Pleasant Valley EXPRESS
Pleasant Valley EXPRESS
No. 3 Issue 45 March 13 th 2013 Take one home Page 1 Pleasant Valley EXPRESS Houston and Area BUY ♦ SELL ♦ ADVERTISE ♦ Free Classifieds ♦ FREE PRINTED WEEKLY ~ Deadline for ads Tuesday noon Distributed Wednesdays GRIZZLY JIM'S GENERAL STORE call 250 845 3200 or email [email protected] Pleasant Valley Restaurant TOPLEY, BC Welcome Tier 4 Bantams! Rudolph Pure Sausage Products Pop and Chip Deals Pizza by the Slice! Mon-Thur 9am-7pm Fri/Sat 9am-8pm Sun 10am-6pm 250-696-3478 Open Daily 6 a.m.— 9 p.m. “Head to Tail “ Pet Supplies and Services PET TAG ENGRAVING WHILE YOU WAIT Bev Lyons—Host 3030 Hwy 16 Houston, BC 250 845 2232 250 845 3300 9th St. Houston HOUSTON MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION is proud to host the 2013 BC Provincial Bantam Tier 4 Championships Houston Flyers ♦ Kelowna Jr. Rockets ♦ Elk Valley Wild Vanderhoof Bears ♦ Langley Eagles ♦ Juan de Fuca Grizzlies March 17th through to the 20th Claude Parish Memorial Arena Opening ceremonies Sunday March 17th 7:30 PM Page 8 and 9 - Full details Benefit Dance& Silent Auction for Kat, Kelby and Kayden at the Houston Legion Saturday March 16th— upstairs. No minors. Music by Sound Explosion Wear your Green! DD’s available. For tickets: @ VYBZ or Kelsey 250 844 1516. (Their home and all belongings were destroyed by fire.) [email protected] CALL : 250 845 2244 or 1 800 665 3151 ―Come check out our 3 remaining 2012 vehicles, and drop in for details about our 40th anniversary. Time is running out to get into the first draw.‖ Shannon Clarke, CGA Personal and Corporate Tax Returns Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm Open Saturdays 9 am to 2 pm 2005 Nadina Avenue, Houston, BC Phone (250) 845-3221 Welcome! To the Bantam Tier 4 teams in the BC Provincial Championship! Good luck ! No 3 Issue 45 March 13th, 2013 250 845 3200 HOUSTON & AREA COMMUNITY CALENDAR [email protected] Page 2 Story Time – Wednesday March 13th, 1:30 to 2:30 Houston Public Library Dance & Pie Auction,Telkwa Seniors Centre, March 23rd 8:00 P.M. Price is Houston Museum Society Annual General Meeting Wednesday, $5:00 (Ladies who bring a pie get the $5:00 back) Music by "Just Us and C.D's.For Tickets call Lorraine 846-5346 or Pat 847-9247 March 13, at 7 PM Community Futures Nadina board room. Everyone welcome. Annual PotLuck and Loonie Auction Saturday March 30th, Topley Skeena Wild Film Society Wednesday, March 13, 7 PM Houston Public Library Community Club Potluck at 5:30 Auction follows. Loads of wonderful items generously donated from merchants from Prince Rupert through to Prince George! More information call 250 696 3444 GEMS Soup Fest – Thursday March 14th – Houston Christian School Who Am I? workshop Our five-day self-discovery workshop will introduce you – 5-6:30 PM Poultry Health Workshop hosted by The Smithers Farmers’ Institute in to a system that can help you take charge of your life and its happiness. Given over 2 weekends: April 5th (evening), 6th & 7th (days) AND 12th (evening), 13th & 14th (days) For more information, call Dan or Wendy at 250-847-3533 Smithers at the Old Church on March 14th. Cost is $15. To register, contact Megan D’Arcy at 250-846-9854 or [email protected] by March 7th Natural Horsemanship with Glenn Stewart in Smithers April 19th, UFC # 158 Saturday, March 16th George St Pierre vs Diaz 20th + 21st, 2013. 1-day Stage 3/4 Clinic followed by a 2 day Advanced Stage 1 Clinic. Please contact Anika at 250 846 5494 or [email protected] Houston Royal Canadian Legion BR. 249 Prelims start at 6:00 PM Main fights at 7:00 PM Pickleball- we are playing pickleball at the Seniors Centre Tuesday evenings at 7 Curling Closing Mixed Bonspiel— March 15 and 16th Houston Curling club.$200 entry fee per team, three events, two men, two ladies per team. Cash prizes and door prizes. Dress in your finest Blarney style! Saturday’s dinner is a traditional Leprechaun favorite— Chinese (Lee’s Garden, no MSG), dinner is included in the entry fee. Additional dinner tickets $12.00. Register before March 14, 2013. Contact Arnold at 250- 845-2132 or email [email protected]. Out of town curlers, contact the Sunshine Inn at 250845- 7867 or toll free 1-888-731-7867 (mention you are a curler & receive a special rate International Pot Luck and Loonie Auction. Saturday March 16th, Houston Catholic Church .Dinner at 5 and the Loonie auction begins at 7. Dinner is free but you must have a ticket. Call for tickets to Georgina 250 845 7775 to secure a spot . Bring your potluck and your Loonies! PM. Pickleball is a court game that is very good exercise and is fun to play. It is table tennis played on a badminton court using paddles and a special ball. We would like any interested adults to come out and try it out. Do not have to be seniors. For more information call George Fitchett 250-845-2538. TOPLEY COMMUNITY EVENTS Annual PotLuck and Loonie Auction Saturday March 30th, Topley Community Club Potluck at 5:30 Auction follows. Loads of wonderful items generously donated from merchants from Prince Rupert through to Prince George! More information call 250 696 3444 After School Games March 19th 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm Houston Public Bingo – Monday March 25th 2013 Topley Community Hall Library Children ages 8 to 12 are invited to join us for Wii, X-Box and Board Games will be available to play. Snacks will be provided. Admission is by donation. For more info please call 250-845-2256 Darts Wednesday nights Doors open at 7 Games start at 7:30 PST Seminar Wednesday, March 20th from 10am – 12pm. Sponsored by The Houston & District Chamber of Commerce and presented by the Ministry of Finance .You must pre-register for this seminar. For more information or to register, please contact the Houston Chamber of Commerce at 250-845-7640. Stew and Chili Lunch Thursday,March 21, 11 until 1 meeting to follow Houston Senior Centre. Pleasant Valley Plaza theatre Looking forward to the opening - slated for March 22, 2013! Houston Retirement Housing Society 2013 AGM. 25th of March @ 7:00pm at the Houston Senior Centre. GRANISLE COMMUNITY EVENTS Granisle Seniors Association #9 Chapman Street .Meeting starts at 1:00 pm. Newcomers always welcome. 55+ for more information Contact 250-697-6218 Are you interested in sewing and tying quilts for 3rd world country people to keep them warm? Join us at the church in Granisle Tuesdays 10 until 2. No experience necessary Everyone welcome For more information call Ruth 250 697 2231 or Gloria 250 697 2558 Community Events are FREE to advertise in the Pleasant Valley Express. Call 250 845 3200 or email your event to [email protected] before Tuesday noon deadline. If it is happening in our community we all need to know about it so we can support it! Classified ads are also FREE! No. 3 Issue 45 March 13 th 2013 Page 3 Pleasant Valley Plaza Bowling Centre Safe Grad 2013 Fundraising Designated Drivers Available Call Lorna 250 845 7143 250 845 2298 2350 Butler Ave. Ongoing Events Love By The Bowl Soup Kitchen 3443 9th St. Houston Tuesdays Drop-In 9:30-1:30 Wholesale Coral, Equipment and Livestock Houston 778 203 0115 Email: [email protected] 1/2 Price Bowling Tuesday and Wednesday Facility Rental 1/2 price Tuesday and Wednesday! Wednesday Soup Day 9:30-1:30 Serving Soup 11:30 to 1:00 Contact Bobbi 250-845-8861 Donna 250-845-3498 Birthday Party bookings! Great Music For Great Parties Jan Lychak GEMS Girls Club 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Houston Christian Reformed Church. Girls going into grades 2 through 8 (ages 7-13) are welcome to join GEMS. The cost is $ 45.00 per year for supplies. . For more info. contact Ena Groot at [email protected]. Coffee and lounge area. 250 847 2297 cell 250 847 0610 email: [email protected] FUNDRAISER Houston Army Cadets offers: Full Bar service for all events To book: Cindy 250 845 3222 Cell 250 845 9380 Robyn McMurtrie HOUSTON TOPS 1901 meets Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m. at the Houston United Church. Come for a time of support to help you Take Off those Pounds Sensibly. We are a friendly support group who would love to welcome New Members and all former members to join us. Houston Girl Guides and Brownies Looking for a couple of ladies who are interesting in becoming a part of the Girl Guides Team here in Houston! We need leaders for this September Brownie group. Contact [email protected] if you are interested. LOST AND FOUND Found on Friday on the highway (west of Houston) a bag with an earth tone chesterfield cushion inside. To claim call 250 845 7272 Found: cell phone black flower Samsung to claim 250 845 3090 Spa Practitioner Wellness/Aromatherapy Hot stone Salt glow Gift certificates available Senior rate 4803 Buck Flats Rd. 250 845 3203 MANY HAPPY RETURNS - TAX SERVICES Personal & small business returns. EFILE, GST, & Bookkeeping. Great rates & senior discounts! Appointment, or pick up service. Phone(250)696-3656 Email [email protected] Welcome to Houston! To hockey players, coaches, families, friends and fans! Congratulations for making it to the BC Provincial Tier 4 Bantam Championships! Good Games! Good Times! Enjoy your stay! Safe travels home! Pleasant Valley Express No 3 Issue 45 March 13th, 2013 250 845 3200 [email protected] Page 4 Looking Forward: NITTA’S BAKING & CRAFTS St. Patrick’s Day March 17th ACHES, PAINS, STRESS & INJURY 250 692 –9799 Houston Mall A few things you don’t have to LIVE with anymore 10 til 3 Touch for Health: Acupressure March 15th and 28th Quote for This Week! May your blessings outnumber The shamrocks that grow, And may trouble avoid you Wherever you go. ~Irish Blessing *Structural Re-Alignment *Muscle Balancing *Stress Release 4743 Chestnut Road, Houston Call 250-844-1118 Congratulations to Jack and Crystal of the Elements Restaurant for celebrating their 12th year in business! First day of Spring; March 20th Spring break March 25 to April 3rd for all public schools. Houston Christian School spring break: will be from Mar 24 to Apr 7th. Easter Weekend: March 29 Good Friday March 31 Easter Sunday Earth Day April 22nd GEMS SOUP FEST – THURSDAY MARCH 14th – Houston Christian School – 5-6:30 PM New Soups to try - Shorter line ups - Complimentary coffee & dessert Reserved seating for seniors – homemade buns – delicious soups GEMS Girls serving – Dinner by donation GAMES start at 6 pm – tickets sold at 5:45 Raising funds for: The Malkinson Family, Houston Food Bank & Soup Kitchen (Love By The Bowl) Esther School and GEMS Home in Zambia, World Renew Kenya Trip-Cindy V. COME OUT FOR AN EVENING OF FELLOWSHIP, GOOD FOOD AND GAMES. HOCKEY TRIVIA 1. What infraction is a hockey referee calling if he clasps his wrist? 2. Who scored a record 10 hat tricks in an NHL season? 3. What coach for St. Louis, Montreal, Buffalo, Pittsburgh and Detroit has the NHL's highest career winning percentage? 4. What NHL team plays in an arena called The Pond? 5. Who won the only NHL MVP award not bagged by Wayne Gretzky in the 1980s? 6. Who was the first defenseman to win the NHL point-scoring title? 7.Who became the first father and son to win the NHL's most valuable player award? 8. Who's the first player to captain two different NHL championship teams? 9.What hockey position player is most likely to wear a throat protector? 10.How many NHL franchises were there in California, by 1995? 11. What infraction is a hockey referee calling if he waves his hand below his knees? 12. Who's the only player to average over two assists per game in a single NHL season? 13. How many designated face-off spots are there on a hockey rink? 14. What NHL team hoisted 24 Stanley Cup flags before its first game in Molson Center? Answers page 16 READ THE PAPER ON-LINE No. 3 Issue 45 March 13 th 2013 FREE CLASSIFIEDS Cars 1991 Acura Integra RS 4 dr. auto, goo condition, no rust, stored over winter, 250 845 2620 2005 Toyota matrix FWD 185,000 km $6,500 (778) 210 0329 call/text after 3 PM 2002 Chrysler Neon LX Sedan 123200 kms. Power locks &; windows, a/c, sun roof. New master computer (PCM), alternator and battery. Excellent condition. Full inspection August 2012. $4,000 obo. 250-877-8845 2004 4 door Chevy Cavalier for sale. 136,000 km Good condition runs well. $3,000. call 250-845-8853 if interested 2003 Ford Focus new motor and clutch Body in good shape, $6000.00. 250 846 5466 2004 Chevy Impala, royal blue, grey interior, cloth seats, auto, 34 hundred V6 engine, P225-R60 - 16 in. wheels, new 2012 battery, only 129.380 km, ps cruise control, p seat (driver side), regular twice a year full service, automatic door locks, remote lock & unlock keys, Sirius Satellite & CD player,EC very clean interior. Great fuel economy. Owners - non-smoking seniors and no animals.$5995.00 (OBO). (includes 4 studded winter wheels, only used one winter) Phone 250-697-2700 1999 Ford Taurus, VGC, 230,000 km, Lots of power options, well maintained, 6 disk CD, remote starter, 2 sets of tires on rims. 250-845-3498 2005 Chev Cobalt 100 000kms. Great shape w/brand new rims and tires, new JVC deck with 15'' sub and 3200W BOSS amp, sounds great. New KSport coilovers adjustable. big 3'' exhaust tip. deep sounding. 250-846-9703 or cell 250-643-2940 1991 Buick Century 4 dr. $1500.00 250 845 7764 2006 SEL Ford Fusion, fully loaded, heated leather seats, moon roof, 4 cylinder, great on fuel, 2 sets of tires on rims for summer and winter. $10,900 OBO. 250 696 3198 Page 5 Pickup Trucks Classics 1961 Ford 150 single cab pickup 4x4 1959 Mercury engine. Great restoration possibilities custom front and back bumpers 778 210 1130 1999 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4 ½ ton. Gc. 240,000 kms, clean, $4000.00 obo, 250 697 2920 1968 Dodge van for parts or restoration. Very good mechanical condition, 6 cyl. motor. 250 845 9454 2003 GMC Sierra 2500HD 4x4Quad cab, long box Air/ tilt/cruise, 6 L gasc/w new studded winter tires(235 and a set of all seasons (265) not on rims Very clean truck with 235,000kms $9,500.00. 845-8005 1964 Valiant V200 convertible. V 8 auto VGC $6500.00 250 696 3666 1946 Chev 4 door, original motor, $8000.00 250 847 4495 Restored. 1956 International pickup ½ ton with another truck for spare parts. Totally restored from frame up For more information call 250 845 8132 1965 Acadian Sport Deluxe original V8, automatic, Buckets console car. Not included. Solid car lots of work done, over $1000 worth of new parts. Will deliver to Smithers . $5300.00 250 878 8907 1976 GMC 3/4 ton 350 V8 2 speed Auto, 2wd P/S, P/ B, 16" wheels, good rubber 2 spare tires w/rims, Hidden Hitch $1,500 O.B.O. Call 250-845-2579 leave message 1966 Cadillac 4 dr. Hardtop. Red with black vinyl roof Black leather upholstery Car has been in storage for many years. Price Reduced to $10000.00 250 842 6433 SUV’s—Vans 1995 Plymouth Grand Voyager Excellent condition Winter and summer tires. $500.00 obo 250 643 3520 Ford Escape XLT 2006, 4x4, new tires, keyless entry, very clean, GC, no accidents, no rust, new battery, 3,0l V6, great gas mileage, 152000 km mostly highway, everything works, asking $9500,( 250)-877-3095 1998 Chev Astro van 8 seats gc 2 sets of new tires $2200.00 250 846 9690 1986 Suzuki Samurai. Jeep Yj spring lift. High steer. Low range transfer case. Rear locker. 5000lb warn winch. Tow bar. Much more. $6000 obo 250 845 3465 2002 Jeep Liberty 4x4 ERC new windshield, new alternator, new battery$6500 with all-season and winter studded tires 2007 Toyota 4 Runner-Sport Edition Dark Meteorite Gray with black interior. Loaded, excellent condition, very well maintained at Northern Toyota (have all service records), comes with Thule and studded winter tires. 152 000 hwy driven km. Asking $24 500 OBO can send photos (250) 695-6916 1990 F150 4x4 heavy ½ single cab, 302 5spd runs great. $1000.00 Text or meg 250 845 4449 1995 Ford ½ ton 4x4 302 automatic, Runs good but rusty. Push button 4x4 and brand new CD player. $2500.00 cash firm. 250 845 8659 1992 Ford 302 5 speed Fuschia colour, lighted visor, sidewinder pipes, dual exhausts, roll bars with lights 33’ brand new tires and mags. Stereo 250 845 8659 2008 Dodge Ram Hemi SLT 1500 A/C, Black Cruise control, power windows, locks. 6 passenger. MDS Technology- shuts down 4 of the pistons when your on highway and cruising around- good for fuel consumption. Brand new mud tires, Goodyear, with snow flake certified. Newer brakes, tow package, bed-liner. No accidents. Power Train Warranty until March 2013. (Included: A verified CarProof document. 2nd set of tires and 20 inch black rims, value of 1000.00.) $17750.00- Phone 250 845 0708 1994 Ford 350 7.3l 2wd dually Low Kms. Ex cond. Matching canopy $7500. 250 845 9403 2006 Chev Silverado, regular cab,LWB, 4.3 l. V6 5 spd. Tilt, buckets and tow pkg. Very economical to run. 2 sets of ties, snowflake tires, Very clean and well maintained, 105,000 kms. No accidents, $7500.00 call or text 250 878 8907 1994 GMC 2500 Truck, comes with Western plow. 8' box regular cab. Great plow truck. Extra back up lights, headache rack. $7500.00 250-847-5835 2002 Dodge 1500 SLT 4x4 sport 5.7 gas, 4door cab, auto trans, ac, pl, pw, ps, factory box liner, clean &; well serviced, one owner, 220000 highway kms, asking $9000, reasonable offers considered, call 778-2101688 Dave 1989 Ford F 250 4x4 regular cab, long box, 302 standard, Dana 60 front and rear. Original front and rear axles, Lots of work done, 1 set of 38 1/2 ― Mud Grapplers on rims, plus set of winter studded tires on rims. $5000.00 or trade for sled + cash. Call or text Mike at 250 845 1081 2004 Dodge Dakota quad cab 2 whl drive v6 w air cruise tilt low kms tow package, new brakes and windshield. seats six charcoal grey $9200.00 obo 250 877 2620 No 3 Issue 45 2007 GMC Sierra 4 dr. Ext. cab Trailer pkg. Cruise, 600hrs. On engine, 73000 kms. Rhino lined box, (Paid $16000) now $14000 obo. Brand new all season tires, 250 877 3328 after 6 PM. 1989 Ford F-150 4X4 302 Long box 4 Speed Auto Trans $1000.00 obo 250-845-8400 2009 Chev 1 Ton regular cab, gas motor, 4x4 with 11 ½ ft. fibreglass camper. 30,000 kms. EC $35000.00 firm. 250 846 9716 March 13th, 2013 250 845 3200 2130 John Deere 70 HP tractor with loader. GC $12500.00 250 846 9690 12 ft. finishing disk asking $3000.00 obo 250 845 7707 3-Point Hitch Adaptor. Attachment for Allis Chalmers D15 tractor to allow use of John Deere and Massey Ferguson implements. $2,000 250 846-9300 1986 F 250 Ford 4x4 dual fuel new brakes all around $1000.00 250 846 9605 1986 Suburban 2500 4x4 350 gas, new transmission, rebuilt carb. Comes with stretcher/ backboard for ETV $2000.00 250 846 9605 Parts for hydraulics and three point hitches for older Fords and Ferguson. One complete 3 point hitch to fit Massey model 22 and 30. 250 846 5202 Heavy Trucks Massey Pony restored. Farmall A , Farmall H, McCormick W6. Good continental motor for Massey 22 or 30. 250 846 5202 2006 Ford F550 4x4 with an electric-tilt 14-ft flat deck, 8142 GVW, auto, diesel, new injectors and EGR valve, $20,000 obo Travis at 250 846 5111. 3400Link belt excavator with attachments, has thumb on clean up bucket. Good shape asking $35,000. obo 250-845-7283 Older scissor hoist for 5 ton truck $500.00 250 846 9605 2004 Ford E450 diesel cube van. 14 ft box, new tires, new glass, trailer tow package EC $12500.00 obo 250 877 7013 Telkwa 1972 Ford 600 cab over, for parts, make an offer, 250-847-3086 Massey Ferguson Square baler 50 to 100 lb bales, EC $2700.00 Smithers 250 997 1277 Fertilizer spreader Cosmos 500 3 pt hitch $600 obo 845-0038 Round bale unroller Westward 3 pt hitch $550 OBO 250 845-0038 12 ft. Allteen breaking disk -22‖ disc, all brand new discs, bearings and paint. Reduced to $3900.00 Gordon 250 846 5760 Tires/Rim Tire p185/75R14 Plus Rim $40.00 250 845-2109 Tire P155/80R13 plus Rim $30.00 250 845-2109. 4 pick-up tires Size is 265/75/16 studded tires mounted on older steel 8 bolt rims from Chev 3500. Asking price $600. Phone 250.845.7983 and leave message. No calls after 4 p.m. weekdays Winter Steel rims. Like new. Size 17X71/2 5-5. Fit 1112 Durango, 08-10 Town & Country, 06-10 Jeep Commander, 08-10 Caravan, 07-11 Wrangler, 05-10 Cherokee and 04-06 Pacifica. No Rust. $200.00 250-845-9286 235/75R15 M&S Wildcat Radial A/T tires on new 6 bolt chrome rims $800.00 250-845-2240 (Msg for Joyce) 1 used Tire, Goodyear Wrangler RT/S, 255/70/16, 70%, $ 30.00 250 847-6103 This week’s Suduko solution and the solution to last Week’s Crossword puzzle. Suduko Series Easy 1392 Page 6 1 used Tire , RoadKing, 205/75/14, 70%, $ 20.00. Ph. 250-847-6103 Farm Equipment Loader for 25-45 hp tractor. Good motor for John Deere 1010. Also rims for JD with new rubber side 13.6 – 26. Various other rims, tires and parts for older tractors. 250 846 5202 Heavy Equipment [email protected] 4 Winters Hakkapellitas 235 R60 16 $200.00 250 845 0088 4 Toyo A2 tires 225 65 R17 75% tread left $300.00 250 845 0088 20 inch tires and rims off a 2010 Dodge Ram used 1 season $1600.00 obo 250 847 9778 Set of 4 P215/55R18 High Performance Toyo Winter Tires. Used 1 winter. Like new condition. $800 Charlene at 250 846-9766 Parts Wanted 21 or 23 spline Toyota transfer cases. 250 845 8325 2002 Chevy ext-cab 1500 4x4 truck rolled over. All damage is cosmetic. Broken rear axle. The only good body part is the tailgate. All internal parts work fine and engine runs like nothing happened. Has a new hitch and heavy leaf springs too. Please call Daniel Koster @250 847 0320 Engine 327 cu in with 400 Turbo Tranny. $800 or best offer. 250 846-9300 2 Engines( both 283 cu. in.) 1 2-speed Powerglide. All 3 for $500.250 846-9300 Radiator 4-core Extra Large. Fits 1979 GMC Pickup. Like new. $300 250 846-9300 Wrecking 2002 Focus station wagon. White in colour, reasonable prices, most parts, ―U Pick‖ Information 1 250 697 6820 or email [email protected] 1996 Subaru Legacy AWD, Brighton, for parts, $ 1000 250-847-3086 1981 GMC Van, for parts, make an offer, 250-847-3086 1986 Audi 5000 AWD, for parts, make an offer, 250-8473086 Performance chip for 2008 + newer Toyota Tundra. Made by Unichip. Asking $500 firm call (250) 695-6916 98 Windstar for parts – does run. $100.00 250 845 7393 1994 Ford contour (head gasket gone) and a 1997 Ford contour (transmission gone) Asking $400.00 OBO Call evenings 250-692-7044 No. 3 Issue 45 March 13 th 2013 Page 7 1999 Travel master 30 ft. Ford 45-V10 Class C Accessories Motorhome 46 550 miles Sleeps 7 – rear bdrm, lg 3 pc. Canopy white 8 ft that fits 2001 to 2007 GMC $300 obo. Bath, lg fridge/freezer, microwave, 3 burner stove/oven, 250 845 3596 double sink, Oak cabinets throughout, A/C solar panels, Canopy Extra Large Hi-up with roof rack. Fits Toyota Long blinds and awning. Lots of storage. Great condition. Bed pickup. $250 259 846-9300 $24000.00 obo 250 845 3456 Vent visors for Oldmobile Sedan Alero 99-04 $50.00 (new) 250-845-8871 Vent visors for Pontiac Grand Am 99-06 $50.00 (new) 250 -845-8871 Vent visors for 2001 Dodge Dakota Quad cab $50.00 (new) 250-845-8871 Vent visors for Cavalier/Sunfire 2 door 2002-2003 $50.00 (new) 250-845-8871 Car bra for a 2002-2003 Cavalier/Sunfire $45.00 (used) 250-845-8871 8 ft. boat rack by Cliff Craft (aluminum tubing style) $700.00 obo 250 845 2982 2009 Chev 1 Ton regular cab, gas motor, 4x4 with 11 ½ ft. fibreglass camper. 30,000 kms. EC $35000.00 firm. 250 846 9716 1989 Travelmate 5th wheel 22 ½ feet, sleeps 6, new tires, roof re-done, stove, fridge, A/C radio, shower, and lots of extras. Always stored hitch included. Asking $6000.00 to view call 250 845 2669. RV Accessories /Generators 6KW Coleman gen set $350.00 obo 250 846 5284 5500 watt gen set. Gas powered $350.00 obo 250 846 5284 GM Roof Rack system: fits Chev venture or any mini 2500 watt Honda generator- like new $700.00 250-845van/car with integral roof rails. Comes with 4 cargo blocks 3586 [email protected] - Handy for canoes, lumber, etc. $75 250-845-2565 Canopy – fits 1995 Ford long box with liner. Light green colour. $350.00 obo 250 845 7244 Canopy for 2000 Dodge Dakota – blue Good condition $250.00 obo 250 847 9778 Coleman 750 watt generator used 3 times. $400.00 250 845 7775 1000 watt Honda generator $500.00 250 845 2645 Hidden hitch fits Chev pick up $50.00 250 845 2128 White Car Top Ski Box by Jetbag-Galaxy $80.00 250-847 Generator Craftsmen 5000 watt $ 300.00 250-845-7153 -3820 Blue Ox tow bar with mounting hardware $700.00 250 846 5284 RV’s 8 ft. older camper $1600.00 250 847 5304 1989 Slumber Queen camper 8 ft 10‖ sleeps 4, very good condition, full bath, stove/oven, double sink, fridge. Will fit newer pickups. $3500.00 250 845 4901 Perfect For Hunters or Kids26' Terry camper trailer with bathroom, 2 single beds plus foldout couch. Stocked with towels, dishes, pots, pans etc. Microwave, heater, awning. View at Sandy's Campground on Francois Lake. Needs minimal work. Good as is to use immediately. $6000 OBO. Call Sheila Lovas at 250 695-6321 or Barry Smith at 250 845-7793 2004 Jayco Eagle RV 27' Camper Trailer. E C Sleeps 6 with master bedroom; Kitchen stove with oven, microwave, hot/cold running water; Bathroom with shower &; Tub; flush toilet Air condition and propane heater. New Aluminum Rims &; New 2011 Tires $17,000.00 250-8473820 32' Titanium 5th wheel 1 owner. EC 1 slide, walk around queen bed, table and chairs, central vac, 2 way fridge/ freezer, hide away bed, ample storage in and out. Many features... it's a must see!!! Truck hitch included. $26,999. 250-845-2547 or 250- 845-9424 Motorcycles 1994 Yamaha Venture Touring bike $2000.00 250 845 3611 or 250 845 4399 2006 Sportster 1200 Custom (Vivid Black) 19000 km Screamin Eagle Pipes and Flame handgrips EC c/w extra set of pipes and grips Asking $7500 OBO 250-877 -2639 2010 Honda Sabre Limited Edition 1300cc, 6800 km, gloss black, flawless. Fuel injected, liquid cooled, shaft drive, ABS brakes. $10800. located in Houston. Cell # 250-408--8687. Scooters Wanted - lady is looking for a 2 wheel Scooter – must be in ex condition 250 847 2957 Dirt Bikes 2009 Suzuki RMZ 450F. $5000. 250-877-2394. 2003 Cr85 Honda very good condition - rebuilt engine $2100 250-846-9703 1977 Yamaha 80 dirt bike with spare bike for parts. $400.00 250 846 9605 Yamaha 400 Enduro – older runs but needs work. $800.00 250 846 9605 2005 Yamaha 250 YZF 2002.Perfect shape. New crank, piston, rings etc, cylinder, engine done by Nor Dan equipment. Runs good. Extra plastics and seat. Good rubber. $3200 obo call 250 845 9126 2008 Yamaha TTR-230 4-stroke dirt bike. It's in brand new shape, only 1 1/2 hours on it! See it to believe it! $4800.00 obo 250 845-0038 2006 Yamaha TTR 125 LE electric start, new rear tire and fenders, well-maintained $1950 obo 250 845-2820 ATV’s 2012 Polaris sportster 850 twin. Very fast –―too fast for me‖. Still has factory warranty. $10,500.00 250 846 9300 2005 Yamaha 450 Kodiak 4x4 EC 2300 kms Winch, front and back camo bags. $4500.00 call/text 250 845 4417 2008 Polaris 800 quad fuel injected with winch $6000.00 250 845 7320 1994 Polaris 350 4 wheeler $2200.00 250 845 7244 Boats ~ Outboards 15 HP outboard motor. Two-stroke Johnson shortleg in good condition with tank and hose. $1290. (250) 8473671 9.9 Yamaha outboard 2008 electric start Excellent Running condition $2200.00 obo 250 845 7660 15.5 foot Glascraft boat. Great condition. Comes with trailer. New interior floor and seats. Can send pictures by email if need be. No motor. $700 obo. 250-696-3139 Propeller. 17 Pitch Came off 90 HP Mariner outboard. Rebuilt and balanced. Like new. $125 250-845-9286 1994 Campion Allante 170 new 4.3L engine great condition $ 12750.00 845-2096 1965 Vespa scooter $2000.00 250 845 7244 12ft. Mirro craft aluminium boat. c/w 4hp Suzuki motor, oars and trailer. Boat nice and light. $1700.00 obo. 250 697 6390. PLEASE CALL US WHEN YOUR ITEM SELLS OR YOU NO LONGER WANT IT ADVERTISED. IF YOU CALL AND THE ITEM IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE PLEASE CALL ME! 250 845 3200 Campion Victoria 215 hardtop 4.3 litre rebuilt Merc cruiser w/only 7 hrs Volvo Panda leg comes with spare prop, custom roof rack, depth sounder/gps, full back cover, and has lots of storage $20 000.00 O.B.O. 250-845-3456 No 3 Issue 45 March 13th, 2013 250 845 3200 [email protected] BC Hockey Bantam Championships Day 1 10:30 -1:15 Juan de Fuca 1:30 - 4:15 Elk Valley 4:30 –7:15 Vanderhoof 7:30 8:00 - 10:45 v s v s v s Houston Langley Kelowna Opening Ceremonies v Langley s Houston Day 2 8:00 -10:45 Kelowna 11:00 -1:45 2:00 - 4:45 Elk Valley v s v s 5:00- 7:45 Langley 8:00:-10:45 Houston v s v s Elk Valley v s Juan de Fuca Vanderhoof Juan de Fuca Vanderhoof Day3 8:00 -10:45 11:00 -1:45 2:00 - 4:45 Vanderhoof 5:00 - 7:45 Kelowna 8:00 -10:45 Houston v s v s v s Kelowna Juan de Fuca Langley Elk Valley Day 4 8:00 -10:45 Vanderhoof 11:00 - 1:45 Juan de Fuca 2:00 - 4:45 Houston 8:00 v s v s v s Langley Elk Valley Kelowna Championship Game Page 8 No. 3 Issue 45 March 13 th 2013 Page 9 HOUSTON FLYERS – 2013 # 7 Noah Deteves #4 Connor Chelsberg #19 Cole Rennie # 12 Jackson Cockle HEAD COACH Brendan Fitch # 2 Kurt Wandler # 6 Tristan Williams #18 Jaret Vandergiessen # 10 Kolton Giesbrecht # 5 Brendan Marsel # 16 Ryan Saretsky #3 Jagger Potvin #11 Nate Ortiz # 15 Brandon Brockerville #17 Jonathon Kelly # 9 Geremi Fraser Easton #14 Nick Ortiz #20 Taylor Belsham # 1 Dayton Sommerfeld #8 Erik Lloyd ASSISTANT COACH Ian Brockerville Kris Chelsberg No 3 Issue 45 March 13th, 2013 Snowmobiles 250 845 3200 [email protected] Tools WELDING and FABRICATION 2005 Polaris 800 Vertical edge SLP kit Hand and thumb warmers, reverse, cover, 1630 miles, Mint $4600 obo 250 845 3607 RMK 2003 pro-x racing seat great condition $100, 250- Yard Worker snowblower – used a few times, very good 845-9126 condition, $1100.00 250 845 7130 2000 Polaris RMK with reverse and many extras. Asking $3000.00 250 845 3097 Toys /Desks Children’s Lil’ Tikes Art Desk with chair. Asking $50.00 obo 250 845 7985 1998 Polaris 600 Twin Liquid Cooled $1800.00 250 847 5304 RMK 2003 regular seat, leather torn on side, needs repair. $ 50 obo 250-845-9126 Page 10 Inverter - 800 watt: 1600 peak with built in battery charger. Great condition. Only selling because of larger one purchased. $120.00 250 845 7429 Pressure washer heavy duty never used make an offer 250-845-7283 Parting out 1997 700rmk almost all parts available. Call Mikita planer new $3200.00 make an offer 250-845or text 250 845 9126 7283 700 Skidoo summit - 2001 - excellent condition $4900. call 846-9703 200 amp Lincoln Welder c/w cable and helmet. $1700.00 obo 250 847 2476 2003 Polaris 800 R.M.K. 151" track with reverse 350 miles on total rebuild ( big bearing crank kit, engine & clutches )V force 3 reeds, SLP pipe, altitude compenElectronics /Computers sating can, MTX clutch weights, new carbides Mint condition through out, awesome sled, C/W Sno Looking for someone to transfer a VHS tape and burn it lander, double wide, tilt trailer Bob @ 250-845-7660 to a CD/DVD. Need the VHS tape returned when done. 2008 Ski-doo Summit Black in colour ,about 900 km. In 250 845 3200 Nora real great shape. Selling because I don't use it enough. Asking $7500.00 250-846-5836 iPhone 4 with Otter Camouflage Realtree Case 16GB Black Works With Telus Contract Free 100% Battery Life $300 778 203 0115 Table Games Deluxe Wood Monopoly Game. Deluxe gold-toned, silver- toned houses in Metal. Some nicks in wood but in good condition otherwise. Asking $75.00 New $450.00 phone 250 847 9188 250 847 0685 Dufferin Pool Table 4 1/2ft x 9 ft. Solid Oak Rails + legs.1"Italian Slate. Leather Pool pockets. 2 1/4" balls.5 cues 22 snooker + 16 pool balls. Rule Book . Triangle rack. Needs assembling Asking $2500.00 Phone 250 847 9188 or 250 877 0685 Antiques 6 Stainless Steel milk cans 5 gallon $100.00 each 250 846 9300 Antique Upright grand piano $1000.00 250 845 4399 or 250 845 2590 Maple bed—4 poster Queen/double from late 50‖s $350.00 250 846 9295 Antique dresser Oval mirror, 3 drawers. $250.00 250 846 9027 19th Century, Louis XV style French Jardinere. Burl walnut veneer. $1100 250 845-0711 Trailers 32 GB I pod c/w charger and microphone. $150.00 250 845 7100 Antique Victrola wind up record player $ 250.00 250-845-7153 Refurbished fresh install of Windows XP Pentium 4 @2 Ghz 120 Gig hard drive 1 Gig ram Microsoft Office and other software. Just perfect for school, e-mail, Internet clean non smoking home. $50.00 Call 250-845-2613 Water distillers, Polar Bear – stainless steel, 3 gallon Capacity, $700.00 each 250 846 9300 Stereo – Quast speakers, Sanyo turntable, amplifier and radio and Sony CD player. $200.00 obo 250 846 9454 Microwave Oven – Sylvania brand, Black, like new. Output 1100 watts. $65.00 250 845 2836 Horse Trailer, 2006 Trails West Gooseneck, 3 horse, White, Barely used, new condition $17,000.00 250-847 T.V 32" Toshiba $125.00 250 845-2109 -5835 2 horse trailer new brakes, modified rear door, Good Condition, asking $2500.00 250 846 9227 Gertzan trailer- 4 horse/ stock $4500. 250-846-970 Trailer- Custom built, all steel 8ft x 5ft Removable Wanted: looking for a used 32" flat-screen TV with a USB port on it. Call us if you have one you aren't using and would like to sell. 250-696-3477 2TV’s – good working condition – smaller (22‖?) open to offers 250 847 2957 Yamaha Stereo Receiver – RX-V870 - Works but channel display burnt out. Yamaha Carousal CD player – CDC-645 Nuance Surround sound speakers (5) Two stands for rear speakers Wires etc. $200 for the works 250 845 2565 Appliances Honeywell 2-in-1 Air Purifier & Humidifier Only used one month $75, (OBO) 1-250-697-2700 Granisle Kitchen Fridge: GE White, 67" by 28" by 30" deep $250.00 250-847-3820 No. 3 Issue 45 March 13 th 2013 Furniture Page 11 Lazy Boy recliner rocker Blue—$60.00 250 845 9504 Lifeform office clean, good condition $75 chair #2790, attractive cocoa & black, 250.847.9858 Queen size Tempurpedic mattress. 8 months old. $600.00 250 845 3607 Doctor's office examination table. $500 250-845-9286 China cabinet light oak 2 glass shelves plus four glass doors h 78" w 65" Plus large dining table with 6 chairs for $950.00 250 845-2109 Computer desk – oak with storage for CD’s etc. EC $100.00 250 845 3054 or 250 251 0096 Entertainment centre $40.00 250 845-2109 Metal bed frame extends to double and queen size $45.00 250 845-2109 Hide a bed, excellent condition. Micro Fibre Beige color, only 5 years old, not used as a sitting couch. $800. 250845-7737 Comfy leather arm chair dark brown Good cond.$250.00 250 845 9604 or 250 251 0096 leave message. NEW IKEA "Gaser" area rug, high pile, grey-beige, length: 195 cm, width: 133 cm, 225. call 250-846-9690 NEW IKEA "Gaser" area rug, high pile, grey-beige, length: 150 cm, width: 56 cm, $79.99 call 250-846-9690 Corner computer desk $50 845-3568 evenings Dishes/Pots/Pans Collectors Plates – Bradford Exchange. Are frames and have certificates. $50.00 each or $350.00 for all. 1988 The Peregrine Falcon 1989 The Elk 1990 The Lesser Scrup 1990 the Mallard 1990 Snow Geese 1991 Burrows Golden Eyes 1991 Peregrine Falcon 1991 Common Loons 250 845 2164 Small Appliances /Vacuum Cleaners Industrial size cleaning bucket (1) and 2 industrial mops $50 call evenings 250-845-3568 Clothing/Boots Boots—Baffin brand, safety toe, good for –40, likenew, men’s size 9 $70.00 250 643 3520 Ladies Snow Pants, Good quality, size Small, bib-style. Brand New, $120 call or message 250-845-9546 Entertainment centre – excellent condition Oak coloured, has drawers for dvd’s etc. $150.00 obo 250 847 2957 Hiking boots Pair of Vangorkom , men's 11.5 med/wide. $200. Seldom used. 250-846-5432 Large solid Oak and Oak plywood entertainment unit. Huge drawers. Custom built by cabinet maker. Originally cost $2000.00. Would make nice storage cabinet/display case. $400.00 obo. 250 845 9286 8 pairs Western Wrangler Jeans – size 32 /36 Slim fit, boot cut. Asking $15.00 per pair. Some are new, some are used, Phone 250 847 0500 Jason Gorgeous area rug for sale. 8 ft X 10 ft. Predominant colour is brick red. Paid $1200 will sell for $600. 250 845-2565. China Cabinet $ 450.00 Call 250-845-3686 after 6:00pm on weekdays Office Furniture/Equipment Lateral filing cabinets—gray, 2 of them, $150.00 each. 250 845 4399 or 250 845 2590 Computer chair for $50.00 250 845-2109 Fireproof safe – small one. $100.00 obo 250 846 9454 Solid oak roll-top desk. 40" X 29". One bank of 3 drawers on right + one centre drawer. Dark brn stain. Some wear. $300. 250-846-5432 Pine student desk with hutch $50 250 846 5373 Black COACH purse EC $120.00 250 845 3456 Jewellery Sporting Goods Kids twin tip downhill skis. K2 Bad Seeds 139 (& bindings). Great condition. $225. 250-8454665. Dalbello Voodoo 2012 downhill SKI BOOTS. 26.5 (8.5). Worn twice-new condition. $225. 250-8454665. Canadian Team Hockey Bag $50 call 845-7398 Float-tube, wanders, fins, wading boots. Package for $300 250 845 7515 Exercise Equipment Treadmill preform 2.5 hp heavy duty and it folds up too $525.00 250 845-2109 Exercise stepper with counter $25.00 250 847 2957 Eliptical Nordic track and tread mill call 250 847 2845 2011 Bow Flex – PR300 $600.00 obo 250 692 0171 Treadmill , Proform Crosstrainer heavy duty, 2.5hp fold-up weight bench under 55" running track, very sturdy, used very little, new Sears $1400. sell for $500. Phone 250 697 6211 Horses and Tack 17hh registered thoroughbred gelding, very gentle and friendly, good with his feet. He has 3 years of jumping training, jumps 3ft with confidence. Experienced Rider recommended. Asking $3000. For more info or pictures please email me at [email protected]. Custom made saddle 17" seat double rigin , breast collar , head stall hand made with heavy lines , custom made heavy duty saddle bags , custom made moose hide chaps , also a very well made saddle stand , all for $2200.00 firm 250 842 0005 . Paint/Arab Horse 7 years old , very friendly disposition $1800. 250-846-9703 Ladies, Movado Watch, Museum Collection, Green Like New. $500.00 250-845-3466 Ladies, Custom made Dragon Ring, 31.3 grams, 10K Gold, (3) Diamonds, 0.05CT., 0.08CT., 0.25CT. $2000.00 250-845-3466 Ladies Ring, Emerald and Diamonds, 7.6 grams, 14K Gold, (1) 6.5mm x 4.2mm Pear shape Emerald 0.50 CT. upper commercial grade, (6) 1.7mm 0.02CT Diamonds. $1200.00 250-845-3466 Infant Items Kelty Backpack child carrier, with metal frame so it is easy to put child in. $20 Houston 250-845-7003 Bouncy seat, infant to toddler vibrates, musical. org. price $70.00 new barely used $40.00 250 845 7811 Flakey Murder Two police officers respond to a crime scene behind a grocery store. The homicide detective is already there. "What happened?" asks the first officer. "Male, about twenty-five, covered in Raisin Bran and dead as a doornail." "Good grief," says the second officer. "Didn't we have one covered in Frosted Flakes yesterday? And Captain Crunch last week?" "You're right. I'm afraid," said the detective as he took a drag from his cigar, "this is the work of a cereal killer." No 3 Issue 45 ACROSS 1. Flexible mineral 5. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 9. Backside 13. Smell 14. Pains 16. Short sleeps 17. Gave temporarily 18. Chaff 19. Nameless 20. Implied 22. A socially prominent person 24. Frozen 26. Intimidate 27. Sailing ship 30. A fourth state of matter 33. From the far east 35. It delivers babies? 37. An Old Testament king 38. Serpentine 41. T 42. Water lily 45. Mandatory completion time 48. Located below or beneath 51. Not departure 52. Related to tides 54. Opera star 55. Prickly 59. Quilt part 62. Inheritor 63. Of lesser importance 65. Digestive juice 66. Nobleman 67. Irate 68. Diving bird 69. Heavy cart 70. Departed 71. Terminates March 13th, 2013 DOWN 1. Exuviate 2. Bright thought 3. Make peace 4. Nonfiction 5. Petrol 6. Does something 7. Pulsate 8. A small mug 9. Expert 10. Hindu princess 11. Smudge 12. Feudal worker 15. Slop 21. Adolescent 23. "Oh my!" 25. Specks 27. Objective 250 845 3200 Page 12 28. Malicious burning 29. Indian bread 31. Incentive 32. Sporting venue 34. Young boy 36. Ship part 39. New Zealand parrot 40. 36 inches 43. Absolutely 44. Tibia 46. Trickle 47. Habitable 49. Swelling under the skin 50. Evaluation 53. Vernacular 55. Outbuilding 56. Sweet gritty-textured fruit 57. Former Italian currency 58. Maize 60. Lummox 61. Female chickens 64. Type of whiskey Still more hockey trivia! 1. Who is the player to hold the record for most points in one game? 2. Who holds the record for most goals in one game? 3. Who holds the record for FASTEST three goals scored (hat trick) ? 4. Which team holds the record for most goals scored in one game? 5. Who holds the record for most points in one season by a player? 6. Who holds the record for most goals in a season by a player? 7. Who holds the record for most assists in one season by a player? 8. Who holds the record for most goals scored by a defenseman? 9. Which team won 4 Stanley Cups in a row? 10. The Stanley Cup was purchased in 1892 for how much money? Answers page 15 [email protected] Series 1392 No. 3 Issue 45 March 13 th 2013 Livestock ~ Feed 4 2 year old Registered red angus bulls for sale, foraged raised, Sired by "Red Goads Molson Canadian". Good for cows or heifers. Birth weights available. 4 yearling Registered red angus bulls for sale. On test at the "Bullsitters" in Fort Fraser. Sired by "Red Vikse Smokin Jo". Birth weights available. Heifer bulls or herd sires. Replacement heifers for sale. Purebreds and commercials All animals available for viewing as well as mothers cows . Transport can be arranged. Phone 250847-3485 or 250-847-0415 6 Stainless Steel milk cans 5 gallon $100.00 each 250 846 9300 Heritage Poultry Standard Cochins in White, Blue and Buff Rare Pilgrim Geese, ganders are white, females are grey Reasonably priced. 250-696-3672 [email protected] This year’s Square Bales for Sale Tarped - $2.50 per bale. In Houston, Call 250 845 2573 Hay – good quality horse hay- $5.00 square bale barn stored. 250 846 9690 Meats Goat meat—government inspected –cut for stewing— Frozen. Available now. $5.00 per pound. 250 846 9295 Pets Dog Sled. Featherweight, originally made in Alaska from ash wood. Extra large freighter style. 5' deck with 8' long skis on plastic runners. $1,000. 846-9300 Page 13 Overhead furnace – hangs from ceiling, gas/propane Robert Bateman posters from Variety Club. Momentum –perfect for shop or house like new $350.00 obo Siberian Tiger and Sleeping Snow Leopard Not framed E/ 250 846 5399 C $130.00 ea or $250.00 for both Will e-mail pictures 250 -846-9100 Cast iron free standing gas fireplace, comes with floor pad and pipe. EC $200.00 obo 250 845 0088 Blowdry Brush/Styler, 1 1/4 inch barrel Ceramix Isinis brand, from a salon, paid $80, still in box, $40 or make me an offer, 250-845-7003 Building Materials Ceramic tiles 12x12 new 50 pcs. Various colours $2.00 each 250 846 9300 Log cabin 20 x 24 needs to be assembled. Pine logs stored in 40 ft. sea container –includes everything p to lock up stage. $15,000.00 250 846 9300 Log Siding $ 0.99 /lin.ft. Solid Pine Doors $ 99 each Call Albert: 250 695 6954, [email protected] Manx/Persian-cross kittens for sale. Very affectionate and easy to train. Must-see calico colouring. Vetchecked, vaccinated and de-wormed. $150 ea. 250 8465535 Pet Accessories Collapsible Guardian Gear PET CRATE. Medium Crate measures 31"L x 21"W x 26"H. Never been used.canvas airline approved for onboard $80. 250-845-4665 Stoves/Heating/Air Conditioners Stainless steel stovepipe 8 inch diameter, 2 sections new roof cap $275.00 250846 9300 2 Wood Stoves, not certified. takes 17" logs. $350 each. 846-9300 5.5ft Jacuzzi jet tub w/motor but no sides made to be built in, 14 years old but only used 6 times asking $400 obo. 250 845 3596 Rochester hatchery metal chick brooder $245 (worth over $400) 250 846 5803 Musical Instruments 36 inch exterior steel door $100.00 250 846 9300 Yamaha Clavinova CLP-950 Piano. Playback function, metronome, voice effect & touch settings Keyboard touch 9 NEW 4-foot T8 fluorescent tubes. Sylvania # 21720 sensitivity function Excellent Condition $1400.00 Phone: (6500K/85CRI/32W). Value $7 ea. $30 firm. 250-845-7441 and leave message if interested or to view 250-846-5432 Violin 3/4 size - w/bow, shoulder rest, & case $600+ Bricks – barely used, 10 of them 36 x 30. $200.00 from Bella Music. $400 250-846-5360 / 5432. obo 250 847 2957 Yamaha YC 20 organ – portable, with amp TA20 pedals for reverb and tremolo, stand and seat. $500.00 or 36" Exterior insulated wooden (fir grain) door with Trade for W.H.Y. 250 845 2073 large window. 18X30‖ $500.00 250 846-9300 Taps original for cast iron claw foot tub $20 ph 250 846 5373 Window glass recycled 36"x 36"x 5mm 9 pcs $30 250 846 5373 Water Treatment Puppies - 6 weeks old – 2 females, 3 males. Mother purebred Black Lab, Father Purebred Boxer brindle. 2 Puppies are solid black and the other have white chest and white feet. Call for more information to 250 877 8654 or 250 846 9111. Manure –goat/sheep mix—straw/hay base. 2 years old. Available now. 250 846 9295 One Big Blue water filter in new condition used for about a week then taken off, comes with wall mounting brackets, no water filter only the housing. 1 inch NPT threads on both sides easily reduced to 3/4 or 1/2 inch fittings if needed. Price $ 75 250 845 8896 Bruce. Miscellaneous Pewter jewellery making tools and components – over 100 necklaces made up and many more ready to finish. $300.00 for all. 250 697 2578 Dry pine firewood cut to length by the cord, $135.00 Dry pine slabs available as well. 250 846 5728 2 piece luggage set New. Ducks Unlimited emblem on luggage.Taupe color. asking $145.00 250 847 9188 or 250 877 0685 Wanted Wanted table saw and queen sized bed. 250 845 0051 Looking for someone to transfer a VHS tape and burn it to a CD/DVD. Need the VHS tape returned when done. 250 845 3200 Nora Wanted : Stihl and/or Husquvarna chain saws – parts or running for student project Will pick up. 250 697 2920 Wanting to buy – gazebo or pergola – can be wooden or metal 250 847 2957 Wanted - lady is looking for a 2 wheel Scooter – must be in ex condition 250 847 2957 Wanted 21 or 23 spline Toyota transfer cases. 250 845 8325 Wanted leather snowshoe harness call Sandy 250 845 3334 Vanity Dresser with round mirror and side drawers, 1940 -50’ style. Cell/Text 250 877 3204 Looking for a used 32" flat-screen TV with a USB port on it. Call us if you have one you aren't using and would Window shade 93" wide pink color brand new $20.00 like to sell. 250-696-3477 250 845-2109 Search Reloading Equipment and antique guns 250-8773095 Looking for Hearing aid for a senior. 250 877 2447 Bow Flex tread climber 250 845 7700 No 3 Issue 45 March 13th, 2013 House / Apartment / Rental Ads $ 5.00 week for 3 lines Pay in advance. Ranch Cabin for Rent in Telkwa. $250.00 per month. Call Gordon for more details. 250 846 5760 Apartments in Houston 250 845 3200 [email protected] Granisle and Area Seniors Apartments for rent. 1 and 2 bedrooms Basements and washer, dryer, fridge and stove. For more information contact Gloria @ 250 697 2558 or 250 697 6218 (leave a message and it will be returned.) Bachelor, 1 or 2 bedroom. Heat & hot water included. Call Kathy 250-845-8689 HOUSTON APARTMENTS Mt. Morice – Mt. Nadina ♦ New Owner ♦ New Manager Two Bedroom $600-$650 Month to Month rentals Private Real Estate Pre-paid ads $10.00 / month for 5 lines -add a 1 inch x 2 ½‖ picture for $10/month 160 acres ½ mile square. $480,000.00 Surrounded by crown land, year round creek, 360 degree view gentle southwest slope. 2 dwelling sites with power. Owner financing available. 19 miles from Smithers on pavement. 250 846 9300. Julie 250 845 9207 COMPUCLINIC FOR RENT Houston Apartments $475 to $575 $650 3 bedroom townhouses $700 4 bedroom townhouses Plus utilities. All renovated. New windows and all electric heat. Granisle 1 & 2 bedroom apartments $450 -$600 All inclusive Page 14 Employment Opportunities $5.00 per week for 3 lines. Prepaid ad. Westbin in Houston, BC is now accepting resumes for a Driving position requiring a Class 1 or 3, Please email resumes and drivers abstract to [email protected]. Help Wanted: Bartender/Server Must have Serve Right Send resume to Royal Canadian Legion Br#249 PO Box 719 Houston BC V0J 1Z0 Help Wanted-Part-time Housekeeper @ Sunshine Inn-Houston. Must be willing to learn, have some experience and be punctual. Call Carli at 250-845-7867 or drop by with a resume. *COMPUTER REPAIR * VIRUS REMOVAL * HARDWARE UPGRADES ASHLEY HICKS 778 203-0115 Houston [email protected] 8 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday KATHY @ 250 845 4505 No Tail Light New to Baseball Coming home from his Little League game, Billy swung open the front door very excited. Unable to attend the game, his father immediately wanted to know what happened. "So, how did you do son?" he asked. "You'll never believe it!" Billy said. "I was responsible for the winning run!" "Really? How'd you do that?" "I dropped the ball." Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 until 5:30 In the Houston Mall 3232 Highway 16 Houston BC V0J1Z0 250 845 7044 1800 663 4291 Ext. 2 email [email protected] "How long have you been driving without a tail light?" asked the policeman after pulling over a motorist. The driver jumped out, ran to the rear of his car, and gave a long, painful groan. He seemed so upset that the cop was moved to ease up on him a bit. "Come on, now," he said, "you don't have to take it so hard. It isn't that serious." "It isn't?" cried the motorist. "Then you know what happened to my boat and trailer?" No. 3 Issue 45 March 13 th 2013 St. Patrick’s Day Riddles 1.Why did St. Patrick drive the snakes out of Ireland? 2. Why was the Irish river so rich? 3 . Do leprechauns get angry when you make fun of their height? 4 . What do you call a leprechaun's vacation home? 5 . What do you call an Irishman who keeps bouncing off walls? 6 . What does Ireland have more than any other country? 7 . Did you hear about the leprechaun who worked at the diner? 8 .What happens when a leprechaun falls into a river? Answers page 16 Page 15 Answers: 1. Darryl Sittler - Sittler had 6 goals and 4 assists, 10 points in one game for the Toronto Maple Leafs on Feb. 7, 1976 2. Joe Malone - Malone had 7 Goals for the Quebec Bulldogs Jan 31, 1920! 3. Bill Mosienko - Mosienko scored a hat trick in 21 seconds for the Chicago Blackhawks, March 23, 1952!! 4. Montreal Canadians - Montreal scored 16 goals in one game in 1920!! 5. Wayne Gretzky - Gretzky had 215 points with the Edmonton Oilers 19851986 season. 6. Wayne Gretzky - Gretzky had 92 goals with the Edmonton Oilers in the 1981-1982 season. Who Would Know? The man passed out in a dead faint as he came out of his front door onto the porch. Someone called 911. When the paramedics arrived, they helped him regain consciousness and asked if he knew what caused him to faint. "It was enough to make anybody faint," he said. "My son asked me for the keys to the garage, and instead of driving the car out, he came out with the lawn mower!" GARFIELD HERMAN is sponsored by: (c)2013 TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES, INC HOUSTON 250 845 2213 Toll Free 1 888 517 7557 March 13th, 2013 THEATRE Smithers 250 847 2440 Roi 1 21 and OVER Rated 14A Fri Sat. 7:30 –9:30 Sun Mon Tues Wed. 8 pm Roi 2 OZ THE GREAT Rated G Fri Sat 7 :15 PM and 9 :15 PM Sun Mon Tues. 7:30 PM Roi 3 SNITCH rated PG Fri. Sat 7:15 9:15 Sun, Mon. Tues. Wed. 7:45 PM Schedule for March 15 to March 21st Trivia answers page 4 1.Holding 2. Wayne Gretzky. 3. Scotty Bowman. 4.The Mighty Ducks of Anaheim 5 Mario Lemieux 6 Bobby Orr 7. Bobby and Brett Hull 8. Mark Messier 9. A goalie 10 Three 11: Tripping. 12 Wayne Gretzky 13 Nine 14 The Montreal Canadians 250 845 3200 Where it’s At 845 844 778 Houston 696 Topley 692 Burns Lake 697 Granisle 699 Fraser Lake 846 Telkwa 847 or 877 Smithers 842 The Hazeltons 567 Vanderhoof Use 911 for Fire Ambulance Police Are your house numbers visible to the First Responders? [email protected] Page 16 ♫ Let’s All Go to A & W ♫ HOUSTON Buddy Burgers starting at $1.75 until March! 3282 Hwy 16 in Houston St. Patrick’s Day Riddles 1.Because it was too far for them to crawl. 2 Because it has 2 banks 3 Only a little. 4 A Lepre-condo 5 Rick O^Shea 6 Irishmen 7 He was a short order cook. 8 He gets wet. No 3 Issue 45
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1986 Suzuki Samurai. Jeep Yj spring lift. High steer.
Low range transfer case. Rear locker. 5000lb warn
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