February 8, 2015
February 8, 2015
Saint Michael Parish • Paroquia de São Miguel Welcome New Parishioners We welcome you to the community of St. Michael. Please introduce yourself to the priests, call, visit the Parish Center or visit online at www.stmikes.org to fill out a registration form. RCIA If you have not been baptized or were baptized but have not received First Eucharist, Reconciliation or Confirmation, please contact Sheila Mahoney at 978-562-3148, call or email the Parish Center. Infant Baptisms The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 2:00pm. Baptism catechesis for the parent(s) and godparent(s) is held on the 1st Sunday of the month at 2:00pm. Register online at www.stmikes.org or call the Parish Center. Marriage Pastor: Rev. Ron Calhoun - x301 Xaverian Assistant: Rev. Anthony Lalli, S.X. Arrangements should be made at least 6 months prior to the intended date of the wedding. Please call the Parish Center to schedule your date and make an appointment to speak with one of the priests. Pastoral Associate: Carmen Giombetti - x305 Anointing of the Sick Religious Education Grades 6-11 and Youth Ministry Andrew Genovese - x310 Religious Education Grades 1-5 Pat Conte - x309 Director of Music: John Anthony Volpe 978-729-4226 Parish Nurse: Mary Ellen Bartlett 508-779-0020 Business Manager: Helena Siciliano - x304 Administrative Asst: Paula O’Brien - x300 The church encourages all who are ill, about to undergo surgery, or confined to their home due to illness be to prayed over and anointed with sacred oil. This can take place at a parish Mass, or in the home or in the hospital. Please do not wait for the last moment for yourself or a loved one to be anointed and by all means speak to a priest for more information or details. Boas-vindas aos Novos Paroquianos Damos-lhe as boas-vindas à nossa comunidade de S. Miguel. Por favor apresente-se aos padres e telefone ou visite o Centro Paroquial para se registrar. RCIA Se ainda não foi baptizado ou já foi mas não recebeu a Primeira Comunhão, Reconciliação ou Confirmação, por favor contacte Sheila Mahoney no 978-562-3148 ou telefone para o Centro Paroquial. Baptizados Infantis O sacramento do Baptismo é celebrado no terceiro Domingo de cada mês à 2 da tarde. A preparaço do baptism para pais e padrinlos é no primeiro Domingo à 2 da tarde na igreja. Registe-se online @www.stmikes.org or chame para o Centro Paroquial. Casamento 21 Manning Street, Hudson, MA 01749 Devem ser feitas preparacções pelo menos 6 meses antes da data em que pensa casar. Por favor telefone para Centro Paroquial para marcar a data e fazer um apontamento para falar com um dos padres. Unção dos Doentes Phone: 978-562-2552 • Fax: 978-568-1761 www.stmikes.org @stmikes_hudson facebook.com/stmikes.hudson A Igreja encoraja a todos que estão doentes, ou que vão fazer uma operação ou que tênham de permanecer em suas casas devido a doença, a fazerem orações e serem ungidos com os óleos sagrados. Isto pode ter lugar durante uma Missa na paróquia, em casa ou no hospital. Por favor náo espere até ao ultimo momento, para si próprio ou para um ente querido ser ungído e não hesite em falar com um padre para mais informações e detalhes. SAINT MICHAEL PARISH Mass Schedule Daily Mass Saturday February 7 9:00am 4:00pm Souls in Purgatory José and Paulo Janeiro Sunday February 8 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 10:30am 12:00pm Virginia and José Sousa Scout Sunday/Boy Scouts of America Lillian Pavlovich Agostinho Sousa and Helena Carvalho Brazilian Mass Monday February 9 9:00am Primo Borella Tuesday February 10 7:00am Deborah Ann Smith Wednesday February 11 9:00am Redmond Loftus Thursday February 12 7:00am Angelina Carvalho and Deceased Relatives Friday February 13 9:00am João Paulo Gaipo Saturday February 14 9:00am Anibal Branco, Guilherme & Maria de Jesus Branco 4:00pm Margaret J. Coffey and Robert E. Coffey Sunday February 15 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 10:30am 12:00pm José L. Chaves Acacio P. and Adelaide P. Matias Charles “Doc” Bartlett Joaquim Pires Brazilian Mass 9:00am - Mon, Wed, Friday and Saturday – lower church 7:00am - Tuesday and Thursday – lower church Inclement Weather Notice! If there is a delay or cancellation at the Hudson Public Schools due to inclement weather, the daily Mass is also canceled. Weekend masses are cancelled at discretion of priest and/or church personnel. Weekend Mass Schedule 4:00pm – Saturday – upper church 7:30am – Sunday – upper church 9:00am – Sunday – upper church 10:30am – Sunday – lower church 10:30am – Sunday – upper church/Portuguese Mass 12 noon – Sunday – lower church/Brazilian Mass Confessions are 2:30 – 3:30 pm on Saturdays If you have requested a Mass intention and would like to have a family member present the gifts, please see a Eucharistic Minister before the start of the Mass. Bread and Wine in Loving Memory of Antonio C. Sousa Lights and Candles in Loving Memory of Virginia and Jose Sousa and Relatives Offertory Collection: $ 7,991 Second Offertory Weekend 21/22: Church in Africa, Central Eastern Europe Electronic Giving We encourage our parishioners and benefactors to use electronic giving to extend financial support of the parish Please visit www.stmikes.org. and select “Donations”. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT 2 HUDSON, MA Fr. Ron’s Ramblings Uma vêz mais ficamos inundados na neve-desta vêz foi só um pé mais ou menos! Estando eu a escrever na manhã de terça-feira a rectoria está começando a aquecer depois de uma noite sem calor. 9 graus de temperature lá fora e cá dentro não tenho a certeza. As camadas de neve cobriram o ventilador e o aquecimento fechou-se automaticamente. Tudo está resolvido agora mas tenho estado enrolado numa manta que a minha avó e a minha mãe fizeram alguns anos atráz. Não a uso muitas vezes por ser muito quente, mas hoje dou graças a Deus por elas a terem feito! Well, once again, we have been inundated with snow – this time just a foot!!! As I write this on Tuesday morning, the rectory is just beginning to recover from a night of no heat. Nine degrees outside and about ??? inside. Snow drifts covered the furnace vent in the middle of the night and the heat automatically shut down. All is cleared now but I have been wrapped in a quilt that was made by my grandmother and mother many years ago. I don’t use it very much because it is so warm…but I am grateful to them today for it! The depth of snow has certainly slowed things down if not stopped them altogether. The slower pace helps us to appreciate our homes and all that we take for granted (like heat!!). Soon enough we’ll be back to normal but in the meantime let’s be grateful and thank God. Let’s also remember those who are homeless and who have to fight the cold and snow with little if any protection. A quantidade de neve certamente que tem mantido as coisas correrem lentamente se não que parou de uma vez. O movimento lento ajudanos a apreciar os nossos lares e tudo o que temos que às vezes não damos grande importância como por exemplo o aquecimento. Em pouco tempo estaremos de volta ao normal, mas por agora demos graças a Deus por tudo. Pensemos tambem nos que não têem casa e que têem que lutar contra o frio e a neve com pouco ou nada pra se protegerem. This coming week we will be celebrating Valentine’s Day. It is also a day when we can stop and appreciate the love in our lives. St. Paul in his Letter to the Corinthians very specifically defines love as patient and kind, understanding and never jealous. His definition, however, is the ideal expression of love. Nesta semana que vem estaremos celebrando o dia de São Valentino (dia dos namorados). É tambem o dia que devemos parar e apreciar os amores que temos na nossa vida. São Paulo na carta aos Corintios refere-se muito especificamente que o amor é paciente e meigo, compreensivo e nunca ciumento. A sua definição é certamente a correcta expresão do amor. The love in our lives is much less perfect and often we err. That, however, does not lessen the value and importance of the way we love and are loved. What we celebrate on Valentine’s Day is how we uniquely experience love, with its up and downs, joys and struggles. We celebrate the consistency and the steadfastness of loving relationships which bring warmth and meaning to our lives. O amor nas nossa vidas certamente que não é perfeito e muitas vezes erramos. Mas certamente que não dá menos valor e importância à forma de amar e de sermos amados. O que celebra-mos no dia de São Valentino e uma forma única da experiência do amor, com os seus altos e baixos,alegrias e tristezas. Nós celebra-mos a consistência e inflexibilidade nas relações de amor que nos dá afecto e importância às nossa vidas. Yes, God’s love is perfect and the ideal for us to strive for, but imperfect love is what most of us know and is worth celebrating.! Sim o amor de Deus é perfeito e o ideal que vale a pena lutar por ele. Mas o amor imperfeito é o que melhor conhecemos e que vale a pena celebrar. Feliz dia de São Valentino (dia do amor) para todos vos. Que deus vos abençoe. Assim seja!!! **NEW HOURS** Monday/Tues 9:00am - 3:00pm Thursday/Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm 3 FEBRUARY 8, 2015 Religious Education Gr K-5 ! Thank you to all the parents who attended the parent’s meetings last week. If you were unable to attend, please make an appointment with the office when your child is in class - to go over the materials. Notes from Music Ministry Valentines cards were made by the 3rd grade this past week for our homebound and those in nursing homes. The people are always excited to receive these special cards! There are NO CLASSES next week, February 15 – 21 due to school vacation! Choir Rehearsals Portuguese Choir - Thursdays at 5:00 pm Adult Choir - Thursdays at 6:00 pm Ash Wednesday is February 18th. Children 3rd grade and up are encouraged to participate in this beginning of the Lenten tradition. One in Body, Heart and Mind, Director of Music, John Anthony Volpe Penance services will be held for ALL grade 2 students at 11:00am and grade 3 students at 1:00pm on Saturday, February 28th. Mark your calendars, attendance is taken! Pat Conte, 978-562-7662 or [email protected]. Malassada Ministry will be frying up hot, sweet malassadas on Sunday, February 8th after all masses in the Parish Center! All proceeds benefit St. Michael Parish! Thank you always for your support! Religious Education Grades 6-Confirmation Lent is right around the corner! We will be coordinating a Living Stations of the Cross this Lent. If your child would like to participate by reading at one of the Stations, please let me know! I encourage students to participate, it will be a poignant experience for all. Details to follow on this presentation. Andrew Genovese, andrew@stmikesorg As a result of break-ins and robberies in both the upper and lower church, the building will remain locked ALL DAY except for Masses. However, the Parish Center Chapel is available on Mon/Tues/Thursday/Friday 9:00am3:00pm. Feel free to visit! The 5th Grade Religious Ed class is holding a Food Drive from January 25th—Feb 8th. They are collecting non perishable food items and personal hygiene items. Boxes are in the back of the church (up & down) and there are boxes in the Parish Center classroom hallways. All donations are welcome! Thank you to all who have donated so generously already! or 978-562-7662 x310. Archdiocese News This past week, many of you received a letter from Cardinal Sean requesting your support of the 2015 Catholic Appeal. If you have not already done so, please prayerfully consider making an early pledge. Our parish directly benefits from the 50 ministries supported by the Appeal and your gift will help us reach our 2015 goal. You may mail your pledge or visit www.bostoncatholicappeal.org to give online. Thank you! Our Parish maintains contributions by means of the offertory envelope system throughout the year. If you would like a letter for your 2014 tax purposes, please call the parish or email [email protected] with your request. Children to be Remembered in February James Jordan Elizabeth Magni Michael Shay David Gilchrist Lisa Yucatonis Baby Michael Levell 4 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME “In today’s reading, Job speaks for all the dejected, miserable, hopeless people of the world, and it seems that no one listens. Jesus heals many of his townsfolk and then has to escape because his mission extends far beyond his own family and friends. Paul explains that his love for others leads him to adjust to the needs of each group with whom he finds himself. Recall when someone helped you mend your broken heart. Resolve to do the same for someone this coming week. Now that the Christmas giving season is but a memory, many of the needy are forgotten. Find a way to respond to the needs of the homeless or chronically ill in the coming week. Pray every morning this week that God will show you who needs your help and give you the grace to respond to that need.” At Home with the Word 2015. Events/Meetings and Reminders Ministry Meetings—All are WELCOME to join! Prayer Shawl Ministry will be meeting on Wednesday, February 11th at 1:30pm in the lower chapel. Men’s Club Ministry will be meeting on Wednesday, February 11th at 7:00pm in the Parish Center. St. Michael Parish will be hosting Our Father’s Table on Thursday, February 12th from 4pm-6pm at the New Hope Community Church in Marlboro. Portuguese Prayer Service will be held Friday, February 13th at 7:00pm in the lower chapel. Funeral Mass Altar Servers Needed! Adult Altar Servers are needed for weekday funeral masses. Ladies and gentlemen, please prayerfully consider volunteering to occasionally assist Fr. Ron/ Fr. Tony as needed. Full training! To learn more, please see Fr. Ron after Mass or email Carmen at [email protected]. Celebration of Ash Wednesday, February 18th Mass with Ashes 9:00am Prayer Service with Ashes 4:00pm Mass with Ashes 7:00pm Stations of the Cross will be very Friday at 7:00pm beginning February 20th in the upper church Parish Nurse, Mary Ellen Bartlett Alcohol And Drug Abuse Hurts Everyone In The Family: It Doesn’t Have To Hurt! Dependence on alcohol and drugs is our most serous national public health problem. It is prevalent among rich and poor, in all regions of the country, and all ethnic and social groups. Most individuals who abuse alcohol and drugs have jobs and are productive members of society creating a false hope in the family that “it’s not that bad”. The problem is that addictions tend to worsen over time, hurting both the addicted person and all the family members. It is especially damaging to your children and adolescents. People with this illness really may believe that they drink normally or that “everyone” takes drugs. These false beliefs are called denial; this denial is part of the illness. If someone close to you misuses alcohol or drugs, the first step is to be honest about the problem and to seek help for yourself, your family, and your loved one. Children in families experiencing alcohol or drug abuse need attention, guidance and support. They may be growing up in homes in which the problems are either denied or covered up. These children need to have their experiences validated. They also need safe, reliable adults in whom to confide and who will support them, reassure them, and provide them with appropriate help for their age. THEY NEED TO HAVE FUN AND JUST BE KIDS. It is important to talk honestly with children about what is happening in the family and to help them express their concerns and feelings. Children living with alcohol and drug abuse in the family can benefit from participating in education support groups. Being associated with the activities of a faith community can also help. These children need to know they are NOT TO BLAME AND THEY ARE NOT ALONE. There is help here in Hudson. Look in the Yellow Pages under Alcoholism or call the Hudson Health Department and ask for licensed treatment programs in the community. Keep trying until you find the right help for your loved one, yourself and your family. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or 978-562-2552 x324 or SAMHSA’S National Helpline@ 1-800-6625 HELP, www.findtreatment.samhsa.gov. FEBRUARY - BLACK HISTORY MONTH Sunday Throughout theWeek: Sharing the Gospel Think about how you get ready for a busy day. You eat a healthy breakfast. You wash up and brush your teeth. Then you get dressed and comb your hair. There's one more thing you could do to start your day off right. Pray. Find a quiet spot where you can be alone to talk to God. That's what Jesus did. Prayer God, help me to start every day with you in prayer. Something to Draw Draw a picture of yourself praying to God in a quiet place. Mission for the Week When you get home, choose a special quiet place where you can talk to God every morning. Tell your family about your special place. They may want to join you in spending quiet time to pray. 6 LOUIS MONTI FOLEY & SONS FLOOR & TILE A.R. CARVALHO & SONS, INC. SALE & INSTALLATION OF Grounds Maintenance. Inc. 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