Grammar: Tenses – Overview (Grammatik: Zeiten – Überblick)


Grammar: Tenses – Overview (Grammatik: Zeiten – Überblick)
© 05 Bernie Zöttl
Grammar: Tenses – Overview (Grammatik: Zeiten – Überblick)
1) Use (Verwendung)
Past Perfect Tense
Past Tense
Present Perfect Tense
Present Tense
something that happened
before something else in the
something that happened and
ended in the past – there is no
relation to the present; mostly
it is important when it
1) something that started in the something that happens in the
past and hasn’t yet ended or
has an effect on the present –
there is relation to the present
2) something that happened in
the unspecified past – it is not
important when it happened
statements and
actions (the
action itself is
statements and
actions (the
action itself is
a) simple
statements and
actions (the
action itself is
a) background
and longer
actions (the
action is not so
b) actions that
already ended
but have an
effect on the
b) actions that
started in the
past, are still
happening and
will still last in
the future
and longer
actions (the
action is not so
and longer
actions (the
action is not so
a) simple
(something that
is true/false)
a) things that
are happening
right now
b) temporary
b) habits
** Future Tenses are explained on an extra sheet
c) descriptions
c) complaints,
expressions of
anger and
© 05 Bernie Zöttl
2) Formation (Bildung)
Past Perfect Tense
had + 3rd Form
had + been +
Past Tense
2nd Form
was/were +
Present Perfect Tense
have/has +
3rd Form
have/has +
been +
Present Tense
Base Form
(3rd Person “s”)
am/are/is +
Explanation of “Forms”:
- Base Form:
infinitive, unchanged form of the verb as it can be found in a dictionary
- “ing”-Form:
Base Form + “ing” (sometimes it can be necessary to leave out the last letter of the verb in Base Form (have – having))
- 2nd Form:
regular verbs:
irregular verbs:
Base Form + “ed”
2nd Form in verb table (go – went)
- 3rd Form:
Past Participle;
regular verbs:
irregular verbs:
Base Form + “ed”
3rd Form in Table (go – went – gone)
** Future Tenses are explained on an extra sheet
© 05 Bernie Zöttl
Examples (Beispiele):
Past Perfect Tense
Past Tense
When he came
home, he saw
that somebody
had broken in
through the
They were very
tired because
they had been
working all
day long.
He went to the
store and
bought a book.
It was raining,
the wind was
heavily and
the waves were
making a loud
** Future Tenses are explained on an extra sheet
Present Perfect Tense
a) I have seen
the teacher
b) I have
forgotten to
call, so he is
angry now.
Present Tense
a) He has been
waiting in the
rain for 20
a) The sun
rises in the
b) I have been
reading a good
book lately – it
has 200 pages
and I am
reading page
40 right now.
b) We always
walk to
c) The car is
yellow with
blue stripes.
a) Listen, she
is crying!
b) He is
working in a
bar although
usually he
works as a
c) The bus is
always coming
© 05 Bernie Zöttl
Grammatik: Zeiten – Überblick – Zukunft
1) Verwendung
Im Englischen kann die Zukunft grundsätzlich nicht wie im Deutschen mit der Present Simple Tense (Gegenwart) ausgedrückt
Die Present Simple kann NUR für allgemein gültige Aussagen verwendet werden!
“going to”-Future
Present Progressive
as a Future Tense
Present Simple
as a Future Tense
Handlungen und
Ereignisse in der
Zukunft, die
wahrscheinlich aber
nicht sicher sind;
spontane Beschlüsse;
Versprechen, Wünsche;
Handlungen und
Ereignisse in der
Zukunft, die vorgesehen
und geplant sind
Handlungen und
Ereignisse in der
Zukunft, die bereits
fixiert, geplant und
organisiert sind, und für
die bereits Taten gesetzt
NUR als „Timetable
Future“; für Handlungen
und Ereignisse, die
immer so geschehen, auf
die der Sprecher keinen
Einfluss hat; siehe
Erklärung der „Present
Simple Tense“
drückt einen (längeren)
Zustand in der Zukunft
aus; häufig für
Beschreibungen und
drückt aus, was zu
einem bestimmten
Zeitpunkt in der Zukunft
bereits geschehen sein
wird; (Vorzukunft)
- I have planned that
- certainly
(anything that
indicates an action has
already been fixed,
planned and arranged)
- The train leaves at…
- The bus arrives at…
- The party starts at…
- Next year this time
- In a year or so
(in descriptions)
- Next year this time
- By now
(if indicated that the
action will have
finished already)
2) Keywords
- I have just decided
- I wish/ hope/ think
- I promise/ swear
- probably/ maybe
- hopefully
** alle anderen Tenses werden auf Blatt 1 erklärt
© 05 Bernie Zöttl
3) Bildung
“going to”-Future
Present Progressive
as a Future Tense
Present Simple
as a Future Tense
„will“ + Base Form
„to be“ + „going to“ +
Base Form
“to be” + “ing”-Form
Base Form
(+ 3rd Person “s”)
“will” + “to be” +
“will” + “have” +
3rd Form
Maybe I will go to the
cinema tomorrow.
We are going to visit
our relatives in London
next Easter.
(On my trip to LA next
week) I am staying in a
hotel in the city center.
The plane arrives at
Next year this time I
will be sitting on the
beach enjoying the sun.
By now he will already
have arrived.
Explanation of “Forms”:
- Base Form:
Infinitiv, unveränderte Form des Verbs, wie es im Wörterbuch zu finden ist
- “ing”-Form:
Base Form + “ing” (manchmal ist es nötig, den letzten Buchstaben der Base Form wegzulassen (have – having))
- 3rd Form:
Past Participle; Partizip der Vergangenheit
regelmäßige Verben:
Base Form + “ed”
unregelmäßige Verben:
3. Form in den Verbtabellen (go – went – gone)
- Forms of „to be“:
I am
you are
he/she/it is
we are
you are
they are
** alle anderen Tenses werden auf Blatt 1 erklärt
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course – Questions/ Negation
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
Dieser Intensivkurs zur Grundgrammatik soll dir helfen, die Grammatikregeln von Anfang an
zu wiederholen und fehlendes Wissen aufzuholen! Zu jedem Thema findet sich zuerst eine
deutsche Erklärung, dann findest du verschiedene Aufgaben, um das Gelernte anzuwenden.
Wenn du irgendwelche Fragen haben solltest, die in den Erklärungen nicht erläutert werden,
schick mir bitte ein eMail: [email protected]
Noch mehr Übungen zur englischen Grammatik, aber auch zu anderen Themen wie
Textwriting oder Reading findest du auf! Besuche die Seite
regelmäßig, denn es kommen immer wieder neue Übungen hinzu!
Dieser Intensivkurs ist wie folgt aufgebaut:
- alle Tenses
- Fragebildung; Einleitung
- Simple Questions (ohne “do”)
- Questions with “do”
- Fragewörter (interrogative pronouns)
Verneinung; Einleitung
Simple Negation
Negation with “do”
- can
- may
- must
- ought to
- might
- could
- in allen Tenses
CONDITIONAL (if-sentences)
- Conditional I
- Conditional II
- Conditional III
- Ausnahmen
- reporting verbs
- alle Veränderungen (in der Past Tense)
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course – Questions/ Negation
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
1) Fragebildung; Einleitung:
A) Es gibt Fragen ohne Fragewörter und Fragen mit Fragewörtern.
Zuerst werden wir die Fragebildung im Allgemeinen behandeln, und die Fragewörter nicht
beachten. Weiter unten findest du dann eine Auflistung und die Regeln zu den Fragewörtern.
B) Man unterscheidet zwischen:
- Sätzen mit be oder have got als Hauptzeitwort (Prädikat) (sowie Sätzen in Tenses, bei
denen „be“ oder „have“ als Hilfszeitwort verwendet wird)
 ('Simple Questions')
- Sätzen, in denen das Hauptzeitwort (Prädikat) NICHT be oder have got ist (sowie Sätzen
in Tenses ohne Hilfszeitwort)
 (Questions with "do")
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course – Questions/ Negation
1) a) Simple Questions (ohne “do”)
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
(ohne Fragewörter)
In Sätzen mit “be” und “have got” als Prädikat werden zur Fragebildung einfach die beiden
ersten Satzteile des Satzes vertauscht. (Achtung: „have got“ wird getrennt, „got“ bleibt also
unverändert an seinem Platz; siehe Bsp. 2) Der Rest des Satzes bleibt unverändert.
-Sue is a nice girl.
-Is Sue a nice girl?
-Melanie has got many toys.
-Has Melanie got many toys?
Auch Sätze, die in einer Tense stehen, die mit dem Hilfsverb „be“ oder “have” gebildet
werden, funktioniert die Fragebildung gleich wie oben beschrieben.
Tenses mit „be“ als Hilfsverb:
-alle Progressive Tenses (be + „ing“-Form)
-“going to”-Future
Tenses mit „have“ als Hauptverb:
-Present Perfect (have + 3rd Form)
-Past Perfect (had + 3rd Form)
-She is reading a book.
-Is she reading a book?
-The teacher has explained the rules.
-Has the teacher explained the rules?
Sätze mit “will”, “shall”, “should”, “might”, “can”, “may”, “must” werden ebenfalls auf
gleiche Art in Fragen umgewandelt:
-Lisa will visit her brother tomorrow.
-Will Lisa visit her brother tomorrow?
Übung 1: form questions:
1) Herbie is a nice boy. ________________________________________________?
You can come if you want. ___________________________________________?
Fred had got a terrible cold.___________________________________________?
My mother has baked a cake. _________________________________________?
Matt must read a book. ______________________________________________ ?
Lucy is shouting at Mike. ____________________________________________?
We should go home now. ____________________________________________ ?
8) The burglar had broken in through the window. ___________________________
9) We are going to sing a song.
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course – Questions/ Negation
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
1) b) Questions with „do“ (ohne Fragewörter)
In Sätzen mit einem anderen Prädikat als “be” oder “have (got)” muss zur Fragebildung das
Hilfsverb „do“ (in der jeweiligen Form) verwendet werden. „Do“ kommt an die erste Stelle
im Satz, der Rest des Satzes bleibt beinahe unverändert, aber Achtung: das Verb (Prädikat)
wird in die „Base Form“ abgewandelt!
-Sue likes
her brother.
-Does Sue like__ her brother?
-Melanie walked
along the street.
-Did Melanie walk__ along the street?
Übung 2: form questions:
1) Mary hates her teacher. ________________________________________________?
2) Mother cooks good. ___________________________________________________?
3) The singer sang a nice song. ____________________________________________?
4) The computer broke down. _____________________________________________?
5) The stone falls down the hill. ____________________________________________?
6) I go to school every day. _______________________________________________?
Übung 3: “simple questions” or “questions with do”; form questions:
Steven is a singer.
Jack likes his girlfriend very much.
I think that you are nice.
We should go to bed early.
Mom baked a good cake.
The police have arrested the criminal.
Übung 4: put into the correct order:
1) you/ James/ did/ see/ yesterday
2) have/ forgotten/ homework/ your/ you
3) they/ will/ a song/ sing
4) the/ had/ window/ been/ opened
5) school/ like/ he/ does
Übung 5: Fill in:
(the children/ like) ____________________________ the song?
(mother/ have got) ____________________________ a golden ring?
(you/ watch) _________________________________ the film yesterday?
(they/ have a test) _____________________________ tomorrow?
(she/ always/ talk) _____________________________ so much?
(you/ do) ____________________________________ your homework already?
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course – Questions/ Negation
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
1) c) Fragewörter (interrogative pronouns)
Fragewörter stehen grundsätzlich immer am Satzanfang;
Es gibt zwei Arten von Fragewörtern:
A) Fragewörter, die nach dem Subjekt fragen (who, what)
B) Fragewörter, die nach einem Objekt fragen (alle anderen)
Bei Fragen mit Fragewörtern der Gruppe A (who und what) gilt:
Auf das Fragewort folgt der unveränderte Satz, das Subjekt wird durch das Fragewort
-Peter likes tomatoes.
-Who likes tomatoes?
-The song is beautiful.
is beautiful?
Bei allen anderen Fragewörtern gelten die oben genannten Regeln für “Simple Questions”
und „Questions with do“. Das Fragewort steht am Satzanfang, es ersetzt den Satzteil, nach
dem es fragt.
-Lenny sings a song.
-What does Lenny sing?
-Susie is in the restaurant
-Where is Susie?
Wenn nach dem Hauptverb (Prädikat) eines Satzes gefragt werden soll, wird „what“
gebraucht. Außerdem wird das Verb durch „do“ ersetzt.
-Rudolph went to the station.
-What did Rudolph do?
-My dad plays the piano.
-What does your dad do?
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course – Questions/ Negation
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
Liste der wichtigsten Fragewörter (Englisch – Deutsch):
whom...........................wem/ wen
whose.......................... wessen
where ... to…………...wohin
where ... from …….....woher
how much……………wieviel
how many……………wie viele
(ACHTUNG! „what“ kann nach dem Subjekt oder einem Objekt eines Satzes fragen, es
kann also zu Gruppe A oder Gruppe B gehören!)
Übung 6: ask fort he underlined words:
1) Stevie often sings a song.
__________________________________________________ ?
2) My teachers always shout.
__________________________________________________ ?
3) I went to the disco yesterday.
4) Britney likes Kevin.
5) The computer is very old.
6) We have been living in this house for 20 years.
7) This is Kevin’s girlfriend.
8) They are crying because their father has died.
9) He can run fast.
10) I gave the paper to my teacher.
11) I have got three sisters.
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course – Questions/ Negation
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
2) Verneinung; Einleitung:
Die Fragebildung und die Verneinung sind im Englischen sehr ähnlich:
Wie bei der Fragebildung gilt auch bei der Verneinung:
Man unterscheidet zwischen:
- Sätzen mit be oder have got als Hauptzeitwort (Prädikat) (sowie Sätzen in Tenses, bei
denen „be“ oder „have“ als Hilfszeitwort verwendet wird)  'Simple Negation'
- Sätzen, in denen das Hauptzeitwort (Prädikat) NICHT be oder have got ist (sowie Sätzen
in Tenses ohne Hilfszeitwort)  Negation with "do"
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course – Questions/ Negation
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
Simple Negation:
'be' und 'have got' können direkt verneint werden – ohne das Hilfszeitwort 'do'
Sue is a nice girl. Sue isn't a nice girl. - They were very sad. They weren't very sad.
Pete has got a girlfriend. Pete hasn't got a girlfriend. - I've got a pen. I haven't got a pen.
Für Sätze mit ‘be’ als Hilfszeitwort gilt dasselbe:
- Sätze in Progressive forms (be + ing)
I am writing a letter. I'm not writing a letter. - He is singing a song. He isn't singing a song.
Wilma was playing. Wilma wasn't playing. - The kids were eating. - The kids weren't eating.
Für Sätze mit ‘have’ als Hilfszeitwort gilt dasselbe:
- Sätze in Present Perfect, Past Perfect
I have already done it. I haven't yet done it. - They had seen her before. They hadn't seen her
Für 'can', 'may', 'might', 'could', 'would', 'should', 'shall', and 'will' gilt dasselbe:
I can do this. I can't do this. - She may go. She may not go. - They might be here. They might
not be here. - We could do it. We couldn't do it. ...
Übung 7: Negate:
1) She can sing. _____________________________________________.
2) Pete is singing a song. ______________________________________.
3) Lucy has bought a ring. _____________________________________.
4) I am 20 years old. _________________________________________ .
5) Mother has got many shoes. _________________________________ .
6) We will go to the river. _____________________________________ .
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course – Questions/ Negation
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
Negation with 'do':
Alle Sätze, die nicht wie oben beschrieben sind, werden wie folgt verneint:
Der verneinte Satz muss in derselben Tense stehen, wie der Ausgangssatz! Das Hauptverb im
Ausgangssatz wird durch die entsprechende verneinte Form von 'do' ersetzt;
verneinte Formen von 'do':
- I don't
- we don't
- I didn't
- you don't
- you don't
- you didn't
- he/she/it doesn't
- they don't
- he/ she/ it didn't
- we didn't
- you didn't
- they didn't
Auf die abgewandelte Form von ‘do’ folgt dann das frühere Hauptzeitwort in der BASE
FORM! (nach ‘do’ kann NIEMALS ein Verb in einer anderen Form als der Base Form
stehen! (wie z.B. past participle etc.))
They like ice cream. They don't like ice cream. She plays the flute. She doesn't play the flute.
We went to the cinema. We didn't go to the cinema. - They had breakfast. They didn't have
Aufforderungen (Commands) wereden ebenfalls mit 'do' verneint (auch wenn das
Hauptzeitwort 'be' or 'have' ist)
Open the door! Don't open the door! - Be there at 8! Don't be late! - Have a look at this!
Don't have a look at this!
Übung 8: Negate:
1) She hates school. ___________________________________________________.
2) Mom went to the shop. ______________________________________________.
3) The song sounds good. ______________________________________________.
4) We walked along the street. ___________________________________________.
5) Close the window! __________________________________________________.
6) I like English. ______________________________________________________.
7) Tom does his homework. _____________________________________________.
8) I stayed there for 3 days. ______________________________________________.
9) She did it. _________________________________________________________ .
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course – Questions/ Negation
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
Key - Lösungen
Übung 1:
1) Is Herbie a nice boy?
2) Can I come if I want?
3) Had Fred got a terrible cold?
4) Has my mother baked a cake?
5) Must Matt read a book?
6) Is Lucy shouting at Mike?
7) Should we go home now?
8) Had the burglar broken in through the
9) Are we going to sing a song.
Übung 6:
1) What does Stevie often do?
2) Who shouts always?
3) When did you go to the disco?
4) Whom does Britney like?
5) What is very old?
6) Where have we been living for 20 years?
7) Whose girlfriend is this?
8) Why are they crying?
9) How can he run?
10) (To) whom did you give the paper?
11) How many sisters have you got?
Übung 2:
1) Does Mary hate her teacher?
2) Does mother cook good?
3) Did the singer sing a nice song?
4) Did the computer break down?
5) Did the stone fall down the hill?
6) Do you go to school every day?
Übung 7:
1) She can’t sing.
2) Pete isn’t singing a song.
3) Lucy hasn’t bought a ring.
4) I am not 20 years old.
5) Mother hasn’t got many shoes.
Übung 3:
1) Is Steven a singer?
2) Does Jack like his girlfriend very much?
3) Do you think that I am nice?
4) Should we go to bed early?
5) Did mom bake a good cake?
6) Have the police arrested the criminal?
We will not (won’t) go to the river.
Übung 8:
1) She doesn’t hate school.
2) Mom didn’t go to the shop.
3) The song doesn’t sound good.
4) We didn’t walk along the street.
5) Don’t close the window!
6) I don’t like English.
7) Tom doesn’t do his homework.
8) I didn’t stay there for 3 days.
9) She didn’t do it.
Übung 4
1) Did you see James yesterday?
2) Have you forgotten your homework?
3) Will they sing a song?
4) Had the window been opened?
5) Does he like school?
Übung 5:
1) Do the children like the song?
2) Has mother got a golden ring?
3) Did you watch the film yesterday?
4) Will they have a test tomorrow?
5) Does she always talk so much?
Have you done your homework already?
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course - Tenses
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
Dieser Intensivkurs zur Grundgrammatik soll dir helfen, die Grammatikregeln von Anfang an
zu wiederholen und fehlendes Wissen aufzuholen! Zu jedem Thema findet sich zuerst eine
deutsche Erklärung, dann findest du verschiedene Aufgaben, um das Gelernte anzuwenden.
Wenn du irgendwelche Fragen haben solltest, die in den Erklärungen nicht erläutert werden,
schick mir bitte ein eMail: [email protected]
Noch mehr Übungen zur englischen Grammatik, aber auch zu anderen Themen wie
Textwriting oder Reading findest du auf! Besuche die Seite
regelmäßig, denn es kommen immer wieder neue Übungen hinzu!
Dieser Intensivkurs ist wie folgt aufgebaut:
- Present Simple/ Present Progressive
- Past Simple/ Progressive
- Present Perfect Simple/Progressive
- Past Perfect Simple/ Progressive
- Future Tenses
- Irregular Verbs
- Key (Lösungen)
- in allen Tenses
- can
- may
- must
- ought to
- might
- could
- in allen Tenses
CONDITIONAL (if-sentences)
- Conditional I
- Conditional II
- Conditional III
- Ausnahmen
- reporting verbs
- alle Veränderungen (in der Past Tense)
Anhang 1
Anhang 2
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course - Tenses
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
1) a) Present Simple
Die Present Simple wird für allgemeine Aussagen und Beschreibungen in der Gegenwart
-Water boils at 100°C and it freezes at 0°C.
-The Millers live in San Diego.
Man benützt sie auch, um auszudrücken, dass etwas immer wieder, nie, oft, selten usw.
-Every Year, we visit our grandmother who lives in Spain.
Time Indicators:
seldom/ seldomly
as a rule
every day, weekend …
every now and then
jeden Tag, jedes Wochenende…
hin und wieder
„base form“
ACHTUNG! He, she, it, ‚s’ muss mit!!!, also nicht das ‘s’ am Ende des
Wortes vergessen!
to be:
I am
we are
you are
you are
he is
they are
she is
it is
can, may, must,… bekommen kein ‚s’ bei he, she, it…
Übung 1: choose a verb from the box and fill in the correct form!
be – take – visit – like – live – smile – must – get up – go - be
1) Peter often _________ his grandmother in the afternoon. She _______ in a nice house.
2) I always __________ the bus at 7:30. I ________ be in school at 7:55.
3) Sometimes, we ______ for a walk in the mountains on weekends. I ________ hiking.
4) Sue ______________ late as a rule. Her parents _____ fed up with her because of that.
5) The teacher rarely _________; she ____ always very angry!
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course - Tenses
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
1) b) Present Progressive
Die Present Progressive (oder Present Continuous) wird verwendet, um auszudrücken, dass
etwas gerade jetzt geschieht.
-Listen, the baby is crying.
-At the moment, Mark is watching TV.
Außerdem drückt sie aus, dass etwas nur vorübergehend geschieht.
-Normally he works as a doctor, but currently he is jobbing in the supermarket.
-I’m living in Austria at the moment, but usually I live in Great Britain.
Des weiteren kann man in Beschwerden mit Hilfe der Present Progressive Verärgerung zum
Ausdruck bringen!
-Agnes is always coming late! I really hate it!
-The kids are often making such a noise that you cannot concentrate! It’s horrible!
Time Indicators:
at the moment
in this moment
jetzt gerade
im Moment
im Moment
Außerdem wird die Present Progressive oft durch folgende Wörter und Phrasen eingeleitet:
Hör mal!
Sieh mal! Schau mal!
Watch out!
Pass auf!
In Sätzen, die einen Kontrast ausdrücken wollen, werden oft Present Simple und Present
Progressive gegenübergestellt.
usually + Present Simple, but at the moment + Present Progressive
„to be“ + ‚ing’-Form des Verbs
to be:
I am
you are
he is
she is
it is
we are
you are
they are
Sonderfälle: Gefühlsverben (feel, hear, see) können normalerweise nicht in der Present
Progressive stehen. Auch Modal Verbs stehen nie in der ‘ing’-Form!
Einige Verben bekommen eine andere Bedeutung, wenn sie in der ‚ing’-Form stehen!
Übung 2: chose a verb from the box and fill in the correct form!
arrive – take – cry – slide - cook
1) Listen! The baby ________________ again!
2) Normally Ruth works in a bank, but at the moment she ______________ a vacation.
3) Look, the car _______________ on the slippery ground!
4) At the moment, mother __________________ dinner.
5) The buses in Los Angeles ___________________ late! It’s really annoying!
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course - Tenses
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
Übung 3: Present Simple or Progressive?
1) Tim often (go) _______ to school by bus. But sometimes he (decide) _________ to
walk on foot or take the bike.
2) Lisa (be) _____ a very clever kid! She always (know) __________ everything! At the
moment, Lisa (take part) ______________ in a school contest. She (must) ________
study a lot for the contest, but her parents (help) ___________ her wherever they can.
3) When it (rain) __________, the streets (be) ______ slippery.
4) I usually (not like) ____________ rap-music, but I (think) __________ that Eminem
(make) ___________ quite good music.
5) Kim (work) ____________ as a taxi driver, but her real job (be) ____ teaching.
6) Usually, people in Australia (speak) ___________ Chinese or Japanese as a foreign
7) I really (like) __________ Mel. I (think) _______ she (be) ____ one of the cutest girls
in our class. But I (know) __________ that she (not like) ________________ me.
8) It’s really annoying! The teacher (always come) ____________________ too late to
his lesson, and then we (must) _________ stay in longer!
9) Sometimes winters in Southern California (can) _______ be really warm, but this year
it (be) _____ quite cold. At the moment, it (rain) _____________ in Los Angeles.
10) The doctor (have) ___________ many patients. He (must) _________ work every day
from 7 in the morning to 9 in the evening, and he never (have) _________ time to take
a vacation.
11) Mother always (tell) __________ me that I should go to bed early, but I generally
(prefer) __________ staying up and reading a good book.
12) Look, the birds (sit) _____________ on the roof of our neighbor’s house.
13) Listen, I (only tell) _____________________ you this once! Mom (want) __________
you to carry out the dustbin and take the dog for a walk!
14) When the baby-boy (be) _____ unhappy, he usually (start) __________ crying until
his mom (take) ___________ him out of his pram and (sit) _______ him on her lap.
15) When you (put) ________ cheese and marmalade on your toast, you will feel sick
16) The song (be) _____ really boring, but the radio (play) _______________________ it
again and again! I really hate that!
17) They (want) ____________ to improve the school system. They (say) ______ that
every student (must) __________ get the chance to graduate.
18) Americans frequently (move) __________ from one state to another. They (sell)
________ their old house and (buy) _________ a new one in another town. Kids often
(suffer) __________ from moving to another neighborhood. They (lose) _________
all their friends and (must) __________ find new ones in an unknown town.
19) Where (be) ______ Sandy and Jane? – At the moment, they (train) _____________ on
the sports field. They (take part) _____________ in this year’s national cheerleading
20) Paul rarely (go out) ____________ on Saturdays. But today he (meet) _________ an
old friend of his. At the moment, they (sit) ____________ in a bar, chatting about old
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course - Tenses
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
2) a) Past Simple
Die Past Tense ist bereits abgeschlossen! Es gibt also keine Verbindung zur Gegenwart mehr!
Die Past Simple wird für allgemeine Aussagen und Beschreibungen in der Vergangenheit
sowie für kurz dauernde abgeschlossene Handlungen verwendet.
-The weather was beautiful.
-The Millers lived in San Diego.
-Pete went to the shop and bought a pizza.
Man benützt sie auch, um auszudrücken, dass etwas in der Vergangenheit immer wieder, nie,
oft, selten usw. geschah.
-Every Year, they visited grandmother who lived in Spain.
Time Indicators:
last year, week …
on Monday, Tuesday…
three days ago
letztes Jahr, letzte Woche …
am Montag, Dienstag…
vor drei Tagen
Wenn aus dem Kontext klar ist, dass es sich um eine Handlung in der Vergangernheit handelt,
sind auch folgende Wörter Time Indicators:
seldom/ seldomly
as a rule
every day, weekend …
jeden Tag, jedes Wochenende…
every now and then
hin und wieder
regular verbs: „base form“+ „ed“
irregular verbs: in der Tabelle weiter unten sind die meisten unregelmäßigen
Formen aufgelistet
Sonderfälle: Um auszudrücken, dass etwas immer wieder geschah, kann man auch would
+ base form verwenden
-Every day Grandma’ would walk to the little store, where she bought some milk and
a few rolls.
Um auszudrücken, dass etwas nur früher so war, jetzt aber ‚aus und vorbei’
ist, kann man auch used to + base form verwenden. Diese Form wird speziell für frühere
Gewohnheiten (Rauchen, …) verwendet.
- I used to smoke, but I gave it up when I became pregnant.
- There used to be a park, but they changed it into an industrial area.
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course - Tenses
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
2) b) Past Progressive
Die Past Progressive (oder Past Continuous) wird ausnahmslos für Handlungen, die bereits
abgeschlossen sind, verwendet! Sie wird für folgende Fälle gebraucht:
- Vergangene länger andauernde Handlungen.
-The baby was crying all afternoon.
- Beschreibung, was jemand zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit gerade tat.
-What were you doing yesterday at 3 o’clock? – I was playing chess with my friends.
- Hintergrundhandlungen und Hintergrundinformation sowie Beschreibung des Wetters.
- It was raining when they arrived. In the street, many pedestrians were walking
around, and detective Hutch was sitting in a café reading the paper.
- Manchmal werden auch Beschwerden über etwas, das in der Vergangenheit geschah, mit der
Past Progressive gebildet. (Diese Handlungen sind jedoch ohnehin meist länger dauernd)
- It was horrible, they were talking and talking, but no-one was listening!
Time Indicators:
Da es sich um eine Form der Past Tense handelt, gelten die gleichen Signalwörter wie
für die Past Simple. Jedoch muss beachtet werden, dass zusätzlich Time Indicators, die
auf eine längere Handlungsdauer hinweisen, hinzukommen…
for an hour
eine Stunde lang
all afternoon (long)
den ganzen Nachmittag (lang)
while …
während …
„was/were“ + ‚ing’-Form des Verbs
to be:
I was
you were
he was
she was
it was
we were
you were
they were
Sonderfälle: Gefühlsverben (feel, hear, see) können normalerweise nicht in der Past
Progressive stehen, „to be“ steht auch nie in der Past Progressive. Einige Verben bekommen
eine andere Bedeutung, wenn sie in der ‚ing’-Form stehen!
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course - Tenses
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
2) c) Past Simple & Past Progressive - Unterschiede
In einigen Fällen stehen beide Tenses im selben Satz; Hierbei handelt es sich meist um den
Kontrast zwischen kurzen Handlungen im Gegensatz zu längeren Handlungen.
Es gibt grundsätzlich folgende 3 Fälle:
- Mehrere vergangene und abgeschlossene Handlungen folgen aufeinander; sie geschehen
eine nach der anderen. Hierbei stehen alle Handlungen in der Past Simple.
- The burglar broke the window. Then he got in through it. He stole the jewellery and
jumped out again.
- Mehrere vergangene und abgeschlossene Handlungen geschehen gleichzeitig (Es handelt
sich hierbei fast immer um länger andauernde Handlungen.) Die Past Progressive wird für
alle Handlungen verwendet.
- I was reading a book and Sammy was doing her homework.
-He was just walking out of the store when I was driving round the corner.
- Eine kurze und plötzliche vergangene und abgeschlossene Handlung unterbricht eine
(oder mehrere) länger andauernde vergangene und abgeschlossene Handlung(en). Die kurze,
unterbrechende Handlung steht in der Past Simple, die längere(n) Handlung(en) in der Past
- Ina was having a shower when the doorbell rang.
-The teacher was explaining the rules and all students were listening attentively, when
suddenly a loud scream shocked everybody.
Übung 4: Übersetze ins Englische:
1) Der Sturm blies sehr heftig. Die Fenster machten laute Geräusche, und ich hörte, dass
draußen Hunde bellten.
2) Wir gingen zur Bar, bestellten und drei Drinks, tranken sie schnell und liefen dann
zum Bahnhof.
3) Manchmal ging Old Bill seine Mutter besuchen, doch oft blieb er zu Hause, und sah
4) Großvater ging immer in den Keller, wo er einen Whisky trank.
5) Er war gerade dabei, einen Brief zu schreiben, als das Telefon klingelte.
6) Das Wetter war schön, es war warm und die Sonne scheinte. Doch der Wind bließ ein
7) Früher rauchte ich ungefähr 10 Zigaretten am Tag, doch ich gab das rauchen auf, als
ich heiratete.
8) Der Mann redete und redete. Er erzählte den Kindern alles, was sie wissen wollten.
9) Wir lernten die Grammatikregeln vor 3 Jahren in der 2. Klasse. Aber ich schwätzte
immer mit meinen Freunden und hörte dem Lehrer nie zu.
10) Ich mochte Liz nie sehr gern, doch als sie mir sagte, dass ich eine dumme Kuh war,
hasste ich sie wirklich!
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course - Tenses
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
11) Übung 5: Past Simple or Progressive?
1) When he (be) ______ young, Tom often (go) _______ to school by bike. But in
winter, he usually (decide) _________ to take the bus.
2) Lynn (be) _____ a clever kid, and no-one ever (expect) __________ that she would do
something like that!
3) It (rain) __________,and the streets (be) ______ slippery.
4) I never (listen) ____________ to rap-music when I was younger. I always (go)
_______ to rock’n roll concerts instead.
5) They (drive) _____________ along Sunset Blvd. when suddenly the left front tire
(blast) __________ and they (crash) ____________ into a hydrant.
6) Usually, Lou and Lona (go out) ___________ on Saturday nights, but that particular
night they (stay) _____________ at home.
7) When I first (hear) __________ that song I already (love) _________ it.
8) The weather (be) _______ nice. The sun (shine) _______________, the birds (sing)
______________ in the trees, and young couples (walk) _____________ through the
park hand in hand.
9) Grandma’ (always take) ______________________ the dog for a walk in the forest.
10) Many patients (wait) _________________ in the waiting room, so the doctor (have to)
______________ work until 9 in the evening. When he finally (leave) __________ his
office, it (be) ____ already at night, and the stars (sparkle) _____________ in the sky.
11) Mother always (tell) _________________ me that I should go to bed early, but I
generally (prefer) __________ staying up and reading a good book.
12) The birds (sit) ________________ on the roof of our neighbor’s house.
13) Yesterday mom (want) ____________ me to carry out the dustbin and take the dog for
a walk! Then I (have to) ____________ go shopping, and finally she (send) ________
me to our neighbor to help him in the garden.
14) He (switch on) ____________ the computer, (type in) _____________ the password,
(open) ___________ the program and (delete) ____________ all the data.
15) He (not know) _______________ what to do. The dead man (lie) ______________ on
the ground, and everything (be) ______ full of blood. His fingers (shake)
_______________ when he (dial) ___________ ‘911’.
16) The evening (be) _____ really boring, but Isabel (make) _________ the best of it and
(start) __________ a nice conversation with the nice boy. They (talk) ____________
for quite a while, and finally it (turn out) ____________ that they had been in the
same class in primary school.
17) They (want) ____________ to improve their English, so they (decide) __________ to
do some exercises.
18) After World War II, many American soldiers (stay) _________ in Europe and (marry)
19) Jay Z and Linking Park (join up) _____________ and (produce) _____________ an
album together. They (mix) ________ hip hop music with elements of rock.
20) When I (arrive) ___________, the first thing I (realize) ___________ (be) _____ the
many palm trees. The wind (blow) ________________ gently, and the high palms
(nod) ______________ around. The sun, that (slowly sink) ________________
_________ into the Pacific Ocean, (give) __________ everything a soft, reddish
21) The police (chase) _____________ the thief down the freeway. They (drive)
___________ at high speed, when suddenly the criminal (pull) _________ his car
around and (leave) __________ the road. The cops (try) _________ to stop him, but
they (fail) ______________.
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course - Tenses
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
3) a) Present Perfect Simple
Die Present Perfect Tense drückt aus, dass etwas in der Vergangenheit begonnen hat, jedoch
bis in die Gegenwart reicht. Es handelt sich also um unabgeschlossene Handlungen.
Die Present Perfect Simple wird für allgemeine Aussagen verwendet.
-I have forgotten my homework.
-The Millers have lived in San Diego for 3 years.
Außerdem beschreibt sie vergangene Handlungen, die Folgen in der Gegenwart haben.
-They have painted the chair; now you can’t sit down on it.
-The car has crashed into the wall; now it is burning.
Time Indicators:
this week/year
kürzlich, in letzter Zeit
gerade (vorher)
noch nie
schon (einmal)
diese Woche/ dieses Jahr (schon)
have/ has + 3rd form
for oder since
for = Zeitdauer
since = Zeitpunkt
for hours...
since 3 o'clock
for weeks...
since last monday
for a minute...
since the weekend
for three years...
since 1983
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course - Tenses
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
3) b) Present Perfect Progressive
Die Present Perfect Progressive wird in folgenden Fällen verwendet:
- Durchgehende und ununterbrochene (lang dauernde) Handlungen, die in der
Vergangenheit begonnen haben, und bis in die Gegenwart reichen.
-I have been living in this place since I was born; I’ve never left the city.
-Iris has been studying all afternoon.
- Handlungen, die in der Vergangenheit begonnen haben, aber noch nicht abgeschlossen
-I have been reading this book; I haven’t yet finished it.
- Beschwerden über etwas, das in der Vergangenheit begonnen hat und bis jetzt andauert.
- Where have you been? I have been waiting for you for 15 minutes!
Verben wie wait, stand in the rain, look for etc. drücken etwas Unangenehmes aus und stehen
deshalb fast immer in der Past Perfect Progressive.
have/ has + been + ‚ing’-Form
Übung 6: Übersetze:
1) Ich habe schon seit 10 Uhr auf Ihren Anruf gewartet!
2) Sie geht seit 3 Jahren zur High School.
3) Die Kinder haben sich in letzter Zeit sehr brav benommen.
4) Julian sieht schon den ganzen Nachmittag durchgehend fern.
5) Ich habe bereits mehr als 5 Stunden an diesem Grammatik-Intensivkurs gearbeitet!
6) Das Auto ist in ein anderes Auto gefahren; jetzt muss der Pannendienst kommen.
7) Ich habe schon angefangen, die Hausübung zu schreiben.
8) Petey ist noch nicht nach Hause gekommen.
9) Es ist gerade 3 Uhr Nachts geworden.
10) Warst du schon einmal in Paris?
# 10
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course - Tenses
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
Übung 7: Present Perfect Simple oder Present Perfect Progressive; since oder for:
1) They (live) ______________ in this house ______ 1985.
2) We (not go) ________________ to the theater _____ a long time.
3) _____ how long (you wait) _________________ for me?
4) (You watch) ___________________ what we were doing _____ you came here?
5) I (not be on a vacation) ________________ _____ years!
6) The soup (be) ____________ on the stove _____ long enough now.
7) She (learn) ______________ Russian _____ 10 years.
8) I (try) __________________ to reach you on the phone _____ this morning!
9) The old man (live) _______________ this house _____ as long as I can remember.
10) He (not see) _____________ his mother _____ ages.
11) The mechanic (not arrive) _______________ yet. We must wait until he comes.
12) I (not watched) _____________ TV _____ at least a month ago!
13) The girl (cry) ______________constantly ______ 8 in the morning.
14) _____ when (they be married) ___________________? _____ exactly one year.
15) I (not hear) ________________ this song _____ a long time.
16) They (go on our nerves) _______________________ with this _____ several days!
17) They (want) ________________ to visit this city ______ they can remember.
18) (I not tell you) _____________________ to write a message to all employees?
19) I (drink) _____________ six glasses of juice. Now I must go to the loo.
20) I (feel) ______________ sick ____ 3 days now, and I (not leave) ______________ my
bed ______ Saturday.
# 11
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course - Tenses
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
4) Past Perfect Simple & Past Perfect Progressive
Die Past Perfect Tense beschreibt einer Handlung, die vor einer anderen vergangenen
Handlung geschah. Sie entspricht der deutschen Vorvergangenheit.
Die Past Perfect Simple entspricht hier der Past Simple, sie wird für allgemeine Aussagen
und Beschreibungen vor der Vergangenheit sowie für kurz dauernde abgeschlossene
Handlungen in der Vorvergangenheit verwendet.
-The weather had been beautiful, but then it started to rain.
-The Millers had lived in San Diego before they moved to Los Angeles.
-Pete came back from the shop where he had bought a pizza.
Die Past Perfect Progressive entspricht der Past Progressive und wird in folgenden Fällen
- Länger andauernde Handlungen, die eine vergangene Handlung herbeigeführt haben.
-The baby had been crying all afternoon, so mother was really exhausted.
- Hintergrundhandlungen und Hintergrundinformation sowie Beschreibung des Wetters in der
- It had been raining all week long, and so the roads were wet and slippery.
- In der Indirekten Rede werden auch Beschwerden über etwas in der Vorvergangenheit mit
der Past Perfect Progressive gebildet. (Diese Handlungen sind jedoch ohnehin meist länger
- It was horrible, they had been talking and talking and everyone was bored.
Time Indicators:
Die Past Perfect Tense (Simple & Progressive) beschreibt immer eine vorangegangene
Handlung in der Vergangenheit; es müssen also immer mindestens zwei Handlungen
beschrieben werden, von denen eine vor der anderen geschah.
Einige Signalwörter können die folgenden sein
this is why
und deshalb
Past Perfect Simple:
had + 3rd form
Past Perfect Progressive:
had + been + „ing“-Form
Übung 8: Übersetze:
Nachdem der Patient ins Krankenhaus gekommen war, operierte ihn der Arzt.
Die Frau sah, dass jemand ihr Auto gestohlen hatte.
Sie hatten in Amsterdam gelebt, bevor sie nach Deutschland kamen.
Bis er seinen 12. Geburtstag feierte hatte er noch nie das Meer gesehen.
Die Arbeiter hatten den ganzen Tag viel gearbeitet, und deshalb waren sie sehr müde.
Er ging ins Kino; vorher hatte er noch seine Freundin getroffen.
Den ganzen Tag hatte die Sonne gescheint, also war es sehr heiß.
Er hatte Deutschland schon einmal besucht, doch in diesem Sommer war er zum ersten Mal in
9) Die Römer bauten großartige Gebäude; zuvor hatten nur die Griechen so eindrucksvoll
10) Er hatte es den ganzen Tag versucht, und nun war er müde.
# 12
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course - Tenses
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
Übung 9: Verbinde die Sätze mit hilfe der Past Perfect Tense:
Someone broke in through the window. The lady came home.
I met the girl in the morning. I saw her again in the afternoon.
The house was burning. The cables short-circuited.
The roads were slippery. It snowed all night long.
She was happy when she saw her mother again. She was waiting for this moment for a
long time.
Übung 10: Fill in:
1) When he (arrive) __________ at the airport the plane (already take off) ___________
2) We (go) _____________ really fast, but we still (not manage) __________________
to catch the bus.
3) She (be) _________ really annoyed. The neighbors (make) ________________ noise
all night long.
4) After his girlfriend (leave) ______________ him, he (spend) ____________ all night
drinking Vodka in the bar around the corner.
5) Finally they (perform) ___________________ their new play. They (rehearse)
__________________________ for more than a month.
# 13
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course - Tenses
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
6) Future Tenses
Im Englischen gibt es sehr viele Möglichkeiten, eine Handlung, die in der Zukunft geschehen
wird, auszudrücken. Die wichtigste Unterscheidung ist die zwischen „will“-Future und „going
to“-Future, doch auch alle anderen Future Tenses werden sehr oft gebraucht!
Übrigens: Modal Verbs (can, may, must…) stehen immer in der Present Simple!
6) a) “will”-Future Simple
Die „will“-Future Simple beschreibt einfache Handlungen und allgemeine Aussagen. Sie wird
in folgenden Fällen verwendet:
-Spontane Entscheidungen
-Come on, I will help you.
-I have just decided that I will go to the movies tonite.
-Vorhersagen & Wetterbericht
-The test will not be easy.
-They say that the storm will reach Florida on Tuesday morning.
-Tomorrow, the weather will be cloudy, and it will rain in most parts of the country
later in the afternoon.
-Versprechen & Vereinbarungen
-I will take out the dustbin tonite, but you will look after the baby.
-I promise, I will never do something like that again.
-Unsicherheit in Bezug auf die Zukunft, Vermutung
-They will probably come at 5 or 6 in the evening.
-We’ll call unless we forget it.
-Bei “if”-Sätzen (Conditional I) wird im Hauptsatz immer will-future verwendet.
-If you don’t go to bed now, you will be tired tomorrow.
-They will kill me if I don’t tell them who stole the car.
Time Indicators:
Es gibt mehrere Time Indicators für die “will”-Future; hier sind einige aufgelistet:
I have just decided that …
Ich habe gerade beschlossen, dass …
come on, …
komm schon, …
it may be that
es kann sein, dass…
it isn’t sure that
es ist nicht sicher, dass
will + base form
will not = won’t
6) b) “will”-Future Progressive
Die „will“-Future Progressive beschreibt immer länger andauernde Vorgänge; sie drückt aus,
was zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Zukunft gerade geschehen wird.
-Next year at this time I will be sitting in Brazil enjoying the warm weather.
-I think that they will be playing cards when we come home.
will + be + “ing”-Form
# 14
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course - Tenses
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
6) c) “going to”-Future Simple
Die „going to“-Future Simple wird in folgenden Fällen verwendet:
-Pläne und geplante Vorhaben
-I am going to visit my uncle next week.
-They are going to sing a song at the prom. They have been rehearsing a lot.
-Vorhersagen, für die Beweise vorhanden sind; etwas, das offensichtlich geschehen wird.
-The test is going to be difficult; the teacher has told everyone to study hard.
-Look at those dark clouds! It’s going to rain soon!
-Beabsichtigte Handlungen in der Zukunft
-She has been reading a lot about piercings lately, so I suppose she is going to buy a
piercing soon!
-I am going to buy a new car, because my old one doesn’t really work any more.
-Sicherheit in Bezug auf die Zukunft
-They are certainly going to come.
-We’re going to call you as soon as we arrive at the airport.
Time Indicators:
we have already decided
sieh mal…
wir haben bereits beschlossen
to be + going to + base form
to be:
I am
you are
he is
she is
it is
we are
you are
they are
Anmerkung: Umgangssprachlich wird „going to” vor allem in den USA öfters mit „gonna“
6) d) “going to”-Future Progressive
Die „going to“-Future Progressive kommt nur recht selten vor. Mit ihr kann man länger
andauernde Vorgänge, die bestimmt in der Zukunft geschehen werden, beschreiben.
-Next week they are going to be writing a 3-hour test.
-Telling from the clouds in the sky I’m sure it’s gonna be raining all night long.
“to be” + going to be + “ing”-Form
to be:
I am
you are
he is
she is
it is
we are
you are
they are
# 15
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course - Tenses
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
6) e) Present Progressive als Future Tense
Die Present Progressive kann Handlungen in der Zukunft beschreiben, die bereits fixiert,
geplant und ausgemacht (fixed, planned and arranged) sind. Es handelt sich also um etwas,
das ganz bestimmt eintreten wird. Wichtig ist, dass der Sprecher/ bzw. der Handelnde selbst
Einfluss auf das Geschehen hat.
-We are staying at the Hilton. I’ve already called them and they will receive a room
for us.
-They are performing in the big hall. They’ve already arranged everything.
to be + “ing”-Form
to be:
I am
you are
he is
she is
it is
we are
you are
they are
Anmerkung: Oft kann die Present Progressive als Future Tense durch die „going to“-Future
ersetzt werden; es ergibt sich dann aber eine leichte Änderung des Sinnes, weil die Present
Progressive ausdrückt, dass etwas ganz sicher geschehen wird, die going to aber nur „recht
wahrscheinlich“ ist…
6) f) Present Simple – die “Timetable” Future
Grundsätzlich kann im Englischen – anders als im Deutschen – die Zukunft nicht durch die
Gegenwart ausgedrückt werden!
Es ist jedoch möglich, offizielle Zeitangaben mit Hilfe der Present Simple auszudrücken; dies
lässt sich dadurch erklären, dass diese Handlungen oder Vorgänge ja immer wieder eintreffen!
Es handelt sich also nicht wirklich um eine „reine“ Future Tense…
In jedem Fall darf die Present Simple als Future Tense nur verwendet werden, wenn die
betroffene Person keinen Einfluss auf die Handlung hat!
-The train leaves at 5:34. (It leaves whether I’m in it or not…)
-They broadcast the news at 10pm.
„base form“
ACHTUNG! He, she, it, ‚s’ muss mit!!!, also nicht das ‘s’ am Ende des
Wortes vergessen!
to be:
I am
you are
he is
she is
it is
we are
you are
they are
Anmerkung: Für offizielle Ankündigungen (also keine reinen Zeitangaben) wird
normalerweise die „will“-Future verwendet.
# 16
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course - Tenses
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
6) g) Future Perfect (Vorvergangenheit)
Die Future Perfect drückt aus, dass etwas zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Zukunft
bereits geschehen sein wird.
-This time next year we will have had all our final exams already.
-They will have arrived at the station by 9 or 10 in the evening.
Time Indicators:
by 10 in the evening
this time next year
gegen 10 am Abend
nächstes Jahr um diese Zeit
will + have + 3rd form
Übung 11: will oder going to:
1) They (have) ________________ a party next week.
2) If you keep playing around, I (not give) _________________ you any sweets.
3) I have an idea! I (help) _______________ mom in the kitchen, and you (take)
_______________ the dog for a walk.
4) I promise I (never shout) _____________________ at you again.
5) All this smoking (cost) __________________ you your life sooner or later!
6) He always coughs and breathes very hard; he (get) _________________ serious health
problems soon because of his smoking!
7) They have decided that they (accept) _________________________ the proposal.
8) It’s already late, so his mom (send) ________________ him to bed soon.
9) What (you do) _____________________ this summer? – I don’t know yet, maybe I
(visit) __________________ a friend of mine in France… And you? – I (spend)
_______________________ the holidays in Greece, my mom has already booked the
10) Maybe Henry (visit) ________________ us this winter.
Übung 12: Fülle die korrekte Future Tense ein – (alle Future Tenses möglich!):
1) I (not accept) ________________________ your excuse! I’m sure that you (do)
_____________________ the same again next time if I let you go through with this!
2) I promise that I (be) _________________ more careful next time!
3) The teacher has warned us that our next math’s test (not be) ________________ as
easy as the first one was.
4) By 6 o’clock, they (leave) ____________________ the place.
5) I hope she (call) _________________ me if there are any problems!
6) If they come tonite, we (let) ________________ them sleep in the living room. If they
come tomorrow, they (can) _____________ look for a hotel room.
7) Next week we (visit) ________________ Aunt Tammy in England! I’m sure she (be)
__________________ pleased if we come.
8) The shops (close) _______________ at 7, so we (must) ____________ hurry up if we
want to be in time!
9) Next week this time I (sit) ______________________ in the sun, and I (enjoy)
_____________________ a tasty cocktail!
10) This Christmas, the Millers (stay) ____________________ in a Wellness Hotel in the
mountains! Mr. Miller has already booked the rooms.
# 17
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course - Tenses
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
11) Come on, I (help) __________________ you with your homework so we (can)
_______________ go to the pub afterwards.
12) Oh, no! Look at these clouds! It (rain) ___________________!
13) The weather report for next week: On Monday, it (be) ______________ sunny and
warm in most parts of the country, only in the east, some clouds (be found)
______________ in the late afternoon…
14) I suppose they (explain) ______________ what has happened when they come home.
15) Oh no, I hope he (not break) _______________ anything. The vases are really
16) He promises he (repair) ________________ the washing machine next week.
17) They have already warned us that they (do) _____________________________ repair
works on this all day long, so I guess we (probably need) _________________ to find
another place where we (can) ________ do our homework without being disturbed.
18) I’m convinced they (have) ____________ a nice holiday.
19) The plane (leave) _____________ at 4:25, so be punctual!
20) He (repair) ___________________ the car next week; he has already written this in
his calender.
Eine Liste der IRREGULAR VERBS findest du HIER!
Die Lösungen zu den Aufgaben findest du HIER!
# 18
Basic Grammar – Intensive Course - Tenses
© 2005 Bernie Zöttl
Key (Lösungen)
Übung 1:
1) visits, lives 2) take, must 3) go, like 4) gets up, are 5) smiles, is
Übung 2:
1) is crying 2) is taking 3) is sliding 4) is cooking 5) are arriving
Übung 3:
1) goes, decides 2) is, knows, is taking part, must, help oder are helping 3) rains, are 4) don’t like, think, makes 5) is working, is 6) speak 7)
like, think, is, know, doesn’t like 8) is always coming, must 9) can, is, is raining 10) has, must, has 11) tells, prefer 12) is sitting 13) am only
telling, wants 14) is, starts, takes, sits 15) put 16) is, is playing 17) want, say, must 18) move, sell, buy, suffer, lose, must 19) are, are
training, are taking part 20) goes, is meeting, are sitting
Übung 4:
1) The storm was blowing heavily. The windows were making loud sounds and I heard that dogs were barking outside.
2) We went to the bar, ordered 3 drinks, drank them quickly and then ran to the station.
3) Sometimes Old Bill used to visit (visited) his mother but often he stayed at home and watched TV.
4) Grandfather would always go (always went) into the cellar, where he drank a Whisky.
5) He was (just) writing a letter when the phone rang.
6) The weather was nice, it was warm and the sun was shining. But the wind was blowing a bit.
7) I used to smoke about 10 cigarettes a day, but I gave up smoking when I (got) married.
8) The man was talking and talking. He told the kids everything they wanted to know.
9) We learned the grammar rules 3 years ago in 2nd class. But I always chatted with my friends and never listened to the teacher.
10) I never liked Liz very much, but when she told me that I was a silly cow I really hated her!
Übung 5:
1) was, went, decided 2) was, expected 3) was raining, were 4) listened, went 5) were driving, blast, crashed 6) went out, were staying 7)
heard, loved 8) was, was shining, were singing, were walking 9) always took (would always take) 10) were waiting, had to, left, was, were
sparkling 11) told, preferred 13) wanted, had to, sent 14) switched on, typed in, opened, deleted 15) didn’t know, was lying, was, were
shaking, dialed 16) was, made, started, were talking, turned out 17) wanted, decided 18) stayed (oder: were staying) married 19) joined up,
produced, mixed 20) arrived, realized, were (was = ugs), was blowing, were nodding, was slowly sinking, gave 21) were chasing (oder:
chased), were driving, pulled, left, tried, failed
Übung 6:
1) I have been waiting for your call since 10. 2) She has attended high school for 3 years. 3) The kids have behaved really well lately.
4) Julian has been watching TV all afternoon long. 5) I have been working on this intensive grammar course for more than 5 hours already.
6) The car has crashed with another one; now the breakdown service must come. 7) I have already started writing the homework. 8) Petey
hasn’t come home yet. 9) It has just turned 3 am. 10) Have you ever been to Paris?
Übung 7:
1) have lived, since 2) haven’t gone, for 3) For, have you been waiting 4) Have you been watching, since 5) haven’t been, for 6) has been, for
7) has learned, for 8) have been trying, since 9) has lived (oder has been living) for 10) hasn’t seen, for 11) hasn’t arrived 12) haven’t
watched, since 13) has been crying, since 14) since, have they been married, for 15) haven’t heard, for 16) have been going on our nerves, for
17) have been wanting, since 18) Haven’t I told you 19) have drunk 20) have been feeling (oder have felt), for, haven’t left, since
Übung 8:
1) After the patient had arrived at the hospital, the doctor operated him.
2) The woman saw that someone had stolen her car.
3) They had been living in Amsterdam before they came to Germany.
4) Until he celebrated his 12th birthday, he had never seen the sea.
5) The workers had been working all day long, so they were very tired.
6) He went to the cinema; before, he had met (oder: had been meeting) his girlfriend.
7) All day long the sun had been shining, so it was very hot.
8) He had already visited Germany before, but that summer he was in Berlin for the first time.
9) The Romans built great buildings; before them, only the Greeks had built so impressively.
10) He had been trying all day long, and now he was tired.
Übung 9:
1) Someone had broken in through the window before the lady came home.
2) I had met the girl in the morning and saw her again in the afternoon.
3) The house was burning because the cables had short-circuited.
4) The roads were slippery because it had snowed all night long.
5) She was happy when she saw her mother again, as she had been waiting for this moment…
Übung 10:
1) arrived, had already taken off 2) had gone (oder went), still didn’t manage 3) was, had been making 4) had left, spent (was spending) 5)
performed, had been rehearsing (oder had rehearsed)
Übung 11:
1) are going to have - geplant 2) won’t give – if Satz 3) will help, will take – spontan 4) will never shout – Versprechen 5) will cost –
Vorhersage 6) is going to get – Vorhersage mit Beweisen in der Gegenwart 7) are going to accept – beschlossen/geplant 8) will send –
Vorhersage/Vermutung 9) will you do – unsicher, will visit – unsicher, I’m going to spend – geplant 10) will visit - unsicher
Übung 12:
1) I’m not going to accept – Absicht, will do – if Satz 2) will be – Versprechen, 3) is not going to be – Vorhersage mit Beweisen in d.
Gegenwart 4) will have left – ‘by’+ Zeitangabe verlangt Future Perfect 5) will call – hope verlangt will-Future 6) will let – if Satz, can –
Modal Verbs verändern sich nicht 7) are going to visit – geplant , will be – Vermutung 8) close – Timetable Future, must – Modal Verb, 9)
will be sitting , will be enjoying – genaue Zeitangabe in Zukunft + längere Handlung 10) are staying (oder are going to stay) – fixed,
planned and arranged 11) will help – spontan, can – Modal Verb 12) is going to rain – Vorhersage mit Beweisen 13) will be, will be found –
Wetterbericht 14) will explain – Annahme/Vorhersage 15) won’t break – hope verlangt will Future 16) will repair – Versprechen 17) are
going to be doing – geplant + längere Handlung (oder are going to do) , will probably need – Vermutung, can – Modal Verb 18) will have –
Vermutung/Vorhersage 19) leaves – Timetable Future 20) is going to repair - geplant
(C) 2007 Bernie Zöttl
Mixed Tenses – Fill in:
The Blue Mauritius
Mauritius ________ (be) a small island in the
Indian Ocean off the southeast coast of the
African continent.
But the beautiful place ________________
(know/passive) for more than just being a
popular tourist destination. The Mauritius
Post Office postage stamps ________
(be) amongst the rarest and most
valuable stamps in the world.
The first issues of these stamps
(produce/passive) in September
1847. Many of them _____
___________ (use/passive) on invitations
which the
Mauritian Governor's
wife _____________ (send out) for a ball which she ___________ (hold) that
There are two reasons why the Blue Mauritius is so
valuable: Firstly, it ________ (be) the first stamp of the
British Empire which ______ ___________
(produce/passive) outside the United Kingdom. But apart
from this, the first few issues ________________ (print/
passive) with the wrong wording.
They had "Post Office" rather than the more conventional
"Post Paid" printed on the side. Probably, the stamps
________ (be) incorrectly worded because the man who
________ (produce) the stamps, Joseph Barnard,
________ (be) a half-blind watchmaker and an old man
who absent-mindedly ________ (forget) what he ________ ________
(suppose/passive) to print on the stamps. On his way from his shop to visit the
postmaster he ________ (pass) a post office with a sign hanging above it. This
provided the necessary jog to his memory and he ________ (return) to his
work and finished engraving the plates for the stamps, substituting "Post
Office" for "Post Paid".
Ever since, collectors __________________ (fascinate/passive) by this story,
and throughout history, fanatics __________ (pay) a fortune to obtain one of
the few rare stamps. In 1993, an auction ________ (result) in numerous
record-setting prices, including the sale of one unused example of the first
Mauritius issue. The 2d blue, as it ________________ (call/passive) officially,
________ ________ (sell/passive) for over $ 1 million. Only three examples of
the 2d stamp ________________ (know/passive) to be in unused condition.
key: is, is known, are, were produced, were used , sent out, was holding (held), was, was produced, were printed, were, produced, was, forgot, was supposed,
passed, returned, have been fascinated, have paid, resulted, is called, was sold, are known
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© 2007 Bernie Zöttl
Mixed Tenses (with passive) – fill in:
Lumidee Cedeño (be) ______ born in August 24, 1984 in Spanish Harlem, New
York. She (be) ______ a female American R&B singer and rapper. Most people
(know) _________ her as Lumidee. After her father (die) ________ in 1995, she
and her four siblings (raise – passive) ________________ in Spanish Harlem by
her grandparents. She (begin) __________ (sing) ___________ and (rap)
____________at the age of twelve. After she (graduate) _________________ high
school, she (collaborate) _______________ with DJ Tedsmooth (record)
____________ her debut single, "Never Leave You (Uh Oooh, Uh Oooh)". After
that, she (sign) __________ a contract with Universal Records, where she (release)
______________ her debut album, Almost Famous, on June 23, 2003. Her single
(reach) ______________ #3 in the U.S. and #2 in the UK charts, but so far, it (be)
_____________ her only hit.
At the beginning of 2007, Lumidee (release) ____________ her new single "She's
Like The Wind".
Lumidee (also feature – passive) ________________ on a song for the 2006 FIFA
World Cup Album Soundtrack which (entitle – passive) _____________________
'Dance' and (feature) _______________ a sample of the classic Whitney Houston
track I Wanna Dance With Somebody.
Her second album (expect – passive) ________________ for release later this
year. In an interview, Lumidee (state) _____________ that the album (call –
passive) ________________'Unexpected'.
It will be the follow-up to 2003's "Almost Famous," which (sell) _____________
276,000 copies in the United States up to now.
Of course, Lumidee (hope) ______________ that her new album (have) _______
___________ even more success.
(taken from Wikipedia)
was/ is/ know/ (had) died/ were raised/ began/ singing/ rapping/ (had) graduated/ collaborated/ to record/ signed/ released/ reached/ has been/
released/ was also featured/ was entitled/ featured/ is expected/ stated/ will be called/ has sold/ hopes/ will have
1) Yesterday, Tom (come) _________ too late to school. He (must) ______________ see the
principal and promise that he (never will - ! reported speech ! ) _________________ again
come late.
2) Usually, Linda (go) _________ to work by bus, but this morning she (take) _______ the
bike because the weather (be) ________ nice. Bad luck for her – now it (rain) ___________
____, and it (look) _________ like it (not stop) ______________ very soon.
3) The President said: I know that I (make) ____________ some mistakes, and I honestly
swear that I (be) _______ sorry and that I (regret) ____________ them. But I also ensure you
that in the future I (not repeat) ____________________ the same mistakes, and I (serve)
____________ my country to the fullest extend.
4) Nobody knows what exactly (happen) ____________ to Mr. Moore. The only thing that
(be) _____ for sure (be) _____ that he (find – passive) ________________ dead in his
apartment after he (be) ___________ at an important meeting.
5) When I (be) _______ a little kid, I always (play) ________ in our huge garden. But then
we (move) ________ to a little apartment in the city, and I (must) ____________ get used to
having less space. In the meantime, I (get) _____________ used to it, but I still think that
when I’m older, I (move) ___________ to the country again, where I can have a big house
with a huge garden.
6) (You still not do) _____________________ your homework?
7) Immediately after he (arrive) _______________ at the airport, he (go) _________ to the
bus station and (get) _______ into the first bus that (go) ___________ to his hometown.
8) He (never be) ______________ to a foreign country before this day in 1986. It (be)
___________ his first travel and he (feel) _______________ very excited.
9) This year our company (experience) _________________ great success, but we (nicht
vergessen dürfen) _____________________ that we still have a long way to go, after the
tragic losses that we (have) _________ in 2001.
10) After the conference (end) _____________, they all (leave) _____________ the hall and
(go) ___________ to the lobby where the organizers (prepare) ________________ a buffet.
1-came, had to, would never, 2- goes, is taking, is, is raining, looks, won't stop, 3- made, am, regret, am not going to repeat, will serve, 4happened, is, is, was found, had been, 5- was, played, moved, had to, have gotten, will move, 6- Have you still not done, 7- had arrived,
went got,went, 8- had never been, was, felt, 9- experiences, may not forget, had, 10- had ended, left, went, had prepared
>>> die Webseite zum Englisch Üben!
(C) 2007 Bernie Zöttl
1. – Ich gehe heute Abend ins Kino. Kommst du mit?
– Welchen Film siehst du dir denn an?
– Den neuen Film mit Beyoncé. Er heißt Dreamgirls.
– Ich habe den Film schon gesehen. Aber wir könnten uns ja Blood Diamond ansehen.
Mein Bruder, der den Film gesehen hat, hat mir gesagt, dass er sehr gut ist.
2. Wo ist Tina? Ich habe sie seit drei Stunden nicht mehr gesehen?
3. Wir sitzen gerade im Straßencafé und trinken einen Cappuccino. Das Wetter ist sehr
schön, die Sonne scheint, und es ist extrem warm.
4. Linda duschte gerade, als es an der Tür klingelte. Sie nahm schnell ein Handtuch und
öffnete dann die Tür. Es war ihr Nachbar. Er brauchte einen Dosenöffner (can opener),
weil er eine Thunfisch Dose (can of tuna) öffnen wollte.
Morgen fahren wir nach Rom. Wir waren dort schon letztes Jahr. Damals haben wir
den Petersdom (St. Pete’s Cathedral) besucht.
6. Ich warte schon seit 14:00 auf einen wichtigen Telefonanruf.
7. Mein bester Freund hat vor 4 Jahren geheiratet. Die Hochzeit war sehr schön.
8. Wer weiß, warum Mrs. Bethmac gestorben ist? – Sie wurde erschossen.
9. Zuerst gingen wir zum Bahnhof. Dort kauften wir die Fahrkarten und suchten den
Bahnsteig (platform). Wir stiegen in den Zug ein und suchten dann ein freies Abteil
(compartment). Als der Schaffner (conductor) kam, las ich gerade ein Buch, und
meine Schwester schlief.
10. Warst du schon einmal in Italien? – Ja, ich verbringe dort jedes Jahr meinen Urlaub.
– I (am going to/will) go to the cinema tonight. Will you come with me?
– Which film will you watch?
– The new film with Beyoncé. It’s called Dreamgirls.
– I have already seen the film. But we could watch Blood Diamond. My brother, who has seen the film, (has) told me that it’s very
Where is Tina? I haven’t seen her for 3 hours.
We are sitting in a street cafe and we’re drinking a Cappuccino. The weather is very beautiful, the sun is shining and it is
extremely warm.
Linda was having a shower when the doorbell rang. She quickly took a towel and then she opened the door. It was her neighbor.
He needed a can opener, because he wanted to open a can of tuna.
Tomorrow we are going to/ will go to Rome. We already were there last year. Back then we visited St. Pete’s Cathedral.
I have been waiting for an important phone call since 2 PM.
My best friend married 3 years ago. The wedding was very beautiful.
Who knows why Mrs. Bethmac died? – She was shot.
First we went to the station. There we bought the tickets and looked for the platform. We got on the train and then we looked for a
free compartment. When the conductor came, I was (just) reading a book and my sister was sleeping.
Have you ever been in Italy? – Yes, I spend my holidays there every year.