هویت سازی بصری برند قواعد و زیرساختهای یک ارتباط روشن و شفاف
هویت سازی بصری برند قواعد و زیرساختهای یک ارتباط روشن و شفاف
شماره هفتم ،بهار 1389 هویت سازی بصری برند قواعد و زیرساختهای یک ارتباط روشن و شفاف بصری است که برند را منسجم و یکپارچه به نمایش درمی آورد. فهرست دورههای آموزشی ترم بهار در مدرسه ایده نام دوره مارکتینگ ()Marketing تکنیکهای مذاکره و فروش سازماندهی دفاتر تبلیغاتی برنامه ریزی کمپین تبلیغاتی اصول مدیریت تبلیغات هویت سازی برند نوشتن متن تبلیغات ()Copywriting صاحب امتیاز و دبیر شورای آموزشی :آرش سلطانعلی صفحه آرایی :رامین خوش نمای بهرامی طرح روی جلد :امیرحسین رحیمی ایده پردازی در آگهی های تجاری چگونه یک تیزر تلویزیونی حرفهای تولید کنیم؟ آشنایی با صدا و سیما روند پذیرش و پخش تیزرهای تلویزیونی Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator همکاران این شماره: نسرین عربلو ،سپیده غالم زاده، مارتین رول ()Martin Roll ( Adobe InDesignپایه) بابک بادکوبه بابک بادکوبه علی شمس علی شمس فریبرز سیامک نژاد 3Dmax کیوان نظام آبادی برنامه نویسی در Adobe Flash کسرا یوسفی مبانی طراحی گرافیک طاهره محبی تابان طراحی نشانه اسداهلل چهره پرداز کامبیز درمبخش تایپوگرافی خط فارسی اسداهلل چهره پرداز کارگاه طراحی مهدی محمدی گرافیک مطبوعاتی و صفحه آرائی سوسن محمودی طراحی وب کسرا یوسفی تصویرسازی مدیریت رنگ www.ideaschool.ir پیام بلوریان کرد آرش سلطانعلی آرش سلطانعلی فرشید شهیدی اونیش امین الهی ( Adobe InDesignتخصصی) طراحی پوستر e-mail: [email protected] دکتر علیرضا صدر محمدی بهروز افشار پیام بلوریان کرد فریبرز سیامک نژاد طراحی کاریکاتور تهران ،خیابان خردمند شمالی ،کوچه هجدهم ،پالک 26 تلفن8830 3759-8882 3625-8882 3387 : فکس8884 4454 : نام مدرس مهدی محمدی حمیدرضا داوودی سوسن محمودی انیمیشن ()Animation کیوان نظام آبادی عکاسی تخصصی حسین کیانی طراحی و تولید بستهبندی مینو واثقی عکاسی پایه عکاسی تبلیغاتی اصول چاپ و نظارت بر آن حسین کیانی حسین کیانی محسن محمدی هویتسازی برند؛ ابزاری مؤثر در تداوم فروش با آرش سلطانعلی ،کارشناس تبلیغات و هویتسازی برند در زمینه لزوم توجه به برندسازی در کشور به گفتگو نشستیم .وی معتقد است متأسفانه موضوع برندسازی در ایران مورد توجه کافی قرار نگرفته است. خبرگزاری موج آرش سلطانعلي • فارغالتحصيل سازمان استعدادهاي درخشان • فارغالتحصيل رشته گرافيك دانشگاه آزاد • اخذ گواهي نامههاي مديريت تبليغات، مديريت بازاريابي ،مديريت برند • طراح گرافیک ،مدير هنري و مدير تبليغات براي سازمانها و شركت هاي متعدد بين المللي • مشاور هنري جشنواره هاي مختلف • مسئول روابط عمومي و مشاور هيات مديره انجمن صنفي طراحان گرافيك 79تا 82 • عضو شوراي سياست گذاري و برگزاري سمينارها و همايش هاي متعدد آموزشي • عضو رسمي انجمن بين المللي تبليغات ()IAA • عضو رسمي انجمن صنفي طراحان گرافيك • عضو رسمي انجمن روابط عمومي ايران • موسس و صاحب امتياز آموزشگاه ايده • موسس و صاحب امتياز انتشارات ايده برند در ایران چه جایگاهی دارد؟ متأسفانه در ایران اص ً ال برند نداریم! برند به معنی واقعی و در چارچوب استاندارد دنیا در ایران وجود ندارد! این امر نتیجه دالیل متعددی است که عالوه بر عدم توجه به هویت بصری در این زمینه ،میتوان به کمتوجهیهایی نیز از جنبههای مدیریتی ،اقتصادی و غیره اشاره کرد که تأثیرگذار بر فعالیت بنگاههای اقتصادی است .به جرأت میتوان گفت در ایران به معنای حرفهای برند وجود ندارد! لزوم توجه به هویت بصری برند در کشور چقدر احساس میشود؟ هویت بصری یک برند به عنوان نمادی برای معرفی یک شرکت و یا تولیدات منحصر به آن حائز اهمیت است و بدون توجه به هویتسازی بصری برند به سختی میتوان در تجارت بینالمللی و حتی تجارت داخلی حرفی برای گفتن داشت. اگر کشور ما به سمت هویتسازی برند نرود، نمیتوان موفقیت چندانی را در بازارهای رقابتی انتظار داشت .البته طی سالهای اخیر تعداد معدودی از سازمانها و شرکتهای ایرانی به این امر توجهی نموده و فعالیتهایی را در این زمینه انجام دادهاند اما تا امروز هیچگونه حرکت منسجمی از سوی سازمانهای بزرگ صورت نگرفته است .این در حالی است که توجه به هویتسازی برند ،توجه به الفبای تجارت یک سازمان است. جذابیت بصری یک برند تا چه اندازه در جذب مخاطب میتواند موفق باشد؟ تمام شرکتهای بزرگ دنیا به جذابیتهای بصری برند خود بسیار توجه کرده و در این زمینه حساسیتهای باالئی را مدنظر قرار میدهند تا انگیزههای کافی را برای جذب مخاطبین خود ایجاد کنند .به عنوان مثال بانک ملت ،در گذشته جذابیت بصری چندانی نداشت ،اما طی چند ماه اخیر توانست با تغییرات بنیادی در هویت بصری برند خود بصورت یکپارچه ،جذابیتهای چشمگیری را برای مخاطبین ایجاد کند. با توجه به اینکه ایران به سمت تجاری شدن پیش میرود ،تا چه اندازه باید به برندسازی در کشور توجه کرد؟ توجه به برندسازی در کشور یک مسئله زیربنایی است و مدیران موفق این مسئله را مورد توجه قرار خواهند داد .توجه به آموزش برندسازی در کشور میتواند به نوعی توجه به الفبای تجارت در کشور باشد. جامعة ما نیازمند فرهنگسازی برای بوجود آوردن بستر مناسبی برای آشنائی مدیران با هویتسازی برند و یکپارچهسازی هویت بصری برند است .هویتسازی برند تأثیر بسیاری در رونق تجارت یک شرکت دارد ،همچنین الزم است شرایطی فراهم شود تا آموزش برندسازی در کشور مورد توجه قرار گیرد ،متأسفانه متولیان سیستم آموزش ،دانشجویان و مدیران نیز به اهمیت آموزش چنین موضوعی آگاهی ندارند. این در حالی است که در سیستمهای آموزشی کشورهای پیشرفته همواره توجه شایانی به این موضوع شده است. دوره آموزشی هویتسازی برند، ()Corporate Identity Background ،Hot Stampingهای مجاز، فواصل و فضای اطراف لوگو از صفحه ،لی آوت پیام و نوشته در کنار لوگو ،لی آوت مخصوص نمایندگی ها و شعبُ ،مهرها ()Stamps • استانداردسازی رنگهای اصلی و فرعی مدرس :آرش سلطانعلی سازمانی ،سیستمهای ،Pantone Coding CMYK ،RGB هویت یا طرح جامع بصری یک سازمان ()CI قواعد و زیر ساختهای یک ارتباط روشن و شفاف بصری است که سازمان را منسجم و یکپارچه به نمایش درمیآورد .بازتاب کاملی است از آنچه یک سازمان دارد ،میسازد ،اجرا میکند و میگوید. طرح جامع بصری فقط نشانه ،لوگو تایپ یا امضای سازمان نیست .بلکه عامل مشترک بصری است که همه ارکان یک سازمان را در بیرون و داخل آن پیوند میزند و هماهنگ میکند. هدف از ارائه هویت تصویری یکدست و یکپارچه ،ایجاد تصویر خاص و مثبت در ذهن عموم و نیز حفاظت از هویت بصری سازمان است. طرح جامع بصری یادآور مستمر و ثابت است از چهره یک سازمان که در همه جا قابل رویت و انگیزهبخش است. طرح جامع بصری بیان تصویری شخصیت، اعتبار و شیوه کار یک سازمان است .هویت بصری کار و کسب یک سازمان و بیانگر ارزشها و نمایش حرفهای بودن سازمان و تعهد آن به باالترین استانداردهای بینالمللی است. هویت جامع بصری تصویری متحد و یکدست از سازمان ایجاد مینماید .از نشانه و اوراق اداری گرفته تا تابلوها ،از بدنه ماشینهای توزیع کاال تا سبک و سیاق تبلیغات همه جا آگاهی نسبت به سازمان را افزایش میدهد و در نهایت کار و کسب را رونق میبخشد .هویت بصری جامع ابزاری نیرومند است که با سرمایهگذاری روی آن ،نام تجاری سازمان یا محصول آن قدرت و اعتبار و ارزش افزوده پیدا میکند .اگر درست طراحی و اجرا شود ،یادآوری مستمر و ثابتی است از چهرة سازمانی که در همه جا قابل رؤیت است و همه سهامداران و مشتریان با دیدن آن خرسندانه به حرکت می آیند. در صفحاتی که در پی می آید نمونه های متعددی از بخشی از منوال هویت جامع بصری سازمان ها و شرکت های متعدد معتبر بین المللی آمده است. متقاضیان ثبت نام دوره آموزشی طرح جامع بصری جهت هماهنگی روز و ساعت تشکیل کالس ها بایستی با دفتر آموزشگاه تماس حاصل نمایند. سرفصل های درسی این دوره را می توان در موارد زیر خالصه کرد: • استانداردسازی نحوه استفاده نشانه ،نقشه معماری نشانه ،واریاسیونها ،رنگبندی، ،Positive ،Negative Scale ،Gray • استانداردسازی شعار ( )Sloganو تگ الین ()Tagline • استانداردسازی فونتهای مورد استفاده • استانداردسازی و یکپارچهسازی مجموعه اوراق اداری ،سربرگها ،اوراق فکس ،کارتها ،فولدرها، پاکتها ،لیبلها ،یادداشتها ،گزارشها ،تگها، ،Applications ،Name Badges، Greetings چارتها ،جداول ،دیاگرامها و نقشهها..... • استانداردسازی و یکپارچهسازی ساختار بستهبندیها و یونیفورم Packaging • استانداردسازی و یکپارچهسازی ساختار آگهیها و تبلیغات ،بروشورها ،تقویمها و سایر ملزومات اداری و Remindersو ..... • استانداردسازی و یکپارچهسازی ساختار تبلیغات الکترونیک ،وبسایت ،مالتیمدیا، بنرهای اینترنتی Screen Saver ،و .... • استانداردسازی و یکپارچهسازی ساختار چهره محیطی ،ساین بردها ،استندها ،هویت نمایشگاهی ،غرفهها ،اتومبیلها ،لوازم و لباسهای کار و پرچمها و بنرها و اتومبیل ها .... • استانداردسازی و یکپارچه سازی ساختار هدایای تبلیغاتی و Reminderها. • استانداردسازی و یکپارچه سازی ساختار و قواعد بصری تشریفات و دیسیپلین ها. International travel grant scheme Postgraduate and professional development The Sir Angus Paton Bursary Postgraduate and professional development 1.3 Exclusion zone The logo will be more visible and have greater impact where it is surrounded by a sufficient amount of space. So an exclusion zone has been created within which no type, images or other graphics may appear. The zone is defined by the height of the letter T as shown. Additional space should be given wherever possible. In print, the logo must not appear smaller than 25mm measured across its entire width. On screen, it must not be smaller that 115 pixels at 72dpi. 3.7 Bursary document examples Bursary brochure and leaflet covers feature the use of the arc in conjunction with an appropriate full colour photographic image. Covers should normally have black backgrounds. The Communications Department’s advice must be taken where colour backgrounds are being considered. The logo must always be consistently positioned but its colour can change to reflect a theme or the dominant colour of an image. The colour A brief guide Master reference drawn 03.09.04 Master reference drawn 03.09.04 Master reference drawn 03.09.04 The Royal Academy of Engineering Newsletter Master reference drawn 03.09.04 Master reference drawn 03.09.04 Master reference drawn 03.09.04 1.2 Logo misuse 3.4 Corporate document examples The logo must always be reproduced from a digital master reference. It must never be redrawn or modified nor must the relationship between its elements be altered in any way. Do not distort the logo. Do not use incorrect colourways. Do not reposition the namestyle in relation to the symbol. Do not box the logo; all backgrounds on which it appears should extend horizontally and/or vertically to the edges of materials.Do not change the namestyle. Corporate document covers must feature the prominent use of the glow which should normally appear on a black background. The Communications Department’s advice must be taken where colour backgrounds are being Name Company Visiting / / Date Time in Company Visitor Valid on: Car reg. Tom McLaughlan Name considered. The logo must be positioned in the top left-hand corner of all covers. Titles and subtitles should be as short as possible.Titles should appear in white and sub-titles in 40% black. Visiting Car reg. Date Time in Visitors please note: • This pass should be worn at all times during your visit • You are the subject to the Health Safety Regulations posted in The Academy • If the fire alarm sounds (a continuous loud bell), follow the instructions of your host • This pass should be returned to Reception on your departure from The Academy Fellow Valid on: / / Fellows please note: • This pass should be worn at all times during your visit • You are the subject to the Health Safety Regulations posted in The Academy • If the fire alarm sounds (a continuous loud bell), follow the instructions of your host • This pass should be returned to Reception on your departure from The Academy Tom McLaughlan Director of Communications h mit nS Tom McLaughlan J oh 5.2 Placecard, badge and visitor passes These examples show the principles behind the use of our visual brand in the design of staff badges, visitor passes and placecards. Visitor passes reflect our visual brand as much as their standard format will allow.‘Visitor’ is clearly visible as is all statutory information. mit nS h Joh Master reference drawn 03.09.04 5.1 Accessories Staff badges clearly display the name of the wearer. Placecards have been designed to be visible from a distance. The logo occupies a prominent position on all items. Type should appear in Myriad and be set in upper and lower case and ranged left. The Royal Academy of Engineering 29 Great Peter Street London SW1P 3LW The Royal Academy of Engineering 29 Great Peter Street London SW1P 3LW Tel +44 (0) 20 7227 0500 Fax +44 (0) 20 7222 9075 [email protected] www.raeng.org.uk The new visual identity specifies the use of the original Academy monogram not as a logo but, uniquely, as the Fellowship’s mark of distinction. Existing Fellowship materials – such as the tie and brooch – will, therefore, remain available. Tel +44 (0) 20 7227 0500 Fax +44 (0) 20 7222 9075 Master reference drawn 03.09.04 www.raeng.org.uk A N Other Company name Street name and number Town or city County POSTCODE Registered charity number 293074 11 October 2004 Dear Anyone Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laore dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore euor feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatu zzril delen augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mcerat pos sim assum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod un tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip exea. Yours sincerely Master reference drawn 03.09.04 Tom McLaughlan Director of Communications The Royal Academy of Engineering 29 Great Peter Street London SW1P 3LW Tel +44 (0) 20 7227 0500 Fax +44 (0) 20 7222 9075 [email protected] www.raeng.org.uk Sender’s name Position The Royal Academy of Engineering promotes excellence in the science, art and practice of engineering Registered charity number 293074 2.1 Letterhead, compliments slip and business card Our stationery is business-like and professional. With the exception of approved personalised letterheads and compliments slips, no variation in the design of these items is permitted. The monogram must never be used on our compliments slips or business cards. A range of templates have been prepared to ensure consistency across all typed stationery (eg letterheads, faxes and invoices). Guidance on the use of these templates can be obtained from the Communications Department. 5.3 Signage and flag All external signs must be clearly visible from a distance. The entrance sign and flag on this page illustrate the simple, elegant use of the logo at the Academy’s London headquarters. Sitting alongside these will be a new range of Academy products that will use the logo symbol as the core element of their design, as shown by these examples. of the colour must reflect the colour of the arc. Titles and sub-titles should be as short as possible. Titles should appear in white and sub-titles in 40% black. List of Fellows 2004-2005 1.0 Basic Elements 1.1 Logo 1.0 The Bayer Cross is a unifying symbol of identity used by all companies within the Group. Applied consistently and correctly in all communications media, it serves to consolidate Bayer’s corporate and brand profile both internally and externally. As the key element in Bayer’s corporate design, the Bayer Cross should always be used in keeping with the stipulated guidelines. For applications geared to achieving a striking logo impact, only the Bayer Cross is used. In all other cases, the cross must be supplemented by the Bayer logotype. The size, combination and positioning of the cross and/or the logo are defined for each specific medium. In order to ensure the best possible reproduction of the symbol, different versions of the logo are available for the various applications, sizes and reproduction processes. According to the area of application of the Bayer Cross and the logo, the corresponding data format should be carefully selected, allowing for all relevant reproduction factors. Wherever possible, the logo should be used in color, as a three-dimensional symbol or in 3-D look. It must not be modified or redrawn. There are corresponding file formats for the various applications available for downloading. Important information on this is contained in the relevant read-me file. The different versions and their areas of application are described below. Start Basic version Lineart color version Grayscale version Blackfill 1.6 Bayer The data formats available for downloading must not be modified. 3-D lineart version Typeface should not be changed No borders Color should not be changed Corporate names should not be added None other than the defined color The Bayer Cross and logo must never be modified. No elements, boxes or corporate names may be added. Type design and colors must not be altered. Start Chapter Basic Elements 1.5 With visual backgrounds, care should be taken to ensure that a suitable image section guaranteeing good reproduction is selected for positioning. In dark, structured areas, the reverse lineart version is preferable. Logos on Backgrounds Light 1.0 Dark Visual background Basic Elements 1.8 Basic version small Basic version small Basic version small PQRSTUVWXYZ Should New Helvetica not be available to the user or if it is more preferable for pragmatic reasons, the standard Helvetica typeface may also be used. 1234567890 & ? ! : ; 45 New Helvetica Light This is a dummy copy designed to illustrate to the reader merely the look and feel of such elements as font family, typeface, typestyle, character spacing, line spacing, etc. The tonal value and structure of the background determine which version should be used. Visual backgrounds must be suitable for depiction purposes. In case of doubt, the reverse lineart version should be used. Basic version small Basic version small Lineart version reverse Start Start Chapter Chapter Basic Elements 1.7 Gradation Strip Examples of Use Corporate Typefaces abcdefg hijklmno The corporate typefaces of Bayer are New Helvetica and Times. These are consistently used in corporate communications and, in combination, produce a timeless, pragmatic quality. New Helvetica is used for headlines, body copy and accentuations. There are various typestyles available for different applications. For PC applications, the system font Arial is used. 1.0 Logo Misuse Incorrect usage of the logo undermines the purpose of corporate design and detracts from the overall image of the company. In order to guarantee a homogeneous image, corporate design guidelines must be applied consistently. Chapter 1.0 Basic Elements 1.0 Basic Elements 1.9 55 New Helvetica Roman This is a dummy copy designed to illustrate to the reader merely the look and feel of such elements as font family, typeface, typestyle, character spacing, line spacing, 75 New Helvetica Bold This is a dummy copy designed to illustrate to the reader merely the look and feel of such elements as font family, typeface, typestyle, character spa New Helvetica Times New Roman Regular This is a dummy copy designed to illustrate to the reader merely the look and feel of such elements as font family, typeface, typestyle, character spacing, line spacing, etc. This is a Times New Roman Bold This is a dummy copy designed to illustrate to the reader merely the look and feel of such elements as font family, typeface, typestyle, character spacing, line spacing, etc. Corporate Colors A company’s color scheme is the vibrant, emotive platform which brings corporate design to life, shaping and energizing its identity. The primary colors in Bayer’s color scheme are Bayer Green and Bayer Blue, ideally complemented by silver, four different gray tones and their color gradations. For the purposes of creative execution in communications media, orange, red, dark green, dark blue and blue-gray are added to the color palette. Bayer Green and Bayer Blue are the predominant colors in the primary color scheme, supplemented by silver and four gray tones. These are the colors for general use. This is a sample of a headline. Pharmacy Sign Pylon CMYK RGB Pantone HKS RAL Corporate Brochure Start Start Chapter Chapter 6.0 Vehicle Markings 6.2 4.0 Passenger Car BMS_PLOTT_4C.eps BMS_WHT.eps Print media green blue silver gray 1 gray 2 gray 3 gray 4 65/0/100/0 0/204/0 368 67 6018 100/10 /0 /10 0/153/204 Process Blue 47 5015 – – 8401 silver – 0/0/0/79 36/39/44 Cool Gray 11 93 7012 0/0/0/65 85/86/97 Cool Gray 9 92 7037 0/0/0/60 153/153/153 Cool Gray 8 92 7046 0/0/0/35 197/198/201 Cool Gray 5 91 7004 4.1 Brochures without product logos Reverse with mandatory texts If there are economic considerations – particulary for brochures comprising 4 to 8 pages – you may decide to place mandatory texts on the reverse, in a way that is clearly recognizable and separate. Fonts for mandatory texts: Meta Plus Normal Minimum size: 6 points The modified Bayer Cross and lettering are now available for digital printing – including the “cutting line” – in a Plot Logo version on the Corporate Design page on the Internet. 15,0 63,5 Diameter of Bayer cross 10 mm BMS_SM_4C.eps Die vorstehenden Informationen und unsere anwendungstechnische Beratung in Wort, Schrift und durch Versuche erfolgen nach bestem Wissen, gelten jedoch nur als unverbindliche Hinweise, auch in Bezug auf etwaige Schutzrechte Dritter. Die Beratung befreit Sie nicht von einer eigenen Prüfung unserer aktuellen Meta Plus Normal 100 % black Bayer MaterialScience AG 51368 Leverkusen Germany Beratungshinweise – insbesondere unsere Sicherheitsdatenblätter und technischen Informationen – und unserer Produkte im Hinblick auf ihre Eignung für die beabsichtigten Verfahren und Zwecke. Anwendung, Verwendung und Verarbeitung unserer Produkte, und der aufgrund unserer anwendunstechnischen Beratung von Ihnen hergestellten Produkte, erfolgen außerhalb unserer Kontrollmöglichkeiten und liegen daher ausschließlich in Ihrem Verantwortungsbereich. Der Verkauf unserer Produkte erfolgt nach Maßgabe unserer jewweils aktuellen Allgemeinen Verkaufs- und Lieferbedingungen. 15,0 Ausgabe: xxx.xx, www.bayerbms.com Bestell-Nr. xxx Printed in Germany Meta Plus Normal, minimum size 6 points 100 % black Line spacing aligned with height of block L>ÊÕ`iiÊÊ> L>ÊÕ`iiÊÊ> 7À`>À 7À`>À / iÊÜÀ`>ÀÊÃÊÌ iÊÃÌÊ«ÀÌ>ÌÊ`iÌviÀÊÜ V ÊÀi«ÀiÃiÌÃÊ--1 ]Ê°i°ÊÌÊÃÊÌ iÊÛÃÕ> «À«iÀÌÞÊvÊÜ ÊÜiÊ>ÀiÊ>`ÊÜ >ÌÊÜiÊ`°Ê/ iÀivÀiÊÌ iÊà >«i]ÊVÀÊ>`ÊiÌÌiÀÊÌÞ«iÊà Õ`ÊÌÊLi V >}i`ÊÀ>`Þ°Ê/ iÊVÀÊvÊÌ iÊÜÀ`>ÀÊà Õ`ÊLiÊiÝ«ÀiÃÃi`ÊÊ>ÊÜ>ÞÊvÊVÃÃÌiÌÊvÀÊ Incorrect Uses Û>ÀÕÃÊi`>Ê«ÀÌ}]ÊÃ}Ã]ÊiÌV°®]Ê>`ÊÌÃÊ>VVÕÀ>ÌiÊVÀ]ÊVÀÊÛ>ÕiÊ>`Ê ÕiÊà Õ`ÊLiÊ>Ì>i`° (The examples on the right illustrate incorrect color use. ) Color -«ÌÊ ÀÊ\Ê*>ÌiÊÓnÈ ÊÌÊÕÃiÊÌ iÊ`vviÀiÌÊVÀ vÀÊÜÀ`>ÀÊ}ÌÞ«iÊ>`ÊÌ i L>V}ÀÕ`ÊVÀ°Ê/ iÃi VÀÃÊà Õ`ÊLiÊÌ iÊÃ>i° ÊÌÊÕÃiÊ>ÊÜÀ`>ÀÊVÀÊv Ã>ÀÊÛ>ÕiÊ>`Ê ÕiÊ>ÃÊÌ i L>V}ÀÕ`ÊVÀ°Ê/ iÊ>VÊv VÌÀ>ÃÌÊ«>ÀÃÊÛÃLÌÞ° ÊÌÊÕÃiÊÀiÊÌ >Êi VÀÊvÀÊÌ iÊL>V}ÀÕ`° ÊÌÊÕÃiÊ>ÊL>VÊÜÀ`>À Ê>ÊVÀi`ÊL>V}ÀÕ`°Ê>V ÃÊiÝVÕÃÛiÞÊvÀÊÕÃiÊÊÜ Ìi L>V}ÀÕ`° ÊÌÊÕÃiÊ>Êi}>ÌÛiÊ>}iÊv >ÊÜÀ`>ÀÊÊ>ÊLÀ} Ì L>V}ÀÕ`° ÊÌÊÕÃiÊ>ÊLÕiÊÜÀ`>ÀÊÊ> `>ÀÊL>V}ÀÕ`°Ê/ iÊ>VÊv VÌÀ>ÃÌÊ«>ÀÃÊÛÃLÌÞ° ( Do not print the wordmark in secondary Samsung colors.) 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Special attention must be paid to the values of the logotype as a whole when constructing logotypes greater than 8 m or smaller than 20 mm. The construction grids for the positive and negative versions are provided below. 1.4 Border The logotype: basic elements 1.5 Colour The logotype: basic elements To avoid any form of visual interference with other graphical elements shown with the logotype, a border equal to 10% of the length and 35% of the total height of the logotype should always be kept. The border ensures that the logotype is always clear and easy to read. Use of the logotype with other trademarks or logotypes in non-institutional situations or contexts must be authorised by the Olivetti Communications Division. The colour of the OLIVETTI logotype is Pantone Process Blue. In four-colour printing, this is obtained as follows: 100% cyan, 9% magenta, 61% black. When using colour, great attention should be taken to ensure correct reproduction. Instructions are provided for the use of colour in digital environments and on the Web. Only the Olivetti Communications Division may authorise use of the logotype in chromatic contexts other than those specified above. Negative Positive Pantone Process Blue Negative CMYK Digital WEB C M Y K RGB R 0% G 150% B 214% HTML Code 100% 9% 0% 6% #0096D6 Positive Use on dark-coloured backgrounds 1.11 Reductions and enlargements The logotype: basic elements The logotype may be reproduced in the company colour only if it is used against a black background. On all other dark-coloured backgrounds, the logotype is reproduced in: White Black 20% The size of the logotype may vary as long as the exact proportions between the various elements are maintained. To ensure full legibility, reductions of less than 20 mm should be avoided. In reproductions larger than 8 m and smaller than 20 mm, the spacing between the letters should be checked to ensure legibility, without modifying the formal values of the logotype as a whole. 1.9 The logotype: basic elements 1.14 Special version – outline The logotype: basic elements 1.13 Low enlargement ratios The logotype: basic elements When the logotype is reproduced on special materials with serigrahic printing, hot-press printing, punch printing, the special outline version may be used to maintain legibility and prevent blurring. A more widely spaced version of the OLIVETTI logotype has been created for special cases, such as low enlargement ratios, where the size of the logotype is less than 20 mm, dry printing, printing on porous media, production of rubber stamps or adhesive tape and all other cases where the medium tends to become distorted. 1.15 Incorrect use of the logotype The logotype: basic elements The OLIVETTI logotype may never be: • modified in any way (either lettering or composition) • an integral part of a text or address • used partly in positive and partly in negative • used as a texture • used on textured backgrounds • used with shading or with 3D characters • used with a frame 1.12 Minimum reduction for the Web The logotype: basic elements The minimum size of the OLIVETTI logotype for the Web is a base of 70 pixels. space and size our symbol X X Clear space refers to a distance of “X”, as a unit of measurement, The unique Symantec symbol stands for surrounding each side of the Symantec signature. “X” equals the balance and harmony, and our commitment height of the letter “C” of the Symantec logotype. A minimum to quality and wholeness. It represents our clear space requirement has been established to ensure the promi- tradition of integrating diverse ideas and nence and clarity of the Symantec signature. It is essential that the solving complex problems. Symantec signature remains free of all graphics, taglines, identities, The diagram to the left demonstrates the photography, and typography. origin of the Symantec symbol design and X X X X Minimum size refers to the smallest size at which the Symantec construction. It is meant as historical infor- signature may be reproduced to ensure its legibility. The mini- mation only, and does not imply that the mum reproduction size of the Symantec signature is 1/8" in symbol can in any way be manipulated. height, based on the height of the letter “C” of the Symantec logotype. However, when space limitations dictate the use of a The importance of this cannot be stressed reproduction size that is smaller than the recommended mini- strongly enough; modification or re-treat- mum, contact the Symantec Corporate Marketing Department for ment of the Symantec symbol will detract approval of those special applications. Observe the reproduction from the integrity of the Symantec signature size requirements of the signature to avoid poor quality or distortion. and, more importantly, the value of the Symantec brand. The trademark symbol (™) is a legal component of the Symantec .5X signature and must always be present to protect our identity. Special consideration should be taken with respect to the sizing of the trademark symbol (™): when resizing the signature, please consider the context and use your best judgement to determine the appropriate size of the trademark symbol (™). X height = 1/8" 12 8 our signature colors our signature backgrounds The Symantec signature must always appear clearly and legibly on its backgrounds. Always observe clear space specifications and use high-quality vendors and reproduction methods. The preferred color configuration of the Symantec signature in full color should appear on a white background whenever possible. preferred: four colors Proper application of the Symantec signature is essential for business system: two colors four-color reproduction promoting, maintaining, and protecting our brand. Adhere to the The Symantec signature may also be placed on a Symantec specifications in these standards and use high-quality vendors yellow background. In this case, the Symantec logotype always and reproduction methods to ensure consistent representation appears in black. of our brand. The Symantec signature may also appear on black, dark-colored, The preferred color configuration of the Symantec signature is in and light-colored backgrounds as long as sufficient contrast is full color and should be used whenever possible. provided. In situations where the background color is a grayscale somewhere between absolute black and white, please observe Based on the applications and reproduction requirements, there the following recommendation: when the background shifts to are two ways to reproduce the Symantec symbol: for applications more than 50% gray in density, the Symantec logotype must such as packaging, the Symantec symbol reproduces in four- appear in Symantec Yellow. A gray background density of less color process. For applications such as stationery, the Symantec than 50% requires the use of the black Symantec logotype. symbol reproduces in two colors, Symantec yellow and black When placing the signature on a background other than the (for reproduction instructions, see diagram to the left). two-color reproduction ones specified in these standards, use your best judgement to When printing the Symantec signature, always use the coated determine whether black or yellow Symantec logotype renders stock color specifications for the Symantec yellow. the highest contrast. Always ensure legibility by placing the signature in an area that is simple and uncluttered. yellow fill prints symantec yellow coated 15% black fill overprints symantec yellow black fill prints black 16 20 our business system our corporate colors primary color palette To maintain a consistent look across all Symantec internal and external communications, we have created a distinct stationery system. David M. Martin Executive Title Division tel (408) 253 9600 fax (408) 446 8966 mobile (408) 957 1666 [email protected] Month, D ay, Y Symantec Corporation 20330 Ste vens Creek Blvd. Cupertino, CA 95014 www.symantec.com ear N ame Addressee’s s ss a ddres B usine Address S treet Z ip C ode City, S tate, S incere c Corpora Symante 28 tion 20330 Ste vens Creek o, CA 95014 B lvd., Cupertin fax (408) Symantec yellow is unique; there is no Pantone* or other color matching system equivalent for this color. The color chips for the Symantec yellow provided with these standards are the color standards that all printed materials should match. secondary color palette For our purposes, the common weights The secondary color palette has been created for use in of this font are Regular, Bold and Italic. presentations and other corporate materials. To find colors that are consistent with the business needs of 446 8966 www.sy consumer, enterprise, and online applications, please refer to symantec blue symantec orange symantec gray symantec plum symantec green font family, go to our Intranet site at Pantone 5425 Pantone 144 http://syminfo.symantec.com or Extranet Pantone Warm Gray 6 C34 M0 Y0 K38 C0 M47 Y100 K0 C0 M9 Y11 K30 C38 M38 Y43 K0 C34 M27 Y51 K0 R116 G143 B165 R242 G127 B26 R156 G149 B145 R125 G107 B120 R147 G147 B119 HEX# 748FA5 HEX# F27F1A HEX# 9C9591 HEX# 7D6B78 HEX# 939377 site at http://marketing.symantec.com. 253 9600 colors for print, electronic and environmental applications. on a variety of materials. fax, and to download the NewsGothic mantec. a wide range of applications. Symantec yellow, white and black serve as our brand’s corporate for our letterhead, news release, and ’s N ame Color provides a strong visual link to our brand identity across HEX# FFCCOO To obtain Microsoft Word ® templates S N:tn e (408) telephon black correctly display the Symantec signature the use of the TrueType font—NewsGothic. ly, S ender white R255 G204 B000 These representative examples to the left Our Microsoft Word ® templates require e le of th n e xamp ry tter is a im agina . T his le c ross the N ews ssee: a s a guide b ut does not 1 0 point is page Dear Addre sh-left c opy in u se th re is flu p lease a ll b ody . s tructu s. T ype g a le tter, le ading ad. T he s begin 2 point When typin of a le tterhe tec a ddres with 1 (1 2.7 mm). fo rmat the S yman a nd lowercase in ches typical e n at 2 ary where e befor is u pperright margi S kip one lin right bound ll b ody te xt lin e a nd the M T. A page. kip one Gothic (2 5.4 mm) e top of th e lin e. S ate 1 in ch d th e at th fro m le tter. of th e page (5 7 .5 mm) le ft with of th e margin s flu sh ches Set the the body a ddres 2 .2 5 in raphs . ion a nd ame a nd e d ate en parag s alutat see’s n Type th nd the lin e betwe th e A ddres s lin e a s kip one typing a ddres e always the la st ur or fiv raph and s kip fo between parag hen ’s the T of losing. th e S ender ls. beginning e th e c pace for t at the in itia lin es befor a llow s typists Do not inden nd the name to s kip two name a le tter, ’s typed S ender ’s typed ted your S ender a nd the c omple en the c losing Havin g en the lin e betwe lines betwe inally, s kip one F signature. symantec yellow coated: C0 M20 Y100 K0 uncoated: C0 M12 Y100 K0 Pantone 437 Pantone 451 the relevant styleguides. To ensure consistent representation of our brand identity always use high-quality vendors and reproduction methods. com * In lieu of the Symantec colors, you may use the PANTONE® colors shown here, the 14 standards for which can be found in the current edition of the PANTONE Color Formula Guide. The colors shown in these standards have not been evaluated by Pantone, Inc. for accuracy and may not match the PANTONE Color Standards.PANTONE® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc. :kZg]8^e^f^gml :kZg]8^e^f^gml888 Gnk8eh`h Mgl^k8Dh`h O^kg^k8ohg8Kb^f^gl8_hng]^]8hnk8\hfiZgr8fhk^8maZg888 8r^Zkl8Z`h8Zg]8lbg\^8ma^g8abl8_Zfber8gZf^8aZl8[^^g8 8 lrghgrfhnl8pbma8bgghoZmbhg8Zg]8m^\agheh`b\Ze8ikh¦ `k^ll8makhn`ahnm8ma^8phke]8Q^m8ma^8gZf^8Kb^f^gl8bl8 fhk^8maZg8Z8f^k^8k^fbg]^k8h_8iZlm8ablmhkr8bmÁl8ma^8\hf¦ iZll8maZm8`nb]^l8nl8bg8hnk8ik^l^gm8Zg]8hnk8_nmnk^8La^8 gZf^8Zelh8^qik^ll^l8hnk8\hffbmf^gm8mh8_neyeebg`8hnk8 k^lihglb[bebmb^l8mh8lh\b^mr8Am8lmZg]l8_hk8hnk8ikh]n\ml8Zg]8 l^kob\^l8hnk8Z\ab^o^f^gml8Zg]8hnk8[kZg]8O^8Zk^8Zee8 Kb^f^gl89g]8maZmÁl8par8hnk8gZf^8bg8`kZiab\Ze8_hkf88 bl8hnk8\hkihkZm^8eh`h La^8eh`h8mZd^l8\^gm^k8lmZ`^8bg8hnk8[kZg]8ik^l^g\^8AmÁl8 Z8[kZg]8lrf[he8Z8fZkd8h_8hkb`bg8Zg]8Z8l^Ze8h_8jnZebmr8 Zee8Zm8hg\^89l8hnk8b]^gmb_rbg`8fZkd8bm8aZl8Zg8^qZ\mer8 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است 1. OUR IDENTITY 1. OUR IDENTITY 1. OUR IDENTITY SYMBOL CONSTRUCTION CORPORATE COLOURS MARQUE VARIATION ON COLOURED BACKGROUNDS Wherever possible, the MAAN symbol should be reproduced at its standard size of 28.2 mm x 28.2 mm. It should never be smaller than the recommended minimum size of 14.6 mm x 14.6 mm. The MAAN includes two colours. Maybe in some its communications shows in Outline, Black, White, Grayscale, Gold & Silver. The colours can be use for background in art work and etc. English Version Panton 1375 C C: (cyan) 0% M: (magenta) 40% Y: (yellow) 100% K: (black) 0% R: (red) 239% G: (green) 155% B: (blue) 17% Panton 425 C C: (cyan) 10% M: (magenta) 0% Y: (yellow) 0% K: (black) 80% R: (red) 70% G: (green) 71% B: (blue) 71% 160 mm Tint 90% Black 100% C: (cyan) 0% M: (magenta) 40% Y: (yellow) 100% K: (black) 0% C: (cyan) 0% M: (magenta) 60% Y: (yellow) 100% K: (black) 0% C: (cyan) 0% M: (magenta) 90% Y: (yellow) 100% K: (black) 0% C: (cyan) 100% M: (magenta) 0% Y: (yellow) 35% K: (black) 0% C: (cyan) 100% M: (magenta) 20% Y: (yellow) 30% K: (black) 0% C: (cyan) 100% M: (magenta) 30% Y: (yellow) 0% K: (black) 0% C: (cyan) 10% M: (magenta) 0% Y: (yellow) 0% K: (black) 80% C: (cyan) 0% M: (magenta) 0% Y: (yellow) 0% K: (black) 100% Tint 80% Tint 70% Tint 60% Tint 50% Tint40% Tint30% Tint20% Tint10% 170 mm P R O P E R TI E S P R O P E R TI White Outline 28.2 mm P R O P E R TI Grayscale 28.2 mm E S P R O P E R TI E S P R O P E R TI White in Dark Background Black Outline E S Black in Light Background E S Gold Silver 14.6 mm 14.6 mm P R O P E R TI E S Standard reproduction size 28.2 mm x 28.2 mm 1.2 P R O P E R T I E S Minimum reproduction size 14.6 mm x 14.6 mm 1.4 1.5 1. OUR IDENTITY 1. OUR IDENTITY TYPOGRAPHY TYPOGRAPHY Humanist521 BT is the font that use for all of the agency’s printed material about MAAN PROPERTIES. Helvetica use in some templates, such as letters, memos and reports destined for internal or electronic transmission. Mitra and Mitra (Bold) in Parvin Software are the fonts that use for all of the agency’s printed material about MAAN PROPERTIES in Farsi version. Humanist521 BT ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ¡!#$%/&*()_+1234567890 Humanist521 BT (BOLD) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ¡!#$%/&*()_+1234567890 Helvetica ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ¡!#$%/&*()_+1234567890 Helvetica Narrow Mitra µ´³²±°¯®~¬«ª¨©§¦¥¤ £¢¡Ÿžœ¨š™˜÷–•}{’‘ŽŒ‹Š‰ˆ‡†„… Ý Ü Û Ú Ù Ø × Ö Õ Ô Ó Ò Ñ Ð Ï Î Í Ì Ë Ê ÉÈ Ç ÆÅ Ä Ã Â Á À ¿ ¾ ½ ¼ » º ¹ ¸ · ¶ ÿþýüûúùøõôóòñðïîíìëêéèåäãâáàßÞ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + ) ( * / % $ ! Mitra (Bold) ± ° ¯ ® ~ ¬ « ª ¨ © § ¦ ¥ ¤£ ¢ ¡ Ÿ ž œ ¨ š ™ ˜ ÷ – • } { ’ ‘ Ž Œ ‹ Š ‰ ˆ ‡ † „ … Ñ Ð Ï Î Í Ì Ë Ê ÉÈ Ç ÆÅ Ä Ã Â Á À ¿ ¾ ½ ¼ » º ¹ ¸ · ¶ µ ´ ³ ² ÿþýüûúùøõôóòñðïîíìëêéèåäãâáàßÞÝÜÛÚÙØ×ÖÕÔÓÒ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + ) ( * / % $ ! ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ¡!#$%/&*()_+1234567890 Helvetica (BOLD) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ¡!#$%/&*()_+1234567890 1.6 1.7 2. OUR STATIONERY VISIT CARD 6 mm 2. OUR STATIONERY 2. OUR STATIONERY 5 mm 2. OUR STATIONERY NOTE PAPER LETTERHEAD NOTE PAPER Name Surname www.maanproperties.com Title 210 x 297 mm P R O P E R T I E S Tehran Office: 2nd Floor, 248 Mottahari St. Tehran, Iran Tel: +9821 88 30 40 79 Fax: +9821 88 82 68 36 20 mm 20 mm 210 x 297 mm P R O P E R TI P R O P E R TI E S P R O P E R TI E S 2. OUR STATIONERY E S EMPLOYEE CARD 148ID x 210 mm 2. OUR STATIONERY COMPLIMENT PAPER 148 x 210 mm P R O P E R T I E S TO P R O P E R T I E S O www.maanproperties.com P R O P E R T I E S With Compliment 2nd Floor, 248 Mottahari St. Tel: +9821 88 30 40 79 PH Fax: +9821 88 82 68 36 www.maanproperties.com Name Surname Title 190 mm 2.4 90 mm Tehran Office: 2nd Floor, 248 Mottahari Street Tel: +9821 88 30 40 79 Fax: +9821 88 82 68 36 20 mm With Compliment 2nd Floor, 248 Mottahari St. TYPOGRAPHY 2.1 P R O P E R T I E S Addressfont: Humanist521 BT Size:12 pt Colour: Maan`s Gray Tel: +9821 88 30 40 79 Fax: +9821 88 82 68 36 www.maanproperties.com GRAPHIC ELEMENTS Gray band & Clouds: 210 mm x 37 mm 2.3 Colour: 8% Black 2.3 2.6 4. OUR PROMOTIONAL & DISPLAY MATERIAL 4. OUR PROMOTIONAL & DISPLAY MATERIAL OVERALL, HAT & T-SHIRTS STATIONARY SET, DOCUMENT BAG, BADGE Stationary Set Overall Document bag Hat T-shirts 4.5 4.8 Badge 3. Our Presentation Material ���������������������� ���������������� �� ���������� ���������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������� ������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������� 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OUR PROMOTIONAL & DISPLAY MATERIAL 4. OUR PROMOTIONAL & DISPLAY MATERIAL MUG, WINEGLASS, CUP & ASHTRAYS MOUSEPAD, PEN & CLOCK Mug Mousepad Wineglass Cup Clock E I T R E P O R P P R P E R T Ashtrays O I E S S Pen 4.3 4.1 5. OUR ENVIROMENTAL DESIGN 5. OUR ENVIROMENTAL DESIGN FLAG & OUT DOOR PLAT TRUCK & CAR 5.1 5.2 :نمونه بخشی از منوال هویت بصری گالری جواهرات نیکا که توسط آژانس تبلیغات سلطانعلی طراحی و تدوین شده است 1. OUR IDENTITY 1. OUR IDENTITY SYMBOL CONSTRUCTION CORPORATE COLORS The Nika includes two colors. Maybe in some its communications shows in Outline, Black, White, Grayscale, Gold & Silver. Wherever possible, the NIKA symbol should be reproduced at its standard size 29.3 mm x 18.2 mm. It should never be smaller than the recommended minimum size 20.7 mm x 13.0 mm. Farsi Version C: (cyan) M: (magenta) Y: (yellow) K: (black) 100% 0% 31% 7% R: (red) G: (green) B: (blue) 0% 160% 175% Gold Pantone 873 C C: (cyan) M: (magenta) Y: (yellow) K: (black) 30% 30% 60% 10% R: (red) G: (green) B: (blue) 168% 153% 110% Black 100% Black 100% 155 mm 105 mm Pantone 320 C White Outline Black Outline Grayscale White in Dark Background Gold Black in Light Background Silver Standard reproduction size 29.3 mm x 18.2 mm Minimum reproduction size 20.7 mm x 13.0 mm NIKA JEWELRY CI 6 7 NIKA JEWELRY CI 1. OUR IDENTITY 1. OUR IDENTITY SYMBOL CONSTRUCTION MARQUE VARIATION ON COLORED BACKGROUNDS Wherever possible, the NIKA symbol should be reproduced at its standard size 26.3 mm x 12.6 mm. It should never be smaller than the recommended minimum size 18.6 mm x 8.9 mm. The colors can be used for background in art work and etc. Tint 90% Tint 80% Tint 70% Tint 60% Tint 50% Tint 40% Tint 30% Tint 20% Tint 10% English Version Pantone 320 C: (cyan) M: (magenta) Y: (yellow) K: (black) 100% 0% 31% 7% 150 mm Pantone 319 C: (cyan) M: (magenta) Y: (yellow) K: (black) 52% 0% 19% 0% Gold C: (cyan) M: (magenta) Y: (yellow) K: (black) 30% 30% 60% 10% 85 mm Pantone 295 C: (cyan) M: (magenta) Y: (yellow) K: (black) 100% 57% 0% 40% Black C: (cyan) M: (magenta) Y: (yellow) K: (black) 0% 0% 0% 100% Standard reproduction size 26.3 mm x 12.6 mm 5 NIKA JEWELRY CI Minimum reproduction size 18.6 mm x 8.9 mm NIKA JEWELRY CI 8 2. OUR SATATIONARY VISIT CARD 12 mm 6 mm 1. OUR IDENTITY 6 mm 6 mm 6 mm 6 mm TYPOGRAPHY 2. OUR SATATIONARY Mitra and Mitra (Bold) in Parvin software are the fonts that use for all of the agency’s printed material about NIKA JEWELRY in Farsi version. 2. OUR SATATIONARY 6 mm 6 mm Letterhead Mitra 30 mm 20 mm 20 mm 50 mm 20 mm COMPLIMENT PAPER Mitra Bold 2. OUR SATATIONARY EMPLOYEE CARD 1. OUR IDENTITY TYPOGRAPHY 2. OUR SATATIONARY Optima is the font that use for all the agency’s printed material about NIKA JEWELRY. Helvetica use in some templates, such as letters, memos and reports destined for internal or electronic transmission. Envelopes Optima ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ~!@#$%^&*()_+1234567890-= NIKA JEWELRY CI 10 Optima Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ~!@#$%^&*()_+1234567890-= 20 mm NIKA JEWELRY CI 16 TYPOGRAPHY (English) TYPOGRAPHY (Farsi) LOGO ELEMENTS Address font: Optima Size: 9 pt Color: NIKA’s Gray Address font: Mitra Size: 11 pt Color: NIKA’s Gray Color: Pantone 320 C & Gold 13 NIKA JEWELRY CI 9 NIKA JEWELRY CI NIKA JEWELRY CI 18 4. OUR PROMOTIONAL & DISPLAY HANDBAG 4. OUR PROMOTIONAL & DISPLAY 4. OUR PROMOTIONAL & DISPLAY TAG HANDBAG 4. OUR PROMOTIONAL & DISPLAY TAG 17 NIKA JEWELRY CI 4. OUR PROMOTIONAL & DISPLAY 4. OUR PROMOTIONAL & DISPLAY TAG TAG 4. OUR PROMOTIONAL & DISPLAY COASTER 4. OUR PROMOTIONAL & DISPLAY COASTER 5. OUR ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN INDOOR PLATE 4. OUR PROMOTIONAL & DISPLAY 4. OUR PROMOTIONAL & DISPLAY 4. OUR PROMOTIONAL & DISPLAY COASTER COASTER TAG NIKA JEWELRY CI 30 5. OUR ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN INDOOR PLATE NIKA JEWELRY CI 30 29 NIKA JEWELRY CI NIKA JEWELRY CI 30 4. OUR PROMOTIONAL & DISPLAY COASTER 29 NIKA JEWELRY CI NIKA JEWELRY CI 30 NIKA JEWELRY CI 30 NIKA JEWELRY CI 34 NIKA JEWELRY CI 34 مدیریت استراتژیک برند امروزه یکی از با ارزشترین داراییهای بسیاری از شرکتها برندهای محصوالت و خدمات آنهاست .کتاب مدیریت استراتژیک برند که به آن لقب «انجیل برند» دادهاند ،کمک میکند تا درک عمیقتری از اهداف اصلی برندسازی به دست آورید .یکی از ضروریات مدیریت ارشد هر سازمان ایجاد برندهای قدرتمندی است که ضمن عمل به وعدهها ،قدرت و توانمندی خود را در طول زمان ارتقا دهند. معرفی چشماندازهای نوین در مدیریت برند ،شناسایی و تثبیت جایگاه و ارزشهای برند ،برنامهریزی و پیادهسازی برنامههای بازاریابی برند ،از بخشهای این کتاب هستند. تأکید اصلی این کتاب بر درک اصول روان شناختی در سطوح فردی و سازمانی برای بهینهسازی تصمیمگیری در خصوص برندها ،با تشریح بسیاری از مفاهیم به روز در حوزهی مدیریت استراتژیک برند به طور عملی به همراه مثالهای فراوان میباشد. مهمترین اهداف این کتاب عبارتند از: .1جستوجو و کاوش مهمترین موضوعات پیرامون مباحث برنامهریزی ،پیادهسازی و اجرا و ارزیابی استراتژی برند. .2ارائه مفاهیم ،تئوریها ،مدلها و سایر ابزارهای مناسب برای بهبود تصمیمگیری در حوزة مدیریت برند. کتاب «مدیریت استراتژیک برند» نوشتة کوین کلر ( )Kevin Kellerدر 466صفحه وزیری با ترجمه عطیه بطحائی و قیمت 9000تومان در بهار 1389توسط انتشارات سیته چاپ و منتشر شده است. Corporate Identity Corporate Identity 3 is the premier forum for excellence in Corporate Identity design. With commentary by Massimo Vignelli of Vignelli Associates and Richelle Huff of Larsen Design in Minneapolis, this volume showcases outstanding Identity design by leading international designers completed for clients in a wide range of industries. Featured Identities include multiple components, including environmental graphics, logos, letterhead, brochures, interior design, packaging, signage, exhibit designs and more. Each campaign is complemented by detailed credits and captions. Indices of designers, art directors and creative directors, photographers and illustrators, and clients complete the volume. This book is an indispensable reference for Identity designers and corporations. 256 pages )Size 8.5× 12 inches (21.59 × 30cm More than 300 full- color images Commentaries by Massimo Vignelli & Richelle Huff Complete Indices and captions Text in English, German, and French Published by Graphis Inc. duties at the same time, the CEO must be backed by a strong brand management team of senior contributors, who can facilitate a continuous development and integration of the new strategy. Build your own model as not every model suits all. All companies have their own specific requirements, own sets of business values and a unique way of doing things. Therefore, even the best and most comprehensive branding models have to be tailored to these needs and requirements. Often, only a few but important adjustments are needed to align them with other similar business models and strategies in the company to create a simplified toolbox. Remember that branding is the face of a business strategy so these two areas must go hand in hand. Involve your stakeholders including the customers. Who knows more about your company than the customers, the employees and many other stakeholders? This is common sense, but many companies forget these simple and easily accessible sources of valuable information for the branding strategy. A simple rule is to use 5% of the marketing budget on research and at least obtain a fair picture of the current business landscape including the current brand image among stakeholders, brand positioning and also any critical paths ahead. Simply do not forget the valuable voice of your customers in this process. Advance the corporate vision. The corporate branding strategy is an excellent channel for advancing the corporate vision throughout the company. It allows the management to involve, educate and align everyone around the corporate objectives, values and future pathway. It provides a guiding star and leads everyone in the same direction. The internal efforts are at least 50% of making a corporate branding strategy successful. Exploit new technology. Modern technology should play a part of a successful corporate branding strategy. Technology helps to gain effectiveness and improve the competitive edge of the corporation. A well-designed and fully updated Intranet is a must in today’s working environment which has become increasingly virtual with employees working from home, from other locations and traveling across the globe to name only a few factors. An Extranet can facilitate a much more seem less integration with strategic partners, suppliers and customers, avoid time consuming paper work and manual handling of many issues. A company website is not only a must, but rather a crucial channel for any modern corporation regardless of size. If the corporation is not accessible on the Internet, it does not exist! The more professional the website, the better the perception among the Internet savvy modern customer. Gone are the days where corporations could get along with a business card portrayed on the Internet. Empower people to become brand ambassadors. The most important asset in a corporation is its people. They do interact every day with colleagues, customers, suppliers, competitors and industry experts to name a few. But they also interact with an impressive number of people totally disconnected to the corporation in form of family members, friends, former colleagues and many others. Hence they serve as the corporations most important brand ambassadors as the word-of-mouth can be extremely valuable and have great impact on the overall image of the corporate brand image. The most effective way to turn employees into brand ambassadors is to train everyone adequately in the corporate brand strategy (vision, values and personality etc.) and making sure they fully understand – and believe! – what exactly the corporation aims at being in the minds of its customers and stakeholders. Nike is a brand which is known for their efforts into educating and empowering everyone employed by the company to be strong brand ambassadors. Create the right delivery system. The corporate brand is the face of the business strategy and basically it promises what all stakeholders should expect from the corporation. Therefore, the delivery of the right products and services with all the implications this entail should be carefully scrutinized and evaluated on performance before any corporation starts a corporate branding project. Think of the cradle to grave concept of a lifelong customer and the value he/she will provide in such a time span. Make sure he/she is handled with outstanding care according to internal specifications and outside expectations. The moment of truth is when the corporate brand promise is delivered well – and it does not hurt if the corporation exceeds the customer expectation. Singapore Airlines runs a very rigid, detailed and indepth description of any customer touch points with the corporation, and several resources are spend on making sure it actually does happen every time to every customer. All employees regardless of title and rank from Singapore Airlines spend a not insignificant amount of workdays being trained every year. Communicate! Bring the corporate brand to life through a range of well-planned, well-executed marketing activities, and make sure the overall messages are consistent, clear and rel evant to the target audiences. Make sure the various messages are concise and easy to comprehend. Do not try to communicate every single point from the corporate branding strategy. Instead, a selective approach will make much more impact using the same resources. Measure the brand performance. A brand is accountable and so should a corporate brand be. How much value does it provide to the corporation and how instrumental is the brand in securing competitiveness? These are some of the questions which need to be answered and which the CEO will automatically seek as part of his/her commitment to run the strategy successfully. The brand equity consists of various individually tailor-made key performance indicators (including the financial brand value) and needs to be tracked regularly. A brand score card can help facilitating an overview of the brand equity and the progression as the strategy is implemented. Adjust relentlessly and be ready to raise your own bar all the times. The business landscape is changing almost every day in every industry. Hence the corporation needs to evaluate and possibly adjust the corporate branding strategy on a regular basis. Obviously, a corporate brand should stay relevant, differentiated and consistent throughout time, so it is a crucial balance. The basic parts of the corporate branding strategy like vision, identity, personality and values are not to be changed often as they are the basic components. The changes are rather small and involve the thousands of daily actions and interpersonal behaviors, which the corporations employ as part of the brand marketing efforts. The conclusion is that a strong CEO and a dedicated management team are always seeking to raise their own bars and be change agents for their corporations.A well-drafted and professionally managed corporate branding strategy can be a powerful component of the board room work. to Branding Excellence throughout the corporation. There are thousands of unique corporate brands. Companies like Microsoft, Intel, Singapore Airlines, Disney, CNN, Samsung, Mercedes and many others are good examples to think of. The global financial powerhouses HSBC and Citibank have both in recent years acquired a vast number of companies across the globe and adopted them fully under their international corporate brands with great success and within a surprising short timeframe. A strong brand is about building and maintaining strong perceptions in the minds of customers. This takes time to establish and many resources to keep, but no one remember what the local banks used to be called, and HSBC and Citibank have managed to transfer the brand equities from the acquired brands into their own corporate brand equity. An ancient and famous Indian proverb says: “If you don’t have a goal, how can you know when you have arrived?”. In order to establish and grow a corporate brand successfully, the management team has to track and measure the strength of the current corporate brand and the entire brand portfolio. Research can help understand the business landscape in more depth and serves as a foundation for the future corporate brand strategy. Modern research tools have become very sophisticated and at the same time easy to employ. There is no excuse for not trying to get a market and customer driven perspective of the brand portfolio including the corporate brand. In the last couple of years, corporate brands have become very strong drivers of financial value for corporations. Corporate brands by themselves have become valuable assets on the company balance sheet with market values very often much beyond book value. The founder of SONY, Akio Morita, once said: “I have always believed that the company name is the life of an enterprise. It carries responsibility and guarantees the quality of the product”. Therefore, a strong and well-balanced corporate brand orchestrated throughout the corporation by a passionate CEO and his team can lead to very successful and sustainable financial results. What are the benefits of a corporate brand? There are several benefits from employing a corporate branding strategy which a corporation can exploit. First of all, a strong brand including a corporate brand is no less or more than the face of the business strategy hence portraying what the corporation aims at doing and what it wants to be known for in the market place. The corporate brand is the overall umbrella for the corporations’ activities and encapsulates its vision, values, personality, positioning and image among many other dimensions. Think again of HSBC which has successfully implemented a stringent corporate branding strategy. They employ the same common expression throughout the globe with a simple advertising strategy based on the slogan “The world’s local bank”. This creative platform enables the corporation to bridge between many cultural differences, and to portray many faces of the same strategy. A corporate branding strategy creates simplicity as it always will stand on top of the brand portfolio as the ultimate identifier of the corporation. P&G has notoriously been known for a multi-brand strategy and yet again, the corporate brand P&G is still what encapsulates all activities by the company. Depending on the business strategy and the potential need for more than a one-brand architecture in the case of P&G, which markets many different brands under their umbrella, a corporate brand can very often assist the corporation and the management to focus in on the core vision and values. Once this overall platform has been established and implemented, it serves as a great stepping stone for revisiting any other brands in the corporations’ portfolio and to have a new approach and look at their various brand identities. This ultimately will lead to the final brand architecture of the corporation and set the strategy for how branding and brands will play an important role to achieve the corporate objectives. When the corporation decides to implement a corporate branding strategy, some cost efficiencies can often be achieved as opposed to a large multibrand architecture where the corporate brand plays a smaller or insignificant role. Today, there is a general requirement for high level of investments to maintain efficient production capabilities and scale in many industries (for example technology and pharmaceutical), and to stay competitive in R&D for new products and services. Product life cycles are getting shorter and shorter for many industries and products, and corporations have to seek solutions to recover their development and marketing costs within the shorter life cycles. These factors combined are forcing corporations to evaluate their cost structure, and a corporate branding strategy can help the management achieve their goals by bridging across product categories and services as opposed to a multi-brand strategy. There are obvious cost efficiencies in terms of reduced marketing and advertising spending as the corporate brand replaces budgets for individual product marketing efforts. Even a combined corporate and product branding strategy can often enable management to reduce costs and exploit synergies from a new and more focused brand architecture. The Apple brand has established a verystrong position of being a design-driven and innovative company offering many types of products and services. Their corporate brand encapsulates the body and soul of the company, and the main messages from the company uses the corporate Apple brand. Various sub-brands then help to identify the individual product lines. But one should carefully avoid the potential trip of stream-lining the brand portfolio just based on a raw cost perspective as secondary effects can play a significant impact of the overall revenue stream and on the stakeholders image of the corporation. The basic guideline is based on revenue contribution of the various brands. If profit contribution can be enhanced by reducing the number of brands, the portfolio is too big. Reversely, if the overall profit contribution can be enhanced by adding new brands, the portfolio is too small. Hence an individual wish for strong corporate branding must be evaluated carefully and all factors taken into consideration. 10 steps for successful corporate branding There are 10 crucial steps on the way to a successful corporate branding strategy, and they can serve as a useful guide for any corporate branding project. The CEO needs to lead the brand strategy work. The starting point for corporate branding must be the board room, which is also serving as the most important check-point during the project. The CEO must be personally involved in the brand strategy work, and he/she must be passionate and fully buy into the idea of branding. To ensure success despite the daily and stressful routine with many CORPORATE BRANDING – A GUIDELINE By Martin Roll CEO, VentureRepublic Idea School of Art & Communication Idea Inc. Founder & President: Arash Soltanali Page Layout: Ramin Khoshnamai Bahrami Cover Design: Amirhossein Rahimi Contributers: Nasrin Arabloo, Sepideh Gholamzadeh, Martin Roll No. 26, 18th St., North Kheradmand Ave., Tehran, Iran Phone: +9821 8882 3387 8882 3625 8830 3759 Fax: +9821 8884 4454 [email protected] www.ideaschool.ir Martin Roll is a leading international strategic advisor on Branding Excellence. He advices several multinational corporations and growth-oriented local businesses across multiple industries in Asia and in Europe. He delivers the combined value of an experienced international branding strategist, a senior advisor to boards and senior management teams on branding strategy and an internationally recognised guest speaker, conference chairman and sought-after workshop leader in all parts of the world. Martin Roll is CEO of VentureRepublic and he brings more than 15 years of experience from the international advertising industry. He has served in various management positions, focusing especially on global marketing and branding strategy, brand/ product advertising and corporate communications. He is Visiting Professor at China Europe International Business School in Shanghai (CEIBS), which is No. 1 Executive Education institution in China according to Financial Times. In 2003, he was chairman of BrandWorld China in Shanghai. Martin Roll holds an MBA from INSEAD in France. He is a Danish Citizen and Singapore Permanent Resident. The competition in the global business environment is tough and achieving a unique position and competitive advantage becomes more and more difficult and expensive. The high level of investment necessary to maintain production capabilities and rising cost of R&D for product differentiation make strong marketing capabilities and unique brands prerequisites for modern companies to cover these heavy investments. How can companies and management teams catch up? Corporations around the world are increasingly becoming aware of the enhanced value which corporate branding strategies can provide for an organisation. Branding in the classic sense is all about creating unique identities and positions for products and services hence distinguishing the offerings from competitors. Corporate branding employs the same methodology and toolbox used in product branding, but it also elevates the approach a step further into the board room, where additional issues around stakeholder relations (shareholders, media, competitors, governments and many others) can help the corporation benefit from a strong and well-managed corporate branding strategy. Not surprisingly, a strong and comprehensive corporate branding strategy requires a high level of personal attention and commitment from the CEO and the senior management to become fully effective and meet the objectives. Corporate branding is often, but wrongly, referred to as an exercise where the company logo, the design style and color scheme are changed. Naturally, these are important elements to evaluate and potentially change at a later stage once the strategy has been decided upon. It is often accompanied with a new corporate slogan, and then everyone expects results to occur during the project. Corporate branding is a serious undertaking which entails more skills and activities than just an updated glossy marketing facade with empty jargon. A strong corporate branding strategy can add significant value in terms of helping the entire corporation and the management team to implement the long-term vision, create unique positions in the market place of the company and its brands, and not the least to unlock the leadership potential within the organisation. Hence a corporate branding strategy can enable the corporation to further leverage on its tangible and non-tangible assets leading
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