21 Manning Street, Hudson, MA 01749 978-562-2552 • Fax 978
21 Manning Street, Hudson, MA 01749 978-562-2552 • Fax 978
21 Manning Street, Hudson, MA 01749 978-562-2552 • Fax 978-568-1761 • www.stmikes.org SAINT MICHAEL PARISH Mass Schedule Daily Mass Saturday December 28 4:00pm The Keaney Family Sunday December 29 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 10:30am 12:00pm Antonio C. Sousa and deceased relatives João Carvalho, son and son-in-law Manuel and Maria Bairos and son Agostinho Almada Sousa & Helen Carvalho Brazilian Mass Monday December 30 9:00am Jose Figueiredo Tuesday December 31 4:00pm Ruth and Richard Mangini Wednesday January 1 9:00am The Living Faithful Thursday January 2 7:00am Fr. Everett Vierra Friday January 3 9:00am For all Parents - living or deceased Saturday January 4 9:00am 4:00pm Souls in Purgatory Filomena Braga and family Sunday January 5 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 10:30am 12:00pm Antonio and Conceição Santos Emilia P. Fontes Manuel Moura Agostinho Almada Sousa & Helen Carvalho Brazilian Mass 9:00am ~ Mon, Wed, Friday and Saturday – lower church 7:00am ~ Tuesday and Thursday – lower church PLEASE NOTE! If there is a delay or cancellation from the Hudson Public Schools due to inclement weather, the daily Mass is cancelled! Weekend Mass Schedule 4:00pm – Saturday – upper church 7:30am – Sunday – upper church 9:00am – Sunday – upper church 10:30am – Sunday – lower church 10:30am – Sunday - upper church/Portuguese Mass 12 noon – Sunday – lower church/Brazilian Mass New Year’s Mass Schedule 4:00pm – New Year’s Eve – upper church 9:00am – New Year’s Day – upper church Confessions are 2:30 – 3:30 pm on Saturdays If you have requested a Mass intention and would like to have a family member bring up the gifts, please see a Eucharistic Minister before the start of the Mass. DECEMBER Bread and Wine in Memory of Maria and José Nardelo Lights and Candles in Memory of Antonio C. Sousa and deceased relatives Offertory: The bulletin was sent to print prior to last weekend’s collection. Therefore, we were not able to update the offertory totals Second Collection Weekend of Jan 4/Jan 5: Parish Maintenance & Develop. Thank you for your kind and generous support! It is always greatly appreciated! 1 HUDSON, MA Fr. Ron’s Ramblings Well it is hard to believe another Christmas Day has come and gone. Liturgically we celebrate the twelve days of Christmas which culminates with the Feast of the Epiphany on January 6. Hence as our culture stops singing Christmas carols and hymns, we begin! Custa a acreditar que outro dia de Natal chegou e já se foi. Litúrgicamente nós celebramos os 12 dias de Natal que condiz com a festa da epifania a 6 de Janeiro. Enquanto a nóssa cultura parou de cantar ou tocar musicas de Natal nós apenas começamos. I would like to extend special thanks to all who contributed to making this season so special. So many people work for hours and hours behind the scenes making our church beautiful, our music inspirational, and our liturgies reverent. And thanks to all of you for your flower donations. Not only does that fund church decorations, but we send out Poinsettias to all our homebound parishioners. The religious education children make Christmas cards, and an anonymous person makes plastic canvas ornaments for each home bound person. A special word of thanks to Mary Ellen Bartlett, our parish nurse, who coordinated this effort. With over a hundred homebound parishioners it is a huge task. Eu gostaria uma vez mais de mostrar a minha gratidão a todos os que contribuiram para fazer esta estação de Natal tão especial. Algumas pessoas trabalharam horas seguidas por detrás do pano para tornar a nóssa igreja tao bonita, a nossa musica inspiritual e as nossas referentes liturgias maravilhosas. Tambem um muito obrigado a todos os que deram doações para as flores. Nao só foi para decoração da igreja, mas tambem entregamos pointeseras a todos os enfermos em casa. As criancas da catequese fizeram cartões de Natal e uma pessoa anonima fez uns ornamentos em plástico para entregar a cada enfermo. Um especial agradecimento à Mary Ellen Bartlett, a enfermeira da paroquia que coordenou este trabalho. Com centenas de pessoas impossibilitadas de sair de casa torna-se numa enorme tarefa. Also, thanks to our prayer shawl ministers who handmade many, many hats and mittens to help keep people warm this winter. Um imenso obrigado tambem para os membros do ministério do xaile que fizeram muitos barretos e luvas para ajudar a manter as pessoas aquecidas neste Inverno. This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family. It is appropriately set at this time of year as so many families gather together. We are also mindful of those who have lost a family member during this year and the emptiness that loss brings at the holiday season. We continue to pray for all of our families. Neste fim de semana celebramos a festa da Sagrada Familia. É aprópriadamente um tempo marcado no ano que muitas familias se reunem para celebrar as festas Natalícias. Nós tambem estamos sinseramente sentidos pelos que perderam um membro de familia durante este ano, e pelo sentimento vasio que se faz sentir nesta época festiva em perder alguem. Nós continuaremos a orar por todas as nossas familias. As we move into the new year, we hope that it is a fresh start for us all. May the days and months ahead bring us many blessings and graces from God. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Com o apróximarmos do Ano Novo esperamos que seja um novo e fresco começar de ano para todos nós. Que os dias e meses que estão para vir durante o ano novo nos traga muitas benções e graças de Deus. Que Deus vos abencoe a todos e a todos um feliz e próspero ANO NOVO!!! 2 DECEMBER 29, 2013 Religious Education Gr K-5 Update on Parish Photo Directory December 22nd begins our Christmas Holiday break. I want to thank all the parents for their support with our projects and wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and New Year!! Classes resume on January 5th! Pat Conte 978-562-2552 or [email protected] We’ve been compiling the new directory with many great photos! However, group pictures are needed for a few ministries! If you are a member of one of the ministries listed below, please attend the one and only photo shoot on Sunday, January 5th at 2:00pm (prior to the sing-a-long) in the upper church. Nice attire preferred! We hope you can make it! Thank you! **Parish Office Hours** Monday, Thursday, Friday 9:00am – 3:00pm Tuesday 9:00am – 12pm Wednesday CLOSED Eucharistic Ministers Ladies Sodality Lectors Music Ministry St. Vincent de Paul Ushers Please note: We follow the Hudson Public School alerts of delayed openings or cancellations due to inclement weather. Do you have a new address? Please call or email us to update!! Thank you! Individual and family photos have been taken and preparations are underway for our new directory! Print photos have been collected and will be distributed along with the booklet in the New Year! Notes from Music Ministry December Baptisms Weekly Choir Rehearsal Reminder! New Members Always Welcome! “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Portuguese choir rehearsals: Thursdays at 4:00pm for the 10:30am upstairs Mass. Youth choir rehearsals: Thursdays at 5:15pm for the 9:00am Mass. Adult choir rehearsals: Thursdays at 6:00pm for the 4:00pm Mass. Makenna Brielle Babcock Franco Aniello DiLiddo The January Baptism Catechesis Meeting will be held Sunday January 5th at 2:00pm in the lower church. Annual Carol Celebration The Music Ministry presents the Annual Carol Sing on Sunday, January 5th, 3:00pm in the upper church! Carols, hymns and joyous celebration with songs for all to enjoy! This is a very moving musical event reflecting on the true meaning of the Christmas Season that permeates the heart and spirit! We look forward to seeing you there! The January Sacrament of Baptism will be held Sunday, January 19th at 2:00pm in the upper church. New Year’s Prayer for Peace O Loving God, Answer our prayers for a world of peace. Give us strength as we face the conflicts of our troubled world. Cleanse our minds of retaliation and help us to be instruments of your peace. Fill us with the compassion to overlook the hatefulness of others. Help us as we share in the task of restoring harmony and justice. One in body, mind and spirit, Director of Music, John Anthony Volpe 3 THE HOLY FAMILY EVENTS/MEETINGS/REMINDERS PARISH NURSE TIPS PREVENT COLDS AND FLU Surveys show that Americans suffer a BILLION colds each year. When you add in the flu, the number is even higher. There are things you can do to avoid becoming a cold/flu statistic. 1. Exercise is a proven immune booster. Moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, for 45 minutes a day, five days a week, can reduce risk of a cold by a third. 2. Get plenty of sleep, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids and eat nutritious food. 3. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. 4. If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when YOU are sick. You will help to prevent others from catching your illness. 5. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. 6. Clean your hands often. Use warm water and a good helping of soap. Plain soap is fine, because it’s the act of rubbing the hands together for at least 20 seconds that is going to eliminate germs. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol based hand rub. 7. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Without thinking, we rub our eyes, cover our mouth or rub our noses with our hands. That is a sure way to infect yourself with cold virus particles. 8. Teach prevention hygiene to your children. They share cold and flu viruses readily and bring them into your homes. Teach your child to cough or sneeze into a tissue or his/her elbow, instilling a lifelong habit that is key to illness prevention: HANDWASHING. 9. Vaccines are the surest way to prevent the flu. 10. Clean for virus prevention. Use disinfectant when you clean at home, especially in the bathroom and kitchen. Stay away from sponges and rags - studies show they’re the number one source of germs in the whole house. If you must use sponges, change the once a week or soak them in bleach for 15 minutes. 11. Practice cold and flu prevention at work. Hold office meetings in large rooms with plenty of ventilation, and don’t be afraid to practice “social distancing”. Keep some extra space between you and the people who are sick, or who sneeze or cough openly. If you share a workstation or phone with others, clean it with antibacterial wipes before you sit down or use it. Lastly, please be considerate of others and DO NOT COME TO CHURCH if you have cold or flu symptoms. The last thing God wants is for you to come and infect others. Stay at home, rest, follow the above suggestions and GET WELL! Fatima Shrine Christmas Display Xaverian Missionaries are displaying their traditional Christmas lights and Nativity display at Fatima Shrine in Holliston, through Wednesday, January 1st! Portuguese Prayer Gathering Reminder: The Portuguese members will gather to meet for prayer service Friday, January 10th at 7:00pm in the lower chapel. Ministry Meetings Catholic Daughters will be meeting Thursday, January 2nd at 12 Noon in the Parish Center! St. Vincent de Paul will be meeting Saturday, January 4th at 5:00pm in the lower church! The Men’s Club will be meeting on Wednesday, January 8th at 7:00pm in the Parish Center Prayer Shawl Ministry will be meeting Wednesday, January 15th at 1:30pm in the lower church! Our Lady’s Thrift Shop 197 Pleasant Street, Marlborough The Sisters of St. Chretienne invite you and your friends to discover their attractive assortment of gently used clothing for adults and children household items, toys, etc. Hours: Tues, Thurs, Sat 10-12 & 1-3 Catholic TV Marathon Catholic TV presents a marathon of Christmas programming for three straight days beginning on Christmas Eve at midnight. Tune in for Christmas Masses, specials and concerts! Enjoy Christmas episodes on the original CatholicTV series and other programs featuring musicians, choirs, and artists celebrating Jesus’ birth. Masses with Pope Francis from the Vatican, the National Shrine and the Chapel of the Holy Cross at Catholic TV are all celebrated during the Christmas marathon. Cardinal Sean O’Malley will celebrate CatholicTV’s Christmas Mass live on CW56 at 8:00am. It can be seen at Noon on WHDH Ch. 7 and again at 7pm on Catholic TV. 4 THE HOLY FAMILY Sunday Throughout theWeek: Sharing the Gospel Joseph was a good father and a good husband. He did everything he could to keep Mary and the baby Jesus safe. Herod heard that a baby king was born. He was jealous. He wanted to be the only king. Joseph moved here and there to hide Jesus so Herod's men could not hurt his family. God loves you, too. Your parents protect you. Police and firemen keep you safe, too Prayer Lord, help keep me safe from the paths of evil Something to Draw Draw Joseph and Mary hiding the baby Jesus from Herod and his men. Mission for the Week I will look left, right, and left again when I cross a street 5 LOUIS MONTI FOLEY & SONS A.R. CARVALHO FLOOR & TILE Grounds Maintenance & SONS, INC. SALE & INSTALLATION OF Regonini - Zoll Memorials Ceramic Tile ~ Linoleum ~ Carpet Hardwood Floors ~ Wallpaper GRANITE BRONZE S&F Concrete Contractors, Inc. , 978-562-3495 LETTERING CLEANING The Eastern Seaboard’s Largest and Finest Concrete Contractor 241 Maple Street (978) 897-5698 (978) 897-6787 Fax (978) 897-0311 166 Central Street PO Box 427, Hudson, MA 485-1990 161 Main Street Maynard, MA 01754 978-368-7539 Monumental Craftsmen THE FAUCETORIUM Plumbing Specialties SALES & INSTALLATION OF Tubs ~ Toilets ~ Sinks ~ Faucets & Complete Landscaping (978) 779-6555 Customized Lawn Care Free Estimates Fully Insured 508-460-3405 Providing excellence in Hardware • Paint Plumbing Equipment Rentals & Service Family Owned and Operated 978-562-7316 www.robinson1874.com 31 Washington St., Hudson Catholic education since 1910 Immaculate Conception School Marlborough Pre-School through Grade 8. ICS warmly welcomes St. Michael’s families. www.icschool.net HUDSON FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC Dr. Michael R. Girard 7 Tower St., Hudson Celebrating 25 years of helping people of all ages regain and maintain their health Contact Liturgical Publications Inc to place an ad today! (800) 368-7010 978-562-6011 www.hudsonfamilychiropractic.com Residential • Commercial & Industrial Plumbing License # 11900 978.562.2742 152 Manning St., Hudson Cookies • Brownies Cakes • Pastries Soup • Savory • Tarts OPEN MON-SAT FROM 9-5 ACROSS FROM THE HORSESHOE PUB 25 SOUTH ST., HUDSON (978) 562-5938 Hammond R E S I D E N T I A L Real Estate TONY CABRAL 303 Worcester Rd. Framingham, MA 01701 Cell: 508-935-5064 Office: 508-879-7880 ext. 402 [email protected] www.hammondre.com “Your Hometown Realtor” FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. DECEMBER 6, 2013 2:51 PM ST. MICHAEL, HUDSON, MA 04-0672 O ID Michael A. Cardinale, Jr. ACKERMAN MONUMENT CO. Master Electrician - Fully Insured Lic# A6682 Additions • Remodels New Construction phone: 978.618.4319 e-mail: [email protected] MA CSL#: 105131 • HIC#: 170249 Like us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/bairosdesignbuild JUNIPER FARMS / BOLTON OIL MONUMENTS • MARKERS CEMETERY LETTERING JRRBC, INC. - Heating System Installations - Bottled Gas - Specializing in Custom-Made Monuments 562-5233 John D. Loureiro • Mary E. Loureiro 15 Bonazzoli Ave. Hudson, MA 6 Colburn Circle Hudson, MA Juniper Road, PO Box 22 Hudson, Massachusetts 01749 Over 150 Monuments Set Up On Premises www.chaveshvac.com www.cardinaleelectric.com (978) 562-5309 Cardinale Electric Co. Light - Power - Heat www.firststepscc.com Infant • Toddler • Preschool • Pre-K Offering Personalized Service for Over 50 Years 508-429-5465 2234 Washington St., Holliston “We help seniors stay at home.” Senior Home Care Meal Preparation • Errands Hourly or Live In Full Day Kindergarten (Hudson) Register now for September 2013 Hudson 978-562-6862 [email protected] Bolton 779-6160 Hudson 562-3342 Marlboro 508-485-7380 Southborough 508-481-1437 [email protected] www.visitingangels.com Joe Chamberlain 142 North Road, Sudbury 978-287-2002 Owner: Life Long Saint Michael Parishioner Matt Whitters Prudential Prime Properties 433 Main Street, Hudson Cell (617) 763-8219 www.MattWhitters.com Tighe-Hamilton Funeral Home Slattery Funeral Home Inc. Family Owned Since 1929 TH Thomas M. Hamilton - Funeral Director Pre-Planning • Pre-Payment 50 Central Street, Hudson ~ 978-562-3252 Pre-Need Planning At Home Arrangements Directors Alan P. Slattery Regina Bonanno Slattery Scott A. Johnston Cremation Services Off Street Parking 508-485-0225 40 Pleasant St., Marlborough www.slatteryfuneralhome.com LAW OFFICES OF MOREIRA & FRIAS José P. Moreira, Esq. Richard Frias, Esq. The Best in Glass and Service Falamos Portugues www.countryglass.com 145 Main St. Hudson, MA 01749 Bring in this ad and receive a 10% discount on your purchase. Tel: (978) 562-3456 Fax: (978) 568-8028 [email protected] 978-562-2332 E-Mail: [email protected] for more information Contact Liturgical Publications Inc to find out how! 800-368-7010 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. DECEMBER 6, 2013 2:51 PM ST. MICHAEL, HUDSON, MA 04-0672 O ID
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