Agenda 16/06/14
Agenda 16/06/14
Imperial Rooms Imperial Road Matlock Derbyshire DE4 3NL Mayor 2014-2015 Councillor David Barker 01629 55248 Telephone 01629 583042 Email [email protected] Website Town Clerk Susan Smith Dear Councillor You are summoned to attend a meeting of Matlock Town Council which is to be held on Monday 16 June 2014 at 7.00pm in the Imperial Rooms, Matlock Yours sincerely Town Clerk 09 June 2014 AGENDA 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Members are requested to submit a reason for absence with their apologies 2 VARIATION OF ORDER OF BUSINESS 3 DECLARATION OF MEMBERS INTERESTS To enable Members to declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests they have in subsequent agenda items, in accordance with the Town Council’s Code of Conduct. Interests that become apparent at a later stage in the proceedings may be declared at that time. 4 REQUEST FOR DISPENSATION To receive and approve requests for dispensations from members on matters in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest 5 PUBLIC SPEAKING A A period of not more than 15 minutes will be made available for members of the public and Members of the Council to comment on any matter. Speaking is limited to not more than 3 minutes per person and is at the discretion of the Chair. B If the Police Liaison Officer, a County Council or District Council Member is in attendance they will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter. Copy attached 6 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING To approve the minutes of the meeting of Matlock Town Council held on Monday 2 June 2014 Work in Progress – the Clerk will respond to requests from Councillors for information on work in progress i-AgendaMtg160614 1 Appendix 1 7 TO RECEIVE THE UNAPPROVED MINUTES AND RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE FINANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 2 JUNE 2014 The Committee Chair may provide a short verbal report on the activities of the committee and address any questions raised. All items that require discussion by full Council are placed as an agenda item on the full Council agenda. 8 MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS 9 RATIFICATION OF EXPENDITURE ADR Heating and Plumbing Relocation of ‘pressure vessel’ Account and code: Budget remaining: Powers used: £138.83 (excluding vat) Imperial Rooms maintenance; Code 12 As at 06/06/2014: £5,376.29 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provision) Act 1976 s.19 - Local Government Act 1972 s.144 and Local Government Act 1972 s.133 10 TO CONSIDER PAYMENT OF COMMUNITY GRANTS TO: GROUP OR ORGANISATION: AMOUNT: Starkholmes & District Thursday Club £220.00 Documents in support of the above grants supplied separately Members must ensure that they are satisfied that any expenditure awarded is for the benefit of the local area/community and that this expenditure is no larger than the benefit to the area would justify. Account and code: Budget remaining: Powers used: Community Grants; Code 16 As at 06/06/2014: £5,750.00 Free Resource - Local Government Act 1972, s.137 11 TO RECEIVE RECENT DELEGATED PLANNING DECISIONS OF THIS COUNCIL Appendix 2 12 TO RECEIVE RECENT DECISIONS AND LETTERS RECEIVED REGARDING PLANNING MATTERS Appendix 3 Separate document 13 POLICY: STAFF: PENSIONS To review and approve the Councils policy on Staff Pension discretions – deadline for submission to Derbyshire County Council, 30 June 2014. 14 INTERNAL AUDIT 2014 To receive the report of the Internal Audit 2014 Appendix 4 Appendix 5 15 VEHICLE LEASE To consider the action to take following notification that the Matlock Town Council vehicle lease will expire in October 2015. Appendix 6 16 LIGHTS OUT – One Million Candles to Remember To consider whether to participate in the event and if so, what form this will take. Appendix 7 17 LUMSDALE – NEW SCHEDULED MONUMENT STATUS Lumsdale Mills and associated water management features have been included on the Schedule of Monuments by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media & Sport. The Council to receive the documents supplied. 18 LEGIONELLA AUDIT As the Council runs a public building, they need to take suitable precautions to prevent or control the risk of exposure to legionella. Following a visit from a local company and a quotation, the Council to consider the way forward. i-AgendaMtg160614 2 19 PROPOSED PROHIBITION OF WAITING ORDER 2014 SNITTERTON ROAD, MATLOCK To consider any representations to be made regarding the proposals. Appendix 8 Appendix 9 20 REPLACEMENT LAWNMOWER To consider the purchase of a replacement small lawnmower. Quotations have been received. Account and code: Budget remaining: Powers used: Earmarked Reserves or Other Environmental Expenses, code 33 As at 06/06/2014: £5,000 earmarked, £1,715.81 Other Env Expenses Highways Act 1980, ss.43 and 50 - Local Government Act 1972 s.111 Highways Act 1980, s.96 21 UNION FLAGS IN MATLOCK The Council to discuss when to fly the Union flags in Matlock 22 LILYBANK CLOSE AND SURROUNDING AREA - LITTER Verbal report as to the condition of the area following discussion at the last meeting. 23 NEWS RELEASE To consider whether to issue a news release on any agenda item discussed at this meeting News releases relating to Council run events will be issued as a matter of course 24 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION ONLY a) Derbyshire Association of Local Council circulars b) Letters received c) General emails sent to Council members for information i-AgendaMtg160614 Appendix10 3 APPENDIX 1 Imperial Rooms Imperial Road Matlock Derbyshire DE4 3NL Telephone 01629 583042 Email [email protected] Website Mayor 2014-2015 Councillor David Barker 01629 55248 MEETING OF: FINANCE AND AUDIT COMMITTEE DATE: MONDAY 2 JUNE 2014 PRESENT: Chair: Cllrs: APOLOGIES: Cllrs David Barker and Keith Pearce Town Clerk Susan Smith Cllr David Jones Geoff Stevens and Barrie Tipping VARIATION OF ORDER OF BUSINESS: None DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: None PUBLIC SPEAKING: None ITEMS DISCUSSED: ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON Resolved: to elect Cllr David Jones as the Chair of the F&A Committee for the forthcoming year. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Finance and Audit Committee held on Monday 7 April 2014. Resolved: to approve the minutes of the meeting of the Finance and Audit Committee held on Monday 7 April 2014 REVIEW OF INVOICES DUE FOR PAYMENT – as supplied with Council minutes To be checked against minute number and budget code Resolved: to approve the invoices due for payment REVIEW OF BANK RECONCILIATION REPORT - as supplied by email, hard copy will be supplied at meeting Resolved: to approve the bank reconciliation report. In future pull all 3 accounts into one reconciliation report for F&A purposes. REVIEW OF MONTHLY ACCOUNTS AGAINST BUDGET – as supplied by email, hard copy will be supplied at meeting To monitor the accounts monthly by means of the flexed budget report Resolved: to approve the monthly accounts against budget RECOMMENDATIONS TO COUNCIL: That the above recommendations be approved. MEETING OPENED: 6.00pm DATE OF NEXT MEETING: i-AgendaMtg160614 MEETING CLOSED: 6.25pm MONDAY 7 JULY 2014 6.00pm, Small Hall, Imperial Rooms 4 APPENDIX 2 PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED: I1 14/00282/FUL Change of use and conversion and extension of outbuilding to form ancillary/dependant relative accommodation at Littlemoor Wood Farm Littlemoor Lane Riber Keith Pearce Change of use of barn (Use Class D2), erection of marquee and portacabin to hold temporary events from 1 May - 30 September for three years at High Lees Farm Riber Keith Pearce Illuminated and non-illuminated freestanding signage at Land At Bakewell Road David Jones and David Barker Please respond by 2/6/14 Please respond by 26/5/14 KP:No Objection I2 14/00185/FUL Please respond by 26/5/14 KP:No Objection I3 14/00307/ADV DB: DJ: 1. The combined quantity of illuminated signage should be reduced. E.g. the qty 2 x ‘Totem 3’ proposed on the Bakewell Road side of the building should be eliminated, and other signs should be reduced in size and/or their visibility from Bakewell Road should be reduced. 2. The ‘McDonalds’ signs on the roof of the building should be reduced in size. People who want to go to this McDonalds will have no difficulty in recognising it with smaller signs than those proposed. 3. The sign that is the subject of application 14/00309/ADV should not be accepted in its current form. A smaller sign may be acceptable, but this application should be rejected for the reasons stated above in ‘Comments’. 4. The period of time for illumination during the hours of darkness must be regulated to ensure that signs are not illuminated for any longer than is necessary for the operation of the restaurant; in particular, they should never be illuminated while the restaurant is not open to the public. The DDDC should work with McDonalds to ensure that this is done. I4 14/00308/ADV Internally illuminated and non illuminated signage at Land At Bakewell Road David Jones and David Barker Please respond by 2/6/14 DB: DJ: 1. The combined quantity of illuminated signage should be reduced. E.g. the qty 2 x ‘Totem 3’ proposed on the Bakewell Road side of the building should be eliminated, and other signs should be reduced in size and/or their visibility from Bakewell Road should be reduced. 2. The ‘McDonalds’ signs on the roof of the building should be reduced in size. People who want to go to this McDonalds will have no difficulty in recognising it with smaller signs than those proposed. 3. The sign that is the subject of application 14/00309/ADV should not be accepted in its current form. A smaller sign may be acceptable, but this application should be rejected for the reasons stated above in ‘Comments’. 4. The period of time for illumination during the hours of darkness must be regulated to ensure that signs are not illuminated for any longer than is necessary for the operation i-AgendaMtg160614 5 of the restaurant; in particular, they should never be illuminated while the restaurant is not open to the public. The DDDC should work with McDonalds to ensure that this is done. I5 14/00309/ADV Internally illuminated pole sign at Land At Bakewell Road David Jones and David Barker Please respond by 2/6/14 DB: DJ: 1. The combined quantity of illuminated signage should be reduced. E.g. the qty 2 x ‘Totem 3’ proposed on the Bakewell Road side of the building should be eliminated, and other signs should be reduced in size and/or their visibility from Bakewell Road should be reduced. 2. The ‘McDonalds’ signs on the roof of the building should be reduced in size. People who want to go to this McDonalds will have no difficulty in recognising it with smaller signs than those proposed. 3. The sign that is the subject of application 14/00309/ADV should not be accepted in its current form. A smaller sign may be acceptable, but this application should be rejected for the reasons stated above in ‘Comments’. 4. The period of time for illumination during the hours of darkness must be regulated to ensure that signs are not illuminated for any longer than is necessary for the operation of the restaurant; in particular, they should never be illuminated while the restaurant is not open to the public. The DDDC should work with McDonalds to ensure that this is done. I6 14/00313/FUL I7 DB: DJ: No objection 14/00314/FUL I8 SB: No objection PW: 14/00315/FUL I9 DB: DJ: No objection 14/00322/FUL Erection of single storey extension to rear at Stones Restaurant 1A Dale Road David Jones and David Barker Please respond by 2/6/14 Change of use to retail (Class A1) and external alterations at 26 Firs Parade Sue Burfoot and Peter Wildgoose Please respond by 2/6/14 First floor side extension 50 Hurds Hollow Matlock David Jones and David Barker Please respond by 2/6/14 Sue Burfoot and Peter Wildgoose Please respond by 2/6/14 SB: No objection, however sustainable drainage should be incorporated PW: i-AgendaMtg160614 Alterations to existing vehicular access and formation of hardstanding at 17 Woolley Road 6 I10 T/14/00060/TPO I11 GS: AE: 14/00334/FUL Works to trees subject to Tree Preservation Order TPO035 at Tor Cottage 81 Cavendish Road Geoff Stevens and Ann Elliott Please respond by 09/06/14 Single/first floor extensions, 28 Tor Rise, Matlock Keith Pearce Please respond by 09/6/14 KP: No objection i-AgendaMtg160614 7 APPENDIX 3 TO RECEIVE RECENT DECISIONS MADE BY DERBYSHIRE DALES DISTRICT: Prior to distribution of the agenda on 16 June 2014 NO: APPLICATION NO: 1 T/14/00041/TCA 2 T/14/00039/TCA 3 14/00258/AGR 4 14/00179/FUL 5 14/00018/FUL 6 T/14/00044/TCA 7 14/00134/FUL 8 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT DECISION Works to trees within the Conservation Area of Matlock Bank at Tor View Jackson Tor Road Works to trees within the Conservation Area of Lumsdale at The Stable Yard Upper Lumsdale Lumsdale Road Agricultural Prior Notification - Replacement agricultural storage building Low Leas Barn Low Leas Riber Matlock Change of use to retail (Use Class A1) and external alterations at 22 Firs Parade Matlock No Objections Extensions and alterations at Littlemoor Wood Farm Littlemoor Lane Riber Matlock Works to trees within the Conservation Area of Old Matlock at 62 And 64 Church St Conversion to 4 no. flats at Former Methodist Church Bank Road Refused 14/00153/FUL Markets and other events on Hall Leys Park Matlock Granted with Conditions 9 14/00107/FUL Granted with Conditions 10 14/00099/FUL 11 T/14/00050/TCA 12 T/14/00051/TCA 13 T/14/00040/TPO 14 14/00163/FUL 15 14/00089/OUT 16 14/00120/OUT Change of use from cafe (Use Class A3) to micro pub (Use Class A4) at Cafe Central 76 Smedley Street Two storey side extension at 28 Tor Rise Matlock Works to trees in Matlock Bridge Conservation Area, 43 Dale Road Matlock Works to trees within the Conservation Area of Old Matlock, Matlock Green Service Station Works to trees subject to Tree Preservation Order TPO 66, Land to the west of 116 Church Street, Matlock Replacement garage – 19 Pinewood Road, Matlock Residential development of up to 110 dwellings and associated open space (outline) – Land at Asker Lane, Matlock Extension to Bentley Bridge housing scheme 17 18 14/00254/LBALT 14/00242/FUL 14/00223/ADV 19 14/00039/FUL Erection of walls, gates an railings – Endcliffe, 13 Knowleston Place, Matlock Proposed fascia and projecting signs – 13 Causeway Lane, Matlock Erection of outbuilding – Rockside News, Wellington Street, Matlock Granted with conditions Granted with conditions Granted with conditions i-AgendaMtg160614 No Objections Prior approval not required Withdrawn No Objections Granted with Conditions Withdrawn No Objections No Objections Granted with Conditions Granted with Conditions Refused Withdrawn 8 LETTERS RECEIVED ON PLANNING MATTERS (amended plans, site visits, appeals) GENERAL: NO: CORRESPONDENT 1 Derbyshire Dales District Council i-AgendaMtg160614 SUBJECT Redevelopment of site to provide restaurant/food takeaway and bulk wine retain store with associated parking NOTES Revised plans – For information only. 9 APPENDIX 4 Further to the Internal Audit of Accounts I carried out on 28 May 2014 I confirm that the audit was carried out in accordance with the suggested approach contained in the “Governance and Accountability for Local Councils – A Practitioners Guide (2010) England ". Mr B Wood i-AgendaMtg160614 10 APPENDIX 5 i-AgendaMtg160614 11 APPENDIX 6 i-AgendaMtg160614 12 APPENDIX 7 i-AgendaMtg160614 13 APPENDIX 8 i-AgendaMtg160614 14 i-AgendaMtg160614 15 APPENDIX 9 QUOTATIONS RECEIVED MEETING DATE: Monday 16 June 2014 FOR: Purchase of replacement Lawnmower POWER USED: Highways Act 1980, ss.43 and 50 Local Government Act 1972 s.111 Highways Act 1980, s96 Earmarked Reserves or Code 33 Earmarked Reserves or Other Environmental Expenses Earmarked Reserves - £5,000 Other Environmental Expenses – £1,715.81 COST CODE: BUDGET HEADING: BUDGET REMAINING AS AT 06/06/2014 Honda HRX476 HY Derbyshire Dales District Council staff recommendation SUPPLIER: Belmont Lawnmower Centre, Alfreton Platts Harris, Darley Dale Honda website i-AgendaMtg160614 COST: £1,030.00 Less £ 75.00 from supplier Less £ 100.00 cashback until end of June Cost £ 855.00 incl. vat Awaiting quotation £1,030.00 Less £ 100.00 cashback until end of June £ 930.00 16 i-AgendaMtg160614 17 APPENDIX 10 DERBYSHIRE ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL COUNCILS - CIRCULARS Circular 10/2014 DALC website; Financial Regulations Training; Protocol on the recording and filming of Council and Committee Meetings; vacancies LETTERS RECEIVED ITEM DATE CORRESPONDENT 01 09/06/14 AON EMAILS SENT TO COUNCIL MEMBERS DATE CORRESPONDENT 29/05/14 Derbyshire Dales District Council 29/05/14 EcoCentre 02/06/14 02/06/14 various Derbyshire Dales District Council Derbyshire County Council Derbyshire Constabulary Derbyshire Association of Local Councils i-AgendaMtg160614 SUBJECT Lapse of insurance policy SUBJECT Derbyshire Dales Local Plan, Notice of Independent Examination Public Rights of Way courses at the Derbyshire EcoCentre New arrangements for Gully cleaning A632 Chesterfield Road, Matlock – carriageway resurfacing Derbyshire Alert updates Email updates and circulars 18
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