Leisureville News - Palm Beach Leisureville
Leisureville News - Palm Beach Leisureville
Palm Beach NO BOARD MEETING IN JUNE Leisureville News PALM BEACH LEISUREVILLE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AN ACTIVE ADULT COMMUNITY NEWS FROM THE BOARD JUNE 2015 Leisureville Re-Paving Schedule The Board of Directors met on May 19 at Clubhouse 3 at 7 PM. Present at the meeting were President Peter Sentfleben, Vice President Trisha Beeler, Treasurer Jim Bogert, Secretary Janet Dixon, Directors Hal Eide (by phone), Barbara Knutson and Frank Vilardo, Manager Robert Van Liew, and Association Secretary Veronica Navarro. Not present were Directors Ed DeFlippis and Louise Farrell. • Treasurer Jim Bogert gave the Treasure’s report: Operating Cash $800,410; CDARS $400,218; Reserve $535,598. He reported that four owners are in collection. Steve Schone, chairperson of the Finance Committee, requested that $200,000 be moved from the operating funds to the reserve funds. The board approved. • Secretary Janet Dixon asked that anyone who knew Block Captains to inform them that the newspaper will be delivered on June 2, not June 5. • Director Barbara Knutson stated that the ACC is continuing inspections through the summer. The Board approved new members Mike Kerbin and Rick Stead. Barbara asked for a replacement liaison for the summer months as she will be away. • Vice President Tricia Beeler gave the Recreation Committee report on Director Louise Farrell’s behalf. A new water cooler and three new lounge chairs and umbrellas have been purchased for Clubhouse 3. New pool cues have been purchased for Clubhouse 1; chairs and floors have been cleaned at Clubhouse 1. Various storage areas and small rooms are being painted. There will be a check list for committees and clubs to follow regarding clean up after an event. • Vice President Tricia Beeler reported on the COP activities and meeting. COP had 432 patrol hours and 50 office hours. At the last COP meeting, Rita Swan spoke about safety; Tricia gave a lengthy summary about many safety suggestions. SHRED is the word of the day. A CERT class is scheduled to begin in November. Booklets and forms for emergencies were provided for residents to take after the meeting. • Director Frank Vilardo reported that the Technology Committee has met with another internet provider. REPAVING • Manager Robert Van Liew stated that on July 6 repaving will begin in sections 1, 2, and 3. These streets cannot be used for 48 hours. President Peter Sentfleben announced that ticketing for overnight parking on swails and grass will be suspended for the streets near those being paved to allow residents to park their vehicles close to home while their streets are closed. (See map page 1) • President Peter Sentfleben asked for volunteers to form an adhoc committee to do a feasibility study on the 506 house; in particular, the committee could look into the possibility of renting the house before the bank forecloses. • President Peter Sentfleben reported that Comcast has contacted the Association with a service Continued on page 6 MAINTENANCE FEES FOR 2015 BEGINNING JANUARY 1, LEISUREVILLE HOMEOWNER FEES ARE $142 PER MONTH NEXT NEWSPAPER DELIVERY FRIDAY, JuLY 3 , 2015 TOWN HALL MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 1 CLUBHOUSE 3 10AM RESIDENTS URGED TO ATTEND SPEAK ABOUT YOUR CONCERNS Page 2 Italian Night LEISUREVILLE NEWS June 2015 Many residents attended the annual Italian Night sponsored by the New England Club on April 11 at Clubhouse 3. The event was catered by Mama Mia’s of Boynton Beach, and RJ and Joey provided the music. The red wine flowed, the food was an epicurean delight, and the dancing filled the floor. (See more pictures on page 30.) Guests enjoying Italian Night. BETHESDA HEALTH LECTURES WHAT’S NEW IN IBS June 2, 2015 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Location: Bethesda Hospital West Education Classroom Presented by Stephen Miller, M.D. COMMON HAND PROBLEMS June 11, 2015 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Location: Clayton Conference Center - Bethesda Hospital East Presented by Angelo Incorvaia, M.D. CLUBHOUSE RESERVATIONS CALL SUSIE BRUFLADT 561-369-7130 June 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2014: Peter Senftleben, president (2016); Patricia Beeler, Vice-President (2017); Janet Dixon, Secretary (2016); Jim Bogert, Treasurer (2016) DIRECTORS: Ed DeFilippis (2016), Hal Eide (2017), Louise Farrell (2017), Barbara Knutson (2017); Frank Vilardo (2017) Email: [email protected] [email protected] Board Members may also be reached by calling the office: 732-7474 _____________________________________________________________________ ASSOCIATION STAFF Contact the office M-F 8am-4:30pm - 561-732-7474 - fax: 561-732-5878 1007 Ocean Dr, Boynton Beach Fl, 33426 email: [email protected] Robert J. Van Liew, General Manager; Ronnie Navarro, Secretary/Office Manager Perry Markowitz, Accountant Estelle Harper, Judy Lick, Joy Olson, Office Staff Administrative Assistants _____________________________________________________________________ CLUBHOUSE COORDINATORS R-1 Marie Miller, 733-3740 R-2: Cindy Cirillo, 732-0273 R-3: - Dick Corrinne (561) 738-6221 clubhouse phone numbers R1 - 561-732-7703 • R2 - 561-734-7572 • R3 - 561-737-8489 _____________________________________________________________________ CARING NEIGHBORS MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Coordinator – Gerhard Lange, 364-4039 Assistants - Dick Brown, 742-8598; Joyce Paul, 733-9680; Susie Brufladt, 369-7130; Phil Schiro, 735-7489 _____________________________________________________________________ GOLF COURSE Golf Shop, 732-0593 • Chairperson: Jim Atkins _____________________________________________________________________ CITIZENS OBSERVER PATROL-COP Ofc-R-1 Email: [email protected] PHONE # (561) 375-9824 Wednesdays & Fridays, 9 a.m. to Noon PBL COP STAFF 2014 OFFICER RITA SWAN LIAISON 742-6848 OFFICER RACHEL LOY LIASON 742-6849 MAJOR RICHARD BOTTS OPERATIONS 737-0129 CAPTAI£ JOAN KELLY TRAINING 742-3233 CAPTAIN BEVERLY GARRIS PROGRAMS 732-5738 LIEUTANANT/ADMINISTRATIONADM/OFFICE COMPUTER VIVIANE DIETSCHY 704-3282 SERGEANT HORACE FEINSTEIN SCHEDULING 523-2579 SERGEANT BRETT COATES SCHEDULING 246-07.., I SERGEANT SHEILA PESCE SCHEDULING 737-1371 Sergeant Ira Rosenz weig Office Asst. COP OFF. SERGEANT DICK FOELL PATROL CARS 737-9481 _____________________________________________________________________ HOBBY SHOP Call Louis Forrler for an appointment at 734-7286 until further notice. Volunteers available Tuesdays from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM. _____________________________________________________________________ After hours Emergency Phone #’s for Maintenance Jim Maxwell 374-1289 • After hours Sprinkler Problems - 374-1289 _____________________________________________________________________ GOLF COMMITTEE GOLF – Email: [email protected] Jim Atkins, Chairperson; Kevin McNiece, Vice Chairperson; Patti O’Connor, Treasurer; Dympna Fitzmaurice, Asst. Treasurer; Pat Maupin, Secretary; George Huygo, Steward; Pat Z ukas, Head of Day Captains. _____________________________________________________________________ SECTION LEADERS Francisca Bonnel Chairperson ........................................................................739-9039 Joyce Paul, Asst. Chairperson ........................................................................ 733-9680 Gerhard Lange, Asst. Chairperson .................................................................. 364-4039 Ron Hardin, Asst. Chairperson ....................................................................................... Susie Brufladt, Asst. Chairperson..................................................................... 369-7130 Sec. 1 Arnold Brothers............. 740-4806 Sec. 2 Richard Botts................. 737-0129 Sec. 3 Mary Hillyer................... 752-9194 Sec. 4 Ida Sands...................... 292-3064 Sec. 5 Barbara McLaughlin ..... 734-6603 Sec. 5A Marge Rodda.............. 736-9597 Sec. 6 Gerhard Lange.............. 364-4039 Sec. 7 Marie Miller.................... 733-3740 Sec. 8 Joyce Paul .................... 733-9680 Sec. 9A Gloria Thompson ........ 734-0670 Sec. 9 Ann Schillerr.................. 364-1733 _____________________________________________________________________ RECREATION Email: [email protected] Chairperson: JoAnn Cirillo; Vice-Chairperson: Julia Palmer; Secretary: Sandi Gentile; Treasurer: Dympna Fitzmaurice; Marilyn Guidry, Assistant Treasurer: Pat McKelvey; R-1 Coordinator: Marie Miller, 733-3740; R-2 Coordinator: Cindy Cirillo, 732-0273; R-3 Coordinator Dick Corinne, 738-6221; Fitness Center Director: Lynne Vickers _____________________________________________________________________ LANDSCAPE COMMITTEE Mary Ellen Fowler, Chairperson; Marilyn Reader, Vice Chairperson; Julia Palmer, Secretary; Maureen McNulty and Beth Van Wagner, Green Thumb. _____________________________________________________________________ CONDO ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPE COMMITTEE Chairperson: Judy Brunner _____________________________________________________________________ ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE Chairperson: Bill Patten; Vice Chair: George Neger; Recording Secretary: Shirley Cassa members: Alexander George, Charles Helm, and Fred Birdsall. _____________________________________________________________________ FINANCE Email: [email protected] Chairperson: Steve Schone; Vice Chair: Gail Wheatley; Secretary: Helen Sexton Members: Frank Perry, Leo Grondin, Ken Weissman; John Lambrechts; Manager: Robert Van Liew; Bookkeeper:Perry Markowitz; Consultant: Mike Culligan. _____________________________________________________________________ TECH COMMITTEE [email protected] Chairperson: Cele Weissmann,; Vice Chair: Webb White Secretary: Midge Mahnken; Treasurer: Joan Schone; Member: Laureen King, Steve Schone • Board Liaison: Frank Vilardo, Newspaper Editor: Rose Luke - 561-200-9659, 561-740-3846 [email protected] Webmaster: Cele Weissman - [email protected] _____________________________________________________________________ Page 3 SPECIAL PHONE NUMBERS PBL Office....................................................................................................... 732-7474 Boynton Beach Water Dept........................................................................... 742-6300 Boynton Beach Water Emergencies............................................................. 742-6430 Boynton Beach City....................................................................................... 742-6000 Emergency Police....................................................................................................911 Police Department (Non-Emerency)............................................................. 732-8116 Sprinkler Hot Line........................................................................................... 734-3042 Paid Security ........................................................................................... 561-704-1158 Florida Power and Light (Emergency).......................................................... 994-8227 C.O.P. Office.................................................................................................... 375-9824 City Hall, Main Number.................................................................................. 742-6000 Animal Control................................................................................................ 742-6210 Pro-Shop......................................................................................................... 732-0593 Leisureville News Office................................................................................ 200-9659 _____________________________________________________________________ Palm Beach Leisureville Official Website: Palmbeachleisureville.com or mypblca.com FOR ALL COMMITTEES COMMITTEE MEETINGS Board Of Directors: 3rd Tuesday, 7 p.m., R3 Finance Committee: 3 p.m. every 4th Thursday, Association Office Architectural Committee: 1st and 3rd Tuesday every month at Conference Room R-1 (office), 9 a.m. Recreation Committee: 2nd Tuesday, 9 a.m., Association Office Meeting Room - R-1 Tech Committee: As Needed Women’s Golf League: 1st Monday, 8:30 a.m.., R-3 - Patio Room Landscape Committee: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 2:30 p.m., Association Office Meeting Room - R-1 C.O.P. Staff: 2nd Monday, 7p.m., R-1 C.o.p. Members: 3rd Monday, 7 p.m., R-2 Golf Committee: 1st Monday, 1:30 p.m., Association Office Meeting Room - R-1 Men’s Golf League: 2nd Monday, 1:30 p.m., Association Office Meeting Room - R-1 Condo LLC & ACC meeting in R1 Association Office is now the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month. Section Leaders: 3rd Monday, 10 a.m., R-3 Entertainment Committee: Wednesday, 1:30 p.m. Association Office ACTIVITIES Arts & Crafts: Wednesday, 9-11 a.m., R-2..........................................737-7883 BOCCE Mon, Tues, Thurs............................................................ 561-200-4560 COP: 3rd Monday, 7 p.m., R-2.............................................................736-8129 Drawing & Painting: Tuesday, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., R-2............................742-0755 Flea Market: Saturday, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., R-2........................................704-8353 Hymn Sing: Every Friday night, 7:15 p.m., R-2...................................734-0849 Line Dancing: Wednesday (Nov-Apr), 6:30-8 p.m., R-1.....................740-0936 Pool Exercises: Monday-Sunday, 9-10 a.m., R-1...............................736-8624 ......................................................................... R-2..............................364-8925 ......................................................................... R-3..............................733-9680 Tap Dancing: Monday, 1:00-3:30 p.m., R-3........................................733-4626 ....................... Friday, 1:00-3:30 p.m., R-3...........................................733-4626 Walking Exercise: M-W-F, R-1, 8 a.m. (Jan.-Dec.)..................... 561-736-7013 CARD GAME/GROUPS Bingo: Monday, 6:15-9 p.m., R-3........................................................734-5843 Wednesday, 6:15 p.m., R-3..................................................................734-5843 Bridge- every Monday- R1 billiard room- ..................................... 561-738-9604 Bridge: Wednesday, 12-4 p.m., R-2....................................................738-5082 Bridge: Thursday, 6:15-10 p.m., R-1...................................................738-5082 25 Card Club: Friday (Sept.-May), 7-9:30 p.m., R-1...........................752-1834 Chess: Tuesday or Thursday, 6-10 p.m....................................... 561-400-8614 Euchre: Sunday, 6-9 p.m., January-April, R-2.....................................364-9580 Euchre: Sunday, 6-9 p.m., May-December, R-2..................................742-9089 Hand & Foot: Tuesday, 1-3 p.m., R-3 Patio Room.............................732-0252 Hand & Foot:: Tuesday, 6:15 p.m., R-1......................... ...................736-7013 Thursday, 6:15 p.m., R-1............................ ............419-356-1904 Mahjongg: Wednesday, 1-4 p.m., R-1................................................733-3081 Men’s Billiards: Monday-Friday, 6-8 p.m., R-2...................................736-9422 Pinochle: Tuesday, 6:30-9 p.m., R-2................................. 737-7883; 737-1338 .................Thursday, 6:30-9 p.m., R-2.............................. 737-7883 ; 737-1338 Scrabble: Tuesday, 1-4 p.m., R-2.......................................................736-8129 Shuffleboard: Monday, 7-9 p.m., R-2.................................................734-2098 ........................ Wednesday, 7-9 p.m., R-2...........................................734-2098 Texas Hold’em Tuesday...........................................Carl Olesky 561-752-9276 CLUBS Long Island: 1st Friday (Oct-Apr), 9:30-11:30 a.m., R-3......................846-2430 Michigan: 3rd Thursday (Oct-Apr), 5-10 p.m., R-3...............................364-4039 New England: 2nd Friday (Oct-Apr), 9:30-11 a.m., R-3....................... 736-1770 New Jersey: 2nd Wednesday (Oct-Apr), 9-11:30 a.m., R-3.860-508-6597; 413-3317 New York: 2nd Monday (Oct-Apr), 9:30-11 a.m., R-3................. 1-516-521-7246 Pennsylvania: 3rd Friday (Oct-Apr), 9 a.m.-12 p.m., R-3.................... 336-2182 VFW: 1st Monday 7 p.m., [email protected] - Leisureville Office Hours Office Hours are 8 AM to 4:30 PM and WILL be OPEN at Lunchtime Page 4 LEISUREVILLE NEWS TOWN HALL MEETING The Board held a Town Hall meeting on May 4 at 10 AM in Clubhouse 3. President Peter Sentfleben, Vice-President Tricia Beeler, Secretary Janet Dixon, and Directors Ed DeFlippis and Barbara Knutson were in attendance. President Peter Sentfleben spoke at length about past concerns. Since the lake and canal clean up was not up to par, he stated that the Board was getting three bids from new companies. He asked interested residents who want a computer class to contact Joann Cirillo from Recreation. He gave much detail about procedures for getting rid of alligators. The FWC does not need permission to come on to our land, but contractors who are called about an alligator do need permission. Any resident can call in his/her concern about an alligator; if the office ignores the request, the Association can be held liable. Florida does not have a relocate policy; trappers can remove the alligator alive or dead. Carl Wagner clarified some percentages concerning the changing of our bylaws. In particular, a change needs 75% of the Board and 60% of the residents; the percentage changes for those who hold mortgages. President Peter Sentfleben explained that the Florida Statute states that after three failed attempts to change a bylaw, a judge can make the change. Peter stated he would clarify all this at the meeting he has scheduled with our lawyer later in the day. Carl also pointed out that the paint Coastal uses already has mildew/fungal resistant properties. Phil Wolfe asked the Board to consider getting a bid for a metal roof for Clubhouse 1. He also wanted to know why it is taking so long to get the WiFi off the ground. “Can we resurrect the original proposal?” he asked. He also wanted to know why the Technology Committee was looking into new vendors. Chairperson Celia Weissman explained that the committee was doing its due diligence by contacting additional vendors and reported that one of the vendors has already made a site visit. Ida Sands, a snowbird, explained that bundling is often cheaper for snowbirds and that condos have additional restrictions concerning outside antennae for internet. Carol Sasha spoke about a concern with a resident condo owner who has a cement fence around his patio. The Condo Landscape/ Architectural Control Committee cited this owner in violation. Carol voiced her frustration with the manager who has told her that he has nothing to do with condo associations. She does not know whom to turn to. Sandi Peterson-Hardt also voiced her concern: what is the relationship between the condos and the HOA? Carol LeMay spoke about a condo council that was formed by her and Richard Moore in 2010, but it fizzled out. Its purpose was to bring the condos for bulk pricing and discounts. She explained that it was difficult to get 22 mind sets to work together. The Condo Associations have pretty much taken it upon themselves to do their own thing. President Peter Sentfleben and Vice President Tricia Beeler said they would like to see a council again. Peter invited Carol and Ida to the meeting he had with the manager later in the day. Vivien Stirpe complained that the contractor who repaired Clubhouse 1 and 3 pools splattered cement on the signs at these locations. She also pointed out that there are two potholes at the intersection of Eighth and Ocean. President Peter Sentfleben explained that the city keeps repeating that it has no money for road repair. He asked that residents June 2015 be alert to city trucks on our roads as we then have a reason to appeal to the city for damage to our roads. Shirley Cassa asked about the SW 16th house. The legal change of address has not been filed so all mail is going to Mollengarten. As a result, important information is not getting to our Association. Predident Peter Sentfleben has looked into this, but was provided with copies of the documents filed with the state. He will follow up. Brenda Bender expressed her appreciation for the Board service. She asked the Board to use more technology to communicate to those not here year round. Kathy Altaro stated that a sign at the entrance from Boynton Beach Boulevard and Leisure Lane is needed. Bev Coccoli saw an advertisement in the Leisureville newspaper that this contractor could install approved metal roofs. Director Barbara Knutson said the ACC is studying the use of metal roofs. Peggy Guyder would like information about the quality and standards for metal roofs. John Ferrara spoke about RV parking. Director Barbara Knutson stated that she will bring up this issue at the May Board meeting; Barbara wants to remove the time limits. Presently, an RV owner cannot park on the street at all, even to pack and unpack. Roger Crane also spoke about RV parking. He especially wants direction from the office about where to park. Since the office has access to events planned at each of the clubhouses, the office needs to give direction about which parking lot is most available. A resident also stated that an RV at Clubhouse 1 had its generator on all night. At another time, an RV owner washed his RV at the clubhouse. Sandi Peterson Hardt stated that parking at the hotel parking lot during golf tournaments and scrambles has been approved by the City. by Rose Luke TRAFFIC LIMITATIONS IN LEISUREVILLE: CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC ALERT Just a reminder of the traffic limitations: there should be no hotel traffic anywhere except entering Ocean from Congress and going directly to the hotel site. Traffic is not permitted on Ocean Drive between 8th and the hotel, Leisureville Blvd, 18th Street and off Boynton Beach Blvd through the condo area. Hotel committee member, Dympna Fitzmaurice, reminded members of the agreement that the city made regarding traffic. And our HOA President, Peter, has talked with the manager, Mr. Van Liew, who has agreed to notify the city should there be any infractions! Sandi Peterson Hardt is asking all residents of Leisureville to call the Manager, 732-7474, to report any violations. I am also asking Rose Luke to publicize this in the Leisureville News, and Dennis Mozier to publicize this in his newsletter. PLEASE TELL YOUR NEIGHBORS ABOUT THIS ALSO! Thanks for your help in this matter. Sandi Peterson-Hardt SAMPLE RE-PAVING LETTER www.edwardjones.com May 13, 2015 Re: Paving of Street Dear (Street Address) Residents; Weather permitting, paving of the asphalt areas in your community will begin on (Date) (Rain Date July, 10th, 24th, and 17th). Each day the program will start at approximately 8:00a.m. You must relocate your vehicle outside the phased area and properly park them somewhere else in the development. You may return to your parking area 48 hours after completion. Retirement: Ready or not. Ready is better. Wyn Yelin Financial Advisor The new asphalt takes 3-6 months to cure. During this time, especially in the heat of the day, the asphalt will be soft. Do not have ladders, motorcycles or bicycle kickstands, high hells, or other objects of sharp condense weight on it. If you are in your vehicle, in a stationary position, turning wheels will leave tracks. Do not use any chemicals or petroleum products over the new asphalt. . 901 N Congress Ave Suite D106 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 561-737-1442 www.edwardjones.com Thank you Janice Riley-Potter Member SIPC Janice Riley-Potter President June 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS ADVERTISING INDEX Please support our advertisers AIR CONDITIONING Alpha Omega...................................... 8 Integrity Air....................................... 23 Robert McGowan A/C....................... 10 HOUSE SITTING D.L. Folsom A/C & Heating Corp................ 25 KITCHEN/BATHROOM REMODELING The Carpenter’s Son.......................... 18 Scherban Mica Works...................... 21 Tom Kruse Air Conditioning........................ 24 Henson Mechanical..................................... 25 ALTERATIONS Mabels Alterations...................................... 24 APPLIANCES A Appliance Service of PB..................5 A1 Appliance and Refrig repair........25 Broward Factory Service..................29 ARCHITECT Alex George.......................................25 ASSISED LIVING Barrington Terrace........................... 18 ASSOCIATIONS INSURANCE Basic Integrity................................... 11 LANDSCAPING Mignano Landscaping................................ 24 LEGAL Kevin La Montagne, Attorney.......... 12 LIMOUSINE SERVICE JPA Airport and Limo Service...................... 24 LOCKSMITH South Shore Locksmith.............................. 25 CAREGIVERS PAINTING First Class Nursing Registry....................... 24 Interior Painting by Kenny G...................... 25 Inge Richner, LPN...................................... 24 Paint It Rite................................................. 24 Jan Coleman.............................................. 24 CLEANING PEST CONTROL Mr. Carl’s Pest Control......................12 Nozzle Nolen..................................... 26 Rid A Pest.......................................... 15 P3 Property Solutions LLC......................... 24 Jeff’s Pest Control...................................... 24 Sarah’s House Cleaning............................. 25 PETS COMPUTER Computer Hospital..............................5 Gail Truscio Pet Grooming......................... 24 CONSTRUCTION Bailey’s Home Services, Inc.............23 Sardi Construction............................13 PHARMACY Benzer..................................................2 Kimberly Salik............................................. 25 Maria Lucano............................................... 25 Happy K-9.................................................. 25 JW Electric.................................................. 25 PLUMBING Fox Plumbing.....................................10 Garner Plumbing...............................25 Maine-ly Plumbing............................ 24 Papa’s Plumbing............................... 20 Budget Electrical........................................ 24 RJ Fisher Plumbing.................................... 19 C.N.D. Electric............................................ 25 REAL ESTATE Coldwell Banker Shirley Cassa. 25, 32 Remax - Kathy Clarke...................... 32 Majestic Palms Mary Ellen Fowler...15 Coral Shores Realty-Scheft & Malo...6 Hudson Realty - Cathy Fowler..........13 Hudson Realty - Cheryl Fowler........13 Hudson Realty - Desiree Cornelio.......25 Valerie Anne Martinetti..................... 15 Keller Williams - Dean Emly.............22 Churey & Son Construction........................ 25 R.C. Cole Construction................................ 21 ELECTRIC ELECTRONIC REPAIR Electronic Gadget Repair................ 15 FINANCIAL Ed Jones..............................................4 FIREARMS RRPSI................................................. 10 FLOORING/CARPET Sal’s Carpet Cleaning................................. 24 FUNERAL A Cremation Service........................ 32 Scobee Combs Brown Funeral....... 29 GARAGE DOORS The Doorman.................................... 26 Boynton Garage Doors............................... 23 Door Doctor................................................. 27 GOLD & COIN Les.......................................................24 GUTTERS Mr. Gutter............................................24 HAIR SALONS D’Agostino Barber...................................... 24 Richard’s Barber Shop............................... 24 David Earnst................................................ 24 Wendy Matos............................................... 24 HOME REPAIRS Bryan Kanonik Contractor......... 23, 27 Jack of All Trades....................................... 24 We Make House Calls! 561-965-5315 Mignano Tree Care..................................... 24 Corporate Coaches...........................21 BUS SERVICE Computer Hospital Inc. House Sitting by Vickie............................... 25 MEDICAL Dr. Michael Levine.............................18 Martha M. Rodriguez MD.................. 28 Brain Matters Research....................31 American Legion........................................ 25 Page 5 RELIGIOUS First Presbyterian............................. 25 ROOFING Brian Kanonik Contractor.......... 23, 27 AAM Industries................................. 26 Gustafson Industries.........................26 Rab Roofing.......................................13 Robert Cherry Roofing..................... 27 Bossler Roofing...................................8 Hall Roofing.......................................10 SLIDERS/DOORS The Door Doctor............................... 27 The Doorman.................................... 26 SLIPCOVERS Slipcovers, etc.................................. 24 TILE & MARBLE C. Minervini Tile and Marble............ 25 TRAVEL Cruise One........................................ 25 Let Jerry Do It............................................. 25 Patronize our advertisers. They make it possible to bring you this newspaper. Tell them you saw their ad in the leisureville news. What We Do Computer Repairs Home Network Set-up Virus Removal iPhone, iPad, Tablets Set-up & Training New & Used Desktops and Laptops We are waiting for your call! Used Desktop PCs for sale $99 & up We buy used iPhone & iPads Page 6 LEISUREVILLE NEWS C.O.P. MAY 2015 RIDERS RANDY ARTHUR CARL BADAMO CARL BENTLEY SHIRLEY BERNS ARONOLD BROTHERS ADRIENNE CAlVANO ADELAIDE CAMPBELL TOM CAREY CYNTHIA CIRILLO BEVERLY CLASSEN JAMES CLASSEN NICHOLAS COLAGIOVANNI PATRICK CORR ELEANOR COSTELLO MARY CUCCINOTIA CARMELITA CURTIS MARY ANN DEBLASIO JOSEPH DIGIROLAMO NICHOLAS DIPETTIE RITA DIPRETA ROCCO DIPRETA LOUISE FARRELL HORACE FEINSTEIN MARY FLAHERTY PETER FLAHERTY DEIDRE FLEMING BEVERLY GARRIS IRENE GOODSELL MILLARD GOODSELL ANTHONY GROCH GLORIA GROCH DAVID HANES DIANA HANES CHARLES HARRINGTON CHARLES HELM PATRICK HUGHES PAM JUSTICE PETER KARALEKAS JR. JOAN KELLY SEAN KELLY PATRICIA KHOURY RAY KISH MAE LAZ ARUS JUDY LEHMANN GEORGE LEONHARDT LARRY LIMOGE PETER LOUGHRAN ANTHONY MARANO CARL MARTURANO PEG MCCARRON RAY MCCARRON ROBERT MCCONNELL BRIDGET MCCORMACK JOHN MCCORMACK ROBERT MCCOY GERRI MCGETTIGAN JOHN MCGRATH JOHN MCNULTY PAT MCPARTLIN KARL MIELENHAUSEN PATRICK MURPHY SHEILA PESCE CATHERINE PIZZ O MARCO PIZZ O LOUISE RICKER JOHN RODDA JULIANNE ROSADA SEAN RYAN ELIZ ABETH SCHMITZ PAM STEWART LOUISE SWEENEY EILEEN TRAYNOR KATHLEEN URE MARGE WACHSMUTH KENNETH WHITE GLORIA WOLFE DELMAS WOOD JR. * THANKYOU FOR YOUR SERVICE AND KEEPING OUR NEIGHBORHOOD SAFE* June 2015 ATTENTION DOG OWNERS ADDRESS CHANGE RESIDENTS SHOULD NOTIFY ASSOCIATION OFFICE FOR ANY ADDRESS CHANGE HERE OR UP NORTH NOMINATING COMMITTEE 2016 BOARD ELECTIONS INTERESTED RESIDENTS CALL ASSOCIATION OFFICE 561-732-7474 Flag Day June 19, 2015 PLEASE RESPECT OTHERS PICK UP AFTER YOUR DOG COP APRIL MEETING The COP membership meeting took place on April 20 at 7 PM in Clubhouse 2. Rick Lee from the Boynton Beach Fire Department spoke about CERT training, field assignments, triage areas, command post and supplies, and use of two way radios. Officer Rita Swan from the Boynton Beach Police reminded all to not use debit cards at mobile stations, especially at Congress and Boynton Beach Boulevard. We wish to thank all our volunteers each and every day, week, month, and years. These are the most giving and caring people in Leisureville. Captain Beverly Garris News From The Board from page 1 agreement offering free WiFi in the clubhouses. • Director Barbara Knutson proposed that the policy on RV, boats, and trailers remove the hours 10 PM to 8 AM and change the time to 3 days/3 nights. The Board approved. • President Peter Sentfleben spoke about lake management. He discovered that Superior had not been doing its job. He stated that Pinnacle presented a very detailed proposal that included algaecide and hand pulling of the invasive plants from all the lakes and canals for $22,960 annually. The Board approved a one year contract. • President Peter Sentfleben’s motion to suspend Board meetings for June, July, and August was approved. He announced the next Town Hall meeting will be June 1 at 10 AM in Clubhouse 3. • Beverly Coccoli spoke about a house whose owner is in assisted living. People are living in the house; they are not 55, not owners or tenants. The police have been there on numerous occasions. President Peter Sentfleben said he would look into the situation with the manager and the lawyer. • Mike Culligan stated that the U1 Condo Association is in dire straits. • James Canino asked about green garbage pails that can be provided by the City of Boynton. President Peter Sentfleben is looking into this. By Rose Luke June 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Page 7 CLUBS & COMMITTEES RECREATION COMMITTEE The Recreation Committee held their monthly meeting on May 12, 2015. The Clubhouse 3 kitchen has been completed and turned out beautifully. Clubhouse 1 has new pool cues; Clubhouse 1 carpet and chairs were professionally cleaned; the carpet will be replaced in the fall. Entry mats for all the clubhouses have been ordered. The Entertainment Committee will begin selling tickets for the Halloween party the end of September. A New Year's Eve party has been scheduled with RJ & Joey entertaining us. The Recreation Committee will reconvene in September and wishes everyone a happy and healthy summer. Sandi Gentile, secretary LONG ISLAND CLUB Well, the snowbirds have flown the coupe and the heat of summer is upon us. So, don’t fire up that grill for your Fourth of July Barbeque. Join the Long Island Club at Clubhouse 3, 12:30PM on the Fourth. All of the barbeque food and fixins for only $11.00 plus a brand new “The Price is Right” wheel made in PBL’s hobby shop. If you missed last year’s event, DON’T miss this one. The fun and great prizes continue. Start studying the ads in the Sunday paper now and when you hear “Mary Jane Smith, Come On Down - Jerry Garcia, Come On Down” you’ll know what the right price is. Tickets go on sale on June 9, between 9-10 AM Clubhouse 3 or call Cheryl Ryder, 561-742-9089. Great food, Great Games, Great Prizes. See ya Delphine A. Faust, Secretary CARING NEIGHBORS Hello from Caring Neighbors! Although our ranks have thinned out from Snowbirds heading north and full timers going on vacation, we are still offering a full plate of services. So feel free to continue to count on us this summer. I’d like to take this space and introduce you to a Caring Neighbor. When We Care was disbanded, a need for a similar organization was realized. What to do? Why create one, of course. And for that job, Bob Cevasco was one of the ones tapped. It’s almost impossible to explain the quantity and quality of work that Bob produced. Along with Peggy Bailey, Virginia Brookins, Richard Dina, Lynn Theis and June Hewitt, they created the new Mission Statement, Job Descriptions and an overview of the organization However, Bob then began one of the most onerous and, perhaps, important tasks: that of getting proper insurance coverage. After conversations with many of our insurance agency friends, Bob sifted through volumes of proposals until he located the most complete, yet affordable coverage for us. His discussions with agents and lawyers enabled him to acquire a broad grasp of what kind of insurance was necessary and how much coverage was needed. The upshot of this is that all our volunteers are now covered whether they be Board Members, Drivers, Office workers or Sunshine people. In addition, Bob served as treasurer. To you, Bob, we owe an enormous debt of gratitude. Thank you so very much. You truly are a Caring Neighbor. We would also like to thank Lynn Theis who did a Herculean job this past summer and fall as Office Coordinator churning out lists of volunteers, recipients, schedules, etc. Although Lynn is not here year round and resigned as Office Coordinator, she will continue to serve on the Board and volunteer as needed. As we thank Lynn and wish her well with her family, we welcome Mary Ann Cevasco as the new Office Coordinator. And, of course, we must thank Janet Dixon who attended meetings, took notes and kept the records of the newly formed organization. We continue to be grateful for her continuing work with us. Also joining our ranks as treasurer is that well-known Caring Neighbor around town: Louise Sweeney. Louise has a strong background in numbers and served as member and chair of the PBLCA Finance Committee for a few years. Welcome, Louise. Another grateful shout out to the Pennsylvania Club for their generous donation. They have proved themselves to be Caring Neighbors. If you are interested in benefitting from our programs, please call the Caring Neighbors office at 731-3501. Or visit us at the Caring Neighbors office at Clubhouse 3 between 9 – 12, Monday to Friday. Residents can offer donations at the office or get information about volunteering. Think about helping your community and neighbors. You’ll be glad you did. Joanne Del Vecchio CARING NEIGHBORS BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Peggy Bailey; Vice-President: Joan Meyer Recording Secretary: Janet Dixon; Treasurer: Louise Sweeney; Corresponding Secretary – Joanne Del Vecchio; Members: Lynn Theis, Jane Griffin; Medical equipment: Gerhardt Lange; Consultant: Bob Cevasco Office: 731-3501; Clubhouse 3 The Greater Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce Taste of Boynton 2015 (BOYNTON BEACH, FL) – The Greater Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce is hosting Taste of Boynton on June 11th at Benvenuto Restaurant. The Greater Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce is a 501 (c) (6) not-for-profit organization. It relies on community support and fundraising events to help provide critical funding for our outreach programming and business networking efforts. The funds raised at Taste of Boynton will help the Chamber continue to keep the community engaged by providing free public events like Harvest Fest scheduled for November 14, 2015. This year, Taste of Boynton will feature dozens of local restaurants providing tastings of their signature dishes. The Wine Cellar will be guiding guests through wines of the world. There is an exciting new addition to Taste of Boynton 2015. Craft beer tastings will be poured by Boynton Beach’s local brewery, Due South Brewing Co. There will also be live music and a silent auction benefitting The Greater Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce Education Foundation. The doors will open at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are open to the public. Individual tickets are $35. Tickets and sponsorship opportunities are available at www.boyntonbeach.org. Page 8 LEISUREVILLE NEWS June 2015 CLUBS & ACTIVITIES New England Club Happy Father's Day! o IBINGO N G B O New England Cub: Bob McCarthy, Suzanne Jackson, Maria Kinney, Joyce Spriggs, Jean Birdsall, and Lynette Powell VOLUNTEERS NEEDED 73 4 27 3255 ALPHA OMEGA MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY 15 25 41 58 75 Cooling & Heating, Inc. First & Last in All Your Air Conditioning Needs Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Sales, Service & Installations - HVAC Maintenance Agreements Air Duct Cleaning & Sanitation - Air Purification Systems 561.686.9900 24 Hour Emergency Service www.alphaomegacoolingandheating.com Licensed & Insured CAC1816635 We Service All Makes & Models NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED 8 26 WILLFREE TRAIN 59 70 PEOPLE33 LIVE LONGER 7ACTIVE 22 54 62 13 CALL JACK 17 $49.95 43 48 67 561-734-5843 TUNE UP MEMBER SOUTHEAST FLORIDA THE NEW JERSEY CLUB Upcomming Events September 7th (Monday) Clubhouse 3 Labor Day Cookout October 14th (Wednesday) State Certified Roofing Contractor Tile Shingle Metal Lic. #CCC1326308 Flat Roofs Re-Roofs Repairs Day trip to The Bonnet House & Harbor Tour on the Carrie B, Fort Lauderdale, FL November 11th (Wednesday) “A Salute to our Heroes” Boynton VFW - Commander Jack Kelleher December 5th (Saturday) “Winter Wonderland” Christmas Dinner Dance December 6th - 8th (Sunday - Tuesday) “Mount Dora Christmas Festival” Trip to Mount Dora, Florida Now Offering a $325.00 Florida Power & Light Rebate* January 13th (Wednesday) “The Art of Boynton Beach” by Debby Coles-Dobay January 22 (Friday) “Meet & Greet Your Neighbors” for white on white new tile roofs. *Must be your primary residence to qualify. February 10th (Wednesday) The Kings Academy More details are coming....please save our dates! Bev Coccoli 561-413-3317 or Bonnie Kish 203-470-0807 Jim Kolifrath Vice President [email protected] Office: (561) 547-3742 Fax 561-540-3640 www.BosslerRoofing.com 860 N. 8th Street, Suite. 1, Lantana, FL 33462 June 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Page 9 Random Thoughts: FATHER’S DAY The biggest lie I tell myself is ..."I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it." On July 19, 1910, the governor of the U.S. state of Washington proclaimed the nation’s first “Father’s Day.” However, it was not until 1972, 58 years after President Woodrow Wilson made Mother’s Day official, that the day became a nationwide holiday in the United States. Father’s Day: Controversy and Commercialism During the 1920s and 1930s, a movement arose to scrap Mother’s Day and Father’s Day altogether in favor of a single holiday, Parents’ Day. Every year on Mother’s Day, pro-Parents’ Day groups rallied in New York City’s Central Park–a public reminder, said Parents’ Day activist and radio performer Robert Spere, “that both parents should be loved and respected together.” Paradoxically, however, the Depression derailed this effort to combine and de-commercialize the holidays. Struggling retailers and advertisers redoubled their efforts to make Father’s Day a “second Christmas” for men, promoting goods such as neckties, hats, socks, pipes and tobacco, golf clubs and other sporting goods, and greeting cards. When World War II began, advertisers began to argue that celebrating Father’s Day was a way to honor American troops and support the war effort. By the end of the war, Father’s Day may not have been a federal holiday, but it was a national institution. In 1972, in the middle of a hard-fought presidential re-election campaign, Richard Nixon signed a proclamation making Father’s Day a federal holiday at last. Today, economists estimate that Americans spend more than $1 billion each year on Father’s Day gifts. Submitted by Rose Luke Source: History.com Wouldn't it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes and come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller! Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet! I don't trip over things, I do random gravity checks! I don't need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off! Old age is coming at a really bad time! Lord grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the friends to post my bail when I finally snap! I don't have gray hair. I have "wisdom highlights". Teach your daughter how to shoot, because a restraining order is just a piece of paper! If God wanted me to touch my toes, he would've put them on my knees. The kids text me "plz" which is shorter than please. I text back "no".....which is shorter than "yes". I'm going to retire and live off of my savings. Not sure what I'll do that second week. When did it change from "We the people" to "screw the people" ??? Even duct tape can't fix stupid ........ but it can muffle the sound! Why do I have to press one for English when you're just gonna transfer me to someone I can't understand anyway? Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice! Oops! Did I roll my eyes out loud? At my age "Getting lucky" means walking into a room and remembering what I came in there for. SUBMITTED BY WEBB WHITE COME JOIN US MAKE YOUR OWN GREETING CARDS & PAPER PUMPKIN CRAFT KIT CLUBHOUSE 1 10 AM - EVERY THURSDAY & FRIDAY EACH MONTH, NEW CRAFT KIT LED BY PAT CHICHESTER 561-577-5401 Arts & Crafts The Arts & Crafts Group will continue to meet through the summer on Wednesdays from 9am to 11 am at Club House 2. Anyone wishing to help in any way is welcome. Donations of material, yarn and supplies are appreciated. 55 Alive Driving Program Come to Class at R-3 8:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Wednesday June 17th class Call for July 15th The cost is $15 members, $20 non-members Call Jerry Needleman @ 561-965-0672 PENNSYLVANIA CLUB MARDI GRAS CASINO EVERY THIRD THURSDAY RESERVATIONS TWO WEEKS PRIOR CALL 369-7721 COST $2 INCLUDES $3 TOWARDS LUNCH INCLUDES $5 FREE PLAY BUS DEPARTS 9 AM CLUBHOUSE 3 BUS RETURNS 5 PM Sponsored by Pennsylvania Club Sue Kruse, chairperson For more information, please contact Kathy at (561) 737-7883 Page 10 LEISUREVILLE NEWS June 2015 Fitness Center Update Good feedback has been received on the newly installed Biostep Recumbent Elliptical machine. Helpful hint: remember to adjust the arm handle length as well as the seat so that you always have a slight bend in both your arms and your legs when they are extended. And, the seat swivels to either side for easier access. The Abcore Machine was delivered May 20th providing a more focused workout of your abdominal region, and you can rotate the seat right or left to work the oblique muscles. Helpful hint: keep your head on the head rest (don’t tuck your chin) and then gently pull down with the handles. Putting a weight on the lowest stem behind the seat provides assistance (not resistance) as you pull down. If you want more resistance for a harder workout, put the weight on the higher stem. You don’t need to use any weights on this machine, but if you do, choose either the assistance OR the resistance, not both because putting a weight on both cancels out any benefit! (And if you’re on the short side, you can place your feet on top of the foot piece rather than behind it – whichever is more comfortable.) Please remember to sign in – the book has been placed on a newly installed shelf next to the mirror! Lynne Vickers, Fitness Center Director New Absore Machine Biostep Recumbent Eliptical Machine FOX PLUMBING, INC. Plumbing Contractor 737-3599 or 737-6163 We are introducing “Menu Pricing” which helps you understand pricing, work to be performed and warranties available. State Certified, Licensed, Insured Lic. #CFC057706 24 hours 7 days a week FRE E Seco Opini nd on “Your Friendly Plumber” David Fox Service Manager For Plumbing Needs Call *10% Discount New customers *Offer Expires 6/30/13 Not valid with any other offer expressed or implied Turn Unwanted Firearms into CASH Installation & Repair Work 20% OFF All Repairs Seasonal Check Up $ 45.00 Buy, Sell, Trade, Transfer & Consign New and Pre-Owned RRPSI Firearms 125 E. Boynton Bch. Blvd., Boynton Bch., FL 561-739-9080 Robert McGowan 561-963-1043 License #CAC057406 We now have weekly Concealed Weapons Permit Classes. Call or stop by to reserve your spot. June 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Page 11 LEISUREVILLE NEWS DEADLINE INFO NEWS, FEATURES, SPORTS, PICTURES SENT VIA EMAIL DUE BY THE 18th OF THE MONTH ARTICLES TO BE TYPED DUE BY THE 15th OF THE MONTH ADVERTISEMENTS, CLASSIFIEDS DUE BY THE 15th OF THE MONTH EMAIL FOR NEWSPAPER: [email protected] or [email protected] EMAIL FOR WEBSITE: [email protected] Palm Beach Leisureville June 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ¥8:00 AM - Walking Exercise ¥ - Hand & Foot R1 R1 ¥9:00 AM - Arch Comm R1 ¥10:00 AM - Town Hall Meeting R3 ¥6:15 PM - Bingo R3 ¥8:00 AM - Walking Exercise R1 ¥ - Hand & Foot R1 ¥2:30 PM - Landscape Meeting @ OfÞce ¥8:00 AM - Walking Exercise ¥ - Hand & Foot R1 R1 ¥7:00 PM - COP Meeting @ R2 ¥8:00 AM - Walking Exercise R1 ¥8:00 AM - Walking Exercise R1 ¥ - Hand & Foot R1 ¥2:30 PM - landscape Meeting @ OfÞce ¥ - Hand & Foot R1 http://www.mypblca.com/calendar_print2.asp?report_type=1 ¥8:00 AM - Walking Exercise ¥10:00 AM - Crafts R1 R1 ¥1:00 PM - Hand & Foot @ R1 ¥9:00 AM - Arts & Crafts R2 ¥1:00 PM - Mahjong R1 Patio ¥1:00 PM - Mahjong R1 Billiard Rm ¥1:00 PM - Mahjong R1 Card Room ¥4:00 PM - Golf Scramble ¥6:15 PM - Bingo R3 ¥8:00 AM - Walking Exercise ¥10:00 AM - Crafts R1 R1 ¥1:00 PM - Hand & Foot @ R1 ¥9:00 AM - Rec Com OfÞce Meeting Rm ¥9:00 AM - Arts & Crafts R2 ¥1:00 PM - Mahjong R1 Patio ¥1:00 PM - Mahjong R1 Billiard Rm ¥1:00 PM - Mahjong R1 Card Room ¥4:00 PM - Golf Scramble ¥6:15 PM - Bingo R3 ¥8:00 AM - Walking Exercise ¥10:00 AM - Crafts R1 R1 ¥1:00 PM - Hand & Foot @ R1 ¥8:30 AM - AARP R3 ¥9:00 AM - Arts & Crafts R2 ¥1:00 PM - Mahjong R1 Patio ¥1:00 PM - Mahjong R1 Billiard Rm ¥1:00 PM - Mahjong R1 Card Room ¥4:00 PM - Golf Scramble ¥6:15 PM - Bingo R3 ¥8:00 AM - Walking Exercise R1 ¥9:00 AM - Arts & Crafts R2 ¥1:00 PM - Mahjong R1 Patio ¥1:00 PM - Mahjong R1 Billiard Rm ¥1:00 PM - Mahjong R1 Card Room ¥4:00 PM - Golf Scramble ¥6:15 PM - Bingo R3 ¥10:00 AM - Crafts R1 ¥1:00 PM - Hand & Foot @ R1 ¥3:00 PM - Finance CommOfÞce ¥8:00 AM - Walking Exercise R1 ¥10:00 AM - Crafts R1 ¥8:00 AM - Walking Exercise R1 ¥10:00 AM - Crafts R1 ¥8:00 AM - Walking Exercise R1 ¥10:00 AM - Crafts R1 ¥8:00 AM - Walking Exercise R1 ¥10:00 AM - Crafts R1 Page 12 LEISUREVILLE NEWS DUPLICATE BRIDGE Wednesday Bridge Clubhouse 2 12:15 PM April 2015 Hardt-Blumenstock (2) Baker - Ripley (4) Browne - Manzi (5) Canalas - Feinstein Youmans - Malte (2) Thursday Night Bridge Clubhouse 1 6:15 PM April 2015 Murnane - Bueter Canalas - Horwood J & N Malte H & D Eide Hardt - Blumenstock Browne - Youmans (3) Baker - Canalas (2) D. Baker 738-5082 KEVIN M. LaMONTAGNE Attorney-at-Law 639 East Ocean Avenue, Suite 207 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 (561) 732-0100 Wills & Trusts, Durable Powers of Attorney, Designations of Health Care Surrogate, Pre-Nuptial Agreements, Real Estate, Contracts, Probate, Corporate, Bankruptcy, Foreclosure Defense, Legal Disputes, and Civil Litigation June 2015 The Bathtub Test During a visit to my doctor, I asked him, "How do you determine whether or not an older person should be put in an old age home?" "Well," he said, "we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the person and ask them to empty the bathtub." "Oh, I understand," I said. "A normal person would use the bucket because it is bigger than the spoon or the teacup." "No" he said. "A normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed near the window?" SUBMITTED BY HAZ EL KOWALIK MR CARL’S PEST CONTROL, INC 3960 89TH RD. S, BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33436 WE OFFER DEPENDABLE & PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AT REASONABLE RATES EVERY OTHER MONTH SERVICE LEISUREVILLE HOMES $44.00 INCLUDES EXTERIOR BORDER SPRAY FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 736-9536 LICENSED & INSURED LIC. #5452 J.D., 1982, Duke University School of Law Member of Florida Bar since 1982 Local resident since 1964 CO-EXISTING WITH ALLIGATORS 2015-2016 PROPOSED ENTERTAINMENT SPONSORED BY RECREATION DANCES: OCTOBER 31, 2015 DANCE HALLOWEEN APRIL 2, 2016 DOO WOP DANCE THEATRE SERIES 2016 JANUARY 17 FEBRUAR 28 MARCH 13 DUELING PIANOS SINGER MARIA SANCHEZ & COMEDIEN MIKE MARINO ELTON JOHN IMPERSONATOR SAVE THE DATE! TICKET SALES OCTOBER! There has been a steady rise in complaints related to alligators. Because of these complaints, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s Statewide Nuisance Alligator Program permits the killing of approximately 7,000 alligators each year! “Alligators are an important part of Florida’s landscape and play a valuable role in the ecology of our state’s wetlands, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission. As predators, they keep the aquatic population in balance. But they also target pets and sometimes humans as prey. The FWC received almost 16,000 complaints dealing with alligators in backyards, pools, garages, canals, and golf courses. If left alone, these alligators would eventually move away from people. There are some safety tips from the FWC that can help residents co-exist with alligators. Generally, an alligator less than four feet in length is not a threat. But if you encounter one that you believe poses a threat to people, pets, or property, you can call the Nuisance hotline: 866-392-4286. Residents should note- alligators are not relocated; they are killed if reported. Be aware of your surroundings when near water. Alligators can be there. They are most active between dusk and dawn. Especially, do not swim at night. When swimming during daylight, swim only in designated areas. Since pets are considered prey for alligators, keep pets away from the water. Certainly, do not let them swim in canals or lakes! Especially, do not feed alligators. In fact, it is illegal! Like any animal, the alligator can lose its wariness of humans and associate food with humans. That “cute” alligator will then have to be killed. By Rose Luke Source: A Guide to Living with Alligators; myfwc.com/alligators June 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Page 13 BRINGING BUYERS AND SELLERS TOGETHER SINCE 1980 Hudson Realty of the Palm Beaches 300 S. Federal Hwy., Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Cheryl Fowler, Realtor CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE 561-629-4979 [email protected] LET ME ASSIST YOU WITH YOUR NEXT MOVE Metal Roof Installed By Rab Roofing, Inc at 909 SW 3rd A ve., in Palm Beach Leisureville 2/2/1 Edgewood model with hurricane impact windows and updated master bath. Cul-desac type location near Clubhouse 3. Please call for an appointment. $149,900 CBC1256602 LICENSED & INSURED 561-317-4236 RICHARD BIRD • LEISUREVILLE RESIDENT LICENSED & INSURED ROOFING AND GENERAL CONTRACTING CCC 1328921 - CGC 011411 FREE ESTIMATES CONSTRUCTION & HOME IMPROVEMENT Kitchen Remodeling Bathroom Remodeling General Repairs Custom Built-ins Drywall Repairs Popcorn Removal & Textures Hurricane Prep & Repairs Handyman Services Interior / Exterior Painting Light Fixtures Flooring Crown Moulding Baseboards Windows & Doors Ceiling Fans ACCORDIAN SHUTTERS IMPACT AWNINGS 561-429-4292 J. Sardi Construction JOE SARDI Page 14 LEISUREVILLE NEWS June 2015 LEISUREVILLE ENTERTAINMENT New Jersey Club The Galaxy E3 PATH STEPPERS ROCK!!! That’s all I have to say! This extremely talented group of third, fourth and fifth grade boys put on quite a show for us to end our season meeting. The 16 young men spend many hours per week practicing to fine tune their performance skills and we were all amazed! The group is coached by Mr. Jynel Andrews, who gave us incite about Stepping – an old African form of dance that uses movement, words and sounds to communicate their message. In the United States this traditional form of dance grew to be used in African-American fraternities and sororities and has migrated into schools, churches and community organizations around the country. This group recently participated in a few competitions, winning second place. They perform for community activities, churches and parades. Mr. Andrews has some pretty strict rules for these boys to follow in order to participate and remain on the team. They have to maintain good grades, have respect for each other as well as everyone around them, and they must not get into any “trouble” in school or in their community. I say great job to Mr. Andrews for all the time, effort and caring that goes into this program. We also had a Galaxy E3 third grade teacher, who gives a helping hand to the team, Tammy Tr u i o l o , s p e n d s o m e time enlightening us on what we, the Leisureville Community, can volunteer to do to support the Mr. Jynel Andrews looks on as Ms. Tammy Tuiolo e n r i c h m e n t o f t h e s e tells the residents how they can help the Galaxy school children. Some students. of the areas of need are: reading in small groups, math help, field trip chaperone, cafeteria duty, clerical – such as making copies for the teachers. Ms. T – as the students address her – also spoke of coming in for Grandparents day to sit and have breakfast with a child who doesn’t have a grandma or grandpa. How nice would that be to put a smile on a kid's face! If anyone is interested in volunteering please contact Ms. Farmer at 561-739-5601. Any help would be appreciated. Oh I don’t want to forget Mr. Andrews request! He wants the Leisureville Mens Softball team to come back! So if we can make that happen they would be so grateful. One last item to speak to…. A special thanks to all the wonderful people who attended the meeting that day. Through your suggestion of “passing the hat” and the NJ club, we presented Mr. Andrews with a donation of $200 to use as he needs to benefit the Step team. Way to go NJ club members!!! Now on to the business….We recited the Pledge of Allegiance, sang God Bless America and bowed our heads for a moment of silence for deceased members, members of the military and all our lost loved ones. Eveline Atkins played the piano as we sang. Bev reviewed the NJ clubs events planned for later in the year when our community grows again. There is a list posted on the bulletin boards in the all club houses. We are going to have more fun! Also a reminder that a July 4th picnic and a Labor Day celebration are planned as well. Watch for notices in the club houses. (See page 8) Deb presented the March minutes and the treasury report for Linda who is currently traveling the country in her motor home. Having a lot of fun too! Cheryl Ryder, who graciously helped us with ticket sales, presented two new members. Welcome Sophie Timmermans and Stephanie Howard! Several door prizes were won, four of which were baby spider plants donated by Helen Salzmann. Thank you Helen; it was certainly very nice of you. We also had five prizes from our 50/50 raffle. Congrats to the winners! To all our NJ members, have a wonderful summer wherever you are and to those who remain here…see you around!! The next meeting will be October 14, 2015 Deb Borkowski, secretary The Galaxy E3 Path Steppers BAR-B-QUE WHEN – SATURDAY – JULY 4TH – CLUBHOUSE 3 TIME – 12:30 PM – SERVED AT 1:00 PM MENU – HAMBURGERS – HOT DOGS – BBQ CHICKEN BAKED BEANS POTATO & MACARONI SALADS – COLE SLAW BROWNIES & COOKIES UNSWEETENED ICED TEA & LEMONADE TICKETS $11.00 – ON SALE JUNE 9TH 9:00 AM – R3 CALL - CHERYL RYDER – 742-9089 June 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Page 15 JUST SOLD RID-A-PEST,Inc. Termite & Pest Control Locally owned & operated Let Us Help You With All Your Pest Problems JUST LISTED: Updated Challenger Model RECENT SOLD Premium Lot and Paid Rec Lease, too! (561) 498-4623 Call for Your FREE Home Value Analysis Today! Vickie Beane Mitchell From a family of exterminators Serving Palm Beach County over 40 Years 5236 Adams Road Delray Beach, FL 33484 I’m retired, and I can resolve any Electronic Gadget Problem “NO FIX, NO FEE” RECENT SOLD Licensed Realtor 954-609-4228 Is your computer sluggish? Too many ad’s popping up? Virus/Malware Removal • New Smart Cell Phones And Tablets • Cable TV Add-Ons Great Leisureville referrals NEED CASH? 24 Years Experience RECENT SOLD Valerie Anne Martinetti “A Leisureville Resident” In-home fix and coaching on: • Computers Communicative Fast Acting Thorough SouthFloridaHomesNow.com “...Thank you for your great attention to detail and very professional guidance through this process ...” ~ Leisureville Resident, BL Call 561-704-3300 WE BUY GUITARS, HORNS, ETC. Shawn Murphy Florida Group Anyone can your house ... but why would you trust JUST anyone? ANYsell CONDITION ALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS NEED MORE SPACE? Announcing Mary Ellen has teamed up with Majestic ALSORealty, BUYINGaHOUSE CONTENTS Palms brokerage company known for delivering TOP $ customer PAIDservice you expect but seldom the excellent THEO LYNN receive. 371-5337 601-8360 Whether you are looking to sell or buy a home, whether you are down the street or across the country, Mary Ellen will be with you through the whole process, explaining your options so No. you can make decisions with confidence. License 09001 New Construction & Existing Structures Consulting Service Insurance Inspections $50 OFF JANUARY 1601 S.W. 14th Ave. Boynton Beach, FL 33426 “As a full time resident of Leisureville and your neighbor, I am here to help when you are ready to sell your home.” Mary Ellen Fowler, PA Phone (561) 733-8317 Licensed Real Estate Professional [email protected] Cell: 561-735-2265 Majestic Palms Realty http://www.MPRlty.com (561)237-0797 20283 State Road 7, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33498 Page 16 LEISUREVILLE NEWS June 2015 EASTER In Leisu The Prud’homme family – children Charlotte and Annabell- with Bunny helpers Louise Ricker and Joanne Tremblay Bunny helpers Louise Ricker, Eviline Atkins, and Joann Tremblay with Mae Cottontail Children play more games. Bunny helpers Louise Ricker and Joann Tremblay with the Desantis familychildren Cobella, Tracy, and Adina Mae Cottontail with Isabella and Maddy Gugliemi Bunny helper Louise Ricker with Emilee Cook and her mom Suzanne Bunny Mae Cottontail with the children Joan Tremblay leads the children June 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Page 17 v R BUNNY ureville n in song. Children play more games. Liz Florini joins the children. Bunny Mae Cottontail leads the children in song. Brendon and Connor O’Shea, grandchildren of the Morrison's Mae Cottontail helps the children with the toss game. Lillian Bruzzese with her grandchildren Jamie and Chloe pose with Bunny helpers Louise Ricker and Joann Tremblay. Children line up outside for the piñata. Page 18 LEISUREVILLE NEWS June 2015 Michael L. Levine M.D., F.A.C.S. Specializing in Cataract & Glaucoma Surgery Premium Lens Cataract Surgery Tecnis®Crystalens® ReSTORE®Toric® 561-600-9286 3280 Old Boynton Rd. Boynton Beach, FL 33436 www.eyeconsultantspalmbeach.com Safety Lecture Wed., June 10th 3 – 4 p.m. “Slip and Fall Prevention” Rick Lee, CFPS Fire Marshal How to prevent a fall and maintain general health. Refreshments will be served. RSVP 561-369-7919. Health Lecture Wed., August 12th 3 – 4 p.m. “Rumors vs. Truth” Michael J. Kaplan, Pharm.D, FASCP, CP A discussion about supplements and over-the-counter medication. Relax. He’s in Good Hands. Refreshments will be served. RSVP 561-369-7919. Discover Affordable Assisted Living in Boynton Beach • Studio and one-bedroom rental apartments • Nutritious restaurant-style meals • 24/7 nursing supervision • Clubs, classes, entertainment and events • On-site physician services • Award-winning, secure memory care program • Medicare inpatient and outpatient rehab services • Chauffeured local transportation • Weekly housekeeping and laundry 1425 S. Congress Avenue, Boynton Beach, FL 33426 561-369-7919 • www.BarringtonTerrace-bb.com Assisted Living Facility #8186 Call Carole or Heather today at 561-369-7919 to schedule a tour and lunch. June 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS THREE CLUBS & A PUTTER APRIL 16, 2015 FIRST FLIGHT. GROSS: CARMEN RICHARDS NET: MARGE WATSON SECOND FLIGHT GROSS: SALLY SCOTT NET:NONE THIRD FLIGHT GROSS: ANNE GREENE NET: KATHY LIMOGE FOURTH FLIGHT GROSS: CHERYL RYDER NET: PAT MOYNIHAM (A) NINE HOLE GOLFERS GROSS: GRACE SHIRO NET: JOYCE TREDINNICK (B) NINE HOLE GOLFERS GROSS: JEANNE CANTWELL NET: ROSE LUKE Page 19 LEISUREVILLE sports Pictures not available Anne Greene, Sally Scott, Jeanne Cantwell Kathy Limoge Cheryl Ryder and Pat Moynihan Carmen Richards Marge Watson Grace Shiro Joyce Tredinnick and Rose Luke LADIES GOLF LEAGUE GOLF COMMITTEE 5/12/2015 It's official, the party is over! We had our last Ladies’ Golf League Luncheon. Boston Market catered our luncheon with their delicious chicken combo dinner. As usual, our thanks to Sandi Gentile and her lovely assistants. Valerie Moore of John Prince Park Golf Learning Center was our guest speaker. She focused on basic rules and on course play. We learned additional tips on imbedded balls and out of bounds play . She also offered a special Leisureville ladies golf league clinic. Those of us interested gave our name, email and phone numbers to Valerie. Please contact her if interested so she can plan ahead. For sure, I will be there! We would like to thank our sponsors, Joe Sardi Construction, Kathy Clarke, Cathy Fowler, Shirley Cassa, and Mr. Mignano for their gift certificates. Results of our upcoming Even Hole play will be in our July issue. Have a coooooool summer, if possible! My pleasure, Viviane Dietschy Publicity/photography Another winter has come and gone. We are now in our reconditioning season. Steve and his crew are taking care of the on course work and a subcommittee is looking into a facelift for the Golf Shop. Over the years, the Golf Committee has taken on the responsibility of replacing equipment and repairing the bulkheads ($80,000 in the last 4 years). With decreasing income from green fees, the Committee must limit their responsibility to equipment. This season we have purchased a greens mower and 2 water fountains for $27,840. The Board’s repair of the bridges is currently scheduled to begin in November. Our new policy of accepting Guests from Boynton Leisureville seems to be working fine and is due for evaluation in November. Jim Atkins (chairman) SUMMER GOLF SCRAMBLE THIS MONTH'S HOLE-IN-ONE MAY 27 TO OCTOBER 7 4 PM START $1 per week bring beverage and snack for after game 561-734-6813 R.J. FISHER PLUMBING SINCE 1918 901 S.W. 35th Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RAYMOND J. FISHER OWNER-OPERATOR U-16484 WALKING EXERCISE CLASS Come join us CLUBHOUSE 1 8AM MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY Further information contact Louise Farrell, 843-384-2837 • Gloria 419-356-1904 Eveline Atkins on April 16, hole 4 Page 20 LEISUREVILLE NEWS June 2015 LEISUREVILLE sports Jean Birdsall, Dan Moynihan, Carole Felten Dympna Fitzmaurice, Marilyn Guidry, Ed Taillon, Nora Mahns Lynette Powell, Pat Khoury, Joy Brady, Ron Mahns Duke Foell, Rich Cardamore, Dan Moynihan, Jim Archer, Ron Mahns BOWLING LEISURE LEAGUERS Barbara Denihan, Ann Brouwer, Julia Palmer, Kay Nemire Hello Bowlers, Our bowling season went out with a bang, with a great luncheon on April 21st at Clubhouse 3, attended by 90 people. We had chicken and shrimp from Buds; it was excellent and enjoyed by all. The event was run by Ann Brouwer (President) and Nick DiPette (Vice President). Everyone in the League received a money prize, from the winners down, a very nice gesture, which everyone appreciated. Following are the League winners:League Team Winners 1st Place: Nora Mahns, Dympna Fitzmaurice, Marilyn Guidry, Ed Taillon 2nd Place: Dan Moynihan, Jean Birdsall, Carole Felten 3rd Place: Ron Mahns, Lynette Powell, Pat Khoury, Joy Brady Male Winners of Special Awards Duke Foell, Dan Moynihan, Jim Archer, Ron Mahns, Rich Cardamone Female Winners of Special Awards Barbara Denihan, Ann Brouwer, Julia Palmer, Kay Nemire, Marylou Illsley The Bowling League reconvenes in October, so everyone have a lovely summer and enjoy. See you all in October. Ann Brouwer Kathleen Ure SOFTBALL LEAGUE PLAYS EVERY TUESDAY 9 AM BEHIND GALAXY ELEMENTAL SCHOOL JOHN 732-241-5586 SUMMER BOCCE LEAGUE Starting JUNE 1 through SEPTEMBER 29 LEISUREVILLE RESIDENTS ONLY Monday and Tuesday Nights 7 P.M. AT Clubhouse 2 GUYS & GALS TEAMS Call to set up your own team of six (6) players OR Call to be assigned to a team Carmelita: 561-369-4608 Meeting of All Players: Sheila: 561-737-1371 Wednesday May 20th, P.M. Joan: 561-735-6059 Clubhouse 2 June 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Page 21 COOK’S CORNER Hawaiian Wedding Cake CAKE: 1 ½ cups sugar 2 cups flour 2 tsp. baking soda Pictures Wanted Do you have a picture you’d like to share with your neighbors? The Palm Beach Leisureville website (mypblca.com) is looking for pictures of residents and scenes in and around Leisureville for our new feature “Picture of the Week” on the homepage. If you have pictures you’d like to share, please email them to [email protected]. Unfortunately, we are not able to accept printed pictures at this time. 1 cup chopped walnuts 1 can crushed pineapple with juice Grease very well a 9” x 13” pan Mix altogether and pour into prepared pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 – 45 minutes. TEXAS HOLD’EM ICING: TUESDAY 6:30 PM Call Carl Olesky 561-752-9276 ½ cup softened margarine 1 8 oz. softened cream cheese 1 ½ cups powdered sugar 1 tsp. vanilla Beat until smooth and creamy. Spread on top of cooled cake. This recipe is from Fran Zimmer, a Leisureville resident. Many of you know Fran from her past singing performances in the Variety Shows. Submitted by Carmelita Curtis Rod McClendon Building Contractor The Carpenter’s Son Inc. Lic. No. CBC1253120 New Construction • Additions • Home Improvements Big & Small Repairs • Crown Mold • Cabinetry Doors & Windows Office 561 452-2191 Fax 561 375-9502 246 SW 7 Ave Boynton Bch, FL 33435 E-mail: [email protected] Small-time gamblers who place a small bet in order to prolong the excitement of a game are called “dead fish” by game operators because the longer the playing time, the greater the chances of losing. Page 22 LEISUREVILLE NEWS June 2015 Symptoms include diarrhea, gas, stomach cramps and dehydration. Diseases we can get from our pets….. We love our pets to death, but according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, there are quite a few illnesses we can get from our dogs and cats that can actually be fatal. While many diseases are mild, some can cause serious health problems. Many of our pets are in excellent health but this will make you aware of some of the diseases that could occur. Educate yourself now. Pets can transmit diseases to humans, too Tapeworm Infection-Tapeworm infection is a parasite associated with flea infections in cats and dogs. Infections in humans are more common in children. Tapeworm species can also be contracted by humans from accidental ingestion of dog feces containing infectious eggs. For this reason, pets should always be treated for regular worming and flea control, especially dogs. Cryptosporidiosis - Cryptosporidiosis is a parasitic disease associated with cats, dogs and farm animals. While most people get this infection from contaminated food and water, sometimes animals can carry the parasite in their feces and pass it on to people. Symptoms include a mild to severe infection of the gastrointestinal system, including watery diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting. To prevent the risk of acquiring cryptosporidiosis from pets, humans should always wash their hands after contact with animals and animal feces. Rabies - Rabies may be the most well known viral disease associated with mammals, including dogs, cats, horses and wildlife. Wild animals are much more likely to carry the disease, but dogs and cats can still pass along rabies to people. People usually get rabies from the bites of infected animals. Symptoms include fever, headache, confusion, sleepiness or agitation. To reduce the risk of getting rabies, vaccinations should be kept up to date for all dogs, cats and ferrets. Pets should be kept under direct supervision so they do not come in contact with wild animals. Scabies - Scabies, also known as sarcoptic mange, is a skin disease caused by itch mites that burrow under the skin. Scabies cause intense itching and scratching that can result in eczema. To prevent the risk of getting scabies, owners should take their pets to their vet for regular exams and vaccinations. Giardiasis - Giardiasis is a parasitic disease associated with various animals and water. Giardia can survive outside the body for long periods of time and can be spread in many different ways, although water is the most common form of transmission. Still, many puppies and kittens can be infected with giardia. Brucellosis - Brucellosis is a bacterial disease associated with farm animals and dogs. The bacteria can spread to humans if they come in contact with infected animals. Farmers and veterinarians are at higher risk of obtaining this disease. If humans are infected with the virus, they can suffer from flu-like symptoms including fever, sweats, loss of appetite, headache, myalgia and back pain. To prevent risk of the disease, animals who are suspected to have the virus should be treated immediately. Toxoplasmosis - Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease associated with cats and their environment. Most people infected with the disease do not get sick, but others may report swollen glands, muscle aches and other flu-like symptoms. Toxoplasmosis can be passed to humans from contaminated cat feces. Humans can get this disease from cleaning cat litter or touching dirt where cats may have been. To reduce the risk of getting toxoplasmosis, people should remember to wash their hands thoroughly with water and soap after contact with cat stool. Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus - This viral disease is carried by rodents such as mice, hamsters and guinea pigs, all of which are very popular household pets. Symptoms of the LCMV infection are similar to that of the flu and include fever, stiff neck, loss of appetite, muscle aches, headache, nausea and vomiting. Virus transmission can occur from exposure to rodent urine, droppings or saliva. To prevent risk of getting LCMV, rodent owners should wash their hands after handling them, keep rodent cages clean and avoid kissing rodents or having them close to their face. Salmonella - Salmonelllosis is a bacterial disease caused by the bacterium salmonella and can live in the intestinal tract of many different animals. Salmonella is commonly known to be transmitted through food, but it also can be spread to humans through animals. Symptoms of salmonella include diarrhea, fever and stomach pain. Animals that carry the virus can pass it in their feces and can contaminate their fur, feathers or scales. To prevent risk of salmonella, people should remember to wash their hands after contact with animals or their environment. Psittacosis - Pet birds such as parrots, parakeets, macaws and cockatiels are most frequently involved in the transmission of psittacosis to humans. Psittacosis can be transmitted to humans from inhaling dried secretions of infected birds. Symptoms of this disease include fever, chills, headache, muscle aches and a dry cough. To reduce the risk of psittacosis, bird handlers should remember to feed their birds properly, avoid overcrowding and provide adequate ventilation systems to reduce the spread of contaminated air. Additionally, cages should be cleaned daily and should not be stacked. Hookworms - Hookworms are blood-sucking parasites that can invade, inhabit and live in a dog or cat’s small intestines. Symptoms of animal hookworm infection in humans can range from painful, itchy skin infections to intestinal bleeding, inflammation and abdominal pain. Puppies and kittens are most likely to have hookworm infections and can pass the hookworm eggs or larvae in their stools. Humans who have any contact with the contaminated dirt or area can obtain the hookworm infection. To reduce the risk of getting hookworm, owners should have their dogs and cats dewormed. Leptospirosis - The bacteria that causes this disease can be spread through the urine of infected animals and can survive in water or soil for months. Animals with the disease show no signs of infection. If humans have contact with infected pet urine through water or soil it can enter their body. Leptospirosis can lead to kidney damage, meningitis, liver failure, respiratory distress and death. To prevent this disease, humans should avoid having any contact with water they believe could be contaminated. Lyme Disease - Lyme disease is caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, which can be transmitted through ticks. Ticks that carry Lyme disease are hard to see, but within one to two weeks of being infected, humans suffer from a “bull’s-eye” rash with fever, headache and muscle or joint pain. If the disease is not treated, symptoms will worsen and can even cause mental changes. Lyme disease is one of the most common tick-transmitted diseases in the world. Cat Scratch Disease - Cat scratch disease (CSD), also known as cat scratch fever, is a bacterial disease transmitted from a cat bite or scratch. This disease causes the lymph nodes around the head, neck and upper limbs to become swollen. Other symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue and loss of appetite. 40 percent of cats carry B. henselae, the virus that causes cat scratch disease, at least once in their lives. Kittens are most likely to be infected and pass along the disease. To reduce the risk of getting cat scratch disease, avoid rough play with cats and kittens to avoid scratches and bites. If you are bitten or scratched, immediately wash the wound thoroughly. If you develop an infection, contact your physician. Submitted by Webb White Source: Internet. MSN June 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Boynton Garage Door MYPBLCA.COM Garage Doors and Door Openers LOG IN TODAY • SEE WHAT’S NEW FIND OUT WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE Sales & Service Competitive Rates BRYAN KANONIK CONTRACTOR STATE LICENSED ROOFING: • RE-ROOFS • ROOF REPAIRS • FLAT ROOF ALUMICOATING STATE LICENSED BUILDING: • ADDITIONS - REMODELING • DOOR / WINDOW REPLACEMENT • ROTTED WOOD REPLACEMENT “There is no substitute for quality” Call us for a free estimate 737-1419 STATE ROOFING LICENSE #CCC-448162 STATE BUILDING LICENSE #CBC-045554 INSURED FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED SERVING LEISUREVILLE SINCE 1972 INTEGRITY AIR “Our Name Says It All” Call Kenny @ 561-789-1204 Anytime INC BOYNTON BEACH MAE VOELEN SCHEDULE When your Air Conditioner is on the blink, you don’t need some smooth talking repairman. You need INTEGRITY. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE GIVES YOU THE MOST EFFICIENT COOLING FROM YOUR UNIT AND REDUCES THE CHANCES OF COSTLY BREAKDOWNS. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE INCLUDES: • Tighten All Electrical Connections • Check Amp Draws • Check Heat-Mode • Clean Condenser Coil • Check Temperature Differential • Resicential / Commercial • We Service All Makes & Models • FPL Participating Contractor • Free 2nd Opinion • State Licensed (CACO55524) & Insured LIC U-21480 Leisureville Resident (561) 966-6262 • Check Filtration System • Flush Drain Line & Add Algaecide • Check Freon Pressures • Lubricate Motors • Calibrate Thermostat Page 23 $50.00 Financing Available RESERVATIONS: CALL 561-395-8920, extension 5 PICK UP AT RESIDENT’S HOME RETURN TO RESIDENT’S HOME MONDAY & THURSDAY: 11 AM – 12 PM 1:30 PM TUESDAY: 10 AM – 11 AM 12:30 PM DESTINATIONS MONDAY: MALL, TARGET, WALMART, SHOPPES OF BOYNTON TUESDAY: PUBLIX – Family Owned & Operated – DICK ALTMAN – OWNER THURSDAY: WALMART “We Keep Appointments” NO PICKUP WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY BAILEYS HOME SERVICES DOORS AND WINDO WS WINDOWS WS!! STORM SEASON IS HERE! Protection. Beauty. Serenity. FREE ESTIMA TES CALL ME ESTIMATES Home Services Der le Baile y – 561-738-5933 Derle Bailey President – BAILEY’S HOME SERVICES, INC. Fla. Certification No. CGC007241 HUR RIC ANE Ask Your Neighbors About Us SINCE 1970 WIN DOW S *GET YOUR MILES/REWARDS Ë SEE YOUR NEIGHBORS PROJECTS COMPLETED ON WWW.BAILEYSHOMESERVICES.COM • • • Hurricane Shutters IMP ACT IMPA ENCL OSURE ENCLOSURE ADDITIONS B AT H KIT CHEN TC REMODELS SCREENED ENCLOSURE SPECIALISTS REPLACE YOUR FASCIA WITH WHITE COMPOSITE MATERIAL THAT NEVER ROTS – NEVER TOUCH IT AGAIN! TILE OVER YOUR CRACKED PATIOS THE LEADER IN 3” INSULATED ALUMINUM ROOFS! BEA UTIFY BEAUTIFY & ST AY COOL STA COOL! “RE-INTRODUCING - NEW - CLAM SHADE AWNINGS!” TOO HEAVY DUTY MATERIALS FOR MAXIMUM STORM WIND GUSTS Page 24 LEISUREVILLE NEWS June 2015 Maine-ly Plumbing P3 PROPERTY SOLUTIONS LLC LICENSED AND INSURED CLEANING IS STRESSFUL ENOUGH. LET US RELIEVE THE STRESS OF CLEANING YOUR HOME FOR AS LITTLE AS $35.00 CALL US AT 561-880-0173 WWW.P3PROPERTYSOLUTIONS.COM OF ALL TRADES JACK NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL Pressure Cleaning – Painting – Bicycle Repairs Car Wash/Detailing – Toilet Repairs Roof Painting & Coatings – Spray for Bugs Yard Work – Awnings, Up and Down CELL 561-283-9516 Company, Inc. Mike McNamara Master Plumber #CF-C056861 A FULL SERVICE PLUMBER • Water Leaks • Water Heaters • Disposals • Dishwashers • Toilets • Sinks & Tubs • Bathroom Tiling • Filters • Gas Piping • Sewer Camera & Cleaning REMODELING Maine-ly Plumbing 25 Years serving Delray Beach & Boynton Beach Local 561-752-2721 561-347-0653 FAX: 561-752-2721 561-752-3122 40 Years Experience in the Medical Field • Draperies • Valances • Roman Shades CUSTOM CRAFTED WITH YOUR FABRIC * Care for Elderly * Local Transportation Jack Salik, Leisureville Resident • Flea Spraying • Lawn Control Making Homes Beautiful Judy Lambert Boynton Beach Since 1974 561 632 2770 • Rat Control • Attic Dusting Jeff’s PEST CONTROL (561) 369-0186 Monthly rate $25.00 NA TRE E C A R NO Insured Licensed E FREE Pickup & Delivery Leisureville Resident Nails Your Babies are My Babies Office: (561) 738-2850 Fax: (561) 738-2801 GAIL TRUSCIO (561) 452-6731 PAINT IT RITE Richard D’Agostino “FOR A TRADITIONAL PRACTICE OF BARBERING” Gentlemen Cuts • Hot Towel Shaves • Hot Shaved Neck With Every Haircut Serving BOYNTON (& Vicinity) 3529 W Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, FL 33436 BUDGET Electrical Service Insured 561 • Drywall & Popcorn Repairs • Exterior Painting • Popcorn Ceiling Removal Commercial • Residential / Lic. & Ins. #U-16445 561-738-1113 State Certified Electrical Contractor • Finer Interior Painting • Paper Removal • Rents Of All Kinds www.paintitrite.net OLD FASHION SERVICE.FORMERLY OF YONKERS, SOMERS & KATONAH, NY ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Anal Glands 35 Yrs. Experience . Joe Mignano Brian Galaini 1206 N.W. 7TH COURT Boynton Bch., FL 33426 Dog Dog & & Cat Cat Grooming C IN MIG JEFF STUBBLEFIELD Certified Operator • Licensed • Insured 369-1433 Jeffrey Finell Over 30 Years Exp. THE CLEAN, DEPENDABLE, ON-TIME PEOPLE! JPA AIRPORT & LIMO SERVICES PATRICK JUSTE Would you believe there are coins i WILL BUY out there worth: COINS Dollars -1 Million STAMPS Cents - $75,000 GOLD Nickels - $285,000 BILLS Dimes - 1.7 Million JEWELRY Quarters - $60,000 ETC. Halves - $32,000 There are thousands of Silver Dollars worth $20 to $120,000 in common grades. Call LES at 561-638-1557 -USAF RET. Mabel’s Alterations LIC #13004082 24/7 Emergency Service Troubleshooting Installations Repairs 637-2366 Bonded MIGNANO • Professional Landscaping • Lawn Maintenance • Hedge • Trim • Shrubs • Clean-Up Flower Beds • Trim Trees • Sod and Top Soil Licensed & Insured 732-9515 (561) 572 5466 (561) 244 3987 www.jpalimo.com [email protected] Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Jan Coleman In Home Caregiver Companion-House Sitter-Driver Part Time or Evenings 561-635-7033 561-732-0008 561-312-8585 cell Leisureville Residents 10% OFF BEST HAIRCUT IN TOWN! RICHARD’S Formerly of Katonah & Yonkers, NY Old Fashioned Manicures & Pedicures Ladies & Men With Helen 1887 Woolbright Rd. Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Next to Torchio’s Meat Market Leisureville Center 561.742.5800 They make it possible to bring you this newspaper. Tell them you saw their ad in the leisureville news. BEST HAIRCUT IN TOWN! Barber Shop A Full Service Barber Shop HOT SHAVED NECK WITH EVERY HAIRCUT OPEN: Monday - Saturday Richard, Louie, Dave, Orrie, Helen, George & Carlos Since 1997 Patronize our advertisers. Office: (561) 753-4682 Cell: (561) 714-0485 45 Years Experience SPECIAL $35++ TO PBI Licensed CAC# 1815538 Insured Tom Kruse Air Conditioning, Inc. All Work Guaranteed SUMMER 614 Industrial Ave., Boynton Beach, FL 33426 12020 61st Street North West Palm Beach, FL 33412 ~WANTED~ Sal’s Carpet Cleaning T Mo ruck un ted Expert Cleaning of: Carpet • Upholstery • Tile & Grout Deep Cleaning • Quick Dry Process Try us once...You’ll never switch! (561) 478-1491 or 707-0046 June 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Page 25 A-1 APPLIANCE & REFRIGERATION REPAIR A-1 Appliance & Refrigeration Repair SHIRLEY CASSA ASSOCIATE-BROKER Same Day Emergency Service 561-271-0392 CELL, TEXT 561-736-1560 FAX [email protected] ALL BRANDS Convenient Appointments • Any Hour - Any Day 561-232-9411 www.A-1Appliancefl.com $20 OFF Repair With AD BEWARE ! ! ! ! COACH LAMP REPAIRS ODD JOBS, PRESSURE CLEANING, ERRANDS ANYWHERE / ANYTIME the Keep rning PUT SHUTTERS UP & DOWN B s t u Ligh Resident of Leisureville SAM E SER DAY VICE Call Kim Available for health care, elderly sitting, pet sitting-walking, or house cleaning. References Available (Alzheimer’s experience) Also Gardening & Window Cleaning Leisureville Resident Kimberly Salik: (561)-577-0064 Call 734-3680 “Let Jerry Do It” Cell: 632-5001 Email: [email protected] C.N.D. Electric L.L.C. OF THE PALM BEACHES, INC. Electrician In PB County Since 1981 Add A Light/Fix A Switch/ Hang A Fan RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE AMERICAN LEGION Dinner Every Friday Night - $8 5 pm to 7 pm 571 W. Ocean Ave. 561-734-8125 AS OF APRIL 1, THERE WILL BE NO SMOKING JW ELECTRIC Licensed • Insured • Bonded ER-13013072 / U-20101 REFERENCES AVAILABLE Norm Douglas V.P./Qualifier 561-635-4893 Free Estimates INTERIOR PAINTING by Kenny G. “No Job Too Small” Leisureville Resident Home: 561-735-8947 Cell: 561-302-9360 “don’t worry” HOUSE SITTING By Vickie Beane Mitchell SERVICE WORK OF ANY KIND • NO JOB TOO SMALL I BELIEVE IN HONESTY, RELIABILITY & INTEGRITY LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED JOSEPH R. WESCHREK (561) 633-9472 Master Electrician 10% LABOR DISCOUNT TO SENIORS ER13014042/U-21040 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WELCOMES YOU! 362 N. Congress Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC of Rid-A-Pest, Inc. 561-441-4763 Licensed & Insured Sarah’s House Cleaning and Pet Care Sarah Kirkland Cleaning and Pet Specialist First Presbyterian Church 235 S.W. 6th Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Office: 561-369-8726 Cell: 240-818-1007 Office: (561) 732-3774 (Just 5 minutes from Leisureville) Owner Operated Visit us at fpcboynton.com Happy K-9 PB Leisureville TOO HOT! TOO WE GET IT JUST RIGHT! COLD! SM ALL YOUR COOLING & HEATING NEEDS IN ONE PLACE! We take care when you can’t Call Gail at 561-336-2653 ...for your pet sitting needs Call Us Why board your pet when he can be happy at home? 561-737-3000 Experience ~ 20 years pet sitting/boarding ~ 3 years as Vet Tech Trainer ~ Obedience ~ Behavior Modification ~ Therapy Dog SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT Lic CAC1814046 SOUTH SHORE LOCKSMITHS 954-974-7608 561-531-2619 Serving Broward & Palm Beach Since 1975 Family Owned & Operated Complete Locksmith Service Residential & Commercial southshorelocksmiths.com High Security Primus [email protected] Lock System Churey & Son Construction Additions • Remodeling • Cement Work Of All Types Asphalt Replacement Specialist Bobcat - Prompt Service 3860 Aladdin Ave. Boynton Beach, FL 33436 HVAC & Plumbing Services Get your AC ready for Summer! Call Shelley to hear about the $39 AC tune up special! Special includes checcking refrigerant pressure 1lb. Freon included Clean out the drain line, Check electrical connections, Check the amperage of the fan motor. Office: 786-472-3477 Service You Can Trust For ALL Your Needs Maria Lucano, C.N.A. Repair - New Installation Residential - Commercial Licensed Nursing Assistant Caring Companion Licensed & Insured • Master Plumber Don Garner - CFC 1427771 - Jill Garner 561-868-5595 • 561-901-0698 Joe Cell 561-662-0359 M E C H A N I C A L Visit Our Website @ www.garnerplumbingservices.com References Available Upon Request Palm Beach Leisureville Resident Lic.#: 85628 Tel: (561) 577-5225 Available For Long Term Care Documentation Patronize our advertisers. They make it possible to bring you this newspaper. Tell them you saw their ad in the leisureville news. tHIS SPACE COULD BE YOURS Page 26 LEISUREVILLE NEWS June 2015 SILVIA CAPRIA CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY On April 28th at Mamma Mia's restaurant, Silvia Capria was surrounded by family and friends to celebrate her 95th birthday. She and her late husband Mario are original owners in PBL. Silvia enjoyed golf and bowling for many years. She now plays cards and regularly exercises during the morning at the Clubhouse 3 pool. Belated Happy Birthday Silvia! RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • CONDO AAM INDUSTRIES, INC. ROOF SERVICES: Nozzle Nolen Pest Solutions FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1953 • • • • • Roof inspections Repairs Re-roofs Wood repair Condo maintenance program • Soffit, fascia, decking STATE LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED CGC001229, CCC1325938 People Friendly Pest Control Since 1951 737-2383 •Termite Treatments www.aamindustries.com •Elimination of Roaches, Ants, Rodents, and Fleas •Guaranteed Results Call Today For Your Free Inspection 561-964-6200 Visit us at http://nozzlenolen.com 3975 Coconut Road, Lake Worth, FL 33461 16’x7” INSTALLED 9’x7” INSTALLED GARAGE DOOR TUNE UP •Lubricate all moving parts •Inspect rollers, tracks, hinges, cables, bottom rubber & exterior weather seal •Opener adjustments $25 Off the initial service of 561.964.6200 PRBE IC ST ES ! ! TS ESCE B I PR Must present this Leisureville coupon. Coupon $50 Off any new termite agreement 225 SE 5th Ave. • Boynton Beach MIAMI DADE CODE $1179 MIAMI DADE CODE $749 Nozzle Nolen Pest Solutions any new annual agreement ving Ser reville u er s i e L ov for ears! 30 y $ 3995 Must present this Leisureville coupon. the mark of excellence in pest management • SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPAIRS • CALL FOR COMMERCIAL RATES THE DOORMAN OF SOUTHEAST FLORIDA 940 Clint Moore Rd. • Boca Raton Visit us at: www.palmbeachdoors.com Lic. #U 20617 Showroom By Appointment Only 561-272-DOOR (3667) Serving Palm Beach & Broward Counties for Over 20 Years GARAGE DOOR OPENER INSTALLED $ Includes wall button, safety sensors & clicker (remote) 29995 Must present this Leisureville coupon. ENTRY DOORS Fiberglass door, composite jambs, & stainless steel security hinges. Hurricane code approved. 799 $ from INSTALLED June 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Page 27 Palm Beach Leisureville CLASSIFIEDS FOR FORSALE SALE HOUSE: Edgewood model, $230,000. Go to “YouTube” on the Internet & type in “2199 S W CONGRESS BLVD” for an amateur video tour. Offered furnished. Completely refurbished. 561-369-2976. [email protected] FOR FORRENT RENT HOUSE: Annual rental. Edgewood Model, 2BR/BA. Near Clubhouse R2/ R3. Newly renovated. NP/NS. Oversized lot on cul-de-sac. Call Rose Ann or Bob 561 740-0936. • • • • • • • ROOF REPAIRS LEAK REPAIRS (TILE, FLAT) FLAT ROOF COATING TILE REPAIRS AND SECURING ROTTED FACIA REPLACEMENT PLUMBING VENT COVERS (RATS) FALLING GUTTERS SECURED ROOF READY FOR HURRICANE SEASON? CALL FOR A FREE ROOF INSPECTION Serving Leisureville Since 1977 Family Owned and Operated LEAK SPECIALIST “There is no substitute for quality” Call us for a free estimate (561) 400-2010 (561) 737-1419 HOUSE: 2 bed/1 bath, nicely furnished, very clean. Screened porch. 5 minute walk to R2. Apr-Oct 2015- $1000; Nov-Dec 2015 - $1500, utilities paid. 2 month min. Pictures on request. Please call Sally or Ron in CA @415-702-0650. WANT WANTTO TORENT RENT WANT TO RENT: Looking for 2016 seasonal rental - four months (Jan thru April) 2B/2B - house or condo (first floor only). Contact Jack or Maureen @ 631.367.9379 WANT TO RENT: Retired professional woman. NS/NP. Looking for a seasonal rental (Jan. to Mar.). 1 bed/1 bath villa or condo. Call Janet 781-538-5518 MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS BRYAN KANONIK CONTRACTOR NATIONWIDE AUTO TRANSPORT: “SNOWBIRDS” RETIRED TOUR BUS DRIVER WILL PERSONALLY DELIVER YOUR CAR ANYWHERE! REASONABLE RATES. CALL FOR QUOTE. REFERENCES AVAILABLE. LEISUREVILLE RESIDENT. CALL EDWARD 561-860-2991. THE DOOR DOCTOR of South Florida Inc. FREE PRESSURE WASHING: Free driveway pressure washing for Leisureville residents during the summer. This is a service project for the Boca High Debate team. Coach is a Leisureville resident. Donations for the team will be welcomed. Call 561-3861051 to schedule. STATE ROOFING LICENSE #CCC-048162 FREE ESTIMATES ON: • REPLACEMENT DOORS • RAISED PANEL STEEL DOORS • ELECTRIC OPERATORS • REPLACEMENT SECTIONS WE SERVICE MOST BRANDS OF GARAGE DOORS & ELECTRIC OPERATORS SAME DAY SERVICE FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1981 5% leisureville discount 369-1560 The cost for a classified ad is $10.00 for seven lines (35 characters per line maximum); each additional line is $2.00. Payment, together with a copy of your ad, is to be paid by check or money order only. NO CASH WILL BE ACCEPTED. Please email us your classified ad at [email protected] or bring your completed ad, together with your check, to the Association office or the newsroom office by the 1st of the month. AN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE is required for all classifieds advertising, rental of houses, condos, or apartments. A copy of a current city of Boynton Beach license (City of Boynton Beach ordinance no: 94-15, Appendix A, 6-21-94) must accompany your classified ad request. The licensing period is from October 1 to September 30. Licensed & Insured U-18307 - OICE 73448010 PUT NEW LIFE INTO YOUR NEW ROOF OR WATERPROOF t R ind n sta esi W STORM PROOF KITCHEN Lea kP roo We replace cabinets & countertops f Custom Made • Kitchens • Wall Units • Furniture - Home & Office Free Estimates 56% Less Cost • 100% Stronger Than A New Roof Energy Saving $ Rebate 10 yr. Transferable & Renewable Warranty PRESSURE CLEANING & REPAIRS ROBERT CHERRY ROOFING, INC. (561) 791-2612 (954) 741-4580 LICENSED & INSURED #CCC1326048 SCHERBAN MICA WORKS, INC. Leisureville References Available 210 SE 12th Avenue Boynton Beach (561) 732-4960 LICENSED & INSURED Page 28 LEISUREVILLE NEWS June 2015 Awarded Top Recognition from NCQA Monthly news from your PCMH team. you will be able to relax and enjoy the beach knowing these visits are taken care of. “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” -Benjamin Franklin. Have you decided who will be your voice in the event you cannot speak for yourself? Who do you trust to express your wishes? Designate the person(s) who will be your I.C.E. (In Case of an Emergency) contact(s), sooner than later. We also continue to urge you to arrange your Living Will, Health Care Surrogate and Power of Attorney forms immediately if you haven’t already done so. Regardless of your age, health condition, or any other circumstance it is crucial to have these forms in your chart for your own protection. This month, let us keep this powerful statement in mind as we continue to take steps in order to put you in charge of your health care. As your teammates, we want you to know about the issues that impact your health. Maintenance of blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and medication use are just a few examples of things, that when monitored properly and diligently, can make all the difference in your wellbeing and ultimately, your lifestyle. We encourage each of you to take an active role in keeping up with all aspects of your medical care. We believe that it is critical to place you, the patient, along with your loved ones at the center of this coordinated health care team to foster the greatest quality of care so that positive action is taken beyond our conversations during office visits. Spring has arrived and the sun is shining! This is a perfect time to create an exercise routine that is tailored to your medical needs while engaging in outdoor activities to grab some fresh air. This time of year also tends to get a bit quieter in our neighborhood, which calls for an ideal time to schedule your routine checkups, physicals, screening tests, and/or wellness visits. Visit your eye doctor and dentist to get these important check ups out of the way when you can. Come summer, This month we have a special request, which is to introduce yourself to your neighbors. You never know how far a simple “good morning!” and smile can go to improve a person’s day. We want to encourage everyone to build bonds with your neighbors and form a trustworthy relationship so that you have people looking out for you. We believe this is a great way to help create a stronger sense of belonging and community. We look forward to our continued partnership, but we want you to remember that our care model puts you, the patient, in the driving seat. That brings unique privileges and responsibilities that we are more than happy to share with you. Let’s go team, MMR Healthcare Your Best Care Is Our Highest Priority 2015 Ocean Drive, Suite 11, Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Phone: (461) 364-8056 ● Fax: (561) 364-8507 ● [email protected] www.mmrHealthCare.com June 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Dillerisms: Whatever you may look like, marry a man your own age. As your beauty fades, so will his eyesight. -Phyllis Diller Housework can't kill you, but why take a chance? -Phyllis Diller Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing. -Phyllis Diller The reason women don't play football is because 11 of them would never wear the same outfit in public. -Phyllis Diller Best way to get rid of kitchen odors: Eat out. -Phyllis Diller A bachelor is a guy who never made the same mistake once. -Phyllis Diller I want my children to have all the things I couldn't afford. Then I want to move in with them. -Phyllis Diller Most children threaten at times to run away from home. This is the only thing that keeps some parents going. -Phyllis Diller Any time three New Yorkers get into a cab without an argument, a bank has just been robbed. -Phyllis Diller We spend the first twelve months of our children's lives teaching them to walk and talk and the next twelve years telling them to sit down and shut up. -Phyllis Diller Burt Reynolds once asked me out. I was in his room at the time. -Phyllis Diller What I don't like about office Christmas parties . . . is looking for a job the next day. -Phyllis Diller The only time I ever enjoyed ironing . . . was the day I accidentally poured gin in the steam iron. -Phyllis Diller His finest hour lasted a minute and a half. -Phyllis Diller Old age is when the liver spots show through your gloves. -Phyllis Diller My photographs don't do me justice - they look just like me. -Phyllis Diller I admit, I have a tremendous sex drive. My boyfriend lives forty miles away. -Phyllis Diller Tranquilizers work only if you follow the advice on the bottle: Keep Away From Children. -Phyllis Diller I asked the waiter, 'Is this milk fresh?' He said, 'Lady, three hours ago it was grass.' -Phyllis Diller The reason the golf pro tells you to keep your head down . . . is so you can't see him laughing. -Phyllis Diller You know you're old if they have discontinued your blood type. SUBMITTED BY LOUISE FARRELL Page 29 Page 30 LEISUREVILLE NEWS June 2015 More From Italian Night Several guests are entertained by Joey. Marie Miller shows off her Italian shirt! Joe Toia is congratulated by Joey after winning a huge gift basket. Anne and Tony Vaccaro Margaret serves birthday cake to friends for Gerhardt’s birthday. The ever popular line dancing Joan and Steve Schone and Joyce Spriggs purchase raffle tickets from Louise Farrell and Del Faust. Kathleen and John Ure Mae Lazarus and Marie Miller check in TJ and Sandi Alleshouse. Pat Khoury and Bob Koegel Judy Toia gets red wine from Dom Intagliato. June 2015 LEISUREVILLE NEWS Page 31 NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED ... IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD Brain Matters Research — A World Class Alzheimer’s Disease prevention, treatment, research and support facility. Now seeking healthy volunteers to help us learn more about your risk for the disease based on your unique genetic profile, at no cost to you. Compensation for time and travel provided. 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer’s or other dementia. At age 65, you have a 1 in 8 chance of developing Alzheimer’s. At age 85, the risk increases to a 1 in 2 chance. Currently, there IN is YOUR no cure. NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED... OWN BACKYARD Brain Matters Research–A World Class Alzheimer’s Disease prevention, FACTS: OFFER: facility. treatment, researchWHAT andWE support • Changes in the brain start occurring 12-15 • Confidential, Comprehensive Evaluations, healthy moreOFabout your risk for the disease based years beforeNow anyseeking symptoms arevolunteers present to help us learn FREE CHARGE on your unique genetic profile, at no cost to you. Compensation for time and travel provided. • New technology helps provide a more • No Insurance Necessary precise diagnosis 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer's or other dementia. • Cutting Edge Research Opportunities At age 65, youand have a 1 in 8 chance of developing Alzheimer's. • Early detection, accurate diagnosis early • On-Site Lecture Series & Care-Giver Support At age 85, the risk increases to a 1 in 2 chance. treatment greatly increase your odds in the Groups fight against Alzheimer’s Disease • Free Second Opinions for Alzheimer’s Diagnosis Currently, there is no cure. FACTS: • Changes in the brain start occurring 12-15 years before any ABOUT US: symptoms present. • New are State-of-the-Art Facility • New technology helps provide a more precise diagnosis. • Peaceful Waterfront Setting • Early detection, accurate diagnosis and early treatment greatly • Nationally Alzheimer’s increase your oddsRecognized in the fight against Alzheimer’s Disease Disease. & Researchers conveniently located ABOUTExperts US: • Newminutes State-of-the-Art Facility from I-95 in Delray Beach • Peaceful Waterfront Setting • Nationally Recognized Alzheimer’s Disease Experts & Researchers conveniently located minutes from 1-95 in Delray Beach. WHAT WE OFFER: • •Expedited Access to Local Best In-Class Confidential,Comprehensive Evaluations, FREE OF CHARGE Resources • No Insurance Necessary Cutting Edge Research Opportunities • •Monthly “Open House Informational Brunch •with On-Site Lecture Series(RSVP & Care-Giver Support Groups the Doctor” Required) • Free second opinions for Alzheimer’s Diagnosis • Expedited Access to Local Best In-Class Resources • •Conference AvailableBrunch to Brain Monthly “OpenFacility House informational with Matters the Dr.” (RSVP Required Club Meetings, Health Fairs, •Volunteers Refer-A-Friend for Program Tournaments and Events •Bridge Conference Facility Available to Social Brain Matters Volunteers for Club Meetings, Health Fairs, Bridge Tournaments and Social Events. • Refer-A-Friend Program 561-381-9060 561-401-0361 Call today for your free comprehensive memory evaluation. www.brainmattersresearch.com 800 NW 17th Ave., Delray, FL 33445 Page 32 LEISUREVILLE NEWS June 2015 Shirley Cassa, PA (561) 271-0392 [email protected] 362 N. Congress Ave., Boynton Beach A CREMATION SERVICE OF THE PALM BEACHES “Leisureville Resident Since 1990” YOUR FIRST CHOICE WHEN SELECTING CREMATION “South Florida’s oldest family owned cremation only service” LOW COST, DIGNIFIED CREMATION SERVICES OUR PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORS HAVE OVER 50 YEARS COMBINED EXPERIENCE HELPING FAMILIES AT THEIR TIME OF NEED ASSISTANCE WITH VA BURIAL OF ASHES IN ANY NATIONAL CEMETERY ARRANGE FOR BURIAL OF ASHES IN ANY US CEMETERY INCLUDES LOCAL TRANSPORTATION FROM THE PLACE OF DEATH FILING FOR SOCIAL SECURITY • PROCESSING ALL PAPERWORK ACT OF CREMATION ON THE GOLF COURSE. Outstanding two bedroom two bath villa with new open kitchen, Newer appliances, built in microwave, tile on the diagonal, raised Florida room floor. Step through triple sliders onto a large patio with spectacular view of the golf course and lake. Front patio for more outdoor seating. Crown molding, paid lease, corner unit with easterly breezes, GE refrigerator, GE glass top range, GE microwave, top of the line kenmore dishwasher. Accordian shutters on all windows and sliding glass doors, six ceiling fans some with lighting. Maintenance includes water, sewer, garbage, insurance on the building, reserves, repairs, roof replaced 2008. Looking for a year round villa or just for the winter this unit is being sold furnished. DO NOT WAIT. $110,000 CALL FOR A BROCHURE LAKE VIEW. This 2BR/2BA condo on the second floor over looking Leisure Lake has been remodeled, tile flooring, new kitchen with appliances, picture window for a great view of the lake Prepaid recreation lease, building allows up to two pets, no renting first year. You will love this home sold either furnished or unfurnished. Take a look and have your winter home away from the snow or for year round. Don’t be caught without a place for next winter. $105,000 THIS HOME IS FOR YOU. Just what you have been waiting for. Fairmont home with double wide driveway, front porch, rear patio, lease prepaid, windows installed 2008, roof 1993 and professionally sealed in 2013 and maintained yearly. Kitchen remodeled in 2004, general electric electrical panel, front door, storm door and accordion on the front door in 2014, bathroom remodeled in 2007, tented in 2011. Tile floors, and beautiful Florida room. Must see. $110,000 561-734-7409 Fax 561-740-0095 Web: acremationservice.net e-mail: [email protected] Two bedroom one bath condo on the second floor, completely remodeled and ready for a new owner. Paid lease, Pet friendly. $58,000 REGIS PRICED RIGHT. Beautiful two bedroom two bath home with new tile and flat roof in 2001, 8 hurricane windows in livingroom, bedrooms and bathroom, paid recreation lease. $130,000 Great Time for Buying or Selling... . Please Call li le.. Each Office Independently Owned & Operated ev Best r u s L ei ton’s t! Kathy Clarke (561) 704-4069 For All Your Real Estate Needs ecre n Boy ept S K Interest Rates are the Lowest in 30 Years and Prices are RISING... Looking Forward to Serving You.... Sold Pending Sale Custom Challenger - $185,000 Magnificent 2BR/2BA with family room and porch. Everything has been redone including the marble flooring, kitchen, baths, windows and roof. Located walking distance from R2 and R3 Clubhouse... Quiet street... Paid lease... A Must See...Mint...Mint...Mint... Please call today... You’ll be glad you did... Deluxe Edgewood on Main Canal Totally Updated expanded 2BR/2BA home with paid up recreation lease... Home has a magnificant view of the main canal and is on an over-sized lot. Many upgrades including all glass enclosed Florida room in addition to standard Florida room it has 1728 UNDER A/C. Kitchen updated, roof and A/C replaced... This home is in move-in condition... A Must see... Quiet area and lots of privacy... Please call.. You’ll be glad you did... Asking $275,000 Sold Sold Panoramic Golfcourse Views $189,900 Exquisite 2BR/2BA expanded Fairmont Model with paid up recreation lease. This home has been totally updated with kitchen cabinetry replaced, updated appliances, roof replaced, freshly painted with crown moulding. Also hurricane code garage door and front door. Home has both Florida room plus screened porch. Spectacular golf and water views... Rarely do homes on the golfcourse come for sale... Won’t last long at this price... Please call to see.. Exquisite Challenger with Thousands in Upgrades. Paid up recreation lease. Hurricane impact windows, custom Kitchen with all new top of the line appliances, both baths totally updated with etched glass enclosures, Tile thru and wood flooring in guest bedroom. French doors with built-in blinds for entrance to master. Fully glassed raised tiled Fla. room with A/C. Custom window treatments and fans thru-out... Leisureville’s finest $215,000... Please call to see... Pending Sale Sold Perfect Winter Hideaway - $79,900 This lovely 2BR/1BA home has double concrete driveway plus front and back patios. Kitchen appliances updated. Enclosed porch with separate A/C. Tile thru-out and laminate in both bedrooms. Bathroom totally updated. Roof, windows and A/C all replaced. This home shows like a model... A Must see...Please call today...You’ll be glad you did... Minutes to shopping, ocean beaches and restaurants... Sold Regis Model - $149,900 Close to R3 Clubhouse & Pool - $125,000 This home is in immaculate move-in condition with paid up recreation lease in full. Roof, windows and A/C all replaced. Florida room plus room for back porch... Perfect home in quiet location in Leisureville... Vacant for quick close... Please call to see today... Some furnishings for sale separate with owner... Nicely updated Fairmont model with paid up lease in full. Newer kitchen, tile flooring, Florida room plus screened porch. Mint condition and selling fully furnished... Free 18-hole golfcourse. Minutes to restaurants, shopping, and ocean beaches. Great Value..Great location...A must see..Please call today... Deluxe Regis - $169,900 Interested in Selling Huge Oversized Lot - $140,000 This 2BR/2BA home is on an expansive corner lot... Paid up recreation lease in full. Roof replaced 2012. Concrete drive... Doors and windows replaced 2009. Nicely landscaped... Quiet private location... A must see... Home faces East for those gulfstream breezes... A Must See... Great value... Pending Sale Edgewood - $153,500 This 2BR/2BA home with full Florida room has been totally updated. Paid up recreation lease in full. Home remodeled from the bottom up with everything new including roof, windows, kitchen cabinetry, appliances, tile, carpeting, both bathrooms. Ideally located on quiet street but close to R2 Clubhouse, pool and fitness center... Please call to see this turn-key home... Won’t last long at this price. Please call to see this lovely 2BR/2BA home with both Florida room and enclosed porch. Paid up recreation lease. Roof replaced 2014. Accordion shutters. Electric awning on front porch. Laminate flooring. Kitchen cabinetry replaced and updated appliances. Generator ready and portable generator included... Great value... Nice location... Close to R2 & R3 Clubhouse... A GEM... Please call for a Free Market Analysis Prices are rising and Demand is High I would look forward to the Opportunity to serve you... Call to see some totally updated Condos on Leisure Lake starting at $59,900 with new kitchen, new bath, updated appliances, Hurricane impact on glass enclosed porch,, paid lease...Turn Key.. Great values 2/1 $69,900 and 2/2 $84,900 villa tiled thru-out..All vacant for quick close and ready for new owners...Best values for Winter Hideaways with lots of amenities..Free Golf too....