August 2012
August 2012
Volume 11 Issue 4, August 2012 4033 SW Canyon Road Portland, Oregon 97221 USA Phone: 503-488-2130 Fax: 503-228-4608 WFI Staff Sara Wu, WFI Director 503-488-2130 [email protected] Chandalin Bennett, WFI Program Manager 503-488-2137 [email protected] Rick Zenn, Senior Fellow 503-488-2103 [email protected] 2012 International Educators Institute The 2012 World Forestry Center International Educators Institute (IEI) was held July 8-14 in the beautiful Columbia River Gorge. We were honored this year to host leading teachers, forest researchers and land managers from 11 countries and 5 states in the US. IEI is an intensive leadership development program sponsored by the World Forestry Center to "significantly advance teaching and learning about the world's forests." Participants included recent WFI fellows: Cristhian Gutierrez (Bolivia), Dr. Ali Malekghasemi (Iran), Tendayi Mhlanga (Zimbabwe) Dr. Richard O'Hanlon (Ireland), and Hwa-guang Shang (Taiwan). (Brazil), Eric Awuah Kyei (Ghana), Dr. Ju Chou (Taiwan), Dick Powell (Oregon), Harold Anderson (Mississippi), Jennifer Richardson (Arkansas), Lu Boren (Colorado), James McGirt (Washington DC) and Dr Marguerite Forest, Dr. Nancy Peterson and Brooke Mohr (Florida). Other guests were Maya Adra (Lebanon), Dr. Thobayet Alshahrani (Saudi Arabia), Dr. Cristina Alves We would like to thank all of our partners, donors and hosts including the Oregon Community Foundation, WFI Fellows Ali Malekghasemi, Iran amalekghasemi@ Tendayi Mhlanga, Zimbabwe [email protected] Hwa-guang Shang, Taiwan [email protected] Harry Merlo, Red Emmerson, and Zimbabwe Fellow Tendayi Mhlanga discuss the forest products industry. IEI participants and staff shared a traditional salmon bake dinner prepared by members of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. Continued on next page Page 2 Alumni Updates Interns play a critical role in the many events and workshops of the World Forestry Center This year we were lucky to have Zitian Li, a student at the University of British Columbia, working with WFI alumnus Dr. Guangyu Wang. Zitian volunteered nearly 100 hours of service assisting with the preparations and logistics of the International Educator’s Institute. IEI continued... Oregon Forest Resources Institute, US Forest Service, Port Blakely Tree Farms; Ross Graham at Weyerhaueser; Mark and Dawn Smith at EcoPark Resort; Ray Yukewycz at Mount St Helens Institute; Ken Bible and Matt Schroeder at Wind River Field Station; Roz Sampson and Rose Charley at the Museum at Warm Springs; John Katchia, Lou Torgeson and Chris Ketchum at Warm Springs Forest Products Industries; Suzie Slockish and family; and the staff at the Menucha Retreat Center in Corbett, Oregon. We owe a special thank you this year to the Hampton Family and the Paul and Sally McCracken Fund at the Oregon Community Foundation for their long time support of this important, mission-driven program. alumni Dick Powell of Starker Forests and Kelly Stanley of Port Blakely Tree Farms will lead a panel discussion examining the impact of IEI at the upcoming Society of American Foresters (SAF) national convention in Spokane, Washington. Note: On October 27, Rick Zenn and IEI IEI participants had the option of doing the full seven mile hike from the top of Larch Mountain down to Multnomah Falls. The group took a break for lunch at a lovely spot in the forest. ***** 2010 Australian alumnus Sue Baker is back in the Pacific Norwest! She was the recipient of a prestigious Fulbright scholarship and will be in the PNW for a few months this summer researching beetle biodiversity in variable retention silviculture plots. Sue studied the use of variable retention silviculture techniques in the region during her one year Fellowship at WFI and we are happy to welcome her back to the region. Sue Baker at a recent visit to the Getty Museum in Los Angeles. Cascade Timber Consulting Fellows had the opportunity to visit with Cascade Timber Consulting, Inc out of Sweet Home, Oregon. Cascade’s CEO Dave Furtwangler and Silviculturalist Bill Marshall toured WFI around the David T. Mason Seed Orchard. chard, Dave and Bill explained how they graft and grow trees for intensive seed production. Fellows learned about the progeny tests that have been conducted over the 50+ years the seed orchard has been in place and saw some test sites involving many different species—even redwood! It was an informative and pleasurable day for the group in Sweet Home. Thanks Cascade! Now on their third generation of seed trees in the or- Fellows investigate cones that have been covered up so that seed is produced and captured. From left: Dave Furtwangler, Hwa-guang (Taiwan), Tendayi (Zimbabwe), Ali (Iran), and Bill Marshall Page 3 Recent Events Dr. Dar-hsiung Wang from Taiwan Forest Research Institute visited WFI and presented research about the bamboo resources in Taiwan. WFI was just one of many stops for Dr. Wang on his research tour in the US. ***** WFI Fellows and staff were guests of Harry Merlo and Global Aviation at the Oregon International Air Show at the Hillsboro airport in August. ****** Top: Zimbabwe Fellow Tendayi (left), WFI Director Sara Wu (center) and Bolivian Fellow Cristhian (right) enjoyed the stunt airplanes and fighter jet displays. WA DNR Field Tour WFI Alumnus Roslyn Henricks hosted WFI in August on a tour of Washington State Department of Natural Resources lands (DNR) near Mt. Rainier. Roslyn spent a year at WFI in 2009 studying landscape aesthetics of plantation management. Now a forester for DNR, Roslyn and head forester Ted Keeley took the group out to state forestland to talk about their management and current projects. Fellows stopped at some thinning sites, discussed habitat management and saw an active logging operation. A visit to the top of a peak, called High Hut yielded a spectacular view of Mt. Rainier. There we met with Recreation Specialist Nancy Barker, who explained DNR’s commitment to the public to provide various recreational opportunities across the landscape. It was a tour de force of WA DNR ethics, management and operations. Amazing day, thanks guys! Upper right: Fellows discuss an active logging operation with a DNR contractor. Right: Roslyn Henricks explains some of the thinning objectives in the stand, including the consideration of wildlife habitat. Fellows stand with WA DNR staff in front of Mt. Rainier which was just peeking out from the clouds. This was the site of High Hut, a rustic lodging accommodation that hikers can stay at year round. Page 4 Irish and Bolivian Fellows Finish Program Recent Events Upcoming Speaker Series event: Wednesday, September 5 @ 4pm in the Mt. Hood Room of the Discovery Museum. Tendayi Mhlanga from Zimbabwe will discuss his research into business models and technology of the sawmilling industry. Our most recent speaker was Bolivian Fellow Cristhian Gutierrez, who spoke about marketing strategies for wood products in small businesses and family forestlands. ***** The World Forest Institute now has an RSS feed of the latest forestry industry news on our main webpage, in partnership with Industry Intelligence. Visit regularly to stay up-to-date with the forestry industry. ***** Fellows and staff enjoyed a lunch at a local Chinese restaurant trying some dishes that were new to many. Chinese food is eaten ‘family-style’ so that everyone had the opportunity to try every dish. Two Fellows have finished their programs over the summer months. Dr. Richard O’Hanlon from County Cork, Ireland finished his 6-month Fellowship in July. He studied the fungal biodiversity of Sitka spruce forests here in their native range and made comparisons to that in their exotic range of Ireland and Britain. His project was partially funded by the Programme of Competitive Forestry Research for Development (COFORD) in Ireland. Results of his research can be found on our webpage in the Presentations and Posters links. Mr. Cristhian Gutierrez from La Paz, Bolivia fin- Richard explored the native Sitka spruce forests of western Oregon and Washington and said that he saw spruce trees much larger than any he would ever see back home! ished his 6-month Fellowship program in August. Cristhian studied marketing strategies of small forestry companies and family forestlands in the This was Cristhian’s first visit to the US and he spent his six months here visiting as many sites as possible throughout the northwest. region. He was sponsored by the International Tropical Timber Association (ITTO). You can find the results of his research on our presentations page and also find out more about Bolivia in his article published in September issue of The Forestry Source. Forestry Conferences 2012 For Foresters, Investors, Timber Managers, Manufacturers, Land Trusts, Attorneys and CPAs It is estimated that institutional investors now own more than 25 million acres of U.S. forests, worth more than US$30 billion. Timberland has the potential for protecting both income and conservation values, and its uniqueness as an asset class is the subject of our annual “Who Will Own the Forest?” conference series on timberland investing. Join the 400 participants of this year’s September 18-20 event as we discuss forestland valuations, investing overseas, regulatory, tax and lending drivers, and emerging values such as carbon, biomass, and environmental credits. This 2-day conference offers both networking and educational benefits, including continuing education credits for certified foresters, appraisers, attorneys, and CPAs. Want in-depth analysis of wood markets? Join us September 18, 2012, as we discuss the outlook for timber end use markets in North America. Hear from industry-leading economic forecasters Forest Economic Advisors and other experts as they examine the leading trends and drivers affecting the North American markets for housing, lumber, wood panels, timber, engineered lumber, and wood biomass.
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