so that in all things God may be glorified.


so that in all things God may be glorified.
“... so that in all things God may be glorified.”
-Chapter 57, Rule of St. Benedict
Spring 2006
Spring 2006
The Mount Magazine
Benedictine Sisters of Erie
6101 East Lake Road
Erie, Pennsylvania 16511
(814) 899-0614
The philanthropy and generosity
of Erie photographer Ed Bernik,
of Jim Lynch, Mike Herman,
Jamie Potosnak and the design
team at fishtank creative, and of
Printing Concepts, Inc., in Erie,
have made this issue of The Mount
affordable for the Benedictine
Sisters of Erie. This issue of The
Mount is produced by Kathy Linse.
The executive editor is Sister Mary
Jane Vergotz, OSB.
n the cover is a close-up crop of the newest addition to our collection of Brother Thomas Bezanson’s fine art pottery. This community is proud to have the beauty of art in our monastery. We delight in the relationship over the years with our brother, Thomas, who has gifted us with his
creations in ceramic. Each piece, unique in shape and color, makes available to us, through all the
senses, communion with God, the archetypal first and last Artist.
The Gift of Art
Whether the piece is in the sanctuary of our chapel
for our prayer, or in our dining room as we gather as family, or in our hallways to greet our guests, one of Thomas’ pots has the capacity to move our spirit beyond ourselves to a realm where all life is seen as gift.
Please see Page 19 for “The Gift of Art,” a special
Jubilee Year Event.
-Sr. Christine Vladimiroff, OSB, prioress
3.................................................................... From the Prioress
“Jubilee draws us toward the future.”
4............................................. From the Development Director
“Your support is a great blessing to us.”
5....................................................... 2005 Community Donors
7.................................. St. Benedict Academy Alumnae Donors
10..................................................................A Wonderful Year!
SBA Alumnae enjoyed special events and success.
12 . ............................................................ Jubilarians celebrate
“Uphold me O God according to your word. ...”
Please help us to maintain an accurate
mailing list and keep our costs down
by contacting us with any change in
mail or e-mail information. If you
prefer not to receive The Mount please
let us know. Send correspondence to:
Ann Comstock
Benedictine Sisters Development Office
Mount St. Benedict Monastery
6101 East Lake Road
Erie, PA 16511
(814) 899-0614, Ext. 2573
[email protected]
18................................................................ In Loving Memory
We remember Sr. Mary Regina and Sr. Bernardine
19......................................................................... The Gift of Art
Brother Thomas Bezanson Exhibit
The Benedictine way is to seek God in the cenobitic life and to respond
in prayer and ministry.
enedictine monasteries have been oases of hope across the centuries. They have
provided centers where those who seek God can constantly confront their lives with the Gospel. Monasteries are to be starting places for setting out on the road toward
hope. Jubilee has given us a time to reread our history and touch once again the audacity of the
women who stepped out in faith in their time. Our time is now, no less is asked of us.
Benedict’s Rule begins with the invitation “Listen carefully.” For Benedict, careful listening is
the prelude to wise discernment. Engaged with the world we live in and steeped in the biblical
Word, we contemplate the mystery of the reign of God and its challenge to many aspects of our
contemporary culture. We see not only the breakdown of old structures but the envisioning of
better ways of living and working together as a human family. Out of our experience of God in
prayer and community, we discern God’s presence in the sighs and hopes of our world. Jubilee
draws us toward the future. It brings renewed energy and deepens the commitment of this
community to be the legacy of hope for a new time.
From the Prioress
“We are a
legacy of hope”
As a community, we live out this hope in the service of the dawning reign of God countering
the despair of our contemporary era. The fear and alienation, domination, exclusion, and
violence that mark the new century are consequences of human actions and decisions. We hold
the belief that life does not have to be arranged so that a few thrive while many suffer. Social
theorists speak of globalization’s possibilities and offer a vision of a planetary family. Sadly
these theories are often at odds with our actual experience. The differences across borders and
continents deepen fear and foment hostility, source of conflict and war.
As Benedictine women, we search our souls and probe the wisdom of the monastic tradition
to address whatever obscures the face of God on our planet. The experience of solidarity within
human community must be recovered only then will we act out of the ethic of the common
good. When we do that we will see our deepest longings realized. It is a call for a spiritual
transformation so that “all may have life in abundance.”
Benedictine life is lived in community as a sign of our solidarity and witness that peace is
possible among strangers. It takes uncommon courage and generosity to make room in our lives
for the “other” but that is what Benedictine hospitality is all about. This hospitality is made
manifest in the ministries that we extend to a hurting world. They are the overflowing of our
faithfulness to prayer and attentiveness to the presence of God in all creation.
Jubilee is the liberation of gratitude and the humble recognition that we have been blessed.
Simone Weil writes: “God is present at the point where the eyes of those who give and those
who receive meet.” We stand in that spot today. You have been very much a part of this jubilee
year. You have shared the journey of life with us and we invite you to be a vital part of our
future. Together we can move into the future with heroic hope fostering in each other the
capacity to live with passion and compassion in a world that longs for biblical jubilee.
Prioress, Benedictine Sisters of Erie
In Thanksgiving
for Our Benefactors
Who Have Sustained Our Community
for 150 Years
s we celebrate our 150th Jubilee Year, the Benedictine Sisters of Erie
have gathered together to honor the people whose relationships have
sustained us over the years. When we reminisce about our early history we
remember the kindness and charity of the families who in 1856 provided our
first four sisters with food, shelter and transportation. Beginning with our
settlement in Erie, Pa., and continuing through today, our benefactors have
helped us to sustain our monastery and our ministries through their financial
support and volunteer activities. Our 2005 Annual Report captures the
influence of the generosity of our supporters on the lives of the community.
During 2005 the Benedictine Sisters have continued to sustain our income
through the stipends earned by the Sisters through our ministry activity, and
some Social Security income that together represents 58% of our operating
income. Our 2005 development efforts accounted for 12% of the community’s
operating income. Our annual giving program continues to grow as the number
of bequests increases each year. We received special gifts in honor of our Jubilee
celebration from the St. Benedict Academy Alumnae Association and the
Oblates of Mount St. Benedict Monastery. The alumnae honored us with a
gift of $27,376, the proceeds from the Christmas Peace Concert during their
November Homecoming Weekend. Our Oblates presented a gift of $ 4,266
to Sister Christine Vladimiroff, prioress, during a special reception as part of
their October Homecoming Weekend. Both gifts have been designated for our
Heritage of Hope Capital Campaign. Other income accounted for 30% of
operating income.
Our operating expenses increased in 2005 as gasoline, natural gas and health
care costs continued to rise. Property/buildings and transportation accounted
for 34% of our expense budget followed by members’ personal expenses, which
include health care at 32%, employee payroll at 19% and other expenses at 7%.
Through careful monitoring and management of our expenses along with an
increase in income we succeeded in ending another year in the “black.”
As we honor our benefactors during this 150 Jubilee Year we thank God for
your presence in our lives. We are blessed to have supporters who share our
vision of a world where all people live in peace, where charity, mercy and justice
prevail and where hope reigns eternal. May God bless you.
Development Income
Annual Programs
130,521.58 SBA Alumnae
84,396.69 Unrestricted Gifts
171,892.07 Chapel Project/Restricted Gifts
40,701.89 Total
Benedictine Sisters of Erie
Operating Income
Sisters’ Stipends/Salaries
2,020,185.41 58%
427,512.23 12%
1,076,040.79 30%
Diane Cook, OSB
Treasurer 4
Mary Jane Vergotz, OSB
Development Director
Operating Expenses
219,471.86 8%
Members’ Personal Expenses
1,065,128.19 32%
Payroll Expenses
601,731.75 19%
Property/Buildings/Transportation 1,105,597.89 34%
214,198.44 7%
Total 3,206,128.13 2005 Community Donors
$5000+ • Mary Catherine Bunting • Janet Sickinger • $1000+ • American Railing Systems, Inc. • Geraldine L.
Baron • Michael and Cheryl Bough • Leslianne Braunstein • Christian Brothers Investment Services • Doris
Cipolla • Mary Cook • Ann Daugherty and Cindy Liotta • Lola Ellison and Marie Love • Erie County Medical
Society Alliance • Kathleen Esser • David and Deb Ferguson • Harry and May Ann Finkbone • Kathleen and Robert
Frenzel • Patricia Goetz • Timothy and Amy Guth • Mary and Jack Hoffman, Jr. • George Irish • Joanna and Dennis
Jacobson • Betty Korn • Gregory Mashank • Albert and Rose Metrik • Catherine O’Mara • Martha and Anthony
Pastore • Francis J. Pilewski • Marilyn Reiser • Jeri Rhodes • Molly Rogowski • Dr. and Mrs. Rustum Roy • Nancy
Sabol and Jo Clarke • Reverend James Sanner • April Rose and Frank Smith • Joel and Jacqueline Smith • Susan and
John Stanton • Kate and Walter Strosser • Sandra Sutton and Sheila McLaughlin • Charlene M. Tanner* • Marlene
and Jerry Trambley • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilson • Six Anonymous Donors • $100+ • Dolores Adams • Kelly
Adamson • Phillip Aiello • Regina Anthony • Cecile and David Armor • Barbara Baglier • Christine Bahry • Elizabeth
M. Bailey • James and Catherine Baloga • Dr. and Mrs. Davis Baltz • Jacqueline Barker • Bill Bartlett • Reverend
Stephen Baumann • Dr. Scott Bedwell • Gerald and Linda Beichner • Raymond and Janet Beichner • Lisa and Frank
Bender • Bianchi Motors, Inc. • Richard Blanchfield • Charles Bleil • Mark Bliley • Carol and Bill Bloomstine •
Shirley and Tom Blumish • John Bobango and Patricia Matczak • Nell Bobish • Lisa Bodine • William and Carol
Bombeck • C. Angela Bontempo • Dr. Walter and Dee Boyer • Carol and Patrick Boyle • O. William and Amy
Bracken • Barbara Brairton • Ruth Brenner • Robert Brenot • Susan and Douglas Breon • Joan Briody • Sheila
Brugger • Aimee Brunelle • Walter and Chong Bulishak • Richard and Evelyn Burton • Joanne Cahill • Mary
Callahan • Carfagna Family Foundation • Helen Carlson • Mildred and Donald Carlson • Dee Carr • Monsignor
Ted Carter • James and Phyllis Cattron • Susan Cedrone •Varma Childs • Charles Christopher • Pauline and
Anthony Ciamaichela • Geri Ann Cicchetti • Anthony Cipolla • Francis and Virginia Cipolla • Sherry Cipolla •
Diane Clinton • Miriam and James Coady • Carl Cohen • Mary Colbath • Deborah Cole • Ann Comstock • John
Constable • John and Josephine Convey • Marjorie Cooper • Catherine Costello • Eloise Amenta Coxe • Esther and
Gerald Cross • Dr. and Mrs. Michael Cunningham • Mary Ellen Dahlkemper and Ed Lesser • Drs. Ellen Dailey and
Geoffrey Dunn • Mary Frances Danner • Mona Danner • Maureen and David Decker • Mary Hope DeSante •
Reverend Scott Detisch • Dr. and Mrs. Bernardino DiStefano • Vera and John Ditch • Michael Ditchkofsky • Julia
Ditz • Kenneth and Susan Dixson • Terrie Doboze • Charles Doerr • Barbara Donnaruma • Joseph and Edna
Dougherty • Reverend Elizabeth Morris Downie • Joan Dramble • Mr. and Mrs. William Driscoll, Jr. • Dr. and Mrs.
David Dulabon • Mary Duval • Mary Eckert • Thomas Egan, MM • Pat Erber • The Eustace Family • Michael
Eustace • George Evans, Jr. and Michael Devine • Rita Evans • Marie Farrell • Vincente and Angelica Fernandez •
Nancy Ferrari • Mary Fessler • Eileen Fletcher • Lee Fletcher • Simon Foster • Maxine and Roy Fountain • Sally and
Michael French • Donna Friesen • Dr. Carl Fuhrman • Richard and Nancy Fuller • Sue Fuss • Paul Gabreski • Dr.
and Mrs. Philip Gallagher • Reverend Leo Gallina • William Garvey, Ph.D. • Edwina Gateley • Katherine & Mike
Gecewich • Phyllis Giordano • Debra Givens • Rachel Givens • Gerard and Mary Goebel • Rita and Edward
Goebel, Jr. • Carla and Brian Goetz • Pam and William Goetz • Monsignor Robert Goodill* • Kathleen Gorman •
Mark Gorman • Maureen and Owen Gormley • Thomas and Margaret Goss • Kim Granche • James Green and Bill
Diederich • Peg and Ron Green • Ann Gregerson • Mary and Roger Grettenberger • Elizabeth Griffin • Rick Griffith
• Eileen Grimaldi • Mary Ann Groner • Lucille Grow • Sharon Grundy • Robert and Jean Gulley • Eugenia Guth •
Timothy and Amy Guth • Joe and Wanda Habas • Judy Hall • Reverend Joan Hammond • Kathleen Edna Harris •
Joseph Harvey • Joanne Hecht • Alice Mary Hedges • Florence Heibel • Helen and David Heinzer • Joanne Helides
• Bertha Hill • Mary Anne Hilliard • Phyllis and Mike Hlavin • Dr. William Hoehn • Margaret Hoffman • John
Holden and Mary Beaudoin • Sandra and Donald Hopfensperger • Kay and Doug Hosterman • Janet Houk • Deni
Howley-Cusack • Richard Huether • Jude and Ray Huetteman • James Hunt • John Hynes • Lawrence and Carol
Hynes • Laura and Mike James • Dr. Margaret Ann Jetter • Jean Johnson • Helen Jones • Sally Joslin • Charles and
Esther Joy • Joe George • Teresa and Stephen Kasperick-Postellon • Monsignor Charles Kaza • Elaine Keltner •
Betty Kennedy • Thomas Kennedy • John and Magdalene Kenny • Carol and Dan Kensill and Family • James Kerr •
Anita and Kyle Kestner • Evelyn Kiehlmeier • Daniel and Mary Jane Kincaid • Janet Klempay • Reverend Joseph
Kleinstuber • Barbara Kluka • Janet Knaff • Patricia Koch • Richard and Joan Koebert • Paul and Therese
Kopkowski • Ann Kosin • Mary Virginia Kraus • Jane and Felix Kryzanowski • Justine Kulka • Kathy Laird • Mary
Rose and John Lambert • Ray Laport* • Kathy and Dale LaPorte • Noreen and Robert Lassandrello • Susan Lees •
Eileen and Paul Lefort • Michael and Cynthia Legin-Buccell • Jean Leslie • Janine Lesser • Judge George Levin •
During November 2005, the Benedictine Sisters were blessed to join in prayer with 916 individuals for our
Community of Life program. Each participant was matched with an individual Benedictine Sister
who held her partner’s loved ones in daily prayer.
Community Donors Cont.
Maria Ling • Barbara Logan • Marjorie Londregan • Robbie Lonewolf • Marty Loquvam and Julie Loquvam-Granger • Mary Louise and
Charles Luddy • Jeffrey and Lori Ann Ludrof • Christine Lundt • Leon and Margaret Machulski • Joseph Mackrell • Pauline Madigan •
Maryann Malingowski • Ann Marie Manning • Lois Manookian • Michael Martin •Joan Martter • Matthew and Yelena Masotti • Harriett
Mathews • Patricia and Joseph Mattis • Elsie Mayer • Cheryle McCann • Connie McCarroll • Emma Lee McCloskey, George Spiegel &
Bradley Tuttle • Roger McDaniels, Sr. • Monsignor Richard McGuire •Rita McLaughlin • Edward Mead • Pamela Mead • Medicine Shoppe
Pharmacy • Peggy Meiklejohn • Margaret Menc • Mimi Meriwether • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mester • Ed Metzler • Arlene Mary Meyerhofer
• Paula Michalegko • Kathleen Minton • Dr. and Mrs. Forrest Mischler • William and Linda Morrison • Lynne and Robert Morrow, Jr. • Mt.
Saviour Monastery • Carolyn and Don Mullally • Linda Mulrean • Reverend John Murphy • Kathy Murray • Beverly and Tim Musser •
Carol and Robert Nantkes • Helen Newell • Mary Ann Novascone • Mary Ellen Zeltzer O’Connor and John O’Connor • Sarah and David
O’Connor • Dr. and Mrs. Joseph O’Leary • Dr. and Mrs. Robert O’Leary • Ony Oas • Paula and Quentin Ogren • Ohio Wesleyan University
• Carol and Joseph Olson • Mary Olson • Mildred Orr • Barbara Ostrowski • Kathleen Pae • Mary Palmer • Jane and Gene Parks • Francisco
and Sarah Pedraza • Judith Peebles • Alice Peightal • Jean Craige Pepper Victor • Donna Perino • Gertrude and John Petersen • Clara Petrini
• Lynette Petruska • Kathryn Phillipp • Joe and Janet Pilewski Family • Pio’s Italian Restaurant • Ann Plogsterth • Marjorie and Joseph
Podolsky • Jeffery Pogozelski • Dolores and Robert Polak • Jack Polancy • Carol and Norman Poniatowski • Kathy Poulton • Lucille Powers •
Mary Anne Pressler • Carl Puleo • Norma Jean Puplampu • Betty and Barney Radov • Cheryl Raney • Mary Lou and Michael Rathers •
Marilyn Redenius • Margaret Regruth • The Reid Group • Dorothea Reilly • Reme Renfro and Mary Kay Hewitt • Patricia Rettger • Elaine
and Klaus Retzlaff • Janet and Eric Rice • Peggy and Al Richardson • Nathan and Mary Ann Ritchey • Helen Robinson • Kenneth and
Rebecca Rocco • Audrey and John Rogers • Shawn and Sharon Rooney • Barbara Roseborough • Maureen and Jim Rovengo • John and Linda
Rowe • Anne Ruhling • Catherine Runski • Lee Russell • Barbara Rutigliano • Nancy and Victor Rutkoski • Joan Rutkowski • Joseph Rys •
Paul Sabol • Barbara Samuels • Maurice and Jacqueline Sardi • Marcia Savory • Martha Ann Schaaf • Mary and Peter Schaaf • Harry and
Lourdes Schad • Brian Schatz • Dr. Kathleen Schatzberg • Alvena and Earl Schauble • Vicki and Sylvester Schieber • Paul Schill • James
Schleicher • Maureen Schmidt • Rita Schmitt • Margaret Schneider • Jean Schoonmaker • Paul and Mary Schubert • Monica Schwegman •
Saima Scott • Marie Scrimenti • Phillip Scrimenti • Rita Scrimenti • Kathleen Seaton • Reverend Lyta and Robert Seddig • Marcia Seide •
Marilyn Seiker • Mary Senard • James Shaw • Denise Sheppard • Mary Shindledecker • Pauline Silvia • Reverend Jerome Simmons • Rosemary
Simon • Raymond and Virginia Simpson • Cynder Sinclair • Sisters of St. Joseph of Erie • Scarlett Skarupski • Evelyn Skovron • Genevieve
and Melinda Skovron • Michael and Anne Skovron • Robert Skwaryk • Eileen and Ed Slagis • Annette Slater • Beverly and Charles Slomski
• Carl Slomski • Slovak National Club • Nancy Small and Carl Baniszewski • Joel and Jacqueline Smith • Emily Snow • Dr. Mary Hembrow
Snyder • Valentine and Joan Socha • Virginia Spaeder • Jan Spence • Jennifer Spiegel • Beth Spiker • Mary Anne and William Springer •
Donald St. George • Richard and Ann St. John • Kathleen Steele • Kathleen Stephens • Margaret and James Stolley • Robert Storey • Nita and
Ralph Storm • Marcia Straub • Louise Strub • William Stubenhofer • Arthur J. Sullivan, Jr. • John Sullivan • Mary Rae Sweeney • Theresa Taft
• Josephine Tanner • Christine and Anthony Tatalone • Melanie Titzel • James and Mary Ann Toohey • John and June Totin • Judy and
Donald Toyer • Cleta Trambley • Caillean McMahon Tronetti • William and Elizabeth Tucker • Mary Ulrey • Arthur and Carol Underwood
• Dorothy and Bob Valerian • Virginia and Edward Vereb • Richard and Alzinette Vergotz • Theresa Marie Vitolo • Vicary Insurance • Dr. and
Mrs. Leo Wacker • Autumn Wagner • Mrs. Francis Waickman • Clarence and Nancy Walbert • Edward Walsh & Kristen Peterson • Marcia
and Timothy Walsh • Therese Walter • Diane Ward • Ruth and Robert Wehrer • Lynn Weissert and Jill Rouke • Mary Ann Williams • Robert
Wingerter • Theresa Wirtner • Herbert and Georganne Witter • Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Wittmann • Casimir Wojciki • Martha Woodworth •
Jim Yard • Soon-Young Yoon • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zell • John and Deirdre Ziegler • Twenty-seven Anonymous Donors •
BEQUESTS • Helen Casey • Mary R. Conti • Winifred Detzel • Ed McGrath • Lucille Seigel • Olivia Staub • Dorothy Stoner • T.C.
Whitehouse • MEMORIAL GIFTS IN HONOR OF • Brother Sal Allessie • Sister Mary David Callahan, OSB • Jerome A. Comstock •
Lois Dahlkemper • Elinor Dailey Wagner • John DiGeorge, Jr. • Sister Mary Regina Flanagan, OSB • Sister Bernardine Goebel, OSB • Lottie
Gorski • Helen Amendola Grassi • Marc Kaliszewski • Arlene M. Karle • Sister Elaine Kecer, OSB • Charles Kennedy • Edward Kloecker •
Edward Kownacki • Stella Lepkowski • Charles Liotta • Walter Lipski • Marie Maimone • Sister Mary Hugh McCaffrey, OSB • Virginia
Polanski • Virgil Roseborough • Mary Schmidt • Barb Seidler • Lucille Seigel • Jack Spacht • Charlene M. Tanner • Edward Wagner • Paul
Weaver • Dorothy Winkelman • GARDEN OF MEMORIES • Tree • In Memory of Alois and Margaret Kendziora • Gazebo Pavers •
In Memory of Sister Alberta Steineck, OSB • In Memory of Amanda Turner • Brick Pavers • In Honor of Sister Marie Celine Bucholz, OSB
• In Memory of the Miller Family • In Memory of the Moske Family •In Memory of Sister Mary Margaret Raub, OSB • MEMBERS OF
BENEDICTINE VISION • Donna P. Bessken • Mary F. Cook • Nancy and Joseph Dahlkemper • Vena Eastwood • Kathleen Esser • George
Evans, Jr. & Michael Devine • J. Robert Ferrick • Robert Fessler • William P. Garvey • Rita and Jim Gay • Mary and Jack Hoffman, Jr. •
Margaret Kloecker • Kathleen and James Kunsman • Dawn M. Laughlin Levin • Agnes Lindsey • Marjorie Londregan • Lisa M. Manendo •
Betsy and Marco Monsalve • Barbara Musarra • Mary Ann Novascone • Francis J. Pilewski • Margaret S. Pomeroy • Kathy A. Poulton •
Daniel Sabol • Dolores J. Sarafinski, PhD • Kathleen P. Steele • Nita and Ralph Storm • William Stubenhofer • Pamela and Marty Weber •
Joan K. Willin • Seven Anonymous Donors
Thank you to the 1,516 benefactors who contributed more than $49,000 to the 2005 Benedictine Sisters’ Annual Draw
completed on July 25, 2005.
We take great care and effort in maintaining accurate lists of our benefactors. We apologize for any oversights. The Benedictine Sisters of Erie are
grateful to the 3,278 benefactors who made gifts to our community during the year 2005. We keep you in our prayers. (* indicates deceased)
2005 St. Benedict Academy Alumnae Donors
Class of 1927 Lavina Haibach Graf+ Class of 1931 Amelia Heck Berchtold Class of 1933 Winifred Carey Eisert
Class of 1934 Ann Pfadt+ Class of 1935 Ethel Rice Hauser • Mary Philip Kiehlmeier OSB • Dolores Messmer
Robinson+ • Adelaide Henry Roland Class of 1936 Grace Brugger Hoke • Betty Baumann Ingram Class of 1937
Kathleen Esser+ • Louise Lechner Kooser • Virginia Grugin Kraus Class of 1939 Jean Nash Buchanan • Ann Marie
Seus Cage • Jeanne Menz Gensheimer • Rosemary Pitzer Heintz • Mary Margaret Kraus OSB Class of 1940 Ruthe
Schmitzer Galbraith • Virginia Paulson Smith • Mary Ernst Walczak • Hedwig Terry Weyand • Helen Schmitt Wright
• Two Anonymous Donors Class of 1941 Veronica Weiner Chuzie • Gertrude Respecki Crynock • Natalie Krainski
Crynock+ • Pat Zirkelbach Goetz+ • Mary Ann Keating OSB • Charlotte Toczylowski Mankowski • Lucille Gorny
Murawski • Eileen Bundy Schaaf • Constance Matysiewicz Wieczorek Class of 1942 Helen Scheffner Kennerknecht
• Patricia Grugin Smith Class of 1943 Virginia Kaminski Conover • Joan Gibbons Goodill • Therese Ann Jordan
Larson • Mary Kay Schneider Pitzer • Rita Pruchniewski OSB • One Anonymous Donor Class of 1944 Henrietta
Felker Lucore • Carolyn Buckel Steiner • Genevieve Taccone • One Anonymous Donor Class of 1945 Therese
Olszewski Dymski • Mary Grace Hanes OSB • Dorothy Anderson Kraus • Marjorie Will Patrick+ • Genevieve
Sienkiewicz Skrzypczak • Mary Ann Kraus Wickham • One Anonymous Donor Class of 1946 Chris Hyziewicz
Ekimoff • Mary Fessler+ • Eugenia Perry Guth+ • Wanda Drzewiecki Jurkiewicz • Helen Heil Kiehlmeier • Delphine
Respecki Trambley • Teresa Jakubowski Wawrzyniak • Dorothy Wisniewski Whipple Class of 1947 Sally Melaven
Buseck • Edith Chimenti Cicchetti • Doris Inter • Shirley Becker Kiehlmeier • Betty Jo Pruchniewski Marz • Joan
Gorny Ragen • Frances Grygo Somolani • Peggy Zuzula Steers • Claire Kraus Weber • Two Anonymous Donors Class
of 1948 Mary Lou Stein Cooney+ • Mary Louis Eichenlaub OSB • Jeanne Moske Hiegel • Joan Sosnowski Menosky
• Rita Orzel+ • Rita Benson Simmons • Betty Pol Way+ • One Anonymous Donor Class of 1949 Sophie Wodarski
Bruno • Julianna Custer Cicero • Claire Hanlin Gredler+ • Dorothy Fischer Heidt • Carol Smith Kaiser* • Patricia
Hughes Kelleher • Allene Schroeck Kraus • Doris Dahlkemper Kraus • Dawn Mitchell Laughlin Levin+ • Eileen May
Mele • Joan Naguszewski Payer • Marilyn Sanner Schwab • Audrey Jerge Wilson Class of 1950 Donna Enders Bardroff
• Norma Jean Hanlin Dahlkemper • Mary Allgeier Dombek • Theresa Santor Feyas • Catherine Marz Gdaniec •
Lucille Brzezinski Gorka • Carol Dippo Leary • Theresa Bryce Millard • Louann Miller Nowosielski • Betty Orzel+
• Barbara Kosiorek Steigerwald+ • Dolores Kruszewski Sznajder* • One Anonymous Donor Class of 1951 Christine
Dymski Brzozowski+ • Joan Carney McCallion • Joan Behrendt Peters • Dorothy Plonski+ • Cecilia Czulewicz
Rutkowski • Barbara Willow Seidler+ • Louise Raub Strub Class of 1952 Mary Jane Seelinger Dahlkemper • Joan
Kinsinger Fromknecht • Patricia Przepierski Gray • Patricia Doran Harabedian • Jane Dippo Heidt • Joan Alamenciak
Jersey • Patricia Carrigan Kiefer • Barbara Rys Lorei • Johanna Adamus Randazzo • Letitia Chimenti Skrzypczak •
Rosemary Rastatter Southard • Dolores Sutula-Dray Class of 1953 Luella Bartos • Mary Lou Koenig Burkhart •
Margaret Martin Curtis • Carolyn Gutowski DiMattio • Theresa Michalski Dzikowski • Ruth Neeve Earll • Nona
Pikiewicz Horton • Marie Dudenhoefer Inter • Nancy Jakubowski Kala • Carol Sohl Mallozzi • Catherine
Danowski Mansfield • Joan Hodges More+ • Carmelita Hogan Munsch • Dona Obenrader OSB • Mary Jo Kraut
Polatas • Evelyn Wilczynski Selleny • Barbara Krauchen Thompson Class of 1954 Elizabeth Brumboy Burgoyne •
Carol Becker Buseck • Phyllis Traphagen Coe • Esther Szczypinski Cross • Margaret Roach Cross • Elizabeth
Laskovich Donato • Barbara Sislowski Ester+ • Teresa Wasielewski Harbrecht • Mary Rose Keegan Lambert+ •
Barbara Schmitz Laprice • Virginia Lucas Leone • Eileen Condon Lepich • Joanne Anysz Lessor • Evelyn Zattosky
Ludwig • Geraldine Krasinski Martin • Theresa Kaminski Miller • Tillie Woznicki Miller • Anna Marie Gorka
Neimeic • Halina Radziszewski • Joan Heberlein Rycheck • Evelyn Komorek Schneidmiller • Joan Dombrowski
Strasser • Rita Santor Sulecki • Theresa Siewicz Welte • Mary Alice Gorny Wilczynski • Audrey Yourkovik Yurkovic
• Helen Zimmerman+ • One Anonymous Donor Class of 1955 Betty Gutowski Bialomizy • Lorraine Benczkowski
Boncella • Evelyn Ratkowski Buczynski • Mary Ann Phillips Dabrowski • Pauline Benes Ellis • Rita Rinderle Gay •
Evelyn Zmijewski Gostomski • Patricia Wehan Hawley • Mary Ann Rogers Hedderick • Judy Krauchen Holland •
Rose Marie Binna Jarmolowicz+ • Kay Yourkovik Kujan • Dolores Jankowski Madura • Kathleen Kennedy
McNamara+ • Mary Wittman Pope • Helen Ropelewski • Helen Zmijewski Schneider+ • Betty Balkovic Schodt •
Phyllis Robie Smith • Ann Kaveney Spelling • Rita Sybyl-Didier+ • Jacqueline Schemek Tarr • Marjorie Davitt Tesore
• Geraldine Kedzierski Thomas+ • Geraldine Kinecki Tomczak • Rose Kupniewski Wingrove • Angeline Smith
Wisinski • Therese Slivkanich Wojciechowski • Two Anonymous Donors Class of 1956 Olivia Borgia Balczon •
Rosemary Wienczkowski Benkoski • Anne Bolash+ • Patricia Mazanowski Bujalski • Charlotte Grzebielski Daniels
• Janet Bulishak Frazer • Carol Fischer Kuna • Mary Ann Sawtelle Lican • Dorothy Luniewski • Carole Sienkiewicz
McFadden • Patricia Pawlak Mielnik • Veronica Cummings Olszewski • Dorothy Shall Palmieri • Betty Jane Bules
Reynaud • Beverly Ann Smith Slomski+ • Dorothy Zielinski Snider • Marcia Toporowski Turowski • Nancy Martin
Wells • Two Anonymous Donors Class of 1957 Helen Styles Behringer • Janet Respecki Benovic • Nancy Komorek
Biebel • Judith Ruland Burke • Barbara Kolakowski Calamita • Dolores Adamus Cowan • Barbara Mikolajczyk
Alumnae Donors Cont.
Cyterski • Patricia Moske Gennaro • Joanne Motty Gregan • Charlotte Bula Grippi • Joan Golembieski Hands+ • Madeline Wozniak Hartleb
• Patricia Lazorchak Kirk • Carol Kitsa+ • Lena Carullo Langer • Adrienne Cunningham Manning+ • Mary Ann Bules McClinnton • Nancy
Henderson Ranus • Judith Gutowski Rosenberg • Barbara Bacher Sayers • Joanne Wagner Staszewski • Patricia Ambrose Tecza • Judy Pierce
Winschel Class of 1958 Margaret Kuklinski Alloway • Susan Senger Bayliss+ • Emelie Marchini Bice • Judy Schell Bodnar •
Margaret Lynch Cammarata • Audrey Nagle Casey • Dolores Kowalski Corsi • Theresa Jankowski Hiney • Millie Pawlak Krainski+ • Barbara
Benes Maleski • Christine Rys Martin+ • Jane Harris McDonald • Carolyn Allgeier Melby • Pauline Pohl Miller • Carol Seelinger Renner •
Mary Ann Almeda Santi • Ann Marie Pasky Skolnik • Jan Sulkowski Spence+ • Eugenia Jaworski Venegas+ • Phyllis Breece Volk • Carol
Angelotti Vona • Pearl Wisniewski • Caroline Kujawinski Wolff+ • Kathleen Barber Young • Antoinette Laskowski Zamorski • Catherine
Urbanik Zatkiewicz • Two Anonymous Donors Class of 1959 Dorothy Tucholski Abate • Chris Plonski Adams • Marcia Windsor Allshouse+
• Barbara Szczesny Chiaramonte • Carol Granahan Dempsey • Audrey Rzodkiewicz Draszkiewicz • Grace Piorkowski Earl+ • Irene Fabin+ •
Nancy Sitter Freeman+ • Audrey Kuklinski Gallagher • Carol Grygier • Anna Mae Reszkowski Harvey • Carol Madras Hilbrich • Bonnie
Kinsinger • Caroline Kosiorek Kunz • M Elaine Glembocki Mango • Barbara Dobrowolski Miller+ • Joan Kedzierski Murphy • Carol Neyman
Olson+ • Camille Malinowski Pakela • Delphine Ropiecki Palkovic • Judith Jaworowicz Palucki • Pat Cieslak Parmarter • Elaine Vladimiroff
Retzlaff+ • Charlene Coleman Riblet • Joan Kocon Ritenour • Mary Kraus Rywalski • Karen Richards Shrum • Anita Massing Squeglia+ •
Patricia Benecki Straub+ • Joan Tirak • Sally Gehringer Vallimont • Darcie Wetherbee Vargo • Christine Hodas Visosky • Kathleen Kuhn Zeitler
• Three Anonymous Donors Class of 1960 Mary Lou Dreischak Abrams • Mary Jane Waldo Adamaszek+ • Patricia Baginski • Karen
Buchanan Borowski • Lois Mattis Castaldi • Class of 1960+ • Shirley Schell Colonna • Theresa Hollowienko Cox • Judy Young Crews •
Kathleen Roach Duda • Mary Ann Merski Ekelund • Jackie Mikrut Ennis • Kathy Przychodzien Fabian+ • Ruth Falconer Fox+ • Marilyn
Smith Grasso • Donna Kwiatowski Harrington • Charlotte Kowalski Kujawinski • Kathleen Sullivan Kunsman+ • Patricia Kowalczyk May •
Carolyn Peters McLean+ • Anne Froehlich Metzger • Elaine Berchtold Migchelbrink+ • Barbara Madras Minor • Alice Maciejewski
Modzelewski • Rita Kantor Raia • Marilyn Randolph+ • Jeanette Wisinski Regan • Sally Constantine Rettew • Marilyn Sontag Rettger • Alice
Ryan • Rita Kraus Schmitt+ • Two Anonymous Donors Class of 1961 Judy Lynch Allison+ • Bernadine Mackowski Amendola • Patricia
Koehler Baganski • Charlene Shreve Brown • Dianne Rzodkiewicz Brzozowski • Patricia Sheehan Bules • Alice Zukowski Comyns • Carol
Spinelli Conrad • Mary Davis • Marilyn Schmitt Fecht • Patricia Maloney Fiorelli • Dolores Gorniak • Antoinette Polaski Griffith • Julie Burick
Hewitt • Patricia Cackowski Kirk • Nancy Wilczynski Kujawinski • Christine Gorczycki Lunger • Rita Lilly Lyle • Gayle McGrath Macfarlane
•Frances Walczak Matusiak • Jane Kern McMahon • Judith Stevens Paternosh • Pat Adams Rizzo • Patricia Barth Roach • Lorraine Kalivoda
Rose • Rosalie Lastowski Schenker • April Rose Kendziora Smith+ • Joan Measel Sonnenberg • Judith Kaczmarek Stanek • Ann Wozniak •
Sandra Kowalski Yonko • Three Anonymous Donors Class of 1962 Joanne Schneider David • Darlene Bernard Doehrel • Mary Ida Murphy
Eastman • Kristine Knochel Hart • Lois Tomczak Kahle • Martha Flasher Kaveney • Ann Marie Woznicki Kirker+ • Jean Grolemund
Konopka+ • Barbara Trohoske Magraw • Audrey Korn Riazzi • Anna Nicolia Scarpino • Charlene Cackowski Schroeck • M. Suzanne Sontag
• Geraldine Wojciechowski Waiter • Beverly Barber Wierbinski • Two Anonymous Donors Class of 1963 Dianne T. Bernard + • Bernadine
Hodas Caldwell • Betty Stanopewicz Chwatek • Joyce Majewski DeFazio+ • Mary Ellen Geiger Demmick • Mary Martha Bailey Drake • Jo
Ann Woinelowicz Herman+ • Dorothy Heintzel Hodapp • Jean Measel Jensen • Lucrecia Rogers Johnson • Mary Ann Kiehlmeier • Nancy
Falk Lacey • Patricia Rzepka Marnen • Rosemary Pinczewski Percy • Kathleen Cermak Polito • Cecilia Popp • Joan Vladimiroff Psillas+ •
Margaret Raid • Diane Hoderny Rutkowski • Mary Ann Saber Straneva • Kathleen Wisniewski • One Anonymous Donor Class of 1964
Rosemary Kearney Altadonna • Sandra Andrews • Janet Baracka Bischoff • Mary Carol Brown+ • Cheryl Kremp Carver • Penney Jares Collins
• Ann Comstock+• Nancy Bronakowski Cross • Joyce Rastatter Dahlkemper • Linda Lackovic Falconer • Mercedes Mszanowski Hall+ •
Patricia Kennedy Hanes • Mary Jean Wozniak Hitz • Constance Clark Johnson • Rosemary Radziszewski Jorgenson • Patricia Ropelewski
Mattis • Margaret Herrmann McCurdy • Carole Kaminski Pertungar • Jacqueline Haas Pfadt • Patricia Dobrowolski Popovich • Susan Mehalko
Roehrl • Susan Swienski Shea • Susan Weber Sperrazzo • Ann Carlson St John • Cathy Considine Stemmler • Carolyn Mihalovic Strong •
Bernadette Wisniewski Wilcox • Donna Wolfram • Three Anonymous Donors Class of 1965 Sandra Adams+ • Rita Janicki Bahm • Judith
Cage Bandecca • Barbara Totleben Bond • Maureen Bradley+ • Mary Eileen Malinoski Bukowski • Theresa Kowalski Casane • Ann Gieza
Cornell • Carol Weiner Daub • Rosanna Pilarski DeNiro • Kathryn Dailey DiGello • Bonnie DeLuca Faulkner • Patricia Zimmerman
Flagella • Linda Shreve Freytag • Shirley Jankowski+ • Martha Duska Kurtzhals • Linda Yaple Lytle • Linda Kerner Milton+ • Bonita Marie
Ruef Mullaugh • Louise Tomczak Oblinski • Dorothy Bagniszewski Pedersen • Sandra Polaski+ • Eileen Chalupczynski Richter • Carol
Rzodkiewicz • Karen Koster Tellers • Rosalie Hodas Tellers • Nancy Sipple Zimmerman • Two Anonymous Donors Class of 1966 Charlotte
Schwartz Andersen • Catherine Anderson+ • Georgeann Kuklinski Antalek • Kathleen Gorczycki Arkwright • Diane Dudenhofer Boeh •
Darlene Amendola Cappello • Joanne Kraut Cargioli • Eileen Bowden Cullen • Lynn Nietupski DiPlacido • Maureen Moore Dodd • Joan
Dramble+ • Virginia Glenn Flowers+ • Carol Baran Fron • Linda Edgington Gladitz • Susan Turner Gonzalez • Cynthia Orelski Hartman+ •
Helen Crawford Jones • Lee Ann Grolemund Jones • Eileen Kraus-Dobratz+ • Mary Sue Brandt Longnecker+ • Judy Stankavich Macko •
Veronica Vitelli Martin+ • Evelyn Schultz Mihok • Carol Zausen Muchard • Barbara Ewiak Musarra+ • Charlene Nies • Rita Michaels Nystrom
• Paulanne Kulic Reske • Patty Makusi Rudolph • Patricia Kuerner Soderberg • Nancy Farrell Stoeger • Christine Froehlich Tatalone •
Rebecca Wagner VanAmburg • Sister Mary Jane Vergotz, OSB • Two Anonymous Donors Class of 1967 Paula Ignasiak Barrett • Marcy Sargent
Bencivenga • Barbara Hammill Brown • Denise Bufalari Burrows • Kathleen Nitkiewicz Cairns • Dorothy Stano Carlson, Ed.D. • Ronalee
Slomski Curtis • Karen Krivonak Davis • Eloise Downing • Kathleen Schodt Drewes • Margaret Gidos Fries • Linda Jares Fullerton • Jane
Angelotti Ganska • Linda Cioccio Gidos • Marcianne Kaminski Gubish • Janet Romanowicz Hammond • Arlene Krol Hanlin • Beverly
Szczechowski Johnson • Linda Swartz Kaleta • Sandra Homicz Kempisty • Valentina Moczulski Koos • Janice Sokol Kosin • Virginia Kraus •
Kathleen Zuber Lane • Nancy Wojnarowski Masi • Kathleen Kowalski McCabe • Patricia Pratt McConnell • Christine Heberle McGarvey •
Linda Zack Mish • Mary Pearson Pasquale+ • Kathleen Koper Soboleski • Kathryn Sulewski • Janice White Waldemarson • Mary Sharrer
Yocius+ • Corinne Wagner Young • Kathleen Seelinger Zimmer • Two Anonymous Donors Class of 1968 Rosemarie Brugger Attewell+ • Mary
Agnes Heasley Bunn • Jackie Carll+ •Jean Albrecht Fabian+ • Gwenn Bool Freeman+ • Carol Yates Grolemund+ • Patty Nowakowski Hall •
Joyce Izbicki • Janice DeLuca Kramer • Margaret Kearney Krumpe • Alice Moomy • Sandra Phillips • Patricia Betcher Regan • Carol Rewers+
•Patricia Clancey Schupp • Katherine Herrmann Straneva • Dianne Nowosielski Tharp • Eleanor Smith Walker • Kathy Trambley Weislogel+
• One Anonymous Donor Class of 1969 Jill Figurski Bengel • Camille Carideo • Patricia Krivonak Carr • Marie Donahue Catrabone •
Katherine Dzuricky Ditrich • Connie Dopierala • Barbara Johnston Hanes • Mary Ann Mehler Hauser • Peggy Henretty Hewitt • Judith
Hogenmiller Hopkins • Theresa Sybyl Ignaczak • Mary Pat Freeman Klupp • Susan Lackovic Koprowski • Brenda Suroviec Krawiec • Jean
Luschini Markiewicz • Patricia Mieczkowski Matteson+ • Mary Lackovic Myles • Ann Lieb Nellis+ • Christine Patalita Pardini • Roseann
Michaels Rash • Donna Sekula Ruban • Karen Bertone Streett • Kathryn Ross Trohoske • Two Anonymous Donors Class of 1970 Christine
Jagodzinski Anderson • Eleanore Grelewicz Anderson • Mary Lou Sertz Betcher • Liane Korn Blair Class of 1970 Deborah Ditrich • Mary
Hoffman+ • Christine Laniewicz Jaskiewicz • Kathleen Kinem Koscielniak • Virginia Erdman Kuefner • Carolyn Raid Lauer • Patricia Van
Volkenburg Mangold • Alice Wernicki Morrill • Mary Bojarski Reddecliff • Deborah Heasley Rensel • Cynthia Jaworowicz Reszkowski •
Kathleen Rzodkiewicz • Patricia Jo Kowalski Schofield • Mary Beth Schrenk • Assunta Mannarino Sellers • Christine Somolani Zalas • One
Anonymous Donor Class of 1971 Susan Shellito Bowser • Carol Birch Cannarozzi+ • Patricia Kowalski Colvin • Terre Puskus Desantis •
Margaret Ditz Hagerty • Ruth Marshall Jurkiewicz • Cynthia Repko Kuhn • Josephine Subotnik Lubiejewski • Meg Maly • Kathy Wzientik
Mauro • Sheila Murray • Cynthia Nantes • Debra Bardroff Palotas • Karen Prizinsky+ • Joan Sienicki Strowe • Nancy Nies Washek • Two
Anonymous Donors Class of 1972 Maureen Deegan Amon • Janet Nicolia Bokoch • Kathleen Fetscher Chalupczynski • Mary Anne Connell+
• Sharon Hiegel Cross • Laura Frombach • Catherine Cicero Gallagher • Gail Lisiecki Giacomelli • Karen Norton Groucutt • Colleen
Fitzpatrick Hanson • Rosanne Jagodzinski Jaworski • Cathy Plumb Johnson+ • Mary Kay Ditz Kalivoda • Karen Smogorzewski Knoch •
Rosemary Marz Niebauer • Mary Langer Orloff • Karen Pellegrinelli • Pamela Vaughn Snyder • Janet Czulewicz York • Three Anonymous
Donors Class of 1973 Cynthia Belczyk • Janice Zukowski Bixby+ • Deborah Wodecki Buettner • Cynthia Conover+ • Kathy Glass Danch+ •
Tina Krasinski Delio • Sheryl Grappy Galbreath • Allis Sullivan Guay+ • Shirley Huegel Hendrick+ • Mary Rita Horvath • Maureen Nies
Hubert • Kathy Kaiser Klapthor • Stephanie A. Kotoski • Margaret Fromknecht Lefaiver • Susan West Oler • Michelle Marschak Petri • Mary
Hodas Przepyszny • One Anonymous Donor Class of 1974 Jean Bloesser Barry • Mary Lou Marshall Chimenti • Pamela Abram Drylewicz •
Mary Alice Pilewski Kaliszewski • Norma Causgrove Lynch • Rita Bartnik Maimbourg+ • Lisa Manendo • Jean Merryman • Carolyn
Dahlkemper Monocello • Pamela Mananino Pucetas • Linda Lucchetti Shilling • Mary Jean Catrabone Tabatcher • Nancy Snidarich
Widomski+ • Three Anonymous Donors Class of 1975 Elizabeth Heher Myers • Mary Kay Nuber Spencer • Two Anonymous Donors
Class of 1976 Mary Beth Cermak+ • Pamela Conover+ • Nancy D’Annibale Dahlkemper+ • Elizabeth Bruno Gawronski • Stephanie Heher •
Carol Holdnack • Patricia Rettger+ • Karen Kuchinski Sonney+ • Julie Patalita Srnka • Jane Hogenmiller Steineck • Cindy Anderson Tabolt •
One Anonymous Donor Class of 1977 Kathleen Belczyk Burik • Judith Carey • Ann Marie Larson DeDionisio+ • Becky Hiegel Grab • Clare
Luddy+ • Linda Lubiejewski Turner • Cindy Zelenak Class of 1978 Karen Spinks Bender • Cindy Szumigala Class of 1979 Michele Gowdy •
Mary Bloeser Kubacki • Sharon Mielnik Martin • Anne Marie Kuna Shiel • One Anonymous Donor Class of 1980 Judi Carr • Cynthia
Grygier • Maureen Wilwohl Mosakowski • Wendy Hedderick Ryan+ • Mary Anne Delehunt Seybert • Helen Marz Titus • Marg Wehrer
Class of 1981 Gerrie Lynn Piecuch • Christina Selleny Theiss Class of 1982 Marjorie Bolash Adamus • Susan Skrzypczak Chase • Jan Eisert •
Sarah Bailey Hudy+ • Kecia Conley Little • Lisa Tullio Pianta • Lisa Fuhrman Smith Class of 1983 Colleen Conway Brennan • Cassandra Ward
Brown • Michele Machinski Brunk • Jane Winarski London+ • Deborah Simonelli Montefiori • Billie Jo Guthrie Morell • Christine Kaufman
Scoggins • Deborah Sinnott-Steves • Rebecca Wojyasik Swigonski Class of 1984 Deborah Kujawinski Keefe • Class of 1985 Nathalie Michel
Morgen Class of 1986 Debra Augustyniak • Jennifer Visosky Swarm • Barbara Weber Class of 1987 Paula Wenerowicz Reese • Ann Marie
Kerner Wasielewski Class of 1988 Kristen Baginski Class of 1989 Michele Breter • Rosemarie Mankosky Rajasenan+
Class of 1991 Marlo Machalinski
Major Donors $500+
Mary Ann Benecki Toohey ’55 • Renee Theobald Kloecker ’56 • Patricia Henry Schneider ’59 • Carol Raykowski ’62
• One Anonymous Donor ’72 • Sally Bucceri French ’79 • Ann Michalski ’81
Major Donors $1000+
Mary Anne Kern Springer ’59 • Two Anonymous Donors ’66 • Mary Dreisbach Olowin ’66
Great care and effort are taken in maintaining accurate lists of our alumnae donors. We apologize for any oversights.
(+ represents a donation, pledge or joint gift of $100 or more, * indicates deceased)
is still available
We have copies of yearbooks that we
would like to make available to alumnae
members. If you are interested, please call
Ann Comstock at 899-0614, Ext. 2573.
No charge!
The following items are available for purchase
from the Alumnae Association.
The following are available:
Please contact Ann Comstock at:
814-899-0614, Ext. 2573 or
e-mail: [email protected].
1970 (1)
1977 (10)
1983 (1)
1971 (1)
1978 (10)
1984 (7)
1973 (3)
1979 (1)
1985 (32)
Tote bags 4-Button Golf Shirt
Letter openers V-Neck Shirt
1974 (2)
1980 (8)
1986 (11)
Note pads
1975 (3)
1981 (1)
1987 (27)
Cat’s Meow – SBA Collector’s Item
1976 (2)
1982 (10)
1988 (25)
The Bare Woods
3330 W 26th St
Erie, PA 16506
Let us pray...
From the
For our sister alumnae who
passed into eternity—
We’d love to help! If you
are planning a reunion,
please contact me at the
Alumnae Office,
814-899-0614, Ext 2573 or e-mail me at
[email protected].
We will provide you with a startup kit, mailing
labels and a current class list. Please e-mail
any information and photos taken at the
event. We will post them on our Web site
—Ann Comstock, ’64
SBA Memorabilia
Kathryn “Kay” Sullivan Causgrove ’34
Margaret McCallion Schroeck ’39
Therese M. Olszewski Dymski ’45
Barbara J. Becker McCormick ’50
Dolores C. “Dolly” Kruszewski Sznajder ’50
Barbara Willow Seidler ’51
Patricia M. Ferrick ’55
Joan Fialkowski ’58
Jane Eppler
Carolyn Volk Pakiela ’64
Alexandria (Alice) Ann Walczak ’71
Frances T. Esser
Visit for event updates
and to download sign-up forms, or send your
e-mail address to Alumnae Director Ann
Comstock at [email protected] to
receive electronic reminders and sign-ups. If you
don’t use e-mail, write to Ann at Mount Saint
Benedict Monastery, 6101 E. Lake Rd., Erie, Pa.,
16511. And whenever you see or hear about SBA
alumnae being honored or highlighted for their
achievements, let us know. Clip an article, jot it
down, or call us, so we can share the news with
all our members.
A wonderful year
t has been a wonderful year … a year in which the Alumnae
Association has been very, very busy. Joyfully, we celebrated
with the Sisters their 150th year anniversary. On Friday, Nov.
25 the Alumnae Association and the Benedictine Sisters
performed at the Warner Theater. Our concert, a musical gift
of peace to the city of Erie, was the centerpiece of our first-ever
Homecoming celebration. Proceeds from the concert, totaling
more than $27,000, were given to the Benedictines Sisters.
It was our way of showing our love, gratitude and support
for the Sisters.
According to SBA Alumnae Association board member Sister
Rosanne Loneck, ’61, for the alumnae, it was a weekend
of joy and celebration that “warmed our hearts and stirred
our souls. A full year of planning and many details melted
(despite the snow!) into a weekend of wonderful memories and
reconnecting. Smiles and tears: It was a time to give thanks
and offer gratitude, to reflect, remember and tell stories, and
to be renewed and grounded in our Benedictine tradition with
friends we never can forget.”
his year’s tenth annual Alumnae Appeal focused on the
St. Benedict Child Development Center at 345 East
Ninth Street. Funds raised benefited the toddler program,
helping the center to provide equipment needed to ensure
a safe play area for toddlers. Additional funds raised helped
the Sisters care for their older members and educate
newer members. Money was also provided for alumnae
scholarships, directly helping our families to afford Catholic
education. Thanks to the incredible generosity of our
alumnae members, more than $40,300 was raised this year.
Sr. Diane Rabe, OSB, ‘69, director of the
St.Benedict Child Development Center
receives a check from SBA Alumnae
Association President Barbara Hammill
Brown ‘67 at the board meeting March 9.
Director Sister Marilyn Schauble acknowledges the 145-member
SBA Alumnae/Benedictine Sisters Chorus during a standing
ovation at the conclusion of their concert at the historic Warner
Theatre in Erie. More than 1,700 people packed the theatre for
the Nov. 25 event called “A Christmas Gift of Peace.” The concert
was the highlight of a special three-day St. Benedict Academy
Alumnae Association celebration over Thanksgiving Day weekend
as a way of joining with the Sisters in the joy of their 150th
anniversary year. This first-ever SBA Alumnae Homecoming
included the annual Christmas party, Sunday liturgy at the
monastery and the choral concert.
Barbara Brown, president of
St. Benedict Academy Alumnae
Association, helps Sr. Mary Miller,
OSB, choose new furniture and
equipment for the Kids Café.
n Saturday, Nov. 26, the
annual SBA Christmas Party
was held at the Avalon Hotel
in Erie. This year’s event, part
of our Homecoming Weekend,
was a great success. More than
300 women attended. The Kids
Café was awarded the proceeds
from the party. The dinner
and gift auction raised $3,000
to refurbish the TV and game
rooms this spring.
Sr. Christine Vladimiroff, OSB,
prioress, ‘57 receives a check for
$27,367 from Barbara Hammill
Brown,’67, president of the SBA
Alumnae Association. Given in honor
of the 150th anniversary of the
Benedictine Sisters, the gift is the
proceeds from the “Christmas Gift of
Peace” homecoming concert.
Calendar of Events
Sunday, April 23
Annual Communion Brunch
9:30 a.m. — Liturgy at Mount St. Benedict
11:30 a.m. — Brunch at Lawrence Park Golf Course
Tuesday, June 27
SBA Summer Picnic
Mount St. Benedict 6 p.m.
Friday-Sunday July 15-17
Relay for Life
To make donations for the Benedictine
Sisters Team:
Contact Margaret Kloecker, (814) 452-0183
Celebrating their
Jubilee Years
“Uphold me, O God, according to your word. ...”
-Psalm 119
The Benedictine Sisters of Erie will recognize
and celebrate the Jubilees of nine Sisters during
Evening Praise on Sat., May 13, 2006.
By Sister Mary Ann Luke, OSB
Bernadette Lorei, OSB: 60 years
ister Bernadette is a native of St.
Boniface Parish, Hammett, Pa.,
where she grew up in large and close-
knit family. Her parents, Albert and
Ellanora Trott Lorei, ran their farm with
the help of their children. There, Sister
Bernadette learned at an early age to be a
dependable worker, diligent and careful
in her work, and to respect both work
and worker.
“Every time you begin a good work, you
must pray to God most earnestly to bring it
to perfection.”
Rule of Benedict, Prologue 4
She attended the parish school and is a
graduate of St. Benedict Academy. She
earned a BS in elementary education at
Villa Maria College, Erie. Sister Bernadette entered the Benedictine Sisters in 1944 and made her first profession of vows in 1946.
She made final profession on Aug. 22,1949.
Sister Bernadette was an exceptional elementary teacher for 48 years, most of them at St. Mary’s School,
Erie where she was also principal for a time. She taught in several other parish schools: Sacred Heart and
St. Joseph, Sharon; St. Stephen, Oil City; St. Michael, Fryburg; and Mount Calvary, Erie. Sister Bernadette
also served St. Mary’s as the school secretary. In recent years, she assisted in the monastery infirmary, cooking and serving breakfast for infirmary
residents, assisting them as needed. She visits the Sisters, helps with them with errands and all the small
services that make a difference in their comfort and peace in age or in illness. She encourages all the Sisters
to visit the infirmary regularly and to help Sisters who are living there to keep in touch with the life of the
whole community.
Sister Bernadette’s priority, maintaining close contacts among all members of our community in the midst
of busy lives or within the boundaries of incapacity, is clearly seen in her statement that celebration of the
Eucharist, daily community prayer, lectio, community life itself and common goals are the greatest gifts of
community for her.
Her hope for our community’s future is that the spiritual life, guided by seeking God as the Rule teaches,
“continues to be the main reason for our existence.”
Erie Benedictine Sisters celebrating Jubilees this year gathered
for a portrait at the monastery. The celebration during
Evening Praise will include renewal
of their monastic vows.
From left, back row: Sisters Anne Wambach, OSB; Mary Daniel Meahl, OSB;
Bernadette Lorei, OSB; Norma Jean Kingsley, OSB; Mary Jane Vergotz, OSB;
Claire Marie Surmik, OSB; Rosanne Lindal-Hynes, OSB
Seated: Dorothy Szczypinski, OSB; Janet Staab, OSB
Mary Daniel Meahl, OSB: 60 years
“’If you desire true and eternal life, keep your tongue
from spiteful talk, and your lips from deceit; turn
away from evil and do good; let peace be your quest
and aim.’…Then ‘my eyes will be upon you and my
ears will listen for your prayers; and even before you
ask me, I will say to you : here I am.’…See how the
Lord in his love shows us the way of life.”
Rule of Benedict, Prologue 17, 18, 20
ister Mary Daniel, an Erie native and a graduate of St.
Benedict Academy, is a daughter of the late Herbert and
Therese Spacht Meahl. She entered the Benedictine Sisters on
Feb. 20, 1945 and pronounced her final vows on Aug. 22, 1949
Sister Mary Daniel was awarded the degrees of Bachelor of
Music and Master of Music, with distinction, by the University
of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music, Rochester, N.Y.
An accomplished musician, she plays the piano, organ and harp.
Her ministry is music. She has taught school music in several
parish schools: St. Michael, Fryburg; St. Joseph, Oil City; St.
Joseph, Sharon; Immaculate Conception, Clarion; St. Stephen,
Oil City and Kennedy Catholic High School, Hermitage. She
has been church organist in several parishes and served as music
director for Our Lady of Mercy Parish, Harborcreek.
In addition, she gives private lessons in piano and organ. Sister Mary Daniel is a certified Kindermusik instructor; she has
introduced dozens of toddlers to music and to the possibility that they might make music themselves. At present, she assists in
liturgical music at the monastery and is active in state and national associations of musicians, several of which have recognized her
accomplishments with awards.
She finds “the strength and beauty of community prayer and mutual love and support” to be the greatest gift to her of the
community which, she hopes, will continue to live simply and to be true examples of Christ in this world.
Claire Marie Surmik, OSB: 50 years
ister Claire Marie was born and raised in a lively and loving
Slovak family in Manhattan’s Yorkville neighborhood, then a
sort of friendly, small town in the midst of the city. She attended
“Let peace be your quest and aim. …My eyes
the parish elementary school and followed two older sisters to St.
Cyril Academy, Danville, Pa. will be upon you and my ears will listen for
Sister Claire Marie, again following her sisters, Sisters Therese
Marie and Lucia Marie, entered the Sisters of St. Cyril and
Methodius after graduation. She made her final vows in 1961.
your prayers and even before you ask me, I will
say to you: Here I am.”
Sister Claire Marie earned a BA in English at Scranton’s
Marywood College, an MA in education at Fairfield University,
Conn., and an MS in educational administration at Scranton
University, Scranton, Pa.
Prologue of the Rule of Benedict and Psalm 33
She served as an elementary teacher and principal in New Jersey,
Ohio, Pennsylvania and in Charleston, S.C. For several years, Sister Claire Marie was the assistant superintendent of schools,
responsible for 65 elementary schools in the Diocese of Scranton.
Her wish to work for the poor and for peace and justice intensified in those years. Her search became a call to monastic life.
She began the process of transfer to the Benedictine Sisters of Erie in 1988, and made her perpetual Benedictine vows on Oct.
25,1991. She has been a staff member of Emmaus Ministries since that time. As she had hoped, her work now brings her into direct contact
with those she serves and allows her to work, as well, for systemic changes that will better the lives of those who are the casualties
of our culture.
In the same way, Sister Claire Marie finds that “journeying the way of Benedict, walking with our Sisters, is community’s greatest
gift to me.” She returns that gift with the warmth and openness that speak clearly her regard for each Sister and her pleasure in
singing becomes our pleasure as she sings with the Sisters’ schola.
Community life and her own work enliven a hope that we will all live in “Openness to the call of the Spirit by facing our future
with hope and joy as we struggle to reshape our lives to meet the needs of these times.”
Janet Staab, OSB: 50 years
“Listen, my sister, to me with an open
heart and mind.”
Rule of Benedict, Prologue 1 [paraphrased]
ister Janet, a daughter of Charles and Cecilia Staab and a
native of St. Joseph Parish, Oil City, is a graduate of St.
Joseph High School, Oil City, where she was taught by our
Sisters. Sister Janet entered the community after graduation and made
her first profession on New Year’s Eve in 1956 and her final
profession as a Benedictine Sister of Erie on August 13, 1960.
Sister Janet earned a BA in elementary education at Mercyhurst
College, Erie, and an MS in mathematics at Clarion University
of Pennsylvania. Her first ministry was teaching in elementary schools: Sacred Heart and St. Joseph in Sharon; Immaculate
Conception, Clarion; St. Stephen, Oil City and St. Mary’s, Erie.
When a L’Arche house was established in Erie, Sister Janet ministered there for several years. She also cared for children in the East
Coast Migrant Headstart program which was begun at Mount St. Benedict and later moved into Erie.
These experiences are reflected in her hope that the community will “always live a corporate commitment that responds to the
needs of others.”
Presently, Sister Janet is the community archivist. She is responsible for organization and proper storage of the community’s
records. Consequently, she is the community historian ex officio but informally. Our history is cared for meticulously, whether
it be the vows of our first prioress, Scholastica Burkhard, or photos taken last week at a community gathering. Aside from the
documents and artifacts at her fingertips, our history resides in its entirety in Sister Janet’s memory. Just ask and see.
Sister Janet’s gratitude for the community ranges from her appreciation of “their on-going love and support” to her enjoyment
when they “maintain and show a good, healthy sense of humor.”
Dorothy Szczypinski, OSB: 50 years
ister Dorothy, a daughter of the late Leokadya and Edward
Szczypinski, is a native of Erie and a graduate of St.
Stanislaus School and St. Benedict Academy.
A born teacher, Sister Dorothy earned a BA in mathematics
at Mercyhurst College, Erie and an MA in education with
a concentration in mathematics at Edinboro University of
Pennsylvania. She has taught on elementary and secondary
levels and has been a tenured assistant professor of mathematics.
She served also as assistant principal at St. Benedict Academy.
At present, Sister Dorothy teaches math at St. Benedict
Education Center. After class, her intellectual curiosity and
broad range of knowledge are efficient tools for providing
her students with life skills. Those from other countries and
cultures especially benefit from her advice on, for example: car
maintenance, job skills, finding and furnishing a living space,
language difficulties.
“Listen readily to holy reading and devote
yourself often to prayer. Place your hope in
God alone. If you notice something good in
yourself, give credit to God, not to yourself.
Never lose hope in God’s mercy.”
Rule of Benedict, Prologue 4:55, 41, 42, 74
Sister Dorothy speaks of our community’s greatest gift to her: “To be accompanied through life by others, likewise called by
God, all with different personalities, gifts, and at different stages of their journey. To witness, to observe, the grace of God at work
in each life and in each death, is gift to me in my journey.”
She gives the same gift to her students when she participates in their lives as teacher, mentor, friend. Her community, too,
receives these gifts, deepened by the gift of her presence and animated by her sense of humor.
Sister Dorothy’s interests extend from geology to theology. But the political and cultural facets of our society are deep
concerns. She speaks of future hopes. “That part of our current decadent, violent American culture espoused by much of the
entertainment world, the media, and so many individuals is not worthy of the dignity each human being is called to by our
loving God. I see the present and future role of monastic life as one similar to that in the world of Benedict’s time. “Monastic spirituality must be a leaven for an alternative way of life. It must by counter culture, offer a life that inspires love, not
hate; hope, not despair; sharing, not greed; peace, not war; and justice, not oppression.”
Norma Jean Kingsley, OSB: 50 years
ister Norma Jean, a daughter of Friend and Cecille Kearney
Kingsley, is an Erie native educated in St. John’s parish school
and St. Benedict Academy. She entered the Benedictine Sisters in 1954 and made her
profession of perpetual vows on July 16, 1959. Sister Norma
Jean earned a BA in education at Mercyhurst College, an MA in
pastoral ministry at St Francis College, Loretto, Pa., and has also
studied spiritual direction at St. John’s University, Collegeville,
“ … that our hearts and minds may always
be in harmony with our voices.”
Rule of Benedict, 19:7
Sister Norma Jean taught first in elementary schools: St. Joseph,
Sharon; St. Joseph, Oil City; and St. Michael, Fryburg and later at Venango Catholic High School in Oil City. She served
at St. Benedict Academy and as administrator at Camp Glinodo. She then joined the staff of Ecclesia Center in Girard in
its early years of service to religious and priests looking for sabbath and spiritual renewal. She served clients both as spiritual
director and as an administrator. At present, she is a pastoral minister to the elderly.
Sister Norma Jean has served her Benedictine community as scholastic director and community secretary.
She sees her vow of stability as the community’s greatest gift to her: “If I embrace stability, I find change to be challenging and
my faith at times is questioned. Embracing perseverance is the final gift.”
In the same vein, her hope for the future is that “We may always be willing to learn and share experiences as we pray and work
to bring the presence of God into our world.”
Thus, with minds and voices together in openness, and learning from one another, we can hope to persevere together, to be
led, finally, by Christ to everlasting life.
Rosanne Lindal-Hynes, OSB: 50 years
“You must relieve the lot of the poor.”
Rule of Benedict, 4:13
ister Rosanne, a native of St. Joseph Parish, Oil City and a
daughter of John Patrick and Hazel Hynes, received her early
education in the parish elementary and high schools.
After graduation, she entered the Benedictine Sisters of Erie,
joining several other Hynes Benedictines who had preceded her:
Sisters Evelyn, Mary Ellen and Pierre Hynes and Sister Mary
Regina Flanagan. Rosanne made her final profession of vows in
our community on July 16, 1959.
She earned a BA in elementary education at Mercyhurst College and took graduate courses at several universities. She received a
diploma from Montessori Internationale.
Sister Rosanne’s ministries continue to reflect the concern for care of the poor ipon which Benedict insisted. She was an
elementary teacher in parish schools in Sharon, North East, Clarion, Fryburg and Erie, then began to move into more direct
service to those in need of her gifts.
Sister Rosanne has been director of social services at St. Martin Center and a counselor at Community House for Women, head
teacher at the East Coast Migrant Headstart program and a member of the Pax Christi staff, all in Erie.
Her present ministry is women’s advocate at Emmaus Ministries where her work ranges from the most urgent situations to the joy
– and long hours – of collecting, wrapping and distributing more than 500 gifts for the children of Emmaus at Christmas. Always,
she is the peaceful presence in lives that know too much trouble.
Peace in her own life is the gift of community: “The prayer life which binds me to my Sisters and the support which is life giving.”
Her hope for the community is that it will “always adjust to the needs of the times.”
Those needs will, without end, include sharing our plenty with those who have need of it.
Anne Wambach, OSB: 25 years
ister Anne, executive director of the Inner-city Neighborhood Art House, chose a teacher’s quote as the words of the Rule that
mean most to her. Anne has been an elementary teacher and principal for much of her professional life and is also a liturgical
musician who brings an abundance of gifts to the children of the Art House.
Sister Anne is a native of Philadelphia, a daughter of Isabel and the late Michael Wambach. She began religious life as a member of
the Sisters of St. Joseph of Chestnut Hill, Pa. Sister Anne earned a BS in education and an MA in liturgy and liturgical music at St.
Joseph’s College, Renssalaer, Ind. She ministered at several schools in eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey and assisted in the parish
liturgies as cantor, pianist and oboist.
These foundational years brought Sister Anne to her call to
monastic life. She began the process of transfer in 1993 and
became a full member of our community in 1997.
“Listen carefully, my daughter, to my
Sister Anne sees the community’s best gifts to her as “The richness
of our prayer life and liturgy, our commitment to peace and justice
and our love for one another – gifts that sustain me in the daily.”
instructions and attend with the ear of your
She, in turn, shares with the community her presence, her gifts
as musician and director of the choir and the bell choir, and a
leadership of the Art House that, daily, gives possibility and hope
to children who have little of either. They receive food and fun in
a safe place, they are introduced to a range of arts, and they learn
to know and to comport themselves as members of the body of
welcome it and faithfully put it into practice.”
heart. This is advice from one who loves you;
Rule of Benedict, Prologue 1-2
Sister Anne says of her own hope for the future: “In these challenging times, Jesus and Benedict demonstrate a radically different way
of living in the world. Aware of the global issues that confront us today and well into the future, I hope that we can be a prophetic
voice calling all to wholeness and holiness. In the words of Sister Joan Chittister, ‘God is calling us to more than the material level of
life and God is waiting to bring us to it. All we have to do is live well with others and live totally in God. …The spiritual life demands
all of us.’”
Mary Jane Vergotz, OSB: 25 years
“This, then, is the good zeal which monastics must
foster with fervent love: They should each try to be
the first to show respect to the other, supporting one
another’s weaknesses of body or behavior, and earnestly competing in obedience to one another. No
one is to pursue what she judges better for herself, but
instead, what she judges better for someone else. To
their fellow monastics they show the pure love of sisters; to God loving fear; to their abbot, unfeigned and
humble love. Let them prefer nothing to Christ. …”
Rule of Benedict, 72:3-11
daughter of the late Josephine and Stanley Vergotz, she
received her elementary education at her home parish, Holy Trinity. She was awarded a BA in social work by Gannon University, Erie and an MSW by St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. Sister Mary Jane ministered as director of professional services
for Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Erie and at Saint
Vincent Health Center, Erie, where her specialty was home
health care. Presently she is sub-prioress, council member and
development director for our community.
Sister Mary Jane identifies the community’s most important
gift to her: “Living in an intergenerational community where I
experience the fervent desire of newer members to emulate the
lives of our faithful elders who show us how to “seek truly God”
each and every day of their lives; sharing community with peers
who have and intense commitment to assume responsibility for
administration; and with all generations as we grow together in
the good zeal of monastics.” In these words are reflected the source of her patience and her willingness to take each person as she is.
In the same way, her hopes for the community in the future — “That we continue to be faithful to our Benedictine roots while we
read, study and explore current theologians” — reflect openness to new ideas.
The Sisters sing the
third stanza when they
renew their vows.
I have no love for divided hearts.
My love is for your law, O God.
You are my shelter, my refuge.
I hope in your word.
Leave me, all who do evil.
I will keep God’s command.
Uphold me, O God, according to your word,
and I shall live,
and do not fail me in my hope.
You disown all who turn away from your law;
they deceive only themselves.
The wicked count as nothing.
I tremble before you,
standing in awe of your decrees.
In Loving Memory
Her mind delighted in discovery
These tributes were written by Sister Mary Ann Luke, OSB
ister Mary Regina Flanagan, OSB, died at her home, Mount St. Benedict Monastery,
on Nov. 23, 2005.
S Erie,
She was born in Oil City, Pa. on Feb. 28, 1914, a daughter of the late William S. and
Catherine Hynes Flanagan and received her early education at St. Joseph Elementary
and High School in Oil City. She entered the Benedictine Sisters of Erie on July 2, 1935.
Sister Mary Regina made her final monastic profession as a Benedictine Sister on August
19, 1939 and had celebrated her silver, golden and sixtieth anniversaries of profession.
Sister Mary Regina was a graduate of Villa Maria College, Erie, and earned a Master of
Arts degree in mathematics at Villanova University, Radnor, Pa. As a recipient of National
Science Foundation grants, she continued her study of mathematics at Notre Dame
University, South Bend, Ind., and of chemistry at Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio. She began her ministry in education as an elementary teacher and continued as a high school teacher and
administrator. Sister Mary Regina served in several schools in the diocese of Erie: Sacred Heart and St. Joseph,
Sharon; St. Joseph and St. Stephen, Oil City; St. Gregory, North East; Immaculate Conception, Clarion; and
Venango Catholic High School, Oil City.
She was recognized as an outstanding science teacher by Gannon University, Erie, Pa., and by the Buhl
Planetarium of the Carnegie Science Center, Pittsburgh, Pa. She was a co-author of algebra and geometry texts and developed an innovative program for nongraded mathematics instruction.
In later years, Sister Mary Regina ministered in social services in the Oil City area and cared for her sister, Alice Flanagan.
As well as her parents, her sister, Alice, preceded Sister Mary Regina in death. She is survived by her religious
community, the Benedictine Sisters of Erie, her sister Catherine McMahon, Oil City, Pa., and several nieces and nephews.
Sister Mary Regina exemplified the phrase, “Love of learning and desire for God.” She found both in the travel that she enjoyed extensively, and she found joy in learning and teaching to the very end of her life.
A compassionate presence in our midst
Bernardine Goebel, OSB, died at her home, Mount St. Benedict Monastery,
Erie, on Dec. 9, 2005.
S ister
She was born in Newark, Ohio on Jan. 2, 1911, a daughter of the late Otto and Ottilia
Stoecklein Goebel, and was baptized Dolores Mary. She received her early education at
Immaculate Conception Parish schools in Clarion, Pennsylvania.
Sister Bernardine entered the Benedictine Sisters of Erie as a novice on August 24,
1927. She made her first profession on March 27, 1928 and her final monastic profession as a Benedictine Sister on August 2, 1932. She has celebrated her silver,
golden, and diamond anniversaries of profession.
Sister Bernardine was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in education by the University of Pittsburgh and a Master of Arts in psychology and counseling by the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
She began her ministry in education as an elementary teacher and continued as a high school teacher and
administrator. Sister Bernardine served in several schools in the diocese of Erie: Sacred Heart and St Joseph,
Sharon; St Joseph High School, Oil City; St. Gregory High School, North East; Immaculate Conception High
School, Clarion; Venango Catholic High School, Oil City; Kennedy Catholic High School, Sharon; and St.
Benedict Academy, Erie.
She served as a counselor and psychologist at Gannon University and at St. Benedict Education Center, Erie.
Sister Bernardine found in the Psalm 146 a rule for life: To secure justice for the oppressed, to set prisoners free,
to give sight to the blind, to raise up those who are bowed down. She was a teacher and counselor in drug rehabilitation and education programs at the New York State Prison, Long Island City, New York. When she
returned to Erie, she continued to serve at the Erie County Prison as a counselor and tutored high school student needing additional classes.
Her boundless regard for the value and dignity of every human being inspired and empowered her ministry. She judged nothing but need and was gifted in answering the needs she found.
As well as her parents, Sister Bernardine was preceded in death by seven brothers and sisters. She is survived by her religious community, the Benedictine Sisters of Erie, and by several nieces and nephews.
The Gift of Art
Jubilee Event: Brother Thomas Bezanson Exhibit
native of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Brother Thomas Bezanson was a Benedictine monk at Weston Priory in Vermont
before coming to Erie. He began his work in pottery in 1953
and continued through his years at the priory. He has been an artist-in-residence with the Benedictine Sisters of Erie since 1985.
Brother Thomas is an internationally acclaimed artist with
works found in the permanent collections of more than 60
national and international venues, among which are the Art
Institute of Chicago; Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC; the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; the Osaka Municipal
Museum, Japan; Philadelphia Museum of Art; the Renwick
Gallery of the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C.; the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto; and the Victoria and
Albert Museum in London, England.
Pucker Gallery, Boston, represents his work.
May 7 - 22, 2006
Mount St. Benedict Monastery
6101 East Lake Road
Hours to be announced.
“In Benedict’s Rule,
Chapter 57 is about
the artisans in the
monastery. ... The love
of art comes from a
life that is intent on
the search for God. ...
Ultimately, the peace
of creating something
beautiful will take one
to God.”
-Sr. Christine Vladimiroff, OSB, Prioress
“... so that in all things
God may be glorified.”
-Chapter 57, Rule of St. Benedict
“I would like to speak this word of gratitude to my Benedictine Sisters, to Bernie and Sue Pucker, to the staff of Pucker Gallery
and to many friends in many places, all of whom are the bridges that have turned a possibility into a reality.
This is an exhibition of the Sisters’ collection of my work, examples from the past 20 years that I have been in Erie.
It is a significant collection in that it is the only continuous example of my work that covers such a long period of time.
This is the first time that it has been shown in its entirety – even to me.
It is significant for another reason: the awareness that no one does anything alone. I am very conscious of this life-principle for
without others there would not be all of this, there would only be silence.”
-Brother Thomas
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