Piano Strings Guitar Voice - British Columbia Conservatory of Music


Piano Strings Guitar Voice - British Columbia Conservatory of Music
Syllabus for
Festival Dates:
May 1th - May 30th
Entry Closing Date:
March 7th 2015
Application forms may be completed and sent online.
Awards for 2015
Preliminary, Highest Mark
Grade 1, Highest Average Mark
Grade 2, Highest Average Mark
Grade 3, Highest Average Mark
Grade 4, Highest Average Mark
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by BCCM
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by Angela Yu-Chan
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by Quyen Dao
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by Angela Yu-Chan
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by Quyen Dao
Grade 5, Highest Average Mark
Grade 6, Highest Average Mark
Grade 7, Highest Average Mark
Grade 8, Highest Average Mark
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by Angela Yu-Chan
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by BCCM
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by Angela Yu-Chan
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by BCCM
Grade 9, Highest Average Mark
Grade 10, Highest Average Mark
Diploma level, Highest Average Mark
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by Angela Yu-Chan
$100 scholarship & personal trophy provided by Keiko & Jeff Alexander
$100 & personal trophy provided by Rachel Anderson/Robin Harrison Posth.
Canadian Composers
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by BCCM
Adult Group, Highest Mark
$100 scholarship & personal trophy provided by Keiko & Jeff Alexander
Concert Group Junior, Highest Mark
Concert Group Intermediate, Highest Mark
Concert Group Advanced, Highest Mark
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by Tiffany Lee
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by Tiffany Lee
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by Tiffany Lee
Intermediate Concerto Class, Highest Mark
Advanced Concerto Class, Highest Mark
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by BCCM
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by BCCM
Junior Piano Ensemble, Highest Mark
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by Winfried Rompf
Intermediate Piano Ensemble, Highest Mark $50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by Winfried Rompf
Post – Diploma Class 1st Place
2nd Place
$300 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by BCCM
$200 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by BCCM
Strings Categories
Junior, Highest Average Mark
Intermediate, Highest Average Mark
Advanced, Highest Average Mark
$100 scholarship & personal trophy provided by Keiko & Jeff Alexander
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by BCCM
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by BCCM
Voice Categories
Highest Average Mark
Highest Mark in Musical Theatre
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by BCCM
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by BCCM
Guitar Categories
Highest Average Mark
$50 scholarship & personal trophy, provided by BCCM
NOTE: The funds received as scholarships may be used at the discretion of the recipient and are not tied to any institution or organization.
Table of Contents
BCCM Organizational Structure ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2015 Adjudicators .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Procedures and Regulations .............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Entry Forms and Payment of Fees .................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Festival Awards, Marks and Scholarships ........................................................................................................................................................11
Repertoire and Adjudicator Comments ...........................................................................................................................................................12
Class Details for Piano ........................................................................................................................................................................................12
Pre Grade 1 .....................................................................................................................................................................................................12
Junior: Grade 1 to 4.......................................................................................................................................................................................13
Intermediate: Grade 5 to 8 …. ....................................................................................................................................................................14
Senior: Grade 9 to Diploma.........................................................................................................................................................................14
Candian Composers ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Popular Repertoire Classes .......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Concert Group Class.....................................................................................................................................................................................15
Piano Ensemble .............................................................................................................................................................................................16
Concerto for Piano & Orchestra ...............................................................................................................................................................16
Adult Class ......................................................................................................................................................................................................17
Post-Diploma Class - Open .........................................................................................................................................................................17
Class Details for Strings ......................................................................................................................................................................................18
Classes and Fees .............................................................................................................................................................................................19
Baroque & Classical Era Composers .........................................................................................................................................................19
Concerto ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................19
Romantic, Post-Romantic Style, Twentieth Century and Canadian Composers................................................................................19
Class Details for Guitar ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Classes and Fees ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 21
Baroque & Classical Era Composers ......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Romantic, Post-Romantic Style, Twentieth Century and Canadian Composers................................................................................21
Class Details for Voice ........................................................................................................................................................................................22
Classes and Fees .............................................................................................................................................................................................22
Voice Class Category .....................................................................................................................................................................................22
Rules for Voice Candidates ..........................................................................................................................................................................23
Map ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Back Page
British Columbia Conservatory of Music
Organizational Structure
Board of Advisors
Keiko Alexander, Artist Diploma, Julliard
International Clinician, Jurist and Adjudicator
Amanda Chan, M. Music., U.S.C.
International Pianist and Lecturer of Piano at UBC
Dr. Terence Dawson, Professor of Piano
and Chamber Music/Keyboard Division at UBC
David McCoy, M. Music., UBC.
Professor of Piano at Capilano University, Lecturer at UBC
Winfried Rompf, B.Com., A.R.C.T.
Program Director and Instructor of Senior Piano at BCCM
Ellen Silverman, M. Mus., Eastman
International Pianist, Former Head of the Keyboard Division at Douglas College
Dr. Betty Suderman, Piano; M. A. Western Washington
Hochschule fur Musik and Theatre, Hanover, Germany, D.M.A. British Columbia
Christian G. Meyers, President
Winfried Rompf, Vice - President
Clara Tang, Office Manager
Victoria Liu, Administrative Assistant
Natalie Tam, Administrative Assistant
Si Jia Wen, Administrative Assistant
Brenda Wai Tai Ho, Bookkeeper
Department Heads
Rita Attrot, Piano
Adolf Liu, Winds
Tiffany Lee, Theory
Lambroula Pappas, Voice
Linda Musaraj, Strings
Robert Rozek, Director of Strings
and International relations
BCCM Foundation
Board Members
Christian G. Meyers, Chairman
Winfried Rompf, Secretary/Treasurer
Tiffany Lee, Director
Brenda Wai Tai Ho, Director
Rita Attrot, Director
Angela Yu-Chan, Director
Josef Otto, Director
British Columbia Conservatory of Music
Adjudicators, Examiners
and Clinicians
Melanie Adams, Voice
Keiko Alexander, Piano
Rachel Anderson, Piano
Rita Attrot, Piano
George Bayntun, Piano
Andrea Brown, Piano
Marie Cahill, Piano
Mary Ann Cayetano, Piano
Grace Chan, Voice
Pavel Chiriac, Violin
Bernie Duerksen, Piano
Joseph Elworthy, Cello
Cynthia Goddard, Piano
Sheila Hardy, Piano
Phyllis Heppner, Piano
Madeline Hope, Piano
Marla Mayson, Voice
Ian Parker, Piano
Ellen Silverman, Piano
April Smith, Piano
Meijane Quong, Piano
Win Rompf, Piano
Dr. Rudy Rozanski, Piano
Raul Velasco, Piano
David Warwick, Piano
Barbara Whiticar, Piano
Yuri Zaidenberg, Violin
Andrea Marek, Piano / Theory
Christian Meyers, Piano/Theory
Linda Musaraj, Violin/Viola
Eric North, Piano
Keiko Nukui, Piano
Marie Otto, Guitar
Josef Otto, Guitar Ensemble
Susan Ouyang, Piano
Lambroula Pappas, Voice
Gina Peck, Piano
Robyn Reekie, Double Bass
Elisa Rolston, Piano
Win Rompf, Piano
Dr. Rudy Rozanski, Piano
Robert Rozek, Violin
Stella Rozek, Voice
Carly Sigurdson, Piano
David Sossa, Guitar
Leona Steynen, Piano/Theory
Karin Wang, Piano
Christina Wong, Piano
Lawrence Woodall, Woodwinds
Angela Yu-Chan, Piano
Jessica Zuch, Jazz Piano/Voice
Iris An, Violin/Viola
Rita Attrot, Piano / Pedagogy
Rachel Anderson, Piano
Salvo Barrale, Violin/Viola
Jan Baxendale, Piano
Andrea Brown, PianoéTheory
Mary Ann Cayetano, Piano
Darya Chalubeyeva, Violin/Viola/Theory
Leona Cheveldave, Piano
Pavel Chiriac, Violin/Viola
Jennifer Cyr, Voice
Quyen Dao, Piano
Libby Donald, Voice
Bernie Duerksen, Piano
Aida Gabitova, Piano
Shantha Gunasekera, Piano
Ian Funk, Voice
Tamara Hummel, Voice
Lena Ji, Piano
Denis Khvatov, Piano
Elvira Lagji, Cello
Tiffany Lee, Theory
Adolf Liu, Flute
Laurie MacArthur, Piano/Theory
Sylvia Maltby, Piano/ Theory
British Columbia Conservatory of Music
Music Festival 2014
Volunteer Students
Jared Chiu
Palig Kochkrian
Jennifer Leung
Daniel Nguyen
Mandy He
Angelina Lagunzad
Sharon Li
Kiryll Parfyonov
Joshua Jang
Mary Lai
Debby Lo
Raven Ren
Jake Kim
Amber Le
Shyla Maharaj
Music Festival – Participating Teachers
Joan Agon
Gaye Alcott
Keiko Alexander
Lorraine Ambrose
Iris An
Rachel Anderson
Negin Asary
Rita Attrot
Salvo Barrale
Jan Baxendale
Helga Belluz
Lori Bennett
Kathleen Bjorseth
Dunja Bohinc
Martha Brickman
Jean Brown
Catherine Bundt
Abigail Burnett
Sunny Byun
Mary Ann Cayetano
Betty Chan
Ely Chan
Hazel Chan
I-Cheng Chan
Lucy Chan
Tiffany Chan
Vivian Chan
Andrea Chang
Frank Chen
Grace Chen
Margaret Chen
Salina Cheng
Vanessa Cheung
Leona Cheveldave
Pavel Chiriac
Connie Chiu
Karen Chiu
Melissa Chiu
Rebecca Choi
Sheila Christie
Timothy Chow
Vivian Chow
Winnie Chow
Clara Chu
Roseanna Chu
Adele Clark
Bill Costin
Jennifer Cyr
Quyen Dao
Stanislava Deltcheva
Cindy Deng
Ivan Dimitrov
Nancy Di Novo
Carla Dodek
Bernard Duerksen
Kevin Duggan
Alice Enns
Irina Faletski
Betty Feng
Carolyn Finlay
Tyler Flemming
Flavio Formigoni
Aida Gabitova
Blair Galston
Aquizamin Garcia
Erin Gryzbowski
Helen Hall
Lisa Hansen
Marilynn Hemsley
Phyllis Heppner
Ted Hesketh
Grace Ho
Mimi Ho
Teresa Ho
Rosa Hong
Madeline Hope
Ming Huang
Mei Yee Hui
Tamara Hummel
Carol Hung
Jennifer Hung
Joan Hurst
Daphne Hwang
Domagoj Ivanovic
Rachel Iwaasa
Lena Ji
Anbrina Johnson
Rick Johnson
Samantha Johnson
Lisa Johnston
Isaac Juarez-Flores
Paul Junk
Denis Khvatov
D. F. Kilman
Hye Young Kim
Joy Kim
Sylvia Kim
Sharon Kirk
Elizabeth Koh
Yuan Kong
Irina Konovalov
Heidi Kurz
Herbert Kwan
Jessica Lai
Cherie Lam
Christopher Lam
Lana Lam
Andrea Lau
Winnie Lau
Sylvia Kim
Sharon Kirk
Elizabeth Koh
Eva Law
Mabel Law
Charles Lee
Donna Lee
Hilda Lee
Liz Lee
Monica Lee
Sandra Lee
Tiffany Lee
Veronica Lee
Karen Lee-Morlang
Krisit Lems
Carrie Leung
Cindy Leung
Francis Leung
Hilary Leung
Jamie Leung
Katherine Leung
Anna Levy
Kristi Lewis
Jeannie Li
Michelle Li
Vincent Li
Xiao Li
Julia Liao
Susan Lim
Charleen Lin
Michelle Lin
Karen Louie
Laurie MacArthur
Christina Madarasz
Sylvia Maltby
Sharon Makarenko
Andrea Marek
Scott Meek
Christian Meyers
EunJung Mo
YooLee Moon
Kunal Moorjani
Brenda Mitchell
Ronald Morgan
Linda Musaraj
Ka Yee Ngai
Murray Nichol
Kolesnikov Nikolay
Christina Nguyen
Victoria Nguyen
Lynne Northfield
Rosemary O’Connor
Joseph Otto
Maria Otto
Susan Ouyang
Lambroula Pappas
Hyeajung Park
George Paterson
Gina Peck
I-Fen Peng
Karin Plato
Manti Poon
Colin Pridy
Walter Prossnitz
Meijane Quong
Alina Raskin
Lorraine Reinhardt
Teresa Richert
Marya Ricker
Tami Rizzo
Alison Roberts
Kathryn Roller
Elisa Rolston
Patricia Rolston
Win Rompf
Azadeh Rouholamin
Arthur Rowe
Kathryne Rowe
Rudy Rozanski
Marlene Sabo
Ronald Sat
Gerard Satamian
Marlene Sharmen
Inna Shimbaleva
Anna Shishkov
Barabara Siemens
Carly Sigurdson
Jennifer Silva
Ellen Silverman
Darian Simmons
Victoria Smus
Amie So
Sandra Starek
Djina Stojkov
Ingrid Suderman
Vivian Sum
Ruth Suzuki
Donna Symons
Dianne Szarapka
Lay Tuan Tan
Khim Tang
Mindy Tang
Amy J. K. Teo-Poh
Gloria To
Lorraine Toljanich
Craig Tompkins
Emily Tsang
Clara Tsang-Lam
Krystyna Tucka
Laura Tyrrell
Tatianna Tyuleneva
Dorothy Ustengsu
David Vandereyk
Angelina Van Dyke
Marian Van Hove
Erin Van Kooten
Yumiko Van Rooi
Marisa Wan
Agnes Wang
Jane Wang
Joanne Wang
Karin Wang
Shauna Wang
Dan Wardrope
Lois Weninger
Christina Wong
Hailey Wong
Joanne Wong
Joyce Wong
Claire Wu
Emily Wu
Karen Wu
Rao Wu
Aouda Yen
Rebecca Yew
Anna Yin
Wan Na Yin
Peggy Yip
Angela Yu-Chan
Fiona Zhang
Rachel Zong
Thank you… to all participating teachers
2015 Adjudicators
Rita Attrot – Piano
Rita has been teaching piano students of all ages and levels for thirty years. She received her early training
at the Victoria Conservatory, where she took her diploma in Teacher Training with Winifred Scott
Wood. Ms. Attrot went on to complete her Bachelor o
off Music at the University of Victoria with Bruce
Vogt and followed up with a Master of Music degree in performance from the University of Western
Ontario where she studied with Dr. Damjana Bratuz and Ronald Turini. As a graduate student and postgraduation,
n, Rita specialized in Accompanying and Chamber Music. Ms. Attrot held the position of Staff
Accompanist at Acadia University in Nova Scotia for 9 years, worked as a free-lance
accompanist for
instrumentalists and singers in Toronto, and served as a coach and repetiteur at the University of Toronto
Opera School. She has collaborated with: violinist Mishan HanHan releasing a CD from a live performance at the Glenn Gould
Studio, pianist Lynn Johnson- performing piano duo and two-piano
recitals in the Maritime Provinces,
rovinces, the Appassionata Trio and
the Erato Ensemble- serving as principal pianist in concerts throughout Vancouver, Victoria and the Lower Mainland. Above all,
Rita is passionate about working with vocalists and can be heard in recital performing innovative
innovative programs of great song literature
with frequent collaborator, soprano- Catherine Laub. Ms. Attrot is Head off the Piano Department at the British Columbia
Conservatory of Music in Burnaby, where she has many students and teaches the Piano Pedagogy course.
As a church musician,
Ms. Attrot has held many posts as organist and choir director: she is presently the Music Director at St. Thomas' Anglican Church
in Vancouver. In her free time, Rita enjoys walking in Stanley Park, roller
roller-blading, snowshoeing,
g, and watercolour painting.
Michael Bemmels – Guitar
Mr. Bemmels is an accomplished guitarist from the Vancouver area, currently completing a Master of
Music Degree in Guitar at the University of British Columbia School of Music. He earned a Bachelor of
Music Degree in Guitar Performance from UBC in May 2014. Michael has received nine scholarships
during his studies to date. In 2013, he won 1st place in both the Kiwanis and the Performing Arts BC
Festivals, going on to finish 2nd place in the FCMF National
National Festival in Waterloo, Ontario. Michael is
an active performer, playing frequently for the Vancouver Classical Guitar Society, the Vancouver
Health Arts Society, and has twice been a guest performer in UBC’s Symphonic Winds Ensemble. A
skilled music theorist
eorist and arranger, Michael often performs his own adaptations of pieces for solo guitar at his concerts.
Aside from all his performances Michael teaches guitar in the greater Vancouver.
Andrea Brown – Piano
Andrea Brown, ARCT, BCRMTA, is an associate piano teacher of the Royal Conservatory
of Music of
Toronto and is a registered teacher in British Columbia. Ms Brown has been teaching for the past 29
years, and many of her students have achieved outstanding results in piano competitions and
examinations. Ms Brown began her career teaching piano classes for preschool children and holds a
specialist diploma for the Kelly Kirby Method. After receiving her
her ARCT, Andrea continued to receive
extensive training for many years through private instruction and Master Classes with some of
Vancouver’s most gifted pedagogues.
Her love of teaching and passion for music led her to continue her
studies, furthering her learning of advanced repertoire and pedagogy. Active throughout the province,
Andrea has had the pleasure of judging for Scholarships at the Kelowna Community Music School as well the Vernon Music
School in the disciplines of piano, strings, and voice. Al
so, she has adjudicated for many years for the Chancellor Music
Festival, Kiwanis Music Festival in Penticton.
Jonathan Der – Violin
Jonathan Der, violinist, conductor, chamber musician and church organist has appeared as soloist with
various orchestras,
s, giving chamber and solo recitals in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, New York, Japan,
Hong Kong, and Taiwan. He has given master classes in respected Universities such as Wilfrid Laurier,
McGill and Indiana. He has served as conductor of the Royal Conservatory
Chamber Orchestra in
Toronto, Indiana University Summer String Festival Orchestra, Maine Symphony Orchestra, Richmond
Orchestra. A Graduate with a Masters Degree in Violin Performance from Indiana University, Mr. Der
was appointed Assistant Instructor of Prof. Mauricio Fuks (at I.U.) where he gave regular technique
classes and master classes to undergraduate and graduate students. His interest in chamber music has led him to study with
distinguished musicians such as Prof. Rostislav Dubinsky (first violinist
violinist of Borodin Quartet) and Prof. Gyorgy Sebok.
Jonathan has played as concertmaster in several orchestras under world renowned conductors such as Maestro Kurt Mazur,
Christophe Eschenbach and Myung-Whun
Whun Chung. He has served as the string department head
he of the Merriam School of
Music in Oakville, Ontario, the music director of St. Alban’s Anglican Church in Richmond, BC and the conductor of Maine
Symphony Orchestra at the Medomak Summer Conducting Festival in 2010.
2015 Adjudicators
Bernard Duerksen – Piano
Mr. Duerksen’s training included studies with Hilda Reimer, Peter Katin, Jane Coop, Robin Wood, John
JohnPaul Bracey, and composers Peter-Paul
Peter Paul Koprowski and Gerhard Wuensch. He is experienced in solo,
chamber and concerto work. Performance highlights
highlights include numerous solo recitals at the Vancouver Art
Gallery where he played the Preludes of Messiaen, Visions Fugitives by Prokofiev, and Tippett Sonata
No.2. In 1991 he was honoured to work with Jean Coulthard in preparation for the world premier
performance of Image Terrestre. In the mid 1990's, Mr. Duerksen learned the 32 sonatas of Beethoven
and performed many of them, as well as piano concertos 3 and 4. His six-year
six year collaboration with baritone Glen Harder
culminated with an invitation to perform
form Schubert's Die Winterreise at the 1993 International Schubert Conference and
Festival at the University of Victoria. In 2001 he co-founded,
co founded, directed and performed in "Simply Piano Recitals", a series of
eight piano recitals with Martin Humphreys. In 2003 and 2004 he played piano duos of Rachmaninov Symphonic Dances,
Brahms Haydn Variations, Lutoslawski Paganini Variations. He has made recordings for CBC radio and is also an
accomplished organist. Mr. Duerksen performed on the last 4 seasons of West Coast Chamber Music where he played
quintets by Brahms, Dvorak, Schumann and Martinu with members of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. This season he
will play Trios by Beethoven and Schumann at Douglas College and again for West Coast Chamber Music. Berna
Duerksen is a graduate of UBC with a MMus degree. He has been actively teaching and adjudicating for 33
3 years. His
student Ben Su placed 1st in the January 2013 New York International Artists’ Association Competition (Age 15
Category), resulting in a performance at Carnegie Hall in February. Mr. Duerksen is also recently the hand double for John
Lithgow playing Bach in the movie Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
Marla Mayson – Voice
Soprano, choir director, clinician, originally from Montreal, Marla has been an active professional choral
singer and soloist for over thirty years. Following her studies in voice at Vanier College and McGill
University, she continued to study privately with respected vocal pedagogue Marie Daveluy, and was an
active soloist and ensemble singer with such well-known
well known organizations as The Tudor Singers of Montreal,
Studio de Musique
ique Ancienne de Montreal and the Montreal Symphony Orchestra Professional Chorus. A
voice teacher for over thirty years, she enjoys working with students of all ages, and since coming to the
west coast, has divided her time between a busy private studio and
and being the senior voice instructor at the
Western Conservatory of Music in Langley. Marla is also a member of the Vancouver Chamber Choir, a
twenty voice professional ensemble with whom she is enjoying her eighteenth season. Throughout her performing career,
Marla has always believed strongly in the power that singing and choral music have to enrich the lives of everyone,
particularly children. In 2005, she had an opportunity to combine her two passions; teaching singing and choir, when she
was engaged to start a choral program at l’Ecole Bilingue Elementary School in Vancouver. Since then, she has been
involved in the development of several other school choirs, and has continued to be active as clinician and festival
adjudicator. In 2009, Marla was thrilled
illed to have the opportunity to further expand her work with childrens’ choirs by
becoming a conductor with the British Columbia Boys’ choir, working with the Song Wave training choir program as well as
the Vancouver division of the Town Choir program. Most
Most recently, she joined the faculty of Southpointe Academy as the
music and choral specialist for the Primary Years Program.
Rudy Rozanski – Piano
Dr. Rudy Rozanski has performed solo and chamber music concerts in Canada and the United
States. He has been the concerto soloist with conductors such as Kazuyoshi Akiyama, Bruce Dunn and
David Hoyt. His broadcast performances include Tchaikovsky's Concerto in Bb,
Bb Rachmaninoff's Second
Piano Concerto, and Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue. He has also released a CD of piano miniatures entitled
Reflections of Childhood.. Rozanski was the first artist to receive a Doctorate of Music (Piano) from a
Canadian University. His teachers
rs included Gyorgy Sebok, Menahem Pressler, Harold Zabrack, John
Perry, Robert Silverman and Henry Waack. He also worked with George Crumb, Toru Takemitsu, Elly
Ameling, Maureen Forester, Daniel Pollak, Judith Forst and Janos Starker. In the course of his studies
he received numerous awards, including several Banff Centre Scholarships and Killam Pre-doctoral
Pre doctoral scholarships. Rudy Mark
Rozanski is also a composer and arranger of acoustic and electronic music. His work in video and short film includes the
films Belated and The Golden Smile,, the environmental documentary Estuaries of the Georgia Strait,
Strait and the historical program
Tsitslatsa. Rozanski's music also provides the underscoring to the Touch the Sky Project. Rudy Rozanski is currently a piano
and theory
ory instructor at Capilano University and Director of Examinations for the British Columbia Conservatory of
Music. He adjudicates throughout Canada and continues to give piano master classes and composition workshops.
2015 Adjudicators
Ellen Silverman – Piano
Ellen Silverman, pianist, has concertized throughout North America, including New York, Pittsburgh,
Rochester, Syracuse and Milwaukee. She has performed often in Vancouver as soloist and chamber player
and has been heard on the CBC in both capacities. She has appeared with her husband, Robert Silverman,
performing the fourhand and twopiano literature throughout British Columbia, in the Far East and
recently with the Northeastern Philharmonic Orchestra of Pennsylvania. She also is a frequent
collaborator of French flutist Isabelle Chapuis. A graduate of the renowned Eastman School of Music,
Ellen Silverman holds a Master’s degree from Syracuse University. Her teachers have included Leonard
Shure, Eugene List and Frank Glazer. She is now retired after 30 years but was the Coordinator of the Piano Department at
Douglas College in New Westminster, B.C. She has served on the summer faculty of the University of British Columbia, and
for many years chaired the piano faculty of the Courtenay Youth Music Centre. She also maintains an active private studio in
Vancouver, and has adjudicated virtually every music festival in the province. She and renowned trumpeter Ed Lewis have
just released a CD entitled Contemporary Music for Trumpet and Piano.
Donna Symons – Piano
Dr. Donna Symons began her formal piano studies with Glen Geary in Vancouver and had further
training with pianists Lee Kum Sing, Enrica Cavallo-Gulli, Zadel Skolovsky, and Leonard Hokanson. She
completed her Doctor of Musical Arts studies in piano, chamber music and pedagogy at the Indiana
University School of Music where she also earned a Master of Music in piano performance. Her Bachelor
of Music is from the University of British Columbia. Dr. Symons has performed in numerous Master
Classes given by acclaimed artists such as Guido Agosti, Gyorgy Sebok, Pinchas Zukerman and Isaac
Stern. As a chamber pianist her extensive collaborations have included recitals with Joseph Gingold, and the Audubon and
Purcell String Quartets. She has recorded for CBC in Canada and PBS and NPR in the United States. Her adjudicating has
encompassed competitions and festivals in Western Canada and in the Mid-West and Southern United States, including the
Bartok International Piano Competition. She has been an associate instructor at Indiana University School of Music. She
currently teaches piano and is active as an adjudicator, examiner and clinician.
Tatiana Tyuleneva – Piano
Tatiana began her studies early in life in her native Russia, completing her Bachelor degree at the
Simferopol College of music, being recognized as the best graduate student of the year. After successfully
completing her Master’s Degree at Nizhny Novgorod State Conservatory of Music , where she received
the highest marks of her class, she became a sought after pianist and piano collaborator and teacher in
Moscow. In 2005 she moved to Vancouver. She enjoys working with children of all ages and abilities,
mentoring them to develop their talent and inspiring their love of music. Many of her students have participated in festivals
and competitions in both Canada and USA, winning many awards and prizes. She is a core member of the Vancouver Piano
Ensemble and has performed in North America, Europe and Asia to wide acclaim. Her love for the piano and for
collaborative involvement in various musical forms is evident. She welcomes any opportunity to share her art with students,
colleagues and audiences.
Raul Velasco – Piano
Dr. Raul Velasco attended the Indiana University School of Music, where he obtained his Bachelor of
Music and Master of Music degrees in piano performance and his Doctorate in piano and pedagogy. His
primary teachers have included South American pianist Teresa Quesada, and American pianists Zadel
Skolovsky and Leonard Hokanson. Dr. Velasco has performed in masterclasses and workshops given by
renowned artists such as Gyorgy Sandor, Emanual Ax, Isaac Stern, and Jean-Pierre Rampal, among others.
His orchestral engagements and solo recitals in South and Central America and in the United States
include television appearances and radio broadcasts. As a clinician, Dr. Velasco has given numerous
workshops and master classes and he has adjudicated festivals and competitions in Canada and the United States. Raul is
currently active as an examiner and teacher as well as an adjudicator in music competitions.
Procedures and Regulations
The BCCM Music Festival is open to the public.
Complete only one entry form for each candidate and list all the classes on the same entry form.
Candidates are permitted to enter one piece that is up to two grades higher than their current grade level.
Each participating teacher will be mailed a hard copy of the program, for which there is no charge. The
program will also be available online.
Entry forms may be faxed or mailed to the BCCM office. Any entry form that is postmarked or faxed on or
before the closing date will be accepted.
Once entry forms are received by BCCM they may not be withdrawn.
No refunds are issued to a performer who fails to appear for their scheduled performance.
Fee extensions may be granted in the cases of a medical emergency, however a letter from a physician is
There will be a charge of $35.00 for NSF cheques.
Late entries are accepted at the discretion of BCCM Music Festival.
With the exception of the concert group, students may enter only one composition per class.
Special requests will be accommodated wherever possible but such accommodation cannot be guaranteed.
Photocopies of © copywritten music will not be accepted. Downloaded sheet music that is in the PUBLIC
DOMAIN is acceptable provided it is presented in a three-ring binder or other similar form of binding
All music must include printed or handwritten measure numbers.
Entry Forms and Payment of Fees
“Direct Entry” online application system
Registration for the festival may be completed entirely online including student and teacher information, all
pieces to be performed and fee payment, go to: www.bccmusic.ca
Mail, Bring or Fax Entry Forms
Download and print the PDF application form. The entry form and full payment can be mailed to, faxed
(604-299-6418) or dropped off at the BCCM office.
Payment Information
Payment may be made via Cash, Visa, Master Card, or Cheque payable to BCCM. DO NOT Mail Cash . Full
payment must be included with the entry form.
Cheques should be dated the day the entry form is submitted. Postdated cheques will not be accepted.
If there is more than ONE performer per family entering the festival, ONE payment may be issued to cover
the combined total amount required.
Festival Awards, Marks & Scholarships
Certificates and Medallions
A Gold, Silver, or Bronze certificate is issued to all participants of any given class.
Gold 88 and Above
Silver 84 - 87
Bronze 80 - 83
The certificates represent a performance achievement.
The Gold, Silver and Bronze certificates do not indicate a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place standing in a class.
Certificates and Medallions
There is no set number of Gold, Silver, or Bronze certificates allotted for each class. By way of example: in a
class of ten students, five may receive Gold certificates and the remainder may receive Silver and Bronze. The
student with the highest Gold wins the class and the “winner” will receive a medallion in recognition of their
achievement. In the event there is no Gold certificate awarded in the class, there will be no winner.
A medallion is awarded to each class winner. If a student is the winner in more than one class, the number of
classes won will be indicated on the medallion. Medallions are awarded at the Honors Recital and Awards
Ceremony held at the conclusion of the Festival.
The funds received by scholarship winners may be used at the discretion of the recipient. The recipient is not
required to use the funds at a designated institution or organization.
In order to qualify for a scholarship a student must enter
a minimum of THREE solo classes or
ONE concert group class and ONE solo class
Scholarship recipients are determined by averaging the two highest marks obtained in all classes entered.
Marks will not be announced. The marks awarded during the class will be indicated on the comment sheet
that is given to each performer at the conclusion of the class. Marks will be kept privately by the adjudicator
on a tabulation sheet, which in turn will be submitted to the BCCM Music Festival Office where they will be
held in confidence. The marks will be subsequently averaged for each student from each class to determine
the Scholarship winner. The class winner will be posted on the BCCM festival website within 24 hours of the
completion of each class.
Keeper Trophy
Scholarship recipients will be awarded a personal keeper trophy for display in their homes.
Perpetual Trophy
The name of the winner for each category will be placed on a perpetual trophy which will remain on
display at the Conservatory.
Repertoire and Adjudicator Comments
Repertoire may be chosen from the British Columbia Conservatory of Music, Royal Conservatory of Music or
Conservatory Canada Syllabus.
Participants are allowed one piece of their own choice that is not listed in the above mentioned sources;
suitability of era and difficulty is expected.
All performers must bring an original score and present it to the adjudicator when they are called.
Photocopies of © copywritten music will not be accepted. Downloaded sheet music that is in the
PUBLIC DOMAIN is acceptable provided it is presented in a three-ring binder or another similar
form of binding and, the music must include printed or handwritten measure numbers.
Memorization is required for all Repertoire. With the exception of diploma level etudes, studies do not
need to be memorized.
Adjudicator Comments
Each candidate will receive a written critique of their performance and verbal comments will
take place at the conclusion of each class.
Age of Participants for Piano Classes
Participants in Pre Grade 1 to Diploma classes must be under 20 years of age as of May 1st 2015.
Participants who are 20 years old and above, as of May 1st 2015, must participate in the
Adult class – ADULT300 (see page 17)
Classes and Fees
Start here
Pre Grade 1
Time Limit
Class 100A
5 mins
This class will take the form of a “mini-recital” or Concert Group. Performers are required to play a
minimum of three to a maximum of five selections.
Performers will be judged on all pieces played and given ONE overall performance mark and will be
awarded ONE certificate.
Junior: Grades 1 - 4
Time Limit Fee
Time Limit Fee
Class 101A
Grade 1 List A
3 mins
Class 103A
Grade 3 List A
3 mins
Class 101B
Grade 1 List B
3 mins
Class 103B
Grade 3 List B
3 mins
Class 101C
Grade 1 List C
3 mins
Class 103C
Grade 3 List C
3 mins
Class 101S
Grade 1 Study
3 mins
Class 103S
Grade 3 Study
3 mins
Class 102A
Grade 2 List A
3 mins
Class 104A
Grade 4 List A
3 mins
Class 102B
Grade 2 List B
3 mins
Class 104B
Grade 4 List B
3 mins
Class 102C
Grade 2 List C
3 mins
Class 104C
Grade 4 List C
3 mins
Class 102S
Grade 2 Study
3 mins
Class 104S
Grade 4 Study
3 mins
Time Limit Fee
Class 107A
Grade 7 List A
5 mins
Intermediate: Grades 5 – 8
Time Limit Fee
Class 105A
Grade 5 List A
4 mins
Class 105B
Grade 5 List B
4 mins
Class 107B
Grade 7 List B
5 mins
Class 105C
Grade 5 List C
4 mins
Class 107C
Grade 7 List C
5 mins
Class 105S
Grade 5 Study
4 mins
Class 107S
Grade 7 Study
5 mins
Class 106A
Grade 6 List A
4 mins
Class 108A
Grade 8 List A
5 mins
Class 106B
Grade 6 List B
4 mins
Class 108B
Grade 8 List B
5 mins
Class 106C
Grade 6 List C
4 mins
Class 108C
Grade 8 List C
5 mins
Class 106S
Grade 6 Study
4 mins
Class 108D
Grade 8 List D
5 mins
Class 108S
Grade 8 Study
5 mins
Senior: Grade 9 - Diploma
Time Limit
Class 109A
Grade 9 List A
* See notes below
Class 109B
Grade 9 List B
6 mins
12 mins
Class 109C
Grade 9 List C
10 mins
Class 109D
Grade 9 List D
10 mins
Grade 109S
Grade 9 Study
10 mins
Class 110A
Grade 10 List A
* See notes below
10 mins
Class 110B
Grade 10 List B
** See notes below
18 mins
Class 110C
Grade 10 List C
12 mins
Class 110D
Grade 10 List D
12 mins
Time Limit Fee
Class 110E
Grade 10 List E
12 mins
Class 110S
Grade 10 Study
12 mins
12 mins
Class 200A
Diploma Level List A
* See notes below
22 mins
Class 201B
Diploma Level List B
** See notes below
Class 202C
Diploma Level List C
12 mins
Class 203D
Diploma Level List D
12 mins
Class 204E
Diploma Level List E
12 mins
Class 204S
Diploma Level Etude
12 mins
** Sonatas
The combination and number of movements to be played in ANY Sonata class are the same as those
listed in the BCCM or RCM Piano Syllabus and must be adhered to in order for the student to be
eligible to “win” the class or qualify for a scholarship.
A student may enter this class and play only one movement and receive a full critique of their
performance like all of the other performers however, the candidate will not qualify to “win” the class
nor will the mark received be eligible for inclusion in the tabulation of marks for scholarship.
* Bach Prelude and Fugue
If a performer has chosen a selection from the Well Tempered Clavier by J.S. Bach for this class, both the
Prelude and the Fugue must be played to qualify to “win” the class or to qualify for a scholarship.
A student may enter this class and play only the Prelude or the Fugue and receive a full critique of their
performance however, the candidate will not qualify to “win” the class nor will the mark received be
eligible for inclusion in the tabulation of marks for scholarship.
Canadian Composers
9 -10
Time Limit
3 mins
3 mins
4 mins
6 mins
10 mins
12 mins
Popular Repertoire Classes
Popular Repertoire may be chosen from the RCM Popular List. Arrangements are accepted and must be placed
in the appropriate grade/class.
Pop 134
Pop 156
Pop 178
Pop 109
Time Limit
4 mins
5 mins
5 mins
6 mins
Concert Group Class
Time Limit
Time Limit
Class 101CG
Grade 1
8 mins
Class 107CG
Grade 7
12 mins
Class 102CG
Grade 2
8 mins
Class 108CG
Grade 8
12 mins
Class 103CG
Grade 3
8 mins
Class 109CG
Grade 9
18 mins
Class 104CG
Grade 4
8 mins
24 mins
Class 105CG
Grade 5
10 mins
Class 106CG
Grade 6
10 mins
Class 110CG
Grades 10
*** See notes below
Class 200CG
*** See notes below
26 mins
Studies are NOT accepted in any concert group, except at the diploma level.
*** Grade 10 and Diploma Level Concert Group Classes
For Grade 10 and Diploma Level Group Classes, one or more movements of a sonata or multi-movement
works may be omitted in order to remain within the time limits for the class.
Piano Ensemble
(2 to 4 performers at one or two pianos)
++ See notes below
Junior JR706 PE
Grade 1 – 4
7 mins
9 mins
11 mins
Intermediate INT706 PE
Grade 5 – 8
Advanced Sr706 PE
Grades 9 to Diploma
++ Piano Ensemble
This class will encourage piano students to enjoy repertoire available when playing together with one or more
other students. Available repertoire is plenty; pieces chosen should be originally written for either piano duets
or trios. Arrangements are not to be used.
Since most ensemble repertoire is not clearly graded, careful consideration when choosing the class level is
Concerto for Piano & Orchestra (Second Piano)
10 & Under
11 – 12
13 – 14
15 – 16
17 – 18
19 & Above
Time Limit
15 mins
15 mins
20 mins
20 mins
20 mins
25 mins
• The determining date of the candidates’ age for these classes will be May 1st 2015.
• Participants may play one movement or a complete miniature work but must stay within the allotted
• A medallion will be awarded to the player who receives the highest mark in each of classes
PCON501, PCON502, PCON503, PCON504, PCON505, PCON506.
• A scholarship of $75.00 plus a personal trophy will be awarded to the performer who achieves the
highest mark of all classes.
Adult Class
This class is open to students who have not yet received a diploma in piano. The selection(s)
entered in this class may be from Grade 6 to diploma level.
Performers may enter ONE to THREE selections. Each selection will be critiqued separately.
The performer who receives the highest mark for any single composition will be deemed the
class winner. (A Gold Certificate Standard of 88 and higher is required).
10 – Diploma
AD 301
AD 302
AD 303
Time Limit
10 mins
15 mins
24 mins
If a candidate enters ONE selection:
they will be awarded a certificate for their performance and are eligible to “win” the class for
receiving the highest mark for a single performance, but they do not qualify for a scholarship.
If a candidate enters TWO or THREE selections:
they will be awarded a certificate for their performance and they are eligible to “win” the class
and, qualify for a scholarship.
Post-Diploma Class - Open
Time Limit
30 mins
PDC 400
Age Restriction: None
Participants in this class may not compete in any other class in the festival.
This class is open to those who are post-diploma students and who are seeking new opportunities
to compete and perform advanced piano repertoire. In other words, they have completed a piano
diploma such as BCCM Licentiate Performance Diploma (LBCM) or the RCM ARCT Performers Diploma
(ARCT) or, an equivalent diploma or degree.
This class will take the form of a concert group class consisting of selections from different eras.
Performance pieces may be extracted from a single multi-movement work such as a Sonata or they
may be stand alone works. The only restriction is the 30-minute time limit, which must be respected.
Repertoire may be selected from the BCCM, LRSM or RCM syllabus at the Licentiate, ARCT, or
higher levels such as the BCCM Fellowship or LRSM Fellowship.
Resource Syllabi :
BCCM Licentiate Performance or Fellowship, RCM Performers, LRSM Licentiate or Fellowship or, an
own choice not currently listed, equal in difficulty and substance. This class is subject to
scholarship however, the disbursement of such is contingent upon a minimum gold standing (88
marks) being awarded by the adjudicator.
Post Diploma Class Scholarships:
1st place: $300
2nd place: $200
Class Details
These classes are based on any recognized syllabus in North America. Competitors must provide
their own accompanist, arrange rehearsal times, provide the accompanist with an original copy of
their selection and are responsible for the accompanist’s payment. An original score is required for
both the accompanist and the adjudicator. Students may inquire at the BCCM office for the
provision of a qualified pianist. Rates will be discussed at the time of request.
Applicants for the following classes should note the details below.
Time limits must be respected.
Baroque Composers
The applicants may perform any Baroque piece for violin solo, or violin and piano. No concertos
are to be entered in this class. In the case of suites or sonatas, several movements may be
performed in accordance with the appropriate level examination syllabus.
Classical Era Compositions
For Sonatas and Sonatinas by composers of the Classical Era (1750 - 1800). Normally only one
movement may be entered, with the exception where the movements are very short. Time limits
must be respected.
Concerto Class
Concertos are to be performed in accordance with any recognized syllabus. It is important to
respect time limits.
Romantic and Post Romantic Style Compositions
To decide inclusion of a work in this section, the style of the composition, not merely the
birth/death dates of the composer is to be considered. For example, Sibelius who lived well into
the 20th century is considered a Romantic composer.
Twentieth Century to Present
This class is for works that are contemporary in style and written post 1900 and will include
Impressionistic, atonal and various ethnic works that came out of the years following 1900 AD.
Canadian Composers
Inclusion here is any Canadian composer, regardless of historical period.
Repertoire may be chosen from any recognized syllabus available in North America. Participants
are allowed ONE piece of their own choice that is not listed in the aforementioned sources.
Suitability of era and difficulty is expected. All repertoire should be memorized by the performer.
Please note: Students may only enter one piece per class.
Classes and Fees
Baroque & Classical Era Composers
Time Limit
Class V-14
Grades 1 to 4
8 mins
9 mins
10 mins
10 mins
12 mins
14 mins
Class V-58
Grades 5 to 8
Class V-9
Grades 9 to Diploma
Class V-CON-0012
12 & under
Class V-CON-1315
13 to 15 years old
Class V-CON-0016
16 & above
Romantic, Post-Romantic Style, Twentieth Century and
Canadian Composers
Class V-14RTC
Grade 1 to 4
8 mins
9 mins
10 mins
Class V-58RTC
Grade 5 to 8
Class V-9RTC
Grade 9 to Diploma
Class Details
These classes are based on any recognized syllabus in North America.
Applicants for the following classes should note the details below.
Time limits must be respected.
Baroque Compositions
The applicants may perform any Baroque piece for guitar solo. In the case of suites or sonatas, several
movements may be performed in accordance with the appropriate level examination syllabus.
Classical Compositions
This class is for performances of Sonatas and Sonatinas by composers of the Classical Era (1780 - 1850).
Normally only one movement may be entered, with the exception where the movements are very short.
Time limits must be respected.
Romantic and Post Romantic Style Compositions
To decide inclusion of a work in this section, the style of the composition, not merely the birth/death
dates of the composer is to be considered. For example, Sibelius who lived well into the 20th century is
considered a Romantic composer.
Modern Compositions - 20th Century to Present
This class is for works that are contemporary in style including impressionistic, atonal and various ethnic
works that came out of the years following 1900 AD.
Canadian Composers
Inclusion here is any Canadian composer, regardless of historical period.
Repertoire may be chosen from any recognized syllabus available in North America. Participants
are allowed ONE piece of their own choice that is not listed in the aforementioned sources.
Suitability of era and difficulty is expected. All repertoire should be memorized.
Please note: Students may only enter one piece per class.
Classes and Fees
Baroque & Classical Era Composers
Time Limit
8 mins
10 mins
10 mins
Class G-14
Grades 1 to 4
Class G-58
Grades 5 to 8
Class G-9
Grades 9 to Diploma
Romantic, Post-Romantic Style, Twentieth Century and
Canadian Composers
Class G-14RMC
Grade 1 to 4
8 mins
10 mins
10 mins
Class G-58RMC
Grade 5 to 8
Class G-9RMC
Grade 9 to Diploma
Class Details
Folk Song
Traditional songs or ballades where the original composer is unknown.
Arrangements are permitted and may be sung in the original
language or English translation.
Any aria from the operatic or oratorio repertoire. Must be sung in the original language.
Performance of any recitative passages preceding the aria is optional.
Musical Theatre Selection
A selection from modern musicals, Broadway shows, or movies.
Any selection that is not pop, musical theatre, opera, oratorio or folk song. Includes, but is
not limited to sacred songs, Canadian compositions and art songs in Italian, French, German,
English or any of the other languages found in the classical song repe
Original languages are encouraged and preferred, particularly at the intermediate and senior
levels. However, English translations may be performed.
Voice Class Category
The determining date of the candidates’ age for these classes will be May 1st 2015.
Age restriction and Fees
Class code
12 years old and under (21
(21.00 per class)
13 to 16 years old (223.00 per class)
17 years old and above ((25.00 per class)
With the exception of Opera/Oratorio allll categories listed above will be offered to all ages.
Classes and Fees
Folk Song
Musical Theatre
Rules for Voice Candidates
• All selections must be memorized.
• The competitor must bring two original scores; one for the accompanist, and one for the
adjudicator. Photocopies of © copywritten music will not be accepted. Downloaded sheet
music that is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN is acceptable provided it is presented in a three-ring
binder or other similar form of binding and, the music must include printed or handwritten
measure numbers.
In the case of repertoire which is in a foreign language, original languages are encouraged and
preferred, particularly at the intermediate and senior levels. However, English translations may be
The accompanying instrument to be used is piano, with the exception of folk songs, where
guitars or other ethnic instruments may also be used. In the folk song category, a cappella singing
is also permitted.
Competitors must provide their own accompanist, arrange rehearsal times, provide the
accompanist with an original copy of their selection and are responsible for the accompanist’s
• A single selection may only be entered in one category.
• The choice of selection must be guided by the descriptions of each category.
• Candidates must adhere to all general regulations and policies of BCCM Music Festival.
• Disregarding these regulations will result in disqualification of the candidate.