Forest Law Enforcement and Governance - អំពីTWG-FR
Forest Law Enforcement and Governance - អំពីTWG-FR
KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA NATION RELIGION KING 3 Report of The Training Course on “Forest Law Enforcement and Governance” Kratie Province, 25-27 September, 2013 September 2013 Summary of the Training Course on “Forest Law Enforcement and Governance” Ly Cheu Hotel, Kratie Province, Cambodia, 25-27 September 2013 INTRODUCTION The Training Course on Forest Law Enforcement and Governance took place on 25-27 September 2013 at the Ly Cheu Hotel, Kratie Province, Cambodia, the objectives of the training course is: • • • provide understanding knowledge of forestry Law, Code of Criminal Procedure, Order and Regulation related to forestry sector; train the procedure for searching, investigation, prevention, suppression and reporting of illegal forest activities; and train the GPS using and map reading. The training course was trained by 06 trainers including four from Forestry Administration, one is a Kratie Prosecutor and one is a Kratie Judge. The topic of training course is : • • • • • • • Procedure for prevention, suppression and reporting of land encroachment and forest land clearing Procedure for forest offense filing and case management Role of Prosecutors and Judicial Police Criminal Procedure for investigation and judgment Procedure for custody, searches, collection of evidence, inquiry of suspect and witness and submission of complaint Forest and Wildlife Law Enforcement Forum GPS using and map reading A total 80 participants including 3 Mekong Forestry Administration Inspectorate, 51 Kratie Forestry Administration and 26 Mondulkiri Forestry Administration Cantonment participated at the training course. List of participants appears in ANNEX 1 and the agenda of the training course appears in ANNEX 2. OPENING SESSION The training course was deliver a remark by Mr. Ung Sam Ath, Deputy Director of Forestry Administration ANNEX 3, and opened by Mr. Khann Chamnan, Vice Governor of Kratie province ANNEX 4. TRAINING SESSION Mr. Chay Seng Thong, Deputy Chief of Law Enforcement and Governance office trained on Procedure for prevention, suppression and reporting of land encroachment and forest land clearing. Mr. Meak Vuthy, Chief of Legislation and Litigation Office trained on Procedures for forest offense filing and case management. Mrs. Chat Souraksmey, Chief of Kratie Prosecutor trained on Role of Prosecutors and Judicial Police. -1- Mr. Keth Socheat, Kratie Judge trained on Criminal Procedure for investigation and judgment. Mr. Suon Sovann, Deputy Chief of Legislation and Law Enforcement Department trained in two topics are: 1. Procedure for custody, searches, collection of evidence, inquiry of suspect and witness and submission of complaint; and 2. forest and wildlife law enforcement forum Mr. Pak Chea Ly, Deputy Chief of Forest and Community Forestry Department trained on Using GPS and map reading. At the end of the training course, trainees have been provided the questionnaires to answer on the understanding during the training course, ANNEX 5. CLOSING SESSION Mr. Eang Savet, Project Coordinator of the ITTO project PD673/12.Rev 1 (F) reported the outcomes of the training course, ANNEX 6. H.E Chheng Kimsun, Delegate of the Royal Government in charge as Chief of Forestry Administration provided Certificate to the trainees, participated in the training course. Mr. Roeurn Sophat, Chief of Keo Seima Forestry Administration Division on behalf of the trainees impressed and thanks to the Forestry Administration and ITTO and people of Japan for supporting this training course. H.E Chheng Kimsun, Delegate of the Royal Government in Charge as Chief of Forestry Administration closed the training course, ANNEX 7. --------------------------------- -2- ANNEX 1 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Training Course on “Forest Law Enforcement and Governance ” Ly Cheu Hotel, Kratie Province, Cambodia, 25- 27 September, 2013 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Name LONG BOUNG SO BUN LENG UNG SONG KAING SOY SARITH NOUN PEOVRATANA PENH VISALRITH THA RITH CHHAY CHHOEUNG PAN SOCHEA BOUY RATTANA OU SOEUN UNG KY ING SINANG HEN BORETH SUM PHAN MEY VUTHY RUN TONY LIM CHANTHA CHRUN SAO SENG CITARUN NOP NARITH PHENG LUNG POK VANNA KHLAING NARATH OM SARAN SOK KO OEUNG TAYMENG PAL SOKEV KEO CHAMNAN MEAS CHALINA THONG SOPHEA TIEP KUNPIDOR PICH VILA PEN SITHEA LAY THOCH THLANG KIMLONG KHOUN CHIVIN TRY MENG LEANG SOURN SOPHAL KIM SAKVIENG THOU VICHIT KHEM CHEA SROY THY MEY THEA RITH PHAN SOKHENG MINH SETHA SAN NARIN CHEA RIN PHAUNG KHUNLAY SAO SAM AUN Position D. Director, Mekong FA inspectorate Officer, Mekong FA inspectorate Officer, Mekong FA inspectorate Chief, Kratie FAC D. Chief, Kratie FAC Officer, Kratie FAC D. Chief, Chhlong FAD D. Chief, Chhlong FAD Officer, Chhlong FAD D. Chief, Prekprosop FAD Officer, Prekprosop FAD Officer, Prekprosop FAD D. Chief, Kratie FAD Officer, Kratie FAD Officer, Kratie FAD Chief, O kreang FT Officer, O kreang FT Chief, Roluosmeanchey FT D. Chief, Roluosmeanchey FT Chief, Sandan FT D. Chief, Sandan FT Officer, Sandan FT Chief, ThmorKre FT D. Chief, ThmorKre FT Officer, ThmorKre FT Chief, Kantout FT D. Chief, Kantout FT D. Chief, Kantout FT Chief, Snoul FT D. Chief, Snoul FT D. Chief, Snoul FT Chief, Khsem FT Chief, Khsem FT Officer, Khsem FT Chief, SwayChreas FT D. Chief, SwayChreas FT Officer, SwayChreas FT Chief, Chhlong FT D. Chief, Chhlong FT Officer, Chhlong FT D. Chief, BeungChar FT Officer, BeungChar FT Chief, Watanak FT D. Chief, Watanak FT Officer, Watanak FT Chief, Chroy Banteay FT D. Chief, Chroy Banteay FT Officer, Chroy Banteay FT Chief, Prekprosop FT D. Chief, Prekprosop FT Organization FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 KANG SOVANARA SOUN BO NUON OL EAV HAK KEP KOTH SAROU RATANA SOUN SOPHEAP ROUN SOPHAT SUON THYROS OUM VANSOPHEAK VAN SAVUTH CHHUON SEREYVATH PRUM SOVANNA LUN PANHA KIM SAVOEUN SRUN CHHUON TAUCH RATANA YIM PRYA CHEA VY KONG VIRAK NUTH ONN SOK SAROUN CHEY SOKHA CHHEANG NAK CHEA KIMLENG MONG OEURN HUN VANNE SIV MENG LOEUNG PHIRUN TON SARON Officer, Prekprosop FT Officer, Kratie FAC Officer, Kratie FAC Officer, ThmorKre FT Chief, Mondulkiri FAC D. Chief, Mondulkiri FAC Officer, Mondulkiri FAC Chief, Keoseima FAD D. Chief, Keoseima FAD Chief, Senmonorum FAD D. Chief, Senmonorum FAD Chief, Koh nhek FAD D. Chief, Koh nhek FAD Chief, Chongplas &Srepreah FT D. Chief, Chongplas &Srepreah FT D. Chief, Chongplas &Srepreah FT Chief, Oraing FT D. Chief, Oraing FT D. Chief, Oraing FT Chief, Senmonorum FT D. Chief, Senmonorum FT Officer, Senmonorum FT Chief, Pouchry &Krongtes FT D. Chief, Pouchry &Krongtes FT D. Chief, Pouchry &Krongtes FT Chief, Royor FT D. Chief, Royor FT Chief, Sresangkom &Nongkhilik FT D. Chief, Sresangkom &Nongkhilik FT Officer, Sresangkom &Nongkhilik FT FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA FA ANNEX 2 PROVISION AGENDA Training Course on Forest Law Enforcement and Governance Ly Cheu Hotel, Kratie province, Cambodia, 25-27 September 2013 Time Activity Day 1: Wednesday, 25 September 2013 08:00-08:30 Registration National Anthem 08:30-08:50 Remark by Mr. Ung Sam Ath, Deputy Director of Forestry Administration Opening speech by Mr. Khann Chamnan, Vice Governor of Kratie Province 08:50-09:00 Coffee break Item 1: Train by Mr. Chay Seng Thong, Deputy Chief of Law Enforcement and Governance Office 09:00-11:30 Procedure for prevention, suppression and reporting encroachment and forest land clearing 11:30-12:00 Question and answer 12:00-14:00 Lunch break Item 2 : Train by Mr. Meak Vuthy, Chief of Legislation and Litigation Office 14:00-16:30 Procedure for forest offense filling and cases management 16:30-16:45 Coffee break 16:45-17:30 Question and answer Day 2: Thursday, 26 September 2013 Item 3 : Train by Mrs. Chat Souraksmey, Chief of Kratie Prosecutor 08:00-10:30 Role of Prosecutors and Judicial Police 10:30-10:45 Coffee break 10:45-12:00 Question and answer 12:00-14:00 Lunch break Item 4: Train by Mr. Keth Socheat, Kratie Judge 14:00-15:45 Criminal procedure for investigation and judgment 15:45-16:00 Coffee break 16:00-16:30 Question and answer Day 3 : Friday, 27 September 2013 of land Item 5: Train by Mr. Suon Sovann, deputy Chief of Legislation and Law Enforcement Department 08:00-10:30 • Procedure custody, searches, collection of evidence, inquiry of suspect and witness and submission of complaint • Forest and Wildlife Law Enforcement Forum 10:30-10:45 Coffee break 10:45-12:00 Question and answer 12:00-14:00 Lunch break Item 6 : Train by Mr. Pak Chealy, Deputy Chief of Forest and Community Forestry Department 14:00-15:45 GPS using and map reading 15:45-16:00 Coffee break 16:00-16:30 Question and answer Item 7 : Closing Session Report on the outcomes of training course by Mr. Eang Savet, Project Coordinator, ITTO-PD673/12 rev.1 (F) Certificate ceremony ១៦:៣០-១៧:៣០ Impression of representative of trainees by Mr. Roeurn Sophat, Chief of Keo Seima Forestry Administration Division Closing speech by H.E Chheng Kimsun, Delegate of Royal Government in charge as Chief of Forestry Administration Group photo ANNEX 3 Remarks By Mr. Ung Sam Ath, Deputy Director of Forestry Administration Training Course on Forest Law Enforcement and Governance Ly Cheu Hotel, Kratie Province, 25 September 2013 Mr. Khann Chamnan, Vice Governor of Kratie Province Ladies and Gentlemen On behalf of Forestry Administration and myself, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Mr. Khann Chamnan, Vice Governor of Kratie province for participating in the opening of the training course on Forest Law Enforcement and Governance, which organized by the project on Strengthening the Capacity of Forest Law Enforcement and Governance in the Permanent Forest Estates in Kratie and Mondulkiri provinces of Cambodia” supported by ITTO and thanks to ladies and gentlemen for participating in this useful training course. Ladies and Gentlemen Illegal forest activity is a main challenge of Sustainable Forest Management and also a key topic for Cambodia and global to consider study on the main cause of illegal forest activity, trade and finding the mechanisms for prevention and eliminate illegal logging and trade through set up many mechanisms at the national, regional and International levels. In this context, the Royal Government of Cambodia has taken successful of forest reform for long period by taking action to prevent, suppression and eliminate anarchic in forest sector through improving the capacity and quality of Forestry Administration for a basic of sustainable forest management and development. In order to achieve the government platform in eliminate illegal forest activity, Forestry Administration under administrative of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has the important role to implementation of this task. In this regard, the Forestry Administration needs human resources in good knowledge and enough capability in law enforcing for high effective and smooth work. 1 We have forestry law and other regulations as the main tools for using in prevent and suppression illegal activities in the forestry sector, but the knowledge of local Forestry Administration staff are limited, it causes to meet the challenges in law enforcing at the field. In reflect to the challenges above, Forestry Administration (FA) has conducted training course on Forest Law Enforcement and Governance to total 80 participants including Mekong FA Inspectorate, Mondulkiri and Kratie FA Cantonments, take three days from 25 to 27 September 2013, supported by ITTO through the project PD673/12 Rev.1 (F) “Strengthening the Capacity of Forest Law Enforcement and Governance in the Permanent Forest Estates in Kratie and Mondulkiri provinces of Cambodia”. In this regard, I would like to recommend to the trainees participating in this training for three days have to learn on the lessons training by trainers, especially, Code of Criminal Procedure and bring your knowledge gain from this training to continue train to our colleague, staff in order to practice in accordance with the law and effective work. I hope that this training will provide the knowledge and good experience to FA staff from Mekong FA Inspectorate, Mondulkiri and Kratie FA Cantonments on Forest Law Enforcement and Governance and successful as planned. One again, I would like to expression my appreciation to Mr. Khann Chamnan, vice Governor of Kratie Province for spending his valuable time to participate in the opening training course and thanks to Mr. Keth Socheat, Kratie Judge, Mrs. Chat Soraksmey, Chief of Kratie Prosecutor, will train on Code of Criminal Procedure to FA staff on 26 September 2013 and thanks to ITTO for supported this training. Finally, I would like to wish ladies and gentlemen to meet a good health, prosperous and successful in your work. Thank You! 2 ANNEX 4 Opening Speech By Mr. Khann Chamnan, Vice Governor of Kratie Province Training Course on Forest Law Enforcement and Governance Ly Cheu Hotel, Kratie Province, 25 September 2013 Honorable Guests Ladies and Gentlemen In this opportunity, on behalf of provincial authority and myself, I would like to express my sincere welcome and appreciation for inviting me to opening the training course on “Forest Law Enforcement and Governance “organize by the Forestry Administration and thanks to participants for attending this training course. Ladies and Gentlemen Sustainable forest management is important for livelihood of human being and sustain of country development. Forest of Kratie province as the same of the other forest in Cambodia is threating by converted forest area to other land use and degraded forest. For forest sector, we still have some challenges such as: land encroachment, forest land clearing, illegal timber transportation conducted by people and it causes to loss the forest area from time to time. In this regard, provincial authority has encourage relevant institutions, especially Kratie FA Cantonment to prevent and suppression illegal forest activities such as land encroachment, forest land clearing and confiscate illegal use of chainsaws and receive the success achievement. For instant, the really need is use and management forest in accordance with National Forest Program. We are happy with the ITTO project for supporting to strengthening the capacity of forest law enforcement and its goal to encourage the implementation of government platform in prevent and eliminate illegal forest activity, forest land clearing toward sustainable forest management. I think that this training course is useful for strengthening the capacity of forest law enforcement to FA staff including increase stakeholders participation in promoting forest resources management in order to reduce in maximum and to end the illegal forest activity such as taking action with illegal logging , transportation and trade for effectiveness of sustainable forest management for present and future generation in accordance with the government platform in contribution to poverty reduction, which include in the government triangle strategy plan. Ladies and Gentlemen I hope the training course will take for three days, provide the useful and necessary in the participation of forest resources in Cambodia and I would recommend to all of you to study and discuss and provide commend in order to get benefit from this training and reflect to really need at the local level to support the National Development Plan and Millennium Goal of the Government. Finally, I would like to again express my appreciation to all of you and declare to the training course on forest law enforcement and governance officially open and wish you with four baddish Ayouk, Vannak, Sokhak, Poleak. Thank you ! ANNEX 5 bBa¢Is Mn Yr v KÁbNþúHbNþalsþIBI “ ករព្រងឹងករអនុវត�ច្ប់ោប ស�ីពីៃ្រពេឈនិងអភិ ” Questionnaires of Training Course on “Forest Law Enforcement and Governance” 25-27 September 2013 -------eyIgeRbIR)as;bBa¢IsMnYrenHsMrab;viPaK nigEklMGvKÁbNþúHbNþalnaeBlxagmux . dUecñHsUmsresrBI sMNUmBr/ eyabl;/ b¤Gnusasn¾rbs;Gñk (we use this questionnaire for analyzing and make more efficiency to next training courses. Therefore, please write down your suggestions/ comments/ or recommendation.) sikçakam ¼ Trainee³ (sUmKUssBaØa √ enAkñúgRbGb; / tick in box) 1- eQµaH (Name) ³ ………………………… 2- Gayu (Age) ³ …………….……………... 3-ePT (sex) ³ …………….…………….…. 4-GgÁPaB (Organization) ³ rdæ)aléRBeQIfñak;kNþal (Central FA) , rdÐ)aléRBeQIfñak;mUldÐan (Local FA) , GgÁkareRkArdæaPi)al (NGO), sßab½nepSg² (Others) 5- cMeNHdwgCamUld§an/ Education Background GnuviTüal½y (Secondary School)/ viTüal½y (High School)/ briBaØab½Rt (Bachelor Degree) bzm (Under Graduate)/ GnubNÐit (Master Degree) mFüm (Graduate)/ bNÐit (Ph.D) 6- bTBiesaFn_kargarkñúgrdæ)aléRBeQI ¬b¤vis½yéRBeQII¦ I- Work Experience within FA (or Forestry Sector) KµanbTBiesaFn_ (Inexperience) eRkam 1 qñaM (< 1Year) 1-3 qñaM (Years), 3-5 qñaM (Years) > 5 qñaM (Years) 1 7- bTBiesaFn_kargarkñúgmuxviC¢abNþúHbNþal Work Experience within this Specific Training Subjects KµanbTBiesaFn_ (Inexperience) eRkam 1 qñaM (< 1Year) 1-3 qñaM (Years) 3-5 qñaM (Years) > 5 qñaM (Years) karvaytMélRbFanbT Subject Evaluation³ (sUmKUssBaØa √ enAkñúgtarag / tick in table) II- plRbeyaCn_kargar epSg² RTwskþI ñúgfñak; LECTURE IN CLASS nItiviFIénkarTb;sáat; bRgáab nigraykarN¾BIbTelIµskab; randIéRBeQI ( Procedure for prevention elak cay esgfg Mr. Chay Sengthong suppression and reporting of land Encroachment and forest land claering ) nItiviFIénkarcgRkg nigRKb;RKgsMMNMuerOgbT elIµséRBeQI elak maK vuT IÆ (Procedures for forest offense filling and cases management ) Mr. Mak Vuthy tYnaTIrbs;RBHraCGaC¤a nig nKr)alyutiþFm_( Role of elakRsI cat sUrsIµ Prosecutors and Judicial Polices) Ms. Chat Soraksmey nItiviFIRBhµTNÐkñúgkic©esuIbsYrnigCMnuMCRmH (Criminal elak ekt suCati Mr. ket Socheat Procedure for investigation and Judgement) nItiviFIsmRsbsRmab;karXat;xøÜn karEqkeqr karRbmUlEfrkSavtßútag karsYrcemøIyCnsgS½y sakSI nigkareFVI bNþwg (Procedure for custody, searches, collection of evidence, inquiry of suspect and witness and submission of complaint ) elak sYn suv NÑ Mr. Suon Sovann evTikaBRgwgkarGnuvtþc,ab;éRBeQInigstVéRB (Forest and Wildlife Law Enforcement Forum) kareRbIR)as; GPS nigemIlEpnTI (GPS using and elak b:k ; CalI Mr. Pak Chealy Map reading) 2 Not useful \tRbeyaCn_ Useful minyl; Not Lecturer understand Subject yl; RKU]eTÞsnam Understand RbFanbT Other Benefit manRbeyaCn_ lT§PaByl; Comprehensible karvaytMélvKÁbNþúHbNþal (Training course evaluation): (sUmKUssBaØa √ enAkñúgRbGb; / tick in III- box) 1-KuNPaBénkarbNþúHbNþal (Quality of the Training) x<s; ( High), smRsb (Appropriate), minsmRsb (Not Appropriate) kñúgkrNIminsmRsb/ BIeRBaHGVI (If Not Appropriate, why?)…………………………………….. …….………………………………………………………………………………………… 2-kMriténkarbNþúHbNþal (Level of the Training) x<s; ( High), smRsb ( Appropriate), Tab (Low) kñúgkrNITab/BIeRBaHGVI(If low, why?) .......................................................................................... …..……….…….……………......…...............................…........................................................ 3-ry³eBlénkarbNþúHbNþal (Term of the Training) smRsb (Appropriate) Evg (Long) (b:unµanéf¶eTIbRbesIr?(How long is best?) ……………………………......... xøI (Short) (b:unµanéf¶eTIbRbesIr?(How long is best?)……………………………………… 4-karRKb;RKgvKÁbNþúHbNþal (Training Course Management) l¥ (good), minl¥ (Not good) kñúgkrNIminl¥/ BIeRBaHGVI (If Not good, why?) .............................................................................. ................................................……………………………………………………………....... 5- ÉksarsMrab;vKÁbNþúHbNþal (Training Materials) RKb;RKan; (Enough) xVHxat (Lack) ebIxVHxat etIRtUvkarÉksarGVIxøH? (If lack, what do you need?): .................. ..................................................................................................................................................... 6- etIvKÁbNþúHbNþalenHmansar³RbeyaCn¾sMrab;kargarrbs;GñkEdrb¤eT? (Is this Training Course useful for your job?) manRbeyaCn_ (Useful), minmanRbeyaCn_ (Useless) ebIminmanRbeyaCn_ BIeRBaHGVI? (If Useless, why?): ....................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... 3 etIGñkRtUvkarvKÁbNþúHbNþal ¬RbFanbT¦ GVIxøHeTotsMrab;eBlGnaKt ? VI- (What kinds of training do you expect in the future?) ………………………………………………………………………..................................................... ………………………………………………………………………..................................................... ………………………………………………………………………..................................................... ……………………………………………………………………….................................................... ………………………………………………………………………..................................................... ………………………………………………………………………..................................................... ………………………………………………………………………..................................................... ………………………………………………………………………..................................................... - etIGñkmaneyabl;/ sMNUmBr b¤Gnusasn¾ya:gNaelIkarerobcM/RKU]eTÞsnam/mRnþIsMrbsMrYlkñúgvKÁbNþúH bNþalenH ? (Do you have any comments/suggestions or recommendations on Organization, V Lecturers, and Coordinators of this training course?) k-karerobcM (Organization) l¥ (Good), minl¥ (Not good) RbsinebIminl¥/ BIeRBaHGVI? (If Not good, why?) …………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… x-RKU]eTÞsnam (Lectures) l¥ (Good), minl¥ (Not good) RbsinebIminl¥/ BIeRBaHGVI? (If Not good, why) …………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… K-mRnþIsMrbsMrYl (Coordinators) l¥ (Good), minl¥ (Not good) RbsinebIminl¥/ BIeRBaHGVI? (If Not good, please give an opinion) ……………………………..... ………………………………………………………………………………………………… VI- etIGñkmaneyabl;¼sMnUmBr GVIbEnßmeTot? man (Yes), (Do you have any more comments/requests): Kµan (No) ebImansUmbgðaj (If yes, please specify) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… sUmGrKuN cMeBaHkic©s hkarrbs;elakGñk (Many cooperation) !!!!! 4 thanks for your kind ANNEX 6 Report of the outcomes of the training course on “Forest Law Enforcement and Governance” By Mr. Eang Savet, Project Coordinator, ITTO-PD673/07 Rev.1 (F) Ly Cheu Hotel, Kratie Province, 27 September 2013 - H.E Chheng Kimsun, Delegate of the Royal Government in Charge as Chief of FA - Ladies and Gentlemen On behalf of the trainees and myself, I would like to express my sincere appreciation and warmest welcome to the presence of H.E Chheng Kimsun, Delegate of the Royal Government in Charge as Chief of Forestry Administration for the closing of the training course on “Forest Law Enforcement and Governance” took place for three days, supported by ITTO through the project PD673/12 Rev.1 (F). The objective of the training course is: • • • Provide understanding knowledge of forestry Law, Code of Criminal Procedure, Order and Regulation related to forestry sector; Train the procedure for searching, investigation, prevention, suppression and reporting of illegal forest activities; and Train the GPS using and map reading. - Excellency, Ladies and Gentlemen With the warmest respect, I would like to brief report of the outcomes of the training course on “Forest Law Enforcement and Governance”, took place for three days ago as follows: The training course took place for three days started from 25 to 27 September 2013 at the Ly Cheu Hotel, locates O Reusey Commune, Kratie city, Kratie Province with the total 80 participants including 3 Mekong Forestry Administration Inspectorate, 51 Kratie Forestry Administration and 26 Mondulkiri Forestry Administration Cantonment. This training course opened by Mr. Ung Sam Ath, Deputy Director of Forestry Administration and Mr. Khann Chamnan, Vice Governor of Kratie province. The training course was trained by 06 trainers including four from Forestry Administration, two from Kratie Court. The topics of training course are: • • • • • Procedure for prevention, suppression and reporting of land encroachment and forest land clearing trained by Mr. Chay Seng Thong, Deputy Chief of Law Enforcement and Governance Office Procedure for forest offense filing and cases management trained by Mr. Meak Vuthy, Chief of Legislation and Litigation Office Role of Prosecutors and Judicial Police trained by Mrs. Chat Souraksmey, Chief of Kratie Prosecutor Criminal Procedure for investigation and judgment trained by Mr. Keth Socheat, Kratie Judge Procedure for custody, searches, collection of evidence, inquiry of suspect and • witness and submission of complaint and Forest and Wildlife Law Enforcement Forum trained by Mr. Suon Sovann, Deputy Chief of Legislation and Law Enforcement Department GPS using and map reading trained by Mr. Pak Chea Ly, Deputy Chief of Forest and Community Forestry Department Based on the result of analysis of answered questionnaires by participants related to the training course shown that: • • • • • • 10 percent answered that high, 90 percent answered that appropriate 90 percent answered that appropriate time and 10 percent answered that short time 100 percent answered that good training course management 100 percent answered that enough training materials 100 percent answered that this training course is useful for implementing in their Institution 100 percent need more training courses In general, this training course has conducted as planned and trainees listened the explanation by trainers on each topic, and the trainees have rested the questions related to the field work. - Excellency, Ladies and Gentlemen Once again, on behalf of the training course, I would like to express my profound thanks to your Excellency, and thanks to Mr. Keth Socheat, Kratie Judge, Mrs. Chat Souraksmey, Chief of Kratie Prosecutor, Mr. Suon Savann, Deputy Chief of Legislation and Law Enforcement Department, Mr. Meak Vuthy, Chief of Legislation and Litigation Office, Mr. Chay Seng Thong, Deputy Chief of Law Enforcement and Governance Office trained to trainees from Mekong FA Inspectorate, Kratie and Mondulkiri FA Cantonments for three days. This activity has reflected that your Excellency, ladies and gentlemen has contributed your valuable time in order to try to understanding the law and order and regulations in law enforcement in order to effective practice in your organization. In this opportunity, I would like to wish your Excellency, ladies and gentlemen with good luck and successful with your work. Thank you! ANNEX 7 Closing Speech by H.E Chheng Kimsun, Delegate of the Royal Government in Charge as Chief of Forestry Administration Training Course on “Forest Law Enforcement and Governance” Ly Cheu Hotel, Kratie province, 27 September 2013 Ladies and Gentleman Today I have the great honor that I am here in the closing training course on “forest law enforcement and Governance” which took for three days and thanks all trainees that participated this training course and especially thanks to ITTO that supported this training course and also thanks to organizer of the training course. On behalf of Forestry administration and in myself, I would like express my sincere deeply appreciation to the trainers from Forestry Administration, Mr. Keth Socheat, Kratie Judge, Mrs. Chat Souraksmey, Chief of Kratie Prosecutor trained on Code of Criminal Procedure to Forestry Administration staff for three days. This shown that you have building the capacity of human resources of Forestry Administration on Law, Code of Criminal Procedure, Order and Regulations in order to improve the capacity of Forestry Administration staff and able practice in effective. In this opportunity, I would like to inform you that based on the study of satellite imagery shown that Kratie and Mondulkiri provinces are the richest forest resources in the South-East region of Cambodia, cover more than 2 million hectares or 20 percent of the total country forest, including 7 protected forest and wildlife sanctuaries cover more than one million hectare. Currently, forest resources in these two provinces are facing with illegal cutting, land encroachment. The challenges of this cause are limited of capacity of human resource of Kratie and Mondulkiri FA Cantonments in law enforcing and governance. Seeing the rich of forest resources in the two provinces and to protect and maintain these forest for present and future generation, local Forestry administration collaborate with prosecutor, relevant institutions and local authority to take action prevent and suppression illegal forest activities. Moreover, Forestry Administration developed project proposal on strengthening the capacity in forest law enforcement and governance in the permanent forest estates in Kratie and Mondulkiri provinces of Cambodia” and submitted to ITTO for finding. The project was approved and funded by Japan government through ITTO for the period of three years (2013-2016). This project is aimed to contribute to sustainable forest management through strengthening the capacity of Forestry Administration staff in forest law enforcement and governance in the permanent forest estates in Kratie and Mondulkiri provinces. This three days of the training course is an activity of the project activities to be carry out for the period of three years. Based on the report of Mr. Eang Savet on the outcomes of the training course which took for three days and the impression of the representative of the trainees, I note that this training course is positive result gained, and the Code of Criminal Procedure is the tool for all of you as Judicial polices have to practice at the field in accordance with rules and high effective practice in order to avoid high risks may course from the implementation. 1 In this opportunity, I would like make recommendations to trainees as following: 1. Must bring the knowledge that got from this training course to train your staff. 2. Implementing in your place in the effective manner in accordance with the rule 3. Must have good internal solidarity and use the total forces to crack down on forest activities in your place. One again, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Kratie Provincial Governor for allow to conducted the training course, trainers from Forestry Administration, Mr. Keth Socheat, Kratie Judge, Mrs. Chat Souraksmey, Chief of Kratie Prosecutor have spent your valuable time to train Forestry Administration staff for three days, thanks to ITTO for supported training course and thanks to trainees for participated this training course and training organizer for hard work. On behalf of the Forestry Administration and myself, I would like to wish you with the four wishes of Buddha: Ayu, Vannak, Sokkhak and Polak forever, and I declare the training course on Forest Law Enforcement and Governance officially closed. Thank you! 2 Photos of Training Course on Forest Law Enforcement and Governance Ly Cheu Hotel, Kratie Province, 25-27 September 2013 Mr. Ung Sam Ath, DD of FA deliver a remark Mr. Khan Chamnan, Vice Governor of Kratie province deliver an opening speech Participants in the training course Mr. Chay Seng Thong, Deputy Chief of Law Enforcement and Governance Office (trainer) made presentation Mr. Meak Vuthy, Chief of Legislation and Litigation Office (trainer) made presentation Mrs. Chat Souraksmey, Chief of Kratie Prosecutor (trainer) made presentation Mr. Keth Socheat, Kratie Judge (trainer) made presentation Mr. Eang Savet, Project Coordinator reported on the outcomes of the training course Mr. Reurn Sophat, representative of trainees delivers an impression of training course H.E Chheng Kimsun, DG of FA delivers a closing speech H.E Chheng Kimsun, DG of FA provided certificate to the trainee Group photos of participants