Brochure - Bidwells
Brochure - Bidwells
Knockower by Carsphairn, Dumfries and Galloway Highly attractive and diverse, mid-rotation commercial forest, located in a major timber growing region, with substantial area of open hill. For Sale by Private Treaty: ■■ Attractive commercial forestry investment opportunity Vendor’s Solicitor: Anderson Beaton Lamond Solicitors Bordeaux House 31 Kinnoull Street Perth PH1 5EN ■■ Sitka spruce dominated crop planted in 1991 ■■ Recently upgraded access road and turning area ■■ Considerable amenity value with sporting rights included In all 747.7 hectares (1,847.6 acres) Glasgow 60 miles, Dumfries 36 miles, Lockerbie 49 miles (distances approximate) Introduction Knockower is a productive commercial forest with a large area of attractive open hill ground, well located for Scotland’s major timber processing markets. This property will appeal to both those seeking to purchase a substantial area of attractive land as well as investors seeking a well designed, diverse property with a mosaic of forestry and open ground. Location & Timber Market Enquiries To: Raymond Henderson t: 01738 630666 f: 01738 627264 e: [email protected] Knockower is located 1 mile from the A713, approximately 2 miles northwest of Carsphairn village, with views of Loch Doon from the slopes of Knockower Hill. Access is taken via a short servitude from a minor public road and from there onto the A713 to the established timber markets of southwestern Scotland and northern England. Location and site plans can be found towards the back for these particulars. Offers Over £1,200,000 t: 01738 639 999 f: 01738 630 063 e: [email protected] Access Travelling from the south, after passing through Carsphairn village on the A713, take the left turn on to a minor road, located approximately 1.5 miles beyond the Water of Deugh bridge. Continue along this road for approximately 1 mile and at the end of the road continue along the forest track into Knockower Forest. Travelling from the North, take the A77 to Ayr before following the A713 south, signposted for Castle Douglas for 20 miles. Approximately 3 miles south of Loch Muck, take a right turn onto the minor public road and continue along this road for approximately 1 mile before continuing onto the forest track into Knockower Forest at the end of the public road. Access is taken from the minor public road at the point marked A on the attached sales plan at Grid Reference NX 525 962 before crossing a short servitude to the gated entrance to the property Point B. From here, a good network of forest roads suitable for four wheel drive vehicles extends to the south of the forest (point C) and a spur road accesses the eastern section of the forest (point D). The minor public road is recorded as a Severely Restricted route by the Dumfries and Galloway Timber Transport Group, however timber has been taken over this route in the past. Viewings & Closing Date Viewing may be undertaken at any time during daylight hours, provided viewers are in possession of a set of these particulars. Viewers should note that the entrance gates will be locked and viewers should contact the Selling Agents to obtain details of how to obtain vehicular access. Potential purchasers are advised to formally register their interest, in order that they may be informed if a closing date for offers is set. Species SS HL SP DF OG NF MB GF MC 1991 79.3 10.2 5.6 3.9 104.4 15.5 12.7 1.2 4.0 TOTAL 79.3 10.2 5.6 3.9 104.4 15.5 12.7 1.2 4.0 TOTAL 236.8 510.9 510.9 510.9 747.7 Note: SS – Sitka spruce, NF – Noble fir, HL – Hybrid larch, SP – Scots pine, DF – Douglas fir, GF – Grand fir, MC – mixed conifers, MB – mixed broadleaves, OG – open ground. Knockower Species Composition (Forest Area Only) Description 15.5 (7%) The Forest (236.8ha) Knockower Forest sits within the prime timber growing region of southwest Scotland, lying between the Galloway Forest Park to the west and the extensive Carsphairn complex to the east. The commercial forest is planted on the lower slopes of Knockower Hill, ranging in altitude from 190 metres to 330 metres above sea level, with a predominantly north-easterly aspect. To the southwest of the forest, the open hill section of the property rises up to Knockower Hill at 511m before continuing to the march boundary at the summit of Coran of Portmark at 623m. The Crop Knockower was planted in 1991 to an attractive design of irregular rides, riparian corridors, diverse conifers and native broadleaves while retaining Sitka spruce as the dominant commercial species. As such this forest can be considered an excellent example of a modern, well designed and productive commercial forest being both very attractive and capable of producing good quality conifer timber. Reflecting the relatively fertile nature of this site and good drainage, the Sitka spruce crops have generally established well with good growth rates, while some of the diverse conifers are establishing more slowly. A summary table is provided below detailing the species composition, planting years and stocked areas at Knockower along with a chart detailing the forestry composition. Hill 12.7 (5%) 4 1.2 (1%) (2%) SS 79.3 (33%) HL SP DF OG NF MB 10.2 (4%) 104.4 (44%) 3.9 (1.6%) 5.6 (2.4%) A compartment schedule for the crop, Title Deeds and other relevant documentation can be obtained via the Selling Agents on request. GF MC Management No harvesting has been undertaken on the property and there is no Forest Plan in place. Knockower is a mid-rotation Sitka spruce dominated property with well designed areas of other conifer species, broadleaves and open ground and attractive amenity value in addition to the diversity required under modern forestry timber certification requirements. The gently sloping nature of the site and good internal access infrastructure means the entire crop is capable of being accessed by standard forestry harvesting equipment for thinning or future harvesting, with little additional expenditure. Grants may be available in the future under the Forestry Commission’s Forestry Grant Scheme to support the production of a Forest Plan as well as other forest management activities. Information on the grant scheme can be accessed through the following websites: forestry-grants or Taxation Sporting Rights Knockower holds considerable sporting interest with its attractive combination of intimate woodland stalking opportunities, open hill as well as excellent flighting ponds and walked-up shooting. The primary deer species recorded on site is roe although red deer are also present and are recorded in the shooting returns in recent years, as detailed in the table below. Year Reg Stag Red Hind Red Calves Roe Buck 2011 5 2012 1 2013 3 2014 2 2015 1 1 1 Roe Doe Roe Kids Investors should be aware that timber income from commercial forestry is currently exempt from Income Tax and that forestry businesses currently attract 100% relief from Inheritance Tax. In addition, forests have a low exposure to Capital Gains Tax because the value of the growing crop is excluded from the assessment. Prospective purchasers are strongly advised to consult their financial advisors to ascertain how these tax concessions may be of benefit. Third Party Rights & Burdens 4 1 1 2 4 1 4 The property will be sold subject to and with the benefits of all servitude rights, burdens, reservations and any other third Deer stalking has been undertaken relatively infrequently over recent years, and, it is anticipated that higher numbers than shown on the returns could be taken. All sporting rights are owned, in-hand and are included in the sale. Boundaries and Minerals Property boundaries immediately surrounding the forest are comprised of stone dykes and stock fences in varying states of repair, while the open hill generally follows old stock fences or the central filum of the Garryhorn Burn. Where adjacent to the open hill or grazed land, boundary fences are maintained at joint expense. Mineral rights are included in the sale so far as the Seller has rights thereto. Note: There are minor discrepancies between the Title boundary and the existing boundary, which are highlighted on the Sales Plan. While it is anticipated these issues will be resolved via excambion agreement by the point of sale, no warranty is given to this effect, and the property is being sold as per Title. Sales Plan party rights howsoever constituted, however the following matters are of particular note: The Title Deeds are available for inspection at the offices of the Vendors solicitors. Deposit A deposit of 10% of the purchase price will become payable to the Sellers within 7 days after conclusion of missives. Interest at 5% above the Bank of Scotland base rate shall be payable on the purchase price from the date of entry until paid and that notwithstanding that the Purchaser may not have taken entry. If the Purchaser fails to make payment within 14 days of the date of entry with all accrued interest the Sellers shall be entitled to resile from the missives and resell the subjects of sale without prejudice to his rights and recover damages from the Purchaser. 01738 630666 Agents Notes Authorities Forestry Commission Scotland Dumfries & Galloway Council For clarification, we wish to inform prospective purchasers that we have prepared these sales particulars as a general guide. We have not carried out a survey. South Scotland Conservancy Council Headquarters Given the potential hazards of a working forest we would ask you to be as vigilant as possible for your own personal safety when making an inspection of this 55/57 Moffat Road Council Offices property. If communications, condition of the property, situation or other such factors are of particular importance to you, please discuss these priorities with us Dumfries DG1 1NP English Street before arranging an appointment to view. This should avoid a wasted journey. Any photographs displayed in these particulars depict only part of the property and it Dumfries DG1 2DD should not be assumed that the property remains as displayed in the photographs. No assumptions should be made regarding other parts of the property that have t: 01387 272 440 f: 01387 257 888 e: [email protected] not been photographed.The property being open to inspection, the purchaser(s) shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the state and condition thereof and as t: 030 33 33 3000 to the ownership of any boundary or part of the property. These particulars do not constitute an offer or contract of part thereof. Bidwells LLP do not make or give f: 01387 260034 either in these particulars or during negotiations or otherwise, any warranty or representation whatever in relation to this property. All measurements are given as a e: [email protected] guide and no liability can be accepted for any errors arising therefrom. No responsibility is taken for any omission or miss-statement in these particulars. Bidwells LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England & Wales (registered number OC344553). Registered head office is Bidwell House, Trumpington Road, Cambridge CB2 9LD, where a list of members is available for inspection. Particulars prepared March 2016 Photographs taken Summer 2015