
October 30, 2014
1020 Carson Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45205 921-4996
Dear Parents,
We welcome our Instructional Aide, Mrs. Aufermann, back from her breast cancer surgery. We have
much to be thankful for! God has guided her doctors’ hands and minds, and for that we praise Him and thank
Today marks our acknowledgement of Breast Cancer Awareness month, with our out of uniform day!
Staff and students were encouraged to wear pink in support and awareness of this deadly disease. Please pray for
all who are afflicted with or are recovering from breast cancer.
Report Cards are coming home today. You will find the following items in the Thursday envelope: a
behavior card to be signed and returned, a signature sheet indicating you have seen the report card, and a
conferences sign-up sheet. Please make sure you return these items as soon as possible. Conferences are the
Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving Week, November 24 and 25, from 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM. We will be
dismissing at 1:00 PM on Monday, November 24. All parents are required to attend conferences. Please mark
your calendars. Should there be any questions or concerns about your child’s performance, please contact his or
her teacher.
Next week begins our CANNED FOOD DRIVE for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We are competing boys
against girls, as we have in the past. Boxes are located in the breezeway on the wire cage. The Drive continues
until Friday, November 21. The winning team, boys or girls, will receive a special surprise!
We are continuing to work with our CPS’s bus service, First Student, to ensure that our students come to
school safely and on time. Should the bus miss your child’s stop, please call First Student at (513) 761-6100 and
report the situation. The more people that call, the more aware the company will become about their service
issues. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
With the weather turning cooler, please make sure your child comes appropriately dressed for the
weather, so he or she can enjoy recess.
If you have a change of address or a phone number change, please let the Main Office know as soon as
the change occurs. This is especially critical in case of emergency.
Please avoid Carson Avenue altogether during dismissal times. The busses park just past our driveway,
and we need to keep that space clear for the safety of the students. The best way to pick up and drop off is by
using the Warsaw entrance and exiting through the Sturm Street gate. If the congestion continues on Carson
Avenue, we will begin dismissing only to the parking lot by the Parish Center. Thanks for your help in keeping our
little ones safe.
Remember, a child must be fever free for 24 hours in order to return to school. This prevents passing
sicknesses from student to student.
Head lice have returned. Here is the St. Lawrence policy on preventing the spread of these little critters:
we have students put their belongings into a Glad garbage bag that only they use. This prevents clothing and
backpacks from coming in contact with each other, and spreading the lice in that manner. If your child is sent
home with a case of head lice, please ensure that he or she comes back to the Main Office to be checked before
returning to class. Do not share hats, scarves, coats, headphones, or hair accessories. We keep our headphones
in separate bags and each student has his or her own set of headphones.
If your student is tardy, please escort him/her to the Main Office for a tardy slip. Classroom teachers will
not admit students after 8:00 AM without a tardy slip.
Finally, please ensure that you are checking your child’s Thursday Envelope each week. There is much
important information going on, and this is our primary means of communication.
Enjoy the leaves and the cooler weather as autumn continues to reflect God’s colorful palette.
In Christ’s Peace,
Mr. Rich Klus, Principal
October 30
Report Cards go home
November 8
Turkey Delight 8:00 PM-12:00 AM
November 12 Health Screenings
November 19 Athletic Assoc. Mtg. Board Member Elections
November 20 Lifetouch Make-ups and Re-take Day; Interim Reports
November 24 Early Dismissal @ 1 PM; November 25 No Classes
November 24-25
November 26-28
Thanksgiving Break
December 5
Grade 2 Field Trip—Children’s Theatre
SERVERS FOR NOVEMBER 1/2 [Please be in the sacristy 20 minutes before Mass]
4:30 PM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
7:00 PM
O Hand
E Pitman
S Boyles
A Barkley
BINGO WORKERS for Sunday November 2 and Tuesday, November 4—Parents of the
following students please report at 12:30 PM for Sunday and at 5:30 PM for Tuesday. Thank
you! SUNDAY: K Wilke, M Williams, D Wright TUESDAY K Yelling, O Thomas, C Ambrose
Yearbook information! If anyone missed out on their chance to order a yearbook from last
year, there are three left! Cost per yearbook is $20. If you would like one, please call Mrs.
Dugan at 513-921-4230.
GIRLS BASKETBALL SIGN UPS – Sign-ups will take place for any girls in grades 3rd through High School on
Oct. 30 and Nov. 6 from 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM in the new gym. The last and final registration date
is Tuesday, Nov. 11 from 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM in the new gym. PARENTS: YOU MUST SIGN
NOT BE PLACED ON A TEAM. Questions? Contact Traci Stacy at 378-3892.
Turkey Delight (Monte Carlo Night): Please join us for our Turkey Delight fundraiser which will be held on
Saturday, November 8, 8:00 PM-12:00 AM. Tickets are $1.00 presale/$5.00 at the door (includes Beer,
chips/pretzels; bring your own appetizers/food and other adult beverages. To make a presale reservation, call
John Schlachter at 251-1208. Sports Association Board Member Elections will be held on November 19 @ 8 PM.
The following positions are open: Board Member (1), Parish Council Rep (1) and Secretary. Please call John
Schlachter at 251-1208 if you are interested in running for a position or would like additional information on
positions. Sport Coordinator Positions: We are in need of coordinators for Girls Volleyball and Soccer for the
upcoming seasons. December 17: Hall of Fame Celebration (Open to all past Hall of Fame inductees and the
2014 Nominee's and their families)
Registration for the Elder kids wrestling team for grades 1 - 8 is 6:30 PM Wednesday, Nov. 5, in the Elder High
School wrestling gym. Call Elliott Spence at 260-6996 for jr. high or Joe Lambers at 446-9194 for the kids’ team.
Seton High School Parent Information Night & Meet the Principal is November 4 at 7:00 PM.
St. Xavier High School: X-perience Night for parents and students is October 30 from 6:30-8 PM.
Grade School Trunk-or-Treat – Oct. 31 (6-7PM Schaeper Lot) Grade school students are invited
to attend a special trunk-or-treat in Elder’s Schaeper Center parking lot prior to the football
game on Friday, October 31 from 6-7PM. Students need to be accompanied by an adult and
they are encouraged to wear their costumes.
St. Lawrence, Pray for us!