The Composition of Beeswax and Other Waxes Secreted by
The Composition of Beeswax and Other Waxes Secreted by
A. P. TULLOCH. National Research Council of Canad Prairie Regional Laboratory, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ABSTRACT This n:vicw deals with waxes of me mners of two quite different groups of' insects the bees and the scale insects, which ~eerete large amounts of wax, The former use wax as a structural material and the latter as a protective material. The compositions of waxes from sorne of these insects are described and particular attention is paid to the compositions of the unhydrolyzed waxes and to the presence of hydroxy acids. New analyses of beeswax and of wax of a species of .humble bee are reported. The structures of the diesters, hydroxyesters and diols of neeswax are elucidated. The bumble bee wax con tains major proportions of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, and of long chain saturated, mono- and diunsaturated esters. The relationship between stru<.:ture and function of the waxes is discussed. INTRODUCTION 1nsects bclong to the class of animais with Ihe fQllowing characteristics: the body is divided into head, thorax and abdomen; the head carries a single pair of antennae; and the thorax carries three pairs of legs and usually one or two pairs of wings. These features dislinguish them from crabs, lobsters, spiders, mites. millepedes etc. Ncarly a million species of insects have been dl'scribed and several times this number may actually exist. 1nsects are divided into about 28 orders; severa] include a very large number of specics but most have only a few thousand. A simple introduction to insect biology has been wrillen by Wigglesworth (1). Thl' orders which con tain sorne of the best known insects arc listed in Table 1 together with the approximate number of species in the onkr: for convenience the other, less weil known, orders have been omitted. The first 13 orders con tain those insects whose young are 1Issued as National Research Council of Canada o different from the adults and the last seven con tain those whose young are radically different from the adults. Most or ail insects are protected from water loss by a thin film of wax in the cuticle; this type of wax is discussed by Jackson and Baker (this symposium). Clearly the study of the composition of insect waxes is an enormous field which has barely been scratched. Jackson and Baker review two different species of cricket, four different species of cockroach, one species of moth and one species of scale insect. The huge orders of flies and beetles do not seem to have been examined at ail. ln this review 1 shall deal with a few members of two orders of insects which secrete much larger amounts of wax than those which produce only a thin waxy cuticle. The most important one to be discussed is the honey bee (genus Apis, family Apidae). 1 shall also deal with the wax of bumble bees (genus Bombus, family Apidae). Bees are considered to be among the most highly developed insects. The other, more primitive, group of insects which secretes large amounts of wax is that comprising the scale insects. They are given this name because, in many species, the female is protected by a scale or shield consisting of a mixture of wax and cast skins. These insects are members of several families of the sub order Homoptera of the order Hemiptera (Bugs, Table 1). The scale insects have been investigated because many of them are serious agricultural pests though a few are of commercial value. The appearance and function of the waxes is discussed later. The chemistry of waxes secreted by insects has been studied over the last 150 years. Literature prior to 1954 was reviewed by Warth (2), but more prominence was given to early theories of composition than to later, more reliable, results. The present review will de al only with what seem to have been the most important advances, particularly those obtained by modern chromatographic methods, and will report new analyses of beeswax and wax of a species of bumble bee. No. 1 1260. 20nc of six papers to be published from the Symposium on Natural Waxes, presented at the AOCS Mcl'linlt. San Francisco, April 1969. Beeswax At one time the word wax meant only bees[ 1) A. P. TULLOCH TABLE 1 Sorne Orders of Insects (J) Order Approx. 5000 1500 6000 1500 1700 1100 2000 10000 1100 2600 230 3000 55000 5000 5000 200000 85000 1100 100000 275000 Ilragonflies (Odonata) May·flic~ (Ephemeroptera) Cockroaches and Mantids (Dictyoptera) Stone-flies (Plecoptera) Termites (Isoplera) Earwigs (Dermaptera) Stick-;n,ects (Phasmida) Grasshoppers, Locusts, Crickets (Orthoptera) Book-lice (Psocoptera) Bird-Iice (Mallophaga) Sucking·lice (Anoplura) Thrip~ (Thysanoptera) Bugs, Aphids, Scale Insects etc. (Hemiptera) Lacewings etc. (Neuroptera) Caddis flies (Trichoptera) Uutlcrflies and Moths (Lepidoptera) Flics and Mosquitoes (Diptera) Fleas (Siphonaptera) AnIs, Bees, Wasps etc. (Hymenoptera) Beellcs (Coleoptera) wax and as the most important insect wax it has attracted the most attention, in fact, Ikuta (3) has remarked that there were about 140 publications dealing with beeswax chemistry between 1848 and 1930. Beeswax generally refers to wax of the European bee, Apis mel/i/era, but Asiatic species A. dorsata, A. Jlona and A. indica are sometimes also commercial sources of wax. This wax is known as East Indian beeswax or Ghedda wax. Functional group analysis of Ghedda wax (3-5) indica t cs only minor qualitative differences betwcen its composition and that of common bceswax. Results of investigations of Ghedda wax will, therefore, be included with those of bceswax. Waxes of wild bees of the genera Trigona and Me/ipona (also in family Apidae) have been examined (6), but not by modern methods. Wax of a few species of Bombus has also been investigated (7). To compare properties of waxes and to consider their biosynthesis it is clearly important to know the composition of the natural unhydrolyzed wax. Sorne early investigators did try to determine this, but most investigations have been carried out using saponification products. Since wax components are complex mixtures of homologs, it was difficulf to make an accurate analysis prior to the application of gas liquid chromatography (GLC). The early investigators, however, were able to distinguish between components of medium chain length, with about 16 carbons, and very long chain components with about 30 carbons. A critical review of investigations of beeswax up to 1962 was made by Callow (8). No. of Species ln 1848, Brodie (9) reported that the free acids of unhydrolyzed beeswax, obtained by extraction with ethanol, were long chain compounds (C2 7) and also that part of the remaining wax was a palmitate of a long chain alcohol (10). Later it was gradually established that beeswax was a mixture of hydrocarbons, esters and acids (2). Further advances were made by Gascard (11) and Damoy (12), who, however, studied only hydrolysis products. They concluded that the hydrocarbons, alcohols and long chain acids were ail odd-numbered with 25-31 carbons. Chibnall et al. (13) reinvestigated their results, using x-ray crystallography, and showed that though the hydrocarbons were odd-numbered C2S-C31 compounds the alcohols and long chain acids were in fact even-numbered with 24-34 carbons. ln 1961, Downing et al. (14) separated the components of hydrolyzed beeswax into hydrocarbons, alcohols, acids, diols and hydroxy acids and reduced themall to hydrocarbons. These were then analyzed by GLC with the results in Table II. The hydrocarbons, 16% of the wax, were mainly C2 5 -C3 3, the principal alcohols were C24 -C34, palmitic acid was the major acid and the long chain acids were C24-C34. These figures not only confirmed the qualitative conclusions of Gascard and Damoy concerning the hydrocarbons and of Chibnall et al. concerning the alcohols and long chain acids, but also Brodie's early isolation of palmitic acid. As the free acids of unhydrolyzed wax were not examined separately, the composition of the acids is that of the total wax acids. [ 2) --_._--J(, hydrolyzcd (,;ornpOlll'nt Trace 3.726.8 1.0 4.7 4.9 17.5 8.2 15.2 1.5 2.7 2.0COMPOSITION 5.4 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.8 8.8 7.5 31 Trace 0.6c 511.5 0.9 11.9 30.1 19.0 1.5 23.5 10.1 0.5 Trace 31.6 J4.3 Trace 3.0 Trace 19.6 14.8 13.8 30.6 6.5 1.2 1.6 2.6 31 A Trace 16 Trace 0.4 3.7 1.6 0.4 11.9 3.7 0.3 16.5 1.3 14.8 39.2 19.3 Wax Acids alcohols "Diois" BWax 1.5e 15.5 20.8 0.9 acids 0.32.2 2.0 2.2 OF yINSECT Tracec WAXES hydrocarhons Monohydric 4.1 9.8 0.9d I!ydros 0.5 0.3 0.8 50.5 8.5b wax in Olerived Nalurlllly From Ikcswax Fraclions occurring TABLE" (wl. ,;:.)a aDowning el al. (14), with permission. and 0.7% saturated bConsisls of 7.11%monounsaturated by examination of Ihe methyl esters. eTraee indicales present but in too small amount (ca. 0.1%) 10 be estimated satisfaclorily. dlndudes saluraled and unsaturated acids in 8pproximately equal proportions. e A hrnad peak of the range shown; 3.4% is not absorbed by the Linde Molecular Sieve column. Althollgh Downing et al. concluded that the hydrocarbons were entirely straight chain and satllratcd, unsatllrated hydrocarbons have been frcqucnt1y reported (2). ln 1966, Streibl et al. (15) showcd that about 31% of beeswax hydrocarbons l:onsist of ds olefins which were mainly <:31 and C33 compounds, whereas the alkanes arc e2 5 -C2 9 compounds; very small amounts of branched chain hydrocarbons (16) and trans nlcfins (17) were also isolated and identified. Table Il contains two other interesting ilcllls. First diols (3% of the total), which were isolalcd for the first time, though without elucidating their structure apart from chain length, and second hydroxy acids (13% of total), which havc a longer history. Bccswax hydroxy acids were first mentioned in 1919 when Lipp and Kovacs (18) reported that thc acids of saponificd Ghedda wax were mainly CI 7 and hydroxy CI 7 acids. Free acids of this wax were very long chain compounds and differcnt from combined acids (19). ln 19J3 Ikuta (20), working with Japanese bees- wax, which cornes from a variety of A. indica and is similar to Ghedda wax, showed that the hydroxy acid is a hydroxypalmitic acid and that the major acid is palmitic acid (21). Toyama and Hirai (22), in 1951, reported that Japanese and European beeswaxes contain the same hydroxy acid. After extensive fractionation a portion of the hydroxy acids (representing only about 10% of the original crude hydroxy acids) appeared to be 14-hydroxypalmitic acid. The isolation of tetradecanedioic acid from the products of permanganate oxidation of the mother liquors seemed to support their structure. This is more likely, however, to be evidence for the presence of a 15-hydroxypalmitic acid since nitric acid oxidation of hydroxy acids with penultimate hydroxyl groups resuIts most1y in the loss of 2 carbon atoms (23). The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum of beeswax hydroxy acids, examined by Horn et al. (24) in 1964, showed conclusively that the principal component is a [ 3 1 A. P. TULLOCH IS-hydroxypalmiti, a'ld. ln connedion with Ihis finding it is a r,markable coincidcnœ that an osmoi)hilic yeast of thl' genllS Tom/opsis. whit'h was isolated from flowers and from bumhle hl'l' nests. produces glycosides of several hydroxy acids including 15-hydroxypalmili, acid and also hydroxylates palmitk a,id giving a mixture of glycosides of 15- and 16-hydroxy palmitic acids (25). Aiso 16-hydroxypalmitic acid, as the ma crocy clic lactone, is the major constituent of the scent of two species of solitary bec (genus Halictus) (26). Presumably this acid is produced by the bee concerned, but 1 thought that the yeast Toru/op.l"/s might perhaps be involved in forma t ion of beeswax hydroxy acids. If thcse acids had the same optical configur a t ion as hydroxy acid produced by Tom/opsis, a common origin could be indicaled. 1 have isolated hydroxy acids from beeswax and measured their specifie rotation. Tom/op.üs produces 15-L-hydroxypalmitic acid with [a] D + 4.5, but hydroxy acids from commercial (USP) beeswax had [a] D + 1.5, suggesling a mixture of racemate and L-isomer. lIydroxy acids from natural sources are usually optically active, but racemic hydroxy fatty acids have sometimes been isolated (27). Beeswax has been fractionated by column chromatography (28) and by thin layer chromatography (TLC) (29) though the fractions were not clearly identified. Since different optical isorners of 15-hydroxypalmitic acid might be present in different wax fractions, 1 have investigated the chromatographie separation of the whole wax. Honeycomb cappings were used since commercial wax might have been altered by blcaching and refining. ln a TLC chromatogram of beeswax samples, ail show thcsame components; in particular there arc several components with Rf's smaller than that of long chain monoester (Fig. 1). Most of the fractions observed by TLC were isolated by silicic acid column chromatography and identified by NMR spectroscopy, GLC and examination of their hydrolysis products (A.P. Tulloch, to be published). Table 111 lists the fractions obtained in this way and compares them with a beeswax composition cakulated by Findley and Brown (30) from the results of functional group analysis. The percentage of hydrocarbons is similar to that reported bcfore (14). Chromatography on silver nitrate silicic acid (15) gave alkanes and l'is olefins (26%), and the compositions of these two fractions, determined by GLC, were very similar to those reported by Streibl et al. (15). . Monoesters A (35%) contained 40-50 carbon aloms with C46 and C48 as major components. [4 A B C D E F G 1 .2 3 FIG. 1. Thin layer chromatograph of beeswax and bumble bee wax. 1, USP beeswax; 2, beeswax from honeycomb cappings; 3, nùxture of triacontane, octadecyl stearate, octacosanoland octacosanoic acid; 4, bumble bee wax; 5, local, unrefmed beeswax. The letters A-G refer to ester fractions of beeswax. Plate was Silica Gel G, development solvent was benzene at 32 C, spots were detected by spraying with 50% sulfurie acid and heating with an infrared lamp. Standards were synthesized as previously described (40). J COMPOSITION Of INSECT WAXES TABLE Composition III of Unhydrolyzed Beeswax Compositiolla Si02 ('OIUIIlIl chromatography !Iydrocarhons Esters A (monoesters) Es"'rs Il (diesters) Eskrs C (hydroxy esters) Estersi) (hydroxy esters) Es"'rs E (hydroxy esters) Esters F (hydroxy esters) Esters G (hydroxy esters) Free acids Not identified aCalculated hy Findley 23 45 15 35 12 4 4 4 8 4 8 6 (, Acid esters Free alcohols 9 5 1 12 and Brown (30). Hydrolysis yielded palmitic acid and only traces of longer çhain acids, and C24-C34 alcohols, the original esters are thus palmitates of these alwhols. Very recently Holloway (31) has report cd similar results for the composition of beeswax monoesters. The presence of 15-hydroxypalmitate in esters B-G was shown by NMR spectroscopy. NMR can also give an estimate of the extent to which the hydroxyl group is acylated, since studies of methyl hydroxystearates (32) and their acetates (A.P. Tulloch, unpublished work) show that the signai duc to the terminal CH3 of a hydroxy acid with the hydroxyl group on the penultimate carbon atom undergoes a downfield displacement of about 0.05 ppm on acylation. Esters Barc C56-C64 diesters, mainly with the structure: On hydrolysis they give three groups of components: aciels (almost entirely palmitic acid), hydroxy aciels together with a minor amount of diols, and C24-C34 alcohols (approximately om' molar proportion of each group). Diesters of 2-hydroxy acids and of l ,2-diols with chromatographie properties similar to esters B have rcccntly bcen isolated from the skin surface lipids of rat (33) and other animais (N. Nicolaides, H. C. Fu and M. N. A. Ansari, this symposium). Esl\:rs (' and D consist partly, and esters E almosl entirc!y, of C40-C50 esters with a free 011 ~roup. These hydroxy esters are mainly composeel of C24-C34 alcohols esterified with 15-hydroxypalmitic acid but monoesters (Illost Iy pal mitates and lignocerates) of diols are prohahly also present. Hydrolysis of esters F and G gavc higher proportions of hydroxy acids amI diols than the other ester fractions indi- cating the presence of hydroxy diesters and triesters. Palmitic acid was almost the only nonhydroxy acid obtained from esters A, B, C and F, but D and E gave lignoceric acid as weil, and acids only; the free acids were G gave C24-C34 C24-C34 and contained no palmitic acid, in agreement with Brodie's conclusions (9). Hydroxypalmitic acid formed at least 80% of the hydroxy acids from B-G and the remainder was an assortment of longer chain hydroxy acids. GLC examination of the acetylated methyl hydroxypalmitates (34) showed that they consisted of mixtures of about 85% 15acetoxypalmitate and 15% 14-acetoxypalmitate except for those from esters D, which had about 50% of each. None of the hydroxy acid samples were optically pure, most having [al D - + 2.00• Thus there seems to be no evidence so far for the involvement of the yeast Torulopsis in the formation of the hydroxy acids. Alcohols (C24-C34) were obtained from each ester fraction with only minor variations in the relative amounts of each alcohol. Diois from B to E were C24-C28 with C24 the major component, but F and G gave C24-C30 diols with C28 the major component. Esters with free carboxyl groups and free alcohols, suggested by Findley and Brown (30) were not detected in this investigation. Free alcohols are very min or components of unhydrolyzed beeswax (8). The diols were shown to have the structure: CH3ÇH(CH2)n OH CH2CH20H (n = 20-26) by examination of, their NMR spectrum and that of their acetates and by comparison of their GLC retention times with those of synthetic model compounds. With one primary [ 5] 647 111 912 217 9120 25 217 152119 59 9411 28 30 638 18 894 \2Dienoicf Saturatede Monoenoice Saturatedf Monoenoicf total wax numner Composition ofTABLE BumbleIVBee Waxa Hydrocarbonsc 31 12 1\ 18 2861.5 A. P. TULLOCH 0.5 Estersc,d40 a"rood cells and honeypots from nests of Bombus 11Ifocinctus supplied by G. A. Hobbs, Canada Department of Agriculture. Lethbridge, Alberta. were extracted with chloroform. The reddish orange wax formed 30% of the original weight; the residue consisted of insect de bris and the paperlike walls of the cells. The wax has mp 35-45 C. bCarbon numbers measured as before (40). GLC performed with an F & M model 402 gas chro· matograph with Oame ionization de tee tors. Column was V. in. x 3 ft glass column packed with 20-30 mesh glass neads coated with 0.3% silicone SE 30. He 45 ml/min, temperature programmed at 3°/min from temperatures between 100-200 C to 325 C depending on sample. Other columns were used as ncfore (40). cWax (2.17 g) on Si02 column (100 g Biosil A, Bio-Rad. Richmond, Calif.). Elution with hexane gavc hydrocarbons (0.82 g) and with hexane containing 10-25% CHCI3 gave esters (0.63 g). Polàr fraction (0.73 g) obtained by elution with CHCI3' dCarhnn numbcrs of esters are only tentative as hydrolysis products not fully characterized. CHydrocarbons (0.76 g) chromatographed on an AgN03-Si02 column (80 g. 17. 41). Elution with hexanc gave alkancs (0.57 g) and with hexane containing 10% benzene gave alkenes (0.185 g). Alkenes (0.05 g) wcrc oxidized with KMn04-NaI04 (42) and products analyzed by GLC (43). fEstcrs (0.63 g) chromatographed on AgN03·Si02 column. Hexane-benzene (9: 1) gave saturated l'stcrs (O.llg). hexane·henzene (3:2) gave monounsaturated esters (0.36). hexane-benzene (2:3) gave <Iiunsaturatcd esters (0.075 g). Ethanolysis of esters and separation of resulting ethyl esters and aleo· hols on 8i02 column was as previously described (40). Saturated esters (O.llg) gave ethyl esters (0.055 g) and "lcohols (0.078 g). monounsaturated esters (0.36 g) gave ethyl esters (0.13 g) and alwhols (0.26 g). diunsaturated esters (0.084 g) gave ethyl esters (0.029 g) and akohols (0.064 g). gl{cmaindcr of wax (34%) was relatively polar, nonvolatile fraction. This fraction (0.45 g) gave ethyl esters (0.11 g). akohols (0.05 g) and unidentified gum (0.27 g) on ethanolysis. hydroxyl group and one at the penultimate position they wuld arisc by reduction of the hydroxy al.:idsthough they wntain at least 8-12 more I.:arbon atoms (A.P. Tulloch to bé pubIished). The variety of compounds obtained by saponification of bceswax. their pecu1iar chain length range, the difference in composition of the frec and combined al.:ids and the different proportions in which the components are com- bined to give esters A to G, ail suggest comp1ex biosynthetic pathways. Not surprising1y, there have been only a few reports dealing with the biosynthesis of beeswax. the When bees were fed 1·14C-acetate hydrocarbons and free acids of the wax were strongly labelled but the esters (and the acids arid alcohols of which they were composed) were not appreciably labelled (35). lt appeared that different wax components were synthe- [6 ] COMPOSITION OF INSECT WAXES TABLE Yields Per Cent of Hydrolysis V Produets of Seale Inseet Waxesa 21.0 23.6 50.0 47.4 n-Aeids acids Alcohols 0.6 2.6 75.5 20.3 33.4 64.6 31.4 32.2 38.0 09.4 77.2 28.0 14.7 32.3 39.2 26.9 9.8 11.8 8.3 1.8 Hydroearbons Hydroxy madagascariensis perniciosus UFaurot-Bouehet and Michel (52,53), with sized in different tissues. However, when 2-14C-aœtatc was injected into the body cavity of honey bees, esters and free acids both bc,amc labelled in a few ho urs though the nonsaponifiable portion of the wax was more heavily labelled than the acids (36). Bumble Bee Wax Wax produœd by several species of bumble bec was examined by Sundwik. Wax from B. mU.\curUIIl had mp 35-40 C (7) and this wax and wax from B. terres tris (37) gave long chain akohols on hydrolysis. The alcohols 'were reporled to give a neutral compourid on treatmenl wilh strong alkali (38) in contrast to the akohols of a plant. louse wax which yielded a,ids. This wuld mean that the bumble bee wax alcohol was a secondary alcohol which was dehyùrogcnatcd to a ketone, or the neutral malerial wuld have been hydrocarbon impurilies in the alcohols. 1 have invcstigaled wax extracted from hol1t~ypots and brood cells of B. rufocinctus, whi,h is a native of western North America, and a rclatively good wax producer (39). TLC (hg. 1) shows that hydrocarbons and monoesters arc major eomponents, diesters Band l'stns C and D of beeswax are absent. The TLC pattern was hardly changed by diazomethane trcatlllcnt of the wax showing that free acids arc not present to any extent (methyl esters have an Rf similar to esters B). Fractionation on a silil:ic acid (;olumn gave hydrocarbons (37%), Illonoesters (29%) and a more polar fraction (34'}!,). The procedures used are shown as foatnotcs ta Table IV. NMR spedros(;opy showed the presence of unsatllrated wmpounds with isolated double bonds (44) in the hydrocarbons but appreciable alllollnts of branched chain hydrocarbons were ahsenl. The hydrocarbons were separated into alkanes and alkenes (AgN03-Si02) and anaIyzcù by GLC with the results in Table IV. Un( 7 permission. like beeswax hydrocarbons the two fractions had similarchain lengths with the C25 hydrocarbon the principal component. Infrared spectroscopy showed that the alkenes were cis olefins and oxidative cleavage (KMn04-NaI04) gave heptanoic acid and CI 6-C2 2 fatty acids showing that the double bond is at the 7,8position. Beeswax olefins con tain 10, II-unsaturation (15), but olefins with 7,8-unsaturation have been isolated from rose waxes (45). The composition of the hydrocarbons of bumble bee wax is of interest since Calam (46) has obtained saturated and unsaturated C2 1-C25 hydrocarbons from the heads of males of several species of bumble bee. The esters are also part1y unsaturated and were separated into saturated, monoenoic and dienoic fractions by AgNOrSi02 chromatography. GLC analysis gave the results in Table IV. Ethanolysis of the saturated esters gave mainly palmitate with a little stearate and a complex misture of saturated primary alcohols. NMR spectroscopy of these alcohols showed them to be branched chain compounds (44) with probably as many as four methyl branches. They may be related to derivatives of the dihydrofarnesols recent1y isolated from bumble bees (47). Ethanolysis of the monounsaturated esters gave mainly oleate and saturated primary alcohols which were largely straight chain. The principal alcohols were tentatively identified as tetracosanol and hexacosanol and the minor alcohols as odd-numbered CI 9-C2 3 alcohols. The components of the diunsaturated esters were not identified. Ethanolysis of the most polar wax fraction gave a complex misture of esters and alcohols (- 30% of weight). The other products were not identified but GLC analysis and NMR spectroscopy showed that 15-hydroxypalmitic acid was absent. There is thus no evidence that yeast l A. P. TlJLLOCH Iws bl'l'n involvl'd in hydroxy acid formation in this wax l'itlll'r. Thollgh wax of only this one specics of blllllbk bec has becn investigated in any detail, thl' availablc evidence, as mentioned later, at kast shows that the physical properties of the waxes of a number of spccics are similar so that a provisional comparison of bumble bee wax and honey bec W<lXcan be made. My investigation shows that bumble bel' wax has a compie x composition but one that is considerably diffcrent from that of beeswax. The principal differences <Ireas follows: 1. Beeswax con tains appreciable proportions of difunctional components, the hydr()xy acids and diols, so that about half of the beeswax esters are diestcrs (or higher esters, or hydroxy esters). Difunctional components are apparenUy <lbsent from bumble bee wax. 2. Beeswax components are largely straight chain and saturated, the alcohols having mainly 30-32 carbons. Bumble bee wax components arc more unsaturated, sorne are branched chain compounds and the alcohols and hydrocarbons gcncr<llly con tain 4-6 carbons less than the corresponding beeswax components. The physical propcrtics of the waxes are naturally different, particularly the melting point, that of bumble bec wax being about 25 C lower than that of beeswax. Waxes of Seale 1nseets Sorne scale insccts produce enough wax to be commcn.:ially important; these are the Chincse wax insect (Coccus ceriferus) and the laI.:insed (Tac!lardia lacca). C. cenjerus (in the family COl.:l.:idae)is (or was) cultivated in China on branl.:hes of the Chinese ash; the insects infest the twigs so closcly that they are covered with a thick l<lyer of wax which can be scraped off (2). T. lacca {family Lacciferidae) is cultivatcd on trces in India and is important as the sourœ of lac from which shellac is derived. Crude laI.: is I.:omposed mainly of a resin of I.:ross-linked hydroxy acids, but 5-10% of wax is also present. Chinese insect wax, was first investigated by Brodie (9) who concluded that it consisted almost entircly of a long chain ester of a long chain aleohol. Lac wax, as a by-product of the shellal.: industry, con tains varying amounts of free akohols depending on the method used to separ<Jte wax from shellac (13). Gascard (II) showcd that lac wax and Chinese wax gave long I.:hain adds and long chain alcohols on hydrolysis and these were later found to be C2 6 -e30 in thl' case of Chinese wax and C3o-C34 in the case of lac wax (J 3,48,49). A nother commercially interesting scale insect is Coccus cacti, the cochineal insed. which !ives on a species of Cadus in Mexico and covers itself with a thick layer of hard wax. The wax gives 15-oxotetratriacontan-!-o1 and 13-oxo C30 and C32 acids on hydrolysis (50). A number of other scalc insect waxes have been investigated, particularly in Japan (2), and long-chain monoesters seemed to be the major components of most of them. Wax of Tachardina theae (family Lacciferidae) was unusual in yielding 9-dodecenoic and 9-tetradecenoic acids on hydrolysis (51), though these acids may have been derived from glycerides of the body lipids rather than from the waxy shell. The hydrolysis products of waxes of seven species of scale insect have been separated and analyzed by GLC by Faurot-Bouchet and Michel (52,53) with the results in Tables V to VII. Appreciable amounts of hydroxy acids were obtained from the waxes of Gascardia madagascariensis (family Lacciferidae), Icerya purchasi (the cottony cushion scale, family Margaroididae or ground pearl) and Pulvinaria floeifera (family Coccidae). These three and that of Coccus ceriferus also gave approximately l'quai amounts of acids and alcohols but the waxes of Ceroplastes rusei (family Coccidae) and Quadraspidiotus pemiciosus (the San José scale which attacks deciduous fruit trees, family Diaspididae) gave a large excess of acids and Tachardia lacca a large excess of alcohols (as reported earlier by Chibnall (13») . Hydroxy acids from G. madagascariensis were a mixture of C3o-C34 acids with the hydroxyl group somewhere near the middle of the chain. The other hydroxy acids were not investigated. Hydrocarbons of the waxes were oddnumbered with 25-35 carbon s, the principal components were either C27, C29, C31 or C3 3. ln agreement with earlier conclusions of Chibnall et al. (J 3,49), the acids and alcohols of Chinese insect wax were C2 6 -e2 8 compounds and of lac wax were C28-C34. The original esters of the former wax wolild then be mainly CS2 and of the latter CS6-e62 esters. Acids and alcohols of the other waxes (Table VII) were similar, being mainly C26-C30 compounds. Waxes, which gave hydroxy acids on hydrolysis, were probably more complex, perhaps more like beeswax. There have been conflicting reports about the wax of Ceroplastes pseudoceriferus; Hashimoto and Mukai (54) found mainly C26 acid and alcohols after hydrolysis, but Tamaki (55) found most of the alcohols to be branched or cyclic and that di- and triunsaturated CI 8 acids were present in addition to saturated C26 and C28 acids; resin acids were also present. Illi 0.., -l Vl .. --.. -.. .. --. .. --.---.6_2 --tT1 7.0 0.3.4 1.2 .1 0.4 0.2 0.5 1.7 LI Traces (") Z 4.6 0.6 5.9 35.1 42.1 13.4 39.5 3.9 5.2 7.6 0.4 3.2 2.4 1.5 3.4 1.2 2.8 2.6 -0.3 -_. -.. -.--.. -----.. -27.2 25.1 4.1 4.4 20 =i >< s: 14.4 2.0 49.0 Alcohols acids acids 20.0 66.6 11.6 28.015.5 2.2 1.0 0Vl.., 3.4 Traces 29.2 19.8 2.8 2.7 5.8 0.5 5-0.5 1.0 0.3 .6acids 17.6 72.026.0 63.0 1.4 0.6 72.0 Alcohols carbons carbons 1.0 18.2 9.0 HydroHydroVl> 21.0 ~ 00Z r- _ tT1 1.0 Traces 42.0 .Nonhydroxy Nonhydroxy ascariensis s of Coccid Waxes in Per Cent of Each Groupa Tachardia Coccus lacca ceriferus TABLE VI 6.9 0.2 0.1 0.3 0t"'..; --_. ._.-_. ------------------.-----------.. .----4.7 4.4 4.7 11.7 LI 19.1 4.1 0.4 7.0 18.2 72.1 26.4 58.0 33.6 10.6 17.2 5.9 15.2 13.2 2.5 0.5 1.9 1.8 49.2 35.9 3.3 33.8 9.2 3.9 1.0 6_1 1.9 1.1 0.9 9.7 7.3 8.8 56.3 :" 12.5 4.2 0.4 5.7 .--._. -2.7 ------.--. 12.5 22 81.2 1Acids .2 8.0 Acids Alcohols 26.4 2.9 2.9 48.2 11.8 1.4 2.7 0.9 :r carbons 2.7 10.7 8.0 19.8 9.4 7.4 36.4 1.7 1.0 32.3 carbons carbons Acids 50.4 22.7 7.8 0.8 8.4 0.3 t"' Hydroloi c: ;10- - 14.7 1.4 12.5 1.7 1.0 77.8 50.3-- saFaurot-Bouchet of Coccid Waxes Per Cent Each permission. Groupa andinMichel (53),of with --Hydro(") Hydro'pemiciosus Pulvinaria Ceroplastes flocifera rusei TABLE VII Quadraspidiotus COMPOSITION OF INSECT WAXES TABLE VIII l'rom larvae with (58), a mixture of pollen and wax (60). The also spin cocoons which are later coated Melting l'oints of Sorne Waxes Secreted by Insects wax and converted ta honeypots. Sladen Wax presumably referring ta B. lapidarius and Melting point, C B. terres tris , remarked that the wax was much lIulIlble hee softer than that of the honey bee, 1 have found 35-45 (lteL 7 an<l (his work) that waxes of B. rufoeinctus and B. flavifrons 63-65 HOlley lIee (2) have mp 35-45 C and Sundwik (7) gave mp (,hinese Inseel (2) 82-84 35-40 C for wax of B. ml/searum. Lac Wax (2) 72-82 /c,'rya pl/relias; (2) 78 Bumble bees are commonly found only in CO""/IS euefi (50) 99-101 temperate climates, the nest temperature rarely exceeding 35 C (61); Hobbs (personal communication) has suggested that this probably accounts for the mu ch lower melting point of But later Hashimoto et al. (56) stated that, bumble bee wax compared ta honey bee wax. whilc the saturated esters of this wax were true Also the relatively simple nest does not require wax esters, containing long straight-chain acids <lnu akohols, the unsaturated esters were a hard strong wax. Wax of Scale Jnseets. Ali scale insects, as olcates and Iinoleates of branched (dite<rpenoid etl:.) akohols. A report that wax of the members of the order of bugs, have the mouth parts modified for piercing and suc king up Comstot:k mcaly bug Pseudococcus comstocki fre(f<lmily Pseudocot:cidae or mealy bugs) gives fluids. The adult females are degenerate, 10-18% of tetradecanedioic acid (57) on quently having lost their legs, and are attached hydrolysis, seems ta he the first mention of ta the hast plant by the mouth parts. It is probably because they are stationary that many uit:arhoxylit: at:ids in waxes secreted by insects. protect themselves with a waxy There secm ta have been no investigations of species covering. The wax may also protect the eggs 1he hiosynthesis of waxcs of scale insects. and young insects; lac of the lac insect has a Function of WaKes Secreted by Bees similar funcUon. ln general scale insects require and Scala 1nsects a hard, high melting wax (particularly as many ta protect them l'rom Waxes produt:ed by these two groups of occur in hot climates) insct:ls have entirely diffcrent functions but, in insect predators and l'rom the weather. There is considerable variation in the way in hol h grollps, produt:tion of large amounts of ta the insect and wax is relateu ta the specialized way of life which the wax is attached auopLed by the inscds. Wax is secreted in wax sorne do not have a true scale. The San José scale (Q. perniciosus) has a hard scale of wax gl<lnus whit:h t:onsist of one or more specialized t:ells at or near the surface of the abdomen. and cast skins which shelters the insect and its Wax IIf Becs. Honey bees use wax ta build eggs. The female of C. eeriferus and of sorne with thick Lhe f<lmiliar honey comb. Wax is chewed by species of Ceroplastes is covered worker becs until soft and molded piece by plates of wax. Other species, such as C. cacti and Pulvinaria spp., excrete a cottony mass of piet:e to form the network of hexagonal cells. wax in which the eggs are laid. Others still have Larvae arc reared in ce lis of the comb, different powdery lumps of wax on the surface, sized t:ells being used for workers, males and of these are J. purehasi and the queens. Cc lis arc also used ta store honey and examples Comstock mealie bug (and mealie bugs in pollen, Sinrc the strut:tural basis of the cell consists general, as their na me implies). One interesting problem which apparently only of wax, the wax must have suit able physit:al propertics. Species of Apis occur in has not been solved is that of how the insect can exude a very high melting wax. This many tropit:al countries sa that the melting applies ta honey bees as well as ta point of the wax must be reasonably high; in problem scale insects although, as Table VIII shows, the Illost t:<lses it is 62-65 C. Presumably sorne latter have the highest melting waxes. Wax of C. degree of plastit:ity and kneadability are also ucsirablc, The lInsaturated hydrocarbons of caeti has a melting point as high as 100 C. beeswax m<lYad as plasticizers. Wax presumably exudes through pores, but The nest of the bumble bee is usually on or this has been disputed in the case of the honey under the ground and is much less elaborate bee (35). Sorne insects exude cuticle wax conth<ln that of the honcy bee. It consists of a taining a volatile solvent (1), but there is no sll1<111 grollp of rounded cells in which the larvae evidence that this method is used by bees or <Ire r<lised and a few honeypots ta store honey. scale insects. It wou Id probably require tao The œlls are t:Onstructt:d of wax (58,59), or much solvent. Beeswax- is exuded as a liquid [ Il] A. P. TULLOCH and hardcns to a waxy scale (2). This may be truc of ail tlH' high melting insed waxes though the mannl'r in which it occurs is not underslood. PolYlllcrizalion and cross linking of Ilnsa t Ilraled components cannot be the explanation as such components are found to only a slllall extent. CONCLUSION Though only a minute fraction of the total nllmber of insects has been investigated, it is c1e.iJrthat thcre is considerable variation in complcxity of composition of waxes secreted by insects. Ali reports indicate that Chinese insect wax has a simple composition (consisting mainly of C52 monoester), but sorne of the other waxes, particularly those of bees and bumble bees, contain a very large number of components. Generally, when they are investigated carefully by the most modern methods, waxcs are found to be more comp!ex than was originally thought. ln addition to straight chain saturated wmponents, severa! series of unsaturated and branched chain components may be present, thus it was not until very recently that the exact nature of the hydrocarbons of beeswax was established (15-17). 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