Christmas Newsletter 2015


Christmas Newsletter 2015
District Commissioner:
Andrew James
5 Heath Road, Market Bosworth, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV13 0NT
Tel. 01455 291273 or 07737 877697
[email protected]
Branch and Membership Secretary:
Stephanie Palmer
01455 828543
Section Leaders:
High Cross
Sutton Cheney
Linda Vaughan
Lucy Brindley
Sue James
Michelle Hydon
07726 036330
07879 630345
07791 736828
07771 587633
Chief Instructor:
Louise Gilbert BHSI (SM)
07973 802731
Branch Website:
AHBPC Facebook Page:
Well another year has come and gone and the Branch continues to thrive with new members
continuing to join right up to my writing this letter.
The year has seen the Branch and its members involved in a wide range of activities with a great
deal of success.
In May we once again returned to Bramcote for our senior Horse Trials. The event again proved a
great success and ran incredibly smoothly. A huge vote of thanks to everyone who made this
possible but a special word for Jay Heath who pulled the whole set up together. The new layout
seemed to be appreciated and once again we had a number of comments about how friendly and
helpful all the judges, stewards and other helpers were. Well done to everyone concerned !
In July we ran a two day Mounted Games Competition at Manor Farm courtesy of Frances Attfield
during which she was installed as Branch President and also awarded a “50 Years Service Bar” to
the Cubitt Award she received in 1991. Frances has been a loyal and invaluable supporter of the
Branch and this award is thoroughly deserved.
Senior and Junior Camps at Bramcote were again compressed into one week and a really
enjoyable, friendly atmosphere came from having such a wide age range of members present
with the older ones helping the younger ones.
On the riding front we had another good year with numerous Teams and a number of individuals
qualifying for either the Championships or the Novice Championships with all of them acquitting
themselves with considerable credit. The highlight being the Junior Mounted Games Team being
crowned National Champions
After the Championships we returned to Manor Farm for our Junior Horse Trials. The Event was a
great success running every bit as smoothly as the Senior one with lots of Atherstone members
and ex-members taking part – many of the former taking part in their very first one day event.
As in previous years we must say a huge “THANK YOU” to all the landowners and proprietors who
allowed us to use their facilities during the year.
You will appreciate that none of the rallies, training, competitions that take place during the year
simply happens . Each require a lot of hard work and dedication from Team Managers/organisers.
On your behalf I must thank each of them for their hard work, dedication and commitment to the
roles they have performed which is reflected in the tremendous success we have enjoyed this
On a personal note I would again like to thank the Branch Committee for their support throughout
the year. There have been some changes to the Committee during the year with Linda Vaughan
doing a sterling job of reviving the Astley Section – something which we hope Michelle Hydon can
do for the Warton Area now that she has taken over. Lucy Brindley has taken on the High Cross
Section and Sue James continues to organize loads of activities in Sutton Cheney Section.
There will be more changes in the Committee for the coming year, although these are not
finalized one we do know about is that Stephanie Palmer has decided to give up the role of
Branch Secretary which she has held for the last 7 years. Stephanie has picked up and run with
everything that has been thrown at her and simply got on with it in a reliable, assured manner.
Stephanie’s departure leaves a vacancy and so if anyone is interested in taking on this role and
would like to know more about what it involves please contact me to have a chat
Andrew James
District Commissioner
Firstly on behalf of myself and all our members I would like to thank everyone on our committees,
Team Managers and Section Leaders for their hard work in organising so many events and to all
owners of venues we have used, thank you.
In January we held a successful Open evening at a new venue, "Olivers farm, Fenn Lanes" . This is
an opportunity for old and new members to find out about what will be happening in the
forthcoming year, to pay memberships, have hats checked and tagged and purchase merchandise.
Team Managers, Section Leaders and camp organisers are present plus it is a chance to socialise
and catch up with your friends. The date for 2016 is Friday 15th January.
March saw preparation begin in earnest for the Horse Trials at Bramcote on 3rd May, fences being
repaired and painted , weeds sprayed , grass mown, banks strimmed - hard work, all help was
greatly appreciated. Work parties will be organised during the Easter holidays, please contact
Alison Fletcher to offer your help.
During the May Spring bank holiday we held a new dressage event at Shenton Lane field giving
members the opportunity to compete all area tests on grass. We look forward to seeing more of
you this next year at this event.
June and July were busy months preparing for area competitions, various tests and camp at the
end of July. A really enjoyable time was had by all at Bramcote, those members who haven't
attended a Pony Club camp week really don't know what they are missing out on. Camp will be
held in 2016 from the 7th to 12th August.
August proved a busy month, with a lot of driving! Firstly at Hickstead proudly watching the Open
Show Jumpers, then to Gatcombe the following day where a young intermediate team jumped
admirably .Then a fun 3 days at Mini Camp, swiftly followed by several trips up the M6 to
Chomondeley Castle for the Pony Club National Championships . Where, in such a beautiful
setting, it was a pleasure to watch so many of our members representing the branch. Well done
to you all.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to be at the Mini Horse Trials but I know it was a successful day.
September saw a team Show Jumping at Burghley with slightly mixed fortunes on the day but that
is horses for you!! It was nice seeing so many members on the Saturday watching how the cross
country should be ridden. Later in the month an Open team competed in the Arena Eventing but
also suffered mixed fortunes; however, both these events are a fantastic experience for our
November saw a celebration of achievements throughout the year of all our members at the
Presentation Ball held at Weston Hall Hotel, it was a lovely evening and so nice to see everyone
dressed up, not a hairnet in sight. The date for your diary 2016 is the 18th November, same
As I write this we are busy preparing for the Dengie dressage at Weston Lawns with Show
Jumping, an event we intend to hold again this time of year in 2016.
I wish each and every one of you who has read this a Happy Christmas, a health New Year and I
look forward to seeing good SPORTSMANSHIP and HORSMANSHIP in 2016
Louise Gilbert
Chief Instructor
This year the members from the Astley Area of the branch have been working towards many
achievement badges and their Pony Club tests at Lea Marston Equestrian Centre. Congratulations
to those members who have passed badges this year, with thanks to instructors Leanne and
We have some new younger members in our section now so have been holding dedicated lead
rein working rallies, however, we still have sessions for the more capable riders of course.
We also had a new venue this summer in the Gate Inn Riding Club’s showground – this was a
fantastic venue for those wanting to practice their Show Jumping as the club left their full course
of jumps up for us. We would therefore like to extend our thanks to The Gate Inn RC along with
Lea Marston, Sarah Kingham and Debbie Kerrigan for the use of their venues this year.
Linda Vaughan
Section Leader - Astley
This has been my first year as Section Leader for the High Cross area having taken on the role
earlier in the year in May.
I have enjoyed seeing all the members achieve in lots of different areas. My role started with the
remainder of the working rallies at Manor Farm Frolesworth and then went on to a series of test
training in June for E-C at Misterton Riding Club which was very well attended. We also had a First
Steps to XC at the club field which was great for the younger members in building their confidence
and we also ran a XC rally at Ashby Magna for those a little more experienced.
During the summer holidays there was a picnic ride at Fosse Meadows, but I’m afraid the typically
English summer weather rained off the picnic, we also held a couple of rallies and a badge rallies
at Misterton which proved very popular. Into September there was a continuation of test training
and several members achieved the next level and have progressed well.
A huge thank you to all the Committee of MDRC for allowing Pony Club to use their facilities, it is
very much appreciated. Thanks also to Sue and Rob Tallis at Manor Farm Frolesworth. Thanks also
to Sharon Boyd, Julie Tilley, Marie Watts for teaching and supporting me in my new role!
Wishing all members and their families a very Merry Christmas.
Lucy Brindley
Section Leader – High Cross
Well - 2015 is almost over! There have been some highs and some lows but yet again we have had
a very enjoyable year. We tried a few new ideas – some worked well and others we will not be
trying again.
The First Steps rallies always go well and we spot our stars of the future, while having some
hilarious moments. The best bit is seeing children improve before your eyes in literally minutes
with all the “lead rein” riders riding off the lead rein by the end of the rallies in March and April.
Thanks must go to our instructors for their dedication.
We have done loads of badges and I see that new ones are being added in 2016 –although others
will be discontinued. So if you want to get these then get in quick.
C Test Training in April May and June was a great success with all candidates passing with flying
colours. On 2nd May seven members took their Pony Club Road Rider Test and despite one falling
off they all passed.
We ran an Intro to Racing Badge in May which according to one member was “brill”. We had lots
of laughs especially when some of the mums tried balancing on the barrel. Thanks to Katy and
Katie for their instruction. Working rallies followed in June July and August despite the weather
where we got very wet in June, soaked in July and just damp in August!
In September we started D test training and again all have now passed. We are presently
concentrating on D+ and moving towards C Test. We are also running achievement badge rallies
for Feeding, Farming and Care of the Foot and hopefully by the time you read this we may have
awarded some more of these as well as D+, Road Rider and C Test passes.
A big WELL DONE and thank to all the Instructors, members and especially the volunteers who
have been involved in 2015. Bring on 2016!
Sue James
Section Leader – Sutton Cheney
I am pleased to have recently taken on the role of Warton section leader and my aim for the year
ahead is to have on offer a variety of rallies and activities which are of interest and fun to all
Therefore, to get us started I am able to announce that during the early part of 2016 we have
dates in the diary at two new venues.
Grangewood Farm Livery have kindly agreed to let Atherstone members use their superb
facilities. Here we will be offering general rallies which are aimed at all abilities; those on lead
rein, members jumping smaller fences as well as those jumping bigger fences. In addition to this
we are holding a badge rally, kindly supported by a Pony Club parent, Caroline Wale, who is
letting us use a function room at her premises.
This is an exciting start to 2016. I would however like to take this opportunity to ask for members
input for the year ahead. Please email or call me with your suggestions, whether it is something
you are particularly interested in or ideas of possible venues, all suggestions are welcome as this
will help to shape our year ahead.
I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year and look forward to meeting you
throughout 2016.
Michelle Hydon
Warton Section Leader
[email protected]
Tel: 07771 587633 or 01283 576082
This year the Area Competition dates changed and camp was sandwiched between Eventing and
Dressage and Show Jumping fell on the Wednesday of Camp. As a result we had 38 members in
attendance as older members were competing or preparing for a competition. It was; however,
lovely to see so many of them come along and help at camp this year.
It was lovely to see the confidence of our members grow over the week and they had an
opportunity to be involved in a mini ODE on
the Wednesday which they all (members,
instructors and helpers!) really enjoyed.
We had an honorary camp member this year,
The Pony Clubs ‘Pete the Pony’ came to camp
and had fun leaning with the members.
Our last day demonstration was a success and
an opportunity for parents and relatives/
friends to see what the members had been
learning over the period at camp. Followed by
cake and tea in the marquee ahead of the awards presentation and the big tidy-up.
Well done to all attendees, you achieved so
much and, as always, we all found it a
pleasure to support camp. I also have to
say a very big thank you to all the
volunteers who put in a tremendous
amount of work in advance, during and
after camp, we ask all parents to be
involved in all areas, as this makes it easier
for the organisers.
As always, I would like to thank Louise
Gilbert, for all her hard work, planning and
preparation ahead of, during and after camp; making sure that we had enough instructors, the
lesson plans balanced and that we utilise all of Bramcote Barracks resident XC jumps, imported
SJ’s and dressage arenas. Andrew James and Jay Heath for the preparation for camp and support
throughout and Jo Matthews for meticulously planning the helpers rosta. To Wendy our Stable
Manager, Emily Matthews for being Assistant Stable Manager and our resident first aider George
Duffin thank you as camp could not exist without you all. A thank you to all our helpers and to
Nadine for the constant supply of cakes and Debra for collating the application forms for us.
Camp 2016
This will be held at Bramcote and will run from Sunday 7 th to Friday 12th August. Camp cost will
remain the same as 2015; under 12’s £245 and 12 years and over £295.
Camp is a tradition of Pony Club and we are looking forward to seeing as many members there as
possible this year; for those who do not know Camp at Bramcote includes:
 a safe environment for members to learn and try something difference or enhance their
 tuition from a dedicated professional and fully trained instructor throughout camp
 the ability to be considered for efficiency tests (if members are at the right level and have
undertaken a level of training ahead of camp, working rallies are an ideal opportunity to
gain this though Winter and Spring) and achievement badges
 stabling for all horses/ ponies; including a bail of shavings, hay and feed
 structured riding lessons twice a day where members will enjoy a mix of flat work, Show
Jumping, Grid Work and Cross Country training delivered by highly trained instructors
 a daily stable management session
 lecturers delivered by a range of people
 for members not staying over lunch, drinks and a snack are included
 for members 12 and over (who stay over) lunch, evening meal, drinks, including hot
chocolate and cream before bed, snacks and evening entertainment are included
 a grand finale presentation to family and friends on the last day of camp
 and most importantly having fun and making new friends!
If you have any queries about Bramcote Camp 2016 please contact me. Application forms will be
available in the New Year (watch the website and facebook) I would encourage you to get them to
us as soon as possible to secure your place at camp.
Julie Doherty
Bramcote Camp Organiser
At this year’s camp we had 46 children riding in 8 groups with the age range from 4 to 12 years.
The children were very fortunate to have been taught by some very dedicated and experienced
instructors and you could see that they really benefited from the wealth of knowledge that the
instructors were able to give. Many thanks to Louise Gilbert, Julie Tilley, Heather Wyles, Sharon
Boyd, Ruth Willamett, Amelia Payne, Graham Savory and Pony Club Junior Instructor Beatle
It’s always such a lovely venue at Lodge Farm by kind permission of Mrs Cantwell. The weather for
the three days was good and the atmosphere was so friendly and fun with the parents being able
to stay and enjoy watching their children riding. Mini Camp was run over three days with lots of
space to go at and so many fields we were able to spread out and with two full set of show jumps,
dressage arenas, games lines, grid jumping, and the wonderful paddock that the younger ones
have great fun riding up and down the hills as well as miles of National Forest to ride on. Thursday
afternoon was the day the parents and family came to watch their children; Mrs Cantwell put on a
lovely barbeque with cups of tea and cakes. All the children went home with lots of rosettes and
having had a lovely time. Many thanks to everyone that gave up their time, this is what makes it
so much fun for so many children.
Amelia Morris-Payne
Mini Camp Organiser
This has been a year of great development for the intermediate and open show jumping teams.
Starting from January, we have had teams and individuals out at Inter Branch competitions, doing
themselves and the branch credit. These competitions are excellent preparation for area and
invitational competitions and I would encourage all members to take the chance to go out and
compete. The winter months are an excellent time to practice techniques and try out new heights
without any pressure.
Area: In July we had two teams at Intermediate and one at Open for the Area. At Intermediate we
had a team of Laura Brown, Joey Thirlby, Lucy Ibbetson and Annie Clarke. It was one of those days
where luck wasn't on our side. However a beautiful turned out team were rewarded with first in
Tack and Turn out. The other team of Beatle Payne, Anna May Vernon, Maddie Doherty and
Florence Gilman also could have done with a little more luck. However the star of the day was
Anna May, completing one of the few double clears of the day. She finished 5th overall and
qualified for the championships. However our luck must have rubbed off as unfortunately a virus
put paid to our hopes for them at the championships.
At Open we had Charlotte Cooper, Steph Fairchild, Sophie Croxton Freya Mckinley and Lucy Tallis
as an individual. Our open
team were a credit to the
branch and achieved the rare
double. First and first in tack
and turnout. All five showed
great riding around 2 technical
courses. They continued this at
the Championships and were
placed 9th out 22 teams. Steph
Fairchild then also competed in
the Elite competition and
showed us just what a fantastic
combination she and Jubilee
are, finishing 4th to some very
importantly, they did not have a pole in any of the competitions.
This year we were lucky to have entries in 5 competitions:
Rockingham international Horse Trials: this is a new Pony Club competition designed for those
just moving up to Intermediate level. We were lucky enough to have two teams so we were able
to give several members the opportunity to experience a big event. Evelyn Hopkins, Anna May
Vernon, Joey Thirlby and Lucy Ibbetson were placed 11th just out of the rosettes (not helped by a
broken stirrup leather - a sign of future luck?) Megan Coventry, Ellen Szwec, Becky Sankey and
Maddie Doherty were also just
put of the placing but all showed
some excellent jumping.
Hickstead: we qualified for
Hickstead last year at Area. The
team of Sophie Croxton, Steph
Fairchild, Freya Mckinley and
Laura Brown completed the first
round on 4 faults which was
fantastic. This meant they didn't
have to jump off and had qualified for the main arena second round. I can categorically say they
are all braver than me! The course was full up and technical and they rode it beautifully. Finishing
7th was a great result (but a little frustrating as we were 1 pole from joint third) Steph Fairchild
rode a double clear and qualified for the individual jump off. another clear gave her 5th
individually, a fantastic result.
Gatcombe: This competition was the day after Hickstead and is normally for Open riders.
However as they were competing the day before, the Intermediate team of Joey Thirlby, Annie
Clarke, Lucy Ibbetson and Laura
Brown stepped up. Laura had
also stepped in at the last
minute for Hickstead and I am
very grateful to Adrian for
driving her around the country
to do both. Held over two
rounds, the team went into the
second round as one of 5 teams
on 8 faults, with 3 on 4 and 2
on 0 faults. With only the last
two teams to go, we knew we
were likely to be joint 6th but
who would be faster. For a
moments they called the places and we weren't there. Then there was a “hang on, that's wrong”
and we made it, 6th place. This is a fantastic achievement for the team who were competing
against horses and riders regularly jumping 1:20m plus.
Burghley: this is an under 18 intermediate competition. We sent a mixed team of Intermediate
and Novice riders moving up to
Intermediate. With so many
competitions this year, it was nice
to see so many riders representing
the branch. Lucy Tunnicliff, Anna
May Vernon, Meg Munro and Joey
Thirlby looked extremely smart
and missed out on best turn out by
1 mark. Lucy and Joey both did
excellent clear round but both
Anna's and Megan's rides were a
little fazed by the size of the
occasion and gave the girls a
difficult round. However a
wonderful experience for all.
Blenheim: An Open team of Steph Fairchild, Sophie Croxton, Lucy Tallis and Beatle Payne
represented the branch at the Arena Eventing, our first time back in the competition after a
number of years. It is extremely popular and a ballot is held, this year we were fortunate to be
pulled from the hat. A very tough full up course saw the girls do some lovely riding but not be
placed. Steph again went clear and had a few time faults.
It has been a busy but highly enjoyable year. Training will continue over the winter (please check
the branch programme and facebook) All those jumping at Intermediate and Open, as well as
those hoping to progress to these heights are welcome. Training concentrates on the technical
riding needed to jump these heights. I look forward to seeing many of you there. Keep an eye out
as well for inter-branch competition dates as these are an excellent way to practise, especially for
those hoping to go to Area or represent the branch at invitational competitions.
Finally thank you to all those parents there support, I wouldn't have such great teams without the
efforts you put in.
Jo Stuart-Matthews
Open and Intermediate Team Manager
Area Show Jumping Competition at Solihull Riding Club
Lucy Tunnicliff, Aliyah Shafiq, Evelyn Hopkins, Becky Sankey, Will Boyd, Megan Munro, Jack
Hewitt, Megan Ribton, Ellie Knighton, Ellie
El Khamlichi, Lee Vaughan, Beth Heath.
Such is our strength in numbers and talent
that we were able to field 3 teams at the
Area SJ at Solihull in July. With around 35
teams (over 150 riders!) in the class it was
a very long day!
All 3 teams finished round 1 on a zero score which was
a fantastic achievement, unfortunately the B and C
teams had the worst of the weather to contend with in
Round 2 but all rode capably with just unlucky poles
falling, both teams finishing on a score of 16 faults just
outside the rosettes in 11th and 12th place.
The A team fared slightly better, finishing on 12 faults
and a very respectable 7th place but the biggest 'congratulations' must go to Megan Munro who
jumped a triple clear to win individually and qualify for the Championships.
Dengie Show Jumping
Another Megan who deserves a big 'well done' is Megan
Coventry who qualified for the Dengie SJ Second Round at Field
House, finishing in a fantastic 3rd place after jumping 1 of only
3 double clears, and so qualifying for the Dengie Finals in April
at Moreton Morrell. It wasn't her day on the day but what an
achievement to get there!
We have been well represented at many other branch
competitions throughout the season with much success, Novice
Show Jumping rallies and training will be on-going throughout
the winter at several different venues so if you are capable of
jumping 90cms or working towards this, please come along and
join the fun!
Sharon Boyd
Novice Team Show Jumping Manager
PreNovice Show Jumping
In my first year as Junior Show Jumping manager it has been a thoroughly enjoyable time. As a
branch we are very lucky to have some lovely and enthusiastic children coming along to Show
Jumping rallies, and taking part in team competitions. I am sure that this has attributed to the
many successes that they have enjoyed throughout the year, a few of which are highlighted.
The year kicked off with success at the inter branch Pytchley Show Jumping competition at Onley
which was to set a trend for the rest of the year. Two teams represented the branch in the 70cm
and the 80cm with the team of Grace Duffin, Eleanor Davies, Lucy Watts and Ellie May Tilley
claiming 2nd in both and Ellie May winning as an individual in the 70cm.
The branch’s Easter Show Jumping competition was again a huge success, with a big thank you
going to Sharon Boyd and Lisa Hewitt for all their hard work, along with those who volunteered
on the day. The Atherstone excelled
themselves throughout the day with
the juniors leading the way in the first
Sophie Reynolds, Alex
Tomassoni, Freddie Boyd and Jessica
Bishop took team 1st in the 45cm with
five of the six individual placings being
taken by Atherstone members. The
60cm class saw us take 2nd and 4th team
placings. The 70cm was dominated by
the branch claiming team 1st, 2nd and
3rd. Again four individual placings were
taken by Atherstone members in this
class, but it was Mia Brindley who took
individual 1st with a lovely clear. In the 80cm the team of Eleanor Davies, Lucy Watts, Grace
Duffin and Ellie May Tilley (pictured above) rode superbly and were delighted to take team 1st in a
very competitive class.
It was the first time for many at the Pre
Novice Show jumping Area competition and
we were able to enter two teams. There
were a lot of nerves as one would expect but
they all applied themselves admirably. The
team of Mia Brindley, Thomas von
Schweitzer, Harriet Body and Eleanor Davies
(pictured) took a fantastic 3rd place, whilst
the team of Alice Body, Lucy Watts, Keira
Shafiq and Ellie May Tilley had a few unlucky
poles with Jaymee Toon riding as an
individual who also had an unlucky pole.
The first of the Autumn Show Jumping competitions took us to the Fernie branch show jumping at
Gumley. Elizabeth Horne and Harry Hewitt started a damp and foggy day with a mix and match
team placing of 2nd and Elizabeth taking individual 5th. There was great success in the 70cm for the
team of Sophie von Schweitzer, Grace Duffin and Mia Brindley who claimed team 1st with Sophie
taking individual 1st. The 80cm saw Tsiah Woods take individual 4th.
It got all spooky at the North Warwickshire Halloween Show Jumping with Harriet Boyd winning
the best fancy dress costume. Sisters Emily and Sophie Reynolds took 1st place who were super
quick in the ride and run class, both then going on to be placed individually in the 65cm. Evie
Whitby rode a lovely clear round in the 75cm to take 4 th individually.
It is clear that we have a keen junior Show Jumping section which I am proud to be a part of. A big
‘thank you’ goes to the parents for all their support of the children and each other. Many thanks
must also go to the instructors who have been involved in the training throughout the year. It has
been lovely to watch the members having fun and growing in confidence. I hope this continues as
they progress and look forward to another fun and successful year in 2016.
All rally and training dates can be found on the branch programme and on the Website.
Marie Watts
Junior/Pre Novice Show Jumping Manager
As always the Dressage Calendar starts during the winter months with the Dengie Winter League
Qualifiers taking place, 11 members qualified for the Winter Area Competition once again held at
Marchington. As always the Competition was fierce and the only Atherstone member to qualify
for the Final held at Moreton Morrell in Warwickshire was Jess Corser. Jess was partnered by
Pepper who went very well and in the final was just outside the top ten in a very strong arena.
The Spring sees the Assessment days for the Pony Club Rider Development Pathway, a training
system designed to identify and help talented members in Eventing, Dressage and Show Jumping
progress their training, firstly through an assessment day and then a Training Camp for one
member in each discipline picked from each of the nine assessment days. Members Maddie
Doherty, Jess Corser and Ellie Mitchell took part in the dressage sessions and had a great day, see
Jess’s report.
Atherstone held a successful dressage competition at the Shenton Lane field which was a great
afternoon/ evening for all. We saw some beautiful tests and it was a fantastic opportunity to
practise the dressage tests for the Area Dressage and Eventing competitions. We will be looking
to run a similar format in 2016 as all members who took part this year took a lot away from the
competition and enjoyed themselves.
The biggest day of the Dressage year is the Area 7 Dressage Qualifiers, this year held at Moreton
Morrell in Warwickshire. We had 2 Novice Teams, 1 Intermediate and 1 Open Team.
Our Open team of Sophie Croxton, Maddie Doherty and Lucy Tallis (unfortunately Amy Croxton
was unable to compete on the day due to her horse going lame) were placed 2nd with Maddie
being placed 5th in her arena and qualifying for the Pony Club Championships as an individual.
The intermediate team were Izzy Beeston, Ellie Mitchell, Beatle Payne and Lily Taylor. Ellie very
kindly stepped in at very short notice after Evelyn Hopkins horse Aslan became very ill (I’m
pleased to say he has now made a full recovery). Beatle was placed 2nd in her arena and the
team were a very credible 4th place overall.
Our first novice team of Will Boyd (placed 4th), Ellie El Khamlichi (placed 5th), Beth Heath (placed
3rd) and Jack Hewitt had a very successful area where the team were placed first and they
qualified for the Pony Club Championships. The other Novice Team who, although weren’t placed
this year, were a credit to the Branch and showed much promise for future years consisted of Mia
Brindley, Charlotte Fountain, Sophie von Schweitzer and Lucy Watts.
August arrives and with it Championship
season. This year saw The Novice
Championships joining the main Pony Club
Championships held at Cholmondeley Castle in
Cheshire. A few weeks before we had great
news from head quarters that our Open team
had been invited to the championships. Amy
Croxton joined the team. They had a very early
start and performed four very nice tests with
Maddie coming 9th in her arena, and Sophie
came a very credible 3rd in her arena getting
herself a podium place, well done.
Our Novice team, Mia replaced Jack Hewitt as the
fourth team members as he had also qualified for
the Novice Eventing at the Championships,
enjoyed the experience of the championships
and although not in the ribbons this year there
was a great team spirit on the day and despite
the pressure all riders seemed to have a good
Then it was the turn of Dressage to Music where Jess Corser flew
the flag for the Atherstone to compete in the Novice Dressage to
Music class. She scored an impressive 74.3% to become National
Novice Champion with a floor plan designed by herself. The
Family pairs title went once again to Harry Hewitt and his mum
And so we find ourselves already looking towards the 2016
season. I cannot recommend the Dengie Winter League highly
enough as a great way of competing over the winter and as an
introduction to those who wish to start competing in Pony Club
Dressage. Atherstone have just run a very successful competition
at Weston Lawns where Ellie El Khamlichi, Ellie Mitchell, Phoebe
Mitchell and Anna May Vernon have qualified for the Novice; Ellin
Szwec, Lily Taylor, Charlotte Cooper and Hannah Sclater qualified
for the Intermediate and Maddie Doherty qualified for the Open
levels. We will be running a Dengie competition next year so look out for the dates.
There is also the Pony Club Online Dressage Competition run monthly through Dressage
Anywhere. Classes start from Walk, Trot and tests are videoed and uploaded for judging so no
need to even leave home! If you would like further information on the AHBPC Dengie competition
or Online Dressage Competitions please get in touch.
I am sure I speak on behalf of all the riders when I thank all those who have been involved with
Dressage this year if I name names I will surely miss someone off! As always though the biggest
thanks goes to the parents who put so much time and effort in throughout the year, I hope the
members have thanked you all.
Well done and thank you to everyone who has made this year so wonderful, Have a wonderful
Christmas and New Year I can’t wait for the start of 2016!
Julie Tilley
Dressage Manager
A year ago I applied for the Pony Club Rider Development Pathway as dressage rider. Although I
met the required criteria it was a long nervous wait for the email which would confirm if I had
been successful. That e-mail arrived in March and it was good news, I had been selected for the
assessment day held at Warwickshire College.
For the assessment day we were allocated ride times - one morning session and one in the
afternoon. My ride partner was Emily from the Clifton on Teme Branch. Our assessor/trainer was
International Dressage Rider Andrew Gould. In the morning session we worked the horses in and
given tuition by Andrew. In the afternoon we rode with Andrew who was now looking to see if
we could improve our horses. Andrew was pleased that I had taken notice of his guidance and
was impressed with my improvement.
From my assessment day I took some training tips which helped me with Pepper at home and in
competition. I had a great day, watching the other candidates, learning and making new friends.
It is an opportunity I would like to repeat and recommend others to apply; details can be found on
the Pony Club website:
Jess Corser
Once again the Atherstone branch managed to put together a brilliant team for the musical ride
to be held at the Championships at Cholmondeley Castle. I was especially grateful to be taking
part this year after my unfortunate accident the day before the event last year which meant that I
couldn't ride. The team was made up of ten this year, Ellie Mitchell, Lucy Watts, Francesca and
Alex Tomassoni, Harriet Boyd, Ellie Mae Tilley, Jess Hill, Sophia Duncan, Harry Hewitt and myself.
Most of the team travelled up to
Cheshire the day before and
camped over, doing this really
adds excitement to the whole
event and we all had a great
time travelling around on the
buggies, riding up and down on
our bikes to check on the ponies
and looking around the shops.
In the morning we had a final
run through before getting all
dressed up which took ages but
we all looked great as we rode
off together to the main arena.
Our theme this year was SPACE, we all dressed up as astronauts in white suits complete with
reflective visors and oxygen tanks made from old milk bottles wrapped in foil. We even had a
couple of aliens make an appearance at the end which the judges found very amusing. The ponies
wore black satin rugs with silver sparkly moons and stars painted on. Julie Tilley and Sharon Boyd
did a fantastic job of choreographing our routine to some really great space themed music
including Star Trek and Thunderbirds.
All the ponies were very well behaved and we completed our routine with no mistakes and we
were all really happy and proud to have taken part. We got some lovely comments from the
judges and all came away with a nice rosette and stable door plaque.
I would recommend taking part in the musical ride to anyone, there is a lot of practising involved
but it's always good fun. There is always a good range of ages and ability taking part so is open to
anyone that fancies a go next year.
Charlotte Fountain
This year our 4 teams that were made up of; Jessica Corser, Ellie Mitchell, Elysee Williams-Ward
(A), Grace Duffin, Mia Brindley, Ellie-Mae Tilley (B), Eleanor Davies, Hattie Evans, Lucy Watts (C),
Molly Bevin, Elizabeth Horne and Sophia Duncan (D) started training in the early spring for the
annual Area Horse and Pony Care competition. We all had to wait for a long time to see whether
we were allowed to enter all 4 teams in as we normally only enter 2-3, when we heard the good
news we were all over the moon with happiness and excitement for the big day.
Eventually, the big day of the competition arrived and it all started when we pulled down the
drive way to Hollyfast Equestrian. We all insured we looked immaculate for the turnout. (which
team B achieved full marks for along with only one other team in the whole junior section!)
Everybody was extremely nervous, even our instructors hoping all the best for us.
As we all waited alongside the station we were due to start at, the judge explained what would
happen and how we rotated around all the different stations. Then, suddenly, she blew the
whistle. We were off.
After we had rotated around all the different stations that had quizzed us on subjects like:
shoeing, feeding, countryside access etc. We waited nervously for our results.
The A team had successfully come in at a delightful 2nd place meaning they were through to the
championships at Cholmondeley Castle in Cheshire. The A team were further placed 6th at the
championships, well done girls!
The B team came in at a surprising and unexpected 3rd place, missing that unlucky one point to
being lead to the Championships with the others! The C team came 12th place, at their first ever
experience at the hours and pony care competition! The D team came home with a lovely 10th
place, once again experiencing the tense environment for the first ever time!
We would like to give a huge thanks, from ALL the teams, to Julie Tilley and Sharon Boyd for the
brilliant tutoring and the amazing facilities we had to use! No-one could have done it without you.
THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! Hopefully, a good turn out again and hopefully the same amazing
results for next year! BRING ON 2016!
Grace Duffin, Mia Brindley and Eleanor Davies
It's not all about the riding!
There is the opportunity to represent the branch at the Horse and Pony Care Competition.
Preparation starts in February with the training in the warm! Teams are then selected ahead of
the areas which are held generally around Easter.
We couldn't repeat last year’s team as Georgia Ison was too old for juniors. So it was down to
Elysee Williams-Ward to step in as the younger member and join Ellie Mitchell and myself. Areas
went well, the hard work spent training paid off and we secured 2nd place at the areas and
qualification for the Pony Club Championships in August!
The Championships were exciting as
it is our opportunity to put our
knowledge to the test. For the
Horse and Pony Care we have to
have a good all round knowledge of
how to look after our horses.
We spent two hours working our
way through the different sections.
Then it was a nervous wait for points
to be added up. I am pleased to say
we secured 6th place at the
Horse and Pony Care training and the competitions gives you a good excuse to expand your
knowledge whilst being part of a team.
After two years as a junior it's time to move on to the seniors - so I guess 'our' team will be
needing a new member - could it be you? Try it - it's fun to learn with friends
Jess Corser
Preparation for this year’s Area Competition was quite different as our Team of Beatle, Lucy and
myself were quite well scattered and busy. Lucy was studying hard for GCSE’s in Leicester, Beatle
was at University in Loughborough and I was in the last few weeks of College in
It meant we all did a lot of revision of past notes and a lot of further work learning topics in ever
greater detail on our own when we had a spare five minutes! The Care Competition tests
members on the theory and practical elements of Horse Care right up to AH Standard so we never
stop learning or dare to think we know enough!
The Area was again held by the Heart of England branch who, as always, put on a great day for us
all. It’s the fourth time Beatle and I have been together and the third year we have been joined by
Lucy so it feels like a real team effort now. Finally after being second for the last three years by
the narrowest of margins we finally lifted the Area Shield with a comfortable win. Both a relief
and a testament to the hard work we have put in over the years. Area 7 is one of the largest and
toughest Care Competitions with 13 Senior Teams competing, and the standard rises every year.
It was lovely knowing we were off to Champs without waiting hopefully for a prized ‘Wildcard’
Getting together to train for Championships proved even harder for us than the Area, as while
School and University had ended for the summer and I had finished College, I moved even further
away as I left home for London and work! So the start of Championships for me meant a long
journey firstly back home to Leicester, then an early start to meet Beatle and catch a lift to
We were competing in the
afternoon this year so we had a
little time to look around and do
some last minute revision, which
assessment of ‘Pete’ The Pony Club
The Competition started and we
had a total of 10 sections each
taking 8 minutes. This year’s
Conformation, Mares & Foals,
Shoeing, Lunging and Paddock
Unfortunately in the Travelling section our guinea pig horse without warning suddenly kicked Lucy
twice in the leg. Lucy was quite badly hurt and obviously shocked as were Beatle and I. We sat out
the rest of the section while Lucy was attended to. A unanimous decision by all of the examiners
and officials allowed Beatle and myself to continue the competition though as expected we were
thrown a little off our game by events.
The rest of the Competition thankfully passed without incident. The results came and we were
placed fourth for the second year in a row which is a great achievement especially with a man
down. While we had hoped for a podium finish we didn’t want to stand on it without Lucy who
was by now on her way home via the A&E Department! My lift back to Leicester the start of my
journey back to London was going to be with Lucy so her dash to hospital meant I was now
stranded in Cheshire. I can’t thank Chloe from the South Trent branch enough. Chloe was also
competing in the Care Competition and in the true spirit of the Pony Club came to my rescue and
gave me a lift home.
So ended our Care Competition journey for 2015 – or so we thought.
That evening one eagle eyed Atherstone Member was looking through the Pony Club’s Live
Results Website and noticed we had in fact been placed third. On further checking from Andrew
and Pony Club officials it was confirmed we had been third and we all missed out on the Podium
I’m pleased to say that Lucy was only badly bruised and didn’t break anything which was quite a
relief and we were awarded replacement Rosettes and Salvers from Pony Club Headquarters. We
also fully intend to be back in 2016 for another go.
I cannot recommend this competition highly enough to all members, it’s helped me enormously,
keeping my horse care knowledge fresh, updated and continually improving which in turn has
helped me pass both Pony Club and BHS Exams. If anyone is interesting in having a go please get
in touch with Sharon Boyd or Julie Tilley who will be delighted to welcome you on board.
Anna Meadows
Myself, Jack Hewitt and Thomas von Schweitzer (junior boys team) qualified for the Tetrathlon
Championships in August held at the fantastic Bishop Burton College in Yorkshire. It is a busy few
days with settling in the ponies and setting up camp and a briefing on Thursday, swimming Friday
morning, followed by shooting in the afternoon, and a very wet course walk! Saturday was XC day
and then the final phase, running, on Sunday morning, and a huge prize-giving in the afternoon.
All 3 of us managed some personal bests over the weekend and felt a tremendous sense of
achievement jumping the amazing XC course. We were delighted to finish in 3rd place in our class
as a team.
It was great that Ellin was also competing for Atherstone at the Championships too, she was there
in the junior girls competition and also did very well.
Tetrathlon is physically challenging, but most importantly great fun, you don't need to be amazing
- come and have a go!
Will Boyd
After the successes of 2014 a disappointing year for Atherstone Pony Club endurance.
We held an introduction to Pony Club Endurance rally on 30th March which was well attended but
we only had one member Thomas von Schweitzer who took part in pc endurance during 2015.
Thomas accompanied by his mum Sharon took part in the area endurance qualifier but
unfortunately they took a wrong turn so finished outside the allotted time.
There are some rule changes being introduced for 2016, there will be no area qualifiers. To qualify
for the championships you need to have completed 3 rides with vetting within the required time.
You do not need a specialised pony to take part in pc endurance but need to be able to ride
confidently at mostly trot and canter for 2 to 3 hours. Children 13 years and under need to be
accompanied by an adult.
Endurance is great fun and we hope to see more members taking part in 2016.
Lisa Hewitt
Endurance Team Manager
One Step Beyond for the Atherstone Hunt Prince Philip Junior Mounted Games team in 2015!
Recipients of the AHBPC Team of the Year and 2015 Prince Philip Cup Junior Champions.
Sounds good; and it was GOOD!
Congratulations have to go to the whole Junior set up – from the very “first steps to games” rallies
to the week in week out training of the Junior teams. We keep saying it but if it wasn’t for the
enthusiasm, hard work and determination of the whole “team” of people involved we wouldn’t
be able to achieve such a high standard and consistently perform at the dizzy heights of Junior
Champions in 2015 and runners up in 2014 and 2013. Well Done EVERYONE!
It all starts in the dark nights of January, training every Sunday until the clocks change and then
every Wednesday until it’s over - generally August at the Championships. With over 30 rider and
pony combinations in total (Seniors & Juniors) AHPPC is one of, if not, the strongest in depth at
Mounted Games in the UK with great facilities and dedicated trainers, parents, support personnel
and last but not least riders and ponies.
Competitions come thick and fast from April and we were able to field 2 senior teams and 3 junior
if not 4 on occasions. The first Prince Philip qualifier is Area in May. Our Senior A team arrived
having performed very well at earlier friendlies and word in the fraternity seemed to have the
Atherstone as an early potential HOYS candidate. The team didn’t disappoint and won Area by 3
points beating Warwickshire into 2 nd place and qualifying for the next round at Zone. A very
satisfying result! The Senior B ended up 4th and missed out on qualification.
Meanwhile the three Junior teams were competing hard and ended up 2 nd, 4th and 7th respectfully
ensuring both A and B would be at Zone 8 weeks later. The C team missed by one place!
After several more friendlies and the most ever external shows e.g. Cheshire Show, Burghley
Game Fair etc. came ZONE – this is the best chance of getting to HOYS but you have to be on form
and make a minimal number of mistakes! Senior A was second to Romney Marsh who just blitz
everyone – (they actually lost at HOYS to Monmouthshire on the very last race of the season and
that was harsh!). So a good 2nd propelled us to the Championships as one of the favourites. Junior
A & B performed well at Zone with Junior A winning comfortably 19 points ahead of the nearest
rival with Junior B, 6th.
With another 7 weeks before Champs more friendlies and external shows were attended
including a great Atherstone Friendly weekend at Ashby Parva courtesy of Mrs Frances Attfield
(Recipient of the Cubitt Award for 50 years volunteering). Yet again Senior A showed signs of
being the real deal and real challenger for not only Champs but potentially at HOYS.
The Championships at the end of August soon came and after 8 months of training and competing
it all came down to 2 hours of competition. A draw was made to split the 22 senior teams into to
groups of 11. For some reason, this caused some anxiety, which seemed to be born out when 7 of
the strongest teams were pitched against each other in the first competition of the day. Whether
that made our senior team nervous or we simply had a bad day at the office, we were unable to
make 6th spot (missed by 1 point) and therefore the season ended abruptly there and then. (East
Cheshire who took sixth in the morning session ended up 2 nd in the afternoon and went off to
HOYS for the 1st time ever.)
Poppy Shaw on Rosie, Ellie Mae Tilly on
Lady, Freddie Jackson on Toffee, Freddie
Harris on Angel and Sophie Reynolds on
So it was all down to the Juniors who were
firm favourites for the title along with one
other team. With parents reduced to
biting nails and looking the other way as
the competition came to a climax our
Junior A team battled it out with the Sir
WWW’s and eventually won on the last
race to become 2015 Champions – cue
Delirium amongst a selection of the
crowd! – After 2 years of being runners up
now we were CHAMPIONS.
So after all the excitement of 9 months, the ups and downs, cold nights, hot summer evenings and
many weekends away the season fades away and we say goodbye to those too old for 2016
including Izzy Harris who rode for the England team at the International competition in Ireland as
she was 3rd reserve at the England trial in March.
Six Juniors move up to the seniors for 2016 which will swell the ranks and provide some
interesting competition for places next year when we hope to put out 3 senior teams on a regular
basis and we anticipate that many new juniors will appear and Matt will be working on defending
the position of CHAMPIONS.
WELL DONE to everyone involved this year, we hope you had a great time and hope that we’ll be
seeing you in February and look forward to yet another competitive season in the 2016 Prince
Philip Mounted Games.
Marcus Palmer
Offchurch Bury 25th July
We had an exceedingly wet afternoon walking the XC course on the Friday, luckily the Saturday
was gorgeous and we were bathed in sunshine.
The competition stated with the Novices,
we fielded 2 teams; the Hares team
consisted of Harriet Gilman, William
Boyd, Bethany Heath and Jack Hewitt
and the Foxes team of Emma Spencer,
Lucy Tunnicliff, Evelyn Hopkins and Ellin
Szwec and two individuals Shannon
Bibby and Ellie El Khamlichi. The XC
course turned out to be very testing with
only twenty six rides jumping clear from
the ninety one starters. We achieved
some amazing results with both Bethany
Heath and Lucy jumping double clear to
win their sections and qualify for the Pony Club Championships. Evelyn and Jack also jumped
double clear with Evelyn coming second and Jack fourth, he heard later that he had also qualified
when the third placed rider had to pull out. Well done to all the Novice riders who rode well even
though some had problems.
Having ‘lost’ Annie Clarke from the Intermediate Swifts team before the event and Lucy Ibbetson
having to withdraw on the day, Megan Munro came into the Swifts team at the last minute. All
the Swifts team of Joey Thirlby, Beatle Payne, Megan and Lucy Tallis jumped clear XC and finished
fourth. The Swallows team of Laura Brown, Anna May Vernon and Florence Gilman went well
with both Laura and Anna jumping clear XC, Beatle achieved best dressage in her section but with
the last fence down and three time penalties XC she dropped to fourth place. Lucy had a superb
day with a 22.7 dressage and clear XC to finish third and qualify for the Championships, again well
done to you all.
With only three Open members able to compete this year was a disadvantage at this standard but
our riders still came home with rosettes, Sophie Croxton took the best dressage rosette and the
team finished fifth. Emma Milner jumped an impressive show jumping clear round so it was
unfortunate that she lost her stirrups jumping the fence in the water and had to circle before the
narrow fence. Charlotte Cooper was a ‘star’ jumping double clear to finish third and qualify for
the Pony Club Championships.
Adrienne Beeston
Team Manager
It is a great achievement to qualify for the Pony Club Championships so I was delighted that we
had members competing at all three levels of Novice, intermediate and Open.
Lucy Tunicliff, Beth Heath and Jack Hewitt competed individually in the Novice competition. The
cross country course was long and undulating and I witnessed some very tired ponies/ horses
literally climbing over the last fence. Lucy and Jack both jumped superb clear rounds in the Show
Jumping phase with Beth rolling just one pole. Lucy and Beth both jumped fantastic clear cross
country rounds just inside the time. Jack went well with just a couple of hiccups at the water. We
were all ‘over the moon’ when we heard that Lucy had finished a very credible 4 th. Well done to
you all.
Lucy Tallis competed as an individual in the Intermediate class, she was placed after the dressage
phase and rode a lovely Show Jumping round and was unlucky to have one pole down. Watching
her cross country round she was going really well but had the bad luck to be held on the course
and had a couple of stops right at the end of the course but well done as the course was quite
demanding and caused a lot of trouble, from the 163 starters only 58 jumped clear cross country.
Charlotte Cooper competed in the Open class; she did really well to have only one pole down in
the Show Jumping as it caused a lot of trouble with only one third of all the competitors jumping
clear. As I was fence judging I was very conscious of all the stops, falls and eliminations so I was
delighted when I heard on my walkie talkie that she had jumped the troublesome corner fence
clear, she was unlucky to have a stop at the ‘bogey’ fence in the water but she finished in great
style, so well done. From the nineteen teams competing twelve were eliminated and from the
ninety five started only thirty one jumped clear cross country.
Area 9 (Glous) seem to have a stronghold at the Championships as they seem to win year after
year, this year they had seven individual placings and a win and a 3 rd place in the Intermediate
teams and in the Open they had nine individual placings with again a win in the teams.
Area 7 had two individual placings (including Lucy in the Novice) and a 4 th in the Intermediate
teams, in the Open they had one individual place but the teams were eliminated.
The Atherstone teams have been placed at all three level in the past and I am confident we have
plenty of talented riders in our Branch to achieve team placings in the future and I look forward to
the Area competition at Offchurch on Saturday 16th July 2016.
Adrienne Beeston
Team Manager
A fabulous evening was had by all at the AHBPC Presentation Ball at Weston Hall Hotel, we had
lots of support from members and family and it was a great way to celebrate the many successes
of AHBPC through 2015.
Below is a list of winners who won trophies and every member who represented the branch in
2015 a team competition received a medal for each of the disciplines.
Trophy Winners 2015
Awarded for services to the Branch
Beth Palmer
Junior Mounted Games Team; Champions at the PC Championships
Freddie Jackson, Freddy Harris, Ellie Mae Tilley, Sophie Reynolds, Poppy Shaw, Sienna
Junior Boys:
Junior Girls:
Sophia Duncan
Freddie Jackson, Freddy Harris and James Callaghan
Intermediate Girls:
Lucy Tunnicliff
Intermediate Boys:
William Boyd
Senior Girls:
Charlotte Cooper
Senior Member: Lucy Tallis
Intermediate Member: Beth Heath
Junior Member: Harry Hewitt
Beeston Cup for the Highest placed member at Area Eventing
Charlotte Cooper
Marples Shield for Highest placed Member at Area Dressage
Maddie Doherty
Trophy for the Highest placed Member at Area Tetrathlon
Thomas Von Schweitzer
Endurance Cup for Highest placed Member
Thomas Von Schweitzer
Show Jumping for Highest paced Member
Stephanie Fairchild
Senior Mounted Games Rider of the Year
Tom Clews
Junior Mounted Games Rider of the Year
Charlotte Kingham
Palmer Trophy for Endeavour in Mounted Games
Ellesha Beese
Senior Camp Member
Fran Tomassoni
Junior Camp Member
Hattie Evans
Key Dates for your diary for 2016:
15th January
7th February
18th February
25th March
1st May
8th May
31st May
18th June
25th June
9th and 10th July
16th July
7th to 12th August
19th to 23rd August
AHBPC Open Evening, Olivers Farm, Fenn Lanes
Area Triathlon, Wrekin College
Area Quiz, Lydbury North
AHBPC Easter Show Jumping Competition, Solihull
AHBPC Horse Trials, Bramcote
Area Mounted Games, Hampton Lucy
Area Horse and Pony Care, Bishops Castle
Area Dressage, Moreton Morrell
Area Show Jumping, venue tbc
Area Tetrathlon, Ettington
Area Eventing, Offchurch
Bramcote Camp
Pony Club Championships
All AHBPC Committee members and Team Managers would like to wish members and families a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We are looking forward to continued success during 2016, and wish all our members the very best
for the coming 12 months.