Brain Smart Start: From Chaos to Calm


Brain Smart Start: From Chaos to Calm
Brain Smart Start®: From Chaos to Calm, A Conscious Discipline® Presentation
Presented by, Heidi Condrey, State Certified Conscious Discipline Instructor
Conscious Discipline is a comprehensive classroom management
program and social-emotional curriculum based on current brain
research, child development information, and developmentally
appropriate practices. Conscious Discipline has been specifically
designed to make changes in the lives of adults first. The adults, in turn,
change the lives of children.
Concepts adapted from the Conscious Discipline® program with permission
Brain Smart Start®: From Chaos to Calm, A Conscious Discipline® Presentation
Presented by, Heidi Condrey, State Certified Conscious Discipline Instructor
Brain Smart Starts
Consist of 4 Components
The brain
is pattern
The best
exercise for
the brain is
Concepts adapted from the Conscious Discipline® program with permission
Brain Smart Start®: From Chaos to Calm, A Conscious Discipline® Presentation
Presented by, Heidi Condrey, State Certified Conscious Discipline Instructor
Concepts adapted from the Conscious Discipline® program with permission
Brain Smart Start®: From Chaos to Calm, A Conscious Discipline® Presentation
Presented by, Heidi Condrey, State Certified Conscious Discipline Instructor
Increase energy
Decrease energy
Disengage Stress
Calm down classroom
Organized quiet
Shift Gears/Transitions
Activate frontal lobes
Focus attention
Increase success
Increase attention
Organized energy
Concepts adapted from the Conscious Discipline® program with permission
Brain Smart Start®: From Chaos to Calm, A Conscious Discipline® Presentation
Presented by, Heidi Condrey, State Certified Conscious Discipline Instructor
Activities to Unite
Create Your Own!
You are my family, My School Family
I feel so happy when you are here
I hope you know friends, How much I like you,
When we are apart, I’ll keep you in my heart. (Tune of You Are my Sunshine)
Commercial Songs:
My School Family- It Starts in the Heart CD
We Are Family- Sister Sledge
Activities to Disengage the Stress Response
Belly Breathing Activities
Brain Gym Activities
S.T.A.R., Balloon, Drain, Pretzel, etc…
Cross Crawls to Music
Deep Stretching
High Energy Songs (Get heart pumping/stretching)
Activities to Connect
Commercial Songs
It’s Brain Smart Time- Kindness Counts CD
Get Ready- It Starts in the Heart CD
Boogie Rock- Brain Boogie Boosters
Daily Greetings
I Love You Rituals
Team Building Activities
Wish Well/Absent Child Rituals
Activities to Commit
Individual Commitments
Circle Time
Journal Writing
Chart with names/commitment choices
Concepts adapted from the Conscious Discipline® program with permission
Group Commitments
Safe Keeper Chant
Willingness Cards
Agreements (Listening Ears, Kind Words, etc…)