Republicof the Philippines Toledo Ciq/ -o0o- OFFICE OFTHE CITYBUDGET UTILIZATION OF 2O?TI DEVELOT'MENTFUND & OTHE& DEV'f" & LIVELIHOOD FUND Ja:nuaryto December 20i13 ROAD CONCRETINC PROGR.\M - Prop. Road Concreting of Tubod-SubayonRoad @Brgy.Subayor; Toledo City -P 1,330,000.00 - Prop. Concreting of Road @ Brgy. Cambang-ug, Toledo Ci{' (Sta.0+000-Sta.0+200) 1,300,000.00 - Prop. Road Concreting @Brgy. Poog Toledo city (L:200m) 1,305,000.00 - Prop. Concreting of Road (Awihao-SagayRoad) @Brgy. Sagay,Toledo City L=200m 1,300,000.00 - Prop. PavementResurfacing(Asphalt Overlay) @S. Osmeila St.,Toledo City (Sta.0+000-Sta. 0+216) 1,965,200.00 - Prop. Road Concreting of Awihao-Mojon Roads@Brgy. Awihao (Sta0+000-Sta0+200) 1,305,000.00 - Prop. Road Concreting of Bato-LagunaRoad @Brgy. Bato, Toledo City 1,300,000.00 - Prop. RoadConcretingof Brgy.Tungkay (L=200m) 1,300,000.00 - Prop. Road Concreting of Quarry-Bunga-LamacRoads, Brgy. Bunga, Toledo City (L=200m) 1,300,000.00 - Prop. Road Concreting of Dumlog-Carmen-Capt.Claudio, Brgy. Carmen, Toledo City (L=200m) 1,300,000.00 - Prop. Road Concreting of Magdugo-Sam-angRoads @Brgy. Sam-ang,Toledo City (L=200m) TOTAL - 1,300,000.00 P 15,005,200.00 DRA.INAGE SYSTEM IMPROVE1VIENT& REHABILITATION - Prop. Constuuctionof Box Culvert @Sitio Tunga, Brgy. Matab-ang,Toledo City - 730,000.00 - Prop. Drainage @Toledo City Hospital (Right Corner BIdg. A), Brgy. Poblacion,Toledo City - 41.,582.00 - Prop. Drainage System(Additional), Conrete Ramp & Repair/Installation of Downspout @Unity Part Brgy. PoblacioryToledo City - 103,066.05 - Prop. Maintenanceof Existing Drainage of Toledo City - 153,750.00 - Prop. Improvement of Drainange Systemalong Luray II Creek (BesideCoke Warehouse),Brgy. Luray If Toledo City - 305,952.64 - Prop. Repair/Rehabilitation of Spillway (Additional) @Brgy. Cambang-ug.,Toledo City - 526,617.21. - Prop. Improvement of Drainage Systemfrom Rafols St. to Toledo City Pier, Market Area - 1,210,000.00 - Prop. Construction of Drainage Systemalong Librinca St., PoblacioryToledo City L-59.20m - 1,060,000.00 - Prop. Construction of Drainage Systemalong Poloyapoy St., Poblacion"Toledo City L- 53.97m - 1,000,000.00 - Prop. Construction of Drainage Systemalong ParasSt., Poblacion,Toledo Citv L-57.22m - 1,040,000.00 - P 6,170,967.90 OPENING AND WIDENING OF ROAQE - Prop. Road Opening of Bato-Awihao-Sagay-BulonganBunga Roads - P 9,850,000.00 STI{EETLIGTTTING& ELI]C"II{IITICAT'ION PROGITAN1 - Purchaseof Main Power Aircon Supply, 3-Phase,250V for Toledo Garden City Hall, Brgy. Ilihan - 722,370.00 - Purchaseof ElectricalMaterials for Streetlighting Maintenance of Toledo City - 249,950.00 - Prop. SecondaryLine @Sitio Baugo l, Brgy. Capt. Clauclio - 267,470.f0 TOTAL - Prop. Sheetlighting @RafolsSt. (from Consolatrix Coliege to Toledo City Pier & St. John de SahagunDrive) - Prop. Purchaseof Electrical Materials for the Repair and Maintenanceof Streetlightingsof Toledo City Urban Areas (Pob.,CemeteryArea, Lway II, Sangi,part of Dumlog up to Gaisano& Ilihan going to City Hall) TOTAL 2,500,000.00 -P 7,297,680.00 4,437,410.10 B A R A N C A Y D E V E L O P MI N ' t F U N D - Prop. SecondaryLine Installation @ Brgy. Bagakay 760,235.28 - Prop. Streeflighting @Brgy. Bunga, Toledo City 200,000.00 - Prop. Road Rehabilitation @Sitio Upper Maypay & Sitio Maypis, Brgy. Capt. Claudio, Toledo City 30,000.00 - Prop. Conshuction of Multi-Purpose Bldg. (PhaseIV) @Brgy. Carmen, Toledo City 208,000.00 - Prop. Drainage System@CanapnapanI & II, Brgy. Campo 8 200,000.00 - Prop. BasketballCourt @Brgy. Campo 8, Toledo City 760,259.60 - Prop. BasketballCourt Bleachers@Brgy. Campo B 55,755.00 - Prop. PhysicalFitnessRoom @CantabacoCovered Court @Brgy. Cantabaco(Phasef) 200,000.00 - Prop. Conshuction of Bleachers@Canlumampao Basketball Court Brgy. Canlumampao,Toledo City 209,660.r9 - Prop. lmprovement of Multi-Purpose Court @ Brgy. Ilihan 512,397.76 - Prop. ConcretePavementwith SteelRailings (Sand/Gravel Checkpoint)@Brgy.Magdugofluan Climaco),ToledoCity 303,000.00 - Prop. Extensionof Health Center @Brgy. Gen. Climaco 389,855.61 - Prop. Water Pipeline (Materials only) from National Junction to Sitio Ipil-ipif Brgy. Dumlog, Toledo City 20,924.00 - Prop.ConcreteToppingof Basketball Court @Brgy.MediaOnce 104,990.00 - Prop.Improvementof [email protected] 200,000.00 . - Prop. Construction of Multi-Purpose Bldg. (PhaseVI) @ Brgy. Loap Toledo City - 200,000.00 - Prop. Rehabilitation of Cross-Drainage& Slope Protection@ Subayon-LandahanRoad, Brgy. Subayon,Toledo City - 116,050.00 - Prop.2"dia. Water Pipeline @Sitio Luas, Brgy. Matab-anC - 223,430.00 . Prop. Completion of Multi-Purpose Bldg. @Brgy. Subayon - 162,000.00 - Prop. Conshuction of Stage@Sitio Curwada,Brgy. Poog - 294,697.72 - Prop. Repair of 3 units Waiting Shed @Brgy. Tubod - 37,904.00 - Prop. Purchaseof Electrical Materilas for Brgy. Biga BasketballCourt Lightings (Additional) - 150,703.87 - Prop. Water System(Materials Only) @Brgy. Tungkay - 81,160.00 - Prop. Installation of Roofing @Brgy. Calongcalong Covered Court (portion only) - 191,605.00 - Prop. Completion of Multi-Purpose Bldg. @Brgy. Sam-ang - 200,000.00 - Prop. Cyclone Wire Fence& CHB Fencewith Concrete Sidewalk@Brgy. Sagay - *760,000.00 - *572,251..94 - Prop. Supply, Delivery & lnstallation of 1 unit Goulds SubmersiblePump,S HP - 770,773.00 - Prop. Construction of Stage@Bato National HighSchool - 250,000.00 - Prop. Day Care Center (PhaseII) @Brgy. Cabitoonan - 83,266.89*' - Prop. Extension/Improvement of Day Care Center @ BarangayCarmen - 338,493.2f*" - Prop. Construction/Extension of Covered Court and FitnessRoom@Brgy. Cantabaco - -* 1,000,000.00 - Prop. Road Concreting @Sitio Aroma, Brgy. Dumlog - *7,170,000.00 - Prop. Construction of 27 LM perimeter fence@ Brgy. Dumlog Elementary School - - Prop. Conshuction of Covered Court (PhaseI) @Brgy. Tungkay 49,000.00 - Prop. Construction of Covered Court (PhaseIII) *780,000.00 @Brgy. Tubod - Prop. PassengerLounge @Toledo Bus Terminal 686,794.43 - Prop. One-Stop-Shop@Toledo Commercial Arcade 537,187.25 cancelled 'rr\'r ar rt 10,349,194.75 Cancelledand will no longer be implemented per memorandum dated July 08,2013 OTHERS: - Prop.Expatrsiono1'CiiyFlealth Building @Barangay' Iiihary ToledoCity ffariation Order #1) -P 320,291..85 - Prop. Construction of Toledo City Police Station (PhaseI) 5,000,000.00 - Prop. Office @Toledo City Hospital Bldg. "A" 35,115.00 - Prop. ConcreteFence@Lot919 (near City Hospital) 1,600,000.00 - Prop. Repair of fish Market A & B and Inprovement of Comfort Rooms,Brgy. Poblacion,Toledo City "t,579,000.00 - Prop. Construction of Public Library Building @ Brgy. Tubod, Toledo City 391-,357.58 - Prop. Construction of PerimeterFence@ BagsakanCenter 38,650.00 - Prop. Conshuction of PerimeterFence@Toledo City fail (BJMP)@Brgy. LandaharyToledo city (Suppl. Contract) 287,390.68 - Prop. Renovationof Museum @Toledo City 406,083.22 - Payment of parcel of land affectedby Road Opening @ BarangayBato, Toledo City 52,140.00 TOTAL - P 9,710,028.33 COASTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT -P 40,260.56 AGRICULTURE & FISHERIES DEV'T. PROGRAN,I -P 1.20,000.00 Preparedby: susf#tnor Bu{€efpfficer III Certified Correct: MARIA CLEOFEA. MARQUEZ ICO-City Budget Office
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