Results - Beverley Athletic Club
Results - Beverley Athletic Club
aster Results for All Competitors in finish order. Place nme Name 1 0:31:37 BILTON, Darran 2 0'.32 43 LYONS, Andy 3 0:33:01 TUNE, David 4 0.33:27 It4CGIVERN, James 5 0:34:04 GREWAR, lan 6 0:34:12 SPOONER, Stuart 7 0:34:38 PEACOCK, Stephen B A:34:44 SHARP, Kevin 9 0:34:58 BOOTH, Chris 10 0:35:03 RENNIE, Stephen 11 0:35:06 BATEIVIAN, Jonathan 12 0:35:08 WALTERS, Ben 13 0:35:10 COULAlti, Gary 11 0:35:28 PICKERING, Lee 15 0:35:40 CARMICHAEL, Stuart 16 0:35:43 SCOTT, Ian William 17 0:35:47 GAMIvIELIN, Gert 18 0:35:59 HAYWARD, Melanie 19 0:36:20 DE SA, Eugenio 20 0:36:20 GiBSON, Philip 21 0:36:22 BURGIN, Tony 22 0:36:77 DALTON, Mark 23 0:36:32 FRANK, John 24 0:36:34 WYNN, Jim 25 0:36 44 FULSTOW, Garry 26 0:37:08 ELGEY, Stephen 27 0:37:10 SCRUTON, Neil 28 0:37:11 LAU/N, Plartin 29 0:37:13 BROWN, Louise 30 0:37:79 TUNE, l"lrck 31 0:37 24 RUSTON, Robin 32 0:37:26 CLARKSON, Gregan 33 0:37:34 WATT, Rob 34 A:37:43 HAIGH, tvlichael 35 A:37:52 WESTC)N, Tony 36 0:37:57 WILKINSON, Graham 37 0:38:01 CALDWELL, Robert 38 0:38:08 BROWN, Andrew 39 0:38:13 BALCHIN, Gary 40 0:38:16 THOIYPSON, lohn 41 0:38:23 WILSON, Beverley 42 0:38:35 PARRY, Tony 43 A:38:44 PURDON, Jason T 44 0:38:47 BARLOW, IYike 45 0:38:48 PICKWELL, Mike 46 0:38:55 MCKEE, Thomas 47 0:39:00 WATSON, Andrew 48 0:39:02 ELLMORE, Daphne 49 0:39:06 WILLIS, Mike 50 0:39:12 WARE, Anthony 51 0:39:14 lvlC|4ANUS, Kevrn 52 0:39:17 HILLIvIAN, Philip 53 0:39:19 TOOBY-SMITH, Angela 54 0:39:20 SAGE, Jonathan 55 0:39:23 ARNOLD, Steve 56 0:39:25 DODGE, Barry 57 0:39:26 NURSE, lt4ark Kingston Communications Beverlev 10K Beverlev 10K Sunday 14 May 2000. 11:15 am Race Race Aqe Cateqory Team City Of Hull City Of Hull Birchfield Harr ers Beverley AC East Hull Harriers M40 Bi-idlington Road Runners M40 City Of Hull Beverley AC City Of Hull N440 Scarborough AC Birmingham University Cleethorpe AC N440 Bridllngton Road Runners u1Bt"l Quakers Running Club Scarcorough AC t445 East Hull Harriers M45 Fenners Flyers East Hul Harriers Beverley AC St Peters School l'l U 1B Barracuda Tri N140 Scarborough AC M50 York Accrn Scarborough AC Rotnerharn Harriers & AC Cleethorpe AC City Of Hu I\.140 I Beverley AC M0 City Of Hull Cleethorpe AC Iv15 5 East Hull Harriers l'1.+0 - Knavesmire Harriers Cleethorpe AC Beverley AC Humberside Police PAA [140 Cleerhorpe AC Cleeihorpe AC City Of Hull City Of Hull Cleethorpe AC t'150 Crty Of Hull Barracuda Tri - Wold Vets AC L'l5 Scarborough AC t'{50 Easi Hull Harriers I\440 City Of Hull IY45 St Peters School LJ) Hull Springhead Harriers Bridlington Road Runners Louih Athietic Club M45 M45 Withenrsea Harriers Dlary Date - Walklngton i0k - 14 July 2000 No Race Place 11 22 43 34 15 5 196 5BB 7 7B 75s 9 11 10 79t 11 750 12 10 13 20 14 583 1s 743 16 792 77 T7 18 634 19 517 2A 13 2r 650 )2 36'+ 23 605 71 332 26 18 27 629 28 167 29 709 30 762 31 816 32 933 803 34 12 35 584 36 602 37 68 38 846 39 682 4A 330 4L 21 42 652 43 262 44 24 45 527 46 496 47 772 48 22 49 614 50 706 51 433 57 741 53 554 493 55 109 s6 886 57 545 58 7;00 RaceMasterg? from Sport Systens 01737--t52462 enall:[email protected] Results produced by Beverley AC, Printeci by Beverley AC on 17 May 2000 @ Page 1 of 1.4 King Communications Beverley 10K, Beverley 10K - Sunday 14 May 2000. 11:15 am Results for All Competitors in finish order. Place Tlme Name 58 0:39:32 DOBBS, Stephen 59 0:39:34 NICKLAS, Carl 60 0:39:35 BOBCZUK, John 61 0:39:41 BENHAM, Steve 62 0:39:42 THACKRAY, Peter 63 0:39:44 HEARN, Dennis 64 0:39:45 HATTON, Steve 65 0:39:49 WILSON, Jeanette 66 0:40:00 RAPER, Gareth 67 0:40:01 BROWN, Samuel 68 0:40:09 GALE, Clifford 69 0:a0:18 WHITING, Gary 70 0:40:20 PARTIS, Matthew 71 0:40:22 CRANE, lulie 72 0:40.23 BLOWERS, Peter 73 0:40:25 EDWARDS, Ivlark 71 0:40:26 ARNOLD, Andy 75 0:40:30 COOKE, John 76 0:40:3i BOWERS, Peter 77 0:40:36 DOBSON, Brran 78 0:40:37 STANFORD, Patrick 79 0:40:38 WADDiNGTON, David B0 0:40:41 FRIEND, Mike 81 0:40:50 WALKER, Andy 82 0:40:52 CONNOLLY, Peter 83 0:40:53 FULSTOW, Dean 84 0:40:54 WARDELL, Steve 85 0:40:59 GARROD, Susan 86 0:41:03 HUDSON, Leslie 87 0:4I:04 BULL, Nick BB 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 0:41:06 WILKINSON, Kevin 0:41:07 SWEETLOVE, lvlalcoim 0:41:11 BAYSTON, Alan 0:4t:72 0:42:12 ROWE, Mark 0:42:14 DERVEY, Christopher 111 772 0:42:lB HOLlvlES, Steven 113 0:42:27 WILLIS, Roger 1.14 0:42:26 115 116 177 Race Ase Catesory City Of Hull Tool Room Trotter City Of Hull M40 Fenners Flyers M40 M45 M50 M50 Scarborough AC East Hull Harriers St Peters School ulBt'I Hull Springhead Harriers [4 The Predators N440 East Hull Harriers 140 City Of Hull M50 50 Barracuda Tri Tadcaster Harriers |\440 South Hambleton tY40 RC [440 East Hull Harrrers Nl40 Wright Homes Goole Vik ng Striders 140 I\445 Goole Vlk ng Striders t'l45 Scarborcugh AC Barracuda Tri ROBINSON, Lee 0:41:13 SPILMON, Joss 0:41:17 KERBY, John 0:41:20 CROW, Peter 0:47:22 COVENEY, Stephen 0:47'.27 NORTON, Robert 0:41:34 FEASEY, David B 0:41:35 PARKER, Len 0:41:37 TURRELL, Craig 0:41:39 FLITTON, Carl 0:41:41 IYACKLEY, Steve 100 101 102 0'.41:43 DOWNES, Kevrn 103 0:4t:44 DUNN, Chris 104 0:4L:46 JAMES, Ian 105 0:41:47 O'BRIEN, Ian 106 0:41:50 MORRIS, Stephen 107 0:41:55 DAVIES, Trevor 108 0:42:04 DAVIES, Davd 109 0:00:06 JEDRY, Victor 1i0 Race Team St Peters Schoo u 18l.''l Cleethorpe AC Louth Athletic Club City Of Hull [,]45 Scarborough AC [,150 Huli Springhead Harriers Siemens A C (Beeston) iv50 |."1.+5 Hull Springhead Harriers t'l10 Hull Spnnghead Harriers l'440 Tadcaster Harrrers t440 [150 South Hambleton RC Woodford Nl40 I\440 City Of Hull [440 Scarborough AC UlBM t440 ADAIYS, Stephen 0:42:31 HURD, Christopher 0:42:32 KING, Doug 0:42:34 CLAYTON, Christopher F140 N440 Three From Forte Ayton Sloggers Race No P/ace 193 59 640 60 308 61 s25 62 500 63 786 64 628 6s 155 66 137 67 726 68 161 69 312 70 871 647 72 713 73 810 74 739 75 572 76 95 77 445 78 BOB 79 656 B0 784 8i 818 82 253 83 482 84 33 85 16 86 65 87 637 BB 165 89 890 90 467 91 BBO 92 717 93 799 94 BB2 95 814 96 642 97 877 98 728 99 812 100 255 101 503 102 825 103 490 104 823 105 752 106 727 t07 636 108 467 109 903 110 r99 111 813 rt2 798 113 275 714 160 115 679 116 418 717 250 118 Dlary Date - Walkington 10k - 14 July 2000 @ 7:00 RaceMasterg9 from Sport Systerns 01737-352462 email:[email protected] Results produced by Beverley AC, Printed by Beverley AC on 17 May 2000 Page 2 of 14 Kings iommunications Beverley 10K, Beverley 10K - Sunday 14 May 2000. 11:15 am itesufts for All Competitors in finish order. Team Place Tine Name Woodford 118 0:42:35 SOWERBY, Richard 119 0:42:37 120 0:42:38 127 0:42:39 Race Race Age Cateqory N445 GRAHAM, lvlike BELL, David White City RRC ANDREWS, Paul East Hull Harriers I22 0:42:40 RAIvISDEN, John 123 0:42:47 BARLEY, Julie 1.74 0:42:45 WALKER, Geoff 125 0:42:48 FEWINGS, John 126 0:42:50 GREEN, David 127 0:42:57 ORME, lt4artin 128 0:42:58 ELLIOTT, David 129 0:43:03 LOWE, Joseph 130 0:43:08 ORCHARD, Gerry 131 0:43:09 JEFFERSON, Alex 132 0:43:10 DRYSDALE, Alex 133 0:43:11 COULTER, lt4artin 734 0:43:13 WILES, Paul 135 0:43:15 JOHNS, Richard 136 0:43:20 LEPINE, Steven 137 0:43:22 IYURRAY-HODY, Colin 138 0:43:24 CHAI\4BERS, leanette 139 0:43:25 SCHOFiELD, Steven 140 0:43:26 LEWIS, Roger 141 0'.43:34 I4ACKLEY, Veronica 142 0:43:34 WALTON, Aaron 143 0;43:36 WILKINSON, lames 144 0:43:37 FRASER, Callum t45 0:43:39 GARRITY, Paul 146 0:43:40 FRASER, Steven 147 0:43:40 VICKERS, Kevan 148 0:43:41 WINSTANLEY, Stephen t49 0:43:41 SELBY, Ian 150 0:13:43 CROWTHER, William 151 0:43:44 HEWETT, Alan 152 0:43:51 LANGLEY, Colin 153 0:43:52 MEEK. Ernest 154 0:43:53 PIPES, John 155 0:43:54 FLETCHER, Terry 156 0:43:55 WADFORTH, Cath 157 0:43:59 PULLEN, Graham 158 0:44:00 WILDE, Wayne 159 0:44:03 WILFORD, Adrian 160 0:44:04 HALLIDAY, Edward 161 0:44:05 DODSWORTH, lohn 762 0:44:05 TODD, James 163 0:44:10 WORRELL, Rob t64 0:44:tl 165 166 167 168 169 770 17t 0:44:12 0:44:18 0:44:20 0:44:21 0:44:24 0:44:24 0:44:29 0:44:37 0:44:38 PARCELL, Colin Klppax Harriers 135 Hull Springhead Harriers N4 50 East Hull Harriers |\4 50 Formula One I\,140 York Acorn |.,145 Highgate Harriers iy40 York Acorn Three From Forte St Peters School UlBM Barracuda Tri Knavesmrre Harriers M40 M45 St Peters School u 1Bt',1 M40 Scunthorpe & District AC M50 Knavesmire Harriers 140 Pocklington Runners Scarborough AC t\445 Humberside Fire Brigade Driffield Striders East Hull Harners 1,140 Lakesrde Lincoln White Crty RRC WoId VetS AC N,150 Royal Air Force Hull Springhead Harriers G - Dog's 145 - N140 M40 f4 Bridlington Road Runners 50 [140 WEBSTER, lvlick BRITTAIN, Paul SALVIDGE, Alan l\440 READING, David Scarborough AC N155+ WADSWORTH, Stuart Fenners Flyers lY45 BROWN, Chns Barracuda Tri BAYES, Lesley Scarborough AC 172 BARRETT, Michael 173 TAYLOR, Nick 174 0:44:40 BRADLEY, Gorden 175 0i44:40 HASLAM, Sue 176 0:44:47 HAWKRIDGE, Thomas 177 0:44:42 TiNGLE, Nick 145+ Pickering AC Durham City Harriers M45 Scarborough AC 145+ No Race Place 201 119 t)l 120 505 L21 891 t22 865 t23 748 124 526 t25 48 126 290 t27 568 128 757 t29 737 130 79 131 4t9 132 362 133 62 t34 756 135 834 136 576 r37 360 138 209 139 345 1.+0 742 141 504 142 336 t43 63 r44 455 t45 440 146 B5B t47 830 148 561 149 4BB 150 658 151 463 r52 891 153 287 154 61 155 860 156 70 t57 BB9 158 303 1s9 815 160 293 161 282 t62 875 163 699 164 909 165 15 1 166 202 167 294 168 82 169 521 L70 757 77t 323 172 804 173 77 774 BB 175 552 776 424 177 908 178 Dlary Date - Walklngton 10k - 14 July 2000 @ 7:00 RaceMaster9S from Sport Systems 01737-352462 email:[email protected] http;// Results produced by Beverley AC. Printed by Beverley AC on 17 May 2000 Page 3 of 14 Kin r Communications Beverley 10K, Beverley 10K - Sunday 14 May 2000. 11:15 am -Results for All Com Place Time Name 178 0:44:43 KING, Pamela 179 0:44:44 DAVIES, Dean 180 0:44:52 COTTON, Mark 181 0:44:53 HAYES, l4ichael 182 0:44:54 REYNOLDS, Anthony 183 0:44:55 HURST, Andrew 184 0:44:58 LAING, Mark 185 0:44:58 ILETT, James 186 0:44:58 STEPHENSON, Tony 1B7 0:45:04 COLE, Garry 1BB 0:45:07 HEYWOOD, Henry 189 0:45:08 CROSSLEY, Paul 190 0:45:09 ROBSON, Paul 191 0:45:10 COYNE, Neil 192 0:45:11 PARKS, David 193 0:45:11 COLLINS, Clive 194 0;45:11 FAILL, Jonathan 195 0:45:11 DENISON, Malcolm 196 0:45:72 CLUTTERBUCK, June 197 0:45: 12 WILLINGHAM, Davrd 198 0:45:12 CLOHESSY, [4artin 199 0:45:20 SAVAGE. Tim 200 0:45:20 MCCANN, Alistair 207 0:45:21 PEARCE, Raymond 202 0:45:22 IvICMULLEN, Mark Allan 203 0:45:23 HURD, Sarah 204 0:45:24 NEALE, Grahame 205 0:45:24 OLiVER, Shaun 206 0:45:26 SMITH, Daren 207 0:45:30 FIELDING-SI4]TH, Peter 208 0:45:31 HODGSON, Paul 209 0:45:34 THOMPSON, Wayne 210 0:45:37 HICKS, John 2Il Team Race Aqe Cateqory Three From Forte 140 Nl40 KTL Goole Viking Striders IV]40 Fenners Flyers N140 East Hull Harriers tvl45 5t Peters School tvl45 Driffield Striders NI40 M55+ Withernsea Harriers N145 Barnsley Athletic Club Kirkstall Harriers City Of Hull 140 M45 Kimberworth Striders Goole Viking Striders i\rl55 + N']45 Hull Springhead Harriers Fenrrers Flyers Hull Springhead Harriers Nl40 Fenners Flyers N,145 0:45:38 BLATCH, Andy 212 0:45:39 HILL, Gary 213 0:45:41 HOBSON, Jon 214 0:45:42 BLISSENDEN, Tony 215 0:45 46 COOPER, Steven 216 0:45:48 FOSTER, Andrew 217 0:45:49 WARDELL, Michaei David 218 0:45:50 FENTON, David 219 0:45:50 LISTER, David 220 0:45:53 DENLEY, Chris 221 0:45:53 KIDGER, Jonathan 222 0:45:54 MORLEY, Jane 223 0:45:56 LYONS, Cheryl 224 0:45:57 SMITH, Kevin 225 0:45:57 SERGEANT, Neil 226 0:45:58 CZARNECKA, lvlaxine 227 0:46:03 NICHOL, Peter 228 0:46:06 N4ORAN, lYike 229 0:46:07 N4ILNER, Thomas 230 0:46:08 HARLAND, Colin 231 0:46:09 BRIGGS, Ashley 232 0:46:12 WINN, Michael 233 0:46:14 DIFFY, Joanne 234 0:46:74 HOUTBY, John ?35 0:46:15 BIELBY, Patricia 236 0:46:20 EDWARDS, Barry 237 0:46:23 ANDERSON, David White City RRC I'i50 Woodford Wright Homes UCI Cinema City Of Hull Ivi50 Hull Springhead Harriers ivl45 KTL Hull Springhead Harriers 145+ City Of Hull Wiggington AC Beverley AC I\'145 Scarborough AC York Acorn Iq40 York Acorn Nl45 Pickering AC Lakeside Lincoln Lakeside Lincoln tvt45 Bridlington Road Runners 145+ |\440 Fenners Flyers Race No Race Place 551 242 477 I7T 690 163 t41 93 522 491 402 487 547 51 573 329 471 428 720 824 774 725 339 453 66s 678 408 523 191 434 671 409 520 260 902 835 843 801 780 594 233 341 t27 r75 230 589 608 732 277 246 454 203 96 295 457 464 462 438 1s9 518 779 180 182 183 184 185 186 787 1BB 189 190 191 192 193 t94 195 196 L97 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 271 212 2t3 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 22r 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 736 737 238 739 Dlary Date - Walklngton 10k - 14 July 2000 @ 7:00 RaceMaster99 from Sport Systems 01737-352462 emall:[email protected],uk Results produced by Beverley AC. Printed by Beverley AC on 17 May 2000 Page 4 of t4 Kir rn Communications Beverley 10K, Beverley 10K - Sunday 14 tvlay 2000. 11:15 am Results for All Competitors in finish order. Place nme Name 238 0:46:24 BARKER, David 239 0:46:25 HOWARD, Diana 240 0:46:26 ROBSON, Steve 241 0:46:28 CLARKSON, Frank 242 0:46:28 PHELAN, John 243 0:46:32 TAYLOR, Colin 244 0:46:33 COWEN, lames 245 0:46:34 SPILIvIAN, Sally 246 0:46:35 RICHARDSON, Kevin 247 0:46:36 HARKIN, Sean 248 0:46:37 CUFF, Allan 249 0:46:40 VALENTE, Simon 250 0:46:40 TODD, Raymond 25I 0:46:42 DEAN, Amanda 0:46:42 SHARP, Paul 252 253 0:46:42 NOBLE, Derrick 254 0:46:42 PEACOCK, Vince 255 0:46:48 REAY, Phillrp 256 0:46:52 LEPINE, Brent 257 0:46:53 LINWOOD, Mark 258 0:46:53 HARRIS, Mark 259 0:46:54 BRIGDEN, Simon 260 0:46:55 TRIBICK, Roy 261 0:47:01 DUNKERLEY, Deborah 262 0:47:02 KILKENNY, Kevin 263 0:41:03 BOOTLAND, Mark 264 0:47:05 BROWN, David 265 0:47:06 CONMAN, Stephen 266 0:47:07 BENTLEY, Christopher 267 0:47:08 WILLIETS, Stephen 268 0:47:08 BRIGHAIY, Mark 269 0:47:09 HOARE, Donald 270 0:47:09 CRESSWELL, Ian 271 0:47:70 SCOTT, f.,lichael 272 0:47:10 FORSHAW, Peter 273 0:47:17 PiKE, Richard 774 0:47:74 IONES, Justin Edward 275 0:47:I5 BENNETT, Andy 276 0:47:17 AINSWORTH, Rick 277 0:47:20 BARLEY, Roy 278 0:47:27 GILCHRIST, Louise 279 0:47:22 SPROTT, Paul 280 0:47:74 BOLTON, David 281 A:47:25 ROBERTSON, Jim 282 0:47:27 PULLEN, Danny 283 0:47:28 NiACIYANUS, Domrnic 284 0:47:29 RITCHIE, Amanda 285 0:47:30 HAWKINS, Graham 286 0:47:34 BYNOE, Ben 287 0:47:36 ROOMS, David 2BB 0:47:42 SAWYER, Nigel 289 0:47:44 TODD, Andrew 290 0:47:47 WARDROPPER, Tina 291 0:47:48 NORTHEDGE, Peter 292 0:47:49 COCKING, Jonathan 293 0:47:52 CARTWRIGHT, Paul Nigel 294 0:47:52 ANHOLM, Kevin 295 0:47:56 SMITH, Mark 296 0:47:57 COCKING, AIan 297 0:48:06 TEASDALE, Philip Race Team Race Ase Cateqorv Pocklington Runners M40 140 l\440 WoId VetS AC lvl55 + [140 York Acorn lvl55 + St Peters School 140 Bridlington Road Runners Hull Springhead Harriers 1445 East Hull Harriers lY55+ Scarborough AC tvl40 WoId VetS AC 14 Hull Springhead Harrrers 140 Hull Sprinqhead Harriers u 1Bt"l Cleethorpe AC Nl40 50 [440 Haliemprice RRC Scarborough AC M55- Hull Springhead Harriers 140 t440 f'l40 l\,l40 t"]55 - Hull Springhead Harriers Ni40 Quakers Running Club South Hambleton RC t'l40 St Peters Schooi u 1Bt'.1 Kippax Harriers lvl5 0 Middleton Harriers 145- Trenton Terriers [145 Beverley AC G - Dog's N1 50 Beverley AC 135 Bridlington Road Runners St Peters School City Of Hull Driffield Striders NI50 ulBr'4 135 Scarborough AC N450 Pudsey & Bramley AC Nl40 Withernsea Harriers N440 Pudsey & Bramley AC M55+ vt50 No Race P/ace 753 240 544 24r lI4 242 849 243 135 244 864 245 577 246 771 247 842 248 200 249 785 250 841 251 443 252 680 253 306 254 574 255 249 256 404 757 119 258 6 259 238 260 450 261 420 262 39 263 307 264 98 26s 54 267 700 268 43t 269 B9B 270 300 771 344 272 654 273 744 274 675 275 398 276 87 277 769 278 768 279 747 280 298 281 184 282 766 283 730 284 BB5 285 779 286 429 287 154 2BB 392 290 99 29t 31 292 342 293 460 294 836 29s s64 296 2rB 297 662 298 181 299 563 300 7BB 301 Diary Date - Walkington 10k - 14 July 2000 @ 7:00 RaceMaster9B from Sport Systems 01737-352462 emarl:[email protected] Results produced by Beverley AC. Printed by Beverley AC on 17 May 2000 Page 5 of 14 Kiln Communications Beverley 10K, Beverley 10K - Sunday 14 May 2000. 11:15 am Results for All Competitors in finish order. P/ace nme Name 298 0:48:06 DIXON, David 299 0:48:06 HEN4SWORTH, Richard 300 0:48:06 SCHUMACHER, Anthony 301 0:48:06 KEENAN, Gary 302 0:48:06 ZITMAN, Don 303 0:48:06 DUNLOP, Nicholas 304 0:48:07 GiBSON, William Race Team Race Aae Cateoorv White City RRC tY40 Knavesmire Harriers tY45 Tool Room Trotter M45 WoId VetS AC iv]50 Cannon's Health Club Running 1440 No Race Place 607 646 130 268 6i9 489 BO 302 303 304 305 306 307 3OB Club 305 0:48:08 HOPPER, Alf 306 0:48:10 COOK, Steven 307 0:48:12 BURT, Lucy 308 0:48:13 WRIGHT, Tony 309 0:48:14 WORMALD, Ian 310 O:48:15 RICHARDS, JUStin 311 0:48:16 STEPHEN, Patrick 312 0:48:17 DONALD, Julie 313 0:48:18 BOYES, Marcus 314 0:48:20 JACKETTS, David 315 0:48:20 IYITCHELL, Patrick 316 0:48:21 SPENCER, David 317 0:48:23 BERESFORD, Christopher 318 0:48:23 WALKER, Ashley 319 0:48:24 ROBERTS, Brian 320 0:48:29 KANE, Douglas 321 0:48:30 WIKE, Claire 322 0:48:31 JOHN, Ian 323 0:48:32 GAMBLE, Steve 324 0:48:33 RENWICK, Steve 325 0:48:33 IYATTHEWS, Andy 326 0:48:35 BUSHELL, iulie 327 0:48:35 FiSHER, Martyn 328 0:48:39 IONES, William 329 0:48:50 FENELON, Patsy 330 0:48:51 HEATLEY, Emma 331 0:48:53 PARKIN, Richard 332 0:48:54 BROWNING, Tony 333 0:48:54 GODFREY, Andrew 334 0:48:54 SARGESON, Craig 335 0:48:58 MORGAN, Dean 336 0:49:00 SlvllTH, lvlichael 337 0:49:00 BROWN, Mike 338 0:49:00 STAN4P, Stephen 339 0:49:00 GREGORY, Fraser 340 0:49:08 RUSSELL, Derek 341 0:49:72 TUCKER, David 342 0:49:14 MAHONEY, Paul 343 0:49:15 PATERSON, Derek 344 0:49:15 BAINBRIDGE, Paul 345 0:49:15 FORREST, Humphrey 346 0:49:19 BROTHERHEAP, Neil 347 0:49:19 GLENVILLE, David 348 0:49:23 GERRARD, Stephen 349 0:49:27 PECKITT, Roy 350 0:49:27 WARDROPPER, lYark 351 0:49:27 LORD, Lorraine 352 0:49:29 TUFFS, David 353 0:49:29 SMITH, Mark 354 0:49:29 DUFFEY, Chris 355 0:49:29 ALLEN, David 356 0:49:31 CARRICK, Mark [450 M40 Hull Achilles M55+ St Peters School Beverley AC Humberside Police PAA 1445 Beverley AC Scunthorpe & District AC [450 Wiggington AC tY45 St Peters School 140 tvt40 M0 York Acorn !1 50 f"l45 Goole Viking Striders 145+ M40 Nl40 Bridlington Road Runners t"]50 Arco Anglia Oils Ltd Road Runners N145 Scunthorpe & District AC M45 Arco Arco St Peters School t"l45 t\450 |v]45 N445 M45 York Postal A C f440 M40 Haltemprice RRC Goole Viking Striders White City RRC 140 550 310 837 311 225 312 284 313 857 314 861 315 372 316 7t 317 659 318 292 319 280 320 666 321 66 322 304 323 508 324 Bs2 325 390 326 645 327 452 328 627 329 74 330 78 331 761 332 85 333 s5B 334 220 335 196 336 783 337 733 338 435 339 273 340 164 342 265 343 827 344 625 34s 539 346 536 347 567 348 386 349 s30 3s0 B7B 351 BB1 352 4s 353 446 354 325 3s5 4s6 356 269 357 900 3sB B4B 359 20s 360 226 361 206 362 Dlary Date - Walklngton 10k - 14 July 2000 @ 7:00 RaceMaster9S from Sport Systems 01737-352462 email:[email protected] Results produced by Beverley AC. Printed by Beverley AC on 17 May 2000 Page 6 of 14 Ki ,n Communications Beverley 10K, Beverley 10K - Sunday 14 May 2000. 11:15 am . Results for All Comoetitors in finish order. Place Trme Name Team 357 0:49:3i HARPER, James Team Turkey 358 0:49:33 ORMEROD, Jennifer Hull Achilles 359 0:49:38 ALLANSON, Wendy 360 0:49:45 FROW, Stuart Scunthorpe & District AC 361 0:49:45 NEEDHAIVi, Helen Beverley AC 362 0:49:48 RATHBONE, Eric Middleton Harriers 363 0:49:53 BOOTH, Tony 364 0:49:54 WEAVER, Robert 365 0:49:54 HUNT, Paul 366 0:49:57 HOPE, Simon St Peters School 367 0:50:00 PADGHAM, lvlelanie Scarborough AC 368 0:50:04 SUGDEN, James St Peters School 369 0:50:05 BUSH, Vivian 370 0:50:06 WATSON, Colin Hull Springhead Harriers 371 0:50:07 HARROS, lonathan KIL 372 0:50:08 SMITH, Ray White City RRC 373 0:50:13 LEEK, Gary Trenton Terriers 374 0:50:14 NELSON, Bill 375 0:50:15 NEWIvIARCH, Philip 376 0:50:17 WARDELL, John Michael Wright Homes 377 0:50:18 KENNINGTON, R L 378 0:50:19 WILLIAIYS, lYike South Hambleton RC 379 0:50:20 SlvlITH, lvlartin James 380 0:50:21 WILSON, Mel Fenners Fiyers 381 0:50:24 SYLVESTER, Michael 382 0:50:27 PARRY, Lesley Cleethorpe AC 383 0:50:28 KILGOUR, Michael Trenton Terriers 384 0:50:30 HILTON, Neil 385 0:50:32 TURNER, Raymond Wold Vets AC 386 0:50:34 JONES, Martin Andrew 387 0:50:34 HOE, Sidney 3BB 0:50:34 0:51:25 MILLER, 415 0:5i:25 416 0:51:25 135 t445 M55+ tY45 UlBM 135 U 1B[4 tY40 M45 lY55+ Nl40 lvl45 L40 M45 rY50 135 I\440 N,]45 U 1Bl'1 Nl 50 WARNER, Keith 389 0:50:34 ROWBOTTOIvI, Claire 390 0:50:34 HARVEY, Philip 391 0:50:34 MELL, David 392 0:50:34 GRANT, Matthew 393 0:50:34 FREEMAN, Roy 394 0:50:34 RIGGOTT, Emma 395 0:50:40 lvlATHIN, Nerl 396 0:50:44 THOMAS, Frank 397 0:50:45 SPENCER, Clare 398 0:50:48 BUNTING, William 399 0:50:49 TULLOCK. Chris 400 0:50:53 GIBSON, Guy 407 0:50:53 SWIFT, Angela 402 0:51:02 CRANE, Basil 403 0:51:02 HUTCHINSON, Paul 404 0:51:06 THOMSON, David 405 0:51:08 TROUPE, Keith 406 0:51:09 BENTON, Graham 407 0:51:10 DOWNEY, Paul 408 0:51:11 BRADY, Roy 409 0:51:15 WALIvISLEY. lvlark 410 0:51:16 ALLEN, Howard 411 0:51:21 POTTS, lohn 412 0:51:22 FULLER, Dinah 473 0:57:24 HARRINGTON, John 4I4 Race Aqe Category Hull Sprlnghead Harriers White City RRC Road Runners St Peters School Lakes de Lincoin [4 50 Beveriey AC St Peters School N440 Hull Springhead Harriers UlBF Wold Vets AC f']55+ Withernsea Harriers 140 Driffield Strrders It455+ I\'145 City Of Hull Rotherham Harriers & AC M40 Advertiser tvlacMillan Team t450 Cleethorpe AC M55+ tY40 L40 Neil GRANT, Melissa Dawn 1"140 N140 M40 Newland Ladies WILSON, Robert tY40 Race No Race Place 426 363 310 36s Bs4 366 826 367 535 368 297 369 664 370 316 37r 84 372 s8o 373 468 374 373 375 729 376 859 377 777 378 874 379 186 380 782 381 140 382 596 383 s32 384 773 385 542 386 524 387 811 3BB 6s1 389 rB7 390 509 391 245 392 86 393 320 394 100 395 264 396 897 397 477 398 397 399 746 400 115 40r 3BB 402 57 403 257 404 448 405 696 406 643 407 606 408 778 409 820 410 777 4tt 569 412 442 413 612 4t4 451 415 318 416 7BL 4t7 677 418 69 4r9 170 420 734 421 475 422 715 423 Diary Date - Walklngton 10k - 14 July 20A0 @ 7:00 RaceMaster9S from Sport Systems 01737-352462 email:[email protected] Results produced by Beverley AC. Printed by Beverley AC on 17 May 2000 PageT of 74 Ki rn Communrcations Beverley 10K, Beverley 10K - Sunday 14 May 2000. 11:15 am Results for All Competitors in finish order. P/ace Ttme Name Team 417 0:51:25 MUNDIE, Joanne 418 0:51:28 SWINDEN, Christopher 419 0:51:32 DE SA, Luiza 420 0:51:32 STABLER, Nigel 427 0:51:58 KANE, Lesley Knavesmire Harriers 422 0:51:59 OLIVER, Bryn 423 0:52:01 CARRUTHERS, lYartyn 424 0:52:02 JONES, Rhyl 425 0:52:03 GOOSEN, Johann Hull Springhead Harriers 426 0:52:03 BIRD, Gary 427 0:52:07 PICKERING, David 428 0:52:09 WRIGHT, Tony 429 0:52:09 CAWLEY, John 430 0:52:09 IvIARSDEN, Gary .+31 0:52:09 432 0:52:09 433 0:52:09 434 0:52:09 435 0:52:09 436 0:52:14 437 0:52:15 438 0:52:16 439 0:52:i9 440 0:52:19 44I 0:52:20 TURNER, Catherine Race Race Age 135 140 tY45 M40 N450 L40 SIYITH, James St Peters School UlBM GILL, Edward St Peters School U1Bl4 ZITlvlAN, Norma Wold Vets AC 145+ JONES, Elaine Forest Gumpers GRIFFIN, lvlark WHITE, Nick STAPLES, Leon HODGSON, N145 lohn M55+ RUSLING, Nick St Peters Schooi U HARPER, Andrew Team Turkey U 181,4 442 0:52:22 MATTINSON, John 443 0:52:24 BELL, Davrd 444 0:52:25 [4ONTE]TH, IY 445 0:52:30 ENTWISTLE, Ian 446 0:52:33 DEARiNG, l4ichael 447 0:52:34 StvlITH, Andrew 448 0:52:37 SPENCE, Jonathan 449 0:52:40 WALMSLEY, David 450 0:52:40 IvIACHEN, John 457 0:52:40 CROWTHER, Charlie 452 0:52:40 SCAIFE, Nick 453 0:52:43 PARKINSON, Darren 454 0:52:43 BETTANY, Darrell 455 0:52:43 BREWIS, iackie 456 0:52:45 BARWICK, Chris 457 0:52:46 DUDILL, Michael 458 0:52:47 EVANS, Lesley 459 0:52:48 THORP, Christopher 460 0:52:51 ARKLE, Sid 467 0:52:53 MYLETT, Dave 462 0:52:53 NORMAN, Chris 463 0:52:54 DiNSDALE, Stella 464 0:52:59 OLD, Michael 465 0:53:00 FORREST, Kay 466 0:53:01 FORREST, Leslie 467 0:53:08 HERON, Joan 468 0:53:12 PARKIN, Liz 469 0:53:15 PALMER, Derek 470 0:53:15 WEBSTER, Jackie 471 0:53:17 SAMPSON, Helen 472 0:53:21 ANNAN, Janet 473 0:53:25 DE VRIES, lo 474 0:53:30 DODSWORTH, Linda 475 0:53:32 FOWLER, Geoff 476 0:53:34 BARRETT, Maxine 1Bl'1 East Hull Harriers St Peters School N455* St Peters School UIBIq St Peters School U1BN,l Beverley AC 145lvl45 p]40 t'l40 Forest Gumpers White City RRC 145+ L40 [445 Knavesmire Harriers 145+ Arco 135 135 135 Newland Ladies 135 145+ St Peters School Category Race No P/ace 338 424 829 42s 633 426 B2B 427 853 428 459 429 72 430 42L 437 337 432 708 433 311 434 806 435 133 436 896 437 110 438 361 439 40t 440 123 447 423 442 618 443 534 444 492 445 672 446 395 447 425 448 40 449 905 450 366 451 912 452 239 453 406 454 291 455 317 456 623 457 370 458 387 459 895 460 213 467 657 462 219 463 43 464 809 465 819 466 757 467 660 468 s75 469 50 470 792 47I 150 472 149 473 281 474 333 475 56s 476 152 477 648 478 266 479 s10 480 283 481 247 482 805 483 Diary Date - Walklngton 10k - 14 July 2000 @ 7:00 RaceMaster9B from Sport Systems 01737-352462 emai/;[email protected] Results produced by Beverley AC. Printed by Beverley AC on 17 May 2000 Page B of 14 i on Communicatrons Beverley 10K, Beverley 10K - Sunday 14 May 2000. 11:15 am Results for All Competitors in finish order. Place Time Name Team 4i / 0:53:35 Race Race Aqe Category No Race Place CARTER, 478 0:53:37 HILLS, Julie 479 0:53:37 DAVIS, Christopher 480 0:53:39 BOUGHEN, Mark 481 0:53:4i WASLIN, Danny 482 0:53:41 CARRATT, Stuart 483 0:53:41 BYWORTH, Bryan 484 0:53:44 BACHE, Sandra 485 0:53:46 PEACHAIvI, Vince 486 0:53:47 LECHER, Harald 487 0:53:48 IvIENNELL, leff York Acorn 140 Wright Homes M45 4BB 0:53:50 Arco SHENTON, lvlicheile 489 0:53:53 DEAN, Steven 490 0:53:56 BOLTON, Fay 491 0:53:57 JARVIS, Tim 492 0:54:05 TiNDALL, Susan 493 0:54:05 HIGH, Alan 494 0:54:06 SHARF, Karrm 495 0:54:06 EARLE, Jayne 496 0:54:07 GOULD, lvlartyn 497 0:54:09 FOREN1AN, Martin 498 0:54:10 FALLON, Thomas 499 0:54:13 KENT, Walter 500 0:54:16 MALTBY, Paul 501 0:54:77 COWDROY, lulie 502 0:54:18 DEAN, Sharon 503 0:54:20 HOLMES, Karl 504 0:54:20 HOLDER, Douglas 505 0:54:20 JOBSON, Roqer 506 0:54:25 DALTON, Christine 507 0:54:26 HAZEL, Nick 508 0:54:28 JONES, Steven 509 0:54:31 GREEN, Susan 510 0:54:32 HANNON, Paul 511 0:54:33 HEARNSHAW, Alexandra 512 0:54:35 |4ORTIlvlER, Alison 513 0:54:36 ROSS, Joe 514 0:54:37 DIBB, Alrstair 515 0:54:40 PEARSON, David 516 0:54:40 LEACH, lYark 577 0:54:40 SIvIITH, Mark 518 0:54:40 FENTON, Gill 519 0:54:40 lvlILLER, Barbara 520 0:54:40 JEFFERIES, David 521 0:54:45 WILLIAMSON, Peter 522 0:54:46 YOUNG, lvlartin 523 0:54:47 STURDY, Daniel 524 0:54:48 LEVENE, Bob 525 0:54:49 WILSON, Ryan 526 0:54:50 ANDREWS, Pauline 527 0:54:51 FOWLER, Wilf 528 0:54:56 LOWTHER, Arbell 529 0:54:57 TAYLOR, Peter 530 0:54:58 CLARKE, Paul 531 0:54:59 COOPER, Richard 532 0:55:00 REYNOLDS, Donna 533 0:55:06 BOWER, Richard 534 0:55:07 IYETCALFE, Jakki 535 0:55:08 RODMELL, Darren KTL M50 M55+ East Hull Harriers 145+ tvl40 Arco KTL Newland Ladies L45+ KTL Scunthorpe & District AC Winteton Hull Springhead Harriers Driffield Striders Cleethorpe AC Tees East & North Yorks Ambulance M45 rv45 Beverley AC 135 IYz+0 Forest Gunrpers Wold Vets AC L/+5- BeverJey AC 135 Knavesmire Harriers Rotherham Harriers & AC f"l45 t?( N,]45 F440 N145 White City RRC White City RRC [150 135 tvt45 St Peters School St Peters School I\445 Haltemprice [450 RRC KTL 140 Fenners Fiyers [450 135 156 485 593 486 r7B 487 697 4BB 839 489 793 490 485 491 495 492 319 493 229 494 537 495 538 496 313 497 180 498 516 499 212 500 173 501 2s6 502 3t4 503 331 504 789 50s 745 s06 901 507 444 508 831 509 228 510 410 512 667 513 422 514 13 515 577 516 497 517 432 518 774 519 327 520 340 521 856 522 270 523 271 524 754 525 B45 s26 735 527 195 528 2t6 530 557 531 767 532 263 s33 237 534 647 536 758 537 381 538 391 s39 676 540 176 541. 689 542 892 543 512 544 712 545 1 Diary Date - Walklngton 10k - 14 July 2000 @ 7:00 RaceMaster99 from Sport Systems 01737-352462 emall'[email protected] Results produced by Beverley AC. Printed by Beverley AC on 17 May 2000 Page 9 of 14 Ki )n Communications Beverley 10K, Beverley 10K - Sunday 14 lvlay 2000. 11:15 am Reiults for All Competitors in finish order. P/ace nme Name Team 536 0:55:12 STAMFORD, Lucy 537 0:55:19 LAWSON, Jon 538 0:55:29 HADGRAFT, Peter 539 0:55:30 WRIGHT, Gary 540 0:55:33 HALL, Jill 541,,0:55:33 GHYT€Nrdqlie 542 0:55:38 BRADLEY, -lean 543 0:55:39 VERITY, Craig 544 0:55:40 VERITY, Dawn 545 0:55:41 ROBINSON, Mark 546 0:55:45 SMITH, Ben 547 0:55:47 MILLS, lohn 548 0:55:47 TWIGG, Andrew Stilton Striders Race No Nl40 111 548 893 549 661 I\440 Elvet Striders ".,.- -:rr:t-.- i-.;:,:j-l]ty't6lF,.5loggErg ".'i.rl Elvet Striders York Acorn Race Place Race Aae Cateqorv 140 ''"1251. 135 140 IV55+ 'r1 89 832 833 4t6 414 587 586 Hull University Kempo Karate 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 ss8 Club 549 0:55:54 BiRD, Toni 550 0:55:58 GOULD, David 551 0:56:00 IYAAYE, Edward 552 0:56:00 DENLEY, Katrine 553 0:56:01 PITCHARD, Deborah 554 0:56:05 PAWSON, John 555 0:56:09 PORTE, Alex 556 0:56:13 NEWBERRY, Stewart 557 0:56:15 TUIYMONS, Sharron 558 0:56:19 ATKINSON, Martin 559 0:56:21 BLANCHARD, John 560 0:56:27 SlvlITH, Paul 561 0:56:28 EDWARDS, Jackie 562 0:56:29 RUMFORD, Kay 563 0:56:30 WILSON, Emily 564 0:56:30 HALE, Peter 565 0:56:32 LYON, Lesley 566 0:56:34 LYON, Kevn 567 0:56:39 LEANING, Mandy 568 0:56:39 LAWN, Winifred 569 0:56:42 CRAIvIPTON, David 570 0:56:50 JEFFERY, Patricia 571 0:56:54 KAY. Susan 572 O:56:55 KITCHING, Harriet 573 0:56:57 [4ILLEN, Pau 574 0:56:57 WOOD, Anne 575 0:56:58 ROBINSON, Ivlargaret 576 0:56:58 HUNT, Susan 577 0:57:03 RAPER, Nigel 578 0:57:04 HARDISTY, Paul 579 0:57:05 PECKITT, Susan 580 0:57:06 SAWYER, Debra 581 0:57:07 PEARSON, David 582 0:57:12 DRANSFIELD, Liz 583 0:57:13 FOSTER, Shane 584 0:57:14 GRACE, Lindsay 585 0:57:15 PEARSON, Gavin 586 0:57:16 LOCKWOOD, Kay 587 O:57:1,7 WHITESIDE. Joan 5BB 0:57:77 589 590 591 592 593 594 0:57:18 0:57:18 0:57:19 0:57:79 0:57:26 0:57 28 Anglja Oils Ltd Anglia Ojls Ltd M45 St Peters School U Hull Springhead Harriers 145+ 1Bl'4 135 I\455 St Peters School U1BN1 140 Hull Springhead Harriers ltn Hull Springhead Harriers UlBF t450 140 N'l40 York Acorn L45r 145145White City RRC [455 + f440 Driffield Striders L40 t2tr M40 WoId VetS AC 145+ Trenton Terriers CAII4PBELL, Rachel HARRINGTON, Richard CRAZE, Gary [440 MATSON, Craig ATKINS, Don - City Of Hull Cleethorpe AC BADGER, lYichelle HIGH, Steven t450 135 274 559 272 560 378 561 128 562 BB4 563 241 564 3Bs 565 48L 566 21t 567 301 s6B 44 569 570 570 ls8 577 499 572 716 573 855 574 28 57s 27 576 579 577 437 578 703 579 691 580 302 581 248 sB2 210 583 190 584 75 585 204 586 315 587 67 5BB 326 589 30 590 4t1 591 334 592 126 593 870 594 183 59s 105 596 309 s97 436 598 620 599 790 600 622 601 s01 602 305 603 227 604 Dlary Date - Walkington 10k - 14 July 2000 @ 7:00 RacdMaster9S from Sport Systems 01737-352462 emall:[email protected] http;// Results produced by Beverley AC. Printed by Beverley AC on 17 May 2000 Page 10 of 14 Kir r Communications Beverley 10K, Beverley 10K - Sunday 14 May 2000. 11:15 am Reiults for All Competitors in finish order. P/ace Trnte Name 595 0:57:31 BAINBRIDGE, Robert 596 0:57:33 POWELL, Jasmine 597 0:57:40 MINTER, Roy 598 0:51:40 PORTER, Karen 599 0:57:40 WEBSTER, Debbie 600 0:57:41 FORT, Jonathan 601 0:57:44 MARTIN, Steve 602 0:57:48 FOSTER, Susan 603 0:57:51 HOLT, Stephen 604 0:57:57 HAUGHAN, Anne 605 0:57:57 HAUGHAN, Don 606 0:57:58 SCULLIOW, Henry 607 0:57:59 NOBLE, Geoffrey 608 0:58:02 HAGGIS, Jez 609 0:58:04 WELSH, Gary 610 0:58:09 WILSON, Christopher 611 0:58:20 HILL, Steven 612 0:58:20 CALLAN, Anna-marie 613 0:58:22 RICARDO, Scott J 614 0:58:26 SYKES, Leslie 615 0:58:31 HOWARTH, Neil 616 0:58:33 MASKEW, Rachel 617 0:58:34 MYERS, Steven 618 0:58:35 SLATER, Kay 619 0:58:36 REVELL, Tracey 620 0:58:36 WHITELEY, Susan 627 0:58:40 KENNEDY, Adrian 622 0:58:45 HORN, Lynn 623 0:58:46 HUNT, Vanessa 624 0:58:47 CALVERT, Ian 625 0:58:48 CHARLTON, Sandra 626 0:58:53 LLOYD, Gillian 627 0:58:54 HARDY, John Lee 628 0:58:55 ROSE, Lynn 629 0:58:55 THOMPSON. Lisa 630 0:58:55 KiNNERSLEY, William 631 0:58:58 WATTS, Beverley 632 0:59:00 KING, John 633 0:59:08 ANTHONY, lYichael 634 0:59:08 ACONS, Georgina 635 0:59:08 ASHLEY, Jenny 636 0:59:08 BUSH, Catherine 637 0:59:09 BRAGANZA, Maneka 638 0:59:16 JOHNSON, Darren 639 0:59:17 STEVENSON, Tony 640 0:59:18 WILLIS, Anne 641 0:59:19 TYTKO, Karolynna 642 0:59:20 HOE, Bryan 643 0:59:24 644 0:59:26 645 0:59:31 646 0:59:31 647 0:59:33 648 0:59:37 649 0:59:44 650 0:59:46 651 0:59:53 652 0:59:53 653 0:59:53 Race Team Race Aqe Cateaorv I\450 Wold Vets AC 145+ M50 135 St Peters School Purple Runnies UlBM I\440 140 Goole Viking Striders M40 145+ N.150 lY45 Cleethorpe AC M40 UCI Cinema Bridlington Road Runners N440 M45 Hull Achilles 135 Wold Vets AC 145+ 140 Barrington Leisure Centre Barrington Leisure Centre L40 Barrington Leisure Centre Barrington Leisure Centre St Peters School U1Bl\4 St Peters School U St Peters School U 1BF St Peters School UlBF St Peters School U 1BF I\440 iBF Wrighl Homes M50 Scarborough AC 145+ 135 Tees East & North Yorks Ambulance HUDSON, Janrce l'145 140 TAYLOR, Glenn City Of Hull tvt40 HOARE, Susan Barracuda Tri 145+ SIAKES-YOUNG, Melanie York Acorn 140 DEAN, Kevin Arco N440 ROWBOTTOM, Anthony LUNDIE, Irene HOLDEN, Tracey L,+0 Pocklington Runners COLE, Robin t440 ELSWORTH, Gary [440 COWARD, John l\450 No Race Place 118 60s 215 606 722 607 38 608 37 609 363 610 742 611 101 6t2 787 613 58 6t4 59 615 765 616 639 677 763 618 B3B 619 546 620 821 62t 776 622 232 623 879 624 707 62s 862 626 533 627 52 628 279 629 115 630 472 631 32t 632 2BB 484 511 771 724 72t 723 722 670 400 322 375 377 376 365 591 851 276 554 574 64 278 343 2s 547 136 695 775 609 906 254 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 64A 647 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 6s5 656 657 658 6s9 660 661 662 663 Dlary Date - Wa/klngton 10k - 14 July 2000 @ 7:00 RaceMaster99 from Sport Systems 01737-352462 emall:[email protected] Results produced by Beverley AC. Printed by Beverley AC on 17 May 2000 Page 11 of 14 Kin r Communications Beverley 10K, Beverley 10K - Sunday 14 lvlay 2000. 11:15 am for AII Competitors in finish order. P/ace Trme Name 654 0:59:53 COWARD, Robert 555 0:59:57 DAWSON, Graham ReSUits 656 1:00:01 ROBERTS, Neil 657 1:00:02 N4lNNS, Charlotte 658 1:00:05 JONES, Fiona 659 1:00106 TROTMAN, Andrew 660 1:00:06 PERRY, Campbell 661 1:00:19 SANDERSON, IYarshall 662 1:00:22 CRENNAN, Sandra 663 1:00:25 EDGAR, Sue 664 1:00:26 READING, Avril 665 7:00:27 KIRBY, Jeanne 666 1,:00:27 DIBB, lohn 667 1:00:28 PARKER, Andrew 668 1:00:29 POUNDER, Robert 669 1:00:38 FOSTER, Vernon 670 1:00:53 MARSHALL, Chris 671 1:01:00 NORTON, Keith 672 1:01:08 ANTCLIFF, lordan 673 1:01:13 LYON, Alan 674 1:01:14 BRANKLEY, Dennis 675 1:01:33 HALL, Shirley 676 1:01:33 HAWORTH, Nick 677 7:01:42 GALE, Pamela 678 7:01:42 JESSOP, Tony 679 1:01:43 SMELT, Hazel 680 1:02:00 LEVITT, Brian 681 1:02:16 lvlYSKO, Nikki 682 l:02:77 BURNS, Vanessa 683 7:02:17 SCHULTZ, Ashley 684 1:02:18 FARROW, Allison 685 7:0224 BAKER, Stephanie 686 T:02:24 KALTENBACH, LiZa 687 1:02:35 SUGDEN, Avril 688 I:02:37 LIMBERT, Donna 689 1:02:38 BROADFIELD, Roy 690 1:02:39 GIRKING, Kate 691 1:02:58 IANSEN, Marlee 692 1:03:00 GERRARD, Kristine 693 1:03:13 SMiTH, Wayne 694 1:03:16 SCARAM, Dawn 695 1:03:17 YU, Ling 696 1:03:23 CLAYBOURN, Mark 697 1:03:35 DREWERY, Graham 698 1:03:37 WILKES, Robert 699 1:03:37 COLE, Gill 700 l:03:42 ASHWORTH, lonathan 70I 1:03:46 JOHNSON, Val 702 1:03:50 MOWFORTH, Carole 703 1:03:53 JAMES, Terry 704 1:04:01 BROWN, Janet 705 1:04:01 EDWARDS, Colin 706 1:04:03 HALL, Linda 707 1:04:03 HOLWELL, Steven 708 t:04:72 TUPLIN, Richard 709 1:04:74 FINDLAY. iohn 710 1:04:20 MAUGHAN, Chris 711 1:04:20 HART, Andrew 772 1:04:21 HORNBY, Tracy 773 1:04:22 MADDEN, Peter Race Team Race Aqe Cateqory Horseforth Harriers M55+ Lincolnshire Police rY40 St Peters School N145 St Peters School M40 Trenton Terriers M50 Wold Vets AC 140 Wold Vets AC 140 Scarborough AC L45+ York Postal A 145+ C N,]45 Team Turkey Arco N450 Wright Homes Wright Homes U 1BI\4 N445 140 The Tortoises 140 I\'145 140 t"l50 St School UiBF L't)r N455Bever ey AC York Postal A C L45- Cleethorpe AC Army Trenton Terriers Wright Homes Saxilby Road Runners 145+ lvl40 140 145+ St Peters School [450 Scarborough AC 145+ [440 Hornsea Harriers 145+ Withernsea Harriers Purple Runnies IY55+ No Race Place 102 664 449 665 5Bs 666 604 667 603 668 389 669 394 670 782 671 6L6 672 6t7 673 81 674 447 675 692 676 872 677 632 678 125 679 s40 680 507 681 s97 683 592 684 772 685 578 686 687 687 221 688 244 689 480 690 B7I 691 869 692 261 693 258 694 104 695 393 696 470 697 601 698 s66 699 731 700 46 70t BBB 702 447 703 764 704 553 705 236 706 185 707 877 708 598 709 531 7L0 486 7tI 698 712 705 7r3 369 714 7r0 775 626 716 72t 717 749 7tB 876 779 138 720 I44 721 873 722 770 723 560 724 Diary Date - Walklngton 10k - 14 July 2000 @ 7:00 RaceMaster99 from Sport Systems 01737-352462 emall:[email protected] Results produced by Beverley AC. Printed by Beverley AC on 17 May 2000 Page L2 of 14 Kin Communications Beverley 10K, Beverley 10K - Sunday 14 May 2000. 11:15 am R.esuits for All Competitors in finish order. Place Time Name 714 1:04:23 CROW, Gill 715 1:04:50 LOPEZ-MENDEZ, Alisa 716 1:05:18 TAYLOR, Robert 777 1:05:19 STURDY, Rachael 7lB Race Team Race Aqe Cateqory Louth Athletic Club 140 Kingston Call Centres tvt40 1:05:31 MAITLAND, Vicky 719 1:05:37 720 1:05:39 721 1:05:39 722 1:05:39 723 1:05:46 724 1:06:01 725 1:06:15 726 I:06:27 WARD, Stephen PLANT, Nicola Kingston Call Centres HUNT, Leigh Kingston Call Centres PARRY, Davyd Kingston Call Centres o1f KENNY, Laurie [440 KELLY, lanette 135 HALL, Benjamin WHITEHOUSE, Damian Race No Place BB3 725 674 726 286 727 863 728 867 729 910 730 681 737 673 732 Hull University Kempo Karate 174 655 528 478 1)) 734 735 736 737 Club 727 l:06:42 PRATT, John 728 1:06:58 BARRATT, Elaine 729 1:06:58 HODGES, Samantha 730 1:07:15 ViCKERMAN, Nigel David 73I 1:07:15 THOMPSON, lt4rke 732 1:07:15 DANIEL, lvlark 733 1:07:15 RAPER, Paul 734 1:07:15 DREW, Philip 735 1:07:15 SADLER, Chris 736 1:07:15 VICKERIVIAN, Simon lames 737 1:07:15 IvIARSHALL, Wilson 738 1:07:15 KEMP, Anthony 739 1:07:15 STEPHENSON, Lee 740 1:07:15 BUCKNALL, Richard 747 1:07:15 WALKER, Neil 742 1:07:15 COMAISH, Andrew 743 1:07:15 STEVENS, John 744 l:07:15 RAYWOOD, Brian 745 I:07:15 FEWINGS, Sheila 746 1:07:15 AWTY, Daniel 747 1:07:33 WHITE, Margaret 748 1:07:34 HALL, Debra 749 1:07:38 HARROD, Alan 750 1:07:38 SMITH, Patrrcia 75I 1:07:38 WRIGHT, Sarah 752 1:07:59 I4ARSHALL, Angela 753 1:07:59 FRANCE, Emma 754 1:08:04 EASTERBROOK, Valerie 755 1:08:05 WRIGHT, Matthew 756 1:08:14 CROWTHER, Clare 757 1:08:21 HARRIS, Jean Olga 758 1:08:31 VENTRESS, Terry 759 1:08:32 RAPER, Barry 760 1:08:54 CROOKES, Rachel Beverley AC 907 94 736 348 358 347 355 357 346 349 351 350 359 353 352 3s6 354 140 135 Beverley Fire Station Beverley Fire Station Beverley Fire Station Beverley Fire Station Beverley Fire Station Beverley Fire Station Beverley Fire Station Beverley Fire Station Beverley Fire Station Beverley Fire Station Beverley Fire Station Beverley Fire Station Beverley Fire Station Beverley Fire Station I\455East Hull Harriers 145* Wright Homes U1BN1 t45Advertiser lvlaclviillan Team 135 Advertiser Maclvli llan Team M45 Wo]d VetS AC L45r Hornsea Harriers 145+ 145 WOId VetS AC 145 - i\440 [445 Hull University Kempo Karate ss6 47 590 439 6L4 610 476 807 638 668 734 458 r97 474 139 738 479 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 767 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 Club 761 1:09:23 ANHOLlvl, Tina 762 1:09:36 WILLIAIvISON, Linda 763 1:09:38 LEESON, Jon 764 1:09:48 HARRINGTON, Barbara 765 1:09:48 BADGER, Robert 766 1:10:14 LANDER, Becky 767 1:10:14 CHALMERS, Susan 768 1:70:17 TOCK, Sarah 769 1:10:46 I4ARIN, Joan 770 1:10:46 CLARK, Derek 771 1:10:55 MADDEN, Lynn 772 1:10:55 PEXTON, Richard William Withernsea Harriers 140 145+ Beverley AC L45+ Beverley AC 663 2L7 904 740 83 772 773 774 775 776 St Peters School UlBF J/.+ // St Peters School UlBF 396 116 760 759 702 866 778 L45+ [455+ 135 / 779 780 7Bt 782 783 Diary Date - Walkrngton 10k - 14 July 2000 @ 7:00 RaceMaster99 from Sport Systems 01737-352462 email:[email protected] http;// Results produced by Beverley AC. Printed by Beverley AC on 17 May 2000 Page 13 of 14 / Kir r Communications Beveriey 10K, Beverley 10K - Sunday Reiults for AII Comoetitors in finish order. Place Trme Name 773 7:12:32 BRITTAIN, Lindsay 774 1:12:56 SMITH, Jacquie 775 7:13:24 BRIGHAM, Vicki 776 1:13:49 CHAIvIBERLAIN, Darren 777 1:13:49 IvICDONALD, Gerald lames 778 1:13:57 WARDELL, Mary 779 1:14:08 THRELFALL, Andrew 780 1:14:29 SCAIFE, Ann 7BI 7BZ 783 784 785 786 787 1:14:42 MASON, Susan 1:11:47 SHARPE, Mike I:t4:52 BROWN, Bruce 1:15:16 7:15:17 1:16:05 1:16:34 SAXBY, Sheila 7BB 1:i6:38 789 790 791 792 793 14 May 2000. 11:15 am Team Tool Room Trotter lY55+ Wright Homes Advertiser MacMillan Team HARDING, L40 Wright Homes t\445 Hull Springhead Harriers 140 145+ GIBBESON, Sally SCHUIvIACHER, Linda Race Race Age Category Knavesmire Harriers 145+ lohn KERMAN, Rich Humberside Police PAA 1:16:43 BYWORTH, Jennifer 1:16:43 IvIASNIUK, Pauline 145+ 145+ 145+ 1:1"6:43 REANEY, Shirley 7:24:33 BUTLER, Laura 7:24:39 GALE, Melanie The Tortoises U 1BF The Tortoises U 1BF Race No P/ace 223 784 840 785 299 tB6 267 787 415 7BB s95 789 868 790 7tB 791 611 792 599 793 469 794 224 795 779 796 729 797 235 798 515 799 795 800 797 801 796 802 405 803 222 804 There were 793 finishers in the All Competitors category. Dlary Date - Walklngton 10k - 14 July 2000 @ 7:00 RaceMaster9S from Sport Systems 01737-352462 emall:[email protected] Results produced by Beverley AC. Printed by Beverley AC on 17 May 2000 Page 14 of 14
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