gao - Carroll County Genealogical Society
gao - Carroll County Genealogical Society
CARROLL COUNTY GENEALOGICAL QUARTERLY Qqr*.^ --\gao",._ HARALSON CO Jan. 26. 1856 \ui, DOUGLAS CO. Oct. 17 = HEARD CO. Oec. 22 '1830 WINTER 1996 THE CARROLL COUNTY GENEALOGICAL OUARTERLY BY THE CARROLL COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. O. BOX 576 CARROLLTON. GEORGiA 30117 VOLUME XVI WINTER 1996 I NUMBER FOUR TABLE OF CONTENTS President's Letter Offrcers and Commiltees. ...... . 110 . . .... ... 110 Carroll County Voter Registration,'1867-1868, Concluded 111 Sharpe Family, with Greene and Iumlin Allied Families 123 Being Remembered, the Wesley Johnson Famlly 136 Items of Genealogrcal lnterest. Carroll County nmes 1880 138 Announcements 138 Focus of Research 138 Queries.... 139 Pedigree Chart 140 CCGS Members 140 lndex 141 The Carroll County Genealogical Society, Caffoll County, Georgia, membership dues are $20.00 per person or family, on a calendar basis (January through December). Life memberships are not ava,lable. Thrs publication is included at no extra cost in the membershlp dues, with one copy per family. Extra copies of the 1996 Quarterlies are available for $5.50 each. Former issues of the Quarterly are available at the prices shown on the back page of this issue. These are ordered from the Carroll County Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 576, Carrollton, GA 30117. Queries are published free for members of the Society, charges for queries for non-members are $5.00 for up to 100 words. This Society does not assume responsibility for errors in fact or opinion which may appear in articles furnrshed by its members. We will gladly correct any errors brought to our attention. Copyright 1996 rssN-0734-5682 -t toWinter i 996 Dear Members. Early Seasons Greetings for a joyous Thanksgiving and a sparkling Noel To all members in and about Carrollton, an invitation is extended to join in the Ch.istmas Party to be held on Thursday, December 5, at 6:30 p.m , at the home of Lee Wash, 90 Briarwood Dr., Carrollton Lee may be called at 770-832-3362 for directions. Please bring a covered dish, and a wrapped outlandish White Eleohant gift to share a fun evening. The Carroll County '1850 Census is being laboriously corrected by Ruth McNinch and lrary Florence Word and will be avaalable in the spring. Updated computer capabilities make a more accurate copy possible. This will incorporate the additions, corrections, and index to the '1850 Census as found in the 1988 Spring Quarterly The family histo.ies and other research finds being sent in are most appreciated. Please keep such material coming as it helps our Editor to maintain such a high qualrty Quarterly. Dues are payable in January. Please mail in your $20 promptly so you don't miss a Quarterly. Some other important reminders: Quarterlies are sent free for members but there is a $5.50 charge for non-members. On the back page is a listing of ailavailable publications and prices. As of our October meeting elections Ramona Teal is now serving as Vice President We welcome her and thank Kathy Brock for her assistance while in that office. A special personal appreciation to each of our very capable Boa.d l\rembers who has agreed to stay on for one more term. Our thanks to each of yoq for your continuing support, and every Good Wish for the coming Holidays and the New Year Sincerely, Jean H Kytle President THE CARROLL COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 1997 OFFICERS AND COI\4MITTEES President........... Vice-President Recording Secretary. Corresponding Secretary. . . . ... Treasurer................. Quarterly Editor..... Library Coordinator.. Program Coordinator ... ... Frnance Committee Chairman ............ . . Membership Comn'rittee Chairman ... ... . . .... Telephone Committee Chairman. ...... Special Projects Committee Chairman ... Workshop Committee Chairman . ........... Jean H. Kytle Ramona Teal Sandra Allen Mary Florence Wo.d Lee W. Wash Shirley Gardner Betty devane Kathy Brock Lee W. Wash Ruth McNinch Douglass Ruskell l\4arcia Mccahee Gene Sneary -tttihe followrng is coniinued from the Fall 1996 Quarterly: ABSTMCT OF THE 1867-1868 CARROLL COUNTY GEORGIA VOTER REGISTRATION OATH BOOKS AND RETURNS OF QUALIFIED VOTERS UNDER THE RECONSTRUCTION ACTS OF 1867 Compiled by Alfred E. Turner 6501 Peacock Dr.. Morrow, GA 30260 Key to reading thrs abstract: Last name, first name initial. (W) = White, or (C) = Colored, the term used by the Registrars R = Returns Book followed by page number. A = Oath Book A followed by page number. B = Oath Book B followed by page number. S = Supplemental Oath Book followed by page number. (S) = Personal signature on Oath. (x) = Signed oath by mark Carroii Couniv Voter Reqistration. 1867-1868 1240 Election District lTurkey Creek) Adams, William (W, R35 A459 (X) Akin, lsham (V\C, R35 A448 (S) Akin, John (W. R35 A446 (S) Baily, William N. (V\4, R35 A451 (X) Baker. William H. (W R36 8249 (S) Bevis William (W. R35 4441 (X) Brown, Richard W. (\,9, R36 8248 (S) Bryan. Edward J (r'U, R35 A485 (S) Bryan, James (W), R35 A444 (S) Byrun. William D. (W, R35 A441 (X) Cook, Benjamin F (W), R35 A450 (S) Crow, Young S (W), R36 A467 (S) Davenpori. James G. (W. R35 4455 (S) Dingler, William Henry OV). R36 4460 (S) Duffey James H. 0 4, R35 A447 (S) Eaflrest, Ehsha C (\n4. R35 A445 (X) Earnest. Thomas R (W), R36 A461 (S) Earnest, William L. (W. R35 A62 (S) Ellison, John M. (W R35 A450 (S) Enlrekin, EliA. (W, R36 A460 (S) Entrekin. Elrjah B. (W, R35 A443 (S) Entrekin, SamuelJ (W), R35 A454 (S) Entrekin, Thomas (W, R35 A442 (X) Entrekin, William (W). R35 A440 (S) Griffis. Benjamin F. (W) R35 A458 (S) Hammock, Robert B (W, R35 A456 (S) Harris, George L. (W R35 A455 (S) Harrison, Simeon (\ 4, R36 A461 (S) Holmes, Thomas E (!\4 R36 A465 (S) Jeniings. \,'riiiam C (',V). R35 A452 (S) Lamberl. Georqe R (W). R36 A459 (S) Lamberl. William S (W). R35 A449 (X) Landers, James M. (W), R35 4443 (S) Leak, Samlrel (W). R35 A446 (S) Leak, William J. (W, R35 A451 (S) fu4artin. Hicks (14, R35 A445 (S) Martin, William H (W), R35 A444 (S) lvlcBurnetl Nicholas (W. R35 A452 (X) McKissack. Fellx (C), R35 4456 (]() l\,4cKissack. John J. (!9, R35 4457 (S) lvlcRae, Calvin (W. R36 8239 (S) Nloon, Benjamin F. (V\4, R35 4440 (S) Nelson. Noel (W. R36 A462 (S) Pettiorew, John (C), R35 A454 (X) Petligrew. Thomas R L. (W. R35 4453 (S) Plotl Francis l\I (W R35 A457 (S) Posey David A.D. (C), R35 4449 (X) Stnpling, David (W), R36 8260 (S) Stripling James W. G (!9, R36 8260 (S) Thonras, Bird P. (!9, R36 8248 (S) Thomas, Lucrous S. (W, R36 8249 (S) Trimble, NeMon (\n4, R35 A323 (S) Vickery, James C G 4, R35 A448 (S) Webb Coleman B (W, R35 A442 (S) White, Franklin M. Gl/), R36 A468 (X) White, James V. (W. R36 A467 (S) White, John A (W, R36 4468 (S) Williams Stephen R. (19, R35 A447 (X) -tl?, Carroll County Voter Registration 1867-1BOB, Cont'd. 642 Election District (Villa Rica) D. (C), R20 A292 (X) Willis (1i\4, RlS A262 (S) Ballard, Eli (v!0, R19 4269 (X) Awlry, Lewis Bagwell, B (V!), R19 A280 (X) Ballard, Wesley Barnes, Thomas W. (VY), R22 A356 (S) Bevan, James I\r. (W), R21 A325 (X) 8lair, George W 0n4, R21 A313 (S) Blanchard, Thomas (C), R22 A335 (X) Bricker, John (W, R22 8275 (S) Brown, James M. (VU), R19 A266 (S) Brown, William F. (W, R22 8252 (S) Bundrum, James (W, R19 4273 (X) Burk, Charles (C), R22 A355 (X) Cabaniss, DanielH. (VV), R20 A296 (S) Candler. charles (c), R20 4292 (X) Cansler, James l\r. (W), R22 4340 (S) Carnes, John P (V\r, R19 A277 (S) Carnes, Peter (C), R21 A310 (X) Carnes, Robert (C), R21 4334 (X) cames, Thomas (W), R22 4342 (X) cash, George 1,4. (\ 4, R22 4337 (S) Cash, Henry C. W), R21 A328 (D Cash, Howard (W, R21 A32S (X) Chambers, James L. (V\4, R19 A265 (S) Chambers, Jesse H. (VV), R19 A278 (S) Chambers, William P. 0 4, R22 A357 (S) Chappell, James L. (\I4, R20 A300 (S) Cheves, Allison (W, R20 A295 (S) Cheves, Wiiliam A. (W), R20 A287 (S) Clinton, Christopher C. (W, R22 A336 (S) Clouts, Cha.les (C), R20 A291 (X) Cole, Alexander (C).R22 A335 (X) Crook, John W. (W), R19 A271 (X) Dobbs, Robefl (c), R21 4326 (X) Dobbs, Samuel (C), R22 4351 (X) Dobson, John F. (W R19 A264 (S) Fielder. Francis M. (W, R21 A327 (S) cambol, Randall (C), R21 A324 (X) Green Doctor F. (U4, R21 A317(S) Grubbs, John 0V), R20 A302 (S) Hall, Asa (W), R21 A329 (X) Hallman, Charles (C), R21 A331 (X) Hallman, Daniel (U4, R19 A267 (S) Hallman, Henry (W), R19 A268 (s) Hallman, washington (w, R20 A301 (X) Hamilton, Thomas I\r. W), R19 A261 (S) Harper, Harper, Harper, Harper, Harper, H (W, R22 A347 (S) L. (W), R20 4303 (X) James L. 09, R19 A274 (X) Brooks Hiram Jesse D Solomon G/V) R20 A303 (S) D. (U4, R19 A274 (S) Harpcr. Terell (W) R20 A298 (X) Harper, Thomas D. (W. R21 ,4333 (X) Harris, William (C), R22 A355 (X) Harrison, Abel H. 0 0, R20 A304 (S) Harrison, Kanaan W (V14, R20 A311 (S) (V14, R19 4276 (S) Hawkins, John (!9, R21 A315 (s) George J. Haynes. M. John Haynes, 0 4, Rl9 A281 (S) Heard. Robe,! (C) R21 4333 (X) Henslee, Miles D. (W, R22 4337 ()C Hewett, William (w) R2o A293 ()C T P. (W), R1S A267 (S) Hunt Thomas M (W R20 A311(X) Hunt. William (V14, R20 A305 (S) Kennedy, William (W, R21 4313 (X) Kilgore, William J. (W, R22 A356 (S) King, William L. (\ 4, R21 A326 (S) Leathers, Peter (w), R22 8253 (S) LeatheMood, William B (W), R21 4332 (S) LealheMood Williarr F. (V\r. R19 A268 (X) Luiher, lsaac (W, R20 4294 (S) Ma{one, Charles (C) R22 4334 (X) Ivlann. John E. (VV) R19 4281 (S) Massey, James J (\ 4 R20 4307 (S) N4cBride. Pinckney (W. R20 4294 (X) i,{ccurdy, Robert T. (W, R19 A277 (S) N4cDaniel, John (C), R20 4300 (X) tvlclarty. Harry (C), R21 4331 (X) [Iclarty, John (C),R21 4330 (X) McRea, William J. 0/\4, R20 A301 (S) Mcwho.ler, James L (W, Rl9 A269 (X) Mcwhorter, William J. (W), R19 A270 (X) I\rrchael, James H. (w, R19 4262 (X) Miller, Alexander 0l/), R21 4327 (X) l\,,Iills. Thomas P (\ 4, R20 4298 (S) Ivlilchell, John lv!. (\ 4, R19 A266 (S) N4oman, Henry (C), R22 A341 (X) i/lorfls, Ambrose J. (w, R21 A321 (S) Mords, Andrew J. (W, R22 A346 (X) lvlorris, Henry (W. R21 A330 (X) Morris, Moses (W, R21 4332 (X) Moris, Thomas S. W), R19 A278 (X) l,Iorris William (v\), R1s A276 (s) Morris. Wyall (\n4, R20 4286 (X) Natley. Ambros J. (V\r, R21 A315 (S) Nelley, John B. (V\4, R21 A316 (X) Nalley, William H. (W, R21 A314 (S) Newman, DoctorC. (VV), R21 4322 (X) Noland, George R. (V14, R21 A314 (S) Noland, Seaborn W. (W, R22 A35S (S) Palmer, Oenison B. (W, R19 A263 (S) Hill, William .--l ,, ,- : _113_ Carroli Countv Voter Reqistraiion. '186/-1868. Cont'd 642 Election District (Villa Rica). Cont'd. G. (W), R20 A305 (X) Parmer, Joshua W), R20 A302 (S) Pilgrim, James H. (W, R19 A279 (S) Paris. William Pope Henry (V14, R20 A289 (X) (W). R20 4288 (S) Pope, John Pope, William H. (W R20 A288 (S) R Raburn, Hodge (W, R22 A351 (S) Raburn, John (W, R19 A273 (X) Ragan, DanielS. 0n4. R21 A316 (S) Roberts, David (W, R20 A306 (S) Roberls, Haman (W. R21 A317 (S) Rodgers, Alfred (\ 4, R19 A272 (S) Rodgers, William H. H. (UD, R19 A263 (S) Ruffin, SamlrelS. (U4, R20 4295 (X) Russell, Robert N (W R22 A342 (S) Saxlon, Allen (\I4, RlS 4275 (X) Seals, Jackson (C), R20 4304 (X) Sheats, Nicholas R. (W, R20 A299 (S) shuffield, J. Erantly (\i4, R22 A341 (S) Slaughter Joseph (C), R21 ,4312 (X) Smith Berry (C), R20 A293 (X) Smith, John A (W, R21 A324 (S) Smith. Thomas M. (W, R19 A275 (S) Stephens, Joseph H. (V14, R19 A279 (X) Strickland, Georce N. 0n4, R19 4261 (X) Strickland, Roswell (\,9, R21 4328 (X) Swafford. Ilroses S. (W), R22 A354 (S) Taie,.j6mes (C), R20 A29C (X) Taylor. Berry T (W), R21 A322 (S) Taylor, Jer.y (C),R22 A336 (X) Thomas. James R (W, R22 8274 (S) Tidwell, John (C), R20 A291 ()C Tolbe{, Josiah T. (W), R21 A321 (S) Tolbert, Roland A. (!9, R21 A320 (S) Turner, Marcus c. (\n4, R19 4271 (S) Velvin, John H. (W, R20 A290 (S) Waldrup, AndrewJ. (V\4, R22 A353 (X) Waldrup, Harmon (W, R21 4325 (X) Ward, lsaac (V14 R19 A265 (S) Watson, Littlebery B. (V9, R20 4307 (S) Webb. [4alcomb H. (\ 4, R22 4347 (S) Weddinglon, George (C), R21 A312 (X) White, Asa (W, R19 A264 (S) White, Benjamin F (W, R22 4346 (X) Williams, Leroy (\^4, R20 A299 (X) Williams, Wiliiam (W), R19 4272 (S) Williams, William W (V\4, R21 A323 (S) Willoughby, Thomas (!\,, R22 8254 (X) Willoughby, Thomas H. (W), R20 4308 (S) Willoughby, William J. (V\), R20 A308 (S) Wood, Nathan (W), R19 A270 (X) Yates. Alfred G. (W), R22 A345 (S) Young, Allen J. (W), R21 4320 (X) 649 Eleci;oi District (Sixth Drstrict) Abercombrie, lsaac I!4. (W), R30 A419 (X) Adair, Bozeman gV). R31 8314 (S) Adams, Absalom (W, R29 A383 (S) Adams, Isom T. (W, R27 A287 (X) Adams, William B. (W, R29 A381 (S) Adams Zachariah T. (19, R29 4391 (S) Allen, Aleimus H. (U4, R29 A381 (S) Allen, Alexander W (W), R29 A391 (S) Anderson, George W. (VV.i. R27 A318 (X) Austin, James (C). R28 A378 (X) Ayres, Sanruel (C), R29 A394 (X) Baker. William H (VV), R30 A413 (S) Barnes, Jethro H. (W, R29 A38S (S) Baskin, Clark W. (VV). R28 A363 (S) Baskin, James L. (W. R28 A370 (S) Baskin, Philo P. (\ 4, R27 A101 (S) Baskin, Terrell (C), R30 A402 (X) Baskin, Thomas W. (W). R28 4366 (S) Baxter, Moses J. (W), R28 A369 (S) Bice, James W. (VY), R27 A253 (S) Brooks. John W. (VV). R29 A385 (S) Brooks. Wiliiam (w). R28 A379 (S) (v1,. R29 A387 (S) Brooks. William (W). R27 A344 (S) Brown, Thomas Bryce. George R (W). R28 A366 (S) Bryce, John F. (W), R27 A352 (S) Burrow, John (C), R28 4363 (X) Buyce, William (W, R29 A385 (X) Cankell, Jesse C (W R28 4379 (X) Carroll, George W. (VrC, R30 A412 (S) (W). R29 A380 (S) Carroll. Pleasant Cartwright, Alexander S. (VV), R31 A434 (X) Caftwright, Wilson (W, R30 A418 (S) Chambers, Jonathan (U4. R30 ,4415 (S) Chambe.s, N cholas H. (W, R31 8246 (X) J F L Chambe.s. Philip Chance George J (W, R31 8247 (X) W (\14, R27 A350 (S) W (W), R30 A412(S) Chance, James Chance. Warren (W), R31 8307 (S) Cobb, Alfred (C), R29 A395 (X) t14Carroll County Voter Regist.ation, 1867-1868, Cont'd 649 Election District (Sixth District), Cont'd. Cobb, James H. (!l4, R29 4388 (S) Cobb, John M. (W), R29 A382 (S) Cochran, Jacob F. 0 4, R30 A406 (S) Coleman, HenryA. (W), R29 A383 (S) Coneroy, James (W R29 892 (X) Davis, Ethan (VV), R30 A403 (S) Davis, John J. (W), R30 A414 (S) Dempsey, Henson C. (W, R29 4390 (S) Dobbs. Anderson (C), R28 A373 (X) Dobbs, Daniel (C), R28 ,4362 CX) Dobbs, H. (r 4, R27 4339 (S) Dobbs, Henry (C), R31 8257 (E Dobson, William L. 0ff), R27 ASS (S) EasteMood, John W (W, R30 4404 (S) Embry, Abel O. (\44, R27 A310 (S) Evans, Charles (C), R30 A401 (X) Evans. Fields P. 0/11), R31 8269 (S) Evans, John (C), R30 A411 (X) Evans, [,4ark (C), R27 4309 (X) Foote, James B. G/V), R30 A419 (s) Fulbright, Aaron (V9, R27 A349 (S) Fullbright, Leonard (W, R28 A360 (X) Fullbright, William E. (W, R28 ,4360 (X) Gariison, Benjamin J. 0I/), R27 A357 (S) Garrison, John G (W), R30 A410 (S) Garrison, Wiiliam H. (W, R29 A387 (S) George, Anlhony (!9, R29 A384 (S) (W, R28 A367 (S) Glover, William Gray, Andrew I\r. (\ 4, R29 A399 (S) Gray, Jesse 0 r), R28 A367 (S) Gray, John W (W) R29 4386 (S) Gray, Lewis H. (W, R30 4410 (S) Gray, Zachariah T. (W). R29 4392 (S) Green, David E. (W), R28 A358 (S) Green, James (W), R27 A354 (S) Green, Ma.lin L. (W, R30 A417 (S) (V14, R31 8258 (S) Gresham, Davis F Y Griffin, James P (W, R2S A388 (S) Grey, Daniel (C), R28 4375 (X) Hamrick, James D. (W), R31 A433 (S) Ham.ick, James lU. (\ 4, R28 A365 (S) Hamrick, William (W, R27 A340 (]{) Hart, Burrel (C), R28 4374 (X) Hart, Joseph L. (W, R30 A403 (S) Hayes, Jasper P. (W, R30 A408 (S) Henry, John G. (W), R31 8299 (X) Henry, William (l/14, R27 4350 (X) Heslerly, Preston H. (W, R27 A319 (S) Hicks, James (V\4, R27 A285 (S) Hixon, William E. (V14, R27 4358 (X) Hudgens, Elias (W, R29 4393 (S) Huff, Burrel{ 0/r4, R30 A418 (S) Hutchinson, ThomasR (V\4, R26 A371 (S) Jackson. David H. O9, R28 A364 (S) (W, R29 A399 (X) Jarrell, Reden Jiles, Thomas (W, R29 A400 (X) Keese, John H. (U4, R30 4422 (S) Kennedy, Jeffe6on (V!), R30 4416 (S) Kennedy, Thomas 0,/V), R30 A416 (n Kinney, Jesse (W, R29 A396 (S) Kirk, Thomas J. (1 /), R31 8299 (S) Lee, Green (110, R30 A411 (X) (\ 4, R29 4389 (X) Maner, Joseph L Marlin, Nathan (\ 4, R27 A289 (S) lrcAllisler, I\ralcolm (W, R28 4377 (S) N4cAllister, William W (W, R30 A417 (S) lvlccain, Benjamin J. (W), R29 A396 (S) lvlccallister, AndrewJ. (W), R31 8270 (X) Mcclelan, William G (VV), R30 A414 (S) McDowell John 0r'r'). R27 A285 (X) ilcMullen, Arthur G/V), R31 8251 (S) Mcl/lullen, Thomas (C), R28 A370 (X) [4c[,,lullen William (W, R31 8246 (S) A Merrih, William (W. R29 A398 (S) Miller, Charles (C), R28 4362 (X) I!4oore, Zachariah C (W R27 A345 (S) Ivlorgan, William H. (W, R29 4397 (S) lvloss Thomas G. (V\4, R31 8285 (S) I\ruse, Jesse W. (V\4, R27 A59 (S) Muse. John lrl. (!9, R27 A2SG (S) Muse Josephus lvl. 0l/). R27 A58 (S) N4use, William P. (\ 0, R31 8295 (X) W. 0,/r"0, R27 A80 (S) lvluse, Zachariah O'Neal, Leroy G (U4, R28 A365 (S) Odom, George 8. (C), R28 A378 (X) Osburn, John (C), R31 8257 (X) Pace, Thomas H. 0,/V), R29 A395 (X) Powell. LeviT. G. (W, R30 A420 (S) Powell, Roberl (C), R30 A402 C& Reagin, Henry 0 4, R30 4407 (S) Reid, Henry M. 0,/V), R31 8276 (S) Riggs. James M (W). R30 A406 (S) Robinson, William O. (W), R28 A364 (S) Rowe, Daniel (C), R28 4374 (X) Rowe, Thomas J. G/V), R27 A339 (S) Scogin, James (W, R27 A343 (S) B I Sims. Slerling T. (W, R28 4369 (S) Sims. William J. (W, R30 A415 (S) Smith, Christoplrer C (V\4, R31 8285 (S) Smith, Eldridge W. {V9, R31 8273 (S) Smith, Henry T. (!9, R30 4405 (S) Smilh, John (W. R31 8273 (S) -:.,,, Ca.roli County Voter Registration. 1867-'1868, Cont'd. 649 Election District {Sixth District), Cont'd. Smith, William G (W, R27 A343 (S) Steel. John M (W, R31 8298 (S) C (W), R29 A400 (S) Stidham, Thomas Stone, James D. (W), R27 4348 (S) Stripling, James (V\4, R28 A372 (S) Stripling, NathanielS. (U4, R31 8282 (S) Taylor, Charles B. (W R28 A371 (S) Taylor, James (1a4, R28 A372 (X) Taylor, John W. (V14, R30 A409 (S) Taylor, William H (W) R28 A377 (S) Tidwell, Osburn (C), R27 4286 (X) Tidwell, Robert I!4. {W), R31 8300 (S) Tidwell, Simeon J. (W), R27 4344 (X) Tillman, William J. (W, R29 4392 (X) Tolslon, Seaborn H. (C), R31 8274 (X) Tumer, Larkin J. A. 0/1/), R30 A413 (S) Turner LeviJ W (W R29 ,4386 (S) Underwood, Thomas (W), R27 A348 (S) Upshaw, John R. (!9, R30 A407 (S) Vaughn, George W. (W, R30 A408 (S) Vines, Charles N. (W, R29 A380 (S) Vinson, Andrew J. (V1,), R27 460 (S) Waddle, Alfred L (W, R29 A398 (S) Waddle, Simeon H (W, R29 A397 (S) Walker, Joseph L (\{4. R31 8252 (S) Walker, Larkin (C), R28 A361 (X) Warren, William H. (W) R30 A405 (S) Washinglon John (VV). R3i A434 (X) Websler, Joseph S. (W, R30 A404 (X) Werr, John (C), R28 4375 (X) West, Roberl C (W), R29 A394 (S) West, Thomas H. (W, R27 A280 (S) West, William (W, R27 4309 (S) West William S. (W), R29 4393 (S) Whisenhuni, Adam C. (W, R29 A382 (S) White, Archlbald F. (W, R27 A319 (S) White, SamuelC (W, R31 8300 (S) White, Samuel D. (W, R31 8301 (S) Whitehead, Lacy M. 0 /) R30 A409 (S) Williams, Burrell (W), R31 B314 (X) Williams, Grcen M. (W, R28 4368 (S) Williams. Rrchard (C), R30 4401 (X) Williams, Wllliam [4. (W1, R28 4373 (S) Wood, David (C), R28 4361 (X) Wrioht, Adhur S. (W, R27 A349 (S) Wfight, George (C), R28 4376 (X) Wrighl, Rlchard (C), R28 A359 (X) Wright, Whitten D. (W R27 A297 (X) Wynn, Hosea C. (V14, R27 4353 (S) Wynn. Slomon (V14 R28 4368 (S) Wynn, Slomon R. (W), R29 4390 (S) Wynn, Wllliam L. (W), R31 B45 (S) Yates, Joel P. (!9, R27 A297 (S) 682 Election District (Whitesbur0) Ames, Stacy (C), R55 8217 (X) Barksdale, David (W), R54 8210 (X) Bearden, Francis M. (W. R55 8221 (X) Benson, Peter (C), R55 8230 (X) Benton Archy P. (W, R55 8228 (S) Bird, John B (W), R55 B214 (S) Bonner, Thomas (C), R53 8174 (X) Boynton, Yancy (W), R55 8226 (S) Bradford, Robert C (W, R55 8215 (S) Bridges, Srmeon (W R53 8181 (S) Bridges, Thomas K. (W R53 8178(X) Bridges, Willjam H H (W, R53 B17S (X) (V14, R53 8184 (S) Bunt. William Buyers, lsrael (C), R53 4180 (X) Camp, William (!9 R56 8306 (S) E carler, James R. (v14, R54 8199 (S) Cash, Elbed D. (W, R55 8223 (X) Chewning, Thomas E. (V\4, R55 8225 (S) Clark, George (C), R53 8178 (X) Clark, lsrael (C), R53 8177 (X) Clark, John T. (VV), R53 8190 (X) Clark Jupiter (C), R53 8176 (X) Cla.k, Reubin (C), R53 8176 (X) Clark, William L (W R53 8189 (]{) Cook, Robert (W). R54 8197 (X) Corsley, Pierce (W, R53 8188 (X) Cosley. Hiram P. gV), R53 8184 (S) Crider, lrarlin (W R56 S19 (X) Culpepper, Joel (W, R55 8230 (S) Culpepper, JoelA. (W). R55 8220 (S) Davis. Evans T. gv). R55 8225 (S) Davis. John (W) R54 8201 (X) Davis, Williarn (W), R54 8204 (X) Dunkin, John T (W R54 8211(S) Dunkin, Martin T (W), R55 8227 (S) Dunkin, Peter E. (\,\4, R54 8205 (S) Fleming, Jerry (C), R55 8218 (X) Fridell, James (W), R53 8185 (S) Fridell, Joseph 0/1/), R54 8196 (S) .Gamble, Richard (C), R53 8180 (X) G.ay, David (W), R55 8216 (S) Gray, George A. (W, R53 877 (S) -i16Carroll Couniy Voter Registration, 1867-1868, Cont'd. 682 Election District (Whitesburg), Cont,d. Gray, Samuel (W), R54 8208 (S) Grey, Eli (W, R54 8199 (S) Guthrie, Fredrick (W, R56 8308 (S) Hanvey, William (W, R53 8186 (S) Hendricks, Wi iam (\ 4, R56 8306 (S) Henry, Thomas L. (W), R53 8192 (S) Henry. William R (W, R54 8212 (S) Henson, Sanlford (W, R55 8215 (X) Hollaway, SamuelJ. Cl,l4, R54 8213 (X) L l"lollaway, Seaborn J. (V14, R53 Bi89 (X) Houslon, Oljve.R. (W), R55 8226 (X) Houston, Willjam (W R55 8234 (S) Johnson. Jacob (C), R55 8222 (X) Knight, John 0,/V), R54 8202 (S) Land, Andrew (\ 4, R55 8216 (S) Land. Theon R. (W), R54 8213 (X) J B Lee, Alonzo (C) R55 8223 (X) Long, Henry (W), R54 8204 (X) Mccarty, John S. (V\4, R54 8193 (X) tulcoarly, Sampson (W), R53 8,S1 (S) Merk, Henry 0V), R54 8195 (S) Me*, JamesA. (\,,), R54 8198 (S) lvloore, George A. (\4,R54 8211(S) I!'loore, Henry (C), R55 8219 (X) Moore, James D. (W), R53 8190 (S) Moore, Thomas J. (W), R53 8192(S) ftIoore, William H. (W, R54 8203 (S) lvloss, Zacharia (C), R55 8227 (X) Musick, David M (W R54 8198(S) l/lusick, George (W, R54 8212 (S) [,4usick, James W (V\4, R55 8277 (X) l\rusick, Jonathan C. (W, R54 8202 (S) NeMon, Thomas E. (W), R54 8206 (X) Norrjs, Thomas S. (W), R54 8214 (S) Orear, Andrew J. (\ 4, R53 8188 (S) Orear, Daniel (VD, R53 8182 (S) Orear William (V14. R55 8220 (S) Or, MalhewJ. (W), R55 8235 (S) Orr, Solon B. (W), R54 8205 (S) Owensby, Joseph (C), R56 S20 (X) Ozmore, John W. (W, R55 8234 (S) Payn, Flail (V\'). R54 8206 (X) Payn. James (Vr,,), R54 8207 (S) Pearson, Wlliam lvl. 0r'4, R55 8236 (S) Penlecosl, William S. (VV) R54 8197(S) C Phiiiips. Asa (W), R55 8222 (S) Phillips, James M. (W), R53 8187 (X) Phillips, William T. (W, R55 8224 (X) Ray. James l\L (U4, R53 8181 (S) Reese. John W. (V14, R54 8210 (S) Reese, William H. (\ 4, R55 8229 (S) Reeves. Eli (W), R54 8208 (S) Richards, Andrew J. (V\4, R53 8182 (S) Roberson, Jesse L. (V!), R54 8209 (S) Rooks, James M. (V\4, R53 8186 (X) Scudder, George T. (!14, R53 8183 (S) Scudder, Will;am (!1/), R55 8221 (S) Scudder. William Jr. (W, R55 8229 (X) Sims, Allen D. (V!,), R54 8195 (S) Sims, John R. (W), R54 8196 (S) Smith, Glover (C), R53 8175 (X) Smith, James E. (W R54 8194(X) Smilh, Peler l\4. (\ 4, R55 8235 (S) Springer, Richard (C), R53 8177 (X) Springer, Slephen (C), R53 8179 (X) Springer, Wiley (C), R53 8180 CX) Stewart, O iver (G), R56 S21 (X) storey George w. (t ).R55 8228 (x) Story William F (\ 4, R53 8185 (S) Strickland, Augustus (C) R55 8219(X) Str,ckland, Henry H (V9. R53 826 (S) Strick{and, John [4. (VV), R55 8233 (S) Strickland, Thomas J. (W), R53 846 (S) Summerlin, Franklin N. (W, R55 8277 (S) Thomas, John L. (VD, R54 8201 (S) Thornton, B.anlon F (V\4, R54 8209 (S) Thornlon, Charles W (!9, R54 8194(S) Thornton, Enoch C. O\4, R55 8224 (X) Tompkins, Rufus (C), R53 8175 (X) Tredwell. Zeddock R 0 4 R53 8191 (X) Vines, William O (W, R5s 8276 (X) Wager. Charles C. (U4, R55 8271 (X) Walson. Ampsy (W, R56 S20 (S) Walson, James T. (\4,R56 S18 (S) Watson, William c. (W), R56 S18 (S) Webb, James W. (U4, R53 8187 (S) While, Daniel (W, R53 8183 (S) While, Wesley (U4, R54 8193 (X) Young. ceorge W. (\ 4, R54 8207 (S) Young, John J O\0, R54 8203 (S) 713 Election Dist.ict (Laurel Hill) (!9, R45 820 (X) Barnes James T. (!9, R46 8129(S) Barr, Josiah K (w R45 8100(s) Alford. Richard Barton, Lewis (W) R46 8120(S) Baxter, Reubin (W), R46 8121 (S) Baxter, Sirnon (C), R46 8116 (X) -1t1-. Carroil Uounty Voier Regrsiration l867-1868. Cont'd 713 Election District (Laurel Hill) Cont'd. Beck lsaah (W R47 51 (S) Beck John I!4. (V\4, R45 898 (S) Beck ThomasD (Vr4 R45 8106(S) Bell William L. G/V), R45 8104 (S) Bonner, Allen (W R45 8105(S) Bonner, George A (W), R46 8115(S) Bonner, John (C) R46 8110 (X) Eonner, John (W, R47 B31S (S) Bonner, WhiirnillF (W, R47 8250 (S) Buchanan, James (V14, R46 8113 (S) Caldwell, lsaac (C), R45 819 (X) Caldwell. Moses (C) R45 B19 (X) Caden, Thomas (\,4/), R47 8200 (S) Carter, William W (W R47 51 (S) Colclouqh, Alexander (W) R45 A53 (S) Colclough, Lewis (C), R46 8117 (X) Cox, Arias (W), R45 837 (S) Craven, James K.P. (U4, R46 8114 (X) Craven. John S. W), R46 8113 (X) Craven, Wilson L. (\n4, R47 8131 (S) Creel. George (W), R45 8106 (X) Davis, Ba.nwell (C) R45 897 (X) Davis John (W, R46 8122 (S) Davis, Littieton E (tI4, R46 8128 (S) Duke. James H (VD R47 8132(S) Dye, Thompson (W, R47 8134 (X) Dyer, William D. (!\i), R46 8119 (X) Farmer, James W (W, R47 8130 (S) Farmer, Josiah (!9, R47 8130 (X) Farmer, Wlliam w (vu), R47 8131 (S) Gar.json, John (C). R46 8109 (X) Gay, William T. (V\I). R45 864 (S) Genlry, Elisha (w). R47 S21 (S) Gibson, ft/]ichael (!9, R47 8134 (X) Grice, Larry (W, R47 8261 (S) Hearn, Jehu T. (\n4, R45 8108 (S) Heam William S. (W), R45 8108 (S) Hollaway, George (W), R45 899 (X) Hollaway John. Jr (W R45 B97 (X) HolJaway, John, Sr. (V9. R45 839 (X) Hollaway, Pleasanl I\, (W, R45 898 (S) Howland, Joseph (W R45 453 (X) Jenkins. Clark M (W, R45 8105 (X) Jones, Thomas (W), R45 8104 (x) Key BurrellJ. (\ 4, R45 8103 (S) Key, George F. (VV), R47 8135 (S) Key, George W. (W), R46 8123 (S) King, Charles W. (W, R45 821 (S) King,JohnN (W R46 8121 (S) Knight, Green B. \W), R47 8272 (X) Marchman Wiley G. (V14 R47 8296 (S) r l\r'(a.rL,'riofi. Aod,stt (V,) R45 A109 (S/ McDaniel, Henry W. (W R47 8321 (S) McDuffie George (C), R45 825 (X) Mccarily, John (\.44, R46 8126 (S) Mitchell Kinad (V\4, R45 8107(X) Moore, Benjamin (C), R47 8133 (X) I\Ioore, EnosB (W R47 5123(S) Moore, Harrison W (V9, R46 8129 (S) l\roore, Joshua R (VV). R46 8126 (S) Nixon, Charles D. (W, R46 8125 (S) Nrxon.CharlesW (V!') R47 S22 (S) Noles, AndrewJ. (W R45 871 (X) Nowles, Dennis i,4 (W), R45 824 (X) Owens, James (W, R45 8102 (X) Pare, John M (W), R45 8100 (S) Payne Alexander (!9, R46 8111 (X) Pruilt. James (C) R47 8318(X) Pyron, Wiiliam J. (\ 4, R46 8125 (S) Randall, Aaron (C), R46 8122 (X) Shackelford, James C. (W R47 8200 (S) Simpkins George W. (W, R47 8318 (X) Skinner, J N. (W, R45 A22 (s) Slaton. James D. (W, R45 838 (S) Smith, Enoch M. (\ 4, R45 8251 (S) Smth EnochW (W), R47 8250 (X) Smith, John G (W). R46 8112 (X) Smith, Joseph [4. (W), R46 8120 (S) St Johns, Jacob (W, R45 8101 (X) Stallings, DukeW (VV) R46 8124(S) Steed, Nelson H (W) R46 8127(X) Steed, Roberl (C) R46 8127(X) Sleed. Thomas (C) R46 8110(X) Steed, Thomas L. (W. R46 8114 (S) Slewart, Georce W (W, R46 8119 (S) Stewa.t. W. (V\4, R47 52 (S) Slewart, John B (VY), R45 8107 (S) Siewart, William (W), R45 B99 (S) Slillwell, Danlel (W. R45 8101 (S) S1ory, Jackson (C), R47 8303 (X) Slory, Siephen (C), R47 8303 (X) Taylor Leroy (W, R45 8102 (X) Thigpen, James H. (!9, R46 8123 (S) Thomason James R. (!\/), R45 8103(S) Towers lsaac (V\4, R45 8109 (S) Tlrmlin. Carler (C), R46 8111 (X) Tumlin.JamesS (W R45 871 (S) Tyson William H. (VV). R45 8112(S) lJpchurch, Jethro W. (W), R47 8133 (S) Veal. George (C), R46 8128 (X) Veal, John L (W), R46 8115 (S) Word, James O. R. (W, R47 8132 (S) Carroli County Voter Registration, 1867-1868, Cont'd. 713 Election District (Laurel Hill) W (V14 R46 8124(S) Wyall, Charles (c), R46 8117 (X) Wyall, Nelson (C), R46 8118 (X) Worley, Columbus 71 Wyatt. Thomas (C). R46 8118 (X) Wyatt. Willis (C), R46 8116 (X) 4 Election District (Carrollton) Adams, Robert (W R4 A79 (S) Adcock, George W. (VV), R2 A2S (S) Alexander, Alexander (C), R2 437 (X) Alexander, Alked H. (W), RO 4116 (S) Alexander William S. (\n4, R8 8287 (S) Allen, Nalhaniel C (W). R3 452 (X) Allen, Nathaniel H (W). R4 A77 (S) A10 (S) Allen, Stephen W (W, Rl Arnal, John (W, , R3 A52 (S) Ashmo.e, Thomas T. 0 4, R5 A115 (X) Austin, George W 0/1/), R2 A43 (S) Avery, Elkin (C), R6 A125 ()C Avery John (C), R8 8261 (X) Ballard, John W. (VV), R5 ,A102 (S) Balla.d, Wesley (W) R2 A32 (S) Barlow, Emit V. (W, R2 A34 (S) Barnes, William P. (VV), RB 8283 (S) Eateman, David N. (\ 4, R8 8280 (X) Bell, Richard (C), R3 A69 (X) Eenson, Lewis (C),Rl A13 (X) Bird, Alfred (C) R7 4180(X) Bird. James (W R2 A30 (X) Bird, Pugh V. (W, R7 8256 (S) Black, Henry J. (W), R5 A99 (X) Black, lsaac (W, R8 8288 (X) Black, Jackson M. (W), R8 8292 (S) Black, JehielJ. (W, R2 A26 (S) Boatright, James A (\ 4, RB 8289 (S) Boggs, Henry (C), R7 4140 (X) Bonner. Alan (C), R6 4123 (X) Bo.ner, Charies (C) R5 A112(X) Bonner, Daniel (C), Rl A12 (X) Bonner, John M (W, Rg 8319 (S) Bonner, Levi (C), Rg 53 (X) Bonner, Richard (C), R6 4123 (X) Bonner, Thomas (C), R7 A139 (X) Bonner, Warren (C), R6 A129 (X) Bonner, William S. (V\4, Rg 8320 (S) Boon, Marlin (C), R3 446 (X) Borden, Andrew C (!t4, R7 8259 (S) Bracewell, William B. (W), R1 A8 (S) Brasher, Henry W. (W, R4 A75 (S) Brock, John M. (W, Rg 8325 (X) Brock, John W. (u4, R2 A27 (S) (W), R6 A119 (S) Brock, William T Brook. Robert (W, R1 419 (S) Broom Martin H. (W), R7 8243 (S) Brown, William (W, R4 A73 (S) Brown, Zealous (W, R2 A30 C& Bums Samuel (l/14, R8 8289 (S) Burro\d, Banks [,'! (W), R2 A32 (S) Burrow,JohnJ (W R9 54 (S) Burrow, William W. (W, R4 A91 (X) Buyerc, Samuel (C) R9 8321 (S) Byram, Upton W. (!^4, R8 8288 (S) (W, R8 8265 (S) Carter Charles l J Carter. Hubard (W) RB 8286 (S) (W R3 461 (X) Carler William Chandle., John (C), R5 A113 (X) Rl A2 (S) Chandler, Ne\i!,ton J. (M4, Chapell, Joseph B. (VV), R3 A68 (X) Chapell William C. (V9, R3 A68 (X) Cheney, lsaac N. (W, R2 A42 (S) Cole. Grlbert (!9, R6 4130 (S) Cole Jeremiah (W, R3 A55 (S) Coleman JamesP. (W R3 466 (S) Coleman, William A (W), R7 8240 (S) Conyers, William B. (!9, Rg 8323 (S) Cook, George W. (W, R8 8293 (X) Crews, David W. (!9, R8 8301 (X) Curry, Robert (\ 4, R4 A84 (X) Daniel,AndrcwJ (W R1 A15 (S) Daniel, Samuel (c),R1 A16 (X) Davis. Baxter I (W), RS 8322 (X) Davis, John J. (V\4, R4 A74 (S) Dempsey John (W, Rg S17 (X) Dempsey. LeviJ (W, R7 876 (S) Dial, Wrlliam (W R7 880 (X) Dobbs, Eli (C), R1 A17 (X) Dobbs, Elijah (W), R5 A101 (S) Dobbs, James (C), R2 A25 (X) A20 (X) Dobbs, John (C), (W, R7 822 (S) Dobbs, Joseph Dobbs, Moses (C), R3 A67 (X) Dobbs, Seaborn (C), R2 A24 (X) Dobbs, Srnk (C), R2 A24 (X) Dobbs, William (C), R6 A136 (X) B Rl Doughtery Jacob (v14, R8 8293 (S) Driver, Edmond Jr. (C), R2 A42 (X) Driver, Edwad Sr. (C), R2 435 (X) J,-i.,,.,,;-119 Carroll Clounty Voter Registration 1867-1868, Cont'd 714 Election Diskict (Carrollton), Cont'd Dnver George (C), R3 A41 (X) Driver, John J. (!9, R5 A96 (X) Driver. William W. (W), R4 A72 (S) Duke, Albert W (W).R4 A79 (S) Duke, Alexander H (W) R8 8290(S) Duke Alfred W. (W), R5 A108 (S) P (W R8 8290 (S) Duke. Zebulon (V9, R1 A9 (S) W lliam C. Dunlap, (W) R4 A88 (X) Dyer. Hance Dyer. John (V\C, R2 A35 (S) Dyer William S. (!V), Rg 8311 (S) Edwards, David T. (VV), R3 A51 (x) Elam, John (W). R6 A118 (S) Elam, Wiley (W, R? S29 (S) Ellis, James G (W R1 A6 (S) Esles, James B. (V14, R7 8244 (X) Esies, Nathaniel (W R7 8238 (S) Fielder, George T. (W), R3 A57 (X) Fields, William T. (!9, R1 A18 (S) Fletcher, William (C), R2 A39 (X) Fortner, Wrlram (\{4 R2 A29 (X) Foster, William S. (V9, R3 451 (S) B B 0I4, R1 A19 (S) cable, Harmon (W. R3 446 (X) Gable. William {W), R5 A95 (X) Gaffett. Chaney A. (W), R3 A44 (S) Goolsby, John D. (W, R4 A83 (S) Goolsby, Kerby (!9, R4 A86 (S) coolsby, Simeon K (W), R4 A85 (S) Goolsby William W. (VY), R9 S27 (S) Gray Roberl (W), RO Al26(X) Gray Robeft W. (V\4, R6 4126(X) Griffin. Charles W (W), R3 A48 (S) Gdffin, James lvl (w), R2 A38 (S) Griffin. James R (W) R5 A104 (S) Griffin, Thomas A (V14, R7 812 (S) Grow Jacobc (W), R7 883 (S) Hamrick, George W. (W R4 A75 (S) Handley John R (W, R7 8237 (S) Harper, George (W) Rg s28 (S) Harris, Samuel (W. R4 A89 (X) Haris, Swan H (W R3 A45 (S) Haffrs, Thomas (W). R5 A98 (S) Hay David G (W, R6 A119 (S) Hay James (C), R5 A93 (X) Fuller, John Hay, James P (W), R6 A118 (S) (W), R6 4131 (S) Hay lrrchael (C), R4 A92 (X) Haynes, James H. (VV). R4 A83 (S) Haynes Thomas J. (!14, R6 A130 (S) Haynes William Helton, Amos H (W, R5 A114 (S) c Arnos (w) R4 469 (S) Helton, Jarnes W (W. R6 4125 (S) Helton, Shubal E. (!9, R2 A36 (S) Helton. Wiiliam A J. (W, R6 A120 (S) Heli.n T (W) R8 8264 (S) D. (!9, R7 8245 (S) Houseworth John (C) R5 A98 (X) Hesterly Sierling Holcomb, James Howard, James (W), R7 8255 (X) Howard, JamesC. (W R1 A17 (S) Huckeba. Charles B. (W, Rg 8268 (S) lflgram lsaac N. (W, R3 A69 (S) lrvin, lsaiah R (W, R1 A7 (S) Jackson. Wiliam D (V9. R6 4131 (S) Johnson, Alexander 0 R7 8159 (S) "r) Johnson, Dempsy T. (W), R1 A18 (S) Johnson, James (W) R8 8272 (S) Johnson, James H , Jr. (W, R9 8323 (S) Johnson. Martin D (W R5 4107 (X) Johnson, Wllliam (V\4, R1 A16 (S) Jones, James A. (W, R4 A76 (S) Jones, Jasper (C), R2 A23 (X) Jones, John (W, R7 8242 (S) Jones, John G (W), R7 8240 (S) Jones, Richard (V9, R3 A48 (X) Jones, Thomas (C), R8 8278 (X) Jones. Timoihy M. (W R8 8267 (S) Jones. William E. (!9, R4 A78 (X) Jones. William T. (V9. R3 A4S (X) Jordan Jeremiah Jordan, I\,'laft n v D (W) R5 A110(S) (w R4 A88 (S) Jordan, Thomas A (W) R6 A124(S) (W),R5 A94 (S) (W) R4 A91 (S) Kelley, Thomas N4 Kerbow John B Ke.nan, Daniel (W), Rg 5116 (X) Kierbow Joseph H. (W), R6 4135 (S) Kierbow Wyall G (!9. R6 A127 (S) Kilgo. Rolrng (W). R8 8284 (S) Knott. George (W, R5 A96 (X) Laney. Bentamin H (W), R5 A100 (S) Laney.Hen.yD. (W) R7 812 (X) Lasler, John H. (!9. Rg S28 (X) Lastinger, William H (W, R7 8241 (S) Lalimer, James W (!9, R1 A14 (S) Levans, Jacob (!9 R2 A39 (X) Levans, Pleasant (!9, R2 A37 (S) Long Albert (C) R2 A25 (X) Long Benjamin N4. (W). R1 A1 (S) Long. Francrs lvl (W R5 A94 (S) Long. James R. (W, R2 A31 (S) Long John (W R1 A3 (S) Long JohnH (W) R6 A122(X) I20Carroli Couniy Voter ReErstration, 1867-1B68, Cont'd 714 Election District (Carrollton), Contd. Long. Theopholus (C), R5 A93 (X) Lowrey, Noah N (W, R3 463 (S) (!9. R4 A81 (S) Lyle Richard Lyle, William M. (W, R1 45 (S) Maddox George W. (\44. R3 A45 (X) [4arlow, John A. (V\4, R2 A41 (S) C Ilaftin, David R. (M4, R4 A82 (S) l\/larlin, Emanuel B. (W), R5 A112 (S) Martin. Henry C (W) R9 5116 (S) Parmer Thomas (C). R6 A133 (X) Pearce. John N (W, R3 465 (X) Pearce. Tyre (W) R3 A47 (X) Perkrson, Warren (C), R6 4133 (X) Pierce Francis M (W, R8 8266 (X) Pierce, James M (W, R8 8267 (X) Pitts David (V\4, R5 A95 (S) Pilts, Joseph (!14, R4 A90 (S) Madin, James B (W), R4 A72 (S) Manin John C. (W, R7 A137 (S) Martin, John H (W, R5 A97 (S) Ilrartin, Joseph (C), R7 8238 (X) Polston, George W (C), R6 A116 (X) Polslon William (C), R6 A117 (X) Power Michael (!9, Rg 5117 (X) Raburn, James D (V\,1, R7 8245 (S) Ray, William (!9, R1 A10 (X) Mathews, Reese, Augustus Abel (19, R2 A38 (X) l/lalhews, Benjam]n E. (!a4, R3 A64 (S) Ivlathews John H. (V9, R3 464 (S) Mallox. Andrew (W Rg 56 (X) Mayfreld, creen (C), R5 A114 (X) I!4cAilister AthelA (t4 R5 4106(S) Mcclure, James (W, R2 A28 {S) Ivlcclure, Nelson (C) A12 (X) Mcclure, While (C), R4 A92 (X) McDowe ,, Elnalhan (W R2 A27 (S) Mclntosh, John T. 0,/V), R5 4111 (S) lvlcKenzie, John P. (ir9, R4 A74 (S) l\rcKissack, John W. (W), RO 4134 (S) J Rl T IvlcKissack, William B. (W, R5 A11 1 (S) I\llclure, l\ronroe (C), R5 A109 (X) Mclllullen Hugh (!9, RB 8292 (S) Meador, Jackson (C),R4 A87 (X) i,4errell, Augustus N (W R6 A135(S) W (V\4, R1 43 (S) [,4e.rell, William P (W. R2 426 (S) I{errell. Wlliam W. (W, R1 44 (S) I!4erell, George I\richael, Peter (V\4, R3 A70 (S) Mixon, Francis lvl. (W), R3 A50 (S) Mobley, Hezektah M (w), R3 A50 (S) l\roore, Cannon G. (1\4, R7 8255 (S) l\,4oore, David J. (!U, A11 (S) Moore, lshaim (C), R6 4136 (X) Morgan, David M. (!a4, R3 A65 (X) Morris, Augustus (C), R8 8262 (X) Moffis, Jacob (C), R1 A21 (X) Mote, William (!9, R5 4103 (S) l,4use, William (C), A20 (X) New, Jesse (W), R3 A44 (S) New Nicholas (C), R1 A14 (X) New, William C. (Vi4, R1 A5 (S) O'Cain, Flemingtine (C), R1 A23 (S) Pace, James (W), R8 8297 (S) Pa*er George (C), R7 4140 (X) Rl Rl C. (W), R5 A105 (S) Reeves Amosl l\il (VV), R3 A55 (S) Reeves, Francis l\, (!a4, R5 A100 (S) Reeves. John T. (!9, R3 A49 (S) Reid, Davis (V14, R2 A40 (X) Reid. George H. (Vr4 R4 A71 (S) Reid. Newton D. 0l/), R4 A80 (S) Reid. Reubin D (!\r, R4 A81 (S) Rickei, Parmer [I (V!'), R16 A127 (S) Robertson, Jesse 0V) R3 A66 (S) Robinson, Wiles G. 0,/\I) R7 861 (S) Rogers, Daniel L (W R5 A102(S) Rowe Aaron (C).R1 A13 (X) Russell, Harris (W R7 8242 (S) Russeli, James H. (V14. Rg S17 (S) Russell lroses R (W). R7 8241 (S) Scoggins. Haslon C (\ 4, R7 822 (S) Sergler, lvlathew J. (\4,4 R2 A33 (S) Shadox, Jamesw (W) R4 A85 (X) sharp. George S. (\n4, R7 8247 (S) Sharp Hiram,Jr (W Rg 8322 (S) Shuford Obad P (W, R5 4110 (S) Smith, Benjamin F. (V14, R5 A108 (S) Smith, Davis (!9, R4 A70 (S) Smith, Henry W (W) R8 8280 (S) Smilh. Labon J. (W. R6 4120 (S) Smith. William W. (W. R5 AgS (S) Smool, lsaac (C) R7 A139(X) Sparks. Citizen N. (W, R8 8283 (S) Sparks William H. (!\/) R9 8309 (S) Speisht, Jon (!a4, R8 8304 (S) Speight, Robed B. (\ 4, RO A115 (X) Speight. Robed T (VV), R8 8297 (S) Spence, George F (!9, R7 A435 (S) Spruill, John F. (!44, R8 8294 (S) Siafrord. Ellis (W), R1 A9 (S) Stalford, John D (VU,R4 A86 (S) Stallings Wilson (W R8 8295 (X) Stamps, John (W, R2 A33 (X) i- ,- -121Carroll County Voter Registration, 1867-'1868. Cont'd 714 Election District (Carrollton), Cont'd Stamps, Moses (W), RB 8284 (S) Steed. Alexander l\, (W. R5 4104 (S) Sleed, Greer (C). R6 A12S (X) Siewad, Eenlamin (C), R2 A28 (X) Stewart, Jeremiah (C).R2 Stewart. John W (W),Rl A34 (X) A2 (S) Strcher Aaron (W) R7 8243 (X) Sticher, Joseph (\,9, R2 A36 (S) Sticher Pulaski (V\4, R5 A103 (X) J T (!9, Rg 57 (S) Summedin. James Surnrnerlin. William (W R9 57 (S) Tanner, Peter (C), R5 A113 (X) Thomas ChadesJ (W) R1 A8 (S) Timmons, Wlliam (W, R7 8236 (S) Timmons, Willam J. C (W) R7 4503 (S) Tollesoir, Jesse (W, R5 A97 (S) Treadwell SlephenT (W) R1 47 (S) Turner, AndrewJ. (W R4 A73 (X) Tyson, Benjamin F. (W). R4 A77 (S) Upshaw, Joseph T (VU R6 A121 (S) Upshere, Adkin (W) R3 A56 (S) Upshere. Robrnson V (!,14, R3 456 (S) Walker, Charles E (Vv) R1 A1 (S) Walker, James l$ (!9, R5 4107 (S) Walker, Joel S (W R1 A15 (X) Walker, Joseph (!^4, R3 A60 (X) Walker, Wllliam A. (W, R6 A124 (S) Warren. John B (W R8 8281 (S) Warren JohnC (\44 R6 4122(X) Waren, Walter T. (W), R6 A134 (S) Weii John B (W), R3 461 (S) Wells, Edwin W (W), R6 A121 (S) Wells. Howard (C) R1 A11 (X) Wheatly Joseph (!9, R3 A47 (X) Wheeier, Alexander (!\4. R9 8320 (X) whirehorn. John c. A. (w) R7 A439 (S) Wllliams Allen G. (lU. RO A128 (S) Williams, Andrew Jackson (W R4 A76 (S) Williams, Elilah (W), R3 A57 (S) Williams, ceorge W (W), R2 A40 (S) Williams Jacob F (W), R8 8264 (X) Williams James M (W) R4 A78 (S) Williams. Lewis C. (W) R6 A128 (S) Williams, Reubin J (V\r). Re 8266 (X) Williarns. Robed T (W R4 471 (S) Williams, Solomon F. (W) R8 8287 (S) Williams Wyett (W) R8 8265 (S) Williamson Benjamin P (V\4 R4 A84 (X) Wilramson Freder ck lvl (W, R7 8239 (S) Williamson, James F (V\4 R6 A117 (S) Williamson, James R (W, R7 4138 (S) Williamson. John C (!14 R2 A31 (S) Williamson. Robed 0,9, R3 A63 (S) Wlliamson William T. (W. R7 A138 (X) Wilson. Cyrus T. (V\4, R1 A4 (S) Wilson, Jeremiah Jr. (VU R7 55 (X) Woodard, Jesse (!14, R8 8304 (S) WoodwarC, Tobias (!9, R8 8286 (S) Word Sandy (C) R2 A43 (X) 729 Election Drstrict (Lick Skillet) Aderhold, George Aderhold, William W. H (V\4, R11 A170 (S) (W), R10 A10s (S) Anderson, James W. (V\4, R12 A188 (S) Angle Charles W. (!,4. R12 A195 (X) Ayres John P. (VV), R12 A258 (S) Bailey, Charles (\ 4. R10 A156 (X) Barley, Francis l\,{. (vy). R10 A148 (S) Bailey, Roberl (W R10 A156(S) B Ballou Noah (!9, R10 A154 (x) Bankslon JamesL (W), R12 A187(S) Barron. OliverG. (W, R11 A176 (S) Bedingfield, John T (W), R13 8315 (S) Bedingfield. Joseph (W). R12 A189 (X) Bedingfield, Wlllram H (W, R12 4187 (S) Berry, Dennis (C) R12 4193(S) Bonner, Alfred (C), R10 A157 (X) Bonner. George (C), R12 A190 (S) Bonner Robert (C). R10 A158 (X) Boon, Fielding (C) R10 A147(X) Boon, William R (W) R10 4146 (S) Bradley. Franos M (W R12 A183(S) Bradley JamesE. (!\4, R10 A62 (S) Bradley, Joseph L. (W), R12 A184 (S) Bunl. John R (W). R1 1 A176 (S) Eurnett, Peter C. (W R12 A191 (S) Bumett, Valentine P. (!\4 Rl2 A190(S) B0rne11, William C (W) R12 A258 (S) Camp Edmond T (W) Rl0 A152 (S) Chance, William E (W), R11 4178 (S) Cook. Elijah Njl (W), R11 4174 (S) Cook George (W), R10 A149 (S) Cook JohnW (U4 R10 4150(S) Crawrord, Gallanl (W, Rl2 8231 (X) Crider John (W. R12 A192 (X) Demoney, John D. (\ 4, R11 4162 (X) Dingle, AndrewJ (W), R10 A154 (X) Carroii County Voter Reglstratron, 1867 1868. Cont'd. 729 Election District (Lick Skillet), Cont'd. Dingle, Thomas P. (W), R10 4153 (S) Rl1 4163 (S) Dorsey, Anthony (C), Rl0 4150 (X) Doster, William J. (W. R13 8258 (S) Douqhtery, Dennis (W, R12 A181 (X) Driver, Allan B (W), R]0 4144 (S) Driver, George W. (!9, R10 A143 (S) Drive., John B (W, R10 A144 (X) Driver, John lJ. (W. R11 A167 (S) Dingler, lsaacA. (W), Durreit, Benjamin (W), R13 8262 (X) Durrell, James H (W), R13 B311 (S) Floyd, A. T. (W, R10 A149 (S) Floyd, Charles (C), R10 A148 (X) Garner, William W), R10 A141 (X) Gennings, Gideon E. (W), R10 A151 (S) Gilley, Alfred M (W, R12 846 (S) Gilley, John lvl. (\ 4, R13 8324 (S) Gilley, William B. (t 4, R11 A159 (S) Gipson, Ephraim (C), R13 8278 (X) Gladney, Calvin B. (V\4, R11 A171 (S) Gladney. LemuelM. (V14, Rl1 A170 (S) Gladney, Thomas R. (V\4, R12 8217 (S) Glaze, AndrewJ. (!9, R13 8315 (X) Glaze, Daniel (\,\0, R13 8263 (X) Hanson, Henry B. (V14, R12 A186 (S) Hardin, James (W), R12 A185 (S) Harper, Asa (W, R11 A160 (X) Hendon, Jackson P. (W, R10 A155 (S) Hendricks, James W. (\n4, R13 8302 (X) Hendrix Willis N4. (W, R10 A155 (S) Hilley, FrankW. (W, R11 A171 (S) Hilley, John W (V!'), R11 A173 (S) Hodge, Joseph W (w), R12 4222 (X) Hodge, Pallerson l\L (!44, R11 4168 (S) Holland, Jordan S. (V\4, R11 4172 (S) Hood, Joseph R. (W. R11 A181 (S) Hopgood. Robert (C). R10 A151 (X) Horseley, Robed R. (W), R11 4175 (S) Howard Thomas (\,9, R11 A177 (S) Howell, Elisha W. (W, R13 8302 (X) Hunler, William (W, R11 4179 (X) Hulchinson, Warren L R (C), R13 8324 (X) Jones, Henry S (W), R12 A194 (S) Jones, Jelhro (W), R12 4184 (S) Jones, NathanielC. (\9, R13 56 (S) Jones, Roberl B. (W), R11 4179 (S) Jones, William M. (W). R12 4186 (S) Kelley, John W. (W), R11 A174 (S) Kelly AndrewW. (VV), R13 8309 (S) Kiser, Allen (V\4, R11 A167 (S) Kiser. George (W, R11 ,q166 (X) Krser, Peter (C), R10 Ai47 (X) Lamberl, James M (W, R11 A172 {S) Lasseter, Caleb H. (W), R12 A183 (S) Lassetter, Benjamin (W), R10 A143 (X) Lassetter, Benjamin H. (\,9, R10 A146 (S) Lassetter, Wlliam (W), R10 A142 (S) Legget, Jesse (W), R10 A142 (X) Legget. Thomas (!9, R10 A141 (S) Long, Ellis 0V), R11 A177 (X) Long. Owen (\/v), R12 A182 (S) N4aples, Edward (!1,, R12 8232 (X) Mccollough, Jefferson M. (W, R10 ,q137 (S) I!4cDowell, John W (W), R11 A168 (X) lvlcElroy, William (W, R12 A193 (X) N4cwhorter, Arlhur W. (V\4, R12 8233 (S) I\rcwhorter, Richard R. (W), R12 A188 (X) Norman. Beniamin F. (\ 4, R11 A164 (S) Norman, William Z. (W, R11 A163 (S) Odom, Francis lV1 (V14. Rl2 A182 (S) Pate, Thomas (W), R13 8268 (X) Peak, John W (Vv). R13 8305 (S) Peek, William (!9 R12 A185 (S) Phillips, Charles B. (IV), R10 A159 (S) Phrllips, Jesse R. (W, R11 A160 (S) Powell. David P. (W, R12 A189 (S) Richards, John T. (V14, R11 A165 (S) Rowe, AndrewJ. (W). R10 4145 (S) Shackleford, James A. (C), R13 8312 (X) Shellnui, Solomon (C). R10 A157 (X) (w. Rl0 A158 (s) shetton, Martin v Smallwood, Marcus (W), R50 8167 (X) Smallwood, Millisan P. (W, R12 A256 (S) Smallwood, Thomas (W R12 A256 (X) Sparks, George W. (W R11 A175(S) Sticher, Jasper (!9, R12 A195 (X) Stripling, Henry lvl. (!9, R10 A159 (X) Sulley, Atfred H. (W, R11 A161 (X) Toibed. Thomas [r. 0/V), R11 A161 (X) Tompkins, Jack (W), R11 4164 (S) Tompkins. Nicholas (W, R11 A169 (S) Tumer, James T. (W, R12 4191 (S) UndeMood, Jesse P (!9, R10 4152 (S) Vines, lsaah B (W. R12 8232 (X) Vlnes. Phillip H. (\n4, R13 8263 (S) Vines, William E (W R12 A192 (S) Wadkins, Benjamin (!44, R12 8231 (X) Ward, Frederick (W, Rl0 4145 (S) Washinglon, William (W, R11 A162 (X) Westbrook William 0r9, R12 A194 (S) White, John T. (!\4, R11 A173 (S) Williams Henry R. (\ 4, R11 A166 (S) L Carroll County Voter Registration, 1867-1868, Cont'd 729 Election District (Lick Skiliet). Cont'd. Williams, Joel (W). R11 A165 (S) Winkle, John J (W R1l A178(X) Winn, Josiah (W, R10 A153 (X) (This concludes this listing of the Voter Reg stration, 1867-1868) The foJlowing is taken from a copy of the original manuscript which was given to the Society by Ed Bell 10605 Harry Hines, Dallas, Texas 75220. Mr. Bell, in giving this to us, said that we could print as much of it as we would like. We have completely abstracted the genealogical information about the following families, and for more detailed information aboLrt those listed, please see this manuscript which has been placed in the Neva Lomason Library, Canollton l\,4r Bell gives credit to his father, Frank F. Bell, to his Aunt Elsie Sharpe RussellAdamson, and to Mrs Jimmie Harris. THE FAMILY OF ROBERT LEE SHARPE WITH ALLIED FAIVILIES OF GREENE AND TUMLIN Robert Lee Sharpe ran the paper, The Carroll Free Press, for several years after his father died. Prior to that time, he took charge of this newspaper duriog the years his father was in the Legislature He then sold the paper and established a Book and Job Printing Plant. He had a growing determination to go into the writing and publishing field, so he sold the plant and took a position as "ldea N4an" with an Atlanta firm. He resigned his position with that firm, and loined the Army Y.M C.A. during World War l, became Asst Edltor of the Camp Journal, then went to New York City for a year as one of the editors on "Napoleon Hill's Magazine " He then went to lndianapolis, lndiana, for three and one-half years as editor of one of the publications of Barnes-Ross Company. ln 1926 he returned to Carrollton, and, capitalizing on his talent and experience, he launched out independently in the writing field ONE OF R LEE SHARPE'S 'BOYS' TELLS OF RAI\,IBLES IN WOODS ALONG CREEKS by Hal David - Carrollton, Georgia Newspaper When they told me R. Lee Sharpe was dead I knew they were wrong, I knew that he had merely gone off into a new forest to find new brooks to babble, new birds to sing and new frogs and crickets to loin in the chorus. I can almost see him now in that dusty road, celestialforest, climbing an old rail fence, skidrng down a 'onesome wiggling his toes in the sand Rev. Dick Flinn, in preaching R Lee's funeral Friday morning summed it up when he said the forest was his cathedral, the birds his choristers, and the stars his shing pathway Rev. Flinn pointed out that R Lee was a man of intense love for nature and one with a God-given talent to interpret into words what he had seen of God's handiwork. As I grew up near his home I loved to hobknob around with R Lee Sharpe. His hikes and camping trips in the woods filled "us boys" with awe and admiration. Hewas . i.' " - t/ -124The Family of Robert Lee Sharpe, Cont'd. as young or younger than we and he could walk a log or jump a branch or climb a tree or climb a hillwith the rest of us. He always seemed to have a burning desire to see whatwas over the next hill, around the nexl bend in the road ROBERT LEE SHARPE (1872.1951,\ Carrolllon. Georgia Taken about 1910 FRANCES GORDON TUI\,1LIN SHARPE (1877-1948) Wire of RoBERT LEE SHARPE Floyd Co. GA to Carrolllon. GA TakeD about 1914 rhe followng 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ancestry chad is laken from a copy of the text of the original manuscriptl SHARPE, Robert Lee, b 13 Aug 1872 Carrollton, GA, d 19 Apr 1951, Carrollton bur Carrollton City Cem. TUMLIN, Frances Gordon, b 11 Sep 1877. Floyd Co. GA; died12May1948, Carrollton GA.; bur Carrollton City Cem. SHARPE, Edwin Reese, b 02 Jun '1841, Chambers Co. AL; md 21 Nov 1867, Long Cane Troup. GA; d20Jan 1899, Carrollton, GAi bur Carrollton City Cem. GREENE, Annie Elizabeth, b 03 Oct 1847, Long Cane, Troup, GA; d 23 Jan 1928 Carrollton, GA; bur Carrollton City Cem TUMLIN, Newton Jasper, b 10 Jul 1835, Guinnett now Bartow Co., GA, md #1 [Iary Ann WOODS (b Jan 1837; d [Iar 1859) id 26 Mar 1905, Carrollton, GA bur Canollton City Cem. PAYNE, Elizabeth Ash, b 11 Nov 1838; d 6 Oct 1917 bur Carrollton City Cem The Family of Robert Lee Sharpe, Cont'd. 8. SHARPE, William Oscar, b 10 Dec 1817, Pendleton, SC; md 06 Aug 1840, GA or AL; d 29 Apr 1876, Chambers Co. AL HARREL, Susan Rebecca, b 02 Feb '1823; d '10 Feb 1903. 10. GREENE, Hamilton Hunter, b 08 Jun 1812, Pennfield , Greene Co. GA; d 15 Jan 1873, Long Cane, GA 11. GIBSON, Ellen, b 16Aug 1813, Fairfield Dist., nrColumbiaSC; md#1 GRIFFIN; d 25 Jan 1880, Long Cane, GA. 12. rUMLlN, George Washington, b01 Apr1815, Guinnett Co. GA; md10lrar1834; md #2 26 Jun 1851 Laura Josephine TERHUNE (b 01 Aug 1829, Jasper Co. GA; d 5 Sep 1A7n, d 17 Ju|1867, Bowdon, Carroll, GA. 13. WADE, Rachel, b ca 1815, SC; d 25 Jun 1850, Kingston, GA. 14. PAYNE, SamuelT., of Floyd Co., GA (Sheriff). 15. ASH, Elizabeth 16. SHARPE, Elam, b 03 Jan 1777; d Pendleton, SC; prob bur HopewellCern. 17. IIILLER, Elizabeth. 18. HARRELL, Samuel, b NC. 19. HEATH, Susannah, b NC. 20. GREENE, Lemuel, b29 l\rar 1785, Greene orWashington Co. GA; md #2 Eliza COLEI\IAN; d Troup or Greene Co. GA. 21. MERRIT, Ann. 24. TUNTLIN, William, b 06 Jan 1775, poss. SC; d 08Oct1856, Cass now Bartow Co. GA.; bur Tumlin Cem. nr Cartersville, GA. 25. CARLISLE, Agnes Rebecca, b 17a2: d 1446. 30. ASH, Alexander F. 31. ITCCRACKEN, Elizabeth 32. SHARPE. William, b 13 Oec 1742, Cecil Co., MD; md 31 [Iay 1768, prob NC; d 06 Jul 1818, lredell Co. NC nr Statesville; bur Snow Creek Cem. NC. REESE, Catherine, b 23 Sep 1744, prob PA or DE; d 06 May '1826, NC ; bur 33. Belvidere nr Morgantown, NC. 34. MILLER, John C., (Esq.), b Walest of Pendleton, SC. 40. GREENE, William, b 03 Aug 1764, prob NC; md 17 Jun 1784, GA or NC; d 13 Dec 1819, Greene Co GA. 41. HUNTER, Ruth, b 24 Sep '1764, NC; d 15 May 1826, Greene Co. GA. 60. ASH, William (Rev. War) 61. FLEMING, Jane 64. SHARPE, Thomas. b 1718; md prob ca 1741: md #2 Mary MCFARLAND or IICFARREN, (whod 1795); d'1'1 Nov 1785, Cecil Co.MD; burSharp Burial Ground. 65. ----, Elizabeth 66 REESE, David 67. POLK, Susan Ruth 82. HUNTER, Jesse, of NC. 83. ALSTON, Ann, b 29, lrar 1738; of NC. 128. SHARPE, Thom as, d 1749, Cecil Co. MD. poss bur Sharp Graveyard. 129. ---. lsabella. 256. POLK, Robert Bruce, of [rD 9. --- ).26- The Family of Robert Lee Sharpe, Cont'd. The children of Robert Lee Sharpe and Frances Gordon Tumlin Sharpe are as follows: 1. lone Sharpe, b 08 Oct '1898, Carroliton; md 12 Apr 1919, Atlanta, Frank Frederick BELL (s/o Frank Frederick BELL and Helen Geneva EDWARDS, b 25 Sep 1888, Philadelphia, PA). Both living 1959 in Dallas, TX. Their children are (1) Frank Frederick Bell lll, and (2) Edwin Sharpe Bell, both born in Dallas, TX. 2. Elsie Sharpe, b 07 Oct 1900, Carrollton, md 22 Dec 1928, Atlanta, GA, to David Augustine RUSSELL (s/o Joseph Coleman RUSSELL and lrattie Emma MESSER, b 13 Feb 1888, Meriweather Co. GA). Both living 1959 in Atlanta. 3. Robert Gordon Sharpe, b 13 Nov 1905, Canollton; md 01 Sep '1923, Atlanta, to Jessie Frances SMITH (d/o Jessie Duggan SlvllTH and Sara Frances WESTBROOK, b 14 Jul 1902, Fairburn, CampbellCo. GA). Both living 1959 in Atlanta. Their children, born in Atlanta, are (1)BarbaraSharpe,blT Ju\1927. living 1959 in Atlanta, md with children; and (2) Robert Gordon Sharpe, b 16 Sep 1930, living 1959 in Atlanta. The children of Edwin Reese Sharpe (Page 124 #4) and Annie Elizabeth Greene are as follows: 1. Edwin Reese Sharpe, b 01 Sep '1868, Troup Co., GA; unmd: d '1941. 2. Annie Elizabeth Sharpe, b 12 Jun 1870, Troup Co. GA; unmd; d 20 Nov 1906, Carrollton. GA. 3. Robert Lee Sharpe (see preceding). 4. Hamilton Hunter Sharpe, b 12 Jun 1874 lin another place ii says 12Augl, Carollton, GA; md '11 Feb 1907, Shreveport, LA, to lvlary Pegram HEARN (b 15 May 1883, Selma, AL); d bef 1957 Ch, all born Shreveport, LA: (1)Edwin Reese Sharpe, b 21 Jan 1909, living 1949, Longview, TX; (2) lrartha Louisa Sharpe, born 22 Jun 1911, living 1949, Nacogdoches, TX, (3) [ilary Hamilton Sharpe, b 3'1 Mar 1918, living 1949, Tx; and (4)Thomas Hearn Sharpe, b 19 Jun'1921, living 1949, Tyler, TX. 5. Lucy Ellen Sharpe, b 20 Sep 1877, Carrollton, GA; md at Carrollton, Thomas A. CONNER (s/o Robert S. and Stacia Anne CONNER, b 25 [Iar 1870, Manning, Williamsburg Co., SC). They were living in 1930, Bainbridge GA. Ch: (1) Lucille Augusta Conner, b 02 Feb 1899, md 17 Nov 1920 to Guy OVERSTREET, Ch (a) Lucille Connor Overstreet, and (b) Guy Overstreet, (2) Helen Conner, b10 Mar'1901, living '1930, unmd, (3) Edwin Sharpe Conner, b 30 Nov 1905, living 1930, unmd, and (4) Dorothy Elizabeth Conner, b 13l/ar1908, md Robert Sample EVERETT 6. William Oscar Sharpe, b 28 Jul 1879, Carrollton, GA; md '18 Jun 1914, Norman Park, GA, to lvlattie lrene NORMAN Ch, all b in Norman Park: (1) Ella Elizabeth Sharpe, b 23 Mat 1915, (2) William Oscar Sharpe, b 28 Dec '1916; (3) Norman Lee Sharpe, b 19 Nov '1919; aod (4)Addison lrl Sharpe, b 25 Oct 1921. 7. Elam Hayne Sharpe, b 20 Jul 1884, Carrollton, GA; md 25 Dec 1918, Bluefie,d, W /, to Mary Grace LOWDER (b 02 Aug '1896, Bluefield WV). Child, Annabel Sharpe, b 22 Feb 1920, Bristol, TN 8. Marcus Lafayette Sharpe, b 08 Dec 1886, Canollton, GA; unmd; d 01 Jun '1911, Carrollton, GA; bur Carrollton City Cem. -1217i:.. ,/ :J* '<i \A{ - WILLIAI\4 OSCAR SHARPE (1 81 7.1 876) Pendleton, SC 10 Chambers Co., AL Copy of Tin-Type about 1854 SUSAN REBECCA HARREL SHARPE (1823-1903), Wife of Wl\,1. O SHARPE Norlh Carolina lo Alabama Copy ot Tin-Type aboLlt 1860 EDWTN REESE SHARPE 0841-1899) Chambers Co., AL, to Carrollton. GA. Vet of War Between the Slates 1861'1865 Twice wounded rn aciion Taken aboul1890 ANNIE ELIZABETH GREENE SHARPE (1847'1928) Wife of EDWIN R. SHARPE Troup Co., GA, to Carrolilon, GA Taken about 1 890 128- The Family of Robert Lee Sharpe Cont'd The children of William Oscar Sharpe (Pg 125 #8) aft Susan Rebecca Harrel (all b in Chambers Co. AL) are. 1 Edwin Reese Sharpe (see preceding). Susan Elizabeth Sharpe, b 17Jun 1844; md Wesley BURDETT of AL Chr (1) Marcus Clifford Burdett, md d 1900 in TXi and (2) Edwin Burdett, unmd ca 1903. 3. Frances Henrietta Sharpe, b 06 Dec 1848, md Henderson HUGULEY of AL. Chr(1) Harrell Dallas Huguley; (2) Oscar Whitfield Huguley, (3) Henderson Huguley; and (4) Amos Huguley. 4. Mary Clara b25Dec'1850; mdJ.D ROBINSON ofALt died29NIay'1911, ChambersCo.AL Chr (1)Clara Rosebud Robinson, md C. WARDofAL. They had ch (a) Joseph R. Ward, (b) Fannie Ward, (c) Edwin Ward, and poss. others. 5. Annie Elizabeth Sharpe, b 27 Oct 1853; md Prof Frank M BLOUNT, and had ch as follows: (a) Frank Marion Biount; (b) William Oscar Blount, and poss. others. 6. Pinkie (prob Pinckney) Sharpe, b 07 Jan 1855; d 08 May 1859. 7. Rose Harell Sharpe, b 18 Feb 1857; md Wlliam Franklin HAYES of West Point, GA; d 24 Feb '1898, West Point, GA. They had ch as follows: (a) Susan Harrell Hayes; (b) Erwin Hayest (c) William Frank{io Hayes, and poss. others. 8. William Oscar Sharpe, b 16 lvlar 1859: md Clara Louise PIPPIN of TX; d Aug 1930, Chickasha, OK. They had ch as follows: (a) Wil,iam Lloyd Sharpe; (b) Louise Velma Sharpe; (c) Susan Harrell Sharpe and poss others 9 Gertrude Eora Sharpe, b 09 Feb 1861; md William S. DUNCAN as his second wife; no ch i living 1930 in Atlanta, GA 2 The children of Elam Sharpe (Pg '125 #16) and Elizabeth l\,4iller are as follows: (all born in Pendleton, SC) 1. William Oscar Sharpe (see preceding). 2. E,am Sharpe, b 1a20, md 22 Nov 1844, Frances Henrietta HAYNE (d/o Robert Young HAYNE and, first wife, Frances PINCKNEY. b 1818, Charleston, SC, died 06 Jan 1875, Dallas, TX); d 25 Nov 1888, Dallas, TX (a) Elam Hayne Sharpe, b 07 Sep 1845, md Lucy PHILLIPS of Weatherford, TX 10 ch, d 1901 in TX. (b) Madha Ramsey Sharpe b 10 Sep 1846; md #1 1875, Edward HOUGHTON, (b 1832, d 1879), child Frances Henrietta Houghton md George W. MOORE. Had child, Wrllard Houghton lvloore Martha Ramsey Sharpe md #2 James Overton LEWIS; child Rosa Pinckney Lewis md C lvl WOOD (c) Robert Hayne Sharpe b 17 Nov 1847, md MaryAnn COKERof TX; died '1897. TX (1) William Sharpe, (2) Lrlley Sharpe, (3) Maimmie Sharpe and (4) Edwin Sharpe. (d) Frances Pinckney Sharpe, b 04 Oct 1851 md W H W SMITH of Dallas Co. TX; dled 1907, Dallas Co TX. (1) Walter Stephens Srnlth died unmd. and (2) I/arion Smith, died in childhood. (e) William Alston Sharpe b 05 Aug 1856; md; living 1928 in Dallas, TX. 3. Dr Edwin Sharpe, unmd; d 1868 or 1869, Pendleton, SC t\, i,. .,. - ;' t/ ' 3 -129The Family of Robert Lee Sharpe. Cont'd. The children of Elam Sharpe, Cont'd. Dr. l\rarcus LaFayette Sharpe, unmd d prob in Anderson Co SC. 5. Elizabeth Sharpe, md Rev. Dr CARLISLE. {a) John E. Carlisle, (b) Wlliam Carlisle, (c) James Carlisle, (d) Marcus Cadisle, and (e) Lillian Carlisle, md and had famlly in SC. 4 Ihe children of William Sharpe (Pq 125#32) and Catherine Reese, all bornin Mechlenberg or Rowan (lredell) Counties, NC, are as follows: 1. Matilda Sharpe, b 04 Mar 1769; 2. Ruth Sharpe, b 03 Mar 1770; 3. Thomas Reese Sharpe, b 18 May 1771. d Feb 1801, St Simons lsland. 4. Abner Sharpe, b 01 Od 1772 md 29 Aug '1797, Nlary Loyd OSBORN (06 Sep 1774,d23Feb 1829), d 11 Nov 1807, Statesvrlle, NC. (a) Thomas Alphonzo Sharpe. md Haniet Elizabeth YOUNG (1) Archibald Young Sharpe, md Catharine A. SLEDGE; 7 children. (2) Margaret NL Sharpe, md Alfred A. CURTIS. (3) Harriet Elizabeth Sharpe md Thomas R. CA[IERON; had children. (4) Julia Sharpe, md Nathan C. NAPIER; had chi,dren (5) Emma Sharpe, md Joseph HILLERt had children. (b) lrargaret Adaline Sharpe, b 1799, d 03 Apr 1878; md Alexander HALL of lredell Co NC; had a large family. 5. Betsey Sharpe, b22 Jan 1774: md Capt. B. STARKE; no ch; d Pendleton, SC; bur Hopewell Cem, Old Stone Church. 6. David Sharpe, b 11 Feb 1775: md and supposed to have 10 ch. 7. Elam Sharpe (see preceding). 8. Ivlarcus Sharpe, b22Feb 1778: d 25 Jun 1803, New Orleans. LA. 9. Cynthia Sharpe, b 18 Nov 1780; md John NICGUIRE (b 1771, d26 Aug 1843, Batesville, AR), d 26 Dec 1849, Batesville, AR Ch all b in Morganton, NC: (a) Sarah Evelina [,4ccuire, b 21 Feb 1805; md Thomas HUGHES in Morganton; d 22 Aug 1839, Batesville, AR Their children are: (1)William Casper Hughes md, (2) Mary Cordelia Hughes FEENTSTER, (3) Ihomas Edwin Hughes md --- ROGERS, (4) Edwin Rayson Hughes, (5) Sarah Jane Hughes and (6) John Elam Hughes. (b) Elvira Sharpe Mccuire, b 10 Jul 1806i d 15 May 1813. (c) Harriet Matilda N/lccurre, b 26 Sep 1807; md 1824 to John Bowen WHITESIDES. Their children are: (1) Elvira Louisa Whites des, (2) John Quincy Adams Whitesides, (3) Catherine Matilda Whitesides, (4) Cynthia Evelina Whitesides, and (5) Mary Elizabeth Whitesides (d) William Lorenzo l\4ccuire, b 3'1 Dec 1808; died 26 Mar 1856, md #1, '1837, Mary Jane SEARCY. Their children arel (1) James Edwin McGuire, (2) [Iartha Ann I!4cGuire, (3) Catherine Elzabeih McGLrire CULLENS WYCOUGH Wllram Lorenzo lv]ccutre md #2 lIary Ann DEBNANI Their children are: (4) Evelina L lrccuire, (5) Hattie Mccuire (6) William S. Mccuire, (7) Robert McGuire md , (8) Emeline Cordelia Mccuire SEARCY. 7'.9 -t 30, The Family of Robert Lee Sharpe, Cont'd The children of Cynthia Sharpe McGuire, Coni'd (e) Elam Sharpe Mccuire, b 07 Apr 18'10, died 21 Dec 1858: md 11 Apr 1838 Catherine Elizabeth LEWiS. Their chrldren are: ('1) William Lewis l\,4ccuire, (2) Charles Edwin Mccuire md ftIil]ie J. McINTOSH, (3) Thomas Eatson l\rcGuire md. Virginia A. AUSTIN, (4) Walter McGuire md Adaline Powell STREET, (5) John Whalen N4ccuire, and (6) Laura lsabella McGuire. (i) Catherine Elizabeth lvlccuire, b 07 Apr 1811;d 28 Mar 1883; md Morganton, NC, to William Casper BEVENS. Their children arei (1)Susan Elizabeth Bevens MILLER, (2) William Alexander Bevens md #1 Ada LEWIS, md #2 lda C. McNElL, (3) Harriet Bevens GIBBS, (4) Catherine Eugenia Bevens BUTLER, (5) Louisa Bevens. (g) Edwin Ruthven Mcclrre, b 15 Sep 1813; d Batesville, AR, md 1837, lndependence Co. AR to Emmiline CRAIG. Their children are: (1)James Clinton Mccuire md Madha E. ERWIN, (2) Mary E Mccuire, (3) Cordelia L. lvlccuire, (4) William Edward McGuire. (h) Jane Louisa N.4ccuire, b 21 Feb 1815; d 11 Nov 1875 at Batesville, AR; md 08 Jan 1834, Morganton, NC, to Dr. Alfred BEVENS Their children are: (1)Sarah L Bevens KELLOG, (2) Elam P. Bevens md Fannie HOUGH'rON (3) Emma A Bevens WYCOUGH, (4) Wlliam E Bevens md Virginia GREEN, (5) Mary Jane Bevens HOGAN, and (6)Thomas Alfred Bevens md Donnah ---. 0) Thomas Theodore i,4ccuire, b 20 Jan 1817; md Elizabeth ----. Their children are: (1)William Mccuire md ----- RADFORD, (2) Theodore Mccuire, and (3) Mary McGuire 10. Elvira Sharpe, b29Jd17a2: md21 1\.4ar 1809to Davld CALDWELL who d 20 Feb 1819. '1'1. Edwin Sharpe b 01 Dec'1783 12. Carlos Sharpe, b'15 Feb'1786 The children of Ihomas Sharpe (Pg 125 #64) and his first wife, Eljzabeth --- are: 1. William Sharpe (see preceding) 2 John Sharpe, b22Sep 1744. d NC md Lillan IICCOY (b 11 Jun 1743) and had the following children: (a) Esther Sharpe, b 12 Apt 1770 (b) Elizabeth Sharpe b 14 Nov 1771 (c) James l'Iccoy Shatpe, b 10 Apt 1774. (d) David Sharpe, b 18 Jun 1776. (e) A daughter Sharpe, b 31 Mat 1777. d 18 Apr 1778 (f) Silas Sharpe b 15 Jun 1779r md and had a son, Silas Davidson Sharpe, who also md and had a son, J l\,4 Sharpe, b nr Statesville, lredell Co, NC. who moved to Nashvllle, TN There were prob. other children in the above family. 3. James Sharpe, went to NC. Joseph Sharpe, went to NC. 4 *!,,;.. ,a 2/ -t3l- The Family of Robert Lee Sharpe, Cont'd. The children of Thomas Sharpe, Cont'd. 5. Samuel Sharpe, went to NC, prob. Rutherford Co. Walter Sharpe, dec by 1785; was md and had children. 7. lsabel Sharpe, md *-- WALLACE; wenttoNC. Sarah Sharpe, went to NC, died at Lincolnton, NC; mdDr.JohnRElD. Chitdren: (a) Mary Reid md Robert JOHNSTON. Their children are: (1) Sarah Johnston JOHNSON, (2) James A. Johnston md Jane ByERS, (3) Dr. Sidney Johnston md Harriet CONNER, (4) Jane Etiza Johnston GRAHA[, NIoLEAN, (5) John Johnston md #.1 Detia TORRENCE and #2 Laura E HAPOLDT, (6) Cotonet Wi iam Johnston md Annie GRAHAM, had Julia Nlartha Johnston, Franklin Graham Johnston, lvlary Cora Johnston and William Robert Johnston. (7) Robert E. Johnston md Caroline SHUFORD, (8) Dr. Thomas Lum Johnston md Dorcas LUCKEy, (9) Harriet M. Johnston SHIPP, (10) Rufus Johnston md Cecelia LATA, (i1) lvlary E. Johnston DAVIDSON, and (12) Martha M. Johnsron RANKIN, 9. Elizabeth Sharpe, poss. a child by his second wife. The children of Thomas Sharpe (Pg 125 #64) by his second wife, tvary McFarran or McFarrin, are; 10. Thomas Sharpe, twin, b 1765; Cecil Co. lrDi d 1831 in Bracken Co. Ky; md Mary KERR [See original manuscript for their children] 11 lvlary Sharpe, twin, b 1765i md **- PHU[.4SrER (prob PHEEMSTER); prob. went to NC. 12. Amos Sharpe, minor in 1785i prob died in KY; single. 13. David Sharpe, minor in 1785; probdied in KY: single 14. Ebenezer Sharpe, botn 1777 md Elizabeth LAKE, died'1835, lndianapolis, tN. 6 8 [he following Tumlin genealogy has been abstracted from the original manuscript. See the original manuscript for more detailed information.l William Tumlin (Pg 125 #24) (1775-1856), md Agnes Rebecca Carlisle 1. lmri Tumlin. 2. Lewis Tumlin (1809'1875) William Tumlln. 4. George Washington Tumlin (1815-1867) (see below) 5. Rebecca Tum,in, md#1 Wlliam WADE:md#2Dt. --- HUI\,PHRY. 6. Nancy Tumlin, md James LAUGHRIDGE. 7. Polly Tumlin, md ----- MARTIN B Elizabeth Tumlrn -1868), md -.-- HUMPHRIES -1859); md William GINN. Anne Tumlin 3 L ( ( George Washington Tum,in (Pg 125 #12) (1815-1867), md #1 Rachel Wade. 1 NeMon Jasper Tumlin (1835-1905) (see below) 2. William lvlarion Tumlin (1836-1903); md Awanda B. MORGAN. a. Alice Florida Tumlin, md Patterson TOOMBS; 3 children. .2 .,. ' .t' - t32- The Family of Robert Lee Sharpe, Cont'd. 'fumlin, Cont'd. The children of George Washington 3 James S Tumlin (1838-1878), md Carrie BONNER of Carrollton. a. George W. Tumlin, md Mattie HARRIS. b Charles Tumlin. Henry lmrie Tumlin (1840-1878) md ----- ROSS of Davisville, AL. 5. Virgil lvleigs Tumlin (1842 ), md Pauline Van Dusen BUTTS. a George W. Tumlin b. William Tumlin, md Sara Lou --- from TN. Lottie Tumlin, md and living in CA in 1937. d Alta Tumlrn. md W. Rhett WARD. 6. lvlartha Ann Tumlin, twin (1843-1891), md John W'nn GUESS. a. James William Guess, d in infancy. b. [4ary Belle Guess, md William Eoss MCDONALD. c Ann Guess. mdir. P. H. LANE, --' 7. Mary Elizabeth Tumlin, twn (1843- ), md George W. NrUlER. a. Nellie Muier, md Thomas B. CROI\,WELL. b Wallace l\4uier, md Sunshine LUSK. 8. Chester Lewis Tumlin (1848- ), md Mattie IICDONALD. Mary Tumlin, d in infancy. b. Lila Tumlin, md Andrew Pettit NIOYE. George Washington Tumlin md #2 Laura Josephine Terhune 9. George Samuel Tumlin (1852-1925), md Alice GILREATH. a. C,ara M Tumlin, md C. B. CARSWELL, Iived in Dallas TX. b. lrene Tumlin, md J. D HARRIS, Cedartown, GA. c. Emory Clay Tumlin -1937). d. Nancy Tumlin, md K. V. KlBBlE. e. Laura Tumlin, md R. B. MASTERSON. Bessie Tumlin, md W. T. HANCOCK, lived Dallas, TX. q. Alice Tumlin, md E. L. RIGBY, lived Dallas, TX. h. Lillian l\,4. Tumlin, md B. F. CROSBY. George Albert Tumlin Eva Tumlin, md G R. RANDLE -1859) md Wllliam GINN 10. Anna 4 c a ( f. i J ( Newton Jasper Tumlin (Pg 124 #6) md #1 Mary Ann Woods 1. Josephine Tumlin (1854- ) md --- HUTCHINS. a. Elizabeth Hutchins. md William Earnest SMITH. Ch: Lucille, William, and l\,,1arg a rie 2. William Tum ln (1856 ). Newlon Jasper TLrmlin md #2 Elizabeth Ash Payne 3. NeMon J. Tumlin (1860-1899). bur Carrollton City Cem Albert Tumlin ('1864 ), md #1 Julia DICKERSON a. Joshua Tumlin (1890- ) Albed Tumlrn rnd #2 L"cy D --b. Virglnia Elrzabeth Tumlin (1918- ) c. Caroline Young Tumlin ('1923- ). d. Thomas NeMon Tumlin (1925- ) 5. Beaureqard Tumlin, died of typhoid ln his early twenties. 4 - 133- The Family of Robert Lee Sharpe, Cont'd. The children of NeMon Jaspe. Tumlin, Cont'd. 6. Mary Tumlin, md Dillard C. Ii]ITCHELLi a.. Elizabeth lvlitchell, md Sam HOWARD. They had a daughter Elizabeth. 7. Ethel Tumlin, died; single. 8. Frances Gordon Tumlin (Pg 124 #3) 9. Elizabeth Tumlin, died young 10. Virgil Tumlin, died young. [The following Greene genealogy has been abstracted from the original manuscript. See the original manuscript for more detailed information.] William Greene (Pg 125 tA1), md Ruth Hunter. Their children are: '1. Lemuel Greene (see below) 2. Sarah Hunter Greene ('1786- ),md#1 Douglas WATSON. a. Jessee Watson. b Lemuel Watson. c. Oliver Watson. d. Sarah Watson. e. Ruth Watson. Sarah Hunter Green md #2 Drury TOWNS. Sarah Hunter Greene md #3 Colonel John l\,IERCER. 3. Alston Hunter Greene (1788- ), md Cynthia CLAY BARRETT, widow. a. Clement Comer Clay Greene lsee original manuscript for detailed informationl b. Mary Greene, no records obtarned. c. Delia Greene, no records obtained d- William Greene, no records obtained. 4. Nancy Greene (1790- ), md William FITZPATRICK. a. Ruth Fitzpatrick, b. Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, c. Mary Fitzpatrick, d. Benjamin Fitzpatrick, and e. Francis Fitzpatrick. 5. Nathaniel Greene (1793-1798). 6. William Greene (1795-1804) 7. Augustin Greene (1797- ), ffd #1 Phoebe BURLSE. a. William Greene, b. Lemuel Greene, c Haniet Greene, d. Sarah Greene, e. Amorette Greene md Benlamin Franklin GREENE, her first cousin, and f. Anna Greene. Augustin Greene md #2 Mrs --- BALDWIN; widow. Augustin Greene md #3 ----- FISHER. 8. Elizabeth Greene (1799- ), md SLEDGE. (1800-1872), 9. Phillip Hunter Greene md lrildred Washington STANFORD. a. Mary Elizabeth Greene md ----- AUTREY, and had Phillip, Charles, Palmer, and Ada Autrey who md ----- LEARY. b. Eugenin Judson Greene, md, had Melvin, Philip, Carrie who md ---BALSER, and Addie Greene who md --- WARD. c. Ada l\4aria Greene. d. Sarah Caroline Greene who md ----- TODD, and had 4 children. e. Lucius Sanford Greene. Charles lrallory Greene. 10. Ruth Hunter Greene (1804- ), md ----MARLIN. Hada daughter, Ruth Hunter Marlin of Brunswick, GA, and poss. others. -* f. -134The Family of Robert Lee Sharpe, Cont'd. Lemuel Greene (Pg 125 #20) and Ann Merritt had the following children, all prob. bom in Greene Co., GA '1. Benjamin Franklin Greene, -1868), md his cousin, Amorette Greene, daugter of Augustin Greene. 2. Hamilton HunterGreene (see below). 3. Augustin Greene 4. Emrly Gree-e, rd -- BROWNE. 5. Caroline Greene, md ----- BEDELLS. 6. lvlary Greene, md ----- SHEPPARD. LemuelGreene and Eliza Coleman had the following childrenl 7. LemuelGreene. dred rn Mrssrssippi 8. Joseph Greene, lived nr Mrlledgeville, GA, 1903. 9. George Greene, Capt. in Confederate Army in CivilWar, killed in action. '10. [Iilton Greene died somewhere in GA. 11. Thomas Greene, died nr Albany, GA. ( - Hamilton Hunter Greene (Pg 125 #10) and Ellen A. Gibson Griffin had the followrng children: 1. Morazan G. Greene, b 15 Dec 1842, nr Lacrange, GA, d 13 Jan 1894, nr Lacrange: md 14 Dec 1883, prob. in Troup Co., Ella PALMER. Chl a. Gaberella Greene, b 21 Mar1886, nr Gainesville, GA d18Sep1888, Sheffield, AL b. Palmer C. Greene. b 09 Mar 1889, Bethel, GA. c. Amorette E A. Greene b'1891, Bethel, GA. Laban O. Greene, b 09Jun 1844, nr Lacrange, GA mdca1872or1873, Wetumpka, AL, Elzabeth COOPER; no children. Benjamin F. Greene, b 27 Jan 1846, nr Lacrange, GA, d 14 Aug 1868 Long Cane, Troup Co., GA 4 Annie Elizabeth Greene (Pg 124 #5) 5. JoelG.Greene,bl5AprlS49,TroupCo Ga; md 09 May 1886, Heartsell AL, Mrs. S. E DERICK widow; had 4 or more children. 6. Hamilton Hunter Greene Jr. born 05 Dec '1850, md '12 Oct 1876 Long Cane, Cornie KEIL DICKEY, adopted dau of Col. Dickeyi had 6 or more children. 7. Charles Edwin Greene, b 27 Dec 1853, Long Cane; d 26 N,4ay 1929, l\,/alledgeville, Baldwin Co., GA md '12 Oct 1879, Ellaville, GA, Mary Ella WILLIAI/]SON; living 1929, Nlilledgeville Charles Edwin Greene, b 31 Aug 1880; d 20 Dec 1889, Milledgeville, GA. Ella Pearl Greene, md 26 Nov 1903, Lewis HUDSON of Troup Co. GA; living 1929 Etowah, TN. c. Anna Claire Green, b 25 Jul 1884, lrving 1929 lvilledgeville, GA. d. Benjamin Hill Greene b '17 Aug 1887, d 14 Nov 1888 e. Robert H. Greene, b 14 Jul 1889; living 1929, Fairburn, GA. Lady H. Greene, b 14 Oct 1894, md 21 Nov 1915, J RobertARNOLD. g. Louise Greene, b29Mat 1897 living 1929 lrilledgeville, GA h. Albert H. Greene, b 17 Jan 1902, d '11 Aug 1913 8. Augustin B. Greene, b 28 Aug 1857, Long Cane; md at Birmingham, AL, Cora ---; d 21 Aug 1916, St. Louis, MO bur there; no children. 2 3 a b i f,j ! ,- -ti5- l.()t li (,1.i\l.ilt \ I I()\5 .\r.r L.ti l F\ll tll (il?Fl.\l-l r ltS. l l frer L.r't tl \\lll.'l'i)\ Ill YfuR (;RIlll\F: lit.5llt sIJ \RPu Rl s>_t,1_1. (l9r1r ) lirh h( qrindn,.rh.r:\\\ll, l.l (;RIi!\ Stl \Hl'L rll+7 lrl8) lilq /,)tl I //.ltt \ls Itn*.ll sor ogdh.r .(tr.\ .,r'l l \ll I\ Jn.l a;RFF\F I (t3tl 187.1 Righr \l()R,\ZI\ G (-;RL1,\ (lr1l l3'r1, \rkh chitd.\\loRL I I Ii l-. cRIiti\ l-l Lr r,r1 : l // j,) /x. .// * t:, 1, l l .1 I S (;ltLlr\1.. Sr. 1,,, i\. \ll) rll.\Rl.lrs (;Rljll\ll. \l,ll.aqLaill. (; \ \\\ll: lll.lZ.\lllll ll IiRlili\l stI\Rl'1,. .\l r;t '( ]lr ri ll. It rt l; lb I ( )SL,l'l I (;Rlil,\ Ir. uinni.Bh,!n \r. U ltl l.l \ (iltlll.l\U. fr \, 1.\. (,.\ l.t (:1t.LE (iltF It\ t, B \r.r)\\ I\. .J( lrirnInshln,. \t. \\IIl. l ()\ I It \l ltR (iRIlt\ ].r, |I1. \\.r |!irt. (; \ l]\lJl l l{.\\ l,()R.l..Lcring.. (; \ \l\R\ (;Rli1i\l: l R \\ 1.()R. t..nrniq.. II (; \ 'l()\l ltt\\ t.1)R. Lr(; nse. (; \ \t.\t I)ti (;RtaE\t-.. (i,tfif. (; \ L l lllll. (jRl'll \I:l( )ll\s()\. \\.{ l)!inr. (;.\ \l \R\ Ill \ll\ \l | \lll l \ .. ., .lu, h, I \ \1.\'l-fIl] (iRut-t\tr r .r.( )\ I), \\ csr liinr, (;1. \llts H \\llr. lI)\ I ll \ lliR (;Rt,l.t\1, Il \\lll.l()\ llL \lllli (lRIrli\E Il. \\'esr l\.. r3 \l'LL1.t (;REE\. \t.,r Ibir,_ (; \ l! \llls. L\BE (iRflll\1.1, l,ons(inc.(;.\ l| l, \BE (jlllF:\. LofA (:rne. (i \ -t 36In regard to the history on the Sharpe Family on the preceding pages, please see the copy of the original manuscript, which has been placed in the Neva Lomason Library, Carrollton, GA, for more information on the families.I The following is from the Times-Georgian, Saturday, '16 Feb 1991: BEING REMEMBEREO IS IlilPORTANT TO ELDERLY By Carol Martin, Special to the Times Georgian Two very important birthdays were celebrated last week at Pine Knoll Nursing Home. On Feb. Bth, Dola Johnson Mccarity tumed 99, and on Feb. gth, her sister and roommate, Ela Johnson, turned 94. A common birthday celebration prepared by their niece, Lucile Bishop of Bowdon, was held at the nursing home. Birthday cake and chocolate mints were served to the residents and staff of Pine Knoll as well as to a large number gf wellwishers who came to visit the honorees. These two women, together wiih their sister, Mynice Johnson Martin, 91, are the survivors among eleven children born to Wesley Whitfield and lvlary Elizabeth Lovvorn Johnson The Johnson family has an amazing reco[d of longevity. Newman Johnson, the eldest, died at 95, Verda (Mrs. Jim)Jackson, at 100 plus, Dana ([,,lrs. Robert) Moore at 86, Mallalieu Johnson at 97, Luther Johnson at 88, and Emma (irrs. Jim) Wiggins at 86. Ihe father, Wesley Johnson, in an effort to adequately provide for his large family, developed wide-spread interests. ln addition to being a farmer, he was a merchant, miller, postmaster and gin operator in Dot Ga., a smallcommunity six or eight miles south of Bowdon. He had scarcely gotten started in these enterprises when he was struck down with typhoid fever. The only treatment for typhoid at that time was complete bed rest. Mr. Johnson felt he could not stay in bed when his businesses needed his attention. He felt he had to get back to work. His body could not stand the strain, and he died at 49 years. The burden of being a single parent fell on the slight shoulders of Mary Elizabeth Lovvom Johnson, known to herfamily as "Bob." The widow felt that her only alternative was to move her family to Bowdon where the opportunities for schooling were better. She bought a house and some acreage where she moved with the nrne children sti,l living at home who ranged from 23 years to an infant less than three years old. Wesley Johnson had been a devout Methodist. "Bob" had grown up in an equally devout Baptist family Two of her brothers were Baptist preachers When she decided to join the l\4ethodist Church with her husband, she was soundly criticized, but she stuck to her decision. When all of her children turned out so well, her family asked her how she was abletorearsuch good children. Shegavethem this answer: "As babies lhadthem sprinkled and dedicated to the Lord. Then ltaught them good lvlethodist principles to live by." Their lives are a living testimonial to her and to the Lord. When, in 1920, a brother, Mallalieu Johnson, who was living in Arlington, Va., -a..; .a// -137- The Wesley Johnson Family, Cont d. working for the Treasury Department ln Washington, D.C., losl his wife, It was necessary to find some way to care for his four chtldren ranging in aOe from 6 months to I years. The only solution was to bring the youngsters home to his family in Bowdon Realizing that it would be dlfficull, if not impossible for the grandmother to handle this big job, Dola, who had been teaching elementary schoot at lrt. Zion and Bowdon, gave up her teaching career to devote her full time to the care of the children. Not until the youngest child, Allen, had reached 18 and was a senior in high school, did Dola follow her heart and marry. Her choice was Rev. W. C. lvccarity, a Methodist ministerwhose circuit included Bowdon. "The Preacher," as he was affectionately known by the family, was the father-in-law of Dola's niece, Lucile, whom she had "mothered." The marriage made Dola not only Lucile's aunt and "mother," but her mother-in-law as well At that time Eia Johnson stepped into the breach She was teaching at the high school in Bowdon and living in the homeplace. She took over supervision of the youngest child, Allen, who was a senior in high school at the time, and sent Dola and the preacher on their way For the next years Ela kept the homeplace ready for any and all of the family members who visited Bowdon. These two wonderful women had no children of their own but they have been influential in the lives of many When nieces and nephews (and grand-nieces and nephews) graduated from high school and college, they were there in the audience cheenng them on. These young people were confident of the support of their aunts for any wonhwhile project they chose to undedake They also knew that if they did not attain the success they sought, Aunt Ela and Aunt Dola would still love them and would be proud of them for trying. So often when persons get old and must go to a nursing facility for care, they are forgotten. No one remembers the contributions they have made to their homes, their families, their chutches their schools, and their communities Ihis is not so for Miss Dola and lvliss Ela. ln addition to family members, former students and parishione.s remember and visit them The devoted care they receive from their niece, Lucile Bishop, is heartwarming It is Lucile ihat decorates therr room with the change of seasons, shops and launders therr clothes, and sees - not only to their needs - but to their wants as well. Their younger sister, Myrtice lvartin, who handles EIa's affairs prepares special foods to take to them and constantly looks for ways to make the "girls" lives more pleasant. It would be well for all of us to realize that if we live long enough, we will one day be in a nursing home. How wonderful itwill beto be remembered Wemaynot deserve attention, but we will need it. lf you have not visited a family member or an acquaintance in the nursing home, do it today. There is no place where your presence will be more appreciated. (Madin, a Caffollton rcsident. is active in community and govenment affairs.) (Submitted by Shirley Gardner) Have you handed in a pedigree chart lately? Eack in the early 1980's, if you sent in a pedigree chart and it was not leglble. it was forwarded to the Neva Lomason Llbrary Why don't yoLr try us again? Also, any comments you may have as to what yoLt would would like to see in the Quaderly, we welcome theml ) )'tt/ t-I38, ITEMS OF GENEALOGICAL INTEREST. CARROLL COUNTY TIMES Continued from the Fall 1996 euarterty 16 Apr 1880 SUPERIOR COURT - When we went to press last week, the case of the State vs J. C. B.antley was up for trial... The defendant was ably represented by p. p. Smith, T_ W. Latham, G. W Austin, Reese & Adamson C p Gordon, R. J. Jordan, R. L Richards. The State was represented by the Soticitor, S W. Harris, Cobb & Cote and E B. Merell.. Verdict was "not guilty." (From the newspaper of 23 Apr 1BB0 - As was stated last week, the verdjct in the Brantley case was "not guilty.,, There is another indictment against Branfley, charging him wath killing the negro chitd, at the time the woman was ki ed. which was not tried, owing to sickness in the solicito/s family. Branfley is sti in jajl awaiting triat in this last case ) The followjng State cases were then taken up and disposed of: Amos l\rcDaniel, colored, larceny from the house -- plead guilty. Jeff Davis, colored, trespass - verdict guilty The State vs. Ed Sharp, cotored - ptead guitty State vs. W. H. Willis, misdemeanor - verdict gujlty. Fined $50 and costs. State vs. G. L. Stallings, charged with an assault wth intent to murder * plead guilty to assault Fined $30 and cost Stewart & Long vs- C. S Hamilton - attachment, verdict for the plaintiff. J. G. Crouch vs. Curtis & Penn - attachment, judgment for plaintiff. Lydia E Tanner vs. W. K. ftryrick et al - trover, verdict for plaintiff Josiah Shinn vs. Chillie [Ictntosh -- ceniorari overruted. Green League vs. M. C. Summerlin - certiorari, sustained Bill Benson vs. Charlie Dyer - motion for new trial granted. E W. Wells vs. Wm Hammett - appeal verdict for ptaintiff Gaffett & Bro. vs. Jno T. Holmes - claim, dismissed. (These items will be continued in the next Quarterly.) Abstracted by Shirtey Gardner ANNOUNCEIVENTS Cleaning and restoration of the cemetery of the Old Concord primitive Baptist Church is being planned. Please contact Dennis W. Williams,326 Rockmad Rd, Vilta Rica. GA 30180 770-459-1564. FOCUS OF RESEARCH MOBLEY PRINCE, Mary Nowell,95'l Crumbley Rd., l\rcDonough cA 3A252-4422 AKIN, BARILETT, BENILEY, CARROLL, EARNEST, HARWOOD, HOGAN, McADA[.4S, STALLINGS lvarie Ann Hogan, 5075 Pine l\,4tn Rd , Kennesaw, GA 30152. 139- Focus of Research. Cont d. BURKE, FRlDELL, MORROW RANDLES, STIDHAN,I/STEADMAN, WADDELL YOUNGBLOOD All of these families came out of SC, except the RANDLES who came outofKYtoAL. lhave extensive family histories on all names listed which lwill be happy to share. What I am looking for is info going back before 1850. Teddy R. Randles, 155 River Valley Dr., Carrollton, GA 30117. ALBRIGHT, BLAIR, CARR, CRENSHAW, HALL, HARPER, SIUITH, WYATT, Garry Smith, 569 Roy North Rd., Carrollton, GA 30117. BARROW, BURT, GILLY, KJNG, LANGS-TON, SMITH, STITCHER. Christopher G. Tanner, 1767 Tanglewood Ct. #2, Burlington, KY 41005. BASS, Texas Johnston. BOYD, Eliza Johnston & Celia Johnston. CHASTAIN, Sallie Johnston. FIELDS, NIary Johnston. JOHNSTON, Joseph, John, John Thomas, Willis. RICHARDS, William B. & Thomas. TRUITT, Vesta Johnston. VELVIN, Elizabeth. WlLLlAlVlS, Emily Johnston Dr. Lucy E. Moye, 101 Budlong St., Hillsdale, lrl 49242. QUERIES CULPEPPER, ROOKS The Fall's information on the Carroll County Voter Registration 1867-1868, had several of my ancestors listed. One name lam particularly interested in is Noah S. CULPEPPER, (W) R42,842(S) onPage86. Who were his parents? Wherewashe born? I have many CULPEPPER ancestors who were in Canoll Co., GA, but have no info on Noah lam also interested in any nformaton on Hannah A. ROOKS llsted on Page 78. Will be happy to share information on these families. Gedrude W. Stone, 11 Casey St, Newnan GA 30263-1905. CALL, CARR, HARDEN, McGRiFF, THURIVIAN, THURI\,1OND, WELLBORN/ WELLBOURN lam working on my husband's WELLBOURN line. His grandmotherwas MaryAnn Elizabeth WELLBOURN, b 24 Aug 1873, Coweta Co GA; d 11 Apr 1936. She md Charles Francis MCGRIFF 27 Oct 1889. Boih died in C ebume Co AL MaryAnn's parents were William James WELLBORN (b 1851, Newnan GA) and Julie Rebacker CARR (b 1856 GA). Wm. James'parents were John Thomas WELLBORN and Susan Elizabeth HARDEN WELLBORN John Thomas was the son of Cordial T. WELLBORN andJuliaCALL Who were the parents and siblingsof Cordial? He was born in 1796, Wilkes Co. GA, and later moved to Newnan, GA ls he the son of Curtis WELLBORN Jr. and Drucilla THURMOND? Family legacy says Cudis David, Jonathan, Joshua, Josiah, Thomas, and Edward were children of Curtis Sr. and wife Mary THUR[,4AN, but we have no proof. Does anyone have any information on these lines? Anxious to share information with you Annette Edgeworth Smith, Rt. 1 Box 313 Ranburne, AL 36273. 205-74A-3233 ,/ I lrO- PEDIGREE CHART Candace Teal Gravelle, 1033 38th Ave, SE, Albany, OR 97321. 1. -I"EAL, Odell William, b 26 Jul 1919, Franklin, Heard, GA, md #1 Lovella Ruth PRICE (b 1923, AL); md #2 Lillian Lorraine WLSON (b 1923, Hoquiam, WA). TEAL, Joseph W., b 04 Jun 1892, Hightower, AL, md 17 Dec 1911, Clebume Co., ALi d 20 Sep 1954, Woodville, MSi bur Cleburne Co., AL. 3. GAY, Etta Ophelia, b 22 Feb '1896, Cleburne Co, ALi d 27 Nov 1990, Jacksonville Beach, FL bur Jacksonvi,le Beach, FL 4. TEAL/TEEL, Jesse T. C., b Dec 1851, Carroll Co., GA; d ca 1936, Carroll Co., cA. 5. ASHLEY, Sarah E., b May 1855, Heard Co., GA; d 02 Jun 1930, Troup Co., GA. GAY, George Washington Jr., b 03 Nov 187'1, Coweta Co., GA; md 04 Jan 1891; d 03 Mar 1915, Cleburne Co., AL. 7. SKINNER, Ola lzora, b 08 lvlay 1873, GA; d 06 Apr 1950, Cleburne Co., AL. 9. TEAL, Francis(?), b ca 1838, GA. 10. ASHLEY, Reuben, b ca 1830, Abbeville, SC; d bef 1900, GA(?). 11. DUNLAP, lvlinerva, b ca '1832, Abbeville, SC; d ca 1903, GA(?) 12. GAY, George Washington Sr., b 17 Jan 1846, Coweta Co, GA; d 19 Apr 1915, Cleburne Co., AL. 13. SMIIH-SUTHERLAND, I\rargaret C , b ca 1835, rN; d 1918, Cleburne Co., AL. 14. SKINNER, Andrew Jackson, b07Jun 1851, GA; d 22 Apr 1908, Cleburne Co., AL 15. I/]CELROY Rebecca Ann, b23 Feb 1840, GA(?); d 20 May 1902, Cleburne Co., AL. 18 TEAL/TEEL, Joshua, b ca 1807, NC; d bef 1870. 19. -----, [Iary (Polly), b ca 1808, NC; d bef 1870. 20. ASHLEY, Moses Jr., b ca 1800, SC. 21. I\TOSELEY, Susan, b ca 1800. SC. 24. GAY, Gilbert Sr., b 1802, GA; d ca 1882, AL. 25. STAlilPS, Sarah, b ca 1811, GA, d ca 1885 AL. 26. S[IlTH, Phillip(?). 28. SKINNER, lsaac H , b ca '1800, GA. 2 6 -' i =YI!=="= Y'r=Y: ='=": 1':'=' :1 = CCGS 1996 MEMBERS - as of 31 Oct 1996 John C. Allen, 504 Pineridge Dr, HopkinsvilJe, KY 42240. Velma D. Evans, P. O. Box 926, Joelton, TN 37080 Cheryl Grusendorf, 15044 N. 7 Place, Phoenix, AZ 85022. Mane Ann Hogan, 5075 Pine Mt. Rd , Kennesaw, GA 30152 219 Nroria Mitchell, '1312 Sand Hill-Shady Grove Rd., Carrollton, GA 30117. 220 Dt Lucy E.Moye,'101'1 BudlongSt, Hillsdale, MI49242. 221 Mary K Nowell, 951 Crumbley Rd., lvlcDonough, GA 30252-4422. 222. fhonas M. Phillips,5227 l4iddleton Rd. San Diego, CA92109. 223. Teddy R. & Frances W. Randles, 155 River Valley Dr., Carrollton, GA 30117. 224. Garry Smith, 569 Roy North Rd , Carrollton, GA 30117. 225 Mrs. Ana Villasana,2503 Plantation Lane, Sugar Land TX 77478. 215. 216. 217. 2'18 l4l CCGS '1996 Nrembers. Cont'd. Exchanges and Donations Genealogical Society 35N West Temple, SaltLake City, Utah84151 227. West GA Regional Library, 710 Rome St , Caffollton, GA 301 17 228. lrvine S. lngram Lib., Spec. Coll, State Univ. of WestGA, Carrollton, GA301'17 229. Lib. of Congress, Exch & Gift Div , 10 First St. SE, Washington D.C 20540. 230. Periodicals Dept , Untv of GA Lib., Athens, GA 30602. 231. Ala-Benton Gen. Soc., P. O. Box 308, Anniston, AL 36202. 232 fexatkana USA Gen Soc lnc , P O. Box 2323, Texarkana ARK-TX 77504. 233. Southwest GA Gen. Soc., Box 4672, Albany, GA 31706.. 234. GA Gen. Soc, P O. Box 54575, Atlanta, GA 30308-0575. 235. Coweta Co. Gen Soc, P. O Box 1014, Newnan, GA 30264 236. Northwest GA H st. & Gen Soc, P. O. Box 5063, Rome, GA 30161 237. lridwest Hist. &Gen. Soc. P. O. Box 1121, Wichita, KS67201. 238. ARK-LA-TEX Gen Soc, P O.\ox4462, Shreveport, 1A71134. 239. Leon Co. Gen. Soc., P. O. Box 400, Centerville, TX 78533-0400. 240. Montgomery Co Gen. Soc. P. O. Box 867 Conroe, TX 77305-0867 241 Alabama Gen Soc., P. O Box 13, Cullman, AL 35056. 242. Houston Gen. Forum P. O. Box 271466, Hoaslon,fX77277 243 Southeast Alabama Gen. Soc . P. O. Box 246, Dothan, AL 36302. 244. Cobb Co GAGen. Soc, P.O Box 1413, Marietta, GA 30061 245. Gen Soc of Henry Co., P. O Box 1296, McDonough, GA 30253 226 lf you answer any queries appearing in the Quarteriy we would appreciate receiving a copy of yo. answer so that it may be published rn the Quarterly Not only does it help the submitter, but t also may he p our readers and futlrre generations. Share your knowledge. Also, we would appreciate your telling us if you see any errors in our publications INDEX -,I966 WNTER QUARTERLY ABERCROMBRIE 113 ADAIR 113 aDAMS 111 ADAI\,ISON 123 ADCOCK BARNES 112113116 114 AUSTTN 113118130 138 BARR 116 ASHLEY 140 ASHMORE 118 113118 138 AUTREY112 133 118 AVERY 118 AWTRYSEEAUTREY ADERHOLD 121 AKIN 111 138 AYRES 113121 ALBRIGHT 139 EAGWELL 112 ALEXANDER 118 BAIL(E)Y111121 ALFORD 116 BAKER 111 1,13 ALLEN 110 113 118 140 BALDWN 133 135 BALLARD 112118 ALSTON 125 BALLOU 121 A[,{ES 115 ANDERSON 1I3121 BALSER 133 ANGLE,121 BANKSTON 121 BARKSDALE 115 ARNAL 118 ARNOLD 134 BARLOW 118 ASH 125 BARRETTl33 BARRON 121 BARROW 133 BARTLETT138 BARTON 116 BASKIN 113 BASS 139 BATEMAN 1'18 BAXTER 113116 BEARDEN 115 BECK 117 BEDELLS 134 BEDINGFIELD 121 BELL 117 118 123 126 BENSON 115 118 138 BENTLEY 138 BENTON 115 BERRY 121 BEVAN 112 BEVENS 130(2) BEVIS 1,11 BICE 113 B|RD 115118 BtsHoP 136,7 BLACK 118 BLAIR 1 12 139 BLANCHARD 1,12 BLOUNT 128 BOATRIGHT 118 BOGGS 118 BONNER 115 117118 121 132 BOON 118't21 -142BORDEN 118 BOYD 139 BOYNTON 115 BRACEWELL 118 BRADFORD 115 BRADLEY 121 BRANTLEY 138 BRASHER 118 BRICKER 112 BRIDGES 115 BROCK 110118 BROOK(S) 113 118 BROOT\4 118 CHEVES 112 CHEWNING 1'15 CLARK 115 CLAY 133 CLINTON 112 DOSTER 122 DOUGHTERY 118122 DRTVER cLouTs 112 coBB 113 114 138 COCHRAN 114 COKER 128 COLCLOUGH 117 coLE 112118 138 coLEtMAN 114 118 125 134 BROWN(E) 111 112 113 CONEROY 114 118134 coNNER 126 131 BRYAN 111 CONYERS 118 BRYCE 113 cooK 111 115 118 121 BUCHANAN 117 cooPER 134 BUNDRUM 112 CORSLEY 115 BUNT 115121 COSLEY 115 BURDEITE 128 cox BURK(E) 112 133 BURLSE 133 BURNETT 121 BURNS 118 BURROW 113118 BURT 139 BUTLER 130 BUTTS 132 BUYCE 113 CRAIG 130 CRAVEN 117 B(U)YERS'115118131 BYRAI!'I 118 BYRUN 111 CABANISS 112 CALDWELL 117 130 CALL 139 CAIUERON 129 CAMP 115121 CANDLER 112 ,112 CANSLER CANTRELL 113 GARL|SLE 125 129 131 CARNES 112 cARR 139(2) CARROLL 113 138 CARSWELL 132 CARTEN 117 CARTER 115 117 118 CARTWRIGHT 113 cAsH 112115 CHAMBERS 112113 CHANCE 113 121 CHANDLER 118 CHAP(P)ELL 112 118 CHASTAIN 139 CHENEY 118 CRAWFORD,l2l CREEL 117 CRENSHAW 139 CREWS 118 cRiDER 115121 CROMWELL 132 112 CROSBY 132 CROUCH 138 cRow 111 CULLENS 129 CULPEPPER 1 15 ,139 CURRY 118 cuRTts 129138 DANIEL 118 DAVENPORT 111 DAVID 123 DAVIDSON 131 DAVJS 1 14 '115 138 DEBNAM 123 ELA|\4 119 ELLIS 11S ELLISON 11,1 EI\,IBRY 114 ENTREKIN ,111 ERWN 130 117 cRooK 118119122 DUFFEY 111 DUKE 117 119 DUNCAN 128 DUNKIN 115 DUNLAP 119 140 DURRETT 122 DYE 117 DYER 117119138 EARNEST 111 138 EASTERWOOD 114 EDGEWORTH 139 EDWARDS 119126 1 17 DEI\'ONEY 121 DEMPSEY,l14'118 DERICK 134 deVANE 110 DIAL 118 DICKERSON 132 D}CKEY 134 DINGLE 121 122 DINGLER I11 122 DOBBS 112 114 118 DOBSON 112 114 DORSEY 122 1 18 ESTES 119 EVANS 114 '140 EVERETT 126 FARMER 117 FEEMSTFR 129 FIELDER 112119 FIELDS 119 FISHER 133 '39 FITZPATRICK 133 FLEMiNG 115 125 FLEMING 125 FLETCHER 119 FLINN 123 tLoYD 122 FOOTE 114 FORTNER 119 ,119 FOSTER FRiDELL 115 139 FULBRIGHT 114 FULLER 119 GABLE 119 GAI,IBLE 112 115 GAMBOL SEE GAMBLE GARDNER 110 137 138 GARNER 122 GARRETT 119 138 GARRISON 114 117 GAY 117 140 GENNINGS 122 ALSO SEE JENNINGS GENTRY 117 GEORGE 1,14 GIBBS f30 GTBSON 117125 134 ALSO SEE GIPSON GrLL(E)Y 122139 GILREATH 132 GINN 131 132 GTPSON 122 ALSO SEE GIBSON GLADNEY 122 GLAZE 122 GLOVER 114 GOOLSBY 119 GORDON 138 GRAHA|VI 131(2) GRAVELLE,l40 GRAY 114 115116119 ALSO SEE GREY GREEN(E) 112114 123-127 130 133-135 GRESHAI\4 114 GREY 114 116 ALSO SEE GRAY GRTCE 117 GR|FF|N 114 119 125 134 GRIFFIS 111 GROW 119 GRUBBS 112 GRUSENDORF,l4O GUESS 132 GUTHRIE 116 HALL 112 129 139 HALLMAN 112 HAM'LTON 112138 HAMI\,4ETT 138 HAI!,IMOCK 1,1 1 HAMRICK,114119 HANCOCK 132 HANDLEY 1,19 HANSON 122 HANVEY 116 HAPOLDT ,131 HARDEN 139 HARDIN 122 HARLEY 140 HARPER 112119 122 '139 HARREL(L) 125 127 128 HARRTS 111 112119 123 132(2) 138 HARRISON 111 1 12 HART 114 HARWOOD 138 HAWKINS 112 HAY 119 HAYES '114 128 HAYNE 128 HAYNES 112 119 I43IIIANER 114 MANN 1,12 KEESE 114 I,,IAPLES 122 KEIL 134 MARCHIVAN 117 KELL(E)Y 119 122 l\ilARLlN 133 KELLOG 130 MARLOW 120 KENNEDY 112 114 KERBOW SEE KIERBOWMARTIN 111 114124131 136 137 KERNAN 119 N'ASSEY 112 KERR 131 MASTERSON 132 KEY 117 N,,1ATHEWS 120 KIBBlE 132 |\,IATTOX 120 KIERBOW 119 MERCER 133 HEARD 112 HEARN 1 ',17 125 126 HEATH 125 HELTON 119 HENDON 122 HENDRICKS 116 122 HENDRIX 122 HENRY 114 116 HENSLEE 112 HENSON '116 HESTERLY 114 119 HEWETT 112 JORDAN 119 138 HrcKS K{LGO 119 KILGORE 112 I\,,IAYFIELD,120 N4OBLEY 120 138 IVICADAL4S 138 |\4oMAN 112 KING 112 117 139 KINNEY 114 KIRK 114 KISER 122 ,117 KNIGHT 116 KNOTT 11S KYTLE 110 LAKE 131 L.4oALLISTER 114 120 t\400N ITCBRIDE 112 tvooRE 114 1'14 HILL 112 HILLER,l29 HILLEY 122 HtxoN 114 t1oDcE 122 HOGAN 130 '138 140 HOLCON4B 119 HOLLAND,122 HOLLAWAY 116117 HOLMES 111 138 HOOO 122 ,1 HOPGOOD 22 HORSELEY 122 HOUGHTON 128'I30 HOUSEWORTH 119 HOUSTON 116 HOWARD 119 122 133 HOWELL 122 HOWLAND 117 HUCKEBA 119 HUDGENS 114 HUDSON 134 HUFF 114 HUGHES 129 HUGULEY,l28 HUMPHRIES 131 HUI\'PHRY 13'1 HUNT 112 HUNTER 122125133 HUTCHINS 132 HUTCHINSON 114 122 INGRAM 1,19 rRVtN 119 JACKSON 114 119 136 JARRELL 114 JENKINS 117 JENNINGS 111 ALSO SEE GENNINGS JILES 114 JOHNSON 116 119131 115 136 7 JOHNSTON 131 139 JONES 117119 122 LAI\,IBERT 111 122 LAND 116 LANOERS 111 LANE 132 LANEY 119 LANGSTON 139 LASSET(T)ER 122 LASTER 119 LASTINGER 119 LATA 131 LATHAIV4 138 ,11S LATII4ER LAUGHRIDGE 131 LEAGUE 138 LEAK 111 LEARY 133 LEATHERS 1,12 LEATHERWOOD 112 LEE 114116 LEGGET 122 LEVANS 11S MCBURNETT 111 [,,lcCAN 114 I,4CCALLISTER 114 MCCARTY 116 McCLELAN 114 McCtENDON 117 N4cCLURE 120 ALSO SEE l,,4cLURE McCOLLOUGH I22 MCCOY 130 MCCRACKEN 125 l\,4ccURDY 112 MCDANIEL 112 117 138 |\,1ERK 1 16 IV4ERRELL 120 138 tvERRrT(T) 114125 134 MESSER 126 MtoHAEL 112120 MTLLER 1 12 4 125 128 11 130 MILLS 1,12 tvtTcHELL 112 117 133 140 r\,lxoN 120 11'1 1 16 117 120 '128 136 tvoRGAN 1'14 120 131 NroRRts 112 '120 MORROW 139 I\,1OSELEY 140 t\,10ss 114 116 MOTE 120 MOYE 132139140 MUIER 132 MUSE 114 120 MUSTCK 116 MYRICK 138 NALLEY 112 NAPIER 129 McDONALD 132(2) MCDOWELL 1'14 120 122 NELSON 111 MCDUFFIE 117 NEW 120 IVCELROY 122 140 NEW|VIAN 1'12 MCFARLAND '125 NEWTON 116 McFARRAN 131 NtxoN 117 McFARREN NOLAND 112 NOLES 117 SEE LTcFARLAND NOR|\,,1AN 122 126 MCFARRIN 131 ,116 MCGAHEE 110 NORRIS I\,4CGAR|TY 117 136 7 NOWELL 138140 MCGRIFF 139 NOWLES 117 L4cGUIRE 129130 o'cAtN'120 McINTOSH 120130138 O'NEAL 114 LEWS 128130(2) [rcKENZlE 120 oDoM114122 LLOYD 135 LONG 116 119 120 122 N4oKISSACK 111 120 L4CLARTY 112 MCLEAN 131 OREAR 116 McLURE 120 ALSO SEE McCLURE MCMIJLLEN 114 120 OSBURN 1,14 OVERSTREET 126 tvlcNEll 130 OWENSBY 116 N4cNINCH 110 MCRAE 111 MCREA 112 ozMoRE 116 '138 LOWORN 136 LOWDER 126 LOWREY 120 LUCKEY 131 LUSK 132 LUTHER 112 LYLE 120 I,IADDOX 120 MALONE 112 MCWHORTER 112 122 I\,1EADOR f 20 oRR 1'16 osBoRN 129 owEt']s 117 PACE 114 120 PALI,IER 112 134 PARIS 1,13 PARKER 120 -t44PARMER113120 RO(D)GERS113120129STEWART116117'121 VELV|N113139 P4TE117122 ROOKS 116 139 138 VTCKERY 111 PAYN(E) 116,I17124 ROSS 132 STICHER V1LLASANA 140 125132 ROWE114120122 SEE STTTCHER VINES 115116122 PEAK 122 RUFFIN 113 STIDHAN4 115 139 VINSON 115 PEARCE 120 RUSKELL 1'10 STILLWELL 117 WADDELL 1,15139 ALSOSEEPIERCE RUSSELL 113 120123 STITCHERl2l 122 139 WADDLE SEE WADDELL PEARSONl16 126135 STONE115139 WADE125 131(2) PEEK SEE PEAK ST, JOHNS 117 STOR(E)Y 116117 WADKINS 122 PENN 138 SAXTON 1,13 STREET 130 WAGER 116 PENTECOST 116 STRICKLAND 13 16 WALDRUP 113 SCOGGINS 120 PERKISON 120 SCOGIN 114 STRIPLING 111 115122 WALKER 115121 PEITIGREIry 111 SCUDDER 116 SUIV{MERLIN 116 121 13SWALLACE 131 PHEEMSTER 131 SEALS113 SUTHERLAND 140 WI\RO 11312212A 132 PH|LL|PS116122 128 SEARCY 129(2) SUTLEY 122 133 140 SEIGLER 120 SWAFFORD 113 WARREN 115121 PHUN4STER SHACKLEFORD 117122 TANNER 121 138 139 WASH 110 SEE PHEEMSTER SHADOX120 TATE 1,13 WASHINGTON 1,15122 PIERCE 120 SHARP(E) 120 123-136 TAYLOR 113115117 WATSON 113116 133 ALSO SEE PEARCE 138 TEAL 1'10140 WEBB 111 1,13116 PILGRIM 113 SHEATS 113 TEEL SEE TEAL WEBSTER 115 PINCKNEY 128 SHELLNUT 122 TERHUNE 125132 WEDDINGTON 113 P]PP{N 128 SHELTON 122 THIGPEN 117 WEIR 115121 PTTTS 120 SHEPPARD 134 THOMAS 111 113116 WELLBO(U)RN 139 PLOTT 111 SHINN 138 121 WELLS 121 138 POLK'125 SHrpp 1s'l THOMASON 117 WEST 115 POLSTON 120 THORNTON 116 SHUFFIELD 113 WESTBROOK 122 126 POPE 113 SHUFORD 120 131 THURNIAN 139 WHEATLY 121 POSEY 111 SllvlPKlNS 117 THUR|OND 139 WHEELER 121 POWELL 114122 SIMS114116 TIDWELL113115 WHISENHUNTl15 POWER 120 SKTNNER 117140 TTLLMAN 115 WHTTE 111 1'13115116 PRICE 140 SLATON 117 TIMI\,4ONS 121 122 PRINCE 138 WHITEHEAD 115 SLAUGHTER,I13 TODD 133 TOLBERT 113122 WHITEHORN 121 PRUITT 117 SLEDGE 129133 PYRON 1'17 SMALLWOOD 122 TOLLESON 12,1 WHITESIDES 129 RABURN 1'13120 St\,ltTH 113114115116 TOLSTON 115 W|GG|NS'136 RADFORD130 117 12A 126128132 TONIPK|NS 1',16 122 W|LL|AMSll'1 113115 138 139(3) 140(2) TOOMBS 131 121 122123138139 RAGAN 113 TORRENCE 131 WILLIAMSON 121 134 RANDALL,117 SMOOT 120 TOWERS 117 WLLIS 138 RANDLE(S) 132 139140 SNEARY 110 TOWNS 133 W]LLOUGHBY 113 RANKIN 131 SPARKS 120 122 WILSON 121 140 RAY 116 120 SPEIGHT 120 TRAYLOR 135 REAGTN 114 SPENCE120 TRE(A)DWELL 16 121 W|NKLE123 TRIN4BLE,111 WINN123 REESE'116I20125 129 SPRINGER 116 138 SPRUILL 120 TRUTTT 139 WOOD'113115128 REEVES 116 120 STAFFORD 120 TUMLIN 117 123124125 WOODS 124 132 RE|D 114 120 131 STALLTNGS'117120 126131 133135 WOOD(I,9ARD 121 R|CHARDS 116 122138 138(2) TURNER 111 113115 WORD 110117121 '139 140 121 122 WORLEY 1'18 STAIIPS 120 121 TYSON 117121 WRIGHT 115 R1CKET 120 STANFORD 133 RIGBY 132 STARKE 129 UNDERWOOD 115122 WYAIT 118139 WYCOUGH 129 130 R'GGS 114 STEADIIIAN UPCHURCH 117 WYNN 115 ROBERSON 116 SEE STIDHAI\4 UPSHAW 115121 ROBERTSll3 STEED117121 UPSHERESEEUPSHAWYATESll3ll5 YOUNG113116 129 ROBERTSON 120 STEELl15 VAUGHN 115 YOUNGBLOOD 139 ROBINSON 114 120 128 STEPHENS 113 VEAL 117 '1 1 1