Adjunct Professors UGS West
Adjunct Professors UGS West
UNION GRADUATE SCHOOL-WEST ADJUNCT PROFESSOR LIST Richard Wasserstrom, LLB, Ph.D., Contemporary Moral problems. Legal-philosophical aspects of racism, sexism, punishment, war, sexual morality. Len Pearson, Ph.D., Sonoma State College, Rohnert Park, California Gerontology, Psychological aspects of disease, Death and Dying, Emotions and Disease. James V. Hiller, Ph.D., General education and University College administration personnel Arthur Wijgner, Department of Drama, University of California-San Diego, La Jolla, California. Actor training, Directing, Use of Transactional Analysis for the Actor. Peter T. Knoepfler, H.D., General Psychiatry, Organizational Structure, Authority, Group therapy and dynamics, Human Sexuality. Jeanne A. Woolf, Ph.D., ADPP. Clinical Psychology, Psychotherapy, Psycho Diagnosis, Vocational Counseling. Stanlslov Grof, M.D., Buck Creek, Big Sur, California. Psychedelic Drugs, Altered States of Consciousness, Drug Assisted Psycho-therapy. David Strom, Ph.D., San Diego State University, San Diego, Californi a. Education, American Studies, Humanities. Philip Robert Harris, Ph.D., Behavioral Science, Management, Organizations, Group Dynamics, Communications, Change. Ralph Keyes, Professional freelance writer, non-fiction emphasis. Leland R. Kaiser, MPH, Ph.D., Health planning and administration, experimental education, futurism, general systems theory, social ecology. Paul H. Sheats, Ph.D, UCLA, Los Angeles, California. Community development, University extension, adult education. Page 2 Dorothy S. Blackmore, Ed.D., Davis, California, Early childhood education, teacher education, elementary curriculum. Alan H. Clarke, H.D., Psychiatry, Bio-energetics, growth and hearing. Hare R. Tool, Ph.D., Department of Economics, California State University-Sacramento, Home economics, comparative Ideologies, comparative systems, history of thought, Institutional and social economics. Thomas L. Gillette, Ph.D., Department of Sociology, San Diego State University Applied humanistic sociology, organizational development, social correlates of physical design, land development, e.g., new towns. Roberta Roberts Elee, Ph.D., ABPP, Honolulu, Hawaii, Clinical psychology, cltntcal assessment, testing, child psychology. Arthur L. Costa, Ed.D., Sacramento, California. Curriculum and Instruction, theories of learning, curriculum theory. Nora Weckler, Ph.D., California State University, Northrldge, California, Humanistic psychology, human relations, group dynamics, art therapy, organizational development. William P. Ellis, Jr., Department of Architecture, University of California-Berkeley, Architecture, environment, Richard A. Schmuck, Ph.D., CEPM, University of Oregon, Eugene Sociology of education, organizational change, group processes, attitude. Lawrence N. Solomon, Ph.D., La Jolla, California. Group dynamics, team building, organizational development, leadership training, conflict management, research design. Lester A. Kirkendall, Ph.D., Portland, Oregon. Human sexuality, Interpersonal relationships, marriage and family. Alan Mikels, Ph.D., UOP Department of Communication Sciences, Stockton, California. Conununtcatfon Processes, alternative education, University W/0 Walls Director. Jack R. Gibb, Ph.D., La Jolla, California Emergence (TORI) theory of social systems. Page 3 Otis H. Shao, Ph.D., Vice President, Occidental College, Occidental, California. International Politics, Developmental experience of China, Alternative education, University administration. Cliff Bryan, Ph.D., Social Department, Idaho State University, Sociology Education, Minorities. Leonard J. Duhl, Professor of Public Health and City planning, Universlty of California-Berkeley, Social policy, city planning, health planning, humanistic psychology, social change. Warren Boskin, Ph.D., San Diego, California. Health education, comnunlty, school, death education. Earl R. Burrows, Ph.D., La Jolla, California. Human dimensions In medical education, training programs, organizational development. David Cole Gordon, LLB, Ph.D., San Francisco, California.Clinical Psychology, life counseling. Eva Schiridler-Rainman, DSW, Los Angeles, California. Humanistic psychology, group and organization theory. Le Roi Matthew-Pierre Smith Ill, Ph.D., Olympia, Washington. Clinical Psychology, affective education, innovative education, human relations. Luis F. Rivera, Ph.D., Oakland, California. Software aspects of communicatton, science, educational psychology, educational television, Latin America. Richard Flacks, Ph.D., Department of Sociology, University of California-Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California. Political sociology, social movements, youth-student political attitudes, potential for American left. F. Martin Erickson, Ed.D., Salt Lake City, Utah. Group work, organizational development, counseling, psychology, education. Alice V. Kellher, Ph.D., Tucson, Arizona. Human development, early childhood education, general education, community organization. William D. Stillwell, Ph.D., Prescott, Arizona. Anthropology, psychology, culture and personality, minorities, prisons, mysticism. Lois Brien, Ph.D., Gestalt therapy, feminism, media. Page 4 Guido Alan Barrientos, Ph.D., El Paso, Texas. Research psychology, learning theory, behavior modification, cross-cultural studies. Peter Eckman, M.D., Ph.D., Palo Alto, California. Humanistic medicine, holistic approach to healing systems, acupuncture. Eastern-western medicine. Leo Barrow? Ph.D., University of Arizona, Department of Romance Languages, Tucson, Arizona. Latin American literature, Spanish literature, language studies, teaching of language. Gary Francis, Ph.D., Department of Economics, California State University-Chico, Chico, California. Economics, Institutional-social issues, Public Finance. Dewitt Baldwin, Jr., M.D. University of Nevada-Reno, Reno, Nevada. Health administration and education. Guy Chapman, Ph.D., Visalia, California. Human Potential, groups, confluent education, mental health, educational change. Kenneth Freeman, Ph.D., Fairhaven College, Bellingham, Washington. Philosophy, religion, humanities, Innovative education. Louise Bronson, Ph.D., Tucson, Arizona. Clinical Psychology, Sociology. Glen A. Eyford, Ph.D., University of Alberta, Edmonton, Division of Community Development, Alberta, Canada. Adult Education, communlty development, learning models. Thomas Allan Rhue, Ph.D., San Francisco, CA. lnternational Relations, Sociology, Afro-American Studies. Addison W. Somerville, Ph.D. Sacramento, California. Psychology, developmental, school, social and counseling. Richard H. Blum, LLB, School of Law, Stanford University, Stanford, California. Applied Social Sciences, especially policy studies, criminology, drug studies, medical care. Gillian D. Bryant, Ph.D., Department of Anatomy and Reproductive Biology, School of Medicine, Un1'erslty of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. Professor Vat Chiow Yeung, San Francisco, California. Chinese medicine, Chinese philosophy, herbal medicine and acupuncture. (Chinese language only). Anthony W. Corso, Ph.D., Del Mar, California. Urban planning, community development and change. Page 5 Barbara Nieweg Blansett, Ph.D., Littleton, Colorado. Women's Studies, American Literature. Robert Gordon Mcintosh, Faculty of Education, the Unlversity of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Organizationalchange and development, administrative behavior. Barry M. Mar, Ph.D., Center for Urban Studies, Fairhaven College, Seattle, Washington. Urban education, Politics of Education, lnnovative education. Alan D. Button, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, California State UniversityFresno, Fresno, California. Clinical Psychology, alcoholism, child abuse. Theresa Crenshaw, Ph.D., M.D., San Diego, California. Reproductive Biology and Sexual dysfunction. Roger T. Crenshaw, Ph.D., M.D., San Diego, California. Reproductive Biology and Sexual dysfunction. Fannie Canson, Ed.D., Sacramento, California. Childhood education, learning theory, ethnic studies,: teaching children of diverse cultures. Louis E. Casaus, Ph.D., Tempe, Arizona. Career and educational counseling, Chicano guidance and counseling, ethnic education, parent involvement in minority education. Cedric Coles Clark, Ph.D., Kresge College, UCSC, Santa Cruz, California. African studies, Black psychology, communications. Joan Cole, Ph.D., Berkeley, California. Clinical and social psychology, institutional racism, social work, housing problems. Mary Curran, Ph.D., Pleasanton, California. Family and child counseling; group process; educational counseling; drug abuse programs. John Dusay, M.D., San Francisco, California. Transactional Analysis, Psychiatry. Margaret Dickey, Ph.D., Phoenix, Arizona.Child development; mental health programs in schools; Black child development. Chris Downing, Ph.D., Department of Religious Studies; San Diego State University, San Diego, California. Theological studies; Humanistic psychology; psychology and religion; human sexuality. Page 6 Adalberto Guerrero, Professor; Chairman, Mexican American Studies Comnittee, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. Bilingual education; Mexican-American studies; educational administration; language teaching. Annabel Glasgow-Gross, Ed.D., Sacramento, California. Clinical Psychology; educational counseling. Margaret Grfbskov, Ph.D. Olympia, Washington. School c011111unity relations; society and education. Clark Kerr, Ph.D., Carnegie Council on Policy Studies, Berkeley, California. Economics; higher education. Hubert G. Locke, Professor, Seattle, Washington. Urban Studies; criminology; religion and society; university administration. Ronald Robert Levaco, Ph.D., San Francisco, California. Film theory; history and production; Sov,�et films; coovnunicatlons. Thomas C. Lovitt, Ph.D., Kirkland, Washington. Special education; mental retardation; behavior modification; child psychology. Betty D. Meador, Ph.D., Ramona, California. Clinical Psychology, client-centered therapy; group process; family counseling. Michael R. Miller, Ph.D., Oakland, California. Educational administration; minority and urban education; teacher education. Miguel Montiel, D.S.W., Tempe, Arizona. Social work; psychiatric social work; Chicano studies; child care programs. Leo Munoz, Ph.D.,Tempe, Arizona. Clinical Psychology; emotional disturbance; special education; bilingual, bicultural programs; minority students and educational services. T.E. McCormick, M.D., Kentfield, California. Psychotherapy; psychodrama; sociometry. Robert L. Newcomb, Ph.D. School of Social Sciences,Univeristy of California-Irvine, Irvine, California. Rehabilitation of criminal offenders; education as rehabilitation; computers in education; curricular design In mathematics. Claudio Benjamin Naranjo, M.D., Albany, California. Psychiatry; psychic healing; psychedelic drugs. Elizabeth Ness-Nelson, Ph.D., Fresno, California. Sociology; sex roles; aging; sociology of work. Richard E. Peterson, Ph.D., Berkeley, California. Educational psychology; educational testing; student reform and protest movement; research psychology in higher education. Evelyn S. Paley, Ph.D., Denver, Colorado. Clinical Psychology; Child Psychology; Women's Studies; therapy in medical rehabilitation. Wendy Squyres, Ph.D., San Francisco, California. Public health education; educational psychology; human sexuality; Women's Health Studies; drug abuse. Leland H. Scott, Ph.D., Tucson, Arizona. Use of human resources; religious studies; community services. Stanley Edward Sherman, Ph.D. Stanislaus State College, Turlock, California. Clinical Psychology; Research Psychology; empathy studies; personality theory; Social Psychology. Rita Singer, L.L.B., Carmichael, California. Legal studies; water and power service; Federal Administration. Charles W. Thomas, Ph.D., El Cajon, California. Clinical Psychology; Black Psychology; Health care and rehabilitation for poor, aging and ethnic minorities. Armando Valdez, A.B .D., Hayward, California. Chicano Literature; studies, education. Jerome David White, Ph.D., Palo Alto, California. Transactional Analysis; educational administration; religious administration. Do�othy Gates Whitmore, Ed.D., Alaska Methodist University, Anchorage, Alaska. Educational Psyc�ology; cooperative education; psychological testing; special education - "upward bound". Fred foby Weiss, Ph.D., Valley Center, California. Transpersonal Psychology; consciousness alteration; psychic healing. Constance Faulkner, Ph.D., Bellingham, Was hington. Economics, economic growth, planning. Gary Arsham, Ph.D., M.D., San Francisco, California. Medical education. William T. Arnesen, Ph.D, Olympia, Washington. Transpersonal Psychology; consciousness alteration; experimental Psychology; engineering. Page 8 Douglas C. Bowman, Ph.D., Redlands, California.rheological studies; Psychology of religion. Fernando Camara, Ph.D., Mexico. Social anthropology; Mexican cultural studies; Mexican migration to the United Slates. William S. Campbell, Ed.D., Denver, Colorado. Educational psychology; Clinical Psychology; family therapy; organizational development. Bastien, Sheila, Ph.D., Berkeley,·Gal ifornia. Jungian Psychology; clinical assessment;.neuropsychological a,sessment; group work; ·hypnosis.and biofeedback. W illiam Engbretson, Ph.D., Oak Park, Illinois. Higher education; television In educatiai; teacher education; university administration. _Robert E. Kantor, Ph.D., Pacific Graduate School of Psychology, Palo Alto, California. Clinical Psychology; Experimental Psychology; Transpersonal Psychology; Educational Psychology. Sherman Kingsbury, Ph.D., Mill Valley, California. Personal growth; group dynamics; management relationship training; marketing of new products; organizational development. Anthony Platt, D. Crim., Unlverslty of Caltfornia-Berkeley, Berkeley, California. Criminology; delinquency; radical criminology; sociology of law; police practices; history of American Sociology. Thomas Price, Ph.D., San Francisco, California. Theatre; film; dramatic literature; dramatic theory and methodology; communications. Hugh Redmond, Ph.D., Johnston College, University of Redlands, Redlands, California. Transpersonal Psychology; psycho-spiritual energies; Psycho-synthesis; social and philosophical foundations of education; Urban studies. John R. Seeley, Ph.D., Martin Luther King, Jr., General Hospital, Department of Psychiatry,Los Angeles, California. James S. Simkin, Ph.D.,Big Sur, California. Clinical Psychology; Gestalt therapy. Dr. Herman Schwendinger, Ph.D.,Berkeley, California. Criminology; Marxism and Criminology; delinquency; radical critique of Sociology. Page 9 Walter E. Tubbs, Ph.D., Johnston College, University of Redlands, Redlands California. Clinical Psychology, Neuro-psychology, humanistic psychology, biofeedback. Paul Takagi, Ph.D., Oakland, California. Criminology, drug abuse, university administration, radical critique of Criminology. Narcisa Zarate, Ph.D., El Paso, Texas. Adult education, bilingual education, educational counseling. Olujimt Bamgbose, San Diego, California. African Art, African culture, African psychology, child psychology. Michael Sullivan, Ph.D., San Diego, California. Counseling psychology, counselor education, rehabilitation programming, drug abuse. Will Schutz, Ph.D., Mill Valley, California. Human growth, interpersonal dynamics. Stewart Proctor, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Clinical Psychology, research psychology, behavior modification. Wilhelmina Perry, Ph.D. San Diego, California. Social services, social welfare, communlty organization, urban studies, Black education, Social work and the Black comnunlty. Will Kennedy, Ph.D., Associate Professor, San Diego State University, San Diego, California. Social research, Chicano studies, disaster studies, the role of police in communlttes. Eleanor Slgny Knutsen, Ph.D., Albany, California. Counseling psychology, child development, vocational counseling, Silva Mind control, Transactional Analysts, body/mind theories. Maurice Friedman, Ph.D., Department of Philosophy, San Diego State University, San Diego, California. Existentialism; philosophy and literature; religious studies. Monroe Price, School of Law, University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. Legal studies; Native American law; communications law. Mar vin Sternberg, Ph.D., Berkeley, California. Socioeconomic development; International economics; political economy; economics of natural resources; political economy of Latin America. Fred Wolf, Department of Physics, California State University-San Diego, San Diego, California. Physics and health; physics for mystics. Page 10 Lynn Burton Hiller, Ph.D., C�lco, California. Social analysis of research; social t�eory; research methodology. Charles F. Leyba, Ph.D., Fullerton, California. Curriculum theory; philosophy of education; bilingual education; teacher training In Chicano comnunlty; Chlca�o studies. William Smelser, Ph.D., Kensington� California. Clinical Psychology; research psychology. Malcolm Tait, Ed.D., Hono.lulu, Hawaii. Music education, music therapy. 1 Francois Saculla, M.D., Department of Psychiatry, Trlpler Hospital, Honolulu, Hawaii. Psychiatry. Harold S. Streltfeld, Ph.D., San Francisco, California. Clinical Psychology; consciousness transformation; Eastern approaches to therapy; bloenergetlcs. Janis T. Horlke, Ph.D., Mountlake Terrace, Washington. Clinical Psychology; child development; therapy with children. Bernard Hyink, Ph.D., Director, University Center for Internships and Cooperative Education, California State University-Fullerton, Fullerton, California. Academic administration; California government studies; higher education. Patricia Hiller.Hart, Ph.D., Honolulu, Hawaii. Counseling psychology; teacher training. Robert Harrington, M.D., Physician-in-Charge, San Jose Medical Offices, Kaiser•Permanente Medical Care Program, San Jose, California. Medicine; Psychiatry; health maintenance organizations; abortion counseling. David Jarvis, M.D., Seattle, Washington. Medicine; Psychiatry; transactional analysis. Ethel Aiko Oda, Ph.D. San Francisco, California. Counseling psychology; academic counseling; cross-cultural training and research. Andre Auw, Ph.D., La Jolla, California. Humanistic psychology; conflict resolution; staff development. Shepard lnsel, Ed.D., San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California. Counseling psychology; organizational psychology; continuing education; educational counseling; media In education. Page 11 C. West Churchman, Ph.D., Professor of Business Administration and Research Philosopher, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, California. Operations research; value measurement; logic; philosophy of reasoning; methods in the social sciences. Arthur E. Gladman, M.D., Oakland, California. Biofeedback; biofeedback in psychotherapy. Kenneth R. Pelletier, Ph.D., Oakland, California. Biofeedback; neurophysiology of consciousness; consciousness transformation; holistic health. Leonard Epstein, Monterey Penl:nsula College, Monterey, California. Alternative modes of higher education; adult education. Donald L. San Francisco, health. Fink, M.D., San Francisco California. Pediatrics; community General medicine; Hospital, holistic Theodore Kahn, Ph.D., University of Southern Colorado, Pueblo, Colorado. Clinical psychology; holistic mental health; research psychology (the Kahn test of symbol arrangement). John Stewart, Ph.D., Speech Conununications Department, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. Conmunlcatlons; humanistic psychology; language and philosQphy;humanistlc approach to teaching speech. Geraldine Slks, Seattle, Washington. Theatre, Children's theatre; theatre in education; curriculum design. Gordon Bakken, Ph.D., Placentia, California. Academic administration; labor relations; legal studies. John Travis, M.D., Mill Valley, California. Preventive medicine; holistic medicine; biofeedback. Carolyn Attneave, Ph.D., Seattle, Washington. Clinical psychology, child psychiatry, native American mental health programs, family networks. Arturo Biblarz, Ph.D., San Diego, CA. Sociology, deviant criminology, sex roles, stratification, minorities, Chicano sociology. Stephen Butler, M.D., Department of Anesthesia, University of Washington Hospital, Seattle, Washington. Anesthesia, study of pain. William Brown, Ph.D., Member of the Faculty, The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington. City planning, race and culture, race and housing. Robert Bergman, M.D., Albuquerque, New Mexico. Native American medicine, public health for native Americans, psychiatry. E. Richard Brown, Ph.D., Berkeley, California. Politics of health care, history of medicine, health education, community health care. Page 12 Christopher Barthel, Ph.D., Kaneohe, Hawaii. Developmental psychology, clinical psychology, criminology, drug abuse. Paula Bottome, Ph.D., San Francisco, California. Gestalt therapy, drug abuse, intensive groups. Harold Bexton, Ph.D., Abbotsford, B.C., Canada. Psychology, sensory deprivation. Sheila Bastien, Ph.D., Berkeley, California. Clinical psychology, Jungian psychology, hypnosis, biofeedback. C. Richard Chapman, Ph.D., Department of Anesthesia, University of Washington Hospital, Seattle, Washington. Anesthesia, acupuncture, study of pain, statistics. Craig Carlson, Ed.D.,The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington. Educational· innovations, elementary school administration, teaching techniques, curricular development, non-graded schooling. Soon-Hyung Chung, Honolulu, Hawaii. Radiology, nuclear medicine, psychiatry, criminology. Guy Dosher, Ph.D., San Diego, California. Human engineering, system perfonnance test planning, system effectiveness analysis, modeling and analysis of corrununications network, ecological psychology. Baba Hari Das, Occidental, California. Yoga, yoga and healing. Ralph Earle, Ph.D., Scottsdale, Arizona. Counseling psychology, sex therapy, pastoral counseling, family counseling. Harold D. Ensler, Ph.D., Birmingham, Michigan. Psychoanalysis. Judson Finley, Ph.D., Tempe, Arizona. Clinical psychology, experimental psychology, human learning, vocational rehabilitation, mental retardation. John L. Fell, Ph.D., San Francisco, California. Film production, motion picture writing, film analysis. Constance Faulkner, Ph.D., Bellingham, Washington. Economics, economic growth, economics in foreign relations. Stuart Gilbreath, Ph.D., San Diego, California. Counseling psychology, group counseling, sensitivity training, pastoral counseling, student counseling. Bill Gray, M.D., Mill Valley, California. Homeopathy nutrition. Oscar Goodman, Ph.D., Oakland, California. Educational administration, literature, drama. Nicholas Goncharoff, Ph.D.,Pelham Manor, New York. International education, institutional development, development of programs for international education, east European history. Page 13 Clifford Hunt, Ph.D., Psychology Department, University of Alaska, Anchorage, Alaska. Abnormal psychology, hypnotherpay, peer counseling, clinical psychology, community mental health. Robert W. Harrill, Ph.D., San Francisco, California. Educational administration, nontraditional education, experiential learning. Roger Hawkes, J.D., Seattle, Washinton. Small businesses, alternative education, educational administration, group dynamics. Olaf Isachsen, Ph.D., Alameda, California. Administration, banking, Business organizational development. Cynthia Johnson, Long Beach, California. Student services administration, child development, student placement. Robert Kessel, D.S.W., La Jolla, California. Stress reduction, biofeedback, meditation, social research, agency evaluation, mental retardation. Terry Knapp, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada. Behavior therapy, psychotherapy, medical applications of psychology. Robert Kaufmann, Ph.D., Throop Memorial Church, Unitarian Universalist, Pasadena, California. Theology, hypnosis, counseling. Anthony Lenzer, Ph.D., Kailua, Hawaii. Gerontology, middle aging, chronic illness. Gillian Bryant, Ph.D., Department of Anatomy and Reproductive Biology, School of Medicine, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. Reproductive biology, endocrinology. Elden Jacobson, Ph.D., World College West, San Rafael, California. Urban affairs, educational administration, alternative education. Daniel Lechay, Ph.D., San Francisco, California. Hellenistic poetry, poetry, literature. Robert Lee, Ph.D., San Diego, California. Human relations, family counseling, group therapy technique, group facilitator. Barbara Levy, Ph.D., Phoenix, Arizona. Psychotherapy, clinical psychology, mental health care delivery. Thomas Lopez, Ed.D., Sacramento, California. Lower education, bi-lingual, bi-cultural education. Eric Larson, Ph.D., The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington. Anthropology, the peoples of Oceania, cultural anthropology, comparative political economy, modern Latin America. Betty Meador, Ph.D., Ramona, California. Marriage family counseling, group process, client centered therapy. Page 14 Clark M itze, Sacramento, California. Arts management, development of art institutions, art and government. Paul Micheli, Ph.D., Sacramento, California. Chemical engineering, ballistics, computerized financial analysis. Robert M acdonald, Ph.D., Seattle, Washington. Transactional analysis, counseling techniques, family, therapy, group process, physical disabilities and rehabilitation. Thelma M oss, Ph.D., Los Angeles, California. Parapsychology, ESP research, drugs and consciousness, bioenergetics, psychotronics. Newton M argulies, Ph.D., Graduate School of Administration, University of California, Irvine, California. Educational administration, organizational behavior, group process, organizational development. Sheldon M argen, M .D., Berkeley, California. Nutritional sciences, endocrinology. Edward Maupin, Ph.D., San Diego, California. Meditation techniques, Zen Buddism, rolfing, medical psychology. Frederic Ness, Ph.D., Association of American Colleges, Washington, D.C. Educational administration, higher education in America. 1 Richard L. Poole, Marietta, Washington. Aquaculture, aquatic biology, fishing industries. Harry Post, E.D., Anchorage, Alaska. Psychotherapy, drug and alcohol abuse, mental health management, family therapy. Swami Sivananda Radha, Bodega, California. Yoga. A.A. Robichek, Ph.D., Professor of Finance, Stanford University, Stanford, California. Finance, accounting, business management. Roger Rosenblatt, M.P.H., Seattle, Washington. Health administration, health and government, public health. Oscar Schmiege, Ph.D., San Diego,California. Philosophy, Kierkegaard, Wittgenstein. Kenneth H. Silber, Ph.D.,Crete,Illinois. Educational technology, media management and production, programmed instruction, education through television. Jack Sarfatti, Ph.D., San Francisco, California. Physics and consciousness. Gustavo V. Segade, Ph.D., Chairman, Department of Spanish, San Diego State University, San Diego, California. Latin American poetry, Spanish language, Mexican-American Studies, Chicano literature. Charles Schultz, Manager Technical Unit, Dept. of Personnel, State of Washington, Olympia, Washington. Experimental psychology, personnel development, examination development, research design. Page 15 Frank Strange, Ph.D., Portland, Oregon. Clinical psychology, medical psychology, psychological aspects of preventive dentistry. Leonard Shapiro, M.D., Reno, Nevada. Pediatrics and allergies. William Stillwell, Ph.D., Prescott, Arizona. Anthropology, marriage counseling, human relations, social psychology. Andrew Sinclair, Ph.D., Colorado Springs, Colorado. American history, writing, political thought, theatre, film production. Francis Trapani, D.C., Walla Walla, Washington. Chiropractics, nutrition. Robert Travis, D.B.A., School of Business, San Jose State University, San Jose, California. Real Estate, real estate finance, housing research. Linda Tillich, Honolulu, Hawaii. Political psychology, drug abuse, humanistic psychology, study of identity crisis. Marc Tool, Ph.D., Dept. of Economics, California State University, Sacramento, California. History of economic thought, comparative·economic systems, labor economics, educational economics. Monreal: Valadez, Ph.D., Sacramento, California. Chicano education, community organizing, sociology of poverty, minority relations, Chicano studies. Fred Weaver, M.D., La Jolla, California. Psychiatry, adolescent mental health, encounter and sensitivity. Will Wright, Ph.D., Del Mar, California. Sociology of culture, sociology of knowledge, political economy, film analysis. Warland D. Wight, Ph.D., Professor of Mass Media, Governors State University, Park Forest South, Illinois. Script writing, filmmaking, creativity, TV production, education in corrnnunications. Terry Wilson, Ph.D., 3415 Dwinelle Hall, U.C. Berkeley, Berkeley, California. Native American studies, Oklahoma history, native American history. Louis Zurcher, Ph.D., Department of Sociology, University of rexas, Austin, Texas. Social psychology, social analysis, sociology of poverty, personality and social change. John Welwood, Ph.D., Santa Barbara, California. Transpersonal psychology. David Albertson, E11ensberg, Washington. Organizational development, Education administration, leadership training, consultation skills training. David Almada, Ph.D., Monterey, California. Education Administration, Chicano studies, politics. Frank Baril la, J.D., Salem, Oregon. Law and Business, Economic Development Consultant. Page 16 Jane11e Bar1ow, Ph.D., Santa Rosa, California. Political Science, Psychology and Education. Keith Beery, Ph.D., Institute for Independent Educational Research, San Rafael, California. Child Psychology, Juvenile research, early learning, educational research. James Biglin, Ed.D., Professor of Education and Psychology, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona. Educational Psychology, Counseling, Native American Health Studies. Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D., University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Washington. Chemistry, Medicine, Ecology and Law. Julian Bond, Atlanta, Georgia. Politics, Civil Rights, English literature. Morris Edwards, Ph.D., Mountainview, California. Operations analyst, Political Science analysis, International Relations. James Fadiman, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering Dept., Stanford University, Palo Alto,California. Transpersonal Psychology, Management Consultant, Design Research. Magda Proskauer, San Francisco, California. Physiotherapy, innovative health techniques, psychosomatics. William Rivers, Ph.D., Stanford, California. Political science, media analysis, international affairs. Richard Rosenberg, LL.B., Executive Vice President, Wells Fargo Bank, San Francisco, California. Banking, Marketing Research. Donald Rossi, Ph.D., Hillsdale, Michigan. Clinical psychology, psychoanalytic studies, child development. Julius Roth, Ph.D., Department of Sociology, University of California, Davis, Davis, California. Human development, social medicine, public health studies. Manisha Roy, Ph.D., University of Colorado at Denver, Denver, Colorado. Anthropology, Jungian Psychology, Women's studies. Anne Kent Rush, Berkeley, California. Literature, Feminism, Women's Health, Feminist Psychology. Astrid Rusquellas, M.D., Berkeley, California. Psychology, psychoanalysis, psychoanthropology. Jerrold Shapiro, Ph.D., Kailua,H awaii. Clinical Psychology, humanistic psychology, drug abuse training. James Shebl, Ph.D., Stockton, California. American literature, educational administration. Frederick Smith, M.D., Watsonville, California. Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Zero Balancing. Page 17 Jeffery Smith, Ph.D., Stanford, California. Humanities, architectural design, English as a second Language. Stan Steiner, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Native American Literature, American history, American literature, Anthropology, Writer, media consultant. Louis Stewart, Ph.D., Berkeley, California. Clinical psychology, developmental psychology, analytical psychology, personality development, Jungian analysis. David Sweet, Ph.D., Merrill College, University of California, Santa Cruz, California. Latin American history, South-East Asian history. Peter Taylor, Ph.D., The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington. Marine Biology, oceanography, ecology, biochemistry. Samuel Trull, Ph.D., Berkeley, California. Business Administration, Engineering, Organizational Research and Development, criminology, educational methodology. Weigle, Marta, Ph.D., Santa Fe, New Mexico. Anthropology, English, Southwest folklore, literature and history. Elliott Wolfe, M.D., Palo Alto, California. I nternal medicine, diabetic studies, drug therapy. Sylvia Wynter, Ph.D., Department of Literature, UCSD, La Jolla, California. Comparative literature, literature and Society, culture and technology, Black studies. Doris Breyer, San Francisco, California. Psychology, bio-energetics, dance, body awareness. Gerald Brong, Ed.D., Pullman, Washington. Education, resource and curriculum development, educational technology. Martin Chancey, J.D., San Diego, California. Law and Politics, political ideologies, international relations. Harris Clemes, Ph.D., Capitola, California. Clinical psychology, mental research, educational consultant, psychotherapy. Evan Coppersmith, Ed.D., Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Counselor education, family therapy, drug abuse, innovative secondary education. Doris Davis, Ph.D., Compton, California. Public administration, politics, community development. Lawrence Davis, Ed.D., Oakland, California. Educational administration, Black Studies, Community services and development. Edward DeAvila, Ph.D., Oakland, California. Bilingual Studies, developmental psychology-, research psychology, linguistics, educational consultant. Francis Denning, Ph.D., Greeley, Colorado. Cultural anthropology, minority studies. Donald Dudley, M.D., Harbor View Medical Center, Univ. of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington. Psychiatry and behavioral sciences, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, behavioral medicine. l f ! • Page 18 I 1 Samuel Dworkin, Ph.D., Seattle, Washington. C linical psychology, orthodontics, oral medicine. Steven Edgell, Ph.D., Phoenix, Arizona. Clinical psychology, neuropsychological assessment. Phillip Paris, Ph.D., Director, Multicultural Educational Division, Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Portland, Oregon. Political science, multicultural education. Roxanne Ortiz, Ph.D., San Francisco, California. History, sociology, women's studies. Martin Olsen, Ed.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Marriage and family counseling, psychology. Anne Nicol, Ed.D., Kaaawa, Hawaii. Social and educational psychology, educational evaluation. William McGaw, Center for the Studies of the Person, La Jolla, California. Television and films, communications. Ennis McDaniel, Ed.D., Sacramento State University, Sacramento, California. Clinical and educational psychology, human relations, staff development. Marco Montagnini, Flagstaff, Arizona. Psychology, children and family services. David Mazen, Ed.D., Tempe, Arizona. Psychology, therapy, marriage and family. Robert Maurer, Ph.D., Hayward, California. English, journalism, creative writing, American studies. David Matza, Ph.D., Department of Sociology, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, California. Sociology, delinquency, criminology. Michael Mahoney, Department of Psychology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania. Experimental, clinical psychology, behavior modification. Judith Mack, Davis, California. Counseling psychology, education. Dorothy Lloyd, Ed.D., San Bruno, California. Elementary education, curriculum, sociology. Edmond Lester, Washington, D.C. Human learning and development, non-traditional education. Douglas Grant, President, Social Action Research Center, Berkeley, California. Clinical Justice, Social Science. Robert Frager, Ph.D., CITP, Menlo Park, California. Social-transpersonal psychology, Buddism. Stephanie Feeney, Ph.D., Honolulu, Hawaii. Anthropology, social science, child development. Page 19 \ Earl Jones, Ed.D., San Antonio, Texas. Education, bilingual, curriculum, Sociology, organiz�tion, attitudes, Latin America. John Parkinson, San Francisco, California. Theater, dance, television production, environmental studies, directing, producing, technical production. David Spangler, Belmont, California. Religious and spiritual philosophy; selfunderstanding. Roger Thies, Ph.D., Norman, Oklahoma. Neurophysiology, affective education, structural integration, rolfing, innovative education. Thomas Rhue, San Francisco, California. International Relations, Sociology, Afro-American Studies. Gertrude J. Williams, Ph.D., Clayton, Missouri. Clinical and experimental psychology. Joseph Russo, Ed.D., Edwardsville, Illinois. Psychology, counseling, youth, mental health. Michael Lerner, Ph.D., Oakland, California. Socialism, Marxism, philosophy. Harold K. Kozuma, Ed.D., Honolulu, Hawaii. Psychology, counseling and testing. Terry D. Keepers, Ph.D., Littleton, Colorado. Psychology; clinical and Transactional. Robert Kaplan, Ph.D., San Francisco, California. Clinical Psychology, therapy. Vera P. John-Steiner, Ph.D., Santa Fe, New Mexico. Psycholinguistics, Psychology, Ecology, Women's Studies. Nathaniel Jackson, Ph.D., Torrance, California. Human behavior and education leadership and management. Merle S. Ireland, Ph.D., Honolulu, Hawaii. Clinical and counseling psychology. Jo-Ann K. Intili, Ph.D., San Francisco, California. Teacher education, sociology, educational evaluation. William J. Hudspeth, Ph.D., Director, Neurophysiology Clinic, School of Medical Sciences, University of Nevada, Reno. Neurophysiology, behavioral biology. Rebecca A. Heinz, Ph.D., Flagstaff, Arizona. Psychology, special education and childhood development. Barry W. Hayes, Ph.D., Los Gatos, California, Psychotherapy, Transpersonal Psychology. I Page 20 Joan Feast, Ph.D., San Francisco, California. Public and International Affairs; Social Science. Robert Hass, Ph.D., Berkeley, California. English, Creative Writing, Journalism. Julia F. Hall, Ph.D., San Diego, California. Psychology; Counseling. Bruce Hackett, Ph.D., Davis, California. Development, Organization al Sociology. Elaine Parent, Ph.D., La Jolla, California. Counseling Psychology: Theory, Research and Measurement. Supporting fields: Higher Education, Educational Psychology. Nell Altizer, Kaneohe, Hawaii. English, Comparative Literature, Creative and Expository writing, Uses of language, Poetry and Drama. Carlos Benito, Ph.D., Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley, California. Accounting and management, Economics, Agricultural economics, rural development. William Bolman, M.D., Honolulu, Hawaii. Education and practice in community and child development. Lester Bridaham, Denver, Colorado. Artist, writer, Art education, European art of the M iddle Ages. Theodore Brooks, Ph.D., Phoenix, Arizona. Higher education and Health/Welfare administration, Social Science education. Keith Case, Ph.D., Littleton, Colorado. Forensics, communication, medical and health education, management consulting. William Charland, Doctor of Religion, Denver, Colorado. Continuing education program development and counseling, personal counseling, administration, research and writing, teaching, social and Christian ethics. Cedric Evans, Ph.D., Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Philosophy of mind, ethics, political philosophy, epistemology, analytic philosophy, the British Empiricists, Kant, Aesthetics. Joel Fort, M.D., San Francisco, California. Specialist in social and health problems including crime and violence, mental health, sexual behavior, drug abuse and social change. Joseph Gregory, Ph.D. Dept. of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, California. Paleontology, stratigraphy and history of geology. John Haddox, Ph. D., Dept of Philosophy, University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas. Latin American philosophy, Existentialism, Native American Thought, Theories of nonviolent liberation. Barbara Havassy, Ph.D., Oakland, California. Experimental treatment trials, outcome research, delivery systems for health and mental health services, applied social psychology in mental health settings. Page 21 Ronald Johnson, Ph.D., Dept. of Psychology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. Psychology, sociology, child development. Monika Kehoe, Ph.D., San Francisco, Californian. English, International studies, English as a second language. Bruce Linton, San Francisco, California. Psychology, counseling, alternative education, Buddhist studies, drug treatment. Michael Maliszewski, Ph.D., Chicago, Illinois. Psychology, social sciences, altered states of consciousness. Lane Mashaw, Ames, Iowa. Civil engineering, solid waste management, public works management. Robert Mormon, Ph.D., Van Nuys, California. Psychology, social statistical analysis and procedures, graduate research. William McCreary, Ph.D., Sebastopol, California. Counseling and Behavior studies, social psychology, study of the teaching-learning process. Leonard Newman, Ph.D., Pinole, California. Psychology, vocational rehabilitation training and administration. Peter Norris, Ph.D., Honolulu, Hawaii. Social psychology, vocational counseling, employment procedures and statistical analysis. Reuben Pannor, Los Angeles, California. Social welfare, childcare services. Joan Roloff, Ph.D., Lytle Creek, California. English, innovative writing laboratories, curricula design for low achieving students. Lavonne Schrieber, Ed.D., Denver, Colorado. Art education. Harry Seligson, Ph.D., Denver, Colorado. Law, labor management relations, gerontology. Batia Sharon, Ph.D., Santa Cruz, California. Sociology of Arts & Science, organizational issues of higher education, organizational theory. Larry Sine, Honolulu, Hawaii. Physics, Mathematics, Psychology, Learning theory and human behavior extension. Robert Somers Ph.D., Berkeley, California. Applied statistical methodology, evaluation studies, design and development of survey procedures. Gayle Wheeler, Ph.D., San Francisco, California. Clinical psychology, studies of women in work. Joan Zweben, Ph.D., Berkeley, California. Clinical psychology, individual, family and group psychotherapy, organizational development and training. Bill Aldridge, D.Ed., Olympia, Washington. Educational administration. . G Page 22 Gail Baker, Ph.D., Albuquerque, New Mexico. Women's studies, American literature {19th Century), Asian and African writing, Asian culture, foreign languages (Modern, Swahili, Tamil). John Barden, Ph.D., Fort Yates, North Dakota. Specialist in American Indian studies, higher education administration, innovative education, humanities, counseling, psychology. Lee Head Bradford, Santa Fe, New Mexico. American literature, writing, published novelist. Robert Louis Brizee, Ph.D., Wenatchee, Washington. Educational psychology, counseling and guidance, parent effectiveness, drug education program for high schools. Patricia MacDonald Brown, Ph.D., Santa Fe, New Mexico. Abnormal and clinical psychology, community mental health, social relationships (research, marital, family). Merlino Cremata, Ph.D., Santa Clara, California. Psychology. Jose B. Cuellar, Ph.D., Asst. Professor, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. Urban, gerontological and thanatological anthropology, ethnomusicology, research methodology, Chicano studies. Susan Cummings, Ph.D., Phoenix, Arizona. Curriculum and instruction, guidance and counseling, secondary education. James Dugger, Ph.D., West Frankfort, Illinois. Counseling and guidance psychology, industrial psychology, higher education administration, community mental health. Hollis Elkins, Ph.D., Albuquerque, New Mexico. American studies, women's studies, women and sports, writing. Raymond A. Folen, Ph.D., Honolulu, Hawaii. Educational psychology, counseling and guidance {academic, vocational, personal); cross-cultural counseling. Carlton Goodlett, M.D., Ph.D., San Francisco, California. Psychology, editing and publishing (the Black Press); civil rights. Walter G. Graham, Jr., M.D., Kaaasa, Hawaii. Psychiatry, community mental health, consultant to Hawaii State Prison. Joanna Harris, Ph.D., Berkeley, California. Dramatic art, dance, dance therapy. Margaret Jenkins, Margaret Jenkins Dance Company, San Francisco, California. Dance. Florence M. Karlstrom, Ph.D., Flagstaff, Arizona. Sociology of education, child development, the family; political and economic institutions. Robert W. King, Ph.D., Frand Forks, North Dakota. English literature, creative writing. Page 23 Daniel Koenig, Ph.D., Santa Fe, New Mexico. Engineering science, nuclear engineering, neutron and solid state physics. Jerome K. Miller, Ed.D., Urbana, Illinois. Educational media. Brenda Moscove, Ed.D., Honolulu, Hawaii. Business education, marketing, research methodology, management. Charles T. Tart, Ed.D., Professor of Psychology, University of CaliforniaDavis, Davis,California. Transpersonal psychology; altered states of consciousness. Vernon Thompson, Ed.D., Honolulu, Hawaii. Counseling psychology. Ron L. Veatch, Ph.D., Northglenn, Colorado. Clinical psychology, counseling and guidance, counseling and career development. Alex Vilumsons, Ph.D., Woodland Hills, California. Psychology, art therapy. Frances E. Vaughan, Ph.D., Mill Valley, California. Clinical Psychology with emphasis on Transpersonal and Intuition. Arthur Kovacs, Ph.D., Los Angeles, California. Psychology. · Gj.b Ak,ip, Ph.Q ._� Management -, Assistant ]?rofessor of Behavioral Science, Mcintire School of ·eonrcerce, University of Virginia. Hilary Anderson, Ph.D. in Integral Psychology, Associate Professor of Intergral Psycmlogy and Self-Disciplines california Institute of Asian Studies, San Francisco, California. Roxie Berlin, Ph.D. in F.ducational Psychology; enphasis in Early Childhood F.ducation, Honolulu, Hawaii. B ernhardt, Ph.D. In clinical psycmlogy, California School of Professional Psychology, San Francisoo; Staff therapist, C.G. Jung Institute Clinic. Ann Pamela Butler, Clinical Psychology from the University of Alabama.; Director, Behavior Therapy Institute. Mill Valley, California. Maria A. Chacon, Ph.D. in Hispanic Languages and Literatures, San Francisco, California. Page 24 David Conde, Ph.D. in Portuguese Literature and Spanish, University of Kansas, Associate Dean, School of Liberal Arts and the Center for Interdisciplinary and Urban Suddies, Metrop:,litan State College, Denver, Colorado. Richard Cox, Ph.D. in Clinical and Educational Psychology, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois; Licensed Psychologist, State of California and the State of Illinois; Manber of the American Psychological Association. Stashu D. Geurtsen , Ed.D. in Education, Developrental, and Clinical, University of Oregon; Prefessor of Psychology at Sonoma State University. Psychology Dept. at Rohnert Park, California, Sonana State University. Paul T. Groves, Ph.D. in Chemist:cy at the Pennsylivania State University; Staff Manber, University of California, Los Alarcos Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico. Gail C. Hongladarom, Ph.D. in Anthropology at the University of Washington; Program Director, Extranrural Program at the Fred Hutchinson Ccnprehensive cancer Center in Seattle, Washington. Ibnald A. Kennedy, Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology at Cornell University; Assistant Dean for Behavioral Sciences and Professor of Behavioral Science, College of Human Medicine, University of Wyaning. Arthur Kovacs, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the University of Michigan; Licensed Psychologist and Diplomate in Clinical Psychology for the American Board of Professional Psychology; Dean, IDs Angeles campus, California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles, California, Aubrey D. Lindgren, Ph.D. in Psychology, Humanistic Psychology Institute, San Francisco; Psychologist and Administrator, Quadrinity Center, Sa,n Francisco, Califomia. Jean Lum, Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Washington, Seattle; Professor at University of Hawaii, Dept. of Prof. Nsg., University of Hawaii School of Nursing Honolulu. Hans o. Mauksch, Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Chicago; Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, and Department of Family and Ccmm.mity Medicine University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, Section of Behavioral Sciences, Dept. of Family and Canmunity Medicine, TD-3 West, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Barbara M. McCandlish, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Harvard University; Body Therapist, Oakland, California. Jesse Miranda, D.Min. in Christian Education at the Fuller Seminary, Pasadena, CA. President of the Latin American Bible College, La Puente, California. Jay Mann, Ph.D. in Psychology at the Family Study Unit, VA Medical Center, Palo Alto, California; Clinical Associate Professor of .Me:l.ical Psychology, University of califomia School of Medicine, San Francisco; Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, California. Thonas E. Malloy, Ph,D .. ;in PsycholOW. at the University of New Mexico; Statlstics and Research Methods and Human Cognition and Perception, University of Utah, Salt rake City. Page 25 La:>nard Pearson, Ph.D. in Psychology; Associate Professor of Psychology, Charman, Psychology Depart:nent, Sonoma State College, Rohnert Park, california. Patricia G. Palmer, Ed.D. in Creative Humanistic Therapy, University of Northem Colorado; Director of the Assertiveness Training Institute of Denver, Inc., Denver, Colorado. David D. Robinson, Ph.D. in industrial Psychology at the Ohio State University; In Private Practice, Idaho. Beverly Scott, Ph.D. in Social Psychology, Stanford University; Consultant, Fast Palo Alto, Ca. Le Roi Smith, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Washington State University; Member of the Psychology at the Evergreen State College, Olympic Washington. Rob SWigart, Ph.D. in American Literature at Princeton University; SUNY at Buffalo, Redwood City, ca. Kenneth Suslak, Ph.D. in Child Clinical Psychology, University of Minnesota; Private Practice in Denver, Co.; Certified Psychologist, State of Co. Frances E. Vaughan, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, california School of Professional Psychology; Licensed Psychologist; Faculty; California Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, california. Dr. Jacques Vallee, Canputer Science frcm Northwestern University; NaturalIanguage infonnation retrieval and Interactive databases; President of Infanedia Corporation, Palo Alto, california. Ross R. Vickers, Jr. Ph.D. in Research Psychologist, Naval Heal th Research Center, San Diego, California; Job Related Stress Naval Health Research Center, San Diego, California. carrel Waym:m, Social Anthropology at the United States International University, at San Diego, california; Faculty; California School of Prof. Psychology; Instructor National University, San Diego, califomia. · William N. Whisner, Ph.D. in Philosophy at Professor. the University of Texas, Austin Texas; Associate Peter Koestenbaum, Ph.D. in Philosophy at Boston University; founded Institute of Clinical Philosophy in San Jose; Professor, Philosophy Dept., San Jose State University, San Jose, CA. Training seminars in areas of anxiety, sexuality, and death. David Lee Carrasco, Ph.D. in Religious Symbolism and Urban World from the University of Chicago. Mexican-American history/religion, American Indian religions (Aztec, Maya, Inca), crises, cults and millenarian movements. Matthew Fox, History and Theology of Spiritualities from the Institut catholique, de Paris; O.P. Director of the Institute in Creation-Centered Spirituality and Associate Professor of Spiritual Theology, Mundelein College, Chicago, IL. Page 26 Sul.via A. Earle, Ph.D. fran Duke University; currently Curator of Psychology and Research Biologist, California Acaderqy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA.; Program Director, Ocean Trust Found. San Francisco, CA.; chief Scientist, Research Vessel Fagle. Marine plants, manma.1.s, ecology, teclmology, conservation. Eugene G. Quellette, Ph.D. in Conmunicative Disorders {minor in Clinical Psychology} University of Washington; presently Provost, Jolmston College, University of Redlands, Redlands, CA. c. Hugh Mays, Ph.D. in Psychology; Gestalt Therapy three year training program. Encinitas, CA.Psychotherapy with families, couples, individuals; licensed MFC counselor. David Covin, Ph.D. in Political Science, Washington State University; Teaches nod.em government, comparative politics, Arcer. foreign policy, black politics, urban politics, etc. William Gibson, Ph.D. from Ohio State University; professor m Dept. of History, california State University, Sacranento. U.S. colonial histo:cy, philanthropy and social welfare history, Arcer. in 20th cent., histo:cy of the South, Europe in 19th and 20th centuries. Carl I. Jolmson, Ph.D. m Public Address, with minor m Conmunication Methodology, from University of Denver; presently Assistant Professor, Dept. of Speech, Metro politan State College, Denver, CO. Judith Osgood, Ph.D. from Arizona State University; Marriage, family and child counselor; Studies in Tibetan Buddhist ne<litation and psychology; neditation, tai chi. Anthony J. Reilly, Ph.D. in organizational-social psychology from Iowa State U.; pr�..sently at University Associates, Publishers and Consultants, San Diego, CA. Organization consulting; managenent training and developnent; human resource program design and implenentation; training of trainers. Jerone E. Leavitt, Fd.D. from Northwestern University, Illinois; presently Professor of Education, School of Education, and Coordinator of Central california Section, Region IX Child Abuse Project, cal. State u., Fresno, CA. Inn H. Sharrblin, Ph.D. in Sociology fran u. of N.Y. at Buffalo; presently Associate Professor, Dept. of Sociology, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. Deviant behavior, criminology, contemporary social novernents, mental illness, research methods, social disorganization. Thomas Budzynski, Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology at University of Colorado; presently Clinical Director of the Biofeedback Institute of Denver. Licensed psychologist; applied biofeedback for stress management; biofeedback design and applications. Page 27 William R. Emerson, Ph.D. in Psychology from George Peabody College for Teachers, School psychology, special ed., child clinical psychology. Richard E. Carney, Ph.D. in Psychology from U. of Michigan, presently president of Carney Enterprises, Inc.,San Diego, CA, a consulting, property and personal management firm. Dorothy Overly, Ph.D. from U. of Chicago; presently Professor of English, Cali fornia State University, Sonoma in Rohnert Park, CA. Contemporary literature and linguistics. Gerald Rosen, Ph.D. in American Civilization from U. of Pennsylvania. Author: novels, non-fiction, book reviews/ critiques, poetry. Lecturer; teacher. Paul Bruce, Ph.D. in Child Psychology from State U. of Iowa; presently Professor of Counselor Education, Dept. of Counselor Education, San Diego State U., S.D. Counselor and teacher education, college counseling; child and school psychology. William J. Hackbert, Ed.D. from Northern Illinois University. Psychological counseling with children, adults and families; biofeedback therapy; educational administration. Paul H. Noguchi, Ph.D. in Anthropology from U. of Pittsburgh; presently Ass't Professor of Sociology, Bucknell U., Lewisburg, PA. Anthropology; comparative cultures and urban problems, with an emphasis on Japan. Thomas Leighton Gray, Ph.D. in Music, University of Iowa. Presently Music Coordinator, Palo Alto Unified School District, Palo Alto, CA. Music program supervision, including its usefulness for the mentally retarded; adjudicator, clinician and guest conductor. Edward J. O'Shaughnessy, M.D. from U. of St. Louis Medical School. Presently at University of Washington, Dept. of Rehabilitation Medicine, Seattle. Board certified in physical medicine, rehabilitation, and urology. Specializes in burns, spinal cord and brain injuries, neuromuscular diseases. Penny Dachinger, MA, ATR.presently teaching at Antioch West, San Francisco, tutorial program in confluent education. Art education and therapy. Joyce Aiken, M.A. in Art, Cal. State U., Fresno; presently Professor of Art, Cal. State U., Fresno. Women in the arts; working artist. Maria Nieto Senour, Ph.D. in Guidance and Counseling from Wayne State U., Detroit. Presently, Associate Professor, Counselor Education Dept., San Diego State University. Multi-cultural counseling, civil rights and mental health issues. Page 28 Susan Meyers Chandler, DSW from University of California, Berkeley; presently Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the mental health specialization, School of Social W ork, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. Sexual abuse research, crisis intervention techniques, and care. Also, anti-psychotic drug use. Carlos J. Vallejo, Ed.D. from University of Nebraska; presently Assistant Professor for the Dept. of Special Education and Coordinator of the Center for Multicultural Education, Arizona State University, College of Education, Tempe·, Arizona. Bilingual/multicultural education. Andrew Sinclair, Ph.D. fran Trinity College, Cambridge, England. American History, writing, political thought, theatre, film production. Irwin Shapiro, M.D. from the University of Pittsburgh M:dical School; presently Associate Director, Health Training Resources Center, Berkeley. Life crises and crisis intervention; mental health services. Larry Telles, Ph.D. in Philosophy fran Graduate Center of the City Univ ersity of New York. M:mtal health planning. Benjamin George Rosenberg, Ph.D. in Personality Theory from U.C.-Berkeley; presently Professor of Psychology and Director, Graduate Studies in Psychology, Antioch College/ West, S.F., CA. Psychology. Leonard Newman, Ph.D. from the University of Southern california; presently Chief, Psychology Services, Contra Costa County Medical Services, Ccrcmunity M=ntal Health Programs, Martinez, CA. Psychology, vocational rehabilitation--training and administration. Jane Raible, D.Min. fran San Francisco Theological Seminary; presently Executive Director, The Northwest Institute of Ethics and the Life Sciences; Seattle, WA. Bioethics. Onnond Wilson Hammond, Ph.D. in Psychology from the Univ ersity of Hawaii; presently Research Coordinator, Kamehaneha Schools/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate, Honolulu, HI. Research and practice in psychology, early childhood education. Janelle Barlow, Ph.D. fran the University of california, San Francisco, CA. Psychology, education, teaching, administrative and consulting, stress reduction, integrative bcrly therapies. Stephen F. lvbrin, Ph.D. in Psychology from The Ohio State University; presently in private practice, San Francisco, CA.; also, on Panel of Medical Experts, Superior Court, County of S.F.; consultant in Medical Psychology, Bureau of Disability Insurance, Soc. Sec. Administration; and Ccmnissioner, Psychology Examining Canmittee, Board of Medical Quality Assurance, State of California. Page 29 Miriam Grace Keiffer, Ph.D. in Social Psychology fran Columbia University; presently faculty rrernber, Center for Urban Studies, Fairhaven College, Bellingham, WA; field advisor, Antioch West, Seattle, WA; and Director, Gay camnunity Center, Seattle, WA. Sociology, research techniques, psychology, sexuality. Barry Marr, Ph.D. in Urban Education fran the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; presently, sole proprietor of Management and Resources Associates, Seattle, WA. Urban education, politics of education, innovative education. Hal Markowitz, Ph.D. fran Arizona State University; presently Distinguished Visiting Scientist, Dept. of Biological Sciences, S.F. State University, San Francisco, CA. Marine audio, design and function of scientific apparati, sociobiology, brain chemistry, behavioral engineering. Frank T. Awbrey, Ph.D. in Zoology fran the University of Texas, Austin; presently Associate Professor of Biology, San Diego State University, S.D., CA. Bio-acoustics, marine mammals behavior and vocalization. James swan, Ph.D. in Environmental Psychology from University of Michigan; presently, Program Director and Consultant to l-1E'I1RCCEN'IBR Yr-CA, Seattle, WA. Application of behavioral sciences to the resolution of environmental and social problems; exploring dimensions of human potentiality; long-range planning and educational program developm:mt. Roger W. CUmnings, Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from U.C.-Berkeley; presently, Professor, Counseling Dept, S. F. State University. Counseling, biofeedback, parapsychology. Robert Zelman, Ph.D. from the Humanistic Psychology Institute. Philosophy, F.astern/Western religion, humanistic/transpersonal psychology and parapsychology. Verona Fonte, Ph.D. in Professional Psych:>logy fran the California School of Professional Psychology; presently, Academic Dean, Humanistic Psychology Institute; SF, CA. Psychology, carmunications, personal growth, Jungian analysis. Joseph Luft, Ph.D. in Psychology fran U.C.L.A.; presently, Professor of Psychology, S.F. State University, S.F., CA. Social psychology, group processes and organization behavior. Allen David Young, Ph.D. in Educational Planning from U.C.-Berkeley; presently, lecturer in Management Sciences, School of Business and Economics at Cal. State University-Hayward; and co-founder of Alchemical Laboratory. Dreamwork, psychology, religion, mathematics, managerrent science, engineering. S.M. Khatib, Ph.D. in Communication Research fran Michigan State University;presently, at Department of Black Studies, S.F. State University, S.F., CA. Black studies, psychology. , Page 30 Hugh Redmond, Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Studies, Center for Urban Affairs, University of Southern California; presently, faculty fellow in Psychology and F.ducation, Johnston College, University of Redlands. Transpersonal psychology and education; psychosynthesis. Beverly Galyean, Ph.D. in Confluent F.d.ucation from University of California, Santa Barbara; presently, Project Director of two federal language programs for teacher training and curriculum developrent, I.cs Angeles City Schools, CA. Transpersonal and confluent education. Robert Mixson, Ph.D. from Princeton; presently, Senior Counseling Psychologist, University of california Counseling Center, Berkeley, CA. Psychotherapy, counseling, obesity and related problems. Peter Alpert, Ph.D. from California School of Professional Psychology; presently, Clinical Psychologist and Ward Training Coordinator, Contra Costa County Hospital, Martinez, CA. Licensed psychologist, supervision and consultation. Harry Clyde Slade, M.D.C.M. from Dalhousie University, canada; presently, Faculty of Medicine, Departrrent of Family Pracrice, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. Family practice, internal m:rlicine, psychiatry, arthritis, rheumatism, geriatrics. Jerry R. Lyrm, Ph.D. in Journalism/psychology/marketing from Southern Illinois University; presently, Professor, Journalism, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. Public service media and advertising. Barry Oshry, Ph.D. in Social Psychology and Personality; presently, President, Power & Systems, Inc., Boston, MA. Organizational developnent with a systems perspective. Rev. Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, Buddhist minister of religion, ordained within the Nyingmapa sect of Tibet. Buddhist philosophy, Sadhana practice. Stephen Randall, Ph.D. in Counseling and Psychology from the california Institute of Asian Studies, Palo Alto, CA. Integral counseling and psychotherapy; Western and Buddhist psychology. Ken Suslak, Ph.D. in Child Clinical Psychology, from the University of Minnesota· Clinical child psychology. Irwin Matus, Ph.D. in Child Clinical Psychology from Denver University, presently in private practice. Finotional disturbance in childhood, problems related to divorce & single parenting, problems related to chronic illness. Norman Katz, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Washington University; presently in independent practice, Behavior Therapy Associates, Albuquerque, NM; behavior rrodification & hypnosis, child Psychopathology & drug-related problems. Page 31 Albert Erdynast, D.B.A. fran Harvard University; presently Director of the Undergraduate Program, Antioch University, I.cs Angeles. Higher education admini stration; scoring materials; proposals for developrental liberal education; innovative education. Philip Hart, Ph.D. in Sociology fran Michigan State University; presently Assistant Professor, College of Public and Comnunity Service, University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA. Sociology, organizational change, camnunications, fiJm and video production. Frances Harper, Ph.D. fran Harvard University; presently Assistant Professor, Graduate School, Doctoral Program, Golden Gate University, S .F. , CA. Political sociology ; licensed psychologist, .MFCC; bioenergetics; research nethodology and statistics. Amy Zelmer, Ph.D. in Adult Education and Comnunications from Michigan State Uni versity; presently, Associate Vice-President (Academic), University of Alberta Frlrronton, Alberta. Adult education and camrunications, cormnmity work in the health field. Glen Eyford, Ph.D. from the University of 'Ibronto; presently Professor, Community Developrent, and Director, Division of C cmnunity Develoµrent, Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Alberta, Fdrronton. Community developnent, adult education. Charlie Mitchell, Ph.D. from the University of Arizona; presently Counselor/Teacher/ Department Chainnan, Mesa Ccxrmunity C ollege, Mesa, Arizona. Counseling. Karen Starr Newman, Ed.D. fran Arizona State University; presently, Director of Pupil Personnel Services, Sierra Vista Public Schools, Tucson. Special education, psychology, disabled children. Joanna Gewertz Harris, Ph.D. fran the University of C alifornia, Berkeley, in Dramatic Art; . Dramatic art, dance, dance therapy. Jung Young Lee, Th.D. fran Boston University; presently, Visiting Scholar, University of C alifornia, Berkeley. Religious studies and humanities, Asian studies. Bill J. Doggett, L.H.D. (M.Ed,University of Texas Graduate School); presently, Director of Special Programs, ARA Health Facilities Managerrent Group, Houston. Special education, psychology, human services. Gary V. Sluyter, Ph.D. fran University of Texas; presently at Texas Research Institute of Mental Sciences, Texas Medical Center, Houston. MHMR service delivery issues; rnanagercent. Page 32 Terry s. Davis, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from University of Southern California; presenbly, Director, Family Rehabilitiation Coordinator Project, University of California, L.A. (Extension) Health Sciences/Allied. Health Dept. Clinical psychology, alcoholism and drug abuse. Ruth Stafford, Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of California, Irvine; presently, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Health and Society Program, u.c.-Riverside, and Instructor, Extension, Alcohol Studies Program, U. C. -Irvine. Psychology, alcoholism (warren esp. ), social and behavioral aspects of health. Frank Slaymaker, Ph.D. fran University of IDuisville; presently, Assistant Professor of Psychology, IDyola University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. Research design and statistical analysis for beahvioral and social sciences. Elizabeth L. Scott, Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley; presently at Department of Statistics, Statistical Laboratory, Berkeley, CA. Statistics, warren's rights. Theodore J. Brooks, Ph.D. from Michigan State University; presently, Director, Offcampus Degree Programs and Continuing Fd.ucation, Arizona State University, School of Social Work, Tempe, AZ. Higher education and health/welfare administration; social sci�ce ed.ucation. Georgia Babladelis, Ph.D. fran the University of Colorado; presently at Departrrent of Psychology, California State University, Hayward, CA. Clinical psychology; androgyny. Andrea Gabriel, Ph.D. in Sociology fran Wayne State University; presently, honorarium lecturer, University of Colorado, Denver. Feminist theoretician, waren' s issues fran a sociological and cross-cultural perspective. William A. Read, Ph.D. from Washington University-St. Louis; presently, Program Coordinator, Office of the Vice President for Health Sciences, University of Washington; Research Associate, Center for Health Services Research, School of Public Health, University of Washington, St. IDuis, ID. Cultural anthropology. Ronald Levinson, Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology fran the University of Oregon; presently, Director of Continuing Care, Contra Costa County, M:mtal Health Services, Martinez, CA. Stress psychology, self-concept, phenonenology, small group processes. Jeffry Voorhees, Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior, Case Western Reserve University; presently, Organizational Developnent Specialist, University of California, San Francisco; Faculty IvEmber for Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, Organization and System Developrent Program. Organizational developrrent, gestalt therapy, small groups, stress. C'X:>nald Wargo, Ph.D. in Psychology fran the University of Alberta; presently, Consulting Psychologist in independent practice. Psychology, research design, vocational and rehabilitational evaluation and counseling, clinical services, applied. industrial and organizational research. John W. Barden, Ph.D. in Counseling from University of North Dakota; presently, Vice President for Institutional Mvancercent, Flaming Rainbow University, Tahlequah, OK. Research rrethcrlology and design; Arrerican Indian Studies. -- ---� Page 33 Judith Jones, Ph.D. from Kent State University in Educational Psychology; presently, Associate Professor, University of Arkansas. Psychology, stage theory, educational psychology, wanen's studies. Ruann Harchark, Ph.D. fran Ohio State University; presently, Prcxiuct Manager for Hewlett-Packard's General Systems Division, Cupertino, CA. Computer science; educational canputers and computer aided learning; systems analysis. Sharon Lord, Ph.D. from Indiana University; presently, Professor, University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN, and Director, Appalachian Center for Educational Fquity. Educational psychology; learning and emotions; Appalachian culture. Jim w. Miller, Ph.D. in Ge:rrran and American literature; presently, conducts writing workshops and consultant for Appalachian studies programs in various southeastern universities and colleges. Western Kentucky University, B<:Mling Green, KY. American and German literature; creative writing-poetry; Appalachian poetry. Barbara Bascom, M.D. from University of Colorado School of Merlicine; presently, Chief and Program Director, Madigan Army Medical Center, Pediatric -Developnental Disabilities Page 34 Joseph Gibson, Ph.D. from Indiana University in Psychology, presently private practice of Clinical Psychology. Hypnosis, psychologies! testing, pain research & disability. Layne Longfel.1.ow Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in Experirrental Psychology, presently President of Lecture Theatre, Inc. Clinical & humanistic psychology, behavioral sciences, Phoenix, AZ. Jmres Syiv tski, Ph.D. from University of British Columbia in geology/oceanography. Presently Research Scientist at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography. Natural Sciences,sedimentology, bio-geo-chemistry, geom3.thematics, martial arts. Nova Scotia, Canada Dane Prugh, M.D. from Harvard University. Presently Director of Training,Division of Child Psychiatry at the University of Colorado. Child Psychiatry, Hospitalization of children, children and reaction to illness. U of C Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO. Stephen Addiss, Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in Art History and Musicology. Presently Associate Professor of Art History at the University of Kansas. Japanese Art, Calligraphy, Folk music of Viet Nam, Africa, Burma etc. Robert Wolff,PhD from The Uiversity of Michigan in social psychology. Public & International Health, Traditional culture folk medicine, shamanism. Langely, WA. n Spencer Rogers, Ph.D. from University of Southern california in anthropology, currently Research Anthropoligist with the San Diego Museum of Man. Archaeology, physical anthropology, New World archaeology(Peru, Mexico, Honduras etc) Carlos Velez-I, Ph.D. form University of california, San Diego,currently assistant professor of Anthropology at the University of california-Los Angeles. Urban & Political anthropology, aging, expressive culture, corrplex social organizations. Helen Palrrer PhD in Psychology from New School of Social Research currently director of individual counseling@ Findhorn, Scotland, Psychosynthesis Institue, London etc, & private practice in Berkeley. Psychic Counseling and training of intuition, oakland, CA. Eleanor Criswell, EdD from University of Florida in F.d.ucation Psychology currently a Professor of at Sonoma State University. Human DeveloprtEnt, Biofeedback & Consciousness Research, Perception, Yoga Psych, Child Developrrent. � Psychology Ray �ttlieb,Ph.D. in The Psychophysiology of Nearsightedness from Humanistic Psychology Instrtute. Optaretry, Body Therapies, Parapsychology, Biofeedback, Holistic Health. Santa Monica, CA. Carol Minugh,F.d..D. from State College of Pennsylvania in Higher F.d.ucation Administration. Indian & Vocational F.d.ucation. Currently Project Director "Extending the Benefits of Vocational F.d.ucation to Indian Populations" Project. Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Ruth Berg, Ph.D. in Human Behavior from USIU, San Diego. English, Speech therapy, Public Speaking, Drama, Human Behavior, Myth Fblklore. Olympia, Washington. page 35 James L. Deslonde, Ph.D. in Sociology of F.ducation from Case Western Reserve University, currently the Program Manager of Sociology of F.ducation at SRI International. Urban Education, F.ducational Survey Research, Cultuaral Pluralism, Youth Developrrent, Palo Alto, CA. Geneva Gay, Ph.D. fro m the University of Akron in CUrriculum and Instruction, currently an Associate Professor of F.ducation at Purdue University. Multi cultural F.ducation, Social Studies, History, Ethnic Studies, CUrriculum and Instruction. West Lafayette, IN. Guy Claxton, Ph.D. in Philosophy fro m Oxford University, currently Lecturer in F.ducation at the University of Iondon Chelsea College. Psycrology, Merrory, Cognitive Psychology, Learning Techniques in F.ducation. Iondon, England. Brian Lewis, B.Sc. (Special) Degree in Psychology from Birkbeck College, University of Iondon, currently Professor of Applied F.ducational Sciences, and Deputy Director of the OU Institute of F.ducational Technology. Psychology, F.ducational Technology, problem solving for organizations. Bushey, Herts, England. Jeff Stamps, Ph.D. in Human Sciences from the Humanistic Psychology Institute, currently a Writer, Researcher, and Consultant. Human Systems Theory, West Newton, Massachusetts. Dennis Gallagher, Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from Case Western Reserve University, currently a cxmsultant. Organizational Behavior, Comparative and Physiological Psychology, Personal and Conceptual Learning.Falls Church, Virginia. Vincent Deabler, Ph.D. in Psychology from Temple University, currently the Director of Partial Ibspitalization and Chief of Psycrology Service at North Central Philadelphia Comnunity Mental Health/Retardation Center. Finance, Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Mental Health and Retardation, Psychoiretrist. Philadelphia, PA. Ebnald Akutagawa, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Pittsburg, currently in private practice. Educational Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Therapy, Child Psychology. Bellevue, WA. Lawrence Halpern, Ph.D. in Pharmacology from The Albert Einstein College of Medicine, currently a Clinical Consultant of Neuropharmacology at the University of Washington Hospital. Neuropharmacologist, Drug Abuse. Department of Pharmacology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Kathy Shumaker, Ph.D. in Biology at the University of South Florida, currently a Faculty Fellow in Biology at Johnston College. Biology, Evolutionary Genetics, Population Biology, Sociobiology, Ecology, Nutrition, Human Sexuality. Johnston College, University of the Redlands, Redlands, CA. Bill Hotchkiss, Ph.D. in English from the University of California,currently working full-tirre as a writer. Creative Writing, Poetry, English. Grass Valley, CA. page 36 Herbert Guenther , PhD in Indian Philosphy & Linguistics from University of Munich & Dr. Phil. habil. from University of Vienna in Indian & Buddhist Philosophies. Presently professor & head of dept of Far Eastern Studies at U of Saskatchean Saskatoon, canada. Buddhist language, tradition, philosophy, Indian Culture Tibetan, comparative philosophy. Arthur Hastings, PhD in Speech & Conmunication from Northwestern University. Presently, Dean of faculty & professor at the California Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. Symbolism, holistic health, stress management, trans:i::,ersonal psychology Stanley Krippner, PhD from Northwestern University.Presently faculty chair at the HUID3Ilistic Psychology Institute San Francisco, CA. Healing, hurnanistic psychology. Joy Williams, PhD in African History from U of california. Presently, Assistant Graduate Advisor of African Studies at UCIA, Santa Monica, CA. African History, Literature, Politics, Philosophy, Pan-Africanism, Arrerican History. Cecil Blake, PhD in Communication Arts from the University of Wisconsin. Presently, at the Dept of Communication Arts & Scineces, Howard University, Washington D.C. Interacial & Intercultural communication, Caranunication Channels of Developing Nations, African Studies, Language Behavior Patricia Justice EdD in Vocational Education from Oregon State University. Presently, Associate Dean of Highline Corrmunity College, Federal Way, WA. John Emigh, PhD in Theatre(Theory & Criticism) form Tulane University. Presently, Associate Professor of English & Theatre Arts at BrCMn University. 'lheatre, nasked dances, Balinese dance. Reed M=ncke, PhD in Psychology from Stste U. Presently, Associate Director of Student Counseling Service at the U of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. Dorothy Riddle, PhD in Clinical Psychology from Duke U., Presently a clinical psychologist at the U of Arizona.Warren's studies, feminism, lesbianism, hoTIDphobia Stuart Hyde, PhD in Speech & Drarna.(add. work speech therapy, English Lit) from Stanford U., Professor & Dept Chair@ San Francisco State U. The arts, speech, drama., mass comnunication & technology. Joseph Axelrod, PhD in Humanities from the University of Chicago. Presently, Professor at San Francisco State U, San Francisco, CA. Aesthetics, Humanities, Comparative Literature. Marc Bertonosco, PhD in English from the University of Wisconsin, Currently Professor of English at California State U., Sacrarrento, CA., literature, style, comp::>sition,exposition. Page 37 Robin Clyde, PhD in Psychology from Ohio State University. Presently, Director of Counseling Services at San Jose State University, CA. Theory of normal personality, holistic depth psychology, counselor training and evaluation. Melville Klauber, PhD in Statistics from Stanford University. Presently, principal statistician and adjunct professor at U.C. school of Medicine, San Diego, CA. Statistics, Mathematics Dennis Jaffe, PhD in Sociology from Yale University. Presently, Director of Learning for Health & private practice as a clinical psychologist, Mill Valley, CA. Health psychology and organizational developrrent, group dynamics. Martin Cherrers, PhD in Psychology from the University of Illinois, Urbana. Presently, Professor and De pt Chair of Psychology De pt at University of Utah. Leadership, organizational intervention, cross-cultural studies. Paul Thonpson, OBA from Harvard Business School. Presently, Professor of Organ izational Behavior & Assistant De an of the Graduate School of Managenent, Brigham Young University. Career Stages, performance appraisal, organizational life & behavior. Jarres Bush, M.D. from the Medical College of Virginia, Richrrond. Presently, Director of Health Policy and Index Project at the U of C, San Diego. Application of r:olicy sciences to Health care organization & delivery, training rrethods for health policy and health services research. Hatha Surrenda, PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Massachusetts. Currently, De an of the Graduate School of Consiousness Studies at John F. Kennedy University, Walnut Creek, CA. Consciousness Studies, clinical psychology, dorrestic crisis intervention, Tramspersonal Process. Dominie Cappadonna, PhD from Hunanistic Psychology Institute in Humanistic & Transpersonal Psychology. Presently teaching at the California Institute of Asian Studies and in private practice as a transpersonal therapist. Mill Valley, CA . Transpersonal Psych, Buddhist studies, intuitive process. Vernon Thonpson, EdD in Counseling Psych from University of Missouri. Executive Director of the Effective Living Center in Honolulu, HI. Rehabilitation, errotive-rarional Behavior,counseling psychology. Presently, Russell Ellis, PhD from UCI.A in Sociology. Presently, Associate Professor of Behavioral Sciences in Architecture at UC-Berkeley. Dynamics of Affirrrative Action, Environrrent and social behavior, black corrmunity. Terry Lunsford, PhD in Sociology from UC-Berkeley. Presently, Research Specialist at the Institute for the Study of Social Change, Berkeley, CA. John McCorry, PhD in Counseling Psychology from Colorado State University. Presently, in private pratice in clinical psychology. Adolescents & rrental health, gestalt, neurolinguistic progranming, transactional analysis, Denver,CO. Page 38 Jean Lum, PhD in Sociology from the University of Washington. Presently, a professor in the Dept of Professional Nursing at the University of Hawaii. Transcultural connrunication and Health, nursing research, minority group related research. University of Hawaii at Manoa, Dept of Professional Nursing, Honolulu, HI. Jonathan Rayrrond, PhD in Psychology from University of Kentucky. Presently, Associate Professor, Dept of Conmunity Health. Corrmunity psych, health psych, conmunity health planning, organizational & systems developrrent, social support, cross cultural social psychology, stress. School of Public Health, Dept of Community Health Developrrent, University of Hawaii at M:1.noa, Honolulu, HI. Mark Wiesner, PhD in Psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology. Currently, in general practice as a Psychologist in San Diego. Sex therapy, Marital problems, tests and rreasurerrents. La Jolla, CA. Robert Mines, PhD in Counselor Education from the University of Iowa. Presently, Assistant Professor of Counseling Psychology at the University of Denver. Biofeedback, autogenic training, neurolinguistic prograrrrning, personality assessrrent. Denver, CO. Forrest Orr, PhD in Ps�1chology fran the University of Missouri. Presently, in full -time private practice as a psychologist. Diagnostic psychology, marriage & career counseling, rehabilitation counseling, psychology of deafness (sign language). Oakland, CA. Evan Vlachos, PhD in Sociology from Indiana University. Presently, Director of the Environrrental Resources Center and Professor of Sociology and Civil Engineering at Colorado State University. Social Irrpact Assessrrent, Resource Managerrent. Dept of Sociology, Colorado State U, Ft Collins, CO. Rayrrond Ewing, M.A. in Social & Political Philosophy from the University of Chicago. 30 years experience in public affairs, public relations, journalism and a pioneer in the field of issues managerrent. Presently, Director of Issues .Management at Allstate Insurance Corrpany. Issues management, strategic planning, policy analysis & social sciences. Northbrook, IL. Charles Bebeau, Jr, PhD in Social/Personality Psychology form the University of Colorado. Currently, Director and Professor of Psychology at the Colorado Institute for Transpersonal Psychology. Social Psych, biofeedback, personality theory, eastern psycho-spiritual traditions. Boulder, CO. Gay Hendricks, PhD in Counseling Psychology fran Stanford University. Currently, Associate Professor, School of Professional Studies in Education at University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. Counseling psych, transpersonal Psych, lxxly therapy. Colorado Springs, CO.
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