Freehold Regional High School District
Freehold Regional High School District
Steven Winter Associates, Inc. Building Systems Consultants 293 Route 18, Suite 330 East Brunswick, NJ 08816 Telephone Facsimile (866) 676-1972 (203) 852-0741 September 18, 2010 Local Government Energy Program Energy Audit Final Report Freehold Regional High School District Howell High School 405 Squankum-Yellowbrook Road Farmingdale, NJ 07727 Project Number: LGEA65 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................. 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................. 3 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 6 HISTORICAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION........................................................................................ 7 EXISTING FACILITY AND SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION.................................................................. 13 RENEWABLE AND DISTRIBUTED ENERGY MEASURES .......................................................... 28 PROPOSED ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES ................................................................ 30 APPENDIX A: EQUIPMENT LIST ................................................................................................. 67 APPENDIX B: LIGHTING STUDY ................................................................................................. 91 APPENDIX C: THIRD PARTY ENERGY SUPPLIERS .................................................................. 98 APPENDIX D: GLOSSARY AND METHOD OF CALCULATIONS ............................................. 100 APPENDIX E: STATEMENT OF ENERGY PERFORMANCE FROM ENERGY STAR® ............. 104 APPENDIX F: INCENTIVE PROGRAMS..................................................................................... 105 APPENDIX G: ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES ........................................................... 107 APPENDIX H: METHOD OF ANALYSIS ..................................................................................... 111 Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 2/111 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Freehold RHSD (Regional High School District) Howell High School is a partial two-story building slab on grade comprising a total conditioned floor area of 249,000 square feet. The original structure was built in the 1963, with additions/alternations completed in 1992 and 2002. The following chart provides an overview of current energy usage in the building based on the analysis period of March 2009 through February 2010: Table 1: State of Building-Energy Usage Electric Other Gas Usage, Usage, fuel therms/yr kWh/yr usage Current 2,637,200 142,441 N/A Proposed 2,194,708 108,904 N/A Savings 442,492 33,537 N/A % Savings 17 24 N/A Proposed Renewable 245,908 Includes SRECs * Includes operation and maintenance savings Current Annual Cost of Energy, $ 637,332 499,531 137,801* 22 8,920 Site Energy Use Intensity, kBtu/sq ft yr 89.0 69.8 19.2 21 3.4 Joint Energy Consumption, MMBtu/yr 23,243 18,380 4,863 21 839 There may be energy procurement opportunities for the Freehold RHSD Howell High School to reduce annual utility costs, which are $20,968 higher, when compared to the average estimated NJ commercial utility rates. SWA has also entered energy information about the Howell High School in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager Energy benchmarking system. This high school is comprised of K-12 School space type. The resulting score is 45, which is slightly more than the average comparable school building by 3.5%. Based on the current state of the building and its energy use, SWA recommends implementing various energy conservation measures from the savings detailed in Table 1. The measures are categorized by payback period in Table 2 below: Table 2: Energy Conservation Measure Recommendations First Year Savings ($) Simple Payback Period (years) 0-5 Year 58,458 5-10 Year 79,934 > 10 Year Total Renewable PV ECMs Initial Investment, $ CO2 Savings, lbs/yr 1.6 95,402 214,478 6.2 496,832 586,691 8,601 137,801 22.1 5.6 189,934 782,168 66,556 867,725 185,608 8.2 1,526,550 336,894 SWA estimates that implementing the recommended ECMs is equivalent to removing approximately 53 cars from the roads each year or avoiding the need of 1,542 trees to absorb the annual CO2 generated. Further Recommendations: Other recommendations to increase building efficiency pertaining to capital improvements and operations and maintenance are (with additional information in the Proposed Further Recommendations section): Capital Improvements o Replace all original, single-glazed windows with a low-E, double glazed type. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 3/111 o o o o o o o o Replace common area heating equipment Replace and recommission the Automatic Temperature Controls (ATC) system Replace unit ventilators Replace packaged RTU serving Media Center Replace/provide (4) H&V units to serve the Main Gym B100 and Auxiliary Gym B101 Replace (2) hot water heating air handling units serving the Auditorium Replace three (3) horizontal pad-mounted end suction pumps in the Original Boiler Room Consider replacement of the 1964 walk-in cooler and freezer with newer models Operations and Maintenance o Apply appropriate air-sealing strategies around all exterior wall penetrations Repair and maintain all gutter to downspout connections o Repair and patch roof leakage areas and remove sharp edged objects from roof surface o Thoroughly and evenly insulate space above the ceiling tiles and plug all ceiling penetration o Provide weather-stripping/air-sealing o Create an energy educational program o Install boilers and building piping insulation o Change filters in rooftop units and air handling units monthly Tighten belts on exhaust fans and air handling units supply fans every three to six months o Inspect RTU and air handling unit coils for dirt buildup or coil freeze-up regularly o Inspect condensate pan and drain line on all RTUs and air handling units. o Inspect and replace gasketing around door into walk-in refrigeration boxes. The recommended ECMs and the list above are cost-effective energy efficiency measures and building upgrades that will reduce operating expenses for the Freehold RHSD. Based on the requirements of the LGEA program, the Freehold RHSD must commit to implementing some of these measures, and must submit paperwork to the LGEA program within one year of this report’s approval to demonstrate that they have spent, net of other NJCEP incentives, at least 25% of the cost of the audit (per building). The Howell High School should spend a minimum of $4,923 (or 25% of $19,692) worth of ECMs, net of other NJCEP incentives, to fulfill the obligations. Financial Incentives and Other Program Opportunities The table below summarizes the recommended next steps that the Freehold RHSD can take to achieve greater energy efficiency and reduce operating expenses. Table 3: Next Steps for the Howell High School Recommended ECMs Install 14 new CFL light fixtures Install 14 new LED exit sign light fixtures Retrofit 10 drink and 3 snack machines with Drink/Vending Miser Install a minimum of 7 motion sensors on light fixtures TM Incentive Program (Please refer to Appendix F) Smart Start Smart Start, Direct Install Smart Start, Direct Install Smart Start, Direct Install There are various incentive programs that the Freehold RHSD could apply to lower the installed ECM costs. SWA recommends the following programs, contingent upon available funding: x 1. 2. 3. New Jersey Clean Energy Pay for Performance - Three phase incentive plan: Develop plan to reduce current energy use by 15%: receive up to 50% of annual energy costs Install measures per plan: receive up to $0.13 per kWh saved and $1.45 per therm saved Benchmark energy savings for a year: receive up to $0.09 per kWh saved and $1.05 per therm. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 4/111 x x x x x Direct Install 2010 Program: Commercial buildings with peak electric demand below 200kW can receive up to 60% of installed cost of energy saving upgrades. Smart Start: Majority of energy saving equipment and design measures have moderate incentives under this program. Renewable Energy Incentive Program: Receive up to $0.75/Watt toward installation cost for PV panels upon available funding. For each 1,000 kWh generated by renewable energy, receive a credit between $475 and $600. Utility Sponsored Programs: Look for available programs with JCP&L and NJNG - Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Rebate Program: Provides up to $20,000 per local government toward energy saving measures. Please refer to Appendix F for further details. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 5/111 INTRODUCTION Launched in 2008, the Local Government Energy Audit (LGEA) Program provides subsidized energy audits for municipal and local government-owned facilities, including offices, courtrooms, town halls, police and fire stations, sanitation buildings, transportation structures, schools and community centers. The Program will subsidize up to 100% of the cost of the audit. The Board of Public Utilities (BPUs) Office of Clean Energy has assigned TRC Energy Services to administer the Program. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. (SWA) is a 38-year-old architectural/engineering research and consulting firm, with specialized expertise in green technologies and procedures that improve the safety, performance, and cost effectiveness of buildings. SWA has a long-standing commitment to creating energy-efficient, cost-saving and resource-conserving buildings. As consultants on the built environment, SWA works closely with architects, developers, builders, and local, state, and federal agencies to develop and apply sustainable, ‘whole building’ strategies in a wide variety of building types: commercial, residential, educational and institutional. SWA performed an energy audit and assessment for the Howell High School at 405 SquankumYellowbrook Road, Farmingdale, NJ 07727. The process of the audit included facility visits on May 6 and June 28, 2010, benchmarking and energy bills analysis, assessment of existing conditions, energy modeling, energy conservation measures and other recommendations for improvements. The scope of work includes providing a summary of current building conditions, current operating costs, potential savings, and investment costs to achieve these savings. The facility description includes energy usage, occupancy profiles and current building systems along with a detailed inventory of building energy systems, recommendations for improvement and recommendations for energy purchasing and procurement strategies. The goal of this Local Government Energy Audit is to provide sufficient information to the Freehold RHSD to make decisions regarding the implementation of the most appropriate and most costeffective energy conservation measures for the Howell High School. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 6/111 HISTORICAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION Energy usage, load profile and cost analysis SWA reviewed utility bills from February 2008 through February 2010 that were received from the utility companies supplying the Howell High School with electric and natural gas. A 12 month period of analysis from March 2009 through February 2010 was used for all calculations and for purposes of benchmarking the building. Electricity - The Howell High School is currently served by one electric meter. The Howell High School currently buys electricity from JCP&L at an average aggregated rate of $0.157/kWh. The Howell High School purchased approximately 2,637,200 kWh, or $414,416 worth of electricity, in the previous year. The average monthly demand was 635.0 kW and the annual peak demand was 718.0 kW. The chart below shows the monthly electric usage and costs. The dashed green line represents the approximate baseload or minimum electric usage required to operate the Howell High School. Natural gas - The Howell High School is currently served by one meter for natural gas. The Howell High School currently buys natural gas from NJ Natural Gas at an average aggregated rate of $1.565/therm. The Howell High School purchased approximately 138,274 therms, or $216,394 worth of natural gas, in the previous year. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 7/111 The chart below shows the monthly natural gas usage and costs. The green line represents the approximate baseload or minimum natural gas usage required to operate the Howell High School. The chart above shows the monthly natural gas usage along with the heating degree days or HDD. Heating degree days is the difference of the average daily temperature and a base Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 8/111 temperature, on a particular day. The heating degree days are zero for the days when the average temperature exceeds the base temperature. SWA’s analysis used a base temperature of 65 degrees Fahrenheit. The following graphs, pie charts, and table show energy use for Howell High School based on utility bills for the 12 month period. Note: electrical cost at $46/MMBtu of energy is 2.8 times as expensive as natural gas at $16/MMBtu Annual Energy Consumption / Costs MMBtu % MMBtu $ Electric Miscellaneous 5,701 25% $262,552 Electric For Cooling 147 1% $6,759 Electric For Heating 688 3% $31,707 Lighting 2,341 10% $107,799 Domestic Hot Water (Gas) Building Space Heating (Gas) Totals Total Electric Usage Total Gas Usage Totals %$ $/MMBtu 42% 46 1% 46 5% 46 17% 46 1,887 8% $29,532 5% 16 11,940 53% $186,862 30% 16 22,705 100% $625,210 100% 8,877 13,827 22,705 39% 61% 100% $408,816 $216,394 $625,210 65% 35% 100% Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 9/111 46 16 Energy benchmarking SWA has entered energy information about the Howell High School in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager Energy benchmarking system. This high school is categorized as a K-12 School space type. The Howell High School received a national energy performance rating of 45. The Site Energy Use Intensity is 89.0 kBtu/ft2-yr compared to the national average of a school building consuming 86.0 kBtu/ft2-yr. See ECM section for guidance on how to improve the building’s rating. Per the LGEA program requirements, SWA has assisted the Freehold RHSD to create an ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager account and share the Howell High School facilities information to allow future data to be added and tracked using the benchmarking tool. SWA has shared this Portfolio Manager account information with the Freehold RHSD (user name of “frhsd8579” with a password of “frhsd8579”) and TRC Energy Services (user name of “TRCLGEA”). Tariff analysis As part of the utility bill analysis, SWA evaluated the current utility rates and tariffs. Tariffs are typically assigned to buildings based on size and building type. Tariff analysis is performed to determine if the rate that Freehold RHSD is contracted to pay with each utility provider is the best rate possible resulting in the lowest costs for electric and gas provision. Typically, the natural gas prices increase during the heating months when natural gas is used by the hot water boiler units. Some high gas price per therm fluctuations in the summer may be due to high energy costs that recently occurred and low use caps for the non-heating months. Typically, electricity prices also increase during the cooling months when electricity is used by the HVAC condensing units and air handlers. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 10/111 The supplier charges a market-rate price based on use, and the billing does not break down demand costs for all periods because usage and demand are included in the rate. Currently, the Freehold RHSD is paying a general service rate for natural gas. Demand is not broken out in the bill. Thus the building pays for fixed costs such as meter reading charges during the summer months. The building is direct metered and currently purchases electricity at a general service rate for usage with an additional charge for electrical demand factored into each monthly bill. The general service rate for electric charges is market-rate based on usage and demand. Demand prices are reflected in the utility bills and can be verified by observing the price fluctuations throughout the year. Energy Procurement strategies Billing analysis is conducted using an average aggregated rate that is estimated based on the total cost divided by the total energy usage per utility per 12 month period. Average aggregated rates do not separate demand charges from usage, and instead provide a metric of inclusive cost per unit of energy. Average aggregated rates are used in order to equitably compare building utility rates to average utility rates throughout the state of New Jersey. The average estimated NJ commercial utility rates for electric are $0.150/kWh, while Howell High School pays a rate of $0.157/kWh. The Howell High School annual electric utility costs are $18,836 higher, when compared to the average estimated NJ commercial utility rates. Electric bill analysis shows fluctuations up to 4% over the most recent 12 month period. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 11/111 The average estimated NJ commercial utility rates for gas are $1.550/therm, while Howell High School pays a rate of $1.565/therm. The Howell High School annual natural gas utility costs are $2,131 higher, when compared to the average estimated NJ commercial utility rates. Natural gas bill analysis shows fluctuations up to 80% over the most recent 12 month period. Utility rate fluctuations may have been caused by adjustments between estimated and actual meter readings; others may be due to unusual high and recent escalating energy costs and constant meter charges combined with low usage. SWA recommends that the Howell High School further explore opportunities of purchasing both natural gas and electricity from third-party suppliers in order to reduce rate fluctuation and ultimately reduce the annual cost of energy for the Howell High School. Appendix C contains a complete list of third-party energy suppliers for the Freehold RHSD service area. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 12/111 EXISTING FACILITY AND SYSTEMS DESCRIPTION This section gives an overview of the current state of the facility and systems. Please refer to the Proposed Further Recommendations section for recommendations for improvement. Based on visits from SWA on May 6, and June 28, 2010, the following data was collected and analyzed. Building Characteristics The partial two-story, slab on grade, 249,000 square feet Howell High School building was originally constructed in 1963, with additions/alternations completed in 1992 and 2002. It houses administrative offices, gymnasiums, a cafeteria, an auditorium, classrooms and laboratories. Partial Front Façade (typ.) Partial Left Side Façade (typ.) Partial Side Façade (typ.) Rear and Side Façade Building Occupancy Profiles Its occupancy is approximately 2,300 students and 198 faculty and staff from 6:15am until 2:30pm, extra-curricular activities continuing to 4:30pm and cleaning activities completed by midnight Monday through Friday. Saturday activities are 7:00am until 2:30pm and Sunday activities are sporadic and driven by sport events. Currently there are no summer school activities scheduled. Building Envelope Due to unfavorable weather conditions (min. 18 deg. F delta-T in/outside and no/low wind), no exterior envelope infrared (IR) images were taken during the field audit. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 13/111 Exterior Walls The exterior wall envelope is mostly constructed of brick veneer and some limestone type accents over concrete block with 2 inches of fiberglass batt cavity insulation. Other more recent additions are insulated with 1 inch of foam board insulation. The interior is mostly painted gypsum wallboard or painted concrete block. Note: Wall insulation levels could not be verified in the field and are based on available construction plans. Exterior and interior wall surfaces were inspected during the field audit. They were found to be in overall acceptable, age-appropriate condition with only a few signs of uncontrolled moisture, air-leakage or other energy-compromising issues. The following specific exterior wall problem spots and areas were identified: Signs of water Un-caulked/un-sealed exterior wall penetrations damage at perimeter walls due to defective gutter or downspout. Roof The building’s roof is predominantly a flat and parapet type over steel decking with a built-up asphalt finish and reflective stone coating. It is original to the building. Two and a half inches of foam board roof insulation were recorded. Also about two and a half inches of under roof deck applied spray cellulose ceiling insulation were added to some parts of the original building a few years ago. Other parts of the building are also covered by a recently updated dark colored EPDM single membrane finish. Note: Roof insulation levels could not be verified in the field, and are based on available construction plans. Roofs, related flashing, gutters and downspouts were inspected during the field audit. They were reported to be in overall acceptable, age-appropriate condition, with only a few signs of uncontrolled moisture, air-leakage or other energy-compromising issues. The following specific roof problem spots were identified: Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 14/111 Rocks/nails or other sharp objects on roof surface were detected. Small roof leaks in most parts of the building were reported. Base The building’s base is composed of a slab-on-grade floor with a perimeter foundation and no detectable slab edge/perimeter insulation. Slab/perimeter insulation levels could not be verified in the field and are based on available construction plans. The building’s base and its perimeter were inspected for signs of uncontrolled moisture or water presence and other energy-compromising issues. Overall the base was reported to be in acceptable condition with no signs of uncontrolled moisture, air-leakage and/or other energy-compromising issues except for reports of condensation on ground floor finishes during hot and humid outside conditions. Windows The building contains basically two different types of windows. 1. Casement type windows with a non-insulated aluminum frame, clear single glazing and some interior shading devices. The windows are located throughout the building and are original. 2. Casement type windows with a non-insulated aluminum frame, clear double glazing and interior roller blinds. The windows are located throughout the building. Window updates started about 10 years ago but have been on hold for a while now due to lack of funding. Windows, shading devices, sills, related flashing and caulking were inspected as far as accessibility allowed for signs of moisture, air-leakage and other energy compromising issues. Overall, the windows were found to be in acceptable condition with only a few signs of uncontrolled moisture, air-leakage and/ or other energy-compromising issues. The following specific window problem spots were identified: Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 15/111 Single-glazed window with Window sealant is ineffective frame ineffective Exterior doors The building contains only one type of exterior door. 1. Aluminum/steel frame with safety glass type exterior doors. They are located throughout the building and are original. All exterior doors, thresholds, related flashing, caulking and weather-stripping were inspected for signs of moisture, air-leakage and other energy-compromising issues. Overall, the doors were found to be in acceptable, age appropriate condition with no signs of uncontrolled moisture, air-leakage and/ or other energy-compromising issues. Building air-tightness Overall the field auditors found the building to be reasonably air-tight with only a few areas of suggested improvements, as described in more detail earlier in this chapter. The air tightness of buildings helps maximize all other implemented energy measures and investments, and minimizes potentially costly long-term maintenance, repair and replacement expenses. Mechanical Systems Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning The building is heated by two boiler plants, with cooling and/or ventilation provided by a combination of rooftop units, heating and ventilating units and exhaust fans for the common and office areas, and unit ventilators for many of the classrooms. Some of the unit ventilators contain a split system DX cooling component but most are heating and ventilating only. The original boiler plant in the 1963 building provides heating to the original building and the 1979 additions. These portions of the building include A, B and C Wings and the Auditorium, Gymnasium B100, Gymnasium B101, Cafeteria, Media Center, Guidance Offices and Main Offices. The D Wing was added in 2001 and contains its own boiler plant. It should be noted that a good portion of the school HVAC systems are still controlled by the Barber Coleman Automatic Temperature Controls (ATC) systems. The D Wing Addition and partial renovations to A Wing and B Wing, and a few second floor C Wing Rooms contain a Johnson Metasys digital ATC system in those portions of the building. There are also some Honeywell and Powers thermostats scattered throughout the school. It was reported that the Barber Coleman/Andover system provides poor temperature control. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 16/111 Equipment Howell High School has undergone several renovations and one addition since the original building was constructed in 1964. With each renovation or addition, there has been equipment added to condition the affected portion of the building. The following paragraphs contain a summary of the systems in the various portions of the building. A comprehensive Equipment List can be found in Appendix A. The Auditorium contains two (2) air handling units suspended from the roof deck above the stage that provide heating and ventilation. Heating is provided by hot water coils in the units that are fed by the building’s original boiler plant. There are also two (2) 15-ton cooling only packaged RTUs providing cooling to the space. The air handling units appear to be original to the building and replacement should be considered. The RTUs were installed in 2006 and are in very good condition. There are also rooftop exhaust fans above the Auditorium to exhaust rooms A111-115, the toilet rooms in Auditorium lobby and the SECA Office. One of Two American Standard Rooftop Units Serving the Auditorium Rooms A104-A117 are heated and ventilated only via Nesbitt unit ventilators that are original to the building. These units are in fair to poor condition, are well beyond their expected service life and should be replaced. Rooms A100-A103 were renovated with the addition of the D Wing in 2001. These Rooms and the classrooms in D Wing, except D112 and D114, are conditioned by cooling only packaged rooftop units with hot water heating coils located in the supply air ductwork below the roof deck. Rooms D112 and D114 contain through wall, floor-mounted unit ventilators with DX cooling. All equipment and ductwork is in good condition. The Main Gymnasium is heated and ventilated by finned tube radiation and four exhaust fans, two located high on each of the long walls. The Auxiliary Gymnasium B101 is heated and ventilated via one (1) large H&V unit located above the adjacent locker rooms. This gymnasium is exhausted by multiple rooftop exhaust fans. The Auxiliary Gym D100 is heated and ventilated by two large rooftop H&V units with hot water heating coils located in the supply air ductwork below the roof deck. The locker rooms that are adjacent to these gyms are heated and ventilated by air handling units with hot water coils. These units are located in the ceiling above the rooms, or in adjacent Storage rooms. The H&V unit in B101 and air handling units in the locker rooms are original to the building and have exceeded Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 17/111 their expected service lives. This equipment should be replaced as part of a capital improvement plan in the district. The Gym Offices and Wrestling Room and are conditioned by rooftop DX cooling, heating and ventilating RTUs added in 2002. The Dance Studio is heated, cooled and ventilated by a built up rooftop H&V unit with split condensing unit added in 2002. Music Room B104 and adjacent offices and storage rooms are conditioned by packaged RTUs added in 2006. Music Room B105 is heated and ventilated only but contains a wall-mounted ductless split system to provide some cooling. Based on the size of this equipment, it is likely to be inadequate for the room and should be replaced with another RTU similar to that in Room B104. The Cafeteria is heated and ventilated by rooftop H&V units and exhaust fans. This equipment was added in 2002 and is in good condition. The Faculty Dining Area behind the Kitchen was added in 2002 and is heated, cooled and ventilated by a packaged rooftop unit that is in good condition. The Kitchen hood receives dedicated makeup air from rooftop H&V units located above the Cafeteria. The Media Center and its ancillary offices are heated, cooled and ventilated by one large 35-ton RTU manufactured in 1981. This unit is in poor condition and is operating well beyond its expected service life. Based on the odor experienced in the Media Center, there is a possibility that the unit is not adequately dehumidifying the space. This unit should be replaced with multiple units to offer redundancy and reliability, as well as an increase in operating efficiency. The Main Office is heated, ventilated and cooled by a packaged, constant volume rooftop unit located above the Media Center. The unit utilizes hot water heating and DX cooling. This equipment was added in 1981, is operating well beyond its expected service life and should be replaced. Replacement should provide an increase in cooling efficiency. The Guidance Office and adjacent Media Center Rooms are heated, ventilated and cooled by two (2) Trane rooftop units that were installed in 2002. There is a hot water coil in the ductwork below, and DX cooling in the unit. The units are in good condition and can be retained for another 6-7 years. Rooftop Units Serving Media Center (left) and Main Office Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 18/111 Classrooms B106-B112 are heated, cooled and ventilated by multiple RTUs that were added in 2000. This equipment is in good condition and can be retained for another 4-5 years. The Nurse’s Office, Attendance Office and adjacent rooms are heated, cooled and ventilated by original finned-tube radiation and window air conditioning units. This equipment is in fair condition and should be replaced. Classrooms A207-A217 contain 1964 (Nesbitt) unit ventilators for heating and ventilation, and are cooled by wall-mounted ductless split system air conditioning units. The unit ventilators are operating beyond their expected service lives, and should be replaced. The ductless split systems can be retained for another 3-5 years, but replacement would bring energy savings. The remainder of the classrooms in the A and C Wings are heated and ventilated by floor mounted or ceiling mounted unit ventilators installed in either 1964 (Nesbitt) or 1979 (Trane), with the exception of Rooms A202 and C203, 205, 213, 214, 216. These classrooms contain newer unit ventilators with split system DX cooling. Original 1964 Nesbitt (Left) and 1979 Trane Unit Ventilators In general, the rooftop units in this building contain a direct expansion (DX) system for cooling, made up of an evaporator, condenser and refrigerant loop. The heating section consists of a hydronic (hot water) coil located in the supply ductwork below the roof deck. In cooling mode, the refrigerant absorbs heat from the passing air in the evaporator coil and transfers the heat to the atmosphere in the condenser. Much of the equipment contains refrigerant R-22, which contains CFCs and is being phased out of production for environmental reasons. Newer equipment will contain refrigerant R-410A, which is more environmentally-friendly than R-22. The rooftop units draw in outside air directly, providing a means of ventilation without an additional building penetration above that required for the distribution ductwork. The H&V unit and RTU heating coils, unit ventilators, hydronic unit heaters and finned-tube radiation located in the A, B and C Wings of the building are provided with heating hot water by two (2) Superior packaged fire-tube boilers located in the original boiler room. These boilers were installed in 1963 and are in fair to poor condition. This equipment is operating Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 19/111 well beyond its expected life of 30 years per the 2007 ASHRAE Applications Handbook. The thermal efficiency of this equipment can be expected to be approximately 65%. The Superior boilers produce heating hot water that is pumped by one of three floormounted to the A, B, and C Wings. One of the three original pumps is run at a time and is usually sufficient to handle the heating load. On days with particularly cold outside air temperatures, a second pump will be run as well. These pump motors are recommended to be replaced with premium efficiency motors in the ECM section of this report. In addition, it is recommended that the operation of the three-way valve at each boiler is checked since it failure of this valve can cause the existing outside temperature hot water reset controls to not function effectively. The Original 1964 Superior Boilers The hydronic unit heaters, duct-mounted heating coils and finned-tube radiation located in the D Wing (2001 addition) and a small adjacent portion of the A Wing are provided with heating hot water by two (2) Aerco Benchmark 2.0 condensing boilers located in a boiler room adjacent to Room D104. The boilers were installed in 2002 and are in very good condition. This equipment is almost one third of its way through its expected service life of 30 years. The efficiency of this equipment can range from about 80-93%. In general, condensing boilers are most efficient when operating at temperatures that are lower than non-condensing or cast iron boilers. The Aerco boilers produce heating hot water that is pumped by a pair of floor-mounted pumps in the D Wing Boiler Room. These pumps are in very good condition. The pump motors are standard efficiency and are recommended to be replaced with premium efficiency motors in the ECM section of this report. There are several exhaust fans located on the roof, which serve the bathrooms, kitchen hood and general exhaust. The fans vary in age and condition, but were all operating at the time of the field visit. In general, most of the building exhaust fans have an estimated 0-50% useful operating life left. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 20/111 Some of the classrooms and the offices in the Nurse’s Office area contain window air conditioners, most of which are not ENERGY STAR° rated. SWA recommends that this equipment is replaced with equipment that is ENERGY STAR° rated. The Two Aerco Condensing Boilers in the 2002 Boiler Room Distribution Systems The heating hot water produced in both boiler rooms is distributed via pumps and copper piping to the H&V unit coils, unit ventilators, finned-tube radiators, unit heaters and cabinet unit heaters scattered throughout the building. The Superior boilers are piped in a primary pumping arrangement. The floor-mounted pumps in the boiler room operate in a lead-lag fashion to distribute the water to various heating zones throughout the A, B and C Wings of the building. The Aerco boilers are piped in a primary pumping arrangement, with two (2) floor-mounted pumps delivering the water to the terminal equipment in the D Wing of the building. These pumps operate in lead-lag fashion, and usually one pump can satisfy the heating load in this area of the building. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 21/111 Examples of Pumps in the Original Boiler Room (Left) and in the 2002 Boiler Room A typical rooftop unit arrangement draws in fresh air and brings it into a mixing box, where it is combined with return air from the building. A small portion of the return air is purged and vented outside prior to entering the mixing box. The mixed air inside the air handler is sent through a filter before passing through the evaporator or direct expansion (DX) coil. The air handler fan then pushes the air through the duct-mounted hot water coil before the conditioned air is distributed into the building spaces. The hot water coil is only active in the heating season and the DX system is only active in the cooling season. In between these seasons neither system may operate and only the blower will be active to provide fresh air to the building. In a few cases in this building, the rooftop equipment did not contain the DX cooling coil mentioned above. Example of Hot Water Piping Leading to Duct-Mounted Hot Water Coil in D Wing Howell High School has constant air volume systems as described above. Typically, with this type of arrangement, the outside air damper is opened and the supply fan runs constantly during occupied hours, and the outside air damper is closed and the supply fan cycles when heating or cooling is required during unoccupied hours. The heating coils contain a control valve that opens to let heating water into the hot water coil upon a heating call from the thermostat. Upon a call for cooling, the DX compressor in the RTU is operated to provide cooling. There is one (1) large commercial kitchen exhaust hood over the ovens and range in the kitchen. The makeup air for this hood is provided by H&V units located on the roof above the Cafeteria and transferred via grilles that are located high on the wall between the Kitchen Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 22/111 and the Cafeteria. The H&V units are provided with heating hot water and are in relatively good condition. Controls There are two different Automatic Temperature Controls (ATC) systems within the building. A good portion of the school HVAC systems are still controlled by the Barber Coleman/Andover Automatic Temperature Controls (ATC) systems that were installed in 1964 and modified over the years. It was reported that the Barber Coleman/Andover controls provide poor overall temperature control. The system is monitored by Jersey State Controls, and limited control of the equipment on this system is provided via desktop computer in the Maintenance Office. The D Wing Addition and partial renovations to A Wing and B Wing and a few second floor C Wing Rooms contain a Johnson Controls Metasys digital ATC system. These thermostats are connected to small Johnson Controls Metasys direct digital control (DDC) ATC panels located in the maintenance office, D Wing Boiler Room, and a few other strategic locations. There are also some Honeywell and Powers thermostats scattered throughout the school but it was not determined if these thermostats are standalone or connected to the Barber Coleman/Andover ATC system. The D Wing boilers are provided with an Aerco boiler control panel. Original ATC Contactor Cabinet (Left) and 2002 Johnson Metasys Controller The original Barber Coleman ATC equipment is beyond its expected service life, and modifications have been made to the system to allow for outside monitoring. Some Examples of the Various Thermostats Encountered in the Building Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 23/111 Some Examples of the Various Thermostats Encountered in the Building The different controls listed above do not provide one consistent control scheme throughout the school. SWA recommends that one uniform ATC system is provided for the school. A logical approach for the district would be to combine and build on the existing Johnson Controls Metasys ATC systems to provide one comprehensive ATC system. This would allow salvaging of the controls equipment in a significant portion of the school. Domestic Hot Water The domestic hot water (DHW) for the school is provided by one (1) Cleaver Brooks packaged fire-tube boiler and adjacent storage tank located in the Original Boiler Room. The boiler was installed in 1981, and is at the end of its expected service life. This system is provided with re-circulating pumps to provide a constant supply of domestic hot water throughout the building. This reduces water consumption by eliminating the need to wait for hot water. Domestic Water Heater and External Storage Tank in Original Boiler Room There is also a 45 KW electric booster heater at the dishwasher in the kitchen. This equipment is in fair condition and should be considered for replacement. Replacement would not provide energy savings, but if gas-fired equipment is used, it is likely that operating costs would be reduced. Commercial Refrigeration The school also has an approximately 8’ x 10’ walk-in cooler inside the kitchen. This cooler was manufactured by Bally and appears to be original to the building (1964). The equipment Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 24/111 is in fair condition. Although the unit was locked and nameplate data was not accessible, it is assumed that there is a savings opportunity from changing the evaporator fan section to a more modern model. The school also has an approximately 8’ x 8’ walk-in cooler inside the kitchen. This cooler was manufactured by Bally and based on its condition; it is estimated to have been added in the 1980s. The equipment is in fair to good condition, and appears to have been partially refurbished within the last few years. Although the unit was locked and nameplate data was not accessible, the evaporator fans appeared to be a more modern model than what was witnessed through the window of the door of the original cooler mentioned above. Accessible via the cooler is a walk-in freezer of similar size to the cooler. This freezer is also estimated to have been added in the 1980s and is in similar condition to the cooler. It is assumed that the evaporator fans are of a similar model to those in the cooler and that they are fairly efficient. Several of the rooms adjacent to the newer walk-in box were locked and inaccessible during the survey. Therefore, it is not known if any of the adjacent rooms also contained an evaporator section to provide cold storage, as witnessed in some of the other schools in this district. If so, this area could be studied separately to identify other potential savings opportunities. Original Walk-In Cooler Box (Left) and 1980s Walk-In Cooler/Freezer The kitchen contains four (4) stainless steel refrigerators, two (2) chest freezers, one (1) chest cooler and several glass door merchandisers. All equipment appears to be in relatively good condition. Electrical systems Lighting See attached lighting schedule in Appendix B for a complete inventory of lighting throughout the building including estimated power consumption and proposed lighting recommendations. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 25/111 As of July 1, 2010 magnetic ballasts most commonly used for the operation of T12 lamps will no longer be produced for commercial and industrial applications. Also, many T12 lamps will be phased out of production starting July 2012. Interior Lighting - The Howell High School currently contains a mixture of T12 fixtures, T8 fixtures, and self-ballast bulbs including incandescent bulbs and CFLs. There were some observed high pressure sodium and metal halide fixtures found in the wrestling room and the media center. Based on measurements of lighting levels for each space, there are no vastly over-illuminated areas. Exit Lights - Exit signs were found to contain both fluorescent and LED lamps. Exterior Lighting - The exterior lighting surveyed during the building audit was found to be a mix of Metal Halide lamp and CFL fixtures. Exterior lighting is controlled by timers. Appliances and process SWA has conducted a general survey of larger, installed equipment. Appliances and other miscellaneous equipment account for a significant portion of electrical usage within the building. Typically, appliances are referred to as “plug-load” equipment, since they are not inherent to the building’s systems, but rather plug into an electrical outlet. Equipment such as process motors, computers, computer servers, radio and dispatch equipment, refrigerators, vending machines, printers, etc. all create an electrical load on the building that is hard to separate out from the rest of the building’s energy usage based on utility analysis. Elevators Howell High School contains one (1) hydraulic elevator in C Wing. The hydraulic machine was manufactured by Dover in 1981 and is 20 horsepower. It is recommended that further study is undertaken to confirm that the elevator meets current code, and that the required upgrades are performed to bring the elevator into compliance. Generator There is one (1) Onan 100 KW natural gas emergency generator located just outside the original boiler room. This generator was installed in 1994. This generator is in fair condition overall and has been well maintained considering its age. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 26/111 Emergency Generator Other electrical systems There are not currently any other significant energy-impacting electrical systems installed at the Howell High School other than five electrical transformers ranging from 30.0 kVa to 75.0 kVa. The transformers range in appearance from good to satisfactory operating condition. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 27/111 RENEWABLE AND DISTRIBUTED ENERGY MEASURES Renewable energy is defined as any power source generated from sources which are naturally replenished, such as sunlight, wind and geothermal. Technology for renewable energy is improving, and the cost of installation is decreasing, due to both demand and the availability of state and federal government-sponsored funding. Renewable energy reduces the need for using either electricity or fossil fuel, therefore lowering costs by reducing the amount of energy purchased from the utility company. Technology such as photovoltaic panels or wind turbines, use natural resources to generate electricity on the site. Geothermal systems offset the thermal loads in a building by using water stored in the ground as either a heat sink or heat source. Solar thermal collectors heat a specified volume of water, reducing the amount of energy required to heat water using building equipment. Cogeneration or CHP allows you to generate electricity locally, while also taking advantage of heat wasted during the generation process. Existing systems Currently there are no renewable energy systems installed in the building. Evaluated Systems Solar Photovoltaic Photovoltaic panels convert light energy received from the sun into a usable form of electricity. Panels can be connected into arrays and mounted directly onto building roofs, as well as installed onto built canopies over areas such as parking lots, building roofs or other open areas. Electricity generated from photovoltaic panels is generally sold back to the utility company through a net meter. Net-metering allows the utility to record the amount of electricity generated in order to pay credits to the consumer that can offset usage and demand costs on the electric bill. In addition to generation credits, there are incentives available called Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) that are subsidized by the state government. Specifically, the New Jersey State government pays a market-rate SREC to facilities that generate electricity in an effort to meet state-wide renewable energy requirements. Based on utility analysis and a study of roof conditions, Howell High School is a good candidate for a 48.07 kW or 158.47 kW Solar Panel installation. See ECM# 17 and 18 for details. Solar Thermal Collectors Solar thermal collectors are not cost-effective for this building and would not be recommended due to the insufficient and intermittent use of domestic hot water throughout the building to justify the expenditure. Wind The Howell High School is not a good candidate for wind power generation due to insufficient wind conditions in this area of New Jersey. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 28/111 Geothermal Howell High School is not a good candidate for geothermal installation since it would require replacement of the entire existing HVAC system, of which major components still have between 50% and 95% remaining useful life. Combined Heat and Power Howell High School is not a good candidate for CHP installation and would not be cost-effective due to the size and operations of the building. Typically, CHP is best suited for buildings with a high electrical baseload to accommodate the electricity generated, as well as a means for using waste heat generated. Typical applications include buildings with an absorption chiller, where waste heat would be used efficiently. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 29/111 PROPOSED ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) are recommendations determined for the building based on improvements over current building conditions. ECMs have been determined for the building based on installed cost, as well as energy and cost-savings opportunities. Recommendations: Energy Conservation Measures ECM# Description of Recommended 0-5 Year Payback ECMs 1 Install 10 Drinks and 3 Snack Misers on Vending Machines 2 Install 124 New T5 Light Fixtures 3 4 Install 14 New CFL Light Fixtures Install 14 New LED Exit Sign Light Fixtures 5 Install 35 New Motion Sensors 6 Replace 3 Old Refrigerators with ENERGY STAR® Models 7 8 Install 193 New Occupancy Sensors Replace (2) 5 HP Superior Boiler Burner Motors with (2) Premium Efficiency Motors 9 ECM# 10 11 12 13 14 Install 51 New Pulse Start Metal Halide Light Fixtures Description of Recommended 5-10 Year Payback ECMs Replace (3) 10HP Hot Water Circulation Pump Motors with Premium Efficiency Motors Replace 2092 MBH Input HW Heater with (3) 400 MBH Input, 96% Efficient, Direct Vent Unit Install Variable Frequency Drives on (5) 10HP Motors of Hot Water Circulators Install 33 New Bi-level Light Fixtures in Stairwells 16 Retro-commissioning Replace (2) 8369 MBH Input Boilers with (4) 2000 MBH Input 96% Efficient, Condensing Boilers Install 403 New T8 Light Fixtures 17 18 Install a 48.07 kW PV System with Incentives Install a 158.47 kW PV System without Incentives 19 Install Premium Efficiency Motors on Walk-In Box Evaporator Fans 15 ECM# Description of Recommended >10 Year Payback (End of Life Cycle) 20 24 Replace (3) DX cooling condensing units with 14 SEER high efficiency units Replace Trane 7.5-ton packaged DX Cooling Only Rooftop HVAC Unit with a 13 EER High Efficiency Unit Replace Trane 35-ton Packaged DX Cooling Only Rooftop HVAC Unit with (3) 12.5-ton, 13 EER High Efficiency Unit Replace Trane 1.5-ton Packaged DX Cooling Only Rooftop HVAC Unit with 14 SEER High Efficiency Unit Replace (5) DX Cooling Condensing Units with 14 SEER High Efficiency Units 25 Replace (2) DX Cooling Condensing Units with 14 SEER High Efficiency Units 21 22 23 Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 30/111 Note: In order to clearly present the overall energy opportunities for the building and ease the decision and choice of which ECM to implement, SWA calculated each ECM independently and did not incorporate slight/potential interactions between some of the listed ECM retrofits (i.e. lighting change influence on heating/cooling). Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 31/111 ECM#1: Install 10 Drinks and 3 Snack Misers on Vending Machines Description: The Howell High School building has ten drink vending machines and three snack vending machines. Energy vending miser devices are now available for conserving energy with these machines. There is no need to purchase new machines to reduce operating costs and greenhouse gas emissions. When equipped with the vending miser devices, refrigerated beverage vending machines or coolers use less energy and are comparable in daily energy performance to new ENERGY STAR® qualified machines. Vending miser devices incorporate innovative energy-saving technology into small plug-and-play devices that install in minutes, either on the wall or on the vending machine. Vending miser devices use a Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR) to: power down the machine when the surrounding area is vacant; monitor the room's temperature; automatically repower the cooling system at one to three hour intervals, independent of sales; ensure the product stays cold. Vending machines found throughout Howell High School Snacks vending miser devices can be used on snacks vending machines to achieve maximum energy savings that result in reduced operating costs and decreased greenhouse gas emissions with existing machines. Snacks vending miser devices also use a Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR) to determine if there is anyone within 25 feet of the machine. It waits for 15 minutes of vacancy, then powers down the machine. If a customer approaches the machine while powered down, the snacks vending miser will sense the presence and immediately power up. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $2,287 (includes $260 labor) Source of cost estimate: and established costs Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 32/111 est. installed cost, $ est. incentives, $ Net ECM cost with incentives, $ kWh, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo therms, 1st yr savings kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ Annual Energy Cost Savings, $ Projected Measure Life, yrs est. lifetime cost savings, $ simple payback, yrs lifetime return on investment, % annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr Economics: 2,287 0 2,287 34,933 10.6 0 0.5 2,530 8,014 10 80,145 0.3 3,404 340 350 63,358 25,152 Assumptions: SWA assumes energy savings based on 75 operating hours/week. The modeling calculator is found at or Rebates/incentives: There are no incentives at this time offered by NJ Clean Energy for this energy conservation measure. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 33/111 ECM#2: Install 124 New T5 Light Fixtures On the day of the site visit, SWA completed a lighting inventory of the Howell High School (see Appendix B). The existing lighting inventory contained Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium fixtures. SWA recommends replacing each existing fixture with more efficient, T5 fluorescent fixtures with electronic ballasts. T5 fixtures with electronic ballasts provide equivalent or better light output while reducing energy consumption by 20% when compared to a Metal Halide or High Pressure Sodium fixture. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $15,850 (includes $6,906 of labor) Source of cost estimate: RS Means; Published and established costs, NJ Clean Energy Program est. installed cost, $ est. incentives, $ Net ECM cost with incentives, $ kWh, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo therms, 1st yr savings kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ Annual Energy Cost Savings, $ Projected Measure Life, yrs est. lifetime cost savings, $ simple payback, yrs lifetime return on investment, % annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr Economics: 17,710 1,860 15,850 82,518 17.2 0 1.1 7,324 20,279 15 304,190 0.8 1,819 121 128 215,870 59,413 Assumptions: SWA calculated the savings for this measure using measurements taken the days of the field visits and using the billing analysis. SWA also assumed an aggregated 183 hrs/yr to replace aging burnt out lamps vs. newly installed. Rebates/financial incentives: x NJ Clean Energy – Smart Start – T5 fixtures with electronic ballasts ($15 per fixture). Maximum incentive amount is $1,860. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. ECM#3: Install 14 New CFL Light Fixtures On the day of the site visit, SWA completed a lighting inventory of the Howell High School (see Appendix B). The existing lighting inventory contained a total of 14 inefficient incandescent and halogen lamps. SWA recommends that each incandescent lamp is replaced with a more efficient, Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL). CFLs are capable of providing equivalent or better light output while using less power. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $623 (includes $187 of labor) Source of cost estimate: RS Means; Published and established costs, NJ Clean Energy Program est. installed cost, $ est. incentives, $ Net ECM cost with incentives, $ kWh, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo therms, 1st yr savings kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ Annual Energy Cost Savings, $ Projected Measure Life, yrs est. lifetime cost savings, $ simple payback, yrs lifetime return on investment, % annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr Economics: 623 0 623 1,558 0.3 0 0.0 468 713 8 5,701 0.9 815 102 114 4,203 1,122 Assumptions: SWA calculated the savings for this measure using measurements taken the days of the field visits and using the billing analysis. SWA also assumed an aggregated 12 hrs/yr to replace aging burnt out lamps vs. newly installed. Rebates/financial incentives: x None Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 35/111 ECM#4: Install 14 New LED Exit Sign Light Fixtures On the day of the site visit, SWA completed a lighting inventory of the Howell High School (see Appendix B). The existing lighting inventory contained 14 inefficient incandescent or fluorescent exit signs. SWA recommends that these exit signs be replaced with a new, more efficient LED exit sign. LED exit signs can provide significant energy savings since they operate 24 hours per day. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $612 (includes $267 of labor) Source of cost estimate: RS Means; Published and established costs, NJ Clean Energy Program est. installed cost, $ est. incentives, $ Net ECM cost with incentives, $ kWh, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo therms, 1st yr savings kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ Annual Energy Cost Savings, $ Projected Measure Life, yrs est. lifetime cost savings, $ simple payback, yrs lifetime return on investment, % annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr Economics: 892 280 612 3,189 0.7 0 0.0 66 567 15 8,500 1.1 1,289 86 93 5,868 2,296 Assumptions: SWA calculated the savings for this measure using measurements taken the days of the field visits and using the billing analysis. SWA also assumed an aggregated 14 hrs/yr to replace aging burnt out lamps vs. newly installed. Rebates/financial incentives: x NJ Clean Energy – Smart Start – LED Exit Signs ($20 per fixture). Maximum incentive amount is $280. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 36/111 ECM#5: Install 35 New Motion Sensors SWA recommends installing motion sensors in areas that are occupied only part of the day, and where payback on savings is justified. Typically, motion sensors have an adjustable time delay that shuts down the lights automatically if no motion is detected within a set time period. Advance microphonic lighting sensors include sound detection as a means to control lighting operation. Please see Appendix B for a detailed lighting inventory. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $7,000 (includes $3,003 of labor) Source of cost estimate: RS Means; Published and established costs, NJ Clean Energy Program, ENERGY STAR® est. installed cost, $ est. incentives, $ Net ECM cost with incentives, $ kWh, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo therms, 1st yr savings kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ Annual Energy Cost Savings, $ Projected Measure Life, yrs est. lifetime cost savings, $ simple payback, yrs lifetime return on investment, % annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr Economics: 7,700 700 7,000 32,004 6.7 0 0.4 0 5,025 10 50,246 1.4 618 62 71 34,328 23,043 Assumptions: SWA calculated the savings for this measure using measurements taken the days of the field visits and using the billing analysis. Rebates/financial incentives: x NJ Clean Energy – Smart Start – Ceiling-mounted motion sensors ($20 per sensor). Maximum incentive amount is $700. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 37/111 ECM#6: Replace 3 Old Refrigerators with ENERGY STAR® Models On the days of the site visit, SWA observed older refrigerators in the foods classroom, custodial break room, and in the kitchen that are not ENERGY STAR® rated (using as much as 840 kWh/yr). SWA auditors could not confirm the energy usage of many of the smaller refrigerators located throughout the building. SWA high recommends the Regional High School District consider replacement of all refrigerators over 10-12 years of age with more modern, ENERGY STAR®, energy efficient appliances. In addition to saving energy, the replacements will also keep the refrigerator locations cooler. Furthermore, the older model refrigerators may utilize R-12 refrigerant, which is not an ozone-friendly refrigerant. Newer systems should be specified with R-134A or R404A refrigerant. When compared to the average electrical consumption of older equipment, ENERGY STAR® equipment results in large savings. Look for the ENERGY STAR® label when replacing appliances and equipment, including window air conditioners, refrigerators, printers, computers, copy machines, etc. More information can be found in the “Products” section of the ENERGY STAR® website at: Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $2,250 (includes $150 of labor) Source of cost estimate: Energy Star purchasing and procurement site, similar projects, manufacturer and store established costs. est. installed cost, $ est. incentives, $ Net ECM cost with incentives, $ kWh, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo therms, 1st yr savings kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ Annual Energy Cost Savings, $ Projected Measure Life, yrs est. lifetime cost savings, $ simple payback, yrs lifetime return on investment, % annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr Economics: 2,250 0 2,250 3,600 1.1 0 0.0 582 1,147 12 13,766 2.0 512 43 51 8,754 2,592 Assumptions: RAMA-SWA calculated the savings for this measure using measurements taken the day of the field visit and using the billing analysis. SWA assumed one annual call to a refrigeration contractor to perform minor repairs on old refrigerators. Rebates/incentives: There are no incentives at this time offered by NJ Clean Energy for this energy conservation measure. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 38/111 ECM#7: Install 193 New Occupancy Sensors On the day of the site visit, SWA observed that the Howell High School contained few locations of lighting installations that were operated via occupancy sensors. SWA recommends installing occupancy sensors in bathrooms, closets, offices and areas that are occupied only part of the day, and where payback on savings is justified. Typically, occupancy sensors have an adjustable time delay that shuts down the lights automatically if no motion is detected within a set time period. Advance micro-phonic lighting sensors include sound detection as a means to control lighting operation. Please see Appendix B for a detailed lighting inventory. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $38,600 (includes $18,119 of labor) Source of cost estimate: RS Means; Published and established costs, NJ Clean Energy Program, ENERGY STAR® est. installed cost, $ est. incentives, $ Net ECM cost with incentives, $ kWh, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo therms, 1st yr savings kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ Annual Energy Cost Savings, $ Projected Measure Life, yrs est. lifetime cost savings, $ simple payback, yrs lifetime return on investment, % annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr Economics: 42,460 3,860 38,600 102,969 21.5 0 1.4 0 16,166 10 161,661 2.4 319 32 40 94,868 74,138 Assumptions: SWA calculated the savings for this measure using measurements taken the days of the field visits and using the billing analysis. Rebates/financial incentives: x NJ Clean Energy – Smart Start – Wall-mounted occupancy sensors ($20 per sensor). Maximum incentive amount is $3,860. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 39/111 ECM#8: Replace (2) 5 HP Superior Boiler Burner Motors with (2) Premium Efficiency Motors The Original Boiler Room houses a pair Superior Boilers with a single boiler burner each. These burner motors are in fair to poor condition and are suggested for replacement as part of a capital improvement project. The motors are both beyond their expected service lives of 20 years. The burners are each rated at 5 Hp. Each burner operates dependently on the other burner. As more heating hot water is required, another boiler fires up and energizes its associated burner. All burner motors are standard efficiency. The Howell High School will realize energy savings by utilizing premium efficiency motors for either the existing or new pumps. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost (5 Hp motors): $700 (includes $200 labor) Source of cost estimate: Similar projects and DOE Motor Master International selection & savings analysis est. installed cost, $ est. incentives, $ net est. ECM cost with incentives, $ kWh, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo therms, 1st yr savings kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ total 1st yr savings, $ life of measure, yrs est. lifetime energy cost savings, $ simple payback, yrs lifetime return on investment, % annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr Economics (with incentives): 808 108 700 1,127 0.2 0 0.0 0 177 20 3,539 4.0 406 20 25 1,932 1,544 Assumptions: SWA calculated the savings for this measure using nameplate data taken and using the billing analysis. The DOE Motor Master International selection and calculator was used with the assumption that one of each of the burners operates for the heating season. According to weather bin data for McGuire AFB, Trenton, NJ, each burners considered should operate for approximately 2,000 hours per year. Rebates/financial incentives: NJ Clean Energy – Premium motors ($45-$700 per motor) Maximum incentive amount: $108 Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 40/111 ECM#9: Install 51 New Pulse Start Metal Halide Fixtures On the day of the site visit, SWA completed a lighting inventory of the Howell High School (see Appendix B). The existing lighting inventory contained 51 inefficient metal halide fixtures. SWA recommends replacing them with more efficient, Pulse Start Metal Halide fixtures with electronic ballasts. Pulse Start Metal Halide fixtures with electronic ballasts provide equivalent or better light output while reducing energy consumption by 30% when compared to metal halide or high pressure sodium fixtures. . Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $27,480 (includes $10,064 of labor) Source of cost estimate: RS Means; Published and established costs, NJ Clean Energy Program est. installed cost, $ est. incentives, $ Net ECM cost with incentives, $ kWh, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo therms, 1st yr savings kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ Annual Energy Cost Savings, $ Projected Measure Life, yrs est. lifetime cost savings, $ simple payback, yrs lifetime return on investment, % annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr Economics: 28,755 1,275 27,480 34,970 7.3 0 0.5 880 6,370 15 95,554 4.3 248 17 22 46,007 25,178 Assumptions: SWA calculated the savings for this measure using measurements taken the days of the field visits and using the billing analysis. SWA also assumed an aggregated 22 hrs/yr to replace aging burnt out lamps vs. newly installed. Rebates/financial incentives: x NJ Clean Energy – Smart Start – Pulse Start Metal Halide Fixtures ($25 per fixture). Maximum incentive amount is $1,275. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 41/111 ECM#10: Replace (3) 10HP Hot Water Circulation Pump Motors with Premium Efficiency Motors The Original Boiler Room houses (3) floor-mounted, hot water circulation pump pumps as part of the hot water heating system to serve the hot water coils and other hot water terminal units in the A, B, and C wings of the building. These pumps are in fair condition and have passed their expected service lives of 20 years. The pumps are rated at 10 HP each. The pumps operate in lead/lag fashion. All pump motors are standard efficiency. The Howell High School will realize energy savings by utilizing premium efficiency motors for the pumps. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $1,758 (includes $600 labor) Source of cost estimate: Similar projects and DOE Motor Master International selection & savings analysis est. installed cost, $ est. incentives, $ net est. ECM cost with incentives, $ kWh, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo therms, 1st yr savings kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ total 1st yr savings, $ life of measure, yrs est. lifetime energy cost savings, $ simple payback, yrs lifetime return on investment, % annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr Economics (with incentives): 2,028 270 1,758 2,177 0.5 0 0.0 0 342 20 6,836 5.1 289 14 19 3,327 2,982 Assumptions: SWA calculated the savings for this measure using nameplate data taken and using the billing analysis. The DOE Motor Master International selection and calculator was used with the assumption that that all four (3) pumps operate for the heating season with an average operation of (1) at one time. According to weather bin data for McGuire AFB, Trenton, NJ, each of the pumps considered should operate for approximately 2,000 hours each per year. Rebates/financial incentives: NJ Clean Energy – Premium motors ($45-$700 per motor). Maximum incentive amount: $270 Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 42/111 ECM#11: Replace 2,092 MBH Input HW Heater with (3) 400 MBH Input, 96% Efficient, Direct Vent Unit There is one natural gas floor-mounted domestic water heater/boiler with an adjacent storage tank located in the original boiler room. The boiler produces the domestic hot water for the building’s toilet rooms as well as any sinks in the associated classrooms. The boiler was installed in 1981 and is in fair condition. Based on the age and expected service life of 20-25 years, the Howell High School should consider replacing this boiler with (3) more efficient (condensing type) gas-fired tank heaters and retaining the existing storage tank as part of a capital improvement plan. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $47,900 (includes $14,750 of labor) Source of cost estimate: Manufacturer’s data and similar projects est. installed cost, $ est. incentives, $ net est. ECM cost with incentives, $ kWh, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo therms, 1st yr savings kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ total 1st yr savings, $ life of measure, yrs est. lifetime energy cost savings, $ simple payback, yrs lifetime return on investment, % annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr Economics (with incentives): 50,000 2,100 47,900 0 0.0 5,980 2.4 0 9,359 13 121,663 5.1 154 12 17 51,629 69,966 Assumptions: SWA calculated the savings for this measure using nameplate data taken and using the billing analysis. The new high efficiency gas fired water heater would operate with an efficiency of approximately 96%. Rebates/financial incentives: NJ Clean Energy - Gas Water Heaters ≥ 300 - 1500 MBH ($1.75 per MBH) - Maximum incentive amount is $2,100. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 43/111 ECM#12: Install Variable Frequency Drives on (5) 10HP Motors of Hot Water Circulators The original boiler room houses one set of (3) floor-mounted circulator supply pumps and the D Wing boiler room has one set of (2) floor-mounted circulator supply pumps as part of the hot water heating system to serve the hot water coils in the air handling units, and other hot water terminal units listed in this report. Adding variable frequency drives (VFDs) to these pumps will vary the flow according to the required heating capacity to better meet the load of the building. This recommendation will ensure that the retro-commissioning estimated savings (per ECM#14) are maintained and reproducible. The pumps in both the original and D wing boiler rooms are rated at 10 Hp. The motors are on-off operation. Howell High School will realize energy savings by utilizing variable frequency drives for the pump motors, and incorporating this new motor control method into the BMS programming. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $26,250 (includes $12,750 labor) Source of cost estimate: RS Means Cost Data and Honeywell VFD Quick Savings Estimator est. installed cost, $ est. incentives, $ net est. ECM cost with incentives, $ kWh, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo therms, 1st yr savings kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ total 1st yr savings, $ life of measure, yrs est. lifetime energy cost savings, $ simple payback, yrs lifetime return on investment, % annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr Economics (with no incentives): 26,250 0 26,250 31,000 6.5 0 0.4 0 4,867 20 97,340 5.4 271 14 18 46,159 42,470 Assumptions: SWA calculated the savings for this measure using nameplate data taken and using the billing analysis. The Honeywell VFD Quick Savings Estimator was used with the assumption that one of each set of heating water pumps operates for the heating season. According to weather bin data for McGuire AFB, Trenton, NJ, each set of pumps considered should operate for approximately 4,000 hours per year. Rebates/financial incentives: NJ Clean Energy – There are no incentives at this time for hot water pump applications, only for chilled water pumps and centrifugal fans. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 44/111 ECM#13: Install 33 New Bi-level T8 Fixtures in Stairwells On the day of the site visit, SWA completed a lighting inventory of Howell High School (see Appendix B). The school currently contains T12 and T8 fluorescent lighting fixtures that are operated 16 hours per day in stairwells. New technology called bi-level lighting, combines fluorescent lighting fixtures with an occupancy sensor. These efficient light fixtures operate at a minimal light level in order to meet code and safety requirements and power up to a higher level when any motion is detected in the stairwells. Howell High School would be an appropriate application for these fixtures since there are large periods of time when the stairwells should be unoccupied. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $4,920 (includes $2,010 of labor) Source of cost estimate: RS Means; Published and established costs, NJ Clean Energy Program est. installed cost, $ est. incentives, $ Net ECM cost with incentives, $ kWh, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo therms, 1st yr savings kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ Annual Energy Cost Savings, $ Projected Measure Life, yrs est. lifetime cost savings, $ simple payback, yrs lifetime return on investment, % annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr Economics: 5,745 825 4,920 5,362 1.1 0 0.1 0 842 10 8,418 5.8 71 7 11 2,120 3,861 Assumptions: SWA calculated the savings for this measure using measurements taken the days of the field visits and using the billing analysis. SWA also assumed an aggregated 21 hrs/yr to replace aging burnt out lamps vs. newly installed. Rebates/financial incentives: x NJ Clean Energy – SmartStart – bi-level T8 fluorescent fixtures ($25 per fixture). Maximum incentive amount is $825. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 45/111 ECM#14: Retro-commissioning Retro-commissioning is a process that seeks to improve how building equipment and systems function together. Depending on the age of the building, retro-commissioning can often resolve problems that occurred during design or construction and/or address problems that have developed throughout the building’s life. Owners often undertake retro-commissioning to optimize building systems, reduce operating costs, and address comfort complaints from building occupants. Since the systems in the building have undergone some renovations in recent years, and the occupants continue to have concerns with thermal comfort control, SWA recommends undertaking retro-commissioning to optimize system operation as a follow-up to completion of the upgrades. The retro-commissioning process should include a review of existing operational parameters for both newer and older installed equipment. During retro-commissioning, the individual loop temperatures and (setback) schedules should also be reviewed to identify opportunities for optimizing system performance, besides air balancing and damper proper operation. New controls as well as any HVAC ECM measures should be implemented before retro-commissioning. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $186,750 (includes $168,075 of labor) Source of cost estimate: Manufacturer’s data and similar projects est. installed cost, $ est. incentives, $ net est. ECM cost with incentives, $ kWh, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo therms, 1st yr savings kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ total 1st yr savings, $ life of measure, yrs est. lifetime cost savings, $ simple payback, yrs lifetime return on investment, % annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr Economics (with incentives): 186,750 0 186,750 68,038 14.2 11,247 5.4 1,820 31,510 12 378,124 5.9 102 9 13 119,372 245,797 Assumptions: SWA calculated the savings for this measure using measurements taken during the field audit and using the billing analysis. Since the utility bills have some accounting fluctuations, it is difficult to determine the amount of energy used for building heating and cooling . Based on experience with similar buildings, SWA estimated the heating and cooling energy consumption. Typical savings for retro-commissioning range from 5-20%, as a percentage of the total space conditioning consumption. SWA assumed 10% savings. Estimated costs for retro-commissioning range from $0.50-$2.00 per square foot. SWA assumed $(1.00 or 1.25 or 0.75) per square foot of a total building square footage. SWA also assumed on the average 1 hr/wk operational savings when systems are operating per design vs. the need to make more frequent adjustments. Rebates/financial incentives: There are currently no incentives for this measure at this time. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 46/111 ECM#15: Replace (2) 8,369 MBH Input Boilers with (4) 2000 MBH Input 96% Efficient, Condensing Boilers The existing (2) fire-tube Superior boilers in the Original Boiler room were installed in 1963 and are in fair condition. The boilers are relatively inefficient as compared to modern boilers. No outdoor temperature reset controls were observed. The boilers should be considered for replacement to achieve energy savings as well as operating and maintenance savings. The initial efficiency of the existing boilers are approximately 80%, but it can be assumed that in the time since installation, it has degraded to an efficiency of about 65%. An upgrade to (4) higher efficiency, condensing boilers of minimum 85% combustion efficiency each should be considered by the Howell High School as a means of energy conservation. The new high efficiency condensing boilers should have a guaranteed minimum thermal efficiency of 85% at the worst case boiler operating conditions, such as mid-fire or high-fire conditions with a return water temperature in the range of 140-160 degrees Fahrenheit, and efficiencies of up to 95% achievable with lower return water temperatures. The boiler should be Low NOx certified with a 5:1 turndown burner, PVC direct venting and direct exhaust, hydronic safety controls and interface systems. The boiler shall have compact design for easy retrofit installation, with sectional aluminum block, ASME relief valve, stainless steel burner as a minimum. The air blower should be variable speed combustion with easily removable access panels. Model shall be similar to Patterson-Kelley C-2000condensing boiler. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $174,000 (includes $42,000 of labor) Source of cost estimate: Manufacturer’s data and similar projects est. installed cost, $ est. incentives, $ net est. ECM cost with incentives, $ kWh, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo therms, 1st yr savings kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ total 1st yr savings, $ life of measure, yrs est. lifetime energy cost savings, $ simple payback, yrs lifetime return on investment, % annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr Economics: 182,000 8,000 174,000 0 0.0 16,310 6.6 0 25,525 25 638,129 6.8 267 11 14 270,473 190,827 Assumptions: SWA calculated the savings for this measure using nameplate data taken on the day of the field visit and using the billing analysis and that the boiler will be replaced with (4) 2000 MBH input capacity boilers. Rebates/financial incentives: NJ Clean Energy - Gas-fired boilers > 1500 MBH - ≤4000 MBH ($1.00 per MBH) Maximum incentive amount is $8,000. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 47/111 ECM#16: Install 403 New T8 Light Fixtures On the day of the site visit, SWA completed a lighting inventory of the Howell High School (see Appendix B). The existing lighting inventory contained inefficient T12 fluorescent fixtures with magnetic ballasts. SWA recommends replacing each existing fixture with more efficient, T8 fluorescent fixtures with electronic ballasts. T8 fixtures with electronic ballasts provide equivalent or better light output while reducing energy consumption by 30% when compared to a T12 fixture with magnetic ballast. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $43,254 (includes $19,226 of labor) Source of cost estimate: RS Means; Published and established costs, NJ Clean Energy Program est. installed cost, $ est. incentives, $ Net ECM cost with incentives, $ kWh, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo therms, 1st yr savings kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ Annual Energy Cost Savings, $ Projected Measure Life, yrs est. lifetime cost savings, $ simple payback, yrs lifetime return on investment, % annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr Economics: 49,299 6,045 43,254 21,974 4.6 0 0.3 2,324 5,774 15 86,609 7.5 100 7 10 23,923 15,821 Assumptions: SWA calculated the savings for this measure using measurements taken the days of the field visits and using the billing analysis. SWA also assumed an aggregated 144 hrs/yr to replace aging burnt out lamps vs. newly installed. Rebates/financial incentives: x NJ Clean Energy – Smart Start – T8 fixtures with electronic ballasts ($15 per fixture). Maximum incentive amount is $6,045. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 48/111 ECM#17: Install 48.07 kW PV Rooftop System with Incentives Currently, the building does not use any renewable energy systems. Renewable energy systems such as photovoltaic (PV) panels can be mounted on the building roof facing south which can offset a portion of the purchased electricity for the building. Power stations generally have two separate electrical charges: usage and demand. Usage is the amount of electricity in kilowatt-hours that a building uses from month to month. Demand is the amount of electrical power that a building uses at any given instance in a month period. During the summer periods, electric demand at a power station is high, due to the amount of air conditioners, lights, and other equipment being used within the region. Demand charges increase to offset the utility’s cost to provide enough electricity at that given time. Photovoltaic systems offset the amount of electricity used by a building and help to reduce the building’s electric demand, resulting in a higher cost savings. Installing a PV system will offset electric demand and reduce annual electric consumption, while utilizing available state incentives. PV systems are modular and readily allow for future expansions. The size of the system was determined considering the available roof surface area, without compromising service space for roof equipment and safety, as well as the facilities’ annual base load and mode of operation. A PV system could be installed on a portion of the roof with panels facing south. A commercial multi-crystalline 230 watt panel has 17.5 square feet of surface area (providing 13.1 watts per square foot). A 48.07 kW system needs approximately 209 panels which would take up 3,666 square feet. The larger 158.47 kW system would require approximately 689 panels which would take up 12,086 square feet. A PV system would reduce the building's electric load and allow more capacity for surrounding buildings as well as serve as an example of energy efficiency for the community. The building is not eligible for a residential 30% federal tax credit. The Howell High School may want to consider applying for a grant and / or engage a PV generator / leaser who would install the PV system and then sell the power at a reduced rate. Typically, a major utility provides the ability to buy SREC’s at $600/MWh or best market offer. Two different system sizes were proposed due to installation incentives only being offered for systems less than 50kW in size. The first option takes advantage of these incentives by staying below the 50kW system threshold, and the second option takes advantage of the total usable space on the school’s roof to install a PV system. SWA recommends installing the larger system; however, if sufficient funding is not available, the Howell High School should at least install the 48.07 kW system. As mentioned above, these systems are modular and can be expanded in the future. Please note that this analysis did not consider the structural capability of the existing building to support the above recommended system. SWA recommends that the Howell High School contract with a structural engineer to determine if additional building structure is required to support the recommended system and what costs would be associated with incorporating the additional supports prior to system installation. Should additional costs be identified, the Howell High School should include these costs in the financial analysis of the project. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost – $360,525 (includes $144,210 of labor) Source of cost estimate: Similar projects. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 49/111 Economics (with incentives): internal rate of return, % 9.9 cash flow yr 12 42,521 cash flow yr 25 cash flow yr 11 42,521 cash flow yr 24 42,521 cash flow yr 23 cash flow yr 10 77,845 218,431 CO2 reduced, lbs/yr net present value, $ annual return on investment, % 4.6 lifetime return on investment, % cash flow yr 9 42,521 cash flow yr 22 42,521 cash flow yr 21 42,521 cash flow yr 20 cash flow yr 8 7.9 115.1 simple payback, yrs est. lifetime energy cost savings, $ 223,022 life of measure, yrs 25 cash flow yr 7 total 1st yr savings, $ 42,521 cash flow yr 19 cash flow yr 6 42,521 est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ 42,521 cash flow yr 18 cash flow yr 5 0 kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings cash flow yr 4 42,521 cash flow yr 17 42,521 cash flow yr 16 cash flow yr 3 0 0.8 therms, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo 48 kWh, 1st yr savings 42,521 cash flow yr 15 cash flow yr 2 56,821 net est. ECM cost with incentives, $ 338,025 42,521 cash flow yr 14 cash flow yr 1 22,500 -338,025 cash flow yr 13 cash flow yr 0 360,525 est. incentives, $ est. installed cost, $ Install a 48.07 kW PV System with Incentives 42,521 42,521 42,521 8,921 8,921 8,921 8,921 8,921 8,921 8,921 8,921 8,921 8,921 Assumptions: SWA estimated the cost and savings of the system based on past PV projects. SWA projected physical dimensions based on a typical Polycrystalline Solar Panel (230 Watts, model #ND-U230C1). PV systems are sized based on Watts and physical dimensions for an array will differ with the efficiency of a given solar panel (W/sq ft). Rebates/financial incentives: NJ Clean Energy - Renewable Energy Incentive Program, Incentive based on $0.75 / watt Solar PV application for the first 30 kW of systems 50 kW or less. Incentive amount for this application is $22,500 for the 48.07 kW proposed option. There are no associated incentives for the larger 158.47 kW system due to the NJ Clean Energy - Renewable Energy Incentive Program’s cap on the size of the PV system. NJ Clean Energy - Solar Renewable Energy Certificate Program. Each time a solar electric system generates 1,000kWh (1MWh) of electricity, a SREC is issued which can then be sold or traded separately from the power. The buildings must also become net-metered in order to earn SRECs as well as sell power back to the electric grid. A total annual SREC credit of $33,600 has been incorporated in the above costs for the 48.07 kW system and an annual SREC credit of $113,400 Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 50/111 for the 158.47 kW system; however, it requires proof of performance, application approval and negotiations with the utility. Options for funding ECM: This project may benefit from enrolling in NJ SmartStart program with Technical Assistance to offset a portion of the cost of implementation. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 51/111 ECM#18: Install 158.47 kW PV Rooftop System without Incentives Currently, the building does not use any renewable energy systems. Renewable energy systems such as photovoltaic (PV) panels can be mounted on the building roof facing south which can offset a portion of the purchased electricity for the building. Power stations generally have two separate electrical charges: usage and demand. Usage is the amount of electricity in kilowatt-hours that a building uses from month to month. Demand is the amount of electrical power that a building uses at any given instance in a month period. During the summer periods, electric demand at a power station is high, due to the amount of air conditioners, lights, and other equipment being used within the region. Demand charges increase to offset the utility’s cost to provide enough electricity at that given time. Photovoltaic systems offset the amount of electricity used by a building and help to reduce the building’s electric demand, resulting in a higher cost savings. Installing a PV system will offset electric demand and reduce annual electric consumption, while utilizing available state incentives. PV systems are modular and readily allow for future expansions. The size of the system was determined considering the available roof surface area, without compromising service space for roof equipment and safety, as well as the facilities’ annual base load and mode of operation. A PV system could be installed on a portion of the roof with panels facing south. A commercial multi-crystalline 230 watt panel has 17.5 square feet of surface area (providing 13.1 watts per square foot). A 48.07 kW system needs approximately 209 panels which would take up 3,666 square feet. The larger 158.47 kW system would require approximately 689 panels which would take up 12,086 square feet. A PV system would reduce the building's electric load and allow more capacity for surrounding buildings as well as serve as an example of energy efficiency for the community. The building is not eligible for a residential 30% federal tax credit. The Howell High School may want to consider applying for a grant and / or engage a PV generator / leaser who would install the PV system and then sell the power at a reduced rate. Typically, a major utility provides the ability to buy SREC’s at $600/MWh or best market offer. Two different system sizes were proposed due to installation incentives only being offered for systems less than 50kW in size. The first option takes advantage of these incentives by staying below the 50kW system threshold, and the second option takes advantage of the total usable space on the school’s roof to install a PV system. SWA recommends installing the larger system; however, if sufficient funding is not available, the Howell High School should at least install the 48.07 kW system. As mentioned above, these systems are modular and can be expanded in the future. Please note that this analysis did not consider the structural capability of the existing building to support the above recommended system. SWA recommends that the Howell High School contract with a structural engineer to determine if additional building structure is required to support the recommended system and what costs would be associated with incorporating the additional supports prior to system installation. Should additional costs be identified, the Howell High School should include these costs in the financial analysis of the project. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost –$1,188,525 (includes $475,410 of labor) Source of cost estimate: Similar projects. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 52/111 Economics (without incentives): CO2 reduced, lbs/yr cash flow yr 23 143,087 143,087 143,087 143,087 29,687 29,687 29,687 29,687 29,687 29,687 29,687 29,687 cash flow yr 25 143,087 cash flow yr 24 cash flow yr 22 cash flow yr 10 259,049 net present value, $ 682,175 internal rate of return, % 9.2 143,087 cash flow yr 21 cash flow yr 9 annual return on investment, % 4.2 lifetime return on investment, % 105.6 143,087 cash flow yr 20 cash flow yr 8 simple payback, yrs 143,087 cash flow yr 19 143,087 cash flow yr 18 cash flow yr 7 8.3 est. lifetime energy cost savings, $ 742,166 life of measure, yrs 25 143,087 cash flow yr 17 cash flow yr 6 total 1st yr savings, $ 143,087 est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ 0 143,087 cash flow yr 16 cash flow yr 5 kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings 2.6 therms, 1st yr savings 0 143,087 cash flow yr 15 cash flow yr 4 kW, demand reduction/mo 143,087 cash flow yr 14 cash flow yr 3 189,087 143,087 cash flow yr 13 cash flow yr 2 158 kWh, 1st yr savings net est. ECM cost with incentives, $ 1,188,525 est. incentives, $ 0 143,087 cash flow yr 12 cash flow yr 1 est. installed cost, $ -1,188,525 cash flow yr 11 cash flow yr 0 1,188,525 Install a 158.47 kW PV System without Incentives 29,687 29,687 Assumptions: SWA estimated the cost and savings of the system based on past PV projects. SWA projected physical dimensions based on a typical Polycrystalline Solar Panel (230 Watts, model #ND-U230C1). PV systems are sized based on Watts and physical dimensions for an array will differ with the efficiency of a given solar panel (W/sq ft). Rebates/financial incentives: NJ Clean Energy - Renewable Energy Incentive Program, Incentive based on $0.75 / watt Solar PV application for the first 30 kW of systems 50 kW or less. Incentive amount for this application is $22,500 for the 48.07 kW proposed option. There are no associated incentives for the larger Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 53/111 158.47 kW system due to the NJ Clean Energy - Renewable Energy Incentive Program’s cap on the size of the PV system. NJ Clean Energy - Solar Renewable Energy Certificate Program. Each time a solar electric system generates 1,000kWh (1MWh) of electricity, a SREC is issued which can then be sold or traded separately from the power. The buildings must also become net-metered in order to earn SRECs as well as sell power back to the electric grid. A total annual SREC credit of $33,600 has been incorporated in the above costs for the 48.07 kW system and an annual SREC credit of $113,400 for the 158.47 kW system; however, it requires proof of performance, application approval and negotiations with the utility. Options for funding ECM: This project may benefit from enrolling in NJ SmartStart program with Technical Assistance to offset a portion of the cost of implementation. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 54/111 ECM#19: Install Premium Efficiency Motors on Walk-In Box Evaporator Fans There are (2) walk-in cooler boxes and (1) walk-in freezer box in the Kitchen of Howell High School. Typically, the evaporator and condenser fans of walk-in coolers will run 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for a cooler and 18 hours per day, 7 days per week. The motors on these fans are standard efficiency, shaded pole motors. The freezer fans could not be observed at the time of the survey since the cooler door was locked, but it is assumed that on average for this size box, there will be approximately (3) evaporator motors. It is assumed the motors are fractional horsepower. Howell High High School will realize energy savings by utilizing premium efficiency motors for these fans. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $5,250 (includes $1,325 of labor) Source of cost estimate: Similar projects and manufacturer’s data est. installed cost, $ est. incentives, $ net est. ECM cost with incentives, $ kWh, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo therms, 1st yr savings kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ total 1st yr savings, $ life of measure, yrs est. lifetime energy cost savings, $ simple payback, yrs lifetime return on investment, % annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr Economics (with incentives): 5,250 0 5,250 3,425 0.7 0 0.0 0 538 20 10,755 9.8 105 5 237 578,616 4,692 Assumptions: SWA calculated the savings for this measure using nameplate data taken and using the billing analysis. Calculations were completed with the assumption that all of the cooler fans operate for 8,760 hours per year and all of the freezer fans operate for 6,570 hours per year. Rebates/financial incentives: NJ Clean Energy – There are no incentives available since these are single phase, fractional horsepower motors. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 55/111 ECM#20: Replace (3) DX cooling condensing units with 14 SEER high efficiency units A110, A215, C203, C205, C214, C215, and C216 are cooled by split system DX cooling condensing units, varying from 1-ton to 4-ton models, located on the roof above the associated building zone. These pieces of equipment were installed in either 1985 or 1992 and are beyond, or nearing, their expected service lives of 15 years. SWA recommends replacement of the (10) condensing units to gain increase in operating efficiency. This measure cannot be justified by energy savings alone, but should be considered as an end-of-life-cycle energy savings opportunity. The current equipment is operating with a cooling Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) of approximately 8.0. The new equipment should have a minimum 14.0 EER rating. The higher EER will involve increased cost for the equipment over units with lower EER. The equipment shall be Energy Star certified and ASHRAE 90.1 compliant. The equipment shall utilize R-410A refrigerant. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $28,896 (includes $9,000 of labor) Source of cost estimate: Manufacturer’s data and similar projects Economics (with incentives): annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr lifetime return on investment, % simple payback, yrs est. lifetime energy cost savings, $ life of measure, yrs total 1st yr savings, $ est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings therms, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo kWh, 1st yr savings net est. ECM cost with incentives, $ est. incentives, $ est. installed cost, $ (3) 4-ton Units -3 -8 -15,004 6,576 Replace (3) 4-ton split system condensing units with 12-SEER units 24,000 0 24,000 4,800 1.0 0 1.5 0 754 15 11,448 31.8 -52 Incremental cost to replace (3) 4-ton condensing units with 14-SEER units vs. 12-SEER units 6,000 1,104 4,896 2,058 0.4 0 0.0 0 615 15 9,230 8.0 89 6 9 2,450 2,819 0 1 -4,417 9,395 Replace (3) 4-ton split system condensing units with 14-SEER units 30,000 1,104 28,896 6,858 1.4 0 0.1 0 2,051 15 30,758 14.1 6 Assumptions: SWA calculated the savings for this measure using nameplate data taken on the days of the field visits and using the billing analysis, and by estimating the total of 1,200 cooling hours for one year using weather bin data for McGuire AFB, Trenton, NJ. Rebates/financial incentives: NJ Clean Energy - Electric Unitary HVAC <5.4 tons and Min. 14.0 EER ($92/ton) Maximum incentive amount is $2,668. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 56/111 ECM#21: Replace Trane 7.5-ton packaged DX cooling only rooftop HVAC unit with a 13 EER high efficiency unit The Main Offices are cooled by a packaged DX cooling rooftop unit located on the roof above the associated building zone. This piece of equipment was installed in 1981 and is beyond the end of its expected service lives of 15 years. SWA recommends replacement of the packaged rooftop unit to gain increase in operating efficiency. This measure cannot be justified by energy savings alone, but should be considered as an end-of-life-cycle energy savings opportunity. The current equipment is operating with a cooling Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) of approximately 8.0. The new equipment should have a minimum 11.0 EER rating, but preferably 13.0 EER. The higher EER will involve increased cost for the equipment over units with lower EER. The equipment shall be Energy Star certified and ASHRAE 90.1 compliant. The equipment shall utilize R-410A refrigerant. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $18,203 (includes $5,625 of labor) Source of cost estimate: Manufacturer’s data and similar projects annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr lifetime return on investment, % simple payback, yrs est. lifetime energy cost savings, $ life of measure, yrs total 1st yr savings, $ est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings therms, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo kWh, 1st yr savings net est. ECM cost with incentives, $ est. incentives, $ est. installed cost, $ Economics (with incentives): -3 -6 -8,099 5,044 Replace Trane 7.5-ton cooling only rooftop unit with 11 EER unit 15,000 0 15,000 3,682 0.8 0 1.2 0 578 15 8,782 25.9 -41 Incremental cost to replace Trane 7.5-ton cooling only rooftop unit with 13 EER unit vs. 11 EER unit 3,750 547.50 3,203 1,510 0.3 0 0.5 0 237 15 3,601 13.5 12 1 1 -372 2,069 -2 -5 -8,471 7,113 Replace Trane 7.5-ton cooling only rooftop unit with 13 EER unit 18,750 547.50 18,203 5,192 1.1 0 1.7 0 815 15 12,383 22.3 -32 Assumptions: SWA calculated the savings for this measure using nameplate data taken on the days of the field visits and using the billing analysis, and by estimating the total of 1,200 cooling hours for one year using weather bin data for McGuire AFB, Trenton, NJ. Rebates/financial incentives: NJ Clean Energy - Electric Unitary HVAC ≥5.4 tons to <11.25 tons and Min. 11.5 EER ($73/ton) Maximum incentive amount is $547.50. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 57/111 ECM#22: Replace Trane 35-ton Packaged DX Cooling Only Rooftop HVAC unit with (3) 12.5ton, 13 EER High Efficiency Unit The Media Center is cooled by a packaged DX cooling only rooftop unit located on the roof above the associated building zone. This piece of equipment was installed in 1981 and is beyond the expected service life of 15 years. SWA recommends replacement of the packaged rooftop unit to gain increase in operating efficiency. This measure cannot be justified by energy savings alone, but should be considered as an end-of-life-cycle energy savings opportunity. The current equipment is operating with a cooling Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) of approximately 8.0. The new equipment should have a minimum 11.0 EER rating per the energy code, but preferably 13 EER. The higher EER will involve increased cost for the equipment over units with lower EER. The equipment shall be ENERGY STAR® certified and ASHRAE 90.1 compliant. The equipment shall utilize R-410A refrigerant. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $98,288 (includes $30,375 of labor) Source of cost estimate: Manufacturer’s data and similar projects annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr lifetime return on investment, % simple payback, yrs est. lifetime energy cost savings, $ life of measure, yrs total 1st yr savings, $ est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings therms, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo kWh, 1st yr savings net est. ECM cost with incentives, $ est. incentives, $ est. installed cost, $ Economics (with incentives): -3 -7 -47,997 25,220 Replace 35-ton cooling only rooftop unit with (3) 12.5 Ton, 11 EER units 82,500 0 82,500 18,409 3.8 0 5.9 0 2,890 15 43,905 28.5 -47 Incremental cost to replace 35-ton cooling only rooftop unit with (3) 12.5 ton, 13 EER units vs. 11 EER units 18,750 0 18,750 7,553 1.6 0 2.4 0 1,186 15 18,014 15.8 -4 0 -1 -4,594 10,348 -2 -5 -49,628 35,568 Replace 35-ton cooling only rooftop unit with (3) 12.5 ton, 13 EER units 101,250 2,963 98,288 25,962 5.4 0 8.3 0 4,076 15 61,919 24.1 -37 Assumptions: SWA calculated the savings for this measure using nameplate data taken on the days of the field visits and using the billing analysis, and by estimating the total of 1,200 cooling hours for one year using weather bin data for McGuire AFB, Trenton, NJ. Rebates/financial incentives: NJ Clean Energy - Electric Unitary HVAC ≥11.25 tons and <20 tons and Min. 11.5 EER ($79/ton) Maximum incentive amount is $2,963. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 58/111 ECM#23: Replace Trane 1.5-ton Packaged DX Cooling Only Rooftop HVAC unit with 14 SEER High Efficiency Unit The Boy’s Locker Room Offices are cooled by a packaged DX cooling only rooftop unit located on the roof above the associated building zone. This piece of equipment was installed in 1991 and is beyond the expected service life of 15 years. SWA recommends replacement of the packaged rooftop unit to gain increase in operating efficiency. This measure cannot be justified by energy savings alone, but should be considered as an end-of-life-cycle energy savings opportunity. The current equipment is operating with a cooling Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) of approximately 9.0. The new equipment should have a minimum 12.0 SEER rating per the energy code, but preferably 14 SEER. The higher SEER will involve increased cost for the equipment over units with lower SEER. The equipment shall be Energy Star certified and ASHRAE 90.1 compliant. The equipment shall utilize R-410A refrigerant. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $3,612 (includes $1,083 of labor) Source of cost estimate: Manufacturer’s data and similar projects annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr lifetime return on investment, % simple payback, yrs est. lifetime energy cost savings, $ life of measure, yrs total 1st yr savings, $ est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings therms, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo kWh, 1st yr savings net est. ECM cost with incentives, $ est. incentives, $ est. installed cost, $ Economics (with incentives): -3 -8 -1,875 822 Replace Trane 1.5-ton cooling only rooftop unit with 12 SEER unit 3,000 0 3,000 600 0.1 0 0.2 0 94 15 1,431 31.8 -52 Incremental cost to replace Trane 1.5-ton cooling only rooftop unit with 14 SEER unit vs. 12 SEER unit 750 0 750 257 0.1 0 0.1 0 40 15 613 18.6 -18 -1 -3 -268 352 -3 -7 -2,006 1,174 Replace Trane 1.5-ton cooling only rooftop unit with 14 SEER unit 3,750 138 3,612 857 0.2 0 0.3 0 135 15 2,044 26.8 -43 Assumptions: SWA calculated the savings for this measure using nameplate data taken on the days of the field visits and using the billing analysis, and by estimating the total of 1,200 cooling hours for one year using weather bin data for McGuire AFB, Trenton, NJ. Rebates/financial incentives: NJ Clean Energy - Electric Unitary HVAC ≥11.25 tons and <20 tons and Min. 11.5 EER ($79/ton) Maximum incentive amount is $2,963. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 59/111 ECM#24: Replace (5) DX Cooling Condensing Units with 14 SEER High Efficiency Units A110, A215, C203, C205, C214, C215, and C216 are cooled by split system DX cooling condensing units, varying from 1-ton to 4-ton models, located on the roof above the associated building zone. These pieces of equipment were installed in either 1985 or 1992 and are beyond, or nearing, their expected service lives of 15 years. SWA recommends replacement of the (10) condensing units to gain increase in operating efficiency. This measure cannot be justified by energy savings alone, but should be considered as an end-of-life-cycle energy savings opportunity. The current equipment is operating with a cooling Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) of approximately 8.0. The new equipment should have a minimum 14.0 EER rating. The higher EER will involve increased cost for the equipment over units with lower EER. The equipment shall be Energy Star certified and ASHRAE 90.1 compliant. The equipment shall utilize R-410A refrigerant. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $36,120 (includes $11,250 of labor) Source of cost estimate: Manufacturer’s data and similar projects Economics (with incentives): annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr lifetime return on investment, % simple payback, yrs est. lifetime energy cost savings, $ life of measure, yrs total 1st yr savings, $ est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings therms, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo kWh, 1st yr savings net est. ECM cost with incentives, $ est. incentives, $ est. installed cost, $ (5) 3-ton Units -3 -8 -18,754 8,220 Replace (5) 3-ton split system condensing units with 12-SEER units 30,000 0 30,000 6,000 1.3 0 1.9 0 942 15 14,310 31.8 -52 Incremental cost to replace (5) 3-ton condensing units with 14-SEER units vs. 12-SEER units 7,500 0 7,500 2,570 0.5 0 0.8 0 403 15 6,129 18.6 -18 -1 -3 -2,683 3,521 -3 -7 -20,058 11,741 Replace (5) 3-ton split system condensing units with 14-SEER units 37,500 1,380 36,120 8,570 1.8 0 2.8 0 1,345 15 20,439 26.8 -43 Assumptions: SWA calculated the savings for this measure using nameplate data taken on the days of the field visits and using the billing analysis, and by estimating the total of 1,200 cooling hours for one year using weather bin data for McGuire AFB, Trenton, NJ. Rebates/financial incentives: NJ Clean Energy - Electric Unitary HVAC <5.4 tons and Min. 14.0 EER ($92/ton) Maximum incentive amount is $2,668. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 60/111 ECM#25: Replace (2) DX Cooling Condensing Units with 14 SEER High Efficiency Units A110, A215, C203, C205, C214, C215, and C216 are cooled by split system DX cooling condensing units, varying from 1-ton to 4-ton models, located on the roof above the associated building zone. These pieces of equipment were installed in either 1985 or 1992 and are beyond, or nearing, their expected service lives of 15 years. SWA recommends replacement of the (10) condensing units to gain increase in operating efficiency. This measure cannot be justified by energy savings alone, but should be considered as an end-of-life-cycle energy savings opportunity. The current equipment is operating with a cooling Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) of approximately 8.0. The new equipment should have a minimum 14.0 EER rating. The higher EER will involve increased cost for the equipment over units with lower EER. The equipment shall be Energy Star certified and ASHRAE 90.1 compliant. The equipment shall utilize R-410A refrigerant. Installation cost: Estimated installed cost: $72,500 (includes $21,750 of labor) Source of cost estimate: Manufacturer’s data and similar projects Economics (with incentives): annual return on investment, % internal rate of return, % net present value, $ CO2 reduced, lbs/yr lifetime return on investment, % simple payback, yrs est. lifetime energy cost savings, $ life of measure, yrs total 1st yr savings, $ est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings therms, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo kWh, 1st yr savings net est. ECM cost with incentives, $ est. incentives, $ est. installed cost, $ (2) 1-ton Units -3 -8 -2,501 1,096 Replace (2) 1-ton split system condensing units with 12-SEER units 4,000 0 4,000 800 0.2 0 0.3 0 126 15 1,908 31.8 -52 Incremental cost to replace (2) 1-ton condensing units with 14-SEER units vs. 12-SEER units 1,000 0 1,000 342 0.1 0 0.1 0 54 15 816 18.6 -18 -1 -3 -359 469 -3 -7 -2,676 1,565 Replace (2) 1-ton split system condensing units with 14-SEER units 5,000 184 4,816 1,142 0.2 0 0.4 0 179 15 2,724 26.9 -43 Assumptions: SWA calculated the savings for this measure using nameplate data taken on the days of the field visits and using the billing analysis, and by estimating the total of 1,200 cooling hours for one year using weather bin data for McGuire AFB, Trenton, NJ. Rebates/financial incentives: NJ Clean Energy - Electric Unitary HVAC <5.4 tons and Min. 14.0 EER ($92/ton) Maximum incentive amount is $2,668. Please see Appendix F for more information on Incentive Programs. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 61/111 PROPOSED FURTHER RECOMMENDATIONS Capital Improvements Capital Improvements are recommendations for the building that may not be cost-effective at the current time, but that could yield a significant long-term payback. These recommendations should typically be considered as part of a long-term capital improvement plan. Capital improvements should be considered if additional funds are made available, or if the installed costs can be shared with other improvements, such as major building renovations. SWA recommends the following capital improvements for the Howell High School: x Install premium motors when replacements are required - Select NEMA Premium motors when replacing motors that have reached the end of their useful operating lives. x Replace all original, single-glazed windows with a low-E, double glazed type. x Replace common area heating equipment - such as finned tube radiation and cabinet unit heaters in the toilet rooms, vestibules and corridors. This equipment is in fair condition, but age and wear have reduced the heat transfer capacity. This equipment should be replaced with more modern equipment suited for the intended use. These changes cannot be justified based on energy savings alone. However, replacement is strongly recommended along with upgrades to other portions of the heating system. This is a replacement in kind recommendation which offers negligible energy savings. x Replace and re-commission the Automatic Temperature Controls (ATC) system - There are a few different systems within Howell High School, as detailed in Section 2.1 Mechanical Systems, Controls above. In general, the building has fair temperature control, but there are areas where the ATC system does not function well. SWA recommends that one uniform ATC system is provided for the school. Since the school has a few separate areas with a Johnson Controls Metasys system that appears to be in good condition, SWA recommends that the School removes the ATC systems in the remainder of the school and upgrades and enhances the existing Johnson systems to provide one, comprehensive ATC system. The three-way valves at each of the boilers in the original boiler room should be checked and repaired or replaced to allow the existing water temperature reset control to function properly. In addition, any equipment not currently interfaced with a current ATC system shall be incorporated into the new ATC system. The Johnson system is open BACnet protocol. The cost to provide one Johnson ATC system utilizing as much of the existing system as possible is $1,600,000. x Replace unit ventilators - The (39) Nesbitt unit ventilators installed in 1964 and (33) A and C Wing Trane units were installed in 1979. These units are beyond their expected service life. Considering the increased maintenance repair costs and that replacement parts are difficult to find, SWA recommends replacement of this equipment. There is better control offered by the newer, electronically controlled units, although energy savings are negligible. o The unit ventilators are operating beyond their useful operating lives. SWA evaluated replacement of all (72) units with new. The updated fan coils should be double inlet, forward curved of centrifugal variety; have a maximum speed of 1,000 rpm with permanent split capacitor motors. The fan housing should be constructed of heavy gauge metal to help reduce air noise during operation. Wheel motors are to be premium efficiency, single speed, and permanent split capacitor with overload protection. Each fan should be equipped with a three speed switch for air balancing. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 62/111 o An ultra-low leak, blade type outside air damper will ensure low leakage of the outside air when the equipment is not operating. The unit shall have a solid-state defrost control system and two separate filters. The provided air-to-air heat exchanger should be designed to support two air streams in a counter-flow direction. The heat exchanger matrix shall permit less than one percent of cross contamination between the air streams. The heat exchanger shall have an effectiveness of approximately 80% with equal airflow. The proposed unit will not be that much more energy efficient than the existing unit. The estimated budget installed cost of a 72 new fan coil ventilators is $700,000. The recommended enhancements over the replacement in kind will offer negligible energy savings. Howell High School may wish to consider adding DX cooling as part of the equipment replacement. In this case, it should be recognized that cooling will result in an increase in energy usage versus providing heating and ventilation only. The estimated budget installed cost for DX coil and air cooled condensing units for the unit ventilators is an additional $265,000. Note that the addition of air conditioning may require an upgrade to the existing electric service. The cost of the electric service upgrade is broken out separately below but should be included if the cooling option above is incorporated. x Replace packaged RTU serving Media Center - The packaged RTU serving the Media Center is operating beyond its expected service life. SWA recommends that this equipment is replaced with three units in the 12.5-15 ton range as part of a capital improvement project, and that it is designed to provide code minimum ventilation rates. It is strongly recommended that systems are provided that utilize a heat recovery wheel for pretreatment of the outside air and CO2 sensors for demand control ventilation. This is a replacement in kind recommendation that cannot be justified by energy savings alone. The estimated budget installed cost for (3) rooftop units with DX cooling and heat recovery wheel, including new ductwork, is $170,000. x Replace/provide (4) H&V units to serve the Main Gym B100 and Auxiliary Gym B101 - The hot water heating only ventilation system for the Main Gym and Auxiliary Gym is beyond its expected service life. SWA recommends that this equipment is replaced as part of a capital improvement project, and that it is designed to provide code minimum ventilation rates. The estimated budget installed cost for (4) hot water H&V units for the Main Gym and Auxiliary Gym is $195,000. Howell High School may wish to consider providing DX cooling as part of this system to make the room more functional in warm weather, but should recognize that this will increase energy usage versus providing a heating and ventilation system only. If cooling is desired, it is strongly recommended that a system is provided that utilizes a heat recovery wheel for pretreatment of the outside air and CO2 sensors for demand control ventilation. This is a replacement in kind recommendation which offers negligible energy savings. The estimated budget installed cost for (4) rooftop H&V units with DX cooling and heat recovery wheel is $280,000. Note that the addition of air conditioning may require an upgrade to the existing electric service. The cost of the electric service upgrade is broken out separately below but should be included if the cooling option above is incorporated. x Replace (2) hot water heating air handling units serving the Auditorium - The hot water air handling units in the Auditorium are beyond its expected service life. SWA recommends that this equipment is replaced as part of a capital improvement project, and that it is designed to provide code minimum ventilation rates. The estimated budget installed cost for (2) hot water air handling units for the Auditorium is $95,000. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 63/111 x Replace three (3) horizontal pad-mounted end suction pumps in the Original Boiler Room – The three (3) original hot water heating system pumps are in fair condition. SWA recommends that this equipment is replaced to minimize future maintenance costs and provide more efficient operation. This upgrade will provide negligible energy savings. The estimated cost for demolition and replacement of the three pumps is approximately $65,000. x Replace existing elevator in C Wing. This elevator is 40+ years old and is at the end of its expected service life. Replacement will yield negligible energy savings. The estimated replacement cost is $60,000. x Replace window air conditioners – Several of the existing window air conditioners still have some useful life remaining (on the average 0-5 years left) but replacement should be considered with more modern, energy efficient systems. The window air conditioners should be replaced with split systems to allow for closing up of the existing window or wall penetrations. These upgrades cannot be justified by energy savings alone but will result in a decrease in energy usage versus the existing equipment. In addition, some of the existing systems utilize R-22 refrigerant, which is not an ozone-friendly refrigerant. Newer systems should be specified with R-410A refrigerant. x Consider replacement of the 1964 walk-in cooler and freezer with newer models. The wall and roof panels of the box itself are likely not insulated to the levels of current walk-in coolers. This is a replacement in kind recommendation which cannot be recommended based on energy savings alone. Operations and Maintenance Operations and Maintenance measures consist of low/no cost measures that are within the capability of the current building staff to handle. These measures typically require little investment, and they yield a short payback period. These measures may address equipment settings or staff operations that, when addressed will reduce energy consumption or costs. x Apply appropriate air-sealing strategies around all exterior wall penetrations (including electrical, plumbing and HVAC). x Repair and maintain all gutter to downspout connections. x Repair and patch roof leakage areas and remove sharp edged objects from roof surface. x Install/replace and maintain sealants at all windows for airtight performance. x Air balance distributed conditioned air - for uniform and steady temperature control. This activity is also included in Retro-commissioning, ECM#14. x Thoroughly and evenly insulate space above the ceiling tiles and plug all ceiling penetration. All missing ceiling tiles should be put back in place. x Maintain roofs - SWA recommends regular maintenance to verify water is draining correctly. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 64/111 x Maintain downspouts and cap flashing - Repair/install missing downspouts and cap flashing as needed to prevent water/moisture infiltration and insulation damage. SWA recommends round downspout elbows to minimize clogging. x Provide weather-stripping/air-sealing - SWA observed that exterior door weather-stripping was beginning to deteriorate in places. Doors and vestibules should be observed annually for deficient weather-stripping and replaced as needed. The perimeter of all window frames should also be regularly inspected, and any missing or deteriorated caulking should be re-caulked to provide an unbroken seal around the window frames. Any other accessible gaps or penetrations in the thermal envelope penetrations should also be sealed with caulk or spray foam. x Repair/seal wall cracks and penetrations - SWA recommends as part of the maintenance program installing weep holes, installing proper flashing and correct masonry efflorescence, and sealing wall cracks and penetrations wherever necessary in order to keep insulation dry and effective. x Provide water-efficient fixtures and controls - Adding controlled on/off timers on all lavatory faucets is a cost-effective way to reduce domestic hot water demand and save water. Building staff can also easily install faucet aerators and/or low-flow fixtures to reduce water consumption. There are many retrofit options, which can be installed now or incorporated as equipment is replaced. Routine maintenance practices that identify and quickly address water leaks are a low-cost way to save water and energy. Retrofitting with more efficient water-consumption fixtures/appliances will reduce energy consumption for water heating, while also decreasing water/sewer bills. Older water faucets, no aerators x SWA recommends that the building considers purchasing the most energy-efficient equipment, including ENERGY STAR® labeled appliances, when equipment is installed or replaced. More information can be found in the “Products” section of the ENERGY STAR® website at: x Use smart power electric strips - in conjunction with occupancy sensors to power down computer equipment when left unattended for extended periods of time. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 65/111 Computers left on in Media Center back room after school hours x Create an energy educational program - that teaches how to minimize energy use. The U.S. Department of Energy offers free information for hosting energy efficiency educational programs and plans. For more information please visit: x Boilers and building piping insulation - Insulate un-insulated heating piping throughout the building to efficiently deliver heat where required and provide personnel protection. x Water levels in the expansion tanks and the integrity of the tank bladder should be checked on a regular basis to confirm proper operation. x For Aerco condensing boilers, inspect the igniter and flame sensor and calibrate combustion every six months per manufacturer’s recommendations. x Change filters in rooftop units and air handling units monthly to ensure efficient operation of the fan, ensure adequate air delivery to the space. x Tighten belts on exhaust fans and air handling units supply fans every three to six months – tightening belts on belt-driven fans can maximize overall efficiency of the equipment. x Inspect RTU and air handling unit coils for dirt buildup or coil freezeup every three to six months. These conditions should be rectified if found and they will cause inefficient operation and possibly damage to the equipment. x Inspect condensate pan and drain line on all RTUs and air handling units. Remove sludge or foreign materials that might obstruct proper drainage. x Inspect and replace gasketing around door into walk-in refrigeration boxes. Ineffective gasketing allows infiltration of warm air into the walk-in box, which increases the run-time of the compressors. The recommended ECMs and the list above are cost-effective energy efficiency measures and building upgrades that will reduce operating expenses for the Freehold RHSD. Based on the requirements of the LGEA program, the Freehold RHSD must commit to implementing some of these measures, and must submit paperwork to the Local Government Energy Audit program within one year of this report’s approval to demonstrate that they have spent, net of other NJCEP incentives, at least 25% of the cost of the audit (per building). The Howell High School should spend a minimum of $4,923 (or 25% of $19,692) worth of ECMs, net of other NJCEP incentives, to fulfill the obligations. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 66/111 APPENDIX A: EQUIPMENT LIST Inventory Building System Description Model # Fuel Location Space Served Date Installed Estimated Remaining Useful Life % Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Penn Ventilation (no nameplate) Electric Roof above Auditorium Auditorium Est. 1970 0% Cooling (2) Rooftop Units: American Standard (RTU#37 & #38) Est. 11 EER M# TCD180 B400HB S#633100263D S#633100285D 460V 3ø 39 MCA 50 MOCP 27 lbs. R-22 Electric Roof above Auditorium Auditorium 2006 2006 75% 75% Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Penn Ventilation (no nameplate) Electric Roof above Auditorium Auditorium Est. 1970 0% Rooftop Unit: Trane (RTU#19) Est. 10 EER M# THC036A4 R0A0EH200 A1000300 A S#216100012L 460V 3ø 9.7 MCA 15 MOCP 5.3 lbs. R-22 Electric Roof above room A115 A115 2002 45% Electric Roof above hallway adjacent to Auditorium 2000 50% Electric Roof above hallway adjacent to Auditorium entrance Est. 1970 0% Rooms behind Auditorium Est. 1970 0% Rooms behind Auditorium 2003 65% Rooms behind Auditorium Est. 1970 0% A116 A117 1999 45% Cooling Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Greenheck Ventilation (2) Exhaust Fans: Penn Ventilation Ventilation Exhaust Fan: (EF#24) Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Dayton Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn-Air (EF#64) Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Greenheck M# GB-130LMDX S#00F11093 (no nameplate) Roof above rooms (no nameplate) Electric behind Auditorium Roof above M# 4YC88 rooms Electric 115V 1/4 HP behind 2.3A Auditorium Roof above M# 18 BCRA rooms Electric 115V 1ø 4.2A behind Auditorium Roof above M# GB-90-4Xhallway OD Electric adjacent to S#99L00681 rear of Auditorium Continued on next page Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report A111 A112 A113 A114 A115 Toilet adjacent to Auditorium entrance & SECA office Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 67/111 Continued from previous page Building System Ventilation Description Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook (EF#20) Cooling Rooftop Unit: Trane (RTU#20) Est. 10 EEr Cooling Rooftop Unit: Trane (RTU#13) Est. 10 EER Model # M# 100C10DH 115V 1ø 1/25 HP M# TCC024F1 00BG S#2191JMD2H 208V 1ø 17.7 MCA 25 MOCP 4 lbs. 2 oz. R-22 M# THC048A4 R0A0GH200A1 000300 S#216100285L 460V 3ø 11.8 MCA 15 MOCP 7.7 lbs. R-22 Fuel Location Space Served Electric Roof above hallway adjacent to rear of Auditorium Janitor’s Closet adjacent to A115 2001 50% Electric Roof above room A115 Rooms adjacent to A115 2002 45% Electric Roof above room A113 A116 2002 45% A Wing Corridor 2001 50% Stair Near Media Center Est. 1980s 0% A100 A101 A102 A103 2002 2002 2002 2002 45% 45% 45% 45% D108 D110 2002 45% Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook (EF#24) M# 100C10DH 115V 1ø 1/25 HP Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Penn Ventilation (EF#27) (no nameplate) Electric Cooling (4) Rooftop Units: Trane (RTU#9, #10, #11, #12) Est. 10 EER Cooling Rooftop Unit: Trane (RTU#3) Est. 10 EER Roof above hallway connecting the ‘A’ & ‘D’ wings Roof Above Stair Near Media Center M# THC048A4 R0A0GH200A1 000300 Roof S#212100182L above S#212100048L rooms A100 S#212100270L Electric A101 S#212100239L 460V 3ø A102 11.8 MCA A103 15 MOCP 7.7 lbs. R-22 M# THC120A4 R0A0DG000A1 000300 Roof S#21610094L Electric above 460V 3ø room D110 25.5 MCA 30 MOCP 18.7 lbs. R-22 Continued on next page Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Estimated Remaining Useful Life % Date Installed Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 68/111 Continued from previous page Building System Description Model # Estimated Remaining Useful Life % Fuel Location Space Served Date Installed Electric Roof above rooms D112 & D114 D112 D114 2002 2002 60% 60% D Wing Classrooms 2002 60% Cooling (2) Air-cooled Condensing Units: Trane Est. 10 EEr XE1200 M# TTP042D4 00A0 S#20333AH2F S#20333GN2F 460V 3ø 9 MCA 15 MOCP 8 lbs. 11 oz. R-22 Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook (EF#14) M# 245C8B 460V 3ø 1/2 HP Electric Roof above hallway adjacent to room D110 M# THC072A4 R0A06G000A1 000300 S#216100347L 460V 3ø 17.5 MCA 25 MOCP 10.7 lbs. R-22 Electric Roof above room D115 D115 2002 45% Electric Roof above toilet rooms adjacent to room D115 Toilet rooms adjacent to room D115 2002 60% D113 2002 60% D Wing Corridor 2002 50% Cooling Ventilation Rooftop Unit: Trane (RTU#7) Est. 10 EER Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook (EF#15) Cooling Air-cooled Condensing Unit: Trane Est. 10 EER Heating Built-up Air Handling Unit: Trane (HV#3) M# 120 C3B 115V 1ø 1/4 HP XE1200 M# TTP042D4 00A0 S#20333DU2F Roof 460V 3ø Electric above 9 MCA room D113 15 MOCP 8 lbs. 11 oz. R-22 T-series Climate Roof Changer: above 3 sections Electric hallway M# TSCA006 U0A adjacent to S#K02B32288 room D111 460V 3ø 3 HP 4.5 FLA Continued on next page Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 69/111 Continued from previous page Building System Description Heating/ Cooling (2) Built-up Air Handling Units: Trane (AHU#3 & #4) Cooling (2) Air-cooled Condensing Units: Trane Est. 10 EER Cooling Rooftop Unit: Trane (RTU#6) Est. 10 EER Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook (EF#13) Cooling Air-cooled Condensing Unit: Trane Est. 10 EER Heating/ Cooling Built-Up Air Handling Unit: Trane (AHU#2) Cooling Rooftop Unit: Trane (RTU#2) Est. 10 EER Model # Fuel Location T-series Climate Roof Changer: above 6 sections Electric rooms M# TSCA003 D111 U0A D109 460V 3ø 3 HP 4.5 FLA M# TTP060E4 00A0 S#2095S5N1F Roof S#2093KXP1F above rooms 460V 3ø Electric 12 MCA D111 20 MOCP D109 10 lbs. 14 oz. R-22 M# TCC018F1 00BG S#2184K02H Roof 208V 1ø Electric above 15 MCA room D107 20 MOCP 3 lbs. 4 oz. R-22 M# 100R3B Roof 115V 1ø Electric above 1/4 HP room D107 XE1200 M# TTP060E4 00A0 S#2093K2A1F Roof 460V 3ø Electric above 12 MCA room D107 20 MOCP 10 lbs 14 oz. R-22 (5 sections) M# TSCA003 Roof U0A Electric above S#K02B32131 room D107 460V 3ø M# THC120A4 R0A S#216100358L Roof 460V 3ø Electric above 25.2 MCA room D107 30 MOCP 18.7 lbs. R-22 Continued on next page Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Space Served Date Installed Estimated Remaining Useful Life % D109 D111 2002 50% D109 D111 2002 2002 60% 60% Room between D107 and D109 2002 45% Kiln Room between D107 and D109 2002 60% D107 2002 60% D107 2002 45% D104 D106 2002 45% Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 70/111 Continued from previous page Building System Description Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook (EF#31) M# 135C4B 115V 1ø 1/3 HP Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook (EF#12) M# 165C4B 115V 1ø 1/3 HP Electric Cooling (2) Air-cooled Condensing Units: Trane Est. 10 EER Cooling Rooftop Unit: Trane (RTU#1) Est. 10 EER Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook (EF#11) Heating/ Cooling Built-up Air Handling Unit: Trane (AHU#1) Cooling Air-cooled Condensing Unit: Trane Est. 10 EER Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook (EF#6) Cooling Rooftop Unit: Trane (RTU#4) Est. 10 EER Model # M# TTP042D4 00A0 S#20333B32F S#20333H32F 460V 3ø 9 MCA 15 MOCP 8lbs 11oz. R-22 ea. M# THC048A4 R0A S#216100029L 460V 3ø 11.8 MCA 15 MOCP 7.7 lbs R-22 M# 100C3B 115v 1ø 1/4 HP (5 sections) M# TSCA008 U0A S#K02B32090 460V 3ø M# TTA120B 400DA S#21842A7AD 460V 3ø 22.7 MCA 30 MOCP M# 100C10DH 115V 1ø 1/25 HP Fuel Location Roof above room hallway adjacent to room D105 Roof above room hallway adjacent to room D105 Estimated Remaining Useful Life % D105 D107 Boiler Rm 2002 60% D Wing Corridor 2002 60% Electric Roof above room D103 D103 D105 2002 2002 60% 60% Electric Roof above room D103 D102 2002 45% Electric Roof above room D103 D103 2002 60% Electric Roof above Dance Dance Studio/ Storage 2002 45% Dance Studio 2002 60% Aux Gym D100 Storage 2002 60% Aux Gym D100 Storage & Offices 2002 45% Electric Electric Roof above hallway adjacent to Gym and Dance Roof above Gym entrance M# TCC024F 100BG S#21555M52H Roof above 208V 1ø Electric 17.7 MCA Gym 25 MOCP entrance 4 lbs. 2 oz. R-22 Continued on next page Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Space Served Date Installed Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 71/111 Continued from previous page Building System Description Model # Fuel Heating Built-up Air Handling Unit: Trane (HV#3) M# TSCA008 U0A S#K02B32280 460V 3ø Electric Ventilation (2) Exhaust Fans: Loren Cook (EF#7, #10) M# 135C3B 115 V 1ø 1/4 HP ea. Electric Ventilation (2) Exhaust Fans: Loren Cook (EF#8, #9) M# 165C5B 460V 3ø 1/2 Hp ea. Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook (EF#30) M# 100C3B 115 V 1ø 1/4 HP Electric Cooling Rooftop Unit: Trane (RTU#5) Est. 10 EER Ventilation (2) Exhaust Fans: Loren Cook (EF#4, #5) Heating (2) Built-up Air Handling Units: Trane (HV#1, #2) Ventilation (2) Exhaust Fans: Loren Cook (EF#2, #3) Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook (EF#25) Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air Location Roof above Gym hallway Roof above areas around Gym & Dance Roof above areas around Gym & Dance Roof above Restroom adjacent to room Dance Space Served Date Installed Estimated Remaining Useful Life % D Wing Corridor 2002 45% D Wing Storage & Toilets 2002 60% D Wing Storage & Corridor 2002 60% D102 2002 60% Hub Room Adjacent to D102 2002 45% M# TCC024 F100BG S#255N4J2H 208V 1ø 17.7 MCA 25 MOCP 4 lbs. 2 oz. R-22 Electric Roof above Restroom adjacent to room D102 M# 270C6B 460V 3ø 3/4 HP ea. Electric Roof above Gym Gym 2002 60% (3 sections) M# TSCA012 U0A S#K02B32272 S#K02B32276 460V 3ø Electric Roof above Gym Gym 2002 2002 45% 45% M# 135C3B 115V 1ø 1/4 HP ea. Electric Roof above Gym Gym 2002 60% Corridor Between A100 & Wrestling Room 2002 60% Wrestling Room 1970s 0% Roof above M# 70C15DH room 115V 1ø Electric adjacent to 1/20 HP new boiler room Roof above (no nameplate) Electric Wrestling Room Continued on next page Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 72/111 Continued from previous page Building System Description Model # Fuel Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 214 BCRA 115V 1ø 4.4A Electric Heating Built-up Air Handling Unit: Trane (HV#7) (4 sections) M# TSCA008 U0A S#K00G18970 460V 3ø Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Greenheck M# GB-130LMDX-QD S#00E25302 Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 111RA EJ Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 118CA EJ Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 182BCRA 115V 1ø 4.2A Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Greenheck M# GB-130LMDX-QD S#00F11090 Electric Cooling Rooftop unit: Trane (RTU#36) Est. 9 SEER Location Roof above Boys Locker Room/ Offices Roof above Boys Locker Room/ Offices Roof above Boys Locker Room/ Offices Roof above Boys Locker Room/ Offices Roof above Boys Locker Room/ Offices Roof above Boys Locker Room/ Offices Roof above rooms between two gyms M# TCC018 F100AA Roof S#F38151039 above 208V 1ø Boys Electric 15 MCA Locker 20 MOCP Room/ 3lbs. 16oz. Offices R-22 Continued on next page Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Space Served Date Installed Estimated Remaining Useful Life % Locker Room/ Offices 1970s 0% Boys Locker Room/ Offices 2000 35% Boys Locker Room/ Offices 2000 50% Boys Locker Room/ Offices 1970s 0% Boys Locker Room/ Offices 1970s 0% Boys Locker Room/ Offices 1970s 0% Boys Locker Room/ Offices 2000 50% Boys Locker Room/ Offices 1991 0% Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 73/111 Continued from previous page Building System Description Model # Fuel Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 108CRAEJ Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Penn Ventilation M# CB18 Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Penn ventilation M# AT24 Electric Ventilation (4) Exhaust Fans: Penn Ventilation M# RB30 Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 301BCD 115V 1ø 6A Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 181 BCRA 115V 1ø 4.2A Cooling Rooftop Unit: Trane (RTU#22) Est. 10 EER M# TSC090 A3E0A S#226101521L 208V 3ø 42.7 MCA 60 MOCP 11.9 lbs. R-22 Ventilation (3) Exhaust Fans: Jenn Air Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air Electric Electric Location Roof above Boys Locker Room/ Offices Roof above rooms adjacent to B101 Roof above rooms adjacent to B101 Roof above room B101 Roof above hallway between Gym & Wrestling Room Roof above Wrestling Room Roof above Wrestling Room Roof above M# 2HRVEJ Electric Wrestling Room Roof above M# 301 BCRA Electric Wrestling Room Roof M# 18 BCRA above Electric 115V 1ø 4.2A Wrestling Room Continued on next page Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Space Served Date Installed Estimated Remaining Useful Life % Boys Locker Room/ Offices 1970s 0% Rooms adjacent to B101 1970s 0% Rooms adjacent to B101 1970s 0% Room B101 1970s 0% Hallway between Gym & Wrestling Room 1970s 0% 1970s 0% 2002 45% 1970s 0% 1970s 0% 1970s 0% Wrestling Room Wrestling Room Wrestling Room Wrestling Room Wrestling Room Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 74/111 Continued from previous page Building System Description Model # Estimated Remaining Useful Life % Fuel Location Space Served Date Installed Electric Roof above Wrestling Room Wrestling Room 2002 45% Cooling Rooftop Unit: Trane (RTU#23) Est. 10 EER M# TSC090 A3E0A S#221101246L 208V 3ø 42.7 MCA 60 MOCP 11.9 lbs. R-22 Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 301 BCRE 480V 3ø 1.3A Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 241 BCRA 115V 1ø 4.4A Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 42 BCRA 115V 1ø 4.2A Electric M# YSC048AE LA2MD S#630100690L S#630100774L 460V 3ø 12.8 MCA 20 MOCP 3.8 lbs. R-22 60 MBH input 48 MBH output Roof above Wrestling Room Roof above hallway between Gym & Wrestling Room Roof above Wrestling Room Wrestling Room 1970s 0% Hallway between Gym & Wrestling Room 1970s 0% Wrestling Room 1970s 0% Natural Gas / Electric Roof above room B104 B104 2006 2006 75% 75% Heating / Cooling (2) Rooftop Units: Trane (RTU#24, #25) Est. 11 EER Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 98 BCRA Electric Roof above room B104 B104 1970s 0% Cooling Air-cooled Condensing unit: Friedrich Est. 9 EER M# MR30C3E S#LDDT00990 230V 1ø 20 MCA 30 MOCP 4.19 lbs. R-22 Electric Roof above room B105 B105 1999 25% Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air B105 1970s 0% Ventilation (2) Exhaust Fans: Jenn Air Girls Locker Room/ Offices 1970s 0% Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air Girls Locker Room/ Offices 1970s 0% Roof above room B105 Roof above Girls (no nameplate) Electric Locker Room/ Offices Roof above Girls M# 301 BCRE Electric Locker 480V 3ø 1.3A Room/ Offices Continued on next page M# 142 BRCA 115V 1ø 4.2A Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Electric Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 75/111 Continued from previous page Building System Description Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 10 BCRA Heating (2) Built-up Air Handling Units: Trane (HV#5, #6) T-Series Climate Changer M# TSCA008 U0A Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook (EF#29) Refrigeration Model # Fuel Location Space Served Electric Roof above Girls Locker Room/ Offices Girls Locker Room/ Offices 1970s 0% Electric Roof above Cafeteria area Cafeteria 2002 2002 45% 45% Cafeteria 2002 60% Cafeteria Walk-in Box 1970s 0% Kitchen 2002 45% Kitchen 2002 60% Kitchen Bathroom 1970s 0% Kitchen 2002 60% Kitchen 1970s 0% Kitchen Office/ Storage 1970s 0% Kitchen Office/ Storage 1990’s 0% Kitchen Office/ Storage 1970s 0% Hallway adjacent to Guidance 1973 0% M# 245C7B 1 HP Electric Condenser for Walk-in Cooler Box: Bally Est. 8 EER M# PL-150A-1 S#24958-M3 5.4 A Electric Cooling Rooftop Unit: Trane (RTU#21) Est. 10 EER M# THC102A4 R0A S#216100349L 460V 3ø 22.9 MCA 25 MOCP 14.5 lbs. R-22 Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook (EF#21) Ventilation Exhaust Fan Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook (EF#28) Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air Ventilation Exhaust Fan Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air Roof above Cafeteria area Roof above Cafeteria Kitchen area Roof above Kitchen Roof above Kitchen Roof (no nameplate) above Electric Est. 1/6 HP Kitchen Bathroom M# 165C5B Roof 460V 3ø Electric above 1/2 HP Kitchen Roof M# 483 BCRE Electric above 440V 3ø 2.9A Kitchen Roof M# 121 RVE Electric above Est. 1/8 HP Kitchen Roof (no nameplate) Electric above Est. 1/6 HP Kitchen Roof M# 301 BCR Electric above 115V 1ø 6.0A Kitchen Roof above M# 301BCP Electric hallway 115V 1ø 6.0A adjacent to Guidance Continued on next page M# 120C3B Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Estimated Remaining Useful Life % Date Installed Electric Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 76/111 Continued from previous page Building System Description Model # Estimated Remaining Useful Life % Fuel Location Space Served Date Installed Electric Roof above hallway adjacent to Cafeteria & Gym/B100 Hallway adjacent to Cafeteria & Gym/B100 1970s 0% Toilet Rooms adjacent to B106 Est. 1990 Est. 1990 0% 0% Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 181BCRA 115V 1ø 4.2A Ventilation (2) Exhaust Fans (no nameplate) Est. 1/4 HP ea. Electric Roof above room B106 Cooling Rooftop Unit: Trane (RTU#16) Est. 10 EER M# THC092A4 R0A 460V 3ø 19.4 MCA 25 MOCP 12.6 lbs. R-22 Electric Roof above room B106 B106 2002 45% Ventilation Exhaust Fan (no nameplate) Est. +/- 1/3 HP Electric Roof above room B106 B106 1970s 0% Cooling Rooftop unit: Trane (RTU#14) Est. 10 EER Electric Roof above Guidance Media Center Offices 2002 45% Cooling Rooftop unit: Trane (RTU#26) Est. 11 EER Electric Roof above Guidance CST 2005 65% Cooling Rooftop unit: Trane (RTU#15) Est. 10 EER Electric Roof above MC1 Guidance 2002 45% Cooling Rooftop Unit: Trane (RTU#8) Est. EER 8 Electric Roof above Media Center Main Office 1981 0% Media Center 1970s 0% Media Center 1970s 0% Ventilation Exhaust Fan Ventilation Exhaust Fan M# THC036A4 R0A S#216100373L 460V 3ø 9.7 MCA 15 MOCP M# TSC060A4 E0A S#523101761L 460V 3ø 16 MCA 25 MOCP 4.9 lbs. R-22 M# THC036A4 R0A S#216100361L 460V 3ø 8.3 MCA 15 MOCP 5.3 lbs. R-22 M# SACCB754-A S#C81E-14590 480V 3ø 25 MCA 12.4 lbs. R-22 Roof above Electric Media center Roof (no nameplate) above Electric Est. 1/3 HP Media center Continued on next page (no nameplate) Est. 1/8 HP Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 77/111 Continued from previous page Building System Model # Fuel Exhaust Fan (no nameplate) Est. 1/6 HP Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan (no nameplate) Est. 1/3 HP Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan (no nameplate) Est. 1/6 HP Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook M# 100 C3B 1/4 HP Ventilation Description Cooling (3) Ductless Splits: Sanyo Est. 10 EER Heating / Cooling Ductless Split: Sanyo Est. 10 EER Cooling Ductless Split: Goodman Est. 10 EER Cooling Ductless Split: Sanyo Est. 10 EER Cooling (2) Rooftop units: Trane (RTU#27, #28) Est. 11 EER Ventilation Exhaust Fan M# SAP121C S#0008151 S#0137651 S#0051251 115v 1ø 10.6A 12000 BTUH 2.51 lbs. R-22 M# SAP122CH S#0029944 208V 1ø 20A 2.95 lbs. R-22 M# HDC121AT S#0005409639 208V 1ø 7.9 MCA 15 MOCP 36 oz. R-22 M# C1211 S# 0089034 115V 1ø 15 MCA 20 MOCP 12000 BTUH M# TSC048E3 E0A0 S#830100491L S#830100495L 208V 3ø 25.2 MCA 30 MOCP 7.4 lbs. R-410A Electric Location Space Served Roof above Media center Roof above Media center Roof above Media center Roof above Media Center Media Center Estimated Remaining Useful Life % 1970s 0% 1970s 0% 1970s 0% 2002 60% Media Center Media Center Media Center Electric Exterior of rooms A207 A209 A211 A207 A209 A211 2000 2001 2000 30% Electric Exterior of room A213 A213 2000 30% Electric Exterior of room A215 A215 2000 30% Electric Exterior of room A217 A217 2000 30% Electric Roof above Media Center Media Center 2008 2008 85% 85% B106/B107 1970s 0% Roof above (no nameplate) Electric rooms Est. 1/8 HP B106, B107 Continued on next page Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Date Installed Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 78/111 Continued from previous page Building System Description Model # Space Served Date Installed Estimated Remaining Useful Life % B106/B107 1970s 0% Electric Closet B106/B107 2002 60% B106/B107 1970s 0% Prep Room B106/B107 2002 60% B107 1970s 0% Media Center 1970s 0% Electric Roof above Media Center Media Center 1981 0% Electric Roof above room B107 B107 2002 45% B108 1970s 0% B108 2002 60% Hallway adjacent to room B108 1970s 0% Fuel Ventilation Exhaust Fan (no nameplate) Est. 1/3 HP Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook (EF#17) M# 135C4B 1/3 HP Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan (no nameplate) Est. 1/8 HP Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook M# 120C4B 115V 1ø 1/3 HP Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan (no nameplate) Est. 1/2 HP Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan (no nameplate) Est. 3/4 HP Electric Cooling Rooftop Unit: Trane (RTU#29) Est. 8 EER Cooling Rooftop Unit: Trane (RTU#17) Est. 10 EER Ventilation Exhaust Fan Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# SAHA40D4 0KSSA43DC0 S#B81B00503 460V 3ø 121 MCA 175 MOCP 65 lbs. R-22 M# THC092A4 R0A S#216100491L 460V 3ø 19.4 MCA 25 MOCP 12.6 lbs. R-22 Electric Location Roof above rooms B106, B107 Roof above rooms B106, B107 Roof above rooms B106, B107 Roof above rooms B106, B107 Roof above room B107 Roof above Media Center Roof above room B108 M# 100C15DH Roof 115V 1ø Electric above 1/8 HP room B108 Roof above (no nameplate) Electric hallway Est. 1/6 HP adjacent to room B108 Continued on next page (no nameplate) Est. 1/3 HP Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Electric Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 79/111 Continued from previous page Building System Description Model # Estimated Remaining Useful Life % Fuel Location Space Served Date Installed Electric Roof above hallway adjacent to room B108 B108 2002 45% Custodian/ Electrical 1990s 0% Custodian/ Electrical 1990s 0% B110 1970s 0% Cooling Rooftop Unit: Trane (RTU#18) Est. 10 EER M# THC048A4 R0A S#216100211L 460V 3ø 11.8 MCA 15 MOCP 7.7 lbs. R-22 Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook (no nameplate) Est. 1/6 HP Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook (no nameplate) Est. 1/4 HP Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 70CRAEC Electric Not Used Trane (HV#8) M# PCAA07040-1CAADAIA 0A0A0 S#B81B00514 Not Used Roof above Cafeteria / Kitchen Not Used 1981 0% Ventilation Exhaust Fan (no nameplate) Est. 1/2 HP Electric Roof above Cafeteria Cafeteria 1970s 0% Rooftop Unit: Trane (RT#35) Est. 10 EER M# TCD090C4 DCBC S#R3010 1883D 460 V 3ø 22.1 MCA 30 MOCP 10.6 lbs. R-22 Electric Roof above room B109 B109 2000 35% Offices between rooms B109 and B111 1970s 0% Offices between rooms B109 and B111 1970s 0% Cooling Ventilation Exhaust Fan Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air Roof above Custodian/ Electrical Roof above Custodian/ Electrical Roof above room B110 Roof above areas (no nameplate) Electric between Est. 1/2 HP rooms B109 and B111 Roof above areas M# 121 RVEJ Electric between rooms B109 and B111 Continued on next page Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 80/111 Continued from previous page Building System Description Model # Fuel Ventilation Exhaust Fan (no nameplate) Est. 1/4 HP Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 181 BCRA 115V 1ø 4.2A Electric Cooling Rooftop Unit: Trane (RTU#30) Est. 10 EER Heating / Cooling Rooftop unit: Trane (RTU#34) Est. 11 EER M# TCD0900C 40CBC S#R30101 964D 460 V 3ø 22.1 MCA 30 MOCP 10.6 lbs. R-22 M# YSC060A4 EHA21 S#532100821L 460V 3ø 16 MCA 25 MOCP 4.9 lbs. R-22 130 MBH in 108 MBH out Location Roof above areas between rooms B109 and B111 Roof above hallway adjacent to room B110 Estimated Remaining Useful Life % Offices between rooms B109 and B111 1970s 0% Hallway 1970s 0% Electric Roof above room B110 Room B110 2000 35% Electric / Nat. Gas Roof above room B111 B111 2005 65% Boiler Room 1970s 0% 2006 80% 1990s 0% Room B113 2000 35% B113 1970s 0% Ventilation Exhaust Fan (no nameplate) Est. 1/6 HP Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Dayton M# 4YC7 36 S#06B15561 Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook (no nameplate) Est. 3/4 HP Electric Cooling Rooftop unit: Trane (RTU#33) Est. 10 EER M# TCD102C4 0CAB S#R30101 898D $60V 3ø 31 MCA 40 MOCP 14.2 lbs. R-22 Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 301 BCR 115V 1ø 6A Electric Electric Roof above Boiler Room Roof above Boiler Room Roof above Boiler Room Roof above room B113 Roof above room B113 Continued on next page Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Space Served Date Installed Electric Boiler Room Boiler Room Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 81/111 Continued from previous page Building System Estimated Remaining Useful Life % Model # Fuel Location Space Served Date Installed (2) Exhaust Fans (no nameplate) Electric Roof above room B113 B113 1970s 0% Cooling Rooftop unit: Trane (RTU#32) Est. 10 EER M# TCD102C4 0CAB S#R30101 976D $60V 3ø 31 MCA 40 MOCP 14.2 lbs. R-22 Electric Roof above room B115 Room B115 2000 35% Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 142 BCRA 115V 1ø 4.4A Electric Roof above room B112 B112 1970s 0% Cooling Rooftop Unit: Trane (RTU#31) Est. 10 EER M# TCD090C4 0CBC S#R3010 1940D 460V 3ø 22.1 MCA 30 MOCP 10.6 lbs. R-22 Electric Roof above room B112 Room B112 2000 35% Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 181 BCRA Electric A201 1970s 0% Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 98 CRA Electric A200 1970s 0% Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook (EF#26) A Wing Corridor 2002 60% Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Loren Cook A203 2002 60% Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Penn Ventilation (no nameplate) Electric A205 1979 0% Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 241BCRA 115V 1ø 4.4A Electric A Wing Corridor 1970s 0% (2) Air-cooled Condensing Units: Trane Est. 10 EER M# TTA042 D400B0 460V 3ø 10 MCA 15 MOCP 5 lbs. 1 oz. R-22 A202 A204 2000 2000 50% 50% 1970s 0% Ventilation Description nd Cooling M# 100C10DH 115V 1ø 1/25 HP M# 135C2B 120V 1ø 1/6 HP Electric Electric 2 Floor roof above room A201 nd 2 Floor roof above room A200 nd 2 Floor roof above hallway nd 2 Floor roof above room A203 nd 2 Floor roof above A205 nd 2 Floor roof above hallway nd Electric 2 Floor roof above rooms A202, A204 nd Ventilation (2) Exhaust Fans: Jenn Air 2 Floor M# 241BCRA roof above 115V 1ø Electric Restrooms 4.4A ea. adjacent to room A205 Continued on next page Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report nd 2 Floor Restrooms adjacent to room A205 Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 82/111 Continued from previous page Building System Description Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Penn Ventilation M# CB-18 Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 71CRA Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Penn Ventilation M# AT-24 Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 301BCRE 440V 3ø 1.3A Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 301BCRA 115V 1ø 6A Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 98CRA Electric Cooling (2) Air-cooled Condensing Units: Trane Est. 9 SEER M# BTA048 0300A0 (rest of nameplates behind disconnects) Electric 2 floor roof above room A215 Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 80CRA Electric 2 floor roof above hallway Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Penn Ventilation (EF#1) M# DX9B Electric 2 floor roof above room A212 Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 183BCRA 115V 1ø 5.4A Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan (no nameplate) Electric Ventilation (2) Exhaust Fans: Jenn Air M# 214BCRA 115V 1ø 4.4A Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M# 182BCRA 115V 1ø4.4A Electric Model # Fuel Location Space Served Date Installed Estimated Remaining Useful Life % A Wing Corridor 1979 0% A Wing Corridor 1970s 0% A Wing Corridor 1979 0% A Wing Corridor 1970s 0% A Wing Corridor 1970s 0% A Wing Corridor 1970s 0% A215 1985 0% A Wing Corridor 1970s 0% A212 1979 0% A214 1970s 0% A217 1979 0% Restrooms adjacent to room C217 1970s 0% C217 1970s 0% C215 1992 10% C216 1979 0% nd 2 floor roof above hallway nd 2 floor roof above hallway nd 2 floor roof above hallway nd 2 floor roof above hallway nd 2 floor roof above hallway nd 2 floor roof above hallway nd nd nd nd Cooling Ventilation Air-cooled Condensing Unit: Trane Est. 9 SEER Exhaust Fan: Penn Ventilation (nameplate hidden behind disconnect) 2 floor roof above room A214 nd 2 floor roof above room A217 nd 2 floor roof above Restrooms adjacent to room C217 nd 2 floor roof above C217 nd Electric 2 floor roof above room C215 nd 2 floor (no nameplate) Electric roof above room C216 Continued on next page Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 83/111 Continued from previous page Building System Ventilation Ventilation Description (2) Exhaust Fans: Penn Ventilation (RF#1, #2) Exhaust Fan: Penn Ventilation Model # Fuel Location M# XR-82 Electric 2 floor roof above room C216 Electric 2 floor roof above room C216 Space Served Date Installed Estimated Remaining Useful Life % C216 1979 0% C216 1979 0% C216 2008 85% C216 1992 1992 10% 10% C214 1992 10% C214 1992 10% C213 1979 0% Storage/ Prep 1970s 0% Storage/ Prep 1979 0% Storage/ Prep 1979 0% nd nd (no nameplate) Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Greenheck M# CUE-101AX-QD S#11467880 0808 Electric 2 floor roof above room C216 Cooling (2) Air-cooled Condensing Units: Trane Est. 9 SEER (nameplate behind disconnect) Electric 2 floor roof above room C216 Cooling Air-cooled Condensing Unit: Trane Est. 9 SEER M# TTR012 C100A0 S#G36293862 208V 1ø 11 MCA 15 MOCP 2lbs. 12 oz. R-22 Electric 2 floor roof above room C216 Cooling Air-cooled Condensing Unit: Trane Est. 9 SEER (nameplate behind disconnect) Electric 2 floor roof above room C216 nd nd nd nd nd Ventilation (4) Exhaust Fans Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Penn Ventilation (RF#5) Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Penn Ventilation (RF#12) 2 floor roof above (no nameplate) Electric rooms C213 C214 nd 2 floor roof above M# 181BCRA room Electric 115V 1ø 4.2A between C213 & C214 nd 2 floor roof above room M# MX-9T Electric between C213 & C214 nd 2 floor roof above room Electric M# FMX-12 between C213 & C214 Continued on next page Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 84/111 Continued from previous page Building System Description Model # Fuel Location Space Served Date Installed Estimated Remaining Useful Life % Storage/ Prep 1979 0% C214 1970s 0% C214 1979 0% C213 1979 0% C213 1970s 0% Utility Room 1979 0% Room between rooms C209 C210 1979 0% Room between rooms C209 C210 1979 0% Hallway 1979 0% Hallway 1979 0% C203 C205 1985 1985 0% 0% nd Ventilation (4) Exhaust Fans: Penn Ventilation (RF#&, #8, #9, #10) Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air Ventilation Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Penn Ventilation (RF#3) Exhaust Fan: Penn Ventilation (RF#4) M# FMX-11Q Electric M3# 241BCRA 115v 1ø 4.2A Electric 2 floor roof above room between C213 & C214 nd 2 floor roof above room C214 nd M# XQ-82 Electric 2 floor roof above room C214 M# XQ-82 Electric 2 floor roof above room C213 nd nd Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Jenn Air M3# 241BCRA 115v 1ø 4.2A Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan (no nameplate) Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Penn Ventilation M# BB-30 Electric Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Penn Ventilation M# LB-24 Electric M# CB-36 Electric M# LB-24 Electric Ventilation Ventilation Cooling Exhaust Fan: Penn ventilation Exhaust Fan: Penn Ventilation (2) Air-cooled Condensing Units: Trane Est. 9 SEER 2 floor roof above room C213 nd 2 floor roof above utility room nd 2 floor roof above room between rooms C209 C210 nd 2 floor roof above room between rooms C209 C210 nd 2 floor roof above hallway nd 2 floor roof above hallway M# BTA036 D300A0 nd 2 floor S#Y39295447 roof above S#Y39295451 208V 1ø Electric rooms 18 MCA C203 30 MOCP C205 5 lbs. 8 oz. R-22 Continued on next page Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 85/111 Continued from previous page Building System Description Model # Space Served Date Installed Estimated Remaining Useful Life % Fuel Location Electric 2 floor roof above rooms adjacent to C201 Rooms adjacent to C201 1979 0% Natural Gas / Electric Main Boiler Room Building 1981 0% Electric Main Boiler Room Main Boiler Room Est. 2000 50% Est. 1/2 HP Electric Main Boiler Room Domestic Hot Water Storage Tank Est. 2000 50% Est. 1/3 HP Electric Main Boiler Room Domestic Hot Water Storage Tank Est. 2000 50% M# GCR4RB 250A S#4570-10224 S#4570-10223 8,369 MBH Input ea. Natural Gas Main Boiler Room A, B & C Wings 1963 1963 0% 0% 5 HP ea. Electric Main Boiler Room (2) Fire-tube boilers 1963 0% 10 HP ea. Standard efficiency Electric Main Boiler Room A, B & C Wings 1963 0% 10 HP Super efficiency Electric Main Boiler Room A, B & C Wings 1963 0% No nameplates Electric C Wing 1 Floor classrooms 1964 0% No nameplates Electric C Wing 1 Floor classrooms 1979 0% No nameplates Electric C Wing 2 Floor classrooms 1979 0% No nameplates Electric C Wing 2 Floor classrooms 1964 0% nd Ventilation Exhaust Fan: Penn Ventilation Domestic Hot Water Water heater: Cleaver brooks Est. 65% eff. Misc. Domestic Hot Water Domestic Hot Water Heating Heating Heating Heating Heating Heating Heating Heating Sump pump Est. 85% eff. Circulation Pump: Bell & Gossett Est. 85% eff. Circulation Pump: Bell & Gossett Est. 85% eff. (2) Fire-tube Boilers: Superior Est. 65% eff. (2) Boiler Burner Motors Est. 75% eff. (2) Circulation Pumps: Armstrong Est. 75% eff. Circulation Pump: Armstrong Est. 75% eff. (9) Floor Mounted Unit Ventilators Nesbitt (12) Floor Mounted Unit Ventilators Trane (14) Floor Mounted Unit Ventilators Trane (2) Floor Mounted Unit Ventilators Nesbitt M# CB-18 M# CB900-50 S#L-70616 2092 MBH in 2 HP blower motor (no nameplate) Est. 1/2 HP st st nd nd Continued on next page Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 86/111 Continued from previous page Building System Description Cooling (5) Window A/C units Cooling (6) Ceiling Unit Ventilators Trane Cooling (3) Window A/C units Heating Heating Cooling Cooling Heating Heating Heating Cooling Cooling Cooling Cooling (13) Floor Mounted Unit Ventilators Nesbitt Ceiling Mounted Cabinet Unit Heaters Nesbitt Ceiling Air Handler Window A/C Unit (15) Floor Mounted Unit Ventilators Nesbitt (2) Floor Mounted Unit Ventilators Trane Ceiling Mounted Cabinet Unit Heaters Nesbitt (2) Ceiling Unit Ventilators Trane (5) Window mounted split systems Est. 8-10 EER Window mounted split system Est. 9 EER (2) Window mounted split systems Est. 8 EER Date Installed Estimated Remaining Useful Life % Varies 0%-50% Varies 0% Varies 0-50% Model # Fuel Location Space Served Sharp Whirlpool Airtemp Electric C Wing 1 and 2 floor classrooms/offices No nameplates Electric C Wing Whirlpool Frigidaire Goldstar Electric Faculty Nurse Attendance No nameplates Electric A Wing 1 floor classrooms 1964 0% No nameplates Electric A wing corridors 1 floor corridors 1964 0% No nameplate Electric Prop Room Prop room behind Auditorium 1979 0% No nameplate Electric Prop Room Prop room office behind Auditorium 1979 0% No nameplate Electric A Wing 2 floor classrooms 1964 0% No nameplate Electric A Wing A202 & A204 1979 0% No nameplate Electric A Wing corridors 1964 0% No nameplate Electric A Wing A215 & A217 1979 0% Sanyo (3) SAP121K (1) SAP122K (1) KS1211W Electric A Wing 2 floor A207, A209, A211, A213 Varies 0-50% Goodman WWC12-1A Electric A213 A213 1999 20% Sanyo SAP121K Electric A110 A110 1979 0% st nd C216 (2), C214, C213, C205, C203 Faculty Nurse Attendance st st nd nd 2 nd floor corridors Continued on next page Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 87/111 Continued from previous page Building System Cooling/ Heating Description (5) Floor mounted unit ventilators Trane Estimated Remaining Useful Life % Model # Fuel Location Space Served Date Installed Trane VUVB150 Electric D wing D103, D105, D113, D114, D112 2001 50% Electric D107/D109 D107/D109 2001 50% Electric D Wing Boiler Room D Wing 2001 55% Natural Gas D Wing Boiler Room D Wing 2002 70% Gas Outside Boiler Room Serves boiler, emergency circuits and phone 1994 50% Ventilation Kiln Olympic Electric #FL12A S#W090043 240V-3Ph, 16.3KW Heating (2) Circulation Pumps: Taco Est. 85% eff. Standard Eff. 10 HP ea. Heating (2) Condensing Boilers: Aerco Est. 90% eff. Emergency Power Generator Cooling Wall mounted split system AHU: Friedrich Est. 9 EER Nameplate inaccessible Electric Wall in B105 B105 1999 25% Cooling/ Heating (2) H&V Units Nameplate inaccessible Electric Auditorium Above Stage Auditorium 1979 0% Cooling Ductless Split System: Sanyo Est. 10 EER SECA Office 2000 30% Refrigeration Glass Door Merchandiser: True Kitchen 2009 95% Refrigeration Glass Door Merchandiser: True Kitchen 2005 70% Refrigeration Glass Door Merchandiser: True Kitchen 2003 60% Refrigeration Milk Cooler: Powers Kitchen 2007 80% Misc. Industrial Mixer: Hobart Kitchen 1970 0% Benchmark 2.0 S#36899 S#36900 2000 MBH in ea. Onan #100ENBA S#C940J38873 100KW 125KVA Model: SAP91K SECA Electric Serial: Office 0084351 M#GDM-49EM S#1-5213650 Electric Kitchen 115V ½ HP R134A M#GDM-37 S#1-3652806 Electric Kitchen 115V ½ HP R134A M#GDM-37 S#1-3459751 Electric Kitchen 115V ½ HP R134A M# 780 S# B072603 Electric Kitchen 115V; 4 A M#H-600 S#1846870 Electric Kitchen 208V 3ø 1HP Continued on next page Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 88/111 Continued from previous page Space Served Date Installed Estimated Remaining Useful Life % Kitchen Kitchen 2005 70% Electric Kitchen Cafeteria 2000 50% Electric Kitchen Kitchen 2008 90% Electric Kitchen Cafeteria 2008 90% Electric Kitchen Kitchen 1998 40% Electric Kitchen Kitchen 2002 60% (Locked) Electric Kitchen Kitchen Circa 2005 85% No Nameplate Electric Kitchen Kitchen Circa 2000 50% Electric Kitchen Kitchen Circa 2000 50% Electric Kitchen Kitchen 2005 50% (locked) Electric Kitchen Kitchen Circa 1980 0% (locked) Electric Kitchen Kitchen Circa 1980 0% (locked) Electric Kitchen Kitchen Circa 1980 0% No Nameplate Electric Kitchen Kitchen Circa 2005 75% M#C199-H(1)N 1990W Electric Kitchen Kitchen 2007 70% No Nameplate Electric Kitchen Kitchen Circa 1964 0% Building System Description Model # Fuel Location Refrigeration Glass Door Merchandiser: True M#GDM-07 S#1-4122518 115V 1/5 HP R134A Electric Refrigeration Glass Door Merchandiser: Beverage Air M#UR30G R134A Refrigeration Glass Door Merchandiser: True Refrigeration Glass Door Merchandiser: Beverage Air Refrigeration Glass Door Merchandiser: True Refrigeration Glass Door Merchandiser: True Refrigeration Dishwasher Domestic Hot Water (Dishwasher) Cooking Refrigeration Refrigeration Refrigeration Refrigeration Cooking Refrigeration Stainless Steel Cooler: Continental Dishwasher: Jackson Booster Water Heater: Hatco (2) Heated Cabinet: Metro (2) Stainless Steel Coolers: Traulsen Walk-in 8x8 Refrigerator Evap Fans Walk-in 8x4 Freezer Evap Fans Ice Cream Chest Freezer (2) Heated Cabinet: Metro Chest Freezer: Nelson M#GDM-35 S#1-5077375 115V ½ HP R134A M#MT27 115V 1ø 8.5A R134A M#GDM-23HL S#1-1713658 115V 1/3 HP R134A M#GDM-05PT-S S#1-3094232 115V 1/5 HP R134A Model #CC45 Serial# Not Legible 45 KW M#C199-H(1)N 1990W Continued on next page Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 89/111 Continued from previous page Building System Refrigeration Refrigeration Cooking Cooking Cooking Cooking Lighting Description Walk-in 8x10 Refrigerator Evap Fans 3-Door Cooler: Koch Electric Range: Toastmaster Top/bottom Oven: Hussman Top/bottom Oven: Blodgett Steam Generator: Market Cleveland See details Appendix B Estimated Remaining Useful Life % Model # Fuel Location Space Served Date Installed (locked) Electric Kitchen Kitchen Circa 1964 0% (locked) Electric Kitchen Kitchen Circa 1964 0% No Nameplate Electric Kitchen Kitchen Circa 2005 75% No Nameplate Electric Kitchen Kitchen Circa 1980 0% No Nameplate Electric Kitchen Kitchen Circa 1964 0% No Nameplate Electric Kitchen Kitchen Circa 2005 75% - Electric See details - Appendix B Note: The remaining useful life of a system (in %) is an estimate based on the system date of built and existing conditions derived from visual inspection. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 90/111 Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Appendix B: Lighting Study Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 91/111 Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 92/111 Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 93/111 Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 94/111 Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 95/111 Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 96/111 Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 97/111 APPENDIX C: THIRD PARTY ENERGY SUPPLIERS Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 98/111 Third Party Gas Suppliers for NJNG Service Territory Cooperative Industries 412-420 Washington Avenue Belleville, NJ 07109 Direct Energy Services, LLC 120 Wood Avenue, Suite 611 Iselin, NJ 08830 Gateway Energy Services Corp. 44 Whispering Pines Lane Lakewood, NJ 08701 UGI Energy Services, Inc. 704 East Main Street, Suite 1 Moorestown, NJ 08057 Hess Corporation 1 Hess Plaza Woodbridge, NJ 07095 Intelligent Energy 2050 Center Avenue, Suite 500 Fort Lee, NJ 07024 Metromedia Energy, Inc. 6 Industrial Way Eatontown, NJ 07724 MxEnergy, Inc. 510 Thornall Street, Suite 270 Edison, NJ 08837 NATGASCO (Mitchell Supreme) 532 Freeman Street Orange, NJ 07050 NJ Gas & Electric 1 Bridge Plaza, Fl. 2 Fort Lee, NJ 07024 Pepco Energy Services, Inc. 112 Main Street Lebanon, NJ 08833 PPL EnergyPlus, LLC 811 Church Road Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 South Jersey Energy Company One South Jersey Plaza, Route 54 Folsom, NJ 08037 Sprague Energy Corp. 12 Ridge Road Chatham Township, NJ 07928 Woodruff Energy 73 Water Street Bridgeton, NJ 08302 Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Telephone & Web Site (800) 628-9427 (866) 547-2722 (800) 805-8586 (856) 273-9995 (800) 437-7872 (800) 724-1880 (877) 750-7046 (800) 375-1277 (800) 840-4427 (866) 568-0290 (800) 363-7499 (800) 281-2000 (800) 756-3749 (800) 225-1560 (800) 557-1121 Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 99/111 APPENDIX D: GLOSSARY AND METHOD OF CALCULATIONS Net ECM Cost: The net ECM cost is the cost experienced by the customer, which is typically the total cost (materials + labor) of installing the measure minus any available incentives. Both the total cost and the incentive amounts are expressed in the summary for each ECM. Annual Energy Cost Savings (AECS): This value is determined by the audit firm based on the calculated energy savings (kWh or Therm) of each ECM and the calculated energy costs of the building. Lifetime Energy Cost Savings (LECS): This measure estimates the energy cost savings over the lifetime of the ECM. It can be a simple estimation based on fixed energy costs. If desired, this value can factor in an annual increase in energy costs as long as the source is provided. Simple Payback: This is a simple measure that displays how long the ECM will take to breakeven based on the annual energy and maintenance savings of the measure. ECM Lifetime: This is included with each ECM so that the owner can see how long the ECM will be in place and whether or not it will exceed the simple payback period. Additional guidance for calculating ECM lifetimes can be found below. This value can come from manufacturer’s rated lifetime or warranty, the ASHRAE rated lifetime, or any other valid source. Operating Cost Savings (OCS): This calculation is an annual operating savings for the ECM. It is the difference in the operating, maintenance, and / or equipment replacement costs of the existing case versus the ECM. In the case where an ECM lifetime will be longer than the existing measure (such as LED lighting versus fluorescent) the operating savings will factor in the cost of replacing the units to match the lifetime of the ECM. In this case or in one where one-time repairs are made, the total replacement / repair sum is averaged over the lifetime of the ECM. Return on Investment (ROI): The ROI is expresses the percentage return of the investment based on the lifetime cost savings of the ECM. This value can be included as an annual or lifetime value, or both. Net Present Value (NPV): The NPV calculates the present value of an investment’s future cash flows based on the time value of money, which is accounted for by a discount rate (assumes bond rate of 3.2%). Internal Rate of Return (IRR): The IRR expresses an annual rate that results in a break-even point for the investment. If the owner is currently experiencing a lower return on their capital than the IRR, the project is financially advantageous. This measure also allows the owner to compare ECMs against each other to determine the most appealing choices. Gas Rate and Electric Rate ($/therm and $/kWh): The gas rate and electric rate used in the financial analysis is the total annual energy cost divided by the total annual energy usage for the 12 month billing period studied. The graphs of the monthly gas and electric rates reflect the total monthly energy costs divided by the monthly usage, and display how the average rate fluctuates throughout the year. The average annual rate is the only rate used in energy savings calculations. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 100/111 Calculation References Term ECM AOCS AECS LOCS* LECS LCS NPV IRR DR Net ECM Cost LECS AOCS LCS Simple Payback Lifetime ROI Annual ROI Definition Energy Conservation Measure Annual Operating Cost Savings Annual Energy Cost Savings Lifetime Operating Cost Savings Lifetime Energy Cost Savings Lifetime Cost Savings Net Present Value Internal Rate of Return Discount Rate Total ECM Cost – Incentive AECS X ECM Lifetime LOCS / ECM Lifetime LOCS+LECS Net ECM Cost / (AECS + AOCS) (LECS + LOCS – Net ECM Cost) / Net ECM Cost (Lifetime ROI / Lifetime) = [(AECS + OCS) / Net ECM Cost – (1 / Lifetime)] * The lifetime operating cost savings are all avoided operating, maintenance, and/or component replacement costs over the lifetime of the ECM. This can be the sum of any annual operating savings, recurring or bulk (i.e. one-time repairs) maintenance savings, or the savings that comes from avoiding equipment replacement needed for the existing measure to meet the lifetime of the ECM (e.g. lighting change outs). Excel NPV and IRR Calculation In Excel, function =IRR (values) and =NPV(rate, values) are used to quickly calculate the IRR and NPV of a series of annual cash flows. The investment cost will typically be a negative cash flow at year 0 (total cost - incentive) with years 1 through the lifetime receiving a positive cash flow from the annual energy cost savings and annual maintenance savings. The calculations in the example below are for an ECM that saves $850 annually in energy and maintenance costs (over a 10 year lifetime) and takes $5,000 to purchase and install after incentives: Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 101/111 Solar PV ECM Calculation There are several components to the calculation: Costs: Energy Savings: Incentive 1: Incentive 2: Assumptions: Material of PV system including panels, mounting and net-metering + Labor Reduction of kWh electric cost for life of panel, 25 years NJ Renewable Energy Incentive Program (REIP), for systems of size 50kW or less, $1/Watt incentive subtracted from installation cost Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) - Market-rate incentive. Calculations assume $600/Megawatt hour consumed per year for a maximum of 15 years; added to annual energy cost savings for a period of 15 years. (Megawatt hour used is rounded to nearest 1,000 kWh) A Solar Pathfinder device is used to analyze site shading for the building and determine maximum amount of full load operation based on available sunlight. When the Solar Pathfinder device is not implemented, amount of full load operation based on available sunlight is assumed to be 1,180 hours in New Jersey. Total lifetime PV energy cost savings = kWh produced by panel * [$/kWh cost * 25 years + $600/Megawatt hour /1000 * 15 years] ECM and Equipment Lifetimes Determining a lifetime for equipment and ECM’s can sometimes be difficult. The following table contains a list of lifetimes that the NJCEP uses in its commercial and industrial programs. Other valid sources are also used to determine lifetimes, such as the DOE, ASHRAE, or the manufacturer’s warranty. Lighting is typically the most difficult lifetime to calculate because the fixture, ballast, and bulb can all have different lifetimes. Essentially the ECM analysis will have different operating cost savings (avoided equipment replacement) depending on which lifetime is used. When the bulb lifetime is used (rated burn hours / annual burn hours), the operating cost savings is just reflecting the theoretical cost of replacing the existing case bulb and ballast over the life of the recommended bulb. Dividing by the bulb lifetime will give an annual operating cost savings. When a fixture lifetime is used (e.g. 15 years) the operating cost savings reflects the avoided bulb and ballast replacement cost of the existing case over 15 years minus the projected bulb and ballast replacement cost of the proposed case over 15 years. This will give the difference of the equipment replacement costs between the proposed and existing cases and when divided by 15 years will give the annual operating cost savings. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 102/111 New Jersey Clean Energy Program Commercial & Industrial Lifetimes Measure Commercial Lighting — New Commercial Lighting — Remodel/Replacement Commercial Custom — New Commercial Chiller Optimization Commercial Unitary HVAC — New - Tier 1 Commercial Unitary HVAC — Replacement - Tier 1 Commercial Unitary HVAC — New - Tier 2 Commercial Unitary HVAC — Replacement Tier 2 Commercial Chillers — New Commercial Chillers — Replacement Commercial Small Motors (1-10 HP) — New or Replacement Commercial Medium Motors (11-75 HP) — New or Replacement Commercial Large Motors (76-200 HP) — New or Replacement Commercial VSDs — New Commercial VSDs — Retrofit Commercial Comprehensive New Construction Design Commercial Custom — Replacement Industrial Lighting — New Industrial Lighting — Remodel/Replacement Industrial Unitary HVAC — New - Tier 1 Industrial Unitary HVAC — Replacement - Tier 1 Industrial Unitary HVAC — New - Tier 2 Industrial Unitary HVAC — Replacement Tier 2 Industrial Chillers — New Industrial Chillers — Replacement Industrial Small Motors (1-10 HP) — New or Replacement Industrial Medium Motors (11-75 HP) — New or Replacement Industrial Large Motors (76-200 HP) — New or Replacement Industrial VSDs — New Industrial VSDs — Retrofit Industrial Custom — Non-Process Industrial Custom — Process Small Commercial Gas Furnace — New or Replacement Small Commercial Gas Boiler — New or Replacement Small Commercial Gas DHW — New or Replacement C&I Gas Absorption Chiller — New or Replacement C&I Gas Custom — New or Replacement (Engine Driven Chiller) C&I Gas Custom — New or Replacement (Gas Efficiency Measures) O&M savings Compressed Air (GWh participant) Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Life Span 15 15 18 18 15 15 15 15 25 25 20 20 20 15 15 18 18 15 15 15 15 15 15 25 25 20 20 20 15 15 18 10 20 20 10 25 25 18 3 8 Page 103/111 APPENDIX E: STATEMENT OF ENERGY PERFORMANCE FROM ENERGY STAR® Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 104/111 APPENDIX F: INCENTIVE PROGRAMS New Jersey Clean Energy Pay for Performance The NJ Clean Energy Pay for Performance (P4P) Program relies on a network of Partners who provide technical services to clients. LGEA participating clients who are not receiving Direct Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants are eligible for P4P. SWA is an eligible Partner and can develop an Energy Reduction Plan for each project with a whole-building traditional energy audit, a financial plan for funding the energy measures and an installation construction schedule. The Energy Reduction Plan must define a comprehensive package of measures capable of reducing a building’s energy consumption by 15+%. P4P incentives are awarded upon the satisfactory completion of three program milestones: submittal of an Energy Reduction Plan prepared by an approved Program Partner, installation of the recommended measures and completion of a Post-Construction Benchmarking Report. Theincentives for electricity and natural gas savings will be paid based on actual savings, provided that the minimum 15%performance threshold savings has been achieved. For further information, please see: . Direct Install 2010 Program* Direct Install is a division of the New Jersey Clean Energy Programs’ Smart Start Buildings. It is a turn-key program for small to mid-sized facilities to aid in upgrading equipment to more efficient types. It is designed to cut overall energy costs by upgrading lighting, HVAC and other equipment with energy efficient alternatives. The program pays up to 60% of the retrofit costs, including equipment cost and installation costs. Eligibility: x Existing small and mid-sized commercial and industrial facilities with peak electrical demand below 200 kW within 12 months of applying x Must be located in New Jersey x Must be served by one of the state’s public, regulated or natural gas companies x Electric: Atlantic City Electric, Jersey Central Power & Light, Orange Rockland Electric, PSE&G x Natural Gas: Elizabethtown Gas, New Jersey Natural Gas, PSE&G, South Jersey Gas For the most up to date information on contractors in New Jersey who participate in this program, go to: Smart Start New Jersey’s SmartStart Building Program is administered by New Jersey’s Office of Clean Energy. The program also offers design support for larger projects and technical assistance for smaller projects. If your project specifications do not fit into anything defined by the program, there are even incentives available for custom projects. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 105/111 There are a number of improvement options for commercial, industrial, institutional, government, and agricultural projects throughout New Jersey. Alternatives are designed to enhance quality while building in energy efficiency to save money. Project categories included in this program are New Construction and Additions, Renovations, Remodeling and Equipment Replacement. For the most up to date information on how to participate in this program, go to: Renewable Energy Incentive Program* The Renewable Energy Incentive Program (REIP) provides incentives that reduce the upfront cost of installing renewable energy systems, including solar, wind, and sustainable biomass. Incentives vary depending upon technology, system size, and building type. Current incentive levels, participation information, and application forms can be found at the website listed below. Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) represent all the clean energy benefits of electricity generated from a solar energy system. SRECs can be sold or traded separately from the power, providing owners a source of revenue to help offset the cost of installation. All solar project owners in New Jersey with electric distribution grid-connected systems are eligible to generate SRECs. Each time a system generates 1,000 kWh of electricity an SREC is earned and placed in the customer's account on the web-based SREC tracking system. For the most up to date information on how to participate in this program, go to: Utility Sponsored Programs Check with your local utility companies for further opportunities that may be available. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Rebate Program The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Rebate Program provides supplemental funding up to $20,000 for eligible New Jersey local government entities to lower the cost of installing energy conservation measures. Funding for the EECBG Rebate Program is provided through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). For the most up to date information on how to participate in this program, go to: Other Federal and State Sponsored Programs Other federal and state sponsored funding opportunities may be available, including BLOCK and R&D grant funding. For more information, please check *Subject to availability. Incentive program timelines might not be sufficient to meet the 25% in 12 months spending requirement outlined in the LGEA program. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 106/111 ECM # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 est. installed cost, $ 42,460 2,250 7,700 892 623 17,710 2,287 est. incentives, $ 3,860 0 700 280 0 1,860 0 38,600 2,250 7,000 612 623 15,850 2,287 Net ECM cost with incentives, $ 102,969 3,600 32,004 3,189 1,558 82,518 34,933 Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report 10 Drinks & 3 snack vending misers installed 124 T5 fixtures to be installed with incentives 14 CFL fixtures to be installed with incentives 14 LED fixtures to be installed with incentives 35 Motion sensors to be installed with incentives 3 NEW ENERGY STAR® 18 cu ft Refrigerator 193 Occupancy sensors to be installed with incentives ECM description kWh, 1st yr savings kW, demand reduction/mo therms, 1st yr savings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.4 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.5 kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings Freehold RHSD-Howell High School 21.5 1.1 6.7 0.7 0.3 17.2 10.6 est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ 0 582 0 66 468 7,324 2,530 10 12 10 15 8 15 10 Projected Measure Life, yrs Page 107/111 16,166 1,147 5,025 567 713 20,279 8,014 Annual Energy Cost Savings, $ Recommended Improvements APPENDIX G: ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES est. lifetime cost savings, $ 161,661 13,766 50,246 8,500 5,701 304,190 80,145 simple payback, yrs 2.4 2.0 1.4 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.3 lifetime return on investment, % 319 512 618 1,289 815 1,819 3,404 annual return on investment, % 32 43 62 86 102 121 340 internal rate of return, % 40 51 71 93 114 128 350 net present value, $ 94,868 8,754 34,328 5,868 4,203 215,870 63,358 74,138 2,592 23,043 2,296 1,122 59,413 25,152 CO2 reduced, lbs/yr ECM # 5,745 33 Bi-level fixtures to be installed with incentives 13 est. incentives, $ 825 0 2,100 270 1,275 108 Net ECM cost with incentives, $ 4,920 26,250 47,900 1,758 27,480 700 5,362 31,000 0 2,177 34,970 1,127 kWh, 1st yr savings Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report 26,250 Install VFDs on (5) 10HP motors 50,000 2,028 28,755 808 est. installed cost, $ 12 11 10 9 8 Replace (2) 5HP Superior boiler burner motors with (2) premium efficiency motors 51 Pulse start metal halide fixtures to be installed with incentives Replace (3) 10HP hot water circulation pump motors with premium efficiency motors Replace 2092 MBH input HW Heater with (3) 400 MBH input, 96% efficient, direct vent unit ECM description kW, demand reduction/mo therms, 1st yr savings 0 0 5,980 0 0 0 kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings 0.1 0.4 2.4 0.0 0.5 0.0 0 0 0 0 880 0 est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ Freehold RHSD-Howell High School 1.1 6.5 0.0 0.5 7.3 0.2 Annual Energy Cost Savings, $ 10 20 13 20 15 20 Projected Measure Life, yrs Page 108/111 842 4,867 9,359 342 6,370 177 est. lifetime cost savings, $ 8,418 97,340 121,663 6,836 95,554 3,539 simple payback, yrs 5.8 5.4 5.1 5.1 4.3 4.0 lifetime return on investment, % 71 271 154 289 248 406 annual return on investment, % 7 14 12 14 17 20 internal rate of return, % 11 18 17 19 22 25 net present value, $ 2,120 46,159 51,629 3,327 46,007 1,932 3,861 42,470 69,966 2,982 25,178 1,544 CO2 reduced, lbs/yr ECM # 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 est. installed cost, $ 18,750 30,000 5,250 1,188,525 360,525 49,299 182,000 186,750 est. incentives, $ 548 1,104 0 0 22,500 6,045 8,000 0 Net ECM cost with incentives, $ 18,203 28,896 5,250 1,188,525 338,025 43,254 174,000 186,750 5,192 6,858 3,425 189,087 56,821 21,974 0 68,038 kWh, 1st yr savings Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Retrocommissioning Replace (2) 8369 MBH input Boilers with (4) 2000 MBH input 96% efficient, condensing boilers 403 T8 fixtures to be installed with incentives Install a 48.07 kW PV System with Incentives Install a 158.47 kW PV System without Incentives Evap Fans on walk in freezer and cooler Replace (3) 4ton split system condensing units with 14SEER units Replace Trane 7.5-ton cooling only rooftop unit with 13 EER unit ECM description kW, demand reduction/mo therms, 1st yr savings 0 0 0 0 0 0 16,310 11,247 kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings 1.7 0.1 0.0 2.6 0.8 0.3 6.6 5.4 0 0 0 0 0 2,324 0 1,820 est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ Freehold RHSD-Howell High School 1.1 1.4 0.7 158.0 48.0 4.6 0.0 14.2 Annual Energy Cost Savings, $ 15 15 20 25 25 15 25 12 Projected Measure Life, yrs Page 109/111 815 2,051 538 143,087 42,521 5,774 25,525 31,510 est. lifetime cost savings, $ 12,383 30,758 10,755 742,166 223,022 86,609 638,129 378,124 simple payback, yrs 22.3 14.1 9.8 8.3 7.9 7.5 6.8 5.9 lifetime return on investment, % -32 6 105 106 115 100 267 102 annual return on investment, % -2 0 5 4 5 7 11 9 internal rate of return, % -5 1 237 9 10 10 14 13 net present value, $ -8,471 -4,417 578,616 682,175 218,431 23,923 270,473 119,372 7,113 9,395 4,692 259,049 77,845 15,821 190,827 245,797 CO2 reduced, lbs/yr ECM # 25 24 23 22 5,000 37,500 3,750 101,250 est. installed cost, $ est. incentives, $ Net ECM cost with incentives, $ 4,816 36,120 3,612 98,288 1,142 8,570 857 25,962 kW, demand reduction/mo 0.2 1.8 0.2 5.4 therms, 1st yr savings 0 0 0 0 kBtu/sq ft, 1st yr savings 0.4 2.8 0.3 8.3 est. operating cost, 1st yr savings, $ 0 0 0 0 Annual Energy Cost Savings, $ 179 1,345 135 4,076 Projected Measure Life, yrs 15 15 15 15 est. lifetime cost savings, $ 2,724 20,439 2,044 61,919 simple payback, yrs 26.9 26.8 26.8 24.1 lifetime return on investment, % -43 -43 -43 -37 annual return on investment, % -3 -3 -3 -2 -7 -7 -7 -5 internal rate of return, % Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 110/111 Discount Rate: 3.2% per DOE FEMP; Energy Price Escalation Rate: 0% per DOE FEMP Guidelines A 0.0 electrical demand reduction/month indicates that it is very low/negligible 184 1,380 138 2,963 kWh, 1st yr savings Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Assumptions: Note: Replace 35ton cooling only rooftop unit with (3) 12.5 ton, 13 EER units Replace Trane 1.5-ton cooling only rooftop unit with 14 EER unit Replace (5) 3ton split system condensing units with 14SEER units Replace (2) 1ton split system condensing units with 14SEER units ECM description net present value, $ -2,676 -20,058 -2,006 -49,628 1,565 11,741 1,174 35,568 CO2 reduced, lbs/yr APPENDIX H: METHOD OF ANALYSIS Assumptions and tools Energy modeling tool: Cost estimates: Established/standard industry assumptions, E-Quest RS Means 2009 (Facilities Maintenance & Repair Cost Data) RS Means 2009 (Building Construction Cost Data) RS Means 2009 (Mechanical Cost Data) Published and established specialized equipment material and labor costs Cost estimates also based on utility bill analysis and prior experience with similar projects Disclaimer This engineering audit was prepared using the most current and accurate fuel consumption data available for the site. The estimates that it projects are intended to help guide the owner toward best energy choices. The costs and savings are subject to fluctuations in weather, variations in quality of maintenance, changes in prices of fuel, materials, and labor, and other factors. Although we cannot guarantee savings or costs, we suggest that you use this report for economic analysis of the building and as a means to estimate future cash flow. THE RECOMMENDATIONS PRESENTED IN THIS REPORT ARE BASED ON THE RESULTS OF ANALYSIS, INSPECTION, AND PERFORMANCE TESTING OF A SAMPLE OF COMPONENTS OF THE BUILDING SITE. ALTHOUGH CODE-RELATED ISSUES MAY BE NOTED, SWA STAFF HAVE NOT COMPLETED A COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION FOR CODE-COMPLIANCE OR HEALTH AND SAFETY ISSUES. THE OWNER(S) AND MANAGER(S) OF THE BUILDING(S) CONTAINED IN THIS REPORT ARE REMINDED THAT ANY IMPROVEMENTS SUGGESTED IN THIS SCOPE OF WORK MUST BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS THAT APPLY TO SAID WORK. PARTICULAR ATTENTION MUST BE PAID TO ANY WORK WHICH INVOLVES HEATING AND AIR MOVEMENT SYSTEMS, AND ANY WORK WHICH WILL INVOLVE THE DISTURBANCE OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING MOLD, ASBESTOS, OR LEAD. Steven Winter Associates, Inc. - LGEA Final Report Freehold RHSD-Howell High School Page 111/111