CHAPTER 2 BUSINESS PLAN 2.1 Executive Summary Naturalife Greenworld is a firm that was established by the students and alumni of the school of pharmacy ITB in 2006. Naturalife Greenworld is established as a company that will focus on the medicinal plants trading as the supplier with the best product quality assurance. Naturalife Greenworld has obsession to be the main supplier of medicinal plants product in the domestic and international market. In the first step, Naturalife Greenworld will focus on the upper stream business as the supplier to the big players who need medicinal plant. The big players can be either the major industry players or niche industry players such as PT. Kimia Farma, PT.Indofarma, PT. Bio Farma and PT. Pharos, Bayer, Bristol Myer Squibb, Merck, Scan Chemie, Phvizer, Abbot, Aventis, Sandoz Biochemie, PT. Sidomuncul, PT. Nyonya Meneer, PT. Indotraco jaya utama, PT. Indofarma, CV. Temu kencono. Naturalife Greenworld has a wide range networking for getting its material, from the medicine plants farmer in Banten, West Java (Lembang, Lido and Subang), Yogyakarta (Klaten), Central Java (Wonogiri and Tawang Mangu) and also East Java (Sidoarjo and Malang) to run the function of quality control especially in handling the pesticide and also the drying of simplicia and water composition. 7 Naturalife Greenworld products position itself as the the medicinal plants supplier company which provide high quality and safe products which in line with the international standards and customize depends on the requirements and the demand of the industry. Naturalife Greenworld product focus is in the form of simplicia presentation for wild ginger (Zingiber officinale), kumis kucing (Orthosiphon aristatus), rumput fatimah (Labisia pumila). The consideration of choosing those plants are because of their readiness to be harvested, to be dried and to be supplied to the industries that needs these medicinal plants. Beside that the planting time also becomes the consideration. Ginger have the longest planting time of eight to ten months, while rumput fatimah or kumis kucing have a plantating time of one month to two months. In conclusion, the planting time of kumis kucing and rumput fatimah are aimed at supporting the long planting time of ginger. Naturalife Greenworld is aiming at having the market share of ginger for 1% of the total market of ginger or 50 tons per year or as big as IDR 200 millions from the total market of 5000 tons or as big as IDR 2 trillions. This is actually for the initial strategy, because Naturalife Greenworld believes that in the following year the company can increase the market share to 520% for ginger. For kumis kucing, since there are no players in this product, Naturalife Greenworld is optimistic to lead the market share by 70% of 20 tons which is 14 tons or equal to IDR 996.000.000 per year. Lastly for rumput fatimah we are aiming at supplying 630 kilograms for every two months. Specifically for 8 rumput Fatimah, Naturalife Greenworld is the pioneer of playing in rumput fatimah market. Naturalife Greenworld businesses is a fast growing business, according to the financial analysis, the business of medicinal plant that will be run by Naturalife Greenworld is very feasible based on the normal case, since the Payback Period is 15 months and25 days, NPV is bigger than “0” about IDR 314.649.416 and IRR is is 155 percent. In conclusion the business are very prospective since the habit of medicinal consumption had changed to back to natures trend. Beside the empty market that are not yet fulfilled which vary in different business core ensure the high rate of demand in medicinal plants in Indonesia. 2.2 Company Profile 2.2.1 Business Profile Naturalife Greenworld is a firm that was established by the students and alumni of the school of pharmacy ITB together with SBM-ITB student in 2006. Naturalife Greenworld is established as a company that will focus on the medicinal plants trading as the supplier with the best product quality assurance. Naturalife Greenworld will cooperate with the potentially credible farmers of medicinal plant products such as ginger, kumis kucing and rumput fatimah. 9 Naturalife Greenworld has obsession to be the main supplier of medicinal plants product in the domestic and international market. Naturalife Greenworld has significant resources either in competency, network or in human capital such as pharmacy competency, laboratories network, financial practitioners, UGMITB consultant and direct network to medicinal plants farmer network. 2.2.2 Company Value This part will describe Naturalife Greenworld company value which consisting of the company vision, company mission, company logo, company motto and the company core value. Company Vision To be the best Indonesian medicinal plants/herbs company having international standard qualification operating on completely integrated from upstream to downstream industry. Company Mission 1. Controlling the best supply of medicinal plants in Indonesia. 2. Conquering medicinal plant market in In Indonesia. 3. Supplying the international need of medicinal plants. 10 4. Tight controlling in quality and quantity assurance of the medicinal plants. 5. Having a well prepared and execution to achieve the company vision. Company Logo The figure below is the Naturalife Greenworld logo, which is designed based on the philosophical basic of the Naturalife Greenworld company value and represents the whole identity of the company. Figure 1: Naturalife Greenworld Logo Naturalife Greenworld logo consist of three different parts. The first one in the top is the main company logo which having a philosophical meaning as follows: 11 1. The green color represents the company value of the sustainable development of the natural resources on our environment. 2. The green circle represent the greenworld and the sustainable development of earth of which Naturalife want to achieve. 3. The plants picture represent the the medicinal plants of which Naturalife focuses on. The second part is the naturalife greenworld text which explains the logo on the top. Then the last part is the NLG text is a logo that will be use for all the Naturalife Greenworld employees to be put on their chess to make them proud of Naturalife Greenworld Company. Company Motto The company motto is “Experience the Harmony of Life”, having the meaning of bringing people back to the nature and having feel the harmony of living by using something that the nature always gives us. Company Core Values 1. Trust The company should be known as the trusted company, either externally or internally. 12 2. Knowledge The company should become the knowledge based company by always updating knowledge. 3. Work Ethos The company insists in implementing a discipline and never give-up culture 4. Leadership The company should be able to lead the efforts in the best way to achieve the company vision. 5. Sustainable Development The company actively involve in the sustainable development of the nature and the company itself. Keys Success Factors To be the best Indonesian medicinal plants/herbs company having international standard qualification operating on completely integrated from upstream to downstream industry. Naturalife Greenworld has the following key success factors: A. External Factors: 1. Definitely targeted markets which always increase consistently. 2. Best quality of products and services, from both upperstream process to the downstream process. 3. Realistically competitive price B. Internal Factors, 1. Focus 2. Discipline 3. High spirit 4. Teamwork 13 2.3 Product Description Naturalife Greenworld will provide a variety of qualified medicinal plant products that will enable to the traditional medicine industries pharmacy industries and to several potential targeted market. Naturalife Greenworld underlying philosophy in selecting products is to choose lines of products carrying not only best quality, competitive prices and product satisfaction to customers but also high margin of profit for the company. Naturalife Greenworld has intentionally conducted research of the following products. Naturalife Greenworld has high commitment to offer products that are in line with the required standard of industry demand nationally or internationally. All of the product are in a form of dry herbs, which divided into three kinds of form namely leaves, rhyzomes and fruits. Ginger (Zingiber officinalle) is a medicinal plant with an apparent stem. Ginger is originally from the Asia Pacific and spreads along China to India (Direktorat Budidaya Tanaman Sayuran dan Biofarmaka, 2005: 1). The two nations (China and India) are the first nation using ginger as drink, spices and traditional medicine (Direktorat Budidaya Tanaman Sayuran dan Biofarmaka (B), 2005: 4). The characteristics of Ginger are they need: a high rate of rain between 1.500-3000 mm/year, an open air to get sunshines especially between 2,5 until 7 months old, a crumble land. Moreover, they live in tropic or subtropic area between 0-1.000 m above the sea level (Direktorat Budidaya 14 Tanaman Sayuran dan Biofarmaka (B), 2005: 7). Ginger picture can be seen below. Figure 2: Jahe Plantation in Banten Rumput fatimah (Labisia pumilla), has been used by many generations of the Malaysian and Indonesian women to induce and facilitate childbirth as well as a post-partum medicine. Three varieties of Labisia pumila had been identified and found in Malaysia, they are Labisia alata, Labisia pumila and Labisia lanceolata. It is imperative to differentiate the three varieties in terms of their physical and chemical characteristics as well as biological activity, in order to determine the proper plant material for use, hence producing quality herbal medicines with proven safety and efficacy. It is a fast growing plants, it can be planted last than one month to two months maximum3. 3 15 In the Figure 3 below, it shows the rumput fatimah picture: Figure 3: Rumput Fatimah Plantation between Corn Plantation in Lido, West Java There is presently a great local market demand for rumput fatimah especially as afterbirth tonics, however, a paucity exists in technical information on plant identification, propagation techniques, agronomy and sivicultural aspects according to Jaganath and Ng on the year 20004. Kumis kucing (Orthosipan aristatus) is a medicinal plant in a form of straight wet branch. This plants is well known with several names such as kidney tea in England, giri-giri marah in Sumatera, remujung in Central Java and East java and songot koneng in Madura. Kumis kucing was originally from tropical Africa and then spread out to Asia and Australia. The wet or dry leaves of kumis kucing is used as a material of medicines. In Indonesia the dry leaves (simplisia) is used commonly for kidney 4 16 problems (diuretic) meanwhile in India it is used to heal rheumatism5. The picture of kumis kucing can be seen in Figure 4 below: Figure 4: Kumis Kucing Plantation in Lido, West Java The peoples in South and South East Asia are commonly used kumis kucing as traditional medicines to heal several peoples problems including rheumatism, masuk angin and constipation. Beside that kumis kucing could also be used for therapy kidneys inflamed, kidneys stone, kencing manis, albuminuria, and syphilis6. Currently the majority of these products are only available to customers through wholesale vendors such as Cash and Carry 5 20pertanian/obat/kumis_kucing.pdf 6 20pertanian/obat/kumis_kucing.pdf 17 in retail outlets in a small number and volume; therefore it is the customer's responsibility to acquire these products by their own means. As the same as rumput fatimah, kumis kucing is also a fast growing herbs approximately from three weeks to one months if it is plant in a right procedure. 2.3.1 Product Distribution Current Distribution Schemes Figure 5 shows the current distribution processes as it is researched by the Department of Agriculture of Indonesia in several medicinal plants production area. From the figure can be identified that the products must pass several stages before it reach the customers hand. From the farmer the products go to the assembly trader, inter region trader and ends up in the processing industries for the industry purpose used. Meanwhile for the internal consumption, it must go first to the district trader in the kecamatan or kabupaten wholesaler. In this graphic either farmer, assembly trader or inter region trader can make their own way of doing export through the exportir channel. The figure in the next page shows the common product distribution which is made by the Department of Agriculture of Indonesia: 18 Farmer 4 1 Assembly Trader Inter region trader Kabupaten District Trader 2 3 5 Processing Industries Internal Consumption Exportir/ Importir Figure 5: Biopharmaca or Medicinal Plant Market Current Distribution Schemes (Source: Department of Agriculture, Indonesia, 2002) Naturalife Greenworld Distribution Schemes From the Figure 6 in the next page clearly explains that Naturalife Greenworld product distribution cuts several stages in the market, since Naturalife Greenworld does an effective process to the product received from the farmer by drying the product and doing toxicity process. The process makes the product value increase so that Naturalife Greenworld also can earn more profit margin. 19 Farmer 1 Naturalife Quality Assurance Export 3 Inventory Processing 4 2 Local Market Global Market Figure 6: Naturalife Greenworld Distribution Schemes 2.3.2 Quality Assurance In the beginning of Naturalife business, the company is aiming at giving the best quality products to the customers. This means the products which are going to be supplied must fulfill the standard quality of company. To fulfill the industry standard the company will set up the internal standard we are going to have internal standard guidance of standardizations as Naturalife greenworld quality assurance. The benefit of having standardization is to guarantee the uniformity of the product, the consistency and uniformity including safety, benefit and product quality from batch to batch (the quantity of measurement in one sample). 20 The point of quality of assurance and the guidance of standardization are Kadar abu total, Kadar abu tidak larut asam, Kadar abu larut air, Logam berat (Kadar/Batas), Kelarutan, Kadar sari larut pelarut tertentu, Cemaran pestisida, Cemaran radioaktif, Kadar air, Susut pengeringan, Bahan organik asing, Senyawa sintetis, Residu pelarut organic, Aflatoksin, Cemaran mikroba (ALT, Angka kapang khamir, Bakteri patogen) (Elfahmi, 2006). The quality assurance will last for the first 3 years of the company establishment. After 3 years, Naturalife are aiming at getting the ISO to be able to get international recognition of the products quality standards, considering that the dynamic of business which require a global product quality standards and minimizing the risk of uncertainty business situation in Indonesia. 2.3.3 Packaging There is no standard demand for packaging, but there is the wide range variability on packaging specification depending on the needs of each buyer. However Naturalife has prepared the technology of packaging to accomodate the need such as the vacuum packaging technology. 2.3.4 Competitor Product Analysis Generally the direct competitors in this business are not many, there are only two big players that will be the main competitors, namely Haldin and Emeralda. The rest are individual players which do not continuously show up. 21 Haldin has various variety of products and captive market in the USA, it is not amazing because it is a sub company of its holding company base in the USA. Moreover Haldin itself is not focusing well on its core products, it is seasonal inter region trader. Haldin does not process the products until extract products like Naturalife Greenworld will do. Emeralindo Hijau Lestari is a trader that located their company in Bandung, Emeralindo focus itself on ginger products for the purpose of trade, but it trades ginger in the form rhyzome or wet form (Direktorat Tanaman Sayuran, Hias dan Aneka Tanaman, 2002: 29) or without any further processing (drying) like Naturalife Greenworld will do. 2.4 Market Analysis The economical value of the medicinal plant industry has reached US$ 100 million per year, meanwhile the world potential reached US$ 43 billion in 2001. It is estimated that it will grow to US$ 83 billion in 2002 and reach US$ 5 billion in 2050. It can be said that the medicinal plant growing is moving towards a promising direction (Direktorat Tanaman Sayuran, Hias dan Aneka Tanaman, 2002: 4). 22 2.4.1 Market Characteristics Based on the interview with Mr. Pinondang Poltak Marganda7 on June 25th 2007 and Mr. Galih Prasetya Utama8 on June 30th 2007 the medicinal plant market can be identified through several characteristics related to the “back to nature” trend of the world community consuming the medicinal plants, those characteristics are: 1. Sensitive to the healthy idea’s about the use of nature material, based on a research. The meaning of this characteristic is when one product is exposed, so there will be a me too-product so that the market of that product will go down. To design a stable market need, but not easy to go down, it is important to design a holistic trend. 2. In the rainy seasons, the peoples willingness to consume natural material is much bigger than consuming synthetic medicine, especially consuming jamu. 3. Consuming jamu, standardized herbs, phytopharmaca and reflection massage are an alternative healing besides using synthetic medicine. 4. There are some commodities which are long lasting and needed in the market, most of the manufactured company invested their money to produce those commodities as primary commodity in their production or their product 7 Representative from the Direktorat Budidaya Tanaman Sayuran dan Biofarmaka, Departemen Pertanian 8 Representative from the School of Pharmacy ITB and the owner of 23 line up. PT. Nyonya Meneer prioritizes and focuses on Curcuma domestica or kunyit. Other products that are as the primary commodities in the manufactured companies are kunyit, jahe, lengkuas, kencur, kapulaga and aloe vera. Beside those products, other medicinal plants products are also needed such as kumis kucing, rumput fatimah, pegagan, temulawak, etc. 5. Nowadays all the pharmaceutical companies have part of their profit from the medicinal plants products, from cosmetics to tooth paste. At least they have one “herbal” product edition or there is a mix of medicinal plants in the composition of the product that the companies produce. Those companies don’t want to be bothered by the natural material that are difficult to be processed. They want it in a form of extract so to make it easier in the downstream process and not too take much time in the upstream process, one example of it is PT. Indofarma that dares to buy in a great price for the extracts. 2.4.2 Market Size and Needs Nowadays natural material is becoming a primary consideration of the business development in several pharmaceutical companies. Almost every synthetic medicine companies have a natural material development division such as Sanbe Farma, Kalbe Farma and Kimia Farma. For Sanbe Farma itself has already used two experts from China and India for two years, to help its natural material developmet division. The infrastructure that they built is in research and business development. 24 Moreover, there are a definite finite demand in biopharmaca or medicinal plants industry for several commodity. The most demand is Ginger which is needed totally 5000 ton followed by Kapulogo and Temulawak by 3000 ton, Kunyit 3000 ton dry simplicia and 1500 ton rhyzome or wet, and there are 2000 ton needs of Adas and Kencur. And still hundreds of ton are needed yearly in the biopharmaca or medicinal plants industry. For complete it will be shown and mentioned in the table below: Table 1. The needs of Indonesian Traditional Medicine Industry on The Variety of Biopharmaca 25 Source: Departemen Pertanian, 2002 Eventhough the data was recorded in 2002, but based on the interview with the Direktorat Budidaya Tanaman Sayuran dan Biofarmaka, the demand of medicinal plants is still high, because several manufactures still lack of the supply of the medicinal plants material, it is estimated that the fulfillment on the medicinal plants for only 2 % yearly, so from 2002 until 2007 there is only 10 % of fulfillment in the medicinal plants demand, therefore there is still a wide market to run business in this market. Naturalife Greenworld is aiming at having the market share of ginger for 1% of the total market of ginger or 50 tons per year or as big as IDR 200 millions from the total market of 5000 tons or as big as IDR 2 trillions. This is actually for the initial strategy, because Naturalife Greenworld believes that in the following year the company can increase the market share to 526 20% for ginger. For kumis kucing, since there are no players in this product, Naturalife Greenworld is optimistic to lead the market share by 70% of 20 tons which is 14 tons or equal to IDR 996.000.000 per year. Lastly for rumput fatimah we are aiming at supplying 630 kilograms for every two months. Specifically for rumput Fatimah, Naturalife Greenworld is the pioneer of playing in rumput fatimah market. 2.4.3 Industry Growth Trend To analyze the growth trend of biopharmaca or medicinal plants market, Naturalife Greenworld uses the growth in production as showed in Table. 2. It can be seen that there is an increasing growth trend of productions from almost every products, 25-30 % annually. Therefore it can be said that the demand of medicinal plants from 1997 to 2005 tends to increase. 27 Table 2. Production of Medicinal Plants in Indonesia Source: BPS Indonesia, 2006 28 Moreover the growth of the medicinal plants need can also be seen from the growth numbers in the traditional medicine industry either small and medium medicine industries (IKOT) or big medicine industries (IOT) in the year 2000 there were only 87 IOT and 723 IKOT, and in the year 2003, there were 118 IOT and 973 IKOT (BP POM, 2000 and 2003). That figure shows that there is the increasing number of medicinal plants industry, implying that there is an increasing number of people consuming medicinal plants9. Based on the data from Corinthian Infopharma Corpora (CIC), in 2000 the consumption of traditional medicine in Indonesia increased 5,4 % annually, while globally it increases 20,96 % annually. BP POM Republic of Indonesia stated that the consumption of traditional medicine will always increases nationally and internationally as the impact of the new trend of back-to-natures living10. 2.4.4 STP (Segmenting, Targetting, Positioning) Analysis Segmenting The segmentation of Naturalife Greenworld market is going to use the variable of industrial type which vary from 9 p 10 p 29 traditional medicine manufacture to food and beverages manufactures, commonly called as Intermarket Segmentation meaning that “the consumers have similar needs, eventhough they have different core of businesses” (Kottler, 2004: 250). Table 3 shows the number of companies in each market segment: Table 3. Market Segment for Medicinal Plant Product No Market Segment Numbers 1. Traditional Medicine Industry 118 2. Smal and Medium Medicine Industry 917 3. Pharmacy Industry 168 4. Food Industry 55 5. Restaurant 309 6. Export (jahe only) Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Saudi Arabia, USA 7. University 54 Pharmacy Faculty Source: Compilation of Several Data The market segment of Naturalife Greenworld are divided into: 1. Industri Obat Tradisional/ Traditional Medicine Industry Industri Obat Tradisional (IOT), is a traditional medicine industry or well known as big Jamu manufacturer. The numbers of 30 IOT had increased to 118 in 2003 compared to 1999 which was only 87 IOT. IOT industries in Indonesia are led by Sidomuncul, Nyonya Meneer and Air Mancur. Most of these type of IOT are in a form of PT or perseroan terbatas11. 2. Industri Kecil Obat Tradisional/ Small and Medium Traditional Medicine Industry Industri kecil Obat Tradisional (IKOT), is a small medium traditional medicine industry producing jamu in a small amount of production compared to IOT. Most of IKOT, is a small medium enterprises and play locally outside the capital city. Now the numbers of IOT have reached 917 industries compare to the year 1999 which are 833 industries12. 3. Pharmacy Industry Pharmacy industry needs the natural based material so much in a form of biopharmaca or medicinal plants, since the peoples have shifted their habit to back-to-natures habit. There are 168 pharmacy industries throughout Indonesia and the big players in 11 12 31 pharmacy industries are Kimia Farma, Kalbe Farma, Sanbe Farma, Indo Farma and Bio Farma (B2B Directory, 2006-2007). 4. Food Industry What does it mean by food industry here is the need of food industry to consume spices or medicinal plants for its production. There are 55 food industries including the market leader like Indofood, Ajinomoto, Sasa and Magfood (B2B Directory, 2006-2007). 5. Restaurant Restaurant can also be categorized as the market segment for medicinal plants, because It actually uses medicinal plant as spices. There are 309 restaurants including fastfood, foreign food and traditional or indonesian food restaurant. The company that uses spices from medicinal plants are included PT Yakiniku Daidomon, PT Nyonya Suharti Ayam Goreng, PT Pondok Laguna Indonesian Food and PT Natrabu Indah Agung (B2B Directory, 2006-2007). 6. Export As mentioned above there are five countries that have big demands in ginger like Malaysia for 767 tons per year, Singapore 402 tons per year, Japan 527 tons per year, and 32 Saudi Arabia and USA 54 tons per year each (Statistik Pangan Luar Negeri IndonesiaIndikator Pertanian, 2005). 7. Pharmacy Faculty The pharmacy faculty also has demand for medicinal plants for its research. For example, School of Pharmacy ITB needs one ton of medicinal plants for one semester. There are 3 major pharmacy faculty in Indonesia UGM, ITB and University of Indonesia. Targetting The target markets that is aimed by Naturalife Greenworld are all the market segment having the most needs of Ginger, kumis kucing and rumput fatimah as the basic material for the purpose of the their production. Positioning Naturalife Greenworld will position itself as the the medicinal plants supplier company which provide high quality and safe products in line with an international standards, and customize the products depending on the requirements and demand of the industry. 33 2.4.5 Entry Barriers In general the biopharmaca or medicinal plants business has little entry barriers, since the market has less tight competitors because the players in this industry that are focusing in the suppliers are still few. Most of the suppliers are the individual instead of the company. Meanwhile there are also the companies as the suppliers such as Emeralindo and Haldin. These individuals have the big possibilities for their products to be rejected, the manufacturer choose the company more because of their legalities. Second, “the players in this business are focusing themselves on wet harvested product rather than extract processed product, this means that they are giving the wet harvested product in a commodity which have no added value to the customers which in the end the customers could bargain for a lower price” (Galih Prasetya Utama, Private Interview, 30-06-2007). So in case of these issues Naturalife Greenworld had prepared itself to have a simple technology of drying-to-extract plants which is not costly expensive and easy to handle. 2.5 Marketing and Sales Strategy In marketing and sales strategy there will be a discussion on the the strategy that will be implemented by analyzing it using the common tools of marketing and sales theory. 34 2.5.1 Competitive Strategy No one strategy is best for all companies. “Each company must determine what makes the most sense given its position in the industry and its objectives, opportunities and resources” (Kottler and Armstrong, 2004: 573). In the Principle of Marketing books writen by Phillip Kottler and Gary Armstrong, there are six basic competitive strategy. The first three competitive strategy is called as the three winning strategies include: 1. Overall Cost leadership, which means the company works hard to achieve the lowest production and distribution cost. 2. Differentiation, which means the company concentrates on creating a highly differentiated product line and marketing program. 3. Focus, which means the company focuses its effort on serving a few market segments well rather than going after the whole market. In the Kottler and Armstrong winning strategy since Naturalife Greenworld is a new established company, the most suitable strategy to implement is by using Overall Cost Leadership because by having these strategy it can reduce the cost from production and distribution in order to gain maximum efficiency of money which can be allocated to self funding program for Naturalife Greenworld. 35 The second three competitive strategy is called as the value discipline for delivering customer value, include: 1. Operational Excellence, which means the company leading provides its superior industry in value price by and convenience. 2. Customer Intimacy, which means the company provides superior precisely segmenting its value by products or services to match exactly the needs of the targeted customers. 3. Product Leadership, which means the company provides superior value by offering a continuous stream of leadingedge products or services. In these last three strategies, Naturalife Greenworld will use Customer Intimacy which we will give flexibility to the customers needs of what form of product they want to be supplied on. By having these strategies, the company added value will increase in the eyes of customers. 36 2.5.2 Strategic Opportunities SWOT Analysis Strength - Networking from government, NGO, business practitioner, academician and also virtual networking. - Product quality. - Customer Relationship. - Team work and ethos. Weakness Not yet recognizable by the market. Opportunity - There are still big space in the market of which the industry need. - The trend of medicine is changing to the natural based medicine or back to nature trend which is not just nationally but also internationally. Threat - The threat from the imported product especially from China. - The threat from the substitution product of synthetic based material which is cheaper. 37 Competitive Advantage Competitive advantage is an advantage over competitors gained by offering consumers greater value (Kottler, 2004:259). The competitive advantage of Naturalife Greenworld product is in term of quality. The quality of products of which Naturalife provides has been standardized, depending on the market needs. Generally it is natural from its farming until its drying. 2.5.3 Marketing Strategy (4 P’s) Product Naturalife will carry a variety of quality products that will enable to provide full service delivery to medicinal plants, traditional medicine industries and pharmacy industries. The product that naturalife is focusing are on Ginger (Zingiber officinale), kumis kucing (Orthosipan aristatus) and rumput fatimah (Labisia pumilla). Pricing The price of each product offered vary based on the local market prices, for dry Ginger it is IDR 7.000 to IDR 13.000 @ 1 kilogram, for dry Kumis Kucing it is IDR 13.000- IDR 20.000 @ 1 kilogram and for Rumput Fatimah it is IDR 110.000- IDR 180.000 @ 1 kilogram. For dry medicinal plants there is no fixed rule, commonly it depends on the negotiation from the supplier and the consumers, but the rate that is used are as mentioned above. 38 Place The Place of which naturalife cooperate with the farmer on getting the best quality of product is in Lido, West Java for rumput fatimah and kumis kucing and in Banten for Ginger. Both of these area are an inventarization of medicinal plant farming that make easy access from the party that are involved between farmer, supplier and Industry. Promotion - Naturalife Greenworld will listed itself in international or national trade website like alibaba for advertising. - Direct Selling to the targeted market by making first the complete database of those targeted market. - Referral Marketing, by the network that Naturalife Greenworld have, it enables us to get a reference. Most of the marketing expense will be used for promotion, the expected marketing expense is around 2 million IDR per month. It will be vary according to the need of the expense. 2.5.4 Sales Forecast Naturalife Greenworld estimated that the growth of sales is 20%-30% per year depends on the unit product sold and the company maximum supply capacity, because Naturalife Greenworld are pretty sure by acknowledging the specific 39 market for different product in the first year it will make easy Naturalife in the upcoming years. The estimated increases of sales were assumes of the increasing number of capacity that Naturalife Greenworld could supply or the increasing price of the products itself. The specific number of sales forecast is shown in table below: Table 4. Naturalife Greenworld Sales Forecast (In Rupiah) Total Year 1 Total Year 2 Total Year 3 Jahe Rp560.000.000 Rp960.000.000 Rp1.088.000.000 Kumis Kucing Rp655.200.000 Rp914.550.000 Rp1.037.400.000 Rumput Fatimah Rp451.027.500 Rp565.950.000 Rp597.712.500 Rp1.666.227.500 Rp2.440.500.000 Rp2.723.112.500 Sales Total Sales 2.6 Operational Plan The objectives of the Naturalife Greenworld operation plan are: 1. Efficiency and easiness in distribution and production 2. To keep the product quality and service to fulfill the demand of the targeted market. 3. To give the best service to the targeted market in order to give brand image of Naturalife Greenworld company. 40 The discussion of the operational plan will include the business process, the capacity of production, the contract agreement system. 2.6.1 The Business Process The Naturalife business process is the whole business process showing the time and direction of the process from farmer to the end user which is the manufacture. The table in the following page shows the business process of Naturalife Greenworld company. 41 Table 5. Naturalife Greenworld Business Process NATURALIFE GREENWORLD BUSINESS PROCESS FARMER NGW MARKET FARMING 1-8 month HARVEST 1-5 weeks WAREHOUSING 1-2 weeks 2 days PLANT DRYING NO PACKAGING (Optional) LAB CHECKING (SAMPLE) 1-8 days QUALITY ASSURANCE 3 days YES 1 weeks TRANSPORTATION 2 days NO COMPANY LAB CHECK 3 days YES MANUFACTURE end The process start from the farming, in this farming stage the medicinal plants are being planted by the farmer. The three different kinds of products have different times of planting time. Ginger lasts for eight months, while kumis kucing and rumput fatimah only last for one month. After the 42 farming, the process comes to the harvesting taking from one to five weeks, depending on the planting method. If all plants (ginger, kumis kucing and rumput fatimah) are planted in the same time, the harvesting will only last one month but if they are planted in “tumpang sari” or random, the harvesting could take five months. The next process is the warehousing which takes one to two weeks. The warehousing takes place in the farmer side. After the warehousing, the next is the plant drying process, the plantations are being formed to simplicia or extract. In the next stage, the sample of the drying plants will be taken to Bandung for lab checking which takes one to eight days. The lab checking of Naturalife Greenworld will also conduct the quality assurance for three days to ensure the products have been standardized. The products that fulfill the standard will be directly packaged in the farmer side for one weeks and the products that are not passed the checking will be returned to the farmer and exchanged them with other plants. After the packaging process, the next stage is delivering the plants to the market or manufacturer or to be re-checked again in their internal lab, the check are commonly just for formality because the products have been certified in the previous lab checking. At the end, products will be processed in the manufacture. 43 2.6.2 Capacity The capacity of supply from Naturalife Greenworld are: Table 6. Naturalife Greenworld Maximum Capacity of Supply Jahe (ton) Kumis Kucing (ton) Rumput Fatimah (kg) Maximum Capacity 150 ton/8 bulan 14 ton/2 bulan 1000 kg/2 bulan The assumptions from these capacity is based on the ability of the medicinal farming area of which Naturalife Greenworld products are being taken in this case Lido and Banten. But Naturalife also have wide range of farmer networking throughout Indonesia especially in Java if in example the demand increase. 2.6.3 Contract Agreement System The contract agreement system is the contract agreement that is made by the farmer and Naturalife Greenworld to ensure the capability of farmer on fulfilling the demand which Naturalife Greenworld asks for a month or a year and Naturalife Greenworld capability on giving the payment to the farmer. So at the end, no party from the farmer and Naturalife Greenworld are being disadvantaged. These Contract Agreement systems will be conducted legally in front of the notary public. There are two kind of system that is used by Naturalife Greenworld to build long term cooperation with the farmers, legally- formal and social way. Initially, in the 44 first step Naturalife Greenworld finds the potential region to become farming partner, Naturalife Greenworld build emotional engagement with intense communication and trust building by opening new captive market for the farmer. Secondly, when the farmers are getting used with the company, and they’ve already trust the institution. Naturalife Greenworld offering a new agreement for long time mutual cooperation, legally in front of the notary public. The first term ( Social Trust Building) range time can be vary according to the character of the farmers, and the sustainability of the product market itself, as soon as Naturalife Greenworld show the commitment of emerging market and keep the sustainability of market share, the farmer are getting faster to get more trust with the company. These contract agreement systems will also be implemented between the consumer and Naturalife Greenworld in order to keep the demand always stable and one of the party are not reluctant with the agreement. 2.7 Management Team 2.7.1 Key Member Naturalife Greenworld will be run by 6 people of which also take a part as the managers and also having the role as the permanent employee, because in the first establishment of the company Naturalife Greenworld doesn’t have employee. But here the managers is also the employee. There are 4 45 divisions, each divisions will hold on and responsible to what their task is. Responsible for leading the company is the task of the general manager, responsible for sales and marketing is the task of sales and marketing division, responsible for finance is the task of finance division, responsible to run the company administration is the task of corporate secretary, responsible of research and development is the task of R&D division and responsible on production and quality assurance is the task of production and quality assurance division. Beside the permanent employee which consist of six members, there will be also a temporary employee which have a task of keeping and guarding the warehouse. There will be three temporary employees. These temporary employees will be responsible to the production and quality assurance division. 2.7.2 Organization Structure The figure in the next page is showing the organization chart of Naturalife Greenworld company. 46 General Manager Corporate Secretary Sales and Marketing Division Finance Division Production and Quality Assurance Division R&D Division Warehouse keeper and guard Figure 7: Naturalife Greenworld Organization Structure 2.8 Financial Plan Naturalife Greenworld is a company that is established to run a business which aimed at gaining the profit. Therefore the function of financial management in Naturalife Greenworld is to make a financial planning, the allocation of investment and resources in order for the company to get a guarantee on the business sustainability and stability, so at the end the company objectives can be achieved. Beside that, Naturalife Greenworld thinks that financial strategy is very important and one of the important factor in the decision making on achieving the objectives of the company. The detail of the strategy will be later discussed in the next sub chapter. 47 2.8.1. Start-up Capital The Initial investment that Naturalife Greenworld estimated is the amount of IDR 94.600.000, which is allocated for cash, legal, warehouse rent office rent, office renovation, laboratorium rent, equipment and others. For detail it is shown in the table below: Table 7. Naturalife Greenworld Start-Up Summary (In Rupiah) Start-Up Summary 1. Asset Requirements QTY a. Computer b. Printer c. Fax d. Office Kit (Furniture) 1 1 1 4.750.000 1.000.000 1.250.000 3.000.000 2. Working Capital a. Salary 20.700.000 b. Warehouse Rent 20.000.000 c. Office Rent 12.500.000 d. Laboratorium Rent 1.500.000 e. Office Supplies 400.000 3. Initial Cost a. Legal b. Office Renovation c. Market Research Total Start-up Cost 10.000.000 4.500.000 15.000.000 94.600.000 2.8.2 Basic Assumptions In designing a financial plan Naturalife Greenworld use the basic assumptions as shown in the tables below: 48 Table 8. Naturalife Greenworld Maximum Sales Capacity Sales Jahe (ton) Kumis Kucing (ton) Rumput Fatimah (kg) Maximum Capacity 150 ton/8 bulan 14 ton/2 bulan 1000 kg/2 bulan 8000/kg 13650/kg 115500/kg Table 9. Naturalife Greenworld Expenses Assumption Expense Amount Warehouse Rent Rp 20 mill@year Office Rent Rp 12 mill@year Lab Rent Rp 2mill@year Rp 980thou-Rp 1,3mill@month Utility Expense Tarnsportation Administration Marketing Expense Salary Expense Miscellanoues Expense Rp 1.5 mill/6 ton Rp 416.667@month first year Rp 2.083.333@month first year Rp 20.700.000@month first year Rp 1.250.000@month first year Explanation In Advance, Increase Rp 500 thou yearly In Advance, Increase Rp 500 thou yearly In Advance, Increase Rp 500 thou yearly Fluctuated Increase total Rp 500 thou yearly Increase total Rp 5 mill yearly Increase Rp 150 thou yearly every month Increase total Rp 1 mill yearly Tax 25% Depreciation Profit sharing 40% from net profit after tax Worst Case Scenario Worst Case Scenario a. Computer 79167 b. Printer 27778 c. Fax d. Office Kit (Furniture) 14881 Total/month 171825 Unit Sold 90% 50000 COGS Increase 10% 49 2.8.3 Revenue The tables below shows the Naturalife Greenworld projected revenues: Table 8. Naturalife Greenworld Projected Revenue (In Rupiah) Total Year 1 Total Year 2 Total Year 3 Jahe Rp560.000.000 Rp960.000.000 Rp1.088.000.000 Kumis Kucing Rp655.200.000 Rp914.550.000 Rp1.037.400.000 Rumput Fatimah Rp451.027.500 Rp565.950.000 Rp597.712.500 Rp1.666.227.500 Rp2.440.500.000 Rp2.723.112.500 Revenues Total Revenues 2.8.4 Project Measurement Analysis In analyzing the project measurement, Naturalife Greenworld will use three method to identifying whether the business is feasible or not. Payback Period “Payback period is a period which shows how long the investment in one business can be return” (Rangkuti, 2005: 214). The fastest the return, the more profitable the business is or on the other hand the the less number of the payback period the business is better. Naturalife Greenworld estimated that the payback period is 15 months 25 days for the normal case. For the worst case, the payback period is unidentified with the scenario that the COGS will increase 10 percent and the unit sold is 90 percent. 50 Net Present Value (NPV) This method is used to analyze whether the business project is feasible or not to run. “If the Net Present Value (NPV) is positive, so the project is producing cash inflow bigger than the investment opportunity cost” (Rangkuti, 2005: 205). On the other hand if the NPV is > 0 the business is feasible. Naturalife Greenworld NPV is IDR 314.649.416 for the base case which is bigger than “0”, so the business based on the normal case is feasible. For the worst case the NPV is below “0”. It means that the business is not feasible if the product unit sold is 90 percent and the COGS increase 10 percent. Internal Rate of Return (IRR) IRR is a method to measure level of investment. “IRR shows the project ability to get an average profit as long as the project run considering from the level of interest rate” (Rangkuti, 2005: 207). If the IRR is bigger than the interest rate it means the business is feasible to run. Naturalife Greenworld IRR is 155 percent for the normal case, from the normal case scenario we can see that the business is feasible because it is bigger than the interest rate in suku bunga deposito bank which is only 6,75 percent. Moreover Naturalife Greenworld also make an addition of 30 percent to the deposito to make a total of 36,75 percent because the addition is worth the risk that the business brings, but still Naturalife Greenworld IRR is still bigger in the normal case. In conclusion based on the normal case this business is very 51 good to run. The condition is vise versa in the worst scenario where the unit product sold is 90 percent and the COGS increase 10 percent, the IRR less than interest rate that Naturalife had sent for the benchmark. In summary to keep on this business therefore Naturalife Greenworld should maintain sales of unit close to 100 percent and keep the COGS stable not to increase very far. 52