KGC Annual Flower Show


KGC Annual Flower Show
to Spring everyone!
click for link
MAY 2015
From your President Doreen Morash
As with many of you, I have been in the garden non-stop, preparing for
the upcoming Spring and Summer seasons. It feels so good to be digging
in the warmth of the sun and enjoying our fresh air. Spring has arrived
early for us in the Okanagan this year, and the garlic is high and the herbs
and lettuce are peeking through in earnest. I am trying to be a bit more
ruthless with splitting perennials this year and trimming down on the
plants in my beds. I’ve been potting them up , as I work through the
garden, for our upcoming Plant Sale on May 2 nd. Our organizers, Linda
and Pat, are saying we need a lot of plants, so it is giving me incentive to
thin out my plants. After listening to the Invasive Plant presentation at
our last General Meeting, I feel a little guilty when I look at my Bachelor
Buttons, Periwinkle and the Butterfly bush doing so well in the garden
beds. I’m still keeping them this year, but I’ll keep a watchful eye on
them. New paving stones have gone into the backyard and the dahlias
and gladiolas are in the ground. I’ve tied and pruned my raspberries,
prepared my raised gardens, pruned the roses and clematis, and feel like I
am on top of it all at last. Famous last words, right?? The jobs are never
done……and just look at that grass grow!
Meeting Day
First Wednesday of the month
Meeting Place
4091 Lakeshore Road link to map
(corner Lequime)
Doors open 6:30
Meeting 7.30
Guest Speakers
May 6: Kathryn McCourt
a founding member of Penticton Urban
Agriculture Association will speak on:
Vegetable growing:
from Square Foot to Round Pot
Many thanks to the folks who volunteered to open their gardens for
us to tour this year. I always love seeing the different creativity of
gardens and let’s hope that the sun shines on us during the tours.
Happy Gardening!
KGC Annual
Flower Show
June 27th 11:00-3:30
at Guisachan Heritage Park
Everyone is encouraged to submit entries.
Enjoy…by volunteering, by learning,
by entering competition, winning awards
or just walking or sitting with friends!
For information call Judy (861-5010)
May 2015 Weeders’ Digest — 1
NOTE: June meeting
will be on TUESDAY
June 2nd
June: Ellen Pedersen, lecturer
at Okanagan College will speak on:
How Plants Manipulate
Door Prizes, Parlour Show
Out of courtesy to our speakers and
fellow garden club members, please
silence cell phones and pagers during
garden club meetings.
Thank you.
Organizer Debbie MacMillan will attend our meeting
and will sell tickets for
Flower Power Garden Tour , June 13, 20145
A discount of $5 will be offered to our members
at this meeting for $27 cash or cheque
The Kelowna Garden Tour promises to be a great tour
once again and is a treat for all garden lovers! Don’t
miss the opportunity! It’s a fun day with many extra
attractions in the gardens.
Below a description of the presentation that the
speaker, Roy Tokunaga will be making at the June
21 meeting at the Shatford Centre in Penticton. We
expect the presentation to begin between 1 and 2
p.m. More on the time later.
Growing Specimen Plants: Choice of plant, culture,
growth and flower boosters. This has been the most
popular program from the critiques of the societies
that have experienced it. I share my hobby (Orchid
physiology and nutrition) with you to get the best
out of your plants. For beginners to advanced
growers. I was in the San Francisco Show, Pacific
Orchid Exposition, Feb. 2015. My plant of Den. Roy
Tokunaga took best Dendrobium in show and Best
in Show. Along with a 93 point CCE/AOS.
Questions and answers usually extend the program to at least an hour.
April Parlour Show Winners
CLASS 1: Rosemary Botner, Doreen
Morash, Faithe Prodanuk.
CLASS 2: Rosemary Botner, Doreen
Morash, Laila Issak.
CLASS 3: Doreen Morash
CLASS 4: Joyce Drury, Judy Bell, Kay
May Parlour Show
Class 1: “Spring Beauty”
An exhibit of spring flowers and shrubs for
donated by Don Burnett
Best Arrangement of Spring Flowers.
Class 2: “Tulipmania”
Three tulips, mixed or same colour and variety, with own foliage, named if possible.
Class 3: “Happy Mother’s Day” Design a
flower arrangement in a tea cup.
Look forward to meeting everyone,
Roy Tokunaga H&R Nurseries Hawaii
KGC Spring Plant Sale
May 2nd 2015 9 am to 1 pm
(rain or shine)
Guisachan Heritage Park
(click for maplink)
Watch for the new photo board! Ethel Valiant has
agreed to care for the upkeep of the board with
photographs from our club photographers,
Marianna Boda and Jean Dangerfield, as well as
submissions from members. Her email address is
[email protected]
We have retired the large wooden board as it was
beginning to show its age and fall into disrepair.
The executive, as well I am sure all club
members, thank Matt Paradzik for his time,
effort and expertise in providing the club with
such a classy display board for the promotion of
our club. THANK YOU MATT!
May 2015 Weeders’ Digest — 2
Kelowna Hospital
Blossomtime Fair
Cottonwoods Care Facility
2255 Ethel St.
Friday May 8th, 9:00am to 1:00pm.
As well as perennials and garden
accessories, this is a good opportunity
to buy vegetable and bedding plants.
Master gardeners will be on hand to
offer help.
Four (4 ) books have not been returned to the Library.
They were borrowed at 4th March meeting .
I am HOPEFUL the borrower's will come to the meeting May
6th with their Books in Hand.
Books not returned deprives others of the knowledge the books
can offer. I will also lose my job as the Librarian.. .Help!!
Thank you.
St. Andrew’s Flower Show and
Tea June 20, 2015 2-4pm
Bus trip to Linden Gardens in Kaleden
with tasting stops at
Krayze Legz Winery and Top Shelf Winery.
Monday, 22 June. Bus fare $25.
10:30 am depart Kelowna.
Estimated return time is 4--4:30.
The Friendly Bus will pick us up at the Capri Mall
for a 10:30 sharp departure.
Westsiders will be picked up a little later
at the Starbucks at Dobbin Road.
We'll tour the gardens, have lunch or a snack in
the Frog City Cafe, and taste wines!
Lunch is your cost. Check out the menu on so that we can pre-order to
have your lunch waiting for you.
Allow $5 for admission to the gardens.
If you prefer to take a picnic lunch, the Top Shelf
Winery has a licensed picnic area
There may be a charge for wine tastings.
This annual parish event since 1929 invites Members of Kelowna Garden Club
to exhibit floral arrangements and to join
us for tea. Members of the garden club
who wish to enter
flowers in the
show may get a copy of the classes from
Bev (250-764-7478) or the church of-
fice (250-764-2626) St. Andrew’s
Parish 4619 Lakeshore Road,
Five seats already booked! Act fast!
Contact Dorothy at [email protected]
Check out the websites:
May 2015 Weeders’ Digest — 3
Jessica Hobden, April meeting speaker
April Parlour Show
Natures Gold Pick Up
May 2015 Weeders’ Digest — 4
submitted by M. Wegner, Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. D. Morash, president, welcomed all members and guests. G. Leishman
reported here were 68 members in attendance.
The Minutes of the March 2015 meeting were approved as published in the April 2015 newsletter.
Membership - R. Lawrence reported the KGC now stands at 140 members including those that joined this evening.
Nature's Gold - C. Taylor advised she was taking orders at the front table and asked members to be prompt in picking up
their orders on April 11th.
Plant Sale - P. Zander and L. Edser reported the May 2nd sale will take place at Guisachan Park from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00
p.m. People making donations are asked to drop off plant material the evening of May 1st, at the Park. L. Edser stressed
that in order to make this fundraiser a success, there is a need for good quality plant material to sell and significant publicity
in order to let people know the event is happening. Flyers and posters were available and members were encouraged to
distribute them among their friends and neighbours. P. Zander noted that if there are any donations of sedums, and/or
hens and chickens, to please donate them in advance of the May 1st timeframe to D. Robison as this plant material will be
value-added prior to the sale.
Open Gardens - D. Hicks reported there are three Open Garden dates in 2015; June 21st, August 23rd and September
13th. Members were encouraged to showcase their Gardens in this friendly social.
Excursions - D. Robison spoke about the May1st trip to the Summerland Greenhouses and asked members to sign up if
they are interested.. Also, the trip to the Regional Compost facility in Vernon requires 15 people so interested people are
encouraged to sign-up soon. And a possible excursion to Kaleden, including two wineries and Linden Gardens has been
suggested. Enthusiastic people are asked to sign up so arrangements may be made.
Flower Show - J. Runzer promoted the June 27th Flower Show at Guisachan Park. With this year being the 25th Anniversary of the Central Okanagan Heritage Society, it promises to be an exciting event. There will be a sign-up sheet for volunteers at the May meeting. Some popular categories from previous years will again be included such as "Fairy Garden",
"Container of Garden Herbs", and "Container of Assorted Succulents".
BC Council of Gardens AGM - D. Morash reported on her attendance at the meeting on March 14th in Burnaby, BC. This
was the first time a representative from the Kelowna Garden Club attended and she found it to be an informative and
worthwhile event.
Library - M. Boda featured this month's book selection, "What a Plant Knows" by Daniel Chamovitz, available for
borrowing from the Library.
Parlour Show Results were announced by B. Smith.
GUEST SPEAKER - D. Robison introduced our guest speaker, Jessica Hodben, biologist with the Okanagan and
Similkameen Invasive Species Society.
Door prizes and 50/50 draw.
May 2015 Weeders’ Digest — 5
June 21, August 23, September 13
To show your garden to other members on our Open Garden
Days contact Denis and Barb Hicks 778-755-4356 and
receive a gift from the club of TWO 40L bags of
Natures Gold product.
It does not need to be a huge, magnificently refined
garden. Your garden expresses who you are! You
work hard to produce what you have, so show it off to
appreciative viewers! Only members will visit and, if
you wish it, Master Gardener Judges giving you a
chance to win the Trophy and prize awarded by
Natures Gold, See below. All judges comments
remain confidential so it is a totally non-threatening
2015 Open Gardens
and Awarding of Nature’s Gold Trophy
As part of the popular Open Gardens, the Nature‘s Gold
Best Garden Trophy will be awarded to the Best Kelowna
Garden Club garden for this year. See information below.
Unless you request otherwise, all open gardens will
automatically be judged for the Nature‘s Gold Trophy
and a selection of 5 Nature‘s Gold products. If you wish to
show your garden, but do not want it included in the
competition—please let Denis and Barb know.
Photo: Rosemary Botner
A person may win the trophy only one time for the same
garden. Exception—a person can win the trophy more than once
provided it is a new garden that is being judged.
Judging is according to the criteria used by the BC Council
of Garden Clubs (see list of judging criteria on this page)
and will be done by 3 Master Gardener volunteers from
Kelowna and area. You don‘t have to show your garden to
enter this competition. Anyone who wishes, may be
considered for this award but you must let us know so
your garden can be judged.
Digital photos will be taken on the day of your Open
Garden and will be included in the Power Point
presentation in November. Please note, you do not have to
open your garden to share digital photos of your garden for
the power point.
Finally, this is fun! We hope you will consider opening
your garden for all the members to see.
Call Denis and Barb Hicks 778-755-4356
to be part of this year’s tours.
Info on Peachland Rose Show.
Invitation to Kelowna Garden Club members:
Pre Rose Show talk
"What the Judges are looking for?
How to prepare your roses for a chance to win".
by Malcolm Scott, rose show judge,
on Tuesday, May 26 at 7 pm
in the Little School House
4th St. and Brandon Lane, Peachland.
The Peachland Annual Rose Show
June 20th 10:00- 3:00 PM.
May 2015 Weeders’ Digest — 6
comes to
Submitted by Doreen Morash
May 2015 Weeders’ Digest — 7
Conditioning involves preparing cut plant material to make the flowers last longer.
To maximize water absorption and water maintenance, the best time to cut flowers is early morning or late in the evening
when the flowers have the maximum amount of water in their stems.
Cut the stems at an angle and as long as possible.
Strip excess foliage and leaves that will be under water.
Place the flowers in warm water and leave them for several hours or overnight to absorb as much water as possible.
Re-cut stems before placing the flowers in arrangements.
Preparing your flowers to enter a flower show
Types of Roses
Hybrid Tea – usually have one flower to a stem with side buds (for showing, side buds must be removed)
Floribunda – usually have a spray of bloom at the end of a cane.
Grandiflora – blooms are between and the hybrid tea and the floribunda
Modern Shrubs (English rose or David Austin) –these are a cross between old garden roses and modern roses such as
hybrid teas and floribundas i.e. Abraham Darby, Graham Thomas, Heritage, Mary Rose
Hybrid Tea Roses
Form – A rose should be at the most beautiful stage of its development which is usually when it is about 2/3 or ¾ open.
The petals should be symmetrically arranged within a circular outline around a pointed centre. (25 points)
Colour - should be bright and clear (20 points)
Substance - petals should be firm, thick, crisp, velvety and fresh with no signs of aging. (15 points)
Stem and foliage – stem should be in good proportion to the size of the flower. It should be straight and strong enough to
support the bloom. Leaves should be healthy, undamaged and well-groomed. It should have at least one five-leaflet leaf.
(20 points)
Balance, Proportion and Size (20 points)
Faults: faded or muddy colour, spots or blemishes caused by rain or insects, confused bloom, bloom not open enough, or
too open.
Floribunda Sprays
A floribunda spray is a group of blooms, with or without buds, on one main or lateral stem. At least 3 blooms must be
open blooms. Sprays may exhibit all stages of development from green buds to fully open. The most important factor in
form in a spray is the shape. It should be symmetrical when viewed from the top; and rectangular when viewed from the
side. There should be no florets protruding above the main body and none below it.
Miniature roses – use the same criteria as hybrid tea roses.
Pansies If it has a face, it is a pansy. Flowers should be large, fresh, clean, uniform circular in outline with smooth thick
velvety petals. be large, round and clearly defined; eye a bright yellow, circular and well defined.
Other considerations, condition, form and texture, size, colour, blotch and eye. Faces should be flat and uniform.
Begonia The blooms may be single or double, or be quite different in form. Blooms should have good depth with individual petals at least 2” wide and 3 “ across. Plants have male and female blooms, but the male bloom is larger and showier.
Clematis Should be a healthy, fresh single bloom with its own foliage.
Spikes should be long and straight. Good shape and form is most important length
May 2015 Weeders’ Digest — 8
Flower Spike Symmetry
Spike should be uniformly tapered from base to tip, or uniformly columular in shape. It should be almost as broad and
rounded at the tip as at the base. Laterals may or may not be present.
Flower Placement:
On the spike, florets should be uniformly placed and spaced so there are not gaps
Flower Size and Substance
Florets must not be loose on the stem.
Florets should be large and circular in outline with broad sepals of good substance.
All florets should be open from base to tip with no faded or fallen sepals.
Tiny seed pods should be carefully removed from the base.
There should be some foliage left on lower part of the spike.
Flower should be clean, pure or brilliant.
Geranium (Pelargonium)
Flower heads should be clear of foliage to give a balanced effect to the plant.
The plant should be proportionate to the size of the pot with flowers and leaves proportionate to the size of the plant.
Flowering Branches (Arboreal)
Length of branch should be less than 36” inches from tip to cut end of branch
Quantity and quality of foliage, flowers, cones and fruit/berries should evidence cultural perfection. The branch should
have symmetrical form
Dirt, debris, evidence of disease or insect damage should be removed
The spike or stem should be well balanced and of good proportion; generally it is in best condition when the lowest flowers
are open, but not faded and the upper ones are still in bud.
The larger the number of flowers open, the better. Flowers should be fresh, open (except for top buds) and of bright clear
colours or a harmonious blend of colours, unstained by pollen and free from blemishes. (50 points)
Refers to length and strength of the stem, number and size of the flowers size and attractiveness of foliage (20 points)
Refers to arrangement of flowers on stem. Separation spirally on the stem vertically, rather than crowded, is preferred.
They should be spaced in such a way that individual flowers do not interfere with each other. (20 points)
Refers to the thickness, firmness and crispness of the petal and keeping quality (10 points)
Sweet William (Dianthus)
Trusses forming the flower head should be large and generally rounded in outline.
Long stems and all should be the same height
Colour should be bright and clear
Flower heads should be uniform in size and overall shape.
Shasta Daisies
Daisies should be circular in outline; an oval shape is a serious fault
In Singles – the petals should stand out stiffly at right angles to the stem with a bright, clean center disc.
In Doubles -- the petals may stand out straight or be partly or fully reflexed
In Doubles – the center disc should not be visible but there should be a pale, light-green colour to the inner row of petals.
Colours should be bright, clear and clean
Stems should be stiff, straight and in proportion to the size of the flower head, which must be held stiffly upright
Foliage should be clean, bright green in colour and evenly spaced along the stem.
Submitted by Judy Runzer, May 2014 Source: BC Council of Garden Clubs Judging Standards for Non-Specialized Shows. Revised Edition 2008.
May 2015 Weeders’ Digest — 9
Garden: One of a vast number of free outdoor restaurants
operated by charity-minded amateurs in an effort to provide
healthful, balanced meals for insects, birds and animals.
- Henry Beard and Roy McKie, Gardener's Dictionary
Can you identify these pictures? Answers below.
Photos by R. Botner or taken from internet sites (hover for links)
Diners in our back yard restaurants
1-mommy aphid, 2-wood from pine beetle affected tree, 3-ladybugs mating, 4– june bug, 5– monarch
caterpillar, 6– swallowtail on buddleia, 7– cabbage butterfly, 8– earthworm, 9– tent caterpillar infestation, 10-fruit tree
aphid, 11– coddling moth larva 12– dragonfly wing
May 2015 Weeders’ Digest — 10
Do you have garden related items you would like to sell or trade?
Ads are free to KGC members.
Please contact editor at : [email protected]
WANTED: If you have any flowering shrubs in bloom at the end
of April (example: lilac) from which you are willing to donate a
few branches, I am preparing a large floral arrangement for the
Community Concert on May 1st. Call Rosemary 250-215-5322
[email protected] and I shall collect them 29th or 30th
April. Thanks in advance.
Have you renewed
your Garden Club
Act fast! If not, you will no longer
receive newsletters after this issue.
Contact Rosie Lawrence at
250 807-2626
KGC Board and Assistants 2015
Doreen Morash President
Linda Edser
Past President/coChair Plant Sale
Dorothy Robison Vice President/Speakers/Excursions
Mary Wegner Secretary/Record of Inventory
Lynda Macdonald Treasurer
Sue Bannerman Director/Publicity
Rosemary Botner Director/Newsletter Editor
Alicja Paradzik Director/Advertizing/CoChair Plant Sale
Judy Runzer Director/Coordinator Guisachan Flower Show
Pat Zander
Director/CoChair Plant Sale
Community Liaison Wilma Schellenberger
Pat and Gerry Leishman
Donna Buch
Joyce Drury
Ethel Valiant
Denise Richter
Sylvia Rufli
Photographer Jean Dangerfield
Library/Photographer Marianna Boda
Rosie Lawrence
Nature's Gold Carol Taylor
Open Gardens Barb and Denis Hicks
Parlour Show: Brenda Smith
Sherrell Davidson
Alice Hargreaves
Diane Vargo
John Waddington
Hugh Philip
Darlene Cross
Ruth Kristensen
Door prizes
Chris Casey
Ethel Valiant
250 868-2753
250 769-6893
778 484-4704
250 317-9166
250 763-0733
250 764-2218
250 215-5322
250 717-0570
250 861-5010
250 769-4174
250 764-5378
250 765 8918
250 860-0788
250 762-4221
250 764-2471
250 764-3640
250 862-5091
250 764-0620
250 807-2626
250 764-9046
250 763-6460
250 491-8146
250 769-5812
250 768-3246
250 769-7848
250 764-8032
250 491-0018
250 862-3542
250 764-2471
May 2015 Weeders’ Digest — 11
Sunday May 10
From Brenda Smith, Parlour Show chair
There will be no parlour show at
July 8th picnic, just the
decorated hat and table centrepiece competition. Instead the
trophies for the Lily, Sweet Pea
and Yellow Peace Rose will be
awarded to an entrant from KGC,
if they are winners in these
categories at the Guisachan
Flower Show on June 27th. The
trophies will be presented at the
club meeting on September 2nd .
Heavy duty
plant supports
B-Line design
Bettina & Mark Wong
Need some?
See us At:
Creative Chaos Vernon
June 5-7, 2015
Kelowna Garden tour
June 13, 2015
Peachland Farmers Market
Green & Bear it! anytime
4600 Lakeshore rd.
May 2015 Weeders’ Digest — 12