April 2013 - Southeast Dubois Schools
April 2013 - Southeast Dubois Schools
Inside this issue: April 2013 Featured Athlete 2 Girls Tennis 3 Horoscope 4 Dance Review 5 Featured Car 6 Mystery Baby 7 Movie Review 8 Teacher Spotlight 9 Softball Review 10 Baseball Review 11 Track Review 12 Prom 13 Book Review 14 March Madness 15 Class of 2013 16 Folk Fest Headliners 17 Town Yard sale 18 Why Farts Smell 19 Miracle Baby 20 Worthless celebrities 21 Game Review 22 Mr. Fp 23 North Korea 24 The Lookout Boys Golf By Aaron Schuler The Forest Park Ranger golf team at Forest Park started on their season on April 8, a couple of weeks ago, at the BarrReeve golf course. Naturally, they played Barr-Reeve’s golf team. Sadly, they were defeated, but sophomore player Alex Russell says that this has not broken their spirits and that they continue to practice and get better. The juniors, Winston Glen, Drew Weyer, and Justin Sitzman lead the team due to their greater experience with the game. Giving the juniors backup, the sophomores also contribute to the overall scoring power of the team. The sophomores include Alex Russell, Travis Nord, Addison Weyer, and Matt Miller. Moreover, there are some new additions to the team in the form of the freshman: Josh Thomas, Carson Haake, Mathew Nonte, Colton Glen, Isaac Austin, and Blake Emmert. The home course for the team is the Christmas Lake Golf Course located in Santa Clause, Indiana. Their second match was on April 9. The match took place at Christmas Lake and their opponents were Crawford County and Perry Central. The boys tried their best, but in the end, they lost the match. The two matches that followed both were cancelled. One was supposed to take place against Southridge, Loogootee, and South Spencer. The second one to be cancelled was at Pike Central, but it was rescheduled for April 23, 2013. On April 16, the boys played against Springs Valley and Orleans. The boys lost again, but they are keeping their heads up. They have a goal to score under 200 points cumulative as a team. They also have the goal to win more matches then they did last year. Even though the boy’s golf team has hit a couple of rough patches at the beginning of this year, as the season continues the team will continue to improve and lessen the amount of strokes taken by each player. With most of the team being younger, in the next couple of years the team should be able to improve with more experience as varsity golf players. We all hope to see improvement for the boys as they continue throughout the season. Their last golf match is at Christmas Lake against Heritage Hills, Evansville Central, and Tell City at five thirty on May 23rd. Be sure to come and watch the boys perform at sectional. April 2013 Page 2 Featured Athlete By Bryce Bettag A young man with a huge heart and a magnificent attitude, Kyle Luebbehusen, is one of many outstanding senior athletes here at Forest Park. Kyle’s classmates and teammates nickname him Lubbs, and the nickname has stuck exceptionally well since Lance Buechler gave it to him in fifth grade. As you can see, the name is bizarrely close to his last name. Lubbs has been involved in multiple athletics in the past years, including soccer, track, and even a kicker for the football team. He was a manager for the track team last year, and he decided to witness the whole experience this year by actually competing in races. He is involved in four different events: the 100 meter dash, 200 meter dash, 4x1 Relay, and the long jump. His favorite is the 4x1 because he loves how it’s a team effort and they must work in unison to experience a clean baton transition. Luebbehusen, like many seniors, is sad that the whole high school experience is almost over, but he also cannot wait until the next school year rolls around. Kyle will have to overcome a huge difference though. Instead of returning to Forest Park High School, he will begin a new life at a much larger school. This school is unknown at this moment; however, he has had his eyes on the University of Southern Indiana quite a time now. There, he plans on majoring in athletic training and participating in intermural soccer and other clubs. Kyle quotes, “I have a lot of stacked up stress right now, but I know it will pay off sooner or later!” Lubbs gave me some good advice on the whole subject: “Keep your head up. When you feel stressed or down, just remember it will all work out in the future!” Outside of school and sports, Lubbs enjoys collecting different things, including stamps, baseball cards, and the 50 quarters for the 50 United states of America. Kyle has one brother who is much older than him and two nieces. Kyle also has a nice dog named Jose, who he admires greatly. Other activities enjoyed by Lubbs include watching movies and taking road trips. One thing he really loves is combining the two and watching a movie while taking a long road trip. Kyle will watch a movie with anybody. All you have to do is ask him. If you’ve never spoke with Luebbehusen, I reckon you do so because he’s a fantastic young man whose heart contains an abundance of generosity. The Lookout Page 3 Girls Tennis By Keisha Jackson This year the girl’s tennis team has a new coach, Forest Park ‘s new eighth grade English teacher, Mrs. Opell took over the position. Mrs. Opell use to play tennis back at her high school, Castle. She says, “I’m excited to coach the girl’s. They are always energetic coming into practices, which I hope carries on into the games and the rest of the season.” Another thing she is excited about is the fact that she gets to work with high school students. She says, “I’m ready to get to know some of the older students here in our high school by taking the tennis coach role.” The tennis team this year has eighteen girls to compete in the sixteen matches planned for them, with a few invites in there, plus sectional. The girls started off their official season on Thursday, April 4th with a win against Washington Catholic. Amie Weyer, Rachel Hentrup, and Maddison Beckman all kicked off their season with a win for the Ranger’s No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 spots. The double teams, Jordan Buechler & Kereston Hochgesang and Kelly Weyer & Mareike Zeilder, defeated their opponents as well, making the ladies victory a sweep. The following weekend the girls traveled down to Gibson Southern for a tournament. The ladies finished the day off by placing forth. After a loss in the tournament, the girls came out fighting against the Crawford County Wolfpack the following week. Jordan Buechler and Kereston Hochgesang won in doubles with a score of 6-4, 6-0. The other varsity duo, Kelly Weyer and Mareike Zeilder, won their match 6-2, 6-1. For the Lady Rangers singles, No.1, Amie Weyer went 6-2, 6-1 while Rachel Hentrup, No.2 singles defeated her match up with the same score. Final in the match against Crawford, Maddison Beckman sailed away with an easy win of 6-1, 6-2. With the rescheduling of a match, the girls played on Friday, April 12 against Heritage Hills and defeated them with a score of 5-0, while Junior Varsity fell 0-4. The following Monday the girls went on the road to Pike Central and came away with yet another victory! The girls, as of now, are 4-1 with eleven more matches to go. “I am proud of the start of this season so far. All of the girls are working hard to get the victory for the whole team.” says Junior Kereston Hochgesang about her team. April 2013 Page 4 Horoscope By Alec Hassfurther ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Get your homework done early because you are going to be running late. Make sure you use the restroom before you leave home! TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21) Try to save as much money as possible because you will run into a financial disaster. That means cut back on your McDonald’s intake. GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Do not make promises that you cannot keep. When you do not keep your promises people become mad and you do not want all of their hate focused in on you. CANCER (June 22-July 22) Be adventurous and take chances that you normally would not take. You will be given a lucky break soon. LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Stay away from topics that will hurt people. It will come back to haunt you. Don’t talk bad about people because you will get on their bad side. You are going to need help from someone outside of your group of friends. VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Your mind is not money orientated. Look to become something you will enjoy. Go out and become something that will make your parents proud. LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Your relationship is hanging by a thread. You need to bring more surprises into it and be more romantic or else you will get the boot. SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) If you have plans for your future, throw them out the window. Your life is going to become a rollercoaster that cannot be stopped. Just go with the flow, but know that you will most likely end up serving fries at McDonald’s all your life. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) You may have difficulties with foreigners. Be open and accept them. They help keep our economy going. CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) This month will not be your month. All the good things will be happening to everyone else. Be tough and keep trying. AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) People you live with will not be terribly happy with you regardless of what you do this month. You are going to get kicked out of your house, The Lookout Page 5 Dance Review By Madison Grundhoefer The Forest Park Dance Team finished off their season on Saturday, March 16, 2013. They went to state finals at New Castle, Indiana. New Castle’s gym is the largest and finest in the entire world. The girls competed against schools that triple in the size of Forest Park. For example, Lake Central whom has nine hundred in their senior class alone. For the dance team here, that is quite impressive competing against those huge schools. In their Pom routine, the girls finished third place, behind Crown Point and Munster. The dance team beat Homestead, Hanover Central, Bloomington South High Schools. The girls scored an 87.45. This is the first time in school history that the girls received a medal in the Pom category. The girls were extremely excited about placing third. Normally, the girls receive fifth or sixth place. Receiving another third place in the Hip Hop category, the girls were happy with what they placed. The dance team beat Carroll and Hanover Central. They got beat by Lake Central, who received first, and also Northrop, who received second. Once again, these teams are fairly big compared to Forest Park. Northrop has eight boys that do tricks and the rest are girls dancing in the background. The Forest Park Dance Team scored an 87.98. In the Kick routine, the girls received second place. The competition they beat was Vincennes Lincoln, Crawfordsville, and Mitchell. Forest Park got beat by Crown Point in the high kick routine. The girls scored an 85.68, and Crown Point scored an 87.69, causing them to get beat by 2.01 points. The girls were also happy with this place, but wished they would have defended their three-time state championship. The Forest Park Dance Team had a lot of competition when they went up north to New Castle. Placing in the top three in all three categories was a first for the dance team. The seniors on the team are Megan Grundheofer, Madison Grundheofer, Andi Kempf, Nicole Weyer, Sydney Berg, and Taylor Kluemper. These girls are the most decorated class that has come through Forest Park. Throughout their entire high school career, they received a total of nine metals, and four state championships. This is a huge accomplishment, and it may never be done again in Forest Park history. April 2013 Page 6 Featured Car By Alex Russell The featured car for this month is a 2005 Dodge Stratus. Owned by Sam Russell, this beast has a four cylinder, 2.4 Liter engine. The car gets an estimated MPG: City 20/Hwy 27. It can seat up to five passengers. The car was made right here in the United States of America. Another good feature on the Dodge is the fact that it has an automatic transmission. Kelly Blue book gave the car 7.5 out of 10. “The Dodge Stratus is a very reliable car. You can take the car anywhere and not put a scratch on it. The Stratus is the very best first car you could possibly get for the price,” Sam Russell stated. I then asked him what his favorite feature about the car is and he said, “I really appreciate the roar of the engine. When I am at a stoplight, I try to be the first off of the line! Normally, I am not, but it is a dream of mine to beat a Mustang in horse power.” Sam said these key words when talking about the car: reliable, good speaker system, easy to handle, hugs the road exceptionally well. After asking him if there are any cons on the car, he said that the lights on the inside are fairly dim. He does not think that that is a big deal, though. The interior is also made of cheap or weak plastic and he wouldn’t mind if it was a little bit nicer. The front bumper is another big pet peeve of his. It always scrapes the ground and tends to fall off, causing him to have to put it back on. The worst he says has to be the headlights. They are extremely foggy, and not as bright as he wants them to be. It always seems to him as if at least one of the headlights is out. Overall, Sam wouldn’t want to have a different car as his first. He wants to put some rad rims on the thing and maybe tint the windows a little bit. The best thing about the automobile is all of the precious memories Sam has made in and with it. I may be his brother, and he has to love me, but in all honesty, I think he would rather spend a Saturday night with the Stratus than hanging out with me. The Lookout Page 7 Mystery Baby By Brittney Buechler This month’s mystery baby is one of the amazing seniors here at Forest Park High School. When he/she was younger, he/she attended St. Anthony Elementary. He/she plans on attending Vincennes University to excel his/her education. He/she has kept himself/herself extremely busy throughout his/her career in high school. Between working about 40 hours a week and attempting to keep up with school and homework, he/she has had to learn to manage his/her time excellently. Even through all of this added stress, this person has managed to keep a great attitude. His/her favorite teacher is Mrs. Allen, but his/her favorite class is ICE with Mr. Howard. He/she hopes to major in Administrative Office Technology with Medical Concentration. He/she lives in Bretzville, Indiana and drives a Pontiac G6 to school every day. He/she has long, brown hair with a pretty, genuine smile. He/she modeled for Kali D Photography for his/her senior pictures. He/ she is chatty, sociable, and loving toward his/her friends. He/ she used to be on the volleyball and tennis teams freshman year. He/she is slightly taller than average and small in build. His/ her favorite genre of music is Pop, but he/she also likes some types of rap. He/she likes the performers Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, and Usher. His/her favorite song to listen to is Ho Hey by the Lumineers. He/she likes to shop, get his/her nails done, and hang with friends. His/her pets include two fully grown boxer dogs. He/she has 3 younger sisters; Lauren, Leslie, and Grace. His/her favorite color is blue and her favorite college team is the Blue Devils of Duke University. His/her favorite stores to go to are American Eagle, Rue 21, and Maurices. If you were to take him/her out to dinner, he/ she would prefer going to Los Bravos or Biaggis. But if you were to take him/her out on a date, he/she would like to go to a romantic comedy movie and a nice dinner afterwards. When he/she is not busy with work, he/ she is organizing fundraisers for her Relay for Life team. He/ she is a manager at Maurices and helps close at nights, even on school nights which causes her to get home past 11:00 p.m. Do have what it takes to guess this month’s mystery baby? I gave you plenty of clues; you just have to piece it all together. Good luck! April 2013 Page 8 Movie Review By Sam Russell I am sure many people have heard of helps Marlin and Dory after the the movie Finding Nemo. It is about awful jellyfish attack. Therefore, an adult clownfish named Marlin who Andrew Stanton is a big player searches the entire ocean to find his when it comes to making a really son. Along the way Marlin meets good animated movie. Marlin is many new people such as the stoned played by Albert Brooks, Dory is sea turtles, Bruce the great white played by the fabulous Ellen Deshark, Anchor the Hammerhead shark, generes, Nemo is played by Alexand Chum the Mako shark. The most ander Gould, and Gill is played by memorable and probably everyone’s Willem Dafoe. Out of 10 stars, favorite character is Dory the blue Finding Nemo got a big 8.6 for the tang fish. Dory has short-term breathtaking animation, talented memory loss, so it created some hilar- vocal work, and a well written ious and suspenseful moments with screenplay added up to a another her and the mischievous things that Pixar success. The reason I am she did. I asked around the school of doing a movie review on Finding what people thought about Finding Nemo is that they just announced Nemo and, the majority of everyone the sequel to this fantastic movie is said that they enjoyed the movie, and coming out November 2015 called that it is a family friendly movie for Finding Dory. Finding Dory is all ages to see. Not only is the movie about Dory obviously and she gets rated G for some intense scenes they lost and Marlin and Nemo set out may scare so children. The director to find her. At least I think that is Lee Unkrich and Andrew Stanton what will happen because they split the duties that the directors have directors have not said what the to handle which is quite a bit actually. Not only does Andrew Stanton have his director abilities to do, he also did the screenplay along with Bob Peterson and David Reynolds, AND he was the voice of Crush, the big stoned sea turtle that plot is going to be yet, all that was said is that because at the end of Finding Nemo, Dory was seen with her three new friends which were the three sharks they met earlier. Maybe that is foreshadowing or maybe the directors just want you to think that is what is going to happen, but only time will tell. April 2013 Page 9 Teacher Spotlight By Cody Tempel During this fine month of April, Jeff Durlauf happens to be the teacher spotlight. After filling out a questionnaire, made for him by yours truly, here are his answers in full length. This young man is . He is married to the love of his life, Megan. She is pregnant with a boy and is due on May 25th. To list all his favorite categories would take forever so here is the short list straight off the survey. His favorite teams include IU college sports, Royals from the MLB, Colts from the NFL, and the soccer team Barcelona. The restaurant he chose as his favorite is Yamatos. I would definitely have to agree with him on this one. Yamatos is one of the best sushi places in this area and probably in all of southern Indiana. The music he is most interested in includes classical rock, country, and folk. Avett Brothers, Dawes, Skynard, and the Black Crowes are the specific bands Durlauf listed along with these genres. Some other favorites he had included CROSS FIT and the book, Atlas Shrugged. I’d say his favorite hobby would be CROSS FIT because Jeff Durlauf started it up our small town of Ferdinand. If you are into cross fit, or commonly known as x fit, then you can thank him. He is one tough man. He’s of intelligence and physical strength. He enjoys movies such as, Gladiator, Braveheart, 300, and Anchorman. There are no actors as his favorite. He must have a lot of favorites and couldn’t decide between them. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. To make him happy I’d make steak or grilled chicken thighs. These are true American meals. Who wouldn’t love these refreshments? His ways of transportation are by bike, Jeep, truck, or by foot. These are of the normal. He says his favorite thing about his vehicular devices is that they run. Working out happens to be Jeff Durlauf’s favorite pastime. This would make sense since you can see him at his training facility. JD attended the Oakland City University, after going to school at Forest Park, the best school in southern Indiana. During his childhood, Durlauf said his role model was Barry Larkin. This man was a baseball player for the Cincinnati Reds. Overall, he is a good teacher and person. April 2013 Page 10 Softball Preview By Katie Fischer The 2013 Ranger Softball season has officially started. Although the season started off chilly, spring is finally making its way for this spring sport. Due to bad winter weather, the first three games of the girls season got cancelled, including their preseason scrimmage. The scrimmage was against Heritage Hills, like it is every year. The season games that got cancelled were Evansville North, Mater Dei, and Providence. Mater Dei is probably the only one that may possibly be tried to make up. Mater Dei is a major rivalry and especially in sectional. Finally on April 2nd the girls got to compete. The team they played was Washington. The girls came out on top 4-1. Finally starting the season off with a great start, the girls then had a busy schedule making time to play some of their biggest rivals. The next competitor for the girls was Southridge, which is one of Forest Park’s biggest rivals. Sadly the girls fell short against the Raiders losing 7-5 that Friday night. The girls then played that next Saturday having a double- header at Clarksville. The girls lost the first game by a close score of, 11-10. The second game the girls lost again by a larger defeat of, 7-2. Hoping to turn things around, the girls competed against South Spencer the following Monday. Having a rough next couple of games the girls lost 15-0 against South Spencer, and 14-2 against North Posey. Their next competitor was Perry Central and came out on top with a win 4-1. I asked senior, Kylie Blessinger, who even though she can’t play due to a torn ligament in her right foot, still has a bright outlook on the season. She said, “We have had a pretty even start and have been working tremendously hard on our season. I know we can get this season together because our girls are built for it. I will support them and cheer them on in their upcoming games.” The Lady Rangers plan on doing just that. The next competitor for the girls was South Knox and they came out with a win 9-8. The girls even played an extra inning and came out on top. As the girls continue on with their season, they hope to make more wins than losses. A big factor in any sport is the cheering section. So hopefully the Rangers will make it out to support them on their home field at Cedar Crest to cheer them on to victory! April 2013 Page 11 Baseball Review By Lance Buechler This year’s Forest Park baseball team has very high potential to do big things. Coach Howard has his team prepared for the season and they are excited to get things started. This year’s pitching staff is stacked with many young arms. The leading retuning pitcher is junior Jared Wilgus, followed by senior, Adam Braunecker. Senior, Kyle Schlachter, is projected to have a big year, along with other starter Trent Bayer. Reliever, Ben Kitten, returns for another year and Reece Heilers and Bryan Hurst will also come out of the bullpen. Junior, Alec Hassefurthur, has the closing duties. Defensively, the Rangers look like this: taking over at first base is Jared Wilgus, Damon Wilmes holds down the second base position, Adam Braunecker plays shortstop, and Bryan Hurst and Ben Wendholt play third base. The outfield has Trent Bayer and Reece Heilers in right field, Lance Buechler in centerfield, and Bryce Bettag and Josh Voegerl in left field. Coming into the season, Forest Park was ranked 10th in the preseason polls. Forest Park kicked off their season on Tuesday, April 2. The Rangers welcomed in the Vikings from Barr Reeve. The game was neck and neck throughout, and Forest Park sealed the deal in the ninth inning on a walk off hit by Damon Wilmes. Adam Braunecker picked up the win. On Thursday, April 4 the Rangers welcomed the Wildcats from Mater Dei High School in the early season showdown. After a battle throughout the whole night, Mater Dei pulled away towards the closing innings. The final score was 8-4. Jared Wilgus picked up the loss for the Rangers. On Friday, April 5, the Tecumseh Braves came to Ferdinand. Although the game was supposed to be played at Tecumseh, the game ended up being played at Ranger Field. The Rangers got off to a slow start, but broke the game wide open with a five run 5th inning. The final score was 80. The Rangers got multiple hits from Jared Wilgus, Bryan Hurst, Adam Braunecker, and Lance Buechler. Kyle Schlachter picked up the win. On Monday, April 8 Forest Park took their first road trip of the season. They traveled to Pike Central. After a slow start, Forest Park left Pike County with a 13-1 win. Forest Park baseball is off to a very good start this year. Come out and support the team at Ranger Field! April 2013 Page 12 Track Review By Kyle Lubbehusen The running Rangers are off to another season and looking to be better than ever. So far, the Rangers have ran against Heritage Hills, and both the girls and the boys came out with a very hard fought win. The boys came out with a 95-35 win, and the girls got a one point advantage over the boys with a win of 9635. Many good things came out of this meet, with all of the newcomers in the boys and girls teams getting valuable points. Another meet was held at the rolling hills of Forest Park where they played host to county rival Jasper. The Ranger boys won the meet handily by a score of 85-45; while the girls did not have that good of a turn out. A new comer for the boys team includes Aaron Schuler, a boy that apparently does not know is own speed. During the past meet against Jasper, Aaron ran in the 100-meter dash and scorching the competition by getting an 11.002. To say that, that is not fast is like saying that a snail can finish a marathon in less than nine hours. Aaron also competes in the 200-meter dash, long jump and the 4x100-meter relay team. With this being said the boys track team looks to be fast and ready for invites, PAC, and even Sectional. The girls on the other hand have been running hard and are ready to put the past behind them and ready to rebound this year. So far, the girls are looking good on the track rubber with a win over Heritage Hills. Many personal records were set in this meet by the newbies. A standout at this meet was Mackenzie Weyer who placed first in her events such as shot put and the discus. The girls expect big things out of the woman this year in the track season. The track season is just getting underway and it looks to be a great one with no bittersweet ending in sight. The boys with rejuvenated spirits and looking for revenge in sectionals and the girls hoping to rebound from sectional last year. All the boys and girls have to do is believe and this year will be magical from start to end. With upcoming meets on the rise both teams hope to get PR’s and much more. Great job so far both teams. April 2013 Page 13 Prom By Katie Fischer This year’s prom lies on the date April 20, 2013. Prom is always held at the Ferdinand Community Center. Forest Park’s high school prom is for juniors and seniors only. It is a time for the upperclassmen to have a chance to wish their high school day’s goodbye with a simple dance. For the seniors, prom is more significant. The reason is because it is their last year of high school. The girls get dressed up in all different types of long, shimmery dresses, while the guys prepare themselves in a either a simple tux, or something to fit their preferences. This year there is a prom dress code that each student has to follow. This is just to make it easier for the teachers to take steer of this uplifting occasion. Before prom there is normally parties held by each class. It is a time to take pictures while everyone is dressed up with their friends and classmates. Although girls get more into these activities the guys enjoy it just as well. It is a time to bond well with classmates and get as many pictures as you can with your friends. Most of the time there is food offered for all the kids that come. Parents come and take pictures of classes, friends, etc. Although most of the picture taking is done there, there is also an event called “Grand March” before prom. Grand March is an event where anyone in the community is allowed to come and take pictures of the couples or friends walking down a festive entry way. This event has a doorway going onto a path to walk out and pause to take pictures. Mostly couples go together, but friends also participate in this. Many parents come here too to take pictures of all the students. Everyone enjoys the decorating which is done by the members of prom board in the junior class. After everyone that wants to goes through the Grand March has, the parents then make their way out of the Com- munity Center. This then begins the dance for the upperclassmen. Food and drinks will be provided throughout the dance for all the students. Some underclassmen are prom servers. The prom servers hand out drinks throughout the dance. All the upperclassmen are looking forward to this special event which marks special territory in the memories of high school. April 2013 Page 14 Book Review By Madison Grundhoefer The book “A Time to Dance” is a love story written by Karen Kingsbury. Abby and John Reynolds were a happy couple, but recently things have changed between them. They started focusing on their busy schedules and stopped paying attention to each other. John was busy with coaching, teaching, and started flirting with Charlene Denton, a student teacher at the school. Abby focused on her writing and emailing her male editor. Beforehand, they had the perfect marriage that everybody was jealous of. The two decided to get a divorce because they constantly fought. like them. Since this happened, Abby and John decided to wait until after the wedding. Throughout the wait until the wedding, John continued to get closer to Charlene, and farther away from Abby. Abby planned to go to New York City to meet up with her editor. Abby also had to deal with her father who just had a stroke. He was dying and he told John to love Abby and not let her go. They did not even tell anyone about the divorce. Both of them know that they love each other, and they do not know what they would do without They brought all the kids each other. Every time together to tell them the they get together though, news of the divorce, but they fight. At the wedNicole, their daughter, anding, they both kept getnounced that her boyting reminded of their friend and she were getwedding and how it reting married. The wedding lated to theirs. Everyone planned on being the day Abby and John got married because Nicole and Matt want a relationship was telling them “Happy Anniversary,” and they kept getting upset. After the wedding, John was planning to move in with a friend, and Abby would go to New York. John was packed up ready to leave forever, and Abby just went inside to go to bed. The divorce was ready to go, the only thing left is Abby’s signature. Abby was upstairs in her room crying, when she saw a notebook she had never seen before. Curiously, she grabbed it and brought it back to the bed. She found out it was John’s journal and his true feelings about her. This showed her that he still cared about her. After reading it, she went down to their lake to think things through. Read this book to find out what happens at the end! April 2013 Page 15 March Madness By Keisha Jackson This year the teams in the NCAA March Madness started playing games on March 21st. With many surprising upsets, close games, and nasty injuries, the tournament was an interesting one to watch, as always. This year in the first round had many major upsets, some being Florida Gulf Coast University’s team coming out, being the underdog, fifteenth ranked team and getting a victory over second ranked team in the South region, Georgetown. Florida Gulf Coast first became NCAA eligible last year, and this year being their first, they made it all the way to the sweet sixteen, where they ended up losing to a third ranked team, Florida. In addition, another underdog team who made it all the way to the sweet sixteen and shocked many people was La Salle. Another major upset was Harvard University coming out and messing up many peoples brackets by beating a third ranked team, New Mexico. region. They did not have the easiest ride to the final four, but one of the easiest. Defeating their opponents by at least fifteen points or more, their most difficult game was against Kansas, which went into overtime. Getting Michigan to the final four however, was the win over Florida, which was another twentypoint win. Michigan rose to the occasion and got a trip to the championship game. The one team who was in the final four, and finished off every game with a comfortable result expect in the final four game was Syracuse. With most people not expecting them to win against top ranked team, Indiana, they surprised many people the come out against every team. Wichita State the lowest ranked team in the final four and known underdog, pulled away with every win but didn’t have an easy ride at all. Expecting to lose against top ranked team Gonzaga, WichiMaking it all the way ta defeated them by 6 points. to the final four this year was a Also Wichita was not exBig Ten team, Michigan, the pected to win against second fourth ranked team in the South ranked and winners of the Big Ten tournament, Ohio State. Unfortunately, Wichita fell to Louisville and failed to make it to the championship game. The last team making it to the final four and the championship game was, predictable by many, Louisville. Louisville gained a big fan base after an injury happened in the first half of the LouisvilleDuke game to point guard, Kevin Ware. Ware went up to try and block a three point shot, fell awkwardly, and snapped his shin, which already had a stress fractures. The championship game against Michigan and Louisville ended up being a late night, but overall the Louisville Cardinals defeated the Michigan Wolverines by a score of 82-76. April 2013 Page 16 Class of 2013 By Lance Buechler This year’s graduating class is filled with a number of highly talented individuals. There are many Valedictorians and many students that have very high grade point averages. The students graduating this year have excelled in academics and athletics in all four years of high school. Through hard work and hours of studying and practicing, the results have shown. The students are always focused in the classroom five days a week and willing to put in extra time to make sure they are maximizing their potential and knowledge. This year’s senior class has shown great leadership on and off the playing fields. They are leading the school in the right direction by making good and positive decisions. They are role models for the younger grades and students have looked up to them. After countless hours of effort and determination, the senior class of 2013 has led Forest Park to being an outstanding school for the younger students, and also the staff. After high school, many graduating students will be going off to college. They will also excel at their universities, having taken full advantage of the extraordinary teachers and staff here at Forest Park. The colleges and universities that the students plan on attending vary all throughout. From Evansville University to Ball State University, students from Forest Park will be going everywhere. A large number of students will be attending the University of Southern Indiana, located in Evansville. After USI, Indiana State University also has a number of students attending their college. Both schools are very efficient in their studies and will have a very high number of excellent students attending their college. For four years, Forest Park Jr./Sr. High School has had the honor of having these marvelous students go through their school. The students have always kept a positive attitude and showed great leadership. This year’s class will be missed greatly for many years to come with the number of highly educated and talented students. Years later, the senior class of 2013 will be remembered and honored for their great work. History was made throughout the four years that this year’s senior class was at Forest Park. As tough as it might be, this year’s class can still be replaced. It will take a lot to get to their level, but it can be done. The senior class of 2013 will go down as one of the best to ever come through Forest Park, if not the best. April 2013 Page 17 Folk Fest Headliners By Bryce Bettag The Ferdinand Folk Fest is an earth-friendly and family-friendly event that is held outside in the wonderful season of fall. This fest features popular musicians, as well as other interesting acts. Visitors will experience a vast variety of music on the stage and the smell of delicious food in the air. In booths surrounding the whole park, local artists display and sell their work, gardeners and farmers sell fresh produce, and different groups and clubs prepare and sell mouth-watering food. Fun activities for children will also be available in the park, so everybody is happy at the Folk Fest. This fest, in my opinion, is the most unique event I have ever attended, and participants of the previous ones will agree. I asked multiple teenagers here at Forest Park High School what they think of the Folk fest, and they all replied with positive remarks. All age groups enjoy this fest, and I can’t wait to see what new additions are made to this year’s. The Folk Fest’s most popular aspect is the music. People love to set up an area on the lawn in front of the stage and bring coolers, blankets, and lawn chairs. Last year’s hit performer was Colin Hay. This year’s line includes a variety of incredible musicians including Todd Snider, The Dirty Guv’nahs, the Boscoe France Band, Lyndsey Lou and the Flatbellys, the Carper Family, Opal Fly and the Swatters, and Bethany Boeglin. The Dirty Guv’nahs seem to be a lot of peoples’ favorite band that is going to be performing this year. The Guvs have been raising their fan base steadily throughout the country. The 4th annual Ferdinand Folk Fest is scheduled to be held on September 21. It’s located in Ferdinand’s 18th Street Park, which is a clean environment that is set in between beautiful hills and trees. The park features a state-ofthe-art playground, walking trails, shelter houses, picnic tables, a softball field, basketball court, volleyball areas, horse- shoe pits, restrooms, and parking areas. When you’re not nibbling on the delicious food or visiting amazing vendor stands, you can engage in some of these activities. For more information on the 2013 Folk Fest, visit their website, www.ferdinandfolkfestival.com/ or take a gander at their Facebook page by punching “Ferdinand Folk Festival” in the search bar. So, start planning for this year’s fest because it’s going to be a magnificent one! April 2013 Page 18 Ferdinand Town Yardsale By Kyle Lubbehusen For ten long years now, the town of Ferdinand has been flocked with people trying to take old things around the house and put it in a yard sale. Too many, this extravaganza is a good place for people to sell their unwanted items that are not used anymore nor have little use for them. What other people do not understand is that the law is still under way in the town and many people that come to the yard sales seem to forget what they have learned when they took their driving tests. I myself for the three years that I had my license have had to deal with the town-wide yard sale and have had numerous narrow escapes with my 2007 Silverado. Many people that I talk to have had the same experiences. From what I know, the yard sales have affected people in different ways. For me, I do not like it because I have to take the long way around to get to school, or even going to Jasper. I have partaken in the yard sales one time in my life, and it was a horri- ble mistake. I could not drive out of the driveway without people staring at me looking while I motioned them to move the people just looked at me as if I was crazy. Other things that have took place in the yard sales are constant people looking at everything and not paying attention when they walk around so they pay no attention when you are driving down the street, so driving slow and paying extra close attention was precautionary to do when this event takes place every year. People often say that they do not like the town-wide yard sale and they are right people not paying attention is a big thing that has to be taken place. One little distraction can mean you are hitting another car or even a young child that is not by their mother or father. Although most of this seems bad, some good comes out of this also. People can find many treasures to call their own after another owner decides to call it quits on it. People could even find a rare item that the owner had not known was rare. With this being said, the town-wide yard sale can be good and can be bad I hope the people who April 2013 Page 19 Why Farts Smell By Brittney Buechler A fart is a combination of gases (nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, methane, and hydrogen sulfide) that travels from a person's stomach to their anus. When a person swallows too much air or eats foods that the human digestive system cannot digest easily, gas becomes trapped in his/her stomach. The only way for this excess gas to exit the body is through the anus. The gas that makes your farts stink is the hydrogen sulfide gas. This gas contains sulfur which causes farts to have a smelly odor. The more sulfur rich your diet, the more your farts will stink. Some foods that cause really smelly farts include: beans, cabbage, cheese, soda, and eggs. A scientific name for a fart is flatus or flatulence. On the average, a healthy person farts 16 times a day. People fart the most in their sleep. Many animals fart too, but elephants fart the most. If you have not noticed by now, some of the aforementioned fumes are flammable, like methane and oxygen, so you can, in fact, burn farts. Yes, you can set them aflame; it is not a myth, and a great way to get a girl’s attention too. If you want that girl to never speak to you again. How much odor is produced depends on the food you eat. Vegetarians might fart as often as meat-eaters, but their "serenades" do not smell as much because vegetables produce less hydrogen sulfide. The more sulfur rich the foods you eat, the more your farts will stink because bacteria will generate sulfides as they break down the nutrients. Of the three main nutrients, carbohydrates produce the most gas because sugar and starch easily ferment. As you might have guessed, beans contain more indigestible carbohydrates than most foods. Many daily foods are considered "indigestible", milk being one of them. Cow milk is unnatural to the human body, which is why a lot of people are lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance means the body does not know how to digest milk, so it sets it aside as waste. Chewing your food properly helps prevent gas because you alleviate your tract's workload, while chewing gum gives people flatulence because it makes them swallow more air than usual and because it animates the digestive system. Sometimes you burp, but other times air goes too deep into the digestive tract, leaving only one alternative: farting. Although farting is completely gross, it is a natural reaction of the human body, and cannot be avoided. April 2013 Page 20 Miracle Baby By Alec Hassfurther A woman in Ohio is suing an abortion clinic for failing to abort her baby. Her baby was delivered fully healthy and normal. This case is causing uproar because people can’t believe she is suing the doctor for wrongful birth. Fox news states, “A wrongful birth suit occurs when a doctor, without causing any health risks to a fetus, is charged with negligence after a full delivery of the living child. In this particular case, the patient alleges that the doctors failed to abort her fetus during her initial abortion. The woman was told her pregnancy could put her life at risk, because she had been diagnosed with uterine didelphys – a condition which results in a double uterus with individual cervices.” The woman who is suing says that she had to make a painful decision to terminate the pregnancy after finding out that her life may be at risk. She decided to press charges after she had a fully healthy baby. To me, this seems like just another person trying to work the system to get another easy buck. “I believe my client absolutely met the standard of care and that this case has no basis to be in litigation,” attorney D. Cheryl Atwell, who represents the medical group and the doctors, said Monday. Fox news reported that “the malpractice lawsuit was filed March 4 on behalf of 22-year-old Ariel Knights. Her attorney, James Gutbrod, said Monday the medical group’s legal response was general and he had no comment on it. Knights has said she sought the abortion because she has a medical condition called uterine didelphys, resulting in a double uterus with individual cervices, and a doctor had told her that her pregnancy and her life could be threatened because the fetus was carried in an unstable uterus.Knights tells the Akron Beacon Journal she agonized over the decision to terminate the pregnancy, but felt she had no choice because of her preschoolaged son. “It was a decision I made because my life was in danger,” she told the paper in an interview March 15. “I was put in jeopardy. And I have a son that I am supposed to be taking care of.” She learned about a week after the abortion procedure that she still was pregnant, accord- ing to the lawsuit alleging the defendants “were negligent and deviated from the appropriate standard of care.” The lawsuit also indicates Knights was referred to a second abortion clinic after she found out she still was pregnant, but that clinic was unwilling to become involved in “somebody else’s mistake,” and she refused to return to the original clinic for a second abortion attempt. Knights made a second appointment with the medical group but did not show up for it, according to the defendants’ filing. It doesn’t specify the date of the second appointment. Knights says she spent the rest of her pregnancy in a state of constant fear. “I can’t explain how I felt," she told the Akron Beacon Journal. "It was just a sense of being overwhelmed, wondering what happened to the baby, wondering what’s happening to me and what did (the clinic) think they did."Knights says she considers her daughter her "miracle" baby, saying she does not like to think about what would have happened had the abortion been successful.” April 2013 Page 21 Worthless Celebrities By Sam Russell Why does America make worthless piece of crap people famous? That is what I would like to know. There are soldiers dying every day fighting for our country, and you do not see people tweeting our setting their statuses for some drunken Buckwild person instead of a soldier who died. It makes no sense to me what goes through the minds of Americans, but it is never right. For example this Shain guy that was on this reality TV show called Buckwild, dies because he was drinking and went off-roading and got his bronco submerged in deep mud. He later died of carbon monoxide poisoning. It makes no sense to me at all how Americans think that this guy that is on a reality TV show is more important than soldiers. Soldiers defend our countries, every individual in the entire United States, but he gets no recognition for that. Shain on the other hand, is on TV getting drunk and driving four wheelers and big trucks, dies and people cry over him and make him the number one thing in the news and it is just sick America. Another group of people that should not be “celebrities” is the Jersey Shore cast. Even though it was only three years thankfully, they still did not deserve those three years that all they did was smoke, drink, party, and cause drama. Again one of the most pointless shows on television, but somehow people seemed drawn to watch it. If viewers do not get to watch their weekly episode, they get very upset. Just like drugs and alcohol, people get addicted to things like this. There are so many pointless shows out there like for example Keeping up with the Kardashians, Celebrity Housewives of any city in the U.S., Teen Mom, 16 and Pregnant, Toddlers in Tiaras, and most importantly Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. She by far is the absolute worst person in the entire world. She is just completely pointless and gross; I could do so many more things with a TV show than what she does with it. My good friend Adam Levine said, “Honey Boo Boo is the decay of Western civilization,” and refers to the show as “The. Worst. Thing. That has. Ever. Happened.” In other words, us Americans need to take the time and get our priorities straight, and know the difference between a real celebrity and a stupid “douchy” one. April 2013 Page 22 Game Review By Aaron Schuler A long history of excellence preceded the release of Call of Duty Black Ops II: Black ops with its excellent zombie action, Modern Warfare 2 and 3 with the spec ops platform, and Call of Duty 2, 3, and World at War with excellent representation of the World Wars. Therefore, you should understand that I, being a prior owner of all said games, was beyond excited for the release of Black Ops II. I even had it preordered six to seven months in advance. On the release day I went directly after school to pick up the game. Upon entering my house, I was the happiest guy alive. After playing the game I was let down a little because of some disliked additions. My favorite part of Black Ops was the epic Zombie play that promoted a four player teamwork system of carnage. The zombie play on the new Black Ops II game has increased the number of zombie maps available to play including a level that connects the total of the maps in a campaign style setup; however, all of the maps include a source of fire such as lava that turns the zombies into zombies that explode upon dying. This addition made me mad because in the first levels of zombie survival, the undead are taken down by a single melee attack and with the added explosions set off by the flaming zombies it makes the killing by knife all the more dangerous. The campaign, focused on a new terrorist threat in the year 2025, had a good storyline but was short and easily beaten by a skilled gamer. The game revolved around the son of the first Black Ops character and the main character of the first Black Ops facing off against the terrorist threat that resulted because of a mistake made by the best friend of the main character’s dad in a military seizure of the future terrorist. While the campaign is thought of as the “main part” of the game, what people really buy the Call of Duty line of game for is the online multiplayer gaming experience. This allows you to play various people from around the world and prove your standing in the world ranks. Online you rank up by playing different types of games such as death match, team death match, capture the flag, etc. Killing other players and keeping your kill to death ratio at an increasing rate will improve your standing in the ranks and give you the bragging rights. Competitive gaming is one way to describe playing online, but to accurately define the scene would to be a howling monkey holding a controller in its hand who periodically yells in the direction of the screen in anger of death or the excitement of a kill. It becomes so competitive and addictive that the game causes strain on the lives some people. Due to the online gaming I have lost countless hours of sleep at night, because of my need to increase my global standing in the stat board. April 2013 Page 23 Mr. FP By Alex Russell Each year at Forest Park, around the end of April, the Renaissance club hosts a male only pageant. In this pageant, all participating males have to perform a talent and are supposed to have a theme. A theme, meaning that they will wear a certain outfit in hopes that the audience will love what they chose. This will be the third annual year in which this contest takes place. The following are the participating in this year's Mr. FP pageant: freshmen, Michael Wilmes, Carson Haake, Joshua Thomas; sophomores Joe Mesaris, Miles Recker, Kristion Luttrell, Alex Russell, Noah Saylor, Dallas Jenkins; seniors Ben Kitten, Aaron Schuler, and Kyle Lubbehusen. This year, there will be a host! T.J. Bieker will be that because he won the contest last year. Having the title, Big Red thinks it will be a new twist for the better. There will be a total of 6 judges at the event, all who have volunteered their time. During the event, a tech nerd will video the whole thing, so if you have a parent or grandparent that cannot make the event, you will be able to purchase a copy of the video. The video will be able to sell about two days after the contest. It will sell for one dollar. If someone were to be interested in getting a short sleeve pink tshirt with black letters, I am sure that if you would let Mrs. Hawkins know, she could order one for a small price. At the end of the estimated two hour pageant, four winners will be announced. The person who was the best overall, will be labeled Mr. FP. The next best will be labeled first runner up. After that, there are two more sashes that will be handed out: Mr. Photogenic, and Mr. Congeniality. Mr. Photogenic is the most eye appealing male working their stuff in the contest, while Mr. Congeniality is voted by all of the contestants as having the best personality. The last two years, no senior has won the contest. This year, Big Red thinks that this will be the first. Even though he is not participating in the event, he already thinks he has an idea of who will win it. He said he would not tell, for fear that he may jinx the contestant. His only other comment to the question was, “Let us find out.” April 2013 Page 24 North Korea By Cody Tempel Word has been thundering around the nation that North Korea plans on bombing the U.S. It is pretty scary if you think about it. War has come to our homeland rather than across seas where the first world wars occured. I don’t think that North Korea will be crazy enough to bomb us. Yet again their neighbors were crazy enough to attack us. Maybe the end of this world is coming and it’s going to be a blood bath against nations. One nuke could turn into one big nuke war. If this happens the earth’s environment and atmosphere will be destroyed from the aftermath and the pollution we already have. Human nature will eventually kill its own planet. I can’t see how the North Koreans haven’t been smacked down since they declared they were going to bomb us and didn’t. Many Americans were scared on the school night because our lives were going to flash before our eyes. Somehow they were apparently being defensive. North Koreans say they just want to end the duel between them and the American “imperialists.” With all their nuclear testing, we should be displeased and scared of them. They agreed to stop with all nuclear tests in return for resources. This nation needs to act up and so does the UN. Together we can help bring peace between everyone to make this world a better place. North Korea would bomb their own people if they would bomb us. There has to be a number of North Koreans here because of the mass diversity here in the United States of America. If no one decides to step up and take care of these kinds of threats bad things will eventually happen. North Korea is taking things too far this time . North Korea has officially set up five missiles in firing position. Although we are not sure if they are planning to test or fire, the United States is prepared to shoot down any missile that fires our way. Many believe they are setting these up to prove they can hit U.S. bases in Guam. The United States has also set up anti-missile defenses in Alaska and Guam in hopes of protecting the country. For a more in depth article you can visit http:// www.usnews.com/news/ articles/2013/04/04/ americans-reconsider-bombshelters-following-northkorean-threats.