the chicago - Chicago Jewish News


the chicago - Chicago Jewish News
November 21 - 27, 2014/28 Cheshvan 5775
One Dollar
Celebrating by
remembering a
beloved rabbi
and honoring a
three generation
camp family
What’s the difference
between Jewish and Jewy?
Dying leader gives lesson
on how to live life
Larry Layfer on Isaac
the peacemaker
Chanukah Gift Guide
Chicago Jewish News - November 21 - 27, 2014
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Chicago Jewish News - November 21 - 27, 2014
or ‘Jewy’?
A guide for
the perplexed
By Andrew Silow-Carroll
New Jersey Jewish News
Funny, you don’t look Jewy.
Or maybe you do. Long black
coat, black hat, beard? To some,
“Jewy” means unmistakably Jewish or, even, “too Jewish.”
Or maybe you have tight
brown curls, wear a Star of David
around your neck, and used to
shop with your mom at
Loehmann’s. That’s Jewy too, in
the sense that you’d rather spend
a Sunday afternoon watching
Adam Sandler movies with your
old Camp Ramah friends than go
sailing. Or hunt.
“Jewy” may not be the new
black (or even black hat), but it
is a word to be reckoned with.
JTA, the venerable Jewish news
service, reported on the “T op
three Jewy moments at the Oscars.” Jill Soloway, who created
the series Transparent for Amazon, told Rolling Stone that an
actress “just seemed too Jewy” to
play a character conceived as tan
and blonde.
So nu – what’s with Jewy?
The first thing to note is
that the word is not anti-Semitic
– or not necessarily. The second
thing to note is that it is mostly,
if not exclusively, used by Jews to
talk about other Jews or Jewish
The Urban Dictionary defines Jewy as “referring to the
outward manifestations of Jewish
identity such as appearance,
clothes, accent, or religious observance.” That’s a start.
The Jewish English Lexicon,
the crowd-sourced, on-line glossary, digs a little deeper. Initially,
it defined Jewy as “demonstrating
stereotypical or conspicuous appearance or behaviors that identify one as a Jew.” At some point
I added, “Highly identified Jewishly, either outwardly in terms of
actions and affiliations, or inwardly based on self-definition.”
And, amateur lexicographer that
I am, I added this usage note:
There are two distinct senses
of ‘Jewy.’ The first can sometimes
be disparaging, since it refers to
stereotypical behaviors or qualities. The second suggests someone or something that is the
opposite of assimilated, and can
be either positive or negative, depending on the user.
The distinction is subtle.
You may use “Jewy” out of embarrassment, like the Jewish guy
who sees the Chabad mitzva tank
up ahead and crosses the street
because it’s too “Jewy.” But it can
also be neutral or admiring. Your
college friend who usually had
dinner at Hillel on Friday nights
PAG E 1 6
Chicago Jewish News - November 21 - 27, 2014
Jewish News
Happy Thanksgiving
■ The widow of Yasser Arafat denounced violence and accused
Hamas of “genocide” in the Gaza Strip on the 10th anniversary of
the Palestinian leader’s death. In an interview with the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, Suha Arafat argued that the Palestinians’ best
hope lies in negotiation rather than armed struggle. She said that the
unequal strengths of the Israelis and Palestinians would lead to the
Palestinians being crushed in an armed fight, while negotiations
would expose Israel’s unwillingness to make peace. Arafat, who lives
in Malta, accused Hamas, which canceled a celebration in Gaza in
memory of her husband, of taking the people of Gaza hostage and argued that the current desperate conditions in the territory amount
to genocide. Arafat also said that the current generation of young
Palestinians growing up in Gaza, with only violence and no education, have no hope but emigration. Arafat, who has been accused of
embezzling from the Palestinian government, said she has no plans
to return to the West Bank or Gaza.
■ A senior Russian rabbi accused the country’s Communist
Party of “vulgar and primitive anti-Semitism” after it demanded
that Russian Jews condemn a Ukrainian Jewish oligarch. Rabbi
Boruch Gorin, a spokesman for and adviser to Rabbi Berel Lazar,
a chief rabbi of Russia, said the request in a letter from two Communist lawmakers sent to Lazar and Adolf Shayevich, another
chief rabbi of Russia, “reflected a primitive form of anti-Semitism
which presumes all Jews belong to some sinister superstructure
simply because they are Jewish.” In the letter, the lawmakers urged
Lazar and Shayevich to speak out against Igor Kolomoisky, a
Ukrainian Jewish banker and regional governor who has poured
millions of dollars into rearming the Ukrainian army against Russia. “Russian Jews must distance themselves from Kolomoisky and
make him understand that his crimes are denounced by his own
people,” one of the lawmakers, Valery Rashkin, said. Pro-Russian
and pro-Ukrainian propagandists have accused one another of espousing anti-Semitism.
■ Visa problems prevented Israel’s Gal Mekel from signing with
the NBA’s Indiana Pacers. The Pacers were primed to sign Mekel,
a point guard, following his release by the Dallas Mavericks, but
delays in renewing his visa led Indiana to instead sign guard A.J.
Price. Mekel, the second Israeli to play in the NBA after Omri
Casspi, had opened his second season in the NBA as a starter for
the Mavs, but shooting woes and roster changes led the team to
release the former Maccabi Haifa standout. With a guaranteed
contract, the Israeli will still be paid the remaining $1.76 million
over this season and next.
■ “We are all one family,” Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin told
leaders of the Reform movement at his residence in Jerusalem. “I
can say to all of you, we ar e one family and the connection between all Jews, all over the world, is very important to the State
of Israel,” Rivlin said while hosting over 50 North American and
Israeli Reform leaders on the Board of Governors of Hebrew
Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Rivlin said his country must work to bring Israelis of all backgrounds together. “I believe we have to bridge social gaps for the societies to live together
and to progress,” he said. “We must build confidence measures because we are going to live here together forever. We are not
doomed to live together but destined to live together.” Before his
election as president, Rivlin had come under fire from the Reform
movement for statements he made after a 1989 visit to a Reform
synagogue’s services in New Jersey, telling an Israeli newspaper,
“This is idol worship and not Judaism.” During a 2007 meeting
with Rabbi Eric Yoffie, president of the Union for Reform Judaism, Rivlin would not commit to calling Y
offie “rabbi.”
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Vol. 21 No. 7
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Arts and Entertainment
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Chanukah Gift Guide
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Chicago Jewish News - November 21 - 27, 2014
ISIS-inspired lone wolves seen as posing ‘significant’ threat to Jews
By Ron Kampeas
institutions, which have faced attacks in recent years by lone
wolves – extremists who draw
their inspiration from the likeminded but act on their own –
now must be wary of returnees
from the Iraq-Syria arena who
are trained and indoctrinated
by the jihadist group ISIS, top security consultants said.
ISIS has “not only stated intentions to form a caliphate, but
named U.S. and Jewish people as
targets specifically,” said John
Cohen, who until earlier this
year was an undersecretary for intelligence and analysis at the Department of Homeland Security.
“There’s a significant threat to
Jewish communities.”
The threat became evident
with revelations that Mehdi
Nemmouche, the suspect in the
shooting attack on the Jewish
museum in Brussels that killed
four people, had allegedly been
active with ISIS in Syria.
It’s not yet clear if N emmouche was acting on orders
and, if so, whether the orders
came from ISIS.
Cohen, now a professor at
Rutgers University’s Institute for
Emergency Preparedness and
Homeland Security, said that
when Nemmouche was arrested
during a customs inspection of a
bus in France, firearms were
found wrapped in an ISIS flag.
Also, a journalist held captive by
ISIS has identified Nemmouche
as one of his captors.
Paul Goldenberg, director of
the Secure Community N etwork, which works with national
and local Jewish community
groups on security issues, said the
Brussels attack raised red flags for
Jews throughout the world.
“Their first mark outside of
the theater” of combat “was a
Jewish institution, and it wasn’t
even an Israeli institution,”
Goldenberg said. “They didn’ t
attack an embassy, a consulate or
NATO headquarters. These are
people who are not only inspired
but are well trained, potentially
equipped and potentially coming
back to the Americas. Those are
the ones who have us concerned.”
U.S. Secretary of Defense
Chuck Hagel has estimated that
more than 100 Americans have
fought or are fighting with ISIS,
which is also known as Islamic
State or ISIL.
Cohen and Goldenberg said
that many American Jewish institutions have been trained and
equipped for lone wolf attacks
and are positioned to fend off
strikes organized from abroad.
Most recently, in the April
shooting attack on a Jewish community center in suburban
Kansas City, lockdown procedures are believed to have kept
the assailant out of the building,
limiting fatalities to two people
“In many respects the Jewish
community, because of the work
that we’ve done over the years,
the Jewish community is well
prepared to deal with that
threat,” said Cohen, who consulted often with the Jewish
community during his time at
Homeland Security.
He noted improvements in
equipment, in many cases paid
for by a Homeland Security funding program, and increased
awareness of suspicious activity
and cooperation with local law
Cohen said that in the wake
of the Brussels attack, Homeland
Security enhanced its already
close relationship with the U.S.
Jewish community.
“We worked to share our information with members of the
Jewish community and to provide guidance to members of the
community so that they are better prepared,” he said.
President Obama in his
speech outlining his strategies to
destroy ISIS said there was a possible – but not imminent – threat
to the homeland.
“If left unchecked, these terrorists could pose a growing
threat beyond that region, including to the United States,”
Obama said. “While we have not
yet detected specific plotting
against our homeland, ISIL leaders have threatened America and
our allies.
“Our intelligence community believes that thousands of
foreigners, including Europeans
and some Americans, have
joined them in Syria and Iraq.
Trained and battle hardened,
these fighters could try to return
to their home countries and carry
out deadly attacks.”
Skeptics have said the threat
is overstated. Daniel Benjamin,
the top State Department official
in Obama’s first term, exploded
with sarcasm in comment to The
New York Times on the day that
Obama delivered his speech.
Benjamin, now the director
of the Dickey Center for International Understanding at Dartmouth College, accused top U.S.
officials of “describing the threat
in lurid terms that are not justified.”
“It’s hard to imagine a better
indication of the ability of
elected officials and TV talking
heads to spin the public into a
panic with claims that the nation
is honeycombed with sleeper
cells, that operatives are streaming across the border into Texas
or that the group will soon be
spraying Ebola virus on mass
transit systems – all on the basis
of no corroborated information,”
he told the newspaper.
Cohen agreed that there was
no immediate intelligence presaging an attack, but suggested it
was beside the point.
“We know we have an or ganization that has exhibited a
certain level of brutality, a certain level of sophistication in regard to activities and an interest
in recruiting Americans,” he
said. “We know they have ac-
quired significant amounts of
funding, that they have directly
stated that the U.S. is one of the
enemies they seek to combat and
that they have employed rather
sophisticated techniques to recruit Westerners.”
Westerners, Cohen said, are
useful to ISIS most of all as potential sleepers.
“They don’t need Westerners to establish a caliphate,” he
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A police car is seen at the entrance of the Jewish Community Campus in Overland Park, Kan., following the
deadly shootings there and at a nearby assisted-living facility. (JTA)
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Chicago Jewish News - November 21 - 27, 2014
Arts & Entertainment
Dolph on Dolph: author tells unsung story of Jewish NBA giant with same name
By Matt Robinson
Hank Greenberg and Sandy Koufax are household names both
in their sport and in the pantheon of Jewish professional athletes. But why has basketball
Hall-of-Famer Dolph Schayes
not achieved similar name recognition?
Noted sports historian Dolph
Grundman, author of the “Dolph
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Schayes and the Rise of Professional Basketball” (Syracuse University Press), blames demographics
and technology.
“I think Dolph is not better
known because he played in a
small city before televised sport
became so pervasive,” he says.
Only after the “domination of
the Boston Celtics in the late
’50s and the ’60s” did the popularity of basketball expand across
the nation, says Grundman.
Though he may fly under
the radar, Schayes occupies a special place in National Basketball
Association (N BA) history .
N amed to the N BA All-Star
team 12 times, he was known for
his high-arcing jump shot
(named “Sputnik” by opposing
players) and lifted the Syracuse
Nationals (who later became the
Philadelphia 76ers) to the 195455 N BA championship while
leading the league in minutes per
game, rebounds, and points per
game. He was also the N BA’s
Coach of the Year in 1966 and
coached the U.S. team to a gold
medal in Israel’s 1977 Maccabiah
Games, an event for which
Schayes raised attention and
money. His NBA career even extended to officiating, as he supervised the league’ s referees
from 1966-70.
Despite his varied and accomplished basketball resume,
Schayes’s story has not been significantly documented – until
now. Grundman’s book details
the life and career of a son of Romanian Jewish immigrants who
the author would watch on television as a teenager . The NBA
star and his fan had one unique
thing in common.
“In one sense, he was one of
the few people with a nationa l
presence who shared my first
name,” says Grundman, a professor of history at Metropolitan
State University in Denver, noting how unpopular the name
“Adolph” was in the 1940s . In
fact, Grundman says his own basketball coach at Michigan-based
Albion College “morphed” his
name to Dolph due to that Holocaust-related stigma.
It was not until he started
doing basketball research in the
1980s that Grundman became
aware of Schayes again. “It struck
me as odd that there was no biography of one of professional
basketball’s great players who
also happened to be Jewish,”
Grundman says.
Though some NBA coaches
and owners (such as Eddie Gottlieb, Ben Kerner, Les Harrison,
Red Holtzman, and Red”Auer bach) were Jewish, Grundman
explains that there was a dearth
of Jewish players when he was
Dolph Schayes
growing up.
“At the professional level,
there were few Jewish basketball
players who had significant careers,” he says, noting that Max
Zaslofsky is the only other one he
can name “off the top of my
While Schayes’s playing career may be under the radar historically, he did start a legacy by
giving birth to a number of other
successful athletes, including his
son Danny, who played in the
N BA. Dolph Schayes’ s grandchildren, then, were medal-winning athletes at the Maccabiah
Games. While some may attribute this to goo d genes, Grundman suggests a different reason.
“Children of immigrants
were encouraged to play sports,”
explains the author. “In this
sense, there was nothing unusual
about Dolph.”
The fact that he was the
tallest person in his family may
have made Schayes stand out in
one particular crowd, but Grundman says it took more than
height for him to stand out
among his NBA peers. He suggests that it was Schayes’s immigrant work ethic that allowed
him to be so successful.
“Schayes was the first to
practice and the last to leave,” he
says. “He demonstrated that hard
work paid off.”
Grundman hopes his book
will help Schayes achieve more
fame and recognition, and that
the NBA legend’s story will inspire other players and Jews to
act in the same way that he did.
“He was a role mo del, although he never thought of himself this way,” Grundman says.
Chicago Jewish News - November 21 - 27, 2014
Arts & Entertainment
How a Jewish leader with
three months to live
created a ‘seminar’ on life
Simon Wiesenthal Center &
Moriah Films
By Rabbi Jack Riemer
What would you do if you
found out that you had only
three more months to live?
Gordon Zacks was a successful businessman, a leader of Jewish life, and a confidante and
adviser to President George
H.W. Bush. He knew that he had
prostate cancer, but doctors advised him that it was very slowgrowing and nothing to worry
about. Then came the day when
the doctors told him his cancer
had metastasized to his liver and
that he had only three months to
Zacks – who would die in
February 2014 – decided to make
his bedroom a school in which
he and those he loved would
study together about how to live
at the end of life. What a school
it was, and what a faculty gathered at his bedside! The details
are chronicled in Zacks’s posthumously published book, “Redefining Moments: End of Life
Stories for Better Living.”
Natan Sharansky – the refusenik Zacks helped rescue from
the former Soviet Union and
now head of the Jewish Agency
for Israel – s howed up at the
door one day just to say “thank
you,” but ended up staying longer
to discuss the meaning of life.
Leslie Wexner and Jay Schottenstein, both renowned figures in
Jewish education, showed up to
thank the man who had given
them their start on careers in
Jewish philanthropy. Perhaps the
most important of all the visitors
was Zacks’s 7-year-old granddaughter, who crossed the country just so that she could give her
grandfather a hug and a kiss before it was too late. Zacks taught
those who convened for this informal seminar that each person
must find his passion – whatever it is – and follow it to the
very end. Whoever does that will
have done his part in making this
world a better place.
One of Zacks’s daughters recalled that when she was in Israel
during her gap year between high
school and college, a teacher in
the seminary she was attending
quoted something from the Talmud that she thought was
morally offensive. She called her
father back in Columbus, Ohio,
and told him about how much
the teacher offended her . The
next morning, she opened the
door, and there was her father !
He had flown all the way from
December 10, 2014
The Logan Square Theatre
2646 N Milwaukee Ave.Chicago
Reception: 5:30 p.m.
Film screening: 7:00 p.m.
Gordon Zacks
Honorary Midwest Region, Chairmen:
Columbus to Jerusalem to be
with her and to help her resolve
this moral issue. He took her to
Rabbi David Hartman, the openminded Jewish philosopher who
was known for taking on Jewish
tradition with both love and
honesty, and they spent the
whole day studying together .
Hartman showed them that the
offensive passage did exist in
Jewish tradition, but that it had
to be understood in its historical
context, and it needed to be
matched against the many moral
passages in the Talmud that
teach the opposite.
Zacks’s daughter thanked
her father during the “seminar”
for what he did that day in Israel,
and rightfully so. How many fathers can you think of who would
fly halfway across the world, on a
day’s notice, simply to help a
daughter understand tradition as
it should be understood? I imagine that there were probably lots
of plaques on the wall of Zacks’s
home that bore testimony to his
generous donations to worthy
causes over the years, but I must
say that this gesture he performed for his daughter told was
probably worth more than all of
them put together.
At several points, Zacks –
ever the organized executive –
offered some sets of questions
that he felt every person should
ask himself as his end draws near.
These questions, in my estimation, should be posted on the
mirror of every hospice room.
One set reads: “Do I still have an
overarching purpose and a task
to attend to – even now? Am I
trying to complete the tasks I still
have to do? D o I ask for help
from others now that I realize
that I can no longer do what I
once could by myself? Have I
conveyed my goals and entrusted
my unfinished tasks to others
who will take them up after I am
gone? Have I come to terms with
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Premiere Chairmen:
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Aviva & Ami Robinson
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For more information
or to purchase tickets
Contact: Simon Wiesenthal Center
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Chicago Jewish News - November 21 - 27, 2014
Nov. 21
Nov. 28
Torah Portion
Isaac the peacemaker
His dealings with
neighbors, sons
were exemplary
By Lawrence F. Layfer
Torah Columnist
Torah Portion: Toldot
Genesis 25:19-28:9
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This week’s Torah portion is
called Toldot, or generations/histories, but it can be said to be, as
Yeshayahu Leibowitz notes, a
Toldot Yitzchak, or a History of
Isaac. A biography of Isaac, if
one wants. Rabbi SR Hirsch sees
Isaac, “risen up again from death
on the altar, preferring to withdraw from the bustle of the world
and to live quietly in proximity
to the desert.”
Rabbi Steinsaltz writes that”
he remains always a shadowy figure, obscure and incomplete …
enigmatic, passive, acted upon by
others with little scope for initiative, one who might be called
the son of his father (Abraham)
and the father of his son
(Jacob).” And another author
writes: “Isaac is the least original
of the three patriarchs … content to be a link in the chain of
In Ginsburg’s “Legend of the
Jews” there is not even a chapter
dedicated to Isaac, but rather his
story is incorporated into the section on that of his son Jacob. A
superficial reading of the Torah
on Isaac teaches us that he submitted to his father’s attempt at
using him as a sacrifice, and that,
blind to the realities of the world,
he was easily tricked by his sons
and his wife, suggesting a passive
man of contemplation rather
than action. If the lives of the
Patriarchs foreshadow the lives
of their children, then what aspects of Isaac’s life are we to emulate?
Several years ago I wrote
that we should reevaluate our
opinion of Isaac by considering
three sets of relationships and
how he tries to construct them:
with his father and brother, with
his sons, and with his neighbors.
As to his brother Ishmael,
the Torah states that Isaac was
returning from Ba’er L’chai Roi
(Genesis 24:62) after the death
of his mother, and the Midrash
fills in for us the reason he was
there: He had been in the location to find Ishmael and Hagar,
his father’s former concubine and
his son by her, in order to find his
father companionship in his grief
and to reconcile himself and his
father with his brother . Unresolved conflict between brothers,
Lawrence F. Layfer
as with nations, leads to unresolved hostility. Through Isaac’s
actions, peace occurs in a family
formerly divided and in crises.
Supporting to the truth of this
Midrash, the Torah notes that
both brothers participated together in the burial of their father, Abraham.
With his sons, Rebecca fears
her husband, Isaac, will fail to
recognize the violent nature of
Esau and will give the blessing of
Abraham to him rather than to
Jacob. Rebecca urges Jacob to
dress as his brother to steal Esau’s
blessing from their now blind father. Nahama Leibowitz sees that
although Isaac is physically
blind, he is not blind to what is
needed by each of his sons, and
suggests we look closely at the
blessing Isaac gives to Jacob
when he thinks he is Esau, and
the one he gives to Jacob when
he knows he is Jacob.
To Jacob disguised as Esau,
Isaac says: “See, the smell (nature) of my son (Esau) is … of
the field … So G-d give you of
the dew of heaven, and the fat of
the earth, and plenty of corn and
wine.” (Genesis 27: 27-29) She
interprets that Isaac meant to
give Esau that which he ne eded
to satisfy his soul: material
wealth. But to Jacob when he
knows he is Jacob he says: “G-d
bless you … and give you the
blessing of Abraham, to you, and
to your seed with you, that you
may inherit the land … which
G-d gave to Abraham.” (Genesis
28: 3-4) So to Jacob, the more
spiritual of his children. Each son
was to have that which his heart
craved, to better enable them to
live side by side rather than apart
as mortal enemies. Eventually ,
this is what happens.
Finally, Isaac deals with his
neighbors. There is drought in
the land, so “Isaac dug the wells
of water, which had been dug in
the days of his father Abraham”
The response of his neighbors is
reactive: “… the Philistines …
stopped them up” to everybody’s
injury. Again Isaac acts posiS E E TO R A H
Chicago Jewish News - November 21 - 27, 2014
Death Notices
tively: “And Isaac’s servants dug
in the valley, and found there a
well of living water” and again
meets with hostility from his
neighbors: “And the herdsman of
Gerer strove with Isaac’s herdsmen, saying the water is ours.”
And a third time “they
(Isaac’s servants) dug another
well, and they (the Philistines)
strove for that also.” Yet Isaac is
not to be discouraged. He tries
once more: “And he removed
himself from there and dug another well, and for that they
strove not, and he called the
name of it Rehovot, and he said:
‘For now the Lord has made
room for us and we shall be fruitful in the land.’” By quietly and
in a non-violent way setting an
example for his neighbors of how
to treat each other and the land,
he ends the drought and creates
Rabbi Asher Lopatin, writing in the Chicago Jewish News
some years ago, described for us
another virtue of Isaac. On the
verse “Avimelech the King of
Philistines looked through the
window and saw Isaac sporting/playing with his wife Rebecca,” he wrote: “The word for
sporting/playing is ‘mitzachak,’ a
variant of Isaac’s name Yitzchak,
means to laugh.
Mitzachak, then, in biblical Hebrew means to sport with, as one
sports with a wife … Remember
that Isaac was over 60 years old,
and had already fathered two
grown men. The Torah describes
such a beautiful image of a relationship that is able to maintain
a romance, a childlike innocence, reminding us of the playfulness of children. Outwardly to
the world, these two were modest and proper as befits matriarchs and patriarchs. But at
home, it is our obligation to
bring a mo del of love, joy , and
laughter into our lives, not only
in our marital relations, but also
in the way we relate to our families and our fellow Jews in the
The Torah notes that “it
came to pass after the death of
Abraham that G-d blessed Isaac
his son.” Blessed with a gentleness of nature and a determination of spirit, he forged his own
path, separate from his father’s
and his son’s, to achieve the status of a Patriarch. As Rabbi
Jonathan Sacks writes in his
book “Covenant and Conversation-Genesis,” “Isaac … was able
to achieve the most elusive of
goals, namely peace.”
Lawrence F. Layfer M.D. is
vice chairman of medicine at North
Shore University Health System,
Skokie Hospital.
Daughter of Polish interwar leader Jozef Pilsudski
WARSAW (JTA) – The last
surviving daughter of Poland’s
iconic interwar leader Marshal
Jozef Pilsudski has died.
Jadwiga Pilsudska Jaraczewska, who met several months ago
with Poland’s chief rabbi, died in
Warsaw. She was 94.
Pilsudski was widely supported by Polish Jews as an opponent of extreme nationalism
and anti-Semitism. He died in
1935. Jaraczewska was one of Pilsudski’s two daughters.
In June, at her and her family’s invitation, Poland’s chief
Mervyn Smith, South African Jewish leader
(JTA) – Mervyn Smith,
president of the South African
Jewish Congress and a major
anti-apartheid activist in the
Jewish community, has died after
a long illness. He was 77.
“If there was a Jewish organization, I belonged to it – with
my heart and soul,” Smith said
frequently, according to the
South African Jewish Congress.
Smith also was a vice president of the World Jewish Congress and an honorary life vice
president of the South African
Jewish Board of Deputies. He
served as the board’ s national
At the Board of Deputies’
national conference in 1985,
Smith was the prime protagonist
in the passing of the historic resolution condemning apartheid.
Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft,
CEO of the African Jewish Congress, said in a statement that the
South African Jewish community “has suffered a grievous loss.”
“Mervyn, an attorney by profession, was a leader of stature, not
only in many spheres of Jewish
communal life but also as a respected representative of the
community in South African national affairs,” Silberhaft wrote.
“His presence, his wisdom and his
experience will be sorely missed
not only by his family, but by all
his friends and colleagues.”
Smith, a practicing attorney,
received the Lexus Lifetime
Achiever Award at the Jewish
Achiever Awards ceremony for
his contributions to reconciliation, change and empowerment
in South Africa in the fields of
business and/or art, science, sport
or philanthropy.
Anne Karlin, nee Wexler, age
93; beloved wife of the late
Bernard; loving mother of
Larry (Marcia) Karlin and Edward (Terri) Karlin; devoted
and cherished grandmother
of Matthew, Lindsay, Stefanie, and Jessica; dear and
loving aunt to many nieces
and nephews. In lieu of
flowers, memorials can be
made to the American Cancer Society, or to a charity of
your choice. Arrangements
by Lakeshore Jewish Funerals,
(773) 725-8621.
He was an expert on antiSemitism and advised the board
on legal matters, particularly regarding anti-Semitism. Active in
Holocaust studies, Smith served
as board chairman of the South
African Holocaust Foundation.
He also served as president
of the Law Societies of South
Africa, chairman of the Performing Arts Council of South Africa
and Cape Performing Arts
Board, as well as chairman of the
Cape Town City Ballet.
A cricket player for 25 years,
he was life president of the Bellville Cricket Club.
rabbi, Michael Schudrich, met
with Jaraczewska along with her
children and grandchildren.
Jaraczewska showed Schudr ich a
famous photograph of Jewish leaders in the town of Deblin greeting
her father with bread and salt after
the Polish army under his leader -
ship captured the town from the
Bolsheviks in August 1920.
Jaraczewska was a pilot in
Britain’s Royal Air Force during
World War II. With the collapse
of communism in Poland in 1990
she returned to Warsaw.
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Chicago Jewish News - November 21 - 27, 2014
Celebrating by remembering
a beloved rabbi and honoring
a three generation camp family
By Pauline Dubkin Yearwood
Managing Editor
In the early 1950s, when future rabbi Burton Wax was a
camper at Camp Moshava, then
located in Rolling Prairie, Ind.,
the cabins weren’t permanent
and had to be dismantled after
every summer session, there was
no swimming facility, the “baseball field” was just a piece of flat
land and to get from the boys’
side to the girls’ you had to go up
several flights of steps – the two
sides weren’t level.
But religious life at the camp
“was just like today,” Rabbi Wax
said. And that may be the key to
the camp’s longevity and the
amazing loyalty so many families
show to it.
Many of those families will
be celebrating Camp Moshava’s
75th anniversary at a Sunday,
Dec. 7 event at the Skokie Holiday Inn.
The dinner will honor a
three-generation Moshava family – Rabbi W ax, his daughter
Ora Aaron and her daughter
Ilana Aaron; and remember the
legacy of longtime camp director
Rabbi Moshe Kushner (see separate story).
What keeps campers sending their children to Moshava
once they become parents and
kids going back summer after
summer? The friendships, the
continuity and perhaps most of
all the Israeli influence that pervades every aspect of the camp,
from color wars to post-Shabbatdinner singing, some of those
family members say.
Michelle Friedman, who attended the camp, as did her father and her children, says with
a laugh that “at some point I had
to say to my children, you have
to stop going to camp and get a
One of her sons made aliyah
a year ago, and Moshava, she
says, was an important reason for
his decision to live in the Jewish
“What makes Moshava
unique is how, along with having
fun and having a great overnight
camp experience, Jewish values
and Israel are threaded into
everything they do,” Friedman
says. “It’s the love for Israel, the
idea of working for Israel, understanding the history of Israel. It
is definitely a Zionist camp and
that makes it unique from some
of the other (Jewish) camps.”
A recent Camp Moshava reunion in Israel drew some 200
participants, and that’s only a
fraction of the number of former
campers who make their home
there, Friedman and others point
n 1939, a number of
rabbis and other prominent members of Chicago’s
Jewish community decided that
“a summer camp for the youth
groups of Hapoel Hamizrachi
(now called Religious Zionists)
was an absolute necessity ,” according to historical information
from the camp. They purchased
a 12-acre tract of land in Rolling
Prairie, Ind., where the facility
would be located for the next 15
They weren’t easy years. “It
took convincing and persuasion
to interest children in coming to
this almost completely desolate
site, and then to get their parents
to agree to send them,” the historical brochure relates, and goes
on to note that “the area was almost completely surrounded by
swamp. Though physical f acilities were certainly lacking, the
spirit of the youngsters and their
leaders created enough of a fire
for the camp to continually
progress … “
Ultimately a dining hall, an
infirmary and an extra kitchen so
meat meals could be served were
added. One who was instrumental in helping to provide these facilities, camp parent Sol Lazar,
pronounced himself “amazed by
(campers’) singing and their love
for Yiddishkeit, and … convinced that as long as Camp
Moshava was given an opportunity to service Jewish youth, Yiddishkeit would continue to
What might be called the
camp’s modern era began in
1955, when a group launched a
campaign to raise the $75,000
needed to buy the present campsite in Wild Rose, Wis. Improvements to the site came quickly: a
new sports field, a “black topped”
An Israeli flavor permeates every aspect of the camp.
one; a combination synagogue
and recreation hall; cabins and a
“shower house”; a larger dining
hall and kitchen; tennis, basketball and volleyball courts; classroom building; staff lounge and
amphitheater; and living accommodations for married staff members.
More physical additions followed, but the spiritual side of
the camp also expanded, with
the first shaliach (emissary) from
the Bnei Akiva movement coming to the camp in 1964, where
he found success “adding Israeli
spirit and new invocations to the
programs in the camp.” Since
that year Israeli representatives
have been an important addition
to camp every summer.
New programs continued to
be introduced, including a kollel
(institute for Torah study) where
students with at least two years of
post high school studies come to
learn and teach. In addition,
since 1995, children with special
needs have been integrated into
camp activities through a partnership between Keshet and
Camp Moshava.
oday the camp serves
girls and boys from
third grade to high
school, with special madrich-intraining programs (similar to
counselor-in-training programs)
for teens who have comple ted
11th grade and a Torah V’Avodah program where high schoolage campers learn leadership
skills and are involved in activities in Wisconsin communities.
The camp is sponsored by Religious Zionists of Greater Chicago
and Bnei Akiva.
The list of accommodations
and activities at Moshava is typical of modern-day summer
camps: heated swimming pool,
indoor and outdoor synagogues,
health center, gym with two basketball courts, baseball, soccer
and basketball courts outdoors,
roller hockey fields, zipline and
climbing wall, wiffle ball field.
Activities include drama, sports,
arts and crafts, music field trips
and more.
But what gives Moshava its
unique flavor, according to camp
families, has nothing to do with
sports facilities and everything to
do with the three daily prayer
services that every camper attends, the daily shiurim (Torah
lessons) and, perhaps even more
important, the Israeli flavor that
permeates every aspect of the
“It’s the closest you can get
to what living in Israel is like
without actually being there,”
said Ora Aaron, Rabbi W ax’s
daughter, and mother of Ilana, all
of whom attended the camp.
Josh Zwelling, camp director
since 2011, adds that despite the
emphasis on learning, this is
miles away from the classroom.
Every summer the camp has a
theme, which could be a time period in Israeli history , modern
Jewish heroes or famous places in
“Everything is connected to
the theme,” he says. “It’s played
out through various classes, activities and programming. Learning comes alive and is mixed in
with the activities that any camp
would be able to offer.”
“It incorporates a sort of informal Jewish education, Jewish
values, Torah and learning with
a love of Israel in everything it
does,” Michelle Friedman, who is
a past president of the board,
Others cite the continuity of
the camp over the decades, the
warm sense of community and
the friendships campers make as
reasons to keep coming back,
and note what an influence all
these factors have had on their
“It was definitely a big influence on me,” Rabbi W ax, who
attended in the 1950s, says. “I
made a lot of friendships, people
I still see. The theory is that if
Chicago Jewish News - November 21 - 27, 2014
you can get kids out for a summer
to a camp like Camp Moshava,
it’s worth more than a whole year
of afternoon Hebrew school or
Sunday school.”
Many of the camp’ s counselors went on to become teachers or heads of yeshivas in Israel,
he says, adding, “Many of them
made aliyah, and the camp provided part of the inspiration.”
His daughter, Ora Aaron,
who was a camper in the 1970s,
says she first became enamored of
the camp when she was seven
years old, too young to attend.
“We stopped at Moshava
then and I was so in love with
the camp, I couldn’t wait to go as
a camper,” she says. “Three years
later, I went and I always loved
it. As a child I liked the camaraderie, meeting new friends,
being in an atmosphere where
you spent a good part of the summer learning about Israel and
also how t o be independent,
being outdoors.”
Singing at the end of Shabbos was an especially memorable
time. “It was an incredibly spiritual experience,” she says.
After spending several years
as a camper, Aaron returned as a
counselor. “I liked working in the
camp; I felt like I was doing
something very positive,” she
says. “I grew up in a Mizrachitype (Religious Zionist) home
and I loved learning about Israel.
It was a big part of me – I was
very Zionistic. Becoming a counselor was a wonderful experience
because I was helping kids learn
more from the experiences I had
when I was their ages. I just loved
being there.”
Beyond providing fun and
personal spiritual experience,
Aaron says she thinks the camp
has a mission in the larger Jewish
“It builds on what kids learn
in school – loving Israel, wanting
to be in Israel. It brings it to another level, and that’s very important.”
Camp Moshava, she says,
“needs to survive and flourish.
It’s such a strong part of what
Modern Orthodoxy is. Modern
Orthodoxy is not as strong as it
used to be and we need to keep
what makes it strong, our con-
Remembering Rabbi Kushner
Camp Moshava’s 75th anniversary dinner Dec. 7 will
include a special tribute to
Rabbi Moshe Kushner , who
was involved with the camp
for years, including as its director for 27 years. Kushner died
in 2013.
“Rabbi Kushner was a man
who was dedicated to and had a
passion for Camp Moshava and
the campers themselves,”
Howard Braun, a former
Moshava staff member and
board president, said in a recent
conversation. “He went through
the system, then became a staff
member, then lived in Israel for
a time, then became the director
for many many years.” Kushner’s
children grew up at the camp as
Rabbi Moshe Kushner
well, Braun said.
Kushner, who was the executive director of the Chicago
Rabbinical Council at the time
of his death, “was very much a
Zionist and believed in a coed
Modern Orthodox camp. He
was very passionate about it
and very involved. He wanted
nothing but the best for the
campers, the staff, the camp
and the Jewish community,”
Braun said.
From being a camper to
becoming the director, Kushner was involved with
Moshava for 35 years, he said.
A sefer T orah is being
written in his memory and will
be used at the camp when
completed, Braun said.
The 75th anniversary dinner will honor a three generation Moshava family, from left, Rabbi Burton Wax, Ilana
Aaron and Ora Aaron.
nection to Israel.”
Her daughter, Ilana Aaron,
now 20, was at Camp Moshava
for nine summers, missing only
one when she spent a year and a
half in Israel. This year she will
be going back as a counselor.
“I started going because it
had been part of my family, all
my friends were going there and
it seemed like the right thing to
do,” she says. “I kept going back
because I had great friends and
wonderful experiences there.
They were the experiences of a
lifetime, some of the best summers I’ve ever had.” Like many
other campers, Aaron says she
still keeps in touch with many of
her Moshava friends.
Aaron, now a student at
Stern College for Women at
Yeshiva University in New York,
recalls among her favorite camp
memories “the Shabboses – they
were amazing. Every Friday night
we would all daven together outdoors. We would sing together
and dance together, everyone together for Shabbos.”
The camp’s Israeli leanings
“definitely influenced my feelings,” she says. “Every year they
had a theme based on something
about Israel. Israelis come and
teach you about Israel and love
for Israel. You learn in camp and
then you see them applying it to
their lives. It teaches you that it’s
not just something you’re learning in camp, it can be a whole
life decision.”
Howard Braun, a longtime
camper, camp parent and former
board president, says he identifies
several aspects of the camp that
draw such fierce loyalty from former campers and their families.
“Part of it is the friendships,
and then it is the Zionist aspect
of camp,” he says. “A lot of people (who go there) will make
aliyah. Everybody who attends
believes in the state of Israel.
There are a tremendous amount
of memories – people see t heir
friends from out of town year
after year, and many couples met
there and got married. The religious aspect, the Zionist aspect,
the friendships and visiting with
your out-of-towner friends” make
a powerful combination, he says.
Zwellinger, the current director, agrees. “One of the most
unique and special things is the
traditions they have, passed on
from generation to generation,”
he says. (He did not attend
Camp Moshava but did attend a
similar camp in another part of
the country; there is a loose network of Moshava camps, all associated with the Religious Zionist
The continuity of the camp,
its activities and families “is unlike any other camp I’ve seen,”
he says. “Some couples m et at
Moshava and ended up get ting
married, and the camp continued
to play a huge role in their lives –
the philosophy, ideology of the
camp within the structure of the
Bnei Akiva movement. So many
families have made aliyah, and
they have gotten their understanding of and love for the state
of Israel from Camp Moshava.”
Activities at the camp
“bring learning alive,” he says.
“There are all the traditional
daily activities you would expect
to find at a summer camp –
sports, zipline, hikes – and when
you combine that with this informal educational component,
the campers and staff members
are able to use all their senses to
learn and many times they’re
learning without even realizing
all the education they’re getting.
It’s not like being in the classroom.”
Friedman says that there is
more competition in the camping field than ever now and
Moshava has had to grow to keep
up with it.
“We looked in our programs
to see what we were doing to
compete,” she says. “We did not
have a kollel and now we have
one. We had to upgrade a lot of
our equipment over the years.
We work hard to maintain our
values and ideology and also
compete with the many camps
that are out there.”
One advantage she sees for
Moshava: “We are a smaller
camp. Some of the Moshavas are
big, giant camps where you’re a
little fish in a big pond. In our
camp you’re a big fish in a little
pond. Our director knows every
single kid, counselor, staff person.
It’s a warm, loving, close co mmunity.”
Friedman says she doesn’t
have a “favorite memory” of her
camp days, but for her the most
memorable aspect is “the way my
kids love camp. They have an
awesome time at camp and they
truly have lifelong friends they
met at camp. My father is 81
years old and still he has very
fond memories of camp and people he knew at camp, lifelong
memories that you take away forever.”
Braun says he is pleased that
Moshava seems to be thriving
and “is here to stay for a long
time to come,” he says. “I grew
up there, my kids go there cur rently, they love it and look forward to it, and my hope is that
one day they’ll send their kids
there too.”
Camp Moshava Wild Rose
celebrates 75 years with an event
beginning at 5:30 p.m. Sunday,
Dec. 7 at Skokie Holiday Inn,
5300 Touhy, Skokie. For tickets,
$150, or more information call
(847) 674-9733, ext. 7 or visit
[email protected].
Chicago Jewish News - November 21 - 27, 2014
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Chicago Jewish News - November 21 - 27, 2014
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Chicago Jewish News - November 21 - 27, 2014
Chicago Jewish News
■ The Israel Cancer Research
Fund (ICRF) will host its Man
of Distinction Gala on Tuesday,
Dec. 2 at the InterContinental
Chicago in honor of Jeffrey
Kreizelman, an immigration
lawyer, and a survivor of multiple myeloma who has been in
remission for over four
years thanks to the drug Velcade that was developed based
on research by ICRF Research Professors and Nobel
Laureates Drs. Aaron
Ciechanover and Avram Hershko. ICRF has selected the
date to coincide with
Giving Tuesday, a day
when charities, families, businesses, community centers, and
students around the world will
come together for one common
purpose: to celebrate generosity
and to give.
According to Kriezelman,
“When I discovered that ICRF,
through its funding of two
young researchers in Israel over
25 years ago, had saved my life,
I knew that I needed to join the
board. Now, as honoree of
ICRF’s Gala, I will be able to
personally thank those who
saved my life and the lives of
countless others.” Kriezelman
will have the opportunity to pay
tribute to two special guests: Dr.
Aaron Ciechanover and Dr.
Bart Barlogie. Dr. Ciechanover,
Nobel Laureate and the Gala’s
keynote speaker, helped develop
Velcade, the drug used to treat
Kriezelman and Dr. Barlogie,
the founder of the Myeloma Institute for Research and Therapy at the University of
Arkansas for Medical Sciences,
personally treated Kriezelman’s
cancer. Both guests have made
exceptional contributions to
cancer research and treatment
and will be receiving a special
award from ICRF.
The evening will be led by
Master of Ceremonies, Derrick
Blakely, award-winning CBS 2
Chicago reporter. Blakely is also
a multiple myeloma survivor
and has been treated with Velcade. Blakely is looking forward
to expressing his thanks to the
supporters of cancer research,
specifically research dedicated
to multiple myeloma.
Jennifer Flink, ICRF’s
Chicago director, says she feels
grateful to be able to share this
story with the Chicago community: “This is a remarkable story
of connectedness. We have a
scientist whose research helped
to develop a drug that is saving
■ Rebecca Minkus-Lieberman, a Chicago Jewish educator, has been named one of six
fellows that will make up the
2014-16 cohort of the Joshua
Venture Group’s Dual Investment Program for her initiative,
Orot: The Center for New Jewish Learning.
Orot: The Center for New
Jewish Learning, is a facility for
pluralistic, multidisciplinary, integrated Jewish study and practice taught through reflective
manner. It aims to provide the
Chicago area with a new model
for Jewish engagement: a dynamic, open, and integrative
center that brings people together from across a wide spectrum of affiliation (including
the unaffiliated) to explore Judaism through a variety of
modalities such as meditation,
music, creative writing, visual
arts, and movement.
The 2014-2016 Dual Investment Program cohort is
comprised of six female social
entrepreneurs with visions for
creating a more dynamic, just,
and inclusive Jewish community. Each Fellow will receive
more than $100,000 in funding
and skill building support over
two years to develop their ventures and nurture their leadership and management skills,
ensuring the growth of organizations that will strengthen and
enhance the Jewish community.
■ The Republican Jewish
Coalition (RJC) has announced
the opening of a Midwest regional office in Chicago and the
hiring of Jeremy Wynes as Midwest Regional Director.
Wynes said, “I am thrilled
about my new role with the RJC
and I look forward to connecting
the Republican political leaders
and Jewish communities of the
Midwest more deeply. On the
most critical issues of concern to
the Jewish community - in particular a strong U.S. national security posture, including support
for our ally Israel - there are significant differences between Republican and Democrat policies.
It is important for Jewish Republicans to speak out and be heard
by elected officials and by the
Jewish community on these issues.”
Born and raised in the
Quad-Cities area of western Illinois, Wynes graduated from Illinois State University and
received his law degree from DePaul University College of Law.
He previously served as Midwest
political director for AIPAC.
Jeffrey Kreizelman
lives, a doctor who gives back to
the community by treating cancer patients, an honoree who
has benefitted from the both
these men and who has made a
commitment to be involved in
the philanthropic community,
and a newscaster who uses his
voice to advocate for others.”
The Israel Cancer Research
Fund is the largest organization
in North America devoted
solely to supporting cancer research in Israel. Founded in
1975 by a group of American
and Canadian researchers, oncologists, and lay people, ICRF
has awarded more than $52 million to outstanding scientists
who work at all of the leading
research institutions in Israel.
The efforts of Israeli cancer
researchers have resulted in
some of the most significant
cancer breakthroughs in recent
years. “We are extremely proud
of our ICRF-funded scientists
and the intellectual and innovative research taking place in
Israel today,” notes Flink. “The
scientists that we have funded
have helped to develop new
techniques and treatments impacting all forms of cancer including prostrate, lung, breast,
ovarian, brain, and more. In addition to Velcade, ICRF supported researchers have been
instrumental in the development of Doxil and Gleevec.
Thousands of people worldwide
are in remission or cancer free
because of Israeli scientists.’’
“By supporting cancer research in Israel,” Kreizelman
adds, “we can both strengthen
the economy of Israel by providing jobs and international
recognition, while at the same
time save lives and provide
hope to people like me throughout the world.”
For more information about
the ICRF Gala contact Jennifer
Flink at [email protected] or (847) 914-9120.
■ Plante Moran, one of the
nation’s largest certified public
accounting and business advisory firms, has elected David
Lowenthal, as one of its new
partners. He specializes in the
taxation of tax-exempt entities.
He has expertise in helping
charities, health care organizations and associations identify
and mitigate regulatory risk and
reduce tax liabilities.
Lowenthal, 48, is a member
of the Chicago Bar Association,
where he is chair of the exempt
organizations committee. He is
also a member of the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Illinois CPA Society, and the IRS Great Lakes
TE/GE Council. He is an audit
committee member of the MS
Society Illinois chapter, an audit
task force member of the N ational MS Society, an audit committee member of the Jewish
Student Connection, and a
board and finance committee
member of Congregation Kehilat
Chovevei Tzion.
At the recent gala dinner of the Midwest Region American
Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science are, from
left, Renee Crown, dinner chair; philanthropist Lester Crown,
and Leadership Award honoree Avy Stein.
Rabbi Jordan Bendat-Appell, co-founder of Orot: Center for
New Jewish Learning, and director of the Center for Jewish
Mindfulness in Chicago, received one of five Pomegranate Prizes
awarded by the Covenant Foundation. The prize recognizes
emerging leaders in Jewish education, each of whom receives
$15,000 to fuel educational projects and their development as
change agents in their communities and in Jewish education.
Bendat-Appell, left, is shown with Eli Evans, chairman of the
Covenant Foundation.
Chicago Jewish News - November 21 - 27, 2014
before heading out to the parties?
Jewy. The tech magnate who endowed the Holocaust study program at his alma mater? Jewy.
I asked one Jewish writer
how and when he uses Jewy: “In
many things, Jewish is an objective adjective. A person is either
Jewish or not (for argument’ s
sake); a foo d can be Jewish or
not. A play can be Jewish or not.
Jewy speaks more to the amount
of Jewishness in the subject. If
you’re not sure if a food is Jewish,
saying it’s Jewy might be a way to
hedge it.”
Marc Zuckerberg is Jewish,
but he’s not Jewy. Woody Allen is
Jewish and Jewy. (That is to say,
Allen is more publicly involved
with his Jewish identity than
Zuckerberg, and presumably does
more Jewish things.) Seth Meyers
isn’t Jewish, but I think he’s a little Jewy – looks it, talks it.
The Pew study found that
62 percent of Jews say being Jewish is “mainly a matter of ancestry and culture.” Only 15 percent
say it is “mainly a matter of religion.” That would suggest a stark
choice between secular and assimilated on one hand, and religious and observant on the other.
But “Jewy” suggests something in between. To be labeled
“Jewy” means you don’ t just
identify as a “cultural Jew ,” but
that you affirm that identity in
consistent and meaningful ways.
A Jewy Jew may belong to a synagogue, but might get together
once a month with a havura for
potluck. A Jewy Jew may count
himself as a good progressive,
and remain attached to Israel,
often strongly. A Jewy Jew plays
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Will sell in pairs of 2.
Price negotiable.
Call Jewel Daskal
(561) 789-0343
Zion Gardens
4 Family Plots
Section V Moriah
All 4 Plots for $13,000
Susan Kovitz-Tasky
(312) 301-5597
4 Adjacent Plots
Lot 57 - Premier
$2,650 Each
(no transfer fees)
Contact Arlene at
(847) 302-6669
Educated gentleman seeks
Word, Excel, QuickBooks, Act &
computer maintenance. Household
bookkeeping – make tax r eturns
easy. References.
773-363-1937 or
[email protected]
will begin its second season on
December 2nd. The CFHL is an
adult men's league that plays in
the Arie Crown day school gym.
Please contact
Joshua Weisel,
(314)-537-7151 or
[email protected]
for more info.
Call 847-966-0606 to advertise in CJN Classified.
in a rock and roll band, but not
on Friday nights.
“Jewish” is static – it describes
an accident of birth or upbringing.
“Jewy” is dynamic – it assumes affirmative Jewish choices, or an unmistakable quality that impels others to recognize your Jewishness.
With apologies to Lenny
Bruce, Maggie Gyllenhaal and
Daniel Radcliffe are Jewish; Natalie Portman and Mayim Bialik
are Jewy.
Elizabeth Taylor: Jewish.
Sammy Davis Jr.: Jewy.
Tel Aviv: Jewish. Jerusalem:
Benjamin Netanyahu: Jewish. Menachem Begin: Jewy.
Stephen Breyer: Jewish.
Elena Kagan, Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Jewy.
John Oliver: Not Jewish, but
Jewy. Jon Stewart: Jewish, but
not Jewy.
Go and discuss.
the disappointments in my life,
and am I now focused on the
doable, instead of dwelling on
the things that I did wrong but
can’t undo? And even if the end
of my life is not close, do I still
give the things that count the
most priority in my daily life?”
There are more insights in
this book that everyone should
think about at the end of life –
and beforehand. For instance,
Zacks asks a question that most
of us dread: What should I do if I
reach the stage when I need to
use a walker , a wheelchair , or
even diapers?
The instinctive reaction
most of us would have to such a
question is: How can I live without my dignity? But Zacks gets
past that question and says that
what we think of as “dignity”
may sometimes be vanity in disguise. He says that man doesn’t
give dignity to man – God does.
Therefore, a person should come
to terms with who he is now and
what he can and can’ t do now,
and must understand that dignity
doesn’t depend on appearances
but rather on a commitment to
his tasks and values, even when
he can no longer live without the
help of others.
You don’t have to be terminally ill to learn from this book or
to think of organizing such a
“seminar” for those you love, although impending mortality does
concentrate the mind. You only
need to have strong convictions
and goals, the desire t o teach
them to your children, and the
hope that they will carry them on
when their turn to lead comes. If
you have these convictions and
goals, this is a valuable book to
study – and then to emulate.
The Spertus Shop at
Spertus Institute
610 S. Michigan Ave.
(312) 322-1740
The Spertus Shop at Spertus
Institute, Chicago’s center for
Jewish learning and leadership,
has a remarkable selection of
Hanukkah menorahs, candles,
dreidels, toys, gifts, jewelry,
cards, and books. Even local, organic, fair-trade dark chocolate
gelt! This year, new menorahs
come from artists and designers
here at home (like architect Amy
Reichert of Evanston) and around
the world (such as a hip magnetic
mini menorah from Tel Aviv artist
Laura Cowan). For the kids, Hebrew Bananagrams and Star of
David Holographic glasses!
The Spertus Shop is
open Sunday and Monday, 10
a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday 10
a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday, 10 a.m.
to 6 p.m. and Friday 10 a.m. to 3
p.m. Closed Tuesday and Saturday, but always open online. The
shop is endowed by George and
Mae Bariff and your purchases
support Spertus programs, helping foster Jewish learning and
Stan-Len Custom Wear
(847) 632-0234
[email protected]
Stan-Len Custom Wear is a
family owned screen printing
and embroidery business with
over 20 years of experience that
is conveniently located in Arlington Heights. We have great
Chanukah gift ideas and we give
personal service for all your custom imprinting needs such as tshirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants,
jackets, promotional items and
more. No minimum orders on imprinted apparel – toddler
through adult sizes available. We
supply items for Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Weddings, Sweet Sixteens,
businesses, schools and sporting
organizations. Quotes gladly
given by phone or fax: (847)
632-0234 or by e-mail
[email protected].
Steppenwolf Theatre Company
1650 N. Halsted
(312) 335-1650
This winter, give your loved
one the Steppenwolf Pass. The
Steppenwolf Pass is good for either three or five tickets to any
play in Steppenwolf’s 2014/15
season. You give the Pass, they
pick their theater dates. It’s easy
to give, easy to use and hard to
Buy online at steppenwolf.
org/gift or call (312) 335-1650
“Why We Remain Jews:
The Path To Faith”
Author: Vladimir Tsesis, M.D.
Available paperback, Kindle,
hard copy at,
Barnes and Noble, etc.
In addition to the main
theme addressed in the book
“Why We Remain Jews, The Path
To Faith” it elaborates on such
important issues as numerous
personal stories about the author’s experience of growing up
in the Soviet Union, a country of
state atheism and state guided
anti-Semitism, a harmony between Religion and Science, encounter and dealing with
missionary activity, constructive
interfaith dialogue and about respect to all life-asserting religions. Naturally, the central
theme of the book is the beauty
of Judaism.
Chicago Jewish News - November 21 - 27, 2014
By Joseph Aaron
world, indeed all places of worship all over the world. Wow. Two animals didn’t just violate one shul by what they did but all the shuls in
Israel and in the Diaspora.
I know they are trying to convey a sentiment that we are all in
this together, all affected by this act. And we are and we should be.
But we should not exaggerate this act of terrorism or give the terrorists credit for desecrating every shul on earth.
Words matter, what impression they leave matters, which is why
that statement made me so mad. No they did not desecrate every shul.
What they did, in one sh ul, was horrible enough, sad e nough. The
tragedy stands on its own without some Jewish organizations, by trying
to be poetic, instead making us all into victims, magnifying the act of
I am also very angry because what happened in that shul, just as
what happened to that three month old baby, just as all the terrorist
attacks recently in Jerusalem, is part of the picture that those of us who
have been advocating for a peace process have been talking about.
I have long said Israel needs to make peace now, for its own sake,
when it has the upper hand, when it has the power, when it can call
the shots. It needs to be proactive rather than reactive, needs to act
on its own rather than when it will be forced to act by others.
We are seeing that being forced part more and more. The British
Parliament voted to recognize a state of Palestine. The government
of Sweden recently did the same. The Spanish parliament has done
the same. The European Union is talking about doing the same.
All have been waiting for, begging Israel to act, to truly pursue a
peace process. All have wanted to believe that Prime Minister Bibi
meant it when he said he is in favor of a two state solution and would
do what he could to work for peace.
But he’s been prime minister for a long time now and not only
has he done nothing to advance the cause of peace, he has done much
to destroy any possibility of peace, with his horribly timed and incendiary announcements of new construction in areas most sensitive
to Palestinians, in the way he has insulted President Obama, in the
way he has always cowardly bowed down to the most right wing members of his coalition.
So now not only are countries angry, such as Israel’s great friend
Germany, but more and more of them are saying they aren’t going to
wait for Bibi any longer, are going to act, are going to recognize a state
of Palestine.
Those who support the peace process like me have long said Israel must act for Israel’s sake, show it really is ready to do what needs
to be done for peace, or else it will be more and more forced to. W e
are now seeing that.
And to those delusional right wingers who think things can stay
as they are, that Israel can just hold on forever to all the land, that a
one state solution is reality rather than a nutty fantasy, now they are
seeing with their own eyes, that things are not going to just stay as they
are, that Israel can’t just do nothing and believe all will be okay. No
it won’t. It will get worse and worse. And it is. Terrorism has been striking Jerusalem day after day. Because things won’t just continue as they
are forever, because Israel cannot just continue to do nothing, to not
be serious about finding a peaceful path and expect everything to stay
as it is. If Israel does not act to bring peace, the forces of evil and hate
will act to bring hell.
I’m mad about that and mad because typically Bibi is pulling another of his destructive inciteful games while pretending he’s a peacemaker. He just brought to his Cabinet a proposal to officially make Israel the nation-state of the Jewish people.
Sounds good, right? Sounds obvious, right? Who could be against
that, right? Of course Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people.
Of course. So why the need to make it a law? And why the need
to do so now?
Because that’s what Bibi does. He hides behind something that
on the surface sounds good, that all Jews would agree with but that is
purely about symbolism that means nothing but that enrages the
Arabs, kills any chance of peace.
As Cabinet minister Yaakov Peri said, “The explosive situation
that exists in the Arab sector at the moment has already led to violent clashes and casualties. A discussion on the Nationality Law at this
time is irresponsible.”
Exactly. Especially since, among other things, the bill would
make Hebrew the sole official language of the countr y. Since 1948,
both Hebrew and Arabic have been Israel’s official languages. Yeah,
good time to change that.
I despise when Bibi plays these oh so clever games. I mean who
can disagree with him saying “The State of Israel is the national state
of the Jewish People,” and yet this law would do so much damage, send
such a wrong signal, needlessly create havoc and incite a reaction.
This bill will ensure there will be more dead three month old Jewish babies and learned rabbis on the streets of Jerusalem.
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Chicago Jewish News - November 21 - 27, 2014
Mad, mad, mad Jewish world
The Jewish
News place in
I am really, really angry.
I am angry at Jonathan Gruber. Now, on the one hand, you can
say the whole Grubergate affair is a sign of how good Jews have it today. Jonathan Gruber is a very Jewish name and what he said, what
he did is nauseating.
Gruber, a top advisor on Obamacare, we know now thanks to all
the videos of him opening his big mouth, is a liar, a deceiver, a belittler and a pinhead. In video after video we see him saying things like
“the lack of transparency” was what allowed Obamacare to become
law and that he was able to bamboozle the public about what is really
in Obamacare because of “the stupidity of the American voter.”
If someone of his influence had said such things 60 years ago, we
would all have been worried about the anti-Semitic backlash that
would unleash. Jews have always had to be careful about what they said
and did in public because it could, and would, be used against all of us.
Today nobody worries about a wave o f anti-Semitism due to
Jonathan Gruber showing himself to be a creep. That’s good. What’s
bad is that we have public Jews like Jonathan Gruber talking like he
talked, being a desecration of G-d’s name, an embarrassment to his
people, a horrible reflection about what Jewish values are all about.
That he makes us look so bad doesn’t worry me, because nobody
is blaming us for him. But that he is one of us and acting so disgustingly makes me mad because he, by being so public, represents us all
and he is not a shining example of what a Jew should be.
Also making me mad was some of the reaction to this week’s horrible events at a synagogue in Jerusalem, where four rabbiswere murdered in cold blood while saying morning prayers, leaving behind 24
orphans, all of whom live on the same street.
It was another in a series of savage terrorist attacks in Jerusalem
over the last several weeks, which have resulted in the murder s of a
three month old baby sitting in her stroller as her parents waited at a
train station; of a teenage yeshiva student walking to his school; and
now these four rabbis.
It was two reactions to the shul massacre that really got me angry. The first came via a tweet from someone on the scene who described the sight of a shul filled with bloo d, of prayer books covered
in blood, of dead Jews in tallit and tefi llin drenched in blood, as reminding him of “images from the Holocaust.”
Can we please not start with the Holocaust analogies, invoking
Holocaust imagery? Yes what happened in a shul in Jerusalem is truly
heartbreaking, tragic, sad beyond words. But it is not anything at all
like the Holocaust.
This act of terror happened in a Jerusalem run by Jews in a sovereign state of Israel, with a powerful army and a police force dedicated
to protecting Jews and bring those who would hurt Jews to justice.
That is as far from the Holocaust as can be. During the Holocaust
we were helpless, defenseless, powerless, the world either turned
against us or turned away from us while the might of the German extermination machine run by the government and the military was unleashed in full force against us, murdering six million of our people.
And no one did anything to stop it, nobody gave a damn.
Four rabbis murdered is a terrible, terrible thing and each and
every Jew should feel their loss, mourn their lives, pray for the wives
and children they left behind. But what happened to them, where it
happened, what happened after it happened is anything but reminiscent of the Holocaust.
We do ourselves no favor by always being so quick to whip out
that comparison, to fail to understand how much has changed for us,
how better off we are, what a difference having an Israel makes. That
is a desecration of the times in which we are lucky enough to live and
it makes me very angry.
Also making me mad was the imbecilic statement put out by the
Orthodox Union and the Rabbinical Council of America after the
massacre. They said “By de secrating and violating one synagogue,
these terrorists have desecrated and violated all synagogues ; indeed
every place of worship.”
Sounds good but it’s idiotic. These terrorists desecrated one synagogue in a Jewish state filled with literally thousands of synagogues.
Again perspective and context. What their statement does is give the
terrorists a power they do not deserve, needlessly and foolishly magnifies their crime to have a greater impact that it did. According to
these two Jewish organizations these two terrorists by walking into that
one shul were able to desecrate and violate all synagogues all over the
PAG E 1 7
Chicago Jewish News - November 21 - 27, 2014
Community Calendar
November 22
Congregation Beth Shalom
presents Havdalah, Dinner
and a Movie featuring the
film “Ida.” 5:30-10 p.m.,
3433 Walters Ave., Northbrook. $15 members, $20
non-members. RSVP, (847)
498-4100 Ext. 46 or [email protected].
November 23
Temple Beth Israel Sisterhood presents Artisan Faire
with jewelry, dyed clothing,
terrariums, scarves, cards,
fused glass, upcycled mittens, soaps, Judaica, cookbooks, raffles and food for
purchase. 9 a.m.-2 p.m.,
3601 W. Dempster, Skokie.
(847) 675-0951 or
Temple Beth Israel presents
Revital Shiri-Horowitz
speaking on “Daughters of
Iraq: A Novel” followed by
book signing. 10-11 a.m.,
3610 W. Dempster, Skokie. or (847) 6750951.
Congregation Rodfei Zedek
hosts Roslyn Alexander and
Ari Roth in dramatic reading from “Toni and Markus:
From Village Life to Urban
Stress” followed by discussion with author Walter
Roth. 10:30 a.m., 5200 S.
Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago. 1005.
Temple Judea Mizpah presents program on Teen Substance Abuse Awareness
for adults only. 10:30-11:30
a.m., 8610 Niles Center
Road, Skokie. (847) 6761566.
American Friends of the Israel Sport Center for the
Disabled holds annual
brunch. 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m.,
Ravinia Green Country
Club, 1200 Saunders Road,
Riverwoods. Details and
RSVP, [email protected] or
(773) 875-2425.
Temple Beth-El hosts Jewish
Genealogical Society of Illinois meeting featuring past
president Harriet Rudnit
speaking on “Reconnecting
with My Lithuanian Roots.”
2 p.m. (temple library
opens at 12:30 p.m. for research), 3610 Dundee Road,
Northbrook. or
(312) 666-0100.
Temple Sholom of Chicago
shows Chicago filmmaker
Shuli Eshel’s documentary,
“A Voice Among the Silent:
The Legacy of James G. McDonald.” 3-5 p.m., 3480 N.
Lake Shore Drive, Chicago.
(847) 675-0951.
Beth Hillel Congregation Bnai Emunah Men’s Club hosts Rabbi
Charles Simon speaking on “Intermarriage: Concepts and Strategies
for Families and Synagogue Leaders” at dinner. 5:30 p.m. Thursday,
Dec. 4, 3220 Big Tree Lane, Wilmette. $20, $30 per couple. RSVP,
(847) 256-1213.
after services and Shabbat
dinner. 4:10 p.m., 4059
Dempster, Skokie. $24
adult, $14 child. Reserve
online for $2 discount, (847)
November 29
November 26
Congregation Beth Shalom
hosts Erev Thanksgiving
Dinner featuring the Jesse
White Tumblers. 6 p.m.,
3433 Walters, Northbrook.
$10 individual or $25 family
in advance. RSVP, [email protected] or (847) 4984100.
Find Chanukah gifts for
your four-legged friends at
Community Animal Rescue
Effort’s Holiday C.A.R.E.
Faire, with pet-related vendors and crafts, cookie
walk, raffle and silent auction. Pets welcome. 11 a.m.5 p.m., Unitarian Church of
Evanston, 1330 Ridge Ave.,
Evanston. (847) 705-2653 or
November 30
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago and the
Chicago Board of Rabbis
present “Sanctuary,” program probing the rising
tide of anti-Israel activism
on college campuses. Airs
on ABC 7-Channel 7 at
11:30 a.m.
December 1
Northwestern University
Hillel presents Yossi Klein
Halevi speaking on “Memoirs of a Jewish Extremist:
My Journey to the Center”
followed by reception. 5:30
Lincolnwood Jewish Congregation A.G. Beth Israel presents “How to
Combat Anti-Semitism/Anti-Zionism from a Legal (American & Jewish) Perspective featuring keynote speaker Rabbi Steven Resnicoff,
DePaul University law professor. 9 a.m.- noon Sunday, Dec. 7, 7117 N.
Crawford, Lincolnwood. RSVP required, [email protected] or
(847) 676-0491. Attorneys may register for CLE credits at
November 28
Lubavitch Chabad of Skokie
presents Rabbi Ari Shishler
of Johannesburg, South
Africa speaking on “What I
Learned While Staring
Down the Barrel of a Gun”
Temple Jeremiah hosts multi-sensory Chanukah Celebration for Families with Special Needs featuring songs, candle lighting, dreidels,
snacks and a special story. 2-3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 14, 937 Happ
Road, Northfield.
Ritz-Carlton, Chicago Y 5:30 pm
to benefit students at the
Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Alderman Edward M. Burke
Kathleen Hart Solovy
Ronald L. Marmer
Marmer Law Offices LLC
Adriane Glazier
Charles W. Douglas
Sidley Austin LLP
Presented in memory of
Accepted by Kathleen Hart Solovy
Lee I. Miller
Elliott I. Portnoy
William A. Von Hoene, Jr.
Jeffrey E. Stone
McDermott Will &
Emery LLP
Anton R. Valukas
Jenner & Block
Dan K. Webb
Winston & Strawn
Senior Fellow and Director, The Washington Institute’s Project on Arab-Israel Peace and
Senior Advisor to the US Secretary of State for Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations (2013-2014)
312-329-0332 [email protected]
PAG E 2 0
Chicago Jewish News - November 21 - 27, 2014
p.m., McCormick Foundation Center Forum, 1870
Campus Drive, Evanston.
[email protected] or (847) 4915757.
December 2
Spertus Institute for Jewish
Learning and Leadership
presents informal discussion
on author David Laskin’s
“The Family” featuring facilitator Rachel Kamen, director of Gray Cultural &
Learning Center at North
Suburban Synagogue Beth
El. 7 p.m., 610 S. Michigan
Ave., Chicago. Reservations
December 3
Ezra-Habonim, the Niles
Township Jewish Congregation Sisterhood hosts
Chanukah party featuring
Latke Luncheon and Holiday Boutique with ventriloquist Chuck Field. 11:30
a.m.-6 p.m., 4500 W. Dempster, Skokie. $18 members,
$23 non-members and at
door. (847) 675-4141.
December 4
Congregation Beth Shalom
hosts dinner at CBS’ Ideas
Café with former JCC
Chicago general director
Jerry Witkovsky interviewed by journalist Carl
Schrag discussing “How to
Enter Your Grandchildren’s
World.” 6:30 p.m., 3433
Walters, Northbrook. $15.
RSVP, dfriedman@beth or (847) 4984100 Ext. 46.
December 5
Congregation Beth Shalom
hosts Young Family Outreach Shabbat Dinner and
Storybook Shabbat Service.
6 p.m., 3433 Walters,
Northbrook. $25 family.
RSVP, dfriedman@ or (847)
498-4100 Ext. 46.