Christmas Newsletter 2013


Christmas Newsletter 2013
District Commissioner:
Andrew James
5 Heath Road
Market Bosworth
CV13 0NT
Tel. 01455 291273
or 07737 877697
[email protected]
Branch and Membership Secretary:
Stephanie Palmer
01455 828543
Section Contacts:
High Cross
Sutton Cheney
Julie Doherty
Sue James
Louise Knighton
07824 541085
07791 736828
07808 777045
Chief Instructor:
Louise Gilbert BHSI (SM)
07973 802731
Branch Website:
AHBPC Facebook Page:
Well another year has come and gone and the Branch continues to thrive with new members
continuing to join right up to my writing this letter.
Success started early in the year when our Quiz team of Anna, Beatle, Ellin and Nia competed at
the National Pony Club Quiz where they came an excellent 4th.
In May we returned to Bramcote once again for our Senior Horse Trials. The event was organised
by a whole new team of people but it ran as smoothly as it has ever done and we received many
words of praise for the efficient way things went but most pleasing were the comments about
how friendly and helpful all the judges, stewards and other helpers were. Well done to everyone
Senior, Junior and Advanced Camps at Bramcote were again compressed into one week - although
this time it was by design rather than as a result of the Olympics. This proved a great success and
we will probably look to run it this way in 2014.
On the riding front we had another good year with 7 Teams and a number of individuals qualifying
for either the Championships or the Novice Championships with all of them acquitting themselves
with considerable credit. A special mention to the Senior Horse and Pony Care Team (Anna, Beatle
and Lucy) who finished second, the Intermediate Show Jumping team (Freya, Sophie, Steph and
Will) who jumped a brilliant 4 clears in the second round to move up from 15 th after the first
round to 3rd and to the Senior Mounted Games Team who won and qualified for the Horse of the
Year Show (more of that later).
After the Championships there was just time – well we had nothing else to do did we – to
organise and run a Junior Horse Trials at Ashby Magna courtesy of Frances Attfield. While I am on
that score a big thank you to all the landowners and proprietors who allowed us to use their
facilities during the year. The Junior Event was a great success running every bit as smoothly as
the Senior one with lots of Atherstone members taking part – many of them competing in their
very first one day event.
All this success does not however simply happen. It is down to a tremendous lot of hard work by
members but also coaches, parents and Team Managers/organizers. On your behalf I must thank
each of them for their hard work, dedication and commitment to the roles they have performed
which is reflected in the tremendous success we have enjoyed this year.
On a personal note I would again like to thank the Branch Committee for their support throughout
the year. You will have seen from earlier programmes and the website that there have been a few
changes on the committee during the year with Debra Mitchell taking over from Alison Fletcher as
Treasurer and Louise Knighton succeeding Debbie Kerrigan as Section Leader (Warton).
Dean Read has also indicated a wish to retire as Health & Safety Officer so we are looking for
someone to take over the task of ensuring we comply with the appropriate standards. Do you
have responsibility for H&S where you work and feel you can contribute to the smooth running of
the Branch. If so please contact me (07737 877697) to discuss this. As a member of the Branch
Committee you would also have a voice in how the Branch is run.
Finally I indicated I would return to HOYS and I could not finish without mention of the excellent
job the six members who represented us at HOYS did. They didn’t bring the Prince Philip Cup back
with them but in a very real sense that didn’t matter. They rode brilliantly and behaved in a way
which was a real credit to the Branch, their parents and especially themselves.
For me the week was summed up by something Emily Berry said to me at the end. She said
“Thank you! That was the best thing I have ever done in my life”. I say “NO. Thank you, Emily
(Lottie, James, Will, Harriet and Jody) for the pleasure you gave the rest of us and for the way in
which you did it. It is why I and others still do what we do within the Branch. We do it so that you,
the Members can have fun and along the way learn at least a little (hopefully more) about riding
and looking after your ponies/horses
Andrew James
District Commissioner
Another year has passed by and how hectic. Camp was condensed to one week but was filled
with enthusiastic members who experienced an excellent week of instruction.
I personally enjoyed teaching advanced members with all grades of horses.
I have attended many Branch evens and enjoyed watching members competing, taking tests,
Chatsworth watching the games, to Champs to HOYS.
Congratulations to you all. I wish you a Happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you in the
New Year.
Louise Gilbert
Chief Instructor
This has been my first full year on the Branch Committee and I have enjoyed seeing members
achieve a lot over the last 12 months; some grow in confidence and ability and others shoot up in
The High Cross Section has been busy offering members activities across all areas and disciplines.
We were very excited to see the introduction of the new competition badges and that these gave
members an opportunity to explore a new discipline, learn what it involved and to get an
understanding of the rules associated with it. As a result we did a couple of sessions on the
Introduction to Dressage and Show Jumping, there was also a Show Jumping Competition badge
session for older members; these were all well attended, the children learnt lots, had fun with
friends and took away a badge at the end of the session. Thank you to Lisa Hewitt and Rob and
Janet Horton Smith for the continued use of their fantastic venues. We are planning to do more
over the next 12 months so watch out for them.
There has been a continuation of the riding and stable management for E up to C Efficiency tests
at manor Farm, Frolesworth on Saturdays which will continue, weather permitted, over the
coming months. Thank you to Sue and Rob Tallis for the use of their facilities; it is appreciated.
We have offered a number of Achievement Badges this year; including Riding and Road Rider
Safety, Flags of the Equestrian Nations, Map Reading, Rugs and Bandages, Farming and Poisonous
Plants. With thanks to Julie Tilley and Sharon Boyd for their expert tuition, a big thank you also to
Jo Stuart Matthews for helping out with the Flags and Map Reading badges and to Alison Fletcher,
Sharon and Lisa Hewitt for the use of their facilities.
A very big well done to all members for their achievements, for supporting the Branch and trying
your hardest. You are always so smartly turned out and enthusiastic in everything you do; thank
youto all the parents who are there to support you all.
Looking forward to seeing you all next year at different events and competitions.
Julie Doherty
Well what a miserable start to 2013. I had a cold and the weather was great for sledging but not
for rallies. Everything seemed to be cancelled due to snow. Eventually however in March and April
we were able to run some working rallies.
I was asked recently “What is a working rally?” Well in the year book it says- A Working Rally is
one at which instruction is given and which is open to all members in the age range intended. Also
the Yearbook says, page 78, that the “working rally is the backbone of the Pony Club”. It really is
worth getting a Yearbook – maybe not every year but perhaps now and again. The Yearbook is not
for members; it is more for parents to act as their bible -The Manual of Horsemanship being the
equivalent for members. In my first year as Secretary (a long time ago) even though I had been a
Member in the past – the dim and distant past that is – I knew very little about how a branch
operated and I referred to the Yearbook daily .
We did E test at Elmesthorpe on 18 May – Thank you Suki - . In June we began D Test training at
NVEC with all passing a few weeks later. Thanks here to Martin and Sally Bates.
Summers Sizzlers – a little show rather like Winter Woollies but warmer! - ran at Shenton Lane
Field in July. We had a great time with lots of fun and rosettes.
The pre Camp rally was on 12th July. After over an hour riding we had helpful hints from our Chief
Instructor Louise Gilbert about camp.
The Fun in the Sun rally had to be postponed due to rain (!) but we had a marvellous time on the
re-arranged date in August. Thanks to Helen Sclater for hosting and organising the whole thing.
October saw four members pass their D test at Apple Orchard Farm. There was also a working
rally over half term at the Indoor School at Far Coton. Again we owe a big vote of thanks to Chris
and Nikki for letting us use their marvelous venue.
Now I am looking forward to the Intro to Games Badge Rally and D+ Test in November and the
First Steps to Games Rally and Christmas Rally in December.
Merry Christmas to you all
Sue James
A fabulous evening was had by all at the AHBPC Presentation Ball at Bosworth Hall Hotel; there
was lots of support from members and family and was a great way to achieve all the successes of
the AHBPC through 2013.
Below is a list of winners who won trophies and don’t forget that every member who represented
the branch in 2013 at a team competition received a medal for each of the disciplines.
Trophy Winners 2013:
Awarded for services to the Branch
Bethaney Heath and Maddie Doherty
Senior Mounted Games Team at HOYS
James Allen, Harriet Watson, Emily Berry, Will Thirlby, Lottie Watson, Jody Goddard
Special Mention to:
Senior Horse and Pony Care: Anna Meadows, Beatle Payne and Lucy Clayton
Dressage to Music Pairs Winners: Ellie and Phoebe Mitchell
Junior Girls: Ellie Mitchell
Junior Boys: Jack Hewitt
Intermediate Girls: Harriet Watson
Intermediate Boys: Will Boyd
Senior Girls: Beatle Payne
Senior Boys: Will Crawley
Senior Member showing Most Improvement during 2013
Jess Hemus
Special Mention to:
Rachel Burton and Harriet Gilman
Intermediate Member showing Most Improvement in 2013
Laura Jane Brown
Special Mention to:
Joey Thirlby and Shannon Bibby
Junior Member showing Most Improvement during 2013
Millie Goddard
Special Mention to:
Sophie Reynolds and Ellie Mae Tilley
Beeston Cup for the Highest placed member at Area Eventing
Imogen Murray
Marples Shield for Highest placed Member at Area Dressage
Amy Croxton
Trophy for the Highest placed Member at Area Tetrathlon
Megan Ribton
Senior Mounted Games Rider of the Year
Emily Berry
Junior Mounted Games Rider of the Year
Ziggy Harris
Palmer Trophy for Endeavour in Mounted Games
Issy Harris
A decision was made to run Senior and Junior Camp at the same time this year; this also enabled
us to have a cross over ride between both camps for riders under the requisite age of 12; there
were 26 Seniors and 14 Juniors in 6 rides.
All members had the opportunity to try lots of disciplines and as the grass had been cut we were
able to utilise all of Bramcote this year, which enabled members to jump some of the Open XC
jumps, which was a fantastic opportunity.
The weather was mixed; however, this did not dampen anyone’s spirits apart from very soggy
clothing when trying to remove the water from the roofs of the stables in the pouring rain!
I think that all members took something away from camp this year, the groups worked very well
together and supported each other through all and devoured copious amounts of food
throughout the duration!
Camp Awards 2013:
Tack and Turnout –
Junior Individual – Ellie Knighton
Senior Individual – Emily Matthews
Ride - Tigré; Florence Gilman, Emma Milner, Lily Taylor, Laura Jane Brown,
Eleanor Evans, Emily Matthews, Maddie Doherty and Joey Thirlby
Individual Award for Junior – Gracie Bostock
Individual Award for Senior – Emily Matthews
The camp ethos at AHBPC is that you all pitch in together and we had some wonderful support
from family members of all ages; whether it was during set up, making sandwiches, pots of tea for
instructors, cooking breakfast and dinner for all members and providing fantastic evening
entertainment. We saw a record breaking time in the dismantling of camp, again due to the great
level of support from everyone, thank you.
We will be running a similar format in 2014 and dates will be confirmed as soon as possible. As
always we will be looking for volunteers to help in the planning and then during camp itself;
please contact me on 07824 541085 if you are able to volunteer some of your time when the date
are confirmed.
A very big thank you to Alison Fletcher; this was the last year that she was Chairing the group that
made the necessary arrangements for AHBPC Camp, she has been very supportive and we could
not have got through Camp this year without her. Thank you also to Kate De Freya, Denise
Ibbetson and Helen Brown for carrying out the relevant administrative duties for camp this year.
Julie Doherty
At this year’s camp we had 39 children riding in six groups. The children were very fortunate to
have been taught by some dedicated and experienced instructors and you could see that they
really benefited from the wealth of knowledge that the instructors were able to give.
It’s always such a lovely venue at Lodge Farm by kind permission of Mrs Cantwell. The weather for
the three days was good and the atmosphere was so friendly and fun. Mini Camp was run over
three days with lots of space to ride in and so many fields we were able to spread out and with
two full set of show jumps, dressage arenas, games lines, grid jumping, and the wonderful
paddock that the younger ones have great fun riding up and down the hills. Thursday afternoon
was the day the parents and family came to watch their children; Mrs Cantwell put on a lovely
barbeque with cups of tea and cakes. All the children went home with lots of rosettes and having
had a lovely time. Many thanks to everyone that gave up their time, this is what makes it so much
fun for so many children.
Amelia Payne
The intermediate Show Jumping team has had a brilliant year.
We had two teams at the area; Lucy Tallis, Annie
Clarke, Amy Croxton and Emma Fletcher. The
other team were Will Crawley, Sophie Croxton,
Steph Fairchild and Freya McKinley.
Both teams jumped really well and Will, Sophie,
Steph and Freya won and qualified for the
Championships where they did fantastic rounds
and finished 3rd - brilliant result.
This year we also sent a team to Burghley, they were Laura Brown, Beatle Payne, Will Crawley and
James Ingham. They finished a very credible 14th over a stiff course.
Well done everyone and look forward to another successful year!
Izzy Ingham
The Junior and Novice Show Jumping has been really well supported this year with 51 members
representing the Branch in competitions ranging from 30cms up to Novice Championship level.
The season started in December last year with Hannah Walker, Sophie Manion, Rebecca Wakelin
and Evelyn Hopkins venturing down to Bury Farm in Hertfordshire where they were 4 th in the
75cm class.
This was followed by a very successful day at the West Warwickshire competition at Solihull,
where there were 2 rings on the go. In the outdoor ring we had team wins in the 2’, 2’3” and 2’6”
classes with lots of other team and individual placings and Individual wins for Sophie Manion and
Evelyn Hopkins. In the indoor ring we had a team win in the 2’6” and individual 2nd for Ellie El
Khamlichi, 5th for Will Boyd and 6th for Hannah Walker, this was followed by a team 3 rd in the 2’9”
class and then 1st for Will Crawley and 2nd for Ellie El Khamlichi in the Dengie class.
Next was the Pytchley Show Jumping at Onley where Will Boyd and Evelyn Hopkins had placings in
the 80cms and Harriet Watson and Lucy Ibbetson jumped good clears in the Dengie.
We held our own branch Easter SJ on Good Friday with team 2 nd in the 45cm and 60cm, teams 1st
and 2nd in the 70cm with an individual 1st for Lottie Watson, followed by team wins in both the 1m
and 1.05m classes. This was a very successful day for the branch and it was lovely to see the full
range of our members competing from little ones being assisted in the 45cms to Associates in the
1.05 class.
The Warwickshire competition followed shortly after again with members jumping from 30cms to
1m. We had a team win in the 70cm for Nia Kerslake, Rhian Kerslake, Shannon Bibby and Phoebe
Mitchell. Individual wins for Freddie Boyd, Nia Kerslake and Ellin Szwec and placings for Harry
Hewitt, Harriet Boyd, Jack Hewitt, Phoebe Mitchell and Will Boyd.
The North Warwickshire was at Onley in June and we got off to a good start with a team win in
the 70cm for Eleanor Langley, Jodie Goddard, Jack Hewitt and Nia Kerslake, followed by team and
individual places in the 80, 90 and 1m classes.
The Area Show Jumping was a very long day with an
enormous Novice class starting at 9.30am and
finishing with the prize giving at 8.30pm; however,
we had 2 teams who were a credit to the branch and
all rode really well, Tamsyn Robertson, Will Boyd,
Jess Marshall, Ellie El Khamlichi, Laura Brown, Emily
Matthews, Sophie Manion and Lucy Clayton. Sophie,
Laura and Tamsyn all jumped immaculate triple clear
rounds with Tamsyn and Laura pulling off a daring
jump off turn that gained them 2nd and 3rd individual
place and both qualified for the Novice
Championships . A massive well done.
The Pre-Novices had a fantastic day too
with the team of Maddie Doherty, Lucy
Tunnicliff, Eleanor Evans and Beth Heath
not only winning the turnout prize but
also taking the competition as well, with
Lucy winning the individual too. Well
done to Ellie Mitchell, Phoebe Mitchell,
Evelyn Hopkins, Nia Kerslake, Chloe
Mitchell, Alice Boddy and Isobel Kerrigan
for their team and individual placings.
More recently was the Fernie at Hothorpe where we had a team 3 rd in the 70 class for Eleanor
Langley, Jess Corser, Ellin Szwec and Jack Hewitt, followed by 1st in the 80 for Will Boyd, Jess
Marshall, Eleanor Evans and Ellie El Khamlichi with individual 2nd and 3rd for Will and Eleanor. In
the Dengie class Ellie was 2nd and, as a result, has qualified for the second round and Laura Brown
and Megan Coventry jumped good clears.
So we have had a very busy year with a lot of members making massive progress over the last 12
months. Junior and Novice Show Jumping caters for everyone jumping from approx. 40cms up to
95cms so if that includes you, please get in touch with me if you would like to be involved.
Finally “Congratulations” and “Thank You” to all of you who have represented AHBPC.
Sharon Boyd
I couldn’t sleep the night before the Pony Club Championships at Kelsall Hall. We had a very early
start, setting off at 5.00am, leaving time to pick up Tamsyn and her horse Ollie on the way. It
helped with my nerves knowing I was competing with a friend, and made the experience all the
more enjoyable.
As we arrived, we were greeted by a very enthusiastic parking marshal and more importantly a
burger van. I couldn’t believe how many competitors there were in the class and was very
nervous as we walked the course. It was a very wet day, and the ground was surprisingly uneven,
but luckily Sharon Boyd helped me and Tamsyn warm in for both our rounds and gave us a few
last minute tips!
Unfortunately, we both gained a few faults and didn’t manage to come home with any prizes for
Atherstone, but nevertheless it was a fantastic day, and one to remember. I’d hope that I would
be able to go back again next year!
Laura Brown
The Dressage year for Atherstone members starts with our Dengie Competitions at Blaby Mill. The
weather was not kind and we lost two of these due to flooding and frozen conditions. Despite
this 10 members qualified to go forward to the next stage held at Marchington in March.
All our riders did the Branch proud at the Area and the standard of tests on the day was very high.
Special mentions should go to Leah Burton who was joint 5th and our best result of the day came
from Jessica Corser who was 4th by a very small margin and narrowly missed out on Qualification
for the Finals.
The next major event on our calendar is the Area in July this year held at Onley which provided a
lovely venue for everyone. Again Atherstone sent a good number of Teams, 2 Novice, 2
Intermediates and 1 Open Team. First up were the Novices, who some would say is the hardest
section of all! Notable results was a 5th place for Ellin Szwec.
Next up were the Intermediates who had a great day
once again regaining the top spot. The Team of
Beatle Payne, Lucy Clayton, Heather Wyles and
Tamsyn Robertson were fantastic on the day and as
well as a Team first, Beatle and Lucy won their
sections and Heather was third in hers.
Our second team of Intermediates; Laura Brown,
Maddie Doherty, Rachel Burton and Chloe Mitchell,
were also placed very well achieving 4th place, with
Rachael placed second in her section and subsequently qualifying for the Championships, Maddie
was fifth and Chloe Mitchell sixth in their sections.
Next up were the Open Team of Emma Fletcher, Amy Croxton and Anna Meadows. A hard fought
section saw the Team come 5th with Anna coming fifth in her section and Amy achieving the
highest result of the day coming second.
Coming up quickly behind Area is the Championships, held again at Cholmondeley Castle in
Cheshire. The Intermediate Team all rode very well. And just missed out on a placing by coming
11th Beatle was placed 3rd in her arena
The Championships also holds a Dressage to
Music Competition, three members took part
this year. Evelyn Hopkins was second in the
Novice Individual and Ellie Mitchell and
Phoebe Mitchell came first in the Pairs
The Dressage Team would like to thank
everyone who worked to make this year such
a success, and don’t forget the 2014 season is
already underway with our Dengie Qualifiers
at Blaby Mill.
Anyone of any level that would like to get involved please get in touch with me!
Julie Tilley
“A horse A horse My kingdom for A Horse”
The discovery of Richard III’s body in a city car park in Leicester bought history into the present
Richard III was killed at the Battle of Bosworth on the 22 nd August 1485.
So after some discussion, in April this year, we came to the conclusion that our musical ride was
going to have a Richard III theme. We felt that we could use the Battle of Bosworth (a local
historic event) to retell the story of how Henry Tudor won the battle to take the crown from
Richard III. Bosworth is at the heart of the Atherstone Hunt Branch area and as such we felt
connected to this part of history.
Every week we met up and trained on the
run up to the Championship, trying our
hardest to put the same amount of effort
into the ride as Henry Tudor did to claim the
crown of victory. This year we had a great
team consisting of: Laura Brown, Nia
Kerslake, Ellin Szwec, Jack Hewitt, Phoebe
Mitchell, Rhian Kerslake, Jessica Corser, Ellie
Mitchell, Harry Hewitt, Ellie-Mae Tilley,
Evelyn Hopkins and myself, Tamsyn
Robertson. Everyone put in high levels of
effort into making the team successful,
including our choreographers Sharon Boyd
and Julie Tilley as well as our costume
designers Rhian, Nia and Beth Kerslake.
We ended up performing really well, finishing on a score of 81.82% putting us into a respectable
7th place. On an even higher note, we were honoured to win the best costume award, which
meant we made it to the mounted prize giving this was well deserved due to all the hard work
that was put in to them. We even managed to get broadcasted on Horse&Country TV. I must
thank our parents for the hard work they themselves have put into the ride this year, we would
not have been half as successful without them. What a great year.
Tamsyn Robertson
This year the competition was hosted by the Heart of England Pony Club. We had fresh faces
again this year with 4 out of 9 members taking part for the first time at this competition; however,
they all did extremely well with nothing to split the knowledge between the A and the B teams as
they finished on exactly the same score and were only divided by one point on the turn out
marks; giving the B team of Beth Heath, Jessica Corser and Ellie Mitchell 4 th place and Ellin Szwec,
Maddie Doherty and Nia Kerslake finishing 5th. Our 3rd team were Georgia Ison, Rhian Kerslake
and Ellie-Mae Tilley.
They all had a lovely day and were able to answer questions on a number of different subjects, for
example grooming, feeding, first aid and handling to name a few. They all looked very smart and
were a credit to AHBPC in the way they turned out and their impeccable behaviour on the day
which encapsulates the Pony Club ethos of team spirit.
Anyone who is interested in Horse and Pony Care training for 2014 please get in touch with Julie
Tilley on 07951255729
Julie Tilley
The Easter Holiday saw our Senior Horse and Pony
Care Team of myself, Beatle Payne and Lucy Clayton
brave the freezing cold day to travel to the Heart of
England Pony Club to take part in the Area.
The competition gets tougher every year with more
and more teams entering, but we were pleased with
how we did. But for the second year running we were
piped at the post by the United Pack by just a quarter
of a point!
Just like last year we received a wildcard to the
Championships and got to go to the lovely Cholmondeley
Castle in Cheshire. 19 Teams took part in the Senior
Competition and sections included Fitness, Lunging and
First Aid. We were hoping to achieve a top ten place as we
are quite a young Team in terms of this Competition. We
were absolutely thrilled to come 2nd! It meant a chance to
step on the Podium.
Thanks to Amelia Payne, Julie Tilley and Sharon Boyd for all the training and support this year and
we hope to be back in 2014!
Anna Meadows
The Pony Club Quiz Finals were held at Morton Morrell in the Easter holidays at the same time as
the Dengie winter show jumping and dressage finals.
The four members of the Atherstone team were
Beatle Payne, Anna Meadows, Ellin Szwec and Nia
Kerslake. It was a full day having both a morning and
an afternoon session with around 10 rounds
including both written and practical. Some of the
rounds included The Pony Club, wildlife, Olympics,
bits and bandages and many more. For some of the
rounds, the two oldest and two youngest split up and
had to answer the questions as a pair. Alongside the
main competition, there was a mascot competition
and Anna made a great cake.
We did very well all day and ended up coming 4th out of the whole country!
Beatle Payne
In October this year four of our younger members
(Harry Hewitt, Hattie Evans, Freddie and Harriet
Boyd) travelled to the Events Plateau in Campwell
Park, Milton Keynes on a wet and windy Sunday
morning and took part in their first endurance ride
which was held by the Whaddon Chase branch who
made us all feel very welcome.
They completed a Merlin level 2 ride which is a
distance of 10km in a very respectable time of just
over 2 hours, accompanied on foot by myself,
Sharon and Tina (who suffered with blisters!) they
had lots of fun reading the map and following the
arrows and the ponies seemed to enjoy it too.
Endurance is a discipline which should be within the capabilities of all members of The Pony Club
and I will add some training dates for the early part of next year for any members who are
interested in finding out more about this discipline.
Lisa Hewitt
What a FANTASTIC year 2013 has been! The largest junior group with over 25 children involved
and a senior year to remember, culminating in a trip to HOYS in October.
It all starts in January, on a cold Sunday evening at Witham Villa, where the team training begins
and team selection commences. After several weeks we take over Solihull indoor riding centre for
a day and put on one of the earliest competitions of the year which is always well attended and
an opener for the season. This certainly set the marker as the Atherstone Senior A team won the
competition – the first time since its introduction. Was this a sign of things to come?
Just after Solihull the England Mounted games selection takes place at Onley and it was the turn
of Harriet Watson to maintain the proud record of the Atherstone providing an England team
member every year for the past 5 years. The England team won at Windsor and Harriet and
Monty had a wonderful time.
Once the clocks change the practice moves outside to the field at Bosworth and you begin to
realise how many riders and parents are involved with mounted games with over 50 people in
attendance when all the juniors and seniors come together. Training is once a week and
competitions, on average, are attended once a fortnight so developing individual skills and team
building begins in earnest.
For most competitions we put out two senior and two junior teams and also attend some external
shows mainly with the A teams. As the season progressed we realised we had one of the best
senior teams in the country. Out of 11 competitions the full A team attended they won 9. After
winning Area on the last race beating the Warwickshire into second place, the key Zone
competition at Onley in July pitched three of the best teams against each other. On the day
Oakley Hunt West won pushing us into 2nd place and leaving us with one last chance to get to
HOYS at the Championships. Once again, an awesome display of speed and accuracy put the
Atherstone in the lead from start to finish even when we lost a pony to injury in the sixth race.
Great celebration followed at Cholmondeley Castle as we took the last place at HOYS in October.
Throughout the year we put two Junior and senior teams out week in week out. We took three
junior teams to area and two qualified for zone and then on to the Championships. Our Senior B
team also went all the way to the Championships which reinforces the depth and strength of the
AHPPC organisation.
October soon came around after a few weeks off post Championships. The lorries were parked for
the week in South 7 Car Park at the NEC. Camp established and HOYS was soon under way. Once
again, Atherstone had drawn the lucky straw and would be on Sky every evening as long as they
qualified for the final. The three teams that had fought it out at Onley in July were all at HOYS,
Oakley, Warwickshire and ourselves along with Strathearn, Cheshire Hunt North and Poole &
We did well and started to look really good by Friday night lying second at the half way stage of
the Prince Philip Cup – it all rested on the Saturday sessions. Whether it was the pressure or just a
spot of bad luck, we had a couple of poor sessions that put us in a 50:50 situation as to whether
we would qualify for the Sunday evening. We would have to watch and wait for the last session
on Sunday afternoon to see if we would get that one more chance to ride. That was more nerve
racking watching the others and the score than watching our own team!
We qualified, and eventually came 3rd overall, 12 points from the winners which could have been
the Saturday sessions that just may have made the difference but all sport can be “if and but”. At
the end of the day it was a really successful trip to HOYS, a very successful year which was
recognised at the presentation evening with the Team of the Year award amongst many others –
well done team!
Our thanks go to all the trainers, helpers
and dedicated parents for continuing the
momentum of the third most successful
Prince Philip Cup team in the country.
We lose three riders this year to the age
limit so we’ll be working hard to build
yet another team next year to challenge
for another place with the best teams at
Congratulations to everyone who was part of the AHPPC 2013 campaign especially to the HOYS
Senior A team: James Allen (Pierre), Harriet Watson (Monty), Emily Berry (Karenzer), Lottie
Watson (TJ), Will Thirlby (Tinky) and Jody Goddard (sixth man) on their terrific year.
Anyone interested in joining in the fun or learning more about the AHPPC can find details at our
dedicated website or from the Team managers.
Having ‘lost’ nine members through holidays and other commitments and three members pulling
out only days before the Area through lameness it was always going to be difficult to qualify for
the Championships. I was, therefore, delighted that the Open Team of Freya McKinley, Lucy
Collins and Imogen Murray came 4th, with Imogen jumping a brilliant double clear to qualify for
the Championships when she finished 3rd in her section.
The Intermediate Swifts Team of William Crawley, Beatle Payne, Phillipa Thirlby and Any Croxton
came 3rd just missing out on a Team qualification but Beatle 2 nd and William 3rd in their sections
both qualified as individuals. Phillipa and Amy rode superb clear round XC rounds so it was bad
luck the team missed out by just a few marks. The Swallows Team of Laura Bostock, Alice Gilman
and Steph Fairchild were unplaced; however, Steph jumped a splendid double clear and Laura
jumped clear XC and one pole down in SJ. The Owls Team of Jennie Sharpe, Emma Milner and
Megan Ellingworth were also unplaced but they all finished with Megan and Emma riding brilliant
XC rounds.
The Novice Foxes Team had to run as a three after Lucy Ibbetson had to withdraw; unfortunately
they had the bad luck to ‘lose’ Rachel Burton after the SJ phase when her horse struck into
himself but Tamsyn Robertson and Lauren Marshall both jumped superb double clears. Lauren
had a marvellous first Area by winning her section and qualifying for the Novice Championships.
Tamsyn just missed out on a rosette by going a little too fast on the XC. The Hares Team were
also unplaced but there were impressive XC clears from Harriet Gilman, Megan Ribton and
Florence Gilman. Leah Burton had a good round until the skinny after the water. Joe Sharp and
Emily Matthews ran as individuals as we had lost the other team members, Emily was
overwhelmed with delight to finish 2nd in the same section as Lauren.
With a bit more luck the results would have been different but that’s eventing; you have to take
the ups and downs and move on to next year!
Adrienne Beeston
Apart from Saturday afternoon the Championships were blessed with sunny weather which made
it a very enjoyable four days.
After last year’s fairly easy Cross Country (XC) courses the organizers had certainly upped the
difficulty and when the results started coming up on the scoreboards it showed that the riders
were having a lot of trouble. Beatle Payne ran in Intermediate Section E – all individuals who had
either won or been second at their Areas so I was surprised that only fifteen jumped clear XC out
of the forty starters, the two fences that caused most of the problems were fence 4 a big brush
followed by a skinny bush corner and fence 13 a narrow hanging log. Although Beatle knocked
down two Show Jumping poles, her good dressage score and clear inside the time XC gave her a
very credible 5th rosette.
Running in Section C where only fourteen out of thirty six riders jumped clear XC, William Crawley
rode a brilliantly, achieving a fast clear XC round, he also had a very good dressage mark and with
one pole down Show Jumping he finished in 6th place. Beatle and William were the only individual
riders from Areas 7’s six individual qualifiers to be placed at the Championships – well done to you
Imogen Murray had qualified for the Open Championships but was unable to attend due to her
selection for the Young Riders Final Trial the same weekend.
The Open XC course caused problems with twelve out of the twenty four teams entered being
eliminated, only forty six riders out of one hundred and twenty five starters jumped clear XC. For
the second year running the VWH won the team event with three riders winning their sections.
Both Janet and Rob Horton-Smith and myself fence judged at the Open, my fence caused no
trouble but the Horton-Smith’s were kept very busy with lots of stops and falls at the water
The Championships are very enjoyable and I would thoroughly recommend parents to volunteer
in the future.
Adrienne Beeston
The Championships were again held at Kelsall Hill in Cheshire, unfortunately I was unable to
attend due to a cataract operation on the Tuesday. Lauren Marshall did exceptionally well to
qualify and I hope that she enjoyed the experience on the day even though she was unplaced.
Better luck next time.
Adrienne Beeston