CUSTOMER CALL CENTER EVOLUTION IN JOHOR, MALAYSIA OUTPUTS OF THE PRESENTATION The complaints scenarios before the formation of Operation Center. Formation of Operation Center Chronological events in the development of the Operation Center. Stages of developments of the Operation Center. Vision of SAJ Info Center ( SAJIC) BACKGROUND State of Johor TRANSFORMATION OF JOHOR WATER SUPPLY New Regime Migration September 2009 Syarikat Air Johor Sdn. Bhd. Jab Bekalan Air Johor JKR Bekalan Air Before 1989 Jan 1989 Feb 1994 March 2000 REGULATORY STRUCTURE Water Treatment Operators Regulator Distributor • SAJ Holdings Sdn Bhd (SAJ)- also supply treated water • Equiventures Sdn Bhd Regulate Distribute treated water (“ESB”) • Expire June 2012 • Southern Water Corp. Sdn Bhd (“SWC”) • Expire June 2014 Pay bill Lease immovable assets Pay Lease Charges • Public Utility Board, Singapore (“PUB”) Customers OPERATIONAL RESPONSIBILITY From Source to Tap SAJ Holdings is involved in the full cycle of a drinking water supply system from sourcing of raw water, treatment and distribution of treated water to consumers right up to billing and collection. State Regulatory Water Catchments Area River Intake or Impound Reservoir Water Treatment Plant Distribution System Customers AS AT DECEMBER 2011: Customer Facts: Population served Number of Customers: Revenue % of population serviced Service provided 3.3 Million 964,610 RM 60 million / month 99.7% 24 x 7 System Facts: Nos. of Water Treatment Plant Treatment Capacity Production Length of Pipelines Active Reservoirs Reliability – non revenue percent 44 nos. (excl. PUB) 1,826 Mld (excl PUB) 1,498 Mld 19,800 km 560 nos. 29.18% HEADCOUNT Employment Category Headcount Dec 2011 Management 89 Executive 176 Non Executive TOTAL 1,645 1,910 CUSTOMER CALL CENTRE THE EVOLUTION STAGES OF EVOLUTIONS Stage 1 – The Formation. Stage 2 – Call Management System. Stage 3 – The Introduction Of Job Management System (JMS). Stage 4 – Innovation And Rebranding. The Introduction Of SAJ Info Center ( SAJIC ). Stage 5 – The Comprehensive And Integrated Complaint Management System. THE FORMATION LIVE BEFORE OPERATION CENTER Decentralization complaint management. Poor records and data complaint management. Cannot measure the performance. Limited access to complaint. Wrong mindset. Customer dissatisfaction. Information handicapped FORMATION OF OPERATION CENTER Operation Center was formed in 1 October 1999. Its was 24 hour Operation Center to serve as customer service center to receive feedback and complaints from customer. In conjunction with SAJH Operation Center, Maintenance Depots are set up in strategic locations to provide faster respond time. The depots will also be linked to the network department and the CPD for better control and centralised procurement. FORMATION OF OPERATION CENTER Job Management System (JMS) has provided us with the means to manage the workflow of our business much more effectively than ever before. JMS enable us to track all work generated from customers call, from the moment we received calls up to closure of work. Complaints from all over Johor concentrated to the Call Center in SAJH Johor COMPLAINT MANAGEMENT Members of the Public Call Center Mode of communication Complaint diverted to various Depots in the district from the Call Center in SAJH Johor COMPLAINT MANAGEMENT Maintenance Depot Call Center Mode of communication OPERATION CENTER - how it works CUSTOMER COMPLAINT Log-in calls and assess situation for further action OPERATION CENTER CREW AT WORK Customer (eg from Batu Pahat) call Operation Center (HQ) to lodge complaint. With every complaint customer will receive a “report number” for future reference. Instruct Depot (Batu Pahat) to take action Inform Operation Center once problem resolved (closed case) Depot instruct crew to do work DEPOT Inform Depot once problem resolved (closed case) EARLY PARADIGM Only to resolve issues in the network department. Issues pertaining complaints on pipe bursts, leaks and no water. Monitoring, tracking and resolving complaints. Reporting OPERATION CENTRE - INITIAL OBJECTIVES To provide an efficient, fair and accessible mechanism for resolving customer complaints. To increase the level of customer satisfaction. To monitor complaints effectively in order to improve quality services. STAFFING Staffs were selected among the meter readers, clerks, water treatment plant operators, crews. Willingness to come forward. Experience in water supply system. Knowledge on policies and procedures of the company. FACILITIES Computers. Telephone lines and fax machine. Photocopy machine. Bulletin board or white board. Trunk radio. PARADIGM SHIFT The customer complaints are the feedback to the company of its products and services. Hence, complaints should be viewed in a positive light and effective complaint management should be integral part of business operation and strategy rather than a low priority task given to those customer service people, as is common in most companies. LAUNCHING OF OPERATION CENTER VISIT TO THE OPERATION CENTER OPERATION CENTER 07 2224222 TYPE OF CALL Enquiry 3% Billing 2% Quality 1% Low Pressure 4% Meter 7% Distruption 13% Leakage 70% PIONEER STAFF 1st. OCTOBER 1999 OPERATION CENTRE DURING AN EARLY YEAR OF OPERATION OPERATION CENTRE DURING AN EARLY YEAR OF OPERATION CALL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TOLL FREE LINE 1-800-88-7474 SAJH launched a toll free line to enhance communication with customers and improve service level. The event was officiated by the Director of Johor Economic Planning Unit, Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Sheikh A Hardy Ahmad. The launching took place on the 23 October 2003. LAUNCHING TOLL FREE LINE 1-800-88-7474 JOB MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ( JMS ) JMS The initial development of the JMS software programmed was done in house. An online database system developed as a tool used in managing works & complaints JMS incorporate a number of features which facilitates data entry and allows a more effective analysis of the data we have available. JMS allows job assignments through SMS and pipe burst analysis to be monitored and attended to. JMS A communication network with computer interface linking Operation Centre to all SAJH’s regional depots. Each Complaint lodged into the system will be assigned with a unique reference number for easy monitoring and retrieving. Tool for measuring Key Performance Index through customize reports. Allow the establishment of a comprehensive information bank by logging all complaints and enquiries for the purpose of evaluation, planning and decision-making. EVOLUTION OF JMS • JMS Version 1.00 (Start on 1999) • In-house developed using Microsoft Access database • Centralized update • Jobs are created at OC level; district will fax job sheet for update in HQ JMS Version 2.00 (Until 31 October 2002) •Add more details on job sheet •Developed in Web based •Still centralized update •Extended to Network Planner and Customer Service (decentralized update on jobs) EVOLUTION OF JMS JMS Version 3.00 (1 November 2002 – 2 March 2004) •Add Forms for Minor Leak in details •Introduce SMS feature which allows notification of jobs to technician JMS Version 3.10 (2 March 2004 – 3 January 2005) •Switch Database •Production user is included in receiving work order EVOLUTION OF JMS JMS Version 3.10 (3 January 2005 – 1 April 2006) •Switch Database JMS Version 4.00 (1 April 2006 – 1 October 2007) •Complaint job will be open and close by SAJIC. •Plan job will be open and close by work planner by each district. •Add notice for customer for distribution. •Open by work planner, approved by PO and close notice by SAJIC. EVOLUTION OF JMS JMS Version 4.00 (1 October 2007 – 1 January 2009) •Switch Database JMS Version 4.00 (1 January 2009 – 1 July 2009) •Switch Database EVOLUTION OF JMS JMS Version 5.00 (1 July 2009 – 4 January 2011) •Major changes on job sheet JMS Version 5.00 (4 January 2011 – 1 March 2012) •Upgrade New Server SNAPSHOTS RAISING COMPLAINT ACCORDING TO RESPECTIVE REGION SNAPSHOTS SELECTING TYPE OF COMPLAINT & FILLING UP NECESSARY INFO SNAPSHOTS CURRENT COMPLAINTS VIEWED BY WORKS PLANNER AT THE REGIONAL DEPOT SNAPSHOTS JOB ASSIGNING SNAPSHOTS EXTRACTING REPORT FROM JMS SNAPSHOTS MONTHLY PIPE BURST REPORT SNAPSHOTS MONTHLY REPORT ON COMPLAINTS RAISED INNOVATION AND REBRANDING SAJ INFO CENTER- SAJIC 21 OCTOBER 2008 From OPERATION CENTER CENTER. THREE MAIN COMPONENTS COMPLAINTS SERVICE INFORMATION to INFORMATION SAJIC • TOLL FREE LINE 1800-88-7474 • SMS 019 772 7474 • EMAIL [email protected] • WEBSITE LAUNCHING OF SAJIC OUR NEW LOCATION AND NEW OUTLOOK OUR NEW LOCATION AND NEW OUTLOOK MONITORING SYSTEM No of Incidences 'Out of band' at SAJ Reservoir No of Incidences 'Out of band' at SAJ Reservoir P P4 (d) No of Incidences 'Out of band' at SAJ Reservoir EMAIL [email protected] NUMBERS OF EMAIL RECEIVED 2009 250 2010 2011 200 150 100 50 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2009 43 45 61 55 45 64 77 42 53 72 65 75 2010 124 103 166 157 149 120 110 89 96 106 151 123 2011 131 123 160 201 169 191 187 198 213 205 193 188 SMS 019-7727474 NUMBERS OF SMS RECEIVED 2009 2010 2011 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2009 315 578 563 483 562 434 233 523 461 553 604 522 2010 678 932 1710 958 882 1019 1029 942 929 998 1478 1282 2011 1718 1838 1459 1800 1566 1538 1492 1660 1516 1650 2065 1643 COMPREHENSIVE COMPLAINT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Complaint Handling Procedure SOURCE VS CHANNEL – THE CONCEPT Calls Letter / fax Customer Service Dept. Agency Counter Email SMS Corporate Comm. Dept Info Center In-person Dialog Media Other Dept. Individual Complaint Handling Procedure Feedback / Calls Letter / fax Email Correspondence SOURCE VS CHANNEL – THE CONCEPT SMS In-person Info Center Customer Service Dept. Corporate Comm. Dept Other Dept. Media Dialog Individual. REPORTING STATISTIC OF CALLS RECEIVED BY SAJ INFO CENTER Total CY 2010 Average CY 2010 Total CY 2011 Average CY 2011 Variance Average Total Call Offered 189,759 15,813 212,439 17,703 1,890 (+11.95%) Total Answered 162,974 13,581 191,908 15,992 2,411 (+17.75%) Total Abandoned 26,785 2,232 20,531 1,711 -521 (-23.34%) i) Abandoned ii) Q-Abandoned 1,562 25,223 130 2,102 1,290 19,241 108 1,603 -22 (-16.92%) -499 (-23.74%) Description of Item NOTE:- Q-Abandoned: Caller in the IVR environment. Caller drop the line due to lines to agents are busy or other own reasons. Abandoned: Caller pass through IVR stage and wait for call agent to pick-up the line. While ringing, caller dropped the line due to own reason or the agent dropped the phone call due to still in process of updating previous report. CALLS FROM 1999 TO 2011 P2.c(ii)-No of Breakdown Incidences Causing Supply Disruption. 410 TARGET BURSTS : <12 nos /100km/half year : 11.90 nos/100km/half year 400 390 380 370 360 350 340 Jul 11 Aug 11 Sep 11 Okt 11 Nov 11 Dis 11 Target 388 388 388 388 388 388 Burst 401 376 396 375 394 365 390 C1 c(i)-Supply Continuity PIPE BURSTS REPAIR WITHIN 18 HOURS ( <200MM) BURSTS : 99.50% ( 2,138 ) nos WITHIN 18 HOURS : 99.95% ( 2,137 ) nos 100.05% 100.00% 380 99.95% 370 99.90% 360 99.85% 99.80% 350 99.75% 340 99.70% 330 99.65% 320 310 99.60% Jul 11 Aug 11 Sep 11 Okt 11 Nov 11 Dis 11 Burst 376 335 352 353 377 345 Within 18hrs 376 335 352 352 377 345 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 99.72% 100.00% 100.00% % 99.55% 50 C1 c(ii)-Supply Continuity PIPE BURSTS REPAIR WITHIN 36HOURS ( >200MM) BURSTS : 99.50% ( 169 ) nos WITHIN 36 HOURS : 99.41% ( 168 ) nos 100.50% 45 100.00% 40 99.50% 35 99.00% 30 25 98.50% 20 98.00% 15 97.50% 10 97.00% 5 0 Jul 11 Aug 11 Sep 11 Okt 11 Nov 11 Dis 11 Bursts 25 41 44 22 17 20 Within 36hrs 25 41 43 22 17 20 100.00% 100.00% 97.73% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% % 96.50% 45 C1 c(iii)-Supply Continuity MINOR LEAKS REPAIR WITHIN 24 HOURS ( Affecting customer supply ) LEAKS : 99.00% ( 107 ) nos WITHIN 24 HOURS : 100% ( 107 ) nos 120.00% 40 100.00% 35 30 80.00% 25 60.00% 20 15 40.00% 10 20.00% 5 0 Jul 11 Aug 11 Sep 11 Okt 11 Nov 11 Dis 11 Leaks 10 39 21 10 13 14 Within 24hrs 10 39 21 10 13 14 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% % 0.00% 4500 C1 c(iv)-Supply Continuity MINOR LEAKS REPAIR WITHIN 48 HOURS ( not affecting customer supply ) LEAKS : 99.00 % ( 25,195 ) nos WITHIN 48 HOURS : 99.99% ( 25,192 ) nos 100.01% 100.00% 4400 100.00% 4300 99.99% 4200 99.99% 4100 99.98% 4000 99.98% 3900 99.97% 3800 3700 99.97% Jul 11 Aug 11 Sep 11 Okt 11 Nov 11 Dis 11 Leaks 4438 4072 4385 4228 4098 3974 Within 48hrs 4438 4072 4384 4227 4097 3974 100.00% 100.00% 99.98% 99.98% 99.98% 100.00% % 99.96% KPI & BENCHMARKING Achievement Performance Measures KPIs Base year 2008 FY 2012 Target 96% 97% 98.65% 99.72% 99.77% 99.33% 99.54% 99.61% Tba 97% 99.82% 99.81% 99.92% 99.94% 99.94% 99.91% 90% 92% 89.0% 100% 99.99% 100% 100% 99.99% Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Jan - Dec 2011 FY2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 (Overall) (Q1 CY11) (Q2 CY11) (Q3 CY11) (Q4 CY11) CS1 : Response time to complaints a) Billing Complaints: -% responded within 3 working days Water supply Complaints b) Response to Complaints: - % complaints meaningfully responded within 5 working days c) Telephone Complaints: -% responded within 30 seconds 3 YEARS NRW TREND VISITORS DIRECTOR OF SPAN’S SOUTHERN REGION CHIEF MINISTER OF JOHOR AND PRESIDENT OF MWA LISTS OF FOREIGN VISITORS INDONESIA PHILIPINE THAILAND INDIA PAKISTAN SAUDI ARABIA CHINA KOREA JAPAN HONG KONG SINGAPORE VIETNAM AUSTRALIA LAOS UK SAJIC GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE SAJIC’S ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES CRISIS CENTER – GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE Global climate change is the greatest environmental challenge to us. We have to recognize that our business is vulnerable to the direct impact of climate change. SAJIC has played an important role as Crisis Center in implementing a comprehensive crisis management plan during the major flood in Johor from 18 to 29 December 2006 and a second and more intense wave flood from 12 to 15 January 2007. Better dissemination of information and updates, improved response time on requests, closer liaison with the government departments, enhanced flood monitoring and better secure strategic assets, all played a part in greatly reducing disruptions to the water supply. SAJIC’S ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES NURTURING GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP SAJ believe in helping our neighbors and in sharing our wealth of experience and expertise. SAJ will nurture global partnerships for development , we will collaborating with emerging regional water utilities to share experiences and best practices as well as improve water service delivery. – SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA SDN BHD ( SAM ) – SYARIKAT AIR DARUL AMAN ( SADA ) – KATHMANDU UPATHAYAKA KNANEPANIE LIMITED ( KUKL ), NEPAL SAJIC AN EVOLUTION AND JOURNEY SYARIKAT AIR MELAKA BERHAD (SAMB) JMS Version 1.00 (2008 - Now) SYARIKAT AIR DARUL AMAN (SADA) JMS Version 1.00 (2009 - Now) JMS Version 2.00 (In Progress) CONCLUSIONS SAJIC is a backbone for water supply operation SAJIC is the driven force for effective monitoring of operation performance. SAJIC is the center of information on the daily operation status. SAJIC is the front contact point to the customer interface. SAJIC is the process of continuous improvement. THANK YOU
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