

Celebrating Our Heritage
Planning Our Future
Supporting diversity
in the legal profession.
Microsoft is proud to join the Hispanic
National Bar Association in its mission
to create opportunities for Hispanic lawyers.
Table of Contents
Welcome Letters..................................................................................................................... 6–23
Greetings from our Leaders
HNBA Leadership............................................................................................................ 30–39
Meet our National Leaders
Career Fair Employers & Exhibitors....................................... 44–54
HNBA Career Fair and Exhibitor Showcase
Agenda.................................................................................................................................................... 56–72
Convention Programming
Awards....................................................................................................................................................... 78–93
Recipients of the 2015 Awards
Our Distinguished Speakers
Sponsor Recognition
Corporate Counsel Conference
MARCH 16–19, 2016 / LAS VEGAS, NV
CYNTHIA D. MARES, HNBA National President
Arapahoe Co. Public Trustee Apointee by Governor Hickenlooper
Dear HNBA Annual Convention
2015 Attendees:
¡Bienvenidos a la gran Convención de la Asociación Nacional de Abogados
Hispanos! Como su Presidenta Nacional, me da mucho gusto verlos otra vez. O, si
es la primera vez que están aquí con nosotros, yo estoy segura que les va a gustar el
programa que creamos para ustedes.
This is a special time for
the Hispanic National Bar
Association because, in
our CLE programming, we
highlight the best and the
brightest Latino lawyers in
all fields of law.
This is a special time for the Hispanic National Bar Association because, in our
CLE programming, we highlight the best and the brightest Latino lawyers in all
fields of law. I’m proud to say that many of you submitted proposals for our CLE
programming, so many that we had a very difficult time determining the final CLE
program for this year’s convention. On the other hand, we have an outstanding
lineup, just for you, and just because of you!
I want to congratulate all the recipients of the awards we are giving this year. We had
lots of nominations for every category, so I congratulate the award recipients for their
very deserving award. To the award recipients: Something you did stood out from
the rest, and I know that takes extra effort. Congratulations to you!
And, to our wonderful sponsors, too many to name here, I want you to know that it
is because of you that this wonderful organization has so many fantastic programs
that benefit not only our members, but our community. For that I give you ¡un abrazo
fuerte! Don’t forget to wear your sponsor pin, which is new this year!
As my term as HNBA National president comes to an end, I want you to know that
it has been an incredible year, positive in every way possible. My goal has always
been to add value to this wonderful organization by initiating new and long-lasting
programs that will benefit us as lawyers, and our community, through our pipeline
and community outreach programs.
I want to send a special “Thank You” to all of you who believed in me and
encouraged me to take on the role as HNBA National President. Thank you for being
there by my side and working with me day and night. I couldn’t have done it without
you and I will never forget you.
Enjoy the convention, and please don’t forget to say hello! If I haven’t met you, it
would be my honor to meet you, get to know you and help you in any way I can.
Cynthia D. Mares
HNBA National President
HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION | Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
ROBERT T. MALDONADO, HNBA National President-Elect
Partner, Cooper & Dunham LLP, New York, NY
Welcome to Boston for the HNBA’s 40th Annual Convention.
For those of you who are returning, we are happy to see you
again. For those of you attending for the first time, welcome to
our familia. We have a first-class line up of speakers, including
United States Senator Elizabeth Warren, Governor Charlie
Baker of Massachusetts, and the Honorable Sarah Saldaña,
Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. We
will also hear from Paulette Brown, the first African American
woman to serve as President of the American Bar Association;
Robert Harnais, the first Latino to serve as President of the
Massachusetts Bar Association; and Anna Maria Chavez,
the first Latina to serve as Chief Executive Officer of the Girl
Scouts of America. These important firsts in our community
are cause for celebration! You will be amazed by the speeches
you hear, and enriched by the top notch CLE programming.
I am happy to be sworn in as HNBA National President here
in Boston, where my higher education began. The theme
for the upcoming year of my Presidency is “Surging to New
Heights: Expanding Our Reach.” While we recognize how
far we have come as an organization, we know how much
more we can achieve and we will do it together, as a team,
and as a family. We will take the HNBA to new heights by
establishing partnerships and reaching out to more external
organizations than we have ever done in the past. We will
work collaboratively with other organizations to provide
opportunities and access for our members to maximize
their potential. Latinos account for only 4% of the licensed
attorneys in the United States. We will continue our work to
increase those numbers through our pipeline and mentorship
programs. We realize that although our numbers in the legal
profession may be small, our voice is loud. We represent
the interests of the 54 million Latinos living in the United
States. Politicians, judges and leaders want to hear from us,
and we will be heard. Each year, during Advocacy Day, we
visit the White House to meet with top level officials in the
administration to hear what is being done to address our
needs and to inform them what needs to be done. This year,
we are proud to launch a partnership with The Raben Group
in Washington, DC, which will help us to communicate our
message to Capitol Hill, to the media and others. Follow us
on social media, and stay up to date on all of the things that
the HNBA is doing.
As President-Elect this past year, together with President Mares,
I have toured the country, and met with members, sponsors and
supporters. We have listened to how you have benefited from
the HNBA, and what you would like to see in the future. Thank
you to all of you who have shared your thoughts with us. If you
have not had a chance to speak with us yet, please pull us aside
at the convention, and share your thoughts. We continually
strive to improve the benefits that we offer, but we need your
input to make that happen. After the convention ends, you will
receive a survey by e-mail. Don’t delete it! Fill it out; it won’t
take long. Your feedback is very important!
This year, the HNBA plans to launch a capital program to build
an endowment to support our programming and operations in
the years to come. I ask each and every one of you to join us in
this effort. I ask you not only to contribute, but also to recruit
others to contribute because you believe in this organization
and all that we can accomplish to improve the profession for
Latinos and to help our communities succeed. By working
together, the HNBA will surge to new heights.
Robert T. Maldonado
HNBA National President-Elect
PEDRO TORRES-DÍAZ, HNBA Incoming National President-Elect
Managing Shareholder, Jackson Lewis
¡Bienvenidos a Boston!
I am honored to welcome you to our 40th Annual Convention and to the city of
Boston on behalf of our beloved HNBA. In a city so rich in history and so well known
around the world as an epicenter for educational excellence, it seems fitting that the
HNBA gathers here this year to Celebrate our Heritage and Plan our Future. I could
not be more excited and privileged to be a part of this celebration.
Let the fighting spirit of this
historic city inspire us to come
together as a true familia,
and work harder than ever
towards building a bright
future for all.
Our National President Cynthia Mares and her team (from the Board of Governors
to the National Office staff) have ably taken the Association to new heights—record
fundraising; increased membership; and new and expanded programs, such as the
Corporate Board Training Series, the National Lawyer Referral Service, and Law
School Sí Se Puede, just to name a few accomplishments. I am grateful for Cynthia’s
leadership, dedication, and success.
I am also very thankful to all of the many individuals who devoted countless hours
to make this Annual Convention possible. From the members of our National
Convention Planning Team, to the the leaders of our local Affiliate, the MHBA, to the
staff in our National Office in DC, all of these individuals showed true dedication and
commitment to the mission of the HNBA in organizing this celebration for all of us.
And of course, I am particularly thankful to our sponsors, whose contributions and
support for our mission also make our success possible.
Our job as an Association is to continually build on our success. I am certain that
under the leadership of incoming National President Robert Maldonado, the
Association will build on President Mares’ legacy and soar to new heights. As
your incoming President-Elect, I am honored and thankful to you for allowing me
to be part of that journey. I am fully committed to you, the Association, and the
Latino community. But this is OUR journey, and it is a LONG journey that cannot be
traversed without your help and support. So as I welcome you to Boston and invite
you to enjoy all of what this city and this Annual Convention have to offer, I hope
that you will join the HNBA and actively participate in and contribute to its efforts to
achieve its goals of equality, education, and advancement. Let the fighting spirit of
this historic city inspire us to come together as a true familia, and work harder than
ever towards building a bright future for all.
Pa’lante. Unidos. Se puede.
¡Que disfruten la Convención!
Fuerte abrazo,
Pedro Torres-Díaz
HNBA Incoming National President-Elect
Managing Shareholder, Jackson Lewis
HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION | Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
ALBA CRUZ-HACKER, HNBA COO & Executive Director
Dear HNBA family and friends,
Welcome to the 2015 HNBA Annual Convention in Boston! We are honored and
excited that you joined us for our 40th Annual Convention in our 43-year history. As
our theme indicates, we are Celebrating Our Heritage [and] Planning Our Future
in Boston. At this historic convention, we are assessing where we are and where we
need to go to open additional pathways to increase diversity and inclusion, not only
in the legal profession but in our society.
We are growing; our efforts
and influence are expanding;
and we are making a
difference for our members
and the Latino community.
Our work continues even as our HNBA family has much to celebrate. We are
growing; our efforts and influence are expanding; and we are making a difference
for our members and the Latino community. Much has been accomplished this year.
The financial health of our organization and the commitment of our volunteer leaders
and sponsors are strong. We are fulfilling our pledge to provide effective pipeline
programs, like the HNBA/Microsoft Intellectual Property Law Institute, HNBA/MetLife
Mentorship Program and Law School Sí Se Puede, as well as offering innovative
business and professional development opportunities like the HNBA/Walmart Latina
Leadership Academy, HNBA Business Development Institute and Corporate Board
Training Series. We continue to strengthen our partnerships with corporate America,
government agencies and other nonprofit organizations, expanding our work and
fulfilling our vital mission.
While in Boston, attend our cutting-edge CLE and plenary sessions led by top
practitioners from around the country. We are thrilled that our program was
approved for a maximum of 21.5 CLE credits in most jurisdictions. Now, that is
impressive! Our speaker line-up is also impressive, and we know that you will have a
wonderful time at our off-site Thursday Reception at Fenway Park.
Yes, we have much to celebrate, without forgetting that much remains to be done.
Our team this year has been outstanding, from our top leadership to our amazing
sponsors and members. It has been a true honor and privilege to work side-byside with National President, Cynthia D. Mares, National President-Elect, Robert
T. Maldonado, and the members of the HNBA Executive Committee and Board of
Governors. Every day, I am also so thankful for the remarkable team at the National
Office. Erika, Siobhan and Rachel, your willingness to do whatever it takes and your
high level of commitment and professionalism are invaluable!
Enjoy Boston and we will see you in in Las Vegas for the 2016 HNBA Corporate
Counsel Conference and 21st Uvaldo Herrera Moot Competition.
Un caluroso saludo,
Alba Cruz-Hacker
HNBA COO & Executive Director
MESHACH Y. RHOADES, HNBA National Finance Director
Saludos from the National
Finance Committee.
We are excited to welcome you to beautiful Boston for the HNBA’s 40th Annual
Convention. Your commitment to the HNBA has allowed us to make significant
contributions to the legal profession and we are grateful for your continued support.
This year was ambitious
for the HNBA as we
launched new initiatives and
significantly grew our longstanding programming.
This year was ambitious for the HNBA as we launched new initiatives and significantly
grew our long-standing programming. Under National President Cynthia Mares’ astute
leadership we launched the Business Development Institute in San Antonio, which
provided critical career development training including director professionalism training,
networking and robust CLEs. The HNBA partnered with the National Association of
Corporate Directors to launch a new corporate board development program focused on
complex oversight challenges that boards face. At its inaugural Business Development
Institute, the HNBA hosted “training pods” for lawyers hoping to refine and perfect their
“pitch skills” and its signature Speed Networking and Corporate Connections program.
Thanks to your volunteerism and financial support, the HNBA has stepped into 2015
with renewed motivation to bring our members and sponsors increased programming,
expansive membership benefits and partnerships that will fundamentally change the
legal profession for Latino lawyers and students. For this, I extend our most heartfelt
support to further our mission. Each year we build on the successes from the previous
year and incorporate new ideas to ensure the vitality of the organization, but most
importantly to strengthen our pipeline.
This year’s Annual Convention builds on the momentum from the Corporate
Counsel Conference and thanks must be given to our National Office Staff, Board
of Governors, Executive Committee, 2015 Boston Leadership Team and National
Finance Committee for their long hours and endless support. I am both humbled
and privileged to serve as your National Finance Director and I am grateful for
the opportunity this past year to forward the HNBA’s goals and to support its
membership. I have had the privilege to meet many members and supporters
over the past year and it has been an incredible journey. It is through you and your
support that we will strengthen and grow the HNBA.
Thank you for participating and I hope you truly enjoy the HNBA’s 40th
Annual Convention.
¡Todos a una!
My sincerest thanks,
Meshach Y. Rhoades
HNBA National Finance Director
HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION | Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
Esteemed Convention Participants, Corporate and Law
Firm Underwriters, Colleagues, and Distinguished Guests
and Friends:
I hope this letter finds you well. I would like to personally
welcome you to the 2015 HNBA Convention in Boston,
Massachusetts, held at the Westin Boston Waterfront
Hotel, September 2, 2015 through September 5, 2015! This
convention marks the HNBA’s 40th Annual Convention!
The HNBA and the HNBA Legal Education Fund (“HNBA
LEF”; the “Fund”), the HNBA’s only educational and
charitable affiliate, thank you for your continued support. We
wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for the remarkable
and enduring support of our corporate, law firm and
individual lawyer underwriters, including Wal-Mart, Target,
DuPont, Special Counsel, Greenberg Traurig; Abraham,
Watkins, Nichols, Sorrels, Agosto & Friend; Arrastia, Capote
& Phang, LLP and Roig, Tutan, Rosenberg, Martin.
Working together with these and other generous
supporters, in 2015 the HNBA and the HNBA LEF
awarded and funded over $100,000.00 in scholarships and
educational programming, through programs such as the
Mario Obledo Scholarship, the Annual Uvaldo Herrera
Moot Court Competition, our highly successful and well
recognized Legal Education Action Program, (“LEAP”), and
other educational programs. These scholarships create and
advance success through education in our community. These
scholarships and educational programming add to the over
$400,000 in scholarships and educational programming
funded by the HNBA LEF since 2010. Our goal is to double
that amount by 2020.
In addition to the amazing HNBA Convention lineup, which
features a Judicial Forum, the General Counsel Roundtable,
programming by the HNBA Latina Commission, the nation’s
largest Career Fair for Hispanic law students and legal
professionals, plus the next generation focused Youth
Symposium, please also accept the following invitation to the
HNBA LEF’s reception:
HNBA Legal Education Fund Reception,
Friday, September 4, 2015
3:30 pm–5 pm, Seyfarth Shaw—Seaport East,
Two Seaport Lane, Suite 300, Boston, MA 02210
Please join us at this reception where we will recognize,
introduce and honor our enduring Corporate and Law Firm
sponsors and many loyal supporters. We will also highlight
the successes of the recent LEAP Program in Houston, Texas
and announce details about the 2016 LEAP Program in Miami,
Florida from June 19–25, 2016.
We look forward to seeing you for a toast at the reception.
With great respect and gratitude, I remain your friend,
Benny Agosto, Jr.
HNBA LEF President
2015 Convention Leadership Team
The 2015 HNBA Annual Convention Leadership Team is honored
and privileged to welcome you to the 40th HNBA Annual
Convention in Boston, Massachusetts. Together with our local
Affiliate, the Massachusetts Association of Hispanic Attorneys,
which is celebrating its 30th Anniversary, we have planned a truly
historic and world class Convention featuring unprecedented
opportunities for you to learn, become engaged with the HNBA,
expand your professional and personal networks and enjoy
everything that Boston—America’s most historic city—has to offer.
Our Annual Convention is in essence the physical embodiment of
the HNBA’s values and mission to speak as the “National Voice of
the Hispanic Legal Community,” provide opportunities for young
Latinos to enter the legal profession, and empower Hispanic
attorneys to reach their professional goals
This is a historic time in our nation’s history and our theme this
year—“Celebrating Our Heritage; Planning Our Future”—reflects
not only an opportunity to rejoice in our rich and diverse heritage
and celebrate the hard earned accomplishments we have achieved,
but also to strategize and plan for the formidable challenges that
lie ahead. At last year’s Annual Convention in Washington, D.C., we
commemorated the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
This year, we commemorate other civil rights milestones, including
the 50th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the March
from Selma to Montgomery, the 55th Anniversary of the first “sit-in”
at a segregated lunch counter, and the 60th Anniversary of when
an elderly woman named Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat
on a bus due to the color of her skin. And, not to be forgotten,
this year also marks the 50th anniversary of the first organized labor
strike against California grape growers—a strike organized by Cesar
Chavez, the Mexican-American founder of what would become the
United Farm Workers in 1972, a year that also marked the founding
of the HNBA by a group of attorneys committed to the values and
mission described above.
No city is better suited for this year’s theme than Boston, a city
rich in history as the birthplace of the American Republic and the
platform for some of the most significant social movements in our
nation’s history, including the Abolitionist, Women’s Suffrage and
Organized Labor Movements. It is against this backdrop that the
HNBA celebrates its 40th Annual Convention. This year the HNBA will
be welcoming hundreds of attorneys, judges, corporate counsel, law
Eneida Roman
Juan M. Sempertegui
Luis Avila
students, academics and other legal professionals from across the
country to a three-day Conference featuring cutting edge Continuing
Legal Education panels hosted by prominent practitioners, jurists
and policy experts and will offer for the first time a full-day PreConvention Workshop on Cyber-Security—“must have” training for
any attorney aspiring to serve on a corporation’s board of directors.
As you have come to expect, there will be numerous networking
receptions (including a reception at iconic Fenway Park!), fabulous
high profile speakers ranging from Massachusetts Governor Charlie
Baker at the Welcome Reception to U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren at
the Friday night Gala.
Our plenary sessions will feature prominent attorneys from their
respective fields and will address some of the most important
political and policy issues facing our Hispanic community, including
immigration, healthcare and community relations with law
enforcement. In addition, the HNBA Latina Commission will host a
plenary session on career development. Whether it’s being a partner
in a large law firm, general counsel to a Fortune 500 company,
Federal Judge, corporate director, going “solo,” or something
altogether different, the HNBA and the programming at our
Convention has something for everyone.
In conjunction with our exciting programming, the Annual
Convention plays host to the largest Career Fair for law students
and lateral attorneys of any affinity bar organization in the country
and will include employers from prestigious law firms, corporations
and government agencies. Finally, knowing that we will fall short
of our mission if we do not ensure a pipeline of future Hispanic
attorneys, we will host a Youth Symposium for high school students
interested in the legal profession
None of the programming, education, networking and professional
development opportunities at the HNBA Annual Convention
would be possible without the support of our valued sponsors and
committed volunteers who have devoted countless hours away
from work, school and families to make Boston 2015 an enormous
success. To our sponsors who share our values, support our mission
and recognize the importance of diversity in the legal profession, we
especially say THANK YOU!
To our attendees who have traveled from both near and far to
join us, WELCOME. We are happy you are here to enjoy the
Convention and the Great City of Boston.
Jose P. Sierra
Janell Avila
HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION | Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
Lieutenant Governor
Dear Friends:
On behalf of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Karyn and I welcome you to the
2016 Hispanic National Bar Association’s Annual Convention.
As HNBA choses to gather in our historic state, it is only fitting that we recognize
both the past and the present of this esteemed organization. The Hispanic National
Bar Association’s own history is one of triumph and determination, be it endorsing
Hispanic judges and attorney generals, advocating for issues on Capitol Hill, or
commissioning studies regarding the low levels of diversity in the legal community.
Today the HNBA continues to ensure a successful future for young Hispanic
professionals by providing thousands of dollars in scholarships along with countless
CLE sessions and educational pipeline initiatives.
As HNBA choses to gather
in our historic state, it is only
fitting that we recognize both
the past and the present of
this esteemed organization.
While this event is a time for reflection, it is also an opportunity for celebration. The
Commonwealth of Massachusetts commends all those who assist the HNBA in its
efforts to support Hispanic individuals in legal and civil service related professions.
We hope these following days are filled with communication, education, and
exploration of all Boston has to offer.
Charles D. Baker
Karyn E. Polito
Lieutenant Governor
MARTIN J. WALSH, Mayor of Boston
HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION | Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
MAURA HEALEY, Massachusetts Attorney General
Dear Colleagues,
Bienvenidos a Massachusetts! I send you warm greetings from the Office of the
Attorney General as you gather here in Boston for the Hispanic National Bar
Association’s Annual Convention.
This year’s convention agenda reflects the highest values of our broader legal
community—fairness, justice and equality. Additionally, the topics covered in the
plenary sessions reflect the challenges of the always evolving digital age and issues
of social and economic justice.
This year’s convention
agenda reflects the highest
values of our broader legal
community—fairness, justice
and equality.
Diversity is a value that we in Massachusetts hold in the highest regard. I commend
the Hispanic National Bar Association for always promoting the highest standards
of our profession. The Hispanic National Bar Association truly is the voice of the
Hispanic legal community.
Best wishes for a successful convention, and may you continue to build upon the rich
foundation of Hispanic heritage to advance the legal profession for all.
Maura Healey
Massachusetts Attorney General
Boston Municipal Court Department
Bienvenidos a Boston!
On behalf of my colleagues from the Massachusetts Trial Court, I welcome you to the
2015 HNBA Annual Convention in the historical City of Boston! Boston has a rich and
culturally significant history, with its neighborhoods, colleges, museums, architecture,
and, of course, its championship sports teams, all of which make our City truly
unique. I think you will be particularly pleased with the choice of Boston for the 2015
HNBA Annual Convention.
Together, we strive toward diversifying the legal profession and the judiciary by
investing in young lawyers and talented professionals through innovative programs,
initiatives and educational opportunities. We all lead by example and continue to
make a difference so that our future is better than our past. I am excited about the
endless possibilities that inspire and motivated us, individually and collectively, to
achieve great success in our legal careers.
Together, we strive toward
diversifying the legal
profession and the judiciary
by investing in young lawyers
and talented professionals
through innovative
programs, initiatives and
educational opportunities.
Issues important to the Hispanic community are important to all of us. The HNBA has
a proven track record of raising social awareness and understanding of our diverse
communities. I am proud to be a Chief Justice with the Massachusetts Trial Court
and a partner in making a difference in achieving greater access to the courts for all
litigants. I am equally proud to have led the efforts to create the Massachusetts Trial
Court’s first-ever Language Access Plan. The Plan is an innovative, comprehensive
guide that ensures access and dignity for all individuals that come to our courts.
As Chief Justice of the Boston Municipal Court Department, I recognize the need
for legal excellence, quality justice, and a true appreciation for cultural diversity. The
City of Boston is on the forefront of embracing legal issues not only important to the
Hispanic community, but to all of Boston. Because these issues impact all of us, I am
delighted to be a part of the solution.
Welcome and thank you for attending the 2015 HNBA Annual Convention.
Roberto Ronquillo, Jr.
Chief Justice
Boston Municipal Court Department
HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION | Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
Massachusetts Association of Hispanic Attorneys
Bienvenidos a Boston,
Thirty years ago, the Massachusetts Association of Hispanic Attorneys was created by
Judge Isaac Bornstein. It was then, and remains today, a group of motivated Latino
and Latina lawyers dedicated to developing the advancement of Hispanics in the
legal profession, upholding civil rights, and promoting access to justice, for all.
With the passage of time, and
the efforts of those who have
led the Association, MAHA
became “nuesta segunda
casa”, our second home.
With the passage of time, and the efforts of those who have led the Association,
MAHA became “nuesta segunda casa”, our second home. In addition to our
professional development through MAHA, we have acquired long-lasting
friendships, along with generous personal and professional support.
Today, MAHA is verging on a new and exciting chapter in its history. For the first time
we are honored to host, as an affiliate, the HNBA Annual Convention in Boston. Our
30th anniversary coincides with the 40th HNBA Convention.
Hispanic attorneys are recognized for having a unique cultural perspective,
particularly when working on issues related to civil rights, as well as the progress and
protection of immigrants in the United States. As immigrants, we derive strength
from our bicultural background which benefits both our professional endeavors and
our engagement in society. It is through institutional platforms such as MAHA, at
the state level, and the HNBA nationwide, that our unique contributions as Hispanic
attorneys gains momentum.
My personal gratitude goes to my colleagues on the Board of MAHA, to our HNBA
Regional President Jose Sierra, to our National HNBA President Cynthia Mares,
and to the entire HNBA National Leadership, who worked so hard to make this
Convention a reality. My appreciation is due especially to my wife Lisa and our
children Gabriella, Ilana, and Hayim, who contributed our time together so I could
plan the success of this Convention.
Enjoy the Convention and your stay in Boston. We are delighted to welcome you.
Estan ustedes en su casa.
Saludos cordiales,
Salomon Chiquiar-Rabinovich
Massachusetts Association of Hispanic Attorneys
ALEX MAY, Vice President and General Counsel
Walmart U.S. Realty
Welcome From Walmart
Walmart is honored, once again, to be a Diamond Sponsor of the HNBA’s Annual
Convention “Celebrating Our Heritage, Planning for Our Future.” Boston is a great
city with a rich history. I can’t think of a better place for the HNBA to plan its future.
Programs like the Leadership
Academy are what make
the HNBA convention the
highlight of my year.
Walmart is also proud to be the Exclusive Sponsor of the Latina Commission
Leadership Academy. Programs like the Leadership Academy are what make the
HNBA convention the highlight of my year. The camaraderie among the participants
and excellence of the educational seminars make this a truly special event.
I am excited to participate in this year’s General Counsel’s Roundtable On Emerging
Health Issues Affecting the Latino Community. Providing at-risk communities a
source of fresh, healthy and organic food choices is a focus for Walmart. Walmart
is opening stores in food deserts to improve the health and wellness of all our
customers, including the nation’s 54 million Hispanics.
Walmart’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is unwavering, and we strive each
day to bring our company, our community and our country together. It is Walmart’s
belief that the HNBA plays an important role in that mission. More than ever, our
profession must know and understand the health issues that are important to the
Hispanic community because these issues touch all of us. We are proud to be a part
of this significant initiative.
Welcome and thank you for attending the HNBA’s Annual Convention.
Bienvenidos a Boston!
Alex May
Vice President and General Counsel
Walmart U.S. Realty
HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION | Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
HORACIO GUTIÉRREZ, Corporate Vice President and Deputy General Counsel
Microsoft Corporation
¡Bienvenidos a Boston!
Hispanic National Bar Association members and guests gather in Boston for the 2015
HNBA annual convention at a critical time for the Hispanic community in the United
States in its struggle to bridge the social and economic opportunity gap.
There is, therefore, no better time for the Hispanic legal community to come
together and reflect on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and
on the role our legal professionals can and must play in leading the way in the
defense of the interests of our community.
Microsoft takes pride in helping the HNBA fulfill its important mission. Our
attorneys and legal professionals actively participate in HNBA committees,
conferences, job fairs, networking sessions and CLEs. And together we created
the HNBA/Microsoft IP Law Institute, an exciting, bold new program aimed at
increasing Hispanic representation in the field of intellectual property law. We are
delighted that the IPLI met with great success in 2013, 2014 and 2015, with dozens
of Hispanic law students from around the country converging in DC to interact
with top practitioners and the instructors and gaining career-shaping access to the
people and institutions that influence IP law and policy at the highest levels.
Microsoft takes pride in
helping the HNBA fulfill
its important mission.
Our attorneys and legal
professionals actively
participate in HNBA
committees, conferences,
job fairs, networking
sessions and CLEs.
Together we are making a difference. But we all can and must do more. At this
year’s HNBA Annual Convention we will have an opportunity to reconnect with one
another and chart the course we will follow to help shape our community’s future
history. Let’s take full advantage of it!
Horacio Gutiérrez
Corporate Vice President and Deputy General Counsel
Microsoft Corporation
RICARDO A. ANZALDUA, Executive Vice-President and General Counsel
Dear Hispanic National Bar Members
and Guests:
On behalf of MetLife’s Legal Affairs, I am pleased to welcome you to the HNBA’s
40th Annual Convention.
MetLife is deeply committed
to advancing diversity and
inclusion, both in society and
in the professional world.
As MetLife’s General Counsel, I am proud that MetLife is a Strategic Partner of the
HNBA and shares a common commitment to supporting Hispanics in the legal
profession. MetLife has a long and proud history of supporting the HNBA.
MetLife is deeply committed to advancing diversity and inclusion, both in society
and in the professional world. It is essential to how we do business, and reflects the
customers we serve and communities in which we operate. This commitment also
helps to ensure we engage our people with an inclusive environment to attract,
retain and develop the best talent.
I am proud of the continued vibrancy of the MetLife and HNBA National Mentorship
Program. For MetLife, this program strongly underscores our long-term strategy
of investing in tomorrow’s leaders by connecting HNBA members (mentors) with
law students (mentees) in their local regions. While this program is a success,
there is much more work to be done and we need everyone’s help. If you have the
opportunity to participate in the program as a mentor, I encourage you to consider
taking some time to help shape the career of a young lawyer.
I congratulate President Cynthia D. Mares and her leadership team for developing a
robust program focused on the legal and professional issues of corporate counsel.
Best Regards,
Ricardo A. Anzaldua
Executive Vice-President and General Counsel
HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION | Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
RALPH D. GANTS, Chief Justice
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
Dear HNBA Convention Participants,
As Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, I am honored to
welcome you to the 2015 HNBA Annual Convention in Boston. Boston is an ideal
place for your convention. In addition to being a world-class city, it is perhaps the
nation’s leading center of heritage travel. And along with being the birthplace of
the American Revolution, it is also the source of this nation’s commitments to the
rule of law and self-government. I have the honor of sitting on a court charged with
interpreting the Massachusetts Constitution of 1780, the oldest written constitution
in the world still being enforced.
The work that began in Boston continues, and our needs are pressing. The HNBA
and its affiliates are crucial partners in that work. As Chief Justice of the Supreme
Judicial Court and as a former chair of the Massachusetts Access to Justice
Commission, I am dedicated to making our courts more accessible to those who
struggle with economic, cultural, and language barriers. As Chief Justice and as
the spouse of a Hispanic attorney and the father of two Hispanic children, I am also
committed to increasing diversity in the legal profession. I am proud of the many
initiatives taken by our courts. But I know that real, systemic change requires the
efforts of countless volunteers lawyers like each of you. Your many actions on behalf
of the Hispanic community improve and diversity our communities, our courts, and
our profession. Here in Massachusetts, we are thrilled that Robert W. Harnais, a past
president of MAHA, is this year the first Hispanic president of the Massachusetts Bar
As Chief Justice of the
Supreme Judicial Court
and as a former chair of the
Massachusetts Access to
Justice Commission, I am
dedicated to making our
courts more accessible to
those who struggle with
economic, cultural, and
language barriers.
During the next several days, I know that each of your will learn from and be inspired
by lawyers, judges, and others from around the country as you celebrate your past
thirty years and plot your ambitious future agenda. Thank you for your service to the
bench, the bar, and the public.
Welcome to Boston!
Ralph D. Gants
Chief Justice
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
HNBA Mission
Why Partner With HNBA?
ur membership is comprised of thousands
of Latino lawyers, law professors, students,
legal professionals, state and federal judges,
legislators, and bar affiliates operating across
the country.
ur members work in the public and nonO
profit sectors, small, medium, and large law
firms, and the corporate law departments
and C-Suites of Fortune 500 companies.
ore than just a bar group, as a national
association of Latino lawyers, the HNBA is
uniquely positioned to influence and impact
the lives of the 54 million Latinos in the U.S.
ur members are highly-educated,
technology-savy, upwardly mobile, and
y partnering with the HNBA, sponsors
expand their reach to thousands of Latino
lawyers, increase brand recognition in the
Latino community, and influence a vibrant
demographic that today has an estimated
buying power in excess of $1.3 trillion dollars.
nrich and diversify the legal profession,
judiciary, and legislature through improved
recruitment, retention, and promotion of
Latinos, including targeted identification
and endorsement and/or promotion of
highly-qualified Latino candidates for
legal positions including but not limited to
judicial and legislative openings at the state
and federal level;
rovide professional development,
business development, and networking
opportunities to our members and
sponsors via national and regional
conferences, seminars and receptions;
trengthen the educational pipeline by
creating opportunities for Latino students
through partnerships with corporate
America, nonprofit organizations, and the
public sector;
mpower the Latino community through legal,
financial, and educational literacy initiatives;
Advocate for solutions on issues that affect
the Latino community.
HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION | Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
About the HNBA
The Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA) is
a not-for-profit, nonpartisan, national membership
association that represents the interests of
Hispanic attorneys, judges, law professors, legal
assistants, law students, and legal professionals
in the United States and its territories. Since
1972, the HNBA has acted as a force for positive
change within the legal profession by creating
opportunities for Hispanic lawyers and by helping
generations of lawyers to succeed. The HNBA
has also effectively advocated on issues of
importance to the national Hispanic community.
While we are proud of our accomplishments, we
are mindful that our mission is as vital today as
it was four decades ago, especially as the U.S.
Hispanic population continues to grow.
Liberty Mutual Insurance is proud to
support the Hispanic National Bar
Association and their efforts driving
equality, opportunity and justice for all.
HNBA National Leadership
HNBA Executive Committee
Cynthia D. Mares, National President
Arapahoe County Public Trustee
Littleton, CO
Jennifer Trusso, VP of Programs
Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton
Costa Mesa, CA
Robert T. Maldonado, National President-Elect
Cooper & Dunham LLP
New York, NY
Jaime Areizaga-Soto, VP of Regions & Affiliates
Deputy Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs at
Office of the Governor, Commonwealth of Virginia
Arlington, VA
Juan Vasquez Jr., Treasurer
Chamberlain, Hrdlicka, White,
Williams & Aughtry
Houston, TX
Elizabeth Espinosa Krupa, VP of Sections & Committees
Espinosa Krupa, LLC
Denver, CO
Rosevelie Marquez Morales, Secretary
Harris Beach PLLC
New York, NY
Meshach Rhoades, National Finance Director
Armstrong Teasdale LLP
Denver, CO
John Arrastia, VP of External Affairs
Arrastia Capote Partners
Miami, FL
Rafael Zahralddin-Aravena, General Counsel
Elliott Greenleaf
Wilmington, DE
Anjanette Cabrera, VP of Membership
Constangy, Brooks, Smith & Prophete
New York, NY
Alba Cruz-Hacker, COO & Executive Director
Washington, DC
HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION | Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
HNBA Regional Presidents
Jose Sierra, Region I President
Laredo & Smith, LLP
Boston, MA
Gerardo Alcazar, Region XI President
Blackwell Burke
Minneapolis, MN
Neysa Alsina, Region II President
New York City Bar Association
New York, NY
Christine Poleski Gaona, Region XII President
Oakstone Human Capital LLC
Houston, TX
Anna Maria Tejada, Region III President
Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck
Hackensack, NJ
Cristal DeHerrera, Regional XIII President
Denver City Attorney’s Office
Denver, CO
Tom Warnock, Region IV President
Wilmington, DE
Freddy Saavedra, Region XIV President
Saavedra Law Firm, PLC
Phoenix, AZ
Mariana D. Bravo, Region V President
Carr Maloney
Washington, DC
Christina Vigil, Region XV President
Law Office of Christina Vigil
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87104
Leticia Padilla De Truman, Region VII President
INC Research
Raleigh, NC
Mick Konowal, Region XVI President
Microsoft Corporation
Redmond, WA
Enrique “Henry” Gimenez, Region VII President
Lightfoot, Franklin & White, LLC
Birmingham, AL
Natalie Pierce, Region XVII President
Littler Mendelson P.C.
San Francisco, CA
Irene Oria, Region VIII President
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP
Miama, FL
Camilo Echavarria, Region XVIII President
Davis Wright Tremaine
Los Angeles, CA
Luis Avila, Region IX President
US Foods
Bensenville, IL
Grymarys De Jesus, Region XIX President
San Juan, PR
Christian Gonzalez, Region X President
Dinsmore & Shohl LLP
Columbus, OH
HNBA Affiliate Organizations
Broward County Hispanic Bar Association
Long Island Hispanic Bar Association
Canadian Hispanic Bar Association
Los Abogados Hispanic Bar Association
Colorado Hispanic Bar Association
Maryland Hispanic Bar Association
Connecticut Hispanic Bar Association
Massachusetts Association of Hispanic Attorneys
Dallas Hispanic Bar Association
Mexican American Bar Association of Houston
Delaware Hispanic Bar Association
Mexican American Bar Association of Los Angeles
Dominican Bar Association
Mexican American Bar Association of San Antonio
Georgia Hispanic Bar Association
Mexican American Bar Association of Texas
Hispanic Bar Association of Austin
Minnesota Hispanic Bar Association
Hispanic Bar Association of Central Florida
National Hispanic Prosecutors Association
Hispanic Bar Association of DC
New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association
Hispanic Bar Association of Greater Kansas City
Orange County Hispanic Bar Association
Hispanic Bar Association of Houston
Oregon Hispanic Bar Association
Hispanic Bar Association of Michigan
Puerto Rican Bar Association of Florida
Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey, Inc.
Puerto Rican Bar Association Illinois
Hispanic Bar Association of Pennsylvania
Puerto Rican Bar Association of New York
Hispanic Bar Association of St. Louis
Rhode Island Hispanic Bar Association
Hispanic Bar Association of Virginia
Santa Clara County La Raza Lawyers Association
Hispanic Lawyers Association of Illinois
San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association
Hispanic Lawyers Association of Louisiana
San Francisco La Raza Lawyers Association
Las Vegas Latino Bar Association
Tampa Bay Hispanic Bar Association
Latina Lawyers Bar Association
Utah Minority Bar Association
Latino/a Lawyers Bar Association of Washington
Wisconsin Hispanic Lawyers Association
Latino Lawyers Association of Queens County
HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION | Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
HNBA Latina Commission
HNBA Latina Commission Leadership
Maria Gonzalez Knavel, HNBA Latina Commission Co-Chair
Foley & Lardner LLP (Ret.)
Milwaukee, WI
Erica V. Mason, HNBA Latina Commission Co-Chair
Constangy, Brooks, Smith & Prophete
Atlanta, GA
HNBA Latina Commission Commissioners
Lillian Apodaca*
Bingham Hurst & Apodaca
Albuquerque, NM
Liz Lopez
Opportunity Finance Network
Washington, DC
Catherine Romero
Microsoft Corporation
Redmond, WA
Mari Carmen Aponte*
US Ambassador to El Salvador
San Salvador, Republica de El
Jill Lynch-Cruz
JLC Consulting
Bethesda, Maryland
Jacqueline Romero
Eastern District of PA, US DOJ
Philadelphia, PA
Monica MacGregor
Oriental Bank
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Ramona Romero*
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ
Ruth Mackey
Fisher & Phillips LLP
Denver, Colorado
Roberta Ruiz
Energy Future Holdings
Dallas, TX
Solangel Maldonado
Seton Hall University, School of Law
Newark, NJ
Luisa Santiago
US Army JAG Corps
Leavenworth, KS
Natacha Carbajal
NYS Department of Labor
New York, NY
Martha Mora
Avila Rodriguez Hernandez Mena &
Ferri LLP
Coral Gables, FL
Diana Sen*
Office of Federal Contract Compliance
New York, NY
Graciela Cowger
Stolowitz Ford Cowger LLP
Portland, Oregon
Monica Neuman
McDermott Will & Emery LLP
Boston, MA
Kristy Docabo
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
New York, NY
Jessica Ortiz
United States Attorney
New York, NY
Alicia Velazquez*
Law Offices Alicia
San Juan, PR
Mary Hernandez*
Garcia Calderon Ruiz LLP
San Jose, CA
Marinela Peralta
Walmart Stores, Inc
Bentonville, AR
Lizzette Herrera Castellanos
University of San Diego School of Law
San Diego, CA
Carrie Ricci-Smith
Washington, D.C.
Dolores Atencio*
University of Denver
Denver, CO
Karina Ayala-Bermejo
Metropolitan Family Services
Chicago, IL
Jacqueline Becerra
Greenburg Traurig, P.A.
Miami, FL
Christina Vigil
US EEOC Albuquerque Area Office
Albuquerque, NM
Celeste Villarreal
Austin Municipal Court
Austin, TX
*HNBA Past-Presidents
HNBA Founders
Hon. Mario G. Obledo
Miguel R. Mendez
Hon. Lorenzo Arredondo
Hon. Cruz Reynoso
Ed Pena
John Huerta
Hon. Benjamin Aranda III
Baltazar Baca
Donata Tapia
Louis Garcia
Al Gonzalez
HNBA Past Presidents
Hon. Mario G. Obledo
Sacramento, CA
Hon. Benjamin Aranda III
Torrence, CA
John Roy Castillo
Lansing, MI
Robert Maes
Denver, CO
Hon. Lorenzo Arredondo
Denver, CO
Hon. Mari Carmen Aponte
Washington, DC
Gilbert F. Casellas
Washington, DC
Robert Mendez
Hollywood, CA
William Mendez
New York, NY
Hugo Chaviano
Chicago, IL
Hon. Jimmie V. Reyna
Washington, DC
Michael Martinez
Murray, UT
Gregory Vega
San Diego, CA
Victor M. Marquez
San Francisco,CA
Mark Gallegos
Miami, FL
Lillian Apodaca
Albuquerque, NM
Ramona E. Romero
Wilmington, DE
Jimmy Gurule
New Haven, CT
Alice Velazquez
San Juan, Puerto
Roman D. Hernandez
Portland, OR
Robert J. Ruiz
Chicago, IL
Rico Rafael Santiago
Hartford, CT
Diana Sen
New York, NY
Dolores Atencio
Denver, CO
Angel G. Gomez
Chicago, IL
Benny Agosto, Jr.
Houston, TX
Carlos Ortiz
Secaucus, NJ
Duard M. Bradshaw
Akron, OH
Hon. Peter M. Reyes , Jr.
Minneapolis, MN
Wilfredo Caraballo
Newark, NJ
Carlos Singh
San Jose, CA
Miguel Alexander Pozo
Atlanta, GA
Mary T. Hernandez
San Francisco, CA
Alan Varela
Santa Fe, NM
Jose Gaitan
Seattle, WA
Nelson A. Castillo
Roslyn Heights,NY
HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION | Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
2015 HNBA Annual Convention National Leadership Team
2015 AC National Convention Team
Eneida Roman
Chief Operating Officer
The Base
Boston, MA
Janell Avila
Solorio & Avila Law Firm
Kansas City, MO
Luis Avila
Assistant General Counsel
US Foods
Chicago, IL
Juan M. Sempertegui
Director of Licensing
MD Division of Financial Regulation
Baltimore, MD
Jose Sierra
Laredo & Smith, LLP
Boston, MA
2015 Honorary Convention Co-Chairs
Cynthia D. Mares
HNBA National President
Salomon Chiquiar-Rabinovich
MAHA President
2015 Convention Ex Officios
Robert T. Maldonado
HNBA National President-Elect
Meshach Rhoades
HNBA National Finance Director
HNBA National Office
Alba Cruz-Hacker
COO & Executive Director
Siobhan DeLoatch
Program Coordinator
Erika Lopez-Tello
Director of Operations
Rachel Shepherd
Administrative Assistant
HNBA Young Lawyers Division
Young Lawyers Division Executive Committee
Lorena Morez,
YLD National Treasurer
Guillermo Schible, YLD Immediate
Past President
An Duong, Region I
Vanessa Hernandez, Region VII
Lizette Rubio, Region XIV
Chavez Rocio, Region II
Rudy Ayala, Region VIII
Veronica Quinonez, Region XVI
Andres Acebo, Region III
Salvador Cerranza, Region IX
Sandra Ambrocio, Region XVII
Adrian Snead, Region V
Ira Gonzalez, Region XII
Josh Ludmir, Region XVIII
Carla Clements, Region VI
Patrick Withers, Region XIII
Aura Montes Rodriguez, Region XIX
Claudia Castro,
YLD National President
Karen Leyva,
YLD National President-Elect
Young Lawyers Division Council
HNBA Law Student Division
HNBA Law Student Division Leadership
Juan Jasso, HNBA LSD National President
University of Oregon Law School
Berenice Medellin, HNBA LSD Vice President
University of Texas School of Law
HNBA Law Student Division Regional Presidents
Benjamin Mejia, Region II President
New York University School of Law
Irene Motles, Region VII President
University of Alabama School of Law
Miguel Delgado, Region XIV President
William S. Boyd School of Law
Elizabeth Perez, Region II Co-President
Touro Law School
Karel Suarez, Region VIII President
Florida International University
Marisol Campos, Region XV
University of New Mexico School of Law
Ruby Gonzalez, Region IV President
Widener Law School
Fatima Garcia, Region IX President
John Marshall Law School
Maria Zegarra, Region V President
University of Baltimore School of Law
Christina Flores, Region IX
DePaul University College of Law
Ivan Resendiz Gutierrez,
Region XVI President
University of Oregon School of Law
Patricia Buxton, Region V Co-President
Georgetown University
Orlando Garza, Region VI President
Charlotte School of Law
Matthew Diaz, Region X President
The Ohio State University Moritz
College of Law
Lizett Rodriguez, Region XVII
University of San Francisco School of Law
Nefi Acosta, Region XVIII President
University of California, Irvine School
of Law
Janell Robles, Region XII President
South Texas College of Law
HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION | Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
The HNBA Legal Education Fund (LEF)
The HNBA Legal Education Fund Board of Directors
Benny Agosto, Jr., President
Abraham, Watkins, Nichols, Sorrels, Agosto & Friend
Houston, TX
Hannah Breshin-Otero, Secretary
Bechtel Global Corporation
Reston, VA
Mark S. Gallegos, Vice President
Mark S. Gallegos, Esq.
Miami, FL
Jaime Vasquez, Treasurer
Chamberlain, Hrdlicka, White, Williams & Aughtry
San Antonio, TX
HNBA LEF Directors
Josefina Fernández McEvoy
NJ Capital Advisers LLC
Los Angeles, CA
Jim Rowader
Minneapolis, MN
Hon. Alberto Gonzales
Belmont University College of Law
Nashville, TN
Jennifer Trusso
Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton
Costa Mesa, CA
Román D. Hernández
K&L Gates
Portland, OR
Thomas A. Warnock
Wilmington, DE
Gregory Kenney
Exxon Mobil
Houston, TX
Omar Vargas
Praxair, Inc.
Danbury, CT
Miguel Alexander Pozo
Mercedes-Benz USA
Atlanta, GA
Juan Vazquez, Jr.
Chamberlain, Hrdlicka, White, Williams & Aughtry
Houston, TX
Hon. Peter Reyes, Jr.
Minnesota Court of Appeals
Minneapolis, MN
The HNBA Legal Education Fund is the only non-profit organization affiliated with the Hispanic
National Bar Association, and supports the Hispanic National Bar Association’s educational and
charitable missions, including identifying and providing financial assistance to worthy programs
that address education and the law within the U.S. Hispanic community and legal profession.
HNBA Lifetime Members, Thank You!
Agosto, Jr., Benny
Casellas, Gilbert
Garcia, Luis
Agusti, Filiberto
Castellanos, Alfredo
Garcia, Arthur
Alonso, Daniel
Castillo, Nelson
Garcia, Sergio
Ambrocio, Sandra
Castillo, Richard
Garcia, Juan
Apodaca, Lillian
Castro, Carlos
Garcia-Mercado, Carmen
Aponte, Lester
Castro, Carlos
Godoy-Perez, Ramona
Aponte, Mari Carmen
Cerda, Clarissa
Gomez, Angel
Aponte-Parsi, Ricardo
Chaviano, Hugo
Gonzalez, Al
Aranda III, Benjamin
Cintron, Ramon
Gonzalez Rogers, Yvonne
Argueta, Violeta
Cortez, Ezekiel
Graffam-Rodriguez, Richard
Armendriz, Geraldine
Cox, Ariana
Guerrero, Peter
Arrastia, John
Cruz Sroufe, Evelyn
Gutierrez, Horacio
Arrendondo, Lorenzo
Curiel, Gonzalo
Gutierrez, Paul
Asturias, Elena
Da Silva Vint, Colin
Hernandez, Mary
Atencio, Jerry
de Cordoba, Otto
Huerta, John
Baca, A. Baltazar
de Leon, Luis
Iturregui, Carlos
Bencomo, Raúl
Del Valle, Manuel
Jacquez Lewis, Georgia
Benitez, Brigida
DeLeon, Ruben
Jiron, Carolina
Billinger, Brad
Delgado, Timothy
Koenig, Richard
Bolanos, Maritza
Diaz, Kevin
Lespier, Manfredo
Bolanos, Suzanne
Duarte, Enrique
Libertella, Fernando
Borvice, Al
Ferre, Hermann
Linek, Scott
Bradshaw, Duard
Ferrer, John David
Lombana, Hector
Burgos Jr., Luis
Flores, Carmen
Lopez, Andres
Calderon, Yuri
Fuentes, Jose
Lopez, Diana
Callejo, Adelfa
Gaitan, Jose
Lucero, Anthony
Callejo, William
Gallegos, Mark
Lucero, Ruban
Camacho-Ragan, Grisselie
Gandara, Daniel
Macias, Lucia
HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION | Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
Maldonado, Robert
Peral, Eloy
Singh, Carlos
Marano, Nina
Perez, Daniel
Sistos, Roberto
Martinez, Claudine
Perez, Luis
Soto, Milena
Martinez, Jose Vivaldi
Pinon, Gema
Soto, Milena
Martinez, Phillip
Portuondo, Nuris
Spain, Charles
Medina, Francisco
Pozo, Miguel Alexander
Tapia, Donato
Mendez, Robert
Ramirez, Enrique
Tellechea, Albert
Mendez, Juan
Ramirez, Michelle
Torres, Victor
Mendez, Miguel
Ramos, Suzanne
Trujillo, Kenneth
Mendiola, Lino
Reyes, Jr., Peter
Trujillo, James
Montes-Infante, Diana
Reyna, Jimmie
Trujillo, James
Morales, Joseph
Reynoso, Cruz
Trujillo, Kenneth
Mukherji, Raj
Ribbeck, Bertha
Vasquez, Phillip
Munich, Maritza
Rodriguez, Javier
Vega, Gregory
Muniz, Peter
Rodriguez, Hugo
Velazquez, Alice
Murcia, Liza
Rodriguez-Feo, Armando
Villa, Maria
Murphy, Yvette
Roldan-Cruz, Sylvia
Villarreal, Oscar
Obledo, Hon
Roman, Alejandro
Vivero, Mauricio
Olivas, Michael
Romero, Jacqueline
Vivero, Mauricio
Olivier, William
Romero, Ross
Ybarra, Gloria
Ortego, Joseph
Ruisanchez, Alberto
Ybarra, Gloria
Ortiz, Carlos
Saez, Ketty
Zahralddin-Aravena, Rafael
Ortiz, Lillian
Santiago, Lourdes
Zapata, Julio
Ortiz, Carlos
Santiago, Rafael
Zapata, Julio
Palacios, Elizabeth
Sen, Diana
Zayas, Louis
Paz, Richard
Shelth, Justice
Zayas, Louis
Paz, R
Sillyman, Michael
Pena, Ed
Simao, Salvador
Exhibitor Showcase
American Bar Association
Exponent, Inc.
The American Bar Association Diversity
Center is the advocate for racial and
ethnic diversity within the ABA. The
Center provides the framework for
effective utilization of ABA diversity
resources and helps to maintain racial and
ethnic diversity within the legal profession
and society as a priority issue for the ABA.
Exponent is a leading engineering
and scientific consulting firm providing
independent technical support for
litigation involving product liability,
personal injury, construction,
environmental/toxic tort, and
intellectual property issues.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
The Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) is comprised of unique
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Corporation (FDIC)
The Federal Deposit Insurance
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HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION | Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
Massachusetts Association of
Hispanic Attorneys
The Massachusetts Association
of Hispanic Attorneys (“MAHA”),
founded in 1985 and celebrating its
30th anniversary in this 2015 HNBA
Annual Convention, promotes service
and excellence in the Hispanic legal
community and seeks to provide
opportunities for professional growth
to its members. MAHA strives to
enhance the business and professional
stature of its members in the legal
community at large, increase the
participation of Hispanic leaders in the
civic arena, and elevate the standard
of integrity, honor, and courtesy in the
legal profession. MAHA is a proud
affiliate organization of the Hispanic
National Bar Association.
help develop and refine your advocacy
skills in all aspects and through every
stage of handling a case.
have been adopted by firms throughout
the United States and Canada, ranging
in size from small boutiques, to mid-size
firms, and the AM Law 100.
Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak
& Stewart, P.C.
U.S. Air Force JAG Corps
In 47 offices across the United States,
Mexico and Europe, Ogletree Deakins
has over 700 lawyers representing
management in employment-related
matters. The 2015 U.S. News—Best
Lawyers® “Best Law Firms” lists us as
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Law—Management category.
At the time you become a JAG, you
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is backed by a team of specialists in
investments and insurance who bring
different points of view to your financial
plan. This holistic approach can help
you build a truly diversified portfolio of
retirement, wealth management, asset
protection and estate planning solutions.
National Institute for Trial
Advocacy (NITA)
The National Institute for Trial
Advocacy is the premier provider
of learning-by-doing education for
the legal profession. NITA training
programs are offered nationwide for
every skill level, organization type and
area of practice. NITA also produces
written and electronic materials that
Exhibitor Showcase
exciting opportunity to work with
people (colleagues and clients) from
diverse backgrounds. For some,
travel opportunities, the possibility of
living and practicing law in a foreign
country, and the simple prospect of
engaging in a unique field of law carry
a special attraction. For others, quality
of life is of significant importance and
military service provides an extended
family, emphasizes teamwork and
team building, and offers a welldeveloped support network. For these
and many other reasons, service as
an Air Force judge advocate offers
unique opportunities and promises
enriching experiences.
U.S. Department of Justice,
Antitrust Division (DOJ)
The mission of the Antitrust Division is to
promote economic competition through
enforcing and providing guidance on
antitrust laws and principles.
U.S. Department of Justice—
Office of the Attorney
Recruitment and Management
DOJ Is the nation’s primary law
enforcement agency with a mission
to enforce the law and defend the
Interests of the United States according
to the law; provide federal leadership
In preventing and controlling crime;
seek Just punishment for those guilty
of unlawful behavior; and, ensure
fair and Impartial administration
of Justice for all Americans. With
over 9500 attorneys in more than 40
organizations and 94 U.S. Attorneys’
Offices, the U.S. Department of Justice
may be the largest legal employer in
the country. The Department is known
as the nation’s litigator, representing
more than 100 federal agencies In
both criminal and civil litigation. The
Department’s legal work is unusually
broad and varied and Includes many
practice areas not available in the
private sector.
U.S. Department of Navy, Office
of the Judge Advocate General
The Navy JAG Corps, the cadre of
uniformed legal experts in the United
States Navy, is comprised of more
than 800 judge advocates who are
commissioned naval officers in pay
grades ranging from lieutenant junior
grade (LTJG) through vice admiral
(VADM). Navy judge advocates serve
the Navy and their nation throughout
the world, both ashore and at sea.
As a member of the JAG Corps, you
will encounter opportunities and
experiences far beyond those you
would expect from an ordinary law
firm. Specific areas of practice include:
military justice, legal assistance,
international law, operational law,
administrative law, environmental
law, civil litigation, humanitarian
assistance and refugee law, admiralty
and maritime law. New Navy judge
advocates begin their careers by
building a foundation in four core
practice areas: government services,
legal assistance, trial, and defense. This
foundation gives new judge advocates
the skills they need to take advantage
of other opportunities such as advising
senior military leaders on critical
issues, deploying at sea, and honing
additional legal skills.
For more information about the Navy
JAG Corps, career opportunities, and the
internship/externship program please visit
our website at:
U.S. Department of Homeland
Security, Immigration and
Customs Enforcement
U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE), the largest
investigative agency in the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security
(DHS), is responsible for performing the
critical mission of enforcing the nation’s
immigration and custom laws. The ICE
homeland security mission is carried out
by a wide variety of law enforcement,
intelligence and mission support
professionals that contribute to the
safety and security of our country.
U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA),
Office of General Counsel
The Office of General Counsel
(OGC) is the chief legal advisor to
EPA, the federal agency with primary
responsibility for implementing the
nation’s environmental laws. OGC
lawyers provide counsel to the EPA
policy makers on legal issues associated
with implementing these environmental
laws as well as the laws governing
Information Technology, Labor and
Employment, Equal Employment
Opportunity, Finance, Civil Rights, and
Alternative Dispute Resolution.
HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION | Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
Career Fair Employers
Alston & Bird
Alston & Bird has approximately 800
attorneys providing a full range of services
to domestic and international clients.
Our core practice areas are intellectual
property, complex litigation, corporate
and tax, with national industry focuses
in energy and sustainability, health care,
financial services and public policy.
Bank of America
Bank of America is one of the
world’s leading financial institutions,
serving individual consumers, small
and middle-market businesses
and large corporations with a full
range of banking, investing, asset
management and other financial
and risk management products and
services. The company provides
unmatched convenience in the United
States, serving approximately 48
million consumer and small business
relationships with approximately 4,800
retail financial centers, approximately
16,000 ATMs, and award-winning online
banking with 31 million active users and
approximately 18 million mobile users.
Bank of America is among the world’s
leading wealth management companies
and is a global leader in corporate and
investment banking and trading across
a broad range of asset classes, serving
corporations, governments, institutions
and individuals around the world. Bank
of America offers industry-leading
support to approximately 3 million small
business owners through a suite of
innovative, easy-to-use online products
and services. The company serves
clients through operations in all 50
states, the District of Columbia, the U.S.
Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and more
than 35 countries. Bank of America
Corporation stock (NYSE: BAC) is listed
on the New York Stock Exchange.
Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau
The CFPB is the first federal agency
solely focused on consumer financial
protection. The Dodd-Frank Act created
the CFPB to protect consumers of
financial products or services and to
encourage the fair and competitive
operation of consumer financial markets.
Covington & Burling LLP
Covington &Burling LLP offers its
lawyers and non-legal staff exceptional
opportunities, in a collegial and
exciting environment. From our offices
in Beijing, Brussels, London. Los
Angeles, New York, San Francisco.
Seoul, Shanghai, Silicon Valley, and
Washington, Covington lawyers
represent some of the world’s most
sophisticated clients in cutting edge
technology, white collar defense,
litigation, transactional, public policy
and government affairs, international
and life sciences matters. Our firm
culture enables our lawyers to carve out
their own niches and develop expertise
in emerging industries and new areas
of the law. And we do so in a manner
that embraces the finest traditions
of the legal profession, including an
unparalleled commitment to public
service. As one of the world’s leading
law firms, Covington has long enjoyed
a reputation for representing significant
clients in complex legal matters, and
serving the public interest, according to
Career Fair Employers
the very highest professional standards.
We are always looking for talented law
students, trainees, lawyers and staff
members with the ability, integrity,
and initiative necessary to maintain
these qualities and to ensure that our
firm continues to be a stimulating and
rewarding place to practice law.
Day Pitney LLP
Day Pitney is a leading full-service
regional U.S. law firm with a more than
100-year reputation for superior client
service. With close to 300 attorneys in
nine offices throughout the Northeast,
we provide regional, national and
international clients results-based
representation and forward-thinking
solutions to complex litigation,
transactions and regulatory matters.
Debevoise & Plimpton
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP is a premier
law firm with market-leading practices,
a global perspective and strong New
York roots. Our clients look to us to
bring a distinctively high degree of
quality, intensity and creativity to resolve
legal challenges effectively and cost
efficiently. For more information, please
visit our website at
Dechert LLP
Dechert is a global specialist law
firm focused on sectors with the
greatest complexities and highest
regulatory demands. We deliver
practical commercial insight and
judgment to our clients’ most
important matters. Nothing stands in
the way of giving clients the best of
the firm’s entrepreneurial energy and
seamless collaboration in a way that is
distinctively Dechert.
Federal Reserve Board
The Federal Reserve Board is an
independent agency of the federal
government with approximately 2000
employees and offers attorneys a unique
opportunity to participate in work on
challenging and significant legal issues
related to all aspects of the federal
regulation of the nation’s banking system
and financial markets, including the
supervision and regulation of banks and
bank holding companies, international
banking, and the operation of the
payment system. In general, the Legal
Division staff is concerned with questions
relating to the fields of banking and
financial services, commercial, corporate,
antitrust, and administrative law.
Federal Trade Commission,
Bureau of Competition
The Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau
of Competition enforces the nation’s
antitrust laws, which form the foundation
of our free market economy. The antitrust
laws promote the interests of consumers;
they support unfettered markets and
result in lower prices and more choices.
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow,
Garrett & Dunner LLP
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow,
Garrett & Dunner LLP is one of the
largest IP law firms in the world. From
offices in Atlanta, Boston, London,
Palo Alto, Reston, Seoul, Shanghai,
HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION | Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
Taipei, Tokyo, and Washington, DC,
the firm practices all aspects of patent,
trademark, copyright, and trade secret
law, including counseling, prosecution,
licensing, and litigation.
Financial Industry Regulatory
Authority (FINRA)
The Financial Industry Regulatory
Authority (FINRA) is an independent, nongovernmental regulator for all securities
firms doing business with the public in
the United States. FINRA is seeking legal
professionals to help protect America’s
investors by making sure the securities
industry operates fairly and honestly.
Learn more at
Jackson Lewis P.C.
Jackson Lewis seeks to recruit, develop,
and advance a diverse team of attorneys
to represent management in all aspects
of workplace law. With 800 attorneys
throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico,
Jackson Lewis is included in the AmLaw
100, and has been recognized for its
diversity by American Lawyer, Law 360,
and other major publications.
Jones Day
Jones Day is a global law firm with 42
offices in major centers of business
and finance throughout the world. Its
unique governance system fosters an
unparalleled level of integration and
contributes to its perennial ranking as
among the best in the world in client
service. Jones Day provides significant
legal representation for almost half of
the Fortune 500, Fortune Global 500,
and FT Global 500.
Kelley Drye & Warren LLP
Kelley Drye & Warren LLP is an
international law firm with more than 300
lawyers and other professionals practicing
in New York, NY; Washington, DC; Los
Angeles, CA; Chicago, IL; Stamford, CT;
Parsippany, NJ; and Brussels, Belgium.
We are firmly committed to creating a
diverse community of excellent attorneys.
Latham & Watkins
Massachusetts Attorney
General’s Office
Attorney General Maura Healey is the
chief lawyer and law enforcement officer
of the Commomwealth of Massachusetts.
In addition, her office is an advocate and
resource for the Commonwealth and
its residents in many areas, including
protecting consumers, combating fraud
and corruption, protecting civil rights, and
promoting meaningful economic recovery.
Michael Best & Friedrich LLP
Latham & Watkins is a fully integrated,
global law firm that values its “onefirm” culture. We have approximately
2,100 lawyers in the world’s major
business and financial centers. We are
committed to creating an inclusive
workplace where attorneys from all
groups find the opportunity and
support to fulfill their potential.
Founded in 1848, Michael Best &
Friedrich LLP has earned a reputation as
a leading law firm. Approximately 220
attorneys serve clients at our 8 offices
across the country. Our Michael Best
Academy welcomes and integrates our
summer associates into the firm through
a rigorous 8 week program.
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Liberty Mutual Insurance employs over
50,000 people in 900 offices throughout
the world. We offer a broad range of
insurance products & services. Liberty
Mutual fosters an environment of support,
empowerment and collaboration that
enables our employees to succeed both
inside and outside of work.
Manion Gaynor & Manning LLP
Manion Gaynor & Manning LLP (MG&M)
is a national litigation law firm focused
on Products Liability and Complex Tort
Litigation, and Commercial and Business
Litigation with fully integrated offices in
Boston, Hattiesburg, Lake Charles, Los
Angeles, New Orleans, Providence, San
Francisco, and Wilmington.
Mintz Levin Cohn Ferris Glovsky &
Popeo P.C.
Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and
Popeo, P.C. is a full service law firm
employing approximately 500 attorneys
worldwide. Founded in 1933 and
headquartered in Boston, the firm has
offices in Los Angeles, New York City,
San Diego, San Francisco, Stamford,
and Washington, DC, and a liaison office
in Israel.
New York City Law Department
The Law Department strives to be the
finest public law office providing the
highest quality legal representation to
its clients—the City, the Mayor, other
elected officials, and the City’s many
agencies in the tradition of excellence and
dedication, in furtherance of the operation
of its government. The Law Department’s
700+ attorneys and 850 support
professionals, work in o professional
Career Fair Employers
and collegial environment that values
integrity, dedication, respect, professional
development, diversity, supportive work
environment, teamwork, and excellence.
New York Center for Recruitment
and Public Service
From Governor Andrew M. Cuomo: “It
is a great honor to serve the people of
the state of New York, in any capacity.
I believe that government is a service
bureau—designed with the intent of
making our world a better place both
today and in the future. That’s what
working in state government is all about:
coming together to make a difference
for someone other than yourself, and
that’s what we do best.
We hold ourselves to the highest
standards of performance and
excellence, and we are committed to
achieving our goals with the confidence
that our efforts will drive tangible change
for the people of New York. So I thank
you for your interest in joining our team
and helping us continue that progress.
Together, we can continue to deliver
results and move New York State forward.
Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak &
Stewart, P.C.
In 47 offices across the United States,
Mexico and Europe, Ogletree Deakins
has over 700 lawyers representing
management in employment-related
matters. The 2015 U.S. News—Best
Lawyers ® “Best Law Firms” lists us as
“Law Firm of the Year” in the Labor
Law—Management category.
Office of the Comptroller
Attorneys for the OCC: Develop
innovative precedential opinions on
contemporary issues in the financial
services industry; enforce national
bank and federal savings association
compliance through enforcement
actions; develop banking regulations
and legislation to modernize banking
law; represent the Comptroller in
litigation. Please visit for
more information and we look forward
to meeting you to discuss a career at
the OCC.
Perkins Coie LLP
“With more than 1,000 lawyers in 19
offices across the United States and
Asia, Perkins Coie LLP represents great
companies across a wide range of
industries and stages of growth—from
startups to FORTUNE 50 corporations.”
Queens County District
Attorney’s Office
The Office of the Queens County
District Attorney offers an unparalleled
opportunity the field of criminal
prosecution. The Administration of
District Richard A. Brown has become
well-known and respected for our
Domestic: Violence Bureau Queens
County is one of the most diverse and
cosmopolitan areas the world.
business and legal needs in litigation,
employment, corporate, real estate
and employee benefits.
Social Security Administration
We are one of the largest
independent agencies in government
with over 60,000 employees. We
work at more than 1,400 field offices
and service centers throughout the
country, as well as regional and
headquarters locations.
Social Security is home to the country’s
largest administrative law system.
Practice law in a public service
environment that is professional,
supportive, and collegial. The Office
of Disability Adjudication and Review
(ODAR) administers the hearings and
appeals process for Social Security.
SSA has a real presence across
United States and is listed as one of
the Top 10 best places to work for
large government agencies. Social
Security is known for its family-friendly,
inclusive work culture. We promote and
value a healthy balance between job
responsibilities and family life for all
employees. We offer generous benefits
and leave policies and flexible schedules
Explore ways to serve.
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
Squire Patton Boggs
Seyfarth Shaw LLP provides thoughtful,
strategic, practical legal counsel to
client companies and legal teams of
all sizes. With more than 850 attorneys
in the U.S., London, Shanghai,
Melbourne and Sydney, we offer a
national platform and an international
gateway to serve your changing
Squire Patton Boggs is a full service
global law firm providing insight at
the point where law, business and
government meet, giving you a
voice, supporting your ambitions and
achieving successful outcomes.
With more than 2,600 colleagues, across
44 offices in 21 countries, we are well-
HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION | Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
established geographically with strong
local and regional positions.
U.S. Agency for
International Development
State Street Corporation
State Street Corporation is the world’s
leading provider of financial services
to institutional investors including
investment servicing, investment
management and investment research
and trading. With $28.5 trillion in assets
under custody and administration and
$2.4 trillion in assets under management,
State Street operates globally in more
than 100 geographic markets.
Suffolk County District
Attorney’s Office
USAID’s mission statement highlights
two complementary and intrinsically
linked goals: ending extreme poverty
and promoting the development of
resilient, democratic societies that
are able to realize their potential. We
fundamentally believe that ending
extreme poverty requires enabling
inclusive, sustainable growth; promoting
free, peaceful, and self-reliant societies
with effective, legitimate governments;
building human capital and creating
social safety nets that reach the poorest
and most vulnerable.
U.S. Air Force JAG Corps
Suffolk County District Attorney Daniel F.
Conley’s office handles more than 35,000
criminal cases each year in nine district
and municipal courts, Suffolk Superior
Court, the Massachusetts Appeals court,
and the Supreme Judicial Court of
Massachusetts. In every proceeding in
every case, we seek the best, fairest, and
most appropriate result for victims, their
loved ones, and their communities.
At the time you become a JAG, you
must be a U.S. citizen, be less than 35
years of age, graduate from an ABA
accredited law school, and be admitted
to practice before the highest court in
any state or federal territory. The Air
Force provides an ideal opportunity
to experience a diversified legal
practice (criminal, environmental,
government contracts, labor, medical,
international, legal assistance etc.) with
a complementary opportunity to hone
your litigation skills, In addition to the
diversity of legal practice areas, we offer
the exciting opportunity to work with
people (colleagues and clients) from
diverse backgrounds. For some, travel
opportunities, the possibility of living
and practicing law in a foreign country,
and the simple prospect of engaging
in a unique field of law carry a special
attraction. For others, quality of life is
of significant importance and military
service provides an extended family,
Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP
“Sutherland is an international legal
service provider helping the world’s
largest companies, industry leaders,
sector innovators, and business
entrepreneurs solve their biggest
challenges and reach their business goals.
More than 435 lawyers across seven major
practice areas provide the framework for
an extensive range of focus areas.”
Career Fair Employers
emphasizes teamwork and team building,
and offers a well-developed support
network. For these and many other
reasons, service as an Air Force judge
advocate offers unique opportunities and
promises enriching experiences.
U.S. Army JAG Corps
The Army Judge Advocate General’s
Corps (JAGC) is the Army’s source
of legal support to operations. As an
Officer in the JAGC and a practicing
attorney, your responsibilities will
cover everything affecting military
operations, focusing on the following
areas: criminal law, legal assistance,
civil and administrative law, labor or
employment law, international and
operational law, and contract and
fiscal law. The JAGC offers a wide
range opportunities-whether serving
as prosecutor or defense counsel at a
court-martial, advising a commander
on an international law issue, helping
a Soldier with a personal legal matter,
or handling many other challenging
and rewarding responsibilities. Duty
locations include the continental
United States and many installations
and locations overseas.
U.S. Attorney’s Office—
Eastern District of Michigan
The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the
Eastern District of Michigan serves the
6.5 million people living in the eastern
half of Michigan’s lower peninsula. As
part of the U.S. Department of Justice,
we prosecute criminal cases, bring
civil actions and defend the federal
government in federal court.
U.S. Government
Accountability Office—
Office of the General Counsel
The U.S. Government Accountability
Office (GAO) is an independent
non-partisan agency in the legislative
branch. As the “government
watchdog,” GAO researches and
investigates policy issues touching
upon all aspects of the work of the
federal government in order to
assist Congress in carrying out its
core constitutional responsibilities—
investigation of all areas in which
Congress may legislate, evaluation
of the use of taxpayer dollars, and
oversight of the government’s
programs and activities. Among midsize federal agencies, GAO was rated
2nd in the Best Places to Work in the
Federal Government for 2014 by the
Partnership for Public Service and has
been consistently listed among the top
five on the Partnership’s list since 2005.
GAO was also named as one of the “50
Great Places to Work” by Washington
magazine in 2011 and 2013.
U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission
The mission of the U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission is to protect
investors; maintain fair, orderly, and
efficient markets; and facilitate capital
formation. The U. S. Securities and
Exchange Commission strives to promote
a market environment that is worthy of
the public’s trust and characterized by
transparency and integrity.
HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION | Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
12:00 pm–5:00 pm
8:00 am–9:00 am
HNBA Registration
Cyber Security Definition
of Terms and Scenarios
Grand Ballroom Foyer
8:00 am–5:00 pm
HNBA Business Development
Institute Corporate Board Training:
Cyber Enterprise Risk Management
Douglas Room
In partnership with Axon Global
Services and American University’s
Kogod School of Business Center for
Cyber Governance
*There is an additional cost to attend
this training. Pre-registration is required
(Email: [email protected])
The demands of the cyber revolution
have unseated more than 60% of
Fortune 500 companies over the
last 10 years. It has also brought
unprecedented challenges for general
counsels as intellectual property,
privacy, valuation, fiduciary and
officer’s duties face an unprecedented
assault and redefinition. This
substantive all-day training will address
topics such as: 1) Cyber security issues
for General Counsel; 2) Data security
and privacy; 3) Cyber security boot
camp; 4) Cyber security case studies;
5) Legislative/regulatory update; and
6) Litigation strategies.
Between DHS and NIST there are over
218 pages of key information security
terms. We will discuss the evolution
and definition of the key terms, within
meaningful scenarios, necessary for
general counsels to have a relevant
outlook and conversation at the board
level (e.g. What is the difference between
a breach and a compromise? What
regulations may be relevant by industry?
What is disclosure and when is it relevant?)
Israel Martinez, CEO, Axon Global
Perry Wallace, Professor of Law,
Director JD/MBA Dual Degree Program,
American University Washington
College of Law
Dr. Richard Schroth, Managing Director
of Technology Strategy, Innovation
and Global Cyber Practice, Newport
Board Group
9:00 am–11:00 am
Cyber Security Defense
and Response
Case study discussion and analysis
of a sanitized real world incident.
We will have a detailed review
of how cyber compromises and
responses happen today, from policy
to reconnaissance to breach, then
post-breach through negotiated
settlement. This will be an interactive
session where general counsels are
assigned into teams Regulatory,
Defense, and Offense (Plaintiff).
Israel Martinez, CEO, Axon Global
Perry Wallace, Professor of Law,
Director JD/MBA Dual Degree Program,
American University Washington
College of Law
Dr. Richard Schroth, Managing Director
of Technology Strategy, Innovation
and Global Cyber Practice, Newport
Board Group
11:00 am–12:00 pm
Cyber Security and why it’s
Relevant to the Board
Cyber security has become an enterprise
risk management issue that has impacted
public and private boards and even
those of public utilities and non-profits.
Increasingly, boards are being held
accountable by shareholders, regulators,
supply chain partners and customers. We
will examine how these external threats
are manifesting risk at the board level.
Israel Martinez, CEO, Axon Global
Perry Wallace, Professor of Law,
Director JD/MBA Dual Degree Program,
American University Washington
College of Law
Dr. Richard Schroth, Managing Director
of Technology Strategy, Innovation
and Global Cyber Practice, Newport
Board Group
CONVENTION |/ Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
12:00 pm–12:30 pm
8:30 am–4:30 pm
Perry Wallace, Professor of Law,
Director JD/MBA Dual Degree Program,
American University Washington
College of Law
HNBA Latina Leadership Academy
Douglas Room
12:30 pm–1:30 pm
Keynote Speaker: Horacio
Gutierrez, Corporate Vice
President and Deputy General
Counsel, Microsoft Corporation
Cyber security is no longer a subject
just for IT. Today, the topic is top-ofmind in the boardroom. What’s at stake
ranges from customer privacy to brand
identity to executives’ reputations.
People can lose money, businesses can
lose customers, and companies can
lose trade secrets, intellectual property,
their competitive edge, and even their
standing in the stock market. Horacio
Gutierrez, Microsoft’s Corporate Vice
President and Deputy General Counsel,
will share how Microsoft is committed
to identifying and disrupting cybercrime
across the globe.
Dr. Richard Schroth, Managing Director
of Technology Strategy, Innovation
and Global Cyber Practice, Newport
Board Group
3:30 pm–4:00 pm
4:00 pm–5:00 pm
Making it Work in the Real World
What questions should General
Counsel and Board members be
asking? Based on what was learned,
we will review the case study and walk
through what policies, procedures,
advice and defenses that can be put
in place to mitigate the risks identified
in the Case Study and discussions
throughout the day.
1:30 pm–3:30 pm
Anatomy of a Government
Cyber Investigation
Israel Martinez, CEO, Axon Global
The cyber security world is not only
evolving, it is dynamic by quarter,
sometimes by month. As a general
counsel you’ll need to be familiar
with how investigations manifest in
an ecosystem where there are unclear
policies or conflicting rules/regulations.
We’ll discuss real world examples of
investigations, and consequences from
little known but frequent scenarios that
are becoming more common.
Perry Wallace, Professor of Law,
Director JD/MBA Dual Degree Program,
American University Washington
College of Law
Israel Martinez, CEO, Axon Global
Dr. Richard Schroth, Managing Director
of Technology Strategy, Innovation
and Global Cyber Practice, Newport
Board Group
Commonwealth B-C
Presented by HNBA Latina Commission
and Sponsored by Walmart
Grit and Growth Mindset
The ABA Commission on Women in the
Profession developed this program as
a way to help educate women lawyers
about the science behind grit and growth
mindset—two important traits that
many successful women lawyers have in
common. By providing the tools to assess
and learn these traits, the Grit Project
enhances the effectiveness as well as
the retention and promotion of women
lawyers. This program will provide useful
insight and skills on how Latina attorneys’
attitudes and behaviors about their
own abilities and potential affect career
outcomes even more so than intelligence,
raw talent, and other “fixed” attributes.
Aracely Muñoz Petrich, Esq.,
Vice President of Strategic Development,
Minority Corporate Counsel Association
Negotiating Compensation Effectively
According to evidence from the HNBA
Commission Studies, Latina Attorneys
appear to have lower compensation
levels than other attorneys groups. This
program will provide an overview of the
key issues Latina attorneys encounter
that contribute to this pay inequity
problem and how compensation
decisions are (actually) made in the
legal profession. This moderatorled panel discussion will include an
overview of the related research,
policies and practices affecting
compensation decisions across the
legal profession, as well as what Latina
attorneys need to know to be more
effective in advocating and negotiating
for themselves in this process. This
program will provide insight and
practical skills to help Latina attorneys
better navigate their organizations’
compensation process and leverage
their negotiating position.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Friends of Bill meeting
Jill Lynch Cruz, PhD, SPHR, GCDF,
President, JLC Consulting
4:30 pm–6:00 pm
HNBA Latina Leadership Academy
Networking Reception
** Open to program participants ONLY
Commonwealth A
6:00 pm–8:30 pm
2015 HNBA Annual Convention
Presentation of Awards and
Welcome Reception
Grand Ballroom Foyer
• HNBA Regional President of the Year
Award: Neysa Alsina, HNBA Region II
President, Counsel at New York City
Bar Association
• HNBA Pro Bono Corporation of the
Year Award: State Farm Automobile
Insurance Company
• HNBA Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year
Award: Gabriel A. Fuentes, Partner at
Jenner & Block
Dennis Benzan, Vice Mayor,
City of Cambridge
The Honorable Charlie Baker,
Governor of Massachusetts
7:30 am–5:00 pm
HNBA Registration
Grand Ballroom Foyer
7:30 am–8:30 am
Paine Room
8:00 am–8:30 am
Presentation of Awards
and Breakfast
Grand Ballroom A-B
• HNBA Affiliate Organization of
the Year Award: Hispanic Bar
Association of DC
• HNBA Corporate Partner of the
Year Award: Liberty Mutual Group
• HNBA Law Student Organization
of the Year: Hispanic Law Student
Association, University of Miami
The Honorable Sarah Saldaña, Director,
U.S. Immigration and
Custom Enforcement
8:30 am–10:00 am
Opening Plenary Session:
Stitches or Surgery? What
Will it Take to Fix Our Broken
Immigration System?
Grand Ballroom A-B
This panel of promising law students
and prominent young immigration
attorneys and academics will address
the contemporary legal developments,
challenges, and pragmatic solutions
for what is often characterized as a
broken immigration system. Discussion
topics will include an overview of
legal developments including DACA
and DAPA, enforcement issues,
Congressional action, litigation
updates, and suggestions from our
panelists on practical solutions that can
have lasting impacts on businesses and
Latino families nationwide.
Arnulfo Hernandez, HNBA Immigration
Section Chair
Professor Jennifer Chacón, UC Irvine
(visiting Stanford Law)
Rachel Velasquez, -2L- Vanderbilt
University Law School
Penni P. Bradshaw, Partner, Constangy,
Brooks, Smith & Prophet, LLP
Flor Bermudez, Detention Project
Director, Transgender Law Center
9:00 am–5:00 pm
HNBA Law Student Division:
Mock Interviews
Commonwealth A
10:00 am–4:00 pm
HNBA Exhibitor Showcase
Grand Ballroom Foyer
CONVENTION |/ Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
10:15 am–11:30 am
Corporate & Business Law Track
CLE Sessions
Panel #1
Grand Ballroom D
Public Interest & Litigation Track
Panel #1
Grand Ballroom C
Keep It! Developing a Defensible
Electronically Stored Information (ESI)
Preservation Program
The panel will discuss the recent
changes to the Federal Rules of
Civil Procedure (FRCP) 37(e), and
the consequences for improperly
preserving electronically stored
information (ESI). It will also discuss,
from an inhouse counsel’s perspective,
the implications of the changes to
the FRCP. In addition, the panel will
address a few of the industry best
practices where technology can help
organizations be prepared with a
defensible ESI preservation program
(e.g. eDiscovery, legal holds, data
preservation and deletion, securing
and handling electronic evidence from
discovery through its admission at
trial, etc.).
Abel Cruz, Technology Strategist,
Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA
Rosevelie Marquez Morales, Partner,
Harris Beach PLLC, New York, NY
Joe Banks, Director of eDiscovery,
Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA
Samuel Morgan, Global Managing
Consultant, eTERA Consulting,
Philadelphia, PA
Anthony S. Lowe, Associate General
Counsel, Freddie Mac, Washington, DC
Sports Law: An Inside Look at Major
League Baseball and Hot Topics
Affecting Intercollegiate & Professional
Sports Around the Globe
Unprecedented access to loyal patrons,
potential consumers, and collegiate and
professional athletes via social media has
enhanced the ability of sports industry
organizations to radically multiply their
fan base and strengthen their brands
in the multi-billion dollar global sports
market. These opportunities and
explosive financial growth have also
presented significant challenges for
lawyers and other sports industry leaders
on many fronts. The panel will discuss
a variety of topics, including trends and
developments in the legal landscape of
intercollegiate athletics; international
recruiting opportunities for professional
athletes; the evolution of sports media
deals in television and new technological
opportunities and threats; the reach
of US law in international sports civil
and criminal matters; and day-to-day
challenges in operating Fenway Park,
one of the most famous sports and
entertainment venues in the world.
Ivan Parron, Managing Partner,
Parron Law | Entertainment & Sports,
Miami, FL · New York, NY
Dan Halem, Chief Legal Officer, Major
League Baseball, New York, NY
David Friedman, Senior Vice President/
Special Counsel, Boston Red Sox,
Boston, MA
Enrique J. Gimenez, Partner, Lightfoot,
Franklin & White LLC, Birmingham, AL
Professional Development Track
Panel #1
Grand Ballroom E
The Next Leadership Position:
Leveraging Your Relationships to
Find Your Next Opportunity
One of the most valuable, yet often
underused, resources available to the
average attorney are the relationships
they build with hundreds and, perhaps,
thousands of individuals they encounter
while doing their work. The panel will
discuss ways to utilize those relationships
to identify potential opportunities.
Angel Gomez, President, AG Gomez
Consulting, LLC, Chicago, IL
Martin Montes, Director of Regulatory
Affairs, ComEd, Chicago, IL
Christina Sarchio Guerola, Partner,
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe,
Washington, DC
Cynthia Sutherland, Legal Director,
PepsiCo, Inc., Plano, TX
Asker A. Saeed, Director of Diversity,
Day Pitney LLP, Parsippany, NJ
Carlos Pelayo, Managing Director
and Associate General Counsel,
Bank of America, New York, NY
Paul Kelly, Partner, Jackson Lewis P.C.,
Boston, MA
Solo/Small Firm Track
1:30 pm–1:45 pm
Panel #1
Commonwealth C
The Honorable Joe Kennedy, III, U.S.
Congressman for Massachusetts
Networking Break &
Exhibit Hall Visits
Transitioning to a Paperless Law Office
and Protecting from Cyber Attacks
The panel will discuss ways to preserve
your office files using the latest
technology while complying with
regulatory standards. Learn about the
hardware and software tools available and
ethical issues that may arise. In addition,
panelists will discuss the cyber security
threats that should be addressed.
Magaly Rojas Navarro, Associate,
Clark Lau, LLC, Boston, MA
Jared Correia, Assistant Director,
Massachusetts Law Office Management
Assistance Program, Boston, MA
Katherine Britton, Attorney,
Katherine E. Britton, Esq, Dallas, TX
Israel Martinez, National Partner,
Global Cyber Practice Technology,
Strategy & Innovation, Washington, DC
Edward Lanza, The Lanza Firm, LLC,
Harrisburg, PA
11:30 am–12:00 pm
Presentation of Awards and Lunch
Grand Ballroom A-B
• HNBA Latina Judge of the Year Award:
Hon. Christine Arguello, U.S. District
Court, District of Colorado
• HNBA Latina Judge of the Year
Award: Hon. Jenny Rivera,
New York Court of Appeals
• HNBA Latino Judge of the Year
Award: Hon. Leonardo Castro,
Second Judicial District of Minnesota
Grand Ballroom Foyer
12:00 pm–1:30 pm
General Counsel Roundtable—
Emerging Health Issues Affecting
the Latino Community
1:45 pm–3:00 pm
Grand Ballroom A-B
The panel, comprised of government
and private sector general counsel,
will address emerging health issues
affecting the Latino community. Each
panelist will discuss various issues
including the health dimensions
of climate change, the impact of
environmental harms on the Latino
community, the importance of
ensuring that at risk communities have
a source of fresh and healthy food,
and innovative efforts to fight hunger
and improve the health of American
families and children.
Commonwealth B
Sponsored by MetLife
You do not want to miss this valuable
information. The workshop will cover
the following areas: 1) Identify the major
risks faced when people retire or plan
for their retirement; 2) Identify how
these risks impact the financial ability
of a person to retire successfully; and
3) Understand how combinations of
risk can magnify the complexity of the
retirement planning process.
Financial Literacy Workshop—
Managing Retirement Risk
Tobias M. Mendelson, J.D., Macc,
Senior Advanced Markets Director,
MetLife Premier Client Group
The Honorable Ignacia S. Moreno,
CEO & Principal, The iMoreno Group,
PLC and Former Assistant Attorney
General for the Environment and Natural
Resources Division, United States
Department of Justice (2009–2013)
Avi S. Garbow, General Counsel, United
States Environmental Protection Agency
Lisa Garcia, Vice President of Litigation
for Healthy Communities, Earthjustice
Brent Henry, Vice President and
General Counsel, Partners HealthCare
Alexander J. May, Vice President
and General Counsel for U.S.
Real Estate, Walmart
Jeffrey Prieto, General Counsel,
United States Department of Agriculture
CONVENTION |/ Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
1:45 pm–3:00 pm
Corporate & Business Law Track
Professional Development Track
CLE Sessions
Panel #2
Grand Ballroom D
Panel #2
Grand Ballroom E
Public Interest & Litigation Track
Panel # 2
Grand Ballroom C
Implicit Bias in the Courtroom:
Don’t Ignore It and Hope for the Best
In this fast-paced exchange, panelists
will examine the nature of implicit
bias arising in trial, and display ways
to disarm its insidious effect. Issues
to be discussed include how to
counteract implicit bias stemming
from ideas about race, ethnicity,
national origin, gender, membership
in the LGBT community, and other
person-based stereotypes.
Elizabeth Krupa, Law Office of Elizabeth
Espinosa Krupa, Denver, CO
Karen Lockwood, National Institute for
Trial Advocacy, Boulder, CO
John Salas, Kim Vaughan Lerner LLP,
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Omar Gonzalez-Pagan, Staff Attorney,
Lambda Legal, New York, NY
Catherine Torres-Stahl, Deputy Director
and General Counsel, Bexar County
Community Supervision and Corrections
Department, San Antonio, TX
Conducting Effective Internal
Investigations: An In-House and
Outside Counsel’s Perspective
Panelists will discuss the different
roles and duties that in-house and
outside counsel have during corporate
internal investigations. They will also
discuss important issues that lawyers
conducting internal investigations
regularly must address, including best
practices for gathering and preserving
evidence, avoiding the obstruction of
any parallel government investigation,
resolving privilege and data privacy
issues, terminating problematic
conduct by employees, and reporting
unlawful conduct to prosecutors. In
addition, the panelists will discuss
ethical issues that are increasingly
arising during internal investigations,
including attorney-client privilege
issues, conflicts of interest, joint
representation of companies and
employees, and witness cooperation.
Michael D. Marin, Partner,
Boulette Golden & Marin L.L.P., Austin, TX
The Path to the Board of Directors
With 54 million Latino consumers with
$1.5 trillion in buying power nationwide,
Latinos remain starkly underrepresented
in the boardrooms of Corporate
America. The panel will discuss ways to
increase Latino representation in the
boardroom, including how corporate
boards search for qualified candidates
and other related issues.
Cynthia Mares, National President,
Hispanic National Bar Association,
Denver, CO
Gloria A. Zamora, President and CEO,
Success Innovators, Inc., Denver, CO
Israel Martinez, National Partner,
Global Cyber Practice Technology,
Strategy & Innovation, Washington, DC
Dr. Lisette Garcia, Senior Director,
HACR Research Institute Hispanic
Association on Corporate Responsibility,
Washington, DC
Jacquelynn Ruiz, Director, Employment
Practices, Raymond James, Chicago, IL
Roberto M. Braceras, Partner,
Goodwin Procter LLP, Boston, MA
Amelia R. Medina, Associate,
King & Spalding LLP, Atlanta, GA
Hasan Ibrahim, Vice President and
Regulatory Counsel, The Prudential
Insurance Company of America,
Newark, NJ
International Law Track
3:00 pm–3:15 pm
Corporate & Business Law Track
Panel #1
Commonwealth C
Networking Break &
Exhibit Hall Visits
Panel # 3
Grand Ballroom D
Around the World of IP in 80 Minutes
Panelists will discuss international
protection of intellectual property
rights, and the procedures that are
available to safeguard these rights. The
production, distribution, and marketing
of goods and services across borders
raise a myriad of legal intellectual
property issues and related concerns.
This panel will contrast the scope
of intellectual property protections
available in different countries, as
well as enforcement options through
administrative agencies and courts.
The panel will also discuss ways to
stop the importation of counterfeit and
infringing goods through customs and
the International Trade Commission.
Jeffrey L. Snow, Partner,
Cooper & Dunham LLP, New York, NY
Clara N. Jiménez, Associate,
Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow,
Garrett & Dunner, LLP, Washington, DC
Benjamin Y. Han, Associate,
Cooper & Dunham LLP, New York, NY
Lana A. Gladstein, Partner,
Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP,
Boston, MA
Alejandro Menchaca, Shareholder,
McAndrews, Held & Malloy, Ltd.,
Chicago, IL
Grand Ballroom Foyer
3:15 pm–4:30 pm
CLE Sessions
Public Interest & Litigation Track
Panel # 3
Grand Ballroom C
Effective Trial Techniques:
Telling Your Client’s Story
Through Cross-Examination
Cross-examination of the key
witness is the highlight in any trial
and juries expect counsel to “rise
to the occasion.” In this interactive
presentation, a panel of seasoned trial
attorneys will explain through mock
cross-examinations how to tell their
client’s “side of the story” in order to
win their case.
Carlos A. López, Assistant U.S. Attorney,
District of Massachusetts, Boston, MA
Anjanette Cabrera, Partner, Constangy,
Brooks, Smith & Prophete, LLP,
New York, NY
Deal or No Deal—Transaction Trends
and Hot Topics in the Affordable Care
Act Environment
Panelists will discuss health care
issues including recent rulings on
the Affordable Care Act. Additional
discussion will revolve around recent
M&A, joint ventures, and other forms of
consolidations in the health sector.
William Alvarado Rivera, Deputy Chief
Counsel, U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, Washington, DC
Michael A. Naranjo,
Senior Counsel, Foley & Lardner LLP,
San Francisco, CA
Karen L. Davila, Senior Associate General
Counsel, Walmart, Bentonville, AR
Jacqueline Romero, Assistant U.S.
Attorney, U.S. Attorney’s Office,
Eastern District of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA
Juan A. Arteaga, Chief of Staff and
Senior Counsel, U.S. Department of
Justice, Washington, D.C.
Jose P. Sierra, Partner, Laredo & Smith,
LLP, Boston, MA
Carolina Fornos, Partner,
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP,
New York, NY
CONVENTION |/ Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
Professional Development Track
International Law Track
6:00 pm–8:30 pm
Panel # 3
Grand Ballroom E
Panel # 2
Commonwealth C
HNBA Ohtli Award Reception
Social Media’s Ethical Implications
Employment Law Challenges in
Managing a Global Workforce
As lawyers utilize social media sites like
LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, or Google+
to increase their professional presence
in the emerging digital frontier, some
pitfalls exist. Panelists will discuss
how ethics rules apply to your online
activities and what you should do to
protect yourself.
Edward Lanza, The Lanza Firm, LLC,
Harrisburg, PA
Arlene Zalayet, Senior Vice President,
General Attorney, Liberty Mutual,
Boston, MA
Maria Matos, Chief Counsel,
Committee on Character & Fitness,
New York State Appellate Division,
1st Department, New York, NY
Carlos M. Bollar, Partner,
Archer & Greiner P.C., Philadelphia, PA
Gabriel A. Fuentes, Partner,
Jenner & Block LLP, Chicago, IL
Panel Sponsored by Jackson Lewis P.C.
As more companies expand into other
countries, a plethora of legal issues
arise in the employment law context.
Panelists will discuss the regulations
governing hiring; employment;
remuneration and termination of
international workers; management
of data; control of technology and
exports; social responsibility; anticorruption and many other issues.
Pedro Torres-Diaz, Managing
Shareholder, Jackson Lewis P.C.,
San Juan, PR
Erica Mason, Partner, Constangy,
Brooks, Smith & Prophete, LLP,
Atlanta, GA
Jenny Ortiz Schaffer, Attorney,
UPS Americas Region, Miami, FL
Michael A. Aparicio, Of Counsel,
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP,
San Francisco, CA
Teresa Hutson, Senior Attorney,
Microsoft, Redmond, WA
3:30 pm–5:00 pm
Judicial Counsel Reception
Judges ONLY
Marina I
Co-Hosted by the Massachusetts
Bar Association
Fenway Park, 4 Yawkey Way, Boston
**Buses will depart at 5:00 pm
from the D Street entrance of
Westin Boston Waterfront**
Paulette Brown, President of the
American Bar Association
The Honorable Martin J. Walsh,
Mayor of Boston
Robert Harnais, Incoming President of
the Massachusetts Bar Association
Presentation of the Ohtli Award
by the Instituto de los Mexicanos
en el Exterior (Secretaría de
Relaciones Exteriores)
• 2015 Ohtli Award Recipient:
Prof. John Trasviña, Dean, University
of San Francisco School of Law
9:00 pm
Afterhours Champagne
Reception—Presented by
the HNBA LGBT Division
Sauciety Restaurant,
Westin Boston Waterfront
Sponsored by Reed Smith LLP,
Seyfarth Shaw LLP and
the National LGBT Bar Association
Joe Solmonese, Managing Director
& Founding Partner,
Gavin/Solmonese; Former President,
Human Rights Campaign
Friday, September 4, 2015
7:30 am–4:00 pm
HNBA Registration
Grand Ballroom Foyer
7:30 am–8:30 am
Friends of Bill meeting
Paine Room
8:00 am–8:30 am
Presentation of Awards
and Breakfast
Grand Ballroom A-B
• HNBA Latina Attorney of the Year
Award: Anita Alvarez, State’s Attorney,
Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office
• HNBA Latino Attorney of the Year
Award: Wifredo Ferrer, U.S. Attorney,
United States Attorney’s Office,
Southern District of Florida
Honorable Paula M. Carey, Chief
Justice of Trial Courts in Massachusetts
prevention initiatives, and combat
crime. Come discover how these
federal and state efforts impact you
and your fellow community members.
Sarah J. Schall, Special Counsel to the
U.S. Attorney for the Southern District
of Florida
Damon P. Martinez, United States
Attorney for the District of New Mexico
Wifredo A. Ferrer, United States
Attorney for the Southern District
of Florida
Carmen M. Ortiz, United States Attorney
for the District of Massachusetts
Anita Alvarez, State’s Attorney,
Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office
Ronald W. Sharpe, United States
Attorney for the District of the
Virgin Islands
8:30 am–10:00 am
Plenary Session: A Prosecutor’s
Role Beyond the Courtroom
The panel of prominent U.S. Attorneys
and a State’s Attorney will discuss
the prosecutor’s role in fighting
crime, protecting the community
and enhancing your quality of life.
U.S. Attorneys from the Southern
District of Florida, Massachusetts,
New Mexico, the District of the Virgin
Islands, as well as the Cook County
State’s Attorney, will discuss the
work being done by their offices to
promote diversity and retention, foster
community relations, support local
10:00 am–3:00 pm
HNBA Exhibitor Showcase
Grand Ballroom Foyer
10:15 am–11:30 am
ABA Commission of
Hispanic Legal Rights &
Responsibilities Presentation
Commonwealth A
The Keys to My House—Tips on
Counseling First Time Home Buyers
The American Bar Association’s
Commission on Hispanic Legal Rights
& Responsibilities in collaboration with
the Section on Real Property, Trusts
and Estates will discuss tips on how
to counsel first time home buyers. It
will highlight a video, available in both
English and Spanish, that is a free
resource to share with clients. Hispanics
were disproportionately affected
during the mortgage foreclosure crisis.
The video was created to address
this issue and provide a resource to
the legally underrepresented Spanish
speaking community.
10:15 am–11:30 am
CLE Sessions
Public Interest & Litigation Track
Panel # 4
Grand Ballroom C
El Voto—Protecting Voting Rights
With the dramatic rise in potential
Latino voting power, barriers to voting
rights, such as questioning citizenship
of naturalized citizens, strict voter ID
laws, and redistricting in ways that
dilute Latino voting strength, are
becoming more prevalent. Panelists
will discuss the protections available
to confront discrimination in voting as
well as some of the specific rights of
Latino voters found in the Voting Rights
Act and the National Voter Registration
Act. Participants will learn about current
Latino voting rights litigation, as well
as specific steps Latino/a lawyers can
take to protect the fundamental right
to vote. These include participating
in voting rights litigation, community
education and empowerment,
monitoring election official meetings,
poll monitoring, and becoming poll
workers and election officials.
CONVENTION |/ Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
Cynthia Mares, President, Hispanic
National Bar Association, Denver, CO
of temporal and geographic scope,
adequate consideration, and
appropriate remedies.
Thomas Saenz, President
& General Counsel, MALDEF,
Los Angeles, CA
Miguel Alexander Pozo, Deputy
General Counsel & Head of Litigation,
Mercedes-Benz USA, Atlanta, GA
Katherine Culliton-González,
Senior Attorney & Director of Voter
Protection, Advancement Project,
Chair, HNBA Voting Rights Section,
Washington, DC
Iván Espinoza-Madrigal,
Executive Director, Lawyers’ Committee
for Civil Rights and Economic Justice
(LCCR) of Massachusetts, Boston, MA
Miguel Rodriguez, Partner, Bryan Cave,
Washington, DC
Corporate & Business Law Track
Panel # 4
Grand Ballroom D
It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye—
Enforcing Restrictive Covenants
Against Former Employees
Employees are a corporation’s greatest
asset. But when they change companies
they sometimes take with them trade
secrets, customer lists and other
sensitive, valuable and proprietary
information. What’s an employer to
do? Written restrictive covenants are
one prophylactic measure within the
corporation’s arsenal. However, courts
look for inequality of bargaining power
and excessive scope and sometimes
refuse to enforce them. Our panel
will discuss enforceable restrictive
covenants, including standalone
agreements separate from provisions
within employment agreements, as well
as considerations of reasonableness
Anna María Tejada, Partner, Director
of NJ Labor & Employment Group,
Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck, LLP,
Hackensack, NJ
Abad Lopez, Senior Counsel,
Seyfarth Shaw, Chicago, IL
Norma L. Garcia, Senior Legal Counsel,
Rent-A-Center, Inc., Plano, TX
Yesenia Gallegos, Partner,
Fox Rothschild LLP, Los Angeles, CA
Business Development Institute
Track # 1
Grand Ballroom E
RFQ: Keys to Effectively Responding
Gina Casias, Assistant General Counsel,
Gates Corporation, Denver, CO
Joseph K. West, President and CEO,
Minority Corporate Counsel Association,
Washington, DC
Solo/Small Firm Track
Panel #1
Commonwealth C
How to Compete With the Big Dogs!
Effective Small Firm Practice Management
Managing a firm isn’t a skill learned in
law school. Panelists will provide tips
on running a successful solo or smallfirm practice including, but not limited
to, developing a meaningful book
of business, designing an effective
marketing strategy, competing with the
big firms, building relationships that
matter and much, much more.
Lillian Ser, Ser & Associates PLLC,
Coral Gables, FL
A good RFP will help the writer collect
comprehensive and comparable bids
for an equitable evaluation of potential
service providers. Panelists will discuss
the issues attorneys must keep in mind
as they prepare a response including
added value, identifying weaknesess,
pricing and other important matters.
Paula Black, Partner,
Paula Black & Associates, Denver, CO
Philip Sanchez, Partner,
Sanchez & Polovetsky, New York, NY
Meshach Y. Rhoades, Partner,
Armstrong Teasdale
Thomas A. Warnock,
Corporate Counsel, DuPont Company,
Wilmington, DE
Sean Andrade, Partner,
Andrade Gonzalez LLP, Los Angeles, CA
Cristal DeHerrera, Deputy City Attorney,
City of Denver, Denver, CO
Rafael Medina, Managing Counsel,
Litigation, Global Labor and
Employment Law, McDonald’s
Corporation, Chicago, IL
11:30 am–12:00 pm
Presentation of Award and Lunch
Monika Mantilla, President & CEO,
Altura Capital, New York, NY
Grand Ballroom A-B
• 2015 HNBA Latina Commission
Award: Carmen Ortiz, U.S. Attorney
for the District of Massachusetts
Zinelle October, Vice President of
Network Advancement, American
Constitution Society, Washington, DC
1:45 pm–3:00 pm
Anna Maria Chavez, USA CEO,
Girl Scouts
Lessons from the Experts on
Implementing Legal Project
Management Techniques
12:00 pm–1:30 pm
Commonwealth B
Sponsored by Thomson Reuters
Legal project management is the
current buzzword as law firms seek to
increase efficiency in the delivery of
legal services. Many firms have yet to
heed the call to this new way of doing
business under the mis-impression that
there is little to be gained. However,
the opposite is true; legal project
management at its core puts a cleaner,
more comprehensive structure around
defining the engagement, planning,
and active management of matters,
resulting in better client relationships.
This interactive session will provide
expert views of LPM strategies and
provide specific guidance on how firms
can improve efficiency, get on the same
page with their clients on expectations,
and ultimately provide better customer
service and satisfaction.
HNBA Latina Commission Plenary
Session: How to Leverage your
JD into a New Career Path
Sponsored by Walmart
Grand Ballroom A-B
As the legal profession continues
to expand so are lawyers who are
leveraging their legal skills to forge a
new career path. This panel will feature
distinguished Latina lawyers who are
now serving in prominent positions in the
federal government, non-profit sector,
and financial services. They will share
their experiences as practicing lawyers,
how they were able to utilize their legal
skills in another field, and how they are
thriving in their current positions. Panel
will include Latina Lawyers who have
utilized their JD to forge a career path in
a non-legal position.
Alejandra Y. Castillo, National Director
of the Minority Business Development
Agency, Washington, DC
Byron S. Kalogerou, Partner, McDermott
Will & Emery, Boston, MA
1:45 pm–3:00 pm
CLE Sessions
Public Interest & Litigation Track
Panel # 5
Grand Ballroom C
Police Excessive Force Policies: Have US
Latinos Become the Invisible Majority?
Criminal suspects of all races are victims
of police excessive force, but those
from racial minority backgrounds are
disproportionately victims. Latinos, in
particular, have been victims of the cruel
and inhumane treatment. Understandably,
police officers encounter dangers on
a regular basis in their profession. The
panelists will address available criminal
and civil remedies for violations of civil
rights, including those resulting in death.
They will also address federal remedies
that the Department of Justice can
negotiate with police departments that
have a pattern of excessive force usage
and discriminatory policing.
Professor Lupe S. Salinas, Author,
US Latinos and Criminal Injustice
(MSU Press 2015), Texas Southern
University School of Law, Houston, TX
Liz Lopez, Executive Vice President
of Public Policy, Opportunity Finance
Network, Washington, DC
Lourdes German, Director,
The Civic Innovation Project, Boston, MA
Sheri Palomaki, Project Management
Consultant, Seyfarth Shaw LLP,
Washington, DC
Renee Karibi-Whyte, Director-Practical
Law, Thomson Reuters, New York, NY
Jennifer Mapp, Director of Pricing and
Project Management, Dechert LLP,
Philadelphia, PA
Martin R. Castro, Chairman, US
Commission on Civil Rights,
Washington, DC
Denise Maes, Policy Director,
ACLU of Colorado, Denver, CO
D. Scott Martinez, Denver City Attorney,
City of Denver, Denver, CO
Steven Chavez, Attorney at Law, CEO,
Chavez ADR Services, Denver, CO
CONVENTION |/ Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
Corporate & Business Law Track
Business Development Institute
International Law Track
Panel # 5
Grand Ballroom D
Track # 2
Grand Ballroom E
Panel # 3
Commonwealth C
Protecting your Client from Emerging
Trends in Cyber Security
Closing the Deal: Part 2
New Developments in
International Arbitration
Cyber attacks are becoming more
frequent and impacting more
businesses. The panel will discuss
recent developments in cyber security
with a focus on the legal community.
Topics to be discussed include shifts in
the focus and motivations of attackers,
security best practices and how to
respond, or assist a client in responding
to a security breach or other intrusion.
Mauricio F. Paez, Partner, Jones Day,
New York, NY
Paula Briceno, Corporate Counsel,
Crawford & Company, Atlanta, GA
Pedro Pavon, Corporate Attorney,
Oracle, Reston, VA
Vicente Martinez, Chief,
Office of Market Intelligence in Division
of Enforcement, U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commission,
Washington, DC
The second part of a series started
at the 2015 Corporate Counsel
Conference, panelists will discuss
additional skills lawyers require to
close the deal. Specifically, issues such
as focusing on qualification factors,
decision-maker relationships, client
readiness and how to make meetings
more productive will be covered.
Barrett Avigdor, Managing Director—
Latin America, Major, Lindsey & Africa,
San Diego, CA
Regina Rodriguez, Partner,
Faegre Baker Daniels, Denver, CO
Greg Hidalgo, Partner,
McDermott Will & Emery, Dallas, TX
Fernando Bohorquez, Partner,
Baker Hostetler, New York, NY
Hon. Ariel E. Belen (Ret.),
Mediator & Arbitrator, JAMS,
New York, NY
The panel will discuss the pressing
issues of the day relating to
international arbitration from the
perspective of an arbitrator, a
representative from an organizing
forum and counsel to claimants as well
as respondents.
Raul R. Herrera, Partner,
Arnold and Porter, Washington, DC
Luis Martinez, Vice President,
International Centre for Dispute
Resolution, New York, NY 10271
Josefa Sicard-Mirabal,
Adjunct Professor of Law,
Fordham University School of Law,
New York, NY
John Arrastia, Partner,
Arrastia Capote Partners LLP,
Miami, FL
Mélida Hodgson, Partner,
Foley Hoag LLP, Washington, DC
Tom Ralph, Chief, Cybercrime Division,
Massachusetts Attorney General’s
Office, Boston, MA
Megan Cox, Attorney, Division of Privacy
and Identity Protection, Federal Trade
Commission, Washington, DC
3:15 pm–4:30 pm
Corporate & Business Law Track
Business Development Institute
CLE Sessions
Panel # 6
Grand Ballroom D
Track # 3
Grand Ballroom E
The Changing Landscape Of
Patent Litigation
The Holy Grail: Pay Gap Increases and
Negotiating to Decrease Inequity
The panel will provide an update on
developments in patent law and patent
litigation, a hot topic in the business
news, including: 1) reduced filings
in the wake of the America Invents
Act and new post-grant procedures
for challenging patent validity, 2)
the effects of the Alice decision on
so-called “troll” cases, congressional
action to reduce the costs of patent
litigation, and other issues.
Among full-time, year-round workers,
women were paid approximately
78 percent of what men were paid.
Panelists will discuss strategies to start
the conversation and how to effectively
argue for additional compensation.
Public Interest & Litigation Track
Panel # 6
Grand Ballroom C
What’s Next After Obergefell?: LGBT
Rights in the Private and Public Realm
In a landmark decision, the U.S.
Supreme Court recently recognized that
same-sex couples have a constitutional
right to marry in Obergefell v. Hodges.
Although it settled the issue of
marriage, Obergefell leaves open
many issues including: adoption and
immigration rights, employment
protections, transgender rights, and
“religious freedom” claims. Come
hear our panelists address the impact
Obergefell will have in these areas.
Raquel M. Matas, Associate Dean for
Administration & Counsel to the Dean,
University of Miami School of Law,
Coral Gables, FL
Gonzalo Martinez, Vice-Chair,
Appellate Practice Group, Carroll,
Burdick & McDonough LLP,
San Francisco, CA
Laura Maechtlen, Partner, Seyfarth Shaw
LLP, San Francisco, CA
Paul D. Castillo, Staff Attorney,
Lambda Legal Defense and
Education Fund, Inc., Dallas, TX
Raul A. Escatel, Tax Counsel,
California Franchise Tax Board,
Sacramento/Oakland, CA
Christine Poleski Gaona, President,
Oakstone Human Capital, LLC,
Houston, TX
Circuit Judge Jimmie V. Reyna,
US Court of Appeals for the Federal
Circuit, Washington, DC
Jennifer A. Trusso, Partner,
Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP,
Costa Mesa, CA
Isabella Fu, Associate General Counsel,
Microsoft, Redmond, WA
Antony Pfeffer, Partner,
Kenyon & Kenyon LLP.,
New York, NY
Rosana Gutierrez, Special Counsel,
Foley & Lardner LLP, Miami, FL
Carrie F. Ricci, Associate General
Counsel, United States Department of
Agriculture, Washington, DC
Lizzette Herrera Castellanos,
Associate Director of Public Service
and Diversity, University of San Diego
School of Law, San Diego, CA
Irene Oria, Special Counsel,
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP,
Miami, FL
Dalila Argaez Wendlandt, Partner,
Ropes & Gray LLP, Boston, MA
Manuel Calderon, Attorney,
General Motors Legal, Detroit, MI
CONVENTION |/ Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
International Law Track
3:30 pm–5:00 pm
Panel # 4
Commonwealth C
HNBA Legal Education Fund (LEF)
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act:
Where is Enforcement Heading
and Where Has It Been?
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
(FCPA) enforcement efforts by the
Department of Justice and Securities
Exchange Commission have resulted
in hundreds of companies and
individuals under investigation. In
addition, many nations are mirroring
US efforts to deter bribery. Panelists
will discuss recent trends, reported
decisions and some of the best
practices to protect your clients.
Giselle Fuentes, Associate,
Arnold & Porter, Washington, DC
William H. Crosby, Jr., Associate General
Counsel, Interpublic Group,
New York, NY
Seyfarth Shaw, Seaport East,
Two Seaport Lane, Suite 300, Boston, MA
6:00 pm–7:00 pm
Gala Reception
Grand Ballroom Foyer
7:00 pm–12:00 am
Gala Awards Dinner
Grand Ballroom
• HNBA Lifetime Achievement Award:
Hugo Chaviano, Director,
Illinois Department of Labor
September 5, 2015
7:30 am–8:30 am
Friends of Bill meeting
Paine Room
9:00 am–1:30pm
HNBA Youth Symposium
Commonwealth A-B
9:30 am–5:00 pm
HNBA Board of
Governors Meeting
The Honorable Elizabeth Warren,
U.S. Senator, State of Massachusetts
10:30 am–3:00 pm
HNBA Committee,
Commission, Division, Section,
and Taskforce Meetings
Westin Waterfront
Ernesto Palacios, Senior Counsel,
FCPA Unit, US Securities & Exchange
Commission, Miami, FL
Angelika Hunnefeld, Partner,
Greenberg Traurig, Miami, FL
Maria Gonzalez Calvet,
Executive Counsel, Global
Investigations, General Electric,
Bethesda, MD
Hispanic National Bar Association Youth Symposium
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Program | Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel
9:00 am–9:50 am
11:00 am–11:55 am
12:00 pm–12:55 pm
Registration and
Continental Breakfast
Break-Out Sessions:
Choose a Live Demonstration
Si Se Puede: Reach for the Stars
Commonwealth A-B
Trial Advocacy: All Rise
9:50 am–10:00 am
Welcoming Remarks:
Eneida Roman Olivieri,
Region I Deputy President &
Cynthia Mares, HNBA President
Commonwealth A-B
10:00 am–10:55 am
Is Law School for me?
How do I prepare?
Commonwealth A-B
Learn the recipe for success! Hear
from brilliant Young Attorneys who will
address how to prepare for admission
to law school, the importance of
internships, and relationship building to
jump-start an exciting legal career.
Lourdes German, Chief Executive
Officer and Founder of Bond Index, a
fixed income software company
Jessica Massey, Associate General
Counsel at Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Brandon Rios, Assistant Attorney
General in Massachusetts
Commonwealth C
Observe future lawyers in action. Law
students will argue a criminal case before
Honorable Roberto Ronquillo, Jr. Practice
your civic duty by carefully listening to
all the evidence and examination of
witnesses. Then take the challenge of
determining the final jury verdict.
Marx Calderon, BC Law
Roxana Ortez, BC Law
Walter Rodriguez, BC Law
The Honorable Roberto Ronquillo, Jr,
Chief Justice, Boston Municipal Court
Deal Negotiation: Piercing the
Corporate Veil
Take a look behind corporate walls and
watch private Attorneys in action when
the stakes are high. A transactional
exercise demo that will include a
celebrity/entertainment client.
Commonwealth A-B
Be inspired by superstars! This panel of
extraordinary leaders will spark your
interest to soar in a future of unlimited
opportunities. Explore different
options in the legal profession, and get
motivated to dream big.
The Honorable Angela M. Ordo ez,
Chief Justice, Massachusetts Probate &
Family Court
Carmen M. Ortiz, United States
Attorney, District of Massachusetts
Robert Harnais, Attorney at Law,
Massachusetts Bar Association
Martiza Karmely, Associate Professor,
Suffolk University Law School
1:00 pm–1:30 pm
Luncheon and Networking
Commonwealth A-B
Monica Neuman, Partner,
McDermott Will & Emery LLP
Gerardo Julian-Delgado, Attorney
Miguel Vega, Partner, Cooley LLP
Luis Mercedes, Partner at Jones Day
HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION | Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
Generously supported by
Cassandra Abernathy
Joshua Cervantes
Luiz Miranda
Crystal Araujo
Christopher Garcia
Paola Morinigo
Gidget Benitez
Ileana Garcia
Isabella Ortiz
Lucas Bernardo
Eduardo Gonzalez
Chezare Palacios
Ryan Borelo
Adriana Ibarra Vasquez
Tyler Quillin
Justin Bossard
Lidia Lopez
Mayra Rodriguez-Alvarez
Heather Bowen
Jorge Lozano
Jose Tron
Viantinna Campanna Bordas
Evelyn Marcucci-Manahan
Kevin Zamora
Filemon Carrillo
Mireya Martinez
Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft
Lowenstein Sandler
Covington & Burling
Merchant & Gould
Davis Wright Tremaine
Morrison & Foerster
Perkins Coie
Sheppard, Mullin,
Richter & Hampton LLP
Shook, Hardy & Bacon
Sidley Austin
Fish & Richardson
General Motors congratulates the Hispanic National Bar Association
on their 40th Annual Convention. Thank you for your unique outlook
and outstanding contributions to the legal community.
©2015 General Motors. All rights reserved.
HNBA “Lifetime Achievement” Award
HUGO CHAVIANO, Director, Illinois Department of Labor
(Chicago, IL)
Hugo Chaviano was nominated by Governor Bruce Rauner in January to serve as
the Director of the Illinois Department of Labor and confirmed by unanimous vote
of the Illinois Senate in March 2015. Prior to his role at IDOL, Chaviano served as
a Senior Partner for Sanchez Daniels & Hoffman, LLP, where his practice focused
on the representation of Fortune 500 companies, large financial institutions, and
others in civil litigation on complex business and legal issues, at both the national
and international levels. Throughout his professional career, Chaviano has become
a leader among Hispanic lawyers within the United States and across Latin America.
Chaviano’s practice has been characterized by distinguished service to the legal
profession and to the Hispanic communities in the United States and abroad.
He served as Secretary General of the Inter American Bar Association as well as
President of the Hispanic National Bar Association and the Hispanic Alliance for
Career Enhancement. He has been named one of the 100 Most Influential Hispanics
in the United States by Hispanic Business Magazine. Chaviano has also been
listed by various publications for the past several years as one of Illinois Super
Lawyers and Chicago Top Rated Lawyers. He has been a recipient of Lexis-Nexis /
Martindale Hubbell AV Pre-Eminent Rating for the past 26 years. Chaviano also had
the privilege of serving as a member of the Law School Board and Adjunct Professor
in Trial Advocacy of his alma matter. Additionally, Chaviano has received a number
of accolades for his work advocating diversity. He has been the recipient of various
awards and special recognitions, including Chicago United 2011 Leader of Color
and the National Mercurio Award. The National Mercurio Award is the highest award
given by the Cuban-American Chamber of Commerce to a Cuban who has achieved
national prominence in business or a profession and who has a demonstrated
record of humanitarian service to the community. Most recently, Chaviano has been
awarded the American Bar Association’s Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity
in the Profession Spirit of Excellence award. Chaviano obtained his B.A. degree from
Rutgers University and Juris Doctorate from Northwestern University School of Law.
CONVENTION |/ Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
HNBA “Latina Judge of the Year” Award
CHRISTINE M. ARGUELLO, U.S. District Court Judge, District of Colorado
(Denver, CO)
Christine M. Arguello is a judge of the United States District Court in Colorado. Prior
to her presidential appointment to the bench, Judge Arguello’s career included
partnership at two private law firms, government service as Chief Deputy Attorney
General of Colorado and as Managing Senior Associate Counsel at the University of
Colorado at Boulder, and teaching at the University of Kansas School of Law, where she
was a tenured full professor and the first law professor to receive one of the university’s
most prestigious teaching excellence awards. Judge Arguello is the co-author of a
casebook, Evidence: The Objection Method, which is used in numerous law schools
around the country. One of Judge Arguello’s passions is providing guidance and
inspiration to those who wish to enter the legal profession. In 2014, Judge Arguello
implemented Law School…Sí Se Puede, the mission of which is to expand the pipeline
and advance inclusiveness in the legal profession by pairing diverse college freshman
students who are interested in becoming lawyers with three mentors and providing
skill-building and exposure programming via bimonthly workshops. The end goal of
LSSSP is to equip these students for a successful journey to law school and beyond.
Judge Arguello has been married to Ron Arguello, a retired elementary school teacher,
for 42 years. They are the proud parents of four children—Ron, Tiffany, Jennifer, and
Kenny. In her spare time, Judge Arguello bakes bread from wheat she grinds herself
and she is learning to play the Native American flute.
HNBA “Latina Judge of the Year” Award
JENNY RIVERA, New York Court of Appeals
(Albany, NY)
Judge Rivera, Associate Judge of the Court of Appeals, has spent her entire
professional career in public service. She clerked for the Honorable Sonia Sotomayor,
on the Southern District of New York, and also clerked in the Second Circuit Court of
Appeals Pro Se Law Clerk’s Office. She worked for the Legal Aid Society’s Homeless
Family Rights Project, the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund (renamed
Latino Justice PRLDEF), and was appointed by the New York State Attorney General
as Special Deputy Attorney General for Civil Rights. Judge Rivera has been an
Administrative Law Judge for the New York State Division for Human Rights, and
served on the New York City Commission on Human Rights. Prior to her appointment
to the bench, she was a tenured faculty member of the City University of New York
School of Law, where she founded and served as Director of the Law School’s Center
on Latino and Latina Rights and Equality. Judge Rivera is a member of the American
Law Institute, American Bar Association, and a former member of the HNBA Latina
Commission and a co-author of the Commission’s Report on Latinas in the Public
Interest Sector. She also served as a member and Reporter for the ABA Commission
on Hispanic Rights and Responsibilities. She has written extensively on domestic
violence in the Latino Community and received several awards for her work on
equality and access to justice.
CONVENTION |/ Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
HNBA “Latino Judge of the Year” Award
LEONARDO CASTRO, Second Judicial District Judge, Ramsey County
(Minneapolis, MN)
Judge Leonardo Castro is a District Court Judge in the Second Judicial District, St.
Paul, Minnesota. He was appointed to this position on June 1, 2012, by Governor
Mark Dayton. He was elected in 2014 for a term that expires in 2020. Judge Castro
received his B.S. in business and management from the University of Maryland,
University College, in 1988, and later received his J.D. from Northern Illinois
University, College of Law in 1992. He also honorably served in the United States Air
Force earning the rank of Staff Sergeant.
Prior to his appointment to the bench he served as a public defender for 20 years
in Minnesota. During that time he was Chief Public Defender of Hennepin County
(Minneapolis) for 8 years. Judge Castro served as Regional President and Deputy
General Counsel for the National Hispanic Bar Association. He has been a presenter
in numerous legal and trial advocacy skills seminars. He has served on several
policy and rule committees including the Minnesota Supreme Court Criminal Rules
Advisory Committee.
In 2009, Judge Castro received the Distinguished Service Award from the NIU Law
Alumni Council for his career achievements and commitment to public service. In
2006 he received the Distinguished Service Award from the Minnesota Hispanic Bar
Association. He is a member of Hispanic National Bar Association, Minnesota Hispanic
Bar Association, Minnesota State Bar Association, and Ramsey County Bar Association.
HNBA “Latina Lawyer of the Year” Award
ANITA ALVAREZ, State’s Attorney, Cook County State Attorney’s Office
(Chicago, IL)
The public service record of Anita Alvarez contains many “firsts.” The first
female and first Latina elected to the post of Cook County State’s Attorney, she
is also the first career prosecutor ever elected to this important public safety
position. In her capacity as State’s Attorney, Ms. Alvarez leads the second largest
prosecutor’s office in the nation, managing an office of nearly 1,600 attorneys and
administrative employees.
Since taking office, Ms. Alvarez has made sweeping changes throughout the office
creating bold new public safety initiatives and significantly increasing communitybased programming and outreach.
State’s Attorney Alvarez recently announced the creation of a new unit that will
handle all cases of sexual assault, domestic violence and internet crimes against
children. The new Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Division will for the first
time in the history of the State’s Attorney’s Office coordinate the investigation and
prosecution of these crimes under one umbrella. The consolidation is designed
to improve the investigation and prosecution of special victim crimes by bringing
together seasoned prosecutors with focused training while increasing work with
advocates and community partners to provide more services for victims.
Ms. Alvarez was born and raised in Pilsen, a predominantly Latino historic working
class community on Chicago’s near South Side. She received her undergraduate
degree from Loyola University and obtained her Law Degree from Chicago-Kent
College of Law. She is an avid runner, a passionate Chicago Black Hawks fan and a
proud “Hockey and Soccer Mom.” Ms. Alvarez and her husband, Dr. James Gomez,
are the proud parents of four children.
CONVENTION |/ Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
HNBA “Latino Lawyer of the Year” Award
WIFREDO FERRER, United States Attorney, Southern District of Florida
(Miami, FL)
Wifredo (Willy) Ferrer was nominated by President Barack Obama and confirmed by
the Senate on April 22, 2010 to serve as United States Attorney for the Southern District
of Florida. As United States Attorney, Mr. Ferrer is the chief federal law enforcement
officer for the District. Mr. Ferrer has a long career in public service. After graduating law
school, Mr. Ferrer clerked for then-District (now 11th Circuit) Judge Stanley Marcus. Mr.
Ferrer then joined the Miami law firm of Steel Hector & Davis. After three years in private
practice, Mr. Ferrer returned to public service, first as a White House Fellow and Special
Assistant to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
(HUD), and later as Deputy Chief of Staff and Counsel to U.S. Attorney General Janet
Reno. After five years at the Department of Justice, Mr. Ferrer returned to Miami in 2000
to become an Assistant U.S. Attorney. Prior to his appointment as the United States
Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, Mr. Ferrer held the position of Chief of the
Federal Litigation Section at the Miami-Dade County Attorney’s Office. During his career,
Mr. Ferrer has been recognized as one of the Top Government Attorneys by both South
Florida Legal Guide and Florida Legal Elite. In addition, he received the U.S. Attorney
General’s Medal in 2000, and Superior Performance and Special Merit Awards for his
work as an Assistant U.S. Attorney. Mr. Ferrer was the valedictorian of his high school
in Hialeah, Florida (Hialeah-Miami Lakes Senior High), ranked first in his class at the
University of Miami, and graduated cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania Law
School, where he was an editor of the Law Review and President of his class.
HNBA “Regional President of the Year” Award
NEYSA ALSINA, Counsel, New York City Bar Association
(New York, NY)
Neysa Alsina is Counsel with the New York City Bar Association, which was founded
in 1870 and has over 24,000 members. Ms. Alsina is the Regional President of
the Hispanic National Bar Association Region II (NY). In addition, she serves as a
Director of the Sonia & Celina Sotomayor High School Judicial Internship Program
and is a member of the Association of Corporate Counsel—Greater New York’s
Diversity Steering Committee, the New York City Bar Association’s Committee to
Enhance Diversity in the Profession, the New York State Bar Association, the New
York County Lawyers Association, the Puerto Rican Bar Association, and the Network
of Bar Leaders. In 2015, Ms. Alsina was selected to participate in the Council of
Urban Professionals Fellows Program, which is a ten-month leadership development
program that includes skills-based training and networking opportunities that
prepare Fellows for impactful civic involvement. She has also served on numerous
panels discussing diversity in the legal profession. Ms. Alsina graduated from Rutgers
College at New Brunswick and Fordham University School of Law, and is a member
of the New York and New Jersey bars.
CONVENTION |/ Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
HNBA “Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year” Award
GABRIEL FUENTES, Partner, Jenner & Block
(Chicago, IL)
Gabriel A. Fuentes is a partner with Jenner & Block LLP and the former Chicago
office co-chair of the firm’s pro bono program, which The American Lawyer has
repeatedly recognized as the top-ranked pro bono program nationwide. During
17 years as a trial lawyer with the firm, Gabe has devoted more than 5,000 hours to
representing pro bono clients in matters including criminal defense and protecting
minority voting rights, journalists’ First Amendment rights and prison inmates’ civil
rights. Last year, Gabe was a key member of a Jenner & Block/ACLU team that
challenged U.S. government policies denying a fair hearing process to Central
American mother and child asylum-seekers being detained in a controversial facility
in Artesia, New Mexico. As a result, the government altered its stance toward the
plaintiffs, vacating expedited removal orders, placing each client in regular removal
proceedings and, ultimately, closing the Artesia facility completely. Gabe’s private
practice focuses on white collar criminal defense, internal investigations and complex
civil litigation. He received his J.D. from the Northwestern University School of Law
and B.S.J. from Northwestern’s Medill School of Journalism. From 2001 to 2006,
Gabe temporarily left private practice to serve as an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the
Northern District of Illinois.
HNBA “Pro Bono Corporation
of the Year” Award
(Bloomington, IL)
State Farm and its affiliates are the largest provider of car insurance in the U.S. In
addition to providing auto insurance quotes, their 18,000 agents and more than
65,000 employees serve 82 million policies and accounts—nearly 80 million auto,
home, life, health, and commercial policies, and nearly 2 million bank accounts.
Commercial auto insurance, along with coverage for renters, business owners,
boats, and motorcycles, is available. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance
Company is the parent of the State Farm family of companies. State Farm is
ranked No. 41 on the 2014 Fortune 500 list of largest companies.
CONVENTION |/ Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
HNBA “Affiliate of the Year” Award
(Washington, DC)
The Hispanic Bar Association of the District of Columbia (“HBA-DC”), founded in
1977, is a non-profit organization dedicated to the professional development of its
membership, and to supporting the Hispanic community in the greater Washington,
D.C. area. From networking receptions and professional development seminars
to public service opportunities, HBA-DC is one of the most active Affiliates of
HNBA, often partnering on programs. For instance, HBA-DC hosted the 2014
HNBA National Convention in Washington, DC, one of the most well attended and
successful conventions in recent HNBA history. During the past year, HBA-DC has
also maintained its strong track record of programming that included developing a
DC, Maryland and Virginia Latino Attorney Directory, organizing a career fair, hosting
a Latina Leadership Academy, and many other professional development offerings.
HNBA “Corporate Partner of the Year” Award
(Boston, MA)
Liberty Mutual has actively supported our employees, policyholders, colleagues
and friends in the Hispanic Community. A few highlights of these activities include
leadership in various formal mentoring initiatives with students, development and
implementation of a successful summer intern program and continuous active
recruiting and hiring programs. Additionally, we have valued opportunities to actively
participate and contribute to key HNBA events.
“Liberty Mutual is honored to receive the award as 2015 Corporate Partner of
the Year. The HNBA is an organization that we deeply admire. It is our pleasure
to support the remarkable work that the HNBA so ably performs throughout
the country to encourage the development of talented individuals, to educate
communities on critical legal issues, and to increase awareness of important social
justice causes.
Liberty Mutual thanks you for your generosity in recognizing the Corporation for
this prestigious award. We look forward to our continued partnership in the future”.
CONVENTION |/ Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
HNBA “Law Student Organization
of the Year” Award
(Coral Gables, FL)
The Hispanic Law Student Association (HLSA) at the University of Miami provides
professional, educational, and social support to member students while
simultaneously fostering an appreciation for and awareness of Hispanic culture. HLSA
is dedicated to advocating for the needs of its members within the law school, with
the legal community, as well as promoting diversity within the legal profession.
HLSA frequently collaborates with the Hispanic National Bar Association (HNBA)
and the Cuban American Bar Association (CABA)—working closely with both
organizations in hosting events, connecting students to lawyers and judges, and
supporting one another in a broad range of endeavors.
Ohtli Award
JOHN TRASVIÑA, Dean, University of San Francisco School of Law
A native San Franciscan, John Trasviña became Dean of the University of San
Francisco School of Law in 2013 after being appointed by President Obama and
serving as Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity at the U.S.
Department of Housing & Urban Development in President Obama’s first term.
Previously, he was President & General Counsel of the Mexican American Legal
Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), the “law firm for the Latino community”
with six litigation and policy offices across the country focused on immigration,
education and voting rights. His government career started locally as a Deputy City
Attorney in San Francisco and, at the national level, as counsel, and later general
counsel and staff director for U.S. Senator Paul Simon on the U.S. Senate Judiciary
Committee. He later served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Legislative
Affairs. In 1997, President Bill Clinton appointed him special counsel for immigrationrelated unfair employment practices. In that capacity, he led the only federal
government office devoted solely to immigrant workplace rights and was the highest
ranking Latino attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice.
A graduate of Harvard University and Stanford Law School, he also taught
immigration law at Stanford Law School and was director of the Discrimination
Research Center in Berkeley. His service to the Latino legal community includes work
on judicial nominations as Vice President of HNBA in 1993, two-term president of the
Hispanic Bar Association of the District of Columbia and board member of the San
Francisco La Raza Lawyers Association from 2002 to 2004.
CONVENTION |/ Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
HNBA Latina Commission Award
CARMEN S. ORTIZ, United States Attorney, District of Massachusetts
Carmen M. Ortiz has dedicated much of her professional career to public service.
Nominated by President Barack Obama as the United States Attorney for the District
of Massachusetts, Ms. Ortiz was confirmed by the U.S. Senate in 2009. She is the first
Hispanic and the first woman to represent Massachusetts as United States Attorney.
As the chief federal law enforcement officer in Massachusetts, Ms. Ortiz supervises
the prosecution of all federal crimes and the litigation of all civil matters, in which the
federal government has an interest. In 2010, she implemented the District’s first civil
rights initiative, aimed at reinvigorating enforcement efforts of federal civil rights laws
and increasing visibility among affected communities through extensive community
outreach efforts. During her tenure as U.S. Attorney, Ms. Ortiz has overseen the
criminal prosecutions of corrupt Massachusetts Speaker of the House Sal DiMasi,
infamous gangster James “Whitey” Bulger, and the Boston Marathon bombing.
Ms. Ortiz served as Co-chair of the Attorney General’s Healthcare Fraud Working
Group from 2010 to 2015 and served from 2012 until January 2014 on Attorney
General Eric Holder’s Advisory Committee. She is also a member of the Attorney
General’s Advisory Committee’s (AGAC) subcommittees on Civil Rights, White Collar
Crime and Cyber Crimes.
Ms. Ortiz has received numerous awards for her commitment to public service
including Bostonian of the Year in 2012 from the Boston Globe, Latina of the Year
in 2012 from El Mundo Newspaper and Latina Lawyer of the Year in 2014 from the
Hispanic National Bar Association.
She earned her law degree from George Washington University Law School and her
undergraduate degree from Adelphi University in New York.
Featured Speaker
ANNA MARIA CHÁVEZ, Chief Executive Officer, Girl Scouts of the USA
Anna Maria Chávez began her career journey in the very same Movement she now
leads: Girl Scouts. A lifetime member of Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) and an
award-winning community leader, Anna developed the leadership skills growing
up as a Girl Scout in Eloy, Arizona, that would propel her to the office of the chief
executive of GSUSA.
Her experiences in Girl Scouting lit a passion for public service and social
engagement that have defined Anna’s educational and career paths. Her desire to
make the world a better place led her from her hometown to Yale University, where
she earned a bachelor’s degree in American history before pursuing a juris doctorate
at the James E. Rogers College of Law at the University of Arizona. She has since
been admitted to the Bar of the US District Court for the District of Arizona, the
Arizona Supreme Court, and the US Supreme Court.
Professionally, Anna’s interest in serving others brought her first to Washington, DC,
where she held numerous posts in President Bill Clinton’s administration, including
senior policy advisor to former U.S. Secretary of Transportation Rodney E. Slater. She
later returned to her home state of Arizona to serve as Deputy Chief of Staff for Urban
Relations and Community Development under then-Governor Janet Napolitano.
Anna returned to the Girl Scout Movement in 2009, upon looking for opportunities
to work with youth. Serving as Chief Executive Officer of Girl Scouts of Southwest
Texas, she greatly enhanced the council’s reach and visibility, growing its philanthropy
and boosting membership. Her success earned her the respect and recognition of
GSUSA’s National Board, which appointed her Chief Executive Officer of Girl Scouts
of the USA in 2011. She is the first Latina to serve as CEO of GSUSA.
Lauded for her leadership, Ms. Chávez received the 2013 Law College Association
Award from her law school alma mater, the University of Arizona, and has been
recognized as one of the 100 Women Leaders in STEM by STEM connector. She is
the recipient of the 2013 Excellence in Community Service award from the Mexican
American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, as well as the 2013 Graciela Olivarez
La Raza Award from the National Council of La Raza. In 2014, she was named number
22 by Fast Company in their annual list of the most creative people in business, and,
under her leadership, Girl Scouts was named as one of the “World’s Top 10 Most
Innovative Companies of 2015 in Not-for-Profit.”
CONVENTION |/ Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
Featured Speaker
JOE KENNEDY III, Congressman
Joe Kennedy III is proud to serve the Fourth District of Massachusetts in Congress.
Currently in his second term, he represents a diverse district that spans from the suburbs
of Boston to the more industrial towns of Massachusetts’ South Coast.
As a member of the influential House Energy & Commerce Committee, Joe has
prioritized economic opportunity for working families. A vocal advocate for Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education, vocational schools and
community colleges, he has authored several pieces of legislation in Washington aimed
at improving access to our modern economy, including the Perkins Modernization Act
and STEM Gateways Act.
Inspired by the manufacturing traditions that drive many of the communities he
represents, Joe also introduced the Revitalize American Manufacturing (RAMI) Act
during his first term, which will help fuel innovation and new technologies throughout
our manufacturing sector. After a year of building broad bipartisan and industry support,
RAMI passed the House of Representatives and was signed into law by President Obama
at the end of 2014.
From his spot on the E&C Committee, Joe has emphasized issues of critical importance to
Massachusetts. Whether leading efforts to combat opiate abuse or working with federal
regulators to tackle the rising cost of energy across New England, his legislative agenda is
driven by the communities back home. Deeply dedicated to being as accessible as possible
to his constituents, Joe has launched creative efforts to consistently visit every city and town in
the 4th District, from “Tour 34” to “District Days.”
Whether at home in the Commonwealth or down in Washington, Joe has become a
powerful voice for social justice, championing issues like employment non-discrimination,
pay equity, marriage equality and comprehensive immigration reform.
Prior to being elected to Congress, Joe served the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
as an Assistant District Attorney in both the Middlesex County and Cape and Island’s
District Attorneys’ Offices. Before that he served as a member of the Peace Corps in the
Dominican Republic where he designed and implemented an economic development
project near Puerto Plata.
Born and raised in Massachusetts, Joe is fluent in Spanish and holds a bachelor’s degree
in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University as well as a J.D. from
Harvard Law School.
He lives with his wife, Lauren, a health policy expert, and their dog, Banjo, in Brookline, Mass.
Featured Speaker
CHARLIE BAKER, Governor of Massachusetts
Charlie Baker was inaugurated on January 8th, 2015 as the 72nd Governor of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts.
Elected in November 2014 on a platform of making Massachusetts great for everyone, Governor
Baker’s arrival in the Corner Office continues a long, successful career in both the private sector and
public service where he has worked hard to put the people of Massachusetts first.
Governor Baker is committed to making Massachusetts a truly great place to live, work, start a
business and raise a family. As Governor, he has pledged to work toward a growing economy with
family-sustaining jobs; ensure that schools across the Commonwealth provide opportunity for every
child regardless of zip code; and make Beacon Hill a true partner with our local governments to
create safer and thriving communities across Massachusetts.
Over the course of his career, Governor Baker has been a highly successful leader of complex
organizations in business and in government. As a cabinet secretary under Governors William Weld
and Paul Cellucci, Baker helped lead efforts to reform and modernize state government. During
his time as Chief Executive Officer of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Baker turned a company on the
brink of bankruptcy into the nation’s highest ranked health care provider for six straight years.
As a member of the Weld and Cellucci Administrations in the 1990s, Baker helped turn a billion-dollar
deficit into a surplus, create a half million jobs, and enact an ambitious education reform agenda.
First asked to serve as Secretary of Health and Human Services in 1992, Baker led efforts to make
Massachusetts’ social service system more humane, cost-effective and responsive to the needs of the
Commonwealth’s residents. In 1994, Baker was appointed Secretary of Administration and Finance,
overseeing a number of cost-saving reforms, modernizing state government and making it more
efficient. Governor Baker was recognized for his leadership and innovation by the National Governors’
Association in 1998 who awarded him with the Distinguished Service Award.
As Chief Executive Officer of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care from 1999 to 2009, Baker led the company
out of receivership to become the top healthcare plan in the country for member satisfaction and
clinical effectiveness. During Baker’s tenure, Harvard Pilgrim was named one of Boston Business
Journal’s “Best Places To Work” for seven years in a row.
Raised in Needham, Baker attended Massachusetts public schools and is a graduate of Harvard
College. He went on to earn a Master’s of Business Administration from the Kellogg Graduate
School of Management at Northwestern University.
Governor Baker and his wife, Lauren, have been heavily involved in numerous civic and charitable
endeavors. They live in Swampscott, and have three children: Charlie, AJ, and Caroline.
CONVENTION |/ Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
Featured Speaker
PAULETTE BROWN, President, American Bar Association, 2015–2016
Paulette Brown, Partner and co-chair of the firmwide Diversity & Inclusion Committee at Locke Lord
LLP, is president of the American Bar Association.
Brown has held a variety of leadership positions within the ABA. She has been a member of the
ABA House of Delegates since 1997 and is a former member of the ABA Board of Governors and
its Executive Committee, as well as the Governance Commission. While serving on the Board of
Governors, Brown chaired the Program, Planning and Evaluation Committee. Brown has served
on the Commission on Women in the Profession and was a co-author of “Visible Invisibility:
Women of Color in Law Firms.” Brown also chaired the ABA Council on Racial and Ethnic Justice
(now Coalition on Racial and Ethnic Justice) and is a past co-chair of the Commission on Civic
Education in our Nation’s Schools. Brown served on the Section of Legal Education’s Council on
Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, and its Executive Committee. Brown joined the ABA
Young Lawyers Division in 1976. She became active in the Section of Litigation in 1995, which has
continued to be her section “home” ever since. She is a former member of The Fund for Justice
and Education (FJE), FJE President’s Club and a Life Fellow of the American Bar Foundation.
Brown has held many positions throughout her career, including as in-house counsel to a number of
Fortune 500 companies and as a municipal court judge. In private practice, she has focused on all
facets of labor and employment and commercial litigation.
Brown has been recognized by the National Law Journal as one of “The 50 Most Influential Minority
Lawyers in America” and by the New Jersey Law Journal as one of the “prominent women and
minority attorneys in the State of New Jersey.” She has received the New Jersey Medal from the
New Jersey State Bar Foundation and currently serves on its Board of Trustees.
Brown has repeatedly been named as a New Jersey Super Lawyer and by US News as one of the
Best Lawyers in America in the area of commercial litigation. In 2009, Brown was a recipient of
the Spirit of Excellence Award from the ABA Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the
Profession. In 2011, she was honored with the Margaret Brent Women Lawyers of Achievement
Award by the ABA Commission on Women in the Profession. Brown, who served as President of
the National Bar Association from 1993–1994, received the NBA’s highest honor, The C. Francis
Stradford Award, in 2015.
Brown earned her J.D. at Seton Hall University School of Law and her B.A. at Howard University.
Featured Speaker
Robert W. Harnais is the Massachusetts Bar Association’s first Hispanic president.
A general practitioner with Mahoney & Harnais in Quincy, Harnais has volunteered
his service to the MBA for many years, serving as an officer and as a member of the
MBA’s Executive Management Board and House of Delegates. He has also served
as co-chair of the MBA’s Crime Lab Task Force and chair of the MBA’s Diversity Task
Force. Harnais is a past president of the Massachusetts Association of Hispanic
Attorneys (MAHA) and a past regional president of the Hispanic National Bar
Association, and remains highly involved with both organizations. In 2014, MAHA
honored Harnais with its Leadership Award for his dedication to the Hispanic bar.
That same year he received the Quincy Bar Association’s Alfred P. Malaney Award,
commonly referred to as the “Man of the Year Award,” for distinguished legal
services. Harnais is also a past recipient of the Norfolk County Bar Association Pro
Bono Award (2011). Harnais has served on the Race and Ethnic Advisory Board for
the Massachusetts courts since 2007. A Braintree resident, Harnais is chairman of the
Braintree Planning Board and enjoys being a football official in his spare time.
CONVENTION |/ Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
Featured Speaker
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
As ICE’s Director, Sarah R. Saldaña leads the largest investigative agency within
the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Created in 2003, ICE has a budget of
approximately $6 billion and has nearly 20,000 employees in 400 offices in all 50
states and 48 countries.
In this role, Director Saldaña advances ICE’s mission to promote homeland security
and public safety through the criminal and civil enforcement of approximately 400
federal laws governing border control, customs, trade and immigration.
Previously, Director Saldaña served as the United States Attorney for the Northern
District of Texas. In that position, she led a staff of more than 200 employees,
including approximately 100 attorneys.
Prior to that, she served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Northern District
of Texas, where she prosecuted a variety of criminal cases, including bank and
mortgage fraud, civil rights, human trafficking and public corruption. She also served
as the Deputy Criminal Chief in charge of the District’s Major Fraud and Public
Corruption section. Before joining the Department of Justice, she worked in private
practice and at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Housing and Urban
Development, the Department of Labor.
Director Saldaña graduated Summa Cum Laude from Texas A&I University and
earned her J.D. degree from Southern Methodist University.
Director Saldaña is the recipient of several meritorious awards, including Latina
Attorney of the Year by the Hispanic National Bar Association and SMU Dedman
School of Law’s Distinguished Spanish Alumni Award. In September 2011, Director
Saldaña became Texas’s first Latina chief prosecutor. Director Saldaña also holds
the distinction of being the first Latina appointed by President Barack Obama and
confirmed by the U.S. Senate as ICE’s Director.
Featured Speaker
Elizabeth Warren, a fearless consumer advocate who has made her life’s work the
fight for middle class families, was elected to the United States Senate on November
6, 2012, by the people of Massachusetts.
Elizabeth is recognized as one of the nation’s top experts on bankruptcy and the
financial pressures facing middle class families, and the Boston Globe has called her
“the plainspoken voice of people getting crushed by so many predatory lenders and
under regulated banks.”
She is widely credited for the original thinking, political courage, and relentless
persistence that led to the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
President Obama asked her to set up the new agency to hold Wall Street banks
and other financial institutions accountable, and to protect consumers from
financial tricks and traps often hidden in mortgages, credit cards and other
financial products.
In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, Warren served as Chair of the
Congressional Oversight Panel for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).
Her independent and tireless efforts to protect taxpayers, to hold Wall Street
accountable, and to ensure tough oversight of both the Bush and Obama
Administrations won praise from both sides of the aisle. The Boston Globe named
Elizabeth Warren Bostonian of the Year and TIME Magazine called her a “New Sheriff
of Wall Street” for her oversight efforts.
During her campaign for the Senate, Elizabeth promised to fight for middle class
families and to make sure that everyone has a fair shot to get ahead. She called for
policies that would level the regulatory playing field for small businesses and ensure
that everyone—even large and powerful corporations—pays a fair share in taxes and
is held accountable for breaking the law.
CONVENTION |/ Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
Endorsing Elizabeth’s candidacy, the New Bedford Standard-Times said, “Elizabeth
Warren has it right on all the things that matter most to us in SouthCoast and across
Massachusetts,” with “principles that without a doubt, promote the well-being of
the middle class.” The Boston Globe called Elizabeth “a fierce advocate for the lot
of working families, creating educational opportunities, and expanding medical
research.” The Springfield Republican said, “We need a voice for working families in
Washington again. Elizabeth Warren will give us that voice.”
Senator Warren was a law professor for more than 30 years, including nearly 20 years
as the Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. The graduating class at
Harvard twice recognized her with the Sacks-Freund Award for excellence in teaching.
She taught courses on commercial law, contracts, and bankruptcy and wrote more
than a hundred articles and ten books, including three national best-sellers, A Fighting
Chance, The Two-Income Trap, and All Your Worth. National Law Journal named her
one of the Most Influential Lawyers of the Decade, TIME Magazine twice named her
one of the 100 most influential people in the world, and she has been honored by the
Massachusetts Women’s Bar Association with the Lelia J. Robinson Award.
Elizabeth learned first-hand about the economic pressures facing working families,
growing up in a family she says was “on the ragged edge of the middle class.” She
got married at 19, and after graduating from college, started teaching in elementary
school. Her first baby, a daughter Amelia, was born when Elizabeth was 22. When
Amelia was two, Elizabeth started law school. Shortly after she graduated, her son
Alex was born. Elizabeth hung out a shingle and practiced law out of her living room,
but she soon returned to teaching.
Elizabeth is a graduate of the University of Houston and Rutgers School of Law.
Elizabeth and her husband Bruce Mann have been married for 35 years and live in
Cambridge, Massachusetts. They have three grandchildren.
Thomson Reuters is proud to sponsor the Hispanic National Bar
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Congratulations to the Hispanic National Bar Association on more than 40 years
of outstanding service and advocacy on behalf of the Latino legal community!
Goodwin Procter is proud to support HNBA’s 40th Annual Convention
and we celebrate this year’s award winners.
King & Spalding proudly
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National Bar Association.
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the Hispanic National Bar Association’s 2015 Annual Convention.
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Los Angeles office at [email protected].
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Fernando A. Bohorquez Jr.
Nita Garg
Brian W. Song
Maurice Sanchez
Stanley C. Ball
Miriam C. Beezy
María R. Coor
Ana S. Salper
We believe that when the vibrancy of diversity meets the energy of inclusion, good things happen – for our clients, our firm,
and our community. That’s why we recruit and develop diverse lawyers and support inclusion at every level of our firm.
We are proud to support the Hispanic National Bar Association and its 40th Annual Convention in Boston.
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP and Affiliates
Skadden is proud to support the
Hispanic National Bar Association
and congratulates all of the
40th Annual HNBA Convention
National Award honorees.
HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION / Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
7–10, 2016
HNBA ANNUAL CONVENTION / Boston, MA | September 2–5, 2015
Squire Patton Boggs LLP