March 1, 2105 - Sacred Heart of Jesus
March 1, 2105 - Sacred Heart of Jesus
ftvÜxw [xtÜà Éy ]xáâá ctÜ|á{ UÜÉâáátÜw? _Éâ|á|tÇt SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 1, 2015 MASS TIMES: SUNDAY: 7:00AM, 9:00AM, 11:00AM, 6:00PM SATURDAY: 5:00PM (YEAR ROUND) WEEKDAYS DURING LENT: 6:30AM (MONDAY-FRIDAY) 12:10PM (MONDAY-FRIDAY) WAY OF THE CROSS - FRIDAYS 5:30PM OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY-THURSDAY 8:00AM-12:00PM 1:00PM-4:00PM FRIDAY: 8:00AM-12:00PM PARISH STAFF: REV. PAUL BIENVENU, PASTOR REV. WILLIAM RUSKOSKI, ASSOCIATE PASTOR DEACON JEFF TRUMPS, PERMANENT DEACON DEACON ROBERT KLINGMAN, PERMANENT DEACON DEACON JOSEPH TRAHAN, RETIRED DEACON SR. CARMELITA LATIOLAIS, PASTORAL ASSOCIATE MRS. COLETTE ANZALONE, DIRECTOR OF MINISTRIES MRS. EVA GREEN, DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION MRS. SUZANNE HIDALGO, ASSISTANT DRE/SAFE ENVIRONMENT SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: CLASSES ARE HELD BI-MONTHLY ON THE FIRST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH FOR PARENTS AND GODPARENTS, PREFERABLY BEFORE THE BABY IS BORN. CALL THE CHURCH OFFICE FOR ARRANGEMENTS. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: SATURDAY, 3:30PM-4:30PM, 20 MINUTES BEFORE WEEKDAY MASS OR BY APPOINTMENT. MRS. SUSAN KLINGMAN, SECRETARY MRS. MARSHA GRANGER, BOOKKEEPER MR. MICHAEL NORRIS, YOUTH MINISTER MRS. CHARLOTTE FLUGENCE, RECEPTIONIST MRS. AMANDA FONTENOT, WEDDING COORDINATOR MRS. MELANIE LECOMPTE, MUSIC COORDINATOR MRS. MARGARET MONTZ, CHOIR DIRECTOR MS. CAROLYN DOMINGUE, HOUSEKEEPER MR. MATTHEW D’AVY, MAINTENANCE DIRECTOR SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: CALL AT LEAST SIX MONTHS IN ADVANCE TO SCHEDULE. FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS: THE FAMILY SHOULD CALL THE PASTOR TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS. WELCOME! IF YOU ARE NEW IN THE PARISH, PLEASE INTRODUCE YOURSELF BEFORE OR AFTER MASS. PLEASE PICK UP A CENSUS FORM AT THE DOORS OF THE CHURCH, CALL OR EMAIL AT [email protected] P.O. BOX 737 BROUSSARD, LA. 70518 PHONE (337) 837-1864 FAX (337) 837-1703 WEBSITE: WWW.SHBROUSSARD.ORG Pastor’s Corner Art Exhibit Art Exhibit currently on display until the end of March THE PILGRIM SPEAKS; AN INTRODUCTION TO THE EXHIBIT Georges Rouault's art is "different." It has been called grotesque, bizarre, ugly, incomprehensible, pessimistic. But it has also been characterized as sublimely beautiful, compassionate, insightful, incisive, deeply religious, prayerful, mystical and contemplative. The few pieces that comprise this exhibit confirm both views. Rouault was indeed a deeply religious man. He alone among major 20th-century French artists adhered until his death in 1958 to a predominantly Christian agenda in his work. Two important points may help to clarify his unique style and subject matter. 1. Rouault began work at age 14 as an apprentice to a stained glass artist. The beautiful colors of what he called "the pure and precious glass" inspired in him a desire to capture and reproduce the effect in painting. One can see the influence of stained glass even in his black-and-white engravings: the enclosed "framing" in many of his images and the dark lead-like lines that he uses to outline and compose his images. He was in many ways what we would call a "Renaissance man." His fields of expertise included ceramics, sketching, engraving, stencil work (pochoirs), and mastering many complicated artistic techniques. He was an avid reader and knew art history and art tradition well. He wrote poetry and elegant prose. At the same time he was a devoted son, husband, father and grandfather. A thorough perfectionist, he sometimes re-did the same work as many as fifteen times. He was a gifted observer of life around him and had an uncanny ability to look inside his subjects and give us a feeling for their inner anguish, conflict, hypocrisy and contradictions. 2. Rouault never tires of the same themes. The suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus is at the heart of all his art. He was a very traditional Catholic with a strong sense of social justice and injustice. Born poor, he always had a soft spot for the poor, the outcasts, the misfits and the downtrodden. He was fond of referring to himself as "the poor pilgrim," encountering and befriending other pilgrims who struggled to find their way in the pilgrim-journey of a suffering world. He spoke to that world through his art. The constantly recurring clowns, prostitutes, soldiers, workers, dancers and destitute persons reflect for him the suffering Christ. In them he saw the face of Christ, often portrayed by Veronica's veil. And in them we are invited to see ourselves. The grotesque, overweight prostitutes he cannot help but feel pity and sorrow for. The sad-faced clowns who must pretend to be happy and carefree touch his heart with their inner pain. Those who take advantage of the poor he disdains and ridicules bitterly, but also views even them with a bit of compassion and pity. They are all in need of mercy, redemption, deliverance. All carry the weight of the cross. All hunger for a love that only God can give. Msgr. Paul Metrejean At the Musée du Sacre Cœur de Jésus At the Musée de l’École de Sainte Cécile (Old Library) The Pilgrim Speaks: Led to the Cross: Graphic Works by Georges Rouault —Part I A Conversation With Georges Rouault — Works from Cirque de l’Étoile Filante — And the Students of St. Cecilia School Intaglio Plates : • Image #17 « Dors, mon amour. » “Sleep, my love.”, 1935. —Works from (the unpublished) Cirque — Intaglio Plates : • Image #2 « Clown et Enfant » “Clown and Child”, 1930. — Works from Passion — Intaglio Plates : • Frontispiece « Christ devant la Ville » “Christ in Front of the City”, (proof in black) 1936. • Image #6 « Christ et les Enfants » “Christ and the Children”, (proof in black) 1936. Wood Engravings : • « C. Pontius Pilatus Propraet » “Christ before Pilate”, (Print executed 1939). Original engraved wood block from Passion by André Suarès : • Le Christ en Croix Christ on the Cross [Table of Contents illustration] — Works from Cirque de l’Étoile Filante — • « Clown Assis » “Seated Clown”, 1932. — Works from Passion — Le Christ en « Adam et Ève au Golgotha » Christ in “Adam and Eve at Golgotha”, (Print executed 1939). • « La tête du Christ. » “Head of Christ” [cover page illustration] • « Rouge-gorge Éclos sur la goutte de sang. » “Redbreast Field on the drop of blood.” [Headpiece illustration] • « Chemineau et paysans » • “Vagrantandpeasants”—Christinconversation [Headpieceillustration] • « Tête-à-tête » • “Ecce Dolor” • « Magnificat des Trois Maries » “Intimate conversation” [Tailpiece illustration] “Behold the sorrow” —Golgotha [Tailpiece illustration] “Magnificat of the Three Marys” [Headpiece illustration] • « L’homme à la myrrhe » “The Man with myrrh” [Tailpiece illustration] —Other select pages from Verve magazine— A Call to Sacrificial Giving Building on our Faith 2/15/15 Offertory………..………….. $23,259.85 African & Native American Missions .. 3,245.25 2/18/15 Ash Wednesday………………...5,654.64 2/22/15 Offertory..……………………..25,273.81 Second Collection THIS Weekend for Maintenance & Building Fund Second Collection NEXT Weekend for Catholic Relief Services Thank You for your continued support! Marian Way of the Cross Through the Eyes of Mary: Please join us this Friday, March 6th, at 5:30PM for Stations of the Cross, hosted and led by the Ladies Altar Society, Aaron Nevill, and Fr. Jeff Bayhi Way of the Cross. This special praying of the Stations is experienced through the eyes of Mary, who made that first Way of the Cross. Let us walk with Jesus’ mother as she daily came to understand her Son’s life; and live with her as He took His last steps on the way to Calvary. LISTEN AND FOLLOW “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him.” And listen they did. From that moment on, Peter, James, and John were ardent followers, forsaking everything to follow in their Master’s footsteps. Like the psalmist crying, “O Lord, I am your servant,” the three disciples committed themselves to lives of incredible hardship and indescribable joy. After that day on the mountain, they never again wavered in their chosen vocation. Though our tests may not be as severe as Abraham’s and our peak experiences not as dramatic as the Transfiguration, we all face the daily challenges of walking “before the Lord in the land of the living.” As we follow our varied calls to love and serve, let’s be comforted by Paul’s reminder to the Romans: “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Come, Lord Jesus! Lenten Journey… Opportunities for Confession during Lent Thursday, March 5th—St. Anthony, Lafayette Confessions from 6:30-7:30 PM *Tuesday, March 10th—Sacred Heart of Jesus, Broussard Confessions from 6:00-8:00 PM Wednesday, March 11th—St. Elizabeth Seton, Lafayette Confessions from 6:30-8:00 PM Thursday, March 19th—Holy Cross, Lafayette Confessions from 7:00-8:00 PM Tuesday, March 24th—St. Bernard, Breaux Bridge Confessions from 6:00-7:00 PM For more information, please call Mary Bergeron at 654-8682 or email [email protected] or visit or Men’s Night Out Scripture Study Deacon Joe invites all men to a night of scripture sharing. Meetings will be held every Thursday during Lent at 6:30 p.m. in the PLC-C. Join in reviewing the scripture for the upcoming Sunday. Please contact Deacon Joe at 837-6394 or [email protected] for more information. Prayer Scripture Eucharist Community Journey with us during the holy season of Lent as we study and meditate upon the Sunday Gospels leading to the glorious resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Meet weekly with a small faith community for a deeper understanding of Jesus’ life and death and the victory he claimed for each of us! Groups: Monday 9:00 am Tuesday 9:00 am Tuesday 6:30 pm Tuesday 6:30 pm Tuesday 7:00 pm Tuesday 6:30 pm Tuesday 7:00 pm Thursday 10:00 am Thursday 1:15 pm Thursday 6:30 pm Leader: Brenda Briggs, 258-0182 Leader: Helen Granger, 837-6397 Leader: Fran & Jack Novak, 231-5947 Leader: John Prejean, 852-6037 Leader: Brian & Stephanie Kirk, 326-9190 Leader: Patrice & Johnny Williams, 985-397-3648 Leader: Claire Vallot Manuel, 839-8977 Leader: Nina Baumer, 857-6629 Leader: Joyce Melancon, 837-2843 Leader: Darlene Corcoran, 349-2548 All are welcome to join at any time. Contact Sacred Heart Representative, Nancy Trahan at 303-4072 or [email protected] Visit our website: Revive your faith with Come, Lord Jesus! CCD News and Upcoming Events! Life Teen Life Teen is for 9th-12th graders and is held EVERY Sunday after the 6PM Mass in the PLC. We have Bible Study every Wednesday from 6-7PM in the PLC. All 9th-12th graders are invited. Please join us! For more information regarding religious education for 9th-11th graders, please contact Mike Norris at 2511352 or [email protected] Articles from the Holy Land Handmade Olive Wood carvings from the Holy Land will be on display and for sale NEXT weekend, March 7th & 8th, in the Narthex. Please take time to look at the carvings and make a purchase. They make great sacramental gifts that have an added special significance. Please Welcome Fr. John Phelps Please welcome Fr. John Phelps who will speak at all Masses on behalf of Cross Catholic Outreach which was founded to create a meaningful link between parishes in America and the priests and nuns working in the Church overseas including the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Central America and South America. Please be generous in your response to Father’s appeal. Brochures will be provided if you wish to support this worthy Catholic ministry. Girl Scout Cookies for Sale! Our local Girl Scout Troop 2305 will be selling their “famous” Girl Scout cookies in the Narthex after all masses this weekend. In addition to cookie sales, the girls will be accepting donations for the Sacred Heart food pantry. Thank you for your support! Vocation Chalice Each week a family in our parish is invited to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life by taking our Vocation Chalice. If you would like to volunteer, please contact the Church office 837-1864. We will be happy to schedule a week for this wonderful prayer experience! This week’s vocation chalice is in the home of: John & Kathy Prejean (Amanda., Leah, Louis, James) • Please bring your child/children to Mass on weekends. Mass times are as follows: Sat. 5PM, Sun. 7AM, 9AM, 11AM, 6PM • NO cell phone use is allowed during class time! • Please call the office at 837-1864 or text Miss Eva at 654-0005 if your child will be absent! Elementary CCD (K-5th) Classes are 4:30-5:30PM Mondays: March 2, 9, 16, 23 (No class March 30) Tuesdays: March 3, 10 11, 24 (No class March 31) Jr. High Grades 6-8th Classes are 7-8PM Monday: March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 (Last Class) High School CCD-see Life Teen! N ursery/babysitting is available for children ages 1-4 during 9:00AM and 11:00AM Mass on Sundays in the Parish Life Center. Thank you to the following volunteers for THIS Sunday March 1st: 9AM Courtney Babineaux & Beth Champagne 11AM Courtney Babineaux & Mandy Viator Baptism Information Baptism Seminars are normally held the first Sunday of every odd month. The next seminar is TODAY, Sunday, March 1st at 1:00 PM. Attendance at a class is necessary before the baptism of your child. If you’ve attended for a previous child, it’s not necessary to attend again. Preregistration is required. Please call Susan Klingman at 837-1864. Through the Waters of Baptism we Welcome: Jake Paul Hebert, Jr. Andre’ Michael Chance Greene Elliana Claire Gabriel Graham Michael Prejean On to Eternal Rest... Edward Primeaux, Jerry Jenson, Mona Viator, Francis LeBlanc, Tyler Louviere, James Emmer, Rhark Quebedeaux Please keep the families in your prayers. Daily Readings, Prayers for Priests & Events for the Week Date Mon. Mar. 2 Tues. Mar. 3 Daily Readings Dn 9:4b-10; Ps Is 1:10, 16-20; Jer 18:18-20; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Ps 50:8-9, 31:5-6, 14-16; Lk 6:36-38 16bc-17, 21, Mt 20:17-28 23; Mt 23:1-12 Prayer for Priests Pope Emeritus Bishop Benedict XVI Michael Jarrell Calendar Events *Daily Mass 6:30AM & 12:10PM *Daily Mass 6:30AM & 12:10PM *RCIA Mtg., 6:30PM, PLCC Wed. Mar. 4 Rev. Ernest Ferlita, SJ *Daily Mass 6:30AM, 8:30AM & 12:10PM *Life Teen Bible Study, 6PM PLC *Choir Practice 6PM KC Events P lease join us for Coffee and Donuts in the Parish Life Center after the 7:00 & 9:00AM Masses THIS weekend and get your blood pressure checked while you’re there. ********************************************* RECRUITMENT DRIVE NEXT WEEKEND!! Our KC Council 7557 will have a membership drive next weekend, March 7th & 8th. This organization provides great opportunities for friendship, fellowship, and service to our church and community. Please see the Knights of Columbus members at the sign up tables in the Narthex after all masses to find out more information. Grief Support Meeting, Wed. March 10th You are invited to attend the next “Grief Support” meeting on Wed. March 10th at 6:00 P.M. in the Conf. Room. For more information, call the Church Office at 837-1864. Rosaries during Lent • • • The Sacred Heart Rosary group will pray the rosary every evening at 6:00PM in Church (when feasible) during Lent. A Rosary will be prayed every Thursday morning after the 6:30AM Mass for the “Mission for the Love of God Worldwide.” Patriotic Rosary will be prayed every Friday after the 6:30AM Mass. Thu. Mar. 5 Fri. Mar. 6 Jer 17:5-10; Ps Gn 37:3-4, 121:1-4, 6; Lk 13a, 17b-28a; 16:19-31 Ps 105:16-21; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Rev. Emmanuel Fernandez Rev. Thomas Finley *Daily Mass *Daily Mass 6:30AM & 6:30AM & 12:10PM 12:10PM *Men’s Night Scripture Study 6:30PM, PLCC Sat. Mar. 7 Sun. Mar. 8 Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 03:1-4, 912; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Ex 20:1-17 [13, 7-8, 12-17]; Ps 19:8-11; 1 Cor 1:22-25; Jn 2:13-25 Rev. Samuel Fontana Rev. Jerome Frey, CJC *Mass 5PM *Sunday Masses 7AM, 9AM, 11AM, 6PM *Donut Sunday Food for the Journey The Central Region of the Diocese of Lafayette presents “Food for the Journey”, a monthly lunchtime speaker series designed to help Catholics live out our faith in our daily lives. Our speaker for March is Rev. David Broussard, Pastor of St. Bernard Catholic Church, Breaux Bridge. “Food for the Journey” will be held this Tuesday, March 3rd, at Hotel Acadiana, 1801 W. Pinhook Road, beginning at 12:00 noon. An optional lunch buffet is available for purchase beginning at 11:30 a.m. All are welcome to come “eat and be fed”- please bring a friend! Pre-registration is not required. For more information, please call Mary Bergeron (654-8682). Holy Hour for Vocations Please join us for our monthly “Holy Hour for Vocations and for the Spiritual Renewal of All Priests” on Monday, March 2nd from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at St. Patrick Catholic Church, located at 406 East Pinhook Road. Recitation of the Rosary begins at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome to join in these prayers for vocations and perseverance of vacations to the priesthood and religious life, sponsored by the Sierra Club of Lafayette. Nocturnal Adoration March 5th Our Monthly Nocturnal Adoration will begin Thursday, March 5th at 8:00 PM in the Church. Please make a sacrifice to the Lord for you and your family by praying a holy hour. Adoration continues all night and ends at noon on Friday, March 6th. Special Prayer Intention for the Month: “That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity.” Pray for the sick: Michael Arabie, Ken & Ellen Bayless, Joel Belt, Dee Bernard, Sharon Bernard, Lucien Bertrand, Mary Joe Bertrand, Paul Beyt, Jessie Bihm, Tommy Billeaud, Bourque Family, Rita Bourque, Boutte Family, Anita Broussard, John Broussard, Wayne & Debra Bodin, Joyce Boulanger, Faith Boutte, Jacob Boutte, Jennifer Tate-Brasseaux, Jacob Breaux, Mr. & Mrs. Steven Breaux, Shawn Blank, Robbin Broussard, Rachael TateBurnell, Katherine Caffery, Evan Calcote, Mike Carlton, Margie Champagne, Bennett Coleman, Lillian DeJean, Pamela DeJean, Louis & Ruby Delahoussaye, Elaine Dishongh, Wally Dobson, Dorothy, Howard & Kathy Driggers, Judy Domic, Edias & Nellian Dore, Ella Duplein, Carroll Dupre, Dupre Family, Emma Jean Edens, Elbert Family, Gale Gates, Carol Gaudin, Agnes Girouard, Ray Girouard, Louisette Girouard, Hazel Greogory, Cheryl & Ronald Gonsoulin, Macy Gueldner, Agnes Guidry, Margaret Guilbeaux, Mel Gutierez, David Hafen, Betty & Brandi Hebert, Brian Herbert, Pamela Henson, Tommy Hollier, Jo A. Johnson, Mary Juneau, Destinee Kennerson, Ethel Lapoint, Barbara Landry, Lenis & Rita Landry, Beverly Lasseigne, Jamie Lee, Aaron Mclemore, Danny Manuel, Brian McCarthy, Lou Meyer, Eddy Morgan, Nathan Morgan, Bill Morvant, Della Prejean, Johnny Ranzino, Mackie Reaux, Malania Reado, Susie Melancon-Rhoner, Betty Robicheaux, Kameryn Robinson, Marie Romero, Natalie Russell, Edmond Salvaggio, Dave Sansocie, Evette Shaffer, James Sonnier, Sr. Maura Theriot, Kristin Thibodeaux, Lorraine Thompson, Barbara Underwood, Dorothy Vallot, Renee, Rebecca & Joey Vallot, Melissa Viator, Robert Winn Pray for our Military: Major Doulglas W. Beton, Kraig Bowen, Airman, E2 Mason Broussard, Shane Broussard, Sgt. Mark Castille, Col. Charlie Chappuis, Stephen Chiasson, Cpl. Samuel James Cormier, Stefan J. Cormier, Lee Curet, Capt. Kevin Dugas, Gregory Edmonds, Drill Sgt. Joseph & PV2 Stephanie Fontenot, Don Froning, Major Guy Girouard, Jordan Gott, Major Anthony Guidry, SFC Eric Iorio, James & Josie Judice, Nick Judice, SSGT. Schuyler Judice, Nick Lanphier, Major Ryan LeBlanc, SP4 Anthony R. Mangler, Brian Thomas Martin, L CPL Alexander Mayeux, Tylan Meaux, Kevin Melancon, Bradley Miller, Jacques Mouton, Matthew Newland, Christopher Pelegrino, Sgt. Dennis Pitre, Brandi Robichaux, Benjamin Romero, Sgt. John Salassi, Jacob Savoie, Jorge Sifuentes, Augustine Simon, Travis Stutes, Chad Theriot, PVT Dylynn Thibodeaux, Sgt. Joey Thibodeaux, ABHAN Zachary Thibodeaux, Michael Tomsik, Rustin Trahan, Tyler & Brittani Langley-Tucker, Joshua Paul Vallot, Lt. Com. Jason C. Wallace, Yancey & Ginny Walker, Brent Williams Mass Intentions Mon. Mar. 02, 6:30AM: Mon. Mar. 02, 12:10PM: Tue. Mar. 03, 6:30AM: Tue. Mar. 03, 12:10PM: Wed. Mar. 04, 6:30AM: Wed. Mar. 04, 12:10PM: Thu. Mar. 05, 6:30AM: Thu. Mar. 05, 12:10PM: Fri. Mar. 06, 6:30AM: Fri. Mar. 06, 12:10PM: Sat. Mar. 07, 5:00PM: Sun. Mar. 08, 7:00AM: Sun. Mar. 08, 9:00AM: Sun. Mar. 08, 11:00AM: Sun. Mar. 08, 6:00PM: Mona Houghton Viator Souls in Purgatory Edward Primeaux Joseph Gaudet (Death Anniversary) Jerry Jenson Rhark Quebedeaux Mona Viator Tyler Louviere James Emmer Francis Newton LeBlanc Pauline B. Langlinais, Monique Meaux, Merline Latiolais, Richard "Dickie" Morvant, Alton & Rosemary Girouard, Louise Reaux, Edward Primeaux, Robert "Bobby" Klingman, Sr., Vernis Simon, Forest Simon Sacred Heart Parish Eugene E. Soulier, Jr., Dr. E.E. & Evia Soulier & Family, Ruth, Curtiss, Bud & Jeanne Gilley, Mr. & Mrs. A.A. and Martial Comeaux & Family, Charles & Catherine Billeaud, Jules & Mary Landry, Bud Comeaux, Mr. & Mrs. Sumter Cousin & Family, Mary Lane Romero, Elaine Bankston, James & Richard Hughes, Helen, Belle, “Chook” & Sarah Malagarie, Mona Viator, Aimee V. Durand, Jimmy & Emma J. Broussard, Nettie Mouton (Living), Jack, Jacko, David & Cindy Tate, Antoinette Puissegur, Ryan Perron (Living), D.D., Leo, & Sue Devall, Joanna Phillips Barry Breaux, Phillip & Eula Bodoin Buford, Madge, Duclide & Rose Perron, Kyle Perron, Freeman & Cammie Soileau, Anna Lee DeJean, Kirk Perron & Family (Living) Celebrants, Altar Servers, Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers Schedules Date of Mass Celebrant/ Deacon Sat. Mar. 7, 2015 5:00PM Fr. Paul Dcn Robert Sun. Mar, 8, 2015 7:00 AM Fr. Paul Sun. Mar. 8, 2015 9:00 AM Sun. Mar. 8, 2015 11:00 AM Sun. Mar. 8, 2015 6:00PM Fr. Bill Dcn Jeff Fr. Bill Dcn Jeff Fr. Bill Altar Servers Lectors Eucharistic Ministers Hannah, Patrick & Emma Robichaux M Boone P Bouman A Orgeron, Sr. Carm, R Comeaux, S Daspit, N&W Dore, S Klingman Jason Thibodeaux, Celine Stegeman, Kohl Brown T Mouton M Cannon D Barousse, P Blanchard, R Gary J David, M Granger, S Fontenot, I Bordelon Aaron Perry, Isabella Pesson, Ethan Tuminello S Boudreaux C Fontenot C Abell, S Boudreaux, MDucote, J Doucet, L Strother, C Jaubert, K&K Clulee Madison Ramos, John Seeger, Kailey Priest K Hulin B Kirk M Whipple, G Bourque, B Kirk, RJ&J Pesson, S Bellefleur, N Powell Tristan Romero, Olivia Mire, Aidan Serio M Norris C Songy V&M Blair, M Norris, C Songy D Roberts, J&K Prejean Sacred Heart—525253 Win XP Publisher 2003 Adobe 8.0 Tuesday Noon Special Instructions: 4 color