Outward Bound Challenge and Adventure Course
Outward Bound Challenge and Adventure Course
BULLETIN – TERM 3 SESSION 2008-2009 St Machar Leadership Academy students at Dalguise Depute Heads in Marathon Challenge On Sunday 31 May 2009 St Machar Academy Depute Head Teachers Jim Purdie and Mike Paul will be running the Edinburgh Marathon to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. With the help of their fundraising team of 6 S3 pupils they hope to raise at least £2500 for this charity, which has helped the St Machar Academy Community cope with the loss of a number of close colleagues in recent years. If you would like to sponsor Jim and Mike you can do so by visiting their „justgiving‟ page at the following link: www.justgiving.com/jimandmike Also in their bid to meet this target the S3 pupils will be placing plastic bottles in every Register Class from 22 April for pupils and staff to fill with their spare change. Staff will also be given the opportunity to sponsor their colleagues by taking part in a “Guess the Finishing Time” competition. Former Pupils Visit Hanover Street School On Thursday 12 March 2009 former pupils of Hanover Street School who currently attend St Machar Academy were invited back to see round the newly refurbished building. The pupils who went along were expertly guided round the building by four Primary 5 pupils and were all amazed at the changes that have been made. Many thanks to the staff and pupils of Hanover Street for allowing this to happen. P7/S1 Transition Over the next few weeks the Guidance Team will visit each of our Associated Primary Schools to meet with P7 pupils and gather information to enable us to start the process of forming the S1 classes for next session. They will also be accompanied by former pupils of the Primary Schools who will be on hand to talk to the pupils about their experience of moving from Primary to Secondary and answer any questions that the P7‟s may have. The following events will take place next term: 11, 19 and 20 May 18 and 19 June 18 June W/b 6 July Parental interviews with members of the Senior Management Team – either individually or in small groups P7 pupils visit St Machar Academy P7 Parents‟ Meeting Summer School News from our Art & Design Department Jute Bags Enterprise Scheme All S3 pupils within Art & Design took part in a design competition where they had to produce a 5cm2 design for the school‟s new jute bag which will be sold through the Enterprise group. 24 designs were chosen to be used in the bag design. The pupils whose designs were chosen are: Kerry Glen, Emma Kidd, Ross Laing, Andrew MacKenzie, Micha Daniel-Owen, John Hipson, Virag Erdei, Tatiana Rybintseva, Rebecca Lindsay, Lewis Melvin, Edwin Jacob, Brogan Christie, Kamila Czechowska, Matthew Adam, Marcus Lynch, Aamon Hani, Danielle Bartlet, Karen Middleton, Jake Kampa, Laura Harper, Katie McLean, Sam Milne, Nadine Ross & Lester Galicia Keep an eye out for this excellent product which not only looks „cool‟ but also gives our pupils a little bit of fame! Well done to all who took part in the competition. St Machar Students meet acclaimed artist On Friday 13 February 20 pupils had the opportunity to work with the BP Portrait Award winning artist Stephen Shankland. Lester Galicia works on his portrait. This workshop was sponsored by the Equality and Human Rights Commission and was part of the “Young Brits at Art” competition. To have such a prestigious, nationally acclaimed, and local artist working with pupils in a whole day workshop was phenomenal. In the current educational climate in Scotland with the introduction of Curriculum for Excellence, this event epitomised the philosophy behind ACfE. To have the artist working alongside pupils and staff alike, sharing views and ideas, encouraging individuality and the ability to appreciate where they are in relation to today‟s society and respond to this was fantastic. Stephen discusses some ideas with pupils. School of Ambition St Machar Leadership Academy Following the success of the work done on the Columba 1400 Leadership Academy we have established our own Leadership Academy based on the Columba 1400 model. In February in the snow, thirteen S3 pupils and three staff went to Dalguise Outdoor Centre in Perthshire to take part in our first Leadership Academy. Thanks to the huge efforts of Miss Stott, Mrs Innes and PC Sedgwick and the commitment shown by our pupils, Barry Black, Can Spengler, Aiden Page, Mark Hanvey, Chris Hutton, Stevie Donaldson, Jayne Wilson, Laura Harper, Susan Thompson, Sarah Thompson, Rebecca Lindsay, Abbie Mennie and Jessica McLeod, the week was an outstanding success. Our new Leadership Academy Graduates will be working on the „Go for Gold‟ project in May as well as a number of other areas within the school. The next Leadership Academy, this time for S2 pupils, will take place in May. St Machar Leadership Academy students take part in a team building exercise at Dalguise. Alcohol and Drugs Awareness Week We continue to work towards becoming a Health Promoting school of Excellence. This term we have had an Alcohol and Drugs Awareness Week. During the week pupils were involved in various activities that were planned to raise awareness round the issues of alcohol and drugs. There were also a number of displays, full of information, placed around the school. On Wednesday 11 March 2009 we held a Parents‟ Information Evening, which was very interesting and informative. Many thanks to all who supported the evening. Pupils enjoyed tasting the fruity mocktails. SFA School of Football Conference On Friday 23 January 2009 St Machar School of Football pupils travelled to Hampden to take part in the SFA‟s first School of Football Conference. During the day at the National Stadium the boys took part in some evaluation work of the programme so far, a coaching session at Little Hampden with all the other Schools‟ of Football, a tour of the stadium and a question and answer session with George Burley, Scotland Team Manager. The day was enjoyed by all and our boys (and staff!) had a very memorable day. St Machar footballers at Hampden School of Football Conference Learning and Teaching Scotland We are delighted that a case study of the work being done at St Machar has been put on the Learning and Teaching website. This study shows some of the exciting work the school has been developing around Health and Well-being. The case study can be found at www.itscotland.org.uk/curriculumforexcellence/sharingpractice Go For Gold For the second year running our „Go for Gold‟ project will take place in all our Associated Primary Schools in May 2009. Led by our S3 pupils, the aim of this project is to increase physical activity, improve health and create a very positive transition experience. Last year over 300 primary seven pupils took part in the programme and this led to an 8% increase in the number of pupils walking to school. S1 Pedometer Project – Advanced Notice! Our S1 pupils will be once again given a pedometer for the week from Monday 11 May to Friday 15 May 2009 and asked to complete daily logs. In May pupils will also take part in a breakfast during period one each day and all S1 pupils will travel to Loch Muick for a country walk on Friday 15 May 2009. Our staff will also be wearing pedometers which will give the pupils a chance to see if they are walking further than their teachers day to day! L2 - Learning to Learn “The “L2” programme establishes a solid base of knowledge about learning, draws out individual learner attributes through a series of carefully structured challenges and provides opportunities for learners to demonstrate transferable skills” (L2 – The Learning to Learn Programme: An Introduction to Year One for Teachers) The “L2” programme is currently being piloted with all S2 pupils who attend a “Learning to Learn” lesson one period per week with Miss Gardener, Miss McPherson or Miss Shand. We are aiming to raise pupils‟ awareness and understanding of the ways in which they learn, with pupils being encouraged to take an increasing responsibility for their own learning. Some of the areas covered include: Motivation Independent learning Goal setting Collaborative learning Learning styles Understanding individual strengths and qualities Thinking approaches The brain Learning environment The following learner attributes are promoted and developed throughout the course: Resilience Resourcefulness Responsibility Reasoning Reflection Pupils have just started to work in “Home Teams”. The “Home Teams” are groups which are constructed of a mix of pupils with different learning and motivation characteristics. This encourages them to cooperate with others and work together to achieve targets. A learning journal is filled in by pupils throughout the course to consolidate their learning. We are in the process of putting some of the pupils work in notice boards around the school to promote the topics covered in “Learning to Learn”. For anyone who wishes to find out more here is the web address: www.alite.co.uk/index.html Music/Outward Bound Project The pupils who attended the Outward Bound Loch Eil trip at St Machar all displayed increased levels of confidence on their return. In an attempt to maintain this rise in confidence, two of the second year classes have been participating in a trial “expeditionary learning” project in Music with Miss McPherson. This is a method used in American schools in conjunction with Outward Bound, where pupils learn through being involved in projects. Pupils approach tasks in class in the same way as they would at an Outward Bound course. They are encouraged to work together and learn from their mistakes in order to solve problems and learn. Projects end with a final display of learning being produced by the pupils such as a magazine, concert or artwork. During the last two terms, Classes 2D and 2L were given the task of preparing and organising their own music concerts. Throughout the project, the pupils learned and practised several pieces of music and were engaged in teamwork, making decisions and problem solving. The concerts took place in March during class time. The pupils sang and played instruments including guitar, bass guitar, drum kit, keyboard and tuned percussion and performed pieces by Snow Patrol, Amy Winehouse and Duffy in front of an audience of teachers. Both classes worked really hard to organise and prepare these concerts and became increasingly more confident about performing in front of other people. Well done to all the pupils involved! Commendation Cards Pupils in S1-3 have continued to collect signatures from their class teachers, during the weeks 6-20 March 2009. Teachers will sign the card if pupils‟ appearance, attendance, attitude, attainment and achievement have been good in their class. These signatures will be added to those gained in the first term. If pupils gain 8 commendations they will receive a bronze award, 16 will gain silver and 24 will gain a gold. They also gain 5 points for their House if they gain a bronze, 10 points for silver and 20 points for gold. Skene House celebrate their win in December On 19 December 2008 the reward ceremonies were held for S1-4 pupils. These consisted of a House quiz and pupils receiving their awards. There was an excellent atmosphere at all the ceremonies with many pupils gaining points for their Houses and prizes for themselves. The next Reward Ceremony will take place on the 3 April 2009. Some of the finalists from the „S‟ Factor, our house talent competition which is taking place this term, will provide the Rewards‟ Ceremony entertainment. Aspire North Each year, the Aspire North Schools Outreach Programme Coordinators come into school to work with the pupils from S1-S4. Their task is to engage young people in raising their awareness of the value of post-school education and provide and deliver a programme of activities, which motivate, encourage aspiration and build self-confidence. In December, all S2 pupils were invited to Robert Gordon University Campus at Garthdee in Aberdeen for one morning to tour the facilities and take part in various workshops including the following subject areas – Engineering, Nursing and Fashion Management. In March, all S3 pupils took part in an awareness raising exercise testing their knowledge on going to University and Further Education. All S4 pupils were involved in workshops looking at life after school and future education or employment prospects. In May all S1 pupils will be involved in workshops focusing on raising their aspirations to enable them to visualise themselves moving into Further and Higher Education. Aspire North provide an excellent programme to all the pupils at St Machar Academy, the objective being to enable our pupils to make more positive and better-informed decisions about their post-school educational choices. Youth and Philanthropy Initiative This session, as part of the Personal and Social Education Programme, our S5 pupils took part in a pilot project for the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative. This is a scheme, supported by the Wood Family Trust, which is designed to introduce young people to philanthropic opportunities and to encourage them to become and to remain involved in assisting others and their communities. Emma, Claire and Judith were delighted to win £3000 on behalf of the Archie Foundation. During the term, the pupils took part in a competition: they had to work in teams to choose a local grass roots charity, research its work in some depth and prepare a presentation about the charity. On 16 December 2008, they had to present in front of a panel of judges which included Mrs Liz Gillies, Education Officer, Mr Gareth Wood of the Wood Family Trust, Mrs Peggie Finnie, of Finnies Jewellers and our former Head Teacher, Mr Len Taylor. The prize for the winning team was a cheque for £3000 donated by the Wood Family Trust, which was to be given to the charity with which the team had been working. Heats were held to choose the six presentations which would go on to the final and the presentations chosen were: Befriend a Child, Friends of Raeden, Drugs Action, Pink, Archie Foundation and LOONS. The judges found the standard of the presentations very high which made their final decision very difficult. The winner was the presentation made on behalf of the Archie Foundation by Judith Mahlambeni, Emma Stuart and Claire Prouse. The pupils put a great deal of work into this project and most felt that they had gained a lot from the whole experience. Congratulations must go to the winning team for an excellent effort, which resulted in a very welcome cash prize for the Archie Foundation. Commiserations also to those teams who came so close to winning. Thanks also to the Wood Family Trust for this excellent initiative. KCA Deutag Skills for Work 90 pupils from S4/5/6 have been fortunate this term to have professional input from Julie Adair and Marie Long of KCA Deutag‟s Human Resources Department. Both Julie and Marie have given generously of their time to develop and present 6 workshops around the theme „Preparation for Work‟. Topics such as Interview Skills, How to Prepare your CV and Transferable Skills have all been covered in each workshop. As part of their jobs Julie and Marie look through CV‟s on a daily basis and select the most professional and interesting candidates for interview. Their wide knowledge of the business world makes them ideal candidates for passing on their expertise to our pupils and this will undoubtedly give them a head start when it comes to applying for jobs and attending interviews. The school would like to say a huge thank you to Julie and Marie and Ross Richardson of KCA Deutag for their continued support of St Machar Academy. St Machar Academy success at the Science Museum of London Feeling refreshed after the Christmas Holiday a small group of dedicated S1 pupils set out to meet the challenge left for us by The Science Museum team after their „Danger High Voltage‟ show in December. Our task was to design and build a kinetic sculpture to demonstrate the principle that energy is never created or destroyed but only changes from one form to another. Running in parallel with this project all pupils from 1F took part in a short course to develop their knowledge and understanding and communication skills. At the end of February the team from the Science Museum visited us once again and filmed the kinetic sculpture in action. Pupils also had the opportunity to demonstrate to staff and senior pupils. The following weekend pupils from 1F and 1I visited the Science Museum of London where they spent the night in the museum sleeping amongst the exhibitions. Pupils were involved in a number of very inspiring workshops throughout their stay. The event culminated in a prize giving ceremony where our pupils were recognised for having demonstrated the most significant improvement both in their understanding of science and their communication skills. Some of our pupils at the Science Museum The Garden Project At long last a much talked about project in the school has got under way this term. We have finally begun to develop a Kitchen Garden in the inner courtyards of the school. A new S3 Environmental Studies Group for session 2009/2010 will become involved in planting, tending and finally harvesting potatoes, leeks, strawberries and tomatoes to name but a few of the crops we are hoping to cultivate. Our school technicians Heather Dallas and Kristine Munro have been key members in setting up this new project for the school. The Trades‟ Project has very kindly made composting bins and trestle tables for our strawberry plants from recycled wooden pallets. Although it is early days we are eventually hoping to use the produce in the school Home Economics Department to encourage our pupils to make affordable, healthy meals using home grown ingredients. There may even be some left over to sell to enable the project to be self-sufficient after the Determined to Succeed money that was used as initial start funds has been spent. Could I ask you all to send in any Tesco for Schools vouchers to the school as we are collecting these this year in support of the Garden Project? Thank you. Vauxhall Belmont Apprenticeships Another of St Machar Academy‟s Partners In Business is Vauxhall Belmont Motors on the Lang Stracht. Ian Bruce, Assistant Service Manager, and two of their current apprentices, Ryan and Morgan, visited the school on Thursday 5 March 2009 and hosted a lunchtime information session for any Fourth Year pupils who are interested in becoming an apprentice mechanic when they leave school in May. This was an incredibly helpful and informative session and really gave the pupils who attended an insight into how a modern apprenticeship works. As a result of the session four boys are being given the opportunity to have Work Experience at Vauxhall Belmont Motors over the Easter break with a view to being invited to apply for an apprenticeship with the company should the Work Experience prove successful. We would like to extend a big thank you to Mr. Iain Menzies, Service Manager at Vauxhall Belmont, for releasing his staff to attend the lunchtime session and to Ian Bruce, Morgan and Ryan for giving so freely of their time on the day. National Enterprising Practitioners‟ Network Group Miss Stott, Acting Depute Head Teacher, was invited to represent Aberdeen City at the National Enterprising Practitioners‟ Network Group. This group meets once a term and gives teachers from all over Scotland the opportunity to meet together, share ideas and evaluate school progress around the Enterprise theme. Teachers are being offered the opportunity to feed into Learning & Teaching Scotland to give an accurate reflection of what is happening in schools around the country under the banner of Enterprise. It also gives participants the chance to voice concerns, exchange ideas and make suggestions about which route they would like to see Enterprise In Education take in the future in Scotland‟s schools. Two meetings have taken place so far this session and have covered such diverse areas as setting up a Social Enterprise, Education/Industry links and using the HMIe Toolkit for self-evaluation in Enterprise in Education. The last meeting for this session takes place in Edinburgh at the end of April. News from our PE Department Skatepark Sessions Aberdeen Endowment Trust awarded the school £750 to set up 2 blocks of sessions at the Skatepark, at Transition Extreme. A group of 10 students took part in BMX, Skateboard and Inline Skate lessons – it has been a very successful initiative. Cross Country 32 pupils will be representing St Machar at the Grampian Schools Cross Country Championships during the week. Rugby Congratulations to the U-15 Rugby squad. Yes Scottish Cup, but it was their first ever game! objectives for the game, which were „Score 2 „shape‟. Try scorers were Jay Davidson S3 and Well-done boys. they lost 64-10 in the They achieved their tries‟ and keep their Maciej Kaszowski S3. Pupil News Congratulations to Chloe Fitzpatrick who received an unconditional acceptance to the University of Edinburgh to study to become a PE teacher. (BEd Physical Education) France Watersports Trip 2010 The next Watersports trip to France will take place from Saturday 3 July 2010 until Sunday 11 July 2010. There are still places on the trip. If any parent/carer would like more information please contact Mr. Jamieson in the PE department. Sainsbury Vouchers 2009 The PE department is collecting vouchers to buy sports gear. Please give any vouchers you have to the school. Pupils can drop the vouchers in to the PE department or they can be left at Reception. Football A better year for St Machar Academy! We were the only school in the Aberdeen area to have a team at every age group in the leagues. The senior Girls reached the last 16 of the Scottish Cup, with Chloe Fitzpatrick, Hayley Annand, Vicki Robb and Melanie Buist being outstanding. Younger players Sam Somers and Kirsty Beattie also competed well at this older age group. The Under 16 boys, captained by Axel Banks, won the Local Cup with an emphatic win over Cults Academy. They were great ambassadors for the school showing a great team spirit and no nonsense approach. The Under 15‟s had a good season finishing 3rd in the league. Their highlight was beating a very strong Kincorth Academy side 1-0 away from home. Every player played out of their skins! The Under 14‟s improved greatly. Having not won a game all season at Under 13 level, they finished 2nd in League 2 to Kincorth, winning all their games except against Kincorth. The under 13‟s who are mainly the boys from the St Machar SFA Soccer Academy, have reached the quarterfinals of the Scottish Cup. They will be away to the winner of the Greenfaulds High School (Cumbernauld) or St Andrews High School (Clydebank) match. The Under-16 boys team - winners of the Local Cup Thanks to Miss Fletcher, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Bruce for all their efforts with the teams this session. S.M.A.C.C. The St Machar Academy Charities Committee was set up by a group of senior students to take part in the annual „Diced Cap Delta Challenge‟ which pairs schools with national and local charities. The team set out their business plan at the „Devil‟s Cauldron‟ event held at the Marriott Hotel Dyce, on 2 October 2008. The team sold CD‟s produced by their nominated Charity – „Give Kids a Chance‟ to guests to raise over £100. Sarah, Elisha, Lewis and Jonathan with the CD On Boxing Day, four intrepid pupils took part in the annual „Nippy Dip‟ at Aberdeen Beach and raised over £500 in sponsorship by agreeing to go into the freezing water dressed as the Tweenies! The nippy dipping Tweenies! The team has been involved in a number of events this term in support of „Give Kids a Chance‟. On 22 January 2009 members of the team took part in a Speed Networking event held at the AVC Business Centre. The students involved had to make a series of two-minute „pitches‟ outlining their charity work to a number of high profile companies. The event gained the pupils many useful business contacts for the future. On 25 January 2009 the pupils held a Burn‟s Night Ceilidh for staff and S5/6 pupils in the Assembly Hall. The pupils persuaded several local companies to support the event and provide tickets, delicious hot food and raffle prizes including a limousine ride! A live Ceilidh band provided music on the night. The event was a great success and raised over £600. Most recently, a group of students made a presentation at the annual „Diced Cap Good Samaritan Awards‟ held at the Marriott Hotel, Dyce. The students showed a short video they had made called „The Kids Are Alright‟ which showcased their fundraising work so far. To date the S.M.A.C.C. team has raised well over £1000. High Energy Drinks Here at St Machar Academy the number of pupils who are consuming high-energy drinks is becoming an increasing concern. These drinks have been designed to increase mental and physical performance. The central ingredient of these drinks is sugar and the stimulant caffeine. Some effects of excessive consumption can be mild to moderate euphoria, agitation, anxiety, irritability, sleeplessness and abnormal heart rhythms. As well as the obvious health implications these effects can lead to disruptive behaviour both at home and in the classroom setting. Given these diverse effects we would appreciate if you highlighted this information to your children and encouraged a healthier alternative. It goes without saying that pupils are not allowed to drink these during class time. We do, however, allow pupils to drink water in class. S3 Exams The S3 exams will take place in school from Thursday 23 April until Friday 1 May 2009. A timetable has been issued to all pupils. SQA Information The SQA examinations begin on Monday 27 April 2009 with the Standard Grade Art exam. The main diet of exams begins on Tuesday 5 May 2009. All pupils have been issued with timetables for the exams, but individual timetables will be sent home, along with additional guidance, in April. Key dates and information: Study leave for S4 pupils begins on Tuesday 5 May Study leave for S5/6 pupils begins on Wednesday 13 May In the event of illness on the day of an exam a medical certificate must be obtained for the day of the exam and taken to the school as soon as possible School uniform must be worn for the exams Pupils should arrive at least 20 minutes before any exam is scheduled to start Mobile phones, ipods etc must not be brought into the exam hall S5/6 induction days are on 11 and 12 June The new timetable begins on Monday 15 June for new S5/6 classes The SQA plans to issue the examination results on Wednesday 5 August 2009. Candidates may register with www.mysqa.org.uk where they can sign up for the email and text results service. Good luck with your exams! Easter Services This year the Easter Services will take place on Thursday 2 April 2009. S1 and S2 pupils will visit St Stephen‟s Church on Powis Place during the afternoon. At the end of the Service, which will last around 50 minutes, pupils will be walked back to St Machar Academy, but, with your permission, pupils who live in the area near St Stephen‟s may be dismissed from the Church. A collection will be held for Macmillan Cancer Support to continue our fundraising efforts following our bereavements last year. S3 and S4 pupils will have a service in the Assembly Hall in the afternoon and S5 and S6 pupils will have a service in the morning. Pupil Council This term the Pupil Councils were asked to look at the Curriculum at the school and judge it in relation to the HMIe document, „How Good is Our School‟. Pupils discussed the transition from Primary to Secondary school, the broad curriculum in S1 and S2, Standard Grade and national qualification courses. The pupils also discussed the new Curriculum for Excellence and how it could be introduced in the school. The discussions were very informative and several suggestions have been made that will be considered in an attempt to improve the curriculum further in the school. The pupils generally felt that the Primary/Secondary transition went well but they thought it might be a good idea to introduce activities early in the new term to allow relationships across the year to develop. The pupils enjoyed the range of subjects on offer in S1 and S2, but felt that some choice, particularly in S2 would be welcome. Pupils thought that the new range of subjects in S3 and S4, including Citizenship and Enterprise, were well received, but wondered if all pupils in the year group could benefit from them. Overall the pupils judged the Curriculum to be „good‟ to „very good‟. Good indicates that there are important strengths with areas for improvement. Very good would indicate that there were major strengths. Many thanks to all the pupils involved in this process. They all showed a very mature attitude in discussing this very important issue. Important Dates Monday 6 April - Friday 17 April Monday 20 April Tuesday 21 April Monday 4 May Friday 22 May Thursday 4 June Friday 5 June Thursday 2 July Friday 3 July Easter holiday. Holiday In-service day Holiday In-service day Euro Elections – The school will be closed to pupils. In-service day - this is an additional day from the Scottish Government to enable teachers to develop „A Curriculum for Excellence‟. End of term Ceremony TERM ENDS