9980 - Makro
9980 - Makro
2014 Ƥ LVZLQWH WHU KVa^Y[gdbHjcYVn&-BVnidBdcYVn%'?jcZ'%&) '&$'%&) 27.5" 650B Sport Alloy Mountain Bike Kit-up for the World Cup WAS 2999 2799 6aadn[gVbZ'&heZZYH]^bVcd\ZVgh BZX]Vc^XVaY^hXh[gdciVcYgZVg;gdcihjheZch^dc 6aadng^bhFj^X`gZaZVhZhVYYaZ&nZVg\jVgVciZZ (257986) Price Cut valid until 15 June 2014 each (257986) Pegasus 400 Treadmill Don't forget: g &#*=EXdci^cjdjh!'#'*=EeZV`&"&-@E= &)%%bbm*%%bbgjcc^c\VgZV &*aZkZaZaZXigdc^XZaZkVi^dcBVmjhZglZ^\]i&(%`\h ;daYh[dgZVhnhidgV\Z'*egZ"hZiegd\gVbbZh &nZVg\jVgVciZZ(257428) HI>AADCAN 7799 each (257428) WAS 799 699 12" (259247; 259248; 259249) 12" Character BMX Working together to save you money. 7VgW^Z!6g^Za!He^YZgbVcdg7Zc&% =^"iZch^aZhiZZa[gVbZFj^X`gZaZVhZhVYYaZ EjbejeingZhIgV^c^c\l]ZZah (259247; 259248; 259249) Spiderman, Avengers, Ben 10 or Ariel Kids Helmets (259975; 259976; 259977, 259979) 179 each 16" Character BMX 7VgW^Z!6kZc\Zgh!6g^Za!He^YZgbVcdg7Zc&% (259993; 259999; 260006; 259990) 10% heavier safety net included 899 each 20" Character BMX 7VgW^Z!6kZc\ZghdgHe^YZgbVc(260002; 260005) 899 each Thicker foam padding in covered sleeve Enduro 340 Exercise Bike HZb^bV\cZi^XgZh^hiVcXZ *[jcXi^dcXdbejiZg 6Y_jhiVWaZ]VcYaZWVgVcYXdbejiZg =VcY]ZaYejahZ BVm^bjbjhZglZ^\]i&%%`\h &nZVg\jVgVciZZ(254534) L6H').. World Cup Brazil Cap 3m (10 Foot) Airzone Trampoline Combo (268260) AVg\Zg_jbe^c\VgZVYjZidcZlhV[ZgncZiYZh^\c I]^X`Zg[dVbhjeedgi&nZVg\jVgVciZZ (254581) 99 each Mens Poly T-Shirt 1999 10 foot (254581) WAS 2199 1999 each (254534) H^oZ/hba"mma (268308) 159 each Brazil Soccer Ball 8dadjg/cZdcnZaadlH^oZ/* 59.80 each (269070) 8dadjg/nZaadl MakroSA @ 1 21/2014 Makro DTP ATH L>CI:GA3 Valid from: 18/05/2014 - 02/06/2014 Thicker galvanised steel frame @Makro_SA Shop online at www.makro.co.za All prices in South African Rands GetGet your your own own Makro Makro card card today! today! Simply Simply apply apply online on-line @ www.makro.co.za, @ www.makro.co.za, k call call 0860 llll 0860 08300 086 60 300 3999, 00 9 00 999, 999 9sms 9 sms "makro ""insert" "ii card" tt"" tto 31144 3to11 1 31144 44 or or visit i itvisit your your nearest nearest tM Makro Makro k store. t store. Everything you need for the season. And more. For less. Unless we state a specific limitation, Makro will attempt to have sufficient advertised stock available to meet consumers’ anticipated demands. If we still run out of stock, we will attempt to obtain the stock or we will offer you a reasonable alternative. Makro takes utmost care to ensure that all advertisements are correct. If a mistake occurs or incomplete information is printed, we will display a notice in-store with all the correct details. Prices exclude accessories used for display purposes and include 14% VAT. Makro Account Disclaimer *Includes interest @ 22.1% p.a, excludes service fees & compulsory insurance. ** Includes interest @ 22.1% p.a, service fees & compulsory insurance. All prices are indicative and actual repayments may vary based on account activity. NCRCP 38/FSP 38911. L6H&.. 179 5kg (265714) Everlast Crossfit EVERLAST 5kg Slam Ball (265714) 10kg Slam Ball EVERLAST Adjustable Power Band Set 249 (265715) each CdcWdjcXZ!iZmijgZYXdkZg l^i]YdjWaZi]^X`h^YZlVaah EdejaVg[dgXgdhh[^iigV^c^c\ (265934) L6H&.. 179 per set (265934) L6H''. 199 65cm (265706) EVERLAST 65cm Staybody Ball (265706) 75cm Staybody Ball 229 (265708) each 6ci^"WjghiHigZc\i]ZchXdgZbjhXaZhVcYVWh >begdkZhWVaVcXZVcYXd"dgY^cVi^dc >cXajYZhigV^c^c\egd\VbbZVcY]VcYejbe Cardio 470 Treadmill Stamina 320 Treadmill &#*=EXdci^cjdjh'#'*=EeZV` &"&+@E= &',%bbm)*%bbgjcc^c\VgZV &'edh^i^dcZaZXigdc^XZaZkVi^dc ;daYh[dgZVhnhidgV\Z BVm^bjbjhZglZ^\]i&(%`\h &nZVg\jVgVciZZ(237185) &#*=EXdci^cjdjh'#'*=EeZV` &"&+@E=&'%%bbm)'%bbgjcc^c\VgZV %"&%edh^i^dcZaZXigdc^XZaZkVi^dc ;daYh[dgZVhnhidgV\Z BVm^bjbjhZglZ^\]i&&%`\h &nZVg\jVgVciZZ(246427) L6H-... 349 each (265935) Diet Fuel Ultralean Adl"<^]^\]egdiZ^ch]V`Z 8dciV^ch'*\egdiZ^ceZghZgk^c\VhlZaa VhZhhZci^Vacjig^Zcih6hh^hihaZVcbjhXaZ bV^ciZcVcXZ (164388; 164389;164390) 5999 each each (237185) (265935) 3 step solution to weight control L6H+).. 7999 L6H(.. EVERLAST Deluxe Exercise Mat L6H'(* 219 (246427) each (164388; 164389; 164390) Treadmill, Gym Equipment & Supplements 24 Hour Combo Pack 6aaYVnlZ^\]iXdcigdaV^Y I]Zgbd\ZcZh^h 9VnVcYc^\]ilZ^\]iXdcigdaV^Yh (220156) L6H(). 199 each (220156) Glide 150 Elliptical H^bjaViZhXnXa^c\^cYddgh LZ^\]iZY[anl]ZZa[dghbddi]bdi^dc :bZg\ZcXnWgV`Z *[jcXi^dcXdbejiZg <gZViXVgY^dldg`dji BVm^bjbjhZglZ^\]i&%%`\h &nZVg\jVgVciZZ(256440) L6H&-.. 1599 per set CLA Pure 1000 7dYnidcZg=^\]aZkZad[8A6 Egdk^YZh8^h".!IgVch"&&VcYIgVch"&%! 8^h"&'^hdbZgh^c*%/*%gVi^d(271478) (263755) L6H&... CDLDCAN 1799 9980 each each (271478) (256440) 3 step solution to muscle gain Contender Bench Set 320 HZi"jeh^oZ&*(%bbam&&)%bb]m&(,%bbl BVm^bjbjhZglZ^\]i.%`\ Includes:'%`\WVgWZaahZi!aZ\YZkZadeZg!VY_jhiVWaZWVX`gZhi ^cXa^cZ$[aVi$YZXa^cZ$WVgWZaahV[ZinXViX]$VgbXjgaeVY ;jaagVc\Zd[WZcX]ZmZgX^hZhVcYh^i"jeZmZgX^hZh(263755) Fast Grow Anabolic AZVcbjhXaZXViVanhi =Zaedei^b^hZbjhXaZ\gdli] BVm^b^hZZcZg\negdYjXi^dc >cXgZVhZhigZc\i]VcYedlZg (164406; 164407;164408) L6H&). L6H'*.. 139 L6H(-.. 2399 3699 each each (164406; 164407; 164408) each (258341) (207176) ' 21/2014 Makro DTP ATH L>CI:GA3 Valid from: 18/05/2014 - 02/06/2014 Creatine Transport BjhXaZkdajbZ[dgbjaV :c]VcXZYedhi"igV^c^c\gZXdkZgn >begdkZYVcVZgdW^XZcZg\negdYjXi^dc 6YYZYA"<ajiVb^cZVcYIVjg^cZ (164402; 246227; 254602) Power Gym 150 0 Tempo 400 Cycle *%`\hhZaZXidg^hZYlZ^\]ihiVX` Z^\]ihiVX` AViejaaYdlc!eZX`YZX`VcYaZ\ZmiZch^dch YZX`VcYaZ\ZmiZch^dch 'hiVi^dcWZcX]egZhh BVm^bjbjhZglZ^\]i&&%`\h ]i&&%`\h HZijeh^oZ &nZVg\jVgVciZZ(258341) 8341) =ZVknYjin[gVbZ '&`\[anl]ZZa LViZgWdiiaZVcYhlZViheaVh]XdkZg :bZg\ZcXnWgV`Z BVm^bjbjhZglZ^\]i&'%`\h &nZVg\jVgVciZZ(207176) L6H&%. 9980 each (164402; 246227; 254602) Testo Tribulus Bjai^"iZhidXdbeaZm 8dcig^WjiZhidcdgbVaegdiZ^chnci]Zh^h VcYbjhXaZ[jcXi^dc=ZaehgZYjXZ i^gZYcZhhVcY[Vi^\jZ(243936) L6H&'. 9980 each (243936) Unless we state a specific limitation, Makro will attempt to have sufficient advertised stock available to meet consumers’ anticipated demands. If we still run out of stock, we will attempt to obtain the stock or we will offer you a reasonable alternative. BV`gd6XXdjci9^hXaV^bZg>cXajYZh^ciZgZhi5''#&e#V!ZmXajYZhhZgk^XZ[ZZhXdbejahdgn^chjgVcXZ#>cXajYZh^ciZgZhi5''#&e#V!hZgk^XZ[ZZhXdbejahdgn^chjgVcXZ#6aaeg^XZhVgZ^cY^XVi^kZVcYVXijVagZeVnbZcihbVnkVgnWVhZYdcVXXdjciVXi^k^in#C8G8E(-$;HE(-.&&# BBVSRUWVBFDWBPQDWB5(9LQGG 30 WAS 149 129 L6H()#-% 2980 each (249108; 249109) each (170472; 170473; 170474) GRAYS Zero Stick Bag 8dadjg/WaVX`(nZVg\jVgVciZZ (249108; 249109) Smooth Hockey Ball HZc^dg8dadjg/dgVc\Z!l]^iZdgnZaadl (170472; 170473; 170474) Dimple Hockey Ball HZc^dg8dadjg/dgVc\Zdgl]^iZ (170475; 170476) 16" or 20" Surge or Princess BMX Hockey 8dadjg/VhhdgiZY HiVW^a^hZgl]ZZahdcandc&+ EjbejeingZh HjgZhideWVX`eZYVaWgV`Zh Fj^X`gZaZVhZhVYYaZ &nZVg\jVgVciZZ (256534; 256547; 256551; 256554) WAS 399 349 each (249083; 249084; 249094) WAS 799 699 WAS 199 GRAYS 36.5l Zero Hockey Stick 8dadjg/WaVX`dgdgVc\Z ;jaahegVneV^ci[^c^h] BVm^]ZVYh]VeZ 8jh]^dcZYEK8\g^e 8dcidjgZY]VcYaZh[dg ndjc\ZgeaVnZgh (249083; 249084; 249094) 179 each (256534; 256547; 256551; 256554) per set (244989; 244991) GRAYS Hockey Starter Set TOTEM Mojo Mountain Bike 8dadjg/WajZdge^c`'-"(+ >cXajYZhhi^X`!WV\!h]^c\jVgYVcYWVaa (244989; 244991; 244992; 244993; 244994; 244995; 244996; 244997; (244998; 244999; 245001; 245002) 8dadjg/WaVX`$\gZZcVcYe^c`$l]^iZ &+VcY'%[gVbZh =^\]eZg[dgbVcXZVaadng^bh EdlZg[jaK::WgV`Zh Fj^X`gZaZVhZhVYYaZ HiVW^a^hZgl]ZZahdcandc&+ &nZVg\jVgVciZZ (230705; 230749; 247753; 247766) L6H,.#-% 6980 each (272918; 211283) WAS 999 899 Oasis Netball each (230705; 230749; 2307753; 2477664) H^oZ/*8dadjg/e^c`dgWajZ (272918; 211283) WAS 189 149 Pivot Netball H^oZ/*dg) (227011; 227013) each (122816) 64.80 each 20" Tracer 5 Speed Mountain Bike L6H..#-% 8980 each (269413) Vibe Netball H^oZ/*8dadjg/nZaadl (269413) Mountain Bikes Netball =^"iZch^aZhiZZa[gVbZ *heZZY\ZVgh ;gdcihjheZch^dc ;gdciVcYgZVgK::WgV`Zh &nZVg\jVgVciZZ(257975) WAS 1399 1199 each (257975) Netball Ring and Net Price Cut valid until 15 June 2014 >cXajYZhcZiVcY bdjci^c\VXXZhhdg^Zh (122816) WAS 199 159 each (269362; 269363; 269364) Backpacks Veloce III Backpack H^oZ/BZY^jb 8dadjg/gZY!WajZdgdgVc\Z (269362; 269363; 269364) WAS 229 199 each (269153) 179 each (264089) Brasilia 6 Backpack H^oZ/BZY^jb 8dadjg/gdnVaWajZ (264089) STILL ONLY TOTEM XC200 Mountain Bike =^"iZch^aZhiZZa[gVbZ')VcY'+[gVbZh'&heZZY\ZVgh EdlZg[jaK::WgV`Zh;^mZY[dg`6aadng^bhFj^X`gZaZVhZ hVYYaZ&nZVg\jVgVciZZ(256372; 256385) 799 each (256372; 256385) Working together to save you money. L6H'+. 249 each (269148) WAS 3999 Club Team Backpack Team Training Backpack H^oZ/BZY^jb UÊ ÕÀ\ÊÀi`ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ (269153) H^oZ/BZY^jb 8dadjg/gdnVa (269148) 3699 each (255657) 29ER Sport Alloy FS Mountian Bike 6aadn[gVbZ'&heZZYH]^bVcdIdjgcZn\ZVghBZX]Vc^XVaY^hXh[gdciVcYgZVg ;gdcihjheZch^dc6aadng^bhFj^X`gZaZVhZhVYYaZ&nZVg\jVgVciZZ(255657) 3 21/2014 Makro DTP ATH AUTUMN A3 Valid from: 18/05/2014 - 02/06/2014 WAS 199 All prices in South African Rands Makro takes utmost care to ensure that all advertisements are correct. If a mistake occurs or incomplete information is printed, we will display a notice in-store with all the correct details. Prices exclude accessories used for display purposes and include 14% VAT. Makro Account Disclaimer *Includes interest @ 22.1% p.a, excludes service fees & compulsory insurance. ** Includes interest @ 22.1% p.a, service fees & compulsory insurance. All prices are indicative and actual repayments may vary based on account activity. NCRCP 38/FSP 38911. Supporters Gear Get ready for the World Cup Assorted World Cup T-shirts 159 each Assorted World Cup Caps 99 each Teams: Edgij\Va!>iVan!HeV^c!:c\aVcY!CZi]ZgaVcYhVcYbVcnbdgZiZVbhVkV^aVWaZ^c"hidgZ Mens Football Boots H^oZ/+"&&(270070; 270075) Soccer Boots and Balls WAS 399 L6H+.#-% 5980 each (248265) Contest Soccerball H^oZ* (248265) L6H..#-% H^oZ/'"*(270066; 270068) each (268000; 268001; 268002) WAS 379 279 Plus a free pair of Umbro sandals worth R99 per pair Soccerball KZadXZ>>>8dadjg/l]^iZ!nZaadl dgWajZ(268000; 268001; 268002) plus L6H&'. CDLDCAN 119 Veloce III Soccerball Omni Soccerball Volte Soccerball H^oZ* (269365; 269399; 269367) H^oZ* (260017; 269122; 269146) H^oZ* (269154) each (269365; 269399;269367) Rugby Balls 8980 per pair Youth Football Boots 99 89 80 4 21/2014 Makro DTP ATH L>CI:GA3 Valid from: 18/05/2014 - 02/06/2014 299 L6H..#-% 80 each (269154) each (260017; 269122; 269146) L6H,.#%% L6H-.#-% 79 69 80 80 each (248272; 248274; 248287; 248292; 250016; 250017) each (268786; 268787) L6H..#-% 89 80 each (263686) L6H&%.#%% 9980 each (250802; 263684) CANTERBURY Hopu Stripe Rugbyball H^oZ/)dg* (268786; 268787) Sabre Rugby Ball A.W.T SA Rugby Ball Fifteens Rugby Ball H^oZ/)dg* (248272; 248274; 248287; 248292; 250016; 250017) H^oZ/* (263686) H^oZ/(!)dg* (250802; 263684) <Zgb^hidc%-+%(%)...6aWZgidc%-+%%%-..&8gdlcB^cZh%&&(%.&%%%LddYbZVY%-+%(%&...HigjWZchKVaaZn%-+%(%'...8Zcijg^dc%-+%(%*...LdcYZgWddb%-+%(%+...H^akZgAV`Zh%-+%(%,...KVVa%-+%(%(... Edad`lVcZ%-+%%%.**%Edgi:a^oVWZi]%)&(.,-%%%CZahegj^i%-+%%%.*)-7adZb[dciZ^c%-+%%%-..*BdciV\jZ<VgYZch%-+%(%-...DiiZgn%'&,%),)%%8VeZ<ViZ%-+%%%-..(6bVco^bidi^%-+%%%-.,.Heg^c\[^ZaY%(&'%('-%%E^ZiZgbVg^ioWjg\%((-)+(+%% 8jhidbZghXVaa^c\[gdbdjih^YZd[Hdji]6[g^XV!eaZVhZjhZi]Z[daadl^c\cjbWZgh/CZahegj^i ',&(&%&&&*%!Edad`lVcZ ',&*&%&&%%%VcY7adZb[dciZ^c ',*&&%&&%%% Makro accepts all these cards Unless we state a specific limitation, Makro will attempt to have sufficient advertised stock available to meet consumers’ anticipated demands. If we still run out of stock, we will attempt to obtain the stock or we will offer you a reasonable alternative. Makro takes utmost care to ensure that all advertisements are correct. If a mistake occurs or incomplete information is printed, we will display a notice in-store with all the correct details. Prices exclude accessories used for display purposes and include14% VAT. BV`gd6XXdjci9^hXaV^bZg>cXajYZh^ciZgZhi5''#&e#V!ZmXajYZhhZgk^XZ[ZZhXdbejahdgn^chjgVcXZ#>cXajYZh^ciZgZhi5''#&e#V!hZgk^XZ[ZZhXdbejahdgn^chjgVcXZ#6aaeg^XZhVgZ^cY^XVi^kZVcYVXijVagZeVnbZcihbVnkVgnWVhZYdcVXXdjciVXi^k^in#C8G8E(-$;HE(-.&&#
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