Newsletter Winter 1996 - Nevada Department of Transportation
Newsletter Winter 1996 - Nevada Department of Transportation
WSffi$ffiffiW Volume6 NumberI theNercdaDeparfrnent Il,lPROVED P6vE1-l EllTPERFO BHf,1{CEWtil{ pREC0l'tp6cflO1l Sponsoredby FIfWA, Throughthe Priority Technologles Program Premaurefailureof longitudinal jointsbetween asphaltmatsis a major sourceof pavement failurein Novadaand acrossthecountry.A lackof sufficient asphaltmaterialandcompaction in tbe joint sectionis indicatedasthemain /xeason for hesejoint failures. TransTech Systemr,Inc.,of Albany, NewYorh manufactures attachrnents to aspbaltpaverswhichaddress thisissue. TheJointMakerSystemautomafes proper longitudinaljoint consfudionpmcesses andallegedlydelivenpavements where Lverage densitiesin thelongitudinaljoint sections arenearlyequal0oavetage densities in tbefull rnatuel. Cunently,thistecbnology is underutilized becauremoststafp deparmennof Fanrporadon,including NDOT,donotre4uirecompaction tpsting in tbejoint sections,Intwt" NDOT currentlyrequirescompaction tes6to be takena minimumof onefoot ftom tbe joint to ingurethattestresul8 longitudinal represent theaverage matcompaction.In tbetypicallylow.bidcontracting environment tbatcurrentlyexis6 tluoughoutmuchof t[o industry, con8actingfirmsnaturallyrespond directlyto thecontractrequiremenfs placenuponthemby theircustotrlerr, witb little or no incenfivefor voluntarily goingbeyondthosereguiremente, Anotherreluolrfor theunderutilization of improvedjoint construction technology mayincludetbegeneralporception by manypavement ownerstbatpaving contractors do nothaveanavailableand cost.effective mothodfor providing joinr bigherqualitylongitudinal construction, It is tbeindustry'sunderutiUza$on of availableandinnovativotcchnology, such asTranrToch'e JointMakerSystem, tbat ledto theestablishment of tlrePriority Technologies Program andoNDOT's curent participationwitb FHWAin tootingtboJolntMakerSyrtomto detormins its effecdveness in irnproving our longitudinaljoint conrtruction t€chnigues, ISTEA,Section6005,osablished',6n appliedresrlxchandtpchnology progran (Cpntinuedon Nett Page) pBotECT DEiloltsrRaTtolt ft9, t7 'Vldeo Inrpectbn of .Htghway Edgedralnr" Relativelynewin someareasof fbo counFy,NDOTonlyrecentlybeganusing higbwayedgedrains a3a toshnigue for NDOTpersonnel wwe re,cently preserving be andexfendingtbelife of fortunaterecipientsof theFHWANpvada'rHighwayt,Whilowebave eponsored Demonstsafion Proleg-No, 87, lefiwd mucbaboutrbedpsignof edgodraine throughtheexporiencar of of Hig[way "Vid€oInspection otherhigbway agencies, NDOT is Edgedrainr".Thisvideofechnology was in tbeareaof dsmonsrarcd in LasVegason Septerrber f#ftafulyarwwcrmnor maintaining tbeee systomr, Fortunafely, 17th M laterprarented" froma design tbeFHWAoffice of Tecbnology srandpointin CarsonCrty, Ilwas evident Applieationrrecognizsdssrfafss'ngedr b1'6e responses of tboeeinvolvedtbaf in thisarpaanddeveloppd a thgreis a lm n b leun& aboutthe projecton dr$nab|r, demonstrgion inspeoffun a& maintenawe of highway pavempnf tyff€ms,ledby 6eir veryown edeednnns, Gprt iwcdn Pegc 1) Paga I Reseqrchqnd Fqll lssoe,1996 Revieur For this PTP project,the Federal Administration'sNevada Hiehwav Pre{ompcction piiisiori purchasedtwo JointMaker for thepurPoseof accelerating Systemsfor NDOT. The equipmentwas testing,evaluation,andimplementationof iistalled on the two paverswhichwere technologieswhich aredesignedto usedduring the 1996seasonto paveUS areaeastof Carson improve the durability, efficiency, 50 in the S-tagecoach impact,productivity,and enuironmental City, Nevada-.Within this l0-mile section safetyof highway,transitandintermodal of US SO,approximatelyeightmiles of transportationsystems".As a meansto onelongitudinaljoint wereconstructed portion of addr6ssthe implementation usingthe Joint MakerSystem,leaving Section6005,the Priority Technologies the r-emainingtwo milesasa control paving Program(PTP)wasdesignedexpresslyto sectionusing conventional the deploymentof new or accelerate techniques.NDOT will continueto technologyby innovativetransportation monitor theperformanceof this the successfultestingandevaluationof loneihrdinalloint overthenextthree yeaiswith a hnal reportto bepublished technologieswhichhavehigh potential. for brinsingreal benefitsto transportatlon by July 7,1999,Providingcost_ installationprocedures, users. One-uniquefeatureof thePTPis c6mparisons, overallbenefitsto its chargethat activitiesbe freld office densitycomparisons, initiatei andmanagedfor the application the department,andan implementation plan if applicable. andevaluationof transPortation technologythathasnationalor regional the PTPis a sisnificanLe.In essence, Edge fr6td initiated andmanagedExperimental clctronicrensing norrcontqct 6 Projectsprogram. control sFtem thot cotomqticqlly positionsthe screedendgatQin ProPer blorirnity to the coldmot to inroreprecise mqt qlignmcnt.In qdditionto the smsor snit, this sFtQmincloderthe Edge Follower c6ntrol onit, foillqfe clqrm, qnd olt necerscryccblingond moonting hordwcrc. ( Continued fronr Page I ) loint l'lqker Thir mechcnicaldc'vicePlwider for the plqcemcntof odeqootcorphcltmix to qchiwe high dmriU, intedockcd qggrcAqtelointconstrodion.lhe prodoct mokctsond piifqge inclodestwo-ioint_ and left side kidrer Plqtes. In additionto imProvedPavement quality and thepotentialfor extended daverientlife, this newpavingtechnolr is designedto providesubstantialsafeq il.:-fi;';;"d ;;ielvI ffi#i'oi thJr.b membersthat wiil no is expectedfor crew I lons6rbe requiredto spendtime exposedI to tiaffic duringtherakingof longitudinalI ioints. In addition,thereportedreductionI in time requiredto completemostpaving I iobswill alsoreduceworkers'exposureto I iraffic andlessdisruptionsto the driving I public aswell. Takinginto accountthe I reduced iotential safetyimprovements, I l fill failed to;;; coststo maintenance mainrcnance potentialfor longitudinaljoints, anda po.tential it would overalllower pavingcosts,rt ttrisprojectwaswell certainlyappearthattttis worth the time andeffortrequiredby all involved. involved. I POLYCO6RD'S 1{FORCI1{G Ff,BRIG ENT.REI P6VEM ProdttctEvqloqtionCommittcc PECREC6P,1995 E DEC.lo,1995 'Doe to delcYsbeYondoor control, thc Fotl1996issacof this newrlettet was not poblished.The SePtembcr ll,l995 PECmeetingreccpis inclodcd in thir irsae. Page 2 First reviewedby the PECduring the March 1996meeting,thePolYguard fabrics(wovenand pavement-reinforcing non-woven)areviewedaspotentiallyusefulmaterialsfor specificoveday projectsrequiringselectiveretro-reflective crackprotection.Unsuitedfor applicationon roadwayshavingwidespreadcracking,thesefabricsareintended for useon individualpavementcracks consideredtoo largeto be controlledby the thinner,moretypicalreinforcement fabricsthat areintendedfor application overentireroadwaYsections. upcomingoverlay After researching applicationof projectsfor an appropriate I I I I I I I I l thesefabrics,the MaterialsDivision I a field testsiteon Charles- | recommended ton ParkRoad,nearLas Vegas.This I locadonwas selecteddueto the sizeand I numberof cracks. In addition,it provides I enoughroomto testbothproductsalong I with a controlsectionusingtypical I NDOT strategiesfor thecontrolof retro- | reflectivecracking. I from the I Basedon recommendations MaterialsDivision andDisuict I, the -s\ I committeeapproveda field testof botir theNW-75 and665 pavementreinforcir-fabrics. I-ook for anupdateon this freld testin upcomingissuesof the RTR. Researchsnd TechnologyRevieur Foll lsrue,1996 sealsfor our bridge 6DV61{CEDcompression expansionandgowth joints, therehas DRFIlIFGEbeena lot of productdevelopmentin this waterproofexpansion-joint systemusesa backerrod to supporta thermoplastic, polymericsealant,coveredwith an eightareadueto the manyproblemsassociated inch steelbridgingplatethatis then coveredwith a compactedbinder/ with joint sealingsystemsandmaterials aggregatematrix. Field testedfor the overall. sametfuee-yeuperiodalongsidethe 902 RCStestjoints, this expansion-joint The differenttypesof bridgejoint systemwasalsofoundto provide systemspresentedto the Product EvaluationCommitteeduringthe pastsix satisfactoryperformancewith no evidence of damageor joint leakage. yearshasrun thegamutfrom simple, Mr. Rick Foster,ADS representative, joint sealants,to silicone/rubber provideda presentationand answered Basedon recommendations ftom the elastomericneoprene"bladder"proftles questionsconcerningtheir high-density joint fieldBridge Division and their overall adhered to epoxy-coated that are polyethylene(HDPE),flared,culvert end pneumatic testperformance,the committeeapproved walls installation, under during sections.Havingalreadyapproveda pressure.The threenew bridge systems all threeproducts.TheJeeneJoint similarproductlast year,the committee Systemhasbeenapprovedfor useon new PEC meeting the approved at September was careful to ensurecomparablequality andrehabilitationprojects.The othertwo Jeene Joint include: Watson Boman's questions comparing the two through (rapid- products:Dow Corning's902RCS and RCS Dow Corning's 902 System; products. Mr. Fosterprovided the Koch BJS,areapprovedprimarily for curesilicone);andKoch's BJSasphaltic informationabouttheproduct'sdesign, joint rehabilitationwork wherethejoint plug design. in answerto material,andIfV resistance, widths ande;pectedmovementsare a varietyof questionsfrom thecommittee. within manufacturer's installation was frst The Jeene Joint System HDPE He informed the committeethat recommendations. All threeof thesejoint presented 1990, NDOT in to September endsectionshavebeenin usethroughout will continue to be monitoredfor systems and has since by Hydrozo, Incorporated, thecountryfor thepast30 yearsandhave long-termperformance.Additional part of Wason Bowman's become a years to life span of 50 70 an expected NDOT installationsof thesejoints are productline. After approvalfor field undernormalconditions. growth recommended on a limited basisat testing,it wasinstalledin several joints varying locations to determinetheir (oints approach between the bridge Basedon Mr. Foster'spresentation pavement)on bridge performance underdifferentclimatic and roadway slab and the andthe committee'sdesireto orovide traffic conditions. structuresin theLas Vegasarea. The Aeased competitionin this irea, the principal responsible for investigator i I{DPE end sectionwas approvedfor providingfinal reportson all threejoint basisat the useon a case-by-case hincipal discretionof District Maintenanceandthe systems,ToddStefonowicz, that after five Bridge Engineer, stated HydraulicsSection.It is expectedthat years intact remained fully the Jeene Joint provide the I{DPE endsectionswill to the approach completely bonded and with a broaderrangeof department slabandthe concretepavementwith no culvertmaterialsto chooseftom when joint leakageevident. designingfor the variableconditions foundthroughoutNevada. In particular, Dow Corning's902 RCS was HDPE end sectionsprovide an excellent installed on theN. McCarral bridgeover choicewhenfacedwith the high-pHsoils First reviewedby this committeeon Reno,during the summerof US 395, in found in different areasof our state. 1993. It wastestedas a single-component September13,1.994,theElastoflex60C systemdirectiyadheredto thejoint walls crackfillerhassuccessfully completeda with no headeror nosingmaterialused. It l5-monthfield test on SR290, northof wasalsotestedasthe sealantcomponent Winnemucca.Theprincipalinvestigator Incorporated's in SiliconeSpecialties, for this field test,Craig Crawford,Distict BJSsystemwhichincludesa two-part III HighwayMaintenanceSupervisor, polymericnosingmaterial. While the SSi statedin his final reportthattheproduct nosingmaterialis still underreview the performedvery well. It remainedpliable 902 RCSdid proveitself to be a durable, andbondedto the asphaltpavementwith low-modulusexpansion-jointsealantthat no lossof materialthroughout is particularlywell suitedto sealing the testperiod. Includedin this testwere walls without theneed irregularly-shaped two controlsectionsusingNDOT: for ajointheaderor nosing.Todd approvedcrackfillersalongsidethe years, this reporledthat after three Elastoflex 60C. productperformedwell in both test Leavingthe metaphoricalbridgesto our politicians,NDOT BridgeEngineers installations,showingno evidenceof Basedon Craig'srecommendation Ieakageor bondingproblems. xsle busycompletingtheir final reports andits performance ascomparedto that liree newbridgejoint systemsthat products, the two control of the ir."€ beentestedover thepastthreeto TheKoch BJSasphalticplug system committeeapprovedtheMaxwell five years.While the departmenthashad wasalsotestedon theN. McCarran Elastoflex60Ccrackfillerfor additionto usingmechanicallyvery goodsuccess BridgeoverUS 395,installedduringthe the approvedlist ofType D crackfillers. fixed steelandneoprenestrip sealsand summerof 1993.This smooth. SYSTEM'S lligh0ensity PolyethyleneFlsred CglvertEndSections MOmrEtL PRODOCT"S ET6STOFLEI( 5OCCRfiCIGITLER TTIREE ]IEWBRIDGE torlfT SYSTEMS: wFnsoil Bouullf,ll's tEEl{E'OrNr, 902 DOWCORNING',S qndKOCII'S BrS RCS, Page 3 (ContinuedfromPage I) everyonein attendance.Shefound that while many NDOT maintenance personnelwereawareof theedge&ains edgedrainguru, Mr. Bob Baumgardner. currently in place,they werenot at all familiar with the tools and techniques As an integralcomponentof FHWAs usedin thet maintenance.During the overall project on drainablepavement CarsonCity slide-showpresentation, it systems,the "Video Inspectionof wasalso conveyedby membersof Highway Edgedrains"project was MaintenanceCrew 3, from District II. that designedto specifically demonstratethe they knew very little aboutproper effectiveness of closed-circuitvideo edgedraininspectionandmaintenance inspectionof edgedrainsin the field. techniques.It wasgenerallyagreedthat According to Mr. Baumgardner,it became this demonsfrationprovidedan invaluable evident early on in the developmentof opportunityfor NDOT employeesto edgedrainsthat many of ttreroadways cometogetler on this subjectand to incorporatingthem werenot developa greaterunderstandingof demonstratingthe expected everyone'srole in the design, improvements. While someedgedrain constructionandmaintenanceof problemswere obvious throughcareful edgedrains.While it was satisfyingto visual inspection,otherswere hearthat the open-loop,segmenteddrains undetectablewithout digging them up or that we arecurrently using werealso the finding a way to actually inspectthem edgedraindesignmost recommendedby internally. And so was born the useof Mr. Baumgardner,it was somewhat closed-circuitvideo cameratechnology disappointingto learn that we did not yet for edgedraininspections. appearto havean edgedraininspection strategyin place. After the demonstrationin Las Vegas, Patty Mamol4 District I Assistrnr District Over and over again,Mr. Engineer,Maintenance,commentedthat Baumgardnerstatedthat he could not this was a very beneficialproject for overemphasizethe importanceof careful Dcmo1{o.t7 NevadaDepartmnentof Transportation 1263SouthStewartStreet CarsonCity,Nevada89712 inspectionandappropriatemaintenance strategiesto ensurethesuccessful -applicationanduseof edgedrains.And in tle end,Mr. Baumgardner left us wil oneoverridingmessage aboutedgedrains: "If you're goingto build tlem, design themto be maintained.If you'renot going to provide the funds to maintain them,don't build them." Rcseqrchond Tcchnology Rcvlcw is publishedquarterlyby rhe NDOT ResearohDivision The NevadaD.ptrtmant ol Transportttlon 1263S. Stcwrt Stro',t Carcon Clty, N.vtda 89712 Phone(702) 888-7803 lf you have@mments,queslions, or needadditionalinformation regardingarryof the topics discussedin this issue,please contaa Alan Hllton. Rasearoh/Special Studies Manager
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