1959 Annual Town Report Part A
1959 Annual Town Report Part A
- -- - - -- - - - - - -- -- ANNUA L REPORTS FUT URE ST UDENT TOWN OF HAMPDEN ANNUAL REPORTS OF TIlE TOWN OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF HAMPDEN AN I> OF THE Receipts and Expenditures FOR T HE Year Ending Decem ber 3L 1959 THE PALMER REG ISTER. Palmer, Mass. 1%0 [fie, 3 Elected Town Officers - - - 1959 Moderator GEORGE W. IN GLE Clerk and TreasuI'er GRACE L. KIBBE S electmen and Board of Public Welfare WILLIAM P. P ATULLO, Chainnan, 1960 LEONARD G. OURTIS. 1961 CHARLES R. MELVILLE. 1962 Cler k to the Selectm en - RUTH W. WOODS Assessors LEONA RD G. CURTIS, Chairman, 1960 F RE DE RICK S. RUSSELL, 1961 WILLlAM H. BURNS. 1962 Clerk to t he Assessors - ALICE FULLER School Committee EDWIN N. LOMBARD, Chairman, 1£)60 JULIA WINETROUT, 1960 (appointed to fill unexpired term of William R. Palmer, resigned) ELEAl"'J"OR Mac1l'IULLEN, 1960 DOKALD DICKINSON. 1961 RAY E. BEANE. 1962 Clerk to th e School Committee - DOROTHY ROY I ,4 Ha.mpden·Wilbntham Reg ional School District Committ ee HOWARD H. MacMULLEN, 1960 Board of Trustees of the Haropden Free Public Library GERTRUDE LYONS, 1960 C. KILBOURNE BUMP, 1960 (appointed to fill unexpired term of Eleanor B. McCray deceased) I ELI ZABETH Q. MORGAN, 1962 Collector of Taxes DOROTHY S. FYLNN Constables PAUL A. BOUCHARD ARTHUR H . GERRISH JOHN E. PIXU;Y Ceme tery Commissioners NEIL KIBBE, 1960 DANIEL ISHAM, 1960 (appointed to rHl unexpired term of Herbert Burnham , deceased) HOMER FULLER, 1961 Planning Board GORDO).: J. E. WILLCUIT, Chainnan, Ul64 JOHN M. FLYNN, 1960 GEORGE AUDREN, 1961 GA RFJELD W. TRACY, 1962 MARION W. GERRISH . 1963 Clerk t~) Planning Board - ELIZABETH PAUI.K Auditor DAVID T. WILBUR Tl'ee Wal"den CHARLES H. LEMON 5 APPOINTED TOWN OFFICERS To"Wlt Bookkeeper ROLLYN H. HATCH Dog Officer ARTHUR H. GERRISH Forest Fire Warden WILLIAM ALLEN Inspector of Animals HOMER L. FULLER Ins pector of Slaughtering GEORGE A. PATRIC Sealer of Weights and Meas ures ERROL M. BEEBE Moth Superintendent CHARLES H. LEMON Superintendent of Streets ARTHUR H. GERRISH Recreation Committee JASON DOUBLEDAY, Chairman, 1962 JAMES R. LAW, 1960 WILLIAM ALLEN, 1961 WILLIAM PLATE, 1961 GORDON J. E. WlLLCU'IT, 1962 Burial Agent for Soldiers and Sailors FRED C. SAMBLE Ag(>nl for Care of Soldiers' and Sailors' Grayes RAYMOND W. DUNLEA Agent for Veterans' Benefits THOMAS J. F AULKNER Measurers of Wood, Bark and Charcoal HOMER L. HATCH AUSTIN K. HARRIS 6 Civil Defense Director HAMILTON deL1SLE Dentist for Dental Clinic DR. HAROLD J. BENNETT Pound Keeper and Field Driver HOMER L. FULLER Fence Viewers DONALD E. DICKINSON WARREN DICKINSON GEORGE PATRIC, Jr. Welfare Agent MARY CANTWELL Town Counsel ATTY. WILLIA M D. CANFIELD Building Commissioner GORDON J . E. WILLCU'IT Electrical Inspeetor CHARLES R. MELVILLE Plumbing Inspector WILLIAM P . P ATULLO Board of Appeals EVERETT S. WOODS, Chairman. 1960 KARLE H. HARRIS, Sr., 1961 LAWRENCE F. SULLlV AN , 1961 HOWARD GRAY, 1962 JOHN S. LEARY, 1962 (appointed to f ill unexpired tenu o r DorvHl V iger, decea sed) Alternates WILLIAM .J. BA ILEY, 1960 STUART F. lULL, 1961 Clerk of Board of Appeals - EMMA LYONS Hampden-Wilbraham Regional School District Committee DONALD DlcxrnSON Advisory Committee CHARLES A. MAGARIAN, Chail-man , ]961 DR HAROLD J. BENNE'IT, 1960 BEN F. LIBBY, 1960 KENNETH WINETROUT, 1961 WALTER M. ICKRATH. Jr., 1962 Clerk to Advisory Committee EILEEN SC HNEELOCK Voter'S Liable for Jury Duty for the Year August I , 1959 ALEXANDER BANDOSKl, Jr. ALFRED J. BELMORE Be~' inning JACK MERTZ JAMES ,I. MORGAN RICHAR.D BRECK CHARLES A. O'BRIEN DONALD DICKINSON PHILIP A. STA NGER FREDERICK R. FOUNTAIN JOHN W. SULLIVAN CHESTER GLOVER GHAllLES H . THERRIE N GRACE GRAY WARREN R THOMPSON ALTON GREGORY EVERETT S. WOOOS STUART F . HILL Board of Registrars GRACE L. KIBBE HELEN VIGER, 1960 (appointed to fill unexpired term of Edwin Brennan, resigned) FAYE FYLNN, 1961 VERA MELVILLE, 1962 (appointed to fill unexpired term of L. Norris Fitzgerald, resigned) 8 Special Police GEORGE D. FISHER. Sr. ROBERT A. NE WTON HAROLD D. JONES JOH N E. PIXLEY WA LTER J . LYONS HERBERT L. BURNHAM CLARKE E. WARREN, Jr. PAUL A. BOUCHARD ARTHUR H. GERRISH In Memoriam HERBERT L. BURNHAM Died October 10, 1959 Town Model"ator - 1944 - 1949 Cemetery Conunissioner - 1953 . 1959 ELEANOR McCRAY Au g us t 11 . 1897 - August 6, 1959 Library Trustee - 1922 - 1959 School Teacher - 1917- 1925 School Teacher - 1937 - 1938 Acting Principal Principal - 1939 1940 - 1953 THOMAS F. MORIARTY A ug ust 26. 1891 Town Coun sel - January 22, 1959 1955 - 1958 DORVAL VIGER Apri l 28. 1894 - July 20, 1959 Member of Planning Board - 1952 - 1951 Member of Board of Appeals - 1959 , HAMPDEN VETERANS I ha ve recen t ly spent considerable t ime compil ing a list of Revolutiona ry War. War of 1812, and Civil War vetel'a ns from our to,",,-n and same foUows. I think they will f ind this list i ncreasingly valuable for r efer ence in t he schools as ti me goes by.. One teacher recently had each pupil write a history of t he SCallt ic River and the li bra ry and ] were swamped w ith calls for a s~ i st :I Dee. REVOLUTIONARY WAR VETERANS FROM HAMPDEN BY CARL C. HOWLETT Ai nsworth. Nat han Amidon, John" Amidon. Tutus Beebe, Eben czer ~ Beebe. Capt. Sleward" Bliss, CoL John" Bumpstead, Joseph" C&l'"p<:nte r, Daniel Caq>enteI". Jesse Carpenter, Ca pt. John Chaffee , Asa ~ Claffe\', Asa JL Chaffee. Amos Chaffee, Comfort· Ota£fee, Darius Chaffee, Ephraim (Scalped by the Indians ) Olaf(ee, Ephraim 2nd ~ Chaffee. Isaac Chaffee , I saia h . J r. Chnffce. John Wilson Chaffee, Jonathan ~ Chaffee, J oseph, Jr. Chaffee. Joseph 3rd. Olaffee. William (Was one of th c guards of Major Andre. British of· fieer executed as a spy) Chapin . Abne r, Jr, iSa\v Burgoyne s urrende r) Chapin . Samue l" Cone. Zemas· Cmrker. Rowland Davis. J ohn" Day, Samuel Dunham. Dunham , Dunham , I)unham, Eplwa im Gama liel I saa c J ose ph 10 Dunham, Malam (Five Brothers) Hitchcock. Hitchcock. Hitchcock, Hitchcock, King, King, King, King, Rood. Moses Russell, Benjamin Russell, Ezekiel* Russell. Robert" Aaron Lt. John Othniel Reuben Saxton. SamueF Sessions. Lieut. Robert'· (Was at Boston Tea Party) Col. Abel Luther Lieut. William Solomon Langdon. Langdon, Langdon, Langdon, Langdon. Langdon. Langdon, Skinner, Isaac (Killed by the Indians) James SgL John' John 2nd Lewis Capt. Paul" Josiah'" Philip Morris, Edward'-' Morris. lsaac 3 Mon-is. Joseph Stacy, Simon Stebbins, Aaron Stebbins. Calvin" Stebbins, David$ Stebbins, Sgt. Enos Stebbins, Moses" Stebbins, Noah Stebbins. Phineas" Stebbins, Zadok Thl-\·ing. John ;:\,<:\,,,'811. Stephen" Williams. John" " Buried in Old Cemetery HAMPDEN VETERANS OF THE WAR OF 1812 Matthew Cone Robert Sessions. Jr. i&Jth are buried in the Old Cemetery) HAMPDEN VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR Andrews. Martin P.*'" Chapin. Nathaniel M. , Beebe, Sgt. Junius-!< Chapin, Samuel" Chaffee, Marcius"' '' Crocker, Nelson D. iDied in Civil War Hospitall O'!affee. Wilson Simeon "~" " 11 Crocker, Russell D,"'" Duffy, Dennis M " Edmunds, Francis"" Eggleston, William R. Gardner, R. J.M Griffith, J. B. h Hitchcock, Edward N. (Buried in Glendale) Langdon, Albertus Langdon, Oliver H, MerrliI, Amos (Buried in Wilbraham) Mills, Thomas J.* Moore, Frank~ Mosley, Addison H.~' Munsell, Enos Noble, Alonzo B, (Buried in Baptist Village) ~Buried in in ""~Buried in HH Buried in " ~Buried Pease, Sgt. Mortimer'" Pease, Walter S."* Prentice, H. K.*" Rockwood, Sgt. Gilbert Jr. Scripter, Alonzo L. Scripter, Cyriel E. Sessions, William R. '" Sheldon, George H. ~ Shute, Lucien'" Speight. John Stacy, James A.* Ufford, Edward Vineca, Elbddge a \Vamer. Dr. Henry~West. Howard C. Wilson, Orrin H." " Woodruff, Barnard Old Cemetery Prospect Hill Cemetery St. Mary's Cemetery Chaffee Plot east of St. Mary's Cemetery It has be€n quite a task to prepare the above lists, but they should prove their worth as the years go by. Peck's History of Wilbraham was one of the sources of information but it was hard to tell which men came from Wilbraham and which from Hampden. Hem)' 1. Edson of Glendale Road, Wilbraham was of great assistance in this phase of the research. State lists of Revolutionary and Civil War soldiexf> in the local library were consulted and visits were made to the local cemeteries checking data. It is interesting to note the large number of men who fought in the Revolutionary War in comparison with the small population of the town at the time and also the large number who went from some of the families. Who ran the farms in their absence? 12 TOWN WARRANT COM~lONWEALTH County of Hampden OF MASSACHUSETTS Town of Hampden To: Eit her of the Con sta ble~ of the said Town of Hamp den in said County: GREETIN G, In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachu setts, you are hereby required to notify aDd warn aU the inhabitants of t he Town of Hampden quali fied to vote in elections of -Town Officer ~, to meet at the Town House, on Monday, the twenty-ninth day of February, AD 1960, at ten o'clock in the forenoon , then and t here to give in their votes on one ballot to the election offi cers of said Town for the foHow-ing offi cers, to wit : To choose fo r t he term of one year, the fo llowing: One Moderator, one Town Clerk and Town Treasurer, one Collector of Taxes, three Constables, one Tree War den, one Auditor, tlnd one Library Trustee. To choose for the term of two years t he following: One School Committee membel" one Cemetery Com missioner. To choose for t he term of three rears the follow ing: One Selectman, who shall also be on the Board of Public Welfare; one Assessor, two School Committee members, one Cemetery Commissioner, one Library Trustee, one mem ber of the Hampden· Wil braham Regional School District Committee. To choose for the term of five years the following: One member of the Planning Board. Also to choose all other necessary Town Officers. The polls shall be open at 10 AM and shall close at 8 PM. And you are f urther hereby required t o notify and 13 warn the inhabitants of said Hampden, qua)jjjed to vote ill Town Affairs, to meet at the Hampden Elementary School, Ha mJXJen, on Monday, Ma rch 7. AD 1960, at eight o'clock in ·the evening, then and there to act on t he following articles, viz: Artide 1. To hear the Annual Repor ts of all the officers of the 1'0\.,.11 and any committee whose duty it may be to report at said meeting and act thereon. YOUI' A, h "l.<;<>ry Com milkt: r eq uests thtlt (h.Cl r r e l)!} rt,.; a nd budget Ix. rea ll a nd tho ug h tfu ll y s tudied. !..,,('o mrnend~d Article 2. ' To :;tle if the Town will vote to fi x the ~a lary ancl c om pe n ~at jon of all elective officer,; of the Town as provided for by Section 108 of Chapter ·11, Gen eral Laws, and to rai.<;e and appropriate the necessary :' llms to cover same; to raise money and make appro pria tions t o defr~y the expens::s of th e Town for the ensuing year , or take <l ny oth er action in rela tion t here to. Thl' Ad,-iwry Cooomitlt'e r ..cummelld>; a cct'pl:II'('(\ o f thi' hud get as given on pages 2.1-25. Article 3. To see what disposition the Town will make of the Dog Fund. now in the hands of th e Treas urer. T im A dd f;ory (:QmmUte ,\ recom m c nds tbat t hi s fu ud he paid loto thc Library :\ccounl. Article 4_ To see if the Town will vote to ~-ais e and appropriate the sum of $2850. for the r epair and main :e:llance of Town Roads and instruct the Selectmen to ,etition and contract with the Comm issioners of the Dep(lrtment of Public vVorks , under the provisions of Chapter 81, Scx-tion 26 of the Gel1erai Laws. 11 Article 5. To se'e if the Town will vote to raise and nppropriate a sum of money to be used in conjunction with any money which may be allotted by the State or County, or both, for Chapter 90 Maintenance, or take any other action in relation thereto. The Advisory Committee recommends that the sum of S1500. he raised and appropriated for use of Chapter 90 Maintenance. Article 6. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money to be used in conjunction with any money that may be allotted by the State or County, or both, for the widening and surfacing of Chapin Road and Main Sreet, or take any other action in relation thereto. ·, The AdYisory Committee recommends the sum of $3,000. be raised and appropriated in accordance with the preceding article. ! Article 7. To see if the Town will vote to transfer from unappropriated available funds in the Treasury ~l sum of money for Chapter 81 and 90 Highways in the t.hree preceding articles, or take any other action in re lation thereto. The Advisory Committ.ec recommends the transfer from un· :lIlpropriated anlilable funds in th,- treasury the sum of $22,450. fur Chapter 81 amI SO hi;hway wurk as outiilwd in the three pre· '~nltng 'trUcles. Article 8. To see if tk: Town will Vale to transfer a sum of money f .. om the Overlay Reserve lo the Re~ "erve Fund, or tak8 any other aclion in relation lheret.o TIIC Advisury Committee rec:ummf)!)d~ the transfer of .$5,000 Ihe On-"Iay Re"en" to Ihe n"'S(;rvc Fund. .f"'" Article 9. To "cc if the TaWil \\"ill vote to appro lwiate from llnappro~)l'iated available fund" in the Treas tll'Y <l ;'ium of money to the Stabilization Fund. The Auvisory (]ommittcc recommends that $5,000 he appro· priated from unapprol'l'iat(;r1 ~lxai\.able funds to the :;;tahilization FUJld. 15 Article 10. To see if the Town wilt vote to trans fe r a Slim of money from the Road Machinery Fund Ac co unt to the Road Machinery :Maintenance Account. The Ad\;~ ry Qlrumittee ~cornmend!S a. transfe r of $3,000 [rom th e Road Machiner-y Fund account to th e Road lI-laeblnety i\-talnle nanee Account. Article 11. To see if tbe Town will vote to a mend Section 6 of the Zoning By-Laws by s triking said See tion 6 out in its entirety and s ubstituting t her efor th e follow ing : "SECTION 6. Tempoyary Uses. The Hoard of Ap ]>eals in ita di scretion may permit a • 01' a non confo mling temporary building or use inciden tal to the developm ent of a neighborhood, and, in a. Bu siness or In dustria l District only, a gmvei pit, sand pit or other excavation, such permits to be iSfmed for an initial peri od of not more than one (1) year. Such permits may b~ r enewed by the Board of Appeals in its discretion for success ive periods of not more than six (6) months. The BOIlI'd of Appeals shall. in each instance, impose !\ueh conditions as shall pl"otect the neighborhood or Town a gainst permanent or temporary hazards because of l·ond itions whit h may be le ft after the operation is eomple ted, Provided, however , t hat no penn it wh ich h.a :,; been issued by th e Boa rd of Appeals will be affected hereby 0 1' t he power of the Board to renew permi ts that h ~ve been i!>slled s ha ll be affected hereby," or take any other .,dion in relation t hereto. c. The Plan wn·" Boa rd reco mm e nd .... f>l. n nable ::let/on. T he .'\d,,·lsory ConUllittee r ecommcllds t:l\"orallle acti o n . Article 12. To tiee if the Tow n will vote to in· the membership of the Recreation Committee from fiv e to seven members; three members to be ap· pointed in 1960 and every third year thereafter, with two member s to be appointed in each of the intervening years. 01' take any other action in relation thereto. (T ~ase 1'11<· Atl. i,." ,r)· Cnmmltt..., r<"\ (,o mro('n(ls lavoraole fictlon. 16 Article 13. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $550. to resurface the park ing area at the Hampden Elementary School, or take any - , :;.,'(her action relative thereto. The Advisory Conunittce recommen(ls favorable action. Article 14. To see if the Town will authorize the Moderator to appoint a School Survey Committe'e con sisting of five citizens including a member of the School Committee, said committee to study future school needs and report its findings at the next annual TO\\'l1 meeting; and to appropriate the sum of $100. for expenses of said School Survey Committee; or take any other action re lative thereto. _The Addsory Committ<:e rcco·mmonds fllNornbl.e action. .. -;-;.. Artide 15. To cause to be published each year as part of the anllual Town report in the Rection entitled "ARseRROl'R Report" a list of any and aU feal estate tax - . abatements granted during the preceding year, exclud ing any statutory exemptions granted by State or Fed ('raj decree. ' U The Advisory Committee Tccommen(1s favorable action. Article 16. To see if the Town will vote to have the Town Accountant include in his annual report each year an itemized list of all >"ages, salaries.. and expenses paid out of Town funds. The Ad,-iso~'y Committee recommends negative action. Article 17. To see if the Town will vote to raise und appropriate a sum of money to cover accounting ex penses fo!' the preceding article. Thf' Ad\"i",or~' Artide 18. Committee recommends negative action. To see if the Town will vote to author 17 ize the Tt'easurer. with t he approval of t he Selectmen. to borrow money from time t o time in ant icipation of t he Revenue of t he financial year beginning J anuary 1. 1960, and to issue a note or notes and renew any note or notes 8S may be give n for a period of less than one yea r, in accord ance with Section 17, Chapter 44 of the General Lawa. The Ad viso r)' ConunJttee r ecommends favorable acti o ... Ami YO li are di rected to ser ve this "\-Varra nt by POll t· ing all attested copy thereof a t each of the three places designa ted by t he Town . Hereo f fail not, and ma ke due ret urn of this Warrant with your doings t hereon. to the Town Clerk at Or before the time of meet ing afor esaid. Given under our ha nds t his twent iet h day of J a n uary, 1960, WILLIAM p. PATU LLO CHARLES R. MELVlLLE LEONARD G. CURTIS Sele<:tmen of Hampden. Mass. l' Report of Advisory Committee 1959 The Ad visory Committee held reg ular monthly mee tings and special meetings during the year and pub lic heRringS pdor to the Annua l and Specia l Town Meet ings. Th e 1I11ollAl budget as recommended by the Advi SOl"Y Committee is ngain pre8ented On the following pages ill accordance with t he uniform budget set-up adopted in 1956. Your attention is called to the s ubsta ntia l increase in the total r equested appropriations (approxima tely S42,OOO) over previous year::; which reflects in large measure the necessary expa nsion in regiona l school f:tciJities and operations approved by the voters. The continued growth of the Town of Hampd en with the attenda nt need for increased Town Ser vice:; and facilitie~ requires t he intelligent consideration of requested appropriations by the TO\vn Office l'S and Vot en. to maintain the sound fin ancial statllS of the Town while providing the nece!';sa. ry f unctions. YOU!' Ad visory Committee ha ~ given car efu l !';tudy and deliberation tu t. he recommended budget and the other item s of the wurnl nt. We llr ge you Lo study the oudget and our r el:omm endatio n!'. ill arr iving a t your uecisi oil ill voting. The estimated valuation of the Town ind icates tha t each $5.760 you l)ppropriate will mean approximately $1.00 in t he ta.x r a te.. During the year :;;even transfers were approved by the Ad visol'Y Committee from the Reserve Fu nd am ou n~ iug to $3,206.07, leaving a balance of $1,793.93 to be re· !urned to t he Overlay Reserve. An analysis of t he trans.. fers is as follows: Account To,,"'Tl Dump Sealer- Outlay Veterans Benefits Health Tax Collector- Expense Interest on Bonds Old Age A::isistnnce Amount $ 200.00 1.07 1,200.00 250.00 15.00' 640.00 900.00 $3,206.07 Mrs. R. Gilbert Schneeloch served as cierk to t hi s Committee. The assistance and cooperation of the various Town Officials in the prep.lration of the budget and the per formance of t he other Advisory Committee functions is gmtefu lLy acknowledged. Respectf ully submitted , CHARLES A. MAGARIAN, Chairman HAROLD J. BENNETT WALTE R M. ICKRATH BEN F. LIBBY KENN"ETH WINETROUT SUMMARY OF RUD OET I"OR 1960 REOOM;\f£:NI)).:D BY ADVlSO RY OOl'fMlTTEF. Reeorn. Approp. ClassiJication 196!l 1960 .$ 12,494 $12,309 General Governmen t 8,100 7,900 Protection of Persons & Propen y 3,185 Ht!a lth & Sa n ita tion 2.38.' 19,660 16,31.8 Highways 26,8QO 2&,600 Char ities 268,912' 235,037 Schools 2,550 2,000 Li bra,'Y 2,090 1,885 Rec reation 8,C61 7,207 Unclass ified 2,l'75 CelTlcle"iel; 2!l,280 t!l,280 i\1:'lturing [)en, & In t c~s ! n. % of Toto ] 3.2% $ 2.1% 0.8% n.l% 7.0% 70.2% O. 7<j~ 0.6% 2.1% 0.6% 7.6% 10!l-O% + + DilL 185 200 800 + 3,232 +1,250 +33,875 + 550 205 + SO, + 1,200 + $+·n,981 S- 5,350 T ol al Budget (fr"Om taxation) Specia l Articles AdditIonal EXfl en~C!s ! Est iml:lted ) $34 1,081 $ 6,000 15,488 $363,062 $ 650 16,000 TOHll EX ()eIll!ts Es t. Receil)ts Wed., Slale & County) $362,569 123,548 $399,712 123,000 $+ 37,148 $239,021 '27G,712 *+37,691 Baln ncc to be r aised by Tax (on polls and properly) Ap prop!'iat ionll [rom a vailable funds (i n a ddition to tuation, Total Valwillon, E!l imalC E~lhnat ed 'Fox Rate + 5 12 ." $ 41,566 ~,658 ,ljll5 S42 ttOOO $5,i60,OOO $-1R/lOOO ~HIO l ,50& It+ 6/ 1000 " BUDG F.T FOR 1960 Recommended by Advisory Committee GBNERAL GOVERNME NT 3.2% OF TOTAL 1958 1959 Item Approp. Approp. i'doderator 1 Salary I 3S !SS :2 Expenses 25 3S 3 Advisory CDmmittee 150 1>0 Selectmen 4- Salaries ' 00 '00 5 Expenses 650 650 Town Bookkeeper G Salary '50 7 Expenses 125 1Z5 8 Auditor 15 is Treasurer [l Salary ,SO 750 10 E:\.'penses 300 500 Collector : 1 Salary 750 750 No. ,so 1960 R ecom. $ 35 15 150 700 750 750 175 15 7150 375 750 (req. 850.) !2 Expenses Assessors 18 Salaries 14 Expenses 15 l.aw a nd Claims Town Clerk 16 Salary 17 Expenses ]8 Elections & Regis t.l'a tions 19 TO.....' ll House Main tenance 20 Town Hall Maintenance ~l Planning Board t.2 Board of Appeals 23 Certifying Notes 24 Total General Government 550 600 500 1,319 500 SOO 1,219 500 SOO 1,219 400 100 '00 275 "0 850 5,000 200 300 '50 8,000 100 100 50 300 100 500 $13,969 $12,494 675 200 275 1,500 2,500 100 350 100 25 $12,309 PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY 2.1% OF TOTAL 25 Police :1'6 Fire $1,600 1,500 $3,000 2,000 $3,000 2,000 '-':0. 1958 Hem Approp. 27 28 29 30 el 32 33 34 Building Inspector Salary Expenses Sealer o[ \Veights aod Meuu res Insect Pest Control Dutch E lm Disease Tree Warden Planting ~es Forest Warden Forest Fires 35 26 Sal(\ri~ 37 Total Protection SOO 3SO 100 400 1959 Approp. 1960 Recom. 300 300 3SO 850 100 .....30g.' 400 400 1,O()(l 1,000 1,000 200 200 50 200 SO 50 10" 100 SOO 400 400 $6,050 $7,900 ~,lOO 50 Equipment HEALTH AND SANITATION 0.8% OF TOTAL 38 89 40 41 42 43 Health Dental Clinic Anima I Inspection Meat Inspection To\.\'l"l Dump Maintenance Mosquito Control $ 300 SOO 2,000 1,200 60 50 ,5,00 2-jQ,OO 44 Totnl Health and Sanitation $2,860 $2,385 ~3,185 $4,000 $4,000 ~5,000 6,000 trans. 4,000 trans. 25 425 60 $ 100 50 50 47' 60 $ 100 475 HIGHWAYS 5.1% OF TOTAL 45 4~ 47 48 49 50 61 52 53 Highways, Bridges & Rilllings Snow & Ice Removal Road Machi nery Maintenance Town Garage Maintenance StTeet Lighting Chapler 81 Chapter 90 Maintenance Chapter 90 ConstJ:uction 300 500 1,450 2,700 1,000 3,500 1,318 2,850 1,000 2,650 Total Highways $18,950 ~16,318 CHARITIES 7.0% OF TOTAL 54 Public Welfare District $ 600 $ 600 1,800 1,400 55 General Relief 56 Disability Assistance 2,000 1,400 57 Old Age Assistance 18,000 19,000 2,700 2,700 58 Aid to Dependent Children 5,000 trans. 500 1,700 2,850 1,500 3,000 $19,550 $ 6UO 1,400 1,000 ~,000 2.600 H!-58 Apprap. No. Item 59 Veterans Benefits Go. Total ChariTies 1959 Approp. 1960 Recam. 50.0. 500 1,250. $25,600 $25,60.0. %26,850. $ 245 $ 1\<0. $ 190. 6,544 6,970. 7ADD 3,820. 4,320. 4,580. 3,349 4,690. 91,0.11 1,30.0. 2,860. SCHOOLS 70..2% OF TOTAL 61 62 G3 ()4 65 66 u'i 68 68 70 71 72 General Control Committee Expenses Superintendent Salary Expenses rinel. schoo] sec·y. salary) Expenses of Instruction Supervisors-Salary Teaehers--SaJary Textbooks Supplies Expenses of Operation Janitor-Salary Fuel and Light Miscellaneous :Maintenance Repair~ & Replacement:; Auxiliary Agencies Health 73 Miscellaneous 74 75 76 77 78 Tuition Transportation New Equipment Contingency Fund CommunHy ~rogram I,ZOO 3,868 86,505 1,250. 2,650. 2,720. 8,750. 9,679 7,30.0. 1,368 6.50.0. 1,730. 10.,0.64 6,30.0. 1,720. 400 500 800 1,612 1,642 1,966 380 440 440 3'2,821 28,50.8 26.161 24,185 70.0. 2,50.0. 1,600 8,487 19,171 79,520. 300 2,50.0. 1,0.0.0. 750. 2,50.0. 1,540. 79 Total Local Schools $182,267 $181,460. $165,769 'Note: Estimated reimbursements for local schools is $53,9'75., leaving an estimated balance of $111,7-94. for school cost from local taxation. $. 4,70.6 $ 53,577 $10.3,143 80. Regional School District 81 Total Schools $186,973 $235,0.37 $268,912 $2,000. $2,550 LJBRARY 0.7% OF TOTAL b2 Library $1,800 No. J'SS Approp. I te m 8. RECREATION 0.6% OF TOTAL Mainltl nanCe ~ 825 Din?<:torS SaJary 700 85 N~v 86 'fov,TI 53 , 10' 100 785 '00 100 100 $1,725 $1,885 Equ ipment Common 8' Total Recreation 1959 Approp. , UNCLASSIFIED 2,1 % OF TOTAL Town Reports 80. ~ 797 Memorial Dar 260 250 90 Insurance 4,3(1) 4,725 \Jl County Re:tin.'ml'nt Systems 1,771 1,755 n Aid to Agriculture 150 75 93 Re~erve Fund trans. tra ns. 8S " J9<lO Recom. ~ 84. 90. 260 100 $:2,090 $ 850 250 5,100 1,811 50 trans. 94 Total Unclassified 95 06 Cemeteries Soldiers & 07 Total Cemeteries 98 99 MATURING DEBT AND lliTEREST 7.6% OF TOTAL Maturing Debts $21),000 $20,000 $20,000 Interest 10,560 9,280 11,280 $7,207 $8,061 CEMETERIES 0.6% OF TOTAL $1,000 I 800 ~2,OO O Sailo~ $7,700 Graves 176 $1,175 l7S ! '" J 00 Tota] Maturing Debt and Inter est $30,560 ~29,280 101 Tota) budget recommendation s 102 Total recommended, specia l articles to.1 ToW, a11 recommenda tions 104 Estimat ed add itional expendib.lres for State charges, county taxes, T ;B. Hospita l, overlay and all o ther amou....ts requ ired by Jaw to be ,..;sod. $2,175 $29,280 $388,062 66' 883,112 16,000 ' 05 Grand total, Recom mendations aod Estimates '-06 Deduct io ns 175 --_.. ,0 compute estimated tax rate ; receipts, income, corporation, gasol ine laxes, (rom State, motor vehicie excise, poll and other r ecepits from SOUr«'S other than taxation. 399,712 E ~timated 128,000 2S ,\I D. 1958 Approp. Item 1959 Approp. 107 Estimated balance to be ra ised by a levy 00 local real estate and tangible personal property 108 Estimated tax rate based upon above recom mendations. using an estimated \'aluation of 276,7 12 43/ 1000 $5,760,000 SUMlYlARY OF SPECIAL ARTICLES 13 14 1960 Recom. Special Articles Requested Resurfacing Elementliry School Road $550 School Survey Committet' 100 1650 , .~L Recom. "50 100 $650 I Report of Board of Selectmen 1959 was a year of progress and changes for Hampden . The most significant event was t he opening of Mi nnechaug Regional High School offering a four year hig h school cU lTiculum to students from Ha.mpden a nd Wilbraham. Cooperation with our s isler town of Wilbra ham in this Regional Dishict has br ought about increfl.sed cooper ation in other ci vic problems, and th iJ> wor kiu g tog-ethel' has been good for all con cern ed. Chapter 90 Construction work was continued on Cha pin Road, with an other section being widened and hardened. Chaptel' 90 Maintenance money was spent on Allen Street. Wilbraham Road . a nd Scant ic Road . with Chapter 81 money being spent on a ll r oads in toW!! fo r necessar)' t arring and other ""ork. At t ho an nual Town Meet in g in March, Old Coach Road and Cedar Onk Lane wer e accepted as Town r oads. 1''''..·0 lleW street lightc; wer e placed on Hickory Lane, and plans a.r e underway for better lighting on Main Street, near t he Poat Office. $300 was g r an ted by the County for drainage work dOlle near Bue reau'-s Garage, Mu in St. An a udit of the books of the Town was made by State Auditors t his fall, and the accounts were fOllnd to be corr ect. In addition to the- annual Town Meeting, two Special TO WIl Meetings were held . Necessa ry new pollin g booths were constructed by the Indust ri a l Arts Department of the Hampden Juni or High, t hifJ work being done for less money than if it had been dOlll:l by a regular contractor. Appreciation is expressed to Howard Cutting for his direction of thi s project. Pursuant to vote a t the Annual Town Meeting, a 27 new :Iteam boiler was installed at the Town House, which, together with insulation put in the entire build· ing at the same time ; and zoned heating in the Audi· torium and the room below used by the School Depart ment for a Home Economics Room, to be completed soon, has a.lready shown a reduct ion in f uel bills and jns llrance premiums on the boiler, as well as greatly increa sed comfort and efficiency of heating. Acting unde r t heil' authority as the Local Lice nsing Board, the Selectmen held public headngs all two appli . cations for liquor licenses; one fo r a Clu b license, and olle 101' a Package Store license. The Club li cen se was g ranted alld t he Pa.ckage Store application denied. The Board of Selectmen has met once each week during the yeal", and ha\'e met with other Town Boards a nd officers. as occas ion required . Appreciation is expressed to ull elected and appointed officials. a!; well as t he r es.idents of Hampden , for their assistance and cooperation. Respectfully .:5 u bmitted, WILLIAM P . PATULLO, Chairman CHARLES R. MELVILLE LEONARD G. CURTIS Board of Selectmen Report of the Board of Public Welfare GENERAL RELIEF Appropriation Cases Persons AmQunt To'Wll Cases Aided in this Town 3 Hampden Cases Aided in Other CiUes and Towns 2 State Ca..qes 1 7 $412.24 5 2 727.51 50.28 $1,190 .03 EXPENDITURES Cash Provisions Medical Paid other Cities and Towns $ 202.00 39.93 220.59 '727.51 $1,190.03 Unexpended Balance Dec. 31, 1959 $209.97 DISABILITY ASSISTANCE Cases Active Jan. 1, 1959 Cases Added During 1959 Cases Active Dec. 31, 1959 o o o TOWN APPROPRIATION Appropriation $1,400.00 Transferred to Old Age Assistance Acc't $1,300.00 Unexpended Balance Dec. 31, 1959 $ 100.00 29 FEDERAL GRANT ~ Balance Jan. 1, 1959 957.44 No e:'(pen"ditures. $ 957.44 Balance Dec. 31-, 1959 AID T O DEPENDENT CHILDREN Cases Cases Cases GMes Active Added Closed Acth1e Jan. 1. 1959 Dui:ing 1959 During 1959 Dec. 31 , 1959 3 3 2 4 TOWN APPROPRIATION Appropriation Refund $2,700,00 83,31 88,30 Ca ncelled Check::; $2,87 1.61 Cash Paid on Payrolls $2,864.60 Untlxpended Balance Dec. 3 1, 1959 $ 7.01 FE DERAL GRANT Balance Jan . 1, 1959 Received (rom Federal Gov't $2,908.90 4,915,00 $7,823,90 Cash Paid on Payrolls Balance at> of Dec. 3 1, 1959 $3,701.30 $4,122,60 Respectfully submitted, LEONARD G, CURTIS, Ck WILLIAM PATULLO CHARLES R MELVILLb: Board of Publi c Welfare By: MARY H. CANTWELL, Agen t 1 Report of the Bureau of Old Age Assistance Cases Cases CaRet; Cases Active Jan. 1, 1959 Added Duriug 1959 Closed During 1959 Active Dec. 31, 1959 27 o 2 25 TOWN APPROPRIATI0 1'i Appropriation Transferred from Reserve Transferred from Disability Assistance Cancelled Check 519,000.00 900,00 1,300.00 7.45 $2 1,207.45 Cash Paid on Payrolls ~19J53S.47 Paid other Cities and Towns 1,673.67 Unexpended Balance Dec. 31, 1959 'l) .31 FEDERAL GRANT Balance Jan. I, 1959 Receh'ed from Federa l Gov't $ 634.79 12,720.50 $ 1 ~,355.29 Cash Paid on Pay rolls $ 13,056.97 Unexpended Balance Dec. 31, 1959 S 2!)8.~~2 Respectfully su bmitted, LEO NARD G, CURTIS, Chr. WILLIAM PATULLO CHARLES R. MELVILLE Bureau of Old Age Assistance By: MARY H. CANTW E LL, Agent . 31 Southeast Hampden Welfare District The {oHowing is the r epor t of t he Southeast Hamp den Welfare District., comprising the towns of Monson, Ha mpden and Wales. Ba la nce as of J a nua l'Y I , 1959 $1,878.13 Payments fr om Towns Comprising District Monson 2,400.00 Wales 600.00 Received from Federal Gov't Received fr om State 6, 143.92 4,357.66 Expenditures $14,379.71 13,274 .27 Balan ce forwa rd to 1960 $ 1,105,4 4 EXPENDITU RES Salal"ie£: Agent, Socia l Worker and Jr. Clel'k and Typist T reas. Hampden Cou nty Reti rement Salary, Oi st. Treasurer \Vm. P. Stone, P .M. (Stamps) Travel and Conference Expense (Agent and SociaJ Worker) 1'0""11 of Monson (Rent) Frederick J, S ullivan, J r . (Bond) New Engalnd Tel. & Tel. Co. 11,400.00 649.85 100.00 80.00 371.87 180.00 8.00 255 .51 I 32 Supplies and Forms Office Equipment Royal McBee Co. Pub. Administrations Dues Geo. Godrow (Repair mach.) 114.19 66.15 16.20 3.00 29.50 Total Expenditures $13,274.27 Respectfully s ubmitted, MARY H. CANTWELL, Agent Report of the Board of Health 1 95 9 Nine l~a:;es of disease classified as dangerous to the public hea lth by thE' Massachusett.o; State Board of Hea lth were r eported during t he year as fol1ows: Scarlet fever Dog Bite Salmonelloses R e~pectfu ll y 3 (; 1 submitted, CHARLES R. MELVILLE , Chail'mHn WILLI AM P. P AT ULLO LEONARD G. CURTIS I 33 BOARD OF APPEALS Four applications for perm its came before the Board during t he year 1959. One was withdrawn b~' tb e appellant before the hearing could be set. Three public hearings were held ; one perm it was granted an d t.wo "\vere denied. One case has been appealed to the Superior Court. The r eco rd is as f o11oW5: Application for sq ua re dance barn denied Application for school bus garn.ge vd thdruV"ll Application for gravel pit den ied and Hppea led Application for beauty parlor g ranted The Board is indebted to Mrs. Emma Lyons for services as Clerk and to Town COllnsel William Canf ield for hi ~ advice and assistance. John Leary was appointed by the Selectmen to fill the vaca ncy caused by the untimely death of Dorval Viger. Respectfully submitted, EVERETT S. WO ODS, Chairma n EARLE HARRIS, Sr. LAWRENCE SU LLIVAN HOWARD CRAY JOHN LEARY Alternates STUART HILL WILLIA M J. BAILEY I 34 Report of the Superintendent of Streets The Highway Department Wa.'l engaged in its rou· tine duties of spring maintenance, ditch cleaning , cu l vert installations. scraping and patching during the year 1959. There was, however, a minimum of patch ing considering the frost action of last winter. In May and June, the 1958 Cha pter 90 Co nstr uc tion funds which are carried over were spent a ll Chapin Road, blasting ledges at the place of Ches ter Dickinson. In November and December, the 1959 m oney hardened Chapin Road to that point and completed the tree a nd stump removal, ledge blasting, widening and prelim· inary grading do\vn t he hill to a point beyond the E arle Walker residence. A forty-eight inch m etal cuivel-t 40 feet long was also installed and about 2000 yards of gravel hauled there. Another year with about t he sam ~ Chapter 90 appropriation, the bard surfac e on Chapin Road could be very nearly completed. This road h a~ been difficult to maintain in the past . The Re:i Uliacing Program wa.:; ca11'ied out on Am es, Bennett, Chapin, Sout h and North Roa ds with Chaptel' 81 F und;:; while Scantic, Wilbraham a11<1 Springfield roads were sealed with Chapter 90 Main tenan ce fun ds. They ar e allotments which can only be spen t t o help maintain roads which were built with Chapter DO Con· ~ tru c ti on . At the t ime of this report, all equ ipment i~ in good condition. The Departmen t has two good dump trl1 cks . a 1957 and a Hl58, HJ'ld has not had to hire outside t rucks onl y fOl" the Chapin Road gravelling. Th e sander 35 truck has worked out very well on winter work. Our 2S· year old grader did all the grading last year without any repairs. We did purchase new rear tires, th e old ones hav ing been on the machine for 22 years . Some time the t axpayers will be faced with the problem of pllrchasing a new bucket loader. Our 1951 Hough lo'ader has only the single drive and has worked out very well for us and is a piece of equipment that is essen tial for all highway departments today. A certain amouot of Chapter 81 money can be ~ed for so-called permanent work such as hardening back r oads provided there is any available after the necessary maintena nce is completed. Last year about 800 feet of Thresher Road, 600 feet completing Woodland Drive, GOO feet on Carmody Road and two intersections of Sess ions Drive were gravelled and black t opped with t.h ia money. The department constructed a salt bin ill the ya rd, using olel creosoted tcJephone poles and bridge planhs which were stored in the Highway Departm ent ya rd ~ ince th e 1955 flood . This ena bles the town to purchase salt in the bulk at considerable saving per ton. Th e cost of snow removaJ is costly enough anyway cOll!>.idcring tire c bains , cutt ing edges of good steel so that any sav illg of this kind is worthwhile. '111e department ha.... appreciated th e automatic beat and fac ilities which were installed a year ago. Respectfu lly subm itted, ARTHUR H. GERRI SH Superintendent of Strect.~ Report of Assessors TABLE OF AGGREGATES OF POLLS, PROPERTY , AND TAXES AS ASSESSED JANUARY 1, 1959 N um ber of persons assessed All In dividuals Other s Total On Personal Estate Only On Real Estate Only On Both Personal and Real Estate 3 692 10 12 704 52 3 55 Total Number of Persons Assessed Number of Polls Assessed 13 772 655 Value Of Assessed Persona l Estate Stock in Trade $ 14,630.00 'Macbinery 5,000.00 14,350.00 Live Stock All Other Tangible Persona l Property 269,650,00 Total Val ue of Assessed Personal E state ~303,630.00 Value of Assessed Real Estate Land exclu sive of Buildings $ 813,215.00 Buildings exclusive of Land 4,541,620.00 Total Value of Assessed Real Estat e Tobl Value Of Assessed Estate ~5,354,855.CO $5,658,495.00 I 37 TAX RATE PER $1,000 - $42.00 Taxes For State, County, And Town Purposes, In cluding Overlay: On Personal Estate $12,752.46 On Re~l E state 224,904.33 1,310.00 On PoUs Total T"a xes Assessed $238, 966.00 Number of Live Stock Estimated Under Section 36, Chapter 59 Horses 43 Cows (Milch) Bulls 1, Yearlings 3, Steers ]2, Heifers 16 Swine Sh eep Fowl All Other - Goats 21, Donkeys 2, Min k 845, Pony 1 78 32 19 4 675 869 N um ber of Acres of Land Assessed (More or Less) 12,101 N umber of Dwelling Houses A ssessed 715 E ach building used as a dwelling counted as ONE with out regard to t he number of fam ilies housed. 1959 RECAPITULATION SHEET Total Appropriation Voted t o be raised by Taxation Total Appropriation Voted to be taken from Available Funds since 1958 Tax Rate was Fixed Total Appropriation Voted to be taken Available Funds in 1959 Veteran Service District State Parks and Reservations $347,081.03 3,375.00 38,191.36 668.50 776.15 I 38 County Tax Underestimates County Tax in 1958 Tuberculosis Hospital Assessments Overlay of Current Year Gr oss Amount to be Raised 3,635.80 162.50 87.18 10,148.51 $404,126.03 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND AVAILABLE F UNDS Income Tax $25,408.43 Corporation Taxes 3,374.06 Old Age Tax (Mea ls) 843.62 Motor Vehicle and Trailer E xcise 30,000.00 Licenses 1.250.00 Fines 100.00 General Government 50,00 Health and Sanitation 36.00 Charities (othel'than federal gran ts 1,953.80 Old Age Assistance (other than federal grants) 17,229 .72 Veterans' Services 75.00 School 31,000.00 Interest on Taxes and Assessments 485.60 State Assistance for School Construction - Chapter 645, Acts of 1948 11,591.99 Farm Animal Excise 150.00 Total Estimated Receipts $123,548.22 Overestimate of previous year to be used as available funds. County Tuberculosis Hospital $36.32 State Parks and Reservations 8.34 Available Funds taken by vote Nov. 17, 1958 3,375.00 Mar. 2, 1959 38,191.36 Total Estimated Receipts and Avai lable Funds $165,159.24 Net Amount to be Raised by Taxation on Polls and Property Number of Polls 655 a t $2.00 Personal Property $303,630.00 Real Estate 5,354 .865.00 Total Taxes to be levied on and P roperty $238,966.79 $ 1,3 10.00 12,752.46 224,904.33 Poll~ *238,966.i9 Omitted Assessments Real Estate Value $9,850.00 Ta :o;: 41 3.70 Polls 55 at $2.00 110.00 Total Taxes Abated Du r ing 1959 1959 Real E state 1957 Personal 1959 PoILe;; $239,490.49 $331.68 209.00 36.00 Tota l Taxes Abated Statutory Exem pt ions Real Estate Polls Total Exemptio ns Farm Animal Excise Chapter 59, Sec. 82 $576.68 $2,003.82 ] 14.00 $2/117.82 $154.14 Motor Vehicle and Trailer E xcise Co mmitted in 1959 1958 Excise $489.84 1959 Excise 33,983,52 Number of Veh icles Assessed Comm issioners Value of Vehicles 1224 $581,850.00 I M<ltor Vehicle Abatements Commitment of 1957 ~241.74 Commitment of 1958 1,317.37 Commitment of 1959 2,524.92 The Town owns the fo llowing Real E state, Cross Road (Dump) 11 acres North Road y.; Ames Road acre 6 acres $230.00 340.00 70.00 The Assessors meet the t hird Monday of each month at eight o'clock in the Assessors' office and the clerk i~ Oll duty each Friday afternoon from to 2 to 5 o'dock. Respectfu ll y s ubmitted, LEONARD CURTIS. Chairman FREDERICK S. RUSSELL W. HARRY BURNS Board of Assessors I