vehicles - Historic Rail
vehicles - Historic Rail
+UCTS! 0 33PROD Autumn 2014 W NE Visit Historic Rail.c to see more!om Welcomae... Receive T FWithRYoEurEFirstGPurcIF hase! . See page 2 for details See Page 2 for this Print! Page Page 48 34 Page 44 Page 28 Page 35 Page 25 Page 6 Page 22 Kits Models Books DVDs Art Apparel & More! Call 800-261-5922 Table of Contents New & Noteworthy.......................................3 TRAINS Encyclopedias..........................................4 Steam Locomotives...................................5-8 Diesel Locomotives...................................7-8 Freight..........................................................9 REA/Railroad Operations..........................10 INDUSTRY Logging.........................................................11 Mining...................................................12-13 Maritime/Intermodal.................................14 Passenger Ships...........................................15 Agriculture/Breweries.........................16-17 Livestock/Dairy.........................................18 World’s Fair/Circus.......................................19 U.S. Military............................................20-21 German Military..........................................21 RAILROADS Urban Rails....................................................22 Passenger Trains..........................................23 CSX Lines................................................24-26 Conrail Lines...........................................27-30 Norfolk Southern Lines.............................31 LAST CHANCE LOCOMOTIVES........32-33 Canadian Pacific Lines...............................34 BNSF Lines..............................................35-37 Union Pacific Lines................................38-40 Independent Roads/Lost Roads..............41 Regional........................................................42 International/Excursions..........................43 MODELING HO Scale Vehicles..................................44-45 Structures...............................................46-48 Expansion/Scenery/Accessories..........49 Toy Trains/Train Sets...................................50 VEHICLES Stations/Disasters/Construction..........51 Trucks ............................................................52 First Responders..........................................53 Buses/Taxis/Limos...............................54 Automobiles..........................................55-60 Motorcycles/Boats....................................60 5HFHQWO\8QLRQ3DFL¿FEHJDQDPDVVLYH UHVWRUDWLRQSURMHFWWREULQJWKH%LJ %R\WRZRUNLQJRUGHU7KH%LJ%R\ RQHRIWKHODUJHVWVWHDPORFRPRWLYHVHYHU FRQVWUXFWHGZLOOEHXSDQGUXQQLQJVRRQEXW LQWKHPHDQWLPHZHKDYHDJUHDWVHOHFWLRQRI DOOWKLQJV³%LJ´EHORZDQGRQSDJH ,QVLGHWKLVHGLWLRQRIHistoric Rail,ZH¶YH DGGHGVSHFLDO³RQHVWRSVKRS´VHFWLRQV2Q SDJHV\RX¶OO¿QGDFRORUIXOFROOHFWLRQ RIVROGRXWDWWKHPDQXIDFWXUHU³ODVWFKDQFH´ ORFRPRWLYHVZKLOHRQSDJHVWKHUHLV ce! Special Introductory Pri On the Cover: % Save 50 er 30, 2014 Big Boy, The 4-8-8-4 Good Thru Novemb Nickel Plate Photographics. A sight of things to come, this print depicts a Union Pacific 4-8-8-4 Big Boy steam engine spewing smoke while pulling passenger cars on an excursion run. UP recently began restoring the mighty Big Boy #4014 to working order. 24"x 18"...................#R77021AA Reg: $39.95 Now: $19.95 Gifts................................................................61 Hollywood Movies................................62-63 Follow us on Twitter DZLGHYDULHW\RI+2VFDOHYHKLFOHVWR¿OO \RXUOD\RXW¶VHYHU\QHHG:H¶YHDOVRLQFOXGHG PDQ\RWKHUSURGXFWVIURPERRNVDQGYLGHRV WRPRGHOVDQGNLWVSULQWVDQGSRVWHUVDSSDUHO DQGHYHU\WKLQJLQEHWZHHQ 6RPDNH\RXUVHOHFWLRQVWKHQFDOOXVWROO IUHHDWYLVLW+LVWRULF5DLOFRP RUUHWXUQWKHRUGHUIRUPLQWKHHQYHORSHSUR YLGHG:LWKVRPXFKLQVLGH ZHNQRZWKHUH¶VVRPHWKLQJ SHUIHFWIRU\RX ±*UHJ+HUULFN Big Boy 4014 Update Special Purchase! Save 33% Strap in for some historymaking fun! This program follows Union Pacific’s plan to move the 4-8-8-4 Big Boy steam locomotive #4014 from its resting place at the RailGiants Train Museum in California to Cheyenne, Wyoming, where it will be restored to its former working glory. You’ll watch an engineering crew erect track across a parking lot, see #4014 being towed by a front-end loader, and then get pulled by modern diesel power to its destination – with plenty of great runbys along the way. Widescreen, 1 hour...................#RV9597B Reg: $29.95 Now: $19.95 Special Purchase! Save $50 More Big Boy Action on Page 40! 4-8-8-4 Big Boy Steam Locomotive The 25 massive, Alco-built 4000-class 4-8-8-4 Big Boys – the iconic Union Pacific steam locomotives – built between 1941 and 1944 played a key role in hauling vital war materiel throughout World War II and were among the last steam locomotives taken out of service in the late 1950s. Now you can have one running again! This amazingly detailed, HO scale model of the legendary Big Boy features built-in DCC and sound; dual flywheels and precision gearing; a detailed cab interior with fireman and engineer figures; working head and rear lights; a synchronized puffing ProtoSmoke system; separately applied metal handrails, a bell, and a whistle; a centipede tender with a coal load; and an authentic UP paint scheme. 18¼" long; 22" minimum curve radius recommended...........................................Reg: $649 Now: $599 #4005.....................#R85439E #4007.....................#R85438E #4013.....................#R85440E #4016.....................#R85441E About Our Models... Unless otherwise noted, all of the HO scale locomotive models in this catalog feature a finely molded body, glazed windows, a powerful motor, a die cast chassis, RP25 metal wheels, and magnetically operated knuckle couplers, and arrive ready to run. Typically, most N scale rolling stock models come with plastic wheels. A final reminder: products in this catalog are not toys; they are intended for modelers and railfans ages 14 and above. If, in the catalog, you see one of these badges, it means that the loco next to it has built-in DCC or DCC & sound! If a product is “DCC-equipped,” it works on standard DC or DCC systems. Bachmann Just for Fun Find us on Facebook Dear Fellow Railfan, DCC – Equipped for speed, direction, and lighting. DCC Sound Value – Equipped for speed, direction, lighting, and 6 standard sounds. DCC & Sound – (Bachmann Spectrum) – Equipped for speed, direction, lighting, and sounds, including engine startup and shutdown, bell, air horn, coupler crash, dynamic brakes and brake squeal, radiator fans, and more, many of which operate on analog systems. Broadway Limited Paragon2 DCC & Sound – Equipped for speed, direction, and lighting, and features built-in controllable sounds such as engine chuff, whistles, bell, reverse mechanism shift and creak, boiler water injector and boiler blow down, passenger station, freight yard, lumber yard, farm, maintenance yard, and many others; recordable DCC operation for automated playback; and synchronized puffing smoke (steam locomotives). Athearn Genesis Other Brands DCC – Equipped for speed, direction, and lighting. DCC & Sound – Equipped for speed, direction, lighting, and 19 sounds such as horn, bell, coupler crash, brake squeal, dynamic brake and air release, many of which operate on analog systems. DCC & Sound – Equipped for speed, direction, lighting, and sounds, including horn, bell, coupler crash, brake squeal, dynamic brake, brake air release, and others – many of which operate on analog systems. New & Noteworthy “See America By Rail” Metal Sign GE ES44AC Diesel Locomotives This 24gauge steel sign resembling a vintage Santa Fe “See America By Rail” poster includes mounting holes and measures 16"x 12"............#R60342A $19.95 America’s Amazing Train Rides Filled with thrilling railfan action, this 2-DVD set explores America’s most exciting railways. In the west, you’ll visit the Portola Railroad Museum in California, the Golden Spike National Historic Site, Railtown 1897, and more; while in the east, you’ll tour the Spencer Shops of North Carolina, the Connecticut Trolley Museum, Mt. Washington Cog Railway, and more. 4 hours...........................#RV2198C $29.95 Colorado Narrow Gauge 2015 Calendar The age of narrow gauge steam is alive and well in this wall calendar that showcases the hardworking narrow gauge railways that served Colorado's mountain communities and mines from the mid-1800s through the 1950s. 13¾"x 10¾"....................#R83187AA $14.95 Images of Rail The Lackawanna Railroad in Northeastern Pennsylvania Crosby. Organized in 1851, the Lackawanna Railroad thrived on the anthracite coal traffic in and around the Scranton area. This volume examines the Lackawanna’s operations, from the coal rush era to the early 20th century, when the road underwent a substantial improvement project. 128 pages, 200 B&W photos, 6½"x 9¼", softcover.............#R11400C $19.95 KFC Restaurant Kit Ordered by every Class I railroad in North America, the new GE Evolution Series locomotives – the ES40DC, ES44DC and ES44AC – rely on a GEVO 12-cylinder engine that produces the same horsepower as the old 16-cylinder FDL while using less fuel and reducing emissions. Resembling ES44AC (Evolution Series, 4400 HP, AC traction) locomotives, these HO scale Bachmann models feature built-in DCC and Sound Value, dual flywheels, working headlights, separately applied detail parts, all-wheel electrical pickup and drive, and authentic markings. 10" long. Reg: $299 Now: $249 each A: Southern.............................................#R74059D B: Central of Georgia...........................#R74058D C: Lehigh Valley.................................................#R74060D D: Pennsylvania Railroad..............................#R74061D E: Nickel Plate Road.........................................#R74062D Introductory Offer! Save $50 Wide-vision cabooses, which began appearing after World War II, allowed crews to see around taller cars. These HO scale Athearn models feature undercarriage, roof, and cupola details; glazed windows; grab irons and ladders; and an authentic paint scheme. 5" long...........$27.95 each A: BNSF...............#R74994E B: Norfolk Southern......#R74995E C: UP....................#R74996E A B C D E Wide-Vision Cabooses A Auto-Max Auto Carriers A B C Introduced by Gunderson in B 1999, the 140' Auto-Max articulated auto rack can carry 22 SUVs on three sets of internal ramps. C These HO scale Athearn models feature a flexible diaphragm with full articulation, metal grab irons, added weight, authentic D markings, and more. 19¼" long; requires a minimum curve radius of 22"....$59.95 each A: BNSF “Circle”.............#R75028E E B: BNSF “Wedge”..........#R75029E C: Canadian Pacific Railway/Soo..................#R75030E D: Union Pacific.................#R75032E E: CSX.......#R75031E FP7A/F7B Diesel Locomotive Set The EMD FP7A was essentially an F7A extended by four feet to provide more water for the steam generator needed to heat passenger trains. A Replica of an FP7A along with an F7B booster unit employed in Western Pacific passenger service, this DCC-ready, HO scale Athearn model set features dual flywheels, photo-etched metal detail parts and glazed portholes, an authentic paint scheme, and more. The A-unit also has operating headlights and a detailed cab with glazed windows. Set is 14½" long.......#R74966E $359 1967 Chevrolet Corvette Add some of the Colonel’s delicious flavor to your layout with this amazingly detailed, HO scale, plastic kit of a modern day KFC restaurant! It features intricate architectural details, awnings, clear window glazing, decorative trim and posters, adhesive KFC signage, a drive-thru menu, a curbside billboard, and more. 2½" tall with an 8¼"x 4¼" footprint; assembly required..............................#R78116D $99.95 This is just a samplin the hundreds of new itemg of issue of Historic Rail, Fins in this d throughout the catalog!more This 1/24 scale, die cast replica of a 1967 Chevrolet Corvette 1/24 Scale features a well-equipped interior, a hood that opens to reveal an intricate engine, opening doors, simulated chrome parts, free-rolling wheels, and authentic badging. 8" long..............#R56048A $19.95 1/18 Scale 1917 REO Touring Car During the early 20th century, the REO Motor Company produced some of the finest automobiles to roll out of Lansing, Michigan. Now you can cruise away in your own classic REO with this incredibly detailed, 1/18 scale, die cast model of a 1917 REO touring car! It features a finely cast body; a well-equipped interior; a glazed windshield and head lamps; a butterfly hood that opens to show an intricate engine; rubber tires, including a rearmounted spare; and authentic badging. 11" long...............................................#K680009C $59.95 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 3 TRAINS Encyclopedias Railroading! Great Trains 2015 Calendar Enjoy a nostalgic look at many of America’s famous trains through the eyes and paintbrush of famed rail artist Gil Bennett. The golden era of railroading is alive and well in this 12-month wall calendar featuring North American rail icons, from Southern Pacific’s massive articulateds to the diminutive “Climax” locomotive of the St. John & Ophir Railroad. 13¾"x 10¾".........................................................#R83198AA $14.95 North American Locomotives A Railroad-by-Railroad Photohistory Solomon. A magnificent reference with information on motive power past and present, this lavishly illustrated and thoroughly researched book covers North American steam, diesel and electric locomotives from the mid1800s through today. With more than 400 locomotives from 96 railroads chronicled in alphabetical order, you’ll use this invaluable guide over and over. 288 pages, 254 color and 161 B&W photographs, 10¼"x 12¼", hardcover........................................#R10687B $49.95 2015 Calendar All aboard! Share in the excitement of riding the “high iron” all year with this full-color, 16-month wall calendar. Highlights include “high iron” on Class 1 freight lines from UP and BNSF to CSX and NS; Chicago’s Belt and Canada’s VIA shortlines; and much more. Each page contains a major and minor photo along with insightful commentary on the images shown 13¾"x 10¾"..................#R83188AA $14.95 101 Cab Rides Watch 101 segments featuring nearly every conceivable style of locomotive – steam, diesel, and electric – and type imaginable, from high speed express trains to lowly switching operations; E-units, F-units, Alcos, and GEs; GG-1, Little Joe, Shay, Berkshire, RDC, LRC, and X2000 engines; an 0-10-0 thundering through the frigid Carpathian Mountains; and more. 4 hrs. 20 min. on two DVDs................................................#RV7279B $34.95 50 More Cab Rides North American Railroads The Illustrated Encyclopedia Solomon. Spanning more than 150 years, this volume features concise histories of 101 of the most significant U.S. and Canadian railroads. Each profile includes information on the railroad’s geographic scope, motive power, rolling stock, and operations. 320 pages, 325 color and 114 B&W photographs, 9½"x 11¼", hardcover................................................................#R10678B $39.95 Trains A Complete Motion Picture Library Boxed Set This 24-DVD collection explores the rich history of North American railroading like nothing has before! You’ll enjoy 24 action-packed programs, including Texas Steam Treasure, Tennessee Pass & The Royal Gorge Route, The Trains of Lafayette, Winter Set! the hase Purc Steam Spectacular, Save Over 92% Steam to the State Fair, Garden Railroad Spectacular, Chicago’s Metra, On the Road with Frisco 1522, BNSF’s Stevens Pass, Challenger 3985, Colorado’s Scenic Train Rides, Santa Fe Mainline Memories, and many more. 30+ hours. Complete Set of 24 DVDs #RV5048C Separately: $550 Set: $39.95 4 Subhead Thrill to some of the greatest cab footage taken from around the world! You’ll watch 50 segments featuring nearly every conceivable style of locomotive – steam, diesel, and electric – and type imaginable, from high speed express trains to lowly switching operations; a night ride through New River Gorge; a highball with N&W #1218; learn how to perform a runpast aboard Milwaukee #261; and much more. You’ll even reach speeds up to 267 MPH on the exotic MAGLEV! 2 hrs. 20 min........................#RV7283C $24.95 The Historical Guide to North American Railroads Spanning more than 100 years, this heavily illustrated guide features concise histories of more than 175 significant classic and contemporary American railroads. You’ll get photos, route maps, and fast facts, as well as detailed statistics that highlight miles of operation, locomotives, and rolling stock of lines that have been abandoned, merged, or are still in operation. 320 pages, 140 B&W and 40 color photos, 8¼"x 10¾", softcover......#R05868C $24.95 Railroad Heralds Metal Sign Featuring the colorful heralds of more than 50 railroads, most of which are fallen flags, this aluminum sign measures 12"x 10". #R67336A $12.95 All Aboard Each episode of All Aboard, a series that aired on PBS, showcases a unique element of railroading. You get two exciting episodes on each volume, or you can buy the complete set for maximum savings! 52 minutes each. Was: $19.95 Now: $9.95 each Purchase the Set! Save 85% Volume 1: The Colorado Railroad Museum, three Colorado narrow gauge railroads, and a ride on Amtrak’s California Zephyr........................#RV6670A Volume 2: Florida East Coast trains, shops and yards, and steam excursion trains..........................#RV6671A Volume 3: A railroad history of Atlanta and privately owned passenger cars................................................#RV6672A Volume 4: D&RGW’s narrow gauge operations between Alamosa and Chama and memorable 1950s steam such as the Shay and the Big Boy..........................................#RV6673A Volume 5: Norfolk Southern’s busy Georgia Division and 1960s rail action around Detroit...............#RV6674A Volume 6: A 1980s look at Chicago rail action and footage of the Detroit, Toledo & Ironton.........#RV6675A Volume 7: Union Pacific’s western coal trains and 1960s St. Louis area rail action............................#RV6676A Volume 8: A ride aboard Amtrak’s Empire Builder and Canadian steam in the 1950s.....................#RV6677A Volume 9: 1950s and ‘60s Pennsylvania Railroad footage and a 1980s look at rail activity around “The Steel City”– Pittsburgh....................................#RV6678A Volume 10: A 1960s narrow gauge passenger train run and vintage footage of the colorful Illinois Central Railroad........................................#RV6679A Volume 11: The railroads’ role in NASA space programs and the East Broad Top Railroad............#RV6680A Volume 12: Norfolk Southern’s restoration of N&W 2-6-6-4 #1218 and classic footage of the Santa Fe........................................#RV6681A Volume 13: Rock Island footage around Chicago during the 1950s, ‘60s and ‘70s and a bevy of restored narrow gauge steamers..........................#RV6682A Complete Set on 5 DVDs: All 26 episodes – a $259 value – at 85% savings.............#RV6683D $39.95 Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at TRAINS Early Steam Pegasus Passenger Train Set Built in 1839 for Baltimore and Ohio’s line between Baltimore and Washington, D.C., the Norris 4-2-0 “Pegasus” raced along the first link in what would become the Northeast Corridor. Now, you can run your very own SALE$ ! Pegasus-led passenger train with this Save 30 complete, HO scale Bachmann set! You get a Norris 4-2-0 steam locomotive with a powerful motor, an engineer figure and authentic “Pegasus” markings; a tender with a hand-tooled coal load; three vintage passenger cars; a 47"x 38" oval of E-Z Track with realistic roadbed; a power pack/ speed controller; an illustrated instruction manual; a lifetime limited warranty; and more.............#R95481D Reg: $179 Now: $149 Remarkable Steam Trains Locomotive Building The Construction of a Steam Engine for Railway Use Flanders. Originally published in 1911, this is the definitive text for the construction of steam engines for railroad use. You’ll learn about locomotive systems – such as side rods, boilers, wheels, axles and driving boxes, frames and cylinders – and their functions, valve motion, and shop practice while enjoying rare photographs and vintage diagrams. 245 pages, B&W photographs and illustrations, 8½"x 11", softcover......#R05313B $24.95 Making Simple Model Steam Engines Bray. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced engineer, this heavily illustrated, step-by-step guide will show you how to construct miniature steam engines and boilers. Best of all, you’ll learn how to bring together an engine and a boiler to build a simple steam locomotive! 192 pages, 192 B&W photos and diagrams, 7½"x 10", hardcover..........................#R02146C $44.95 SSaAveLE70! $ Stephenson’s Rocket Locomotive Kit Replica Golden Spike A replica of the golden spike that commemorated the completion of the first transcontinental railroad, which joined the Central Pacific and Union Pacific Buy the Spike railroads on May 10, 1869, at Get the Book Promontory Summit, Utah Territory, below FREE! this nickel and brass railroad spike is plated with genuine 22-karat gold and features authentic engravings, including “May God continue the unity of our Country as the Railroad unites the two great Oceans of the world” on one side, “The Last Spike” on top, CP executive signatures, and others. Measures 5½" long. Golden Spike with FREE Book! #R87579N $49.95 Blood, Iron, and Gold How the Railways Transformed the World Wolmar. This history reveals the many ways in which the global expansion of the railways under-pinned the making of the modern world. You’ll meet the pioneers who developed railways that would span continents and link isolated cities, see the rise of the daring feats of engineering and architectural innovation that made possible the rapid movement of people and goods around the world, and learn how cultures were enriched – and destroyed – by the unrelenting construction and how railroads played a vital role in wartime. 416 pages, 28 B&W and 16 color photographs, 5"x 8", softcover.....................................#R05942AA $17.95 2015 Calendar This 12-month wall calendar features beautiful color photographs of hard-working steam locomotives spanning more than 50 years! You’ll see a New York Central 4-8-2 “Mohawk” passing through Chicago, a stainless-steel “Silver Wings” pulling the Texas Zephyr through Colorado, and more. 14"x 11"................#R83189AA $14.95 American Experience Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Part of the award-winning PBS documentary series, American Experience, this program describes the lives and exploits of the famous outlaws Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. You’ll learn how these men met, formed the “Wild Bunch” Gang, and pulled off the longest string of successful holdups in history while eluding the Pinkertons. Color, widescreen, Dolby Digital, 1 hour..........#RV9824D $24.95 Vintage Wanted Metal Sign Resembling a vintage proclamation flyer announcing the $10,000 reward for Butch Cassidy’s “Wild Bunch” Gang, which robbed the Union Pacific Express, this aluminum sign has a distressed, aged look and includes mounting holes. 12"x 18"; made in the USA..............#R62059C $19.95 1/24 Scale In 1829, the Liverpool & Manchester Railway held the Rainhill Trials to find the best locomotive for its line. The winner was George Stephenson’s Rocket, an innovative 0-2-2 that launched a new age in the history of transportation. A replica of that famous locomotive, this museum quality, 1/24 scale kit features laser-cut wood parts for the locomotive body, tender, and boiler; cast metal detail parts; and more. 11¼" long; assembly required....................#R96997E Reg: $269 Now: $199 Motorization Kit – This easy-to-assemble motorization kit allows your Rocket locomotive to operate on G-scale track! #R96300E $149 Nearly 20" Long! Jupiter 4-4-0 Steam Locomotive Kit 1/32 Scale This museum quality, 1/32 scale kit of the Jupiter features laser-cut wood parts for the locomotive body, tender, and boiler; hundreds of cast and photo-etched metal parts that provide realistic detail; a well-equipped cab; an intricate headlamp box; an accurately shaped “balloon” stack; realistic wheels and side rods; authentic markings; and more. 19¾" long; assembly required................................................................#R86325E $489 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 5 TRAINS Steam North American Locomotives Special ! Purchase Save $100 A Special Lady Stan Stokes. A steam train pulls into an old brick station in Santa Anita, California, while a wealthy developer – accompanied by his Packard Phaeton automobile and chauffeur – awaits the arrival of his special lady. This 21"x 14" print is signed and numbered by the artist. #R07098N Reg: $195 Now: $94.95 2015 Calendar Each month, thrill to a new big and bold photograph of a North American steam locomotive! This wall calendar features 13 color shots of popular locos, including such greats as MILKS #261 and the Strasburg #475. A monthly treat for any railfan! 12"x 12".........................#R83197C $14.95 How a Steam Locomotive Works 1/18 Scale Parker. Technically complete yet written in a style that even a layman will understand, this heavily illustrated book shows how steam locomotives work. You’ll review major subsystems and appliances, how each part fits into locomotives’ overall functioning, and examples of various types from a number of American railroads. 96 pages, 198 B&W photographs and 31 line drawings, 8½"x 11", hardcover..........................................#R10170B $29.95 Firing the Steam Locomotive A necessary manual for firemen working on steam locomotives, this handbook – originally drafted in 1947 by the Reading Company – provides a breakdown of employee responsibilities, including how to prepare and inspect the fire, how to fire different types of coal, and how to correct bad fire conditions. You even get a detailed description of steam locomotive mechanics, including the stoker, grates, boiler, water systems, smoke and draft control, and superheater. 124 pages, 45 B&W photos and illustrations, 8"x 10", softcover.....................................#R03735C $9.95 Steam Engineering 1902 Originally published at the beginning of the 20th century, when steam engines were at their zenith, this reprinted volume covers everything an engineer would need to know regarding this once-popular form of power. You’ll learn about the design, construction, and operation of some of the 19th century’s most important machines: the steam pump, the steam elevator, and the steam heater. 475 pages, B&W illustrations, 8½"x 11", softcover.............................#R03737A $49.95 6 LIMITED EDITION 1930 Packard Eight 734 Speedster A replica of a beautiful 1930 Packard Eight 734 boattail speedster, this amazingly detailed, 1/18 scale, die cast model features a hood that opens to reveal the car’s large inline, 8-cylinder engine; a photo-etched grille; a carpeted interior with accurate gauges and pedals; a working steering system; an opening trunk and doors; spare wheels mounted in the front fenders; and more. Measures 10½" long and includes a removable display base..........................#R56002D $69.95 Steam in the 40s, 50s and 60s Nearly 6 Hours on 7 DVDs! Collector’s Edition This 7-DVD collection includes seven great programs that showcase the thrilling sights and sounds of the classic steam era in Purchase the Set! Save $145 America! You get The Pennsy’s West End and Its Neighbors; Rails in the Heartland: The L&N, C&EI, and IT; Cajon to Horseshoe: Trains Across Mid-America and the West; Steam in the 50s, Volumes 1, 2 and 3; and Steam Giants Across America. You’ll see just about every type of steam that ran the rails, from Big Boys to Shays and everything in between! Color & B&W. Dolby Digital 2.0 & 5.1, 5 hrs. 52 min. #RV7718C Separately: $205 Set: $59.95 “Spring Creek Express” Jigsaw Puzzle James Lee. Featuring a friendly engineer waving to children from the cab of his locomotive, this nostalgic, 1,000-piece puzzle measures 35"x 27" when assembled...........#R67169B $14.95 “At the Trainyard” Jigsaw Puzzle Barry Shefsky. Canadian National #7312, an 0-6-0 built by Baldwin in 1908, operates today on Pennsylvania’s Strasburg Rail Road. This 1,000-piece puzzle measures 30"x 19" when assembled...........#R67150B $14.95 Steam Trains This 8-DVD collection is filled with Purchase spectacular footage of the Set! steamers! You’ll marvel at Save $169 the largest, fastest steam locomotives from around the globe; ride railroads in some of Over 9 Hours the most exotic locations on earth, on 8 DVDs! including Jordan, Turkey, India, and Paraguay; and learn exciting facts about the history of steam engines! 9 hrs. 30 min. #RV5231B Separately: $199 Set: $29.95 Ghost Trains Images From America’s Railroad Heritage Bell. Filled with evocative black and white photographs that hearken back to a long-forgotten era, this volume presents accounts of 23 iconic railroad journeys that showcase America’s railroad heritage. You’ll view trains under full steam, rusting locos, derelict branch lines, roundhouses, depots, and the rotting leftovers of rail lines that once fueled the economy. 192 pages, B&W photos, 10"x 10", hardcover.........#R10272B $14.95 Engineer Advice Metal Signs Display your sense of humor with these railfan favorites! Made of metal, these signs feature a funny quip and include mounting holes. “Do You Want to Talk to the Engineer…” – This 24-gauge steel sign features a distressed look and measures 14"x 8".................#R69377D $19.95 “Don’t Argue with the Engineer” – Made of aluminum, this sign features a baked enamel finish and measures 12"x 9"......#R69340B $16.95 Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at TRAINS Steam & Diesel GE and EMD Locomotives Howard Fogg’s Trains 2015 Calendar Considered one of the all-time masters of railroading art, Howard Fogg captured the power and majesty of the steel wheel on steel rail like few others. Now, thanks to this beautiful wall calendar, you can enjoy 12 colorful Howard Fogg illustrations of steam and diesel rail-pounding action! 14"x 11"..........#R83192B $14.95 Running a Steam Locomotive Purchase the Se$ t! Save 10 This amazing series takes you “under the skin” of a steam locomotive for a complete smokestack-to-firebox look at its operation and maintenance.............$19.95 each Vol. 1: Basics of Steam Locomotive Operation You’re a steam locomotive apprentice in this detailed look at the anatomy, care and operation of a Baldwin engine. Better bring your engineer’s cap and some thick gloves – you’re going to get dirty! 1 hr. 30 min....................................#RV5900C Vol. 2: Passenger Locomotive Road Operation Join three veteran steam engine crews aboard a trio of fully restored locomotives: Nevada Northern Ten Wheeler #40, Southern Pacific 4-6-2 #2472, and UP’s 4-8-4 #844. You’ll practically feel the wind in your face in this one! 1 hr. 45 min...........#RV5901C Vol. 3: Freight Locomotive Road Operation Learn how to operate three distinctly different freight steamers: a narrow gauge Shay, a 2-8-2 Mikado, and N&W’s A-Class 2-6-6-4. 1 hr. 15 min......................................................#RV5902C All Three Volumes #RV5903A Separately: $59.85 Set: $49.85 Running a Steam Locomotive Vol. 4: The Crew of the 2472 Great for true steam aficionados, this program shows you the operation of #2472, a fully restored classic Southern Pacific steam locomotive built by Baldwin in 1921. You’ll thrill to close ups of the finer points of passenger locomotive technology and train handling as you inspect the interior and exterior of this steam beauty hard at work. Color, 1 hr. 30 min..........................#RV9360C $19.95 The Locomotive Engineman’s Manual James. This reproduction of a manual originally published in 1919 for instructing locomotive engineers, firemen, and mechanics remains one of the most complete books ever written about the working components of the steam engine, covering everything from air brakes to the valve gear. Includes questions and answers for instruction and examination. 450 pages, 50+ B&W illustrations, 8"x 10", softcover.................................#R05316B $39.95 Solomon. Combined into one grand volume, this work examines the two premier North American locomotive manufacturers, Over 400 Photos! GE and EMD! With unparalleled photos, you’ll trace the history of these two juggernauts, from the early efforts of the 1890s and 1930s, respectively, to such recent developments as GE’s revolutionary Evolution locos and EMD’s SD70ACe and SD70M-2s. 352 pages, 300 color and 105 B&W photographs, 10"x 10", softcover................................................#R37202B $29.95 Railroad Critters in Color Volume 5 Timko. This heavily illustrated volume features vintage color photographs of, and fascinating narrative about, “critters” – 300- to 1000-hp light-duty or industrial switching locomotives that weigh less than 100 tons. You’ll view all kinds of “critters” hard at work, including Baldwins, Plymouths, GEs, Vulcans, Davenports, and Porters, scurrying around behind the fences of industries such as quarries, steel mills, and power plants. 128 pages, 330+ color photographs, Volume 1......#R01084C Volume 2......#R77752C 8½"x 11", hardcover. Volume 3......#R77779C #R11351C $ 59.95 each Volume 4......#R77794C Includes a FREE 4-DVD set! Special Purcha$se! Save 20 Trainz Simulator Diesel Train Camp Shirt This comfortable and stylish, black camp shirt featuring American diesel locomotives, tracks, and signage is made of a fine 55%cotton/45% M, L, XL...........$39.95 rayon blend $ XXL.................. 41.95 and includes a hand-matched pocket, coconut buttons, and a camp-style collar. #R11283C Cab Ride Collection Over 13 Hours on 9 DVDs! This 9-DVD collection includes eight great programs that put you in the engineer’s seat to enjoy a railroader’s perspective unlike any other! A $160 Value You get CSX Lurgan Sub Cab Ride, if Purchased Grand Trunk Cab Ride – Springfield to Separately! Cincinnati, Conrail Cab Ride – Mail 3, Chicago Metra Cab Ride, Cab Ride on the Indiana & Ohio, Amtrak Cab Ride – Springfield Line; Cab Ride on the New Tygart Flyer, and Amtrak Cab Ride – Night Train to Manhattan. You’ll listen to commentary from the engineers, hear cab radio chatter, watch the crews respond to the track profiles, meet head-on freight and passenger traffic, sound the horns for small town crossings, and much more! Dolby Digital, 13 hrs. 8 min. #RV7730C Separately: $160 Set: $59.95 Locomotive Engineer Caps These high quality caps resembling those worn by steam-era engineers and firemen are fully adjustable for maximum comfort. #R11286C $9.95 each Adult – Blue or Pink Child – Blue or Pink The TrainMaster Locomotive Simulator Deluxe Engineer’s Edition This state-of-the-art software allows you to drive – via realistic in-cab controls Windows XP, – passenger and Vista, and 7 freight trains, create Compatible your own 3D layouts, This computer simulation replicates actual train handling and locooperate multiple locomotives motive response on real North American rail lines. 3D at the same time, and downDVD-ROM out-of-the-cab graphics and realistic sounds provide load thousands of routes and locothe sense of operating a train, and with 22 trains and motives. Requires a Pentium D 3.4 GHz processor or six routes to choose from, there’s always a equivalent, 128MB video card, Windows XP (SP3) to new challenge. For Windows 7.......#R06690C $19.95 Windows 7, and a DVD drive. As a bonus, you also get a 4-DVD set that features RailDriver Cab Control Unit captivating views, colorful Designed for use with Trainz Simulator locomotives, and historical and The TrainMaster Locomotive Simulines full of legendary trains lator, this 1/3 scale replica of a modern spanning America from the diesel locomotive control console puts deserts of New Mexico to the realistic levers, switches and buttons at mountains of Alaska. 5 hours. your fingertips as you navigate your #R66036C Reg: $49.95 $ Now: $29.95 train across the screen. For Windows 98 – Windows 7.............#R06032E 229 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 7 TRAINS Steam & Diesel Locomotives Baldwin Locomotive Works Catalogue of Locomotives, 1881 Founded in the early 1830s by Philadelphia jeweler Matthias Baldwin, the Baldwin Locomotive Works built a huge number of steam locomotives before ceasing production in 1949. This reproduction of the 1881 Baldwin Locomotive Works catalog displays the company’s full line of steam locomotives, from switchers to the massive triple-articulated compound model. 130 pages, B&W photographs and illustrations, 9"x 7", softcover.............................................#R05325C $12.95 Purchase the Set! Save 50% Alco Heaven American Locomotive Company/MLW: Steam, Diesels and More – 1901 to Now Stunning tributes to the brawny motive power built by the American Locomotive Company and its subsidiary Montreal Locomotive Works, these nostalgic programs examine the company’s manufacturing facilities, workers, and engines. Color and B&W. Part 1 – You’ll see a smorgasbord of Alco power, from UP’s 4-6-6-4 Challenger and CP’s Century units to S-class switchers. 2 hrs. 7 min. Part 2 – Watch Alco documentaries such as Hauling the World and Alco Heritage Museum, maritime MLW products, and more. 2 hrs. 17 min. Buy Both DVDs – Save 50%.........#RV7144C Reg: $49.90 Now: $24.95 0 Gauge SALE! Save $50 each Baldwin 4-6-0 Steam Locomotives These premium quality, Bachmann B Williams O gauge 4-6-0 steam locomotive “ten-wheelers” feature a die cast boiler and chassis for added strength and durability; a powerful motor with flywheel coasting action, C 6-wheel drive, and two traction tires for ultimate pulling power; a True A: Southern...............................................#R04581D Blast II digitally recorded whistle and B: Pennsylvania.......................................#R04939D bell, a working headlight and smoke C: Chesapeake and Ohio......................#R04582D unit, and nickel-plated detail parts for maximum realism; a die cast tender with a realistic coal load; and more. 18½" long; runs on O-27 or gentler curves....................................Reg: $379 Now: $329 each SD70ACe Diesel Locomotive FM Train Masters Replicas of FM Train Masters, these O gauge models feature A SALE! built-in 0 Gauge Save 40% sound – you’ll hear authentic 0 Gauge C B diesel engine sounds, squealing brakes, DopE D pler effect, air let-off, and other sounds – that works on standard 3-rail systems. Additional features include a 5-pole motor with dual flywheels, a detailed cab interior with crew figures, a working headlight and lighted A: Jersey Central................#R85221E number boards, etched metal radiator grilles B: Milwaukee Road...........#R85222E and separately applied door handles and C: New York Central..........#R85223E handrails, a die cast underframe, metal truck D: Southern Pacific...........#R85224E springs, and authentic markings. 15½" long............Reg: $299 Now: $179 each E: Norfolk & Western.......#R85225E F7A/B Diesel Locomotive Set This DCC-ready, HO scale Athearn F7A/B locomotive set features dual flywheels for exceptional performance (B-unit is non-powered), all-wheel drive, intricate hand-applied details such as see-through grilles and handrails, detailed trucks, a full cab interior and a directional headlight (A-unit only), authentic markings, and more. Each unit is 6¾" long........$124 each F7A – Add an F7A to create a powerful F7A/B/A lash-up!....................................................$84.95 each F7A/B Set A B C In order to meet stricter diesel locomotive emissions standards imposed by the EPA, EMD modified the SD70MAC A in the early 2000s to create the SD70ACe. This HO scale Athearn Genesis model features built-in DCC and B sound; a well-equipped cab; working head and ditch lights; a DCC & Sound DCC Ready brass horn, wire grab irons, and A: EMD Yellow......#R74993E.......#R74964E metal lift rings; photo-etched B: EMD Blue..........#R74992E.......#R74991E details; and an EMD livery. 10¼" long..................................................................................................................$299 each DCC-Ready – No sound.................................................$199 each GP50 Diesel Locomotives A Replicas of four-axle GP50 diesel locomotives (of which EMD built 278 between 1980 and 1985), these DCC-ready, HO scale Athearn models feature glazed cab windows, working headlights, factoryinstalled handrails and wire grab irons, and an authentic paint scheme. 8" long. $ 169 each F7A A: Amtrak..............................#R74978E....................#R74974E B: Norfolk Southern.........#R74979E....................#R74975E C: Santa Fe............................#R74980E....................#R74976E D: Southern Pacific...........#R74981E....................#R74977E 8 A D Phase I A: Norfolk Southern............#R74969E B: Missouri Pacific.................#R74970E C: Union Pacific......................#R74971E B D C E Phase II D: Burlington Northern.........#R74972E E: Burlington Northern Santa Fe..................................#R74973E Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at TRAINS Freight Sold Out at Manufacturer! Limited Quantity! 40' Wood Reefers These 1930s-era, HO scale models feature a finely molded body with simulated planking, a detailed roof with a walkway and ice hatches, a realistic underframe, stirrup steps, authentic markings, and more. 5½" long. 50' Single-Door Boxcars A B C $ 29.95 each D A: Eatmor......#R74878E B: Kraft...................................................................#R74879E C: Ralston..............................................................#R74880E D: Silver Edge......................................................#R74881E These HO scale models feature A a finely molded body with a sliding door on each side; stirrup steps, ladB ders, and a roof walk; an authentic paint scheme with razor-sharp lettering; and more. C 6¾" long.....$29.95 each A: Atlantic Coast Line..............#R74076D B: Union D Pacific..........#R74077D C: Western Maryland.......................................#R74078D D: Pennsylvania.................................................#R74079D 50' Gondolas with Loads Ideal for carrying large, bulky loads, open top cars such as gondolas have been a mainstay on railroads for decades. Resembling a 1980s-style gondola, these HO scale Athearn models feature a finely molded body with ribbed sides, an authentic paint scheme, a removable load, and more. $ 6¾" long. 26.95 each A B C A 0 Gauge 40' Flat Cars with Crate Loads B These O gauge models feature a finely molded body with ribbed sides and simulated rivets, separately applied detail parts, an intricate underframe, die cast trucks with metal wheels, magnetically operated knuckle couplers, authentic markings, seven removable “wooden” crates, and more. 10" long; runs on O-27 or gentler curves...................$69.95 each A: PRR.....................................................................#R85232C B: Louisville/Nashville.....................................#R85235C 34' Offset Hoppers With Frozen Food Locker Load A: Union Pacific..............#R75023E B: Burlington Northern Santa Fe..........#R75024E C: Norfolk Southern........#R75027E D E With Canister Load D: Canadian National.......................................#R75025E E: CSX......................................................................#R75026E These HO scale models of 50ton, two-bay A hoppers feature a finely molded body, added weight for smooth tracking, authentic markings, a removable cast resin coal load, and B more. $ 4¾" long........................................................... 19.95 each A: Santa Fe.........#R74999E B: CSX............#R75020E 34' Ribbed Hoppers A B Freight Depot Accessories Detail your freight depot, rail yard, lumber yard or factory scene with these unpainted, HO scale, metal sets! A: Crates, Barrels & Sacks – Includes oil drums, wooden crates and barrels, and feed sacks. You even get a wheelbarrow!............#R85064D $9.95 B: Assorted Skids – You get 15 skids in assorted sizes, including some with broken boards and others with partial loads......................#R85065D $8.95 These beautifully detailed, HO scale, 2-bay A ribbed hoppers feature a finely molded body, added weight for smooth tracking, an authentic paint scheme, a removB able cast coal load, and $ more. 4¾" long................................................ 19.95 each A: Canadian National.......................................#R75021E B: Norfolk Southern..........................................#R75022E Chemical Tank Cars Resembling chemical tank cars emA ployed from the 1940s to the 1990s, these HO scale B models feature a finely molded body; separately applied ladders, handrails, and other parts; added C weight; and an authentic Kodak scheme. 5½" long..............................$28.95 each A: Kodak #80324................................................#R74883E B: Kodak #80327................................................#R74884E C: Kodak #80331................................................#R74885E 1955 Chevrolet Pickup Truck with Tire Load This O scalecompatible (1/43), die cast model of a Chev1/43 Scale rolet pickup truck features a realistic interior with a steering wheel, a glazed windshield with wipers, simulated chrome, a detailed bed with a load of real rubber tires, free-rolling wheels, and authentic Gulf Oil badging. 4½" long...............................................#R55210D $16.95 Caboose Solomon. Lavishly illustrated, this photo-history traces the development of the caboose from the 19th century to the mid-1990s, when the American icon had nearly disappeared from the rails. You’ll view photos of bobber, cupola, bay window and transfer cabooses across the U.S., each accompanied by a caption with information on construction, function, and history. 192 pages, 175 color and 75 B&W photographs, 6½"x 8¼", softcover.........................#R10607B $19.95 Northeast Steel Cabooses These HO scale models feature a finely molded body with glazed windows and a precision-tooled floor; a raised roof walk, curved grab irons, and realistic brake wheels; a detailed underframe; added weight; and an authentic paint scheme. 4½" long. A B C $ 29.95 each D A: Reading #R04524B B: Lehigh Valley #R04525B C: Western Maryland.....................................................#R04526B D: Norfolk and Western..............................#R04528B Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 9 TRAINS REA / Railroad Operations Railway Express Agency International Harvester Metro Delivery Truck This newly tooled, HO scale, metal and plastic model of a metro delivery truck features a finely molded body, a well1/87 Scale equipped interior, glazed windows, factory applied detail parts, realistically treaded tires, and an authentic Railway Express Agency paint scheme. 3" long...................................................#R74697C $19.95 Vintage Railway Express Agency Metal Sign Resembling a Railway Express Agency sign, this quality reproduction is made of aluminum and has a weathered, vintage appearance. 12"x 12"; includes mounting holes...................................#R60415C $19.95 A REA Delivery Truck Kits During the late 1930s and ‘40s, Railway Express Agency delivery trucks 1/87 Scale hustled freight of all types throughout the company’s maze of delivery routes. Replicas of Railway B Express Agency delivery trucks, these HO scale, cast resin kits feature a detailed grille, a well-equipped cab with glazed C windows, a finely molded cargo box, metal detail parts, vinyl tires, authentic REA markings and advertisements, and more. 3" long; assembly required......$19.95 each A: NEW! 1937.......................................................#R59535E B: NEW! 1948.......................................................#R60338E C: 1937 – This international delivery truck features a cab-over-engine design.................#R74465E Mail by Rail An Inside Look at the Railway Post Office Railway Post Office cars, where first class U.S. mail was sorted by clerks, were strictly off-limits to passengers – until now! This DVD includes a vintage RPO training film, a demonstration on RPO procedures, a colorful parade of mail cars from the 1940s through the eve of Amtrak, rides aboard the Santa Fe “Chief” and “Fast Mail,” and more. 1 hour.......#RV7266A $29.95 10 Russell Snowplows When the snowfall covers the tracks, it’s time to hook up the Russell snowplow – in service since it debuted in the 1920s – to the front of your locomotive! These newly tooled, HO scale models feature a finely molded body, glazed windows, factoryinstalled grab irons, a detailed flanger, an authentic paint scheme, and more. 5¾" long..................................$69.95 each A: Canadian National.............#R11033E B: Chesapeake & Ohio............#R11034E C: Union Pacific.........................#R11035E D: Northern Pacific..................#R11036E E: Soo Line..................................#R11037E A LIMITED EDITION B D C E Grasselli Tower Kits Railroad Signaling Solomon. This heavily illustrated guide to railroad signaling in the U.S. simplifies the utterly bewildering array of mechanisms, procedures and rules that have evolved since the 1830s to promote safety, impose control, and disseminate information on America’s railways. You’ll learn about the history of American signaling and rail communication, view the equipment and learn how it is used, and much more. 160 pages, 175+ color and B&W photographs, 8½"x 11", softcover........#R10189B $24.95 Replicas of one of the last working interlocking towers in the Chicago area, this premium quality wood kit uses laser engraving to create exceptionally realistic wood grain textures for all of its laser-cut parts, including individual steps and railings. Other fine features include glazed windows, positionable doors, a finished interior with realistic floor planks, two detailed sets of mechanical interlocking levers, and more. 81 parts; assembly required. HO scale – 3¾" tall with a 5"x 2" footprint.......#R86410D $69.95 N scale – 2" tall with a 2½"x 1¼" footprint.......#R86420D $69.95 O scale – 7" tall with a 9¼"x 3½" footprint.......................................................#R86415C $119 Roundhouse The roundhouse was a hallmark of steam era railroading some of these classics are still in use today. Now Kit and you can inspect and service your own fleet of steam and Use with the Turntable Below! Motorized Turntables diesel locomotives in this easy-to-build, three-stall HO scale plastic kit. It can house up to three locomotives up to 13" long in stalls spaced on a 10 degree angle to fit popular turntables. The kit features interior and exterior brick detailing, 23 large side windows and separate clerestory windows for natural light, smokejacks, a modular design to allow multiple kits to be combined; and more. Measures 14"x 14"x 5" when assembled.......................................#R86406C $49.95 Special Purch ase! Designed for easy installation Save $50 on new or existing layouts, these premium quality, HO scale turntables feature a built-in decoder with a programmable address for easy programming and operation directly from most DCC throttles; a control box to operate it on DC-powered layouts; programmable indexing for up to 60 different positions; a motorized gear drive; a sturdy, one-piece, pre-weathered plastic pit; a detailed, plastic arch bridge; a mounting template; and instructions................................................................Reg: $349 Now: $299 each 90' Turntable – Pit diameter is 13¾".........#R00586E 130' Turntable – Pit diameter is 19"...............#R00587E Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at INDUSTRY Logging This was Logging Andrews. This book, featuring the incredible wet plate work of famed photographer Darius Kinsey, captures Northwest logging in its heyday from 1890 to 1925. You’ll get a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at life as a logger, see field equipment, follow geared locomotives across massive hand-built wooden trestles, watch incline railway operations, and more. 157 pages, 200 B&W photographs, 8½"x 11", softcover................................................#R02168C $14.95 Log Haulers in Winter Through film footage taken from multiple photo shoots over several winters, this program shows a “typical day” of winter railroading in the forests of the Olympic Peninsula. You’ll bundle up for a cold day on the tracks in Washington and help haul the state’s major export, lumber, and hope that you don’t come across too much of the “white stuff ” in the process. Dolby Digital 5.1, 2 hrs. 3 min......................................#RV2528C $24.95 Volume 2 Featuring rare footage spanning 50 years, this program explores railroad logging on the American West Coast. This volume covers the challenges that railroads faced during construction, including inclines, cableways, and powering through heavy snowfalls. You’ll even view parbuckling wrecks, log dumps, and mills at the end of the line. Color and B&W, widescreen, 1 hr. 18 min.................................#RV3368E $29.95 Volume 1 – 1 hr. 12 min.........#RV9822E $29.95 A B C Oregon and Northwestern Railroad Pacific Coast Lumber Boat Kit Buzzzzzzz! Time to saw those massive logs into usable planks with this premium quality HO scale sawmill craftsman kit, which uses real pine and basswood boardby-board construction over timber framing. It includes the mill, log deck, machine shop, racks, benches, lumber, scenery detail and more. Assembled kit measures 4" tall with a 13¼"x 7" footprint...........#R04779E $69.95 Resembling pulpwood flatcars – which are used to haul pulpwood lumber between forest pulp landings and paper mills – built by Southern Iron & Equipment Co. in the 1970s, these HO scale models feature prototypical LIMITED EDITION D V-sloped deck and tall bulkheads at each end to keep the load in place, factory installed grab irons, authentic markings, and more. 7" long.............................................$29.95 each A: CSXT..................................#R60292E B: Illinois Central.........................#R60293E C: MEC....................................#R60294E D: Norfolk Southern..................#R60295E 50' Sieco Pulpwood Flatcars Images of Rail Moore & Monger. As a result of a deal made by the U.S. Forest Service, an 80 mile stretch of common carrier railroad was developed and maintained by private logging and rail companies in some of the most remote and undeveloped regions of Oregon. This book tells the dramatic story of the Oregon & Northwestern and its associated railroads, including the Malheur Railroad, Edward Hines’ private logging railroad, Union Pacific’s Oregon Eastern branch, and the Oregon Eastern Division of the Wyoming Colorado Railroad. 128 pages, 200 B&W photographs, 6½"x 9¼", softcover................................................#R37195C $19.95 Lucas Sawmill Kit West Coast Railroad Logging 1/87 Scale Gears in the Woods Journey to eleven different steam logging railroads to view every kind of steam locomotive ever conceived to haul logs: Shays, Heislers, Climaxes, articulated rod and rigid frame engines. You’ll see Feather River Shays high on S-curved trestles, fireworks pinwheeling off Climaxes tackling 6% grades, Heislers dancing around the log dump, two versions of the McLeod operation, and more. Color, 1 hr. 28 min. #RV3101C $39.95 Volvo L180 Log Loader Load or stack your felled timber with this HO scale, die cast model of a Volvo high-lift timber loader, manufactured between 1999 and 2006, and designed to lift more than 9 tons of logs over 40 feet in the air! This prototypically articulated model features a detailed interior, glazed windows; a plastic, positionable timber grapple that can be locked in position to hold scale logs; free-rolling wheels with rubber tires; and authentic Volvo markings. 5½" long...................#R77524C $21.95 International 175 Crawler Depicting one of the steam-powered lumber boats that shuffled processed wood products to ports across the West Coast, this finely detailed, HO scale, waterline resin kit of Pacific Coast Lumber’s “S.S. Tiverton” features a one-piece hull, dual masts and a smokestack, a detailed wheelhouse, lifeboat davits, authentic markings, and more. 18" long; assembly required...................................#R74480E $199 A replica of an International 175 crawler, this amazingly detailed, 1/25 scale, die cast model features a well-equipped driver’s station with control instruments, mesh screen walls, and a Roll Over Protection Structure (ROPS); an elevating and tilting 4-in-1 bucket with working hydraulic arms; a rear-mounted winch, headlights, and other fine add-on detail parts; rolling, segmented metal tracks; and authentic badging. 10" long. #R67600C $113 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 1/25 Scale 11 INDUSTRY Mining Images of America Early Coal Mining in the Anthracite Region Richards. This photo-history examines the four distinct anthracite coal fields that lie within a 1,700-square mile area of northeastern Pennsylvania. You’ll learn about the collieries, miners, and drivers who used everything from mules and helmet lamps lit by fire to massive, vibrating machines called “coal breakers” in the noisy, soot-filled mines. 96 pages, approximately 200 B&W photographs, 6½"x 9¼", softcover..............#R37137C $19.95 Appalachian Coal Mines and Railroads in Color Volume 2: Virginia Timko. This heavily illustrated volume features vintage color photographs of, and fascinating narrative about, heavy-duty coal railroading in Virginia, the Old Dominion State. You’ll view all kinds of motive power – from F units and Geeps to RS units and “critters” – operated by CSX and Norfolk Southern and their predecessor roads, including the Louisville & Nashville, Clinchfield, C&O, N&W, Southern, Interstate, and the Haysi Railroad. 128 pages, 200+ color photographs, 8½"x 11", hardcover............................#R11353C $59.95 Volume 1: Kentucky.........................#R77767C $59.95 The Hard Coal Roads Eastern Kentucky Coal What Went Wrong Take a journey back in time and tour the anthracite coal lines that once peppered the eastern rail scene! You’ll ride the principal roads, including the Lehigh Valley, Jersey Central, Reading, D&H, and the Erie-Lackawanna, from their successful days hauling coal in Pennsylvania to their decline into transporting “bridge traffic” and their eventual mergers. Color, 2 hours...........#RV2459C $29.95 Head over to Appalachia, where coal is king! There, you’ll see CSX and Norfolk Southern haul this valuable resource out of the hills, from the coal fields to the processing facilities on former Louisville & Nashville and Chesapeake & Ohio lines. You’ll even visit Hagan’s Switchback, the only mainline switchback in the United States, where two trains meet after traveling the difficult stretch of tunnels and high trestles of eastern Kentucky. Color, widescreen, 2 hrs. 15 min.......#RV9583B $29.95 Iron Ore Excavation on Film 1935 to 1953 Take a trip to the iron mines of the mid-20th century and witness the drilling, blasting, and excavation of ore used for blast furnaces. You’ll marvel at the methods used to extract this in-demand resource from the earth as you see steam-powered chain bucket excavators; electric excavators and draglines, including Ruston-Bucyrus 55RBs, 100RBs, and 5Ws; DS21 Caterpillar scrapers; and various other excavation equipment hard at work. There’s even footage of trains hauling ore out of the area! 1 hour..............................................#RV7796E $29.95 LTV Mining Railroad Go where few have ventured: deep into the inner plant and strip mines of LTV Mining Company’s Minnesota operation. You’ll see the last intact group of EMD-delivered F-units that remain in operation on what was formerly known as the Erie Mining Railroad, watch Alco action on mine runs, and catch Baldwin switchers working around the plant. Finally, climb aboard an F9 for a ride through the north woods of the iron range to a Lake Superior ore dock. Color, 1 hour................................#RV9588B $29.95 Silver Spur Mine Kit A A AAR 70-Ton 3-Bay Hoppers with Coal Loads B These HO scale models of the familiar 3-bay hopper that was a C standard on many railroads from the 1930s to the mid1950s feature a finely D molded body with simulated rivets along the exterior ribs, realistic support braces for the end slope sheets, E prototypical grab irons and stirrup steps, a detailed underframe with molded hopper door locks, added weight for smooth tracking, an authentic paint scheme with a unique road number, and a removable coal load. 6" long...............................................................$20.95 each A: Reading & Northern.....................................#R74661D B: Chessie System...............................................#R74662D C: Central of Georgia.........................................#R74663D D: Central Vermont............................................#R74664D E: Minneapolis & St. Louis...............................#R74665D 12 This HO scale, laser-cut wood and corrugated aluminum kit includes a shaft house with a shed and a tipple; a hoist house with a head frame and a forge shed; silver ore chutes for both railcar and truck loading; smokestacks, cables, black chain, and plastic accessory parts; and more. The shaft house has a 6½"x 4½" footprint and the tunnel and tipple has a 1¾"x 3¾" footprint; assembly required...............................................#R86381E $99.95 Union Railroad in Color Richard Borkowski, Jr. The Union Railroad was created by Andrew Carnegie, the founder of U.S. Steel, to prevent any single railroad from having a monopoly on the traffic moving into and out of his steel plants. Due to the strict security surrounding these industrial sites, the operations of the railroad have been covered under a blanket of secrecy. But now, for the first time, and in full color, this book takes you inside the Union Railroad. 128 pages, 245 color photographs, 8½"x 11", hardcover............................................#R05062C $54.95 G39 Ore Cars Built by the Pennsylvania B Railroad for hauling ore, which is denser than most other bulk materials, the G39 “Jenny” could hold 70 C tons. To prevent the load from freezing in cold climates, the G39 was given insulated siding D and renamed the G39a “Wooly.” Replicas of ore cars, these HO scale models feature a finely molded body, ribbed siding, ladders and other fine details, authentic $ markings, and more. 4" long. 25.95 each G39 – With Crown Trucks A: Pennsylvania.............................................#R74939D G39a – With Friction Trucks B: Pennsylvania (PRR).................................#R74940D C: Penn Central..............................................#R74943D D: Conrail.........................................................#R74945D Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at INDUSTRY Mining / Caterpillar Ultra Haulers Bucyrus Heavy Equipment Global Giants of the Mining Industry Woof. This lavishly illustrated book examines innovaSpecial tions, evolutions, and revolutions in large-scale haul Purchase! trucks and earth-moving equipment, showing you Save 40% everything from early rigid trucks and articulated dump trucks to robotic mining trucks and scraper tractors, large diesel engine development and tire technology, truck accidents, the history of crawler tracks, and more. 160 pages, 126 color and B&W photographs, 8¼"x 10½", softcover............................#R03544N Reg: $24.95 Now: $14.95 Construction and Mining Machines 1880-2008 Haddock. Filled with hundreds of photographs, each expertly captioned, this photo-history examines all of the major equipment lines – including excavators, railroad shovels, draglines, dredges, drills, tractor equipment, and cranes – of Bucyrus Company, Erie Steam Shovel, Bucyrus-Erie and Ruston-Bucyrus over the past 128 years. 224 pages, 450+ B&W photographs, 8½"x 11", softcover........................#R10140B $42.95 ! Special Purchase $ Save Over 80 1/50 Scale C A B Special Purchase! Save $30 LIMITED EDITION F E D Caterpillar Models Staples on the construction site, the familiar yellow-bodied Caterpillar represents quality American-made construction machinery. G Add one of those CATs to your collection! Resembling special-purpose vehicles used by construction crews across the country, these O scalecompatible (1/50), die cast models are incredibly detailed. Special Purchase! You get a finely cast body; a well-equipped operator’s area with Save $30 instruments and glazed windows; accurately reproduced, movable, duty-specific parts; realistically treaded tracks and tires; authentic CAT badging; and more. A: 795F AC Electric Drive Mining Truck – CAT’s new electric drive mining truck, the 795F AC, which is hailed for its innovative designs for improved safety and performance, is the company’s (and the industry’s) first single-sourced, integrated AC drive system mining truck. A replica of one of those electric drive behemoths, this museum quality model - weighing nearly 7 pounds! - features working, flip-down boarding ladders; an engine compartment that opens to reveal a detailed C175-16 engine; an elevating bed; and more. 12¼" long........#R77389E Reg: $380 Now: $299 B: 785D Mining Dump Truck – This model of the 146-ton-capacity 785D heavy hauler features an elevating dump bed with realistic lift cylinders and movable debris bars, a cab deck with fire suppression gear and a hatch that opens to reveal a detailed engine, and more. 9" long...................................................................#R67387D Reg: $217 Now: $187 C: NEW! 336D L Hydraulic Excavator – This model of a 336D L hydraulic excavator features a finely cast body that rotates 360 degrees, an elevating boom with a movable bucket; realistic hoses, ladders, and grab rails; movable metal tracks; and more. 8½" long...................................#R57022C $127 D: NEW! D11T Track-Type Tractor – This model of a D11T tractor features a movable dozer blade and a rear single-shank ripper, working metal tracks with individual links, and more. 8¼" long.............#R57021C $185 H I E: NEW! 994F Wheel Loader Wearing a special white paint Special Purchase! scheme, this model of a 994F Save $25 wheel loader features a boom that raises and lowers, a movable bucket, articulated steering, and more. 13¾" long..............................................................................................................#R57019C $259 F: R1700G Underground Mining Loader – A replica of a modern underground mining dynamo, this amazingly detailed model features movable loader arms, working bucket scoops and dumps, articulated steering, and more. 8½" long............................................................................................................#R92709B $94.95 G: 993K Wheel Loader – Amazingly detailed, this model features a movable boom and bucket, articulated steering, and more. 11½" long.............................................................................#R10770D Reg: $226 Now: $196 H: 740B Articulated Hauler/Dump Truck – This amazingly detailed model of a 740B hauler features an articulated hitch, a movable dump bed, working rear suspension, and more. 9½" long.....................................................................#R74952C $124 I: Mega MIWT30 Mining Truck Water Tank –This model of a Mega MIWT30 mining truck outfitted with a water tank features an elevating tank with realistic lift cylinders, metal grab bars and ladders, and more. 8¾" long...............................................................................#R74951C Reg: $284 Now: $259 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 13 INDUSTRY Maritime / Intermodal Great Lakes Lumber Hooker Kit November’s Fury This finely detailed, HO scale, resin kit of the “Langell Boys” lumber hooker features a one-piece waterline hull, dual masts and a smokestack, a detailed wheelhouse, a prototypical flying bridge, lifeboat davits, and authentic markings. 21" long; assembly required......................................................#R98615E $169 Front Street Warehouse Kit A nice addition to your seacoast or lakeshore line, this HO scale, plastic kit of a front street warehouse looks just like the type constructed alongside waterfront areas to store cargo. You get a detailed, faux brick siding with textured surfaces; the choice of standard molded windows or screen-printed windows with a more prototypical mullion, accurately reproduced elevator sheds and clearstory, and much more. 10" tall with a 6¾"x 15½" footprint; assembly required......................#R78951C $59.95 NEW! Heavy Crate Load Includes five HO scale, plastic crates.........................#R74594C $14.95 Resembling Diesel a diesel tugTugboat boat, this Kit easy-toassemble, 1/82 scale (HO compatible) plastic kit features textured surfaces; a prototypical hull; a detailed deck with bitts and a towing machine; a pilot house with a wheel; a smokestack and a vent; front and side bumpers; a searchlight, a horn, and a raft; crew figures; a flag; a display stand; and more. 14" long; 50+ parts, skill level 2.............................................#R85000C $46.95 NEW! Tugboat/ Carfloat Crew Includes six HO scale, plastic figures......................#R78933E $14.95 Images of America Massachusetts Lighthouses Past & Present Richmond. A necessary addition to any lighthouse enthusiast’s or maritime buff ’s shelf, this illustrated work describes more than 60 lighthouse stations found along the Massachusetts coast from Fall River in the south to Salisbury in the north. Each entry includes detailed photographs as well as technical information, including the date established, tower structure, optics, fog signals, and more. 160 pages, 454 photos, 8½"x 11", hardcover....#R10380C $34.95 “Eagle Light” Jigsaw Puzzle Steve Sundram. Not just a guiding light to safety, this lighthouse is also a guiding light to freedom! This 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle measures 27"x 20" when assembled. #R67186B $ 14.95 14 The Deadly Great Lakes Hurricane of 1913 Schumacher. Go back to early November 1913, when for four long days, the Great Lakes Basin was pounded by the “Freshwater Fury,” a blizzard with hurricane-force winds that devastated the region and killed more than 250 people. You’ll learn how that deadly storm affected the maritime industry, destroying 19 ships and stranding 19 others, resulting in millions of dollars in damages. 240 pages, 77 B&W photographs, 6½"x 9¼", hardcover....#R03897B $24.95 Lighthouses and Lifesaving Stations on Cape Ann Germain. Filled with thrilling stories of heroism, adventure, and human endeavor, the maritime history of Cape Ann, on the northern coast of Massachusetts, is a rich one. Lavishly illustrated with archival photographs, this volume highlights the dedication of the lighthouse keepers and lifesaving surfmen who have served on the cape since the late 18th century. 128 pages, 200 B&W photographs, 6½"x 9¼", softcover..............................................#R37197C $19.95 The Lighthouse Handbook Hudson River & New York Harbor D’Entremont. This comprehensive and fascinating guide shows you dozens of light structures – both SALE! Save 33% past and present – located on the Hudson River and at its mouth, where the river meets the sea in New York Harbor. You’ll get details on the lighthouses’ construction and operation, height and lens type, keepers (with some very colorful stories!), preservation, and more, including true tales of daring rescue. 76 color and 43 B&W photographs, 232 pages, 5¼"x 7¾", softcover............#R03548N Reg: $14.95 Now: $9.95 The Edmund Fitzgerald Investigations Dive alongside shipwreck researchers as they plunge into the mystery of the most famous shipwreck on the Great Lakes! From exclusive construction footage of the Fitz to interviews with every major expedition to visit the wreck site, this program introduces new footage of the investigations from the newest technology used to search the wreck (CURV III, Delta, Searover, Pisces and SDL1, Newt Suit, Clelia, and Cousteau’s diving saucer) and probe the icy depths to unlock the mystery of what happened to the 29 men. 1 hour...#RV5911B $19.95 I N T E R M O DA L 50' Front Runners with 45' Trailers A These HO scale models B of two-axle Front Runner cars feature a heavy die cast metal frame for smooth C tracking, separately applied metal grab irons, an authentic Trailer Train paint scheme, D and a removable 6¼" long trailer with rail markings. Car measures 6¾" long............................................................$34.95 each A: Burlington Northern...................................#R60296C B: Denver & Rio Grande Western..................#R60297C C: Burlington Northern Santa Fe.................#R60298C D: Santa Fe............................................................#R60299C 45' Stoughton Trailer 2-Packs These HO scale models of A Stoughton trailers feature a metal B frame, trailer support legs, a C detailed underbody, realistiD cally treaded tires, and authentic markings. 6¼" long............................................................$27.95 each A: Burlington Northern...................................#R74331C B: Denver & Rio Grande Western..................#R74332C C: Burlington Northern Santa Fe.................#R74333C D: Santa Fe............................................................#R74334C Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at INDUSTRY Passenger Ships “The Steamboat” Jigsaw Puzzle Resembling the March 1913 cover of Popular Mechanics, which features an old-fashioned riverboat steaming along the Mississippi River, this 500-piece jigsaw puzzle measures 18"x 24" when assembled..................................#R77035A $18.95 The Mighty Mississippi Take a cruise aboard the Purch Mississippi Queen down the Mississippi the Seast!e Save $25 River from Memphis to New Orleans! Your journey takes you to the greatest attractions of the area. 25 minutes each...........................................$24.95 each Discover Memphis, Graceland & Vicksburg – The first stops on your journey include Elvis’ Graceland, the National Civil Rights Museum, and the Biedenharn Coca-Cola Museum.............................#RV9271A Natchez to Baton Rouge – The middle leg of your ride takes you to the gardens of Rosedown in St. Francisville and the lively Cajun scene in Baton Rouge........#RV9272A Lake Pontchartrain to the Big Easy – The final leg takes you on a tour of New Orleans’ port and Lake Pontchartrain as well as the French Quarter...........#RV9273A Buy All Three DVDs – Save $25!................#RV9274E Separately: $74.85 Set: $49.85 Special Purchase! Save 60% SS United States Model LIMITED EDITION Record Breaker Stan Stokes. The SS United States – the fastest of the transatlantic ocean liners – sets another record as it cruises the North Atlantic at more than 35 knots in 1952. This 20"x 9" print is signed and numbered by the artist......#R77605AA Reg: $125 Now: $49.95 Nearly 3½-Feet Long! Superliner SS United States Covering the fastest ocean liner ever built, which was also the largest passenger liner built in the USA, this unique DVD presents three programs: Building the SS United States; Superliner United States, featuring its maiden voyage; and Little Giants: Docking of the SS United States. All programs include narration. B&W, 1 hour...#RV9014C $29.95 Ocean Liners 2015 Calendar From brilliant blue water to endless rows of portholes and towering smoke stacks, this nostalgic, 16-month wall calendar features advertisements that showcase the world’s most famous cruise lines of the 20th century. You’ll marvel at vintage ads for those lines, including Cunard, Anchor, Red Star, Canadian Pacific, and others. 11¾"x 11¾".......#K115016AA $13.95 Great Passenger Ships 1920-1930 Miller. Celebrate the passenger ships of the 1920s, a fabled era for ocean liners, when industry growth and opulence spiked after the recovery from the First World War. You’ll tour the mighty vessels of the Cunard, White Star, P&O, Orient, Union Castle, Furness-Bermuda, and other great lines of the golden days of ocean travel. 96 pages, photographs, 10"x 9", softcover...................................................................#R10319C $34.95 Built in 1952 to capture the trans-Atlantic speed record, the luxury passenger liner SS United States set eastbound and westbound worldwide bests on her maiden roundtrip voyage. Now, 60 years later and retired from commercial service, her westbound record still stands. A replica of that speedy vessel, this museum quality, 1/300 scale, wooden model features a detailed hull with portholes; an intricate superstructure with masts (with rigging and stay-lines!), 1/300 Scale smokestacks, and windows that reveal open promenade decks; a well-equipped deck with cleats, vent shafts, lattice grates, and miniature benches; plenty of metal detail parts, including ladders, staircases, and handrails; an authentic paint scheme; a realistic quadruple propeller; and more. 40" long; includes a display stand.....................................................#R77597D $499 With LED Interior Hull Lighting – Pre-installed, long-lasting interior LED lights line the entire interior of the hull and glow through accurate prototypical window and porthole placements. Plug into any electrical outlet; LEDs will last more than 10 years............#R77599D $579 Constructed by master artisans, this museum quality, 1/265 scale, fiberglass and wood replica of the behemoth White Star Liner RMS Titanic features finely textured surfaces; a detailed hull with portholes; an intricate superstructure with masts (with rigging and stay-lines!), smokestacks, and windows that reveal open promenade decks; a well-equipped deck with cleats, vent shafts, lattice grates, and miniature benches; plenty of metal detail parts, including ladders, staircases, and handrails; an authentic paint scheme; a realistic propeller design and accurate anchors; a Nearly 3½-Feet Long! certificate of authenticity; and more. 40" long; includes a display base with a nameplate......................................#R59503D $499 Special Purchase! Save 60% RMS Titanic Model 1/265 Scale LIMITED EDITION With Pre-Installed Lighting – This model includes all the great features listed above, as well as long-lasting LED lighting – which plugs into any wall outlet and lasts more than 10 years – that lines the entire inside of the hull and glows through accurate prototypical window and porthole placements............#R59504D $579 Radio-Controlled Model – This ready-to-run version includes a built-in DC motor; a 7.2V battery; and a 2.4GHz, 3-channel remote control with a charger port..........................#R60385C $1,299 LIMITED EDITION Voyage to Eternity Stan Stokes. In April 1912, the RMS Titanic cruises off the southern coast of Ireland on her first and only voyage. 20"x 9" print; signed and numbered by the artist.....#R79028AA Reg: $125 Now: $49.95 Titanic Blanket Featuring the date and branding of the prestigious White Star Line, this premium quality repro! LE A SSave 50% duction of a Titanic blanket is loomed from a surviving blanket found within the staterooms of that cruise line and is made of a wool/polyester blend. 65"x 48"...#R62040E Reg: $150 Now: $74.95 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 15 INDUSTRY Agriculture Classic Farm Tractors 2015 Calendar This handsome, 16-month wall calendar features full-color photographs of vintage farm tractors! You’ll marvel at agricultural stalwarts from John Deere, Farmall, Case, McCormick, and more! 12"x 12"...............................#K115015A $14.95 20 Years of Classics Celebrate 20 years of beautifully restored vintage tractors with this fascinating program! You’ll review the tractors and their proud owners who have appeared on all the Classic Tractors calendars, and marvel at a colorful variety of machines in all shapes and sizes. 1 hour....#RV7797E $29.95 1/16 Scale Fordson Super Dexta Diesel 2000 Tractor Fordson, the brand name applied to a range of mass-produced, general-purpose tractors by Henry Ford & Son, Inc, in 1917 and used by Ford Motor Company until 1964 (manufactured in Britain), represented quality-built machinery capable of performing a multitude of duties. A replica of a Super Dexta Diesel 2000 tractor, which, with the “Diesel 2000” moniker, was built for the American market from 1962 to ’64, this 1/16 scale, die cast model features a finely cast body, a detailed driver’s area, an intricate engine, steerable front wheels, realistically treaded rubber tires, authentic Fordson markings, and more. 7¼" long..............#R57020E $89.95 “Merl’s Tractor Repair” Wood Sign Painted on distressed hardwood paneling, this wood sign displays an advertisement for “Merl’s Tractor Repair.” A truly unique work of art, each panel has its own twists and knots, making every piece a one-of-a-kind display. 26"x 15"; includes hardware for hanging. #R60452C $ 59.95 “Deere Crossing” Jigsaw Puzzle John Deere New Generation and Generation II Tractors Kevin Daniels. With a tornado forming on the horizon, a herd of deer hop the fence and pass an old John Deere tractor on their way to finding shelter. This 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle measures 26¾"x 19¼" when assembled..........#R67453C $15.95 History, Models, Variations & Specifications, 1960s-1970s Dietz. Filled with color photographs of restored tractors and archival images of advertisements, brochures and tractors in action, this book examines the large, powerful John Deere “New Generation” tractors that revolutionized the industry in the 1960s and 1970s. 128 pages, color and B&W photographs and illustrations, 8¾"x 11¼", hardcover..........................................................#R01899AA $24.95 1/16 Scale A John Deere Machinery Die Cast Models D C B E F Wearing the familiar green paint scheme known the world over, these 1/16 scale, die cast models of heavy duty John Deere farm equipment are just as beautifully constructed as the real thing! Each features a finely cast body, a well-equipped driver’s area, real rubber tires, authentic badging, and more. A: 1947 Model G Tractor – The John Deere Model G was a two-cylinder engine tractor built from 1937 to 1953. 8½" long...............................................................................................................................................................#R77376C $59.95 B: NEW! 430 Utility Tractor – The 430 was available in a variety of styles and performed various utility roles. 8½" long..........................................#R57024C $64.95 C: 9560R Tractor – This premium quality, Prestige Collection model of a John Deere 9560R tractor – which, with its 560-horsepower engine, 4x4 articulated 4-wheel drive, and accommodating cab, is a marvel of modern farming machinery – is 18" long...........................................................................#R74957E $199 D: NEW! 4620 FWA Tractor – This premium quality, Prestige Collection model of a 4620 FWA tractor measures 10½" long......................................................#R57023C $159 E: 730 Wide Front Tractor – The 1958 John Deere 730 tractor was a replacement for the 720 and had numerous cosmetic upgrades, including deluxe flat-top fenders with headlights. 8½" long.......................................................................................................................................................................................................#R74955C $69.95 F: S670 Combine – This model of an S670 combine includes real working lights and sounds! Requires 3 AAA batteries; not included; 26" long.................#R77382D $149 16 Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at INDUSTRY Grain / Breweries Grain Truck Kits A These HO scale, cast resin kits feature a finely molded cab and cargo bed with grille details and glazed B windows, a detailed chassis, separately applied metal detail parts, vinyl tires, and 1/87 Scale authentic markings. 3" long; assembly required...........................$21.95 each A: 1939 GMC Truck.............................................#R74442E B: 1946 Mercury Truck.....................................#R74443E Grain Truck Kits Haul your grain or other crops with these detailed A trucks! Replicas of mid-twentieth century American-made grain trucks, these HO scale, B cast resin kits feature a finely molded body with a detailed grille and glazed cab windows, an open bed with C 1/87 Scale simulated wood panel siding, separately applied metal detail parts, vinyl tires, authentic markings, and more. 2½" long; assembly required.......................$21.95 each A: 1941-47 Ford COE.........................................#R60333E B: 1948-53 Chevy COE......................................#R60331E C: 1948-53 Chevy Conventional Body........#R60332E 1949 Studebaker Grain Truck Kit In addition to its excellent lineup of cars, Studebaker also built some of the most attractive and 1/87 Scale rugged trucks that traveled America’s roadways. A replica of a 1949 Studebaker grain truck, this HO scale, cast resin kit features a finely molded cab and cargo bed with grille details and glazed cab windows, a detailed chassis, separately applied metal detail parts, vinyl tires, authentic markings, and more. Measures 3" long; assembly required...............#R74470E $21.95 “Sunbeam Bread with a Bonus” Metal Sign In the early 1940s, the image of “Little Miss Sunbeam” was created by illustrator Ellen Barbara Segner for Quality Bakers’ Sunbeam bread. Based on a vintage Sunbeam advertisement, this tin sign measures 12½"x 16" and includes mounting holes..................#R66673A $11.95 1979 Kenworth W900 with Grain Hauler Trailer This HO scale, plastic model of a 1979 Kenworth W900 features textured surfaces, a detailed cab with glazed windows, plenty of simulated chrome (including fuel tanks and dual exhaust stacks), a grain hauler, 1/87 Scale realistically treaded tires, mud flaps, and more. 4½" long............................................................................................................................................................#R78812D $29.95 International ProStar Trucks with Grain Trailers Replicas of ProStar trucks outfitted with grain trailers, these HO scale, metal and plastic models feature a well-appointed cab with glazed win1/87 Scale dows, plenty of simulated chrome parts, a trailer with support legs, realistic alloy wheels with treaded tires, and authentic badging. 7" long................$34.95 each White................................................#R05668D Blue................................................#R05669D Milwaukee Beer & Ale Brewery Kit Expand your industrial zone! A replica of a trackside brewery that fits right in with your steam- and diesel-era architecture, this HO scale, plastic kit features simulated brick and stone siding; a chimney; arched, glazed windows; dock doors; colorful signage and decals; and more. 12½"x 10" footprint; assembly required..........#R74358C $79.95 A replica of a 1947 Labatt’s Streamliner, this HO scale, cast 1/87 Scale resin kit includes a detailed White cab-over-engine tractor with glazed cab windows and an aerodynamic Fruehauf single-axle, low-bed trailer, both of which have stainless steel detail parts, vinyl tires, authentic markings, and more. 4" long, assembly required............................#R86044E $44.95 “Everyone Needs Something to Believe In” Metal Sign Based on the famous W.C. Fields quip (with “I believe I’ll have another beer” as the punch line), this high quality, tin sign features a distressed look, measures 12½"x 16", and includes mounting holes.................................#R66680A $11.95 Labatt’s Streamliner Beer Truck Kit Beer Caps Jigsaw Puzzle Charlie Girard. Can you find your favorite beer? Displaying the bottle caps of beers from around the world, this 550-piece jigsaw puzzle measures 24"x 18" when assembled..............#R67049C $12.95 B First Timer Bar Kit Grab a cold one at this welcoming bar! This hydrocal plaster kit of the “First Timer Bar” features a faux brick façade with aged detailing, a lamp-lit entryway, full-color outdoor signs, and much more. Assembly required. HO Scale – 2¼" tall with a 3"x 1½" footprint...............................#R78820E $29.95 N Scale – 1¼" tall with a 1¾"x ¾" footprint.............................#R78821E $24.95 O Scale – 4" tall with a 5½"x 2¾" footprint...........................#R78822E $39.95 A Moonshine Pin-Up Metal Signs Displaying a pin-up moonshiner checking the levels on her latest batch of hooch, these aluminum signs include mounting holes and are made in the USA. 12"x 18"......................................$19.95 each A: “Do You Want My Moonshine?”............#R77140C B: “Are You Hot For My Moonshine?”.......#R77141C Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 17 INDUSTRY Livestock / Dairy K7 Stock Cars Cattleman’s Exchange Wood Sign Come on in after a long day on the ranch! This rustic, vintage-style, distressed hardwood panel sign advertising hot baths and heap rooms for cattlemen measures 26"x 15"......................#R66264C $59.95 1946 Fruehauf Livestock Trailer Kit Resembling 1/87 Scale a Fruehauf livestock trailer, which was built from 1946 to ‘55, this HO scale kit features a finely molded, cast resin roof, front, and rear door; laser-cut, wood sides; trailer support legs; treaded rubber tires; and more. 4¾" long; assembly required...............................#R60329E $19.95 40' Stock Cars LIMITED EDITION Cattle 7-Packs Give your stock cars A a reason to exist with these cows! Each hand painted set B includes seven finely molded, HO scale, C plastic cattle and calves that will bring your display to life!..................................................$14.95 each A: Herford Cattle...............................................#R00550D B: Black Angus Cattle.......................................#R04591D C: Holstein Dairy Cows.....................................#R74125D A Limited Quantity! B E C F D G “A Golden Autumn” Jigsaw Puzzle Larry Chandler. 550-piece jigsaw puzzle is 24"x 18" when assembled. #R73092C $ 11.95 B A Transport your livestock to market in B these HO scale stock cars! They feature a finely molded body with ventilation slats C and meticulous rivet details; stirrup steps, ladders, and a roof walk; opening doors; a D detailed underframe; added weight for smooth tracking; authentic markings; and more. 5½" long.......................................$24.95 each A: Denver and Rio Grande Western............#R74336C B: Santa Fe...........................................................#R74335C C: New York Central..........................................#R74337C D: Union Pacific..................................................#R74338C 18 Sound Equipped! Real Cattle Sounds! Transport your livestock to market in these finely detailed, HO scale K7 cattle cars that include digital cattle sounds that function on DC and DCC layouts! You also get a sliding door; a finely molded plastic body with ventilation slats and scribed wood grain; a detailed roof walk, brake wheel, and underframe; an authentic paint scheme; and more. 5¾" long........................................................$79.95 each A: Great Northern...........................................#R74860E B: Canadian National.....................................#R74858E C: Canadian Pacific..........................................#R74859E D: Norfolk & Western......................................#R74861E E: New York Central........................................#R74862E F: Pennsylvania Railroad..............................#R74863E G: Union Pacific.................................................#R74864E Country Farm Kits A C Create a family farm scene! These HO scale kits will add a quaint touch to your layout. Assembly required. A: Rustic Barn – This plastic kit measures 5¼” tall with an 8¾"x 6¾" footprint............................#R04963D $59.95 B: Two-Story Farm House – This laser-cut wood kit features realistic clapboard siding, “tin”-style roofing, and more. 4¼" tall; 4¾"x 3½" footprint......................................................................................#R86192B $52.95 C: NEW! Aermotor Windmill – When built, this plastic kit is 2½" tall.............................................#R88299D $10.95 Divco Divco Milk Trucks with Milkman Figure A History Special Purchase!% of the e 50 Truck and Sav Company Ebert. For much of the mid-twentieth century, when a delivery was made, it was likely done by a Divco company truck – especially if that delivery was milk! A wonderful gift for Divco enthusiasts, this lavishly illustrated book takes a nostalgic look at the company and its recognizable line of trucks. 168 pages, 150 illustrations, 8½"x 10¾", softcover. #K110052C Reg: $24.95 Now: $12.45 These HO scale, die cast models of 1939 Divco milk trucks feature a detailed interior with glazed windows, free-rolling wheels with real rubber tires, and a hand painted milkman. 2" long. $ 1/87 Scale 19.95 each A B A: Melville Dairy...#R74512B B: Goodenough’s Dairy....................#R88506B 1939 Divco Milk Trucks with a Milkman C D C: Lilly Farm Dairy...#R88508B D: Rueter Worth Dairy.......................#R88509B LIMITED EDITION Built by the Detroit Industrial Vehicle Company and its A successors from 1926 until 1986, the Divco delivery truck in the employ of the friendly neighborhood milkman became a familiar part of American life. These O scale-compatible (1/43), die cast models of 1939 Divco milk trucks feature a detailed interior 1/43 Scale with glazed windows and opening doors, freerolling wheels with rubber tires, and a milkman. A: Borden’s.......................#R55201E 4¾" long; includes a display base B: Dugan’s Bakery.........#R55202E with a clear protective cover............. $34.95 each C: Sealtest Ice Cream...#R55203E Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at B C INDUSTRY World’s Fair / Circus Expo 1939 New York World’s Fair Magic of the White City Filled with thousands of archival photographs and illustrations set to live sound recordings, this DVD transports you to Chicago in 1893 to experience the immensity of the World’s Fair: Columbian Exposition. With Gene Wilder as your guide, you’ll walk the 700 acres of the Fair, party on the Midway, eat at the cafés, ride the Ferris Wheel, watch the Tower of Lights illuminating the fair at night, and more. Includes bonus “making of” featurettes, commentary tracks, deleted scenes, and more. Widescreen, Dolby Digital 5.1, 1 hr. 56 min......................................#RV7627D $24.95 One of the largest World’s Fairs of all time, the 1939-40 New York World’s Fair – the “world of tomorrow” – was attended by more than 44 million people during its two seasons of operation. Featuring six hours of Nearly 7 Hours! silent film footage shot by a World’s Fair visitor, this program takes you on a complete tour of all the international exhibits, rides, attractions and shows. You’ll also view a sound film documenting General Motors’ contributions to the fair. Color, 6 hrs. 55 min. on 4 DVDs.......................#RV2256B $24.95 Step Right Up, Kissing Booth Metal Sign Vintage 1939 New York World’s Fair Metal Sign The 1964-1965 New York World’s Fair Creation and Legacy Cotter & Young. Visit the 196465 New York World’s Fair! Filled with never-before-published images, this photo-history examines the creation and optimistic predictions of the 1964-65 World’s Fair, which, due to political contention with foreign participants, showcased the best of only American science and industry. 128 pages, approximately 200 B&W photographs, 6½"x 9¼", softcover....................#R37118C $19.95 The 1964 World’s Fair The 1939 New York World’s Fair, with its futuristic exhibits, highlighted the potential of tomorrow. This advertisement for that vision of things to come, which features an enthusiastic fairgoer in front of the Trylon and Perisphere landmark buildings, is made of aluminum and includes mounting holes. 12"x 18"; made in the USA.........................................#R60416C $19.95 “5-cent smooches!” Advertising one of the most popular attractions at any carnival, this aluminum sign has an aged, vintage appearance and includes mounting holes. 12"x 18"; made in the USA. #R60417C $19.95 Images of America Relive the 1964 New York World’s Fair, which, despite the surrounding political turmoil, possessed all the dazzle, wonder, and fun of World’s Fairs before and after it! Combining archival footage and interviews with veteran fairgoers, this film, narrated by Taxi star Judd Hirsch, will take you on a guided tour of the fairgrounds, including its thrilling rides, art exhibits, and more. B&W and color, 1 hour.......................................#RV7628D $19.95 0 Gauge Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Bring “The Greatest Show on Earth” to your model train layout! These O gauge models of a Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey steam locomotive and train cars feature a A finely molded body, a detailed underframe with metal truss rods, added weight for smooth tracking, and authentic markings. A: Steam Locomotive – This O gauge model of a Baldwin 4-6-0 steam locomotive “ten-wheeler” features a die cast boiler and chassis for added strength and durability; a powerful motor with flywheel coasting action, 6-wheel drive, and two traction tires for ultimate pulling power; a True Blast II digitally recorded whistle and bell; a working headlight and smoke unit; nickel-plated detail parts for maximum realism; and a die cast tender with a realistic coal load. 18½" long. #R04928E Reg: $389 Now: $ 299 Special Purchase! Save $90 0 Gauge B C Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus Metal Sign D E B: Tiger Boxcar – 10" long.......................................................#R04929C $69.95 C: Water Car – 10" long............................................................#R04930C $59.95 D: NEW! Elephant Stock Car – 10" long.............................#R85236C $76.95 E: NEW! Flat Car with Crates – 10" long.............................#R85237C $76.95 Ringmaster Train Set “The greatest show on earth!” Resembling a vintage ad for the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, this aluminum sign has an aged appearance and includes mounting holes. 12"x 18"; made in the USA...............#R77143C $19.95 SALE! Save $50 This colorful, HO scale Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus train set includes everything you need to take your show on the rails. You get an 0-6-0 steam locomotive with a powerful motor, a working headlight, and separately applied detail parts; a combine passenger car for your circus performers; a water tank car; a stock car; and a bobber caboose, all dressed in a vibrant Ringling Bros. paint scheme. You also get a 47"x 38" oval of E-Z Track, a power pack/speed controller, and a lifetime limited warranty. Full train measures 29" long...#R04643E Reg: $249 Now: $199 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 19 INDUSTRY U.S. Military A Special Purchase! Save $75 B Civil War Train Sets Included in Set A To commemorate the 150th Anniversary Included in Set B of the Battle of Gettysburg, run your very own Union or Confederate Civil War train! These complete, HO scale sets include a 4-4-0 American steam locomotive with a powerful motor, precision gearing, a working headlight, and a detailed tender; a water car with three tanks; a boxcar with a sliding door; a gondola with four removable horses; a flatcar with three removable cannons; and a Union Army trailing combine that served as a guard car to ward off attacks (the Confederate train has a bobber caboose). You also get a 56"x 38" oval of E-Z Track, a speed controller/power pack, an illustrated instruction manual, and a lifetime limited warranty. You even get 100 Union or Confederate soldier figures! The locomotive with tender measures 7" long..............................Reg: $299 Now: $224 each A: Union Army – Train wears U.S. Military Rail Roads markings................................#R88412E B: Confederate Army – Train wears a variety of Southern railroad markings.......#R88413E The Great Locomotive Chase This Disney classic relives the true Civil War story of the famous Andrews Raiders, a team of Union spies who snatched a train from Confederate troops. James Andrews (Fess Parker) leads his raiders on a high stakes race while Confederate train conductor William Fuller (Jeffrey Hunter) roars through a bevy of Southern stations hot on the heels of his hijacked locomotive, “The General.” 1 hr. 27 min........................#RV8626C $19.95 EMD SW8 Diesel Locomotive America’s Railroads in World War II Heimburger & Kelly. This lavishly illustrated book examines the massive war efforts of U.S. railroads from 1941 through 1945, showing you the embarkation of troops and materiel, the Military Railway Service, new railroad cars and locomotives, military camp railroads, and much more. Includes a 32-page color photograph section! 380 pages, 542 photographs and 285 illustrations, 8½"x 11", hardcover................................................#R05653B $59.95 This HO scale model – part of Broadway Limited’s premier Paragon2 series – of an SW8 switcher features built-in DCC and sound, dual brass flywheels and precision gearing, factory applied detail parts, all-wheel drive for maximum traction, and authentic U.S. Army markings. 5½" long....................#R85428D $199 Bridge Busting Jugs Stan Stokes. A pair of WW II P-47D fighter/bombers of the 56th Fighter group makes short work of a German freight train as it l ia Spec tries to race across a Purchase! % Save 50 stone bridge in the Alps. 16"x 11½" print is signed and numbered by the artist.....................#R07072AA Reg: $39.95 Now: $19.95 Smithsonian Military Posters 2015 Calendar Inexpensive and accessible, posters were an ideal medium for linking the military and home fronts. Filled with an outstanding selection of wartime posters, both rare and well-known, this calendar includes detailed information and history about each month’s feature image. 12"x 12"......................................#M702162A $14.95 20 The Charleston & Savannah Railroad and the Civil War Stone. This book presents the first detailed account of the Charleston & Savannah Railroad’s history and the line’s vital role in the Civil War. You’ll learn how it was designed to revolutionize the economy of Southern Carolina’s low country by linking key port cities, follow construction through its 1860 completion, and see its use by the Confederacy during the Civil War. 352 pages, 56 photographs and illustrations, 6"x 9", hardcover........#R04190C Reg: $39.95 Now: $19.95 Trains to Victory LIMITED EDITION Special Purchase! Save 50% Vital Rails Limited Quantity! World War II Trucks and Tanks M114 Howitzer Norris. From jeeps to tanks and motorcycles to ambulances, this volume examines more than a hundred classic Allied and Axis military vehicles, including perfectly restored beauties along with their historical prototypes. You’ll also view an impressive range of tanks and other vehicles that were vital to the war effort. Includes schematic diagrams, fact boxes, and full specifications that offer a wealth of technical information. 75 color and 225 B&W photographs and illustrations, 6½"x 10", hardcover...................................#R10574C $39.95 Based on the U.S. Army M114, which first entered military service in 1942 during World War II, this HO scale, plastic model features a 155mm gun, a detailed gun cradle, a two-wheel carriage with realistically treaded tires, and more. 2¾" long...................#R78796D $19.95 M59 155mm Long Tom Cannon Kit This HO scale, plastic kit features a 155mm gun, a detailed gun cradle, an eight-wheel bogie and a two-wheel trailer with realistically treaded tires. 6½" long; can be assembled in either the towed or firing configuration...........................#R78257D $21.95 Allied Half-Track Models Replicas of halfA tracks driven by Allied forces during WWII, these HO scale, plastic models feature an B open fighting compartment, a simulated tow winch, and realistic tracks and tires. 3" long....................................$17.95 each A: M16 – Outfitted with a large, quad .50-caliber anti-aircraft gun......................#R78258D B: M21 – Outfitted with a .50-caliber machine gun and an 81mm mortar.......#R78259D Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at INDUSTRY U.S. Military / German Military ¼-Ton 4x4 Ambulance Jeep Kit Due to its ability to traverse rough terrain without sustaining crippling 1/35 Scale damage, the ¼-ton 4x4 jeep was occasionally pressed into service as an ambulance during World War II. A replica of one of those life-saving vehicles used by the U.S. Army during the Allied invasion of Normandy, this 1/35 scale, plastic kit features a well-equipped driver’s compartment; an accurately reproduced, two-stretcher support frame; a detailed chassis; realistically treaded tires, including a rear-mounted spare; two sets of authentic markings; and more. 4" long; skill level 2.............................................#R05673B $21.95 GMC CCKW 2½-Ton Cargo Truck The General Motors CCKW long- and short-wheelbase trucks, which, introduced in 1941, famously served in 1/87 Scale the Red Ball Express convoy system and carried men and materiel to victory on three continents in World War II. A replica of one of those 2½-ton cargo trucks used by the U.S. Army, this HO scale, plastic model features a finely molded body, a glazed windshield, a simulated canvas topper, realistically treaded tires, and more. 3" long........................................#R77523E $21.95 A 1/87 Scale B U.S. Army M931 Tractor and Trailer Models Transport supplies to the front lines with these AM General M931 semi-tractors! Incredibly detailed, these HO scale, plastic model sets include a truck with a well-equipped cab, glazed windows, an accurately reproduced grille, and realistically treaded tires. 4¼" long.................................................$39.95 each A: With Low Boy Flatbed Trailer...................#R60377D B: NEW! With M969 Fuel Tanker...................#R60392D M38A1 ¼-Ton General Purpose Jeep Model Resembling the 1950s version of the venerable Willys Jeep, this 1/35 Scale 1/35 scale, plastic model of an M38A1 ¼-ton general purpose vehicle features a finely molded body with finely textured surfaces, a well-equipped interior, a simulated canvas top, realistically treaded tires, and more. 1½" long................................................#R60393C $21.95 No Trains Today Special Purchase! Save 50% Stokes. USAAF A-26 Invaders chew up a German LIMITED EDITION freight train with a low-level ground attack during WWII. This 16"x 11½" print is signed and numbered by the artist...............#R07071AA Reg: $39.95 Now: $19.95 1959 Ford Fairlane Sedan A replica of the 1959 Ford Fairlane, which was a complete 1/87 Scale redesign of the ‘57-58 styling with squared-up lines, a bigger windshield, “gull-wing” headlamp brows and a “Flying V” back panel wing, this HO scale, die cast model features a detailed interior and glazed windows, free-rolling wheels, and U.S. Army staff car markings. 2½" long................................................#R95217A $11.95 Railroad Guns This full-size, polished alumiGerman num reproduction Railway of a German railEagle way eagle, which appeared on the front and sides of many Deutsche Reichsbahn steam locomotives, measures 28"x 15"....#R06555C $99.95 Hitler’s Heaviest Railroad Artillery Learn the history behind Germany’s railway guns, including the Gustav and Dora 80mm mammoth artillery pieces, as well as the slightly smaller 60mm Thor. You’ll marvel at archival footage that shows these feats of engineering in their full glory, from their initial design and construction to testing and eventual deployment during World War II. B&W, 55 minutes..........................#RV9819B $24.95 Leopold 280mm German Railway Guns Code named “Anzio Annie” by the Allies, the German Leopold railway gun – which played an active role in the defense of Italy during the Allied invasion A of World War II – was 70-feet long, weighed 187,880 pounds, could fire a 550-pound shell 11 miles, and sat atop a massive railway car that was nearly 70 feet long with 12-wheel trucks! These incredibly detailed, N scale-compatible (1/144), plastic models of the Leopold feature an elevating 280mm K5(E) gun, prototypical trucks, a realistically weathered paint scheme with authentic markings, a display base with a track section, “grassy” terrain, and an ammunition carrier. Base measures 12" long and includes a removable clear plastic cover........................................$19.95 each A: Tan Camouflage “Museum Version” – The prototype for this version is located at the U.S. Army Ordnance Museum at Fort Lee, outside Petersburg, Virginia. Display case cover includes a summer scene background........................#R78505N B: Winter Camouflage – Display case cover includes a winter scene background..........#R78506N 1/144 Scale B Purchase$ the Set! Save 5.00 A The German National Railway in World War II Piekalkiewicz. Featuring hundreds of rare archival photographs, this book examines the everyday operations of the German Reichsbahn (national railway) during World War II. You’ll view the locomotives and trains that rolled over nearly the entire European continent, the delivery of war materiel to the fronts, and more. 192 pages, 270 B&W photographs, 8½"x 11", hardcover...........................#R02318C $44.95 B 1/144 Scale World War II German Aircraft Die Cast Models Replicas of bombers flown by the Luftwaffe during the Second World War, these N scale compatible (1/144), die cast models feature clear plastic windows, realistic gunner stations, extended landing gear, authentic markings, and a display stand. $ 14.95 each A: Heinkel He 111H 6¼" wingspan. #R87511C B: Dornier Do 217 5¼" wingspan.....#R87512C Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 21 RAILROADS Urban Rails Streetcars of America Solomon & Gruber. A valuable resource for fans of the once-popular streetcar, this volume traces the history of that transportation medium, from its origins as an animal-drawn carriage to the height of its popularity in the 1920s and its eventual downfall in the mid-twentieth century when the automobile industry consumed the urban landscape. You’ll even learn about recent efforts to revive vintage streetcars as hip and eco-friendly daily commuters. 64 pages, photographs, 6"x 8¼", softcover...........................#R05535C $9.95 Running Point Motorman Handbook Originally produced by Old Pueblo Trolley, Inc., the Running Point Motorman Handbook serves as a helpful resource for prospective motormen and conductors. Using the Birney Safety Car as an example on urban right-of-way in Tucson, Arizona, and Dallas, Texas, this handbook is filled with basic information about electric streetcars and their operation. 127 pages, B&W illustrations, 8"x 10", softcover........................................................#R01496C $29.95 “Climb Aboard & Take a Ride!” Metal Sign l Specia se! Purcha$ 10 e Sav Birney Safety Car This O scale-compatible (1/50) display model features a die cast metal body; hand-applied details such as a headlight, trolley poles with metal springs, and glazed windows with bars; a full interior; and a detailed underframe with cargo racks and free-rolling wheels. 7" long. #R88235C Reg: $59.95 Now: $49.95 Greller. See the evolution of rail travel in New York City! You’ll learn how new technology changed transportation and turned a small Dutch farmland into a thriving metropolis as you follow the history of the Brooklyn Elevated Lines’ transition from steam-powered coaches to electric cable cars. 257 pages, B&W photographs, 11"x 8½", hardcover..................................#R04192C $64.95 MTA Pullback R160 Subway Car Reminiscent of a vintage advertisement, this 24-gauge steel sign – featuring a beautiful pin-up girl inviting you to ride with her on a Peter Witt streetcar – resembles the look of aged metal and paint. 12"x 18"; includes mounting holes. #R66435A $19.95 Resembling a standard New York City Metropolitan Transportation Authority R160 subway car, this HO scale, die cast metal and plastic model has a pullback action, so you can wheel it back, let it go, and watch it run! Other features include a finely molded body, glazed windows, opening and closing doors, and working lights and sounds (batteries included!). 8" long......................#R88613E $9.95 Tracks of the New York Subway Kenworth & Lowboy with PCC Car Load This O scaleSpecial Purchase! compatible LIMITED EDITION Save $40 1/50 Scale (1/50), die cast model is sure to be a collector’s favorite and the star of your layout. It features a detailed Kenworth heavy hauler cab with Tyler & Sons Transportation markings and a prototypical 5-axle lowboy flatbed trailer hauling an astonishingly realistic, hand-weathered, PCC streetcar! 20" long......#R88240D Reg: $179 Now: $139 Special ! Purchase Save $ 75 The Streets of San Francisco Stan Stokes. With the infamous Alcatraz Island visible in the distance, a pair of cable cars glides past a vintage 1955 Thunderbird and a Packard Caribbean as they crawl along the steep hills of San Francisco. Signed and numbered by the artist, this gicleé print measures 21"x 14".....#R07074N Reg: $150 Now: $74.95 A LIMITED EDITION PCC Trolleys Run a post-World War II President’s Conference Committee (PCC) trolley on your layout! Created with magnificent attention to detail, these HO scale models feature built-in DCC and sound; a smooth, quiet motor that can operate at less than three scale miles per hour; flush-fitting windows (including post-war “standee” windows near the roof and the proper thirty-degree canting to the windshield); an operational LED headlight; all-wheel electrical pickup; and a razor-sharp paint scheme. 6¼" long. DCC & Sound DCC-Ready $ 249 each A: Atlantic City......................................#R10812E.......#R10806E B: Chicago...............................................#R10813E.......#R10807E DCC-Ready C: Philadelphia PRT.............................#R10814E.......#R10808E No sound. $ 149 each D: Philadelphia Red Arrow Line.....#R10815E.......#R10809E 22 Brooklyn Elevated Equipment B C D 2014 Dougherty. This newly updated edition looks behind the scenes of New York City’s subway system. In addition to maps depicting every main line and yard track, there are close-up drawings of all complex interlockings; full track plans for both Grand Central Terminal and Penn Station; details on abandoned tracks and stations; and explorations into future projects. Includes coverage of the damage caused by the 2012 superstorm, Sandy. 152 pages, 125+ B&W and color illustrations, 11"x 8½", softcover....................................#R03466E $39.95 Inside Commuter Rail An Insider’s Look at Commuter Railway Operations in the New York City Area This program takes you on an insider’s tour of commuter Special rail operations in the New Purchase! York City area. You’ll tour control Save $20 centers, towers and yards; ride the “head end” on Metro-North Railroad, Long Island Rail Road and New Jersey Transit trains; view push-pull, third rail, overhead-catenary and dual-mode locomotives; visit Grand Central Terminal and Penn Station; and see LIRR double-deck coaches built to fit the East River Tunnels. 2 hrs. 16 min. #RV2081C Reg: $47.95 Now: $27.95 Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at RAILROADS Passenger Trains Vintage Train Bulletin Metal Sign Clear the tracks! Resembling a vintage train station bulletin board used for announcing east- and west-bound arrivals, this aluminum sign has a distressed look for an aged appearance and includes mounting holes. 18"x 12"; made in the USA................#R62057A $24.95 Historic Rail Exclusive! Nearly 16 Hours on 18 DVDs! Railroad Journeys See America’s most famous and beautiful railways, and then travel around the world for a glimpse of scenic routes in Europe, Africa, Asia, South America, and more! This 18-disc collection features spectacular footage of the Durango & Silverton, Amtrak’s Ski Train and California Zephyr, Union Pacific’s 4-6-6-4 Challenger #3985, along with many more U.S. and Canadian adventures. Abroad, you’ll ride the Orient Express from Paris to Athens, view the breathtaking rack railways in Switzerland, visit the massive QJ engines in China, and more! Color & B&W. 15 hrs. 55 min........#RV5227B $59.95 “Labor Day” Jigsaw Puzzle Bob Pettes. On Labor Day in this small country community, everyone takes a break from work to enjoy a sunny afternoon at the local swimming hole. This 550-piece jigsaw puzzle measures 18"x 15½" when completed.................................#R05778C $11.95 Dining by Rail The Cars of Pullman The History and Recipes of America’s Golden Age of Railroad Cuisine Porterfield. This book traces the history of fine dining on the nation’s railroads and includes kitchen and dining car schematics, examples of railroad china Out of Print – and silver, and 325 mouth-watering recipes sure to take you back Limited Quantities! in time. Vintage menus, advertisements and recollections from railroad staff and travelers combine into this delightful and informative resource. 384 pages, 140+ B&W photographs and illustration, 7"x 9", softcover...................................#R01572D $22.95 Welsh, Howes & Holland. Filled with rare archival photographs, car diagrams, and vintage advertisements, this book traces the development, composition and evolution of the famous Pullman fleet of railroad passenger cars. You’ll view custom-built wood cars of the 19th century, steel heavyweight cars in the pre-World War II years, lightweight streamliners, and more. 176 pages, 146 color and 67 B&W photographs, 8¼"x 10½", hardcover. #R02585B $39.95 Classic Streamliners Photo Archive The Trains and the Designers Kelly. Travel back to the Streamlined Era of train travel when wealthy passengers rode a class of trains that emphasized speed, comfort, and modernism. Filled with photographs, this pictorial essay examines the streamliners designed by Raymond Loewy for the Pennsylvania Railroad, Henry Dreyfuss for the New York Central, Otto Kuhler for the Milwaukee Road and the B&W, and others. 126 pages, photographs, 10¼"x 8½", softcover...........#R10587B $36.95 Pullman Blanket This premium quality, wool blend reproduction of the blankets used in the berths of Pullman sleeper cars features authentic Pullman markings. 72"x 50"......#R60302A Reg: $199 Now: $99.50 Special Purchase! Save 50% 72' Heavyweight Passenger Coaches Run a postwar passenger train with these HO scale, Bachmann models of streamlined cars. They feature a finely molded body, glazed windows, warm LED interior lighting, a detailed underframe, added weight for smooth tracking, authentic markings, and more. 10" long................................$94.95 each A: Union Pacific......................#R74048C B: Pennsylvania Railroad...#R74044C C: Baltimore & Ohio..............#R74045C D: Santa Fe...............................#R74046C E: New York Central..............#R74047C Amtrak Power in Color Volume 3 Timko. Wonderfully illustrated, this volume features beautiful color photos and fascinating narrative detailing Amtrak’s motive power since it was formed. From its early diesel units to the modern motive power that has replaced them, this visual treat examines Amtrak’s electric fleet, from the famous GG-1s to the little known E44s, as well as a nice selection of AEM-7s, HHP8s, RDCs, SPV-2000s, Turbos, Acela trains, Metroliners, and cabbage cars. 128 pages, approximately 200 color photos, 8½"x 11", hardcover.....................#R11354C $59.95 Volume 1.....#R77791C $59.95 Volume 2.......#R77072C $59.95 A B C D E EMD SW1 Diesel Locomotive This DCC-ready, HO scale model of an SW1 diesel locomotive – LIMITED EDITION produced by EMD between 1938 and 1953 – features dual brass fly-wheels and precision gearing for smooth operation, a well-equipped cab, working headlights, painted metal grab irons, an authentic Amtrak Phase V paint scheme, and more. 6" long...........................................#R11040C $99.95 N Scale P42 Superliner Starter Set With everything you need to create a fully functioning layout, this top-quality set is a great way to get started in N scale model railroading. You get a DCC-ready Amtrak Phase V P42 Genesis locomotive with a 5-pole motor and dual brass flywheels, fully-automatic knuckle couplers, and flicker-free front and rear lights; matching sleeper, coach, and lounge Phase IVb Superliner cars; a 4½'x 2' oval of track with grade crossing/rerailer track and a powerpack; an instruction manual; and more...............................................................................................................................................#R78113D $279 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 23 RAILROADS Baltimore and Ohio BALTIMORE AND OHIO Special Purchase! Save $100 SAveLE10!0 Sa 2-8-8-4 EM-1 Steam Locomotive This amazingly detailed, HO scale Bachmann Spectrum model of a class EM-1 steam locomotive (built by Baldwin for the B&O Railroad during World War II) features built-in DCC, dual brass flywheels; hand-applied metal detail parts such as a bell and whistle, handrails, piping, cut levers, and a late-model large dome; a well-equipped cab interior with sliding windows, an engineer figure, and a detailed backhead; an operating single headlight; an operating backup light; all-wheel electrical pickup; a hand-tooled coal load; and authentic B&O markings. 18" long; 22" radius curves recommended. #R04718E Reg: $495 Now: $395 EM-1 Plug-In Sound Module............#R85056C $ 129 B&O Odyssey Thrill to footage of the Baltimore and Ohio’s transitionary years from steam to diesel power! Color, stereo, 1 hour...................$29.95 each Volume 1– Enjoy vintage B&O action from 1954 to 1964 that includes massive articulateds, Mikados, Big Sixes and a host of other prominent steam power. See plenty of rugged action as stocky switchers and F-units wrestle with heavy freight trains, and take an in-depth look at B&O’s famous Cincinnatian passenger train. Finally, savor the glimpses of other fallen flags such as New York Central, C&O and Bessemer that round out this wonderful hour..........................#RV8846B Volume 2 – This volume covers the B&O from 1965 to 1968, shortly after the B&O/C&O merger. You’ll see intermingled motive power and rolling stock as you travel between Pennsylvania and Michigan, catching plenty of heavy freight traffic as F-units and glossy new GP30s toil with mountain grades and “hot shot” freights bullet through Ohio. There’s also passenger action with exciting shots of the Cincinnatian in B&O’s handsome royal blue livery................................#RV8848B $ Baltimore and Ohio EM-1 Locomotive Shirts Featuring a premium quality, silk-screened image, these black, 100% cotton t-shirts and 50% cotton/50% polyester sweatshirts are a great way to show off Baltimore and Ohio’s massive EM-1-class 2-8-8-4 – the largest locomotive on the B&O! T-Shirt.........#R11293C Sweatshirt...#R11294C M, L, XL........... $14.95 L, XL.................. $25.95 XXL...................$16.95 XXL....................$27.95 The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad in Maryland Shackelford. A tangible symbol of the American Industrial Revolution, the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland, was one of the nation’s first roads. Lavishly illustrated, this volume examines the B&O’s many memorable sites, stations, and trains that were once a part of everyday life in Maryland and helped develop the region. 128 pages, 200 B&W photographs, 6½"x 9¼", softcover..............#R10262C $19.95 Dining on the B&O Recipes and Sidelights from a Bygone Age Greco & Spence. During the heyday of American passenger railroading, B&O’s cuisine won wide acclaim as the finest railway food in the country. This book combines many of B&O’s best original recipes with historical photographs to capture the elegance and charm of the dining car experience. Start cooking the B&O way! 208 pages, 25 B&W and 16 color photographs, 9"x 8", hardcover..................................#R01724C $34.95 Baltimore and Ohio at Harper’s Ferry 1950 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad 2015 Calendar Displaying beautiful, color photos of classic steam and modern diesel locomotives operated by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, this wall calendar is a “must have” for every fan of America’s first chartered railroad! You’ll see a variety of locos hard at work. 13¾"x 10¾".......................#R83186AA $14.95 4-6-4 Hudson Steam Locomotive SALE! Save Over $70 0 Gauge Twenty railroads in North America operated 4-6-4 locomotives, which were found primarily on the point of express passenger trains. This O gauge, Bachmann Williams model of that famous “Hudson” features a die cast body, a True Blast II digitally recorded whistle and bell, a working headlight and smoke unit, a powerful motor, 6-wheel drive with two traction tires, a die cast tender with a realistic coal load, wire handrails and grab irons, B&O markings, and more. Set measures 19½" long and runs on O-27 or gentler curves...................#R96753E Reg: $499 Now: $425 24 Images of Rail Tony Howe. Led by EMD E7s, a B&O passenger train crosses the Potomac River at Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia, in 1950. This 19"x 13" print is signed by the artist.......................................................#R79009C $29.95 C&O/B&O in Color Withers. Wonderfully illustrated, this volume features color photos and fascinating narrative detailing the 1960s merger between the Chesapeake & Ohio and the Baltimore and Ohio. While not a true “merger,” the affiliation between the two lines, dubbed “C&O/B&O,” was visible during the 1960s on timetables, advertisements, corporate reports, and trackside, all of which are colorfully presented here. 128 pages, approximately 200 color photographs, 8½"x 11", hardcover................#R78060C $59.95 Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at Chesapeake and Ohio / Chessie T1 2-10-4 Steam Locomotive The T-1 variant of the 2-10-4 Texas steam locomotive, introduced by Chesapeake & Ohio in 1930, was designed to pull heavy, 13,500-ton coal drags from the Ohio River straight through to Toledo. Part of Broadway Limited’s premier Paragon2 series, this HO scale model of one of those locomotives features built-in DCC and sound, a detailed cab interior with a flickering firebox, operating cab roof vents, and engineer and fireman figures; an operating headlight; separately applied handrails and ladders; a whistle and a brass bell; a tender with a simulated coal load and a working backup light; and an authentic C&O paint scheme. 15¼" long..................#R78595C $399 chesapeake and Ohio Chesapeake & Ohio Articulated Locomotives 2015 Calendar Thrill to a different Chesapeake & Ohio locomotive each month with this wall calendar! You’ll marvel at C&O’s greatest articulated locos, including the H3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 classes in their daily work environments. 12"x 12".....................................................#R83242D $10.95 RAILROADS Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Passenger Service 1847-1971 Dixon Jr. Learn the fascinating history of the Chesapeake & Ohio’s passenger train service, from the days of the Virginia Central in the 1840s to the Amtrak take-over in 1971. While passenger lines covered only a small part of the C&O’s entire operations, it was the belief of the company that the lavish passenger train was the best possible route for advertising. 224 pages, 8¾"x 11¼", hardcover.............#R41311E $34.95 Chesapeake & Ohio K-4 Class 2-8-4 Steam Locomotives Dixon Jr. Learn the full story behind the Chesapeake & Ohio’s famous K-4 Kanawha types, the most versatile of all C&O steam classes! You’ll view diagrams of all orders encompassing the 90 locomotives, get detailed histories and operations sum-maries spanning each cab’s service career, and more. 80 pages, 120 illustrations, 8½"x 11", softcover. #R41310C $24.95 F7A Diesel Locomotive The EMD F7 – the most popular cab unit throughout the 1950s and ‘60s – was used in both freight and passenger service. This DCC-ready, HO scale model features a powerful motor, a finely molded body, a working headlight, glazed windows and portholes, an authentic Chesapeake and Ohio paint scheme, and a lifetime limited warranty. 7" long.......................................................................#R04796D $64.95 Vintage Chessie System Railroad Sign This vintage-style sign displaying the Chessie System herald is made of aluminum and includes mounting holes. 12"x 12"; made in the USA.........................................................................#R62056C $19.95 Chessie 2015 Calendar This wall calendar features Chesapeake and Ohio’s famous feline mascot in full-color paintings from C&O’s original railway calendars! Each month you’ll view your favorite kitten, learn key historical dates, and more. 9"x 12". #R83241D $10.95 Chessie Pillow You’ll sleep like a kitten with this high quality, full count tapestry pillow! Featuring a remarkable image of Chessie the railroad kitten, it measures 17"x 17" and includes piped edges. #R05580D $39.95 Chessie Kitten Starlight Shirts These screenprinted, midnightblue t-shirts and sweatshirts feature the slogan “Sleep like a Kitten” beneath Chessie, who is wrapped in a blanket of starlight in this 1940s C&O advertisement. T-Shirt................#R11299C M, L, XL.................. $14.95 XXL..........................$16.95 Sweatshirt.......#R11300C L, XL....................... $25.95 XXL..........................$27.95 Chessie Sand Patch Volume 2: Cumberland to the West Slope, 1982-1984 The Chessie System’s historic Sand Patch route is one of the most grueling lines ever built. You’ll follow its busy operations as trains tackle the tough grades – which ascend more than 1,000 feet in less than 20 miles – from Cumberland, Maryland to the west slope and back, with a brief visit to the Mountain Subdivision and the famous 17 mile grade. Along the way, you’ll enjoy a plethora of locomotive types and visit famous sites, including the Sand Patch tunnel, Salisbury Junction, and Deer Park. 55 minutes.................................#RV2064C $29.95 Volume 1: Cumberland to Rockwood, June 1878 – 54 minutes........#RV2245C $29.95 GP40 Diesel Locomotive This DCC-ready, HO scale model of a GP40 diesel locomotive features a finely molded body; dynamic brake vents, fans, handrails, and other fine details; working head and backup lights; an authentic Chessie paint scheme; and a lifetime limited warranty. 7¾" long..................................................................#R74105C $74.95 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 25 RAILROADS ACL/SAL / CSX Seaboard Air Line in Color ACL / SAL GP7 Diesel Locomotive Introduced in 1949 as the first in the EMD General Purpose series of locomotives, the GP7 had the distinctive design and low-cost maintenance features that made “Geeps” so popular and helped ensure diesel’s dominance of the railroads. A replica of a GP7, this HO scale Bachmann model features built-in DCC and Sound Value, dual flywheels, working headlights, handrails and metal cut levers, all-wheel electrical pickup and drive, authentic Atlantic Coast Line markings, and a lifetime limited warranty. 7½" long....#R85202C $199 ACL/SAL 2015 Calendar Celebrate the colorful Atlantic Coast Line and Seaboard Air Line railroads all year long with this attractive 12-month calendar. 12"x 9"....................................................#R83232C $12.95 West Florida Rails in Color Volume 1: The Emery Gulash Color Photography of ACL & SAL 1957-1967 Pinkepank. Lavishly illustrated, this pictorial history examines the Atlantic Coast and Seaboard Air Lines of western Florida prior to their merger in 1967 that formed the Seaboard Coast Line. You’ll marvel at color photographs of two railways that once controlled thousands of miles of track in the south and operated respected passenger lines, even while struggling amid rising labor and material costs. 128 pages, 223 color photographs, 8¾"x 11½", hardcover..............................................#R77795C $59.95 GP30 Diesel Locomotive The EMD GP30, which was among the first of the second generation diesel locomotive designs, was introduced in 1961 to compete against GE’s “U-boat” locomotives. This HO scale Bachmann model of a GP30 features built-in DCC, dual flywheels for flawless performance, a stepped cab roof and hand-applied details, operational lighting, an authentic Atlantic Coast Line paint scheme, and a lifetime limited warranty. 7½" long.................................................................#R04878C $109 CSX CSX Heritage Metal Sign Showcasing CSX’s predecessor road logos and an ES44AC locomotive, this white-gloss aluminum sign is 10"x 12" and has rounded corners with mounting holes. #R67076A $12.95 CSX CSX Logo Cap 26 Classic Railroad Series Seaboard Air Line LE! SA Save 50% These vintage films produced by the Seaboard Railroad in the 1940s show how a “modern” railroad serves its passengers and industry. You’ll view runbys of first generation diesels, in both freight and passenger paint, and even a few transition-era steam locomotives, too. You even get a full tour of the Silver Streak! Color and B&W, 30 minutes. #RV6077D Reg: $24.95 Now: $12.45 Seaboard Air Line Cap Made of premium quality cotton twill, this black cap features an embroidered Seaboard Air Line Railroad logo and an adjustable strap for maximum comfort. One size fits most. #R11282B $14.95 CSX Special Over 16 Hours on 9 DVDs! This 9-DVD collection shows you Purchase two decades of CSX operations the Set! throughout its system! Included in Save $414 these 16 programs are CSX trains at the Magnolia Cutoff ; from Atlanta to Cincinnati; from Evansville to Chicago; from Pittsburgh to Deshler, Ohio; from Jacksonville to Plant City, Florida; on the Big Sandy Subdivision; in Selkirk, New York; and at many other exciting locations. Dolby Digital 5.1, 16 hrs. 48 min. #RV7123C Separately: $474 Set: $59.95 Into the Allegheny Range 2015 Calendar Filled with 13 photographs taken amongst the most beautiful scenery along the CSX’s railway system, this calendar does a superb job capturing the heart of this mighty railroad. 14"x 9¾".................#R83236B $14.95 Made of premium quality cotton twill, this black cap features an embroidered CSX logo on the front and an adjustable rear strap for maximum comfort. One size fits most. #R08713B $14.95 Motive Power and Memories Faulk. This lavishly illustrated book examines Seaboard Air Line locomotives from 1938 through the 1953 dieselization of all mainline trains to the 1967 merger with Atlantic Coast Line. You get roster information, paint scheme details, and images of diesel locomotives ranging from Baldwin Centipedes and EMD FTs to Alco Century 420s and EMD GP40s. 128 pages, 200+ color photographs, 8½"x 11", hardcover.............#R05449C $59.95 GP38-2 Diesel Locomotive A replica of a GP38-2, a workhorse introduced by EMD in 1972, this DCC-ready, HO scale Athearn model features precision gearing for smooth performance, a working headlight, finely molded handrails and metal grab irons, a realistic fuel tank, and an authentic CSX paint scheme. 7½" long.......#R74984E $99.95 Volume 1: Hancock, West Virginia to Cumberland, Maryland SALE! Filmed during the 1990s, this video Save $5 takes you on a four-season tour of the CSX main line that follows the Potomac River between Hancock, West Virginia and Cumberland, Maryland. It’s a busy ex-B&O double-track main that twists its way through the spectacular valleys and hills of the Alleghenies until it reaches the highlight of the tour: the astonishing Magnolia Cutoff, which is an incredible feat of railroad engineering with four double-track tunnels, two huge bridges, massive cuts and fills, and a pair of gigantic retaining walls. A real railfan favorite. Color, 3 hours........#RV9106D Reg: $29.95 Now: $24.95 Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at RAILROADS New York Central / LIRR NEW YORK CENTRAL 4 Feet Long! Images of Rail The New York Central System The Lakeshore Limited Train Set Leavy. A generation has passed since a New York Central emblem dashed across the countryside on a railroad car, but few could ever forget “the greatest railroad in the world.” In this photo-history, you get to see it all again: from the amalgamation of smaller lines that became the NYC to the acquisitions of Cornelius Vanderbilt, who merged the NYC with the Hudson River Railroad, and the expansion of the NYC across eleven states and two Canadian provinces. 128 pages, 237 B&W photos, 6½"x 9¼", softcover..............#R01417C $19.95 20th Century Limited Metal Sign 0 Gauge 60"x 40" Oval LIMITED EDITION Haul freight along the “Water Level Route” from New York City to Chicago! Leading this premium quality, O gauge Bachmann Williams set is a New York Central 4-6-0 steam locomotive “Ten Wheeler” with a die cast boiler and chassis, a powerful motor with flywheel coasting action, 6-wheel drive with two traction tires for ultimate pulling power, a True Blast II digitally recorded whistle and bell, a working headlight, an operating smoke unit, nickelplated detail parts for maximum realism, a die cast tender with a realistic coal load, and more! You also get a New York Central Pacemaker boxcar, a Pittsburgh & Lake Erie gondola, and a New York Central caboose; a 60"x 40" oval of snap-fit track with roadbed; an 80-watt power pack/speed controller; and more. 48" long; minor assembly required.....................................................................................................#R04653E $399 F7A Diesel Locomotive Displaying the sleek, streamlined design of the New York Central’s 20th Century Limited, this aluminum sign includes mounting holes and measures 18"x 12." Made in the USA.................#R62045C $19.95 Used in both freight and passenger service, the F7 was the most popular cab unit throughout the 1950s and ‘60s. A replica of an F7 diesel locomotive, this HO scale Bachmann model features built-in DCC and sound, a heavy die cast chassis for smooth tracking, allwheel drive and electrical pickup, an authentic New York Central paint scheme, and a lifetime limited warranty. 7" long............................................................#R04804C $179 LONG ISLAND RAIL ROAD 20th Century Limited Lighted Clock This backlit clock includes a bright fluorescent bulb controlled by an on/off switch on the cord; a quartz movement (which requires one AA battery, not included) for accurate time; a clear, scratchresistant cover; and more. 14" diameter..........................#R61105C $119 Images of Rail Long Island Rail Road Alco RS-3 Diesel Locomotive Introduced by Alco in 1950, the 1,600-horsepower RS-3 diesel locomotive had the stamina and strength for freight and passenger service yet was agile enough for yard work. A replica of one of those all-purpose locos, this HO scale Bachmann model features built-in DCC, working headlights, handrails and metal cut levers, authentic NYC markings, and a lifetime limited warranty. 7¼" long....#R74128C $135 SALE! FTA Diesel Locomotive Save 40% EMD’s FT diesel-electrics revolutionized the railroad industry, forming the backbone of many rosters by the late 1940s. This HO scale model features all-wheel drive, an operating headlight, NYC “Lightning Stripe” freight markings, and a lifetime limited warranty. 6¾" long..........#R04698D Reg: $49.95 Now: $29.95 50' Mechanical Reefer Though ice was still used to cool cars as late as 1957, mechanical reefers were effective replacements for their earlier, wooden counterparts. This HO scale model features intricate roof and underframe details, added weight for smooth tracking, and authentic NYC markings. 6¾" long..............#R74998E $26.95 Port Jefferson Branch Morrison. Lavishly illustrated, this pictorial history examines the Long Island Rail Road, which routinely carries 265,000 customers aboard its 735 trains on 11 different branches, and is the oldest road in the country still operating under its original name. You’ll tour that railroad’s Port Jefferson Branch, a 10-station stretch from Hicksville to Port Jefferson that carries nearly 20% of the LIRR’s passenger traffic over its 32 miles of track. 128 pages, approximately 200 B&W photographs, 6½"x 9¼", softcover.............#R37200C $19.95 Memories of the Long Island Railroad Vol. 1 GP30 Diesel Locomotive The EMD GP30, which was among the first of the second generation diesel locomotive designs, was introduced in 1961 to compete against GE’s “U-boat” locomotives. This DCC-ready, HO scale, Bachmann model of a GP30 features all-wheel drive, operational lighting, an authentic NYC paint scheme, and a lifetime limited warranty. 7½" long....................#R04883B $79.95 New York Central Cap This cotton twill cap features an embroidered NYC logo and an adjustable strap....#R68885B $14.95 This program portrays the Long Island Rail Road from the late 1940s through the early 1960s. You’ll see a wide variety of steam, diesel, and electric multiple-unit trains and RDCs at locations such as Jamaica, Floral Park, Mineola, Cold Spring and Rockaway Park, with coverage of the Oyster Bay and Port Jefferson lines also included. You’ll even have an opportunity to enjoy the LIRR’s famous 4-6-0s in both scheduled and excursion service. 45 minutes.......................#RV9010C $24.95 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 27 RAILROADS Pennsylvania Railroad Pennsylvania Railroad Pennsylvania Railroad 2015 Calendar Featuring stunning color photography, this gorgeous wall calendar displays the unique PRR Keystone Cutout Metal Sign New Freedom Pennsylvania Depot Show your admiration for the Pennsylvania Railroad! Cut out in the shape of the famous PRR Keystone, this 22-gauge steel sign is hand distressed to create the look and feel of aged metal and paint. 12"x 12"; includes mounting holes. #R69390D $24.95 Fitting right at home on both your steam- and diesel-era layouts, this HO scale, laser-cut wood kit of a Pennsylvania depot building features board and batten siding; layered, peel-and-stick windows and doors; a chimney; a raised trackside platform; and more. Made with tab-and-slot wall and roof construction for easy assembly, it measures 3¾" tall with a 13"x 5" footprint.....................#R85238B $94.95 motive power of “The Standard Railroad of the World!” 13¾"x 10¾"...................#R83185AA $14.95 Trackside in Search of Pennsy Towers and Trains with Paul Geiger Yanosey. Filled with remarkable color photographs captured by Paul Geiger during his time as a Penn Central block operator, this book examines PRR, PC, and Conrail trains operating past all the former PRR towers from Pittsburgh to New York City. You’ll take a colorful tour of the towers and motive power that made Pennsy a staple on the east coast. 128 pages, color photographs, 8½"x 11", hardcover................................#R11355C $59.95 Alco RS-3 Diesel Locomotive Introduced by Alco in 1950, the 1,600-horsepower RS-3 diesel locomotive had the stamina and strength for freight and passenger service yet was agile enough for yard work. A replica of one of those all-purpose locos, this HO scale Bachmann model features built-in DCC; all-wheel drive; working headlights; handrails, metal cut levers, and other separately applied details; authentic PRR markings; and a lifetime limited warranty. 7¼" long.....................................................#R74127C $135 LIMITED EDITION EMD SW1 Diesel Locomotive This DCC-ready, HO scale model of an SW1 diesel locomotive – produced by EMD between 1938 and 1953 – features a 5-pole motor with dual brass flywheels and precision gearing for smooth operation, a well-equipped cab, working headlights, painted metal grab irons, an authentic Pennsy paint scheme, and more. 6" long...............#R11042C $99.95 SALE! Save $150 T1 4-4-4-4 Steam Locomotive Images of America Horseshoe Curve Seidel. Built by Pennsylvania Railroad in the 1850s to climb the Allegheny Mountains and the eastern continental divide, Horseshoe Curve, located just west of Altoona, Pennsylvania, is known worldwide as one of railroading’s greatest engineering achievements. This wonderfully illustrated book chronicles the fascinating line in detail, from its innovative construction through its ongoing service as one of America’s vital transportation arteries. 128 pages, 180 B&W photographs, 6½"x 9¼", softcover.............#R02495C $19.95 Classic Pennsy Enjoy plenty of rugged PRR action originally filmed from the 1930s to 1950s with this collection of footage shot at various hotspots, including Pittsburgh, Horseshoe Curve, Chicago, Louisville, Columbus, and St. Louis. You’ll marvel at archival shots of a wide variety of steam, plus early diesels and GG1 electrics of the Pennsy fleet. Includes George W. Gerhart’s 1957 PRR and RDG steam chases. Color and B&W, 1 hr. 29 min......................................#RV9487C $39.95 28 The last steampowered locomotive developed by the Pennsylvania Railroad, the powerful T1 duplex-drive engine – designed by Raymond Loewy with distinctive “sharknose” streamlining and able to pull a 16-car passenger train at 100 miles per hour – led some of the most magnificent high-speed passenger trains of the 1940s. A replica of one of the 52 T1s built by Baldwin Locomotive Works between 1942 and ‘46 as it appeared upon initial delivery from the factory, this Broadway Limited Paragon2 series HO scale model features built-in DCC and sound; a detailed cab with engineer and fireman figures; operating cab roof vents; separately applied detail parts such as handrails, ladders, a whistle, and a brass bell; an operating headlight, lighted number boards, and a reversing light on the tender; locomotive and tender electrical pickup; incredible details such as a builder’s plate and rear tender plates; an authentic Pennsylvania Railroad paint scheme; and more. 17¼" long; 22" minimum curve radius recommended................#R08433E Reg: $499 Now: $349 N-5 Caboose Kit Introduced in 1914, the N5 was the world’s first all-steel cabin car and served railroads throughout the Northeast. This HO scale kit of an N5 caboose features a one-piece, plastic molded body with simulatStandard...........................#R11030E Philadelphia Region....#R11031E ed rivets; add-on detail parts such as metal knuckle couplers, brake wheels, and a stovepipe; detailed trucks with metal wheels; an authentic Pennsy paint scheme; and more. 4" long; assembly required................................................$15.95 each Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at RAILROADS Pennsylvania Railroad Pennsylvania Railroad Pennsylvania Railroad GG1 Electric Locomotives GG1 The famous GG1 electric was originally developed by the Pennsylvania Railroad for freight and high-speed passenger service along its electrified Northeastern rail lines between Washington, D.C., New York City, and Harrisburg. Sporting an exquisite streamlined body and twelve 385-horsepower motors, it reached speeds of 100 mph! A These premium quality, HO scale Bachmann models of Pennsy GG1s feature builtin DCC and sound for the ultimate model railSALE! Save $30 Each roading experience. You also get a fully outfitted cab interior, working headlights, wire grab irons, electrically operating pantographs, separately applied ladders, all-wheel drive and electrical pickup, detailed trucks, and an authentic Pennsylvania Railroad paint scheme. 11" long................Reg: $299 Now: $269 each DCC-Ready – No sound...Reg: $209 Now: $179 each Volumes I & II This thrilling, two-volume program showcases the vaunted Pennsy GG1 electric locomotives in their final years of operation. You’ll ride alongside the engineer as your GG1 works the line from South Amboy, New Jersey, to Penn Station in New York; visit Amtrak’s Wilmington shops for a last look at retired GG1s scheduled for scrapping; see the last GG1s in active service for Conrail, Amtrak and NJ Transit from 1979 to 1981; thrill to exciting double-headed run-bys; and enjoy a host of fascinating vintage trackside sequences. 2 hours. #RV6452C $29.95 “Electrifying!” Metal Sign Featuring Pennsylvania Railroad GG1 locomotive #4913 and an equally electrifying pin-up girl, this 24-gauge steel sign resembles the look of aged metal and paint. 12"x 18"; includes mounting holes. #R66786A $19.95 DCC-Ready DCC & Sound A: Tuscan Red/Five Stripe......#R74749D...#R74744D B: Brunswick/Single Stripe...#R74748D...#R74743D C: Brunswick/Five Stripe........#R74750D...#R74745D D: Silver/Red Stripe.................#R74751D...#R74746D Pennsy Tackles The Curve Broadway Limited 1902 -1995 In 1902, the Pennsylvania Railroad began running a premier passenger train along the important New YorkPhiladelphia-Chicago route. Initially named the Pennsylvania Special, the PRR later changed the name to the Broadway Limited and a legend was born. This video traces the train's legacy and features the equipment, crews and service that customers came to enjoy. Even after Amtrak took over the route, the Broadway Limited name was retained. Color, 1 hr. 40 min..........................#RV8594A $29.95 EMD F7A Diesel Locomotive SALE! Save $40 Used in both freight and passenger service, the F7A was the most popular cab unit throughout the 1950s and ‘60s. A replica of one of those ubiquitous locomotives, this HO scale Bachmann model features built-in DCC and Sound Value, glazed windows with separately applied windshield wipers, all-wheel drive and electrical pickup, an operating headlight, an authentic Pennsylvania Railroad paint scheme, and a lifetime limited warranty. 7" long.......................#R04810E Reg: $179 Now: $139 Tony Fachet. Published as a tribute to the 150th Anniversary of Horseshoe Curve, this print depicts three generations of Pennsylvania Railroad locomotives working The Curve. 16"x 20". #R07570C Reg: $29.95 Now: $8.95 Special Purchase! Save 70% Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Train Consists & Cars Vol. 1: East-West Trains Stegmaier. This book – the first in a series – draws upon official Pennsylvania Railroad materials from 1952 to trace the background of Pennsy’s passenger service. It details the types of cars used, their regular and special assignments as well as the exact makeup of important PRR East-West trains during this transition year. Includes maps, menus, and diagrams. 112 pages, 230 color and B&W photographs and illustrations, 8½"x 11", hardcover............#R03162B $39.95 B C D 40' Box Car This HO scale model features a finely molded body and underframe, simulated rivets and brake details, operating side doors, a roof walk with engraved grates, added weight for smooth tracking, and an authentic PRR Merchandise Service paint scheme. 5¾" long......#R93520C $25.95 Pennsylvania FP7 and GP7 1955 Tony Howe. Lining up on the tracks in 1955, Pennsylvania FP7 and GP7 diesel locomotives proudly show their PRR paint schemes and road numbers. This 19"x 13" print is signed by the artist.......................................................#R72093C $29.95 Pennsylvania Railroad Cap Made of premium quality cotton twill, this black cap includes an embroidered PRR herald and an adjustable rear strap for maximum comfort. #R08727B $14.95 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 29 RAILROADS New Haven / Erie / CNJ / E-L / Reading / Conrail Erie Railroad “Line Up at Cedar Hill” Jigsaw Puzzle Working Smoke! USRA 0-6-0 Steam Locomotive A replica of one of the 255 USRA 0-6-0 steam locomotives built during World War I, this HO scale Bachmann model features built-in DCC; a working headlight and smoke unit, metal safety rails and a brass-colored bell and whistle, a prototypical slope tender with simulated rivets and a realistic coal load, an authentic New Haven paint scheme, a lifetime limited warranty, and more. 9" long......................................................#R04967C $149 Larry Fisher. A variety of New Haven diesels mark the end of the line for Cedar Hill Yard’s massive coal bunker in New Haven, Connecticut. This 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle measures 30"x 19" when assembled. #R73085B $14.95 Print – Limited to only 100 world-wide, this print is signed and numbered by the artist. 24"x 16"...............#R76084A $399 New Haven Railroad Locals and Merchants LIMITED EDITION Peter Lerro. In the winter of 1949, pre-McGinnis paint scheme New York, New Haven & Hartford Alcos line up on the snow-covered tracks of Providence, Rhode Island. Signed and numbered by the artist, this print measures 27"x 14"...............................................#R78419B $39.95 2015 Calendar Enjoy the New Haven Railroad all year long! Each month of this handsome wall calendar features a large color image of a classic New Haven train accompanied by a detailed caption describing the scene. 12"x 9"..........#R83243C $13.95 Erie Steam This two-volume program presents a panorama of Erie steam power in commuter and mainline action from the late 1930s through the early ‘50s. You’ll view the various classes of 4-6-2 Pacifics used for commuter service; visit Jersey City Terminal for a fascinating look at a typical rush hour; enjoy segments on Erie ferryboats; see burly freight locomotives such as the 4-6-0, 2-8-2 and 2-10-0; climb aboard the cab of the Erie Limited for a ride to Port Jervis, Pennsylvania; see S-Class Berkshires, K5 heavy Pacifics and triple-headed steam pushers; and more. Color and B&W, 1 hr. 30 min........#RV6559C $39.95 Images of Rail Erie Railroad’s Newburgh Branch McCue. Once the gem on a heavily ridden, 19-mile stretch of track that connected Newburgh, New York, with the Erie main line, the Newburgh Branch was a key factor in the economic and social life to the region. Lavishly illustrated, this volume examines that branch during a time when rail travel was a necessary part of growth and modernization. 128 pages, 200 B&W photographs, 6½"x 9¼", softcover................................................#R10264C $19.95 READING JERSEY CENTRAL Jersey Central Lines in Color GP35 Diesel Locomotive A replica of a Volume 4: GP35 diesel Pennsylvania locomotive, Bednar. This this HO beautiful, full color scale volume features Bachthe Jersey Central’s mann unique and colorful model heritage of motive feapower in and tures built-in DCC; see-through fans and factoryaround the coal fields applied handrails, working front and rear directional lights, a of Pennsylvania. A low profile fuel tank, an authentic Erie-Lackawanna wonderful look back, paint scheme, and more. 7¾" long.....................#R04886C $109 you’ll see the CNJ struggle during the decades following World War II, when Conrail Under Pennsy Wires anthracite Yanosey. In 1976, under pressure from freight traffic had Congress, Conrail was ordered to get its freight off the Northeast Corridor – which dried up in proved financially risky for the road. the region. Lavishly illustrated, this volume shows 128 pages, how Contrail integrated Penn Central’s 200+ color existing freight electric operations into photographs, its overall plan, while attempting to 8½"x 11", hardcover.....................#R11357C $59.95 restore high speed passenger service and rebuild the NEC. 128 pages, 200+ Vol. 2 – Brennan........#R05144C $49.95 color photographs, 8½"x 11", hardcover.................#R11349C $59.95 Vol. 3 – Appel..............#R05145C $59.95 30 EMD GP30 Diesel Locomotive The EMD GP30, which was among the first of the second generation diesel locomotive designs, was introduced in 1961 to compete against GE’s “U-boat” locomotives. A replica of a GP30, this HO scale model features built-in DCC and Tsunami sound, dual flywheels for flawless performance, operational lighting, all-wheel drive, and an authentic Reading paint scheme. 7½" long.....................................#R78792E $299 DCC-Ready – No sound.........................#R78793E $199 GP40 Diesel Locomotive This DCC-ready, HO scale Bachmann model of a GP40 diesel locomotive features dynamic brake vents, fans, handrails, and other fine details; working head and backup lights; eight-wheel drive; an authentic Conrail paint scheme; a lifetime limited warranty; and more. 7¾" long.......#R74108C $74.95 Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at RAILROADS N&W / Norfolk Southern / IC / Southern / EJ&E N&W Railway Metal Sign Steam & Steel 2015 Calendar: The Railroad Photography of O. Winston Link Featuring the incredible synchronized night-flash photography of O. Winston Link, this stunning, B&W wall calendar presents action on the Norfolk & Western Railway in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and North Carolina during the final years of steam. 12"x 12"...#R87573B $14.95 SOUTHERN RAILWAY Resembling the herald of the Norfolk & Western Railway, this aluminum sign has a weathered appearance (with bullet hole marks!) for a vintage look and includes a mounting hole. 14" diameter; made in the USA......#R62047C $19.95 2-8-0 Consolidation Steam Locomotive This DCC-equipped, HO scale Bachmann model features an operating headlight; a detailed cab interior with a painted engineer figure; handrails, sanding lines, and other separately applied detail parts; metal side rods; a tender with a simulated coal load; all-wheel electrical pickup and drive; authentic Southern Railway markings; and more. 10" long......................................#R04951C $199 Images of Rail “Norcross Love Affair” Jigsaw Puzzle Roanoke Locomotive Shops and the Norfolk & Western Railroad McKinney. Learn the history of Roanoke Locomotive Shops, which for more than 125 years, has been an indispensable part of the Roanoke Valley and the “Magic City.” You’ll go inside the facility and meet the craftsmen who built and maintained steam locomotives and cars for the Shenandoah Valley and Norfolk & Western railroads and who today provide the high-quality overhauls and repairs to diesel cabs. 128 pages, 200 B&W photos, 6½"x 9¼", softcover............#R10258C $19.95 Special Purchase! Save 70% N&W’s Mighty 2141 Tony Fachet. Engineered and built at Norfolk & Western’s own shops, the mighty Y6 Class 2-8-8-2 was among the world’s elite articulated locomotives. Here, Y6 #2141 belches steam and smoke from every opening as it makes short work of a heavy freight train. Print measures 20"x 16". #R07368B Reg: $29.95 Now: $8.95 Alco S-4 Diesel Locomotive Robert West. In 1969, a couple says their goodbyes as Southern’s Crescent – which changed to Amtrak in 1979 – prepares to leave Norcross, Georgia. This 550-piece jigsaw puzzle measures 24"x 15" when assembled.............#R73086B $10.95 A Replica of a 1,000-horsepower S-4 diesel switcher, a type built by Alco from 1949 to 1957, this DCC-ready, HO scale Bachmann model features dual flywheels, a detailed cab interior with glazed windows, directional constant lighting, an authentic Norfolk and Western paint scheme, and more. 6" long......................#R04959C $119 GP39X Diesel Locomotive Norfolk Southern 2015 Calendar Enjoy a view of “The Thoroughbred” each month of the year! This colorful wall calendar features 13 Norfolk Southern images taken throughout the railway's scenic system. 14"x 9¾".........#R83238B $14.95 GP49 Diesel Locomotive “Bound for Glory” Jigsaw Puzzle Robert West. Elvis and his famous pink Cadillac pace an Illinois Central streamliner powered by the road’s sleek E6s. This 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle measures 34"x 16" when assembled...........#R73087B $14.95 Print – Signed by the artist. 22½"x 12½"..........#R07859C $39.95 Altered versions of the six built GP39X, the GP49 had internal mechanical modifications and upgrades, as well as an increase in horsepower. A replica of one of those medium-horsepower units, this newly tooled, HO scale Athearn Genesis model features built-in DCC and sound, dual flywheels for optimum performance at all speeds, a detailed cab interior, operational lighting, separately applied wire grab irons, MU hoses and coupler cut bars, and an authentic Norfolk Southern “Thoroughbred” paint scheme. 8" long.............#R74968E $269 With only six built for the Southern Railway in 1980, the EMD GP39X diesel locomotive, with a special high short hood (a staple on Southern’s locos) was a rarity on the tracks. This newly tooled, DCC-ready, HO scale Athearn Genesis model of one of those unique units features a detailed cab interior, operational lighting, separately applied wire grab irons, MU hoses and coupler cut bars, an authentic Southern paint scheme, and more. 8" long.....................................................#R74967E $169 Elgin, Joliet & Eastern In Color Vol. 1: Eastern Subdivision Eagan, Jr. Running 205 miles of road between Waukegan, Illinois, and Gary, Indiana, the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern – which acted as an outer belt link for Class I railroads going into Chicago – only entered the Windy City where it served the U.S. Steel South Works on the shores of Lake Michigan. This volume covers the EJ&E Eastern Subdivision of that line. 128 pages, 299 color photos, 8½"x 11", hardcover.............#R77797C $59.95 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 31 last-chance HO Scale LOCOMOTIVES! Sold out at the manufacturer, these HO scale locomotives are in stock at Historic Rail, but only 7 (or fewer) of each remain! LE! SA Save 30 $ LE! SA Save 50 4-8-4 Class J Steam Locomotive $ Norfolk and Western. Reg: $399 Now: $369 each Museum Paint..........................#R78536N Service Paint..........................#R78537N GP38-2W Diesel Locomotive Canadian National. DCC-ready.............#R68343N $179 EMD E6A Diesel Locomotive Kansas City Southern...............................#R78566N $269 AC-4 4-8-8-2 Cab Forward Steam Locomotive Southern Pacific..............................................................#R97127N Reg: $499 Now: $449 AC6000CW Diesel Locomotive RSD-15 Diesel Locomotive CSX “Dark Future.”.....................................#R81854N $299 Canadian National “Sergeant Stripes.”..#R04747N $279 GE C30-7 Diesel Locomotive RSD-15 Diesel Locomotive Burlington Northern...............................#R69270E $269 Pennsylvania Railroad.............................#R04749N $279 SD40-2 Diesel Locomotive GP38-2 Diesel Locomotive Long Island Rail Road. DCC-ready.......#R68444N $119 GP9 Diesel Locomotive Milwaukee Road.......................................#R68233N $289 Missouri Pacific.........................................#R78550N $269 GP-15-1 Diesel Locomotive Burlington Northern................................#R74616N $289 SD40-2 Diesel Locomotive Union Pacific. DCC-ready...................#R74901B $74.95 CP Rail..........................................................#R04746N $279 EMD E6A Diesel Locomotive GG1 Electric Locomotive GP38-2 Diesel Locomotive Missouri Pacific..........................................#R68330N $269 Union Pacific.........................................#R78562N $269 2-6-2 Prairie Steam Locomotive 469 SD70ACe Diesel Locomotive Southern. DCC-ready..............................#R90601N 32 Pennsylvania Railroad..........#R68077N $ $ 125 Norfolk Southern/Erie Heritage............#R74797N $299 RSD-17 Diesel Locomotive F7A Diesel Locomotive Baltimore and Ohio. DCC-ready............#R68191N $169 Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at Hurry – only one left of each locomotive below! Sold Out at Manufacturer! FP9A Diesel Locomotive VIA Rail.........................................................#R68902N $329 EMD E6A Diesel Locomotive Baltimore and Ohio..................................#R78563N $269 RSD-15 Diesel Locomotive Santa Fe......................................................#R04744N $279 HH660 Diesel Locomotive Elgin, Joliet and Eastern..........................#R81536N $259 AC6000CW Diesel Locomotive RSD-15 Diesel Locomotive CSX “Bright Future.”...................................#R08429N $ 299 F7B Diesel Locomotive New York Central......................................#R04805N $179 Green Bay and Western..........................#R04748N $279 HH660 Diesel Locomotive Maine Central. DCC-ready. #R81531N $159 ES44AC Diesel Locomotive Canadian Pacific........................................#R74529N $299 F7B Diesel Locomotive Baltimore and Ohio..................................#R88457N $164 C420 Diesel Locomotive Long Island Rail Road..............................#R74600N $259 GP9 Diesel Locomotive Denver & Rio Grande Western...............#R68051N $289 SOLD OUT! FP9B Diesel Locomotive Canadian National...................................#R93660N $165 VO-1000 Diesel Switcher Southern Pacific. DCC-ready..................#R97724N $179 GP9 Diesel Locomotive Seaboard Coast Line................................#R68195N $289 F7A Diesel Locomotive Western Maryland. DCC-ready.............#R93242N $139 RS-11 Diesel Locomotive Pennsylvania Railroad. DCC-ready......#R68107N $129 EMD E6 Diesel Locomotives Santa Fe. $269 each E6A...................#R78559N SD35 Diesel Locomotive E6B...................#R78560N SD70ACe Diesel Locomotive NS/Reading Heritage. DCC-ready........#R74787N $199 Louisville & Nashville. DCC-ready.........#R95186N $135 Alco Century C628 Diesel Locomotives DCC-ready. $189 each F7A Diesel Locomotive Baltimore and Ohio. DCC-ready...........#R95283N $139 Delaware and Hudson.........................................#R68063N Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico..................#R68065N GP9 Diesel Locomotive Missouri Pacific. DCC-ready..................#R68252N $189 58' MOW Rail Inspection Car Sperry Rail Service. DC-powered.........#R74347N $119 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 33 RAILROADS Milwaukee Road / D&H / CP Milwaukee Road 2015 Calendar Featuring large, color photos of Milwaukee Road locomotives and trains, this wall calendar is a “must have” for every fan of this legendary road! You’ll see a variety of motive power hard at work in and around America’s heartland! 13¾"x 10¾"...................#R83191AA $14.95 Milwaukee Road Coast Division 1976-1978 This time capsule takes you back to the 1970s for a first-hand look at Milwaukee Road’s operations between Tacoma and Seattle. You’ll climb aboard an SD40 at the lead of train #200 – a hot shot that shuffles everything from containers to import cars to pigs – and learn all of the details of the engineer’s “typical” workday, including a 15-car derailment, a reefer “crisis” that threatens a million dollars worth of fresh crab, visits to the Tacoma roundhouse, Beverly Depot, Stacy Street Blu-ray – Watch it Yard, and more. Color, in high definition! 50 minutes. #RV7739A $39.95 DVD....#RV7738A $19.95 Milwaukee Road Cap Made of 100% cotton twill, this black cap features an embroidered Milwaukee Road logo and an adjustable rear strap for perfect sizing................#R08934B $14.95 DELAWARE & HUDSON Railfanning the Delaware & Hudson Purchase the Set! Save $20 This series of programs follows the legendary Delaware & Hudson across many of the railroad’s busiest lines in the years leading up to the road’s sale to the Guilford Rail System in 1984. $29.95 each Volume 1 – You’ll see non-stop D&H action including visits to Mechanicville Yard and Jefferson Junction, Conrail’s Southern Tier Line and the Starucca Viaduct, an interchange with the Boston & Maine, and more. 1 hr. 12 min...#RV2440C Volume 2 – You’ll follow along the Champlain, Saratoga, and Susquehanna divisions, see Baldwin “Sharks,” Alco PA-units and a host of EMD motive power along hot spots including Oneonta and Taylor Yard, Harpursville Trestle, and the D&H Turn from Binghamton to Sayre. 1 hr. 11 min...#RV2441C Volume 3 – You’ll visit the Alphabet routes of the former DLW line from Binghamton to Taylor, ex-Reading lines from Allentown to Philadelphia, and more. 1 hr. 13 min...................................#RV2442C Purchase all Three and Save! #R87592N Reg: $89.85 Now: $69.85 34 Milwaukee Road Metal Sign Displaying the herald of the Milwaukee Road, this aluminum sign is made in the USA and includes mounting holes. 12"x 8"............................................#R77694C $14.95 Milwaukee Road Depots E! SAL 1856-1954 Save $10 Photo Archive Tschudy. Built across 13 states, Milwaukee Road’s two-story country depots were designed with the belief that good housing for agents would ensure quality, lifelong employees. This photo history features rare images from the mid19th to the mid-20th centuries, depicting landmark depots such as those designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. 128 pages, 120 B&W photographs, 10¼"x 8½", softcover...............#R03094A Reg: $29.95 Now: $19.95 Milwaukee Road Power in Color Volume 2: Freight Covered Wagons and SecondGeneration Roadswitchers Timko. This wonderfully illustrated volume features vintage color photographs and fascinating narrative that detail the long running (1851-1986) Milwaukee Railroad, a Midwestern line notable for its prestigious Hiawatha passenger service in the postwar era. You’ll view that road’s covered wagons built by EMD and FM; second-generation roadswitchers that ushered in the 1960s; Fairbanks-Morse C-Liners; EMD F3s, F7s, F9s, and FP7s; 4- and 6-wheel GE U-boats; and much more. 128 pages, 200+ color photographs, 8½"x 11", hardcover......................#R11350C $59.95 Volume 1: The Final 25 Years 1961-1986....................................#R77077C $59.95 GP40 Diesel Locomotive This HO scale Bachmann model of an EMD GP40 diesel locomotive features built-in DCC; finely molded details such as dynamic brake vents, fans, rivets, and handrails; working head and backup lights; realistic pilots and foot boards; electrical pickup; and an authentic Milwaukee Road paint scheme. 7¾" long..................................................................#R04955C $109 Roads, Rivers, & Rails Limited Quantities The Delaware & Hudson’s Susquehanna Division Volume 2, Oneonta to Binghamton Taibi. Take a memorable excursion along the historic Oneonta to Binghamton segment of the Delaware and Hudson! This lavishly illustrated volume uses more than 600 vintage and modern photographs, maps, and illustrations to document the line, from the days of steam and early diesels to the most modern motive power. Union Pacific and BNSF run-through power even make numerous appearances. 341 pages, 300 color and 319 B&W photos and illustrations, 11¼"x 8¾", hardcover...................#R05944C $74.95 Volume 1: Albany/Schenectady to Oneonta – 238 pages, 200 color and 323 B&W photographs and illustrations................#R03817C $64.95 Monster Steam This 4-DVD collection shows you Canadian steam like you’ve never seen it before! You’ll examine the two-year rebuild of Canadian Pacific locomotive #2816 – the only surviving H1b-class 4-6-4 Hudson – and its 2001 return to the rails; view mainline test runs from trackside, aboard the train and in the cab; enjoy #2816’s five day inaugural run through the beautiful Canadian Rockies; and take a nostalgic look back at the last days of Canadian steam in the 1950s. 3 hrs. 40 min.........................#RV5049C $19.95 GP38-2 Diesel Locomotive Special Intr$ o Offer! Save 20 DCCequipped, this HO scale Bachmann model of a GP38-2 diesel locomotive, a type built by EMD from 1972 to 1986, includes all-wheel drive for plenty of pulling power, operating head and backup lights, movable metal cut levers, finely molded railings and stanchions, dynamic brakes, an authentic Canadian Pacific paint scheme, and a lifetime limited warranty. 8" long............................#R74111E Reg: $119 Now: $98.95 Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at RAILROADS CB&Q / NP / GN / BN Burlington Route Silver Streak Zephyr Starter Set This loaded set includes everything you need to get started in N scale model railroading! Your N Scale CB&Q Silver Streak Zephyr passenger train includes a DCC-ready EMD E5A locomotive #9909 Silver Bullet with a 5-pole motor and dual brass flywheels, fully automatic knuckle couplers, and front and rear lights; matching Budd RPO, baggage, two coaches, and observation cars; a 4½'x 2' oval of track with grade crossing/rerailer track and a powerpack; an instruction manual; and more.......#R78114D $325 Denver Zephyrs Metal Sign Resembling a vintage advertisement for the glamorous Denver Zephyr passenger train of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, this aluminum sign includes mounting holes. 12"x 18"; made in the USA. #R62055C $ 19.95 NORTHERN PACIFIC A replica Alco S-4 Diesel of a Locomotive 1,000horsepower S-4 diesel switcher, a type built by Alco from 1949 to 1957, this DCC-ready, HO scale Bachmann model features a detailed cab interior with glazed windows, directional constant lighting, a prototypical fuel tank, an authentic Northern Pacific paint scheme, and more. 6" long......................................................................#R04961C $119 GREAT NORTHERN 50' Mechanical Reefer SSaAveLE30! $ NW2 Switcher Diesel Locomotive Though ice was still used to cool cars as late as 1957, mechanical reefers were highly effective replacements for their earlier, wooden counterparts. This HO scale Athearn model of one such reefer features intricate roof and underframe details, added weight for smooth tracking, and authentic Northern Pacific markings. 6¾" long.............#R74997E $26.95 SAeLE40! Sav $ Great Northern Metal Sign Empire Builder Passenger Train Set This complete, HO scale set includes everything you need to run the Great Northern’s Empire Builder. You get F7A and F7B diesel locomotives with powerful motors, separately applied detail parts, and a working headlight (A-unit only); a smooth-side coach and a “Great Dome” lounge car, both with glazed windows and a realistic underframe; authentic Empire Builder markings; a 63"x 45" oval of E-Z Track; and a power pack/speed controller. Complete train is 38" long.....................................................................#R91983D Reg: $239 Now: $199 Great Northern Cap Made of premium quality cotton twill, this black cap features an embroidered Great Northern herald and an adjustable rear strap for maximum comfort...................#R08948B $14.95 Great Northern 2015 Calendar Featuring stunning color photography, this handsome wall calendar displays Great Northern steam and diesel motive power and operations from the mid-twentieth century. A real treat! 13¾"x 10¾". #R83193AA $14.95 Part of Broadway Limited’s premier Paragon2 series, this DCC-equipped, HO scale model of an NW2 – a 1,000-horsepower, four-axle switcher built by EMD from 1939 to 1949 – features built-in sound, a prototypical cab interior, operating head and backup lights, lighted number boards, separately applied detail parts, and an authentic Northern Pacific paint scheme. 6¼" long...#R85417E Reg: $199 Now: $169 Great Northern Through Passenger Service in Color Doughty. Wonderfully illustrated, this volume features beautiful color photographs and fascinating narrative detailing the history of Great Northern’s long distance passenger trains. This visual treat examines the motive power and cars that, while limited in number, made GN a railfan favorite and propelled them into a class of their own. You’ll see everything from powerful F3s to beautiful observation cars! 128 pages, approximately 200 color photos, 8½"x 11", hardcover..................................#R77079C $59.95 Showcase the memorable Great Northern Railway with this distressed steel metal sign! Depicting that road’s “Rocky the Goat” herald, it measures 14" in diameter and includes a mounting hole..................#R77670D $24.95 Burlington Northern Power in Color Vol. 1: Locomotives #1-2999 Timko. This volume features vintage color photos and narrative that detail the famed Burlington Northern Railroad, the product of a merger between CB&Q, GN, NP, and SP&S that operated from 1970 to 1976. You’ll view the motive power of BN’s diesels numbered 1 to 2999, a colorful variety of models, from switchers and first-generation roadswitchers built by Alco, Baldwin, and EMD to second-generation GP35s, GP38s, and more. 128 pages, 200+ color photographs, 8½"x 11", hardcover...........................................#R11358C $59.95 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 35 RAILROADS Santa Fe 4-4-0 American Steam Locomotive Almost every major North American railway that operated in the second half of the 19th century owned and operated the 4-4-0 “American.” This HO scale model of the classic pioneer features detailed body and side-rod castings, gold-tone simulated brass, a simulated coal load in the tender, authentic AT&SF markings, and more. 7¼" long with tender..................#R04839C $139 Santa Fe “The Chief” Metal Sign Santa Fe 3751 Steam to the South Rim Hop aboard Santa Fe 4-8-4 #3751 as she pulls a special train from Los Angeles to Williams, Arizona, on a rare trip in 2012. You’ll marvel at the scenery as #3751 battles grades at Cajon Pass, runs at high speeds through the desert on the BNSF transcon mainline, and doubleheads with a 2-8-2 at the Grand Canyon. Billed as one of the most anticipated steam events of 2012, that trip is captured in stunning detail – all 1,300 miles! Color, widescreen, 1 hr. 25 min. DVD..................................................#RV3086C $19.95 Blu-ray............................................#RV3087C $24.95 Resembling a vintage poster for Santa Fe’s Chief passenger train, this aluminum sign includes mounting holes. 12"x 18"; made in the USA. #R62041C $ 19.95 “Travel in Style” Pin-Up Metal Sign Featuring Santa Fe’s Grand Canyon Limited – a passenger train pulled by a heavy 4-8-4 Northern – and a stylish, High Society passenger, this 24-gauge steel sign resembles the look of aged metal and paint. 12"x 18"; includes mounting holes. #R60194A $19.95 Santa Fe Locomotive Facilities Volume Two: West End Western Lines Crump, Walz & Priest. Using line drawings, blueprints, maps, and period photographs, this volume presents a detailed look at the facilities on SF’s west end of the Western Lines in New Mexico (and a portion of Colorado and Texas). Roundhouses, turntables, refueling stations, repair shops, powerhouses, and other facilities are revealed in this unique, behind-the-scenes look at the Santa Fe’s largest and most complex network of rail. 192 pages, color and B&W photos and illustrations, 11"x 8½", hardcover.........#R10096C $59.95 Special Purchase! Save $100 A F3 Diesel Locomotives LIMITED EDITION Grandma’s Holiday Stan Stokes. Heading to Oklahoma for a vacation, Grandma prepares to board Santa Fe’s Super Chief passenger train – led by an F7A/B/B/A lash-up – during its stop at the San Bernardino station in the mid-1950s. This 25"x 18" print is signed and numbered by the artist. #R77601AA Reg: $195 Now: $94.95 “Every Inch the Chief” Herald Lighted Clock This handsome, backlit clock – featuring a little “chief” admiring a big Chief, Santa Fe #19 wearing the “Warbonnet” paint scheme – includes a bright fluorescent bulb controlled by an on/off switch on the cord; a quartz movement (which requires one AA battery, not included) for accurate time; a clear, scratch-resistant protective cover; and a 1-year manufacturer warranty. Made in the USA; 14" diameter...........#R61107C $119 36 These HO scale models – part of Athearn’s top-of-the-line Genesis series – features factory-installed DCC and sound, dual flywheels for exceptional performance, a detailed cab interior with glazed windows, battery boxes and an air tank with brackets, intricate hand-applied details such as air hoses and coupler cut levers, a working headlight, an authentic Santa Fe paint scheme, and more. 7" long. A: F3A/F3B Set..........................................................#R74802E $489 B: F3A – Add a second A-unit to your train to create a powerful A/B/A lash-up!..........................#R74801E $269 B DCC-Ready – No sound. A: F3A/F3B Set...............#R74800E $309 B: F3A – Add a second A-unit to your train to create a powerful A/B/A lash-up!..............................#R74799E $169 The Super Chief This program presents the full story of one of the world’s most famous trains – the Santa Fe Super Chief – from birth to burial. You’ll take a trip from Chicago to Los Angeles, tour the train from the Pleasure Dome with its individual rotating chairs to the Turquoise Room used for private dinner parties, and view the world’s largest fleet of streamliners and their varied configurations: The Chief, The Texas Chief, El Capitan, and others. Color, 1 hr. 13 min.................#RV3107C $39.95 85' Pullman-Standard Regal Series 4-4-2- Sleeper This HO scale model of a Pullman-Standard Regal Series 4-4-2 sleeper car features a finely molded body with a detailed interior and glazed windows, LED interior lighting that works on both DC or DCC systems, separately applied wire grab irons, an intricate underframe, an authentic Santa Fe paint scheme, and more. 11¾" long; minimum 24" radius curve recommended.....#R11010E $79.95 Non-Lighted.................................................#R11009E $69.95 Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at RAILROADS Santa Fe / BNSF Santa Fe 2015 Calendar Celebrate the history and grandeur of the mighty Santa Fe Railway all year with this 12-month wall calendar! You’ll see a variety of diesel locomotives wearing Santa Fe’s familiar “Bloody Nose” paint scheme, the famous “Warbonnet” scheme, and more. 14"x 9¾"............#R83239B $14.95 The Route 66 Encyclopedia Route 66 The Ultimate Collection This 3-DVD collection includes three programs – A Journey Down Route 66, Route 66 Revisited, and Route 66 Turns 75 – that explore the iconic “Mother Road” from Chicago to Los Angeles. You’ll visit tourist spots, quaint motels, secret corners, and little towns; enjoy colorful neon lights; learn the history of the famous route; and more. Dolby Digital, 3 hrs. 10 min...#RV3082E $19.95 50' Steel Reefer With a plug door whose tight seal protected its chilled contents from temperature changes, steel 50' reefers carried perishables from coast to coast. A replica of one such reefer, this HO scale model features a finely molded body, a separately applied brake wheel, added weight for smooth tracking, an authentic Santa Fe paint scheme, and more. 5¾" long....#R74113C $25.95 Hinckley. This encyclopedia is more than just a reference book to the glorious “Mother Road” – it’s SAL$E10! Save part travel guide, time capsule, memorial, and chronicle of the route’s evolution. From its connection to celebrities such as Will Rogers and Bobby Troup to the road’s modern-day adaptation in the animated movie Cars, this is a fascinating look at a highway that has become more than just a road. 288 pages, 750 color and 250+ B&W photographs, 8¾"x 11¼", hardcover............#R03473E Reg: $44.95 Now: $34.95 GP30 Diesel Locomotive A replica of a GP30, this DCC-ready, HO scale model features dual flywheels for flawless performance, a prototypical stepped cab roof and hand-applied details, operational lighting, all-wheel drive, an authentic Santa Fe paint scheme, and a lifetime limited warranty. 7½" long.............................................................#R04905C $78.95 GP60B Diesel Locomotive Santa Fe Sand Maintenance EMD built 23 custom GP60B diesel locomotives – which feature a cab-less configuration – solely for Santa Fe. Resembling one of those four-axle GP60Bs, this DCC-ready, HO scale Athearn model features a powerful motor with precision flywheels, fine details such as separately applied handrails and metal grab irons, an authentic Santa Fe paint scheme, and more. 8¼" long................................................... Robert Hunt. A pair of Santa Fe F-units – one dressed in the warbonnet passenger scheme and the other in freight livery – get “sanded” at a busy locomotive maintenance facility. Print measures 20"x 24".....#R07862AA $29.95 BNSF Railway Heritage Metal Sign Featuring the 11 famous predecessor roads that eventually rolled up into the Burlington Northern Santa Fe, this white-gloss aluminum sign is 10"x 12" and has rounded corners with mounting holes.....................................#R67079A $12.95 BNSF and Its Heritage ................#R74987E $124 BNSF 2015 Calendar Filled with 13 large color photographs taken amongst the most beautiful scenery in BNSF's range, this wall calendar does a superb job of capturing the heart of the great road. 14"x 9¾"...............#R83240B $14.95 GP60B Diesel Locomotives 2015 Calendar This 12-month wall calendar features beautiful color photographs of trains and locomotives operated by Burlington Northern Santa Fe and its predecessor lines. You'll see a BNSF inside Gateway manifest, a Santa Fe double-stack, an Oakway SD60 in Colorado, Santa Fe Alco-GEs with the Fast Mail, and much more. 11½"x 9"....................................................#R83234C $14.95 EMD built 23 custom GP60B diesel locomotives – which feature a cab-less configuration – solely for Santa Fe. Resembling two of those four-axle GP60Bs now in Burlington Northern Santa Fe service, these DCC-ready, HO scale Athearn Genesis models feature a powerful motor with precision flywheels, fine details such as separately applied handrails and metal grab irons, an authentic BNSF paint scheme, and more. 8¼" long........................................................$124 each A: BNSF..........................................................#R74985E B: BNSF Wedge...........................................#R74986E GP38-2 Diesel Locomotive Built by EMD from 1972 to 1986, the GP38-2 is a familiar sight on North America's railways. A replica of one of those ubiquitous locomotives, this DCCready, HO scale Athearn Genesis model features working head and ditch lights, photo-etched intake grilles and walkways, separately applied air tanks, all-wheel drive and electrical pickup, and an authentic BNSF “wedge” paint scheme. 7¾" long......#R74982E $99.95 A Order Today at 800-261-5922 or B 37 RAILROADS CGW / C&EI / WP / Katy / D&RGW CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN WESTERN PACIFIC 2-8-0 Consolidation Steam Locomotive This DCC-equipped, HO scale Bachmann model of a 2-8-0 Consolidation features an operating headlight; a detailed cab interior with a painted engineer figure; a realistic builder’s plate; a stack, domes, a bell and a whistle, pop valves, and other separately applied details; metal side rods; a tender with a simulated coal load; all-wheel electrical pickup and drive; and authentic Western Pacific LIMITED EDITION markings. 10" long.......................................#R04952C $215 GP7 Diesel Locomotive DS 4-4-1000 Switcher Locomotive From 1946-1951, Baldwin built over 500 of its rugged 1,000-horsepower DS-4-4-1000 switchers, which found their way into switching yards across North America. A replica of one of those road switchers, this DCC-equipped, HO scale model features built-in sound; brass flywheels; an operating headlight; separately applied handrails, wire grab irons, and coupler lift bars; brass MU and air hoses; an authentic Chicago Great Western paint scheme; and more. 6½" long....................................................#R10789D $279 Chicago & Eastern Illinois in Color DeRouin. Lavishly illustrated, this pictorial history follows the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad during its service from the late 1940s to its 1970 split when the Missouri Pacific and Louisville and Nashville railroads assumed ownership. You’ll view the stops along the line, tour the Saint Louis subdivision, compare diesel locomotives, and examine the passenger cars and freight equipment of this railroad that once served the needs of Illinois and Indiana customers. 128 pages, 200+ color photos, 8½"x 11", hardcover............................#R05411C $54.95 Introduced in 1949 as the first in the EMD General Purpose series of locomotives, the GP7 had the distinctive design and low-cost maintenance features that made “Geeps” so popular and helped ensure diesel’s dominance of the railroads. This DCC-equipped, HO scale Bachmann model of a GP7 features dual flywheels, operating head and backup LED lighting, finely molded railings and stanchions, movable metal cut levers, all-wheel drive, an authentic Western Pacific paint scheme, a lifetime limited warranty, and more. 7½" long..................................................................#R04908C $129 2015 Calendar Enjoy 13 big, beautiful images of Rio Grande standard gauge trains winding through magnificent scenery with this full-color wall calendar. 14"x 9¾"...............................................#R83237B $14.95 EMD F7A/B Locomotives SALE! Save 20 This DCC-ready, HO scale Bachmann model features all-wheel drive and electrical pickup, an operating headlight, an authentic paint scheme, and a lifetime limited warranty. 7" long.................Reg: $89.95 Now: $69.95 each F7A – 7" long...............................................#R04794E F7B – 6¾" long............................................#R04795E 38 $ Save 60% Stokes. A pair of fly fisherman grumble quietly as a trio of “noisy” Western Pacific F7s crosses the Feather River with the stainless steel California Zephyr in tow. This 21"x 14" print is signed and numbered by the artist. #R07073AA Reg: $125 Now: $49.95 MISSOURI-KANSAS-TEXAS GP40 Diesel Locomotive This DCC-ready, HO scale Bachmann model of a GP40 diesel locomotive features dynamic brake vents, fans, handrails, and other fine details; working head and backup lights; eight-wheel drive; an authentic Missouri-Kansas-Texas paint scheme; a lifetime limited warranty; and more. 7¾" long........................................................#R74117C $74.95 Rio Grande Rio Grande SALE! The California Zephyr Heart of the Rockies Conway. Filled with hundreds of rare color photographs, this lavishly illustrated book captures Denver & Rio Grande Western operations west of Denver and through the Rockies. You’ll view a variety of motive power as freight and passenger trains traverse the Moffet Road from Denver to Craig, Colorado, and then ride the Dotsero Cutoff, which gave the D&RGW a directed transcontinental link to the west. 192 pages, 256 color photographs, 12"x 9", hardcover................................#R03881E $69.95 Denver & Rio Grande Western Filmed just prior to the merger with Union Pacific, this program features some of the most thrilling Rio Grande railroading you’ve ever seen! You’ll enjoy four seasons of coverage that includes a climb to the summit of Tennessee Pass, joint mainline operations between Denver and Pueblo, a cab ride up the Front Range to Moffat Tunnel and through the Royal Gorge, and more. Watch out for falling rocks! 2 hrs. 15 min.................................#RV6327B $29.95 Rio Grande Mug This 11-ounce ceramic mug features the road’s famous herald on both sides. Microwave and dishwasher safe..................#R69659B $7.95 Rio Grande Cap This black, cotton twill cap features an embroidered D&RGW herald and an adjustable rear strap. One size fits most.........#R08450B $14.95 Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at RAILROADS Southern Pacif ic The Friendly Southern Pacific SOUTHERN PACIFIC Images of Rail Northwestern Pacific Railroad Eureka to Willits O’Hara & Service. Upon its completion, the Northwestern Pacific, a joint venture between Santa Fe and Southern Pacific, linked Eureka with San Francisco by rail, a milestone in the history of Humboldt and Northern Mendocino Counties. Filled with archival images, this history explores the NWP’s origins and construction, the accidents and disasters that plagued the line, its decline and modern legacy, and the stories of the communities and families whose lives were linked with the NWP. 128 pages, 200 B&W photographs, 6½"x 9¼", softcover.............................R78013C $19.95 Southern Pacific Facilities in Color Volume 1: California, Oregon, Nevada, and Utah Morris. This heavily illustrated volume takes you on a tour of Southern Pacific’s stations, towers, bridges, yards, shops and other facilities as well as freight and passenger trains, a wide variety of motive power, and operations prior to the road’s 1971 take over by Amtrak. 128 pages, 258 color photos, 8½"x 11", hardcover.............................#R77798C $59.95 Made in the USA. T-Shirt – Made of 100% pre-shrunk cotton...#R11335C M, L, XL..........................$16.95 XXL.................................$18.95 Sweatshirt – Made of a 50% cotton/50% polyester blend..........................#R11336C L......................................$33.95 XL....................................$35.95 XXL.................................$37.95 2015 Calendar This 12-month wall calendar features stunning color images of Southern Pacific steam- and diesel-powered trains. You’ll see Slim Princess 4-6-0 #9, A Black Widow F7A, an SW1500 on the Carquinez Bridge, SD70Ms descending Calimus Hill, and more. 11¾"x 9".....#R83235C $14.95 SP Steam Variety Thrill to a wide variety of Southern Pacific steam footage! You’ll head to California in the 1930s and catch a ride on cab forward #4100 for a trip through the Tehachapi range; watch ferries at work in the San Francisco Bay; take the famous Coast Daylight from Los Angeles to San Francisco, taking time for a few meets along the way; tour the West Oakland Roundhouse; and more. Color and B&W, 56 minutes......................................#RV9356C $29.95 “The Most Beautiful in the World” Pin-Up Metal Sign Working Smoke! USRA 0-6-0 Steam Locomotive This DCC-ready, HO scale Bachmann model of one of the 255 USRA 0-6-0 steam locomotives built during World War I features a working headlight and smoke unit, a detailed cab interior, metal safety rails, a brasscolored bell and whistle, an intricate underframe, a prototypical Vanderbilt tender, an authentic Southern Pacific paint scheme, a lifetime limited warranty, and more. 8¾" long.................................#R04962C $115 Wearing a Daylight paint scheme, famous Southern Pacific Class GS-4 #4449 has met its match for the title of “The Most Beautiful in the World.” This 24-gauge steel sign is hand distressed to create the look of aged metal and paint, measures 12"x 18", and includes mounting holes....................................#R66660A $19.95 Special Purchase! Save $50 GS-4 4-8-4 Steam Locomotive Daylight 4449 Shirts These screenprinted, black shirts feature Southern Pacific #4449 – the only surviving example of Southern Pacific’s GS-4 class of steam locomotives –chugging through the semaphores. DCC-equipped, this HO scale model features a powerful motor, detail parts such as wire railings and coupler cut levers, working head and backup lights, a realistic tender, an authentic paint scheme, and more. 15½" long..............................#R93544E Reg: $285 Now: $235 SW1500 Diesel Locomotive Equipped with EMD’s optional Flexicoil trucks (which allowed it to operate as a 60 mph road switcher instead of being confined to the yard), this DCC-ready, HO scale Athearn model features a detailed cab interior with glazed windows, working headlights, separately applied handrails and wire grab irons, prototypical air tanks and piping, and an authentic Southern Pacific paint scheme. 6" long...........................................................................................................#R74989E $124 Donner Combo Tough Times on the Southern Pacific This DVD features two incredible programs: Battle for Donner Pass is the story of the Southern Pacific men and equipment that fought to keep this pass open during treacherous winter storms. You’ll ride in the cab of track clearing equipment and see flangers, regulators, spreaders and more. Across Donner Summit features SP freight and passenger trains fighting both Donner Pass grades and Mother Nature herself! 3 hrs. 17 min....................................#RV6306B $29.95 Floods, trestle fires, derailments and worse! This collection of archival footage documents the trauma that Mother Nature and Murphy’s Law inflicted upon Southern Pacific and how the railroad coped with these setbacks. SP’s own film crews created most of this material to display its efficiency and resourcefulness in times of stress. You’ll experience these challenges yourself from an earthquake on the San Joaquin Division in 1952 to the Roseville Yard bomb explosions of 1973. Color, 54 minutes.......#RV9550B $29.95 Donner Pass Southern Pacific’s Sierra Crossing This program features a non-stop parade of Southern Pacific trains over legendary Donner Pass! Starting at the classification yards in Roseville, California, you’ll follow SP’s trains up and over “The Hill” with four engines leading and six mid-train helpers. You’ll also view Amtrak’s California Zephyr, rare film of the line’s construction, footage of the City of San Francisco train trapped at Yuba Pass in 1952, snow fighting equipment, and more. 1 hour................................................#RV9153B $29.95 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 39 RAILROADS Union Pacific UNION PACIFIC Union Pacific 2015 Calendar Filled with 13 large color photographs taken in a wide variety of environments in Union Pacific’s range, this wall calendar captures the heart of the great road. You’ll view mainline Union Pacific class 4-12-2 and Northern 4-8-4s, regional motive power working local and branch lines, and much more. 14"x 11"................#R83194AA $14.95 Building Union Pacific 844 The Birth of the FEF-3 Steam Class Bush. Constructed in late 1944 during World War II, Union Pacific #844 – the last steam locomotive delivered to UP – is the only steamer never retired by a North American Class 1 railroad, and has become a “living legend” to generations of rail fans. You’ll learn the details behind the construction of #844 and her sister engines of the FEF-3 series! 56 pages, 58 B&W photographs, 11"x 8½", softcover.............................#R05885C $19.95 Union Pacific’s Platte Valley Route Metal Sign Resembling a vintage advertisement for the Union Pacific’s Platte Valley Route, this aluminum sign has an aged, weathered look and includes mounting holes. 12"x 12"; made in the USA..................................#R62058C $19.95 Union Pacific Then and Now 2015 Calendar This colorful wall calendar features Union Pacific steam- and diesel-powered trains in some of the most scenic settings imaginable. You’ll see a grain train in the snow, a stack train near Tehachapi, executive E-units, a “Super Turbine” on Sherman Hill, and much more. 11½"x 9".........#R83233C $14.95 Special Purchase! Save 60% B FEF-3 Steam Locomotives A: Greyhound...........#R74926E Replicas of Alco-built, FEF-3 class 4-8-4 B: Excursion................................#R74927E Northerns with the variant’s double smokestacks, combined sandbox and steam dome, and centipede tender, these DCC-equipped HO scale models, part of Athearn’s top-of-the-line Genesis series, include built-in controllable sounds; a detailed boiler backhead with printed gauges; adjustable cab windows and opening doors and cab hatches; factory-applied piping, valves, and generators; a working smoke unit; an authentic Union Pacific paint scheme; and more. 15¾" long; requires a minimum curve radius of 22"..............................................................................$549 each Union Pacific Big Boy #4014 Shirt LIMITED EDITION Beauty and the Beast Stan Stokes. Union Pacific’s “shrouded” 4-8-2 Mountain and burly 4-8-8-4 Big Boy offer brilliant contrasts in equipment and eras as they pace one another. This 21"x 14" print is signed and numbered by the artist...........#R07076AA Reg: $125 Now: $49.95 Big Boy Locomotive Kit This HO scale, plastic kit features a one piece boiler, a butterfly damper, an intricate cab interior, movable pony trucks, intricate driving wheels and rods, a tender, a display track, and decals for two versions. 18" long; 87 parts, skill level 3........#R09503C $24.95 40 A Displaying Union Pacific’s #4014 Big Boy steam locomotive proudly on the front, this screen-printed t-shirt is made of soft,100% preshrunk cotton. #R11343C GP38-2 Diesel Locomotive Built by EMD from 1972 to 1986, the GP38-2 is a familiar sight on North America’s railways. A replica of one of those ubiquitous locomotives, this DCC-ready, HO scale Athearn model features working head and ditch lights, wire grab irons and metal lift rings, photo-etched intake grilles and walkways, all-wheel drive and electrical pickup, and an authentic Union Pacific paint scheme. 7¾" long.................#R74983E $99.95 Gray – M, L, XL, XXL...$14.95 Blue – M, L, XL, XXL...$14.95 Union Pacific Big Boy Collection The biggest, the strongest, the grandest American steam locomotive. Only 25 were built, and now you can see all of the Big Boys in action in the most incredible display of steam power ever! This comprehensive, professionally photographed film collection from the 1950s makes this production the ultimate tribute to the Big Boy! Color and B&W, 1 hr. 35 min................#RV8812B $39.95 SW1500 Diesel Locomotive Resembling an SW1500 diesel locomotive equipped with EMD’s optional Flexicoil trucks (which allowed it to operate as a 60 mph road switcher instead of being confined to the yard), this DCC-ready, HO scale Athearn model features working headlights, separately applied handrails and wire grab irons, prototypical air tanks and piping, photo-etched radiator grilles, and an authentic Union Pacific paint scheme. 6" long...........................................................#R74990E $124 Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at RAILROADS Independent / Lost Roads Reading & Northern 425 GP7 Diesel Locomotive Introduced in 1949 as the first in the EMD General Purpose series of locomotives, the GP7 had the distinctive design and low-cost maintenance features that made “Geeps” so popular and helped ensure diesel’s dominance of the railroads. A replica of a GP7, this HO scale Bachmann model features built-in DCC and Sound Value, dual flywheels, working headlights, handrails and metal cut levers, all-wheel electrical pickup and drive, authentic Boston & Maine markings, and a lifetime limited warranty. 7½" long..............#R85204C $199 This is the Guilford Rail System Ayer Jct. MA to Rotterdam Jct. NY This program visits many popular locations to view Guilford Rail System’s (now renamed Pan Am Railways) stable of secondhand diesel locomotive power – such as EMD GP40s and SD26s – on the renewed stretch of track between Ayer Junction, Massachusetts, and Rotterdam Junction, New York. Color, 2 hours...........................#RV5733B $24.95 Autumn Leaf Excursion Take a special ride on the Reading & Northern’s 4-6-2 #425, the loudest locomotive operating today, as it returns to service in 2013! You’ll hop aboard in October for the annual Autumn Leaf Excursions between Port Clinton and Jim Thorpe as #425 pulls a 15-car passenger train. Highlights include #425 being turned and serviced, a hard climb of Hometown Hill, and plenty of 6-chime whistle and incredible stack talk. Color, widescreen, 1 hr. 13 min. DVD...................................................#RV3372C $19.95 Blu-ray..............................................#RV3373C $24.95 Wisconsin & Southern Railroad Volume 2: The Southern Division From the rich, fertile farm fields to the bustling cities of Chicago, Milwaukee, and Madison, this program covers the Wisconsin and Southern’s Southern Division. You’ll explore the Waukesha, Reedsburg, Watertown, Fox Lake, Madison, and Prairie subdivisions on the line’s red and silver GP38-2s, and SD40-2s and even catch an inspection with the WSOR’s elite E9s! Widescreen, Color, HiFi Stereo Sound, 1 hr. 55 min..................................................$29.95 each DVD...............#RV1231C Blu-ray.............#RV1232C Volume 1: The Northern Division 2 hrs. 5 min...................................................$29.95 each DVD...............#RV1228C Blu-ray.............#RV1229C SD40-2 Diesel Locomotive A replica of an SD40-2 – which had sales of more than 3,700 units and was the most popular secondgeneration diesel locomotive – this DCC-equipped, Special Purchase! Save $20 HO scale Bachmann model features factory applied detail parts, all-wheel drive for smooth operation, and an authentic New York Susquehanna & Western paint scheme. 9" long............#R04914D Reg: $119 Now: $99.95 Bangor and Aroostook in Color These lavishly illustrated books examine the Bangor and Aroostook – the “Maine Railroad” – from 1950 Special through its 2002 bankruptcy. You’ll Purcha$se! Save 20 visit the inland and waterfront industries it served, view passenger and freight operations that were unique to the B&A, and more. 128 pages, 200+ color photographs, $ 8½"x 11", hardcover. 59.95 each Volume 1 – Angier. Examine the diverse fleet of motive power that included BL2s, E- and F-units, Geeps, and 44-tonners. Includes a full diesel roster from October 1947 to January 2002.............................................................#R05240C Volume 2 – Melvin. View first-generation diesels that operated until they were museum pieces; brightly colored boxcars that attracted national attention in the 1950s; operations and facilities; the operations of successor road Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway; and more...................................................#R05475C Buy Both & Save!.........#R87538N Reg: $119.90 Now: $99.90 GP9 Diesel Locomotive Built by the Electro-Motive Division of General Motors between 1954 and 1963, the GP9 entry in the “Geep” series was one of the best-selling diesels ever produced. This HO scale Bachmann model of one of those Geeps features built-in DCC, glazed cab windows, working directional lighting, separately applied handrails, metal cut levers, authentic Bangor and Aroostook markings, and more. 7¾" long............#R04915C $129 This Was the Rock Island Train Action on the Illinois Division 1975-1980 This program explores Rock Island’s Illinois Division during the Rock’s final six years of operation, from late 1974 until shortly before the railroad shut down on March 31, 1980. You’ll view commuter trains, FPs, the Peorian passenger train, the famous Rockets, E- and F-units, Alcos, GE U-Boats, GP7s and GP38-2s, and much more. Dolby Digital 5.1, 1 hr. 12 min. DVD......#RV7360A $29.95 Blu-ray......#RV7794A $39.95 Susquehanna Trackside 1954-1968 with Albert T. Holtz and Walter E. Zullig, Jr. Zullig, Jr. Travel back to an era when the New York, Susquehanna & Western Railway was a struggling, allNew Jersey passenger carrier. A delight for railfans, this volume features rare photographs and fascinating narrative that describe the highs and lows of this road’s passenger operation. 128 pages, approximately 200 color photographs, 8½"x 11", hardcover.......................................#R77080C $59.95 40' Steel Boxcar This HO scale model features a finely molded body and underframe; simulated rivets; brake details; operating side doors; a roof walk with engraved grates; added weight for smooth tracking; an authentic New York, Susquehanna & Western “Ship with Susie-Q” paint scheme; and more. 5¾" long.................................#R04673C $25.95 Alco RS-3 Diesel Locomotive Introduced in 1950, the 1,600-horsepower Alco RS-3 diesel locomotive had the stamina and strength for freight and passenger service yet was agile enough for yard work. A replica of one of those all-purpose engines, this HO scale Bachmann model features built-in DCC, working headlights, all-wheel electrical pickup and drive, authentic Rock Island markings, and a lifetime limited warranty. 7¼" long...........#R04916C $135 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 41 RAILROADS Regional Shortline Railroads 2015 Calendar Thrill to a colorful new photograph each month celebrating the shortline railroads that rumble in and out of small towns across the nation! This calendar is a wonderful tribute to those small roads from Maine to Arizona! 14"x 11"....#R83195AA $14.95 The Jersey Central, Lehigh Valley, Reading and Baltimore & Ohio Railroads in Jersey City Thrill to spectacular footage of locomotives roaming the beautiful northeastern countryside. A railfan delight! $24.95 each Purchase the Set! Save $15 Clarendon & Pittsford Railroad – From the Clarendon & Pittsford’s early history through its current operations over the Florence and Mainline Subdivisions and their connections, this film takes you on a tour of the railroad’s routes, stations, and facilities. You’ll learn about the Vermont Marble Company, OMYA, and the former Delaware & Hudson Rutland Branch, and even take a nocturnal cab ride! 1 hr. 27 min.......#RV3197A Vermont Railway: 50 Years – Filled with vintage film, photographs, and interviews, this real-life story of “the little engine that could” follows the rebirth of the former Rutland Railway mainline from Burlington, Vermont, to North Bennington and White Creek, New York, from 1964 to the present. You’ll explore all facets of the operation, including steam excursions, of the first state-owned, privately operated railroad in the country. 2 hours................................................................#RV3198A Green Mountain Railroad & Steamtown USA Highlighting the rebirth of the former Rutland Railway mainline from Rutland to Bellows Falls, Vermont as a tourist and freight Mecca, this program follows the Green Mountain Railroad’s revival during Vermont’s railroad renaissance! 1 hr. 57 min........................................................#RV3364A Buy All 3 and Save! #R87567C Reg: $74.85 Now: $59.85 42 Images of Rail Cleveland Mainline Railroads Rails Around Fort Worth Sanders. Instrumental in enabling Cleveland to become an industrial center in the 1800s, railroad development in the region fueled the iron and steel, petroleumrefining, automotive, and chemical industries that helped the city grow to be, by 1920, the 5th largest in the country. This volume shows how those industries relied on the railroads – including the B&O, the Erie, the NYC, the Nickel Plate Road, the Pennsylvania, and others – for freight and passenger movement in and out of Cleveland until the 1960s. 128 pages, 200 B&W photographs, 6½"x 9¼", softcover.......................#R78023C $19.95 Northwest Indiana Rails Caldes. With its passenger terminal, freight yards, factory and warehouse sidings, and four-track highspeed main, the Central Railroad of New Jersey proved to be a legitimate operation in the compact, high density rail and river transport scene in the region. You’ll take a tour of the CNJ’s facilities and equipment, including a 4-6-0 Camelback that was the mainstay power for the passenger fleet to baby-faced Baldwins pulling freight, a GP7 leading a commuter consist, and others. 80 pages, 132 B&W photographs, 7"x 10", softcover..................#R11204C $15.95 Northeast Region Railroad DVDs Images of Rail NS, CSX, CP, Amtrak, South Shore Take an exciting journey to northwest Indiana, a region of the Midwest famous for its massive steel mills, lake effect snow, and trains! This program shows a wide variety of railroad action in all types of weather and all four seasons, from the Chicago, South Shore, and South Bend Railroad running in Michigan City; to a quick stop at Norfolk Southern’s CP 502 and the Arcellor-Mittal steel mill; and much more. Widescreen, Dolby Digital 5.1, 1 hr. 54 min. on two DVDs............#RV7798A $24.95 Blu-ray..............................................#RV7799A $34.95 Railroads for Michigan Meints. This well-researched volume examines the arrival and development of the railroad industry in Michigan. You’ll learn about its impact on several critical events in Michigan’s history, including the Civil War and the Granger Movement; its decline with the arrival of the automobile, the Interstate Commerce Commission, WWI, and the Great Depression; its revival during WWII; and its future in the Great Lakes Region. 640 pages, 180 B&W photographs, 8½"x 11", hardcover...#R05861E $49.95 Rails Around St. Louis This program takes you to St. Louis, Missouri, to view a wide variety of motive power and trains – including those of Alton and Southern, Amtrak, BNSF, CSX, Kansas City Southern, Manufacturers Railway, Norfolk Southern, Terminal Railroad and Union Pacific – at hot spots such as MacArthur Bridge, Gateway Yard, Laclede’s Landing, Merchants Bridge, Granite City, Grand Boulevard, the Amtrak station, Valley Junction, Bremen Interlocking and Kirkwood. Widescreen, 2 hrs. 10 min. #RV9390C $35.95 Taylor. When the railroad came to frontier town of Fort Worth in 1876, the community transformed, practically overnight, into a metropolis. Filled with archival photographs, this volume shows you railroading in and around Fort Worth, form the arrival of the Texas & Pacific Railroad to the streamliners of the postwar era. 128 pages, 200 B&W photographs, 6½"x 9¼", softcover.............#R10261C $19.95 Images of Rail Laramie Railroads Ostresh & Hansen. As the first transcontinental was constructed, the government authorized loans and land grants to aid in the Union Pacific’s westward expansion and connection between Omaha, Nebraska, and Sacramento, California. Lavishly illustrated, this volume examines the railroad scene at Laramie, one of the towns that sprang up along UP’s Overland Route as the road cut through the southern region of Wyoming. 128 pages, 200 B&W photos, 6½"x 9¼", softcover...#R10263C $19.95 Tehachapi The SP and Santa Fe Era Take a 30-year ride along the famed Tehachapi pass, from the mid-1960s to the mid-1990s, plus surrounding locations including Taylor Yard, Barstow Yard, Richmond Yard, Colton Crossing, and the building of the SP Palmdale cutoff. You’ll see more than 30 years of great motive power run through the region, including vintage SF freight and passenger-mail trains, a variety of SP diesel being tested in both “point” and “helper” service, and much more. 2 hrs. 38 min....#RV9365C $29.95 At the Throttle Cab Ride Volume 6 ! Filmed by cameras secured to SAeLE Sav 33% the top, front, inside, rear and bottom of BNSF locomotives and rolling stock in southern California, this program presents a unique perspective on the action on the San Bernardino Subdivision, at Barstow, in Cajon Pass and Santa Ana Canyon, on the Harbor Subdivision in the Alameda Corridor, in Hobart Yard, and at many other busy areas. You’ll even view footage of trains rolling overhead! 2 hrs. 44 min. #RV9416N Reg: $29.95 Now: $19.95 “Keddie Wye Meet” Jigsaw Puzzle Larry Fisher. A quartet of Western Pacific Geeps and a mix of power and liveries on neighbor Spokane, Portland & Seattle lead freight trains across the bridges at popular railfan spot, Keddie Wye in Plumas County, California. This 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle is 30"x 19" when assembled. #R77224B $14.95 Print – Limited edition; signed and numbered by the artist; 27”x 17”.........................#R07742C $399 Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at RAILROADS International / Excursions The Newfoundland Railway 1898-1969 Harding. A narrow gauge, trans-island railroad, Canada’s Newfoundland Railway overcame great practical and political challenges to operate successfully for well over half a century. This book examines the colorful history of the Newfoundland and the important early contributions of engineer R.G. Reid. Includes accounts of the railway recorded in period news articles, personal correspondence, and songs. 230 pages, 75 B&W photographs, 7"x 10", softcover. #R03415C $39.95 RS-3 Diesel Locomotive Introduced by Alco in 1950, the 1,600-horsepower RS-3 diesel locomotive had the stamina and strength for freight and passenger service yet was agile enough for yard work. This DCC-ready, HO scale Athearn model of one of those locomotives features a detailed cab interior, operational lighting, separately applied wire grab irons, MU hoses and coupler cut bars, an authentic Ferrocarriles Nacionales de México (N de M) paint scheme, and more. 7¼" long.................................#R78115E $115 Railroad Journeys Around the World Filled with 11 hours of thrilling railfan action, this 3-DVD set explores the railways of 12 countries, including the United States, China, 11 Hours on 3 DVDs! Portugal, Germany, Ireland, Italy, and Switzerland. You’ll follow the scenic routes that travelers take when exploring each country and see such breathtaking sights as the Alps, the Parisian countryside, the Emerald Isle, the Rockies, the Gobi Desert, and the Mediterranean coast. Color..................................................#RV2196C $29.95 Recreate the glory days of Great Britain’s famous passenger trains on your own layout with former Great Western Railway (GWR) 3700 class 4-4-0 steam locomotive #3439, named the “City of London.” This DCC-ready, HO-compatible (European OO scale) steam locomotive, made by Bachmann, features an intricate boiler backhead with painted piping and levers, glazed windows, a working headlight, separately applied boiler piping and valves, a detailed coal tender with an NEM coupler (pockets will accommodate U.S. style magnetically operated knuckle couplers), spring-loaded buffers, an authentic GWR green monogram livery, and more! 9¾" long; runs on HO scale track....#R86288E $207 Loco Motion The World’s Oldest Steam Locomotive Bailey. Trace the international evolution of the steam locomotive during the first half of the 19th century! You’ll explore surviving locos of various classes from collections in Britain, mainland Europe, and North and South America, as well as learn about each steamer’s operational and preservation history. Includes a list of museums housing the world’s oldest trains and components. 216 pages, 200 B&W and 50 color photographs, 10"x 9", hardcover...............#R10320C $39.95 The Silverton Train A Colorado Rail Adventure Take a ride through the spectacular fall scenery of the Animas River Canyon on the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad! You’ll ride in both the locomotive cab and in the caboose while enjoying the magnificent Colorado mountains as well as the trains themselves. Widescreen, 1 hr. 20 min...................#RV5188C $24.95 GWR 3700 Class Steam Locomotive “British Railways” Shaped Metal Sign Die cut in the shape of the BR Lion emblem used from 1945 to 1965, this 24gauge steel, diecut sign measures 21"x 18" and includes mounting holes. #R69033A $39.95 History of British Trains This 4-disc history, which includes rare archival footage from the 1930s, explores Great Britain’s various railways and locomotives, both past and present. You’ll learn about such Over 7 Hours on 4 DVDs! lines as the Orient Express, the Bristol & Exeter, and the Lancaster & Yorkshire; the Flying Scotsman, the Southern Belle, and the Prince of Wales; and the U.K.’s pioneering engineers, including George Stephenson, the “Father of Railways.” 7+ hours....#RV3196C $24.95 Purchase the Set! Save Over $85 America by Rail & Canada by Rail Captivating views, historic trains, and award-winning filmmaking come together in this 8-DVD collection that features some of the Over 10½ Hours on 8 DVDs! most breathtaking rail journeys in North America. You’ll tour Colorado’s historic steam railroads (including the Royal Gorge Route), enjoy the winter trip of a lifetime aboard Amtrak’s Cardinal, travel Canadian Pacific’s main line over the Rocky Mountains, and more. 10 hrs. 40 min.........#RV5219A Separately: $115 Set: $29.95 Over 3-Feet Long! SALE! Save $40 Royal Gorge Train Set Colorado’s oldest scenic line combines rich history, spectacular views and stylish accommodations into a train that takes you on a 24-mile journey through the 1,000-foot-deep Royal Gorge. Now, you can run that scenic line yourself! This complete, HO scale set includes DCCready, powered F7A (with a working headlight) and F7B units, a smooth-side coach and a full-dome lounge car, each with glazed windows, a detailed underframe, and an authentic Royal Gorge paint scheme; a 63"x 45" oval of E-Z Track; a power pack/speed controller with plug-in wiring; instructions; and more. Full train measures 38" long.....................................................................................................................................................................................................#R95460D Reg: $239 Now: $199 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 43 MODELING HO Scale Vehicles 1/87 Scale New Holland Machinery Models A Update the machinery on your layout’s construction site! These HO scale, metal and plastic models of New Holland heavy-duty machinery feature a finely molded body, a B wellequipped cab interior with glazed windows, movable arms, separately applied detail parts, C realistically treaded tires and tracks (where applicable), authentic New Holland badging, and more......................................$20.95 each A: E245 Demolition Crane – 4¼" long......#R77526D B: W190B Front-End Loader – 3½" long...#R77527D C: LM1745 Telescopic Loader 3" long..............................................................#R77528D Volvo Work Machinery Models A Storm Lake Mobilgas Station Kit 1/87 Scale B Add realism to your 1/87 Scale construction or mining layout! These HO scale, metal and plastic C models of Volvo machinery feature a finely molded body, a detailed cab interior with glazed windows, movable arms, separately applied detail parts, free-rolling wheels with realistically treaded tires, and authentic Volvo badging.............................$22.95 each A: BL 71 Backhoe – 4¾" long.......................#R77525C B: Ew 180B Excavator – 4" long..................#R77529D C: L60 Front-End Loader – 3¼" long..........#R60378B Residential Building Site Model This partially built residential building will fit right in on your construction site. Made of metal and plastic, this HO scale model features finely textured surfaces that simulate concrete brick siding; structural support beams; ladders, construction materials, and other accessories; and more. 3¾" tall with a 5¾"x 4½" footprint..........................#R04919B $84.95 1/87 Scale Caterpillar 450E Backhoe Loader This HO scale, die cast metal and plastic model features a detailed cab interior, front wheel steering with an oscillating axle, a movable shovel boom, side stabilizers that raise and lower, rubber tires with realistic treads, and authentic Caterpillar markings. 3¾" long..........................#R04785D $39.95 A Site Office Model Resembling a small office building that could be found both on a construction site and on a town main street, this HO scale, metal and plastic model features finely textured surfaces that simulate brick siding with concrete trim; security cameras, signage, and other fine details; weathering for an aged appearance; and more. 1½" tall with a 5½"x 2½" footprint...........................#R74068B $44.95 44 B Worker Figures Bring your construction or maintenance-of-way scene to life with this set of six hand painted, HO scale, plastic figures hard at work......$10.95 each A: Maintenance Workers...............................#R95500B B: Construction Workers...............................#R95501B A replica of one of those Mobilgas drum stations located in Storm Lake, Iowa, this HO scale kit features laser-cut basswood walls; an enclosed garage; plastic windows and doors; plenty of cast metal detail parts, including realistic “electric” pumps and a Mobilgas shield sign on a tall pole; a fence-base billboard and complete signage; and more. 8¼"x 8¼" footprint; assembly required............................#R86068B $42.95 1941 Chevrolet Fuel Trucks 1/87 Scale These HO scale, plastic models of 1941 Chevy A fuel trucks feature a detailed cab with glazed windows, B C plenty of separately applied D E chrome plated A: Standard Oil..........#R88082C parts, factory ap- B: Pennzoil..................#R88083C plied taillights and C: Pure Oil....................#R88004B clear headlight D: Phillips 66...............#R88003B lenses, an intricate E: Mobil Oil..................#R88020B chassis, free-rolling wheels with realistically treaded tires, and authentic markings. 3" long................$17.95 each International Harvester Metro Delivery Trucks These newly tooled, HO scale, metal and plastic models of metro delivery trucks feature textured surfaces, a finely molded body, a well-equipped interior, glazed windows, factory applied detail parts, realistically treaded tires, and an authentic 1/87 Scale paint scheme. 3" long.....$19.95 each A: Borden’s #R74695C B: U.S. Mail #R74696C C: Wonder Bread #R74698C Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at A B C MODELING HO Scale Vehicles Replicas of early 20th century fire engines, these HO scale, plastic kits feature a detailed interior and pumping mechanism, a prototypical grille and headlights, realistic tires, ladders, axes, lanterns, and more. They’re perfect for period pieces or as restored trucks for your layout town’s parade! Assembly required. A: 1923 Mack – 6" long.....#R77641D $12.95 B: 1927 Ahrens-Fox 4" long...................................#R77642E $8.95 C: 1913 Ford Model T 1¾" long................................#R77640D $6.95 1/87 Scale 1/87 Scale 1946 Whitehead & Kales Car Carrier Trailer Kit A Fire Truck Kits Based on typical repair shops found across the country, this HO scale, plastic kit of a fire department repair garage includes two garage lanes to house your largest emergency service vehicles! You also get finely textured, simulated brick siding; art deco concrete front trim, “metal frame” style windows; oversized garage doors that lead to equipment bays; colorful signage; and more. 3½" tall with a 7½"x 11½" footprint; assembly required. #R78960C $34.95 Resembling a post-World War II, 1940s-era Whitehead & Kales car carrier, which could transport two rows of automobiles, this HO scale kit features finely molded, cast resin parts; support legs; treaded rubber tires; and more. You even get a loading ramp! Approximately 5" long; assembly required.................................................#R60330E $19.95 B C Fire Department Repair Shop Kit LIMITED EDITION 89' Thrall Bi-Level Auto Carriers Fire Department Vehicles A B C 1/87 Scale Ready to save the day on your layout, these HO scale, metal and plastic models of fire department vehicles feature a finely molded body, a well-equipped cab interior with glazed windows, separately applied details, simulated chrome parts, realistically treaded tires, and more. Approximately 3" long................................$14.95 each A: Pumper Truck.........................#R78961E B: Ladder Truck.............................................#R78962E C: Hazardous Materials Fire Truck..................#R78963E 1941 Lincoln Continentals Distinctively platformed and styled, the Continental was, for most of its production run, Lincoln’s flagship model. Replicas of A 1941 Continentals, the first generation of that memorable automobile, these HO scale, metal and plastic models feature a finely molded body, a well-equipped interior with glazed windows, a simulated canvas boot, C a detailed chassis, realistically treaded tires, and authentic badging. 2½" long; includes 1/87 Scale a display base with a clear plastic cover......................................................................$11.95 each A: Maroon.......................................#R59519B C: Pewter Gray...............................#R59521B B: Spode Green..............................#R59520B D: Rockingham Tan......................#R59522B B D A B These HO scale models of 89’ C Thrall bi-level auto carriers – like the type seen on rails across D North America today – feature a finely molded body; wire and E plastic detail parts such as handrails, stirrup F steps, ladders, and undercarriage elements; a razor-sharp paint G scheme; and $ more. 12¼" long............................................. 47.95 each A: Burlington Northern...................................#R74392E B: CSX......................................................................#R74393E C: Grand Trunk Western...................................#R74394E D: Milwaukee Road............................................#R74395E E: Santa Fe.............................................................#R74396E F: Soo......................................................................#R74397E G: TFM.....................................................................#R74398E 1949 Nash Sedan Kits These HO scale, cast resin kits feature a finely molded body with glazed windows, metal detail parts, vinyl whitewall tires, realistic markings, and more. 2½" long; 1949 Mercury 8 assembly required.............................$13.95 each Coupes Ambassador – Manufactured from 1932 to Replicas of 1949 2-door ’54 (and by American Motors from 1954 to sedans, which were the A B ’74), the Ambassador was the brand’s flagship first significantly updated, model. 2½" long. post-World War II body style A: Two-Door............................................#R74446E designed by Ford’s Mercury B: Four-Door...........................................#R74447E marque, these HO scale, Statesman – With a nearly identical interior, metal and plastic models C D but outfitted with fewer high-end features and feature a well-equipped 1/87 Scale a shorter wheelbase, the Statesman sedan, interior, glazed windows and headlights, an intricate chassis, simulated produced from 1949 to ’56, was Nash Motors’ chrome details, free-rolling wheels with whitewall tires, authentic badging, and more. 2¼" long; includes a display base with a clear plastic cover.............$11.95 each lower-priced version of the Ambassador. C: Two-Door............................................#R74448E A: Adelia Green/Mogul Green.....#R59523B C: Pirate Red.............................#R59525B D: Four-Door...........................................#R74449E B: Bermuda Cream...........................#R59524B D: Lima Tan/Haiti Beige........#R59526B Order Today at 800-261-5922 or A B C 1/87 Scale D 45 MODELING Structures “Tiger Striped” Steam Era Crossbuck and Stop Sign Set These handsome railroad crossing signs look just like the “crossbucks” used across North America at the height of the steam era! You get two HO scale, cast metal crossbucks, each with a “tiger stripe” pattern and a stop sign. 2" tall............#R60335B $9.95 Without a Stop Sign...........................#R60335B $8.95 Diesel House Kit Service your diesel locomotives in this garage! Resembling a diesel house patterned after structures used by railroads across the country, this HO scale, plastic kit features finely textured surfaces, three servicing platforms (that hold locos up to 17" long) with garage doors, realistic interior inspection walkways and below-track inspection pits, and more. 6½" tall with a 9¼"x 16¾" footprint; assembly required..............................#R11052C $89.95 Cracker Jack Animated Signs LIMITED EDITION Cracker Jacks have been an American snack-time favorite for over a century. Perfect for a rooftop or the side of a building, this Cracker Jack sign features working, pre-wired lights that sequence different colors. Includes contacts for flush mounting. Requires AA batteries (not included); minor assembly required. HO/O scale – 4½" wide x 3½" tall...#R08274E $49.95 N scale – 2¼" wide x 1¾" tall..........#R08275E $29.95 D.C. Cochran Confectionary Doobie Chase & Co. Fruits & Vegetables Shop Kit A replica of a country roadside fruit and vegetable shop, this HO scale kit features laser-cut basswood walls; plastic windows and doors; plenty of cast metal detail parts, including fruits, crates, and bins; fullcolor signage; and more. 2" tall with a 2¼"x 5¼" footprint; assembly required............#R86349B $29.95 A B D E G City Apartment Building Kit C F H I 1930s A: Richfield...................#R86336B B: Texaco.....................#R86337B 1940s Twentieth C: Nehi...............................#R86338B Century D: Chesterfield...............#R86339B Billboards E: Lucky Strike................#R86340B Add some F: Sunoco..........................#R86341B vintage flair to 1950s your layout G: Pepsi.............................#R86342B with these H: Chevrolet....................#R86343B twentieth cenI: International Truck...#R86344B tury roadside J: 7Up.................................#R86345B billboards! Made of laser-cut basswood, each painted sign features a bold-colored advertisement and includes structural supports. 2½" tall with a 3¼"x 1¼" footprint......................................$11.95 each J HO Scale Building Set Kits You get 15 easy-toassemble, HO scale, plastic building kits – including a bank, tire store, café, post office, depot, Railway Express Agency, restaurant, general store, factory, and hotel – and more than 160 detailed cast accessories (a memorial cannon, a billboard, light poles, benches, figures, and more) and 130 dry transfer decals for signs and windows. Includes detailed instructions....................................................................................#R09428C $279 N Scale Building Set Kits Get an entire N scale city in one box! This set features 13 easy-to-assemble, plastic building kits – including a general store, a pawn shop, the Dew Drop Inn bar, a drugstore, a bank, a café, a hardware store, a theater, and a hotel – and more than 70 detailed cast accessories (such as a forklift, a tractor, billboards, street lamps and benches) and 60 colorful dry transfer decals for signs and windows. Includes instructions.............#R95272D $154 46 A “sweet” addition to your trackside layout, this N scale kit of the “D.C. Cochran Confectionary” factory features finely textured surfaces, laser-cut basswood walls, N Scale injection-molded windows and doors, plenty of cast metal detail accessories, a side-entry door, a large billboard and other signage, and more. 2½" tall with a 2"x 3" footprint; assembly required...................#R08436B $34.95 Make this massive, 9-story city apartment building the newest addition to your downtown district! This HO scale, plastic kit – perfect for both steam or diesel eras – is molded in three colors and features a faux brick and stone façade with ornate art nouveau detailing, glazed windows, and multicolor printed exterior and interior details. 12¾" tall with an 8¼"x 5¼" footprint; assembly required.................................................#R78710C $44.95 City Parking Garage Kit No downtown area is complete without a parking structure! This HO scale, plastic kit is molded in three colors and resembles a typical city parking garage, complete with a realistic Art Deco façade, simulated brick walls, glazed windows and skylights, a large “Motor Hotel” sign, realistic entry and exit doors, and more. Compatible with both steam- and diesel-era layouts, it measures 9¾" tall with a 9½"x 8" footprint; assembly required..............................#R78711D $49.95 Merchant’s Row IV Kit A handsome addition to your downtown shop and services layout, this HO scale, plastic kit of “Merchant’s Row IV” – a three-store stretch that fits both small towns and big cities – includes simulated brick siding with realistic weathering, exquisite architectural detail, glazed windows, overhang signs, and more. Measures 3¾" tall with a 2¼"x 7½" footprint; assembly required..............................#R74403C $39.95 Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at MODELING Structures Make the stately “Magnolia Hotel” the centerpiece of your steam- or diesel-era downtown district! This easy-tobuild, HO scale, plastic kit features finely textured surfaces, ornate architectural details along the street-side wall and rooftop, glazed windows, colorful signage, and more. 6¾" tall with a 3½"x 6¼" footprint; assembly required...............................#R11053C $34.95 Magnolia Hotel Kit Thompson Bros. Paint Kit Your layout’s one-stop shop for all your townsfolk’s paint needs! This easy-tobuild, HO scale, plastic kit of the “Thompson Bros. Paint” corner store fits right at home on your steam- or diesel-era layout and features finely textured surfaces; a decorative, double-pillar entryway; glazed windows; colorful signage; and more. 7¼" tall with a 3½"x 6" footprint; assembly required...........#R11054C $39.95 Vending Cart and Machines Kit Give your townsfolk a few treats! This HO scale kit set includes a vending cart and a variety of vending machines in all shapes and sizes. Assembly required..........#R85075D $10.95 Weathered Homestead A replica of an old farmhouse, this amazingly detailed, HO scale, plastic model features realistic weathering, simulated wood siding and glazed windows, a trellis alongside the house and an old tractor-tire planter with blooming flowers, and plenty of intricate accessories, including an outhouse, a water pump, a propane tank... even a sleeping dog and a colorful quilt on the front porch! 2½" tall with a 5¼"x 4¼" footprint.................#R86996C $59.95 Morrison Door Factory Realistically depicting an old factory that fits right at home in any late steamor diesel-era industrial park or track spur layout, this hand painted and detailed, O scale, plastic model features simulated brick siding with realistic weathering, exquisite architectural detail, glazed windows, a propane tank and a dumpster, a water tower and roof piping, a dock filled with shipping crates and dollies, signs, shades and light fixtures, and more. There is even interior and exterior LED lighting for increased realism! Measures 10¼" tall with an 11¾"x 10½" footprint.............................#R74072D $169 This HO scale model of a vintagestyle soda machine looks just like the real thing! You even get a case of soda. 1" tall.........................................$7.95 each Dr. Pepper®.......................................................#R86346B RC Cola®..............................................................#R86347B Orange Crush®.................................................#R86348B Give your miniature layout citizens a place to keep their money with this highly detailed, HO scale bank kit. Finely molded in three colors (and clear for window glazing) so painting is not required, the kit includes optional parts to build a vintage bank or a modern bank (the corner clock can have an analog or digital face and you can add a sidewalk ATM). Assembled kit measures 5" tall with a 6½"x 7¾" footprint..................#R77645C $49.95 Bank Robbery Model the heist of the century with this realistic set of hand painted, HO scale bank robbers. You get two bank robbers – one masked and carrying a shotgun and the other with two large bags of loot – a getaway van and a “Wanted” poster. Each figure measures approximately ¾" tall.....................................................#R66989E $26.95 Red Owl Food Store Kit “Clean up on Aisle Four!” Keep your layout’s citizens’ pantries stocked with this HO scale, plastic kit replica of a typical small town “Red Owl” food store. You get a two-story building with separatelycolored windows and doors molded in place to speed assembly; simulated brick walls, glazed windows, and authentic Red Owl exterior signage; and a selection of colorful interior details and window treatments. You even get a set of Red Owl delivery truck decals for a tractor and trailer up to 53' long (truck not included). 3½" tall with a 4¼"x 3¾" footprint; assembly required..............................#R86392C $24.95 Shoppers and Grocery Carts Soda Machine and Case of Soda 0 Scale Liberty Bank & Trust Kit Brick Office Building Kit This eye-catching brick office building fits right at home in your layout! Highly detailed, this HO scale, plastic kit features finely molded brick details, simulated wood doors and window treatments, separately applied details, colorful signage, and more. 5" tall with a 7½"x 5¼" footprint; assembly required..............................#R11049C $29.95 A These handpainted, HO scale, plastic figures and B grocery carts will make a perfect addition to your grocery store scene. Figures are ¾" tall................................................................$24.95 each A: Shoppers with Carts – You get three shoppers, each with a cart....................................................#R78262E B: Shoppers and Carts – You get five shoppers and two carts........................................................#R78263E Subway Restaurant Kit The largest single-brand restaurant chain in the world, Subway operates more than 32,000 restaurants in 91 countries. A replica of the popular fast food restaurant, this HO scale, plastic kit features tab-andslot wall assembly, clear window glazing, peel-andstick posters, and authentic signage. 2¼" tall with a 6¼"x 3" footprint; assembly required.................................................#R86083E $34.95 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 47 MODELING Structures M.T. Arms Hotel Kit 24-Seven Quick Mart Kit A replica of a typical 24/7 business district convenience mart, this amazingly detailed, HO scale, plastic kit features simulated brick siding, glazed windows, plenty of colorful interior and exterior signs, and more. 2½" tall with a 7¼"x 5½" footprint; assembly required..............................#R11047C $29.95 Downtown Block Building Kits This hotel is sure to draw plenty of attention on your steamor diesel-era layout. This HO scale, plastic kit of the four-story “M.T. Arms Hotel” features finely textured surfaces that simulated brick siding an ornate cement trim, glazed windows, detailed entryways, signage, and more. 6" tall with a 7¾"x 2¾" footprint; assembly required.....#R85099E $29.95 Street Girl Pin-Up Metal Sign Sneak a peek into “Red Light Row.” Featuring a blonde seductress wearing a red hot dress, this keyhole-shaped, 24-gauge steel sign resembles the look of aged metal and paint. 14"x 25"; includes mounting holes. #R87477C $34.95 U.S. Post Office Kit Resembling a 20th century U.S. Post Office, this HO scale, plastic kit features finely textured surfaces with faux cement architectural details, glazed windows, a rooftop machinery house, parts to build three different rear entrances, signage, and more. 7¼" tall with a 13½"x 7¼" footprint; assembly required.................................................#R11048C $64.95 “Barber Shop” Pin-Up Metal Sign Cape Cod House Kit Add a touch of New England flare to your layout with this Cape Cod style house! This HO scale, plastic kit features simulated brick siding, glazed windows, an intricately shingled roof, rain gutters, a choice of two different styles of front doors, interior decals, and more. 3" tall with a 4¼"x 3½" footprint; assembly required..............................#R11050C $24.95 Framed Ranch Tract House Kit A replica of a ranch tract house, this HO scale, plastic kit features simulated wood panel siding; glazed windows; an intricate shingle roof; plenty of fine details, including rain gutters; interior decals; and more. 2¼" tall with a 5½"x 4¼" footprint; assembly required..............................#R11051C $24.95 48 This luscious lady is looking sharp with her straight razor and leather strop as she waits for a patron to service at the local barber shop. This 24-gauge, 14" diameter round steel sign resembles the look of aged metal and paint and includes a mounting hole.........#R69066C $21.95 Floyd’s Barber Shop Kit Keep your miniature layout people looking spiffy! This highly detailed, HO scale, cast metal kit of a barber shop features a fully detailed interior including a barber chair, cash register, wood stove, ceiling fan, and Floyd the Barber with his patron in the chair; a customer waiting on a bench outside; a barber pole; signage; and more. 2½" tall with a 1½"x 3" footprint; assembly required................................................#R85105D $22.95 Nice additions to your oldfashioned downtown, these HO scale, plastic kits of block buildings fit nicely on both steamand diesel-era layouts. Each features an intricate, faux brick siding with cement trim; glazed windows; a detailed entryway; and much more. Assembly required...$22.95 each A B A: Front Street Building – 4" tall with a 5¾"x 4" footprint.......#R85100D B: Seymour Block 4" tall with a 7"x 3" footprint.......#R85101D C: Walker Building 6" tall with a 3"x 4½" footprint........#R85102C C Small Town Storefront Building Kits Based on typical small town main street buildings, these HO scale kits feature simulated wood panel siding, cast metal detail parts, plastic windows and doors, a chimney, ornate storefront moldings, complete signage, and more. Assembly required. A $ 22.95 each A: Pharmacy – 3" tall with a 2"x 1½" footprint....#R85103D B: Ticket Office 1¾" tall with a 1¾"x 1½" footprint............#R85019C C: Doctor’s Office and Show Repair 1¾" tall with a 3"x 1½" footprint...........#R85104D Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at B C Expansion / Scenery / Accessories Railpower 1300 Power Pack This heavy-duty power pack is suitable for all HO and N scale train layouts. It delivers superior slow speed operation and smooth acceleration for locomotives and includes a circuit protector, a mainline direction switch, and simple connections...#R99382C $44.95 Purchase the Set! Save $20 Track and Power Pack Sets These sets include an oval of Bachmann E-Z Track with gray roadbed and nickel silver rails, a wire hook-up track, and the Railpower 1300 (above). HO Scale – 63"x 45" oval (22” radius). #R99968N Reg: $99.95 Now: $79.95 N Scale – 34"x 24" oval (11½” radius) #R99969N Reg: $84.95 Now: $64.95 Special Purchase! Save up to $60 Track Pack This 43-piece track pack includes everything you need to build the HO scale, 8'x 4' layout featured in the included instructional DVD hosted by actor and model railroad enthusiast Michael Gross. You get 37 pieces of easy-to-assemble E-Z Track (with nickelsilver rails for superior electrical conductivity and realistic, molded roadbed) including straight pieces, a terminal/rerailer, 18" radius curves, two left and two right remote switches, and a terminal wire. Assembles in minutes. #R90858E Reg: $249 Now: $189 N Scale Track Pack – 56"x 28" track layout. #R00897E Reg: $225 Now: $189 E-Z Track Sections Expand your HO scale layout with these sets of four E-Z Track sections! Made of steel alloy rail mounted on realistic black roadbed, they snap together in seconds! 9" Straight #R95182C $9.95 22" Radius Curve Each measures 8½" long...................#R95183B $11.95 Lionel FasTrack Set 0 Gauge This O gauge track set 68"x 48" includes all the Lionel Oval FasTrack you need to assemble a 68"x 48" oval layout with O-48 curves that can handle even your largest locomotives and cars. You get sixteen O-48 curve sections, three 10" straight sections, and a pre-wired 10" terminal section (to supply power to the track from your transformer), each with engraved ballast and track ties and convenient screw holes in the track base for easy permanent installation......#R87361D $99.95 O Gauge Controller/Power Pack......#R94251C $139 Special Purchase! Save $30 Digital Command Control Digital Command Control has never been easier or more affordable! This stateof-the-art system features one-button on-track programming, 128 speed steps, and digital control of speed, direction and lighting for up to 10 locomotives from any manufacturer. You get a control unit, an AC wall power supply, and a wire hook-up. Compatible with all HO and N scale DCC-equipped locomotives.............#R98154D Reg: $179 Now: $149 The DCC Guide How to Select and Use Your Command Control System Fiehmann. This comprehensive volume will help you get the most out of your Digital Command Control (DCC) system! Diagrams and photographs show you how DCC works, from wiring and installation to decoder settings and throttle units. You even get information on various product lines to help you select the right system for your plans. 80 pages, 80 color photographs and 55 illustrations, 8¼"x 10¾", softcover.............................................#R04183C $19.95 Train Storage Cases A Featuring a foam interior, these cardboard train storage cases safely and conveniently hold your valuable HO or N scale locomotives and cars. Each measures 28"x 12½"x 2½". E-Z Track Turnout with Remote Switch Switch your cars from one track to another with these HO scale turnouts. Each features an E-Z Track section with a turnout, steel alloy rails and a pre-wired switch for manual or remote trackmoving operation. 10¾" long.............$19.95 each Left-Hand Turnout..................#R95488D Right-Hand Turnout...............#R95489D B Models not included. $ 24.95 each A: HO Scale – Holds 20 locomotives and cars..............................................................#R66710E B: N Scale – Holds 36 locomotives and cars.............................................................#R66711E MODELING Basic Scenery for Model Railroaders Second Edition Sassi. Learn simple techniques needed to make realistic scenery – including ground covering, trees, water, rocks, roads and trackside details – for a layout of any size or scale. This updated edition covers foam scenery, concrete roadways, and other fun projects to help modelers apply a basic layer of scenery to their layout. Written in a clear, conversational style, each chapter includes step-by-step color photos and diagrams that demonstrate the basic steps discussed. 96 pages, 200 color photos, 8"x 10½", softcover...........#R01734B $19.95 Basic Painting & Weathering for Model Railroaders Second Edition Wilson. This book presents step-by-step techniques for finishing, painting, decaling, and weathering railroad models. Newly updated, this edition includes new prototype photos, current manufacturers, and the latest products of the industry, as well as several new projects. 88 pages, 250 color photos, 8"x 10½", softcover..........................#R01735B $19.95 Decorative Plants Create an instant garden A on your layout with these packs B of HO scale plants! Hand C made with a twisted wire D process for a detailed scale E appearance, they arrive ready F to $ “plant.” 1/4" tall. .............................................. 9.95 each A: Watermelon Patch 6-Pack......................#R86282B B: Detachable Flower Bushes 30-Pack...#R86283B C: Detachable Wheat Bushes 30-Pack....#R86284B D: Detachable Grass Bushes 30-Pack......#R86285B E: Flower Plants Assortment 12-Pack....#R86286B F: Potted Flower Plants Assortment 6-Pack............................................................#R86287B Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 49 MODELING Toy Trains / Train Sets Lionel Adventures in Science 2015 Calendar Enjoy 16-months of Loinel action accompanied by nostalgic advertisements – many from Lionel’s own archives – with this full-color wall calendar that presents many of the classics that made this toy train icon famous the world over. 12"x 12".................#R83196A $15.95 A.C. Gilbert Films from the ‘50s Erector Set inventor A.C. Gilbert, who acquired the rights to the American Flyer toy train line in 1938, was lauded for his strict adherence to scale realism. This DVD includes two films produced by Gilbert in the 1950s – Adventures in Science and Gilbert Film Spectacular – that feature American Flyer trains; A.C. Gilbert’s Factory Tour, which aired on the popular television show You Asked for It; and an episode from the American Flyer Boys’ Railroad Club show. B&W, 1 hr. 24 min........................#RV7446B $19.95 The Big Book of Lionel The Complete Guide to Owning and Running America’s Favorite Toy Trains Schleicher. This volume includes an overview of product development, more than 30 track plans for the floor and tabletop, tips on building scenery and structures, Over 300 Photos wiring and track (including FasTrack) how-to information, & Illustrations! maintenance and restoration tips, and instructions for prototypical operation. 272 pages, 250 color and 52 B&W photographs and illustrations, 8¼"x 10½", softcover......#R03199B $29.95 Fun & Thrills with American Flyer Special Purchase! In this DVD’s two great programs, you’ll visit seven Save 60% stunning American Flyer S gauge layouts for insightful building tips, historical anecdotes, and a look at nearly every American Flyer locomotive and accessory ever produced. Exquisite scenery, urban and country settings, a bevy of operating accessories, an “American Flyer Christmas,” and non-stop train action make this a fun-filled tour. 2 hours...................................................................#RV5810C Reg: $24.95 Now: $9.95 Working Smoke! HO Scale Nearly 6 Feet Long! Overland Limited Train Set SALE! Save $60 The biggest and the best! From the powerful locomotive through the impressive consist of nine cars, this HO scale set has it all! You get a Union Pacific Overland 4-8-4 steam locomotive with an operating headlight and smoke unit, a “centipede-style” oil tender, a grain car, a 3-dome tank car, a flatcar with logs, a center flow hopper, an open quad hopper, two plug door boxcars, a wood stock car, a wide vision caboose, a 65"x 38" oval of E-Z Track, a power pack/speed controller, and an illustrated instruction manual. Full train is 70½" long (locomotive with tender is 14½" long)............................................................#R09197D Reg: $359 Now: $299 HO Scale Over 175 Pieces! 74"x 38" Thundering Rails Train Set Oval This colorful, HO scale train set includes everything you need to create your own model railroad empire! You get an F7 diesel locomotive with a powerful motor, a working headlight and an authentic Santa Fe Warbonnet paint scheme; six freight cars (a boxcar, a reefer, a gondola, a stock car, and two different tank cars), and a Santa Fe caboose; a 74"x 38" oval of snap-together track with built-in roadbed; a power pack/speed controller; a complete “up-and-over” bridge and pier set; an operating crossing gate; 110 railroad and road signs, 12 utility poles, four automobiles, three pickup trucks, three trackside building kits, and more. Full train is 42½" long.......................................................................................................................................................................#R67349D $179 This HO scale Thunder Chief train set comes with every Special Purchase! thing you need for hours of enjoyment! You get a Save $50 DCC-equipped F7A diesel locomotive, complete with an operating headlight, and realistic sounds such as a whistle, bell, and squealing brakes; a 40' boxcar, a three-dome tank car, and an off-center caboose; magnetically operated knuckle couplers; authentic Santa Fe markings; a 56"x 38" oval of snapHO Scale together track with built-in roadbed; a power pack/speed controller; an illustrated instruction manual; and more. Full train measures approximately 25" long..............................................................#R04949D Reg: $349 Now: $299 Thunder Chief Train Set SALE! 50 Save $ Empire Builder Train Set N Scale This N scale train set includes a Santa Fe 4-8-4 steam locomotive with an operating headlight and a tender, eight freight cars, 12 telephone poles, 24 street signs, a 44"x 24" oval of E-Z Track, a UL-listed power pack, and an instruction manual. Locomotive has a limited lifetime guarantee; some assembly required. 34¼" long (locomotive with tender measures 8" long)..........................................................................................................................................#R09938D Reg: $279 Now: $229 50 Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at VEHICLES Stations / Disasters / Construction Grand Central Terminal Train Wreck 100 Years of a New York Landmark Robins. In celebration of the Grand Central Terminal’s 100 years as one of New York’s (and the nation’s) greatest architectural monuments, this lavishly illustrated pictorial examines the station’s history and design. You’ll view over 200 detailed photos – many archival and not seen in years – of its impressive stature, from the large main concourse to the mammoth power station hidden 10 stories below. 224 pages, 150 color and 100 B&W photographs, 9¾"x 10", hardcover..............................................................#R03476C $39.95 The Forensics of Rail Disasters Bibel. Today’s trains can be massive (many weigh more than 15,000 tons!) and when they jump the tracks, the results are often fatal. This book offers a detailed look at 17 specific train crashes responsible for more than 200 deaths. You’ll examine runaway trains, equipment failures, crash testing, collision dynamics, rail issues, accident reconstruction, and much more through eyewitness accounts and scientific studies into the forensics of railway accidents. 376 pages, 19 B&W photographs and 101 illustrations, 6"x 9", softcover.................#R01729C $29.95 Death Rode the Rails Grand Central An American Treasure Learn the story of the World’s largest train terminal, Grand Central Station, as told by leading historians, railroaders, and architects! You’ll take a behind-the-scenes tour of this architectural marvel, which, with an average of 650 weekday train arrivals and departures on 44 platforms, still functions smoothly after first opening a century ago. 57 minutes......#RV9268B $24.95 Caterpillar at Work A must-have for every crawler lover! This program presents thrilling footage of Caterpillar earth-moving equipment hard at work. You’ll view little D2s and behemoth D8s; hear the slow revs and high power sounds that are pure CAT; see footage filmed in 1908, which shows the world’s first chain track vehicle; and more. 55 minutes................................................#RV7795E $29.95 Caterpillar 2015 Calendar This fantastic wall calendar features full-color photographs of Caterpillar’s most recognizable machines! Capturing the raw strength and technological grandeur that is Caterpillar, each month also includes a cab shot of the featured machine plus an illustration with dimensions. This is a must-have for all CAT fans! 17"x 12"........................................................#K115012A $15.95 International TD-25 Dozer with Hitch and Umbrella This O scalecompatible (1/50), die cast replica of an Inter1/50 Scale national TD-25 dozer outfitted with a hitch and umbrella features a well-appointed operator’s area with instruments, an elevating and tilting dozer semi-U blade with working hydraulics, a hitch with a pin, intricate moving tracks with individual links, an authentic International paint scheme, and more! 5" long.......................#R67616C $59.95 American Railroad Accidents and Safety, 1828-1965 Aldrich. This book explores the evolution of railroad safety in the U.S. by examining spectacular train wrecks, smaller accidents in shops and yards, and the deaths of thousands of people killed while walking on, or crossing, street-grade tracks. 480 pages, 70 B&W photographs and illustrations, 7¼"x 10", softcover......................................................#R01725C $34.95 Caterpillar Wheel Loaders Based on Caterpillar small body wheel loaders, these O scale-compatible (1/50), die cast models feature a finely cast body; a detailed oper ator’s compartment with glazed windows; articulated 1/50 Scale steering; an operating lift arm with interchangeable work tools, including a bucket and a fork; separately applied handrails, mirrors, and windshield wipers; free-rolling wheels with realistically treaded tires; and an authentic CAT paint scheme. 6" long.................... $94.95 each 930K.........................#R57002C 938K.........................#R57003C Komatsu 830E-AC Dump Truck Put some heavy equipment on your layout! This O scale-compatible (1/50), die cast model of a Komatsu 830EAC ultra-class dump truck – which uses an electric drive system instead of a transmission/differential drive – looks just as incredible as the real thing! You get a fully outfitted cab interior with glazed windows, an elevating dump bed with realistic lift cylinders, a cab deck with metal railings and stairs, steerable front wheels and realistically 1/50 Scale treaded tires, floating spring-loaded rear suspension, authentic badging, a set of chock blocks, and more. 11½" long........................#R67644N $299 International 433 Dual Engine 1/25 Scale Pay Scraper Gold-Plated! Special Purchase! Save 50% A replica of an International 433 Dual Engine Pay Scraper, this museum-quality, 1/25 scale, die cast model is plated with real Sold Out at the Manufacturer – Limited Quanity! 24k gold! Fine features include a driver’s station with control instruments, articulated steering, and a Roll Over Protection Structure (ROPS), fully detailed front and rear engines, an elevating scraper bowl with working hydraulic arms, an adjustable twin-cylinder ejector gate, separately applied detail parts, free-rolling wheels with realistically treaded tires, and authentic badging. 20" long..............#R67626B Reg: $299 Now: $149 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 51 VEHICLES Trucks Classic American Pickups 2015 Calendar A wonderful addition to any hard-working American’s garage wall, this calendar features a different classic American pickup for each month of the year. 12"x 12".....#R87572B $14.95 1937 Studebaker Coupe Express Pickup Trucks Introduced in 1936, the Dodge “fore-point” pickup, which moved 1/32 Scale 1/32 Scale the front axles forward causing the load to also shift toward the front, was more stable than earlier models. Finely molded right down to the parallel side rails with double drops and heavy cross members, this 1/32 scale, die cast model is a real treat! You even get an opening hood and doors, a folding tailgate, and authentic badging and “Emmit’s Hardware” branding. 6" long...........................................#R77337B $18.95 “Country Cooking” Jigsaw Puzzle Hiroaki Shioya. Parked outside of a quaint roadside diner, a classic American pickup truck sits while its owner enjoys some quality country cooking. This 550-piece jigsaw puzzle measures 24"x 15" when assembled......#R05779C $11.95 1950 GMC Pickup Trucks 1/18 Scale Replicas of 1937 Studebaker Coupe Express pickup trucks – which combined Studebaker’s striking passenger car styling with a full size truck bed – these amazingly detailed, 1/18 scale, die cast models feature a hood that opens to reveal a detailed, Lhead six-cylinder flathead engine, a fully equipped interior with opening doors, working steering with free-rolling wheels and realistically treaded rubber tires, an opening rear bed, a fender-mounted spare tire, plenty of simulated chrome, authentic badging, and a removable display base. 11" long...............$44.95 each Burgundy............#R78483C Green............#R78484C Studebaker Trucks 1941-1964 Photo Archive Applegate. This nostalgic photohistory of one of the great names in American motoring contains an outstanding collection of rare factory photographs and archival materials. You’ll view a wide range of vehicles, including World War II-era 6x6s and other military trucks, postwar tractors, pickups, and much more. 128 pages, 100+ B&W photographs and illustrations, 10¼"x 8½", softcover................................................#R10585B $39.95 1927-1940 Photo Archive – Examines light delivery vehicles built on passenger car chassis, medium- and heavy-duty trucks, pickup trucks, coupes, and express and panel trucks..........#R10691B $39.95 52 1938 Dodge Pickup Truck Replicas of 1950 GMC pickup trucks, these 1/18 scale, die cast models feature opening doors; a fullyoutfitted interior with working steering; 1/18 Scale a hood that opens to reveal an intricate engine; a detailed truck bed with simulated wood surfaces, side rails, and an opening tailgate; chrome detail parts; free-rolling wheels with whitewall tires; authentic badging; and a removable display base. 10½" long..................................$39.95 each 1/25 Scale Green....................................#R77325C Blue.......................................#R77324C 1938 International D-2 Trucks Commissioned during the Art Deco era of the 1930s, the 1938 International D-2 halfton pickup truck has the bold, sloping sides and steel trim of that period. Replicas of those trucks, these 1/25 $ B 49.95 each A scale, die cast models feature a detailed cab with a steering wheel and dashboard instruments, glazed windows and headlights, opening driver and passenger doors, a folding tailgate, an intricate chassis, plenty of simulated chrome, steerable wheels with real rubber tires, and authentic badging. 8" long. A: Pickup Truck – Blue................#R67629C B: Utility Truck – With Prier Brothers markings................#R67630D Semi Tractor Kits Replicas of semi tractors that pepper U.S. freeways across the country, these A 1/25 scale, plastic kits feature a tilting cab that opens to reveal an intricate diesel engine and a well appointed interior with a dashboard and glazed windows; plenty of simulated chrome, including exhaust stacks and air horns; a detailed, heavy-duty chassis with dual rear axles; realistic alloy wheels with treaded rubber tires, and B 1/25 Scale authentic badging and decals. 7½" long; assembly required................................................$39.95 each A: Peterbilt 352 Pacemaker COE Tractor 250 parts, skill level 2....................................................................#R85131C B: Kenworth K123 COE Tractor 300+ parts, skill level 3.................................................................#R85132C Evolution of CabOverEngine Trucks Mort. This book examines the evolution of American cab-over engine (COE) trucks, from the first examples produced in the early 20th century to those rolling over the roads today. You’ll view COE trucks produced by all the major manufacturers, learn about their role in America’s industrial growth, compare their specifications, and more. 144 pages, 150 color and 150 B&W photographs, 8½"x11", softcover..................#R10065B $36.95 Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at VEHICLES First Responders Class Trip Stan Stokes. 1950s third-graders marvel at the equipment – including an American LaFrance pumper! – during their visit to a California fire station. This 21"x 14" print is signed and numbered by the artist. #R77602AA Reg: $195 Now: $94.95 Special Purchase! Save $10 LIMITED EDITION chase! Special Pur Save $100 Fire Engines & Fire-Fighting 1/50 Scale Burgess-White. The job of the firefighter is a dangerous one. Learn the history of man’s ageold battle to control the flames and trace the development of fire fighting equipment to aid in that ongoing struggle, from the primitive hoses of the ancient Greeks and Romans to the sophisticated, jet-powered pumps of today. 128 pages, B&W and color photos, 8½"x 11", hardcover.........#R01229AA $10.95 Peter Pirsch & Sons Canopy Cab Pumper A replica of a Peter Pirsch & Sons canopy cab pumper delivered to the Milwaukee (Wisconsin) Fire Department in 1946, this O scale (1/50), die cast model features a detailed cab with glazed windows, realistic firefighting apparatus, separately applied plastic detail parts, free-rolling wheels with real rubber tires, authentic “Engine No. 4” markings, and a numbered certificate. 6" long.......#R88210C Reg: $69.95 Now: $59.95 1939 Ford Deluxe Police Car Modernizing the force, the 1939 Ford Deluxe, with hydraulic brakes and a sleek, redesigned body, chased down criminals while boosting the image of police precincts across the country. This 1/18 scale, die cast model of a 1939 Deluxe coupe features a fully outfitted interior with a dashboard, a working steering wheel, and glazed windows; a hood that opens to reveal a realistic V8 engine; glazed headlight lenses and plenty of simulated chrome; opening 1/18 Scale doors and an opening trunk; free-rolling wheels with real rubber tires; and state police markings and authentic Ford badging. 10" long.......................................#M900824D $39.95 Special Purcha$se! Save 75 LIMITED EDITION 1/18 Scale Welcome to L.A. Stan Stokes. Pulled over by the California Highway Patrol, the owner of a beautiful 1956 Buick Roadmaster convertible gazes at a young downtown Los Angeles – at a time when the Hall of Justice and City Hall dominated the sparse city skyline – as an officer writes him a ticket. Print – This limited edition print is signed and numbered by the artist. 21"x 14". #R73069AA Reg: $149 Now: $74.95 Metal Sign – Made in the USA, this 24-gauge steel sign resembles the look of aged metal and paint, measures 18"x 12", and includes mounting holes...............................#R69078C $24.95 NYPD Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor Produced by the Ford Motor Company from 1992 until 2011, the Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor is similar to the standard Crown Vic, but has various modifications such as a reinforced frame and is capable of operating at higher RPM levels for a greater amount of time. Working Lights and Sounds! A replica of one of those law enforcement vehicles, LIMITED EDITION this 1/18 scale, die cast model features a hood that opens to reveal a realistic engine, a fully equipped interior with opening doors and glazed windows, an opening trunk, working steering with free-rolling wheels and treaded rubber tires, operating lights and sounds, authentic Ford badging NYPD markings, and more. Requires three AAA batteries; not included. Measures 11¾" long and includes a removable display base....................................................................................................#R59511C $89.95 “Duty Calls” Metal Sign She’s quick on the pole! Featuring a sultry pin-up who’s ready to battle the flames, this metal sign is made of 24-gauge steel and includes mounting holes. 12"x 16"; made in the USA. #R76109A $19.95 1949 Mercury Coupe Fire Chief A replica of a 1949 2-door sedan, post-World 1/43 Scale War II body style designed by Ford’s Mercury marquee, this O scalecompatible (1/43), die cast model features a wellequipped interior, glazed windows and headlights, a roof-mount emergency light, plenty of simulated chrome details, free-rolling wheels, and fire chief markings and authentic badging. 4" long; includes a removable display base with a clear protective cover...................................#R59505A $9.95 The Henney Motor Company The Complete History McPherson. This heavily illustrated volume examines this pioneering American company, which mounted its premium quality hearse and ambulance bodies on such diverse chassis as Ford, Lincoln, Pontiac, Pierce-Arrow, Oldsmobile, and Packard. You’ll learn about its charismatic leaders, the wide array of products it offered and see hundreds of never-before-published photos covering the company’s entire history. 288 pages, 50 color and 200 B&W photographs, 8½"x 11", hardcover..............................................#R10648B $79.95 1/24 Scale 1937 Studebaker Hearse This premium quality, 1/24 scale, die cast model of a Studebaker hearse from 1937 features an intricately detailed interior with opening side and rear doors; glazed windows and headlights; a hood that opens to reveal a realistic engine; separately applied plastic detail parts, including plenty of simulated chrome; free-rolling wheels with rubber, whitewall tires; and authentic badging. You even get a “wooden” casket and a funeral wreath with a stand! 8¼" long......................#R88449D $79.95 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 53 VEHICLES Buses / Taxis / Limos School Bus 1977 Checker Taxi Cab A replica of a tra1/53 Scale ditional yellow school bus, just like the type that transports millions of children to school across America every weekday, this 1/53 scale, die cast model features a finely molded body; a well-equipped interior with a driver’s seat and instruments, benches, and glazed windows; opening doors and a working stop sign arm; and realistically treaded tires. 8" long...................................................#R59512D $19.95 A wonderful treat for anyone fond of the classic, checker-patterned NYC cabs from the late ’70s, this newly tooled, 1/18 scale, die cast model of a 1977 Checker taxi is a real beaut! Pop the hood and check out the intricate engine! Open the LIMITED EDITION trunk to see the spare tire! You also get a well-equipped interior with opening doors and glazed windows, plenty of simulated chrome details, and authentic badging. 10½" long; includes a display base with a clear protective cover.....................#K715006D $79.95 1/43 Scale – 4" long....................................#K715005D $19.95 Greyhound Scenicruiser Checker Automobiles McNally. One of the most popular passenger buses of all time, GM’s PD-4501 Scenicruiser bus – built from 1954 to ‘56 for Greyhound – is the coach that, to this day, floods advertising pieces, is made into toys and souvenirs, and stars in movies and TV shows. This lavishly illustrated book examines that bus in detail, from its earliest prototypes to the vehicles that have been restored and currently operate today. 128 pages, 350 B&W and color photos, 8½"x 11", softcover..............................#R10718B $36.95 Clarke. The classic bright yellow taxicab is easily one of the most recognizable vehicles in the world. This heavily illustrated volume examines taxicabs and other vehicles built by the Checker Cab Manufacturing Company from 1922 to 1982, including the Superba, Marathon, Supercab, limousine, stationwagon, and 9- and 12-seat Aerobus. You get road test results, performance data, and more. 140 pages, B&W and color photographs, 8"x 10¾", softcover..........#R10052B $36.95 1/18 Scale Checker Cab Co. Photo History Hinckley. One of the most iconic service automobiles to ever travel the blacktop, yellow Checker cabs are today, 20 years after production ended, a familiar part of the American urban landscape. Filled with little-known facts, photographs, and promotional materials, this photo history explores that company and its legendary cabs. 120 pages, 7¼"x 9", softcover......................................#R03312B $34.95 1928 Lincoln Dietrich Limousine Traveling with Greyhound On the Road For 100 Years Gabrick. Lavishly illustrated with vintage bus photos, artistic advertisements, and timetables from a more fanciful, romantic era, this volume examines the storied history of the Greyhound company. You’ll learn how, for 100 years, Greyhound has brought Americans together, from 1914 when fares were 25 cents roundtrip in a large Hupmobile between Alice and Hibbing, Minnesota, to the national expansion decades later as the famous Scenicruiser crossed the countryside, and the modern buses of today. 128 pages, 8½"x 11", softcover.........#R10749B $36.95 A Partnering with Dietrich coachbuilders in the mid-1920s, the Lincoln Motor Company produced some of the finest limousines of the decade. Now you can have your own limo with this detailed, 1/32 scale, die cast model of a 1928 Lincoln Dietrich! It features a finely cast body; a 1/32 Scale well-equipped interior with a steering wheel, opening doors, and glazed windows; a butterfly hood that opens to reveal an intricate engine; plenty of simulated chrome parts; a detailed chassis; rubber tires; authentic badging; and more. 5" long..........................#K680004A $19.95 1/43 Scale 1954 Bentley R Type The R Type, which replaced the Mark VI, was the second series of post-war automobiles produced by Bentley and a popular coach car among the wealthy. This O scale-compatible (1/43), die cast model of a 1954 Bentley R Type features a detailed interior with glazed windows, separately applied detail parts, plenty of simulated chrome, free-rolling wheels with real rubber tires, authentic badging, and more. 4½" long; includes a removable display base.......................................................................$16.95 each Silver..................................................................................#R10207C Black............................................................#R10206C 1999 Lincoln Town Car Limousine B 1/50 Scale MTA New York City Buses Replicas of buses operated by New York City’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority, these O scalecompatible (1/50), plastic models feature a full interior with seats and glazed windows, operating doors, free-rolling wheels with realistically treaded rubber tires, and an authentic MTA paint scheme with a simulated LED destination board. A: Articulated Bus – 16¾" long...#R96994E $26.95 B: Standard Bus – 11" long.............#R78592C $24.95 54 A staple on American roads, the stretch limousine version of Lincoln’s luxury Town Car sedan is the most-used limo in the country. Now you can enlist the services of one of those popular vehicles! This 1/24 scale, die cast model of a 1999 Town Car limousine is incredibly detailed right down to the finely cast body; well-equipped interior with a steering wheel and instruments; a private passenger compartment, complete with a stocked bar; glazed windows and headlights; plenty of simulated chrome parts; real rubber tires; authentic badging; and more. 14" long................................................................ $59.95 Black......................................#K675001C White.......................................#K675002C Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at 1/24 Scale VEHICLES Early Automobiles 1900s-1930s Crazy Car Comedies In the earliest days of film, one of the most popular genres was the “car comedy,” which thrilled audiences with wild antics of outrageous drivers and passengers careening down roads in cars, trucks, paddy wagons and fire engines. This collection includes three early Hollywood silent car comedies: Wife and Auto Trouble (1911), Don’t Park There! (1924), and Super-Hooper-Dyne Lizzies (1925). As a bonus, you also get the documentary, The First 500-Mile Indianapolis Speedway Race (1911). B&W, 1 hour.......................................................................#RV2035A $9.95 1910 Ford Model T “Tin Lizzie” An excellent edition to your classic service vehicles collection, this 1/32 scale, die cast model of a 1/32 Scale 1910 Ford Model T “Tin Lizzie” features a detailed interior with a glazed windshield and opening doors, a hood that opens to reveal an intricate engine, glazed head lamps, plenty of simulated chrome details, free-rolling wheels with realistically treaded tires, and authentic badging. 4½" long......................#R77573C $16.95 Classic Chevrolet Automobiles 1/32 Scale Build up your classic car collection! Resembling pre-World B War II Chevrolet A automobiles, A: 1928 Imperial Lanau.......#K695008B these 1/32 B: 1933 5-Window Coupe....#K695010B scale, die C: 1938 Master Cabriolet....#K695012B C cast models feature a finely cast body, a detailed interior with a glazed windshield, opening doors and hood, glazed headlamps, simulated chrome parts, free-rolling wheels with realistically treaded tires, authentic badging, and more. Approximately 4" long.............................................................................................................$17.95 each 1932 Ford 3-Window Coupe This amazingly detailed, 1/18 scale, die cast model of a 1932 Ford coupe features a fully outfitted interior with a working steering wheel and glazed windows, a butterfly hood that opens to reveal a realistic engine, glazed headlight lenses and plenty of simulated chrome, opening “suicide” doors and an operating rumble seat, free-rolling wheels with whitewall tires and a rearmounted spare, and authentic badging. 9" long; includes a removable display base......#R91616C $39.95 Special Purchase! Save 50% 1/18 Scale Auburn Automobiles B LIMITED EDITION 1/48 Scale An Aviation Legend A Remembered for her mysterious disappearance while attempting to circumnavigate the globe in 1937, Amelia Earhart is celebrated as the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean and the first civilian to receive the Distinguished Flying Cross. Honor that legendary aviatrix! 1900-1936 Photo Archive Bill. Trace the evolution of Auburn Automobiles, from its founding in 1900 to its steady rise as a maker of conservative automobiles, its 1924 takeover by E.L. Cord and subsequent “dolling-up,” and the high-performance vehicles of the 1930s. You’ll marvel at quality, archival photographs and informative captions that show the brief, but exciting, life of Auburn. 128 pages, B&W photos, 8½"x 10¼", softcover............#R10597B $36.95 1935 Auburn Boattail Speedster Kit C A: Lady Pioneer Print – Stan Stokes. Two of the most advanced vehicles of their day – a Lockheed Model L-10E Electra and a 1936 Cord 1/18 Scale 810 – stand ready to serve their owner, lady pioneer Amelia Earhart. This 16½"x 11" print is signed and numbered by the artist.............................................#R87524AA Reg: $39.95 Now: $19.95 Metal Sign – This 24-gauge steel sign measures 18"x 12" and includes mounting holes.............................................................#R87523C $24.95 B: Amelia Earhart’s Electra Display Model – Made of Philippine mahogany, this O-scale compatible (1/48 scale) model of Amelia Earhart’s L-10E Electra is hand painted and detailed, has a 12¾" wingspan, and arrives ready to display on the included mahogany base.......#R87522C $169 C: 1936 Cord 810 Model – A replica of the 1936 Cord 810 - the most visually striking and mechanically advanced car of its day - driven by Amelia Earhart, this 1/18 scale, die cast model features opening doors and headlights, a fully-outfitted interior with working steering, chrome detail parts, an opening hood and trunk, whitewall tires, and a removable display base. 10½" long....................................................................................#R77321B $69.95 A common sight in Hollywood in the 1930s, the Auburn 851 1/25 Scale boattail speedster, with a 4.6L straight-eight engine and a powerful supercharger, could top 100 mph. Now you can build your own luxury speedster with this 1/25 scale, plastic kit. You get a well-equipped interior with a steering wheel and a glazed windshield, a detailed engine, the vehicle’s recognizable boattail, simulated chrome parts, an intricate chassis, rubber tires, and authentic badging. 7¾" long; skill level 2.............#R85215C $19.95 1/25 Scale 1936 Ford Coupe/ Roadster Kit Vrrrooom! A replica of a 1936 Ford three-window coupe, this 1/25 scale, plastic kit – which includes both stock and chopped body options for standard, custom, and drag versions – features a well-equipped interior with clear windows, fender skirts, plenty of simulated chrome, rubber tires, and decals. 7" long; skill level 2........#R85218C $29.95 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 55 VEHICLES Automobiles 1930s -1950s 1/18 Scale Classics Ultimate Automobiles 2015 Calendar This wall calendar features 13 automobile favorites, each photographed from several angles to emphasize design details and accompanied by a brief history. 12"x 12"...................................#R87571B $14.95 1946 Ford Sportsman This amazingly detailed, 1/18 scale, die cast model features real wood outside trim and fabric seats; a hood that opens to reveal a detailed, 221-cubicinch Flathead V8 engine; a fully equipped interior with meticulous dash instrumentation and opening doors; working steering with free-rolling wheels and realistically treaded rubber tires; an opening trunk with a spare tire; a removable convertible soft top; plenty of simulated chrome; authentic badging, and more. You even get a 24k goldplated collector coin! 11½" long.....................#R78485D $79.95 LIMITED EDITION The Endless Summer Metal Signs American Woodies 1/18 Scale 1948 Chrysler New Yorker Produced from 1940 until 1996, the New Yorker was Chrysler’s luxury automobile and served for several years as the brand’s flagship line. A replica of one of those stately rides, this 1/18 scale, die cast model features a finely cast body; a well-equipped interior with pedals, meticulous dash instrumentation, and a steering wheel; glazed windows; opening doors; a hood that lifts to show a detailed engine; plenty of simulated chrome parts; realistically treaded tires, including a spare stored in the trunk; authentic badging, and more. 10½" long.......#R77342D $99.95 A Released in 1966, the surf documentary, The Endless Summer, propelled the sport to new B heights and was, in 2002, preserved in the U.S. National Film Registry by A: 1964 the Library of Congress. Resembling 16"x 12½"............#R65086A advertisements for that film, these B: 50 Years metal signs include 11¾" diameter...#R65087A mounting holes...............$11.95 each 1952 Lincoln Capri Coupes 1/18 Scale In 1952, Lincoln – Ford’s luxury automobile division – introduced the Capri, a full-size sedan. Replicas of that stylish car, these 1/18 scale, die cast models feature a fully-outfitted interior with working steering, a hood that opens to reveal an intricate engine, opening doors, plenty of chrome detail parts, free-rolling wheels with whitewall tires, authentic badging, and a removable display base. 10" long..................................................$44.95 each Green..........................#R77329C White......................#R77330C Hudson Hornet Kits Replicas of early 1950s Hudson Hornet automobiles (a car that, during its A era, was nearly invincible in stock-car races), these 1/25 scale, plastic kits feature the Hornet’s customary 1/25 Scale “stepdown” chassis; molded color parts and clear windows; a well-equipped interior with a steering wheel, dashboard details, and simulated leather seats; an optional sun visor; a hood that opens to reveal an intricate H-145 engine; plenty of simulated chrome; soft rubber tires; and authentic B badging. 8¼" long; 120+ parts, skill level 3.......................................................$29.95 each A: 1952 Convertible................................................................#R85149C B: 1953 Coupe...........................................................................#R85150C 56 Hudson Automobiles An Illustrated History Foster. While hundreds of infant auto manufacturers competed with a bewildering number of models, the Hudson Motor Company rose above the fray to establish itself as one of America’s greatest automobile companies. Filled with rare archival photographs and vintage advertisements, this book examines Hudson and its famous cars – such as the legendary Super Six and Hornet racers – from the late 1900s through the 1950s. 128 pages, 139 B&W and 52 color photographs and illustrations, 8½"x 11", softcover........#R10348B $34.95 1928-1953 Mort. Filled with brochure illustrations, archival factory images and more than 50 never-before-published color photographs, this lavishly illustrated volume examines the iconic Woody station wagon, from the introduction of the Ford Model A in 1926 through the last Woody built by Buick in 1953. Includes coverage of Woody convertibles and sedans. 96 pages, 130 color and B&W photographs and illustrations, 8"x 7½", softcover....................#R10347B $29.95 1955 Ford Crown Victorias 1/18 Scale Sporting a new chrome “basket handle” across its top to divide the sheet metal from its stylish and functional “Skyliner” tinted acrylic roof, the 1955 Crown Vic also offered a panoramic windshield, air conditioning and a new-fangled option called “seat belts.” Replicas of those chrome-laden beauties, these 1/18 scale, die cast models feature a hood that opens to reveal a realistic engine, a fully equipped interior with opening doors and glazed windows, a glazed Skyliner roof, working steering with free-rolling wheels and treaded rubber whitewall tires, plenty of simulated chrome, an opening trunk, a “Continental Kit” spare tire, authentic badging, and a removable display base. 11½" long.................................$44.95 each Purple...............#R78460C Turquoise............#R78461C Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at Automobiles 1950s -1960s Hitchhiker 2-Piece Sets Classic Cars 2015 Calendar From brilliant whitewalls to feisty engines and glittering chrome, this gorgeous wall calendar features several of the world’s most famous vintage cars, including a 1953 Hudson Hornet, a 1959 Ferrari California Spider, a 1966 Cobra 427 convertible, and others. 13"x 10½". #R83183AA $ 14.95 Classic American Cars 2015 Calendar Showing off four decades of style, speed, and comfort, this 12-month wall calendar includes classic American cars such as the 1950 Ford Custom Convertible, 1962 Studebaker Hawk GT, 1969 Mercury Cyclone Spoiler II Dan Gurney Special, and more. 13¾"x 10¾".........#K115008AA $14.95 1962 Chevrolet Bel Airs 1/18 Scale 1958 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz Convertibles Replicas of classic, two-door Eldorado convertibles, these amazingly detailed, 1/18 scale, die cast models feature a hood that opens to reveal a detailed engine, a realistic interior with opening doors and a working steering wheel, a glazed windshield with a rear-view mirror, plenty of simulated chrome, prototypical tailfins, an opening trunk, an intricate underframe, free-rolling wheels with realistically treaded tires, and authentic badging. 12¼" long..............$39.95 each White.............................................................#R91612C Green............................................................#R91613C 1955 Chevrolet Bel Airs These amazingly detailed, 1/18 scale, die cast models of the 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air – a second generation model nicknamed the “Hot One” due to its crisp styling – feature a fully outfitted interior with a working steering wheel and glazed windows; a hood that opens to reveal an intricate engine; opening 1/18 Scale doors; glazed headlight lenses and plenty of simulated chrome; free-rolling wheels with whitewall tires; and authentic badging. 10¾" long; includes a removable display base......................$39.95 each Convertible – includes an optional-position simulated canvas soft top. C: Red...........................................................#R71016C D: White........................................................#R71017C Help out a damsel in distress! Made of cast resin, these sets include a heavenly 1/18 Scale highway hitchhiker and a driver who’s willing to take her 1/24 Scale for a ride. Finely detailed from head to toe, these figures arrive ready to display. 1/18 Scale – Hitchhiker 4" tall; driver 1¾" tall.....................................#R58319D $14.95 1/24 Scale – Hitchhiker 3" tall; driver 1¼" tall......................................#R58320C $12.95 1967 Chevrolet Corvette Sting Ray L88 427 LIMITED EDITION 1/18 Scale 1/18 Scale Introduced in 1949 by the Chevrolet division of General Motors, the fullsize Bel Air, styled as a convertible with a non-detachable hard-top roof, was well received by consumers and went on to be produced for three decades. These detailed, 1/18 scale, die cast replicas of ’62 fifth generation Bel Airs feature a finely cast body, a well-equipped interior with a stick shift and a steering wheel, glazed windows, a hood that opens to show an intricate engine, opening doors and trunk, plenty of simulated chrome parts, realistically treaded tires, and authentic badging. 10½" long........$34.95 each Blue.....................#R88188D Red.......................#R88189D Hard Top A: Green........................................................#R71019C B: Black........................................................#R71018C VEHICLES Beautifully designed, this 1/18 scale, die cast replica of a 1967 Chevrolet Corvette Sting Ray L88 427 – a special ’Vette outfitted with the most powerful engine that Chevy offered to the public – features a finely cast body; a well-equipped interior with a detailed instrument panel; a hood that opens to reveal an intricate engine with hoses and plug wires; opening doors; plenty of simulated chrome parts; flip-up headlights; a detailed undercarriage; steerable, free-rolling wheels with real rubber tires; and a tuxedo black paint scheme with authentic badging. 10½" long.........#R56020D $89.95 1967 Volkswagen Beetles A B C D The reliable and sturdy Volkswagen Beetle economy car is, with more than 21 million units produced from 1938 until 2003, the longest-running and mostmanufactured automobile in the world. Resembling 1967 two-door Beetle, these 1/18 scale, die cast models feature a finely cast body, a well-equipped interior, glazed windows, a trunk that lifts to expose a detailed engine, an opening hood and doors, plenty of simulated chrome, real rubber tires, and authentic badging. 7½" long...............$36.95 each Blue...........................#R95663C Red............................#R95665C Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 1/18 Scale 57 VEHICLES Diners / Route 66 / Service Stations LIMITED EDITION California Graffiti Special Purchase! Save 50% Stokes. Showcasing a Chevy Bel Air convertible, a Ford hot rod, and others parked in front of Stan’s Drive-In in the late 1950s, this 21"x 14" print is signed and numbered by the artist...#R73068AA Reg: $150 Now: $74.95 Route 66 Travel Route 66 2015 Calendar This gorgeous, 16-month wall calendar is the perfect gift for fans of cross-country travel! Each month features a stop along the “Mother Road” to admire the unique motels, diners, and other attractions that make Route 66 a true American icon. 12"x 12"...................................................#K115014C $14.95 A Guide to the History, Sights, and Destinations Along the Main Street of America Hinckley. Take a nostalgic ride down Route 66, the “Main Street of America.” Lavishly illustrated, this colorful journey provides detailed descriptions and itineraries that allow travelers to explore the myriad of wonders found along that famous stretch of 2,500 miles. You even get recommendations for famous and little-known places to visit, eat, and spend the night. 240 pages, 160 color and 15 B&W photographs, 6"x 9", softcover............................#R10278B $21.95 Special Purchase! Save 50% Route 66 Jigsaw Puzzle NEW! Wall Clock This handsome wall clock has a riveted aluminum case with a clear protective cover, a quartz movement and a second hand for superior accuracy, and requires a single AA battery (not included). 14" diameter. #R69058C $36.95 LIMITED EDITION Route 66 – Highway of Dreams Lighted Burger Stand with Figures Perfect for your scale auto diorama, these amazingly detailed wooden models of burger stands feature working lights! You also get an intricate interior with a stovetop and ovens, a roof that removes to place the two included burger employee figures inside, a table and bench, detailed signage, and more. Requires two AA batteries (not included). 1/18 Scale – Display base measures 19"x 16", while the building has a 14"x 7" footprint with an 11" height..........................................................#R58251C $129 1/24 Scale – Display base measures 15"x 12½", while the building has a 10"x 5" footprint with an 8" height.............................................................#R58253C $119 Cruisin’ Classics Jigsaw Puzzle Lewis T. Johnson. Can you find your favorite vintage car or truck parked outside of this unique diner? This colorful, 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle measures 30"x 24" when assembled.........................................#R05795C $15.95 58 Stan Stokes. An Indiana family, headed for the promised land of Southern California, experiences some mechanical problems with their Edsel while an attractive and prosperous Southern California couple head east in their Cobra. This 21"x 14", print is signed and numbered by the artist......................#R73067AA Reg: $199 Now: $99.95 Metal Sign – This 24-gauge steel sign resembles the look of aged metal and paint. 18"x 12"; includes mounting holes......................................#R69039A $29.95 Kate Ward Includes a Thacker. FREE Poster! Now you can get your kicks on Route 66 without ever having to leave home! Featuring nostalgic images of the famous highway, this 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle arrives in an attractive collector suitcase and measures 19¼"x 26¾" when assembled. #R67434C $19.95 Carwash Metal Sign Car Wash Girls Featuring a classic car with sparkling chrome and tall tailfins, this tin sign has an aged look, measures 16"x 12½", and includes mounting holes...................................#R66678A $11.95 Your vintage cars need some soft hands A B C to give D them a good scrub! Made of cast resin, these figures of car wash girls are finely detailed and posed to wash your auto! 1/18 Scale 4" tall.............................................................$9.95 each A: Dorothy....................................................#R58305C B: Jessica.......................................................#R58306C C: Jennifer....................................................#R58308C D: Barbara – 2¼" tall..................................#R58307C 1/24 Scale – 3" tall....................................$7.95 each A: Dorothy....................................................#R58309C B: Jessica.......................................................#R58310C C: Jennifer....................................................#R58312C D: Barbara – 1½" tall..................................#R58311C Car Wash Get down for a good time at the car wash! This 1976 comedy classic follows a typical day in the lives of a multiracial group of employees at a Los Angeles car wash, where there’s a would-be robbery, broken hearts, heated arguments, and a bit of the chronic mixed in for good measure. Features an ensemble cast, including George Carlin, the Pointer Sisters, and Richard Pryor. Widescreen, Dolby Digital, 1 hr. 37 min..........#KV00109E $14.95 Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at TV & Movie / Exotic / Muscle Cars 1968 Ford Mustang GT “Steve McQueen Bullitt” 1/43 Scale A replica of the 1968 Ford Mustang GT driven by Steve McQueen in the 1968 thriller Bullitt, this O scale-compatible (1/43), die cast model of the classic American muscle car features a detailed interior with glazed windows, plenty of simulated chrome, free-rolling wheels with real rubber tires, an authentic paint scheme with Mustang badging, and more. 4¼" long............#R92691C 15.95 GTO 2015 Calendar Thrill to a powerful new GTO each month! With a colorful variety of GTOs spanning all generations, this wall calendar is the ultimate office accessory for the American muscle-lover! 12"x 12".....#R83178C $14.95 Bullitt “A brilliant chase scene.” – Roger Ebert. Featuring the greatest car chase in film history, this 1968 crime classic stars Steve McQueen as San Francisco police detective Frank Bullitt. Assigned to protect a mob witness who is brutally murdered, Bullitt must hide the victim’s body until he can untangle the case. Costars Jacqueline Bisset, Robert Duvall, and Robert Vaughn. Widescreen, Dolby Digital, Rated PG. 1 hr. 54 min....................................#RV3272AA $12.95 Blu-ray – Extras include two feature-length documentaries: Steve McQueen: The Essence of Cool and The Cutting Edge: The Magic of Movie Editing in High Definition.............#RV3273E $14.95 Classic European Cars 2015 Calendar If Euro style is your cup of tea, then this wall calendar has what you want! Each month features a beautiful image of a classic European sports car accompanied by design and performance specs. 14"x11"...................................#K115011AA $14.95 1/24 Scale 2010 Lamborghini Murcielago LP 670-4 SV This 1/24 scale, die cast model of a 2010 Lamborghini Murcielago LP 670-4 SuperVeloce – the track-oriented, ultimate version of the Murcielago – features a detailed interior with a dashboard, steering wheel, and glazed windows; separately applied detail parts such as side-view mirrors; a trunk that opens to reveal an intricate V12 engine; opening doors; simulated head and taillights; a detailed undercarriage; free-rolling wheels with real rubber tires; and authentic badging. 7½" long...............................#R71006E $19.95 Ford Mustang 2015 Calendar Leading the muscle car charge for over half a century, Ford Mustang has defined American performance. This colorful calendar celebrates the “Pony” by showing off a different icon every month. 17"x 12"..................................................#R83179C $17.95 VEHICLES Corvette Car-a-Day 2015 Calendar The ultimate collection of America’s sports car, this car-a-day calendar features over 300 photographs of the hottest models, including the 1953 Corvette convertible, 1963 Grand Sport, ZR-1, Z06GM, and the all-new Stingray. 316 pages, 6¼"x 5½"..........................#R83180C $14.95 American Muscle Cars 2015 Calendar This gorgeous, 16-month wall calendar is the ultimate collection of American muscle! Using studio portraits of the hottest hardware from the 1960s and 1970s, each GM, Ford, Dodge, and Plymouth is captured in vivid color in this celebration of high horsepower. 12"x 12" with 25 color photographs........................#K115010C $14.95 1968 Chevrolet Camaro Z/28 Coupe 1/18 Scale Designed to compete with the Ford Mustang, the Chevy Camaro was introduced in September, 1966, for the 1967 model year. This beautiful, 1/18 scale, die cast model of a 1968 Camaro Z/28 – a performance package upgrade that includes a solid-lifter 302 V8, a 4-speed transmission, power disc brakes, and two wide strips down the hood and decklid – features a hood that opens to reveal a realistic V8 engine, a fully equipped interior with opening doors and glazed windows, an opening trunk, working steering with free-rolling wheels and treaded rubber tires, plenty of simulated chrome, and authentic badging. 10½" long...............................$34.95 each Maroon.....................................................................................#R88196D Blue...........................................................................................#R88195D Bronze......................................................................................#R78458D Chevy Muscle Cars These beauties are very cherry! Tour a garage devoted to all things Chevy and take a peek under the hood of a powerful variety of American muscle, including a 1962 Bel Air 409, 1967 “Cheers” ‘Vette, 1967 367 Camaro convertible, 1968 396 Nova SS, 1969 Yenko & COPO Camaros, and much more. 1 hr. 40 min....#RV3345C $14.95 1971 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454 Coupe Resembling a second-generation 1971 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454 coupe, 1/18 Scale this 1/18 scale, die cast model features a hood that opens to reveal a realistic 454-cubic-inch Big Block V8 engine, a fully equipped interior with opening doors and glazed windows, a side-view mirror and other separately applied plastic detail parts, working steering with free-rolling wheels and treaded rubber tires, plenty of simulated chrome, authentic badging, and more. 10½" long; includes a removable display base........................................................................#R56053D $34.95 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 59 VEHICLES Motorcycles / Boats / Hot Rods The Ultimate Motorcycle 2015 Calendar Spotlighting thirteen of the most unique motorcycles to ever own the road, this wall calendar features a different bike each month, accompanied by multiple shots, design details, and a brief history. 12"x 12"..................................................#R87570B $14.95 Motorcycle Dream Garages Klancher. Take an insider’s tour of 16 of the most interesting motorcycle garages on the planet, where old bikes are restored, insane custom rides come to life, and lifelong friendships are made over beer and hard work. You’ll visit a secret shop in New Jersey with rare and collectible bikes only known to riders of an underground club; a converted firehouse in St. Paul; and other grand garages housing the coolest, wildest rides around. 192 pages, 200+ color photographs, 9¾"x 11¼", hardcover.......#R01898AA $34.95 2015 Calendar Featuring stunning color photography, this gorgeous wall calendar displays beautifully restored and original classic HarleyDavidson motorcycles, as well as hot new bikes, shot in various locales and environments. It even includes historical photos, each telling a piece of the motorcycle’s story! 17"x 12"............#K115013A $15.95 Harley-Davidson 1948 Ford F1 Pickup with Panhead Motorcycle 1/24 Scale This 1/24 scale, die cast model features an intricate dashboard, a glazed windshield, opening doors, a detailed truck bed with simulated wood surfaces and an opening tailgate, simulated chrome parts, free-rolling wheels with real rubber tires, and authentic badging. You even get a 1948 FL Panhead Harley-Davidson motorcycle! Truck measures 8" long..................#R56005E $19.95 Building Chris-Craft Classic Motorboats 2015 Calendar Sculpted in mahogany, brilliantly varnished, and fixtured in chrome, these classic vessels depict the highs of the golden age of motorboating. This nostalgic, 12-month wall calendar highlights such beautiful boats as a 1928 Chris-Craft 28’ Runabout, a 1937 Hutchinson 30' sedan, a 1948 Hacker-Craft 30' Custom Runabout, a 1955 Chris-Craft 21' Cobra, and more. 13¾"x 10¾".........................................#K115009B $14.95 In the mid-1950s, Chris-Craft made some of the finest runabouts and speedboats in the world. A gorgeous replica of one of those highly-coveted vessels, this 1/8 scale, wood kit features a doubled planked birch and mahogany veneer hull, a glazed windshield, realistic plastic seats, plenty of chrome fittings, a complete set of running hardware, an American flag and a burgee, authentic decals, and more. 27" long; assembly required................#R85210D Reg: $275 Now: $225 Radio-Controlled Combo Pack – Take your boat out on the water! This radio-controlled kit includes the boat kit above, plus a high speed electric motor, an electronic speed control, a 7.2v NiCad flatpack and charger, and a 2-channel radio. #R85211N Reg: $424 Now: $374 60 HarleyDavidson Inside the Factories Mollica & Smith. For more than half a century, Chris-Craft reigned supreme in the world of the motorboat. This volume examines the company’s design and production heritage, its construction techniques, and its considerable accomplishments in the context of key competitors and industrial trends. You’ll even enjoy archival images of the factories, design studios, and lofts of Chris-Craft factories. 176 pages, 167 B&W and 13 color photographs, 10¾"x 9¼", hardcover......#R10750B $39.95 1923 Ford T-Bucket Hot Rods A 1/18 Scale These amazingly detailed, 1/18 scale, metal and plasB tic models of suped-up 1923 Ford T-bucket roadsters feature a fully outfitted passenger compartment with a glazed windshield and opening C doors, a realistic supercharged engine with headers, glazed headlight lenses D and plenty of simulated chrome, an opening turtle deck, free-rolling wheels with racing tires, and authentic badging. 7½" long; includes a removable display base..............................................$36.95 each Roadster with Soft Top A: Burgundy......#R77304C B: Green..........#R91622C Roadster C: Black...............#R91619C D: White..........#R91620C Greaser Girl Figures Your hot rod’s ultimate accessory, these cast resin figures of sassy greaser girls are finely painted A B C and detailed from head to toe. 1/18 Scale – 4" tall.........................................$10.95 each 1/24 Scale – 3" tall...........................................$9.95 each 1/18 Scale 1/24 Scale A: Amandita..................#R58313C...................#R58316B B: Danika........................#R58314C...................#R58317B C: Maribel.......................#R58315C....................#R58318B 1955 Chris-Craft Cobra Kit SALE! 1/8 Scale Save $50 Hot Rods & High Heels Metal Sign Ralph Burch. This is one attraction you just can’t miss! Advertising the “Hot Rod & Pin-Up Show,” this 24-gauge steel sign resembles the look of aged metal and paint, includes mounting holes, and measures 18"x 12". Made in the USA..................#R65197C $24.95 Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at Just for Fun Gifts Railroad Crossing Metal Sign A great addition to any railfan’s home or office, this railroad crossing sign is made of durable aluminum, has a weathered appearance for an aged look (with bullet hole marks!) and includes a mounting hole. 14" diameter; made in the USA.................................#R62042C $19.95 History of Transport by Rail Playing Cards Shuffle up and deal! Each card in this deck of quality playing cards features a colorful illustration – from locomotives and traction to freight and passenger cars – that highlights the history of transport around the world! Cards measure 2¼"x 3½".......#R67461C $5.95 Railroad Crossing with Flashing Lights & Sound Show your love of the railroads with this realistic railroad crossing! It features alternately flashing red lights and sound that can be operated together or separately. 10½" tall; requires three AAA batteries (not included)...#R06536C $ 24.95 Electric Train Horn Roll down the highway and let everyone know the train is coming through! This extra-loud horn produces three sounds – train crossing bell, racing steam engine, and train whistle – in quick succession. Easy to install in any 12-volt vehicle, it measures 4"x 4"x 4½"........................................#R06499B $39.95 The Harvey Girls Movie Night Gift Box B D F H C E G I Embroidered Hand Towels Enjoy movie night with all the fixin’s! This complete package features the musical extravaganza The Harvey Girls, which, starring Judy Garland at her best, won a best song Oscar in 1946 for On the Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe! You’ll also enjoy a vintage Betty Boop cartoon, The Three Stooges comedy The Three Troubledoers, Fox Movietone News, a “Soundie” musical with Betty Grable, the AT&SF World War II film Loaded for War, a package of gourmet popcorn, a bag of hard candy, a playbill about the feature, and more. Color and B&W, 2 hrs. 50 min........................................#RV7444D $19.95 A Thick, soft and absorbent, these premium quality, 100% cotton, terry velour hand towels feature an embroidered railroad logo. 26"x 16"..................$14.95 each A: C&O For Progress (Navy Blue)..............#R68860C B: Chessie Kitten (White)............................#R68861C C: New Haven Railroad (Black)..................#R68862C D: New York Central (Navy Blue)...............#R68863C E: Norfolk Southern Thoroughbred (Black).................................................................#R68864C F: Pennsylvania Railroad (Black)..............#R68865C G: Santa Fe (Black).........................................#R68866C H: Southern Pacific Daylight (Black).......#R68867C I: Union Pacific (Navy Blue).........................#R68868C Rocky Mountain Bump & Go Locomotives Train Sounds of the ’40s & ’50s Filled with 80 original recordings of American steam and diesel locomotives and trains from the 1940s and ’50s, this CD includes sounds of steam passenger trains racing by at 75 miles per hour with whistles blowing, steam locomotives passing grade crossings while warning bells sound, and much more. 1 hr. 12 min. #RA2400C $14.95 Train Transformer Toy In the box, it looks like three ordinary train engines. But once you know the secret, you can quickly change the locomotives – Blue Star, Black Thunder, and Green Flash – into an 8½" tall robotic Transformer creature named “Loco Commander!” Includes a Transformer collector card. For ages 4+. #R77477C $19.95 Super Deluxe Steam Train Playset Great for those new to the hobby, this 1/32 scale, plastic, super deluxe playset has many of the features that larger train sets include, but none of the complex assembly! A With Lights, Smoke & Sound! B These locomotives will delight children and adults alike! Watch as they roll along the floor until they hit an obstacle, back up, and then head in a different direction. Each features an authentic train horn, a real working headlight, and puffing smoke. Requires 4 AA batteries (not included); ages 4+. A: Jumbo – 13" long......................#R67026C $19.95 B: Jr. – 8" long...................................#R08434D $9.95 1/32 Scale You get a large, 9" steam locomotive, a livestock transport car with opening doors, and a flatbed freight car; a tractor and a trailer; 14 track segments; two engineers; and eight farm animals. The locomotive even makes realistic whistle sounds as it travels forward or in reverse on the 50"x 63" track oval! Requires two C batteries (not included)........................................#R08435C $59.95 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 61 H O L L Y W O O D ALL DVDs on this page Only $995 ! Just for Fun Note: Excludes Blu-ray. each Once Upon a Time in the West Starring Charles Bronson, Jason Robards, Claudia Cardinale, and Henry Fonda, this epic, 1968 western revolves around the construction of a transcontinental rail line through “Sweetwater,” Arizona, and two men’s attempts to save a beautiful widow from a ruthless assassin working for the railroad. Includes great steam locomotive and railroad-building action! Widescreen, Dolby Digital 5.1, Rated PG-13. 2 hrs. 45 min.................................................#RV3054A Blu-ray.........................................#RV3298D $14.95 In this 1926 Hollywood thriller starring Henry Barrows and Helen Holmes, a railroad tycoon opposed to his daughter’s marriage has made her the sole heir to his railroad empire. While arranging to take his granddaughter abroad with him to deny either parent custody, his daughter is kidnapped aboard his private train. The story contains plenty of high-powered railroading action! Silent with musical score and intertitles, B&W, 55 min. plus a bonus silent featurette, In Danger’s Path, also starring Helen Holmes.....................................................#RV2038AA The Block Signal This 1988 western adventure stars Willie Nelson as a notorious outlaw who, released from prison after serving 20 years for a train holdup, robs a bank to bring his old nemesis, a Texas Ranger (Richard Widmark), out of retirement. When the outlaw reunites his aging gang to repeat the train robbery, the Texas Ranger reassembles his old posse. Co-stars Angie Dickinson, Chuck Connors, and Ken Curtis. Rated PG. 1 hr. 36 min................................#RV3282A Discovering his eyesight is failing him, veteran train conductor Joe Ryan comes to rely on young fireman Bert Steele when watching for the block signals. Seeing an opportunity to sabotage Ryan’s career and advance his own, Steele provides the wrong information, which leads to disastrous results. Now, demoted and desperate to atone for his accident, Ryan invents a device that will revolutionize the industry – if Steele doesn’t interfere. This 1926 silent film includes a musical score and subtitles. B&W, 1 hour........................................................#RV9726AA Buckskin Frontier The Hurricane Express This 1943 frontier film follows the business duel between freight magnate Jeptha Marr (Lee J. Cobb), the most powerful man in the territory of Pawnee, Kansas, and new railroader Stephen Bent (Richard Dix), who arrives in town to establish his own gravy train. Dirty play and chaos ensues as both men set out to ruin the other, while, behind the scenes, a third railroad owner sets in motion plans to eliminate Marr and Bent and seize control of the town for himself. B&W, 1 hr. 16 min.....#RV9727AA Twisted Rails Once Upon a Texas Train Stories of the Century Matt Clark Railroad Detective Journey back to the Purchase the Set! Save Over 25% Old West with railroad detective Matt Clark (“Big” Jim Davis), who tracks down notorious true-life outlaws and bandits preying on the railroad. Each volume includes 12 episodes of the Emmy-winning, mid-1950s television series that mixed exciting detectivecowboy thrills with historic characters. B&W, 6 hours. Volume One.........#RV2000AA Volume Two.........#RV2001AA 18 Hours of Action! Volume Three.....#RV2002AA Buy All 3 and Save Over 25% #RV2007B $21.95 62 Special Agent The Lost Express In this 1949 film starring George Reeves, a mail-train heist leaves an innocent man dead and nets the criminal brothers a small fortune in payroll, launching the greatest manhunt in California railroading history. When a new railroad detective heads the investigation, the steely partnership between the brothers slowly unravels as the dragnet tightens and their differences come into violent conflict. B&W, 1 hr. 9 min..................#RV2010AA Runaway Train / The Taking of Pelham One Two Three Add Runaway Train to your collection! Jon Voight gives an Oscar-nominated performance in this 1985 action-packed drama that also stars Oscar-nominee Eric Roberts and Rebecca De Mornay. Manny (Voight) and Buck (Roberts) Special Purchase! escape a maximum-security prison in Save Over 35% Alaska and climb aboard a four-engine train headed south, but the plot thickens when the train engineer suffers a heart attack, trapping rail yard worker Sara (De Mornay) and her stowaways on a train with no engineer, no brakes, and no time. You even get the 1998 made-for-TV feature, The Taking of Pelham One Two Three! Rated R. 3 hrs. 31 min.........#RV5977AA Was: $15.95 Silver Streak In this thrilling, 12-chapter serial from 1932, John Wayne stars as a Ford Tri-Motor pilot who goes after a mystery villain – “The Wrecker” – responsible for a crash that killed Wayne’s father on the vaunted Hurricane Express, the world’s fastest train. Incredible action scenes abound, including charging trains, high-flying aerial scenes, speeding automobiles, and a motorcycle chase that Wayne did himself! B&W, 3 hrs. 46 min......#R87250AA In this 1934 thriller starring Jack Donovan and Alice Dahl, a railroad is sabotaged by a gang’s series of wrecks and robberies. When the engineer’s daughter is kidnapped by the gang, Donovan spearheads the effort to capture the gang’s leader and Special Purchase! Save Over 50% prevent the robbery of a $50,000 gold shipment. Shot on the AT&SF Railway, this film features plenty of great steam locomotive action! B&W, 1 hour.................#RV2331AA Reg: $21.95 The Broadway Limited In this 1941 comedy, which is set aboard the Pennsylvania Railroad’s Broadway Limited, a motion picture director wants his star actress to take a baby with her on the train as a ploy to gain publicity. Featuring Victor McLaglen and Marjorie Special Woodworth, the real stars of this film are Purchase! Sav e 60% the great locomotives, including a Pennsy K4 4-6-2 and a GG1. B&W, 1 hr. 15 min.....................#RV9067AA Reg: $24.95 This classic 1976 comedy-thriller features an all-star cast including Gene Wilder, Richard Pryor, Ned Beatty, and Jill Clayburgh. George Caldwell (Wilder) is trying to take a relaxing train trip when he meets Hilly (Clayburgh), a woman with whom he soon falls in love. But before the romance can blossom, Caldwell becomes a witness to a murder, gets thrown off the train, and meets Grover (Pryor), an escaped convict who needs Caldwell’s help to stay free. Rated PG. 1 hr. 53 min................#RV6981D The Flockton Flyer ial Spec Season 1 Purchase! Originally aired in Britain in 1977, Save 50% this children’s program follows the Carter family as they struggle to re-open and run the old Flockton to Lane End branch railway, which was closed five years prior by British Railways. The real star of this show, however, is the Flockton Flyer, an ex-Great Western Railway 0-6-0PT. Dolby Digital, 3 hours.................................................#RV9818AA Reg: $19.95 Transcontinental Limited Plenty of drama fills the screen in this 1926 silent film in which an elderly engineer who is losing his eyesight secures the assistance of a young employee. The help is short-lived, however, as the young man develops feelings for the engineer’s daughter and becomes spiteful after her sweetheart returns from war overseas. Back home and desperate to help his beloved’s father, the war hero boyfriend will stop at nothing to help the family – even if it means breaking the law. B&W with a musical score and subtitles, 1 hr. 7 min...................................................................#RV9728AA Sign up for E-Mail Exclusives at M O V I E S Canadian Pacific The Ghost Train This 1949 adventure – filmed in Cinecolor on location in the Canadian Rockies – stars Randolph Scott as a surveyor who must contend with saboteurs and Indians as he builds the Canadian Pacific Railway through the Rockies in the late 1880s. Extras include the Betty Boop cartoon, A Song a Day; Fox Movietone News; The Three Stooges in Yes, We Have No Bonanza; an Andrews Sisters song; and a 1950s travelogue produced by the Canadian Pacific about its new streamlined train, The Canadian. Color and B&W, 2 hrs. 30 min..........................#RV7443C $17.95 Comedian Arthur Askey stars in this suspenseful, 1941 British film about a group of mismatched rail travelers stranded overnight in a lonely country station during a fierce storm. When a signalman tells the group the local legend of a phantom train carrying ghosts from a long-ago train wreck (and whose late-night appearance brings death to anyone foolish enough to look at it), the tension builds until the train becomes a real and frightening proposition. B&W, 1 hr. 22 min.....................................#RV2061AA $12.95 My Little Chickadee Union Station Starring Mae West, W.C. Fields, and the Sierra Railroad, this 1940 comedy-western will have you laughing out loud as “hustlers” West and Fields marry during a train trip to Greasewood City. Extras include The Little Red Hen cartoon, the Three Stooges in Termites of 1938, and a travelogue trip to the 1939 World’s Fair via the Erie Railroad. B&W, 1 hr. 23 min........................................#RV7440C $17.95 How the West Was Won Academy Award Winner! Special Edition Boasting an all-star cast that includes John Wayne, James Stewart, Henry Fonda, Carroll Baker, and Gregory Peck, this 1962 epic western follows four generations of a family as they move from New York to the Pacific coast and participate in major events that shaped the nation, from the migration west to the Civil War and the rise of the railroads. With strong performances and breathtaking footage of the Verde Canyon Railroad and other monuments, this film won three Academy Awards. Color, Dolby Digital, Rated G. 2 hrs. 46 min. on 3 DVDs................................................#RV3327E $21.95 Murder on the Orient Express This is a classic 1974 adaptation of the famous Agatha Christie murder mystery about a stabbing aboard a train. With an all-star cast (including Sean Connery, Ingrid Bergman, Jacqueline Bisset, and Lauren Bacall) and Christie’s delicious plot, you can’t go wrong… particularly when you add in Albert Finney as persnickety sleuth Hercule Poirot. Dolby Digital 5.1, Rated PG. 2 hrs. 7 min........................................#RV6980C $14.95 Emperor of the North With an all-star cast that includes Lee Marvin, Ernest Borgnine, and Keith Carradine, this Depressionera tale of a brutal conductor and the hobo who will risk his very life to ride the conductor’s freight train is one of the greatest railroad films ever made. Includes the theatrical trailer. Widescreen, Dolby, Rated PG. 2 hours................................................#RV6996E $14.95 This 1950 suspense-thriller stars William Holden as a railroad detective who must rescue a blind heiress kidnapped by a ruthless gang riding a train to Union Station. Includes footage of Los Angeles Union Station, the Third Ave. El in New York City, and Pacific Electric Railway cars. Extras include a Betty Boop cartoon, Fox Movietone news, and a W.C. Fields short, The Fatal Glass of Beer. B&W, 1 hr. 20 min........................................#RV7442C $17.95 Mrs. O’Malley and Mr. Malone This 1950 comedy/murder mystery stars Marjorie Main as a radio contest winner who boards a transcontinental train to collect her prize in New York City. But the train trip is anything but usual as a game of musical corpses commences. As an added bonus, you also get the 1952 Three Stooges comedy, Cuckoo on a Choo Choo; a Betty Boop cartoon; and more. B&W, 2 hrs. 30 min.......#RV7459C $19.95 Bwana Devil When a pair of man-eating lions halts construction of the first railroad through British East Africa in 1898, the project’s engineer (Robert Stack) is forced to face the beasts alone in order to protect his newly arrived wife (Barbara Britton). Based on the true story of the Tsavo man-eaters, this 1952 drama co-stars Nigel Bruce. Dolby Digital, 1 hr. 19 min. As a bonus, you also get the Betty Boop cartoon, March of the Wooden Soldiers; a Fox Movietone newsreel; the Three Stooges comedy, Three Arabian Nuts; and more. B&W and color....................................................#RV7461C $17.95 Just for Fun North by Northwest “One of Alfred Hitchcock’s most durable entertainments.” – USA Today. This 1959 suspense-thriller stars Cary Grant as a Manhattan advertising executive who, mistaken for a spy, is accused of murder. But when an ensuing crosscountry chase takes Grant Special Purchase! on the 20th Century Limited, he meets a Save 50% mysterious woman (Eva Marie Saint) willing to help him. This 50th Anniversary Edition includes the documentary, Destination Hitchcock: Behind the Making of North by Northwest. Widescreen, Dolby Digital 5.1, 2 hrs. 16 min......#RV3254AA Reg: $24.95 Now: $12.45 It Happened to Jane The stars of this 1959 romantic comedy – Doris Day, Jack Lemmon and Ernie Kovacs – share the marquee with “Olde 97,” a J-class 2-8-2 Mikado that was the New Haven Railroad’s last operating steam locomotive. The rail hijinks begin when Day, having successfully sued the “Eastern & Portland Railroad” with Lemmon as her lawyer, is awarded Olde 97. Loaded with memorable train scenes, including steam and diesel action on the New Haven, this is a can’t-miss movie! Widescreen, 1 hr. 37 min...........#RV4010E $14.95 Super 8 Produced by Steven Spielberg, this 2011 science fiction thriller follows the strange series of events that occur after a military train derails in 1979 rural Ohio. Present at the scene, a group of teenagers, who captured the catastrophe on Super 8mm film, suspect that a dangerous presence was released after the crash and is the cause behind unexplainable phenomena and disappearances happening around town. Searching for answers, the teens uncover something more terrifying than any of them could have imagined. Widescreen, Dolby Digital, 1 hr. 52 min. Rated PG-13...............................................#RV3366E $14.95 Blu-ray........................................................#RV3367E $21.95 Switchback “For gripping down-to-the-wire excitement, you still can’t beat grappling opponents on a train speeding over a gorge with a tunnel around the bend.” – The New York Times. In this 1997 thriller, which is filled with fantastic mountain railroading scenes, Dennis Quaid stars as an FBI agent hot on the trail of an elusive serial killer who makes the chase a personal game when he kidnaps the agent’s young son. Widescreen, Dolby Digital 5.1, Rated R. 2 hours.......#RV9429D $17.95 The Titfield Thunderbolt Unstoppable In this 1953 British comedy, which – filmed on the Great Western Railway – stars Liverpool and Manchester Railway 0-4-2 57 Lion (built in 1838), an unlikely group of villagers bands together to prevent British Railways from closing the local branch line. Extras include News of the Day, a short film about the trip from London’s Paddington Station to Penzance over the GWR, and more. 1 hr. 20 min....................#RV7441C $17.95 Hang on for the ride of your life as a veteran railroad engineer (Denzel Washington) and inexperienced conductor (Chris Pine) team up to stop a runaway train that’s transporting deadly, toxic chemicals – and barreling toward Scranton, Pennsylvania! Thousands of lives hang in the balance as these ordinary men chase down a million tons of hurtling steel and prevent an epic disaster. Widescreen, Dolby Digital 5.1, Rated PG-13. 1 hr. 38 min.......................#RV3299E $21.95 Order Today at 800-261-5922 or 63 The Railfan’s Favorite Place to Shop! 63 640 Taft Street NE Minneapolis, MN 55413-2815 1948-53 Chevy Good Humor Ice Cream Truck Kit PAID HISTORIC SALES The Speedliners Streamliners at Spencer Resembling 1/87 Scale a post-World War II, Chevy Good Humor ice cream truck, this HO scale kit features finely molded, cast resin parts; a glazed windshield; treaded rubber tires; colorful signage; and more. Approximately 2¼" long; assembly required...............................#R60328E $19.95 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE Celebrate the beautifully designed streamliners of the 1930s, 40s, and 50s! Coming together for one spectacular festival at Spencer, North Carolina, from May 29 to June 1, 2014, 26 streamlined locomotives were put on display. You’ll see each engine spin on the turntable and roll out for a railfan photo parade. 2 hrs. 2 min. DVD.........#RV9366C $29.95 Blu-ray..............................................#RV9367A$34.95 The Milwaukee Road’s Hiawatha Steam Locomotives Burg, ed. View the greatest steam locomotives to ever pull for the Milwaukee Road! A special glimpse into history, this lavishly illustrated volume shows that road’s streamlined steam engines hard at work, including A-class Atlantics, F7 Hudsons, G-class ten-wheelers, and F-class Pacifics. 114 pages, 149 B&W photographs, 8½"x 11", softcover...............#R10243C $29.95 “The Century” Jigsaw Puzzle RF-16 A/B Sharknose Diesel Locomotive Sets A B C Introduced by Baldwin Locomotive Works in 1948 and nicknamed "Sharknose" because of its distinctive cab profile, the RF-16 was an instant classic with modern streamlined looks and gained a strong reputation as a powerful freight workhorse. This newly tooled, DCC-equipped, HO scale Broadway Limited Paragon2 series RF-16 “Shark” A/B locomotive set features built-in controllable sounds; a detailed cab with glazed windows; precision gearing for smooth operation; an operating headlight, cab light, and rear light; separately applied detail parts, including handrails, ladders, horns, and bells; all-wheel drive and electrical pickup; and an authentic paint scheme. 15" long..............................................................................................................$399 each A: Pennsylvania Railroad......................................................................................................................................#R69289E B: Baltimore and Ohio.............................................................................................................................................#R69292E C: New York Central..................................................................................................................................................#R69295E RF-16 A Unit – Add an A-unit to create a powerful A/B/A lash-up...............................$279 each A: Pennsylvania Railroad.............................#R69290E B: Baltimore and Ohio....................................#R69293E C: New York Central.........................................#R69296E Order Today RF-16 B Unit – Add a B-unit for even more pulling power.........................................$279 each A: Pennsylvania Railroad.............................#R69291E B: Baltimore and Ohio....................................#R69294E C: New York Central.........................................#R69297E Mark Harland Johnson. Townsfolk stop and stare as the New York Central System’s 20th Century Limited, pulled by a futuristic, streamlined 4-6-4 Hudson, rumbles by on the tracks overhead. This 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle measures 30"x 19" when assembled.................#R77480C $15.95 Santa Fe Railway 2015 Calendar A real treat for fans of the famous Santa Fe Railway! This colorful wall calendar features color photographs of Santa Fe steam and diesel locomotives from across its vast system. 14"x 11"................................................#R83184AA $14.95 Fax 612-877-3160 Special Purchase! Save 70% 7.45 E-mail City Address Name State Zip Code Know someone who would like to receive a free catalog? Tell us! Over 800 Photos! Ambulances, Hearses & Flower Cars Merksamer. Filled with hundreds of photographs, this book traces the history of high-budget, professional cars – including hearses, flower cars, Special limousines and ambulances – over Purchase! the past 100 years, with detailed Save 70% information on a wide variety of types and manufacturers. 304 pages, 800+ B&W photographs, 9"x 11", softcover. $ #R10502N Reg: $24.95 Now: Professional Cars 7.45 Rukes. Filled with period advertisements, rare archival photographs, and personal stories, this book chronicles the evolution of farm equipment dealerships from the earliest days to modern times. 192 pages, 139 color and 81 B&W photographs and illustrations, 8"x 10½", softcover. $ #R01671N Reg: $24.95 Now: American Farm Tractor Dealerships 14.95 Solomon. More than just a railroad, the Southern Pacific was an empire. Filled Special with evocative photographs and Purchase! vintage promotional materials, this Save 60% book illustrates SP’s development from 1861 to its 1996 acquisition by Union Pacific. You’ll see steam and diesel power, freight and passenger operations, and routes such as the famous Coast Line, Shasta, Golden State and Overland. 160 pages, 150+ color and B&W photographs and illustrations, 8½"x 11", $ hardcover..................................#R05635N Reg: $36.95 Now: Southern Pacific Railroad Bookshelf Specials! Black.............#R88448E Dark Green #R88447E 2½" long......................Reg: $14.95 Now: $9.95 each Blue.............#R92326AA Black.............#R92324AA 1954 Ford F-350 Pickup Trucks SSaAveL3E3%! 4¾" long. Reg: $23.95 Now: $17.95 each Burlington Trailways Chicago Destination.......................#R88435E Los Angeles Destination................#R88436E 1951 GMC PD-4103 Intercity Buses Double Axle.......3" long. Red..................#R88431D Green..............#R88432D Single Axle...2½" long. Red........................#R88429D Green...................#R88430D Save SAL2E3%! Reg: $16.95 Now: $12.95 each 1941 Chevrolet Tractors Pacific Electric Railway Los Angeles Destination..................................#R88437E San Bernardino Destination...........................#R88438E SSaAveL2E5%! 1953 Ford Courier Delivery Sedans 2¼" long.......................Reg: $14.95 Now: $9.95 each Blue...............#R88446E SSaAveL3E3%! Add an HO scale, metal and plastic model of a vintage American service automobile to your display! Each features a finely molded body, a detailed interior with glazed windows, plenty of simulated chrome parts, clear head- and taillight lenses, an intricate chassis, free-rolling wheels with realistically treaded tires, authentic badging, and more. More HO Scale Vehicles on Pages 44-45! Save Big on Service Vehicles in HO Scale! HISTORIC RAIL Order Today 800-261-5922 Fax Your Order 612-877-3160 We accept VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, AMERICAN EXPRESS and checks. PAGE QTY. ITEM # PRODUCT TITLE / DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE e 922 c i v r 1-5 e S r 0-26 e t s a e 80 F r o F l Fre l o T er Ord Merchandise Total FROM Shipping & Handling – U.S. Mail (Must include with ALL orders) Merchandise Total: First Name Middle Initial Street or Box No. Route or Apt. # City Daytime Phone Up to $25.00..........................$7.95 $ 25.01 - $50.00......................$9.95 $ 50.01 - $75.00....................$12.95 $ 75.01 - $100.00.................$13.95 $ 100.01 - $150.00...............$15.95 $ 150.01 - $250.00...............$17.95 Over $250.00......................$19.95 Last Name State ( Zip Code ) Additional Shipping & Handling (Expedited & International orders) – UPS shipments cannot be sent to P.O. boxes E-mail Address UPS Ground..................................$3.00 UPS 2nd Day Air...........................$10.00 UPS Next Day Air.......................$20.00 Outside Continental U.S.........$20.00 (For order/offer updates) METHOD OF PAYMENT SHIP TO (If different from your address) First Name Middle Initial Street or Box No. Route or Apt. # City State SUBTOTAL WY residents add sales tax MN residents add 7.25% sales tax Check/Money Order payable to Military Issue Last Name Zip Code TOTAL Check No. Visa MasterCard Discover American Express Card No. Gift Message Exp. Date Cardholder Signature Order Today Fax Your Order 800-261-5922 612-877-3160 ORDERING INFORMATION RETURN POLICY OVERSEAS CUSTOMERS Books, Models, Unopened Kits and Apparel: If not completely satisfied, you may return items within 30 days of receipt for replacement, exchange, credit or refund. Items must be returned in the condition received and in the original packaging. Prints: Damaged prints will be replaced at no charge. Due to the delicate nature of fine art prints, we cannot accept returns. DVDs and Software: Defective merchandise will be replaced with another of the same title. Once the tamper-proof seal on the box has been broken, the item is no longer returnable. Payment should be made in U.S. dollars via cashiers check, money order or credit card. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. For faster service, ask about expedited shipping rates when placing your order. Call 612-206-3200 or e-mail us at [email protected]. PAYMENT We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, personal check, certified check or money order payable in U.S. dollars to Historic Rail. Sorry, we do not accept C.O.D. orders. DELIVERY United States Postal Service is standard. Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. Additional Shipping Options: United States Postal Service Priority Mail. Allow 5-7 days for delivery. UPS 2nd Day Air, UPS Next Day Air. (UPS shipments cannot be sent to P.O. boxes.) INQUIRIES ON ORDERS ALREADY PLACED Write to Customer Relations at Historic Rail, 640 Taft Street NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413-2815 or via e-mail at [email protected] or call between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Central Time, Monday-Friday, or 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Saturday. Please include a copy of your packing slip or have it handy when you call. MAILING LISTS Occasionally we make our list available to companies whose products might be of interest to you. If you prefer not to receive these mailings, please send a note to: Historic Rail, 640 Taft Street NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413-2815. Dealer Inquiries Welcome! A WORD ABOUT PRICES All prices in this catalog are subject to change. This is due to fluctuations in suppliers’ prices and foreign exchange rates. We apologize for any inconvenience.