Parque Nacional Natural Cueva de Los Guacharos
Parque Nacional Natural Cueva de Los Guacharos
Parque Nacional Natural Cueva de Los Guacharos 1. Location 2. University aims 3. Diversity The park in Southern Colombia 5 hr walk The park (below) and the buffer zone Camp. Site ca. 2000 m asl Andean forest Subandean forest Buffer zone Subparamo Crops Grasslands Inside the Park Buffer zone Uni-Andes aims in the park General We want to increase research activities and help in the conservation of local diversity •We are gathering species lists (mostly plants and mammals) •We are setting vegetation plots to monitor plants and camera-traps to assess the influence of disturbance on wildlife in the long term •We want to collaborate with other researchers and park staff in order to undertake research, enhance skills and promote sustainable development. Visitor´s house