strip) price (tray) E (18-strip) age (weeks) 8 ship weeks 8-12 species hummeli patent no input URC Echeveria Perle Von Nurnberg tag no age (weeks) 8 species nussbaumerianum ship weeks 8-12 patent no input URC tag no multiple sources multiple sources Echeveria Topsy Turvy price (tray) E (18-strip) age (weeks) 8 ship weeks 8-12 species x hybrida patent no input URC tag no Sedum nussbaumerianum species multiple sources Senecio Chalky Blue Fingers price (tray) E (18-strip) age (weeks) 8 ship weeks 8-12 input URC X Sedeveria hummeli species vitalis patent no tag no multiple sources Sedum Chocolate Ball price (tray) C (18-strip) age (weeks) 8 species hakonense ship weeks 8-12 patent no input URC tag no multiple sources Echeveria Topsy Turvy Sedum Chocolate Ball w ww.raker.com/availability Senecio Chalky Blue Fingers 139 VEGETABLES Broccoli Destiny ADD Eggplant Amethyst C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species Q (285-plug) age (weeks) 5 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no sakata.com Cabbage Ruby Perfection C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species ship weeks 1-52 input seed vegetalis.co.uk Eggplant Black Beauty C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 4-5 species patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no tag no input seed tag no takii.com Cabbage Stonehead multiple sources Eggplant Emerald Isle C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species Q (285-plug) age (weeks) 5 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no chriseed.com Cauliflower Snow Crown D (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species vegetalis.co.uk Eggplant Little Fingers C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 4-5 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no multiple sources Celery Giant Pascal harrisseeds.com Eggplant Pot Black B (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 6-7 species S (285-plug) age (weeks) 5 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed multiple sources 140 patent no tag no vegetalis.co.uk w w w.raker.com/availability vegetables kale – pepper Kale Red Russian C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species Pepper Lady Bell P (505-plug) J (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species bell ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no harrisseeds.com Kale Redbor harrisseeds.com Pepper Loco J (505-plug) F (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species Q (285-plug) age (weeks) 6 species bell ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed multiple sources Kale Winterbor tag no vegetalis.co.uk Pepper Purple Beauty E (505-plug) D (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 patent no species C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species bell ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no multiple sources Mustard Red Giant multiple sources Pepper Redskin B (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species ship weeks 1-52 Q (285-plug) age (weeks) 6 species bell patent no ship weeks 1-52 tag no input seed input seed takii.com Pepper Admiral tag no vegetalis.co.uk Pepper Anaheim S (505-plug) L (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 patent no species bell C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species hot ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no syngentaflowers.com Pepper Cajun Belle multiple sources Pepper Apache Q (285-plug) age (weeks) 6 species bell Q (285-plug) age (weeks) 5 species hot ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed panamseed.com Pepper California Wonder patent no Pepper Basket of Fire C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species bell V (285-plug) age (weeks) 6 species hot ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed seedsbydesign.com tag no vegetalis.co.uk patent no tag no vegetalis.co.uk w ww.raker.com/availability 141 pepper vegetables Pepper Cayennetta U (285-plug) age (weeks) 6 species hot Pepper Jalapeno Tam Mild C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species hot ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no vegetalis.co.uk Pepper Chenzo Pepper Long Red Thin Cayenne Q (285-plug) age (weeks) 6 species hot ship weeks 1-52 seedsbydesign.com C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 ship weeks 1-52 patent no tag no input seed tag no input seed vegetalis.co.uk Pepper Cheyenne Q (285-plug) age (weeks) 6 species hot patent no species hot multiple sources Pepper Poblano C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species hot ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no vegetalis.co.uk Pepper Habanero Orange C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species hot multiple sources Pepper Banana C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species sweet ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no multiple sources Pepper Habanero Red C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species hot multiple sources Pepper Carmen U (505-plug) P (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species sweet ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no multiple sources Pepper Hungarian Hot C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species hot johnnyseeds.com Pepper Cubanelle C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 species sweet ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no multiple sources Pepper Jalapeno Pepper Giant Marconi C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 multiple sources species hot U (505-plug) P (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed multiple sources 142 species sweet patent no tag no seminis.com w w w.raker.com/availability vegetables pepper – tomato Pepper Mama Mia Giallo Strawberry Tarpan I (505-plug) E (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 S (128-plug) species sweet age (weeks) 9 species ABZ hanging basket ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no seedsbydesign.com abz-strawberry.nl Pepper Mohawk Strawberry Toscana S (285-plug) age (weeks) 5 S (128-plug) species sweet ship weeks 1-52 age (weeks) 9 species ABZ large flowered patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no tag no input seed tag no input seed vegetalis.co.uk abz-strawberry.nl Pepper Orange Blaze Swiss Chard Bright Lights U (285-plug) age (weeks) 6 B (285-plug) species sweet age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no seminis.com johnnyseeds.com Pepper Sweet Heat Swiss Chard Peppermint V (505-plug) Q (285-plug) age (weeks) 5-6 B (285-plug) species sweet age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no panamseed.com satakavegetables.com Strawberry Elan Swiss Chard Rhubarb Red S (128-plug) age (weeks) 9 B (285-plug) species ABZ hanging basket age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no abz-strawberry.nl multiple sources Strawberry Roman Tomato Beefmaster S (128-plug) age (weeks) 9 N (505-plug) H (285-plug) species ABZ hanging basket age (weeks) 3-4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no abz-strawberry.nl Strawberry Ruby Ann S (128-plug) age (weeks) 9 species ABZ hanging basket multiple sources NEW Tomato Beefsteak C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no abz-strawberry.nl multiple sources w ww.raker.com/availability 143 tomato vegetables Tomato Better Boy N (505-plug) H (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species Tomato Chef’s Choice Orange D (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no multiple sources Tomato Better Bush seedsbydesign.com Tomato Cherry Falls H (505-plug) E (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species M (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed multiple sources Tomato Big Beef R (505-plug) L (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species patent no tag no vegetalis.co.uk Tomato Early Girl H (505-plug) F (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no seminis.com Tomato Brandywine Pink multiple sources Tomato Fantastico C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species U (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no multiple sources Tomato Burpee Big Boy O (505-plug) I (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species provegseeds.com Tomato Jet Star I (505-plug) E (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no multiple sources Tomato Carmello R (505-plug) L (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species harrisseeds.com Tomato Lemon Boy Q (505-plug) K (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed patent no syngentaflowers.com Tomato Celebrity Tomato Little Yellow Sun R (505-plug) K (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species M (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed multiple sources 144 tag no seminis.com patent no tag no vegetalis.co.uk w w w.raker.com/availability vegetables tomato Tomato Lizzano Tomato Mountain Merit P (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 U (285-plug) species age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed provegseeds.com Tomato Parks Whopper P (285-plug) P (505-plug) I (285-plug) species age (weeks) 3-4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed patent no tag no input seed panamseed.com Tomato Heirloom Marriage Cherokee Carbon tag no parkseed.com NEW Tomato Peardrops P (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 tag no bejoseeds.com Tomato Heirloom Marriage Big Brandy age (weeks) 4 patent no M (285-plug) species age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no panamseed.com vegetalis.co.uk Tomato Heirloom Marriage Genuwine Tomato Rambling Red Stripe P (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 M (285-plug) species age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed panamseed.com Tomato Heirloom Marriage Marzinera patent no NEW Tomato Red Grape P (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 species tag no vegetalis.co.uk T (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no panamseed.com Tomato Heirloom Marriage Perfect Flame P (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 species multiple sources Tomato Roma VF B (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no panamseed.com Tomato Megabite M (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 1-52 input seed multiple sources Tomato San Marzano B (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no tag no input seed tag no vegetalis.co.uk seedsbydesign.com w ww.raker.com/availability 145 tomato vegetables Tomato Supersweet 100 Tomato Topsy Tom N (505-plug) H (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species Q (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no multiple sources Tomato SNN Cherry Red panamseed.com Tomato Totem M (285-plug) N (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 species sweet n neat ship weeks 1-52 age (weeks) 4 species patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no tag no input seed tag no input seed vegetalis.co.uk vegetalis.co.uk Tomato SNN Scarlet Tomato Tumbling Tiger M (285-plug) N (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 species sweet n neat age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 input seed tag no input seed Tomato Tumbling Tom Red N (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 species sweet n neat ship weeks 1-52 H (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 species patent no ship weeks 1-52 tag no input seed input seed vegetalis.co.uk Tomato Terenzo patent no tag no vegetalis.co.uk Tomato Tumbling Tom Yellow P (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 tag no vegetalis.co.uk vegetalis.co.uk Tomato SNN Yellow patent no species H (285-plug) age (weeks) 4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no provegseeds.com Tomato Tomaccio Y (51-strip) P (18-strip) age (weeks) 6-7 species vegetalis.co.uk Tomato Yellow Pear C (505-plug) B (285-plug) age (weeks) 3-4 species ship weeks 1-52 patent no ship weeks 1-52 patent no input seed tag no input seed tag no tomaccio.com 146 multiple sources w w w.raker.com/availability
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