Pleasant Valley Express April 3rd, 2013
Pleasant Valley Express April 3rd, 2013
No. 3 Issue 48 April 3rd, 2013 Page 1 Take one home Pleasant Valley EXPRESS Houston and Area BUY ♦ SELL ♦ ADVERTISE ♦ Free Classifieds ♦ FREE PRINTED WEEKLY ~ Deadline for ads Tuesday noon Distributed Wednesdays GRIZZLY JIM'S GENERAL STORE call 250 845 3200 or email [email protected] Pleasant Valley Restaurant TOPLEY, BC Rudolph's Pure Sausage Products Farm Fresh Eggs In store grocery specials 20% Fishing Supplies! Monday to Thursday 9 am-7pm Friday Saturday 9 am-8 pm Sunday 10 am —6 pm 250-696-3478 Open Daily 6 a.m.— 9 p.m. Bev Lyons—Host 3030 Hwy 16 Houston, BC 250 845 3300 9th St. Houston Occupational First Aid Level 3 Course Shannon Clarke, CGA 70 hours (2 weeks) Monday to Friday Cost: $650.00 Plus HST 3 year certification Be ready for any emergency - with a WorkSafe Occupational First Aid Level 3 Courses from Northwest First Aid Training! To register call 250-846-5159 or email: Occupational First Aid level 1 courses upon request. BV Soccer forms are at Rod’s 1st Choice Fashion HOUSTON WEEKLY SHOW LISTINGS Houston Mall LOOK INSIDE FOR THE GREEN SHEET !! Open Monday to Saturday 10-6 250 845 2232 April 8 – 19th 2013 HOUSTON PLAZA THEATRE Present this coupon for $3 off any bag 6lbs or over of Summit, Now or Go quality dog and cat foods. (expires April 30, 2013) Registration due by April 6th. one 2012 vehicle remaining, and all new 2013 vehicles including 0% financing on selected models” Personal and Corporate Tax Returns Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm Open Saturdays 9 am to 2 pm 2005 Nadina Avenue, Houston, BC Phone (250) 845-3221 Yeah! It’s Spring! and It’s Canadian Cancer Society Daffodil Time Once Again! Look for CCS Volunteers selling fresh cut daffodil flowers in Houston mall on Friday April 5th from 10 am to sellout Cost will be $5.00 per bunch of 10 flowers More on page 4 “ [email protected] CALL : 250 845 2244 or 1 800 665 3151 25% off Vapor Skates,Helmets, Game Wear 25% off In-stock bikes No 3 Issue 48 April 3rd, 2013 250 845 3200 HOUSTON & AREA COMMUNITY CALENDAR BV Soccer forms are in at Rod’s 1st Choice Fashion, Houston, registration due by April 6th. [email protected] Page 2 Natural Horsemanship with Glenn Stewart in Smithers April 19th, 20th + 21st, 2013. 1-day Stage 3/4 Clinic followed by a 2 day Advanced Stage 1 Clinic. Please contact Anika at 250 846 5494 or [email protected] Passport Photos Thursday April 4th. At the Houston Public Library. Mark Zagwyn will be there from 11 until 5. Understanding Ourselves as Energy in Illness and Wellbeing Thursday, April 4th at noon, listen to Jean Christian CCH, Pdhom speak at the Smithers Healthy Living Centre, 1070 Main Street. Free admission. Further information 250.877.4424. M.S. Self Help Meeting at 7 pm on Thursday April 4th at the ―Snow White ― Twain Sullivan Elementary and Missoula Theatre will be performing Saturday April 20th, shows at 3 and 6 PM. At Twain Sullivan School. The Morice Mountain Nordic Ski Club will hold their Annual General Meeting at 7pm on Wednesday, April 24, 2013 in the Houston Public Library. Club members and guests are encouraged to attend. For more information contact [email protected] Houston Public Library. Everyone who is coping with multiple sclerosis in their family is welcome to attend. Soup and Sandwich Lunch Houston Seniors Centre. Thursday April 25th Pancake Breakfast Saturday, April 6th 8 til 10 am Houston Senior Centre Non Instructional Day–Houston Public Schools closed Friday April 26th, 2013 11 until 1 Meeting to follow. Everyone welcome. Everyone Welcome! Who Am I? workshop Our five-day self-discovery workshop will introduce you to a system that can help you take charge of your life and its happiness. Given over 2 weekends: April 5th (evening), 6th & 7th (days) AND 12th (evening), 13th & 14th (days) For more information, call Dan or Wendy at 250847-3533 Perennial Plant Sale (Bulkley Valley Genealogical Society Annual Fundraiser)) Saturday, May 25 - 9 a.m.(viewing 8-9) Main Street & Hwy 16 at the Goat Statue Parking Lot. To donate plants: If you are dividing perennials, splitting shrubs, thinning flowers or halting the spread of berry patch, please save your spares for this sale. If you need help digging up your plants or to arrange pick up, call: Marie Kaszas at 250 845 2510 An Acoustic Concert of Praise & Worship Houston Baptist Church Monday, April 8 at 7:00 pm with Grayson Kessenich from Sacramento, CA. There is no admission fee, but a free will offering will be taken to help cover expenses. After School Games Tuesday April 9th 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm Houston Public Library. Children ages 8 to 12 are invited to join us for Wii, X-Box and Board Games will be available to play. Snacks will be provided. Admission is by donation. For more info please call 250-845-2256 Executive Elections Spring Meeting Houston Minor Hockey 9th, Association Tuesday April 2013 at 7pm Houston Secondary School Library. At this meeting the elections of Directors for the Houston Minor Hockey Association. All HMHA members are welcome. Houston Museum Society regular. meeting Wed. April 10th, 7 PM CF Nadina boardroom. Everyone welcome! TOPLEY COMMUNITY EVENTS Bingo – Monday April 29th 2013 Topley Community Hall Darts Wednesday nights Doors open at 7 Games start at 7:30 GRANISLE COMMUNITY EVENTS Granisle Seniors Association #9 Chapman Street .Meeting starts at 1:00 pm. Newcomers always welcome. 55+ for more information Contact 250-697-6218 Are you interested in sewing and tying quilts for 3rd world country people to keep them warm? Join us at the church in Granisle Tuesdays 10 until 2. No experience necessary Everyone welcome For more information call Ruth 250 697 2231 or Gloria 250 697 2558 7th Annual Arts Fair Houston Secondary School will be 6-8:30 PM, Thursday, April 11th at Houston Secondary. Everyone is welcome to come out and enjoy this showcase of student work in all curriculum areas. The drama and music club students will be performing starting at 6:30 in the theatre. Karaoke at Round Lake Hall. Saturday April 13 7:30 PM Admission is by donation and snacks to share are welcome. Refreshments served and courtesy drivers are available. For more information contact Dina at 250-8469214 Community Events are FREE to advertise in the Pleasant Valley Express. Call 250 845 3200 or email your event to [email protected] before Tuesday noon deadline. If it is happening in our community we all need to know about it so we can support it! Classified ads are also FREE! No. 3 Issue 48 April 3rd, 2013 Page 3 Hours: Tuesday to Saturday 10 am. - 4 pm Phone: 250 845 2590 Ongoing Events Love By The Bowl Soup Kitchen 3443 9th St. Houston Tuesdays Drop-In 9:30-1:30 Wednesday Soup Day 9:30-1:30 Serving Soup 11:30 to 1:00 Soup Kitchen Sunday 3rd Sunday Contact Bobbi 250-845-8861 Donna 250-845-3498 GEMS Girls Club 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Houston Christian Reformed Church. Girls going into grades 2 through 8 (ages 7-13) are welcome to join GEMS. The cost is $ 45.00 per year for supplies. . For more info. contact Ena Groot at [email protected]. FUNDRAISER Houston Army Cadets offers: Full Bar service for all events To book: Cindy 250 845 3222 Cell 250 845 9380 HOUSTON TOPS 1901 meets Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m. at the Houston United Church. Come for a time of support to help you Take Off those Pounds Sensibly. We are a friendly support group who would love to welcome New Members and all for- LOST AND FOUND Found: on Friday on the highway (west of Houston) a bag with an earth tone chesterfield cushion inside. To claim call 250 845 7272 Wholesale Coral, Equipment and Livestock Houston 778 203 0115 Email: [email protected] Pleasant Valley Plaza 2350 Butler Ave. 250 845 2298 1/2 Price Bowling Tuesday and Wednesday Facility Rental 1/2 price Tuesday and Wednesday! Coffee and lounge area. CURBSIDE RECYCLING PROGRAM: Houston Recycling is interested in starting a curbside recycling program. There will be a $25 registration fee (which will include your starter kit) and we would be picking up your recycling every 2 weeks for $15.00 per month. If you are interested in taking part in a Curbside Recycling program, please let us know by: phoning or drop by the Recycle depot to sign up. Deadline for sign up April 30th. WHAT CAN BE RECYCLED: Deposit refunds –take to recycle depot for refund Curbside: Milk containers– Electronics– Small appliances, Fluorescent bulbs and tubes- Light fixtures– Ink toners and cartridges- cardboard and mixed paper. #2 plastic and batteries (small and automotive. MANY HAPPY RETURNS - TAX SERVICES Personal & small business returns. EFILE, GST, & Bookkeeping. Great rates & senior discounts! Appointment, or pick up service. Phone(250)696-3656 Email [email protected] Found: cell phone black flower Samsung to claim 250 845 3090 Found: VW key fob on Estates Drive, Houston about 1 week ago. To claim 250 845 3498 Job Interview At the end of a job interview, the head of human resources asked the young engineer out of MIT, "What starting salary are you looking for?" Robyn McMurtrie The engineer decides to shoot for the moon, "I'm thinking of 125K a year or Spa Practitioner so, depending on the benefits Wellness/Aromatherapy package." Hot stone Salt glow "Hmmm. Well what do you say to five Gift certificates available weeks paid vacation, 14 paid holidays, full medical and dental, and Senior rate retirement funds that will match at 4803 Buck Flats Rd. 50%, and a company car leased 250 845 3203 every two years, say maybe a fine Porsche?" replied the interviewer. The engineer gasps and says, "Wow, Pickleball- we are playing pickleball at the Seniors are you kidding?" Centre Houston Tuesday evenings at 7 PM. Pickleball is "Yeah," replies the interviewer, "but a court game that is very good exercise and is fun to you started it." www.arcamax play. It is table tennis played on a badminton court using paddles and a special ball. We would like any interested adults to come out and try it out. Do not have to be seniors. For more information call George Fitchett 250-845-2538. No 3 Issue 48 April 3rd, 2013 250 845 3200 [email protected] Page 4 Looking Forward: Earth Day April 22nd NITTA’S BAKING & CRAFTS ACHES, PAINS, STRESS & INJURY 250 692 –9799 Houston Mall A few things you don’t have to LIVE with anymore 10 til 3 Touch for Health: Acupressure Fridays April 12th & 26th Quote for This Week! Genius without education is like silver in the mine. Benjamin FRANKLIN: *Structural Re-Alignment *Muscle Balancing *Stress Release 4743 Chestnut Road, Houston Call 250-844-1118 Twain Sullivan Elementary Band –ON TOUR! ▪ Playing a warm up at Twain on Thursday, April 25th @ 10:45 . Please join us! ▪ William Konkin in Burns Lake Friday, April 26th 1:45 p.m.. ▪ Muheim in Smithers Friday, May 10th. 2 p.m. ▪ The date for Silverthorne TBA. There may be other dates coming up as well. Stay posted! Use 911 for Fire Ambulance Police April 27th is Daffodil Day Mother’s Day May 12th BC Election May 14th Victoria Day May 20th Pleasant Valley Days Father’s Day June 16th PUNS Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. To write with a broken pencil is pointless. Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end. A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion. When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds. Are your house numbers visible to the First Responders? APRIL IS THE MONTH TO FIGHT BACK Joe Boleus of Houston—winner of the 2013 Harley Davidson FLS Softail Slim in the Annual Muscular Dystrophy motorcycle raffle seen here with Steve Graf of Smithers Harley Davidson. Congratulations, Joe! Daffodils will be sold at the Houston Mall, BV Credit Union, Royal Bank of Canada and various restaurants and throughout the town RECYCLING INFORMATION: Cardboard can be recycled. Not just cardboard cartons but a variety of weights such as cereal boxes, tissue boxes, tissue rolls, wrapping paper tubes, shoe boxes, and so on…….. If you or your business would like to have your daffodils dropped off to you, contact Sue Jones 250-845-9400. Paper can be recycled—paper, newspaper, flyers from stores, (the leftover Pleasant Valley Express papers are recycled) Paper from packing, shredded paper, envelopes, paper bags, Daffodil pins will be available at various business throughout the month of April – wear your pin to show your support for those affected by cancer Batteries—both small household ones 9V, AAA, AA C’s and D’s and large ones can be recycled. Thank-you for your support! April 27th is Daffodil Day A daffodil to colour! No. 3 Issue 48 April 3rd, 2013 FREE CLASSIFIEDS Cars 1991 Acura Integra RS 4 dr. auto, goo condition, no rust, stored over winter, 250 845 2620 2005 Toyota matrix FWD 185,000 km $6,500 (778) 210 0329 call/text after 3 PM 2002 Chrysler Neon LX Sedan 123200 kms. Power locks &; windows, a/c, sun roof. New master computer (PCM), alternator and battery. Excellent condition. Full inspection August 2012. $4,000 obo. 250-877-8845 2004 4 door Chevy Cavalier for sale. 136,000 km Good condition runs well. $3,000. call 250-845-8853 if interested SUV’s—Vans 1990 Jeep YJ spring over axles, 488 gears, 34‖ tires. Too much to list. $6500.00 obo 250 845 3631 1994 Ford 350 7.3l 2wd dually Low Kms. Ex cond. Matching canopy $7500. 250 845 9403 1979 CJ7, Frame off restoration, freshly rebuilt 1966 MOPAR, 383 Magnum engine, 727 transmission. Dana 44 with Detroit locker in rear, slip joint eliminator, K&N air filter. $15000 obo. 250-845-3761 2006 Chev Silverado, regular cab,LWB, 4.3 l. V6 5 spd. Tilt, buckets and tow pkg. Very economical to run. 2 sets of ties, snowflake tires, Very clean and well maintained, 105,000 kms. No accidents, $7500.00 call or text 250 878 8907 2006 Ford Escape XLT 4x4, new tires, keyless entry, very clean, GC, no accidents, no rust, new battery, 3,0l V6, great gas mileage, 152000 km mostly highway, everything works, asking $9500,( 250)-877-3095 1998 Chev Astro van 8 seats gc 2 sets of new tires $2200.00 250 846 9690 2003 Ford Focus new motor and clutch Body in good shape, $6000.00. 250 846 5466 1986 Suzuki Samurai. Jeep Yj spring lift. High steer. Low range transfer case. Rear locker. 5000lb warn winch. Tow bar. Much more. $6000 obo 250 845 3465 2005 Chev Cobalt 100 000kms. Great shape w/brand new rims and tires, new JVC deck with 15'' sub and 3200W BOSS amp, sounds great. New KSport coilovers adjustable. big 3'' exhaust tip. deep sounding. 250-846-9703 or cell 250-643-2940 2007 Toyota 4 Runner-Sport Edition Dark Meteorite Gray with black interior. Loaded, excellent condition, very well maintained at Northern Toyota (have all service records), comes with Thule and studded winter tires. 152 000 hwy driven km. Asking $24 500 OBO can send photos (250) 695-6916 1991 Buick Century 4 dr. $1500.00 250 845 7764 2006 SEL Ford Fusion, fully loaded, heated leather seats, moon roof, 4 cylinder, great on fuel, 2 sets of tires on rims for summer and winter. $10,900 OBO. 250 696 3198 Classics 1961 Ford 150 single cab pickup 4x4 1959 Mercury engine. Great restoration possibilities custom front and back bumpers 778 210 1130 1968 Dodge van for parts or restoration. Very good mechanical condition, 6 cyl. motor. 250 845 9524 1964 Valiant V200 convertible. V 8 auto VGC $6500.00 250 696 3666 1946 Chev 4 door, original motor, $8000.00 250 847 4495 Restored. 1956 International pickup ½ ton with another truck for spare parts. Totally restored from frame up For more information call 250 845 8132 1965 Acadian Sport Deluxe original V8, automatic, Buckets console car. Not included. Solid car lots of work done, over $1000 worth of new parts. Will deliver to Smithers . $5300.00 250 878 8907 1976 GMC 3/4 ton 350 V8 2 speed Auto, 2wd P/S, P/ B, 16" wheels, good rubber 2 spare tires w/rims, Hidden Hitch $1,500 O.B.O. Call 250-845-2579 leave message 1966 Cadillac 4 dr. Hardtop. Red with black vinyl roof Black leather upholstery Car has been in storage for many years. Price Reduced to $10000.00 250 842 6433 Page 5 Pickup Trucks 1990 Dodge Cummins, ¾ ton 4x4 Air bags, running boards and fender flares, lined box, 5th wheel mounts remote start, 4 extra 235/16 spare tires. Very well kept. $4000.00 obo 250 846 5000 1999 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4 ½ ton. Gc. 240,000 kms, clean, $4000.00 obo, 250 697 2920 2003 GMC Sierra 2500HD 4x4Quad cab, long box Air/ tilt/cruise, 6 L gasc/w new studded winter tires(235 and a set of all seasons (265) not on rims Very clean truck with 235,000kms $9,500.00. 845-8005 1990 F150 4x4 heavy ½ single cab, 302 5spd runs great. $1000.00 Text or meg 250 845 4449 1995 Ford ½ ton 4x4 302 automatic, Runs good but rusty. Push button 4x4 and brand new CD player. $2500.00 cash firm. 250 845 8659 1994 GMC 2500 Truck, comes with Western plow. 8' box regular cab. Great plow truck. Extra back up lights, headache rack. $7500.00 250-847-5835 2002 Dodge 1500 SLT 4x4 sport 5.7 gas, 4door cab, auto trans, ac, pl, pw, ps, factory box liner, clean &; well serviced, one owner, 220000 highway kms, asking $9000, reasonable offers considered, call 778-2101688 Dave 1989 Ford F 250 4x4 regular cab, long box, 302 standard, Dana 60 front and rear. Original front and rear axles, Lots of work done, 1 set of 38 1/2 ― Mud Grapplers on rims, plus set of winter studded tires on rims. $5000.00 or trade for sled + cash. Call or text Mike at 250 845 1081 2004 Dodge Dakota quad cab 2 whl drive v6 w air cruise tilt low kms tow package, new brakes and windshield. seats six charcoal grey $9200.00 obo 250 877 2620 2007 GMC Sierra 4 dr. Ext. cab Trailer pkg. Cruise, 600hrs. On engine, 73000 kms. Rhino lined box, (Paid $16000) now $14000 obo. Brand new all season tires, 250 877 3328 after 6 PM. 1989 Ford F-150 4X4 302 Long box 4 Speed Auto Trans $1000.00 obo 250-845-8400 2009 Chev 1 Ton regular cab, gas motor, 4x4 with 11 ½ ft. fibreglass camper. 30,000 kms. EC $35000.00 firm. 250 846 9716 1986 F 250 Ford 4x4 dual fuel new brakes all around $1000.00 250 846 9605 1986 Suburban 2500 4x4 350 gas, new transmission, rebuilt carb. Comes with stretcher/backboard for ETV $2000.00 250 846 9605 2008 Dodge Ram Hemi SLT 1500 A/C, Black Cruise control, power windows, locks. 6 passenger. MDS Technology- shuts down 4 of the pistons when your on highway and cruising around- good for fuel consumption. Brand new mud tires, Goodyear, with snow flake certified. Newer brakes, tow package, bed-liner. No accidents. Power Train Warranty until March 2013. (Included: A verified CarProof document. 2nd set of tires and 20 inch black rims, value of 1000.00.) $17750.00- Phone 250 845 0708 No 3 Issue 48 April 3rd, 2013 250 845 3200 Tires/Rim Heavy Trucks Heavy Equipment Tire p185/75R14 Plus Rim $40.00 250 845-2109 2006 Ford F550 4x4 with an electric-tilt 14-ft flat deck, 8142 GVW, auto, diesel, new injectors and EGR valve, $20,000 obo Travis at 250 846 5111. [email protected] Page 6 1996 Subaru Legacy AWD, Brighton, for parts, $ 1000 250-847-3086 1981 GMC Van, for parts, make an offer, 250-847-3086 Tire P155/80R13 plus Rim $30.00 250 845-2109. 1986 Audi 5000 AWD, for parts, make an offer, 250-8473086 Winter Steel rims. Like new. Size 17X71/2 5-5. Fit 1112 Durango, 08-10 Town & Country, 06-10 Jeep Commander, 08-10 Caravan, 07-11 Wrangler, 05-10 Cherokee and 04-06 Pacifica. No Rust. $200.00 250-845-9286 Performance chip for 2008 + newer Toyota Tundra. Made by Unichip. Asking $500 firm call (250) 695-6916 2004 Ford E450 diesel cube van. 14 ft box, new tires, new glass, trailer tow package EC $12500.00 obo 250 877 7013 Telkwa 235/75R15 M&S Wildcat Radial A/T tires on new 6 bolt chrome rims $800.00 250-845-2240 (Msg for Joyce) 1994 Ford contour (head gasket gone) and a 1997 Ford contour (transmission gone) Asking $400.00 OBO Call evenings 250-692-7044 1972 Ford 600 cab over, for parts, make an offer, 250-847-3086 1 used Tire, Goodyear Wrangler RT/S, 255/70/16, 70%, $ 30.00 250 847-6103 3400Link belt excavator with attachments, has thumb on clean up bucket. Good shape asking $35,000. obo 250-845-7283 Older scissor hoist for 5 ton truck $500.00 250 846 9605 Farm Equipment 2130 John Deere 70 HP tractor with loader. GC $12500.00 250 846 9690 12 ft. finishing disk asking $3000.00 obo 250 845 7707 3-Point Hitch Adaptor. Attachment for Allis Chalmers D-15 tractor to allow use of John Deere and Massey Ferguson implements. $2,000 250 846-9300 Loader for 25-45 hp tractor. Good motor for John Deere 1010. Also rims for JD with new rubber side 13.6 – 26. Various other rims, tires and parts for older tractors. 250 846 5202 Parts for hydraulics and three point hitches for older Fords and Ferguson. One complete 3 point hitch to fit Massey model 22 and 30. 250 846 5202 Massey Pony restored. Farmall A , Farmall H, McCormick W6. Good continental motor for Massey 22 or 30. 250 846 5202 Massey Ferguson Square baler 50 to 100 lb bales, EC $2700.00 Smithers 250 997 1277 Fertilizer spreader Cosmos 500 3 pt hitch $600 obo 845-0038 Round bale unroller Westward 3 pt hitch $550 OBO 250 845-0038 12 ft. Allteen breaking disk -22‖ disc, all brand new discs, bearings and paint. Reduced to $3900.00 Gordon 250 846 5760 1 used Tire , RoadKing, 205/75/14, 70%, $ 20.00. Ph. 250-847-6103 4 Winters Hakkapellitas 235 R60 16 $200.00 250 845 0088 98 Windstar for parts – does run. $100.00 250 845 7393 Accessories Hidden hitch fits Chev pick up $50.00 250 845 2128 Bumpers – from 4x4 truck Front Ramsey 8000lb winch with 100 ft. 3/8 cable. 1 back bumper – tube style, (off of a Chev) $800.00 250 846 5000 Canopy Extra Large Hi-up with roof rack. Fits Toyota Long Bed pickup. $250 259 846-9300 4 Toyo A2 tires 225 65 R17 75% tread left $300.00 250 845 0088 Vent visors for Oldmobile Sedan Alero 99-04 $50.00 (new) 250-845-8871 20 inch tires and rims off a 2010 Dodge Ram used 1 season $1600.00 obo 250 847 9778 Vent visors for Pontiac Grand Am 99-06 $50.00 (new) 250-845-8871 Set of 4 P215/55R18 High Performance Toyo Winter Tires. Used 1 winter. Like new condition. $800 Charlene at 250 846-9766 Vent visors for 2001 Dodge Dakota Quad cab $50.00 (new) 250-845-8871 Parts Wanted 21 or 23 spline Toyota transfer cases. 250 845 8325 2002 Chevy ext-cab 1500 4x4 truck rolled over. All damage is cosmetic. Broken rear axle. The only good body part is the tailgate. All internal parts work fine and engine runs like nothing happened. Has a new hitch and heavy leaf springs too. Please call Daniel Koster @250 847 0320 Engine 327 cu in with 400 Turbo Tranny. $800 or best offer. 250 846-9300 2 Engines( both 283 cu. in.) 1 2-speed Powerglide. All 3 for $500.250 846-9300 Radiator 4-core Extra Large. Fits 1979 GMC Pickup. Like new. $300 250 846-9300 Wrecking 2002 Focus station wagon. White in colour, reasonable prices, most parts, ―U Pick‖ Information 1 250 697 6820 or email [email protected] Vent visors for Cavalier/Sunfire 2 door 2002-2003 $50.00 (new) 250-845-8871 Car bra for a 2002-2003 Cavalier/Sunfire $45.00 (used) 250-845-8871 8 ft. boat rack by Cliff Craft (aluminum tubing style) $700.00 obo 250 845 2982 GM Roof Rack system: fits Chev venture or any mini van/car with integral roof rails. Comes with 4 cargo blocks - Handy for canoes, lumber, etc. $75 250-8452565 Canopy for 2000 Dodge Dakota – blue Good condition $250.00 obo 250 847 9778 White Car Top Ski Box by Jetbag-Galaxy $80.00 250847-3820 Blue Ox tow bar with mounting hardware $700.00 250 846 5284 No. 3 Issue 48 April 3rd, 2013 RV’s Page 7 Motorcycles 1998 Triple E Commander Class A 30 ft. motorhome. 454 1994 Yamaha Venture Touring bike $2000.00 250 845 Vortex, 41,000 kms. EC Winter pkg. 4000 Onan Generator, Rear bed, central vac, Lots of storage asking 3611 or 250 845 4399 $32000.00 240 845 2692 2006 Sportster 1200 Custom (Vivid Black) 19000 km Screamin Eagle Pipes and Flame handgrips EC c/w 8 ft. older camper $1600.00 250 847 5304 extra set of pipes and grips Asking $7500 OBO 250-877 -2639 1989 Slumber Queen camper 8 ft 10‖ sleeps 4, very good condition, full bath, stove/oven, double sink, fridge. 2010 Honda Sabre Limited Edition 1300cc, 6800 Will fit newer pickups. $3500.00 250 845 4901 km, gloss black, flawless. Fuel injected, liquid cooled, shaft drive, ABS brakes. $10800. located in Houston. Cell # 250-408--8687. Perfect For Hunters or Kids26' Terry camper trailer with bathroom, 2 single beds plus foldout couch. Stocked with towels, dishes, pots, pans etc. Microwave, heater, awnScooters ing. View at Sandy's Campground on Francois Lake. Wanted - lady is looking for a 2 wheel Scooter – must Needs minimal work. Good as is to use immediately. be in ex condition 250 847 2957 $6000 OBO. Call Sheila Lovas at 250 695-6321 or Barry Smith at 250 845-7793 1965 Vespa scooter $2000.00 250 845 7244 2004 Jayco Eagle RV 27' Camper Trailer. E C Sleeps 6 with master bedroom; Kitchen stove with oven, microwave, hot/cold running water; Bathroom with shower &; Tub; flush toilet Air condition and propane heater. New Aluminum Rims &; New 2011 Tires $17,000.00 250-8473820 Jet 3 scooter chair $1000.00 OBO 250 842 6433 Dirt Bikes 2009 Suzuki RMZ 450F. $5000. 250-877-2394. 2003 Cr85 Honda very good condition - rebuilt engine $2100 250-846-9703 32' Titanium 5th wheel 1 owner. EC 1 slide, walk around queen bed, table and chairs, central vac, 2 way fridge/ freezer, hide away bed, ample storage in and out. Many features... it's a must see!!! Truck hitch included. $26,999. 1977 Yamaha 80 dirt bike with spare bike for parts. 250-845-2547 or 250- 845-9424 $400.00 250 846 9605 Yamaha 400 Enduro – older runs but needs work. $800.00 250 846 9605 1999 Travel master 30 ft. Ford 45-V10 Class C Motorhome 46 550 miles Sleeps 7 – rear bdrm, lg 3 pc. Bath, lg fridge/freezer, microwave, 3 burner stove/oven, double sink, Oak cabinets throughout, A/C solar panels, blinds and awning. Lots of storage. Great condition. $24000.00 obo 250 845 3456 2005 Yamaha 250 YZF 2002.Perfect shape. New crank, piston, rings etc, cylinder, engine done by Nor Dan equipment. Runs good. Extra plastics and seat. Good rubber. $3200 obo call 250 845 9126 2008 Yamaha TTR-230 4-stroke dirt bike. It's in brand 2009 Chev 1 Ton regular cab, gas motor, 4x4 with 11 ½ ft. new shape, only 1 1/2 hours on it! See it to believe it! fibreglass camper. 30,000 kms. EC $35000.00 firm. 250 $4800.00 obo 250 845-0038 846 9716 2006 Yamaha TTR 125 LE electric start, new rear tire and fenders, well-maintained $1950 obo 250 845-2820 1989 Travelmate 5th wheel 22 ½ feet, sleeps 6, new tires, roof re-done, stove, fridge, A/C radio, shower, and lots ATV’s of extras. Always stored hitch included. Asking $6000.00 to view call 250 845 2669. 2012 Polaris sportster 850 twin. Very fast –―too fast for RV Accessories /Generators 6KW Coleman gen set $350.00 obo 250 846 5284 5500 watt gen set. Gas powered $350.00 obo 250 846 5284 2500 watt Honda generator- like new $700.00 250-8453586 [email protected] 1000 watt Honda generator $500.00 250 845 2645 Generator Craftsmen 5000 watt $ 300.00 250-845-7153 me‖. Still has factory warranty. $10,500.00 250 846 9300 2005 Yamaha 450 Kodiak 4x4 EC 2300 kms Winch, front and back camo bags. $4500.00 call/text 250 845 4417 2008 Polaris 800 quad fuel injected with winch $6000.00 250 845 7320 1994 Polaris 350 4 wheeler $2200.00 250 845 7244 Boats ~ Outboards 9.9 Yamaha outboard 2008 electric start Excellent Running condition $2200.00 obo 250 845 7660 15.5 foot Glascraft boat. Great condition. Comes with trailer. New interior floor and seats. Can send pictures by email if need be. No motor. $700 obo. 250-696-3139 Propeller. 17 Pitch Came off 90 HP Mariner outboard. Rebuilt and balanced. Like new. $125 250-845-9286 1994 Campion Allante 170 new 4.3L engine great condition $ 12750.00 845-2096 12ft. Mirro craft aluminium boat. c/w 4hp Suzuki motor, oars and trailer. Boat nice and light. $1700.00 obo. 250 697 6390. Campion Victoria 215 hardtop 4.3 litre rebuilt Merc cruiser w/only 7 hrs Volvo Panda leg comes with spare prop, custom roof rack, depth sounder/gps, full back cover, and has lots of storage $20 000.00 O.B.O. 250-845-3456 Snowmobiles 2003 Polaris 440 Pro-x liquid. Stinger, v force 3 reeds dial a jets, 136x2 track, brand new windshield. Runs great, good sled in good condition. Asking $3000obo Call or text 250-845-9126 1998 Polaris 600 Twin Liquid Cooled $1800.00 250 847 5304 2005 Polaris 800 Vertical edge SLP kit Hand and thumb warmers, reverse, cover, 1630 miles, Mint $4600 obo 250 845 3607 RMK 2003 pro-x racing seat great condition $100, 250845-9126 RMK 2003 regular seat, leather torn on side, needs repair. $ 50 obo 250-845-9126 2000 Polaris RMK with reverse and many extras. Asking $3000.00 250 845 3097 Parting out 1997 700rmk almost all parts available. Call or text 250 845 9126 700 Skidoo summit - 2001 - excellent condition $4900. call 846-9703 2003 Polaris 800 R.M.K. 151" track with reverse 350 miles on total rebuild ( big bearing crank kit, engine & clutches )V force 3 reeds, SLP pipe, altitude compensating can, MTX clutch weights, new carbides Mint condition through out, awesome sled, C/W Sno lander, double wide, tilt trailer Bob @ 250-845-7660 2008 Ski-doo Summit Black in colour ,about 900 km. In real great shape. Selling because I don't use it enough. Asking $7500.00 250-846-5836 No 3 Issue 48 Trailers Horse Trailer, 2006 Trails West Gooseneck, 3 horse, White, Barely used, new condition $17,000.00 250-847 -5835 2 horse trailer new brakes, modified rear door, Good Condition, asking $2500.00 250 846 9227 Gertzan trailer- 4 horse/ stock $4500. 250-846-970 Trailer- Custom built, all steel 8ft x 5ft Removable sides. 8ft Raider fiberglass canopy mounted with CC Industries aluminum boat rack. New spare mounted on rim. $1750. 250-846-9195 leave message. April 3rd, 2013 250 845 3200 [email protected] Lawn/Garden 6 Stainless Steel milk cans 5 gallon $100.00 each 250 846 9300 Leaf / compost Shredder Electric 15 Amp. Yard works. $90. New cost $199. 250 847 5689. Antique Upright grand piano $1000.00 250 845 4399 or 250 845 2590 Electronics /Computers Two Bell satellite receivers for sale,Both of them are PVR HD 9241 Dual receivers, both have remotes. asking $200 per unit Bruce at 250 845 3331 Yamaha Natural sound AV Receiver with remote, model # RX-V765. Asking$ 100 Bruce at 250 845 3331 T.V 32" Toshiba $125.00 250 845-2109 28‖ SNOW BLOWER. 357cc Craftsman OHV winterized engine. Easy Steer; 6 forward speeds and 2 reverse speeds. Electric starter; Gear drive. Price $900. In New Condition.• Used less than ten times in 18 months. 250 847 5689. King TABLE SAW. 1 H.P. with 10 ― Blade. for sale: $150. Phone: 250 847 5689. 250 847 5689. Stereo – Quast speakers, Sanyo turntable, amplifier and radio and Sony CD player. $200.00 obo 250 846 9454 Wanted: looking for a used 32" flat-screen TV with a USB port on it. Call us if you have one you aren't using and would like to sell. 250-696-3477 Pressure washer heavy duty never used make an offer 250-845-7283 Antique dresser Oval mirror, 3 drawers. $250.00 250 846 9027 19th Century, Louis XV style French Jardinere. Burl walnut veneer. $1100 250 845-0711 Antique Victrola wind up record player $ 250.00 250-845-7153 Appliances Commercial dryer used for 10 years in very good condition. It runs on natural gas. The capacity of dryer is 50lbs. Phone -250 845 7112. Water distillers, Polar Bear – stainless steel, 3 gallon Capacity, $700.00 each 250 846 9300 Microwave Oven – Sylvania brand, Black, like new. Output 1100 watts. $65.00 250 845 2836 Yamaha Stereo Receiver – RX-V870 - Works but channel display burnt out. Yamaha Carousal CD player – CDC-645 Nuance Surround sound speakers (5) Two stands for rear speakers Wires etc. $200 for the works 250 845 2565 Kitchen Fridge: GE White, 67" by 28" by 30" deep $250.00 250-847-3820 Furniture PLEASE CALL US WHEN YOUR ITEM SELLS OR YOU NO LONGER WANT IT ADVERTISED. IF YOU CALL AND THE ITEM IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE PLEASE CALL ME! 250 845 3200 Mikita planer new $3200.00 make an offer 250-8457283 200 amp Lincoln Welder c/w cable and helmet. $1200.00 obo 250 847 2476 Maple bed—4 poster Queen/double from late 50‖s $350.00 250 846 9295 2TV’s – good working condition – smaller (22‖?) open to offers 250 847 2957 Yard Worker snowblower – used a few times, very good condition, $1100.00 250 845 7130 Inverter - 800 watt: 1600 peak with built in battery charger. Great condition. Only selling because of larger one purchased. $120.00 250 845 7429 Antiques Electric Roto Tiller: 8 Amp. 10‖ Width. 4‖ Depth. Two Years Old. Sell for $90. (cost new $199 plus tax). 250 847 5689. 32 GB I pod c/w charger and microphone. $150.00 250 845 7100 Tools Page 8 Use 911 for Fire Ambulance Police Are your house numbers visible to the First Responders? MOVING - ITEMS FOR SALE - 250-845-8431 Queen size mattress and box spring 1 night table 1 dresser Kitchen (Ikea) table and 4 chairs Sofa Small desk (antique) 1 desk chair (Ikea) 2 white shelves Black TV stand 250-845-8431 White Leather Ikea Couch Only 1 Yr Old - Excellent Condition $450 Call 778 203 0345 No. 3 Issue 48 April 3rd, 2013 Lazy Boy recliner rocker Blue—$60.00 250 845 9504 or 250 251 0096 Queen size Tempurpedic mattress. 8 months old. $600.00 250 845 3607 China cabinet light oak 2 glass shelves plus four glass doors h 78" w 65" Plus large dining table with 6 chairs for $950.00 250 845-2109 Hide a bed, excellent condition. Micro Fibre Beige color, only 5 years old, not used as a sitting couch. $800. 250845-7737 Comfy leather arm chair dark brown Good cond.$250.00 250 845 9604 or 250 251 0096 leave message. Page 9 Collectibles Collectors Plates – Bradford Exchange. Are frames and have certificates. $50.00 each or $350.00 for all. 1988 The Peregrine Falcon 1989 The Elk 1990 The Lesser Scrup 1990 the Mallard 1990 Snow Geese 1991 Burrows Golden Eyes 1991 Peregrine Falcon 1991 Common Loons 250 845 2164 Clothing/Boots Boots—Baffin brand, safety toe, good for –40, likenew, men’s size 9 $70.00 250 643 3520 Ladies Snow Pants, Good quality, size Small, bib-style. Brand New, $120 call or message 250-845-9546 Hiking boots Pair of Vangorkom , men's 11.5 med/wide. $200. Seldom used. 250-846-5432 NEW IKEA "Gaser" area rug, high pile, grey-beige, length: 195 cm, width: 133 cm, 225. call 250-846-9690 8 pairs Western Wrangler Jeans – size 32 /36 Slim fit, boot cut. Asking $15.00 per pair. Some are new, some are used, Phone 250 847 0500 Jason NEW IKEA "Gaser" area rug, high pile, grey-beige, length: 150 cm, width: 56 cm, $79.99 call 250-846-9690 Black COACH purse EC $120.00 250 845 3456 Jewellery Entertainment centre – excellent condition Oak coloured, has drawers for dvd’s etc. $150.00 obo 250 847 2957 Large solid Oak and Oak plywood entertainment unit. Huge drawers. Custom built by cabinet maker. Originally cost $2000.00. Would make nice storage cabinet/display case. $400.00 obo. 250 845 9286 Gorgeous area rug for sale. 8 ft X 10 ft. Predominant colour is brick red. Paid $1200 will sell for $600. 250 845-2565. China Cabinet $ 450.00 Call 250-845-3686 after 6:00pm on weekdays Office Furniture/Equipment Ladies, Movado Watch, Museum Collection, Green Like New. $500.00 250-845-3466 Ladies, Custom made Dragon Ring, 31.3 grams, 10K Gold, (3) Diamonds, 0.05CT., 0.08CT., 0.25CT. $2000.00 250-845-3466 Ladies Ring, Emerald and Diamonds, 7.6 grams, 14K Gold, (1) 6.5mm x 4.2mm Pear shape Emerald 0.50 CT. upper commercial grade, (6) 1.7mm 0.02CT Diamonds. $1200.00 250-845-3466 Infant Items Wanted : Infant carseat, crib, change table, breast pump, baby washtub, diaper bag, glass bottles, other baby stuff, toys 250 691-1272, 250 988-1555, [email protected] Lateral filing cabinets—gray, 2 of them, $150.00 each. 250 845 4399 or 250 845 2590 Kelty Backpack child carrier, with metal frame so it is easy to put child in. $20 Houston 250-845-7003 Computer chair for $50.00 250 845-2109 Bouncy seat, infant to toddler vibrates, musical. org. price $70.00 new barely used $40.00 250 845 7811 Fireproof safe – small one. $100.00 obo 250 846 9454 Solid oak roll-top desk. 40" X 29". One bank of 3 drawers on right + one centre drawer. Dark brn stain. Some wear. $300. 250-846-5432 Doctor's office examination table. $500 250-845-9286 Computer desk – oak with storage for CD’s etc. EC $100.00 250 845 3054 Sporting Goods 2005 Yamaha Golf Cart, Split Window, Golf Bag Rack, Gas Powered, Good Condition, $2,000 obo Phone 250 847 0208 Tae kwan Do gear – Child’s Medium includes footwear and helmet. 250 845 7100 Full set of left hand clubs: New Cleveland launcher dst 9.5 DRIVER3 Wood Cleveland launcher ( like new) 5 Wood Cleveland launcher ( like new )Set of Wilson Fat shafts 3-pw good shapeNew taylormade rossa putter ( new with cover)$400.00 Call 845-2096 Kids twin tip downhill skis. K2 Bad Seeds 139 (& bindings). Great condition. $225. 250-845-4665. Dalbello Voodoo 2012 downhill SKI BOOTS. 26.5 (8.5). Worn twice-new condition. $225. 250-8454665. Canadian Team Hockey Bag $50 call 845-7398 Float-tube, wanders, fins, wading boots. Package for $300 250 845 7515 Exercise Equipment Treadmill preform 2.5 hp heavy duty and it folds up too $525.00 250 845-2109 Exercise stepper with counter $25.00 250 847 2957 Eliptical Nordic track and tread mill call 250 847 2845 2011 Bow Flex – PR300 $600.00 obo 250 692 0171 Treadmill , Proform Crosstrainer heavy duty, 2.5hp fold-up weight bench under 55" running track, very sturdy, used very little, new Sears $1400. sell for $500. Phone 250 697 6211 Horses and Tack 17hh registered thoroughbred gelding, very gentle and friendly, good with his feet. He has 3 years of jumping training, jumps 3ft with confidence. Experienced Rider recommended. Asking $3000. For more info or pictures please email me at [email protected]. Custom made saddle 17" seat double rigin , breast collar , head stall hand made with heavy lines , custom made heavy duty saddle bags , custom made moose hide chaps , also a very well made saddle stand , all for $2200.00 firm 250 842 0005 . Paint/Arab Horse 7 years old , very friendly disposition $1800. 250-846-9703 Livestock ~ Feed 4 2 year old Registered red angus bulls for sale, foraged raised, Sired by "Red Goads Molson Canadian". Good for cows or heifers. Birth weights available. 4 yearling Registered red angus bulls for sale. On test at the "Bullsitters" in Fort Fraser. Sired by "Red Vikse Smokin Jo". Birth weights available. Heifer bulls or herd sires. Replacement heifers for sale. Purebreds and commercials All animals available for viewing as well as mothers cows . Transport can be arranged. Phone 250-8473485 or 250-847-0415 Heritage Poultry Standard Cochins in White, Blue and Buff Rare Pilgrim Geese, ganders are white, females are grey Reasonably priced. 250-696-3672 [email protected] This year’s Square Bales for Sale Tarped - $2.50 per bale. In Houston, Call 250 845 2573 Hay – good quality horse hay- $5.00 square bale barn stored. 250 846 9690 No 3 Issue 48 Goats Dairy Female ready to breed $100. Large Wether $25. call 845-3002 Meats Naturally raised and government inspected pork sausages Mennonite ,ham, garlic,breakfast, english bangers, and patties -we also have beef and lamb and taking orders for chickens and turkeys. to place an order please call Alfred Horning @ 250 698-7692 Goat meat—government inspected –cut for stewing— Frozen. Available now. $5.00 per pound. 250 846 9295 Pets Kittens Wild Asian Bangled 7 weeks old mother Himalayan Blue Point. $500.00. 250 846 9300 Dog Sled. Featherweight, originally made in Alaska from ash wood. Extra large freighter style. 5' deck with 8' long skis on plastic runners. $1,000. 846-9300 Puppies - 6 weeks old – 2 females, 3 males. Mother purebred Black Lab, Father Purebred Boxer brindle. 2 Puppies are solid black and the other have white chest and white feet. Call for more information to 250 877 8654 or 250 846 9111. Manx/Persian-cross kittens for sale. Very affectionate and easy to train. Must-see calico colouring. Vet-checked, vaccinated and de-wormed. $150 ea. 250 846-5535 Pet Accessories Collapsible Guardian Gear PET CRATE. Medium Crate measures 31"L x 21"W x 26"H. Never been used.canvas airline approved for onboard $80. 250-845-4665 April 3rd, 2013 250 845 3200 [email protected] Building Materials Large hanging fan light combo unit with remote for sale. Asking$ 50 Bruce at 250 845 3331 5.5ft Jacuzzi JET TUB w/motor but no sides made to be built in, 14 years old but only used 6 times asking $300 obo. 250 845 3596 Ceramic tiles 12x12 new 50 pcs. Various colours $2.00 each 250 846 9300 Log cabin 20 x 24 needs to be assembled. Pine logs stored in 40 ft. sea container –includes everything p to lock up stage. $15,000.00 250 846 9300 Log Siding $ 0.99 /lin.ft. Solid Pine Doors $ 99 each Call Albert: 250 695 6954, [email protected] 36 inch exterior steel door $100.00 250 846 9300 Taps original for cast iron claw foot tub $20 ph 250 846 5373 Window glass recycled 36"x 36"x 5mm 9 pcs $30 250 846 5373 Water Treatment Wood stove – medium-large size. Home or shop – certified - good working condition. $150.00 250 846 5000 Selkirk chimney pipe – 3 lengths $50.00 250 846 5000 Miscellaneous Pellet furnace $1500.00 obo 250 844 1960 Stainless steel stovepipe 8 inch diameter, 2 sections new roof cap $275.00 250846 9300 Pewter jewellery making tools and components – over 100 necklaces made up and many more ready to finish. $300.00 for all. 250 697 2578 Dry pine firewood cut to length by the cord, $135.00 Dry pine slabs available as well. 250 846 5728 2 piece luggage set New. Ducks Unlimited emblem on luggage.Taupe color. asking $145.00 250 847 9188 or 250 877 0685 2 Wood Stoves, not certified. takes 17" logs. $350 each. 846-9300 Window shade 93" wide pink color brand new $20.00 250 845-2109 Overhead furnace – hangs from ceiling, gas/propane – perfect for shop or house like new $350.00 obo 250 846 5399 Robert Bateman posters from Variety Club. Momentum Siberian Tiger and Sleeping Snow Leopard Not framed E/C $130.00 ea or $250.00 for both Will email pictures 250-846-9100 Cast iron free standing gas fireplace, comes with floor pad and pipe. EC $200.00 obo 250 845 0088 Blowdry Brush/Styler, 1 1/4 inch barrel Ceramix Isinis brand, from a salon, paid $80, still in box, $40 or make me an offer, 250-845-7003 Manure –goat/sheep mix—straw/hay base. 2 years old. Available now. 250 846 9295 Rochester hatchery metal chick brooder $245 (worth over $400) 250 846 5803 Musical Instruments Yamaha Clavinova CLP-950 Piano. Playback function, metronome, voice effect & touch settings Keyboard touch sensitivity function Excellent Condition $1400.00 Phone: 250-845-7441 and leave message if interested or to view Violin 3/4 size - w/bow, shoulder rest, & case $600+ from Bella Music. $400 250-846-5360 / 5432. Wanted 9 NEW 4-foot T8 fluorescent tubes. Sylvania # 21720 Wanted : Infant carseat, crib, change table, breast pump, baby washtub, diaper bag, glass bottles, other baby stuff, (6500K/85CRI/32W). Value $7 ea. $30 firm. toys 250 691-1272, 250 988-1555, 250-846-5432 [email protected] Bricks – barely used, 10 of them 36 x 30. $200.00 obo 250 847 2957 Wanted: Nooksack potatoes – table or seed. 250 845 36" Exterior insulated wooden (fir grain) door with 2385 large window. 18X30‖ $500.00 250 846-9300 Wanted queen sized bed. 250 845 0051 One Big Blue water filter in new condition used for about a week then taken off, comes with wall mounting brackets, no water filter only the housing. 1 inch NPT threads on both sides easily reduced to 3/4 or 1/2 inch fittings if needed. Price $ 75 250 845 8896 Bruce. Stoves/Heating/Air Conditioners Page 10 Wanted : Stihl and/or Husquvarna chain saws – parts or running for student project Will pick up. 250 697 2920 Wanting to buy – gazebo or pergola – can be wooden or metal 250 847 2957 Wanted - lady is looking for a 2 wheel Scooter – must be in ex condition 250 847 2957 Wanted 21 or 23 spline Toyota transfer cases. 250 845 8325 Wanted leather snowshoe harness call Sandy 250 845 3334 Looking for Hearing aid for a senior. 250 877 2447 Bow Flex tread climber 250 845 7700 REDUCE - REUSE - RECYCLE No. 3 Issue 48 April 3rd, 2013 House / Apartment / Rental Ads $ 5.00 week for 3 lines Pay in advance. Under new management BLACKSTONE ENTERPRISES 1 & 2 bedroom apartments 3 & 4 bedroom town homes for rent in Houston Apts: 1 br @ $450 2br @ $550 Townhouses: 3 br @ $600 4 br @ $650 Information please contact Christine Prebble at 250-845-9433 or 250-845-1342 or by email at [email protected] Ranch Cabin for Rent in Telkwa. $250.00 per month. Call Gordon for more details. 250 846 5760 Apartments in Houston Bachelor, 1 or 2 bedroom. Heat & hot water included. Call Kathy 250-845-8689 or 250-845-1283 HOUSTON APARTMENTS Mt. Morice – Mt. Nadina ♦ New Owner ♦ New Manager Two Bedroom $600-$650 Month to Month rentals Julie 250 845 9207 FOR RENT Houston Apartments $475 to $575 $650 3 bedroom townhouses $700 4 bedroom townhouses Plus utilities. All renovated. New windows and all electric heat. Granisle 1 & 2 bedroom apartments $450 -$600 All inclusive KATHY @ 250 845 4505 Page 11 Granisle and Area Seniors Apartments for rent. 1 and 2 bedrooms Basements and washer, dryer, fridge and stove. For more information contact Gloria @ 250 697 2558 or 250 697 6218 (leave a message and it will be returned.) Employment Opportunities $5.00 per week for 3 lines. Prepaid ad. Westbin in Houston, BC is now accepting resumes for a Driving position requiring a Class 1 or 3, Please email resumes and drivers abstract to [email protected]. Private Real Estate Pre-paid ads $10.00 / month for 5 lines -add a 1 inch x 2 ½‖ picture for $10/month SMALL MOBILE BUSINESS FOR MORE INFORMATION AND PRICE CONTACT (250)692-3057 Profitable Small Business For Sale in Houston Call 250 845 3649 or 250 845 2771 House for sale in Houston – 2BR. Full basement/semi finished, Carport, paved driveway, Fenced yard, backs to greenbelt, walking distance to schools, Deck, Wood burning fireplace. Appliances negotiable. $135,000.00 Call 250 845 3649 or 250 845 2771 COMPUCLINIC *COMPUTER REPAIR * VIRUS REMOVAL * HARDWARE UPGRADES ASHLEY HICKS 778 203-0115 Houston [email protected] 8 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday 160 acres ½ mile square. $480,000.00 Surrounded by crown land, year round creek, 360 degree view gentle southwest slope. 2 dwelling sites with power. Owner financing available. 19 miles from Smithers on pavement. 250 846 9300. Like Us on Facebook! pleasantvalleyexpress No 3 Issue 48 April 3rd, 2013 250 845 3200 [email protected] Page 12 EASY # 1395 activity authentic blend bonus brisk broad definite easily excitement fastidious furnace goal guide hoist ideal joist laugh lunacy nets obey occasion poison safety spoil still tamper trace under veil voice vomit Trivia Fun! Miscellaneous Questions! Answers page.14 1.What does a lepidopterist collect? 2. What flavour is the liqueur cassis? 3. Who wrote the novel, Treasure Island? 4. What does OPEC stand for? 5. What acid is associated with muscles in the body experiencing lack of oxygen? What it REALLY means 6. Who discovered penicillin? "I can't find it," REALLY MEANS, "It didn't fall into my outstretched hands, so I'm completely clueless." "That's women's work," REALLY MEANS, "It's dirty, difficult and thankless." "Will you marry me?" REALLY MEANS, "Both my roommates have moved out, I can't find the washer, and there is no more peanut butter." "It's a guy thing," REALLY MEANS, "There is no rational thought pattern connected with it, and you have no chance at all of making it logical." "Can I help with dinner?" REALLY MEANS, "Why isn't it already on the table?" "It would take too long to explain, "REALLY MEANS, "I have no idea how it works." "I'm getting more exercise lately," REALLY MEANS, "The batteries in the remote are dead." 7. Who is the Roman god of fire? 8. Which band released an album entitled Wish You Were Here? 9 What does an acrophobic fear? 10 What sport is played by the LA Lakers? 11 What was the name of Batman's butler? 12 By what process does the sun's energy reach the earth? 13 What's the only active volcano in mainland Europe? 14 What property of a body is calculated by multiplying its mass by its velocity? 15 What is the next prime number after 37? READ THE PAPER ON-LINE No. 3 Issue 48 April 3rd, 2013 Page 13 Things to Say to Ruin a Date There are lots of ways to ruin a date. Here are a few things NOT to say on a date... I really don't like this restaurant that much, but I wanted to use this 2-for-1 coupon before it expired. I refuse to get cable. That's how they keep tabs on you. I used to come here all the time with my ex. Could you excuse me? My cat gets lonely if he doesn't hear my voice on the answering machine every hour. I really feel that I've grown in the past few years. Used to be I wouldn't have given someone like you a second look. It's been tough, but I've come to accept that most people I date just won't be as smart as I am. GARFIELD HERMAN is sponsored by: (c)2013 TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES, INC HOUSTON 250 845 2213 Toll Free 1 888 517 7557 No 3 Issue 48 THEATRE Smithers 250 847 2440 Roi 1 GI JOE Rated PG Fri Sat. 7:30 –9:30 Sun. 9:30 Mon Tues Wed. 8 pm Smithers Film Society Sun 7:30 ANNA KARINA Roi 2 JESSICA PARK Rated G 3-D Fri. Sat. 7 and 9 Sun Mon Tues. 7:30 PM Roi 3 EVIL DEAD Rated 18A Fri. Sat 7:15 9:15 Sun Mon. Tues. Wed. 7:45 PM Schedule for April 5 to 11 April 3rd, 2013 250 845 3200 Where it’s At 845 844 778 Houston 696 Topley 692 Burns Lake 697 Granisle 699 Fraser Lake 846 Telkwa 847 or 877 Smithers 842 The Hazeltons 567 Vanderhoof [email protected] Page 14 ♫ Let’s All Go to A & W ♫ 2 Teens for $7 till April 8th Ice Cream is back! ACROSS 1. Lukewarm 6. God of love Answers to Miscellaneous Trivia 10. Matured 1.Butterflies (and moths) 2 Blackcurrant 14. Small African antelope 3 Robert Louis Stevenson 15. Pervert 4 Organisation of the Petroleum 16. A ball of yarn Exporting Countries 17. Frighten 5 Lactic acid 6 Alexander Fleming (1928) 19. Center 7 Vulcan 20. Decrease 8 Pink Floyd 21. Lay turf 9 Heights 22. Train track 10 Basketball 11 Alfred 23. Meddle 12 Radiation 25. Tropical nut 13 Vesuvius 26. Catholic church service 14 Momentum 15 41 30. New 32. An abusive word or phrase 35. Pixies 39. High regard Bachelor Wisdom 40. Clothing DOWN 41. Hopelessness Bachelor cooking is a matter of 1. Hard work 24. Not in 43. Evil spirit 43. Receive from a predecesattitude. If you think of it as setting 2. Sea eagle 25. A bed on a ship 45. Dawn goddess sor fire to things and making a mess, 3. Quarries 26. A fitting reward 47. Slang for money 44. Brook it's fun. However, it's not so great if 4. Nile bird (archaic) 48. Sound 46. Sleep in a convenient place 5. 10 cent coins you think of it as dinner... 27. Church alcove 49. Malicious 47. Foundation 6. A late time of life 28. Seats oneself 51. Eastern newt 50. Of the highest quality 7. A rational motive 29. Daughter of a 52. Violent disturbances Nomenclature is an important part 8. Devilfish step-parent 54. The bulk 53. Flows of bachelor cooking. If you call it 9. Outbuilding 31. Extent 56. A promiscuous woman 54. Soviet space station "Italian cheese toast," it's not 10. Recognized 33. Warms 57. Unwakable state 55. Financial disgusting to have warmed-over 11. Boast 34. Arab chieftain 58. All excited 60. Modify pizza for breakfast. 12. Creepy 36. Novice 59. Stringed instrument 61. Dental medicine 13. Inhabit 37. Twin sister of Ares 62. Mesh 63. Assistant 18. Hotel 38. Collections 42. Ash 64. Certain 65. Carcinoid 66. One who accomplishes Well Done 67. Nipple 68. Platform John was furious when his steak arrived too rare. "Waiter," he shouted, "Didn't you hear me say 'well done'?" "I can't thank you enough, sir," replied the waiter. "I hardly ever get a compliment." No. 3 Issue 48 April 3rd, 2013 Page 15 PLAZA THEATRE Pleasant Valley Plaza, 3240 Butler Ave, Houston BC Showing This Week: April 3Pleasant Valley Plaza Bowling 1/2 price on Tuesday and Wednesday along with 1/2 price facility rental Wed, April 3 7:00pm: The Croods Thurs, April 4 2:30pm: The Croods 7:00pm: The Croods Fri, April 5 6:30pm: The Incredible Burt Wonderstone 8:45pm: Olympus has Fallen Bowling Hours: Tuesday: 2-10pm Wednesday: 5-10pm Thursday: 2-7pm Friday: 2-10pm Saturday: 2-10pm Sunday 1-5pm Monday we are usually closed but give us a call 250-845-2298 The Croods G A prehistoric family are forced to flee their cave after it's destroyed by a disaster that threatens to change their lives forever in this animated adventure. With a new friend the Croods conquer their fear of the outside world and discover that they have exactly what it takes to survive - each other. Sat, April 6 6:30pm: Olympus has Fallen 8:45pm: The Incredible Burt Wonderstone Sun, April 7 7:30pm: Olympus has Fallen Cosmic bowling Friday 7-8pm and Saturday 89pm! Mon, April 8 7:30pm: The Incredible Burt Wonderstone Plaza Lounge We offer coffee, popcorn, drinks and snacks for both the bowling alley and the Plaza Theatre Tues, April 9 2:30pm: The Incredible Burt Wonderstone 7:30pm: Olympus as Fallen Wed, April 10 7:30pm: The Incredible Burt Wonderstone Plaza Movie Ticket Prices: $8.00 Regular $6.00 on Tuesday Olympus has Fallen 14A When the White House (Secret Service Code: "Olympus") is captured by a terrorist mastermind and the President is kidnapped, disgraced former Presidential guard Mike Banning finds himself trapped within the building. Featuring Gerard Butler and Aaron Eckhart, this is an action movie you will not want to miss. Thurs, April 11 7:30pm: Olympus has Fallen Theatre We offer movies 7 days a week. Check out our facebook page for updated schedules and promotional material! pleasantvalley.plaza Pleasant Valley Plaza Email: [email protected] Phone: (250) 845-2298 The Incredible Burt Wonderstone PG13 Featuring Steve Carell, Jim Carry and Steven Buscemi, this superstar comedy moves through the lives of three Las Vegas magicians. Can Burt and his friend Anton save their on-stage act and their friendship from the street magician Steve Grey?
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