REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area
REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area
REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Final Report Submitted to “Conservation of the Sierra Leone Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve and its Watersheds” Project (Project number: Europeaid/126201/C/ACT/Multi) Purkersdorf, February 2012 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Your contact person at ÖBf: Alexander Horst Pummergasse 10-12 3002 Purkersdorf Austria Tel: +43-2231-600 55 20 Fax: +43-2231-600 55 09 Email: [email protected] i REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Table of Contents Executive Summary ............................................................................................... 1 1. Introduction .................................................................................................... 3 2. Methodological approach .................................................................................. 5 3. Prefeasibility assessment .................................................................................. 7 4. Results of the remote sensing and carbon analyses ............................................11 5. 6 4.1 Forest benchmark map ............................................................................11 4.2 Land use and forest changes 2000 – 2006 -2011 ........................................13 4.3 Aboveground biomass and carbon stocks ...................................................15 4.4 Biomass/carbon change in the reference period 2000 – 2010 .......................16 Project Idea Note ...........................................................................................18 5.1 General project description, objectives and type of project ...........................18 5.2 Suggested crediting life time and schedule of project ...................................19 5.3 Project participants, major stakeholders and proposed implementation arrangements .........................................................................................20 5.3.1 Project proponent and management body .............................................20 5.3.2 Project partners and stakeholders ........................................................20 5.4 Proposed activities ..................................................................................21 5.5 Additionality ...........................................................................................22 5.6 Baseline deforestation and carbon emissions ..............................................23 5.6.1 Drivers and agents of deforestation and degradation ..............................23 5.6.2 Historical and projected baseline deforestation.......................................25 5.6.3 Projected baseline emissions ...............................................................27 5.7 Expected emission mitigation effect of the project .......................................27 5.8 Leakage .................................................................................................28 5.9 Non-permanence and other risk ................................................................29 5.10 Carbon revenue distribution and incentive systems .....................................31 5.11 Expected socio-economic and environmental impacts ..................................31 5.12 Results of preliminary financial analysis .....................................................32 5.12.1 Estimated carbon price trend ...............................................................32 5.12.2 Expected revenues, costs and cash flow ................................................33 5.12.3 Buffer withholding ..............................................................................36 5.12.4 Sensitivity results ...............................................................................37 Recommendations on future project development ..............................................38 6.1 Target markets and potential clients ..........................................................38 ii REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve 7 6.2 Carbon project development and implementation costs ................................38 6.3 Methodology ...........................................................................................39 6.4 Outstanding issues from prefeasibility check ...............................................40 6.5 Next steps ..............................................................................................41 References ....................................................................................................42 Annexes Annex 1: Invitation to Tender / Terms of Reference Annex 2: Workshop presentations Annex 3: Methodology used in the land- and forest-cover change analysis Annex 4: Methodology used for biomass and carbon density estimations Annex 5: Methodology used for baseline projection and financial analyses Annex 6: Excel Spreadsheet with financial calculations iii REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve List of Tables Figure 1: Project location ........................................................................................ 3 Figure 2: Decision flow chart on the continuation of the project ................................... 7 Figure 3: Forest benchmark map 2011 ....................................................................12 Figure 4: Forest cover in the proposed project area (new boundary) ...........................13 Figure 5: Forest change map 2000 – 2011 ...............................................................14 Figure 6: Area of forest change in the Western Area Peninsula ...................................15 Figure 7: Urban encroachment into the WAPFOR ......................................................23 Figure 8: Historical and projected development of forest and urban land area in reference area ....................................................................................26 Figure 9: Projected development of forest land area in project area ............................26 Figure 10: Projected carbon emissions in project area ...............................................27 Figure 11: Projected avoided carbon emissions through project activities in project area ......................................................................................28 Figure 12: Annual profits from project activities in contrasting baseline and carbon price scenarios .....................................................................36 List of Figures Figure 1: Project location ........................................................................................ 3 Figure 2: Decision flow chart on the continuation of the project ................................... 7 Figure 3: Forest benchmark map 2011 ....................................................................12 Figure 4: Forest cover in the proposed project area (new boundary) ...........................13 Figure 5: Forest change map 2000 – 2011 ...............................................................14 Figure 6: Area of forest change in the Western Area Peninsula ...................................15 Figure 7: Urban encroachment into the WAPFOR ......................................................23 Figure 8: Historical and projected development of forest and urban land area in reference area ....................................................................................26 Figure 9: Projected development of forest land area in project area ............................26 Figure 10: Projected carbon emissions in project area ...............................................27 Figure 11: Projected avoided carbon emissions through project activities in project area ........................................................................................28 Figure 12: Annual profits from project activities in contrasting baseline and carbon price scenarios .......................................................................36 iv REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve List of Abbreviations AGB Aboveground Biomass AFOLU Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use AUD Avoided Unplanned Deforestation BAU Business As Usual Scenario CCBS Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard CDM Clean Development Mechanism CHF Closed High Forest COP Conference of Parties DD Deforestation and Degradation EC European Commission ENFORAC Environmental Forum for Action FAO UN Food and Agricultural Organisation FCPF Forest Carbon Partnership Facility FD Forestry Division FRA Forest Resource Assessment GoSL Government of Sierra Leone GVWC Guma Valley Water Company IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change LC/LU Land Cover / Land Use M Mangroves MAFFS Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry & Food Security MEWR Ministry of Energy and Water Resources MHF Medium High Forest MLCPE Ministry of Land, Country Planning & Environment MRV Monitoring, Reporting and Verification PD Project Description (for VCS) PDD Project Design Document (for CDM) PES Payment for Environmental Services PIN Project Idea Note REDD Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation REDD+ Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, and the Role of Conservation, Sustainable Management of Forests and Enhancement of Forest Carbon Stocks in Developing Countries REL Reference Emission Level R-PP Readiness Preparation Proposal SCE Scenario SF Secondary Forest SHRB Shrub SLEPA Sierra Leone Environmental Protection Agency v REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve tCO2e Ton of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change VCS Verified Carbon Standard VCU Verified Carbon Unit WAP Western Area Peninsula WAPFOR Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve WARDC Western Area Rural District Council vi REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Executive Summary Österreichische Bundesforste AG Consulting has been commissioned by Welthungerhilfe to conduct a REDD+ scoping study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve (WAPFOR), in order to assess the feasibility of a REDD+ project and develop a project idea note. The initial evaluation of the project’s feasibility arrived at a “go” decision to move forward with full project design. Some aspects such as identification of project proponent, proof of carbon ownership and the forest definition yet need further elaboration to be fully compliant with all the requirements for a REDD project under the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS). The remote sensing analyses showed that the WAPFOR is still a relatively intact forest, with 15,600 ha of forest cover having a comparatively high carbon stock. The average annual deforestation on the Western Area Peninsula was almost 420 ha or 0.8% during the past 10 years. It was further found that almost all of the change detected by remote sensing is due to deforestation (>99%), and not degradation. The analysis indicated that the mean Aboveground Biomass (AGB) density of the class Closed Forest in the WAPFOR area is about 166 t/ha, or 83 tons Carbon per ha. It is estimated that within the old reserve boundary about 160,000 tons of CO2 emissions were caused by deforestation and degradation during the past 10 years, and about 955,000 tons on the Western Area Peninsula. Different baseline scenarios were projected in the future, using the major driver of deforestation which is urban expansion due to population growth and urbanisation. Results reveal an average absolute deforestation rate of 431 ha and 198 ha per year in the WAPFOR in the two extreme scenarios. All in all, the preliminary findings suggest a mitigation potential of the project that ranges from 124,000 tCO2e to 57,000 tCO2e per year. The financial analysis showed that most of the scenarios were financially feasible. The sensitivity analysis indicated that - apart from deforestation rate and emission factors discount rate, carbon price levels, and the timing of the revenues are important factors to be considered. Our scenario analysis showed that the most profitable scenario did not include pro-poor measures. It became evident that the poor do not automatically benefit from a REDD project and that the application of a pro-poor approach will cost something. On the positive side, there is enough room to factor pro-poor measures into the detailed project design. It was found that a REDD+ project in the WAPFoR has very positive environmental cobenefits since it will conserve critical watershed functions, biodiversity and wildlife habitat. The outcome of the pre-feasibility analysis suggests developing the REDD+ Project further using the most respected and widely used standard, namely the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), which may possibly be complemented by the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance Standard (CCBS) for social and environmental issues. The overarching objective is to generate mutual benefits to potential investors and local stakeholders. This can be achieved by striving for both, a financially viable and environmentally and socially sustainable REDD+ project in line with above-stated standards. By this means, the pro-poor philosophy of Welthungerhilfe is supported by a market mechanism for forest ecosystem services. 1 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve A project idea note for an avoided unplanned deforestation project in the WAPFOR has been prepared which covers all pertinent sections. The project idea incorporates the notion of a pro-poor approach as well as benefit-sharing agreements with the adjacent population. Furthermore, an approved VCS methodology for avoided unplanned deforestation has been identified which is applicable. While degradation may be addressed by project activities, project proponents cannot seek credits for avoided degradation. We think this is not a problem because degradation is very difficult and too costly to measure. Finally, it is recommended to progress with project development which should culminate in a Project Document (PD) according to VCS requirements, which can then undergo external validation and verification. Necessary next steps have been pinpointed as well. 2 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve 1. Introduction The Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve (WAPFOR) is situated on the Freetown Peninsula, ranging from shore to more than 950 metres above sea level. The reserve extends over about 17,600 hectares of Upper Guinean forest. The forest reserve protects the watershed of the Guma Valley Dam and Congo Dam which supply water to the entire population of Freetown (ca. 2 million people). In the 19th century the forest was heavily logged to supply timber for the ship-building industry. In 1916, the WAPFOR was amongst one of the earliest protected areas declared by the British Administration. Due to its importance for the population of Freetown and its outstanding biodiversity value (more than 374 species of avifauna), WAPFOR was declared a non-hunting forest reserve in 1972. Figure 1: Project location The WAPFOR is the remains of a coastal forest which once stretched until Liberia. Forest conversion and illegal logging have caused a growing number of flash floods and landslides in the Western Area Peninsula, damaging homes and destroying livelihoods. The “Conservation of the Sierra Leone Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve and its Watershed” Project, jointly funded by European Commission and Welthungerhilfe, aims to conserve and sustainably manage the WAPFOR and its watershed for the benefit of the 3 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve adjacent local population. Among others, it intends to develop and pilot innovative, propoor financing mechanisms for forest conservation. Already during project design in 2008, the emerging Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) mechanism has been identified as a possible sustainable financing option for the WAPFOR which is to be investigated. In 2010, the WAPFOR has been suggested as a potential site for REDD+1 in a national REDD+ strategy. It was assessed as a moderately intact high forest, yet under high deforestation threat particularly by urban expansion. As a consequence, the management challenges were rated quite substantial, while the carbon offset potential was rated moderately. The WAPFOR also prominently features in a draft Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP) prepared by a project developer. According to the March 2011 version, about 9,000 ha of WAPFOR are earmarked for REDD+. Acknowledging the increased national as well as international interest in REDD+, the WAPFOR project is now commissioning this REDD+ Scoping Study to collect baseline information and assess the feasibility of REDD+ in the WAPFOR. It is further expected that the case study is contributing to the development of a national policy and institutional framework for REDD+, and building-up the knowledge and awareness about REDD+ of various stakeholders in the country before the next UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP) 17 in Durban. The objectives of this scoping study are threefold (see for details the ToR in Annex 1): 1. To assess the scope for REDD+ in the WAPFOR 2. To raise awareness, competences and management capacities of selected Sierra Leonean stakeholders about REDD+ and carbon market potentials 3. To identify potential funding mechanisms and to recommend a road map for future action ÖBf Consulting conducted two missions to Sierra Leone, one in June/July, the other in October 2011. Three presentations were given at the inception workshop in the MAFFS on 30 June 2011, a workshop on 14 July in the WAPFOR project office and at the final workshop on 25 October 2011 in the Hills Valley Hotel, Freetown (see Annex 2) where the results were also discussed in working groups. As part of the study, remote sensing analyses were conducted which culminated in the production of a number of maps (forest benchmark may 2011, forest change maps 20002006-2011) and GIS layers which were handed over to client. This report presents the finding of the scoping study. It first briefly presents the methodology used. Secondly, we shortly describe the results of the initial feasibility check. Next, we present the main findings of our remote sensing analyses and carbon assessments. The following chapter contains the Project Idea Note (PIN) summarizing the main design elements that can be shared with project stakeholders and potential investors or funders of the proposed avoided deforestation project. Finally, recommendations and the next steps in the development of the project are proposed. The ÖBf Team consisted of Mr Alexander Horst (Team Leader, Forest Carbon Expert), Alois Schuschnigg (Protected Area Management Specialist), Michael Krause (Baseline Modelling Expert), Michael Schultz (Remote Sensing Expert) and Valerio Avitabile (Biomass Monitoring Expert). 1 Dr. Turay, Peter (2010). Strategy for the Development of a Climate Change Abatement Economy: Introducing and Implementing REDD/REDD+ in Sierra Leone 4 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve 2. Methodological approach A combination of on-site field visits and desk work was employed. The consultants visited the project area, walked transects in the forest and conducted ground truthing measurements with GPS, discussed with stakeholders, participated in workshops and media activities, reviewed available secondary information, and conducted several workshops and capacity building measures. The information collected was used in assessing the pre-feasibility of the project. The present study employed remote sensing and ground data to assess the changes of the land- and forest-cover. First, satellite images acquired in early 2011 and ground reference data were employed to map the current distribution of land- and forest-cover of the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve (WAPFOR) and create a benchmark map. Secondly, satellite data acquired in the year 2000 were compared to the 2006 and 2011 datasets to assess changes in land- and forest- cover that occurred during the last decade (producing a set of land- & forest- change maps). Further details about the methodology used can be found in Annex 3. For the calculation of baseline greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the study area, apart from area changes detected by remote sensing information about the carbon stock (carbon density) of major land and vegetation types is needed. In the context of the present study, national (Tier 2) or local (Tier 3) data on carbon stocks and emission factors were not available. Therefore, the only possibility to estimate the carbon emissions without engaging in a field campaign (which was beyond the scope of this study) was to apply Tier 1 factors. We employed the biomass map produced by Saatchi et al. (2011) for Sierra Leone. The datasets were first pre-processed and then combined with the Landsat-based 2011 forest map and the related 2000 – 2011 change statistics specifically produced in order to quantify the carbon stocks per forest type and the carbon emissions per land change category. Since the two maps present different spatial resolutions (30 m for the Forest map, 1 Km (nominative) for the Biomass map), a specific processing technique was applied to optimally compare the two datasets. Further details about the methodology applied for the biomass and carbon analysis are in Annex 4. For the development of a baseline, we had to project the observed historical deforestation into the future. The basic conceptual idea of projecting the baseline deforestation area from 2012 to 2031 was to link the observed historical baseline deforestation in the reference area to the observed major driver of deforestation which is urban expansion due to population growth and urbanisation. We employed historical total population and population density data as listed in Koroma et al. (2006) for each district for the years 1985 and 2004. Moreover, this source includes population projections until 2014 taking birth rates, death rates, in- and outmigration into account. The link of historical population development to deforestation was established in four steps. The first step was calculating the derived urban area change. In the second step, an adjustment factor was employed that relates urban land expansion based on census data to the change in the aggregated category “other” (OTR) from satellite data. The third step consisted of the implementation of a factor of deforestation substitution by encroachment into other unused available land. The substitution factor links the magnitude of OTR expansion due to urban land expansion to the magnitude of deforestation in the reference area. The fourth step comprises the synthesis of previous steps and the application of area change data sets to total area data sets. Consequently, 6 baseline scenarios derived from 2 time 3 degrees of freedom in alternative adjustment factor values (denoted by small letters a and b) and substitution 5 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve factor values (denoted by numbers 1, 2 and 3) were developed. The final results are estimates on the area of deforestation depending on the year, the scenario of OTR land development as well as the development of the substitution factor in different scenarios. The financial analysis was based on a discounted cash flow method, the calculation of the net present value of revenues minus costs throughout the project cycle. Revenues are generated from the future price development of VCUs, the avoided deforestation area over time, in baseline scenarios, and for combinations in land cover conversion as well as the carbon emission factor for combinations in land cover conversion. Costs accrue for the setting-up of the forest carbon project (project development, validation and registration), so-called start-up costs as well as the effective protected area management and monitoring. Capital depreciation requires continues replacement of tools and other equipment which is grasped in replacement costs. However, the cost side is elaborated further by employing two data sets depending on the defined baseline scenario: (1) costs associated with concentrating on effective protected area management, in particular law enforcement, to reduce deforestation in scenarios SCE a.2 and b.2 as well as (2) costs associated with concentrating on effective protected area management plus buffer zone development in scenarios SCE a.1, a.3, b.1, b.3. Further details can be found in Annex 4. 6 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve 3. Prefeasibility assessment An initial evaluation was conducted to determine the project’s feasibility and make a “go/no go” decision on whether or not to move forward with full project design. If a proposed REDD project is not able to answer “YES” to all of the questions shown in the checklist below, then the project must be revised before continuing with subsequent steps or a ‘NO GO’ decision should be made (see Figure 2). Figure 2: Decision flow chart on the continuation of the project 1. Is the project additional? YES 2. Is the project area under direct deforestation in the next five years? threat of YES 3. Have the legal rights to the carbon credits been secured? YES 4. Does the forest in the project area comply with an internationally accepted definition of forest? YES NO 5. Has the project area been forested for at least 10 years? YES 6. Will the proposed project activities cause a direct reduction in deforestation/degradation? YES 7. Does the project have low leakage potential? YES 8. Is the risk of non-permanence sufficiently low to make the project unlikely to fail? YES 9. Does the project minimize negative environmental and socioeconomic impacts? GO NO GO 7 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve 1. The VCS Program Guidelines state that “project-based GHG emission reductions and removals must be additional to what would have happened under a business as usual scenario if the project had not been carried out”. The assessment shows that the WAPFoR is currently under severe pressure, especially from rapid urban expansion/encroachment into the reserve. The business as usual scenario is characterized by low levels of law enforcement, little staff capacity, little human resources, little financial means for effective protected areas management. Consequently, there will be limited means to mitigate emissions without the project. The project has funding by EC and Welthungerhilfe only until 2014, therefore the financial sustainability is currently not secured. => YES the project is additional. 2. Before credits can be generated, the project must demonstrate that the project area was under known and direct threat of deforestation. The project is historically under various threats of deforestation, such as rapid (illegal) urbanisation and land speculation, subsistence agriculture as well as the cultivation of marihuana, timber extraction for ship building and construction, woodfuel exploitation (charcoal and wood), petty stone mining, etc. Projected population development and derived demand for urban and other land translate into continued deforestation in the future. => YES the project is under threat of deforestation in the next five years. 3. To be able to register a voluntary carbon project and sell carbon credits, the project proponent must prove that they have the legal rights to the carbon credits. The entire WAPFoR is state land and all land use rights are held by the state. The project proponent would be MAFFS or a legal body, mandated by MAFFS. While there is no formal policy on REDD, the Government of Sierra Leone represented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security, the Ministry of Lands, Country Planning and the Environment and Environmental Protection Agency has already granted a project developer concession rights for the production of carbon credits on National and community forest land, but this concession does not include WAPFOR. => PARTLY YES if Government is the project proponent, legal rights to the carbon credits can be easily secured, but mechanism for the distribution among forest stakeholders as well as the specific project proponent still needs to be identified. 4. Estimates of forest area, and therefore forest area loss through deforestation, are affected by how a forest is defined. Typically forest definitions (including national UNFCCC definitions) include minimum criteria for crown area, tree height and land area. The VCS Guidance for AFOLU states that “to be eligible for VCS crediting, a REDD project forest must meet internationally accepted definitions of what constitutes a forest, e.g., based on UNFCCC host-country thresholds or FAO definitions=> YES, according to the national forest definition submitted to FAO (2010), the entire WAPFoR can be classified as forest2. This forest definition is in compliance with an internationally accepted forest definition. However, Sierra Leone has not 2 Sierra Leone Country Report of the Global Forest Resources report (FAO 2010): Land spanning more than 0.5 hectares with trees higher than 5 meters and a canopy cover of more than 10 percent, or trees able to reach these thresholds in situ. It does not include land that is predominantly under agricultural or urban land use. 8 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve yet submitted a forest definition to the UNFCCC/CDM which should be done as a matter of priority. 5. Within the VCS, REDD activities can take place only within areas that are currently forested and have been forest for at least ten years. This is usually easy to demonstrate through interpretation of remote sensing imagery and/or expert knowledge. Parts of the WAPFoR were gazetted in the first quarter of the 20th century. Much of the core forest reserve resembles a climax forest, although logging of timber trees has occurred on most of the reserve over time. Some areas of the forest reserve have been encroached, but the new boundary will exclude such converted area and will only include forested areas. It is thus well suited as project boundary. => YES the project area has been forested for the last 10 years. 6. A project does not exist unless the project proponent actively causes a reduction in deforestation and degradation. The types of activities that can be instituted should be considered and the expected success rate, cost, and socio-economic impacts of various activities should be compared. The proposed project activities will actively halt urban expansion into the forest reserve and will aim at reducing deforestation through improved law enforcement and alternative livelihood programmes in the buffer zone. However a transition phase is assumed to take up to 5 years after project start to increase project effectiveness. => YES the project activities will reduce deforestation, nevertheless project effectiveness will not attain 100% and has to be stepwise increased from a projected low level of effectiveness at project start. 7. The extent of possible leakage in the proposed project location should be considered. The type and cost of activities that will be required to minimize leakage will also need to be assessed. The best projects are able to identify the people who are likely to cause deforestation in the baseline case and provide them with alternative livelihoods and sources of income. Urbanisation and encroachment into the forest reserve is particularly a matter of land speculation and an illegal activity whose eradication would not require compensation. The areas outside the reserve will be developed in the future as the population grows and economy develops. Leakage caused by stopping urban expansion will not be a major factor as there are no other forest areas in the vicinity of Freetown. There are indications that the majority of energy demand for Freetown is supplied from up-country, i.e. not by woodfuel harvested in the forest reserve. Alterative livelihood measures for the poor using the forests are foreseen as well as leakage management areas. => YES the leakage potential from the project is limited and can/will be addressed. 8. The risk of non-permanence is critical to all land use projects. Prior to substantially investing in any project, the minimum and maximum potential risk buffer should be estimated. There is a risk that the current high political will and interest to preserve the remaining forest is weakened over time, resulting in low levels of law enforcement and increased interest to encroach the forest reserve mainly for land speculation. Another risk to the success of the project is prevailing poverty and ineffective alternative livelihood measures which force the poor to exploit forest resources 9 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve unsustainably. However, the preliminary standardized risk analysis as required by VCS has been clearly passed. => YES the risk of project failure is sufficiently low, as evidenced by our preliminary risk analysis. 9. Any possible positive or negative environmental and/or socioeconomic impacts that the project may have on the surrounding area should be considered. The project will work intensively will all relevant stakeholders and actively pursues a participatory approach in promoting alternative livelihood programmes for people who exert pressure on the forest reserve. Negative environmental impacts through the project are not expected, in contrary they will be positive. If unexpectedly negative socio-economic will be detected through project monitoring, they will be immediately addressed. => YES the project minimizes negative environmental and socioeconomic impacts. The outcomes of the prefeasibility assessment suggest continuing the project by identifying investors and pursuing the next steps towards the preparation of an elaborated project document. 10 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve 4. Results of the remote sensing and carbon analyses 4.1 Forest benchmark map The forest benchmark map for the Western Area Peninsula (2011) is shown in Figure 3 on the next page. It includes the different boundaries which we used for the analysis, namely (i) Western Area Peninsula, (2) Old colonial boundary, (3) Forest boundary according to an analysis of SPOT 2006 data, and (4) proposed new boundary. There a number of points which are worth mentioning: • WAPFOR still contains closed and moderately dense high forests, particularly in the core zone- • Outside WAPFOR, there is almost no high forest existing, which means that it is difficult to find a suitable reference area in the vicinity, and that leakage may not be a major issue • Encroachment into the old forest reserve boundary can be detected • There is limited space for further urban expansion • Around the forest reserve along the eastern, there is a belt of degraded shrub land • Secondary forest can be found at the western fringe and further in the East. • It was difficult by remote sensing analysis to distinguish secondary forest from shrub land. This has important implications, since shrub land is considered nonforest land. A transition of shrub land to other land is by definition not deforestation, but a transition of secondary forest to other land is one. In Figure 4, the forest cover of the proposed new boundary is shown. About 75% is closed high forest (CHF3), another 5% medium high forest (MHF4) and 6% secondary forest (SF5). Slightly over 10% (2,000 ha) is classified as shrub land (SHRB) which might partly be due to misclassification. If the classification is correct, this class would need to be excluded from the project area, as the crop, urban and other land (totalling up to less than 1%)6. In the further project development, additional ground truthing is required. Besides, it should be considered to procure very high resolution satellite images. 3 CHF… Closed High Forest is multi-layered forest with a crown cover higher than 70%. 4 MHF… Medium High Forest is a multi-layered forest with a crown cover higher than 30% but lower than 70%. 5 SF… Secondary Forest is single-layered forest with predominately pioneer tree species with a crown cover higher than 30%. 6 VCS requires that the project area has been forested for at least ten years. In other words, all areas which were in one point of time deforested during the past 10 years (e.g. by shifting cultivation) will have to be excluded which would require further analysis. 11 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Figure 3: Forest benchmark map 2011 12 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Figure 4: Forest cover in the proposed project area (new boundary) area of land/forest cover 160,00 135,34 140,00 Water 120,00 area in km² CHF 100,00 MHF SF 80,00 M 60,00 SHRB 40,00 Crop 20,39 20,00 9,30 Other land 11,44 0,94 0,08 1,32 0,37 Crop Other Urban land 0,11 Urban 0,00 Water 4.2 CHF MHF SF M SHRB Land use and forest changes 2000 – 2006 -2011 The change map 2000 – 2011 (see Figure 5) shows that • there is quite some change (9%) on the Western Area Peninsula, particularly around Freetown and Waterloo • the old forest reserve has been encroached (4% change), particularly the extensions and the Northern part close to Freetown • there is still very limited change in the core area of WAPFR, and in the new proposed boundary (less than 1%) Most of the changes on the Western Area Peninsula (WAP), i.e. our reference area, were from medium high forest to shrub (over 50%), followed by secondary forests to other (16%). Closed high forest to shrub contributed to 15% of the change (see Figure 6). All in all, almost 420 ha or 0.8% were deforested annually on the WAP (see Table 1). Degradation is almost negligible, which may be partly due to the fact that Landsat images of 30 m resolution are not appropriate for detecting gradual degradation. It is interesting to note that deforestation doubled from 3% from 2000-2006 (0.5% annually) to 6% from 2006-11 (1,2% annually). Table 1: Deforestation and degradation 2000 – 2011 in the WAP Total ha Deforestation Degradation Yearly ha Total Rate Yearly Rate 4,600 418 8.7 0.8 37 3 0.1 0.01 13 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Figure 5: Forest change map 2000 – 2011 14 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Figure 6: Area of forest change in the Western Area Peninsula area of forest change 25,00 20,09 20,00 area in km² MHF00 to Other11 14,87 SF00 to Other 11 15,00 CHF00 to Other11 10,00 9,14 MHF00 to SHRB11 MHF00 to SF11 5,00 CHF00 to SHRB11 1,62 0,28 0,01 0,11 0,25 0,01 0,00 CHF00 to SF11 Shrb00 to SF11 SF 00 M HF 00 to Ot he r1 to 1 O CH th F0 er 0t 11 oO M th HF er 00 11 to SH M RB HF 11 00 to CH SF F0 11 0t oS HR CH B1 F0 1 0t CH oS F0 F1 0t 1 oM HF Sh rb 11 00 to SF 11 CHF00 to MHF11 According to Congalton (1991) & Foody (2002) the accuracy of the map has been assessed using a confusion matrix. The overall accuracy is 75.5 %. A high confusion can be recognized between Cropland (crop) and Shrubland (shrb) which is due to their similar spectral properties. Furthermore a significant confusion exists between secondary forest (SF), shrub and other land (other). Our change detection approach used a consistent methodology and different images from 3 time intervals. During further project development, one can build on this work which aimed to make an initial assessment. However, the accuracy has to be increased through the incorporation of field measurements and use of very high resolution imagery. Besides, the reference area has to be increased, i.e. a wider area has to be covered by the digital change analysis. The specific requirements are detailed in the proposed approved VCS methodology which was not available at the start of the scoping study. 4.3 Aboveground biomass and carbon stocks The analysis of the Saatchi map indicated that the mean Aboveground Biomass (AGB) density of the class Closed Forest in the WAPFOR area was equal to 166 t/ha. This values is in line with the average forest ABG density reported by Saatchi et al. (2011) for Sierra Leone (134 t/ha, considering 30% canopy cover as threshold to define forest areas) and, most importantly, with the average forest AGB density reported by the FAO Forest Resource Assessment (FRA) 2010 on the basis of independent national data (136 t/ha). The FRA 2010 value for Sierra Leone was obtained dividing the 2010 country AGB stock (371 million tons) by the corresponding forest area (2.7 million ha) (FAO, 2010). Therefore, the value of 166 t/ha was considered a reliable estimate of the AGB density of the WAPFOR forests and was considered more appropriate than the IPCC Tier 1 value for 15 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve tropical forests of Africa (equal to 310 t/ha), which refers to undisturbed dense rainforests and is not applicable to the specific conditions of the study area. On the basis of the Saatchi map, the AGB was estimated also for the other forest classes identified in the study area (i.e. Medium Forest and Closed Secondary Forest), and the analysis reported realistic results (151 and 95 t/ha, respectively). Instead, the AGB density computed for the non-forest classes (Shrub, Crop, Other and Urban) were unrealistically high (equal to 124, 84, 79 and 70 t/ha, respectively) due to the high spatial fragmentation of these classes compared to the coarse resolution of the Saatchi map. For this reason, appropriate reference values based on the FRA 2010 and the IPCC Tier 1 values were defined. The AGB reference value for Shrub Land was set equal to 50 t/ha on the basis of the average national AGB density of the class Other Wooded Land reported by the FRA 2010 (51 t/ha). While this value might overestimate the AGB density of shrublands in the WAPFOR area due to the human impact in the study area, it was considered more reliable of the IPCC Tier 1 value for forest in tropical shrubland ecozone (70 t/ha), which was used by Reusch & Gibbs (2007) as reference value for tropical shrublands (no IPCC tier 1 value are specifically reported for Shrubland) and was found excessively high in other case studies (Avitabile et al., 2011). The AGB reference values for Cropland and Other Land were set to 5 t/ha, with this value being the half of the IPCC Tier 1 value for these areas (10 t/ha) to take into account the tendency of the IPCC values to overestimate AGB density in the study area. The C stock values and their standard deviation (where available) were derived on the basis of the AGB density for each land cover class and are reported in Table 2. Table 2: Mean and Standard Deviation of AGB and C stock for each Land Cover class Land Cover type Closed High Forest Medium High Forest Closed Secondary Forest Mangrove Shrub Crop Other Urban 4.4 Code CHF MHF CSF MAN SHRUB CROP OTHER URBAN AGB (t/ha) Mean St. Dev. 166 46 151 20 95 36 63 38 50 5 5 0 - C (t/ha) Mean St. Dev. 83 22 76 23 48 10 31 18 25 3 3 0 - Biomass/carbon change in the reference period 2000 – 2010 The carbon stock density values were combined with the analysis on the forest cover changes to estimate the carbon emissions during the historical period 2000 – 2010. The emission factors and the carbon emissions are reported below for each change class, change process and reference region (see Table 3). The carbon emissions are reported as negative values when the land change acts as a net carbon source and as a positive value when the land change acts as a net carbon sink. The results show that the choice of reference region affects considerably the amount of emissions and that most of them are due to deforestation processes, while the emissions and absorptions due to degradation and restoration processes are almost negligible in comparison with the total values. Again, with the used Landsat satellite images, it is difficult to detect gradual forest degradation, but the general conclusion that deforestation is a much higher emission source than degradation certainly holds true. For 16 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve the monitoring of degradation, field measurement and the use of very high resolution images or orthophotos is recommended. These results depend largely on the emission factors identified on the basis of the biomass density per land cover class. While the values used in the present analysis can be considered as best estimates available in the literature, the acquisition of field data in the study region is required for a more accurate quantification of the carbon stocks and emissions occurred during the reference period. It is thus strongly recommended to conduct a carbon inventory using a sound scientific approach as described in the proposed VCS methodology. Table 3: The emission factors and the C emissions for each land change class, change process and reference region Change process Change class Deforestation CHF -> SHRUB -65 Degradation Restoration Emission Factors (t/ha) C Stock Change (t) 2000 – 2010 New Forest Boundary -1,601 SPOT Boundary Old Forest Boundary -1,625 -2,837 Peninsula -10,619 CHF -> OTHER -80 -29 -36 -514 -2,236 MHF -> SHRUB -58 -4,808 -4,777 -19,222 -116,530 MHF -> OTHER -73 -1,202 -650 -13,555 -66,744 MSF -> OTHER -45 -1,201 -1,684 -8,799 -67,012 CHF -> MHF -7 -53 -17 -80 -186 CHF -> MSF -35 -38 -41 -60 -394 MHF -> MSF -28 -8 -5 -8 -15 SHRUB -> MSF 30 0 0 3 19 15 867 508 1,048 3,175 -8,074 -8,328 -44,025 -260,542 -29,603 -30,535 -161,424 -955,322 OTHER -> SHRUB Total C emissions Total CO2 emissions 17 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve 5. Project Idea Note 5.1 General project description, objectives and type of project Title of the project: Western Area Peninsula Avoided Deforestation Project The project objective is to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation in the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve, mainly through • Increasing the protection status from a non-hunting forest reserve to a National Park and a World Heritage Site • Setting-up an administration • Improved patrolling and law enforcement • Eradicating urban sprawl and encroachment into the forest reserve • Supporting alternative income-generating activities for rural communities living along the boundaries • Setting-up payment for environmental service schemes, especially for climate mitigation and water supply • Offering recreational, educational and tourism activities for international and domestic visitors in the area • Promoting offset and sponsoring programs for the private sector effective, financially autonomous park management and The proposed project type is a REDD project, more specifically an avoided deforestation project. Main reasons for proposing an avoided deforestation project are: • Deforestation by urban expansion is the major driver of deforestation and degradation as well as carbon emission source. • Degradation has caused limited carbon emission in the Western Area Peninsula as shown by our land use change analysis, although we acknowledge that Landsat images are not appropriate for detecting gradual degradation, just changes in broad forest types (e.g. transition from a closed to an open forest). • Degradation is difficult and expensive to monitor, and requires technical skills which are currently not readily available in Sierra Leone. Additional investments into very high resolution remote sensing imagery as well as more expert time for the remote sensing analysis and monitoring of permanent sample plots would be needed. • As a result, it seems unlikely that the incremental benefits from the verified avoided degradation will outweigh the additional costs for monitoring degradation. • There is an approved VCS methodology for unplanned avoided deforestation available which could be readily used by the project. The proposed project area will be the newly proposed forest boundary of 2011 which has already been approved by the Cabinet. It covers 17,928 ha, of which about 15,600 ha have been classified as forest by the remote sensing analysis. It includes WAPFOR core area, Leicester Peak Extension, John Obay Ext., Kent Ext. and Banana Islands (Dublin, Mes Meheux and Ricketts). 18 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve The area is suitable/eligible for a REDD project, since it is still covered with intact natural Upper Guinean Rainforests (longer than 10 years), has high carbon stocks especially in the core zone and is under high threat of deforestation through urban expansion being located so close to the capital Freetown. The area can relative easily be managed since it is quickly accessible from Freetown and has a modest size. It receives high attention from policy makers, especially since it has an important watershed function for Freetown, therefore the conservation prospects are quite good, provided political will remains exalted. The project will be one of the first kinds in Sierra Leone. The project is special as it is located in natural forest close to the capital, providing important environmental services to the urban/peri-urban population (estimated at roughly 2 million people) in Freetown. If the forest disappears, it will have disastrous effects for the growing urban population: flooding, landslides, loss of drinking water, less shade, increased temperatures and loss of recreational opportunities can be expected. The project will introduce a number of innovations, being located in an urban/peri-urban environment, including exploring ways to check urban expansion, develop potentials for PES schemes (water, carbon), use for recreation, ecotourism and environmental education etc. WAPFOR currently receives ODA funding for conservation from the EC which will phase out in 2014. Apart from future carbon finance opportunities, there are no economic drivers of the project. Environmental services of the forest (incl. water) are presently provided free-of-charge. There is no special sophisticated technology which will have to be introduced. Basically, we rely on already existing, appropriate technologies adapted to national circumstances. Forest monitoring will be based on widely applied remote sensing data (Landsat Data) in combination with terrestrial forest inventory. 5.2 Suggested crediting life time and schedule of project The proposed project duration and crediting life time is 20 years. According to our preliminary estimations, it will take until mid of 2013 until the project is operational. An anticipated project start with the beginning of 2014 seems however more realistically, having the local context and uncertainties in mind. Table 4: Estimate of time required before becoming operational after approval of the PIN Months needed Month from now 6 June 2012 3-6 Sep 2012 6-12 Dec 2012 Time required for legal matters 12 Dec 2012 Time required for negotiations 12 Dec 2012 6 June 2013 Time required for PDD writing Time required for validation Time required commitments for financial Time required establishment for Earliest project start date July 2013 Note: We assume that some of the activities can be done in parallel. 19 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve 5.3 Project participants, major stakeholders and proposed implementation arrangements 5.3.1 Project proponent and management body WAPFOR is exclusively located on state land7, therefore the Government of Sierra Leone shall resume the responsibility as project proponent. Currently, the Forestry Division (FD) within the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security (MAFFS) is in charge of the management and conservation of all protected areas in Sierra Leone. However, the establishment of a national park authority is presently under consideration. An autonomous park administration could be made up of various interests by registering a legal institution (e.g.: company limited by guarantee) which is directed by a board made up of representatives of various interest groups (e.g.: MAFFS, Western Area Rural District Council, ENFORAC, WELTHUNGERHILFE). This legal institution would be regulated by MAFFS. This step will be critical in order to allow the reserve to retain any income from carbon certificates (and other income sources) in order to finance its management. International experiences have shown that most effective management dependent revenue streams in protected areas will seize and fail if the income is not retained by the protected area itself. Therefore, any income must be primarily used to finance the effective management of the area until income levels might surpass effective management costs. It is critical to note in this regard, that potential income from carbon certificates does not necessarily cover the whole cost of effective management of the area in question and that this income stream should be regarded as a diversified income stream amongst others (e.g.: other income from ecosystem services provided by the area, such as drinking water, electricity production, or direct income sources from tourism concessions, etc.). Therefore, an autonomous park administration that can retain and use its own income does still require a budget allocation from central government coffers as long as income does not surpass the cost of effective management. The fairly complex nature of the project requires various management skills and special expertise. In this regard, an autonomous park administration is more flexible in terms of adaptive management, decision-making and recruitment of qualified and motivated staff. 5.3.2 Project partners and stakeholders Welthungerhilfe is currently co-funding and implementing the conservation project in WAPFOR. WELTHUNGERHILFE could serve as implementing partner and may provide international and national project staff. It may also contribute to the financing of the project. Environmental Forum for Action (ENFORAC) is currently the local partner of WELTHUNGERHILFE/FD and may also become involved as local NGO partner in some of the project activities. It is an umbrella organization of local environmental NGOs representing the civil society. The Western Area Rural District Council (WARDD) and local communities (such as River No. 2) could be an implementing partner as well, particularly as it relates to alternative income generating activities in the buffer zone, but also in reporting and checking illegal activities in the reserve. 7 In contrast to most other protected areas in Sierra Leone which include or are located in customary land. 20 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Sierra Leone Environmental Protection Agency (SLEPA) and the Ministry of Land, Country Planning & Environment (MLCPE) are important government institutions whose support is pivotal to combat encroachment in the Reserve and land speculation. Police, military and the Office for National Security as well as courts have to play their role in improving forest governance and law enforcement. ÖBf AG is a state forest organization managing all state forests and two national parks in Austria. ÖBf Consulting is a dedicated unit managing international projects. It is ready to provide project development and consultancy services for the project. It may assist in setting-up internal monitoring and quality control procedures, and prepare for and manage external validations and verifications. The European Commission (EC) is a key development partner presently financing the project, and may be interested to continue its support post-2015. 5.4 Proposed activities Avoiding deforestation and forest degradation in WAPFOR will require measures targeting the protected area itself as well as the legal framework in which the national protected areas system is currently embedded. The setting-up of an autonomous park administration, enabled to retain income derived from the protected area, will be crucial for the success for the project. This might require the adaptation of the current legal framework in Sierra Leone. Currently there are efforts being made to “upgrade” the protection status of WAPFOR to a National Park. Although the main management objective is already the conservation of biodiversity, the new categorization is assumed to cement the legal status of the protected area further and also foster higher political will to effectively conserve WAPFOR to continue to provide vital ecosystem services to the capital of the nation. This process has already started on a technical level within MAFFS but still needs to be decided-upon on a political level. In parallel to the activity above WAPFOR currently pursues to be registered and nominated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. This would be the first nomination in Sierra Leone and it is expected that the status would be an important step in the recognition of WAPFOR as a unique ecosystem raising national and international awareness. The process of entering the tentative list was initiated but no submission to UNESCO has been made yet. Effective protected area management of WAPFOR will be necessary to reduce and avoid any further encroachment and deforestation in the area. Necessary infrastructure, such as headquarters and a number of outposts need to be established, the boundary of the reserve has to be clearly demarcated and effective law enforcement needs to be initiated. In the same vein it will be critical to step-up the human resource base and recruit sufficient and well-motivated staff members and initiate a training programme. Training and capacity building measures will be crucial to raise management effectiveness. Raising the environmental awareness and sensitization of the general public, with a special focus on the youth will be a central activity pursued in order to raise the awareness on the value of WAPFOR for the sustainable economic development of the peninsula in terms of its watershed and forests. Alternative livelihood and income generating activities will be pursued to reduce current pressures on WAPFOR especially in the rural areas of the peninsula. Sustainable energy supply from renewable resources will play a role and further investigation will have to be made which mix of energy sources (e.g.: solar-voltaic, hydro-electric, biomass, etc.) as well as energy saving technologies are suitable to be applied in the local context. 21 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Alternative income generating activities and employment can be supported by fostering community based tourism development as well as assistance to the tourism sector though marketing efforts. Agroforestry systems and planting of fast-growing tree species shall be supported in the buffer zones around the reserve in the peri-urban and rural areas. 5.5 Additionality Realistic and credible land-use scenarios identified are the following: 1. Continuation of the pre-project land use, i.e. continuation as a non-hunting forest reserve that is inadequately protected from encroachment and subject to various forms of exploitation. The law is not enforced, many people use the opportunity to free-ride and gain personal benefits. Politicians are tempted to shy away from the issue, as stopping urban encroachment may spark civil unrest due to the lack of sufficient land for housing. The ongoing WAPFOR project attempts to stop the deforestation and degradation in the reserve. Despite some undeniable success, the project is not yet in the position to eradicate DD in the reserve. Moreover, funding will phase out in 2014, which means that there is a large risk that project achievements cannot be sustained. 2. Project activity on the land within the project boundary performed without being registered as a VCS AFOLU project, i.e. the WAPFOR project would enter into a consecutive phase or be succeeded by a similar project with external funding, yet without getting funding from the voluntary carbon market. There are a number of ways of proofing project additionality8, namely investment analysis9, barrier analysis and common practice. It is quite obvious that the project activity (conservation) requires a budget for management and law enforcement and has itself very limited revenue potential, therefore it is not the economically most advantageous land use option for the area. At present, funding for conservation heavily relies on external donor funding. As a result the project will not be implemented without getting payments from carbon revenues. On top of that, there are a number of barriers for the project, e.g. • very limited GoSL financial resources for conservation • lack of educated and motivated staff • lack of basic infrastructure and equipment • lack of proper law enforcement • risks related to changes in government policies • demographic pressure on the land by the growing urban population • social conflicts among interest groups in the region • widespread illegal practices • possibility of giving out mining concessions 8 Additionality of a proposed project must be demonstrated using the most recent VCS-approved “Tool for the Demonstration and Assessment of Additionality in VCS AFOLU Project Activities”. 9 Investment analysis will have to determine that the proposed project activity is not the most economically or financially attractive of the identified land use scenarios. 22 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve • improved access to the reserve caused by the construction of a new paved road along the Western boundary of the reserve may lead to increased encroachment According to our judgment, these identified barriers would prevent potential project proponent(s) from carrying out the proposed project activity if it was not expected to be registered as a carbon project. There are sufficient grounds for demonstration of additionality of the project. 5.6 Baseline deforestation and carbon emissions 5.6.1 Drivers and agents of deforestation and degradation At present, there are a number of different agents and drivers that cause deforestation and degradation of the WAPFOR. Main agents are urban developers, land speculators, construction and mining companies, illegal loggers and fuelwood producers, stone miners and fish smokers. The most serious driver of deforestation is urban land expansion and encroachment into the reserve. Shifting cultivation, marihuana farming, stone quarrying, illegal logging, fuelwood extraction, and charcoal production are of secondary importance as deforestation drivers and mainly contribute to degradation. The type of deforestation can be characterized as unplanned deforestation and degradation in the form of frontier deforestation. Historically, urban land expansion due to urban dweller encroachment into forest has particularly taken place at the Northern (Freetown) and Eastern part (Waterloo) of the Reserve, but there are also unofficial and illegitimate “plans” to open new plots in western side. Since other agents and drivers are of minor importance and degradation is deemed negligible, it is recommended developing an avoided unplanned deforestation (AUD) project with urban dwellers as major agents and urban land expansion as major driver of deforestation. Figure 7: Urban encroachment into the WAPFOR 23 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Important underlying causes for DD in the reserve are urban expansion, population growth, rural-urban migration, poor governance, corruption, lack of law enforcement, conflicting mandates and weak inter-sectoral cooperation and last but not least widespread poverty. In the Business-As-Usual (BAU) scenario, deforestation will continue to happen since many people benefit in the short-term from free-riding. Mere conservation of the reserve is just too costly and will provide limited monetary benefits in the short-term. The longterm benefits for future generations (watershed protection, climate mitigation) are not fully recognized and are often immaterial. At the moment and in the foreseeable future, the GoSL does not dispose over the human and financial resources to combat deforestation in the Reserve and to introduce effective protected area management. Without the project intervention, the most likely trajectory for forests in the project area is a further increase of the deforestation rate which will level off only once the suitable areas have been cleared, for the following reasons: • Increasing population growth and rural-urban migration will further increase pressure on WAPFoR • The demand for low-cost as well as luxury housing in the forested hills (with ocean views) of the rapidly growing capital will increase • Land speculation will remain unabated, as it provides high profit margins for corrupt government officials and the urban elite • Unemployed youth will look for casual jobs, e.g. in charcoal production, logging, petty stone mining, cultivation of marihuana • Landless will try to secure plots (land grabbing), as they have no other choice and means of living • Construction of a paved road around the peninsula improves access to the forest and facilitates daily commuting for the growing middle and higher classes. • The demand for construction materials will further increase, stone and other mining activities will continue to expand • Poorly paid forestry officials and forest guards continue to have low job morale and insufficient power and resources to effectively combat deforestation. • Adjacent communities do not consider the forest as their own instead they feel alienated by the state. While they are supposed to help to curb deforestation, they do not get any direct benefits, which will cause further frustration and neglect. • Environmental awareness and interest in conservation remains low, as long as people thrive to satisfy their basic needs. 24 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve 5.6.2 Historical and projected baseline deforestation The preliminary analysis has used the peninsula as reference area which covers 1.4 times the project (forest) area10. In the reference area, the historical and estimated BAU urban land expansion from 2000 to 2011 amount to 240 ha per year on average. Deforestation is triggered proportionally at 420 ha per year until 2011 which is defined as the starting point to come up with a range of plausible baseline scenarios for the future. The scenarios SCE a.2 and SCE b.3 serve as lower and upper bounds of likely deforestation from the set of baseline scenarios11 (Table 5). Table 5: Assumptions on projected baselines and with-project activities added on top of baselines Baseline Scenario 1 (SCE a.2) Scenario 2 (SCE b.3) Urban expansion Based on constant population density and projected increase of Freetown population Deforestation ascribed to urban and other managed land expansion Remains at a constant rate over time Decreasing over time due to assumed reduction of non-urban land expansion into forest (e.g. agricultural areas) Deforestation ascribed to shifts from forest use towards other unmanaged land use There is no trend in using additional shrubland instead of forest Strong shift from forest conversion towards additional shrubland use Law enforcement to minimize deforestation from urban and other managed land expansion Effective PA management and buffer zone development Effective PA management and buffer zone development (extended budget) Expanded extension activities (beyond business as usual support to alternative livelihood activities) and adapted regulatory framework to promote shifts from forest use towards other unmanaged land use There is no additional activity planned Effective PA management, buffer zone development, enabling policy and regulatory framework (extended budget) With-project 10 According to VCS standards, the historical baseline deforestation rate must be calculated from a reference area that spans over a multiple of the project area and includes the latter one as well as a leakage belt. Therefore, during the full design of the project, the reference area will have to be expanded, or the project area be reduced by excluding core parts of the Reserve which are not threatened by DD. 11 The scenarios are explained in detail in the Annex 5. 25 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Figure 8: Historical and projected development of forest and urban land area in reference area The projected population growth constitutes 2 % on average from 2012 to 2031 and triggers urban land expansion of 7,840 ha from 2012 to 2031, which is the underlying driver for projected deforestation. As a result, the range of projected reference forest area loss until 2031 spans from 13,130 ha (SCE a.2) to 6,090 ha (SCE b.3) which is 60 % to 28 % of the initial forest area in 2011 respectively. The projected deforestation rates average at 4.4 % (SCE a.2) and 1.6 % (SCE b.3) per year from 2012 to 2031. In addition, relative deforestation rates change over time from 2.4 % to 9.2 % per year (SCE a.3) and 2.1 % to 0.8 % per year (SCE b.2) in 2012 compared to 2031. By this means, we contrast an increasing rate versus a diminishing rate of deforestation associated with pure law enforcement versus the implementation of successful extension efforts in the rural/urban fringe which complement law enforcement in forest conservation. The diminishing rate of deforestation is justified because sufficient unused shrub land is available which serves as the dominant available land pool for urban land expansion (it covers 65 % of urban expansion from 2005 to 2011). The range of relative deforestation rates in the reference area are applied to the project area (see Figure 9). Figure 9: Projected development of forest land area in project area 26 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Results reveal an average absolute deforestation rate of 431 ha and 198 ha per year in the two extreme scenarios. Compared to the historical deforestation rate of 420 ha per year in the reference area, the projected deforestation rates constitute conservative estimates12 on the pressure on the WAPFOR area. 5.6.3 Projected baseline emissions The results on the net emission paths over time in contrasting scenarios are illustrated in Figure 10. Figure 10: Projected carbon emissions in project area The uncertainty in the expansion of other lands due to population growth as well as the potential benefits of extension programmes to increase land use intensity and reduce deforestation rates is large. This is expressed in the emission wedge of 58 % (SCE a.2) to -72 % (SCE b.3) change in emissions in 2031 compared to 2012 which corresponds to an average net carbon release of 142,000 CO2e to 65,000 CO2e per year. 5.7 Expected emission mitigation effect of the project The expected emission mitigation effect of the project is a function of the projected total net carbon emissions from land use change and the effectiveness in project implementation (see Figure 11). 12 Conservativeness in estimates of area changes is necessary for the subsequent analysis of the associated emission mitigation potential by following the principles of UNFCCC reporting guidelines on annual inventories. 27 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Figure 11: Projected avoided carbon emissions through project activities in project area The two avoided emission paths develop in the opposite direction which is clearly depending on the assumption of successful extention programmes in the urban/rural fringe area in SCE b.3 that aim at improving the attractiveness of (increasingly available) unused shrub land by increasing agricultural yields for example. The transition phase from 2012 to 2017 takes low but increasing effectiveness of project activties into account which raises from 50 % to 90 % within 5 years. In the subsequent time period, 10 % of projected avoided carbon emissions are actually emitted due to continued though reduced deforestation activities. All in all, the preliminary findings suggest a mitigation potential of the project that ranges from 124,000 tCO2e to 57,000 tCO2e per year. 5.8 Leakage The leakage potential will depend on the driver and/ or agent. Since we propose to focus on avoided unplanned deforestation, leakage from degradation does not have to be accounted for. For urban expansion, very limited leakage can be expected since there are no other forest areas in the vicinity of Freetown which could be used for encroachment / settlement. Other undeveloped hilly forest areas with ocean view just do not exist on the Western Area Peninsula. Urban people and rural-urban migrants will either have to construct their houses on already cleared land or live in multi-storey apartment houses which are still rare. Charcoal burning and firewood exploitation is frequently associated with the clearing for lands for housing. If not, it is rather small scale causing degradation. Most of the firewood for Freetown comes already from up-country, therefore leakage would be small. Clearing for shifting cultivation is mainly done for survival by desperate job-less people lacking other sources of income. It is assumed that these people would rather go to Freetown to find casual labour, then returning into rural areas for practicing shifting cultivation. Considering that less than 4% of the country’s area remains as natural forest, and most of those natural forests are far away in the South-East, leakage of this project is negligible. 28 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve 5.9 Non-permanence and other risk The risk of potential transient and permanent losses in carbon stocks throughout the project monitoring period and beyond is managed through the withholding of carbon credits in the AFOLU pooled buffer account. Risk may depend on internal, external and natural risk factors in sub-categories project management, financial viability and community engagement (VCS 2011). According to the outcome of the non-permanence risk assessments, the magnitude of the deposit, release or cancellation of buffer credits will be determined. The results of a tentative risk analysis using the respective VCS tool13 are briefly summarized in Table 6. The major outcome of the risk analysis indicates that the project risk (score value 35) is in line with VCS requirements14. According to the result, 35% of the issued Verified Carbon Units (VCUs) at project start need to be deposited in the AFOLU pooled buffer account. Yet, the scoring needs complementary explanations. The scores for project management as internal risk are justified under the assumption of a transition phase of project effectiveness at project start, i.e. the increase in performance of carbon emission mitigation due to adapted national park management and enforcement staff training. The opportunity cost score is appropriate because the administrative decision making process on the strict conservation status of the forest (national park) has been finished already and there is no competition for land in alternative land use types de jure. The project longevity score is based on the conservative assumption of a minimum longevity of 30 years. The community engagement criterion is of limited applicability because expert judgment suggests limited reliance of rural households on the project area. However, for the sake of conservativeness, we assume a score value of 5. It has been identified that the gathering of woodfuel is not the main driver for contemporary deforestation. An expert guess conservatively defines the political risk of project failure to be very high due to corruption, which is expressed by the highest possible risk score value. 13 VCS’s AFOLU Non-Permanence Risk Tool, v3.0 (VCS 2011) 14 According to VCS, the maximum allowed overall risk rating is 60% and the maximum scores of three risk factors (internal risk, external risk, natural risk) are 35%, 20%, and 35% respectively. 29 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Table 6: Identified risk factors and scoring results Risk factor Internal risk Subcategory Indicator adopted from VCS (2001) Risk rating score Ongoing enforcement to prevent encroachment by outside actors is required to protect more than 50% of stocks on which GHG credits have previously been issued. 2% Management team does not include individuals with significant experience in all skills necessary to successfully undertake all project activities 2% Mitigation: Adaptive management plan in place -2% Project cash flow breakeven point is less than 4 years from the current risk assessment 0% Project has secured less than 15% of funding needed to cover the total cash out before the project reaches breakeven 3% Opportunity cost NPV from the most profitable alternative land use activity is expected to be between 20% more than and up to 20% less than from project activities 0% Project longevity With legal agreement or requirement to continue the management practice 15% Project management Financial viability Subtotal External risk 20% Land tenure Ownership and resource access/use rights are held by different entity(s) 2% Communit y engagement Less than 50 percent of households living within the project area who are reliant on the project area, have been consulted 5% Political risk Governance score of less than -0.79 6% Subtotal Natural risk Subtotal Total 13% Drought Minor significance with 5% to less than 25%, Likelihood of every 10 to less than 25 years 2% 2% 35% 30 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve 5.10 Carbon revenue distribution and incentive systems At present, the ownership of carbon generated by land-based projects is not regulated in Sierra Leone. However, since the entire area of WAPFOR is state-owned and there are no significant disputes over land tenure, the GoSL is likely to become the only legal owner of carbon credits. The responsibility for forest carbon and REDD+ currently rests with FD/MAFFS. If a park management authority is established, it may become the organisation in charge. To make enforcement efforts more successful complementary extension activities in the rural/urban fringe area require part of the revenues to be distributed to reduce secondary drivers of deforestation. This could range from comprehensive agricultural training, improved seed, fertilizer programmes as well as agroforestry extension and build-up of tree nurseries to tackle the provision of woodfuel and improve livelihoods of forestdepending communities. The purpose of doing so is to spread the portfolio of protection activities to achieve the envisioned minimum share of project effectiveness and invest in the longevity of forest conservation beyond the duration of the carbon project. The Western Area Rural District Council and villages would be important stakeholders which may require some compensation for their contribution to conservation of the Reserve. Compensation for foregone benefits is not required in the case of illegal urban expansion and other illegal activities in the reserve. Implementing partners such as NGOs, CBOs and project developer may get part of the share for the services provided. The benefit sharing mechanism including the unambiguous identification of beneficiaries and the distribution of generated net revenues has still to be discussed. 5.11 Expected socio-economic and environmental impacts The project impact will be clearly beneficial in terms of environmental co-benefits, such as the provision of ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation. The forest reserve constitutes the major part of the watershed of the peninsula, providing a population of roughly two million people with clean drinking water and protecting urban areas from flash floods and landslides. Two dams (Guma Valley and Congo Dams) supplying drinking water to the capital are situated in the heart of the reserve, directly dependent on the forest reserve. WAPFOR is habitat to an outstanding biodiversity as the westernmost area of closed canopy forest of the upper Guinean Forest Block. Several IUCN Red List species occur in the reserve, such as a small population of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) as well as an endemic toad (Cardioglossus aureolli). By lowering the deforestation rate, the project will make a direct contribution to biodiversity conservation by effectively conserving one of the last remnants of the upper Guinean Forest Block at sea level. The landscape value provides an unique scenery of forested hills reaching down to splendid sand beaches. The project will have positive socio-economic impacts by providing opportunities for recreation and environmental education as well as research for a growing urban population. Before the civil war, the beaches of the Western Area Peninsula have been well developed to cater for tourism. By keeping the forested hills intact, the beaches will retain their attractiveness for a growing tourism industry. 31 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve An overall increase in formal and informal employment opportunities can be expected through direct opportunities given by the project (e.g.: park staff) as well as through a growing tourism industry (e.g.: tourist guides, hospitality services). A negative impact on customary tenure rights is expected to be minimal since the area is state land and customary land rights have been compensated before the return of the slaves to Freetown and the Western Area Peninsula. Furthermore, there are no forestdependent people living in the reserve who make a direct living from the reserve, only some forest-adjacent villages use fuel wood. However, it is yet acknowledged that some people may lose from the increased protection of WAPFOR, but most of them are engaged in illegal activities. • Some people are involved in illegal logging, firewood and charcoal production • Some people practice shifting cultivation in the reserve • Fish smoking in Tombo is currently done with firewood from the reserve • Some households are involved in the sale of firewood, to generate cash income It is thus the aim to involve the local population in alternative income generating activities and the current project has gained significant experience in supporting sustainable development measures. 5.12 Results of preliminary financial analysis 5.12.1 Estimated carbon price trend Observed average forest carbon prices in the Over-The-Counter (OTC) voluntary carbon markets range from 4 US$ per tCO2e to more than 15 US$ per tCO2e according to different standards (Ecosystem Marketplace 2011). However, the higher prices are paid for projects following standards (CarbonFix, ISO-14064, PlanVivo) which hold small market shares and are not yet applied to large-scale projects with hundreds of thousands of tonnes avoided carbon emissions per year (Ecosystem Marketplace 2011). The average volume-weighted price was 5.6 US$ per tCO2e in 2010 which indicates an annual price increase from 2007 to 2010 by 11 % (calculated from Ecosystem Marketplace 2011, Ecosystem Marketplace 2007). However, there are major uncertainties in recognising a clear price trend for the future. These are comprised as a) statistical uncertainty due to the short time series of price data to come up with statistical methods on extrapolated prices, b) demand-sided uncertainty due to the uncertain post-2012 climate regime and the role of forest carbon credits in compliance markets, c) supply-sided uncertainty regarding the future market share of recognized standards to ensure credible emission mitigation and the steady generation of carbon credits. In compliance with the principle of conservativeness and as synthesis of the historical forest carbon price magnitude and development the default carbon price magnitude and trend is defined as follows. • First, forest carbon prices in the OTC markets from 2012 to 2031 base on the average price level of 2010 (approximately 5 US$ per tCO2e) and real price increase is not projected though inflation is assumed to be compensated, which is the most conservative estimate of the carbon price trend to calculate an expected lower boundary of potential revenues. 32 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve • Second, price levels of 10 and 15 US$ per tCO2e are assumed in 2012 and real price increase until 2031 is not projected. 5.12.2 Expected revenues, costs and cash flow Preliminary expected revenues are the product of the with-project mitigated carbon emissions compared to baseline scenarios and the forest carbon prices in different price scenarios. The costs estimates comprise all relevant cost types from project start up to the training of staff and purchase of necessary equipment for national park management throughout project lifetime (see Table 7). In addition, Table 8 includes estimates on further costs for extension measures in the rural/urban fringe area. While the cost dataset in Table 7 is used for the profitability calculation for the baseline scenario SCE a.2 (the deforestation rate is assumed to change in a fixed relation to the urban land expansion over time), the cost dataset in Table 8 is used for the baseline scenario SCE b.3 (the deforestation rate is assumed to change in a decreasing relation to the urban land expansion over time). At project start up, costs accrue for the refined project design document to obtain approval by relevant authorities and the project marketing. Due to the multitude of possible scenario combinations (six baseline scenarios times six price scenarios) only the two most contrasting baseline scenarios are finally depicted under the assumption that real forest carbon prices do not increase (see Table 9). 33 Proposal: REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Table 7: Project cost types and expected discounted costs for pure law enforcement in WAPFOR area Cost type Total start-up costs Expected discounted costs from 2012 to 2031 [1000 US$] y2012 y2013 y2014 y2015 y2016 y2017 y2018 y2019 y2020 y2021 y2022 y2023 y2024 y2025 y2026 y2027 y2028 y2029 y2030 y2031 250 Staff salaries 74 67 62 57 53 49 46 44 41 39 37 35 34 32 31 30 29 27 26 26 Maintenance and operations 59 54 49 46 42 40 37 35 33 31 30 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 Capital replacement cost 41 37 34 31 29 27 25 24 23 21 20 19 19 18 17 16 16 15 15 14 Law enforcement operations 25 23 21 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 13 12 11 11 10 10 10 9 9 9 Support to alternative 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 Awareness raising 8 8 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 60 55 50 46 43 40 38 35 33 32 30 29 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 21 Technical assistance 108 98 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total annual costs 383 348 319 211 196 183 172 161 153 144 137 131 125 119 114 110 106 102 98 95 Total costs of project investment 633 348 319 211 196 183 172 161 153 144 137 131 125 119 114 110 106 102 98 95 Carbon monitoring and verification Table 8: Project cost types and expected discounted costs for law enforcement and extension efforts in WAPFOR area Cost type Total start-up costs Staff salaries Expected discounted costs from 2012 to 2031 [1000 US$] y2012 y2013 y2014 y2015 y2016 y2017 y2018 y2019 y2020 y2021 y2022 y2023 y2024 y2025 y2026 y2027 y2028 y2029 y2030 y2031 250 120 109 100 92 85 80 75 70 66 63 60 57 54 52 50 48 46 44 43 41 Maintenance and operations 96 88 80 74 69 64 60 57 54 51 48 46 44 42 40 39 37 36 34 33 Capital replacement cost 59 54 50 46 42 40 37 35 33 31 30 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 21 Law enforcement operations 28 26 24 22 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 14 13 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 Training and capacity building 21 19 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 11 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 Support to other livelihood activities 17 15 14 13 12 11 10 10 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 8 8 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 20 18 17 15 14 13 13 12 11 11 10 10 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7 21 Awareness raising Enabling regulatory framework Carbon monitoring and verification 60 55 50 46 43 40 38 35 33 32 30 29 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Technical assistance 108 98 90 83 77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total annual costs 538 489 448 413 384 286 268 253 239 226 215 205 195 187 179 172 165 159 153 148 Total costs of project investment 788 489 448 413 384 286 268 253 239 226 215 205 195 187 179 172 165 159 153 148 34 Proposal: REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Table 9: Expected discounted revenues, costs and profit from project activities in contrasting baseline and carbon price scenarios Baseline Carbon price Present value Expected discounted revenues, costs and profit from 2012 to 2031 [1000 US$] [US$ per tCO2e] [1000 US$] y2012 y2013 y2014 y2015 y2016 y2017 y2018 y2019 y2020 y2021 y2022 y2023 y2024 y2025 y2026 y2027 y2028 y2029 y2030 y2031 flow of discounted revenues (cash in) SCE a.2 5 6.412 262 288 314 339 360 381 367 356 346 337 329 322 316 311 306 302 298 295 293 SCE a.2 10 12.825 524 576 627 678 720 761 735 712 692 674 658 644 632 621 612 604 597 591 586 582 SCE a.2 15 19.237 786 863 941 987 966 948 932 918 906 895 886 879 873 SCE b.3 5 3.395 254 262 269 272 270 267 240 215 194 174 156 140 125 112 100 88 78 68 59 51 SCE b.3 10 6.790 507 525 537 544 540 533 479 431 388 348 313 280 251 224 199 176 155 136 119 103 SCE b.3 15 10.185 761 787 806 817 811 800 719 646 581 523 469 421 376 336 299 264 233 204 178 154 1.017 1.080 1.142 1.102 1.068 1.037 1.011 291 flow of discounted costs (cash out) SCE a.2 5 SCE a.2 10 SCE a.2 15 4.183 633 SCE b.3 5 7.383 788 SCE b.3 10 SCE b.3 15 4.183 4.183 7.383 7.383 633 633 788 788 587 211 196 183 172 161 153 144 137 131 125 119 114 110 106 102 98 95 587 211 196 183 172 161 153 144 137 131 125 119 114 110 106 102 98 95 608 587 211 196 183 172 161 153 144 137 131 125 119 114 110 106 102 98 95 930 898 870 847 286 268 253 239 226 215 205 195 187 179 172 165 159 153 148 898 870 847 286 268 253 239 226 215 205 195 187 179 172 165 159 153 148 898 870 847 286 268 253 239 226 215 205 195 187 179 172 165 159 153 148 608 608 930 930 flow of discounted profit SCE a.2 5 2.229 -371 -320 -273 128 164 198 196 194 193 192 192 191 191 191 192 192 193 194 195 196 SCE a.2 10 8.641 -109 -32 40 467 524 578 563 550 539 529 521 514 507 502 498 494 491 489 488 487 SCE a.2 15 354 806 884 959 931 906 885 866 850 836 823 813 803 796 789 784 781 778 SCE b.3 5 -629 -598 -577 -20 -29 -37 -45 -52 -58 -64 -70 -75 -79 -84 -87 -91 -94 -97 SCE b.3 10 -361 -326 -306 247 211 178 149 122 98 76 56 37 20 4 -10 -23 -35 -46 SCE b.3 15 -92 -54 -36 514 450 394 343 296 254 216 181 149 120 93 68 45 25 6 15.054 -3.988 -593 2.802 153 -534 -280 -26 256 -668 -406 -143 35 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve The present values of profits are converted to annuity values which indicate the equal periodic, here annual income flow from project investment (see Figure 12). Figure 12: Annual profits from project activities in contrasting baseline and carbon price scenarios Annuity results indicate that without any extension efforts with steady encroachment into forest in the baseline (SCE a.2) the project investment is financially feasible even if the real forest carbon price does exceed 5 US$ per tCO2e until 2031. However, from a sustainability and project longevity perspective, pure law enforcement is hardly to be achieved after the project quits, as the major source of funding vanishes. However, this implicates that a project that is supposed to be successfully registered under VCS standard by passing the refined risk analysis needs to take extension into account. As very conservative assumptions in the baseline emissions, carbon price scenarios and costs of law enforcement plus extension have been applied, it is likely that the infeasible scenarios SCE b.3 5US$ and SCE b.3 10US$ turn positive. 5.12.3 Buffer withholding The VCS developed a methodology on how to determine the number of buffer credits to cope with different degrees of risk which is derived from the risk analysis (VCS 2011). Preliminary results indicate an overall risk rating of 35 which translates into 35 % of buffer credits to be deposited in the AFOLU buffer account. Accordingly there is a range of 92,000 US$ to 619,000 US$ which needs to be deposited in the buffer account for SCE a.2, and analogously 115,000 US$ for SCE b.3 15US$. 36 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve 5.12.4 Sensitivity results The sensitivity of profitability to changes in discount rates and expected price increase is analysed by intuitively varying the default discount rate to 15 % and changing the annual price increase to 1 % and 2 % from 2012 to 2031 (see Table 10). Table 10: Sensitivity of profitability to changes in discount rate and carbon price increase Baseline Carbon price [US$ per tCO2e] Annual profit [1000 US$] Discount rate 10 % Discount rate 15 % Price increase 0% (default) Price increase 1% Price increase 2% Price increase 0% Price increase 1% Price increase 2% SCE a.2 5 262 396 591 253 398 605 SCE a.2 10 1.015 1.420 2.076 1.101 1.534 2.232 SCE a.2 15 1.768 2.504 3.782 1.948 2.736 4.092 SCE b.3 5 -468 -418 -349 -599 -544 -468 SCE b.3 10 -70 82 309 -135 30 276 SCE b.3 15 329 604 1.039 328 628 1.099 Five major results are derived from the sensitivity analysis. First, the sign of results in different baseline scenarios and carbon price levels does change, i.e. the financially infeasible SCE b.3 5US$ remains infeasible, others remain feasible with the exception of SCE b.3 10US$ where the project becomes feasible at 1 % price increase independent of the discount rate. Second, the impact of an increased discount rate is expressed as a decrease in profitability in SCE b.3 5US$ and SCE b.3 10US$ which is due to the stronger weighting of negative profits, i.e. financial losses, in the far future. In general, the magnitude of impact is less than the one of carbon price increase over time. Third, changes in the carbon price increase over time have significant impact on profits in SCE a.2 but to a lesser extent in SCE b.3. Increasing carbon prices over-compensate decreasing emission mitigation benefits in SCE b.3 over time, which leads to the projected increase in profitability in SCE b.3. However, the future revenues in SCE a.2 increase stronger in absolute terms than in SCE b.3 because the emission mitigation benefits and carbon prices increase over time. Fourth, the magnitude of carbon price increase effects in both of the scenarios is dampened since far distant revenues are (geometrically) less weighted compared to near future revenues, where the carbon price increase effect is less. Fifth, the impact of relative carbon price increases over time is the stronger the higher initial carbon prices at project start are, because of the compound interest effect. In addition, there is no real price increase assumed on the cost side for required capital and labour inputs into the project over time. Thus, the profitability increases with increasing carbon prices at project start. 37 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve 6 Recommendations on future project development 6.1 Target markets and potential clients We suggest developing a REDD carbon project using the most respected and widely used standard, namely the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), possibly complemented by the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance Standard (CCBS) for social and environmental issues. A REDD+ project for the compliance market is currently not recommended, since the international rules are still not finalized and the policy, legal and institutional framework for REDD+ has not yet been established in Sierra Leone. In international comparison, the readiness for REDD is low in Sierra Leone. 6.2 Carbon project development and implementation costs As reference, the range of transaction cost needed for a forest carbon project provided in the literature and market surveys are provided. These costs are considerable, but may be reduced if the internal staff can take over at least some of the tasks. For WAPFOR, the initial feasibility study has been successfully completed, and some data for the PDD has already been collected. Table 11: Costs associated with planning and implementation of forest carbon projects Source: CATIE 2007: Update on Markets for Forestry Offsets 15 USD 0.10 per carbon credits for the first 15,000 carbon credits per year and US$ 0.20 per carbon credit for any carbon credits above 15,000 carbon credits per year (max USD 350,000). The minimum shown here has been calculated as 15,000 carbon credits per year. 16 Same as the registration fee, but there is no maximum. The minimum shown here has been calculated as 15,000 carbon credits per year. The maximum has been picked to correspond to a project with 2m carbon credits per year. Any previously paid registration fees are deducted. Seeberg-Eversfeld (2010) reports comparable costs. 38 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve 6.3 Methodology It is recommended to using the “Approved VCS Methodology VM0015 (Version 1, Sectoral Scope 14) for Avoided Unplanned Deforestation” for the following reasons: • The proposed project meets all applicability conditions of the methodology • The methodology is clearly structured and not too complicated • Degradation is difficult to monitor and not a major emission source for WAPFOR, therefore it can be conservatively excluded • It allows to get credits for carbon enhancement in degraded area • Methodology allows to build on the results of this prefeasibility analysis The following working steps are required: • Definition of boundaries • Analysis of historical land use and land cover change • Analysis of agents, drivers and underlying causes of deforestation • Projection of future deforestation • Definition of the land use and land cover component of the baseline • Estimation of baseline carbon stock changes and non-CO2 emissions • Ex-ante estimation of actual carbon stock changes in the project area • Ex-ante estimation of leakage • Ex-ante total net anthropogenic GHG emission reductions • Methodology for monitoring and re-validation of baseline The VCS risk analysis tool provides the procedures for conducting the non-permanence risk analysis and buffer determination required for Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) projects. The tool sets out the requirements for project proponents, implementing partners and validation/verification bodies to assess risk and determine the appropriate risk rating. Apart from the assessment of natural and internal risks, it requires to assess external risks such as land and resource tenure, community engagement and political risks. Community engagement shall be assessed for projects where local populations, including those living within or surrounding the project area (given as within 20 km of the project boundary), are reliant on the project area, such as for essential food, fuel, fodder, medicines or building materials. Evidence may include social assessments such as household surveys and participatory rural appraisals. Households can be determined as consulted and involved in participatory planning where there have been direct meetings and planning with associations or community groups that are legally recognized to represent the households. To achieve the mitigation credit, it shall be demonstrated that a participatory assessment of the positive and negative impacts of the project activities on the local communities who derive livelihoods from the project area has been completed and demonstrates net positive benefits on the social and economic well-being of these communities. Certification against the Climate, Community & Biodiversity Standards (CCBS) or SOCIALCARBON Standard may be used to demonstrate that a project satisfies this 39 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve mitigation requirement. We recommend to go for CCBS certification as well which however will require additional funds (estimated at about USD 30,000 – 50,000). For further information, the latest version of the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Project Design Standards shall be consulted. 6.4 Outstanding issues from prefeasibility check Mainly the following issues warrant attention: • Define project proponent and implementing partners • Get an official document as proof of carbon ownership • Lobbying the GoSL for the submission of a forest definition to UNFCCC 40 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve 6.5 Next steps During the final workshop, the next steps were jointly defined (see Table 12). Table 12: Schedule for the next steps in project development What? Who? Until When? Finalize PIN OBF Nov 2011 Preparation of Project Document (incl. baseline scenario) WAPFoR/FD/Consultant Sep 2012 Conduct Validation Independent, third party validator December 2012 Establish A MultiStakeholder Committee (to facilitate project design) WAPFoR/FD Jan 2012 Develop Best Practise Guidelines WAPFoR/FD December 2012 Decide on Project Implementing Arrangements WAPFoR/FD July 2012 Continue Awareness Creation about REDD WAPFoR/FD continuously Look for international and national Investors /Sponsor WAPFoR/FD Until successful Experience sharing among pilot projects (e.g. with Gola) WAPFoR/FD continuously Create local awareness about Payment for Environmental Services (PES) WAPFoR/FD continuously Information sharing with other Countries WAPFoR/FD continuously Submit forest definition to UNFCCC GoSL: DNA for CDM, FD, EPA Jul 2012 Decide on carbon ownership and benefit-sharing arrangements FD, Local Councils, NGOs, CBOs, Investor Sep 2012 41 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve 7 References Avitabile, V., Herold, M., Henry, M. & Schmullius, C. 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Terra Global Capital (2010): Approved VCS Methodology VM0006, Version 1.0, Methodology for Carbon Accounting in Project Activities that Reduce Emissions from Mosaic Deforestation and Degradation, Sectoral Scope 14, Washington DC. USGS (2009). Landsat 7 Science Data Users Handbook - Chapter 11 – Data Products, Sioux Falls. VCS (2011): AFOLU Non-permanence risk tool, VCS version 3.,%20v3.0.pdf. 13 November 2011. VCS (2011): Approved VCS methodology VM0015 version 1 sectoral scope 14, methodology for avoided unplanned deforestation. 43 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Annex 1: Invitation to tender 44 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Annex 2: Presentations 45 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Annex 3: Methodology used in the land- and forest-cover change analysis 46 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Annex 4: Methodology used for biomass and carbon density estimations 47 REDD+ Scoping Study for the Western Area Peninsula Forest Reserve Annex 5: Methodology used for baseline projection and financial analyses 48