adult programming


adult programming
Temple e-Talk
The Samueli Center for Progressive Judaism
S e p te mber • O ct ob er • N ov e m b e r • De c e mb e r 2 0 1 6 • J an u a ry 2017
“Building Sacred
Acknowledging the
One in All Creation”
by Rabbi K’vod Wieder
One Voice…
by Cantor
Natalie Young
It seems like
it was just
yesterday that
This year our
I decided to go
leadership and
“We Are All
to seminary
congregation has
Responsible for Each
to become a
decided that one of
Other. We Are All
cantor. This
our primary areas of focus at Temple Beth
Responsible for our
wasn’t a decision that came out of
El is building sacred relationships. From
nowhere, but was really the result of
my perspective, this focus is fundamental
by Rabbi Rachel Kort
years of connection to Am Yisrael, the
because it speaks to the deep reality of
Jewish people, and my love of music.
creation. All of us and all of life are in
We have a value in
I had grown up in a Reconstructionist
relationship. When we say Adonai Echad
our tradition that
congregation with a close relationship
– God is One in the Shema prayer, it is
“All of Israel are
to my cantor. I watched as he built
much more profound than a statement
responsible for each
relationships within the community,
of not worshipping multiple gods. It is a
other-- Kol yisrael arevim zeh bazeh.” We
officiating at lifecycle events, renewing
recognition that God is a unified Presence
see this value reflected in our High Holy Day
and creating traditions, and inspiring
that fills all of creation. You, me, the natural
prayers. You may
people with music.
have noticed that
That was the kind of
our two central
Our Sages taught:
cantor that I wanted
confessional prayers,
For transgressions between a person and God, Yom Kippur atones;
to be. Yet when I
Ashamnu and Al
Transgressions between a person and their fellow, Yom Kippur doesn’t atone until they told my mom about
Chet are written in
my decision, and my
make their fellow accept their teshuvah, their repentance.
the plural: “We have
husband’s decision
--Mishnah Toma 8:8-9
sinned, we have
to take off for Israel
that fall for cantorial
We often think of the High Holy Day period as a time of inward reflection and focus
and rabbinical school,
on the self, but equally important in our process of teshuvah (repentance) is reflecting
As we read the
she panicked. All
upon and working on our relationships with friends, family, and community.
words “for the sins
she could imagine
In this issue of “Temple Talk” our clergy shares insight on the connection between the was us returning
we have committed,”
we are probed
High Holy Days, teshuvah, and our relationships with others.
after our first year of
to focus on our
school and becoming
shortcomings as a
orthodox, and
community. We are asked to take collective
therefore feeling like there would be a
world, everything, may express itself in
responsibility. By reciting our confessionals
world between us. Then we talked.
different forms and voices, but is all part of
in the plural, we recognize that the failure
What was important for her to hear
the One that binds us all together in sacred
of the individual is often the result of the
was that becoming clergy didn’t mean
inadequacy of the community in which one
that I would be coming back a different
resides. Even if you have not committed one
person. I could no more shut out
Much of the suffering and stress of our lives
of the many sins listed in our confessional
comes from the day-to-day belief that we are
the parts of me that I was blessed to
prayers, we are asked to think about how
separate from each other and we attempt
receive from my family that had gotten
we could have better supported the person
to actualize our needs, either in isolation
me to this point in time, than I could
sitting next to us to help them achieve their
from others on one side of the spectrum, or
change where I had come from. Each
full potential.
control and manipulation of others on the
of us in on our own respective journey
Clergy corner articles continue on page 50
2A Liberty ● Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 ● 949.362.3999 ●
1, 43 & 49
Rabbi Rachel Kort, Rabbi K’vod Wieder & Cantor Young
May-August Services
Jerusalem Shabbat Experience
Tot Shabbat Playspace
High Holy Days Offerings
Apples, Honey, Challah & Schmooze
High Holy Days Service Schedule
Simchat Torah Celebration
Small Groups at Temple Beth El
Hinenu Caring
Women’s Retreat
Havurat Tzedek
B’Tzalel Art Festival
Cooking for Connections
Want to go to Israel?
Chicken Soup for the Silver Soul
Challah Bake
Meditation & Spirituality Events
Make Music at Temple Beth El
Men’s Club Breakfast
Hearing Men’s Voices
TBE Connections Luncheons
Paint Night at a Local Pub
BE Sisters Paid-Up Membership Tea & Fashionshow
Comedy Night
World of Judaism with Rabbis
Becoming a Compassionate Presence
Amsterdam and its Converso Community
The Rabbi Allen Krause Scholar -in- Residence
Exploring Jewish Prayer
Maps of Reality
Spiritual Preparation for the High Holy Days
Be Your Best Self
Mini Mussar Workshop
Daytime Book Club
People of the Book
Early Childhood Center
Here Comes Shabbat!
Tot Shabbat Playspace
Tot Services for High Holy Days
Shabbat Dinner in the Sukkah
Shabbat Chai-Lights
Shabbat Chai
See pages 4-6
Sept. 10, Oct. 22, Nov. 5 Dec. 3, Jan. 7
Sept. 10, Oct. 22, Nov. 5 Dec. 3, Jan. 7
Feb. 11
Sept. 15 deadline
Oct. 3
See page 8
Oct. 17, Oct. 18, Oct. 21, Oct. 22
Oct. 24, Oct. 25
Oct. 20
Oct. 9
Mar. 4
May 10, May 19-22, May 25
Nov. 11, Nov. 20
Jun. 4
Sept. 8, Oct. 6, Nov. 10, Dec. 8, Jan 12
Oct. 25-26
Sept. 11
Nov. 10
Feb. 3-5
Sept. 8, Oct. 13, Nov. 10, Dec. 8
Sept. 13, Nov. 8, Dec. 13, Jan. 10
Sept. 26, Nov. 1, Dec. 13
Nov. 3
Dec. 11
Jan. 21
See page 20
Nov. 8, Nov. 15, Nov. 30, Dec.6
Jan. 17
Dec. 2, Dec. 3, Dec. 4
Sept. 10, Oct. 22, Nov. 5, Dec. 4, Jan. 7
Nov. 1, Dec.13, Jan. 3
Sept. 6
Oct. 12
Dec. 14
Sept. 20, Oct. 18, Nov. 15, Dec. 19
Sept. 14, Oct. 19, Nov. 9, Dec. 14, Jan. 11
Sept. 2, Sept. 16, Oct. 21, Nov 4, Dec. 2, Dec. 16
Sept. 10 Nov. 5, Dec. 3, Jan. 7
Oct. 3, Oct. 12
Oct. 21
Sept. 2, Sept. 16, Oct. 3, Oct. 12, Oct. 21, Oct. 24, Nov. 4,
Dec. 2, Dec. 16, Jan. 6, Jan.20
Hebew School Sept. 12, Sept. 19, Sept. 26, Oct. 17, Oct. 24, Nov. 7, Nov.
14, Dec. 5, Dec. 12, Jan. 9, Jan. 23, Jan. 30
Announcing our new Program Director
6th Grade Retreat Dec. 16 & Dec. 17
Message from Wendy
BEMSY Sept. 16, Feb. 3, May 5
Parent & Me
Kochavim Sept. 19
The Sunday Prgram Sept. 11, Nov. 6, Nov. 20, Dec. 4, Jan. 8, Feb. 12, Mar. 12,
Mar. 26, Apr. 23, May 7, Jun. 4
Tzedakah Board See Page 32
Other Programs & Events See page 33
BESTY Teen Calendar See page 34
Life & Legacy
Ralph’s Registration Sept. 1
TBE Mall
Tribute Funds
A Note from the Exceutive Director
Get Involved
Temple Gift Shop
Tzedakah Opportunities
Chicken Soup
A Note from the President
As I begin my first few months of serving as your
President, I want to make an effort to continue to
regularly keep you informed about the Board’s work
for the congregation.
At our annual congregational meeting in June,
the congregation voted to approve the proposed
budget for the 2016-2017 fiscal year and elected the
nominees for the Board of Trustees. We also wrapped
up the year by identifying, as a Board, what we
thought the focus areas of our work should be, and
then we asked for the congregation’s feedback. We
received your input through surveys and meetings,
and then adjusted our areas of focus to reflect that
feedback. As a result of those discussions, the Board
of Trustees has resolved to focus on the following
areas: (1) relationships, (2) leadership development;
(3) finances; and (4) Jewish engagement.
Over the summer, the Executive Board met to
develop a 2-year action plan to enable us to achieve
our goals in each focus area. We are working out the
final details of that action plan, but wanted to share
some highlights of what our plans for the upcoming
years include.
* Strengthening Relationships. We’ve created a
Small Group Initiative which is a space to study
and schmooze for a 6 week period and get to know
your fellow congregants. We will share more about
Small Groups during the High Holy Days but you
can learn more by checking out our website. We
will also encourage congregant involvement in
committees, and ensure that the Board of Trustees
and Professional Team make personal connections
with our members. In addition, we will improve our
outreach to prospective members, starting with our
new member reception that took place on Sunday.
* Developing Leaders. We began this work with a
Board retreat led by a Union for Reform Judaism
Consultant. We will work to strengthen our pipeline
of congregational leaders by developing feedback
mechanisms, creating procedural manuals for board
positions, and partnering Trustees with Executive
Committee members to develop and demonstrate
their leadership skills.
* Financial Stability. We have run deficit budgets for 5
years now and no longer have savings to cover them.
We need to increase revenue, through our new
membership structure and a fund raising campaign,
as well as more facility rentals (we welcomed a new
long term tenant, Discovery Preparatory School, this
month). We will also continue to decrease expenses
by renegotiating vendor contracts and analyzing
and adjusting our utility use.
* Jewish Engagement. While we have a resolute
focus on the structural and financial health of
our congregation, we have not lost sight of our
strength as a community. We are committed to
maintaining our existing programming for children,
teens, and adults. In addition, we will provide more
opportunities for all congregants to participate in a
social action or tikkun olam projects during this year
and are participating in a URJ Initiative that will help
us move justice to the center of our congregation.
More information about it is on page 44. We are
excited to share more about our engagement
opportunities for the year in this newsletter - please
mark your calendar for the variety of upcoming
events. I look forward to seeing you at the Rosh
Hashanah Apples & Honey shmooze immediately
following services on October 3!
As always, please feel free to contact me or any
member of the Board with any questions or concerns
(our list of contacts is on page 56.)
Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy 5777,
Firuzeh Claar
Page 3
Following are many opportunities we provide at Temple Beth El for spiritual connection and worship services.
On Shabbat
Friday Evening Shabbat Services in the Sanctuary
6pm Kabbalat Shabbat: A multi-generational joyous and
participatory musical service, welcoming Shabbat with
dancing, community, opportunities for reflection and
inspiration. 5:30pm pre-service Oneg (light appetizers)
7:30pm Traditional Reform Shabbat Service: A beautiful
worship service in the mainstream Reform model using
a variety of musical styles to create a warm and inviting
worship experience. Typically, the last Shabbat of each
month the choir sings. Our rabbis offer inspirational learning
with their sermons. Includes opportunities for reflection and
inspiration. This service is followed by an Oneg Shabbat of
desserts and socializing!
Every Saturday at 9am: Torah Study in room 214/215
Exploration of the weekly portion in a warm and welcoming
atmosphere where each participant has the opportunity
to learn, listen and share. A brief lay-led service follows the
Every Saturday at 9:15am*: Shabbat morning
Conservative prayer in the Sidney Eisenberg Chapel. Ivdu
Et Hashem B’simcha (Serve the Holy One with Joy) blends
high energy, joyous, participatory service with opportunities
for meditation and contemplation in a warm and intimate
community. Return to that moment at Mt. Sinai through
traditional Torah reading while exploring its personal
relevance to each one of us. Led by our rabbis and lay
leadership followed by community Kiddush lunch. * Except
Jerusalem Shabbat begins at 9:30am. (See details on page 6)
During the Week
Refuat HaNefesh: Healing of the Soul Minyan
Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
A prayer gathering held each and every Tuesday evening in
the Sidney Eisenberg Chapel. This service enables those of
us who are in mourning or observing a Yahrzeit to join with
our Temple Beth El family for a 30-minute service filled with
prayer, song and quiet moments of reflection to recite the
Mourner’s Kaddish. The service is a fusion of prayers both in
Hebrew and English, using the weekday prayer book, Siddur
Eit Ratzon. All the Hebrew is transliterated and has beautiful,
relevant explanations of the intentions behind the prayers.
Friday, September 2
5pm Shabbat Showcase
6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services with the Band of Milk & Honey
Saturday, September 3
Parashat Re’eh, Deuteronomy 11:26 - 16:17, Numbers 28:9 - 28:15
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative Service
10am Reform Service and Chloe Berg Bat Mitzvah
Friday, September 9
7:30pm Shabbat Service
Saturday, September 10
Parashat Shoftim, Deuteronomy 16:18 - 21:9
9am Torah Study
8:45am Exploring Jewish Prayer
9:30am Jerusalem Shabbat
10:30am Tot Shabbat Playspace
Saturday, October 1
Parashat Nitzavim, Deuteronomy 29:9 - 30:20
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative Service
Sunday, October 2
Erev Rosh Hashanah
5pm Erev Rosh Hashanah Multigenerational Service
7:30pm Conservative Erev Rosh Hashanah Service
7:30pm Reform Erev Rosh Hashanah Service
Monday, October 3
Rosh Hashanah Day I
8am Conservative Rosh Hashanah Service
10am Reform Rosh Hashanah Service
12:30pm Apples & Honey Event
2pm Tot Service
4pm Tashlich at Dana Point Harbor
Friday, September 16
6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Tuesday, October 4
Rosh Hashanah Day II
8am Rosh Hashanah Conservative Services
Saturday, September 17
Parashat Ki Teitzei, Deuteronomy 21:10 - 25:19
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative Service
Friday, October 7
6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services with the Band of Milk & Honey
Friday, September 23
7:30pm Shabbat
Saturday, September 24
Parashat Ki Tavo, Deuteronomy 26:1 - 29:8
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative Service
7:30pm Dessert Reception
8pm Havdalah & S’lichot Service
Saturday, October 8
Parashat Vayeilech, Deuteronomy 31:1 - 31:30
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative Service
Tuesday, October 11
Erev Yom Kippur
5pm Kol Nidre Multigenerational Services
6:15pm Conservative Service Mincha
6:30pm Conservative Kol Nidre Service
7:30pm Reform Kol Nidre Reform Service
Friday, September 30
7:30pm Shabbat Service
Page 4
Friday, October 14
7:30pm Shabbat Services
Friday, October 21
5:45pm Special Sukkot Shabbat (w/ECC & Shabbat Chai) & Band of Milk &
7pm Shabbat Dinner (Sukkah)
Friday, October 28
7:30pm Shabbat Service
Saturday, October 29
Parashat Bereshit, Genesis 1:1 - 6:8
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative Service
10am Reform Service and Raphaela Levi Bat Mitzvah
Friday, November 4
6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services with the Band of Milk & Honey
Saturday, November 5
Parashat Noach
Genesis 6:9 - 11:32
8:45am Exploring Jewish Prayer
9am Torah Study
9:30am Jerusalem Shabbat
10:30am Tot Shabbat Playspace
Saturday, November 19
Parashat Vayera, Genesis 18:1 - 22:24
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative Service
Saturday, November 26
Parashat Chayei Sara, Genesis 23:1 - 25:18
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative Service
Tuesday, October 18
9:30am Sukkot Day II Service at Heritage Pointe
Followed by lunch in the sukkah with advance reservations through
Myra Rubin ([email protected] or 949-364-9685)
Tuesday, October 25
9:30am Simchat Torah Services at Congregation B’nai Israel in Tustin
Friday, November 18
6pm Shabbat Service
Friday, November 25
7:30pm Shabbat Service
Monday, October 17
9:30am Sukkot Day I Service
Monday, October 24
Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah
9:30am Shemini Atzeret Services w/Yizkor
4:30pm Simchat Torah Play Space (details on page 9)
4:30pm Simchat Torah Celebration (includes Hebrew School)
7pm Simchat Torah Service & Celebration
Saturday, November 12
Parashat Lech-Lecha, Genesis 12:1 - 17:27
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative Service
Sunday, November 20
10am Kochavim
(Time TBD) Interfaith Thanksgiving Program
Saturday, October 15
Parashat Ha’Azinu, Deuteronomy 32:1 - 32:52
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative Service
10am Reform Service and Danielle Bloom Bat Mitzvah
Saturday, October 22
8:45am Exploring Jewish Prayer
9am Torah Study
9:30am Jerusalem Shabbat & Chol Hamoed Sukkot
10:30am Tot Shabbat Playspace
Friday, November 11
7:30pm Special Program Honoring Veterans with Havurat Tzedek, the
Choir and Special guests
Friday, December 2
4pm Shabbat Chai
6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services with the Band of Milk & Honey & the
Rabbi Allen Krause Scholar-in-Residence
7:30pm Private Dinner (Legacy & Sustainer Societies)
Saturday, December 3
Parashat Toldot, Genesis 25:19 - 28:9
8:45am Exploring Jewish Prayer
9am Torah Study
9:30am Jerusalem Shabbat & the Rabbi Allen Krause Scholar-in-Residence
10:30am Tot Shabbat Playspace
7:30pm Dessert Reception, 8pm Havdalah & the Rabbi Allen Krause
Friday, December 9
6pm Shabbat Service with Kochavim & Adult Choir
7pm Shabbat Dinner w/advance reservations
Saturday, December 10
Parashat Vayetzei, Genesis 28:10 - 32:3
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative Service
Friday, December 16,
6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Saturday, December 17
Parashat Vayishlach, Genesis 32:4 - 36:43
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative Service
Friday, December 23
7:30pm Shabbat Service
Saturday, December 24
Parashat Vayeshev, Genesis 37:1 - 40:23
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative Service
Friday, December 30
7:30pm Hanukkah Shabbat Service
Page 5
Wednesday, October 12
Yom Kippur
8:30am Conservative Yom Kippur Services
10am Reform Yom Kippur Service
1:45pm Conservative Yizkor Service
2pm Tot Service
2:30pm Study Session with Steve Birch “Accounting of the Soul – Assessing
Our Spiritual Development”
4pm Avodah Meditation with Rabbi K’vod
4pm Reform Afternoon, Yizkor & Neilah Services
4:30pm Conservative Mincha Service
5:45pm Conservative Neilah Service
6:30pm Reform Break Fast
7pm Conservative Shofar Blowing
Saturday, December 31
Parashat Miketz, Genesis 41:1 - 44:17, Numbers 7:48 - 7:53
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative Service
Friday, January 6
6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services with the Band of Milk & Honey
Saturday, January 7
Parashat Vayigash, Genesis 44:18 - 47:27
9am Torah Study
9:30am Jerusalem Shabbat
10:30am Tot Shabbat Playspace
Friday, January 20
6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Saturday, January 21
Parshast Shemot, Exodus 1:1 - 6:1
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative Service
10am Reform Service & Amy Sorsher Bat Mitzvah
Friday, January 27
6pm Shabbat Service honoring Volunteers & Shining Lights
7pm Shabbat Dinner w/advance reservations
Saturday, January 28
Parashat Vaera, Exodus 6:2-9:35, Number 28:9 - 15
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative Service
10am Reform Shabbat Service & Alex & Danielle Bussell B’nai Mitzvah
Friday, January 13
7:30pm Sabbat Service
Saturday, January 14
Parashat Vayechi, Genesis 47:28-50:26
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative Service
10am Reform Service & Sophia Roye Bat Mitzvah
Jerusalem Shabbat Experience
with the Band of Milk and Honey (& a little schnapps)
At 9:30am on these Saturdays : September 10, October 22, November 5, December 3, January 7
In the Sidney Eisenberg Chapel
On the streets of Jerusalem on Shabbat morning, the dew on the trees reflect sunlight sparkling diamonds, the air is crisp and still, and
the peace is palatable. Joyous prayer pours out houses and little shteibls - the human song and the song of creation intertwined. Friends
and family come together to eat, to share, and to immerse in words of life-giving Torah. One can’t imagine a Torah more relevant and real.
• Be absorbed in a meditative and meaningful musical journey through the morning service
• Enjoy transliterated and fully-accessible Hebrew prayer
• Rejoice around the Torah with schnapps and sparkling cider
• Eat and engage in guided community study over lunch
Tot Shabbat Playspace
At 10:30am on September 10, October 22, November 5, December 3, January 7
Children ages 2-5 years will enjoy the Shabbat Playspace with one of our rabbis, our ECC Director Carolyn,
and Miss Beth in the Early Childhood Center.
Page 6
RSVP for EVERYTHING in one place!!
Deadline: September 15
Order tickets - Childcare - Nametags - Prayer books
High Holy Days Guest Tickets
Entrance to Services / Tickets
Any member who has ordered High Holy Day tickets will
receive them by mail in the last week of September. If you have
not received them, call our office & we will arrange to leave
your tickets at “will call”, just outside of the building entrance.
Community members, as well as parents, grandparents, and
siblings of our member families are welcome at our services.
High Holy Days Tickets are now available for purchase, and
prices are as follows:
Book of Remembrance
Guest tickets: for immediate family of our members are
$200/adult, $50/child 12 and under (and must be purchased
by the Temple Beth El member.)
As part of the observance of Yom Kippur, we publish a Yizkor
Book of Remembrance in which we inscribe our dear ones. To
include your loved ones in the Yizkor book, please include the
addition of or changes to your existing listing when you RSVP
online. It is customary to make a donation in memory of those
who have departed.
Non-members: $360/adult, $150/child 12 and under. Order
forms are available online:
Volunteer Ushers Needed
Machzorim - High Holy Days Prayer Books
Your assistance would be greatly appreciated at all of our High
Holy Day services! Please indicate your availability to usher
when you RSVP online before September 15th. Our thanks to
the lead ushers:
Reform Services Lisa Lockerman [email protected]
Conservative Services: Richard Penkava ([email protected])
In order to participate fully in the Reform and Conservative
High Holy Days services you will need to bring your own
machzor. We use the two book set (silver and gold) of Mishkan
Hanefesh prayer books for Reform Services, or the tan Mahzor
Lev Shalem for Conservative Services. Please plan to bring your
book to each service. Order yours when you RSVP online for
$50 by September 15th.
High Holy Days Tot Kids Club
High Holy Day Service Descriptions
We are pleased to offer child care during Rosh Hashanah and
Yom Kippur services for children ages 2 through Pre-K who are not
participating in the K-5 program. Tot Kids Club will take place in
the Early Childhood Center (ECC) classrooms and does not include
diapering (during drop-off you will provide a cell phone number to the
staff who will contact you if the child needs to be changed.) Space in
the program is limited, so please RSVP online by September 15th.
Renewal & Recommitment
S’lichot: A Gateway to High Holy Days
Saturday, September 24th
7:30pm Dessert Reception
8pm Havdalah & S’lichot Service (Rotunda)
“But teshuvah [repentance], tefillah [prayer] and
tzedakah [charity] temper
judgment’s severe decree.”
- Unetaneh Tokef,
High Holy Days liturgy
Reform Service
Reform High Holy Day Services with soulful music and
spiritually relevant sermons in our breathtaking sanctuary.
Conservative Service
Conservative High Holy Day Services that create a personal
and communal journey to living our lives more fully and
authentically. Intimate and participatory in our beautiful
Multi-Generational Service
A High Holy Day experience for all ages, filled with music,
reflection, and inspired teaching in our sanctuary. All within
one hour.
Personalized Name Tag
Want a personalized name tag? Help create a more welcoming
community by making yourself more approachable at Temple Beth
El services and events. Show that you belong. Proceeds from these
name tag sales benefit our Saturday morning Kiddush Fund. Support
our community in coming together for Shabbat lunch every week.
You can order personalized name tags for $30 each when you RSVP
online before September 15.
Everything you need is on our
click on
High Holy Days
Page 7
Renewal and Recommitment:
A S’lichot Experience-September 24th at 7:30pm
As we prepare ourselves for the holy work of renewing ourselves and recommitting to our
priorities, we invite you to connect with community in this soul-enriching experience, filled
with inspiring music and prayer. It all begins here!
First Day Rosh Hashanah:
Monday, October 3rd at 12:30pm
Apples, Honey, Challah & Shmoozing
Immediately following first day Rosh Hashanah services, meet up outside
for shmoozing, getting to see old friends, and making new ones!
High Holy Days 2016/5777 Service Schedule
We have wonderful opportunities for worship on these upcoming High Holy Days. In addition to our beautiful evening services
for both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur/Kol Nidre, there will be a Multi-Generational Service appropriate for elementary school
children, parents, and grandparents. And, while adults are in the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur morning worship services, there
will be age-appropriate programs and services for children in kindergarten through fifth grades so your family can come to Temple
together. Babysitting (Kids Club for potty-trained younger children age 2-Pre-K) will also be available, and afternoon Tot Services will
wrap up the day.
Monday, October 3rd Tashlich
Wednesday, October 12 Yom Kippur
10am Service & Program
(K-5th grades)
2pm Tot Service
(age 2-Kindergarten)
4pm (Dana Point Pier)
Tuesday, October 4th Rosh Hashanah Day 2
Monday, October 3rd Rosh Hashanah Day 1
Tuesday, October 11th Kol Nidre
7:30pm Dessert Reception, 8pm Havdalah and S’lichot Service
Saturday, September 24th S’lichot
Sunday, October 2nd Erev Rosh Hashanah
6:15pm Mincha,
1:45pm Yizkor
2:30pm Study Session
4pm Avodah Meditation
4:30pm Mincha
5:45pm Neilah
7pm Sounding of Shofar
Page 8
4pm Afternoon
Yizkor, & Neilah
6:30pm Break Fast
10am Service & Program
(K-5th grades)
2pm Tot Service
(age 2-Kindergarten)
Jerusalem Shabbat Experience
Saturday, October 22nd
Order Lulav/Etrogs
Don’t miss out on the essential and fun mitzvah of lulav
and etrog during the week of Sukkot. You can order a set
for $45 by Friday, Temple Beth El by October 7th and they
will be available for pickup by Friday, October 14th.
9:30am Service followed by lunch
in the Sukkah
We need your help to set up Sukkah City!
Saturday, October 22nd
To get involved, please contact Myka at
[email protected] or call 949-362-3999 ext 316.
Conservative Morning Sukkot Services
9:30am on Monday, October 17th in the Chapel
9:30am on Tuesday, October 18th at Heritage Pointe
Followed by lunch in the sukkah with advance
reservations through Myra Rubin (mrubin@ or 949-364-9685)
Tot Shabbat Playspace
10:30am Playspace followed by lunch in the Sukkah
Shmini Atzeret Services with Yizkor
Monday, October 24th
9:30am Conservative Service
Shabbat Dinner in the Sukkah
Friday, October 21st
5:45pm Families with young kids dinner* (babies-2nd
grade) after “Here Comes Shabbat Service”
7pm Community Dinner* (after Kabbalat Shabbat Services)
*RSVP on the temple website for
pizza/salad dinner - $10/adult, $5/child
Join us for......
Simchat Torah Celebration!
Torah is singing, dancing, celebrating Torah
Monday, October 24th
Simchat Torah Family Celebration
For families with Young Children (Birth-2nd Grade)
4:30-5pm Simchat Torah Play Space
5-5:30pm Singing & Dancing with the Torahs
5:30pm Dinner in the Sukkah
For 3rd Grade and Up
4:30-5:30pm Simchat Torah Activities: Learn How a
Torah is Made & Dance with the Torah
5:30-6pm Simchat
Torah Service & Torah
Page 9
Simchat Torah Conservative Service
and Celebration
7pm Service & celebration in the Sidney
Eisenberg Chapel. Join us for a traditional,
joyous, song-filled, dance filled, Torah
filled evening as we conclude the book of
Deuteronomy and begin a new cycle again
with Genesis.
Simchat Torah Morning Service
Tuesday, October 25th,
at Congregation B’nai Israel
in Tustin
(2111 Bryan Avenue)
Our congregation has identified that building
meaningful relationships among congregants is a
top priority for our community. This year, we will
create opportunities through “small groups” for
congregants to connect with others in an intentional
and structured way. Initially, a small group meets for
6 weeks around a compelling topic. Our inaugural six
week program that begins in the fall is entitled:
How Our Relationships Can Help Us Live More Fully.
Each group will pick its own weekly time to meet in a
congregant’s home during the period of
October 20 – December 1, 2017
Each weekly session will have a topic with a teaching from one of the
rabbis accompanied by discussion questions.
Session 1: Introduction to Covenant: The Jewish View
of Sacred Relationship
Session 2: “If I Am Not for Myself...” Self Respect
and a Personal Relationship with God
Session 3: Shema: Sacred Listening
Session 4: “Let There Be Light” The Power of Our
How Do I
During the High Holy Days, every member of
the congregation will be invited to be a HOST. A
HOST picks up the 6 Week Program kit (distributed
right outside the sanctuary and chapel on Yom
Kippur) which includes: A DVD, HOST instructions,
Discussion materials, and other resources. The HOST
can invite 1 or more people of their choice to form
a “small group.” The people can be Temple members
or not. The minimum size of the group is 2 and the
recommended maximum is 8.
The HOST finds a weekly time during the six week period
to host the group at their home.
The role of the HOST is to:
H- Have a heart for people
O – Open your home
S – Serve a snack
T – Turn on a DVD or YouTube video
Session 5: Am Yisrael: Being a Part of a People
Session 6: Widening Our Circle: Expanding Our
Connections and Embracing Diversity
Each session will include a 10-15 minute DVD segment or
YouTube video followed by discussion questions that engage
people in exploring the material and sharing personal
If you want to participate but do not want to= be a
HOST, you can go online to our Temple website and fill
out a brief form and you will be placed in a small group
geographically close to where you live.
After the six week period has ended, the members of
each small group will decide if they want to continue
meeting. They can pick study materials and topics from a
recommended list, or plan to attend synagogue services
together, or engage in a social action project. Group
members can also decide to form or join another group or
take a break from meeting with the group.
At the end of the six week period, groups will be invited
to share their experiences at a Shabbat
dinner with the congregation as a whole
on Friday, December 9 2016.
Questions? For more information contact our office at
Visit our temple website RSVP page
to sign up today!
Page 10
Presents Our Annual Kick Off Event:
Opening Breakfast For Returning and Prospective Members
Sunday, October 9th 10:30-12:30am
Special Presentation:
“Dealing With Grief During The Holidays” With Rabbi K’vod Wieder
and Cantor Fran Chalin Double Classroom Upstairs
• Light breakfast (with gourmet coffee)!
• Presentation: “Dealing with Grief During the Holidays”.
• Team-building workshop: “The Ten Commandments of Volunteers” facilitated
by Rabbi K’vod.
• Preview our committee’s new resource display!
New to Hinenu?
Come at 10am for an orientation to our committee and find out how you can
Our Hinenu committee enhances our congregation’s caring for one another
by participating in any or all of the following:
• Help prepare and deliver meals to congregants who are recovering from illness
or surgery.
• Visit and “schmooze” with our members who are homebound.
• Attend Shiva Minyans when more members are needed.
• Help set up the “Meal of Consolation” after a funeral.
To RSVP or for more information: please contact
Wendy Levin at [email protected] or phone 949-380-0236 or
Ellen Prince at [email protected] or phone 949-322-4573
Page 11
Hinenu Caring Committee
Page 12
Join us for this unique and exciting diamond experience
The top of the Diamond Experience begins together
Wednesday, May 10th at 7pm
Session 1 will be held at the Temple and led by Rabbi Kort and
will include all women participating in the retreat
May 19-21/22
As the Diamond separates in the middle, there are two options
Sessions 2-6 of the retreat will run concurrently on sea & land,
Each participant may choose between a weekend on the sea led by
Cantor Young or on land with Cantor Shula
Wednesday, May 24th at 7pm
the bottom of the Diamond Experience ends together:
Session 7 will be held again at the Temple
and lead by Rabbi Kort and will include all
women participating
in the retreat
For more information please contact Merritt Weiss
by email at [email protected] or by phone at 714-457-5768
Havurat Tzedek
Havurat Tzedek is a group inspired by Jewish commitment to social justice and dedicated to raising awareness,
advocacy and action for Temple Beth El.
Havurat Tzedek participates in:
• interfaith activities [like our annual interfaith prayer breakfast]
• social action projects [like our tri-faith Thanksgiving project]
• advocacy [lobbying our elected representatives and getting out the vote on issues important to
our Jewish community]
• awareness and education [like gun safety & veterans’ affairs]
• stimulating and engaging discussion
If you are interested, join us at next meeting (usually the 4th Monday of the month at 7pm) or contact the Havurat
Tzedek chair Jodi Halbreich at [email protected]
This fall, we invite you to join us in the following projects:
Tikkun Tikvah
We remember the words of the Torah’s holiness code: “You shall commit no injustice in judgment; you shall not favor a
poor person or respect a great man; you shall judge your fellow with righteousness” (Leviticus 19:15)
Havurah Tzedek, is working with the Union for Reform Judaism’s Religious Action Center supporting legislation that
ensures our criminal justice system acts from righteousness. Informaiton will be provided about Proposition 57, the
Public Safety and Rehabilitation Act, a sentencing reform measure that will be on the California ballot November 8, 2016.
Contact us if you would like to learn more and/or get involved.
Veteran’s Shabbat
Friday, November 11th, 7:30pm
Havurat Tzedek invites you to a special Shabbat experience honoring our community veterans and raising awareness
about veterans’ issues. The evening will include a brief service and presentation.
Interfaith Thanksgiving Service & Project
Sunday, November 20th
Join Temple Beth El, Orange County Islamic Foundation, and Shepherd of the Hills Church for an event of building
relationships, serving people in need, and coming together in prayer and song. Event details are being planned...look in
weekly emails for details!
Page 13
Women’s Retreat 2017
Cooking for Connection
Art Festival 2017
Workshop dates: the month of May 2017
Festival Celebration: Sunday June 4, 2017
Gesher Shir: Bridge of Peace
Connect! Create! Collaborate! Temple Beth El will be hosting our
first ever ARTs FESTIVAL! During the month of May, we will have
the opportunity to learn from some of the AMAZING ARTISTS
in our community. From photography, dance, and music, to
painting, woodworking, and culinary arts, here is your chance
to learn and create something new and BUILD COMMUNITY
with other amazing members of our TBE family. The workshops
will culminate with a big arts festival where students and
teachers will get to display their work. The festival will include
FOOD!!! All ages welcome.
Contact Cantor Young at [email protected]
to participate in planning or to provide a workshop.
At 2pm on these Thursdays:
September 8, October 6, November 10,
December 8, January 12
Want to shmooze
a bit with other
congregants while
preparing a favorite
vegetarian or dairy
recipe for our Saturday morning kiddush
lunch? Join Sandy Rothberg and Rabbi K’vod
to give to our community. We are looking for
dishes that can be frozen, kept in our freezer
and taken out when needed for the
coming month. To participate,
RSVP to Sandy at sandy@ and let her
know what you’d like to
prepare. You bring the
October 15-26, 2017
A Joint Israel Experience with Temple Beth El, Congregation B’nai Israel,
and the Community Scholars Program
If you dig beneath the surface of Israeli life you will find a new spirit alive in the country. It is the spirit of
young and old, drawing on ancient roots and a very Israeli willingness to improvise, daring to reinvent what
it means to be Jewish in the land of Israel. Join us as we set off on a Fall 2017 adventure of all five senses
that will take us back to the time of Abraham and catapult us forward into the 21st Century. As we explore
Tsefat, Tiberias, Jerusalem and Hebron – the four holiest cities in Israel – we will meet poets and politicians,
artists and musicians, archeologists and writers, kabbalists and theologians, thought leaders and community
activists, who are creating a new reality in our ancient homeland. We will experience the four elements of
“fire”, “water”, “air” and “earth” as we dare to “touch the soul of Israel”. This unique overseas adventure is
brought to you by Community Scholar Program, Congregation B’nai Israel of Tustin and Temple Beth El of
South Orange County in co-sponsorship with Jewish Foundation of Orange County. Group Leaders: Arie Katz,
Rabbi Elie Spitz and Rabbi Kvod Wieder.
To hear more about the details of the trip and to reserve your spot, please join Rabbi K’vod on Sunday,
November 6th at 9:30 am for Bagels, Lox, Coffee. This trip will sell out. For more questions and to put yourself
on the list, please contact Rabbi K’vod at [email protected]
Page 14
Page 15
Baking challah is a timehonored mitzvah dating back
to our matriarchs. The OC
Mega Challah Bake will feature
a hands-on workshop, including
instruction in braiding techniques, as
well as the experience of preparing
an oven-ready loaf from scratch.
There will be music and kosher light
refreshments for all to enjoy while
learning a wonderful skill, creating unity
in our community and being inspired by
the poignancy of our joint prayers and
blessings. The OC Mega Challah Bake is
open to women of all Jewish affiliations
and no affiliation.
Thursday, November 10
Meditation and Spirituality Events
at Temple Beth El
Jerusalem Shabbat – September 10, October 22, November 5, December 3, January 7 (page 6 for more details)
Maps of Reality – November 1, December 13, January 3 (page 24 for more details)
Temple Beth El 2nd Annual Jewish Meditation Retreat
When: February 3-5, 2017
Who: All temple members, age 18 and older
What: To celebrate Shabbat like the mystics of our tradition by
exploring the pathways of silence, song and prayer, contemplative
study, and creative expression. This retreat will also be an
opportunity to connect with other members of our Temple
community who are interested in exploring and sharing in a more
introspective way. While this retreat is geared toward seekers who
are new to meditative practice, it will also be meaningful for experienced meditators who are looking
for authentic ways to express these pathways through Jewish tradition.
Where: La Casa de La Maria, Santa Barbara. Optional to take the train up to Santa Barbara and a group
shuttle from the train station to the retreat center
In the Psalms it says, “For You, Silence is Praise.” Some of us are aware that the deepest truths about
ourselves and our lives can only be found when our consciousness can expand beyond the distractions
and the chatter of the mind. In the silence, we can open to a Loving Presence, simplify complicated
situations in our lives, and discover ourselves in new and empowering ways.
Questions? Contact Rabbi K’vod at [email protected] or 949-362-3999 ext 106.
Or go to our website and register online
Page 16
Kol HaNeshama
Kol HaNeshama, our adult choir, led by Cantor Young, is made up of
dedicated volunteers from our Temple Beth El family. Come fill your soul
with song and learn about our traditions and liturgy through our rich
musical heritage. The choir rehearses from 6:30-8pm twice a month and
usually sings on the last Friday of the month during our 7:30pm Shabbat
service. The choir sings throughout our High Holy Day season as well,
with a more intensive rehearsal schedule leading up to it.
Please contact Cantor Young at [email protected] to join.
Men’s Club Upcoming Events
Breakfast We hope to see the ‘regular’ Temple Beth
El Men’s “Breakfast Club’ers” and welcome any new Men’s
Club members who have not yet come by to our monthly
breakfast at Mimi’s Café - 27430 LaPaz Road, Laguna
Niguel! Join us on any or all of the upcoming dates (the 2nd
Thursday of each month)
September 8, October 13, November 10, and
December 8 at 9:30am.
Planning a
Special Event?
Join us at the
Please email Mel Zimmerman at
[email protected] if you
plan on attending so that he can
reserve enough tables.
& More Expo
Sunday, October 9, 1-4 p.m.
at the Merage JCC
Experience everything you need
to make your party a success!
Hearing Men’s Voices
A new program providing the opportunity to having
meaningful connection with other men on topics like “Work and
Worth,” and “Fathers and Sons.”
Monthly sessions take place on the second
Tuesday of the month at 7 pm in the
Dates: September 13, November 8,
December 13, and January 10
Free Admission
Sample food & drinks
Door prize drawings
Interactive experiences
Event Co-Sponsor:
Hope to
see you
Register on-line today…
1 Federation Way, Irvine CA • 949.435.3400
Page 17
Make Music at Temple Beth El
TBE Connections
Congregants age 55+ get together every other month to enjoy lunch ($10
with advance reservations) together and a featured speaker or presentation.
Upcoming programs will be both entertaining and thought-provoking, so please
mark your calendar to start the New Year off and renew friendships!
the D
Join us at 11:30am for lunch & a speaker:
Monday, September 26
Tuesday, November 1
Tuesday, December 13
RSVP on the temple website!
Hello Seniors and all Temple members over 55,
The New Year is upon us. Your Connections Committee is already planning programs that will
educate and entertain us for the ensuing year. So please post the following on your fridge or in
your computer/Smart phone.
Our first event will be Monday, September 26th. Our speaker will be Bill Sinclair, one of
the most popular lecturers on the Saddleback Emeritus programs. Bill leads discussions on
current issues. He will probably focus on the election. Bill “calls them as he sees them”. He is
provocative with more than a touch of humor.
On Tuesday, November 1st Muriel Engleman (Suzie Engleman’s
mom) will take us back to WWII and the Battle of the Bulge. Muriel
was a young nurse on the front line caring for young GI’s. She was
in the midst of the horrror of the war. Her story will enthrall us all.
On Tuesday, December 13th we will welcome Daniel Cohen, well
known author. His latest book is Single Handed. It is the story of
the life of Tebor Rubin,
who survived the
concentration camp as a young boy. He came to this
country and volunteered to serve in the Korean War. Not
only did he survive that War, but he was a hero and was
awarded this nation’s highest honor. The Congressional
Medal of Honor. You will want to hear his story that will
make you proud to be a Jew and an American.
Looking forward to an exciting year. Please contact us with
any new ideas or questions.
Lew 949-443-5435 or [email protected]
Joni 949-388-9464 or [email protected]
Page 18
Thursday, November 3rd, 7-9pm
Paint Night at a Local Pub
Congregation E
at High Park Tap House
(23641 Via Linda, Mission Viejo, CA 92691)
Come join us for fun with paint, food and cocktails!
A professional Artist will lead our group to recreate this
painting while we enjoy music, socialize and order from the
food and drink menu.
Party Basics:
- Easy to Follow Instruction
- All Supplies Included
- Take Home Finished Painting
- No Experience Necessary
Price per seat is $35, when you use the Promo Code
We will be painting this!
“SAVE10” !
Bring your friends!
A professional Artist will lead our group to recreate the eve
order from the food and beverage menu. So come join us
RSVP on temple website
with Boutique
BE Sisters and Men’s Club
Our VISION: To establish and maintain a loving Jewish commun
come together to celebrate and observe divers
Join BE SISTERS for our annual Paid-Up
Membership event. You’ll enjoy an
afternoon tea along with a Fashion
Show and Shopping Boutique! This
event is free to BE SISTERS members.
Non-members of BE Sisters are welcome to join the tea and
fashion show for a nominal $10 donation.
Our Boutique opens free to the public for everyone to enjoy
beginning at 3pm. Come get styled from head to toe and find
fabulous gifts for the upcoming holiday season!
Page 19
Saturday night,
January 21st
Thirsty for Torah? Thirsty for Knowledge?
Our Sages taught that “Water actually stands for Torah, as it is said (Isaiah, 55:1), ‘all who are thirsty, come for water.’
This is why it is a custom to read Torah on the 2nd and 5th days of the week as well as on Shabbat so that
we should not let three days pass without Torah” (Babylonian Talmud, BavaKama 82a).
Temple Beth El is committed to providing ongoing opportunities for engaging with Torah and our sea of Jewish knowledge.
Join your rabbis, cantor, and guest scholars and presenters most Tuesday evenings for rich Jewish learning opportunities.
Sept. 6
Sept. 13
Sept. 20
Sept. 27
Nov. 1
Nov. 8
Nov. 15
Nov. 30
Dec. 6
Dec. 13
Dec. 20
Jan. 3
Jan. 10
Jan. 17
Feb. 7
Feb. 21
Feb. 28
Mar 7
Mar 14
Mar 21
April 25
May 23
Spiritual Preparation for the High Holy Days
Rabbi K’vod and Cantor Sue Duetsch
The Extraordinary Nature of Ordinary Things
Innovations in Prayer: Exploring our High
Holy Day Prayers
Innovations in Prayer: Exploring our New
Prayer Book, Mishkan T’filah
Maps of Reality
Bikkur Holim – Visiting the Sick
with Rabbi K’vod
Finding Peace and Connection
With Your Terminally Ill Loved One
with Cantor Fran Chalin
Understanding Grief And Its
Demystifying Shiva
with Rabbi K’vod
Maps of Reality
Cantor Young
Rabbi Kort
Rabbi K’vod
*Caring for Others in the
Jewish Tradition 4 Week
W Tuesday evenings m
Reinventing Hanukkah
Rabbi K’vod
Cantor Fran Chalin
Dr. Bill Hoy
Rabbi K’vod
Rabbi K’vod
Maps of Reality
Hidden Judaism: A History of Crypto
Amsterdam and its Converso Community:
The Saga of the First Modern Jews
Rabbi Kort
With special guest scholar Prof. David
B. Ruderman
Tu Bishvat Seder: An evening of wine & fruit
(and cheese) paired with blessings
Presentation by Hope in Sight (A non-profit
providing Vision Care in the Holy Land)
Beneath the Helmut, movie screening and
discussion - Window into Israel
Sacred Aging
Rabbi Kort
Israel Matters Committee
Senior Transition Series with Shiffy
Crane and Bram Klein
Maps of Reality (7:30pm)
Page 20
Jewish Wisdom and Practical Guidance on Caring For Others
*A Four Session Series on Tuesday Nights at 7pm
November 8 – Bikkur Holim – Visiting the Sick
Our Jewish tradition is filled with wisdom about how to be a compassionate presence with those who are ill. In this
session, we explore some of our sacred texts to better understand the spiritual implications and depth behind our caring
November 15 - Finding Peace and Connection With Your Terminally Ill Loved One
– with Cantor Fran Chalin
Loving a person with terminal illness is daunting, not only because of the impending loss, but because we lack clarity
about how to best support them in the dying process. The process becomes more difficult when family members have
different beliefs about what is the best course of treatment for their loved one. As well, the person confronting the
illness may need help finding what is available to them and defining their desires for their plan of care.
It is easier for a family to make decisions together if they have the correct information about the choices that exist and
if people with illness are able to share what they would like for themselves should they be faced navigating a life limiting
Temple Beth El and Vitas Healthcare invite you to attend a presentation that will provide you with information about;
Palliative Care, Hospice Care, and Medicare Benefits. We will also give you a worksheet called, “Five Wishes.” This
document will help you and your loved ones identify your desires for care. And more important, It will provide you and
your loved ones the ability to clarify your goals so that your wishes are carried out.
November 30 (Wednesday) - Understanding Grief And Its Process with Dr. Bill Hoy
Dr. William G. (Bill) Hoy, nationally acclaimed bereavement and end-of-life educational consultant leading
an interactive workshop - Family Grief: When Death Brings out the Best and Worst in Families
Through this workshop, learn how family members grieve in different ways, how relationships
can be strengthened or how conflict can arise, and practical steps on how to support the family unit along
their journey of bereavement.
December 6th –Demystifying Shiva
Jewish wisdom and practical guidance on how to support others when they’ve lost a loved one. In this session, we’ll
explore Jewish traditions around death and dying and acquire the knowledge and understanding needed to be a
compassionate presence in a Shiva house.
Amsterdam and its Converso Community:
The Saga of the First Modern Jews
With special guest scholar Prof. David B. Ruderman
Join us on Tuesday January 17th, 2017 at 7pm
Prof. David Ruderman, the Joseph Meyerhoff Professor of Modern Jewish History and the Ella
Darivoff Director of the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of
Pennsylvania. Prior to coming to Penn, he held the Frederick P. Rose Chair
of Jewish History at Yale University
(1983-94) and the Louis L. Kaplan Chair of Jewish Historical Studies at the University of
Maryland, College Park (1974-83). Prof. Ruderman is a very accomplished historian who has
been recognized with awards for his scholarship and accolades for his teaching.
Prof. David Ruderman will join our community as a part of the 16th Annual CSP One Month Scholar
January 3, 2017 – January 26, 2017
Page 21
Becoming A Compassionate Presence:
The 2016 Rabbi Allen Krause
Scholar -in- Residence Program
Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof
Justice, Justice, We Shall Pursue
A celebration of the legacy of Rabbi Allen Krause, and his pursuit of justice
through scholarship and action, with Scholar-in-Residence Professor Marc Dollinger
When we lose a loved one in our
Jewish tradition we say, “may
their memory be for a blessing.”
As our late rabbi emeritus, Rabbi
Allen Krause’s (z”tl) memory
lives for a blessing each and
every day in our Temple Beth El
community. Over his 25 years
of leadership, Rabbi Krause
worked to establish Temple Beth
El as a Jewish community where
we wrestle with important
issues inside the walls of our
synagogue, and bring our Jewish
values to bear in the world outside our Temple’s walls.
The pursuit of justice is at the core of Rabbi Krause’s
legacy. He pursued justice through teaching, through
action, and through scholarship.
This December, Rabbi Krause’s book – “To Stand Aside,
or Stand Alone” - Southern Reform Rabbis and the Civil
Rights Movement will be published by the University of
Alabama press. We invite you to join our community and
the Krause family in celebrating this milestone at the 2016
Rabbi Allen Krause Scholar Shabbat.
Temple Beth El welcomes Professor Marc Dollinger,
Richard and Rhoda Goldman Chair in Jewish Studies and
Social Responsibility at San Francisco State University, as
our 2016 Rabbi Allen Krause Scholar. His areas of focus
and expertise include American Jewish history, Jewish
social responsibility, Modern Jewish identity, and the
1960s. Processor Dollinger, a dynamic and engaging
lecturer, teaches history in a manner that inspires action,
engagement and the pursuit of justice in our world.
Professor Dollinger has utilized Rabbi Allen Krause’s
research in his own scholarship, and feels privileged
to help our Beth El community celebrate our Rabbi
and introduce us to some of Rabbi Krause’s ideas and
(For more about Professor Dollinger, please see page 23)
Friday, December 2nd
4pm Study Session
“Tikkun Olam” A Journey Through the Sources
6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service
L’Dor V’Dor—Celebrating Rabbi Allen Krause’s Legacy
with special guest Stephen Krause
Saturday, December 3rd
9:30am Jerusalem Shabbat Service followed by Kiddush Lunch
and learning with our scholar
Tikun Olam in Action: Are you ready for Dr. King?
7:30pm Havdalah, dessert, and evening with our scholar
Hamans and Torquemadas: Southern Rabbis and the Civil Rights Movement:
A Tribute to the Scholarly Work of Rabbi Allen Krause
Sunday, December 4th
10am Special session with our BESTY teen community
Judaism and Justice: Our Tradition’s Legacy to Creating a World of Fairness
Page 22
Scholar -in- Residence
Saturday, December 3rd at 7:30pm Havdalah, dessert, and discussion Southern
Rabbis and the Civil Rights Movement
Marc Dollinger,
our Rabbi Krause Scholar -in- Residence
Dr. Marc Dollinger holds the Richard and Rhoda Goldman
Endowed Chair in Jewish Studies and Social Responsibility
at San Francisco State University.
He has served as research fellow at Princeton University’s
Center for the Study of Religion as well as the Andrew
W. Mellon Post-doctoral Fellow and Lecturer in the
Humanities at Bryn Mawr College, where he coordinated
the program in Jewish Studies. He is author of “Quest
For Inclusion: Jews and Liberalism In Modern America”
published by Princeton University Press, California Jews,
co-edited with Ava Kahn, and American Jewish History:
A Primary Source Reader, both published by Brandeis
University Press. He is currently at work on: Is It Good
For The Jews? Black Power and the 1960s. He is a past
president of both the Jewish Community High School of
the Bay and Brandeis Hillel Day School. Marc serves as
academic vice president of Lehrhaus Judaica as well as
trustee of URJ Camp Newman and the Bay Area Jewish
Healing Center. Marc sits on the California advisory
committee to the United States Commission on Civil
Rights, was named 2008 Volunteer of the Year by the SF
Jewish Community Federation, and was awarded the San
Francisco JCRC’s 2015 Courageous Leader award for his
work against the BDS movement.
Just for fun, Professor Dollinger helped actress Helen
Hunt learn about her Jewish roots on the NBC program,
“Who Do You Think You Are?”
About Rabbi Allen Krause’s Book
To Stand Aside or Stand Alone: Southern Reform Rabbis
and the Civil Rights Movement
In 1966, a young rabbinical student named P. Allen Krause conducted interviews
with twelve Reform rabbis from southern congregations concerning their
thoughts, principles, and activities as they related to the Civil Rights Movement.
Perhaps because he was a young seminary student or more likely because
the interviewees were promised an embargo of twenty-five years before the
interviews would be released to the public, the rabbis were extremely candid
about their opinions on and their own involvement with what was still an
incendiary subject. Now, in “To Stand Aside or Stand Alone: Southern Reform
Rabbis and the Civil Rights Movement”, their stories help elucidate a pivotal
moment in time.
After a distinguished rabbinical career, Krause wrote introductions to and
annotated the interviews. When Krause succumbed to cancer in 2012, Mark K.
Bauman edited the manuscripts further and wrote additional introductions with
the assistance of Stephen Krause, the rabbi’s son. The result is a unique volume
offering insights into these rabbis’ perceptions and roles in their own words and
with more depth and nuance than hitherto available. This exploration into the
lives of these teachers and civic leaders is supported by important contextual
information on the local communities and other rabbis, with such background
information forming the basis of a demographic profile of the Reform rabbis
working in the South.
Page 23
About The 2016 Rabbi Allen Krause
Exploring Jewish
Maps of Reality:
with Rabbi K’vod Wieder
Tuesdays, 7:30-9pm
with Rabbi K’vod Wieder
in the Classroom 214/215
Saturday mornings
November 1,
December 13, January 3
September 10, October 22,
November 5, December 4, January 7
at 8:45am in the Adult Library
Maps of Reality seeks to integrate
modern psychology and philosophy
with the wisdom of the Jewish mystics.
Through these reflections, we hope
to more deeply recognize God’s living
presence in our lives and discover
how our Jewish communal practice
enhances our experience. To deepen
our conversations, we will assign some
preparatory reading between classes.
The rabbis envisioned prayer as an
opportunity to connect with the deepest
part of us. In this short class, we’ll explore
how prayer can be a vehicle for this kind
of spiritual connection.
Spiritual Preparation for
High Holy Days
With Rabbi K’vod Wieder, Cantor Natalie Young
and Cantor Sue Deutsch
Tuesday, September 6th at 7pm
The High Holy Day period is most effective at impacting us in a transformative way when
we prepare our hearts and minds. On Rosh Hodesh Elul, exactly one month before Rosh
Hashanah, we can begin the process of understanding how to engage our prayers in a way
that is personal and relevant for each one of us. Join us for an evening of rabbinic teachings
on inner transformation as well as an introduction to some of the High Holy Day melodies
and prayers in both our Reform and Conservative services.
Page 24
One need not be Jewish or religious to be a good person. Being a better human being involves developing our basic
virtues: more gratitude, more patience, more kindness, more being at peace, better disciplined…. Recent psychology
studies have found that personality traits are not fixed but more like skills that can leaned and improved.
There is a little known tradition within Judaism of texts and practices to help develop these human traits in which we
all strive to be better. It is called Mussar (the Ethical way). Together we will explore how our tradition can enhance
our daily lives in a very meaningful and practical way such that we become the person we know we can be.
Steve Birch, a committed practitioner and trained facilitator, will lead our Mussar program.
New, novice, and experienced Mussar practitioners are invited to attend this fall and winter:
Accounting of the Soul – Assessing Our Spiritual Development
Yom Kippur Afternoon
Wednesday, October 12th, 2:30pm
In the month leading up to the High Holy Days it a common Jewish practice to spend time contemplating what
progress we’ve made over the year. In this session we’ll look at this practice and the various measures used to take
stock of our progress. While this practice is very common leading up to the High Holy Days it is also part of an ongoing Mussar practice.
December 14, 7pm
Mini Mussar Workshop
Perfect for first-time practitioners who want to become familiar with the basic virtues, middot, of
Mussar, or for people who need a “booster” to get back into an ongoing practice.
This past year, Temple Beth El had two dozen members practicing Mussar together throughout the year!
Here’s what some of our practitioners gained from the experience:
“I look at Yom Kippur and Mussar as time I can set aside to truthfully examine
myself and all that’s important to me.”
Mussar was “a space to talk about more important things, not just talking
about the day-to-day.”
I liked learning about things like gratitude and affirmation from the Jewish
“It helped me be more patient and not rush in life.”
Page 25
Be Your Best Self
Daytime Book Club
Our Daytime Book Club provides the opportunity to
discuss previously selected Jewish-themed books on
the 3rd Tuesday of each month.
When: Tuesdays from 11:30am -1pm in the Adult
Coordinators: Sharon Wolfson [email protected] &
Claire Stein [email protected]
Upcoming dates and book selections include:
September 20 - “The UnAmericans: Stories”
by Molly Antopol
October 18 - “All the Light We Cannot See”
by Anthony Doerr
People of the Book
TBE’s People of the Book group meets on the second
Wednesday of the month at 7pm in the adult library
to discuss books we’ve previously selected. We
look forward to another year of interesting reading,
sharing thoughts, learning, and having a great time.
We welcome adult members to join us in lively
discussions about the book selections. Past choices have included popular,
topical, and classic fiction and non-fiction books.
September 14
The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty presented by Shiffy
All Who Go Do Not Return by Shulem Deen presented
by Helen
November 9
He, She, It by Marge Piercy presented by Mollie
November 15 - “The Secret Chord”
by Geraldine Brooks
December 14
Love Wins: The Lovers and Lawyers Who Fought the Landmark Case
for Marriage Equality by Debbie Cenziper & Jim Obergefell
presented by Sherri
December 20 - “Safekeeping”
by Jessamyn Hope
January 11
A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman presented by June
To be placed on our email list or if you want information regarding the
book choices for 2016 – 2017, please contact:
Helen Rasner, [email protected]
Hope to see you in September!
Wishing a Warm Welcome to our
Newest Members!
Mark Adler and Crystal Williams of Corona
Mikhail and Svetlana Boukhny of Laguna Niguel
Noel and Cecilia Ezekiel of Dana Point
David and Gloria Friedman of Laguna Woods
Michael and Sharon Gerstein of Irvine
Brett and Kimberly Goering of Aliso Viejo
Charles and Shelly Gorenstein of Laguna Niguel
Marcie Howard of Rancho Santa Margarita
Craig and Justine Moraes of Lake Forest
Brandon and Hilary Rosen of Laguna Niguel
Melvin and Adrianne Selbst of Ladera Ranch
Josh and Jane Selin of Aliso Viejo
Wendy Selin of Laguna Woods
Elise Sugarman of Mission Viejo
Mark and Leslie Wegener of Rancho Santa Margarita
Page 26
Gordon & Sklar
Temple Beth El...Where Jewish learning is fun. Join us!
Get your registration materials and information online
Fall Enrollment is Still Open!
Parent/Toddler classes 7 months – 24 months
Preschool Program 2 years – Pre K
Before School Breakfast Club
Dynamic After School Enrichment Classes including:
Mini Art Masters, Mix and Stir, STEM Superstars,
Yoga for Kids and Amazing Athletics!
After School Snack
Buddies Available
Call Us for a tour!
949-362-3999 ext 317
For families with young children...
Here Comes Shabbat!
Tot Services for High Holy Days
5:25-5:45pm on the these Fridays: August 19,
Join us at 3pm on Monday, October 3 (Rosh Hashanah)
and Wednesday, October 12 (Yom Kippur)
A Special Shabbat Experience for PreK-2nd Graders
September 2, September 16, October 21, November 4,
December 2, December 16
Join us in the Sanctuary on the above Fridays for a special
service tailored for PreK-2nd graders. This is a special
Shabbat ritual the 1st & 3rd Fridays of the month from
5:25-5:45pm and includes singing, stories, tzedakah
collection, and time to say goodbye to the week and
welcome in Shabbat. All families with young kids are
welcome to participate. Join us for a community-wide
nosh (snack) after this service. For more information
contact Rabbi Rachel Kort, [email protected]; 949362-3999, ext. 102
Tot Shabbat Playspace
Families with young children are invited to attend the Tot
Shabbat Playspace with one of our rabbis, ECC Director,
Carolyn, and Miss Beth beginning at 10:30 am in ECC room
103. We start with Shabbat stories, crafts, and playtime.
We enjoy challah and juice and move on to a Torah parade
followed by a lunch with the congregation. Join us on the
following Saturdays at 10:30 am.
September 10, November 5, December 3, January 7
Shabbat Dinner in the Sukkah
Friday, October 21, 5:25pm
Join us after Here Comes Shabbat Services at 5:25pm
followed by a special Shabbat Dinner in the Sukkah for
families with young kids. Meet new friends and spend time
with old friends. We’ll enjoy a pizza and salad dinner and
make crafts to hang in our beautiful Sukkah. Feel free to
bring your own dessert and your favorite bottle of wine.
(RSVP online at For more information contact
Carolyn Kappes, Early Childhood Center Director,
[email protected]; (949) 362-3999, ext.317.
PJ Library: Sign up today!
It’s never too early to create treasured
Jewish memories with your family. Sign
up your family and tell your friends about
the PJ Library. Introduce a new generation
to the richness and depth of our Jewish
heritage. For more information, see the
brochure that was mailed out over the
summer or go to
Page 27
Early Childhood Center
Shabbat Chai-lights
Community, Torah, Shabbat
Our ancient Rabbis taught that the world
stands on three things: Torah, Worship, Acts of
Loving-kindness (Pirkei Avot 1:2). Our Shabbat
Chai Fridays stand on three things: Community
Building, Torah, and Shabbat. Each component of
our Friday program works to uphold, strengthen,
and nourish our children’s Jewish identities in
unique but equally important ways. By building
community with each other and creating
bonds of friendship, our kids develop a sense of
belonging to our Temple community and the
Jewish People. By engaging in Torah with our
faculty, our children learn about our tradition
and how it can make their lives more meaningful.
By celebrating Shabbat with parents, our kids
have an opportunity to sing, pray, and dance and
feel the joy of Shabbat as a family. Shabbat Chai
Fridays meet from 4-7pm on the 1st & 3rd Fridays
of the month. This time includes community
Shabbat services at 6pm. Services are an integral
part of the Shabbat Chai curriculum.
As a part of our Friday program, each grade level
will come together for a special Grade Level
Shabbat Experience. This special Shabbat Chai
Friday will bring together children and parents
for learning, Shabbat dinner, and Shabbat
Services. In addition, each grade will come
together with our “grand-friends” at Heritage
Pointe, our local Jewish senior residence, for a
special Mitzvah Day.
Each family will receive their special “grade level”
calendar through our Shabbat Chai distribution
list. Please mark your calendars for these
community building event.
If you have any questions about Shabbat Chai,
Hebrew School, or your family’s Jewish journey,
please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Google Calendars
All of our events are on a Google Calendar ready for your mobile device, etc! Shabbat Chai
dates, Hebrew School Dates, Parent Events...
sync everything today!
Calendar of Spring Dates
Shabbat Chai
Sept. 2
4 – 7 pm
Sept. 16
4 – 7 pm
Rosh Hashanah
Oct. 3
10 am – 12:30 pm
No Shabbat Chai
Oct. 7
High Holy Day
Yom Kippur
Oct. 12
10 am – 12:30 pm
Shabbat Sukkot
Oct. 21
4 – 7 pm
Simchat Torah
Oct. 24
4:30-6:00 pm
Nov. 4
4 – 7 pm
No Shabbat Chai
Nov. 18
Dec. 2
4 – 7 pm
Dec. 16
4 – 7 pm
Jan. 6
4 – 7 pm
Jan. 20
4 – 7 pm
Hebrew School
Mondays, 4:30-6:30pm
Sept. 12
Sept. 19
Sept. 26
(No Hebrew School)
Oct. 3
(No Hebrew School)
Oct. 10
Oct. 17
Oct. 24
(No Hebrew School)
Oct. 31
Nov. 7
Nov. 14
(No Hebrew School)
Nov. 21
L’Shana HaBa’ah B’Yachad— To the Coming Year
Rabbi Rachel Kort
[email protected]
949-362-3999, ext. 102
Wendy Yesharim
Program Director
[email protected]
949-362-3999, ext. 214
Dec. 5
Dec. 12
(No Hebrew School)
Dec. 19
(No Hebrew School)
Dec. 26
(No Hebrew School)
Jan. 2
Jan. 9
(No Hebrew School)
Jan. 16
Jan. 23
Jan. 30
Page 28
We are excited to announce that Wendy Yesharim is joining our Beth El
team as our new Program Director. Wendy will work as a part-time leader
at the Temple, engaging our community in educational programming and
managing the daily operations of our Shabbat Chai and Hebrew School
programs. Wendy, as Program Director will:
• Serve as the Principal of our Shabbat Chai and Hebrew School
programming, providing support to families, students, and faculty
• Oversee and execute children’s and family programming for holidays and social action projects
• Engage community members as volunteers in programming
Wendy has been a part of our Beth El family for many years as a teacher in our Early Childhood Center
and Shabbat Chai and Hebrew School. She is a master teacher and mentor, working with children and
families from babies through adolescent and has experience with project management as the owner
of a small educational consulting business. We are excited to welcome Wendy and her strengths to this
new position.
Message from Wendy
Dedicated to: Strengthening
our Community
& Making Becoming a Bar/Bat
Mitzvah More Meaningful
Friday, December 16th at Temple
Beth El and Saturday,
December 17, 2016 from 9:30am-7pm
at the Irvine Ranch Outdoor
Education Center in Orange
The 6th Grade Family Retreat is designed to
help take relationships among 6th graders
and 6th grade families to the
next level and to create
an intimate space
to explore what it
means to be a
Bar/Bat Mitzvah on a
deeper level.
It is with great pleasure
and hopes for the future
that I write this letter of
introduction as the new
Program Director at Temple
Beth El. I am honored to
have the opportunity to
support a community with
such rich tradition. I have
been dedicated to the
field of Jewish education
for more than 20 years. I also take great pride in
creating and developing an educational consulting
business focusing on the emotional and physical
developmental needs of adolescents. Starting
out as a young assistant pre-school teacher on
the east coast, I quickly learned that I have a love
for supporting children and families. Fostering
strong connections between parents, children and
communities is my greatest passion. Playing an active
role in the Orange County Jewish community has
allowed me the opportunity to make a difference in
the lives of countless families. Temple Beth El has
been my home, since the opening of the ECC, as a
parent and educator and I will continue my work
as an ECC teacher. I have been mentored by key
professionals within the Jewish community who
have taught me the value of being a responsible and
respected leader.
I am looking forward to meeting each of you and
enhancing the already wonderful programs at Temple
Beth El. Please stop by and introduce yourself!
Wendy Yesharim
Page 29
Announcing our new Program Director
Register for Shabbat Chai
& Hebrew School
Middle School Youth
Calling All 6th & 7th Grades
BEMSY—Beth El Middle School Youth
Calling All 6th & 7th Graders
BEMSY is our Youth Group for 6th & 7th
graders. The group will meet on Shabbat
Chai Fridays from 4-4:45pm in our Youth
Lounge. Sixth and seventh graders will have
an opportunity to schmooze with friends,
buy a slice of pizza, play basketball and board
games. This time will also include a “camp-like”
Shabbat ritual designed especially for BEMSY.
In addition to Shabbat Chai Fridays, BEMSY
will meet for fun and festive Shabbat dinners
and activities from 7pm -8:30pm, in our Youth
Lounge on the following dates:
September 16, February 3, May 5. In the
spring, BEMSY will join our Senior Youth
Group, BESTY for a joint event in the spring.
For more information our Youth Group
Director, Chavva Olander:
[email protected]
Information about our education program is available
on our temple’s website ( under
Religious School.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us.
Rabbi Rachel Kort
[email protected]
949-362-3999, ext. 102
Wendy Yesharim
Program Director
[email protected]
949-362-3999, ext. 214
Please know that no child will be excluded from Jewish
engagement and learning opportunities at Temple
Beth El due to financial concern. Please contact our
Executive Director, Bonni Pomush, if your family has
financial need regarding Religious School tuition or if
you would like to help a family in need by making a
donation to the Mirsky Scholarship Fund:
[email protected]; 949-362-3999, ext. 213
Come join Temple Beth El’s new
youth choir and learn some of
Jewish tradition’s
greatest music!
Students will be provided with their own folder of
music along with a list of performance dates and
details. While this is an opportunity to have a fun
time with friends and Cantor Young, Kochavim
will be fulfilling the mitzvah of bringing joy and
healing to our community through song.
Rehearsals: 1st and 3rd Mondays
when there is Hebrew school,
beginning September 19th, 2016 from 4:15-5pm
Cost: $50 per student
(includes musical supplies)
Who: 3rd Grade and up
Friday Afternoon
Do you have a baby or toddler in your life? Are you
looking to connect with other Jewish families?
We are excited to offer a Parent & Me option
during Shabbat Chai Friday afternoon Religious
School program for the 2016-17 year. This special
space is designed for babies and toddlers (until
your 3 year old is potty-trained) together with their
parents, grandparents or caregiver. Shabbat Chai
Fridays for our Parent & Me group will include
Shabbat and holiday celebration, challah, singing,
stories, activities, play and community. Our Parent
& Me group will join our ‘Here Comes Shabbat’
service in the Sanctuary from 5:25- 5:45pm.
Please contact Wendy Yesharim for more
([email protected])
To register, please go to our website and fill out
the online form which
can be found at:
Page 30
4 – 6pm
Our Sunday once-a-month program is a multi-modal teen experience filled with fun, socializing, learning with
our rabbis, leadership development, and community service.
Whether you are a part of the 8th Grade Tzedakah Board, or the 9th-12th Grade Teen Leadership Program,
you can fulfill community service requirements for your school, while keeping you connected to your friends at
Temple Beth El.
9th-12th Teen Leadership Program Sessions
September 11, 2016 – Shopping With A Purpose
Who doesn’t love a good deal? Sometimes, the availability
of our favorite items comes with a price that is far more
significant than the money we spend on them. What
responsibilities do companies have toward the people
who make their products? How are violations of those
responsibilities hurting all of us? We’ll discuss these
important questions and learn what Judaism can teach us
about being morally responsible shoppers. We’ll also make
tye-dyes for ourselves and families in need.
March 12 – Purim Carnival
November 6th – Gratitude + Mindfulness = < Stress
Is there an equation for happiness? Maybe not, but Judaism
is rich with lessons that help us achieve balance and
April 23 – Anti Semitism and Yom Hashoah Observance
Dealing with anti-semitism in schools, workplace, or the
media is the unfortunate and challenging aspect of being
a Jew. With separate parent and teen discussion groups,
we will strive for a greater understanding of the dynamics
and reasons for anti-semitism and we can address it. After
separate discussions, we’ll come together to spend time
with a Holocaust survivor and commemorate Yom HaShoah
(Holocaust Rememberance Day).
March 26 – Addiction: What Are You a Slave To?
Many people have a relationship to certain things in our
lives that is out of balance. For some of us, it’s food, or video
games, or a certain physical appearance, or certain kinds of
experiences. What does the Passover story have to do with
addiction? We’ll talk about how the Israelites’ journey out
of Egypt parallels our daily lives, and how to be more selfaware.
November 20 – Interfaith Thanksgiving Community Project
We will join together with teens and adults from the Orange
County Islamic Foundation and Shepherd of the Hills
Methodist Church to help people in our community and
abroad who are in poverty.
December 4 (10am start time) – Judiasm and Justice: Our
Tradition’s Legacy To Creating A World of Fairness
A special session for teens with our Rabbi Allen Krause
Scholar In Residence Marc Dollinger, PhD. Professor Dollinger
is a gifted and dynamic lecturer who is committed to inspire
the pursuit of justice through an exploration of Jewish
January 8, 2017 - Social Media: Promises and Pitfalls
(sessions with parents separate and together)
Social media has become primary vehicles of communication
for teens and adults. How can social media enhance our lives
and not detract from it. We’ll have separate parent and teen
sessions with experts from the field to help us identify the
concrete dangers and promises of social media.
May 7 - A Year in Review: Current Events Through a Jewish
How does the world influence Judaism? How does Judaism
influence the world? We’ll explore significant social, political,
and popular culture happenings that have taken place over
the last several months and interpret them from a Jewish
June 4 - B’tzalel Arts Festival
$395 for the year
Enroll online
February 12 – Purim and Politics
While the holiday of Purim is wild and crazy with costumes
and hamentaschen, did you know that there are deep
insights about politics, oppression, and freedom? We will
connect these themes and prepare to add an element of
social action to our yearly Purim carnival through creating
our own social issues Carnival booths.
Page 31
8th Grade Tzedakah Board
The 8th Grade Tzedakah Board is a philanthropic
foundation of eighth graders who are willing
to commit time outside of school to engage in
questions of how to fix our broken world. In this
influential and dynamic program, participants will
learn about Jewish wisdom on charitable giving
and social change, financial literacy, and modern
philanthropy, and then award $4,000 - $10,000 to
organizations that they deem effective in making the
world a better place.
our hope that the teen will make some or all of the
contribution from their own money to this fund.
The group fund will be matched by an anonymous
donor and students will have the opportunity to
participate in a group fundraising activity to increase
the fund amount.
COST: $695 for the year
Enroll online
Being part of the 8th Grade Tzedakah Board will give
you the following:
• Greater sophistication about money and how it can be leveraged to make positive change in the world.
• Deeper knowledge about how the wisdom
of Judaism can inform your decisions about money and how to use it for prosperity for all.
• Connection to other Temple Beth El teens around the mission of making a difference in
the world.
• A remarkable extracurricular activity on your resume to help open the door for college and other job positions when you reach that stage.
Besides registration, participation will entail a
student contribution of $100 to a group fund. While
parents may need to help with this amount, it is
Page 32
Tzedakah Board Meets SUNDAYS
September 11 (4-6 pm)
November 6 (4-6 pm)
Nov 20 – Interfaith Thanksgiving
December 4 (4-6 pm)
December 11 (4-6 pm)
January 8 (4-6 pm)
January 22 (4-6 pm)
February 12 (4-6 pm)
February 26 (4-6 pm)
March 26 (4-6 pm)
April 23 (4-6 pm)
May 7 (4-6 pm)
May 19 (Mitzvah Recognition Evening)
Stay connected to our Shabbat community to help out in
classrooms and become mentors and build relationships
with younger students. Become a part of our Shabbat Chai
team on the following dates:
Social Media: Promises and Pitfalls (sessions with
parents separate and together)
January 8, 2017 4 - 6pm
Social media has become primary vehicles of
communication for teens and adults. How can
social media enhance our lives and not detract from
it. We’ll have separate parent and teen sessions
with experts from the field to help us identify the
concrete dangers and promises of social media.
BESTY Club Night
December 10, 2016 – 7:30 pm
Rock out to a professional DJ with laser lights
· Have fun with dance floor games
· Win big at casino games
· Drink mocktails
Capture memories with friends in a Photo Booth
This is a club scene, the real deal, especially designed for
Anti Semitism and Yom Hashoah Observance
April 23, 2017 4 – 6pm
Dealing with anti-semitism in schools, workplace,
or the media is the unfortunate and challenging
aspect of being a Jew. With separate parent and
teen discussion groups, we will strive for a greater
understanding of the dynamics and reasons for antisemitism and how we can address it. After separate
discussions, we’ll come together to spend time
with a Holocaust survivor and commemorate Yom
HaShoah (Holocaust Rememberance Day).
Graduation and Mitzvah
Recognition Evening
May 19, 2017
Friday evening dinner and Shabbat service celebrating our
teen leaders, the work of the 8th Grade Tzedakah Board, and
graduating seniors. Our teens will be recognized for their
commitment, creativity, teaching skills, ability to connect with
younger students, and contributions to the community.
Passport to Regional
Youth Events
As Temple Beth El is affiliated with both Reform and
Conservative National Movements, the BESTY community
is both the local NFTY Reform teen chapter and the USY
Conservative teen chapter. All BESTY members are able to
participate in the Regional Youth Events, allowing them to
make friendships with an even wider group of teens.
shabbat club
September 16, January 20, March 10, April 21
Services 6 pm, Dinner and Discussion 7:15pm in the Youth
Lounge Share Shabbat evenings with BESTY and our Rabbis to
enjoy a catered Shabbat meal and lively conversations around
the topic of relationships. We’ll gain insight from Jewish
texts on matters of friendship, dating, and love, and explore
important issues related to relationships like communication,
consent, and mutual respect.
Page 33
3 – Havdalah and Outdoor Movie Night 7 pm
11 – Sunday Program 4-6 pm (9th-12th Grade and
Tzedakah Board)
16 – Shabbat Club (Services 6 pm, Dinner 7:15 pm)
23 – Sukkot Pool Party
6 – Sunday Program 4-6 pm (9th-12th Grade and
Tzedakah Board)
12 – Broomball Sleepover – 9 pm
20 – Interfaith Thanksgiving Action Project
2 – Elections – 6:30-8:30 pm
7 – Sunday Program 4-6 pm (9th-12th Grade and
Tzedakah Board)
19 -20 – BESTY Shabbaton (Mitzvah Recognition,
Sleepover, Jerusalem Shabbat)
4 – B’tzalel Arts Festival
11 – New Board Retreat – 10 am – 4 pm – Irvine
Outdoor Education Center
25 – Beach Party 11 am – 2 pm – Aliso Creek Beach
3 - Movie Night at the Town Center and Sleepover
4 – Sunday Program 10 am – 12 pm (9th-12th
Grade and Tzedakah Board)
10– Club Night – 7:30 pm
11 – Tzedakah Board Only 4-6 pm
Registration for our Teen Community is
available on our Temple website
( under the tabs Social/
Funds are never a barrier to participation.
Please let us know if we can help your child
8 – Sunday Program 4-6 pm (9th-12th Grade and
Tzedakah Board)
20 – Shabbat Club (Services 6 pm, Dinner 7:15pm)
22 – Tzedakah Board Only 4-6 pm
28 – Cosmic Bowling
Please don’t hesitate to contact Rabbi K’vod Wieder
at [email protected] or 949-362-3999 ext 106 with
any questions.
12 – Sunday Program 4-6 pm (9th-12th Grade and
Tzedakah Board)
26 – Museum of Tolerance/Laser Light Show at
Observatory (9-12th Grade)
26 – Tzedakah Board 4-6 pm
7 – Stand With Us – Defending Israel and Judaism
on College Campuses
10 – Shabbat Club/Purim Party
12 – Purim Carnival
26 – Sunday Program 4-6 pm (9th-12th Grade and
Tzedakah Board)
21 – Shabbat Club (Services 6 pm, Dinner 7:15 pm)
23 – Sunday Program 4-6 pm (9th-12th Grade and
Tzedakah Board)
Page 34
join our
& Ensure
Continue the legacy of a Jewish community here in South Orange County
by remembering Temple Beth El in your Will or other Estate Plans. Join
these fellow Temple Beth El members in supporting a cause that has been
important in each of our lives.
Our Legacy Society
Phyllis & Steve Blanc*
Firuzeh & Jeff Claar
Shiffy & Avi Crane*
Shirley & Lew Einbund*
Pamela & Rob Fecher*
Robin Brandes-Gibbs
& Tim Gibbs
Susan & Michael Goldfader
Jeff Greer & Keary Gregg*
Mimi Harris*
Marla and Joe Kaufman*
Scott & Bonnie Kehe
Joan Kirschenbaum
Harvey Kramer*
Sherri Hofmann Krause*
Shula Kalir-Merton
Mollie & Stephen Lazarus*
Dr. & Mrs. Stanton Leemon
Cindy & David Mirsky*
Jane & Pete Moss
Amy & Joel Packer
Bonni Pomush &
Patti Holliday*
Patricia Holzman Rosenbaum
Cindy & Gil Ross*
Sheri & Jack Saladow
Alice Schultz
Polly Sloan*
Kymberly & William Spector
Claire & Arnie Stein
Rosemary & Howard Stevens*
Leslie & Jake Tatel*
Lois Weiss*
Ina & George Welland
For a confidential discussion on how you can establish your
legacy plan, please contact
Bonni Pomush at [email protected] or call 949-362-3999 ext 213.
Make this New Year count for years to come...
Make a gift in your will this year to
Temple Beth El of South OC.
Join our community-wide effort
to guarantee a Jewish tomorrow.
Page 35
To create your Jewish legacy contact:
It is with special pride we want to thank the members of ourLegacy Society.
These are special people who have served our Temple for many years and are working
to secure our future.
Support the Temple while
you shop!!
Submissions for the next Temple e-Talk are due
by November 15th .
Email them to [email protected].
Do You Grocery shop at
The TBE Mall
Shop your favorite websites & earn money for the
Temple! Really. It’s that easy.
With your help and the support of our members, Ralphs
is proud to report that they are committed to giving
$2 Million during the next 12 months through their
Community Contributions Program.
click o
Their new program year begins on September 1, 2016.
Please re-register (or register for the first time now!) at .
Planning a trip?
Support the Temple & do it online!
Participants are required to register for the new term
online at or by calling Ralph’s at 800443-4438 starting September 1, 2016. Even if you
registered as recently as June, July or August 2016, you
are required to register again beginning September 1st so
that a percentage of your shopping goes to the temple.
Amazon, HotWire, Beauty/,
Dollar and Thrifty car rentals,,
World of Watches...and more!
Share this info with family & friends!
For your convenience, step-by-step website registration
instructions can be found at, click on
Community, click on Community Contributions, click on
‘Enroll Now’. If you don’t have computer access, please call
us at 1-800-443-4438 for assistance.
The more people using the links,
the greater the Temple’s earnings!
1) Register your card to
benefit TBESOC
1. Go to
2. Save it as either:
a. A Favorite. On the top of your screen click on
“favorites”, then click on “add favorites.”
b. A Shortcut on your desktop (recommended).
Click on the word “File” on the top of your
screen. Click on “Send,” and then click on
“Shortcut to desktop”. A shortcut will be placed
on your desktop for you to open each time you
2) Grocery shop
3) Know your dollars
went further!
A portion of every purchase goes to the
Page 36
Temple Beth El
Tribute Funds
of South Orange County
Your donation today supports our efforts to provide a spiritual,
educational, and supportive Jewish home for individuals in
South Orange County. With your support, our doors remain
open to provide services that meet the needs of Orange
County’s Jewish population in perpetuity.
What difference can your
donation make?
$18 Provides:
• Start-up materials for a child to participate in a youth
philanthropy board
• Books for children’s library
• An earthquake emergency kit
• Shabbat dinner with a speaker
• Book to Jewish teen receiving a leadership award
• One child’s materials ECC Shabbat kit materials
__Cantor Natalie Young’s
Discretionary Fund
__Cedarbaum & Mitchell
Adult Library
__Children’s Library
__Chapel Service Kiddush Fund
__Donna Van Slyke
Campership Fund
__Early Childhood Center (ECC)
__Endowment Fund
__General Fund
__Gloria & Herb Smolinsky
Torah Fund
__Iris & Marshall Miller
Memorial Shiva Fund
__Israel Matters Fund
__Leadership Development Fund
__Mary and Al Leavitt
Progamming Fund
__Mirsky Temple Beth El Religious
School Scholarship Fund
__Rabbi Allen Krause
Scholar-in-Residence Fund
__Rabbi Kort’s
Discretionary Fund
__Rabbi K’vod Wieder’s
Discretionary Fund
__Raymond Plotkin
Campership Fund
__Religious School Education Fund
__Terry Fierle Full Inclusion Fund
__Saturday Service Kiddush Fund
Donation given by:
$50 Provides:
• An ECC child with language arts materials
• A bar/bat mitzvah with their own bible & tzedakah
• Paper goods for an oneg
• A child with a Shabbat kit to use at home
$200 Provides:
• Shabbat lunch for a Saturday morning service
• Registration materials for a new ECC student
• A member’s set of tefillin
• A continuing education opportunity for an ECC teacher
Amount of Donation $____________
__Attached is check number:_____________
__I authorize payment on my Visa / MC / Discover
$400 Provides:
• Participation in youth group all year
• Attendance at meditation retreat
• A teenager a weekend Jewish Youth retreat experience
• Women’s retreat participation
Expiration _____________
Please send acknowledgement to:
$1000 Provides:
• A child’s religious school education for 1 year
$5000 Provides:
• Sponsorship for an ECC child’s participation or for a congregant
to go to Israel for the first time
• Funding to create Temple Beth El’s music CD
• Sponsorship for a family membership
• Sponsorship for a guest cantor for High Holy Day
Conservative services
$20,000 Provides:
• 2 students an aide in the ECC inclusion program
• A replacement sound system in the sanctuary
Please return form with payment to:
Temple Beth El of South Orange County
2A Liberty, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
Please make a minimum donation of $10. Donations made
will appear in Temple Talk.
Please select one:
__In honor of... __In memory of... __On occasion of...
Thank You!!!
2A Liberty ● Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 ● 949.362.3999
Page 37
Support the Community
A Note from the Executive Director
This summer was filled with the joyful sounds of Early Childhood Center (ECC)
campers having a blast while our Facility Services team cleaned, painted, and
refreshed the building for a new school year and holiday season. We also
experienced major staff transitions: Rabbi K’vod and Rabbi Kort moved into
their co-rabbi roles, Cantor Young started working full time, and Carolyn Kappes assumed her
role as the new Director of the ECC. There is truly ‘never a dull moment’ around our Temple!
Our fantastic, bare-bones support staff team continues to amaze me. Thanks to the
commitment and talent of Myka Thompson and a dedicated team of volunteers, we
developed a customer service team that helps each of us feel taken care of with temple
business needs, as well as welcomed! Karol Tran, our communications coordinator, continues
to keep us informed with engaging emails, Shabbat pamphlets, this piece you’re reading!, and anything that comes across
our website. Pam Uber, our accounting manager, celebrated 10 years with us this year, and we are always impressed by
her ability to be so many departments in one person (accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, analyst and more!)
Again, we could not function without the generous help of hundreds of volunteer hours! From my heart to yours: thank you
for your dedication to our community. If you have availability and the desire to volunteer, please be in touch with me…we
welcome your help!
We continue to be home to several other organizations who use our facility and thankfully their use fees help offset the
financial demands on our membership. In our beautiful home here at 2A Liberty, we currently house VanDamme Academy
(a K-8 private school), Discovery Preparatory Academy (a 6-12th grade private school), Aliso Creek Church (a Presbyterian
church) and the Catering Factory (a private catering company.) We are always open to short-term rentals for events like
weddings, b’nai mitzvah parties, quinceaneras, and conferences/meetings. If you know of individuals looking for space to
rent, please refer them to me.
Our new neighbors coming to Liberty are getting closer to their move in date. Construction on the lot immediately adjacent
to us continues, and USA Properties have been helpful, thoughtful neighbors. We are so grateful to them for letting us use
their parking lot over the High Holy Days. This 200-unit affordable senior housing development should be up and running in
about 6 months…stay tuned. We are also so grateful to them for letting us use their parking lot over the High Holy Days!
Finally, I am beyond excited to announce that this year’s gala will be held on Saturday, March 4, 2017. We are looking
forward to this Speakeasy-themed night….be on the lookout for the secret password to get in on the fun and help celebrate
all of Susan and Michael Goldfader and Jeff Greer and Keary Gregg’s hard work.
Thank you to each and every one of you who makes our Temple Beth El community such a vibrant hub of Jewish connection
here in South Orange County. I absolutely love serving this special organization and its remarkable members.
-Bonni Pomush
Executive Director
949.362.7293 (direct) or [email protected]
Share your time or talents!
Contact Bonni at [email protected] to start volunteering at the temple.
Here are some ideas, but certainly not an exhaustive list of opportunities.
We welcome volunteers!
Front desk reception
Mailing preparation
Solicit donations for gala
Set up or clean up for special events
Deep clean areas of building
Organize storage / declutter
Sanitize preschool toys
Join a committee
Page 38
Greet at events
Special administrative projects
Maintain landscaping
Tidy areas
Re-shelve books
Coordinate onegs
Bake for onegs
Take a leadership position
of South Orange County
The Samueli Center for Progressive Judaism
2A Liberty ● Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 ● 949.362.3999 ●
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Page 39
Temple Beth El
The Fenning Family Tree of Life
Our SIMCHA Tree of Life is blooming at Temple Beth El. Gold leaves are available to celebrate a special
simcha in your family’s life. The stones at the roots of the tree are symbolic of the 12 tribes of Israel.
The golden leaves and stones may be inscribed to highlight or commemorate such joyous events as births,
weddings, anniversaries, graduations or to honor parents, family or friends. Share the joy by inscribing
your family’s simchas on our synagogue’s Tree of Life – a permanent dedication to the meaningful happy
events that touch our lives.
On each Tree of Life leaf you have four lines of 20 characters each to inscribe your message.
The fifth line may contain a date.
Date of order___________Contributed by___________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________
I wish to inscribe:
_______Leaves at $180 each (10 chai) = $________________________
Amount enclosed $________________ ( ) Cash ( ) Check
_______Stones at $720 each (40 chai) = $________________________
Here is my message:
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Memorial Wall:
The Kirschenbaum
Family or chapel
or those of our Temple members who want
to remember loved ones on the dates of
their yahrzeits, a plaque on our Memorial wall is
available for purchase. A light will be lit on the
Friday preceding the anniversary of your loved
one’s death and kept lit for the following week,
and on Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret, the last day
of Passover and on Shavuot Day 2.
Please use this order form or come to the Temple
office during regular office hours for assistance.
If you need any help with Hebrew names or
Hebrew dates, Rabbi Kort or Rabbi K’vod will be
happy to assist you.
Date of order_________________________________________________
Member’s name________________________________________________
English name on plaque__________________________________________
Hebrew name on plaque_________________________________________
Relation to member_____________________________________________
Julian calendar anniversary of death_______________________________
Jewish Calendar anniversary of death______________________________
Preference: Julian ( ) Jewish ( ) calendar
Location preference: Upstairs/Rotunda ( ) Ground floor/Chapel ( )
If you do not have this information, we will be happy to help you complete this form.
[ ] I need help completing the form.
Amount enclosed $375 / Members - $550 / Non-members
( ) Cash ( ) Check
Page 40
Jerome and Patricia Bloom (35 yrs.)
Daniel and Sandi Brager (27 yrs.)
Lloyd and Stella Charton (35 yrs.)
Marc and Barbara Chasman (27 yrs.)
Art and Melanie Coble (25 yrs.)
Paul and Laura DePerry (25 yrs.)
Adam and Dawn Elovitz (16 yrs.)
David and Gloria Friedman (57 yrs.)
Timothy and Robin Gibbs (24 yrs.)
Aaron and Wendy Glatman (22 yrs.)
Timothy and Ellen Gravitt (29 yrs.)
Geoffrey and Karen Gray (30 yrs.)
Jeff Greer and Keary Gregg (8 yrs.)
Jiri and Heather Herrmann (11 yrs.)
Michael and Gail Isen (43 yrs.)
Steven and Sarah Jaeger (13 yrs.)
Steve and Vanessa Johnson (11 yrs.)
Douglas and Christine Karpf (18 yrs.)
Marsha and James Kmec (32 yrs.)
Jeff and Lori Koff (26 yrs.)
Gennady and Lynda Kolodenker (7 yrs.)
Stephen and Mollie Lazarus (31 yrs.)
Dean and Shannen Lob (9 yrs.)
Brad and Lisa Lotterman (15 yrs.)
Brian and Michelle McDuffie (9 yrs.)
Ken and Kellye Moses (9 yrs.)
Dennis and Suzy O’Reilly (30 yrs.)
Stephen and Barbara Queen (50 yrs.)
Mark and Elise Ranauro (35 yrs.)
Daniel and Gail Riekes (27 yrs.)
Chris and Soleil Rigney (8 yrs.)
James and Melissa Rosen (14 yrs.)
Jason and Jamie Rosiak (23 yrs.)
Jack and Sheri Saladow (35 yrs.)
Marc and Laurel Schkurman (34 yrs.)
David and Aileen Shaw (30 yrs.)
Daniel and Carla Sisler (17 yrs.)
Mark and Jill Skaist (20 yrs.)
Stephen and Barbara Toretto (34 yrs.)
Mark and Leslie Wegener (5 yrs.)
Mark and Debra Whaley (32 yrs.)
Ari and Barbara Youderian (12 yrs
Steven and Karen Anapoell (19 yrs.)
Allen and Amy Blank (26 yrs.)
Edward and Lori Block (37 yrs.)
Isaac and Laura Buchanan (9 yrs.)
Gilda and Frank Drotman-Bierman (6 yrs.)
Howard and Phyllis Duhan (25 yrs.)
Noel and Cecilia Ezekiel (43 yrs.)
Mark and Terry Fierle (42 yrs.)
Judd and Mary Frank (32 yrs.)
Matthew and Deborah Goldberg (18 yrs.)
Adam and Kimberly Gubner (21 yrs.)
Gregory and April Harrison (7 yrs.)
Steve and Lynn Kagel (36 yrs.)
Chris and Carolyn Kappes (23 yrs.)
Sid and Bev Kritzstein (36 yrs.)
Jonathan and Tracy Lewengrub (11 yrs.)
Charles and Wendy Lupul (17 yrs.)
Jerry and Sharon Manko (36 yrs.)
Thomas and Susanne McGill (30 yrs.)
Laurie and Richard Mills (35 yrs.)
Michael and Melissa Pearl (17 yrs.)
Jeffrey and Leslie Reisner (25 yrs.)
Michael and Susan Riesz (49 yrs.)
Melvin and Laura Robbins (25 yrs.)
Arthur and Eleanore Rosen (56 yrs.)
Gail and Michael Rosiak (49 yrs.)
Eric and Natalie Rosin (24 yrs.)
David and Karen(Kerry) Rubel (28 yrs.)
Donald and Alice Schultz (59 yrs.)
Steven and Cynthia Sloan (25 yrs.)
Gary and Lana Sorsher (20 yrs.)
Martin and Linda Stein (35 yrs.)
Arnold and Claire Stein (61 yrs.)
Andrew and Allison Straus (18 yrs.)
Jonathan and Judith Thorpe (31 yrs.)
Benjamin and Yoko Weinberg (12 yrs.)
Douglas and Lois Wilson (36 yrs.)
Steven and Karen Wolf (27 yrs.)
David and Jenny Zimmerman (17 yrs.)
Page 41
Anthony and Sharon Aliberto (26 yrs.)
Ernest and Geraldine Binstock (51 yrs.)
Mikhail and Svetlana Boukhny (14 yrs.)
Dennis and Susan Brown (38 yrs.)
Scott and Audrey Danto (34 yrs.)
Robert and Judy Dreyer (46 yrs.)
Robert and Meg Ervais (20 yrs.)
Miles and Esther Friedman (35 yrs.)
Jeff and Audrey Grider (38 yrs.)
Mark and Anna Gross (43 yrs.)
Jeff and Dayna Herz (11 yrs.)
Kenneth and Mara James (24 yrs.)
Robert and Zenia Kezelman (42 yrs.)
Arthur and Linda Kirsch (50 yrs.)
Ross and Janine Klein (28 yrs.)
Stan and Diane Leemon (46 yrs.)
Norman and Jeri Leibson (47 yrs.)
Michael and Simcha Manson (44 yrs.)
Seth and Pia Penzell (13 yrs.)
David and Kristen Pincus (14 yrs.)
William and Lisa Pine (53 yrs.)
Ken and Carol Roane (18 yrs.)
Michael and Sandra Rothberg (29 yrs.)
Gary and Rochelle Rotter (26 yrs.)
Melvin and Adrianne Selbst (59 yrs.)
AJ and Erica Simon (8 yrs.)
Sid and Debra Weiss (28 yrs.)
Guy and Courtney Batterton (23 yrs.)
Steven and Anna Berezin (26 yrs.)
Irwin and Ellen Bornstein (31 yrs.)
Ken and Lisa Cheng (28 yrs.)
Chris and Stacy Cussen (21 yrs.)
Neal and Lara Engler (20 yrs.)
Michael and Lucia Freilich (12 yrs.)
Jay and Frances Gale (50 yrs.)
Steven and Susan Goldman (34 yrs.)
Greg and Tamara Griffin (17 yrs.)
Randy and Jill Haveson (14 yrs.)
David and Alex Lubowe (26 yrs.)
Richard and Mojgan Lustig (28 yrs.)
Bernard and Natalie Mangini (46 yrs.)
Doug and Susan Pick (15 yrs.)
Eli and Shannon Ticatch (4 yrs.)
Adam and Debra Traub (25 yrs.)
Norman and Sherri Weisinger (15 yrs.)
Many Thanks To Our Donors!
Cantor Natalie Young
Discretionary Fund
Harvey Kramer
• In memory of Esther
Kerry & Paul Boulian
• In honor of Cantor Young’s visit
to Kerry’s mom
Jeff, Iris & Lara Ameen
• In memory of Debbie Kuhn
• In memory of Judy Sacks’
Kenny & Lida Gerenraich
• In memory of June
• In memory of Daniel
• In memory of Edith
Avi & Shiffy Crane
• In memory of Lillian “Dorthy”
Fran Gale
• In memory of Leonard
Barbara Rheingold-Gerlicki
• In memory of Herbert
• In memory of Augusta Clara &
Benjamin Sidney
Lori & Richard Covey
• In memory of Jennie Miller
Ross & Janine Klein
• In memory of Jennie Miller
The Gubner Family
• In memory of Frances
Cedarbaum and Mitchell Adult
Library Fund
Arnie & Claire Stein
• In honor of Shirley & Lew
Einbund’s 60th wedding
Gladys Bushin
Chapel Service Kiddush
Lin & Howard Goldman
• In memory of Melvin Warshaw,
Jacob Warshaw & Ida
Jake & Leslie Tatel
• On occasion of the birth
of Sharon & Jerry Manko’s
Sandy Rothberg
• In memory of Arthur
Sol Zuckerman
• In memory of Hyman
Jackie Hyman
• In memory of Eleanor
Joe & Barbara Lebovitz
• On occasion of their
Max & Sue DeLiema
• In memory of Emily
• In memory of Shirley Isen
Barbara Rheingold-Gerlicki
• In honor of Jeff Greer
Susan & Steven Goldman
• In honor of Wendy Lupul
• In honor of Sandy Rothberg &
the Chop & Chat Gals
Leslie Tatel & Jake Tatel
• In appreciation of Wendy Lupul
teachng Torah Trope Class
• In honor of Steve Birch’s
Children’s Library
Ken & Sharon Devor
• On occasion of the birth of their
first grandchild Reece Jacob
Jay Greenberg
• In memory of Morris
The Karpf Family
• In memory of Lewis H.
Donna Van Slyke Campership
Wendy & Stan Levin
• In honor of the Einbunds’ 60th
• In memory of Philip Belzer
ECC (Early Childhood
Lin & Howard Goldman
• In memory of Melvin Warshaw,
Jacob Warshaw & Ida
Endowment Fund
Claire & Arnie Stein
• In honor of Shirley & Lew
Einbund’s 60th wedding
General Fund
Stuart & Carole Fels
• In memory of Martin Fels,
Father of Stuart Fels
Jerome Liebesman
• In memory of Rowena
In memory of Emily Neufeld
• The Claar Family
• Susan Umans
• The Newsies
c/o Tiffany Fehr
• The Cohen Family
• Suzy and Sam Novenstern
• The Elledge Family
The Kirschenbaum Family
• In memory of Sam
Zelda Rabkin
• On occasion of an Aliyah
Susie & Rob Roof
• In memory of Emil Pollak
Myron & Ruth Margolis
• In memory of Beatrice Alon,
Sharon Rimon, Mordechai
Sela, Jack Margolis and Rose
Jay Greenberg
Joyce Marr
• In memory of Irene Resnick
Gubner Family
• In memory of Samuel
Kenneth Kushner
• In memory of Mary
• In memory of Betsy
Edward Neuwirth
Glenda Rosen
• In honor of the Einbunds’ 60th
Toby Schoolman
• In memory of Jeri L. Schoolman
& David Ross Schoolman
Edward & Lori Block
• In memory of Harry Martin
Stan Levy
Ron & Molly Naglie
• In memory of Louis Naglie
This list includes donations from May 2, 2016 through August 5, 2016.
We apologize for any omissions.
Page 42
Bernard & Florence Garwin
• In memory of Rose
Herb & Gretchen Waltzman
• in memory of Arthur
Susan Treshansky
• In honor of Sylvia Treshansky &
Esther Gould
Gladys Bushin
• In memory of Albert
Hal & Barbara Horowitz
• In honor of Kellye Moses
Larry & Tilly Levine
• In memory of Moshe Raditi
Jodi & Stuart Cohen
• On occasion of Sandy Hutto’s
special birthday
Kenneth Kushner
• In memory of Paul Kushner
The Pearl Family
• In honor of Emily Neufeld and
her extraordinary family
Susan Novenstern
Gloria & Herb Smolinsky Torah
Bruce & Mary Jo Pelton
• In memory of Blanche
Iris & Marshall Miller Memorial
Shiva Fund
In memory of Emily Neufeld
• Wendy & Charlie Lupul
• The Sorsher Family
Israel Matters Fund
Gertrude Zoller
• In memory of Martha
Elliot Kornhauser
• In memory of Susan
Barbara Rheingold-Gerlicki
• In honor of Steve Birch
Susan & Steven Goldman
• In honor of Charlene & Kenny
Leadership Development
The Karpf Family
• In memory of Lewis H.
Mirsky TBESOC Religious School
Cynthia & David Mirsky
• In memory of Naomi
Shirley & Lew Einbund
Michael & Joyce Rubel
• In memory of Shirley Isen
Barbara Rheingold-Gerlicki
• In honor of Shirley & Lew
• In honor of Amy Packer’s many
years of coordinating Red Cross
Blood Drives at TBESOC
• In honor of Mollie Lazarus’ many
years of coordinating Red Cross
Blood Drives at TBESOC
Prayer Book Fund
Abby Rubenstein
• In memory of her father,
Theodore Scholnick
Laurie & Richard Mills
• In memory of Julius Rosen
Rabbi Allen Krause Scholar-in
Residence Fund
Sherri Krause
• In honor of Jeff Greer &
Keary Gregg’s 34th wedding
• In honor of Shirley & Lew
Einbund’s 60th wedding
• In honor of Shirley Einbund’s
80th birthday
Cindy & Gil Ross
• In honor of Jeff Greer &
Keary Gregg’s 34th wedding
• In honor of Lew and Shirley
Einbund’s 60th wedding
anniversary and Shirley
Einbund’s birthday
Ronni Cherney
• In memory of Jack Cohen
Gil & Cindy Ross
• In memory of Emily
Rabbi Kort’s Discretionary
Suzy Berns
• In memory of Ben Plocker
Mollie Lazarus
• In memory of Goldge
Ross & Janine Klein
• In memory of Arnold Klein
Nadine Asner
• In memory of Irwin
Cynthia & David Mirsky
• In memory of Dr. Saul
Cecelia Lance
• In memory of Sid Lance
Barbara Rheingold-Gerlicki
• In memory of Marvin
Jay Greenberg
• In memory of Morris
Avi & Shiffy Crane
• In memory of Florence
Susan & Steven Goldman
Aileen & David Shaw
• In memory of Murray
Raymond Plotkin Campership
Stan & Wendy Levin
• In memory of Emily
Sherri Krause
• In memory of Emily
Rabbi K’vod Wieder’s
Discretionary Fund
Ross & Janine Klein
• In memory of Pearl Kline
Cecelia Lance
• In memory of Harriet
Ina & George Welland
• In memory of Faye Klein
Albert & Amy Gazzar
• In memory of Yosef Elisha
• In memory of Elisha Elisha
Rob & Kathy DeLiema
• In memory of Rose & Sal
• In memory of Wiliam Present
Barbara Rheingold-Gerlicki
• For Barbara’s Torah and holiday
service honors
Susan & Steven Goldman
Albert & Amy Gazzar
• In memory of Tobias
Sheldon Eskow & Family
• In memory of Roberta
Rabbi Levi’s Discretionary
Kerry & Paul Boulian
• In honor of Rabbi Levi’s lovely
service for Paul’s mom
Religious School Education
Bonni Pomush & Patti Holliday
• In honor of Jonathan Ybarra
becoming a Bar Mitzvah
Jay Greenberg
• In memory of Sarah Haskin
Thomas and Joyce Tucker
• In honor of Jacey Wolf
Barbara Rheingold-Gerlicki
• In memory of Brooks Smith
Yael Weinberger-Butler
• In memory of Emily
Mojgan Lustig
• In memory of Houri
Marlene & Dave Beach
• In memory of Lillian
Sandy Hutto
• In memory of Rose Slutsky
The Karpf Family
• In memory of Lewis H.
Terry Fierle Full Inclusion
Mark & Terry Fierle
• To create the Terry Fierle Full
Inclusion Fund
In honor of Terry Fierle’s
• The Kappes Family
• Pam Uber
• Myka Thompson & family
• Barbara Rheingold-Gerlicki
• William & Marissa
• Jeffrey & Lisa Barman
• Dan & Jordana Berzansky
• Glenn & Susan Bier
• Isaac & Laura Buchanan
• Robert & Staci Close
• Max & Sue DeLiema
• Robert & Judy Dreyer
• David & Leah Engelberg
• Howard & Linda Goldman
• Jeff & Dayna Herzt
• Darren & Erin Kaplan
• Phil Kruger & Miriam
• Brian & Cindy Leish
• Howard & Lainey Mitzman
• Pete & Jane Moss
• Joel & Amy Packer
• James & Melissa Rosen
• David & Meredith
• AJ & Erica Simon
• Steve & Nikki Spearman
• Vitaly & Galina
• Gil & Claire Winograd
Sherri Krause
• In memory of Michael, Connie
& Walter Hofmann
Tzedakah Fund
Pete & Jane Moss
• In memory of Bill Cherney’s
• In memory of Gil Ross’ friend
• In honor of Shirley & Lew
Einbund’s 60th wedding
• In memory of Emily
Women’s Retreat Fund
Lee Pomush
This list includes donations from May 2, 2016 through August 5, 2016.
We apologize for any omissions.
Page 43
Many Thanks To Our Donors! (continued)
”Being a rabbi is a great privilege, it means being invited into the lives of
individuals and communities to help create and shape sacred moments. For
me and my rabbinate, serving God in joy means serving the Jewish people
in joy, for the sanctity of Judaism lies within the Jewish people.” Rabbi Kort received her Rabbinic
Ordination at the Hebrew Union College in New York. She received her MA in Hebrew Literature in
May 2009, after receiving a MA in Religious Education the year prior. While earning a BA from NYU in
Jewish History and Civilization, she spent a year studying at Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Since 2007, Rabbi Kort has served as a Mandel Fellow, which has provided her with the opportunity
for more intense study in vision-driven institutions and leadership. During this time (since 2008), she
served as the Rabbinic Intern and Family Educator at the Reform Temple of Forest Hills in Queens, a
Legacy Heritage Innovation Project grant recipient similar to us.
“I believe that our greatest resource as a Jewish community is community itself.”
Rachel Kort, Rabbi
K’vod Wieder, Rabbi
A native of Orange County, K’vod received his BA in psychology from UC Santa Cruz in 1993 and his
MA in Transpersonal Psychology (counseling) from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in 1996.
He completed his rabbinic studies at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles, and was
ordained as a Conservative Rabbi on May 21, 2012. For the last 15 years, K’vod has been teaching
classes, leading retreats, and counseling students in meditation, prayer, and creative forms of Jewish
spirituality in the United States. He has served as the assistant director of Chochmat HaLev – a Jewish
meditation center in Berkeley, program director for Sonoma County Jewish Federation, director of the
B’nai Tzedek Teen Philanthropy Program for the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, program director for Elat
Chayyim Center of Jewish Spirituality, and trained and interned with Jewish Funds For Justice and One
L.A in the area of congregation-based community organizing. In 2001, K’vod created and implemented
the first county-wide post-bnai mitzvah program in Sonoma County, and won the Etz Chayyim award
for Informal Jewish education at the National Conference for Informal Jewish Education in 2005. He is
husband to Ilana Rogel-Wieder and the father of Levi, Aiden, and Aviv.
Natalie Young, Cantor
Cantor Natalie Young was ordained in 2006 by Hebrew Union College- Jewish Institute of Religion in
New York City and has already emerged as an original voice in Jewish music. In addition to working as
an accomplished and talented vocalist, guitarist, and pianist, she has composed more than 60 original
liturgical and secular works. Her discography includes Carry Me and Natalie Young: Standing on the
Shoulders, both albums of original music. Many of her songs have been recorded and performed by other
artists as well, and made their way into the hearts and souls of congregations across the country and
beyond. Her talents as a singer and songwriter have brought her to perform nationally from Shreveport,
Louisiana, to Fairbanks, Alaska, and internationally to places such as Israel, UK, Canada, and Russia. Born
and raised in Los Angeles, she graduated from the University of California, Santa Cruz, where she earned a
bachelor’s degree in music with a concentration in conducting. Before becoming a cantor, she was in high
demand as a song leader, choir director and educator for Jewish youth throughout Southern California.
Cantor Young is the recipient of numerous awards, including the 2004 Dr. Joseph Memorial Prize for
excellence in composition and the 2005 Guild of Temple Musicians award. Most recently she was a featured composer in the 2013
Shalshelet Music Festival. Cantor Young is thrilled to be a part of the Temple Beth El family and looks forward to continuing to
build community through music one person at a time. She is a proud member of the American Conference of Cantors and lives in
Irvine, CA with her husband, Rabbi David Young of Congregation B’nai Tzedek in Fountain Valley,
and their three children, Gabriel, Alex, and Isabella.
Moving Justice to The Center of Our Congregation
Your clergy are proud to share that Temple Beth El of South Orange County will join a select group of North American congregations
focused on social justice innovation. Temple Beth El of South Orange County is one of 12 Reform congregations in North America
selected to participate in the newly formed Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) Community of Practice dedicated to Moving Justice
to The Center of Your Congregation. This URJ Community of Practice (CoP) is a congregational networking group for Reform
congregations that are seeking to discover new ways to involve their members in effective and rewarding social and racial justice
work. The congregations will have the opportunity to work directly with the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC).
The RAC, based in Washington, DC, is the hub of the Reform Movement’s social justice advocacy work.
Page 44
Bonni Pomush, Executive Director
In January of 2010, Bonni began working at Temple Beth El after moving to the area
from Chandler, Arizona. Her resume includes a masters degree in family studies and
over 18 years leadership experience. Before finding the joys of working for “her
people”, she enjoyed program administration in government agencies (the Kyrene School District, Arizona
State University, and the City of Chandler.) Some of the successes of her leadership in large departments
with hundreds of employees and multi-million dollar budgets included national accreditation of childcare
centers, turning around budgets with deficits into revenue generators, and creating performance based
pay systems with multi-class employees. At Temple Beth El, Bonni has held many positions to support our
marketing and communications, b’nai mitzvah program, teen leadership, and religious school. She is delighted to continue to serve
the congregation she proudly calls her spiritual home. Bonni and her wife, Patti, celebrated their 10th year together with a Jewish
wedding at Temple Beth El in 2015. They adore children, but do not plan to have any of their own. Each has committed their career
to being of service to the community...with much joy!
Carolyn Kappes, Director, Early Childhood Center
Carolyn’s 20+ years experience in education began as an elementary school teacher in Anaheim City School
District, teaching 2nd to 4th grades. In 2002, she joined the Temple Beth El team, and since then has taught
religious school grades Pre-K to Madrichim. Carolyn and her husband, Chris, also own and operate a technical
staffing company, for which she has been the accounting/payroll supervisor. Carolyn began her work with the
ECC in 2013 as a preschool teacher and simultaneously returned to school to pursue a degree in early childhood
administration. She now holds a Bachelors of Arts Degree from Arizona State University, CA Multiple Subject
Teaching Credential from Chapman University Graduate School of Education, and an Early Childhood Education
Administration certification from Saddleback College. Carolyn and Chris and their three children, Elizabeth,
Charlie and Ben, have been members of Temple Beth El for over 15 years, and she is so happy to be working with the ECC students
and families in this capacity!
Pam Uber, Accounting Manager
Pam began working at Temple Beth El in February of 2006. She has a BA in Finance with a concentration in
Accounting, and has several years of experience working in the field. Originally from the Cleveland area, she
moved to California in 1986, and currently resides in Anaheim Hills. Her son and daughter are both married,
and Pam enjoys spending time with them as well as her granddaughter, Claire.
Juan Rodriguez, Maintenance Lieutenant
In 2003, the temple contracted Facility Services Partners, Incorporated to provide the custodial support for
our facility. At that time, Juan was working at SOKA University as Facility Services’ Facilities Engineer, and ever
since has been leading the custodial team here at the temple. Juan loves that no two days are the same at
Temple Beth El! He does everything from fixing/repairing/maintaining equipment to set ups and clean-ups. Juan
and his wife have four children they are raising in Mission Viejo.
Myka Thompson, Administrative Assistant
Myka Thompson is a Southern California native and the proud mother of two sons, Bryson and Preston. In 2011,
she found Temple Beth El as a parent looking for an amazing preschool to place her youngest son. Both the
Judaic curriculum and full inclusion program were big draws for Myka. In 2013, an opportunity to join the Early
Childhood Center staff arose, and Myka became the face of the temple’s pre-school, greeting families, helping
teachers, and working closely with the director to support the needs of the ECC program in its entirety. Starting
in 2015, Myka moved into a full-time position with the temple and now supports our wide variety of programs,
services and members. She is the go-to person at the temple for everything, and meets every challenge with
a bright smile and can-do attitude. When Myka isn’t at the temple, she is enjoying her boys’ many baseball
practices and games, or is enjoying quality time with friends and family at the beach.
Karol Tran, Communications Coordinator
After finishing her BS in Product Design at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, Karol worked as a graphic designer and
marketing coordinator for various corporations before joining the Temple team in 2015. She is the person behind
the scenes creating most of the temple’s flyers, banners, and various marketing materials. She loves animals,
cooking/baking, and anything art related! A self-described “big nerd at heart”, she also loves cartoons, toys/action
figures, sci-fi movies and conventions. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her family, friends, fiance,
Brett, and their adorable son, Brett Jr.
Page 45
In Memoriam
September 2/3
Bella Blake, mother of Debra Traub
Irene Brass, aunt of Julia Ribak
Lawrence Cohen, grandfather of Beth
Gerry Covey, father of Richard Covey
Sylvia Farber, aunt of Sharon Devor
Ben Gibbel, father of Helen Gibbel-Painter
Marion Goldfader, grandmother of Michael
Dorothy Korngold, mother of Wendy
Selma Locke, mother of Honey Locke
Elizabeth Pomush, grandmother of Bonni
Glenn Rosen*, brother of Laurie Mills
Raymond Schatz, father of Miriam Harris
Esther Steinsapir, mother of Joan Rubel
Joe Tawil*, father of Pia Penzell
Rebecca Wall, mother of Nancy Blum
Pearl Weinstein*, mother of Sandi Weinstein
September 9/10
Taylor Bennell, nephew of Mollie Lazarus
Simon Byers, father of Sandra Elliott
William Disman*, father of Mark Disman
Tabea Elgveta, sister of Pamina Barkow
Eleanor Evans, aunt of Miriam Harris
Harry Gertz, father of Charlene Zuckerman
Sidney Goldschmidt, grandfather of Susan
Ernest Greenthal, father of Melissa Stillman
Sheila Hartenstein, mother of Gary Rotter
Ruth Inslee, mother of Rosemary Stevens
Ada Karver*, mother-in-law of Joan Karver
Joseph Neufeld, uncle of George Pollak
Ed Paskoff, grandfather of Jody Sandberg
Miriam Paskoff, grandmother of Jody
Paula Pizante, aunt of Gary Rothman
George Podorson, father of Alice Schultz
Estelle Podorson, mother of Alice Schultz
Julius Savlov, father of Gary Savlov
Rabbi Steven Schatz, brother of Miriam Harris
Sidney Sokol, grandfather of Karen Schindler
Theodore Tessell*, father of Linda Kirsch
Marlene Traub, mother of Adam Traub
Jerome Weinberg, father of Mark Weinberg
Dennis Weiss, father of Samantha Flores and
husband of Lois Weiss
September 16/17
David Bloom, grandfather of Kimberly Gubner
Martin Brass*, husband of Ruth Brass
Joseph Cirel, father of Deidre Greenberger
Seymour Danto, father of Scott Danto
Leonard Dreyer, father of Robert Dreyer
Max Eis, father of Carole Fels
Hyman Glazer, father of Jordan Glazer
Nettie Gold*, grandmother of Barbara
Ivan Hill, father of Lisa Fenning
Jeff Kincaid, father of Heather Davis
Ira Leon, grandparent of Wendy Glatman
Charles Levine*, father of Phyllis Blanc
Lenord Painter, father of Alan Painter
Dorothy Pine, mother of William Pine
Floryne Randall, mother of Tami Kennedy
Sidney Roth, father of Howard Roth
Richard Santell, father of Lisa Cheng
Irving Schandling, father of Renee Adler
Jerry Sherman, father of Steven Sherman
Geraldine Wolf, mother of Steven Wolf
Eddie Yudell, father of Cynthia Ross
September 23/24
Martin Barnett, father of Jonathan Barnett
Sidney Eisenberg, father of Susan Samueli
Joe Engle, father of Robin Cohen
Israel Gerlicki, father in-law of Barbara Gerlicki
Doris Gross, mother of Mark Gross
Milton Gross, father of Mark Gross
Cornelia Hajnal, grandmother of Natalie
Joseph Harris, grandfather of Lonnie Tee
Jack Kipnis, father of Rochelle Pazornik
John Klima, grandfather of Catherine Peck
Leslie Knell, mother of Meredith Silverman
Josephine Leish, mother of Brian Leish
Mary Misemer, sister of Steve Birch
Catherine Orrison, mother of Alannah
Alma Rosen, mother of Nancy Felsenfeld
Gerald Scherer, uncle of Arthur Wiederman
Robert Silberling, uncle of Terry Fierle
Sylvia Tilove*, mother of David Tilove
Lillian Weiss, mother of Andrew Weiss
September 30/October 1
Barbara Covey, mother of Richard Covey
Jessie Firestone, mother of Jeanne Ruhl
Isadore Greenberg, father-in-law of Claire
Marilyn Jacobson, mother of Deborah
Jacob Kline, uncle of Avery Schlesenberg
Rella Kuhn, grandmother of Larry Kuhn
Charles Lazarus, father of stephen Lazarus
Benny Lorin*, father of Kenneth Lorin
Harry Mark, grandfather of Rikki Landoff
Anne Platt, great-grandmother of Dayna Herz
Stanley Rosen*, husband of Glenda Rosen
Doretta Sherman, mother of Mark Tanner
Abraham Silverman*, grandfather of Richard
Margalith Taylor, mother of Michelle Lazerson
Murray Weiss, father-in-law of Lois Weiss
Ruth Weiss*, mother of David Weiss
Jean Yudell, mother of Cynthia Ross
October 7/8
Molly Alexander, mother of Sandra Greenberg
Sylvia Birnberg, grandmother of Meredith
Barney Bloom, father of David Bloom
June Briskin*, mother of Dennis Kite
Louis Brownstein, grandfather of Linda
William Bryan, husband of Phoebe Bryan
Beatrice Dessal, aunt of Sandra Elliott
Jakob Frank, father of Deborah Brown
Joanne Grumet, grandmother of Jason
Harriet Kuhn*, mother of Larry Kuhn
Esther Levy, mother-in-law of Gerene Levy
Michael Lubin, Cousin of Susan Dull and
Nephew of Audrey Shieldkret
Zakhar Moldavsky, grandfather of Gennady
Jack Otchis, husband of Ethel Otchis
Rita Pearlman*, mother of Michael Pearlman
Rosa Redlich, aunt of Nora Keisman
Frankie Riccardi, Nephew of Cindy Greenberg
Joseph Riesz, father of Michael Riesz
Faye Rose, mother of Marsha Bisheff
Edna Rosen, mother of Claire Greenberg
Izhak Rubinstein, father of Sheila Rubinstein
Shaun Sacks, son of Marc and Judith Sacks
Leon Samueli, brother of Henry Samueli
Madeline Schwartz, mother of Andrew
Howard Sheldon, grandfather of H Charton
Claire Sherman*, mother of Susan Sherman
Isadore Silverman*, brother-in-Law of Marilyn
Rose Silverman*, grandmother of Richard
Betty Stahl, grandmother of Marla Silva
Alice Warshaw, grandmother of Linda Goldman
Tavous Younessi, grandmother of Eli Marcus
Esther Zimmerman, mother of Mel
October 14/15
Josephine Arenson, grandmother of Saralyn
Francis Atkins*, father of Lisa Blumstein
Barbara Bloomberg, sister of Anita Gold
Joseph Fish, father of Natalie Mangini
Judith Frank, mother of Deborah Brown
Mali Frankel, mother of Susan Goldman
Abraham Friedman, father of Miles Friedman
Irving Goldman, father of Howard Goldman
Bertha Greenfield, grandmother of Ruth
Barbara Hahn, Relative of Teena Robinson
Michael Horan*, husband of Allyn JaffreyShulman
Abraham Keisman, father of Victor Keisman
David Knell, grandfather of Meredith Silverman
Rabbi Fred Krinsky, father of David Krinsky
“May their memories be for a blessing.”
Yahrzeits are observed at the Shabbat Service that falls on or before the anniversary dates.
* / ** In loving memory, a light will be lit on the Temple’s Memorial Board (* rotunda, ** chapel)
Page 46
In Memoriam (continued)
Clement Politis, nephew of Fortunee Tawil
David Reisch**, father of Tamar Salis
Marjorie Rice, mother of Rochelle Zagalsky
William Robinson, father of Lois Weiss
Morse Rosenblum, father of Patricia Bloom
Elaine Rubel**, mother of Michael Rubel
Nate Sacks, father of Marc Sacks
Stanley Sacks*, husband of Lucille Sacks
Norman Segal, father-in-law of Sheldon Eskow
Pauline Shapiro*, mother of Flo Barker
Sanford Silverman, father of Cari Upchurch
Estelle Stern, mother of Paul Stern
Judith Trocke, mother of Sharon Schramer
Betty Vieux, grandmother of Barry Kriegstein
Jerome Waiman, grandfather of Jill Klein and
father of Helen Rasner
Ruth Warshaw**, mother of Linda Goldman
Paul Zimmerman, father of Mel Zimmerman
October 21/22
David Allame, father of Eleanor Cohen
Enid Berman, mother of Ronald Berman
Rosalie Block, cousin of Claire Stein
Dorthy Boulian, mother of Paul Boulian
Roger Dull, brother of David Dull
Henry Glickman, father of Anita Gold
Anna Goldschmidt, grandmother of Susan Riesz
Jack Goldstein*, father of Rob Goldstein
Arthur Greenfield*, husband of Sue Greenfield,
father of Carolyn Kappes
Arnold Hahn*, husband of Teena Robinson
Richard Howard, uncle of Claire Stein
Bernardo Keisman, brother of Victor Keisman
Lydia Kirsch*, mother of Arthur Kirsch
Phillip Leibson, father of Norman Leibson
Louis Levy, father-in-law of Gerene Levy
Marshall Meyer Ben Yitzhak, father of Robin
Sarah Mintz, mother-in-law of Annie Mintz
Fanny Muller de Keisman, mother of Victor
Arnie Press, uncle of Sharon Devor
Rhea Rappaport, grandmother of Penny Tee
Marcus Ribak, father of Charles Ribak
S. Allan Roof*, father of Rob Roof
Sidney Schindler, father of Paul Schindler
Jeffrey Stern*, father of Kymberly Spector
Eytan Talby, father of Nitza Talby
Esther Tann Soble, mother of Linda Danto
Joseph Tanner, father of Mark Tanner
Helen Visnov*, mother of Bev Kritzstein
November 4/5
Marvin Banks, father of Caryn Chernin
Douglas Bendell, brother of Mollie Lazarus
Sol Brown, father of Dennis Brown
Louis Dortort, father of Suzanne Glantz
Robert Elliott, husband of Sandra Elliott
Rose Felsenfeld, grandmother of Robert
Stanley Finkelstein, remembered by
Lewis Finkelstein
Rita Gecht*, mother of Ellen Bornstein
Franklin Gold*, father of Kerry and Kathie Gold
Leah Goldberg, mother of Dan Goldberg
Morris Goldberg, grandfather of Sharon Devor
Leonard Golkin, father of Randie Golkin
George Gorvine, father of Sharon Manko
Fred Hochberg, father of Leslie Hochberg
Bradley Isen**, brother of Bruce Isen
Martin Joel, brother of Ruth Blumenfeld
Hermina Katz, mother of Mildred Levine
Josephine Kessler, sister of Lionel Simons
Roger Lee Levi, father of Peter Levi
David Malk, father of Kimberly Cherney
Jennie Manson, mother of Michael Manson
Edith Meyer, mother of Virginia Sotolov
Flora Naglie, mother of Ronald Naglie
David Reisch**, brother of Sidney Reisch
Esther Ripps*, aunt of Glenda Rosen
Louis Rosen, father-in-law of Glenda Rosen
Russell Schwartzman*, husband of Rita
Israel Shadkin, grandfather of Fay Zeramby
Arthur Shapiro, uncle of Brad Shapiro
Benjamin Sloan, father-in-law of Pauline Sloan
Nathan Spiegelman**, father of Charna Cone
Bessie Stein*, mother of Arnold Stein
Malcolm Warner, father of April Wachtenheim
Joseph Weisberg, father of Jacob Weisberg
October 28/29
Sherry Berns, daugher of Melford and Suzan
Louis Bleeman, father in Law of Ira Manesse
Glenn Church II, father of Mary Church
Richard Davis, loved one of Henrietta
Lewis Friend, brother of Sunny Mandel
Ann Gibbs, mother of Timothy Gibbs
Joseph Gordon*, father of Marvin Gordon
Laverne Grant, mother of Linda Stein
Violet Olin, mother of Sherry Mencher
November 11/12
Michael Brager, father of Daniel Brager
Leonore Crane*, mother of Avi and Shiffra
Giselle Dortort, mother of Suzanne Glantz
Mildred Glass, mother of Mel Glass
Herbert Goldman, father of Rochelle Rotter
Dorothy Greenberg, mother-in-law of Claire
Esther Harris, mother of Arlene Holtzman
Lionel Hillburn*, father of David Hillburn
Sidney Horwitz, brother-in-law of Harvey
Jose Ines, father of Gilberto Ines
Mildred Kartzinel**, grandmother of Heather
Barbara Kohn, mother of Cindy Greenberg
Esther Lertzman, grandmother of Susan
Murray Levine**, father of Joel Levine
Miriam Manko, mother of Jerry Manko
Ann Miller, mother of Stuart Wolfe
Herman Nadel, great-grandfather of Jason
Richard Penkava, father of Richard Penkava
Raymond Plotkin*, Nephew of Phyllis Blanc
Richard Robechek, father of Lori Covey
Hyman Rubin, father of Susan Treshansky
Armin Sadoff, father of Laura Gramling
Herman Salz, uncle of Paulina Pollak
Jean Schatz, mother of Miriam Harris
Anna Shapiro, grandmother of Beth Faskowitz
Arnold Silva, father of Marla Silva
Marian Solomon, mother-in-law of Sherri
Harry Spiegel, father of Marc Spiegel
Nettie Spiegelman**, mother of Charna Cone
Sidney Sternberg, father of Ellen Prince
Millie Stewart, mother of Kellye Moses
Lillian Swack, remembered by
Barbara Lebovitz
Frances Tomovich, mother of Nicholas
Louis Wohl**, husband of Beatrice Wohl,
father of Evan Wohl
Bert Wollkind, father of Alan Wollkind
Ruth Wolotsky, mother of Paul Wolotsky
Jack Zoller, father-in-law of Gertrude Zoller
November 18/19
Maury Amdur, step-father of Julie Ficke
Sarah Axelrod*, grandmother of Shirley
Einbund and great grandmother of Karen
Leon Bornstein*, father of Irwin Bornstein
Marjorie Brager, mother of Daniel Brager
Belle Cherney, mother of Steve Cherney
Charles Engler, father of Neal Engler
Sylvia Freedman**, mother of Bernard
Al Grumet, grandfather of Jason Grumet
Hubert Hutson, father of Gerene Levy
Sol Joel, father of Ruth Blumenfeld
Harvey Konheim, father of Jon Konheim
Harry Kritzstein, father of Sid Kritzstein
Selma Levine**, mother of Larry Levine
Scott Moss, father of Pete Moss
Daniel Nash, brother of Evelyn Nash
Sarah Neiman, aunt of Nora Keisman
Leslie Olin, niece of Sherry Mencher
“May their memories be for a blessing.”
Yahrzeits are observed at the Shabbat Service that falls on or before the anniversary dates.
* / ** In loving memory, a light will be lit on the Temple’s Memorial Board (* rotunda, ** chapel)
Page 47
William Kurzman, brother of Stanley Levy
Bernard Modelevsky, father of Herbert
Morris Osen, father of Claire Greenberg
Claire Reisner, mother of Jeffrey Reisner
Sandra Roth, mother of Mary Church
Herbert Sandler, father of Frances Gale
Paul Schur, father of Jody Margolis
Charlotte Siegenfeld, grandmother of Adam
Stan Silverstein, father of Mark Silverstein
Esther Steiglitz*, sister-in-law of Marilyn
Juan Tabachnick, brother-in-law of Victor
Ben Wafel, father-in-law of Gale Schlesinger
Carl Weinberger, father of Wendy Schwartz
Harold Weiss**, father of Allan Weiss
Curt Zoller, husband of Gertrude Zoller
In Memoriam (continued)
Eileen Paris, mother of Jodi Oz
Tillie Pollack, mother of Judith Schneyer
Ruby Reicher*, grandfather of Jodie Reinharz
Ida Rosen, mother of Arthur Rosen
Jerry Rudman, father of Alane Dolensky
Louis Shane, father of Barbara Shane
Jerry Sherwin, father of Gary Sherwin
Abram Silverman*, father-in-law of Marilyn
Sol Sloan*, husband of Pauline Sloan
Donna Tatel, mother of Jake Tatel
Aaron Treshansky, father-in-law of Susan
Louis Wayne, father of Sharon Naiman
Eleanor Weintraub, mother of Anne Weintraub
Larry Weintraub, father of Jerry Weintraub
November 25/26
Lynne Arkin*, aunt of Susan Dull and sister of
Audrey Shieldkret
Stella Barr, aunt of Barbara Queen
Jack Cohen*, father of Lee Barker
Samuel friend, brother of Sunny Mandel
Daniel Garbatow, husband of Marion Garbatow
Alex Genson, father of Lisa Pine
Charles Goldman, grandfather of Jodi Oz
Shirley Handman, mother of Sam Hahn
Al Hechinger, step-father of Lori Harris
Shahnaz Helfer, sister of Mojgan Lustig
Eve Hellman, great-grandmother of Debra
Morris Hoffman, grandfather of Beth Faskowitz
Solomon Igolnikov, brother of Yury Igolnikov
Melvin Jacobson, father of Deborah Jankowski
Ada Kirschenbaum*, mother of Allen and Joan
Lillian Lasher, mother of Christina Freedman
Janice Lazerson*, mother of Jeff Lazerson
JoAnn Margolis**, 1st wife of Myron Margolis
Alice McCallum, grandmother of Alyssa
Israel Nachshen*, father of Shiffra Crane,
father-in-law of Avi Crane
Dorothy Nathanson, mother of Ivan Nathanson
Ida Pollack, mother of Muriel Sachs
Sarah Rosoff, remembered by Kathy DeLiema
Aron Samueli, father of Henry Samueli
Natti Schacht, aunt of Ken Moses
Ellen Schlesinger, sister of Gale Schlesinger
Morris Swirin*, step-father of Linda Kirsch
Joseph Weinberg*, brother of Shirley Einbund
Lorraine Wyler, aunt of Robin Brandes-Gibbs
Margaret Zoller, mother-in-law of Gertrude
Samuel Zuckerman, father of Sol Zuckerman
Decemeber 2/3
Theodore Asner*, father of Bart Asner
Randy Binder, son of Ann Binder
Ellis Bloom, father of Jerome Bloom
Lawrence Bonin*, father of Sharon Pratt
stephen Coblens, brother of Carrie Chotiner
Isabel Cohen, Beloved friend of Jeri Leibson
Diane Cramin, mother of Corey Cramin
Joseph Dunne, father of Peter Dunne
Louis Ershler, grandfather of Miriam Harris
Esther Feldman, grandmother of Sharri Coker
Raylee Fenning*, mother of Alan Fenning
William Horwitz, brother-in-law of Harvey
Julius Korn, father of Lori Koff
Sherri Landsman, sister of Lori Lazerson
Bennett Leemon, brother of Stan Leemon
Harold Levin, father of Alan Levin
Abraham Malk, grandfather of Kimberly
Jack Pearlman, father of Sherri Weisinger
Dalia Roditi, mother of Tilly Levine
Laura Rogovin*, grandmother of Susan Dull &
mother of Audrey Shieldkret
Sadie Rosen, grandmother of Laurie Mills
Florence Salz*, mother of Paulina Pollak
Faye Schacht, grandmother of Ken Moses
Ginny Schecter-Weisberg*, mother of Terry
Ginny Schecter-Weisberg*, wife of Jacob
Mae Schubb*, aunt of Sue Greenfield and great
aunt of Carolyn Kappes
Stanley Simon*, father of Robert Simon
Lucille Tee, mother of Lonnie Tee
December 9/10
Howard Bachrach, father of Kenneth Bachrach
Tobey Balaban, father of Richard Balaban
Bobbi Cherry, mother of Roxanne Cherry
Bea Eisman, aunt of Sharon Devor
Eleanor Finkel, mother of Marilyn Brody
Pesia Igolnikov, mother of Yury Igolnikov
Herbert Israel, father of Susan Wollkind
Jess Katzberg, grandfather of Michael Rubin
Reuben Kershaw, husband of Norma Kershaw
Alex Kirsch*, father of Arthur Kirsch
Juliet Levin, mother of Stan Levin
Janice Lipsitz, aunt of Linda Lander
Doris Lyman, mother of Gretchen Waltzman
Irving Marshack, father of Richard Marshack
Dr. Daniel Nachshen*, brother of Shiffra Crane
Elizabeth Neil, grandmother of Kimberly
Edith Podbere, grandmother of Susanna Wolfe
Abraham Rogovin*, grandfather of Susan Dull
and father of Audrey Shieldkret
Sidney Salkin, grandfather of Andrew Greber
Celia Shadkin, grandmother of Fay Zeramby
Eli Shapiro*, father of Brad Shapiro
James Whaley, father of Mark Whaley
Milton Wolfson, father of Sharon Wolfson
Pauline Zuckerman, mother of Sol Zuckerman
Roslyn Zuckerman, wife of Sol Zuckerman
Decmeber 16/17
Rose Berkowitz, mother of Marion Garbatow
Marcos Bonder, father of Nora Keisman
Harry Cherney, father of Steve Cherney
Brian Day*, fiance of Mary Church
Sanford Feld, father of James Feld
Christopher Gibney, Nephew of Kathleen
Barton Glaser**, father of Leslie Tatel
Ida Glazer, mother of Jordan Glazer
Sara Gordon*, mother of Marvin Gordon
Rose Grumet, great-grandmother of Jason
Sigmund Gubner, grandfather of Adam Gubner
Joe Isen, father of Michael Isen
Lois Jankowski, mother of Raymond Jankowski
Rosalind Kirby, mother of Neal Kirby
David Mintz, father-in-law of Annie Mintz
Reba Mogilkin, great aunt of Howard Landman
Miriam Newman, friend of Linda Lander
Maxine Plotkin, mother of Suzanne Young
Hilda Reichman, grandmother of Debra Traub
Pauline Reisch**, sister-in-law of Sidney Reisch
and mother of Tamar Salis
Charles Rosoff, of Kathy DeLiema
Jack Rubenstein, father of Paul Rubenstein
Murray Schenker, husband of Mahin Schenker,
father of Rebecca Schenker and Sara
Marcus and Miriam Ohana
Burton Schuster**, remembered by
Beatrice Saphra
Amy Shapin, daughter of Audrey Shapin
Barbara Stein, mother of Martin Stein
Esther Stein*, mother of Sue Greenfield,
grandmother of Carolyn Kappes
Leah Stivelman, grandmother of Marc Spiegel
December 23/24
Jack Amber*, father of Jeri Leibson
Bella Bassin, mother of Sharon Diskin, mother
of Sheldon Eskow
Ethel Fischer, grandmother of Howard
Louis Freeman, father of Elaine Rosen
Max Galatz, father of Pauline Sloan
Andy Goldscheid, brother-In-Law of Marcie
Molly Hersch*, mother of Barbara Queen
Charles Jassen, uncle of Marcie Howard
Bernard Karver*, husband of Joan Karver
Norman Lesman, husband of Rita Lesman
Herbert Lockwood, father of Lida Gerenraich
Sam Lustig, grandfather of Mojgan Lustig
Martin Moldawsky, father of Rich Moldawsky
Tillie Nahan, grandmother of Betty Drader
Rodney Petroff, father of Cindy Needleman
Joey Rosenbaum*, son of Daniel and Laura
Jane Salcer**, mother of Caryl Stein
Saul Schacht, grandfather of Ken Moses
Samuel Schultz, father of Donald Schultz
Karen Spivack, wife of David Spivack
Harold Storch, father of Deborah Hallgarten
“May their memories be for a blessing.”
Yahrzeits are observed at the Shabbat Service that falls on or before the anniversary dates.
* / ** In loving memory, a light will be lit on the Temple’s Memorial Board (* rotunda, ** chapel)
Page 48
In Memoriam (continued)
Decmeber 30/31
Rebecca Berns, daughter of Melford and Suzan
Sarah Cole, mother in law of Robert Morris
Raymond Cone**, father of Joel Cone
Gloria Freedman, mother of Sandra Rothberg
Irving Friedman, father of Nancy Joseph
Dave Gelman, loved one of Jerold Lazerson
Janet Gelman, loved one of Jerold Lazerson
Odette Glueck, grandmother of Stewart
Lester Goldman, father of Steven Goldman
Brenda Gottlieb, mother of Michael Collins
Bertha Greenberg, mother of Allan Greenberg
Jay Grossman, friend of Joan Kirschenbaum
George Kappes*, father of Chris Kappes
Steven Kaufman, brother of Bruce Kaufman
Emanuel Kornhauser, father of Elliott
Steven Leibovitz, father of Adam Leibovitz
Bernice Leon, grandparent of Wendy Glatman
William Lewis, husband of Sandi Brager
Anita Malk, mother of Kimberly Cherney
Harvey Margolis**, brother of Myron Margolis
Jerome Mirsky*, father of David Mirsky
Joyce Morris, wife of Robert Morris
Edward Olitsky*, father of Steven Olitsky
Abraham Sachs, father-in-law of Muriel Sachs
Samuel Silverman*, brother-in-law of Marilyn
Ethel Sommer, grandmother of Terry Hanna
Harold Steingold, father of Ruth Levi
Marcia Sterns, mother of Daniel Sterns
Joyce Wagner, mother of Steve Wagner
Frances Waltzman, mother of Herbert
Belle Weintraub, mother of Jerry Weintraub
Mildred Wexler*, sister-in-law of Marilyn
“May their memories be for a blessing.”
Yahrzeits are observed at the Shabbat Service that falls on or before the anniversary dates.
* / ** In loving memory, a light will be lit on the Temple’s Memorial Board (* rotunda, ** chapel)
Our Condolences to...
Dennis Kite and family on the loss of his brother,
William Briskin
Michael Isen and family on the loss of his mother,
Shirley Isen
Joe Kaufman and family on the loss of his mother,
Ilene Kaufman
Lois Wilson and family on the loss of her mother,
Susan Pardo
John Scher and family on the loss of his father,
Barry Scher
Larry Kuhn and family on the loss of his wife,
Debbi Kuhn
Debra & Elliot Sternberg and family on the
loss of their son,
Brian Sternberg
David Young and family on the loss of his grandmother,
Jennie Miller
Kathy Pearlman and family on the loss of her mother,
Mary Williams
Izzi and Adam Neufeld on the loss of their daughter &
Ally & Rachael Neufeld on the loss of their sister,
Emily Neufeld
wishing a full & speedy recovery to...
Ch Soup
Jeff Koff
Mary Leavitt
Sherry Mencher
Elaine & Sid Reisch
Anita Silver
Karen Skirvin
Polly Sloan
Jake Tatel
Sue Treshansky
Page 49
Rose Stowe, great-grandmother of Patricia
William Tatel, father of Jake Tatel
Albert Wendruck*, father of Julia Ribak
Ethel Widisky, aunt of Fay Zeramby
Al Yellen, father of Gay Rams
Rabbi Kort continued
from page 1
Rabbi K’vod continued
from page 1
Our daily liturgy also highlights the value
that “all of Israel are responsible for each
other.” The Eilu D’varim prayer that we
recite in our morning service describes
our “obligations without measure.” “Eilu
d’varim…These are things that are limitless,
of which a person enjoys the fruits of the
world, while the principle remains in the
world to come. They are: honoring one’s
parents,engaging in deeds of compassion,
arriving early for study…dealing graciously
with guests, visiting the sick, rejoicing
with the wedding couple,
accompanying the dead for
burial,being devoted in prayer,and
making peace among people.”
other side. As a result, we aren’t able
to fulfill our full potential and engage
life most fully, because our lives and
choices don’t reflect the deep truth of
which we are part.
Note that seven of these
nine obligations describe our
responsibility towards other human
beings. The prayer concludes, “The
study of Torah encompasses them
all.” In other words, the essence of Torah
is all about our relationships with other
While our confessional prayers for the
High Holy Days and the daily prayer of Eilu
D’varim both highlight our responsibility
towards one another, the affirmative
language of Eilu D’varim reminds us that
relationships and community do not
just happen, but we as individuals must
work to create a community. The actions
described in the Eilu D’varim, honoring
older generations, being compassionate,
welcoming, celebrating, caring, and
supporting, all help build community.
Dedication to the study and pursuit of Torah
and being a community that expresses our
relationship with God through prayer help
shape a uniquely Jewish community.
This year, as Temple Beth El focuses on
strengthening our community, I invite you
to not just reflect upon past behavior this
High Holy Day season with regard to your
participation in community. Let’s take the
opportunity of the New Year to think about
ways we can help build our community. The
obligations described in Eilu D’varim can
serve as our inspiration. Consider becoming
involved in our Hineinu Caring Committee,
attending an adult education class, or
attending Shabbat services to help create a
prayerful space, a space of celebrating, and
a space for mourners in our community to
recite Kaddish.
“All of Israel are responsible for each other-Kol yisrael arevim zeh bazeh.”
In this New Year, let us rejoice in our
responsibility for each other.
Building sacred relationships is really
the process of opening up more fully
to the Divine Presence in our existing
relationships and exploring how our
choices, communication, and activities
each other
can make that
reality. This
year at Temple
Beth El, we will
actualize this
primary focus of
building sacred
through a six week
exploration in small groups. You can
read more about this congregationwide activity on page 10. Each week
will be an exploration of the different
set of relationships that we are a part,
and how to create a space for the
Sacred to enter. Our Jewish tradition
uses the language of
“Covenant” or Brit to speak
about sacred relationship.
Whether speaking about
God’s relationship with
Abraham, Moses, or the
people Israel, there is a
mutual commitment to each
other that reflects the deep
reality of the connection.
During the six weeks, we’ll
explore Jewish wisdom and
have authentic conversations about
self-respect and a personal relationship
with God. We’ll examine what it means
to be part of Am Yisrael – the Jewish
people, and how we can expand our
circles of connection to grow from
diverse relationships in the wide world.
And we will discover how our listening
and speaking can open doors between
those that we love and care for,
instead of building walls.
As your clergy, we want Temple
Beth El to be a place where we
can grow together in becoming
the best people we can be and
how we can engage life most
fully. We know that because
we are inextricably connected.
the only way we can take this
journey is together.
Page 50
Cantor Natalie continued
from page 1
into Judaism. Some of as are born into
it, some chose it later in life, some of
us truly wrestle with our connection,
some of us may not be Jewish but are
connected to someone who is. Each
of us is an important voice in our
collective story.
I had the honor of helping
lead the Women’s Retreat this past
spring. Over the course of the
weekend, many personal journeys
were shared which I turned into an
original play entitled “One Voice”.
What came through the weaving of
everyone’s personal narratives is that
while each of us brings our own voice
to the communities of which we are
a part, it is the weaving together of
our stories that make us the vibrant
community we are. There are many
truths in the stories of others that can
help us glean wisdom and perspective.
Each day when we
chant through
our Amidah, our
standing prayer,
we call on God…
God of our fathers
and mothers;
God of Abraham,
God of Isaac, and
God of Jacob;
God of Sarah,
God of Rebecca,
God of Rachel, and God of Leah. Each
of our ancestors had their own unique
connection to God and their own story.
They were each a distinct link in the
chain of our tradition. We are those
next links, no less important than
those who came before us. While we
each journey forward, exploring new
parts of ourselves and our community,
we must not forget where we have
come from. What came before is an
part of our
story and our
sharing with
others is a way
for us to build
september 2016
7pm Spiritual
Preparation for High
Holy Days
9am Chicken
Soup for the
Silver Soul
4pm Tzedakah
4:30pm Hebrew
5pm Prospective
Member Shabbat
6pm Kabbalat
Shabbat Services with
the Band of Milk &
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
10am Reform Service
and Chloe Berg Bat
9:30am Men’s
7:30pm Shabbat
Club breakfast
2pm Cooking for
8:45am Exploring
Jewish Prayer
9am Torah Study
9:30am Jerusalem
10:30am Tot Shabbat
11:30am Daytime Book 7pm People of
the Book
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7:30pm Adult B’nai
4pm Shabbat Chai
6pm Kabbalat
Shabbat Service
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
4:30pm Hebrew
11am Daytime Book
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7:30pm Adult B’nai
7:30pm Shabbat
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
11:30am TBE
4:30pm Hebrew
7pm Havurat
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7:30pm Adult B’nai
7pm Maps of
Page 51
7:30pm Shabbat
october 2016
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
2 Erev Rosh
5pm Erev Rosh
Conservative Erev
Rosh Hashanah
7:30pm Reform
Erev Rosh
Hashanah Service
3 Rosh Hashanah
Day I
8am Rosh
Hashanah Services
10am Rosh
12:30pm Apples &
Honey Event
2pm Tot Service
4pm Tashlich at
Dana Point Harbor
4 Rosh Hashanah
Day 2
NO Hebrew School
8am Rosh Hashanah
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7:30pm Adult B’nai
7pm People of the
2pm Cooking for
No Shabbat Chai
6pm Kabbalat
Shabbat Services
with the Band of
Milk & Honey
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
1pm Mitzvahs &
More Expo (at the
11 Erev Yom Kippur
5pm Kol Nidre
6:30pm Adult
Hebrew Class
7:30pm Kol Nidre
Conservative Service
7:30pm Kol Nidre
Reform Service
12 Yom Kippur
10am Reform
2pm Tot Service
(See pg. 8 for full
9:30am Men’s
Club Breakfast
7:30pm Shabbat
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
10am Reform Service
and Danielle Bloom
Bat Mitzvah
16 Erev Sukkot
17 Sukkot Day 1
9:30am Sukkot Day
I Service
4:30pm Hebrew
4:30pm Hebrew
School with Sukkot
18 Sukkot Day 2
9:30am Sukkot Day
2 Service at Heritage
1:30am Daytime
Book Club
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7:30pm Adult B’nai
19 Sukkot Day 3
20 Sukkot Day 4
21 Sukkot Day 5
4pm Shabbat Chai
6pm Special
Sukkot Shabbat
(w/ECC & Shabbat
Chai) & Band of
Milk & Honey
7pm Shabbat
22 Sukkot Day 6
8:45am Exploring
Jewish Prayer 9am
Torah Study
9:30am Jerusalem
23 Hoshana Rabbal
Erev Shemini
2pm Sisterhood in
the Sukkah
BESTY Pool Party
24 Shemini
Simchat Torah
All day Temple
Offices & Schools
(see services
schedule pg. 9)
25 Simchat Torah
9:30am Simchat
Torah Services (off
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7:30pm Adult B’nai
7:30pm Shabbat
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
10am Reform Service
and Raphaela Levi
Bat Mitzvah
Page 52
november 2016
4pm BESTY &
Tzedakah Board
4:30pm Hebrew
7pm Paint & Wine
4pm Shabbat Chai
6pm Kabbalat
Shabbat Services
with the Band of
Milk & Honey
9am Torah Study
8:45am Exploring
Jewish Prayer
9:30am Jerusalem
10:30am Tot Shabbat
7pm New Member
Dessert Reception &
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7:30pm Adult
Education Class:
Bikkur Holim
7pm People of the
9:30am Men’s Club
2pm Cooking for
7pm 2nd Shabbat
Special Program
Honoring Veterans
with the Choir and
Special guests
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
Broomball Sleepover
11am Daytime
Book Club
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7:30pm Adult B’nai
7pm People of the
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
7pm OC Mega
Challah Bake
4:30pm Hebrew
10am Kochavim
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7:30pm Adult B’nai
4:30pm Hebrew
7pm Havurat Tzedek
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7:30pm Adult B’nai
7pm Dr. Hoy
11:30am TBE
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7:30pm Adult B’nai
12am BESTY
Time TBD Interfaith
NO Shabbat Chai
6pm Shabbat
Page 53
All day Temple
Offices &
Schools Closed:
7:30pm Shabbat
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
december 2016
4:30pm BESTY
& Tzedakah
2pm BE Sisters
3pm BE Sisters
Fashion Show
4pm Tzedakah
4pm Shabbat Chai
6pm Kabbalat
Shabbat Services with
the Band of Milk &
Honey & the Rabbi
Allen Krause Scholarin-Residence
3 8:45am Exploring
Jewish Prayer
9am Torah Study
9:30am Jerusalem
Shabbat & the Rabbi
Allen Krause Scholarin-Residence
10:30am Tot Shabbat
7:30pm Havdalah &
Dessert Reception
8pm & the Rabbi
Allen Krause
9:30am Men’s
Club Breakfast
2pm Cooking for
6pm Shabbat Service
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
7:30pm BESTY Club
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7:30pm Adult B’nai
8am ECC Boutique
4:30pm Hebrew
11:30am TBE
Connections Luncheon
11:30am Daytime Book
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7:30pm Adult B’nai
7pm Mini-Mussar
7pm People of the
4pm 6th Grade
4pm Shabbat Chai
6pm Kabbalat
Shabbat Service
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
9:30am 6th Grade
B’nai Mitzvah Retreat
11am Daytime Book
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7:30pm Adult B’nai
7:30pm Shabbat
24 Chanukah 1st
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
25 Chanukah
2nd candle
26 Chanukah 3rd
27 Chanukah 4th
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7:30pm Adult B’nai
28 Chanukah 5th
29 Chanukah 6th 30 Chanukah 7th
7:30pm Hanukkah
Shabbat Service
Temple Offices &
Schools Closed
Page 54
7pm Shabbat Dinner
with Small Group
31 Chanukah 8th
9am Torah Study
9:15am Conservative
january 2017
1 New Year’s
2 New Year’s Day
4pm Shabbat Chai
6pm Kabbalat
Shabbat Services with
the Band of Milk &
9:30am Men’s
Club Breakfast
2pm Cooking for
7pm 2nd Shabbat
Special Program
9am Torah Study
Conservative Service
10am Reform
Service & Sophia
Roye Bat Mitzvah
Temple Offices &
Schools Closed
4:30pm BESTY
& Tzedakah
4:30pm Hebrew
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7:30pm Adult B’nai
16 Martin Luther
King, Jr. Day
Temple Offices &
Schools Closed
NO Hebrew School
11:30am Daytime Book
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7:30pm Adult B’nai
6pm Kabbalat
Shabbat Service
4pm Tzedakah
4:30pm Hebrew
7pm Havurat
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7:30pm Adult B’nai
4:30pm Hebrew
6:30pm Refuat
HaNefesh Minyan
7:30pm Adult B’nai
7pm People of the
Page 55
8:45am Exploring
Jewish Prayer
9am Torah Study
9:30am Jerusalem
10:30am Tot
Shabbat Playspace
9am Torah Study
Conservative Service
10am Reform
Service & Amy
Sorsher Bat Mitzvah
7pm Comedy Night
9am Torah Study
6pm Shabbat Service 9:15am
Honoring Volunteers & Conservative Service
10am Reform
Shining Lights
Shabbat Service
& Alex & Danielle
7pm Shabbat Dinner
Bussell B’nai Mitzvah
Temple Beth El
of South Orange County
2A Liberty ~ Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-3372 ~ Phone: 949.362.3999
OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm. Closed Legal and Religious Holidays.
Although the office may be closed, our voice mail system is always on.
Please leave your name, telephone number and a brief message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES *Indicates an Executive Committee Member
Firuzeh Claar
BE Sister President
[email protected]
Deborah Jankowski
[email protected]
Vice President Governance*
Glenn Bier
[email protected]
Men’s Club President
Mike Porter
[email protected]
Vice President Finance*
Rob Fecher
[email protected]
Vice President, Judaism in Action*
[email protected]
Rachel Kort
ext 102 [email protected]
Lainey Mitzman
[email protected]
K’vod Wieder
ext 106 [email protected]
Vice President, Education*
Amy Packer
[email protected]
Natalie Young
ext 105 [email protected]
[email protected]
Executive Director
Bonni Pomush
Robin Brandes-Gibbs
[email protected]
Director, Early Childhood Center
Carolyn Kappes
ext 317 [email protected]
Trustee at Large
Dennis Brown
[email protected]
Program Director
Wendy Yesharim
Trustee at Large
Shirley Einbund
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Myka Thompson
ext 316 [email protected]
Trustee at Large
Jeff Greer
[email protected]
Communications Coordinator
Karol Tran
ext 103 [email protected]
[email protected]
Accounting Manager
Pam Uber
[email protected]
Event Coordinators
Linda Lander
Rochelle Pazornik
Trustee at Large
Michael Pearlman
[email protected]
Youth Group Advisor
Chavva Olander
Trustee at Large
Gil Ross
[email protected]
Trustee at Large
Sheri Saladow
[email protected]
Trustee at Large
Leslie Tatel
[email protected]
Immediate Past President
Michael Goldfader
[email protected]
Evan Wohl
Vice President Membership*
William Spector
Trustee at Large
Dayna Herz
Trustee at Large
Izzi Neufeld
ext 213 [email protected]
ext. 214 [email protected]
ext 112 [email protected]
ext 401
949-362-3999 ext 401, [email protected]
949.831.6545, [email protected]
[email protected]
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*Executive committee
Page 56