A Letter from Marcey


A Letter from Marcey
A Letter from Marcey
" Music is a universal language that has no boundaries......."
by Marcey Hamm
My Dear Friend,
First I want to congratulate you for getting this music. If you already have some of my compositions and are getting
more, then you know what I mean by this next statement. This music is very different. While most people immediately
love this music, some people don't like it immediately. This is because the music is such a high vibrational energy that
for some, it will take time to adjust to those new energies.
In other words, we all stand naked when it comes to listening to this music. If there is any fragment of disharmony in
our being that is blocking our good, this music will find it. When this happens, listening to the music may become
uncomfortable and even sometimes most unpleasant. If this happens, the music has found one of those areas of blocked
energy. Watch your feelings and watch the thoughts that come through your mind during those moments. This helps a
person to see where the blocked area is in their system.
It is good to try to get the complete set of the compositions. I call this getting the "rainbow of colors". What happens is
this: in your daily events, your moods change because your needs change. When you have access to the "rainbow of
colors" you will be able to find somewhere in that spectrum of color an album to fit your needs. This is very good
because it helps speed up your progress in improving your life. You will still benefit even if you don't have the whole
set of the music, it just may take a little longer in time for your progress. Of course, this is all relative to each individual.
I always tell people when they get the music to play each one of the compositions. It is important to get familiar with
each one. If you love all of them immediately, then the next few sentences won't apply to you. If you do not enjoy all
of the albums immediately, then pick out your favorites. Put the unfavorites up on a shelf. Concentrate on playing the
favorites. Then, every 2 to 4 weeks go back to the unfavorites and play them. Watch your reaction when listening to
them. If you still don't like those particular albums, then put them back on the shelf. Keep doing this within every 2 to
4 weeks. Over time, your reaction will change toward the unfavorites. Eventually you will fall in love with all the
compositions. It will amaze you when you start experiencing the changes in your reaction.
It took me a year before I fell in love with my Maitreya album and I am the composer. I hated that album after
composing it. I wanted to destroy that album. Of course, I didn't. I knew there was an energy change going on within
me. I was shocked and angry all at the same time when I reacted in that way toward that album. The day came when I
fell in love with the Maitreya album. The freedom I felt in that moment was tremendous indeed. You see, each album
has its own way of doing its work and each one is just as powerful as the other. However, I will say, Inward Harmony
will always be the foundation of all of my work and will always be number one regardless of anything else I do in this
My life has dramatically changed with this music as well as thousands of other people across this globe. The Maitreya
experience was just another event for me to process. All this music helps us to learn to let go of the "old" and move on
with our lives as a "fresh start". Through this process, our lives become happier and we become more like children with
the "play of life" attitude.
I will share a story with you now.
A woman called and talked to me about her husband. He had retired from his work and was miserable, not to mention,
making everyone else in the household miserable too. She didn't know what to do and wanted to know if the music
would help their situation. I said it would, so she bought the music.
Wahu Topa, Inc. / Music By Marcey
908 Audelia Road, Suite 200-143, Richardson, TX 75081 ofc & fax: 1-800-843-3240
email: [email protected]
website: www.musicbymarcey.com
office hours: Mon-Fri 9:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. CST
Within a few days she calls me and tells me that her husband hates the music and what should she do? I told her to take
the Inward Harmony and play it non stop at a very low volume so it wouldn't disturb her husband. That way he could
still do what he wants to do around the house and the music wouldn't be loud enough to bother him. I told her for now to
put the other compositions on the shelf. Then let Mother Nature take care of itself. Three months had passed and this
woman calls me. She said she needed to buy another whole set of the music. She said her husband fell in love with the
music and now it is his. She was going to have to get her own set. We both started laughing so hard on the phone we
could barely talk.
I finally asked her how the home life was doing and her reply, "It is wonderful thanks to the music. It has saved us and
our marriage." About eight months later she called me back and told me that she and her husband were going on a
second honeymoon. I was so happy for them both.
This music has helped thousands of people all over this world. A police officer had been in an auto accident and
became paraplegic. The doctors said he would be paralyzed for life. The nurse in the hospital had the Inward Harmony
album and loaned it to this man. Within fifteen months he was healed and living a normal life again. He wrote me a six
page letter and sent me his picture, thanking me for this music and for the music saving his life.
There was a couple who lived in San Antonio Texas. The husband lost most of his hearing working at an air field. The
wife played the music each night while they slept, even though her husband couldn't hear it. Within eighteen months,
her husband regained all of his hearing. I received the nicest letter from this couple, thanking me for this music. The
stories are endless and keep coming in from all over the world.
One time many years ago, I had severe TMJ problems in my jaw. The pain was terrible. It felt like an ice pick stabbing
my jaw continuously. I was going to have to undergo surgery. So, I went to Inward Harmony for help. After the first
night of playing Inward Harmony during my sleep, I woke up the next morning without any pain in my jaw. I haven't
had any more pain since. Inward Harmony came to my rescue again.
So my dear friend, you are in good company. I do wish for you all the best in life. Be happy and live your life fully.
There is no order to play this music. If you want to sleep with the music, I suggest that you start out with the volume
very low at first; low meaning just above the "Mute" level where you can barely hear it. That way you will give
yourself time to adjust to the music while you sleep. Once you are adjusted, then you can set the volume where you
want it. If you play Inward harmony during your sleep, your benefits will quicken in your life. You can play this music
anywhere and at anytime. I play it 24 hours a day. I usually have a different album in each room playing. That way
when I walk around it is like getting an energy bath. It feels GREAT
One of my favorite things to do when I want to "chill" out and remove myself from the outside world is the
following: I get to a quiet place and get comfortable either in a chair or lie down. I select one of my albums
and put on my headset. I am gone like in "pico" seconds. This is so wonderful because the music is close to my ears
and that sensation immediately takes me out of my physical environment. You talk about a magical carpet ride full of
experiences. I love it and so will you.
By the way, there is nothing subliminal in my music. This music is a lot of love. I had three near death experiences
within a nine year period. I can assure you, this music is a gift and I attribute that gift from those near death
experiences. Enjoy your musical journeys and let me know how you are doing. I enjoy reading my emails or mail,
about all the people's different experiences. And, if you have questions, email or mail them to me and I will answer
them. Take care and much love to you.
Love always,
Marcey Hamm
Wahu Topa, Inc. / Music By Marcey
908 Audelia Road, Suite 200-143, Richardson, TX 75081 ofc & fax: 1-800-843-3240
email: [email protected]
website: www.musicbymarcey.com
office hours: Mon-Fri 9:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. CST
Near Death Experience Gives
Gift of Healing Music
It was an ordinary day, just like any other, while I drove
to work. As I was sitting in traffic on the highway, I suddenly looked in my rearview mirror and saw a truck speedily approaching my car. I knew in that moment my life was
never going to be the same again. The next thing I knew, I
was out of my body, engulfed in a beautiful brilliant silver
light, looking over my dead body in my crashed car. All of
a sudden, the voice of a man whom I couldn’t see, said to
me, “You can either come with us now, or you can go back
and finish your work.”
The feeling of love pouring through every fiber of my
being was so strong and so nourishing. I didn’t want to
leave, but yet, I had worked so hard for 10 years to build my
computer studio that I had just finished three days before.
I had made up my mind 10 years ago
to retire from Nuclear Engineering at
the age of 22. I had found that my true
loves are math, computers and music.
I put that all together and came up
with computer music. I knew it would
be a long hard struggle, but I had
youth on my side, and I knew that
even if I never achieved my goal, I
would still be the happiest I could
ever be. I had found my niche in life,
and that was all that mattered to me.
So here I was, dead, having to make a
destiny’s decision of my fate. I loved
music too much to quit, so I came
The physical pain was almost unbearable from my car
accident, but through the course of the following year,
I searched every corner of possibility for help. This process
came to a climax of healing and doors opening within me
that set me out on a whole new journey. After my healing,
I went into my studio for the first time since I had completed it the year before. After turning on all my equipment, I
suddenly felt very tired. I leaned back in my chair for a
short nap.
All of a sudden, I was out of my body, rushing through
what seemed like a whirlwind of so much wind and motion.
Then I was thrown out into this complete void of nothing no sound, no light - just nothing. Soon afterward, these
huge ocean waves of light and music came rushing all
around me and through me. I was engulfed with this
moment, which seemed like just a few minutes, but when
I returned to my body, I looked at my clock - it was 8 hours
later. Not only that, but my display panel was flashing with
all these lights indicating something had been recorded.
I put my computers into play mode, and this music came
over my sound system. It was the same music I had just
experienced out of my body. I sat in my chair for many
hours crying like a baby. I called this music Inward
Harmony and it became the first of many musical journeys
to come.
I went to a public fair here in Dallas to sell Inward
Harmony. I had a booth where people could come and listen to the music through headphones. My first customer
was an older man. As soon as he put the headphones on
and started listening to the music, he turned white as a
sheet. I freaked out. I really thought my music was killing
him. Just as I was about to call for security, he took the
headphones off and walked away from the booth. I sat
down in shock, relieved that he didn’t die, and then wondered what happened.
Thirty minutes later he returned to my booth. He looked
straight into my eyes and said to me,“Young lady, 7 years
ago I was on the operating table
undergoing heart surgery. I was pronounced clinicaly dead for 16 minutes and this music is what I experienced while I was dead.”
From that moment on, Inward
Harmony has reached millions of
people all over the world.
Thousands of healing testimonials
have been received. Even though
scientists have tried to figure out
why this music is so healing, they
have not been successful. One
woman suffered second and third
degree burns from a house fire.
Within five days of listening to
Inward Harmony her doctors couldn’t find a blemish anywhere on her body. A man who had lost most of his hearing working at an Air Force base regained all his hearing
within a year and a half. His wife played Inward Harmony
for him each night while they slept. Another man was born
with a speech defect; after listening to Inward Harmony
for a few months, his speech became normal. A police officer was in an accident and was to be a paraplegic for the
rest of his life. After listening to Inward Harmony for a
year, he was completely healed. The stories go on and on.
I don’t know why I was given this gift of music. But, from
all the benefits others have received from it, I sure am glad
I decided to come back and spend the rest of my life composing.
For more information about my music, please
turn this page over...
~About My Music~
• Unexplained phenomena surrounds
this music
• Promotes peace, harmony and balance
• Assists you in removing blocks and fears
• Inspires you to reach your fullest potential
• Supports manifesting what you want out
of life
• Enhances your self awareness
• Accelerates your goal achievement
• Aids in purging negativity from your life
• Facilitates finding your life's purpose
• Gives rise to all of your creativity
• Helps boost your productivity
I’ve been on insomnia medication for five years. After
just three nights with Inward Harmony I’ve thrown the
medication away. Now I sleep like a baby and feel like
a real person.
S.J., TN
I listened to Inward Harmony while in labor for 25
hours. I had no anxiety, no pain medication and was
relaxed throughout the childbirth process.
S. P., Austin, TX
The Z CD has definitely seemed to influence my dreams.
I will often have very unusual dreams after listening to
it with the strong sense of having worked through a
particular fear or block. The dream itself is not unpleasant or fearful.
P.U. Hana, HI
There is no doubt in my mind that Celestial Dance is by
far and away the most powerful creativity evoking
music that I have ever used. I use it on myself nightly,
and I have used it to help people compose compositions,
to invent pieces of automobiles and so on. I think this is
a great piece of work.
F.B., Creative Problem Solving Trainer
Anthem to Soul has a gift to me of being courageous in
allowing Soul to shine forth.
D.O.M., Blue Ridge, TX
• Nurtures you to love yourself
• Strengthens your relationships
• Teaches you to give and receive love
• A compilation from my first five albums:
Inward Harmony, Z, Anthem to Soul,
Celestial Dance and Dream Partner.
• The perfect quick fix when time is of the
• A must for daily support.
• Guides you in finding joy and happiness
• Reinforces you in achieving your dreams
• Opens you up to self-discovery
• Aids you in increasing your confidence
• Assists you in building the bridge
between your inner and outer life
• Strengthens your intuition
Any Questions?
Go to: www.musicbymarcey.com
email: [email protected]
Your Dream Partner CD is incredible! I find myself
speaking to total strangers and talking in groups now.
All my life, I’ve been subdued and rather shy...I felt
compelled to tell you how much this music has
enhanced my life.
B.D., Dallas, TX
I didn’t know which of your albums to start with so I
bought the Sampler I. Now I have to have them all. I love
your music!
S.J., Phoenix, AZ
Dearest Marcey I can’t thank you enough for the blessings of your music Maitreya...it works. I woke up
extremely happy the day after I listend to it...and for no
other apparent reason than the joy that it brought to
my heart.
D.A.S., Lawrenceville, GA
Innocence is such a beautiful piece of music. The first
time I listened to it the words, ‘it’s so beautiful’ came out
and went straight to my heart. I left like I had entered
something so pure and crystal. I felt at
peace...confident...happy and calm.
K.M., Durham, NC
I listen to your music as much as possible and for the
first time in my life feel inner peace and a sense of
detachment from imperfection. I did not think it
possible for me to reach such a state of harmony so
D.D., Flushing, NY
proudly presents Marcey Hamm’s
Inward Harmony Bath©
1/4 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Tbsp. Ginger Powder
1 Inward Harmony Music CD
1 or more Lit Candles (I use 4)
(1) Take bath right before retiring to bed.
(2) Be sure to turn off bathroom lights while bathing;
use candle light.
(3) Stay in bath at least 20 minutes.
(4) Make bath water as HOT as you can stand it!
When you play my music while in the bath water, the
water vibrates with the music so you are getting a
micro massage. Also, this bath is very special in
releasing toxins from the body. The candles are a
symbol of the fire within which represents the Soul
body. When you look at candles they can have the
effect of relaxing all your bodies, especially when you
are playing my music and are taking the Inward
Harmony Bath.