Christmas Newsletter 2014


Christmas Newsletter 2014
District Commissioner:
Andrew James
5 Heath Road
Market Bosworth
CV13 0NT
Tel. 01455 291273
or 07737 877697
[email protected]
Branch and Membership Secretary:
Stephanie Palmer
01455 828543
Section Contacts:
High Cross
Sutton Cheney
Julie Doherty
Sue James
Linda Vaughan
07824 541085
07791 736828
Chief Instructor:
Louise Gilbert BHSI (SM)
07973 802731
Branch Website:
AHBPC Facebook Page:
Well another year has come and gone and the Branch continues to thrive with new members
continuing to join right up to my writing this letter.
Success started early in the year when our Quiz team of Beatle, Lucy, Maddie and Ellie competed
at the National Pony Club Quiz where they came an excellent 6th continuing a run of top ten
placings for the Branch in recent years.
In May we returned to Bramcote once again for our Horse Trials. The event again proved a great
success and ran incredibly smoothly. A huge vote of thanks to everyone who made this possible
but a special word for Jay Heath who pulled the whole set up together. Once again we had a
number of comments about how friendly and helpful all the judges, stewards and other helpers
were. Well done to everyone concerned !
Senior, Junior and Advanced Camps at Bramcote were again compressed into one week which
looks like being the format for the foreseeable future.
On the riding front we had another good year with numerous Teams and a number of individuals
qualifying for either the Championships or the Novice Championships with all of them acquitting
themselves with considerable credit.
After the Championships there was just time – well we had nothing else to do did we – to
organise and run a Junior Horse Trials at Ashby Magna courtesy of Frances Attfield. While I am on
that score a big thank you to all the landowners and proprietors who allowed us to use their
facilities during the year. The Junior Event was a great success running every bit as smoothly as
the Senior one with lots of Atherstone members taking part – many of them competing in their
very first one day event.
All this success does not however simply happen. It is down to a tremendous lot of hard work by
members but also coaches, parents and Team Managers/organisers. On your behalf I must thank
each of them for their hard work, dedication and commitment to the roles they have performed
which is reflected in the tremendous success we have enjoyed this year.
On a personal note I would again like to thank the Branch Committee for their support throughout
the year. Look out on the website for possible changes in the Committee. One we do know about
is that Louise Knighton is stepping down as Section Leader (Warton). Thank you to Louise for her
work on your behalf over her time in the role. We are currently looking at splitting the section
back into the traditional two sections of Astley (broadly south of the A5) and Warton to the north.
Linda Vaughan is going to look after the Astley part and I hope to be able to let you know shortly
who will be covering Warton.
You will have seen from the Programme – as I am sure you read that before the ramblings of the
DC – that the Parents meeting and Open evening are on 16th January at Fenn Lane Farm near
Upton/Stoke Golding. I hope to see as many of you there as can possibly make it.
Andrew James
District Commissioner
Another busy year for the Branch. It started on 2nd January with 3 of our older members, Imogen
Murray, Lucy Tallis and Beatle Payne, passing their Lunging Test. I then managed to rupture my
cruciate ligament skiing but despite being on crutches didn’t seem to affect my ability to get
around and teach, just not ride. I have examined many members throughout the yearand have
been pleased at the high standard of turnout, particularly on a wet cold November evening when
several of our younger members took their E, D and progressive tests at Hardwicke Lodge. We
had three members pass their C+ test in August, congratulations to Will Thirlby, Lily Taylor and
Georgia Ison. Anna Meadows passed her B CareTest. Beatle Payne passed her B+ test and her
We have tried to run a few more working day rallies for all levels and these have proved popular
and successful. Particular thanks to Atherstone Riding Club for the use of their club field at
Camp at Bramcote was once again run over one week and was a success thank you to all involved
with the set up and running of it. Junior Camp cup was won by Millie Bevin and Senior Camp cup
was won by Joey Thirlby. Next year camp will run from 27th July to 31st July and I look forward to
seeing many of you there.
I have enjoyed watching many of our teams out competing in the all disciplines. The most
stressful was at Senior Games at the Zones at Moreton Morrell. I ask all parents to remember
that this should be fun and the results are the bonus but in my experience the teams that are
having fun riding together will also be riding at their best and be successful. Proved by the Open
Show Jumping team at Gatcombe, further congratulations to Will Crawley, Freya McKinley, Steph
Fairchild and Charlotte Cooper.
I spent an enjoyable time at the Championships and the Novice Championships where our
members had some arraying achievements. Congratulations to you all.
September saw our Intermediate Show Jumpers competing at Burghley and I stayed on for the
shows eventing to support Imogen Murray who had qualified for the five star event on a horse
she show jumped in the Pony Club team at Burghley four years ago. Something for you all to
aspire to!!
The autumn has been busy with training rallies and it is nice to see members on their new horses.
I end this wishing you all very Happy Christmas and a healthy and Happy New Year.
Louise Gilbert
Chief Instructor
Winter mornings on a cold and frosty Saturday morning or an overhead thunderstorm with
torrential rain through to warm sunny afternoons during Spring, Summer and Autumn we have
members that attend rallies come what may. To see their smiles and determination makes up for
We have held training sessions at Frolesworth and were also able to hold some sessions at
Hardwicke Lodge, which opened AHBPC up to some existing and new members, enabling lots of
members to pass various efficiency and progressive tests throughout 2014.
Members were impressed by the new cloth sew on badges that show the felt you have achieved.
They can be purchased when members have passed the relevant Efficiency Test, apologies to
parents for the extra sewing; however, they do look very smart on the AHBPC sweatshirts.
It is really enjoyable to see so many members who have attended rallies within the section who
have represented the Branch in a variety of disciplines at the Pony Club Competitions and various
Pony Club Championships this year, what a great year it has been for the Branch, well done to you
Thank you to Sue Tallis, Jean and Jane Smith, Sharon Boyd, Julie Tilley, Louise Gilbert, Suki Stripp,
Tim Thirlby and Sue James for their support throughout the year and to the parents for bringing
members along to rallies regardless of what the weather is.
Wishing all members and their families a very Merry Christmas. I am looking forward to seeing
you next year at various events.
Julie Doherty
Well! The Pony Club year started early in January 2014 with a First Aid Course, Mounted games
meeting and a rally – all in the first two weeks . The rally was a First steps to games rally and we
were so lucky that we did it that week rather than a week later as we had thunder, lightning and
sleet . As it was lots attended and enjoyed excellent coaching from our brilliant team of trainers
with mums, dads and others supplied with a constant stream of teas and coffees by Marcus and
So on to February with the weather still playing its part as we had to cancel a rally planned at
Dadlington but courtesy of Tim Thirlby the Winter Woollies ran at Grendon and was thoroughly
enjoyed by everyone who came. March saw us visit the Hunt Kennels as part of the work some
members were doing towards obtaining their Pony Club Hunting Certificate. Many thanks to Ollie
and Rachel and to Helen Milner who all made us feel very welcome.
Grand National day was greeted with a Show Jumping rally at Dadlingtoncourtesy of Helen Sclater
and her family and we were back at Apple Orchard farm for the Easter Chocolate Rally and again
two weeks later for the start of our D+ and C Test and Road Rider Training. The six week course
was a huge success and thank you to Helen and Alice for the Training which resulted in a whole
host of passes. A special word of thanks to Hannah Sclater for the hard work she put in to devising
and setting out a course for the Road rider test.
The Allsorts rally on 17th May was apparently excellent although I had ducked out and gone to
Windsor leaving Suki and her mum to run things which they did wonderfully well. We returned to
Elmesthorpe in July for a rally and Mini badge session where the members did plenty of riding and
lots of tack cleaning.
Soon after that we moved on to all the camps, then the Championships and then the Novice
Championships where members from the section enjoyed an fair measure of success.
The year came full circle with us back at Far Coton for a number of First Steps to Games rallies
looking for the Branch’s games stars of the future
A very Happy Christmas and New Year to you all
Sue James
Well it's been a lovely year for the Warton section, we started the year with a couple of new
venues one being Eland Lodge which was very well attend for arena eventing on a lovely crisp
February morning, the other being Yew Tree Farm,Chilcote for a Xmas rally with mince pies. Our
aim to cater for all abilities proved very popular and also lovely to watch the progression and the
achievements the members have made, many completing E/D/D+ and C test training and also
road rider through Warton section. Most popular has to have been achievement badges at Brook
Cottage with Catherine Fox, which helped members achieve badges from birds to equine first aid
to plaiting and many more...
October half term was a busy one with 5 jumping groups and 3 dressage groups Weston Lawns
was taken over by AHBPC not just once but twice, also supporting Macmillan Cancer thanks to
William Boyd for the coffee and cake stall which he managed to raise £45 for the charity.
I would like to thank Amelia Morris Payne, Catherine Fox, Sharon Boyd, Beatle Payne, Louise
Gilbert, for their expert tuition, also the following for use of the venues, Yew Tree Farm,Fields
Farm, Grendon, Brook Cottage, Eland Lodge and Weston Lawns.
Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.
Louise Knighton
We had a fantastic time at the AHBPC Camp at Bramcote this year, the weather was kind to us
and all members (50 members in total across the 3 camps) had fun doing lots of different
activities throughout the week; the theme this year was fitness, this saw Senior Camp attendees
do a boot camp style fitness regime which saw our Chief Instructor beating all members in one of
the fitness tests!!
We saw some fantastic levels of tuition in all groups and all members learnt at least one new skill
to take away with them, whether that was through the taught riding sessions, stable management
sessions and even the horse and pony care style fun activity that all took part in.
On the final day there was a grand finale that ended with presentations, tea and cake in the
marquee; members showing family what they had learnt during camp.
Date for you dairy!! BramcoteCamp will be held between Sunday 26th and Friday 31st July 2015,
we will be running a slightly different format to accommodate members of all levels within
camp this year. Full details will be available in the New Year.
As always we will be looking for volunteers to help in the planning and then during camp itself;
please contact me by e-mail [email protected] if you are able to volunteer some of your
We have to thank Louise Gilbert, for all her hard work, planning and preparation ahead of, during
and after camp; making sure that we had enough instructors, the lesson plans balanced and that
we utilised all of Bramcote Barracks resident XC jumps, imported SJ’s and dressage arenas. A very
big thank you to Denise Ibbetson, Debra Mitchell, Nadine Whitby for the fantastic food and the
constant supply of delicious cakes, Andrew James, Jay Heath for the preparation for camp and
support throughout.A thank you to Louise Knighton for undertaking the administrative duties for
camp this year.
Julie Doherty
Bramcote Camp Organiser
At this year’s camp we had 49 children riding in 8 groups with the age range from 4 to 12 years.
The children were very fortunate to have been taught by some very dedicated and experienced
instructors and you could see that they really benefited from the wealth of knowledge that the
instructors were able to give. Many thanks to Julie Tilley, Sam Crutchlow, Sharon Boyd,
LiliBrooksby, Amelia Payne Graham Savory and Pony Club Junior Instructors Imogen Murray and
Beatle Payne.
It’s always such a lovely venue at Lodge Farm by kind permission of Mrs Cantwell. The weather for
the three days was good and the atmosphere was so friendly and fun with the parents being able
to stay and enjoy watching their children riding. Mini Camp was run over three days with lots of
space to go at and so many fields we were able to spread out and with twofull set of show jumps,
dressage arenas, games lines, grid jumping, and the wonderful paddock that the younger ones
have great fun riding up and down the hills as well as miles of National Forest to ride on. Thursday
afternoon was the day the parents and family came to watch their children; Mrs Cantwell put on a
lovely barbeque with cups of tea and cakes. All the children went home with lots of rosettes and
having had a lovely time. Many thanks to everyone that gave up theirtime, this is what makes it so
much fun for so many children.
Amelia Morris-Payne
Mini Camp Organiser
This year Freya Mckinley and Steph Fairchild moved up from their successes last year at
Intermediate to represent the branch at Open. They were joined by Charlotte Cooper at area.
Missing out by one place, the teams came third but have qualified for Hickstead next year.
Individually a technical display of riding qualified Steph as an individual, coming second overall.
We had two teams representing us at Area. Laura Brown, Ellie ElKhamlichi, Annie Clarke and Lucy
Tallis qualified for the Championships with some excellent riding putting them in second place.
Joey Thirlby, Amy Croxton, Beatle Payne and Lucy Ibbetson were unlucky, finishing 1 pole out of
the places. They were all beautifully turned out (which I’m sure had nothing to do with parents )
but more importantly showed real team spirit. Individually we were also very successful. One of
the few triple clears qualified Beatle Payne for the championships and a double clear and a single
pole also qualified Ellie El Khamlichi .
At the Championships a technical elimination meant that the team was unplaced. However I was
extremely proud of the teamwork and sportsmanship showed by the girls. There were double
clears for Annie Clarke and Laura Brown. The girls were beautifully turned out and came 5th in
Tack and Turn out of 26 teams.
This year the invited to jump at Gatcombe and Burghley. The open team of Freya Mckinley,
Charlotte Cooper, Steph Fairchild and Will Crawley represented the Branch at Gatcombe. It is a
technical and challenging course and at the end of the first round we were one of 6 teams
through on clear. Going in second to last was nerve wracking but the team held their nerve,
finishing on 4. Steph prepared for a possible jump off if the last team also finished on 4 but it
wasn’t needed and they won. A wonderful ending to a great day.
Burghley is an under 18 competition and
the successful Championship intermediate
team were asked to represent us. With
Lucy Tallis being too Old, Lucy Ibbetson
stepped up from the other area team.
Unfortunately Ellie Elkhamlichi pony was
unfit to jump so Joey Thirlby stepped up.
Like Gatcombe, Burghley is a full up,
technical course but the team, one of the
least experienced, rode it extremely well.
We finished on 5 (a single time fault!)
narrowly missing placing.
Winter training has now begun for both teams and can be found on the branch programme. It
would be lovely to see anyone thinking of jumping at intermediate/ open height next year. We
have already had 1 winter competition at Moreton Morrell. Joey Thirlby and Phoebe Mitchell
qualified for the next round of Dengie. A team of Sophie Croxton, Emily Matthews, Joey Thirlby
and Lucy Tunnicliff won the 1m class, all placing individually and Sophie, Emily, Joey and Anna
May Vernon came first in the 1.10m with Joey 2nd, Sophie 3rd, Emily 4thindividually. Future
competitions will appear on facebook or the webpage and are a great way to get some experience
ready for next year.
A final thanks must go to Louise Gilbert for her excellent instruction and support at competitions,
It is much appreciated by us all.
Jo Stuart-Matthews
Open and Intermediate Team Manager
We have had another busy season, with lots of members out and about representing the branch
at Inter-Branch competitions and attending the many SJ rallies and training sessions that have
been held throughout the year.
Highlights this year at Inter-Branch level include a team win at the Pytchley in February for Lucy
Tunnicliff, Megan Coventry, Will Boyd and Jess Marshall andmore recently team 2nd for Thomas
Von Schweitzer, Ellie Mae Tilley and Ellie Mitchell at 75cms and for Thomas, Ellie and Phoebe
Mitchell at 85cms at the Warwickshire; and a team 3rd for a VERY young team in the 65cms at the
North Warwickshire - Lucy Watts, Ismay Ford, Hattie Evans and Ellie Mae Tilley.
Our own Easter Show Jumping Competition held at Hothorpe was very successful and very
popular with over 40 Atherstone members competing in teams against other local branches for
the many Easter Eggs on offer as prizes.We started the day well with Team 2nd in the 45cms for
Hattie Evans, Ellie Mae Tilley, Freddie Boyd and Lucy Watts, progressing to Team 1 st in both the
80cms and 90cms classes for Ellie ElKhamlichi, Will Boyd, Lucy Tunnicliff, Lucy Clayton, Jess
Marshall and Megan Coventry.
Many members contested the Dengie Competitions this year, with Beatle Payne, Megan Coventry
and Ellie ElKhamlichi making it through to the Second Rounds, where both Beatle and Megan
jumped double clear, finishing 1st and 4th and therefore qualifying for the finals. Both girls rode
superbly with Beatle jumping a great clear only to have a few unfortunate time faults! Well done.
We were well represented at the Area Show Jumping this year with 2 Novice and 2 Pre-Novice
teams, Phoebe Mitchell, Maddie Doherty, Evelyn Hopkins, Ellie Mitchell, Aliyah Shafiq, Will Boyd,
Jess Marshall, Sophie Manion, MeaghanGywnne, Thomas Von Schweitzer, Harriet Boddy, Ellie
Knighton, Jack Hewitt, Carly Whitehead and EllinSzwec. Many had a few unlucky poles down and
we had a few spooky ponies but all were a credit to the branch and gained much experience. A
special WELL DONE to Maddie Doherty for jumping double clear in the Novice to make it through
to the jump off, and to Jack Hewitt for his clear in the Pre-Novice which left him just outside the
Details of up-coming rallies and competitions will be in the Branch Programme, on the Website
andon Facebook, so if you are interested in being part of a Junior/Novice Show Jumping Team
keep checking for dates and get in touch!
Sharon Boyd - Novice and Pre Novice Team Show Jumping Manager
2014 has been another great year for Atherstone Dressage.
Our Calendar is getting longer and busier every year. The winter of 2013/14 saw the launch of the
Pony Club Online Dressage Championship hosted by ‘Dressage Anywhere’. Pony Club members
whether Branch or Centre anywhere in the world are now able to compete against each other
without even having to leave home! Test are videoed and then uploaded to the website for
judging in a monthly competition. Atherstone member Anna Meadows took part in February
winning in the Open Section and qualifying for the Championship, more on that later.
The winter also sees the Qualifiers for the Dengie Winter League taking place. 15 members
qualified this year from our own competitions and further afield. Of these 10 members took up
the challenge of the Winter Area Competition, once again held at Marchington. As always the
Competition was fierce. The new Open Test for 2014 seemed to put some off but I’m so proud to
say that 4 members rose brilliantly to the challenge; Elena De Fraya, Anna Meadows, Ellie Mitchell
and Beatle Payne all rode very well. Beatle and Amber were 5th and grabbed a ticket for the Final.
But our best results of the day came in the Novice where 8 members took part again all riding
very well. Lily Taylor riding Nambucca were placed 4th and narrowly missed out on a place at the
final. Isabelle Beeston was 3rd with VIP and booked themselves a place at the Final.
The Dengie Final was held at Moreton Morrell in Warwickshire and while
Isabelle and Beatle made their way there, another member Jessica Corser
made her way to Addington to take part in the National Pony Society
Dressage Final having qualified with her Connemara Pony Breaffy Delight
at one of the Branches Winter Dressage Competitions. Jessica had a very
long but successful day coming an impressive 9th in the Prelim Class. Well
done Jessica!
Meanwhile back in Warwickshire, Beatle took on the Open Test and rode
very well in a strong class.Isabelle Beeston rode in the Novice Section and
produced a very nice test and was delighted when she gained a place in
the rideoff. The top two in each of the two sections all ride again to
determine the overall placings. Isabelle rode a really great test to winthe Ride Off making her and
VIP National Novice Champions! This was an absolutely fantastic result of which the whole Branch
is proud. Well done Isabelle!
The Spring also saw another first for the Pony Club with the Rider Development Pathway, a
training system designed to identify and help talented members in Eventing, Dressage and Show
Jumping progress their training, firstly through an assessment day and then a Training Camp for
one member in each discipline picked from each of the nine assessment days. Atherstone
member Maddie Doherty took part in an assessment day for Dressage and her report of the day is
The end of April saw another great result for the Branch when Anna Meadows and Lord
Michaelmas Magna took part in the Pony Club Online Dressage Championshipwhere they became
the first winners of the Open Section.
After a small break the biggest day of the
Dressage year was upon us when 22
members attended the summer Dressage
Area at Onley. We had 3 Novice Teams, 2
Intermediate Teams and two members
riding in the Open Section. Sophie Croxton
and Anna Meadows rode very good tests
in difficult conditions underfoot and Anna
took a well-deserved 6th place. The two
Intermediate Teams consisted of Elena De
Fraya, Charlotte Harrison, Chloe Mitchell,
Lily Taylor, Isabelle Beeston,Maddie
Doherty, Beatle Payne &Heather Wyles. Good tests were produced by all and placingsin
respective areas were Isabelle 1st, Maddie 1st, Beatle 3rd, Heather 6th and Lily 6th this resulted in a
win for Atherstone and a place at the Pony Club Championships.
Next up were the Novices Jessica Corser, Evelyn Hopkins,Ellie Mitchell, Lucy Tunnicliff, Will Boyd,
Jack Hewitt, Sophie Manion, Thomas Woodfield, Shannon Bibby, Charlotte Fountain, Ellie Mae
Tilley and Carly Whitehead. It was the first time at the Area Dressage for eight of our Novices and
they were all a credit to the Branch. Placings in respective arenas were Sophie 3rd, Ellie Mitchell
3rd,Carly 3rd, Shannon 4th, Jack 5th, Thomas 6th. These results meant Will, Jack, Sophie and Thomas
picked up a Team qualification and Ellie Mitchell picked up an individual qualificationfor the
Novice Championships.
July saw another first for Atherstone after
Heather Wyles saw a Pony Club Competition
Gloucestershire. Two teams made the very long
journey down and took part in the event in
glorious sunshine where, they all had a great time.
The standard was very high and the member of
each Team with the highest score went forward to
a ride off. Well done to Heather and Chloe
Mitchell who took part in the ride off.
August, as always, is Championship season. First up was the Pony Club Championships held at
Cholmondeley Castle in Cheshire. The Intermediate team of Isabelle Beeston, Maddie Doherty,
Beatle Payne and Heather Wyles were first up and put in some great performances. Everyone
rode very well on the day and it was Maddie who produced the best result being placed 5 th well
done Maddie!
Then it was the turn of Dressage to Music. 10 members and one parent took part in the various
Music classes. Beatle Payne coming 4th in the Open, Heather Wyles 9th in the Intermediate and
Evelyn Hopkins 2nd in the Novice. We had 4 Atherstone Pairs Lucy Watts and Harriet Boyd coming
7th, Anna Meadows & Beatle 5th, Jessica Corser and Ellin Szwec 4th and Beatle and Evelyn were 3rd.
But it was Harry Hewitt along with mum Lisa who added the third major title to the Atherstone
cabinet this year when they won the Family Pairs. Well done to both of you.
Next up were the Novice Championships and members Will, Jack, Sophie, Thomasand Ellie made
the journey to Cheshire. All riders were a credit to the Branch, Thomas gaining an individual 10th
place to help the Team to also achieve a 10th place. Ellie rode as an individual and was placed 9th,
well done to all.
So after such a busy year we have had a short break, but already we are gearing up for the 2015
Well done and thank you to everyone who has made this year so wonderful, I can’t wait for the
start of 2015!
Julie Tilley
Dressage Manager
The Rider Development Pathway was a new incentive that Pony Club introduced last year,
encouraging Pony Club members aged over 12 years to be considered for one of a number of
regional training and assessment days across the UK in one of three disciplines; Dressage,
Eventing and Show Jumping.
I met the criteria required for dressage so I put in my application and was thrilled to be selected
to attend the training and assessment day at Moreton Morrell.
My first session was a mixed riding session with Simon Lawrance, who has evented horses up to
CCI 4 star level and has competed at Badminton and Burghley. His session was a group session
that concentrated on riding position and horses paces; I really enjoyed the way he taught and
learnt a lot from Simon.
The second session focused on dressage which was led by Harry Payne; he gave tuition to a small
group and focused on dressage movements, including leg yielding.
Overall I had a great day and would look to apply for consideration again; details can be found on
the Pony Club website:
Maddie Doherty
I had great fun riding as part of the musical ride team this year with Grace Duffin, EvieWhitby,
Lucy Watts, Lexie Dawkins, Charlotte Fountain, Sophie Von Schweitzer, Sophia Duncan and Kaci
Dawkins. After much discussion we decided our theme would be ‘The Pony Club’s 85th Birthday
We all worked really hard, practicing every week. Emma sorted out the costumes for us, George
mixed the music for us and ‘Shazza and Mazza’ trained the team. The day before we left for the
Championships we had our final rehearsal. Unfortunately on the very last run through before we
finished Charlotte had a fall and sadly broke her arm! However she decided to still come and take
part on foot.
We all went up to Cheshire the day before the competition so we had plenty of time to get ready.
We all wore brightly coloured disco
outfits and the ponies had paint and
ribbons on them. We warmed up and
were nearly ready to go up to the arena
when there was an hour’s delay because
the air ambulance had to land! Finally it
was our time to go in, but then it started
hailing and some of our ponies got very
lively! Luckily the judges let us wait until
the hail stopped and then we could start.
All the ponies behaved well and we
managed to canter all together but we
got slightly out of time with the music
and took a bit of a detour at the end,
however we all enjoyed ourselves a lot
and came home with a lovely rosette.
Our team’s ages ranged from 5 to 13 years so the musical ride is a discipline that anybody can be
involved with, and I can’t wait for next year!
Harriet Boyd, age 7
Training began back in the spring with regular group sessions with Sharon Boyd and Julie Tilley at
Sharon ’s house and 3 teams were quickly formed, being myself Georgia Ison, Jessica Corser, Ellie
Mitchell, Grace Duffin, Eleesha Beese, Elysee Williams-Ward, Ellie Mae Tilley, Katie Eaton and Mia
We were quizzed on everything from feeding to bandaging, rugs to grooming. We had to practice
our skills on how to tack up, how to bandage and how to fit a rug. Our minds were buzzing with
items of grooming kits, types of feed, poisonous plants and native breeds.
Around Easter time, the day of the Area 7 Horse and Pony Care competition dawned at the Heart
of England Pony Club centre. The 3 teams looked immaculate and after our turn in the stable
stations I was delighted to find that my team was in joint first place, finally coming second
following the tie breaker. However, as the top two teams were able to qualify, this meant that we
were on our way to the Championships. The two other teams
representing the Atherstone Hunt Branch of the Pony Club also did
exceptionally well on the day.
After a rest over the summer, training recommenced as the
Championships approached on August 16th. Finally, the day of the
Championships arrived and once again our team of myself, Jessica
and Ellie looked amazing. As the competition started, we were off
into the first stable station and the challenge began.
After ten different stations, Turnout and Approach scores, and
talking about six different ponies our session was over. We then
had the nervous wait as all the other teams finished and the points
were added up.
Finally, the wait was over and it was announced that we were 5th out of 22 teams! All our training
and hard work had paid off.
I would like to thank my team mates Jess and Ellie for being amazing, Sharon and Julie for all of
their hard work and Louise Gilbert for her continuous support throughout the year. Bring on
Georgia Ison
The Blue Cross Horse and Pony Care competition is very strong in Area 7 the last three years we
have not be able to win the Area coming 2nd to the United Pack each time by either half or a
quarter of a mark and having to be invited to the championships as a wild card.
Welfare of the pony is paramount to The Pony Club, the Horse and Pony Care Competition allows
Members to demonstrate their knowledge and practical horsemanship.
It has become an integral part of The Pony Club Championships where teams must demonstrate
their practical and theoretical knowledge of equine care as required by The Pony Club tests C+, B
and AH
The Senior competition is for members 14 years to 25 years with one of the members needing to
be 16 years and under. At the finals 19 teams competed, we made our way around different
stations each comprising of a different theory or practical based topic such as Rugging or Tack
Fitting a team spends 10 minutes at each station, and we were asked a series of questions which
are marked by the examiner. After 10 minutes, the teams will move onto the next station. There
is also a mark for turnout, teamwork and approach. The competition lasts roughly two and a half
The team again this year was Beatle Payne, Anna Meadows and Lucy Clayton, The Atherstone
Branch has a very good record in both the Junior and Senior competitions and the past 3 years I
have done the championships the Senior Team has been 5th in 2012 (Jess Smith instead of Lucy)
2nd in 2013 and this year 5th each time beating the United Pack at the finals with both Area 7
teams being in the top 6 each year.
The trainers again this year for the Senior Team were Catherine Fox and Amelia Payne both who
could offer a large amount of knowledge as well as equipment to work with before the
championships but we also put a lot of individuals work in over the summer to maintain the high
standard. All the hard work paid off because after the championships I went on to pass my AH
Test the highest Pony Club Stable Management and Care Exam and Anna passed her B test Care.
Well done to the Junior Team who were also 5th at the Championships.
Pony Club Tests and this competition is a really important part of the Pony Club and its lots of fun
learning about how to look after and care for your horse, so in the long run it helps you and your
horse. If you would like to get involved in Pony Club Tests speak to The Chief Instructor or Horse
and Pony Care Team Manager as it is REALLY GOOD FUN (Honestly)!!!
Beatle Payne
We have a new Team Manager for the Tetrathlon (including Triathlon) discipline; it is Jemma,
Daisy’s Mum.
Tetrathlons are suitable for all ages from lead rein onwards, and cover a range of disciplines
depending on members ages; these including swimming, shooting (or bean bags for younger
members), running and jumping. See Jack’s report below from the Tetrathlon Championships this
Venues are currently being sourced for shoot training, swim practice and running practice. If
anyone would like more information or be interested in any training please contact Jemma on
07966684092 or alternatively by e-mail: [email protected]
Jemma Lee
The championships were held at Bishop Burton and I was lucky enough to be part of a mixed team
who qualified at the area Tetrathlon. The team was myself, Will Boyd, Ellin Szwec and Bethany
Heath. I had an unfortunate start to championships as I had come direct from the PC champs at
Cheshire with Sharon and we broke down en route which meant we didn’t arrive at Bishop Burton
until the early hours of Tuesday morning but the rest of the team were fantastic and rallied round
to ensure the ponies were stabled and the camp site was ready for us and a hot drink waiting.
The morning came all too soon and we were up bright and early to see to the horses who were
stabled nearby at Beverly race course. We then set off to Beverly leisure centre to swim, we were
all pretty tired after such a late night and early start but all dug deep and produced some personal
bests in the swimming, after a well earned lunch we returned to Bishop Burton to shoot and again
some personal bests were achieved. We then set off to walk the cross country and running
course; to say we were a little daunted by the cross country course was an understatement. A
well designed course with a “one star” feel it was both big and technical with very few “L”
options, with lots of team encouragement and some riding tips from Sharon Boyd the team
agreed to give it their best and to enjoy the experience. The running course was nice but with a
few inclines and the weather had turned quite cold and showery. An early night after a pile of
“pizzas” washed down with a glass or two for the grownups! The girls ran first and we were set off
in groups of ten which is different from normal in Tetrathlon but we all agreed that we found it
easier to run in groups, again some personal best scores in the running. The cross country rode
better than we expected and although no clear rounds we were all pleased with our individual
performances over such a big course and the parents happy to see us and our 4 legged friends
back in one piece !
The prize giving was the next day and we were
thrilled to have finished in 5th place in the mixed
team section and had our rosettes presented by
Franki Detorri.
It was a fantastic experience with great team
spirit showed throughout the competition, a
special thanks to Rob Horton Smith who
coached us with the shooting and to our
parents who were with us every step of the way. I hope to return again next year and would
recommend giving Tetrathlon ago to other members.
Jack Hewitt
Earlier this year I volunteered and was selected to be a member of the branch’s area quiz team
with Maddie Doherty, Ellin Szwec and Beatle Payne. We were one of 2 teams that represented
Atherstone at the Area competition in February. I was really excited but a bit nervous as I had not
attended a Pony Club quiz before.
There were several (I think 8) sections to the quiz covering all sorts of subjects about horses, pony
care and the Pony Club plus a section on famous war horses. Lots of the questions were really
hard but I was lucky to have 3 experienced team mates who had all competed before. It was good
to work together as a team, talking about the answers before choosing the ones we wanted to
It was a really fun evening and we were all really pleased when the results were announced and
our team had won. The other Atherstone team of Georgia Ison, Ellie Mae Tilley, Beth Heath and
Katie Eaton also did really well. We received a very nice shield, rosettes a certificate and best of all
a place to the National Pony Club Quiz which was to be held at MoretonMorrell on the 13th April.
Unfortunately, Ellin was not able to go to the final as she had a special family holiday in Australia
at the same time. It was decided that Lucy Clayton (who had previously competed in the Quiz and
Horse and Pony Care competitions) would take Ellin’s place.
We didn’t have a lot of time to train for the final but were lucky to receive the support from
Amelia Payne and Catherine Fox, who took us through all of the topics that might come up in the
quiz. There was to be a section on Lakes and Mountains in the UK and again a section on famous
War Horses as well as the other rounds on horse and pony care, equine first aid and the Pony
Club. Once we had gathered together a lot of the information we thought it might cover we
decided to split some of this out so we all had our own things to learn as well as covering all of the
I travelled to MoretonMorrell with Maddie, which was nice as I was quite nervous. When we
arrived we chose a table to sit on and set out our mascot. Each team was asked to make a mascot
and there was a prize for the winning entry. As it was the 85th birthday of the Pony Club, we made
a big model of the number 85 and covered it in photos of pony club members from Atherstone.
Some of the photos were quite old. There were ones of Amelia when she was a member. Part of
our mascot was also a fox in a pony club jumper. Maddie and her mum did most of the work on
the mascot - it was fab. The judges really liked it but we didn’t win the prize. But we were still
really pleased with it.
The quiz had several sections and this time there was an individual section when you had to
identify what different pieces of equipment were. This was quite scary but I did my best as did
the rest of the team. There was also a section where the team was split in 2, the 2 youngest
members together and then the 2 oldest. I was with Maddie.
The quiz went on all day but we did
have a break for lunch. We went
down to watch Izzy Beeston win the
Novice Dressage championships
which was really good.
At the end the results were called
out in reverse order, we hoped we
would get in the top 10 and got
really excited as they got down to 7th
place and we still hadn’t been called.
We came 6th in the end - I was so
pleased. It was a long and tiring day
but I really enjoyed it and it was
fantastic to be part of a team for the
whole day.
Ellie Mitchell
The 23rd March saw a bit of a wobbly start to our endurance season as 5 (Elizabeth, Grace, Sophie,
Thomas and Hattie) of the 10 members entered for the WCPC Milton Keynes ride sensibly decided
to withdraw due to the locality of the suspected strangles case. We then lost Ellie Mae en route
due to a flat tyre, but the 4 remaining members arrived on a cold and windy morning at the
fabulous Campbell Park in the centre of Milton Keynes.
After filling in the necessary paper work we presented for the vet check and tack and turnout
inspection and set off on our 11km ride. The weather went from sunshine to hail but the children
and ponies coped very well and chatted excitedly wondering where our route would take us next,
we followed tracks in wooded areas, alongside the canal and even had to cross a river! Trotting
for most of the ride,we completed at an average speed of 7.4 KMPH which meant we where just
short of our target speed of 8 KMPH so it was a good start to the season.
We then had 30 minutes to represent for our final vet check which I am pleased to say they all
passed with flying colours.
The members where a credit to the branch taking 1st
(Harry Hewitt), 3rd (Harriet Boyd) 5th (Freddie Boyd) and
6th (Lucy Watts) in the tack and turnout awards- what a
smart bunch the Atherstone are !
It was a great start to our Endurance season and we
hoped to have more members join us on the next ride.
Harry, Freddie, Lucy and Harriet with their rosettes
The 12th April was our next ride which was a “ride
for life” to raise money for cancer charities and the
theme was “pink”, it was a 17km ride which was the
furthest we had attempted , dressed in lots of pink
Harry, Freddie, Harriet and Lucy accompanied by
myself, Sharon and Marie set off from Milton
Keynes equestrian centre, it was a lovely route
which finished on the cross country course and we
completed in 12.4 KMPH which was not fast enough
for a competitive ride but gave us a good idea of the
speed needed to complete a longer ride, we also
raised £140 for a great charity.
Freddie, Marie, Sharon, Lucy, Me and Harry
showing all shapes and sizes can do endurance
A week later Jack and I set off to Haywood Oaks for a 20KM endurance GB ride around Sherwood
forest, a fabulous route we were making good time and having great fun until we had to pass a 20
acre field full of pigs ! After much pony club kicking and whacking we eventually got past but had
lost valuable time so finished with a speed of 8.69 KMPH which was just short of the minimum 8
KMPH we would need to achieve to qualify for the pony club championships which was now our
The 15th of May saw 5 members take part in a fun ride to raise money for Chesterton Church, a
slightly different format as the ride included optional XC jumps which made for an exciting ride
which covered 10.4 KM.
On 11th June we held a introduction to endurance rally to give more members an idea of what is
involved in pc endurance which was well attended and members received their introduction to
endurance badge.
We now had 5 members who had completed the necessary number of rides of the correct
distance to enable them to take part in the area qualifier ride. The 15th June was d day and we
travelled to Cambridgeshire to take part in the Wimpole Way ride which was 19KM. We decided
to split into two groups so that Jack and Thomas could ride at a faster speed to increase our team
score, Marie kindly escorted them and they completed in a very fast time of 11.52 KMPH , this
gave Thomas 1st place as his pony’s heart rate was slightly lower than Jacks pony and Jack was
placed 2nd. The second group of Harry, Freddie, Sophie and Lucy accompanied by myself and
Sharon went at a steadier pace and just made the minimum speed of 8KMPH by galloping over
the finishing line, we were thrilled to have a team placing of 1st which meant we were now off to
the championships with not only a junior team but also Sophie qualified as an individual.
With slight trepidation we tacked up for our ride at the PC championships as it was 34KMPH the
furthest distance we had attempted, again for team tactics we split into 2 groups so that Jack and
Thomas could increase our team score by going at a faster pace, accompanied by Marie they
completed in a very competitive time of 11.72 KMPH and both ponies had very good finishing
heart rates of 39 and 37 which put Thomas ahead of Jack.
Harry and Freddie accompanied by myself and Sharon set off at a slower speed , the terrain was
very challenging and I was very proud
of Harry and Freddie who rode
fantastically on an 11.2 pony (Tom
Tom) and a 24yr old pony (Blaze) we
unfortunately didn’t complete in the
required time , we would have
finished just over time but the
stewards decided to remove markers
and close gates which meant we
ended up riding back to the start on a
busy main road which was a very
disappointing end to Harry and
Freddie’s endurance championships.
The pony club endurance team were
very apologetic and measures have
been put in place to ensure it never
happens again.
On a more positive note Thomas was placed first and Jack second in the junior novice section
which was a fantastic achievement for our first year at pony club endurance.
Lisa Hewitt
Endurance Team Manager
Oh so near, but oh so far! – 2014 - a year with tremendous promise ended in despair for the
AHBPC Seniors while the Juniors put in a top performance at the Championships following a
solid season.
As usual everything started back in January at Witham Villa indoor arena with some new faces
and a record number of participants especially amongst the Juniors.
For the Seniors three new members were going to be required to make a relatively new A team
after last year’s exploits at HOYS in October. With three retiring from the previous year and Lottie
Watson and Will Thirlby providing the back bone of the team it was time for a new look team for
2014. Competition for places was going to be hard fought and a bare 10 was going to make the B
team a little more stretched than in previous years if anything untoward happened at any of the
vital stages.
With training in full flow, the competitions came quick and fast and solid performances were
registered early on and things were
looking promising for the Area and Zone
competitions. Lottie Watson was selected
to ride for England at The Royal Windsor
Horse Show in May and the A team came
in as runners up to Warwickshire at the
first competition suggesting things were
going to pan out as expected. All looking
good for Area where we knew we would
be pitched against Warwickshire. A lame
pony meant a complete reshuffle of the
senior teams which depleted the B team
considerably which meant for the first
time in many years we were unable to qualify both teams for the Zone in June. Atherstone A were
second and B were 6th.
So on to Zone, and once again the Warwickshire would be the target. Confidence was high with a
terrific win at the Cheshire Show 10 days earlier and all eyes would be on the two local branches
going head to head at Moreton Morrell. Warwickshire (the eventual winners of this year’s PPC at
HOYS) were impeccable but
the wheels came off for the
Atherstone and with 4 races
Championships was looking
unlikely until normal service
was resumed and 4 wins in
arow secured a place at the
Championships later in
Once again, the Atherstone A team were probably the favourites to take one of the HOYS places
up for grabs at Championships. It was going to be a long day with two competitions involving up
to 40 races if we were to succeed. The morning competition went well, winning by a clear 10
points which would need to be maintained in the afternoon final. It’s important to start well and
keep scoring, you don’t have to win every race but you do need to score points! Unfortunately,
errors crept into the performance and points started to slip away. A come back towards the end
of the competition meant that the Atherstone could qualify on the last race as long as things fell
into place. It so nearly did, but a miss is a good as a mile and one point separated second and
third and huge disappointment was experienced by all involved. A good team had failed to qualify
but it just goes to show that the margin between success and mediocrity is a fine margin although
the Sir WWW’s and West Hants Pony Clubs had certainly done exactly what was required on the
day and headed to HOYS.
It is the end of line for Lottie Watson, Will Thirby (also invited to represent
England at The Curragh in Ireland in October) and Summer Falconbridge who are
all past the grand old age of 15 on Jan 1st 2015. Lottie and Will can feel content
that they both had the chance to represent the Atherstone PPC team at HOYS and
both ride for England during their PPC careers. We wish them all well for their
future equestrian activities.
So while the Atherstone Senior team was having a torrid season, Shelia’s Juniors were busying
themselves with an excellent season.
Again, starting in January at Witham Villa over 20 under 11’s were getting excellent training from
ourseasoned group of trainers. The A and B team looked pretty strong from the beginning and an
immediate win at the first competition set the standard for the season.
Week in week out training and competitions throughout the spring and summer there were some
very busy parents and trainers. Team changes between the A and B led to some interesting results
as finding the most balanced team seemed to take a little while. A great weekend at the Sir
WWW’s brought a 1st place for the Atherstone Junior B team over the Junior A team to the
enjoyment of the crowd. It’s good to share the winning around, but it provided the headache for
the selectors!
Area was another display of the strength and depth of our juniors with 4 teams entered coming
2nd, 4th, 9th and 11th respectfully. Yet again beaten into 2nd place by are neighbours Warwickshire.
Championships the most balanced team
remained a tough call for the selectors
but the call was made and the teams
settled in for the Champs competition.
And what a competition! Atherstone A
were 2nd and on the podium after
leading for half the competition
eventually being beaten by the Oakley
Hunt West.
Atherstone A Juniors - "Reserve Pony Club PPC Champions 2014" Elysee Williams-Ward & KC,
Oliver Nugent & Tango, Sophie Reynolds & Mel, Freddie Jackson & Toffee, Poppy Shaw & Rosie.
6th member Ioney Hill.
The B team did exceedingly well in the morning session but were unfortunate to miss out on the
final in the afternoon.
Bosworth Show 2014
In July AHPPC was kindly invited to
provide a demonstration / competition
for the local show. Normally, when the
Pony Club is invited to put on a show
clubs invite others to create a
competition. However, when we were
asked we thought it would be really
spectacular if we could create a
competition between all the AHPPC
team members and trainers which we
did! We had 5 teams made up of 1
trainer, 1 Senior A, 1 Senior B, 1 Junior A
and 1 junior B and were able to
demonstrate the ability and agility of all
those that represent AHBPC at mounted
games. What a success! Everyone who saw the demonstration said how fantastic the 25 riders
and ponies were and what a credit they were to AHBPC, the DC, the trainers and parents who put
in so much to produce excellent teams year in year out and massive enjoyment to all the children
involved. THANK YOU to everyone for SUPPORTING and CONTRIBUTING to one of the BEST pony
club mounted games organisations in the country.
Marcus Palmer
My report is slightly different this year, as many of you know I was unable to attend the Area (the
first I’ve missed since 1984!) due to Pete and Amelia’s wedding in Cornwall.
Although the XC phase always causes problems, looking at the results the SJ phase seemed to be
very influential for all Branches.
There were some very good performances from our members at all three levels especially as
there were ten out of twelve ‘first timers’ in the Novice competitions, five Intermediates were
‘first timers’ or had gone up a level from Novice. In the Open only Lucy Collins and Freya McKinley
had competed at this level before – so well done to you all.
The Open team finished a very credible second with Charlotte Cooper 4th, Freya McKinley 5th,
William Crawley 6th; individual Steph Fairchild also 6th and Lucy Collins 8th.
The Intermediate Swallows team finished 4th, with Amy Croxton taking 5th rosette, Emma Milner
and Heather Wyles jumped clear XC to finish 10th and 12th. Well done to Joey Thirlby who was one
of only five to jump double clear. The Atherstone Swifts team of Laura Brown, Lucy Tallis,
PhillipaThirlby and Laura Bostock didn’t have the best of luck but Laura Brown jumped clear XC to
finish 9th. Individual Lucy Ibbestson had an excellent day with just one done SJ and clear XC. Emily
Matthews and Florence Gilman unfortunately had to withdraw before the competition.
The Novice Foxes of Jess Marshall,
Megan Munro, Maddie Doherty and Lucy
Tunnicliff had a wonderful day and as
many of you have seen in the photo they
all ‘jumped for joy’! They won the team
competition and qualified for the Novice
Championship. Megan won her section,
Lucy came 4th and Maddie and Jess both
finished 7th.
The other two Novice teams of William
Boyd, Elena de Fraya, Ellie Mitchell,
Phoebe Mitchell, Bethany Heath,
Shannon Bibby, Nia Kerslake and Leah Burton were unplacedbut Shannon came a very good 5th
and Leah jumped clear XC. I hope you all enjoyed the day and will want to compete again next
Finally I would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to Louise Gilbert, Di and Ian Mackenzie and Jean Smith
who helped the members over a long, long day, to Jane Ellingworth who videoed all day and Tori
Bostock and Sarah Thirlby who took over my usual job of dressing the XC fences with flowers.
I now look forward to next year’s Area which will be held at Offchurch Bury on 25th July. Please
put the date in your diaries so it does not clash with holidays!!
Well done again everyone
Adrienne Beeston
Team Manager
Having attended the PC Championships at Cholmondeley for four days, including fence judging, I
travelled up to Cheshire again the following weekend for the Novice Championships at Kelsall.
All out members rode a good
achieving an amazing 14.4
penalty marks. The SJ course
rode well and we had three
excellent clear rounds with
Jess just having the last fence
Although we had two clears
XC from Maddie and Lucy,
Megan had the bad luck to
have an unfortunate stop at the drop log into the water which spoilt an otherwise perfect round,
Jess’s pony was not her usual jumping machine so the team were not placed but Maddie won her
section and Lucy took the 7th rosette in her section which was brilliant for both of them.
Although Maddie is now ineligible for the Novice Area
under Pony Club rules, I’m sure the other girls would
love to qualify for the Championships again next year,
which will be held at Cholmondeley alongside the
other levels from 21st to 25th August.
We all had a lovely time at Kelsall and our team looked
splendid in the ‘Atherstone Blue’ shirts and white silks.
Well done and many thanks to all parents, Andrew
and Sue for their support.
Adrienne Beeston
Team Manager
A fabulous evening was had by all at the AHBPC Presentation Ball at Bosworth Hall Hotel; we had
lots of support from members and family and it was a great way to celebrate the many successes
of AHBPC through 2014.
Below is a list of winners who won trophies and every member who represented the branch in
2014 at a team competition received a medal for each of the disciplines.
Trophy Winners 2014
Awarded for services to the Branch
Emily Matthews
Gatcombe Show Jumping Team
Charlotte Cooper, William Crawley, Stephanie Fairchild and Freya
Junior Girls : Aliyah Shafiq
Junior Boys : Freddie Boyd
Intermediate Girls : Maddie Doherty
Intermediate Boys : Jack Hewitt
Senior Girls : Beatle Payne
Senior Boys : William Crawley
Senior Member showing Most Improvement during 2014
Annie Clarke
Intermediate Member showing Most Improvement in 2014
Grace Duffin
Junior Member showing Most Improvement during 2014
Hattie Evans
Beatle Payne
Beeston Cup for the Highest placed member at Area Eventing
Charlotte Cooper
Marples Shield for Highest placed Member at Area Dressage
Anna Meadows
Trophy for the Highest placed Member at Area Tetrathlon
William Boyd and Lucy Tunicliff
Endurance Cup for Highest placed Member
Thomas Von Schweitzer
Show Jumping for Highest paced Member
Stephanie Fairchild
Senior Mounted Games Rider of the Year
William Thirlby and Lottie Watson
Junior Mounted Games Rider of the Year
Elysee Williams-Ward
Palmer Trophy for Endeavour in Mounted Games
Georgia Ison
All AHBPC Committee members and Team Managers would like to wish members and families a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We are looking forward to continued success during 2015, and wish all our members the very best
for the coming 12 months.