Negatives Analyzing Mannatech


Negatives Analyzing Mannatech
No company is perfect; every company gets sued. In 2004, two Mannatech associates with
medical credentials helped a child in LA. My understanding is that the Mannatech products worked
so well that photos (before & after) had been taken and shared with other associates to give hope to
friends they were trying to help. But later on, the child died and joyous anticipation turn to bitterness
and then anger when it was learned that the photos were still circulating. Feeling badly about the
whole thing, Mannatech paid out $750,000 although these independent associates were acting on
their own.
Then, the next year, the law firm of Milberg Weiss paid investors to buy short Mannatech stock.
The media was then flooded with lies about Mannatech which, when publicized, caused the value of
Mannatechʼs stock to drop. The investors then made money and the law firm had an excuse to file a
class action lawsuit on September 9, 2005. The following March, Mannatech paid out $11,250,000. It
was all a scam, 'a law-suit factory' according to FORTUNE Nov. 20, 2006. The firm was indicted for
paying three plaintiffs $11.4 million in illegal kickbacks in about 180 other cases spanning 25 years. Both Bill Lerach and Mel Weiss pleaded guilty, got approximately 2 years in Federal Prison, 2 years of
probation, and huge fines. More details can be found in Circle of Greed: The Spectacular Rise and
Fall of the Lawyer Who Brought Corporate America to its Knees published in 2010 and written by
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists Patrick Dillon and Carl M. Cannon. Mannatech was completely
innocent and never really understood what hit them.
Our real challenge though is with ‘Big Pharma.’ If you were on the Board of Directors for a
pharmaceutical company, would you want your company to offer to the public a cure or a treatment?
Remember that you have a legal obligation to recommend whatever will maximize profits. A
treatment keeps your customers buying your products for the rest of their lives; you would personally
make lots more money. It is therefore a real threat when a competitor shows up offering a new
category of vital nutrients for those interested in wellness and sick & tired of being sick & tired. Today,
it still comes down to “Who Owns Glycobiology”, the lead article in Science, Nov.’07.
ABC’s 20/20 reported on a girl who declined ‘standard of care’ for a brain tumor. The World
Health Organization lists our health care as #72 in the world since it is hard to get healthier by
poisoning our bodies with chemotherapy, burning them with radiation, and cutting them up with
surgery. She was looking for the synergism in an integrative approach which would combine
complimentary modalities with the best which conventional medicine had to offer, some of which can
be found by googling: glycoconjugates (and any health challenge). So she added glyconutrients.
20/20’s followup implied that she did not improve. Her uncle told me personally that it worked so well
that when he watched 20/20’s report he got angry enough to enrolled as an associate!
Big Pharma continued the attack. One morning, an editorial in a Dallas newspaper reported
horrible things about Mannatech and lies about our products. It claimed the Texas Attorney General
should have investigated us by now since we were publicly traded and had been around about
fourteen years. The AG was running for re-election so nobody was surprised when he came
knocking on our door. He couldn’t close us down because we were abiding by DSHEA, the Dietary
Supplement Health & Education Act. So he said that Federal Law held no water in Texas since back
in 1787 when the states delegated rights in the Constitution to set up a Federal Government, they has
also reserved certain rights for themselves; in Texas, they had reserved the right to deal with issues
of health and wellness. Therefore, Mannatech, with no chance of winning in a state court, settled with
no finding of liability, no penalties, no fines. The state made us pay their investigative expenses; they
got about $6 million. The FDA also prohibits healing or disease claims; our products simply enhance
wellness. Since we were still able to sell them, the “Glyconutrient Sham” was written. It circulated
throughout the pharmaceutical world. Fortunately a friendly spy got us a copy; here it is.
Note that after two pages of saying horrible things about us and proving that our products don’t
work, at the beginning of page three they bemoan the fact that we have a patent. Well, if the
products are so bad, what’s it matter that we have a patent?! The negatives continue until the last
paragraph on page five where their real motives become apparent. I’m amazed that they actually put
this in writing! Their scientific claims have all been refuted (Publications at
and we are continuing to change the lives of ever more friends and orphans! So, welcome to the
battle for health freedom. You’ll be glad you’ve joined us!
How can I help prospects understand the negativity they find on the Internet?
After you determine your prospect has encountered negative news about your company in particular or Network
Marketing in general, encourage them to get both sides of the story before forming an opinion. Alert them to the preponderance of
negativity on the Net by sharing the information in this brochure. Encourage prospects to educate themselves by sending them to
positive sites, such as……… and Network Marketing is a well-respected,
time-honored way of doing business. In fact, the Networking business model is being taught in some of the nation’s mostrespected universities. Have your prospects google college professors who teach Network Marketing, including Dr. Charles W.
King of the University of Illinois at Chicago, a Harvard Business School graduate, and author of The New Professionals:The Rise
of Network Marketing as the Next Major Profession; and Dr. Bill Quain, awarded “outstanding professor” at four different
business colleges and author of Pro-sumer Power!
What’s a “blog” and why are they nearly all negative?
The word “blog” is shorthand for “web log,” an online diary that enables people to write freely about any issue they choose.
Research shows that 23% of all blogging comments are negative. Why? Because the Web is crowded, and the best way for an
unknown blogger to get people to “look at me” is to attack a famous person or successful company. The unwritten slogan for TV
newscasts is, “If it bleeds, it leads.” The slogan for the Internet is, “If it’s mean, it’s seen.”
Why do attack bloggers get placed consistently near the top of page rankings?
Google is the search engine of choice for Internet users, capturing 70% of the search queries on the Web. Google plays
into the hands of attack bloggers because their search software is heavily skewed toward “relevancy,” which Google defines as
frequency of clicks, frequency of key words, and links to other sites. Attack bloggers quickly figured out how to move up the page
rankings by repeating key words and phrases in their text and by linking back and forth to other negative sites.
Thus, a handful of angry bloggers with an ax to grind and too much time on their hands can optimize their page rankings by
manipulating the Internet’s biggest search engine.
Why is Network Marketing singled out for special abuse?
Like insurance agents and Realtors, Network Marketers are independent contractors who get paid commissions for distributing
products and services in the marketplace. In all three industries, the big money is made by recruiting others to join your
network of distributors, thereby enabling you to earn bonuses, commissions, and overrides on others’ time and efforts. The
bigger your network of active associates, the bigger your paychecks. Heads of insurance agencies and owners of real estate
brokerages are respected members of the business community. Everyone knows a Realtor or insurance agent. Yet both industries
have sky-high drop out rates. • 50% of new Realtors don’t renew their licenses after the first year. • 85% of licensed insurance
agents quit within 18 months. Yet no one says insurance and real estate are scams. No one says you have to get in early to make
money. No one says they’re illegal pyramids. Why? Because they’re accepted ways of doing business. Insurance and real estate
are conventional businesses. Network Marketing, on the other hand, is an unconventional business. So people misjudge it and
hold it to a different standard.
What’s the difference between a blogger and a journalist?
A blogger can be anybody from anywhere saying anything for any reason. Unlike trained journalists who must adhere to 370
international codes of conduct (such as stating facts and opinions separately) and who can be fired for unethical conduct, bloggers
adhere only to their wants and wishes. Hiding behind their Fifth Amendment right to free speech, bloggers are free
to spread rumors, distortions, misinformation, half-truths, and out-and-out lies with impunity.
What’s the difference between a legal business and a pyramid scheme?
Every business and organization is shaped like a multi-level pyramid, including Fortune 500 companies, our government, schools,
and churches. In illegal pyramids, people at the bottom put money in but don’t get value in the form of products, services, or
opportunity back in return. Ponzi schemes and chain letters are examples of illegal pyramids In 1979, the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) ruled that Network Marketing was a viable method of distributing products and services to consumers, and,
thus, a legal, legitimate business model. Today, millions of independent contractors working with hundreds of direct selling
companies in 60 countries worldwide are distributing $100 billion of products and services each year.
23% of all blogging comments are negative.
Journalists adhere to 370 international codes of conduct. Bloggers adhere only to their wants and wishes.
In 1979, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ruled that Network Marketing was a viable method of distributing
products and services to consumers,and, thus, a legal, legitimate business model.
The Networking business model is being taught in some of the nation’s most-respected universities.
Attack bloggers quickly figured out how to optimize their page rankings by manipulating the Internet’s biggest search
• 50% of new Realtors don’t renew their licenses after the first year.
• 85% of licensed insurance agents quit within 18 months.
Yet no one says insurance and real estate are scams
RonsldL'ssbuearr" *nd lluds{n Il" S'rseud"
of phsr$acolq*y
TheJotn b$em"arte{ruqi3lly
pAQ: M?EX),.anintsmstional
HopkiasSdroolof Medi*kr,'Brltimorc,l,-v{D-'
claimsto ssU
ClwmisryProgram,Bunrham ba odin Coppell,Toxas,U$A.Thecompany
and Carbohydrarc
health,At tbir web,rite,thcy
"elghtsug$s"that enhsncs
The discipline of glycobiolory contributes to our
"scientific rcsearchshows lhat cight glyaonutrient
undextanding of human health and dhess€through
$ugaf,sar* neededat the collular level for optimurn
iesinrch pnbliiLcd in pocr-reviewedscientific journals.
wcllnex. They are: fucos€, galact*se, glttcose,
Rrcently, lsgitimrte discoverie$in glycobiology heve
N-acefylgalaotosemina N-asctylslacos.
**mhinrd with, &*&tru&i to
bern p.igiiryglg{,*ud
acldo f*dl xylose. You
m*r*et plartt tltr*l*is,, term€il
glyconutrie*tindu*try'h*s a s,odabvld*sale$force.of
ile fosd you ,eat,Tbat's u,herc
over half a uillion peopt* snd reils ncarly h*lf e bitli*n
Mannatcchleadsthc indusury
dolhrs {U$D) of productsannually,und*r u vr*eer of
aroud ths world and
scientilic lsgitimaey borrslved from glyrobiology. This
for global heelth.*
letter to tbe GlycoFarumis lntendsd to cducgtothe
glycobiologr comnquity *'bnnt the glyconutrient
As glycobiologistswe recogniao&ore particular.leight
irdustry *ud its pl@ryieqggg precticssthat thr.e*trn
to eg!&ggg fbe publie *n{ 8i'ldltlttn r*putation of the sugars"a$ a partial liet of th* raceharideeonnpot€nts
verribrateglycans.I{owever,ex€Bpffor .ere patlentswith
legitinde glycobiologr,reserrch
certain rypee of Ccngenit*l Di*oydEruof ,Glycosylation
Xey words: aloe glucomannan, Ambrotose, larch (CDG) (Niehueset al, 1998),:ths :norion
that pooplii oan
benefitfrom ingesringany of tliese rugars(lrt alonain ttre
'?ight arrounis') is C!$ppgdqg, Furthermore, the
What areglyconutritnB?
servos lhs glycobiolo,gy comxrunity by relationship bcfwern Mannritech's flagship pr*duct,
reparti:rgsfudies",.,sbout the biological signifieanee
of AmbrotosaCompl,er;md the sugmstharmakeupthehurran
glycans.,."in the broadEstssil$€. Ow eontributorsand glycomeis.Jg[Ugl1q*Ft
intcrnationalfeltowshipof glycoiriclogr
(seebelow). Clsims of health bsnefitsof
from academiaandindusty who devotetbsir polysaccbarides
Courplex.o,r its sompone.rtsrornain
careersnop-robeglycan s$ucture,metabolismand fiurcriion
been{, dependingst the
by developingand applyxrgrigorous scientific tools and
Whethsrthe,goalisto unde$tandthe che,*ristr;z indisntion,Desprtethesefacts, tha glyecuuei*nt industry,
sf sarbohydptss, umravel the goqpltrylty of their and esposiallyMa,nnatsch,conJinupsto lg$*trigg
prsbertheii biologicalfunctions,or dElveinto
*qptirnalhealth,"or wor$syet,
tbe{r conimercialand bicmcdicalpotntial, our community productsis rcquired&r
limit€d howledge to judgc thesr
dependson rigorcus scientific standardscoupled with
in thereportingof rcsults,Thefiet{Jof claims,is purchasing"glyconutients'nat a rale ofover $400
has contributedinsight into frrndamental million US dollarsper vear.
Recently,the Atiomey Gcneral of the state sf Texas
thal haveicd to nsveltechnologies
therapiesthat benefit rnankiad.With cnhancementsin 9royeit suit against]vlannatech
for making&he_egg_{lg€,?l
amlytical,biochirnical,andgonetictools,ttrefield healthclaimsabout"glyconutri6nts."
fo tireixEnt tHt;e,
to accelente,itsratsof discovory.
asglycobiologists,ar€tied, ih,reality or percoption,:to,trsse
l$or everyonethat claims to be cngagedin this fiald falseclai6u,rle risk:boingtaintedby the impresslo,n
scientifioprinciples.In the wcrel case,a field is of que-stiqqable
!F!L Unfortunately,Mannatechhas
the glycobiologycommunityby support
small groupof entrepreneushayetaken on the mantleof aleady UrfiLtralSd
in an effort to validatethe saleof their glycan of a few lagrtirrateglycobiologyconferenc€sana*lough
"dietary sunplement",products.USlf futbs_ and unlruths their into.rastionswith several establhhed academic
glycobiologists.ln addition,Mannflrechliterotr.relinks their
-rgisjgd-psopledesperiE for lnreli6i
spcciousclaimsto tho rpsesrchof prominentglycobiologists
d*spituthelackcf anyscientiflerbarir,spr
ThiE edilorial is intendad.tCIigfo111,*ro gly-cobiology
'Tho siatrmcns,la rhis.srticlesrg solc$
,and,lt* c#o:ts to misuseile
rhq,opiniom of $g dr{hor$ hargd
of glycobiologyto sell nutaceuticais.By educating
ontlxir bcrtevrluation
ourselves abour thir threat and vigorously disunoin!
ou$elves from whet the Texas attorney general calls the
"Glyco-lutrient S_b14t.]wf san hope to avoid having our
field taintcd-$r hose who aim to sburs!:i! for uqgggpglous
profft 1ili6Ti gilance, w€ san tnrn-ffi potenuar *rstilnro
an opportunityto inform the public about the real sciencoof
glycobiologyand conkastour hard won discoverieswith the
Mannatechhistory and businessmodel
syndrome" >18$00 hits. Thesc therapeuric claims havs
raised questions, somo oJ'which have beEn brought to the
attention of the,glycobiology comrnunity. Desperatepatients
or thoir loved snes (ag well as skeptical or curious
physicians) have contasted the au$rors over the years for
advice on whother they should spend ttrousandssf dollars to
purchaseglyconurients to cure debilitating or fatal diseascs.
There is erurently no legitimate scientific or clinical
evidenceto supportthe useof Mannatech'sflagshipproduct,
AnrbrotoseComplex,for any clinical indicarion.
Glyconutrient product$
Mannatsch sells dozens of products, from children's
vitamins to skin cnsam$. Many contain vitamins and
minorals cornmon to othsr multivitamins sold in stores
around the world and esrablished as valid dierary
supplements.Howover,therirflagship product, which is sold
as a stand-aloneproduct or as a componentadding.,valtre,'
to their other produots, is '*Arnbrolose Complcx," The
companyclaims Ambrorosc Complex is the"finrt rcomplete'
glyconuritibnal supplomont" and according to their web
siio, millions of unie ofArnbrotose Complex havebeensold
SamuelCaster,chief executive of Mannatech,established
tho conpsny after two prior entrepreneurial efforts were
thwa*ed by the Texas atlorney genoral @rammer i1005).
One company,Eagilc Shield, claimed to use new lilASA
technoiogyto improve home insulation. Eagle Shield agreod
to halt its claims, al the insistencs of the attorney g+neml,
because the technology was not ncw, not a NASA
development,and did not provide enhancedinsulation as
claimed. ln the early 1990's, the Texas attomcy general
again brought action against Caster, this tims fsr hlse
markcting ofa dcyice called "EleefoCat" that tho connpany
claimed emitted vibrations that repelled inssct$ and ndents
from farmsandhomes.The attomeyga:eral's actionagainst
ElectroCatclaimedthat the devicbneither emittedvibrarions
nor repelled pests.In 1991 Caster agreed to a judgmont
AmbrotoseComplex is reported'by the companyto be a
adrniningthatthe devicedid not work. of "arabinogalactan (Larix decidua) (gum), aloe
Soonaftenrard,in 1994,CasterfoundpdMannatcch.This vera (inner leaf gel powder), gum ghatti and gum
wasthe sameyearthat the US Congresspassedthe ,'Dietary tragacanth,"all of which are parrially purified polydisperse
SupplementHsalth and Education Acf' (Public Law 103. plant polysaccharides. Whereas the fust two have been
417). The law, in part, rt..;protectsthc right of accessof
explored as tberapeutics, the latter two are conunon
to safedietary supplemcnts.., necessaryin order emulsifiers, and are not usually claimed to have health
to promote wellness," dictating that dietary supplenents benefits.
(viiamins, minerals, he,rbs, extracts) are free &om
Larch bark (Larix) arabinogalactans
consisrof g-D-(l-3)goverrunent
regulationunlessthey are unsafe.This provided galactopyranan rnain
chains with Cal- and ambanssethc opporuniry for the growth of the '.nutaceutical'o containing
side chains cxtending from the 6gositions of ihe
industry that provides *dietary supplcments,'"ranging from
sugars(Pondel and Richards t997). Sbuctural
pure vitamins to crude plant oxtracts, foi *wellness." ,proof
detsils of the ,arur deoidta arabinogalactan used in
ofa benefitto healthis not required as long as a prodructis
Ambrotose Complex wer{! not readily available to the
safe,is labeledas a dietary supplemen! and is not marketed
authors, but are assumed to be similar to those of olher
published lorir arabinogalactans.
,Aloe vsra inner leaf gol
The Mannatechbusinessmodel is multilevel marketing, polysaccharide consis* primarily of pl-4-gtucomannans
in which "associates"(over hatf a million in l0 countriei) with
-4-mannopyrannosyl-pl- and -4-glucopyrxurosl-plare recruitedto scll Mannatech prqdncts and to rccruit new residuesin a *15:l ratio fTai-Nin et al. 2005). Many of the
"associates."Assoqiatesearn mo-ngyby selling Marunatech mamose hydroxlyl residues are acetylated (-0.g acetyl
productsand rcceive,sign np and,salgscommissjonsftonr groupsper marmose),and a fraotion of the mannose
associat€sthey recruit. Associates are independent salss ars 2-r 3-, or 6-substitutedwith galactose and/or
people,atd not consideredemployeesof Marmatech.Since sugars.
saiescontactsare oftsn onc-to-onebetween associatesand
There appear to be severat
prospectivebuyers,or via associateinternetsitesthat an3not
-ethiq4!*lapSes in selling
AmbrotoseComplexas thei'First ,complete' glyconutritional
managedby Mamatech,the companycan maintain apparent
supplement."First, there is no evidencetlat humans(except
compliancewith lawsforbidding the saleof their prod-uets
as ..ryq raryCDGpatientsl
therapeuties while "associat€t'' make u4supported
all of tho,glyfimsthebady
&erapeutic slaims. Whsn confronted, Mfinnatech ex€cutive$
needs.However, sven if oruzwere io ooncedi that ingesting
state thal they instruct asssciates not to use therapuutic
componcnt morssaccharidos of human glyoans has a
claims to sell products. Nsv$theloss, evidence that
positive offect on health (which the authors do not), cating
associatestout Mannat€ch products to cure cancer, treat
tree bark arabinogalaclan
anrl aloe plant glucomannanwould
andevenrev€r$egrnetic disorders(suc{ras not
app€arto be a wise choice. Of tbe ,.eight sugars"touted
Down syndromo)is rampant.As of August, 2001, a Google
search of *Mannarach oancer" retrieved >75,000 hitS, as being "required" for optimal health by Mainatoch, the
offcr onlyrhrw in anyquan$ty,
"Mannateshdiabetes'>35,000hits, and ,.MannatechDown two_plant
are effectively digested to
consBntrationsof individual saccharides in the hurnan
digestivo t.att is nonexistent: While one can not nrle out
positiveeff€cts of adding "fibe/' to one's diet zuggosting
that larch bark arabinogalactan and aloe vera g€l
glucomannanare a good source ofdietary monosacoharides
requirod for optimal healtli is certainli qg_gppgtg! by any
data. Yct the comp.any inpligs - and many Mannatsch
associarcsstat€outight * th* these plant polysacoharides
arenot only required,Sr:opt'rrnalheattii but cure,disease.
Unfortunately, Mannarech has .received U.S. patent
protection for saccharides as dietary supplemen*.
Exemplaryare fwo US patents,6,929,8A7 and 7,196,064
(issued2005 and 2007 respectively,available for dov*nioad
at http://www;
Each patent includesan
impressivelist of well over a hundred soientific refsrences
including published papers by many distinguished
glycobiologists, inoluding:many on the Editorial Board of
thisjournal.Each.parentalsoinsludesa long list ofdisorders
and diseases "...treated by
administration of
glyconutrients..." (alone or in combination with other
nutraceuticals),The list of "trcated" diseases(each with
positive "treatnent results") can only be characterizsdas
breathtaking: aging, stroks, multipb sclerosis, ALS,
muscular dysuophy, ce,robralpalsyr.macular degeneratinn,
Down syndrome, immune dcficiency,
Huntington's,Alzheimer's. Parkinson's,spinal cord injury,
Crohn's,Towette's, lupus,rheumatoidarthritis, alcoholism,
asthma,aliergy, silicon breast implant, agent
omnge,Gulf War syndrome,hepalitis, influenza, common
cold, AIDS, cancer,and poor athletic pcrformanee(among
others).Although the c.laimsallowed by tire U.S. patent
offlce do not addressthe efficacy of glyconukiontsfor any
of thesetherapeuticapplications,Mannatechassociateshave
touted "the patent" to convince potential buyers of
The awardedpatent claims are as intriguing as the implied
therapeuticclaims.In legai terms,the "claims" of the palent
area conciselist of the protectionsoffered by the U.$, patent
and trademark ofEce, as opposed to background and
whish are allowed in the patenttext but may not
be specificailyprotested.U.S. patent 6,929,807 claims "A
dietary supplementcomposition, comprising; nutritionally
effectiveanountsofisolated andpurified galactose,glucose,
mannoss, N-acegineuraminic acid,
fucose, Nacetflgalac0osamine,
N-acetylglucoramineand xylose." The
key wor& here' am "isolated and purtfied." To xhs
knowledge of the authors, Maqnatech doos.not prepare or
sell any "isolatsdand purified" monosascharideon this list;
Certainlythsir flagship product, a mixture of polydisperse
plant poiysaccharides,
cannotbe construedas "isolated and
purified" monosaocharides.Furthermore, how would a
patent examiner hope to characteriz€ such purified
as t'nukitionally effective,' in the absence
of anyrelevantdata?
U.S. patent 7,196,064 clairns ',A dietaly supplenunt
compositioncomprisinga nutritionally effective amourt of
isolated and purified acetylated rmannose; and further
comprisingnutritionallyeffectivea$ount of at leasrfive
esspntialfor humans,comprising gum ghatti;
of glucose."What paterrtexaminerdetemrinedthal the
conunonemulsifiersgpnr ghatti and uagas4qthgun are
"essettial for humans"?Prrhaps the only ,isaccharidc
es$entialfor humans"in the "fivo srschsrides"listedin the
claim is "a sourceof glucose,""
which is alreadypartof our
diets withsut further supllementation.Unfortunatoly,thcse
U,S. patentsprovide an inrplied govemmentimprimatwfor I
therapeuticclaimsthat are usadby Mannatechassociates
to I
convincesalesprospectsu'ho may not havethe toolsnesded
to judgethevalidityof thoseclaims,tn thatlight,it is worth
the extentto vrhichAmbrotose
larch bark arabinogalactan
and aloe
vera glucomannanhave been testcd for health effects in
Glyconutient humantri:rls
A problem with the "l)ieury SupplemcntHealth and
EducationAcf is that it relievesnubaqeutical
from anyresponsibility
to supportths healthclaimsof their
productswith blinded,placebocontrolledhumanrials, the
standardfor FDA-approveddrugs. Human drug rials are
very expensive,andthere is no motivatio-nfor nufi"c€utical
to irvsst in thsnrsinc€sucbtri:ale
for the companiesto sell their produets amdhavc the
potentialto undermineany implied healthclaims.On the
otherhand,the oonsidaratrle
in timesof limitedbiomeclical
againstrigorousrestingof nufaceutical
claims,it is srill worth coruideringthe availablepublished
data that addresspotential health benefits of larch buk
arabinogalactanand aloe vera glucomannanfound in
A wealthof datacorner;tsglycansto humanhealthand
andmanyvalid publications
supportthe conclusion
that glycansare key to humanphysiologry.
The relevant
questionfor considerationof glycon$rientsis: Whatis the
relationshipberweenthe impressivebgdy of biornedical
glycobiologydata in the lroer-reviewedliteratureand the
valueto humanhealthof irrgcstingglycans* especially
plant polysaccharides
larch,bark arabinogalaeun
and aloe
As the acceptcdbroad-based
of pubiished
Medicine)is a validdatabase
in whichto askthisquesrion,
A searchof PubMedfor 1Ambrotsse"(unrestrictedtext)
a singleshorteditorialIn Harvard Wom:ento
WatchthatiJate$,in part,"llherelsrto goodpvjdcncsto back
any of these[therapluric]c;laims"ip6lfr-l.riffiiffri zooll.
Breakingthe searchdownto the components
of Ambrotose,
a searchof "(larch OR la:ix) AND (arabinogalactan
galactan)"rerurns23 publir;ations
listedil pubMsdin the
pT] ?5 ,V9ars.I imiting consideration
ro papersreponing
or therapeuticcffectson
humaus,aniraals,or their ce.lls,and eliminaiingreviovsand
paperslirniled to resting axabinogslsctan
$olely as a drug
carier, leaves5 papsrs in the past 25 years that addressthe
biomedicalpotenfial of larch arabinogalactan.
ln vitro fea.fin€nt of human cells and intraperitoneal
injection in animals suggested that larch arabinogdactan
(LAG) .stimulued natural ki[er (NK) cells (llauor and
Anderer 1993; Currier et al. 2003). However, a human trial
"... is a nondigestible soluble
dietary fiber that resists hydrolytic enzyme action and enters
the large bowel intact...". As dietary fiber, it was found to
be wcll toleraledby healtiry subjeetsand rpsulted in what
was consideredpositive effects sn the fecal flora (as does
other diegry fiba$, but did not change blood che-rnisnry
(Robinson€t al.2001). TVo randomizeddouble.blind rials
of ingestod larch arabinogalactan in hpalthy subjects
demonstrated a lack of measurable effects, LAC
administrationfor four weeks did not changeimmune r:ell
counts,and therewere " statisticallysignifioant pattern
changesin the hematologicalor other imnunological serurn
chemistry." No significant changesin subjective quality-oflife wu found, ahhough 75Vs of those reqeiving LAG
reported looser and more voluminous stools (Kfun et al.
200?), ln a sQparaissix.month sardy, healthy subjects
ingesting LAG had do significant change in blood
chemisnies or gastrointestinalmeasures, except for a
significantincreasein flatulence(Marett and Slavin 2004),
Taken together,one can conclude that LAG is generally
well-tolerateddietaryfiber, without measuredhealthbeno{is
in normalsubjects,
Aloe gel has long been have medicinal value
in teathg burns and other skinlcsionp (Mrcnthaisong at al.
2007), whereasoral administratlon of aloe gel glucomannan
is not as thoroughly studipd. A PubMcd search of "'(aioe
AND (glucomannanOR mannan)) OR acemannan OR
Canasyn"returned56 publishedpapersin the past 25 yeius
("acemannan"and "Carrasyn" are commercialnames given
preparations).If one eiiminaresreviews
to aloeglucomannan
aad papersthat addresspolymer structure only or that report
the useofaloe extractssolely as wound or topical dreseings,
30 papen remain. One of these papers reports a human
clisical trial - the failure of oral aloe glucomannanto
enhanceimrnunesystemfunction or decreaseviral load in
AIDS (Montaner€t 11.1996). The othEr 29 papersrepon a
range of in vitro cellular and animal findings focusing
primarily on imrnunostimulation and secondarily on
treatrnent of viral infection or cancer using aloe
glucomarnan (for example, see Pugh et al. 2001).
Remarkably,20 of thess ?9 papers were co-authoredby
financial sakeholdrn sf Mannatech or Carrington
I-aboratories (which supplies aloe glucomannan to
Mannatech),0r wer$ funded by Carringon. Altirough these
data may warrant firrther investigaticn, from revlew of the
biomedicallikrarure reprssentedin the PubMed database,
there are 4o clgdjblE_d?lgsupporting any claims of health or
therapeutic benefits from oral administration of aloe
in hurnans.
G lycobiologyend sGlycoscience"
"Glycoscience"is a valid term to dpspribcglycobiology, and
hasbcenusedfor manyyears,ecpeciallyin Japan.Examples
includedrerovisw publicationTrendsin Glyeascienee
Glycotechnolagt(flGG), the "l\,lizutani loundation for
that awardtgrantsin academicglycobiology,
andthe "A,l8T Rosearchtlenter for Medical Glycoscience"
Tsukubg Japan, However, the
(which point to the sameweb site) bclong to Matrnatoch.
Thesiteis toutodas"The l{utrition ScienceSitet',andhostsa
portal to the publicationSlycoSeience
& Nurltian, which
includesarticlss that ar,r colrfibutcd and rwiewed by
tr...scientistsin Mannatechlnc.'g Researchand Product
Dsvelopmcnf Depafinent and scientists who ars
of Mannates-h,'!
A ruvier,vof thematerialsat this
publicationrsvealthat il ponrains
wcbsitoandits assosiatcd
introductoryinformation about the field of glycobiology
mixed with a generousrrmountof gubtleadvertisingfor
products.Oneneedonly readthe disclaimer"If
youarea Mannatech
... useof tho information
thesepages[is] subjectts the laws andregulationsin your
counry..." to know th*t the materialsareintendedfor sales
uss ald ars not balanced.The sectiono; Qlycascience&
Nutrltiofidovotadto "GlyconutitionatsandHealth"iscludes
illustratcd narratiyes (ix up !o four languagcs)on
in: cancer,rhoumatoid
asthma,inflammalion,fibromyalgiaand chronic fatigue
syndrorne,antimicrobialactiyity, recovery fl'om viral
infections, fa'lure-to-thrivesyndrome, cy$tic fibrosis,
litiksd articlescontaindercripfons of establishedfrndings
trom the'disciplinesof mr;dioineand glycobiology,mixed
aboutthe potcntiatof glyconutriensto
with speculation
positivnlyimpactthe disxden: Although glycobiologists
the sireis targotedto a non-expert
is meantto appearas balarrced
factitspurposeis to advertise
As glycobiologists,
there is a risk that our legirimate
researrh will be confirsrid with or cquated to thes*
the "science"of glyconutrients,.is
"Fisher Institute for Me'dical Research,"a non.profit
its goals'* explorc
the extent,if any,to which ... glyconunitionals
,.. provide
Theinstitutepublishesthe imprcssivesoundingproceedings
a/ the Fisher Institute a;r iu{edical Reseqrch,,However,
accordingto the Texasattorneygoncral,tbs Fisherlnstitute
" little morethana shanrcharitywith thesolepurpose
providing'scisntific' supporrto tire i,Ueggl
products,"Reginald& Caudace
McDaniel,dir€cton of thr: Fisher lnstitute,havereaped
millions of dollars tom }vlannatpchwhile managingtheir
"non-profit". Despite the apperent oonflict of interest,
"findings" from the Fisher Proceeding,rhave ficundtheir
way into >1,500 web nrferences,including legitimatc
listsin pubMed,indexed
Many glycobiologistsworldwide investigate the roles of
glycansin humanhealth and diseaseand publish their work
in journals with rigorous scientific Standards.At tho heart of
this effo* arecarefirllydcsignedand balancedinvestigations
whose ostcomes are evaluatod dispassionatoly by expert
referees before the tindings are accepted for publication.
Those who claim ts speak for the glyconucient industry
often disrniss or challenge the basic prineiplss of scientiflc
inqurry, Their unssipntific disrnissal of the principles of
blindedclinical trials is at the hsart of "testimonial reports"
that tout nuuaceuticalsas therapeutics.At the end of these
stories,the listener/reader/viewer
is eskedto decidewhether
a diet includingAmbrotoseComplex is betteror worse tban
a diot without supplementation.Desperatepatients and their
loved ones are let clingiag to faith in the testimonials and
the "scietrce"thoy read inMashatoch:related saleslit€:ahre
and web sites. Faith alone leadsmany to Mannatech,and the
company exploits their faith, desperation, and limited
knowledgeoi thTrelatbd iciencCiri'sef-lihEii-Fioaucts.
Given the lack of scientific rigor in the glyconu*ient
industry, and especially their propensity to rnisuse
glycoscienceas I salsstooJ,it is especiallydisturbing lthcn
the line berween glycobjology and glyconutrient sales is
purposefully muddled. Thh happens when those with a
vCst'Cci-ffieiEiiiri thc profi* cf the glyeonueienr industry
speak authoritatively on behalf of the discipline of
glycobiology.A case study worth special considerationis
that of Dr. Robert K. Murtay, a consultanrand granteeof
Mannatech, He is also the lead author of "Harper'$
Biochemistry,"a medical biochemistrytext (Murray er al.
2006). In the chapter"Glycoproteins," whicb Dr. Murray
authored,he writes "About 200 monosaccharidesare fbund
ix aafure; howevcr, only eight are cemmonly found in the
chainsofglycoproteins." The cight, listeclin
a table, are the same eight touted by Mannatach:glucose,
galactose,mannose,GlcNAc, GalNAc, NeuAc, fucose and
xylose. F{e goeson to write "... thsre is evidencethat the
[eight] sugus may be beneficial in some circurnstances
when addedto the diet This has led to the developmentof
glyconu$ient supplements,eontajning oitber membersof the
sugarslistedin Table46-4 (excludingglucose)or precursors
of them." Not only doesthis insenion of glyconutrientsales
inro a textbook skew the edusation of young doctors and
biomedieal sciii-tiCii,'-"bur it providis viidation for
Mannat€ch associateswho share this ,'publislred basic
biochernicalknowledge'twirh potentialbuyers.
A secondexample of the ifferjection of glyconutriont
sales into glycobiology is the support of the Jcnner
Clycobiology Symposia by Mannatech. Although rhe
symposiadraw top glycobiologistsand focus on advancesin
the discipline,they have become.largelyor fully funded by
Mannatech,Later, salesassociateshave freeiy pointed to thl
presence of inrcrnationally koown glycobiologists at the
conferenceto:iilustrate glyconurient legifirnacy in the field
ofglycobiology. Mannateshassociatescan purchase a sales
brochure,in which" undcr the beading .,Who studies aRd
recommends giyconutrients?" the ans\yer is ,,Noted
JohnAxford."Dr, Axford is the glycobiologisr,
and rheumarologist
at St. George'sHospial
Medical School, londor mho convened&e ?ft Jenner
and editedits publishedproceed.ings
2005).Accordingto SEQfilfngq Axford is alsoa company
directorof Mannatech,
amountsof Mannatechstock.The brolhuro goeson to tout
the 'Prcstigious 7s Jarner Glycobiotogy & Mcdicine
Syrnposium'and the int:rnationulscientistswho attended
and"presenMpapenon the benefitsof sugarmolocules.,,
Thebrochurathensuggeslsthat you"Enhanceyour Immune
Systemwith Clyconufiir:nts^"
Accordingto Mannatoch's
web riite,the aompanywas the major
sponsorof the 7* JcnnerSymposium.Conferccsand the
RoyalSocietyof Medicincmayhavebeenunawarstbatthcir
affiliation with this conlbrsnc,ewas used to supBortaad
The authorsfeel that :'s glycobiologistswe have two
on€to our disciplinearrdthc otherto sales
of theglyconutrient
industry.Ow responsibility
our disciplineis to maintlin a brighl line betweenwhatthe
Texasattomeygeneralcalls the ..GlyconutrientSham"and
tte real adyancesthat rro, as legitirnatoglycoo-iologlsrs,
contributeto biomedioalscienceand humanhealtb-Ii we
fail to do so,we risk becominglinkcdto that sham,,and
fallout in the Texasstat€cout systemand in otherlegal
actionsworldwide.A serirlsof recentMarmatech
theWallStreetJournal,Fort WorthStar-Telegriiii
News 20/20 are incqasing the public's recognitionof
by the glycouutrientindusrry. This
ycreled sxposursmay well havenegativeconsqquenccs
for the pursuit of lcgitirratc glycobiology.What ban bs
Wecandefendglycobic;logyby beingawaroof thscfforts
of glyconutricntsalespoolrlo
to misuseour discipline.We
canraiseobjectionsamongour colleagues
and misleadiJrg
glyconurrientsales material cieepi into
whereit can be usurped
by glyconutrient
salesas$wiatssas.lproof, of theirclaims.
We.canbe vigilantfor att+:mpts
by the glyconutrientindustry
lo i$filf,sla l€gitinate glirrcobiolosrvcnuss for the sami
andspeakout inrmediately
and forcefullywhenit
occurs.Finally"we cantalceadvantage
or thepublicas opportunitiet
to d.iscuss
in glycobiologyandclearly
distinguishtherr from the tqttg-Cleg!afremptsto sefi ba*
extractandthelike asrpgngl_e*gures.
Legitimateglycobiologisshavea responsibiiity
to serve
- public clearly
speakingout againotttro&!s9 c!{ms of
the glyconutrientindusbry.
As scientistsit is oli mandatero
impresson the publicthe importanoeof rigor :inbiomedicsl
discoveryto distinguishflrct *orn fraud. Why shouldthe
public supponco$tlybiofisdiml researchrvhen:the curefo
every disorderis alr$dy in a bottle of powder they can
purchaseonline? To the extent that we, as tegitimate
speakwith a unifiedvoicein supportof he
scientificmethod,ourdisciplinewjll benefrt.
Whenrhenutraceutiaalindusby, within the confrnesof
the law, pelaros and sslls pldnt Bxhacrs as dienry
it is of no p.articularconoomto glycohiologists. Axford JS. 2005. 7th Jinner Glyeobiologr and Mcdicine
Howevir, whenthe legitiruatcsai€uceof gjycobiologyis
!fmp9siy11 .Sqo!"y 5 - Wsdno$daye ScpGmUt zOon.adv
usurped.tginfel that particular,plantextractshavshsahilor
benefits,rryeshouldarrdmust speakout. If we BrammerR. 2005.Maanafrom Texas"Barron's.May g, 2005.
fail to do so now, distinguishing
our disciplineftorn the CurricrNL, LcjrenyiD, Milter SC. 200J.Effectovertime of ingrowingthreatof the '.Glyooautrient
vivo administration
of the polysaccharide
Sham",may become
-splcen on
immuneand hemo-poietic
ever more diflicult. Immediate and ongoing proactive
cell lineagcsin murihc
now may $parsus the need for darnagcconlrol
HauerJ. AndcrcrFA. 1993.Machanisrnof stlnularion of hunqan
natBral killcr cytotoxicily by arabinogalacan*om Larlx
In theopinionofthe aurhors,
Kin LS, Watcn RF,BudrholtcrFM. 2002.Immunologibal
r Whenever
the subj€ctofglyconufiientsis raisedby lay
of larch arabinogalactanand Echinacaa: u p.utirnioary,
psrsonsor thp media seekingygur expert input or
trial, Alt{st Mcj
advice,explalnthat glyconuUientindusnrysalespeoplo Rcv.7:138-49.
abourthc health benefitsof MTll$*ne
N, Nirunnapom$, KpngkncwC,
\ Chaiyakunqrruk
thoir products,and that those clairns have not been
2007.Thc cfficacyof alocvera uspdfor burnwoundhiaiing: a
review.Burns,:t3:7I 3-8.
by nor endorsed
by the vastmajorityof
scientisrsin the legitimateglycobiologyresearch Maren & Slavin JL. 2004, No long-tarm bcncfits of
with arabinogalactan
on scrum lipids and
r Be vigilant and r€ject attempts by glyconutrient
and thcir associates
io goln legitimacyat MogtanelJS"Gin J, SingerJ. RaboudJ, Ancncarr& MelsqnBD,
SclechtcrMT, RuedyJ. 1t96. Doubl+blind placebo-conrrollcd
nationalor internationalglycobiology me€tingsby
pilot trial of accnannanin advancQd
rheir financial sponsorship or sqbnission of
virus disease.
J Acquir lrlmune Dcfic SyndrHum Raroviroi.
"seientific" abstract$.Review the
l2:I 53-7.
list of financialsupporters
of glycobiology Munay RK, Oranner
DXi, Rodwetl VW. Harpcds lllusrated
edition. 2006.Columbus,
conhibuteto such proceedings
if tlre glyconutrient McGraw-Hill,
industyis involved,
Nichues& HaoilikM, Alton G, KomerC, Schicbe-Sukumar
Theauthorswelcomgcomm€ulon this aftlcle, including
Koch ll_G-,-Zl-qmer
KF, lt/u R, Harnu E, Rcirer K. von F&
suggestionstom ihe giycobiology cammunity on
Frlsue HH, Harms HK Marquardt T. 1998. Ca&ohydratcappropriateways to respond to glyconutient industry
deficienrglycoproteinsyrdromc typo lb. phoqphomannosc
isomerasedeficicncy and mannosethcrapy. J Clin lnvesr
efforrs,or scientificrebuttalbasedon validaredscientific
l 0l :1414,20.
PondcrO& RichardsGN. 1997.Arabinogalactan
from Westcm
larch, Part III: alkalinc dogradationrcvisited,with novel
conclusionson molecularstr,ucturc.Carbohydrate
34:251-6l .
PugbN, RossSd llSohly lv{,t pascoDS.?001.Charactcrizariofl
of Aloeride,a new high-mtlcculrr-weightpolysaccharido
Aloe vcrawith potcntimmunostimulatory
activity.J Agric Food
C hem.49:10304.
C. 2007.By tl:c woy,docor.ShouldI supplerncnr
my dietwithAmbrotoss?
Hiw Womens
Robinsonft& FcirragJ, Slirvin JL 200l. Effects of dictarv
on gasfroiirtcstinalnnd blood
J ArnCollNuU,20:ZZ9-g5
SierpinaVS, Munay RK, 20(16.Glyconutrients:
the ststoof the
scicnccandtheimpacrof gl;rcomics.
Explore(Ny). 2:agg.94.
Tai-NinCJ,WilliamsonDA y;rresKM. GouxWJ.A00j. Chemisal
of the immunomodulating
Aloc veraL, Carbohydr
Glyconutrients, an honest review by Ray Sahelian, M.D. There are a
variety of opinions regarding the benefits and risks of these
supplements, my goal is to provide and [grammatical error] balanced
and fair opinion based on my background as a nutrition scientist and
medical doctor [punctuation error; I’ll note any such errors he makes
as we go. If he is sloppy with his writing, he may have been sloppy
with his research, with his intention to be ‘honest’, ‘balanced’, and
I start suspecting that there is something not right about the promotion of a
product - such as glyconutrients - when the meaning of the word is so
[Ambiguous? The US Patent # 6929807 on page one defines a
glyconutrient by saying the term, “relates to compositions of carbohydrates
as dietary supplements that are essential for the production of correctly
structured and, therefore, properly functioning glycoproteins.”]
and the word is created by a company
[Aren’t all new inventions given names by the inventors? Who named
‘frisbee’ or ‘iPad’? Who named all the drugs & medications?]
that sells through multilevel marketing channels.
[Does it appear that Ray in his ‘honest review’ reveals here a bias against
multilevel marketing channels?]
[I have bought products from stores, from catalogues, from friends, and over
the internet. I don’t care how I get them as long as their value surpasses
their cost.]
[A new product, with a new name, available from friends is reason to
suspect “that there is something not right” here?]
[This letter is six years behind on the research.]
---------There is little mentioned in the legitimate medical literature regarding the
term glyconutrients,
[If Ray were to google: glycoconjugates (and any health issue) today, he
would find HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of reports from legitimate medical
and scientific literature. For example, googling: ‘glycoconjugates breast
cancer’ yields 295,000 scientific studies and medical trials listed in PubMed
and reported in Lancet, JAMA, the New England Journal of Medicine, etc.
“Heart disease” brings up 178,000 more; 201,000 for blood pressure and
277,000 for cholesterol. Since BigPharma hasn’t yet figured out how to
make a synthetic drug or medication (with the usual bad side effects), all
their research is done using natural sources (glyconutrients)! Just check
any of the individual studies. Since Ray wrote this article, the National
Institutes of Health have awarded a five-year $34,000,000 grant to the
Scripps Institute for research into glycobiology, utilizing glyconutrients.
Some of the grant research is being conducted at the University of Georgia,
University of Oklahoma, University of Southern California - San Diego.
Glycobiology has been added as a degree program at several universities
including Oxford. Non-disease research is being carried on at Mannatech
and is reported at]
yet the internet abounds with websites promoting its virtues.
[Maybe there is a reason why. If this stuff didn’t have a positive effect,
would the company, which started in 1994, still be in business?! Would
millions of people around the world keep ordering this stuff month after
month, year after year?]
This article discusses the merits or lack thereof of "glyconutrient" products
sold by Mannatech -- and other companies that offer such products for sale
-- that supposedly have 'eight essential sugars.'
[No other company world-wide can legally offer glyconutrients. We have a
patent on the whole category of these vital nutrients! We have defended the
patent in court and have prevailed over at least eight other competitors.]
There are many types of sugar compounds -- for instance glucosamine,
glycoproteins, glycolipids, fructooligosaccharides, arabinogalactans - that
have been shown to have a role to play in health and I have articles on
some of these sugar-related substances that review the research. I would
rather use these terms rather than the mishmosh term 'glyconutrients.'
[He would be inaccurate because Ambrotose does not provide
glycoproteins, glycolipids, or any of the other sugar compounds. These all
come from the body’s conversion of natural, raw materials - the
glyconutrients. Accuracy matters to scientists and it should matter to Ray.]
I am a strong believer in the benefits of various dietary supplements
including sugar compounds, I just want to call them by their proper,
scientifically accepted names.
[So, what would he call the ingredients in Ambrotose?]
To me, the word glyconutrient has no scientific meaning and only serves to
confuse matters.
[The patent defined the term. There are lots of scientific literature which
correctly uses the term today.]
What if I made up a term called "aminonutrient" to refer to amino acids and
then claimed that "Eight aminonutrients are lacking in the diet and should be
obtained as a supplement"? How would this help explain anything or
advance scientific knowledge? What if I created the term "liponutrient" to
refer to fatty acids and then made a claim that "Eight liponutrients are
lacking in the diet"? How would the word "liponutrient" add to our
understanding of fats and lipids? Everyone on this planet has a different
diet. Some eat a lot of protein, others eat a lot of carbohydrates, and there
are diets that have every variation in between. How can anyone make the
general statement that "Eight essential sugars are missing in the diet." Who
came up with the number eight, anyway? Why not four, or nine, or fortyone?
[Harper’s Biochemistry Medical Textbook, 1996 (chapter 56), the most popular
biochemistry text book in medical schools, came up with that number and listed all
eight by name. You can also check the twenty-one pages of Chpt. 46 of the 27th
edition (2006) entitled Glycoproteins. It has been confirmed by other researchers as
well and continues to this day.]
What is a glyconutrient, anyway? There is no accepted definition
[punctuation error]
What is the exact definition of a glyconutrient, anyway? Glyco means sugar,
and nutrient means a substance that is useful to the body. Is glucose a
glyconutrient? Glucose is certainly a sugar and it is a nutrient needed by the
body to function. There certainly is no deficiency of glucose in the American
diet, especially those who are diabetic. What about sucrose, also known as
table sugar? What about lactose, the sugar found in milk? Who decides
which sugars and related compounds to include within the broad definition
of the term?
Is a glyconutrient a sugar molecule attached to another molecule, or a
group of molecules? Sugar chains (also called glycans) vary in length from
one sugar, to extremely long chains found in glycosaminoglycans. Is a
glyconutrient any sugar attached to any other molecule or is a glyconutrient
a specific substance or a group of specific substances? Does the chemical
structure of a "glyconutrient" sold by one company the same as another
company or completely different? Is there a scientifically accepted definition
of what a glyconutrient is just like there is for the words vitamins and
glycoproteins? If there is such a standard and accepted definition for the
word, I have not seen it yet. To me, the word glyconutrient has no special
medical or nutritional meaning. The term i [error] glyconutrient is confusing
and unnecessary.
[If Ray is sincere, if his purpose is truly to be scientifically honest, why would
he not have started his ‘research’ by googling: ‘Patent 6929807’? Where
would be a better place to start since the patent explains it all? This is the
patent which the courts studied to render their favorable rulings for
My degree in college was nutrition. I have a bachelor's degree in nutrition
science and afterwards went to medical school. As an expert in nutrition
science, I do not find the term helpful. This does not mean I am against the
use of natural supplements. To the contrary. I believe they are extremely
helpful and under[-]used by the medical profession. I, myself, take
supplements almost every day and I recommend them. My purpose, here, is
to be scientifically honest.
[What is his excuse for being intellectually lazy in his research?]
See an excellent scientific review of this topic at http://
[This sends the reader to the Glyconutrient Sham which is addressed at -> Documents -> Analyzing Mannatech - Negatives.]
The problem, also, is the way these products are being marketed
I am not claiming that taking a Mannatech glyconutrient supplement will hurt
you or help you. Perhaps taking such a supplement does provide health
benefits in certain conditions while not be effective for others, or perhaps
[they could] be harmful in some people or distract them from the use of
other supplements or medications that could be more helpful. I just have a
major problem with the way these glyconutrient products are being
[His bias against MLM & network marketing has been addressed above.]
the misinformation that there are 'eight essential sugars;'
[His ignorance of Harper’s Biochemistry, etc. has already been noted.]
and the claims being made that these products cure a variety of diseases
including cancer.
[Mannatech neither condoned nor made such claims. However, freedom of
speech (remember the Constitution’s Bill of Rights?) and DSHEA (the
Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act) give individuals the right to
report their testimony and what they experienced.]
In fact, the Texas Attorney General filed a lawsuit in July 2007 against
Mannatech, see below.
[Did he neglect to mention that the lawsuit was resolved and that
Mannatech was not found liable? Mannatech was exonerated from all
charges. Some over-zealous associates in the field were responsible for the
inappropriate health claims. Therefore, there were no fines or fees or
penalties. States’ Rights (protected by the Constitution) permit Texas to
ignore a federal law like DSHEA and reserve for themselves the right to
dictate that Mannatechers may no longer educate the public by reporting the
research on diseases. The products, however, don’t know that - they still
increase our overall health and wellness. Note that in the USA, there is no
such thing as a ‘natural cure’ because, by legal definition, only drugs can
‘cure’ and drugs can not be natural. The purpose of DSHEA (google it) was
to permit the truth to be told. Well, just follow the money.]
Most herbs and supplements have not been studied well but [are] yet
available to the consumer. Selling supplements is fine as long as no claims
are being made that they prevent or cure diseases.
[Therefore, it is illegal to say that natural Vit C prevents scurvy, Vit A nightblindness, Vit D rickets, Vit B beriberi. Go figure...]
The problem arises when claims are made that are not accurate or serve to
deceive the consumer.
[Agreed - yet we aren’t even allowed to share the research or personal
Assuming [that] taking a glyconutrient supplement has certain health
benefits [incomplete sentence]. Is it also possible that other readily available
and inexpensive supplements -- for instance psyllium fiber, glucomannan, or
fish oil supplements -- be as, or more, beneficial at a fraction of the cost of a
Mannatech glyconutrient product? The scientific evidence thus far points to
the likelihood that the average American diet is low in fiber and long-chained
fatty acids found in fish, rather than deficient in "eight glyconutrients."
[Deficiencies have been proven scientifically. Check: http://]
Also, the Mannatech glyconutrient product appears to have a high
concentration of arabinogalactans, aloe vera and certain gums. Would it be
cheaper to just buy these supplements separately?
[How difficult would it be for Ray to price the differences and answer his own
question if he really cares?]
Texas Attorney General files a lawsuit against Mannatech and their
Glyconutrient product claims
July 2007 - Greg Abbott, the Texas Attorney General has charged
Mannatech, Inc., its owner, Samuel L. Caster, and several related entities
with promoting an illegal marketing scheme that encourages consumers to
believe that its products are effective against many serious diseases. The
court will examine Mannatech’s dubious claims about the health benefits of
its products.
[And, as I mentioned above, the court did examine Mannatech’s claims.]
The following are some of the charges mentioned in the complaint:
"Mannatech claims scientific validation from the field of glycoscience, which
is the legitimate study of the structure and function of sugars."
"Mannatech claims that its proprietary products' main ingredients,
glyconutrients, enhance the body's cell-to-cell communication and improve
overall health."
"Mannatech encourages the use of testimonials and various sales aids to
suggest that the products dramatically cure or treat serious illnesses."
"In fact, the company's health claims are not supported by legitimate
scientific studies."
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott accuses Mannatech of violating the
Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act, which provides civil penalties of
$20,000 for each violation and the Texas Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act,
which can have penalties up to $25,000 per each day per violation. He
claims, "Texans will not tolerate illegal marketing schemes that prey upon
the sick and unsuspecting," Attorney General Abbott said. "Aided by an
army of multi-level sellers and their fictitious claims about its products,
Mannatech has aggressively marketed supplements to countless unwitting
purchasers. With today's enforcement action, the Office of the Attorney
General seeks to shut down an elaborate scheme to defraud innocent
consumers across the nation." Documents filed in Travis County district
court reveal Mannatech's scheme to exploit families, including those
challenged by cancer, Down's syndrome, cystic fibrosis and other serious
illnesses. For more info, see
[Seems to be a biased article. Is a company not considered innocent
until proven guilty?]
Mannatech and Glyconutrients
Glyconutrients is a term coined by Mannatech, a multilevel company.
Mannatech, based in Coppell, Texas, sells its products through a global
network-marketing system throughout the United States and the
international markets of Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Japan, New
Zealand, Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Denmark and Germany.
According to their website, Mannatech claims, "Medical research has
discovered that eight glyconutrient sugars are needed at the cellular level
for optimum immune function. Considering that six of these glyconutrients
are often lacking in modern diets, Mannatech sought new and better
sources of the nutrients. The effort culminated in the Ambrotose (R)
complex. Today, 20 patents -- including one from the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office -- have been issued to Mannatech for technology related
to the Ambrotose formulation. Mannatech has more than two dozen
glyconutritional products for adults and children that address health and
nutrition, sports performance, weight management and skin care." Note by
Dr. Sahelian: I have not seen research that indicates "six glyconutrients are
lacking in the diet."
[Check any edition of Harper’s Biochemistry this decade. You might also
find interesting the research reported at
I am not against the concept of multilevel marketing if the product is
legitimate and is helping people, and many people have made a good
income this way. However, more often than not, the people at the bottom of
the chain end up losing more money than they make, or spend a lot of their
time for little profit, or end up alienating some friends and family members
due to their persistence. I personally know several people who spent
enormous amounts of time and energy as distributors for little gain.
[Is that because their MLM was not marketing a legitimate product or
was not helping people? Or, was it because those Ray knew lacked
effectiveness? How many stores go out of business? Do they also
lose more money than they make? Point being...?]
A "glyconutrient sham".
Glycobiology. 2008 Sep; Schnaar RL, Freeze HH. Department of
Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences, The Johns Hopkins School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA.
The discipline of glycobiology contributes to our understanding of human
health and disease through research, most of which is published in peerreviewed scientific journals. Recently, legitimate discoveries in glycobiology
have been used as marketing tools to help sell plant extracts termed
"glyconutrients." The glyconutrient industry has a worldwide sales force of
over half a million people and sells nearly half a billion dollars (USD) of
products annually. Here we address the relationship between glyconutrients
and glycobiology, and how glyconutrient claims may impact the public and
our discipline.
[Now, having already sent the reader to
oagnews/release.php?id=2086 Ray feels the need to quote this
misinformation further. Is he going to ever quote anything in favor of
glyconutrients - just to be ‘fair’ and ‘honest’?]
Human studies regarding a Mannatech glyconutrient products
There are some early studies being conducted with these products that I
have listed below. Before claims are made that Mannatech glyconutrients
treat or cure ADHD, cancer, immune dysfunction, lupus, etc, it would be
helpful to see at least a few of long term double blinded placebo controlled
human studies conducted by independent researchers who are not on the
payroll of glyconutrient manufacturers. I am not referring to studies with
various monosaccharides, polysaccharides, arabinogalactans,
glycoconjugates and other molecules containing sugar chains such as in
glycoproteins, glycolipids, and proteoglycans. I am referring to the
Mannatech glyconutrients, "the eight essential sugars" that are promoted as
cure alls.
[If these studies were done, and if glyconutrients were indeed proven to impact on
disease, then Mannatech would be closed down because only drugs can legally
impact on disease and we do not have a license to market drugs. Indeed, a license
would not be granted to Mannatech, because glyconutrients are natural and drugs
have to be synthetic. So, what’s gained by doing the research when one can simply
google: glycoconjugates (any health challenge)?]
Cognition and memory
Glyconutrients and perception, cognition, and memory.
Percept Mot Skills. 2009 Feb; Stancil AN, Hicks LH. Howard University,
2400 Sixth Street N.W., Washington, DC 20059, USA.
Neuropsychological tests were administered to 62 college students to
assess the influence of glyconutrients on perception, cognition and memory
in two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, counterbalanced
studies. Participants were given both a glyconutritional supplement and a
control substance prior to testing. In Exp. 1. a Same-Different visual
discrimination task, Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices, and the Stroop
test were administered. In Exp. 2, simple and complex working-memory
capacity were measured. Participants receiving the supplement performed
significantly more accurately on the visual discrimination task and the first
session of the simple working-memory test.
Comments: There are dozens of inexpensive and easily available over
the counter herbs and nutrients that influence memory and mental abilities.
Examples include acetyl l carnitine, ginkgo biloba, DMAE, choline, cdpcholine, vinpocetine, fish oils, certain B vitamins, etc. One could easily use
these or others and most will be less expensive. For a comprehensive list,
see memory.
[Oh, for a moment there, I thought he was going to say something good about
Mannatech’s Ambrotose. After all this research on Ambrotose wasn’t done by
Mannatech; “significantly more accurate” seems good, eh?]
Colitis study in rodents
Plant-Derived Polysaccharide Supplements Inhibit Dextran Sulfate SodiumInduced Colitis in the Rat.
Dig Dis Sci. 2009 Jun 10. Koetzner L, Grover G, Boulet J, Jacoby HI.
Eurofins Product Safety Laboratories, Dayton, NJ, USA.
Several plant-derived polysaccharides have been shown to have antiinflammatory activity in animal models. Ambrotose complex and Advanced
Ambrotose are dietary supplements that include aloe vera gel,
arabinogalactan, fucoidan, and rice starch, all of which have shown such
activity. This study was designed to evaluate these formulations against
dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis in rats and to confirm their
short-term safety after 14 days of daily dosing. Rats were dosed daily orally
with vehicle, Ambrotose or Advanced Ambrotose. On day six groups of rats
received tap water or 5% Dextran Sulfate sodium. Ambrotose and Advanced
Ambrotose significantly lowered the disease scores and partially prevented
the shortening of colon length. An increase in monocyte count was induced
by dextran sulfate sodium and inhibited by Ambrotose and Advanced
Ambrotose. There were no observable adverse effects after 14-day daily
doses. The mechanism of action of the formulations against DSS-induced
colitis may be related to its effect on monocyte count.
[Does Ray offer any comment on this study as he did for the previous one? Is
“significantly lowering the disease scores” a good thing? This research wasn’t done
by Mannatech, either.]
Myasthenia gravis study is retracted by the publisher of the journal
Glyconutrient Supplementation in Patients with Myasthenia Gravis.
J Altern Complement Med. 2008 Oct 30. Randell DJ, Byars A, Williams F,
Miller L. University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, TX.
This pilot study examined the benefits of GN supplementation on various
objective and subjective physiologic measures related to myasthenia gravis.
Seven (7) male and 12 female volunteer patients (n = 19) with symptomatic
MG, ages 16-84 were randomly assigned to either a GN intervention group
(IG) or control-crossover group (CCG) that began the GN dietary
intervention at 6 weeks. Patients were assessed at various time intervals
over 52 weeks and included physiologic measures using the Quantitative
Myasthenia Gravis Score (QMG) along with several self-report measures
related to current health status. At baseline, no significant differences
existed between the CCG and IG on any of the test parameters. At 6 weeks,
the IG demonstrated significantly improved QMG scores while the CCG
remained essentially the same. The CCG, which had begun the dietary
intervention protocol 6 weeks into the study, also exhibited significant
improvement in QMG scores similar to that of the IG. At 52 weeks, the entire
sample exhibited significant improvement in QMG scores from baseline.
Significant percentage improvement was also reported from subjective
measures of activities of daily living (78%), energy (81%), endurance (79%),
productivity (92%), and quality of life (88%). Dietary support with GN may
potentially provide physiologic benefits to patients with MG. Continued
efficacy studies employing randomized placebo-controlled trials examining
specific GN are warranted to evaluate possible autoimmune benefit.
Comments: This article was retracted after being published online, see
below. I would like to review a larger sample of myasthenia gravis patients
treated in a double blinded placebo controlled manner and done by a group
of independent scientists who do not have any association with makers of
glyconutrient products. The "glyconutrient" supplements used in this study
apparently consisted of a propriety blend, including gum ghatti (from
Anogeissus latifolia) and manapol (from Aloe vera). It seems the volunteers
also took a combination of multivitamins and /multiminerals, phytonutrient
supplements, and phytosterols. Therefore we don't know what results who
have been achieved without the latter supplements added to the
Note: This article has been retracted because the amounts of ingredients
in a product were not included as the product was a proprietary formula.
This situation presents an obstacle to replication of the study results. Kim A.
Jobst, Editor in Chief of the Journal of Complementary Medicine.
[Whatever amount it was, it seems that “significant improvement” would be a good
Glyconutrient in Food
How is a glyconutrient defined? Is a glyconutrient any sugar molecule
attached to something else like an amino group or another molecule? In that
case, sugars and sugars attached to other molecules are plentiful in the diet
in vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, etc.
[The definition has already been dealt with twice before]
Are these Glyconutrients?
Are the following substances considered glyconutrients? Glactosamine,
glucose, fructose, lactose, ribose, glucosamine, N-acetylglucosamine,
rhamnose, arabinose, mucins, gum polysacharides, mannose,
glycosaminoglycans, and galactose? Who determines what types of sugar
chains, or related molecules are called a glyconutrient? Who determines
which of these sugar- and sugar-related substances are 'essential?'
[Ray is the one reporting on his research. Why can’t he find the answers to
these questions? Why does he ask the reader?]
In my opinion, until proven to me otherwise, the term ' glyconutrient
appears to be a marketing gimmick and does not really help explain
anything but only adds to confusion. I[‘d] rather refer to the individual
molecule when reading the research about a particular substance. I[‘d]
rather learn what the research says about glucosamine, arabinogalactans,
rhamnose, etc., [rather] than a confusing term such as glyconutrient.
Mannatech Ambrotose
A multilevel company, Mannatech introduced a product called Ambrotose
many years ago. If you do an internet search you will find Ambrotose being
promoted for a number of conditions. For instance, I came across this
statement on a website, "It was recently brought to my attention that a
product called Ambrotose, produced by Mannatech Inc, has been proven by
independent studies to be an effective treatment of Lupus, multiple sclerosis
and Chronic Fatigue; among other auto-immune diseases, such as less
common Myasthenia Gravis. Ambrotose is a complex of naturally occurring
mono-sacharides and poly-sacharides that have been put together in a
capsule form or in a powder. It is completely non-toxic and has no side
I did a Medline search for Ambrotose and could not find any studies
published on this product, so it is difficult for me to accept the claims made
about Ambrotose.
[The person to ask would obviously be the person who made that claim]
How do we know ingesting a glyconutrient supplement for prolonged
periods causes no harm or side effects?
[By checking with or calling the labs directly? They have
been tracking the effects of this supplement for prolonged periods of time.]
I have not seen any studies that support the use of Mannatech
glyconutrients for diabetes.
I have not seen any studies that support the use of Mannatech
glyconutrients for cancer.
[If the studies were done, Mannatech would be shut down for the reasons listed
above. The conclusions of such research might enable Mannatech to make a
legitimate claim, but it would be for a natural product which can’t therefore be a
drug. What happens when one googles: glycoconjugates diabetes (or cancer)?]
Dr. Sahelian's opinion
One in vitro study shows glyconutrients stimulate the immune system. This
really does not give us much information on how glyconutrients, and in what
dosage, would have an influence on the immune system in humans when
ingested as a supplement. Furthermore, there are countless varieties of
glyconutrient molecules and glycunutrient molecule combinations within an
herbal product. The immune system is extremely complicated with countless
cells and substances, tissues and organs, all communicating in
unimaginably complicated interactions. As an aside, there are countless
herbs and supplements that have an influence on the immune system.
For the time being, I am not in a position to recommend the use of a
Mannatech glyconutrient supplement to enhance the immune system or for
other purposes. There are many more nutrients and herbs that have been
studied more thoroughly. For a list, see Immune system. Even the ones that
have been studied more thoroughly are not understood that well.
There are hundreds of different glyconutrients and glyconutrient
combinations in a variety of different dosages (assuming scientists agree on
the definition of a glyconutrient or even feel the need to use such a term).
We have no idea on how these interact with each person's immune system.
Some people may benefit by taking a glyconutrient supplement while
another person may find it harmful or get a side effect. To complicate
matters further, there could be a short term benefit but, prolonged use could
lead to overstimulation of the immune system and could potentially reverse
any initial benefit. The whole issue of glyconutrient supplementation is very
complicated and if you hear of promotional material that makes it appear
simple, be skeptical. I suggest you be even more skeptical if you hear of
cure all promises and endless testimonials that tout the benefits of
glyconutrients. Most of the time testimonials are made up by the marketers
selling the products.
In brief, the use of the term glyconutrients is unnecessary and does not
help the advancement of nutritional research.
[The marketers selling the products were first consumers in trouble who are so
passionate about the results they got that they frequently just give the products away
to others suffering. Ask any Mannatecher if they made up their testimonial and they
will give you all the proof you could ask for from their medical records.]
Side Effect
Since I don't exactly know what glyconutrient sellers mean by this term, and
not having seen glyconutrient research in humans, I don't know if taking a
glyconutrient supplement will lead to side effects. As a rule (not always), if a
supplement or a medicine has a positive effect, most likely it will have some
sort of side effect, too, since it is changing the structure or function of the
body, biochemistry, or physiologic function.
[This certainly is true for a ‘medication.’ However, broccoli and carrots still don’t
appear to have bad side-effects.]
MLM - multi level marketing - do most people really make money?
John Taylor, MBA, PhD, runs the Consumer Awareness Institute http:// He claims that over 99% of new distributors for
various MLM companies lose money.
[What percentage of people going into business for themselves in other areas of the
economy lose money? There is a reason why 90% of Americans are employees
rather than employers. It is not easy, but it can be done - especially with a good
system to follow.]
Glyconutrient review articles
This email was sent to us in August 2008.
Q. Dr. Sahelian, here is new information that you may wish to post on your
site. Prominent glycobiologists expose the glyconutrient scam in great detail
in the academic journal Glycobiology.
[Don’t see the reference, but Mannose is mentioned. This is the glyconutrient from
aloe vera, one of the eight necessary for cellular communication.]
Glyconutrient Research
Effects of a glyconutrient on macrophage functions.
Int J Immunopharmacol. 2000. Lefkowitz DL, Stuart R, Gnade BT, Roberts
E, Lefkowitz SS. Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University,
Lubbock, Texas
Previous studies have shown that mannosylated bovine serum albumin
(mBSA) enhances the respiratory burst (RB), phagocytosis, and killing of
Candida albicans and Escherichia coli by resident murine peritoneal
macrophages (Mphi). Upregulation of the above Mphi functions was
associated with the binding of mBSA to the macrophage mannose receptor.
The present study was done to determine if certain glyconutrients could
stimulate Mphi functions in a similar manner. Resident peritoneal murine
Mphi collected from C57BL/6 mice were exposed to the glyconutrients for
10 and 60 min. The RB was measured using chemiluminescence. Both
phagocytosis and killing were measured after incubation with each of the
following microorganisms: Candida albicans, Escherichia coli and
Staphylococcus aureus. The percent phagocytosis and killing were
determined using fluorescence microscopy. Results indicated that certain
glyconutrients, caused a dose and time dependent effect on Mphi-induced
killing of all three microorganisms.
We received this email from someone who read the study listed below and
had a comment about it: "I was reading on your website about the use of
glyconutrients and saw research update where you listed Dr. See's research
at UC Irvine. I just want to inform you that Mannatech is using a study
supposedly performed at UC Irvine and partially funded by NIH, which is
untrue. Just thought you should update your report on " glyconutrients "
because it appears on your website that this is a valid study (albeit in a test
tube), but in reality it's just more Mannatech propoganda. Mannatech
apparently paid Dr. See more than $100,000 to speak at sale rallies and
conduct research, and his wife has been a Mannatech distributor since
1997. Thanks for the work you do! See the link below for the thorough report
on this fraud:
[Mannatech assumed, as did all the others, that this research was legit. But
Mannatech went beyond assuming and paid $30,000 to have his research
audited. Doing so is actually what broke the story.]
Study was debunked, Mannatech suing Dr. See:"
[This proves Mannatech was not in cahoots with Dr. See]
The in vitro immunomodulatory effects of glyconutrients on peripheral
blood mononuclear cells of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.
Integr Physiol Behav Sci. 1998.
See DM, Cimoch P, Chou S, Chang J, Tilles J.
University of California, Irvine, Department of Medicine, Orange
A good article on Glyconutrients and Mannatech
This is a quote from a September 2006 newspaper article on glyconutrients
written by Denny Robbins for the Star-Telegram: "These and other issues
have caused outrage among some advocacy groups and brought scrutiny
from at least two state attorneys general, a class-action lawsuit and
questions from some of the world's pre-eminent scientists. "My blood boils
when I think about all the desperate people who have taken this stuff on,"
said Hudson Freeze, a professor of glycobiology at the Burnham Institute for
Medical Research in La Jolla, Calif.""
For details, see
[Don’t see the reference here]
Questions and emails - new ones are added to the bottom of the list
Q. I read your article and now I am more confused than ever. I have listened
to a CD with Dr Dan Fouts, Dr Alex Omelchuk and Dr Michael Schlachter
(all MD's) who claim that there has been much written on glyconutrients. Not
only has research been done but they are using it in their practices. New
Sun bottles a product called Salmana, that product is suppose to be good
for just about everything. Are these Doctors telling the truth or just digging
deeper into there research?
A. For the time being, I stand by my comments above. If there are human
studies with Mannatech glyconutrients that these products treat or cure a
particular disease, I am not aware of them.
Q. I just found out about Ambrotose. I bought some for a friend with Hep B. I
went to the sales rep's site It sounds very
convincing, especially with the AMA backing. Then, I find your article on
glyconutrients ...I am confused!!! Would you visit the
and read what is I being taken? I kinda feel like I am.
A. We generally don't comment on information posted on other web
sites only to say that we stand by the glyconutrient info on our site. It is
for the consumer to judge the integrity of the info they read on the
internet or in print. We have had this glyconutrient web page on for
several years requesting anyone who has a published study on
Mannatech glyconutrient research to email it to us, and all we get is sales
people sending us email on testimonials that most likely they have made
up claiming that glyconutrients are a cure all. We're still waiting for even
one good human study on Mannatech glyconutrients in terms of treating
a disease. At this time there is no evidence that Mannatech glyconutrient
supplements help with cancer, lupus, heart disease, myasthenia gravis,
hepatitis, fibromyalgia, cystic fibrosis, or anything else.
R. [They are available (in terms of systems & function, rather than diseases - as
explained). Check If Ray were to take any Class I,
AMA approved Continuing Medical Education credits offered by Proevity
( on glyconutritionals and glycomics technology, he would
discover the course selection includes, “Glyconutrients”, “Overview of
Glyconutrients”, and may other such topics backed by a listing of excellent
papers such as, Introduction to Glyconutritionals, Is Saccharide
Supplementation Necessary? Glycoproteins: Crucial Molecules for Health.
Glycoproteins: Crucial Molecules for Disease. Glycobiology & Medicine A
Millennial Review.]
Q. I read your comment about glyconutrients, and would like to tell you that
you can get continuing medical education approved by the AMA by going to
Proevity dot com/homepage.html. If you would like to buy syllabi on different
disease states please go to FisherInstitute dot org. Dr. Omelchuck & others
you named on your explanation of you didn't find studies on glyconutrients
with people, is a real person I've heard several times, along with Dr. Dan
Fouts etc. On Satudays at noon EST there is a free "chat" that only requires
anyone to put in any name to join it. The author of chapter 56, Harper's
Biochemistry Medical Textbook year 1996, examined Mannatech's science
& joined the "Editorial Board." He also has spoken to us who have had their
life turn around by taking core nutrients that aren't in our food chain, or very
scarcely & extemely hard to find. You can download a free powerpoint
presentation of Dr. Robert Murray's by going to DoctorsHealthCall dot com
& clicking on "past speakers." It's further down the page. I do guess you've
seen GlycoScience dot org ? I wish you the best, a Mannatecher who has
been relieved of deep pains, a back that had me in the ER, lost >70 lbs
{phytogenins}, and other wonderful things.
A. I'm still waiting for human glyconutrients study before making any
definitive comments.
Q. If you were referring people to a website that sold glyconutrients, don't
you think you would say good things about a glyconutrient product?
A. I could easily refer people to a website that sold a glyconutrient product
and say good things about Mannatech glyconutrients on this page and get a
referral commission. But since I don't have any proof that they treat or cure
a disease or are any better than other sugar related supplements that are
cheaper, no amount of money would influence my opinion.
Q. Hi Dr. Sahelian: I stand with you in your comments on glyconutrients. I
had some patients that began to ask me questions. However, what I
have found were the two studies you've found plus one dissertation
[This is pretty significant and more recent studies can be found at!]
Glyconutrients and cognition, perception, and memory by Stancil, Atiya
Njeri, PhD, HOWARD UNIVERSITY, 2005, 55 pages; 3184894
I don't believe the dissertation has been published yet. I briefly read
through the papers presented in the glyconutrition science website
These are all sponsored by Mannatech and other pharmaceutical
companies. They look promising, but I am like you, I would like to see the
publications in the mainstream scientific journals.
[In an open-label human dosing study, Dr. Azita Alavi, a Research Fellow at the Sir Joseph
Hotung Centre for Musculoskeletal Disorders, Division of Cellular and Molecular Medicine,
St. George’s University of London, U.K. and colleagues showed that intake of Advanced
Ambrotose® powder resulted in a significant shift towards increased sialylation in the Nglycosylation profile of the serum of healthy adults. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the
first study which has shown that dietary changes can affect serum glycosylation profiles.
Co–authors include St. George’s University researchers Professor John Axford, Dr.
Edward Tarelli and Dr. Owen Fraser, and Professor Martin Bland, Department of Health
Sciences, University of York, UK. This is hugely important.]
Q. Dear Dr. Sahelian: I am a retired medical doctor and read your web page
on glyconutrient with great interest and have several comments that you
may find helpful. If you look at the compositions of these glyconutrients
(gum tragacanth, gum ghatti, arabinogalactan, aloe vera gel
polysaccharides) you will note they are gums and fibers. These plant
polysaccharides are soluble fiber and are not digestible. Therefore, their
sugars could never be released and absorbed by the body. These fiber
are destined to be fermented by the colonic bacteria in the gut where
they are used as nutrients to make more bacteria. No study has ever
shown that the human body absorbs sugars from a diet of fiber.
[Dr. John Kalns and colleagues (Hyperion Biotechnology, Inc., San Antonio, TX)
conducted an in vitro study demonstrating that human fecal bacteria can partially break
down Advanced Ambrotose® powder and two of its constituents (aloe vera gel
polysaccharides and arabinogalactan). Bacteria identified that could best compete for
these polysaccharides were Enterococcus species (a species that is a popular probiotic in
some countries). Those interested will find these and other studies at]
R. Mannatech makes the sugars appear to be necessary and also essential
by telling people they are no longer in the modern diet. The truth is that
these glycontutrient sugars can be obtained in the modern diet from the
glycoforms that cover every cells, but these sugars are most likely made
by the body from other sugars. They say these glycontutrient sugars are
needed for optimal health. There has never been a study that shows
taking more of these sugars has any health maintaining purpose.
Mannatech brandishes every piece of scientific literature on glycoscience
and glycomics as validating their product when in fact these paper have
absolutely nothing to do with their glycontutrient product. This is a
flagrant, although clever and deceptive, example of falsely misleading
the consumer. It certainly puts a black mark on the otherwise legitimate
dietary supplement industry and needs to be addressed.
Q. Hello Dr. Sahelian. Below is part of an email that I recently received from
a friend. My guess is that my friend is going to start selling this Ambrotose. It
sure looks like a marketing scam (and a bunch of lies) to me. I did email
your glyconutrient website link to her. This is what she had emailed me,
"Hey I really want to talk to you about this new technology that I am
promoting. Father Derrick is on this new wellness program I introduced him
to, and he is very pleased. It is tops in the WORLD. Everyone on the planet
will want it. It is a new discovery called Ambrotose. It is the discovery by a
doctor who found that there are 8 essential sugars ( glyconutrients ) that
help the body heal itself naturally plus more. It is outstanding discovery. He
has won three Nobel prizes, the glyconutrient product is patented in 20
countries, his wife is feeding it to the malnourish children in third world
countries. she has reached 10,000 so far. they have a new life filled with
hope and promise now. Use the stock market as a measure stick if you so
wish...stocks are going higher and higher and higher. there is no limit. this is
going to be the end of outrageous doctors cost, hospitalization, medication.
People are going to take control back of their health - if they so choose it.
Glyconutrients are another one of God's miracles in nature. It is a miracle
the way the body does this. It is about cell to cell communication, and how
they heal themselves with this Ambrotose. Pay is here... Look
forward to hearing from you soon...
Q. Hi and thanks for allowing me to ask you all a question regarding
Glyconutrition. First do you sell a glyconutrient product, and secondly, is
a glyconutrient supplement safe to take orally? With all the different
ingredients in Glyconutrients I'm concerned about it's safety record,
especially with long-term use, as well as it's effectiveness.
A. Since we mention that there have been no disease treatment human
studies with Mannatech glyconutrients that we are aware of, we can't say
if they are effective or not. Also, we do not know the long term health
consequences of a glyconutrient supplement, positive or negative.
[Drs. Massimo Marzorati and Sam Possemiers (University of Ghent and ProDigest, Ghent,
Belgium) and their colleagues employed state-of-the-art human gastrointestinal tract
simulations and microbiological analyses to show that Ambrotose® complex and Advanced
Ambrotose® powder exerted positive prebiotic effects.* Both products exhibited good selective
fermentability throughout the entire colon and positive and selective bifidogenic effects. They
also demonstrated the possibility of enhancing species belonging to Bacteroidetes, a phylum
recently associated with body weight management.]
Q. Regarding Glyconutrients. I commend your efforts in trying to educate
the public regarding glyconutrients however, in my opinion, your
information is not updated. Please see This
is a site that has won the WWW award since 2001 and the HON award
for accuracy and efficacy. Please read the Human Intervention studies
and then the Editorial Board. A broad spectrum of complex
monosaccharides in a patented formula is already in the PDR. Also,
please see ALL of the Proceedings (Case studies) from the Fisher
Institute for Medical Research by going to
Should you need any more info, Dr. Vicky and I would be happy to help
you as we have been involved with pediatric genetic studies now for 11
years with extremely impressive results. (By the way, these sugars are
already in the diets just not in substantial amounts). Totally non-toxic.
Please pay special attention to Consolidated Reviews on the site as it will up date you on the Glucose Only Theory.
Which was disproved in 1998.
(Glyconutritional videos)
[I’m going to stop commenting now. What I’ve said more than suffices.
Most of these web sites are no longer up and the arguments have
already been addressed. Review them and you’ll see why Mannatech is
having such a wonderful effect on thousands of orphans in over 80
countries and over 800 orphanages. Check for all of
that. These orphans and medically fragile children aren’t marketing
anything, and neither are their care-givers, but the results can’t be