Author - Aries Systems Corporation


Author - Aries Systems Corporation
utorrial for
f A
Version 10.2 – 10/20014
Copyright © 2014,
Aries Systeems Corporation
This document is the confiden
ntial and propriettary information of Aries System
ms Corporation, aand may not be disseminated or
copied without the express wriitten permission of Aries System
ms Corporation. T
The informationn contained in thhis document is
tentative, and is
i provided solelly for planning purposes
of the recipient.
The feaatures describedd for this softwarre release are likkely to
change before the release desig
gn and content are
a finalized. Ariies Systems Corp
rporation assumees no liability or responsibility foor
decisions made by third parties based upon thee contents of thiss document, andd shall in no wayy be bound to perrformance thereffore.
nd the property of
o Aries Systemss Corporation.
Editorial Manaager is a registerred trademark an
AUTHOR TUTORIAL ....................................................................................................... 4
Author Software Requirements ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Registering with the Publication’s EM Site .................................................................................................................. 4
Duplicate Registration Check ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Possible Outcome of Duplicate User Test .................................................................................................................... 5
Registration Process ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Custom Registration Questions .................................................................................................................................... 9
Multiple E-Mail Address Request ................................................................................................................................ 9
Logging In ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Time Zone Display ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Multi-Language Toggle................................................................................................................................................. 11
Changing Passwords ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Send Username/Password .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Entering Unavailable Dates .......................................................................................................................................... 13
Submitting a Manuscript .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Submission Step Limits .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Secondary Submission Fields ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Select Article Type ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
Enter Article Title ....................................................................................................................................................... 17
Enter Short Title ......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Add/Edit/Remove Authors ......................................................................................................................................... 17
Select Section/Category.............................................................................................................................................. 19
Submit Abstract .......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Enter Keywords .......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Select Classifications .................................................................................................................................................. 20
Additional Information ............................................................................................................................................... 21
Enter Comments ......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Suggest Reviewers ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
Oppose Reviewers ...................................................................................................................................................... 23
Request Editor ............................................................................................................................................................ 24
Select Region of Origin .............................................................................................................................................. 24
Attach Files ................................................................................................................................................................ 25
File Ordering Mechanism ...................................................................................................................................... 28
The Submission Item Label Can Be Changed after the File Is Uploaded.............................................................. 29
Removing Files ...................................................................................................................................................... 29
Uploading a Compressed File ................................................................................................................................ 29
Selecting File Format............................................................................................................................................. 30
Selecting Item Type ............................................................................................................................................... 31
Attaching a URL .................................................................................................................................................... 32
Uploading arXiv Files from the Los Alamos National Laboratory ............................................................................ 33
Author PDF Approval .................................................................................................................................................. 35
Fees and Payments ........................................................................................................................................................ 35
Submission Fees ......................................................................................................................................................... 35
Confidential – Subject to change – Copyright © 2014, Aries Systems Corporation - 2
Other Fees .................................................................................................................................................................. 39
Additional Views of the ‘Fees and Payments’ Page .................................................................................................. 40
Tracking the Progress of a Submission ....................................................................................................................... 41
Other Author Access to Submissions ......................................................................................................................... 42
Managing Other Authors ............................................................................................................................................ 44
Submitting Revised Manuscripts ................................................................................................................................. 45
View Submission ........................................................................................................................................................ 45
File Inventory ............................................................................................................................................................. 45
Attachments ................................................................................................................................................................ 46
Submit Revision ......................................................................................................................................................... 46
Respond to Reviewers ................................................................................................................................................ 46
Decline to Revise........................................................................................................................................................ 47
Reinstate a Declined Revision .................................................................................................................................... 47
View Decision ............................................................................................................................................................ 47
Invited and Commissioned Papers .............................................................................................................................. 47
Invited Author’s Perspective ...................................................................................................................................... 48
Viewing Correspondence History ................................................................................................................................ 48
Author Rebuttal of a Rejected or Withdrawn Submission ........................................................................................ 50
Artwork Quality Check ................................................................................................................................................ 50
Displaying AQC Results ............................................................................................................................................ 50
Similarity Check Results .............................................................................................................................................. 52
eXtyles ............................................................................................................................................................................ 53
Confidential – Subject to change – Copyright © 2014, Aries Systems Corporation - 3
Author Tutoriall
Author Software
Authors using Editorial Maanager must have Adobe Acro
obat Reader (aa PDF reader) installed. To innstall this softw
download thee free Adobe Acrobat
Readerr at the followin
ng address:
Users should
d contact their IT
I department if they experieence difficulty iinstalling or uttilizing this sofftware. Adobee also
offers a help database for th
he free Reader at this addresss:
For general Software
and Hardware
requiirements when using EM, pleease use the folllowing link:
A pop-up aleert box is displaayed if the systtem is accessed
d with an unsuppported browser.
Registeriing with th
he Publica
ation’s EM
M Site
A set of menu options is av
vailable at the top of the screeen on the main navigation meenu. Click on ‘‘REGISTER’.
The followin
ng screen will be
b displayed:
Fill in the Reequired Pre-Registration inforrmation and cliick ‘Continue >
>>’ when donee. There will tthen be a ‘Dupllicate
Registration Check’.
Confidential – Subject
to change – Copyright © 201
14, Aries Systems Corporation - 4
Duplicate Registration Check
EM will checck whether a user is already registered,
oncee the First Nam
me, Last Namee and E-Mail A
Address fields hhave
been entered. Click on the button labeled
d ‘Continue’. This
T will execuute a search of the database foor a duplicate
mportant that users
enter theiir name exactlyy as they are kn
known. It is not unusual for vvariations in sppelling
Note: It is im
to cause dupllicate entries in
n the database.
Possible Outcome
of Duplicate
If a match is found (i.e., preesence of dupliicates), the useer will not be abble to proceed with the Regisstration. The uuser
may opt to reeceive an e-mail containing th
he Username and
a Password aassociated withh the e-mail adddress that is alrready
in the system
Users should
d click on ‘Yes’ if they could already be registered. If the user is certain that he or she is not already
registered, hee or she should
d click on ‘No’. The system will
w then preseent the ‘Registrration’ page, w
which provides an
option to chaange First Nam
me, Last Name, E-Mail Address or all three ffields.
If no matchess are found ( no duplicatess), then proceed to the secondd step, the Reggistration proceess.
on Process
The followin
ng screens will be displayed:
Confidential – Subject
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 5
mation fields marked
with astterisks (*) cann
not be left emp ty.
Note: Inform
A user may indicate to the Publication
thaat he or she is available
as a R
Reviewer, by selecting “Yes”” in response too the
question, ‘Arre you availablle as a Revieweer?’
If the Publicaation is using classifications,
users may also
o select Personnal Classificatioons from a preddefined list.
a a required ffield, users musst select one orr more areas of
Note: If the Editorial Officce has set up Classifications
expertise from
m this predefin
ned list.
Confidential – Subject
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 6
Users can cliick on ‘Select Personal
Classiifications’ to access the screeen to enter areaas of expertise. The predefineed list
can be expan
nded or collapsed by clicking the [+] or [-] checkboxes.
To add a Personnal Classificatioon, check the
appropriate classification,
a click on thee ‘Select’ butto
on. The numbeer of Personal Classificationss allowed is
determined by
b the Publicatiion. When all of the approprriate areas of exxpertise have bbeen selected, cclick on the
‘Submit’ buttton on the botttom of the pagee.
If the publicaation has Classification Ranking enabled, ussers may be askked to specify levels of persoonal expertise ffor
their selected
d Personal Classsifications.
Clicking the ‘Rank Personaal Classification
ns’ button willl direct you to a pop-up winddow where userrs have the optiion to
rank their exp
perience level for each Classiification as ‘Lo
ow’, ‘Medium’’ or ‘High’.
Confidential – Subject
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 7
If the Publicaation is using Personal
Keywords, users maay enter free-foorm Keywords that identify arreas of expertisse not
included in th
he predefined Personal
Classifications list.
ords as a requiirement, users must enter the minimum
Note: If the Editorial Officce has set up Personal Keywo
number of Keeywords indica
Click on ‘Edit Personal Key
ywords’ to acccess the screen to enter free-foorm areas of exxpertise. To addd a new Keyw
simply type the
t Keyword(s) into the ‘New
w Keyword’ fieeld and click onn ‘Add’. Clicck on ‘Close’ aafter all Personaal
Keywords haave been entereed.
m of the form, a preferred useername must bee selected. Faiilure to enter a username or aany other required
At the bottom
information for
f registration
n will result in the
t following warning:
Confidential – Subject
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me in order to access
the Pubblication’s EM System
Note: Userss must remembeer this usernam
When satisfieed with the infformation that has
h been provid
ded, click the ‘‘Continue >>’ button at the bbottom to proceeed.
A ‘Registratiion Confirmatiion’ page will appear.
Pleasee ensure that evverything is speelled correctly,, and that the ee-mail
address is corrrect.
k on ‘Continuee >>’. The reg
gistration proceess is now com
mplete, and the user may checck
If all fields arre correct, click
their e-mail for
f the passworrd sent by Editorial Manager..
Custom Registration
If the Publicaation has opted
d to require that users respond
d to registrationn questions, thhe following steep will appear before
the registratio
on process can
n be completed. A box with an
a asterisk nextt to it indicatess required inforrmation.
k on the ‘Continnue >>’ buttonn to proceed.
Once all neceessary informaation has been provided,
Multiple E-Mail
Addrress Requesst
Confidential – Subject
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 9
It is strongly suggested thatt users enter a second
e-mail address. If thee system e-maiils get caught inn a SPAM filteer for
one e-mail ad
ddress, users caan receive the e-mail
at a secondary e-mail address from a different servvice provider (ii.e.
Yahoo, AOL
L, etc.).
When the ‘Read more’ link
k is selected, th
his warning will be displayed::
Logging In
Users can begin to use the system
once th
hey have receiv
ved a notificatioon e-mail from
m the Editorial Office containning
the usernamee and password
Go to the Pub
blication’s EM
M website. At the top of the navigation
mainn menu a set off menu optionss is available. Click
on ‘LOGIN’-- as shown belo
The Editoriall Manager Log
g-In screen willl be displayed. Enter the userrname and passsword in the ap
appropriate fields.
Click on the ‘Author Login
n’ button. This will display th
he ‘Author Maain Menu’ whicch will contain a list of functiions
that may be performed
in th
he system.
he Publication, it is possible tto set up a defaault login role. The option too do
Note: If userrs have multiplle roles with th
Confidential – Subject
to change – Copyright © 201
14, Aries Systems Corporation - 10
this can be fo
ound by clickin
ng on the ‘Upda
ate My Informa
ation’ link on tthe main naviggation menu.
Once a user has
h successfullly logged in, th
he ‘Author Maiin Menu’ will ddisplay ‘Incom
mplete Submisssions,’ ‘Submisssions
Waiting for Author’s
oval’ and ‘Sub
bmissions Being
g Processed’ liinks. These linnks are also refferred to as
‘Folders’. Th
he number of submissions
in process in eacch folder will bbe displayed byy the side of thee entry.
Time Zone Display
Depending on the configuraation of your publication,
u may see a ‘T
Time Zone Footter’ frame wheen logged into
Editorial Man
nager. This dissplays the curreent site time ass well as your llocal time. Cliccking on the linnk ‘Site time’ bbrings
up a pop-up window
ding additionall time zone info
anguage Toggle
If your publiccation provides access to seco
ondary languag
ges, you will s ee the ‘languagge drop-down’’ in the top righht
corner of you
ur screen as parrt of the main menu
bar area.. Here you maay choose to dissplay the site inn a language oother
than the Publlication’s defau
ult language by
y selecting from
m the list of avvailable languagges.
Confidential – Subject
to change – Copyright © 201
14, Aries Systems Corporation - 11
If you switch
h to an alternatee language, you
ur preference will
w be saved bby the system aand the site willl display in thaat
language at each
nt login. Your preferred
uage is recordeed as the one m
most recently diisplayed.
Changing Passworrds
Users may ch
hange their passsword at any time,
but must first be loggedd in to the systeem. From the m
main navigatioon
menu at the top
t of the screeen (see below) select ‘UPDAT
The ‘Update My Informatio
on’ page dialog
g boxes will bee displayed:
gistration screeen, where all oof the personal information cuurrently availabble to
The user willl then be redireected to the Reg
the Publicatio
on is displayed
d, and may be updated
as need
Once changees have been made,
click on th
he ‘Submit’ bu
utton. EM willl check to see iif all of the reqquired fields haave
been entered – if not, the fo
ollowing warning will be disp
Users may reeturn to the info
ormation pagess (click on the ‘<< Previous P
Page’ button) oor can simply cclick on the button
labeled ‘Continue’.
Send Username/Passsword
mation by usinng the ‘Send
If a user has an existing acccount in the sysstem they may choose to recoover this inform
Username an
nd Password’ liink found on th
he ‘Log-In’ pag
Confidential – Subject
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 12
Upon clickin
ng the ‘Send Ussername and Password’ link the
t user will bee directed to ennter their first nname, last nam
me and
e-mail addresss. If the systeem finds an exiisting record matching
the proovided informaation an e-maill containing the
user’s usernaame and password will be sen
nt to the addresss on record.
Note: Some sites will resett the user’s passsword when itt is request withh a temporary password. In those cases the user
will need to log
l into the sitee and update th
heir password after recoverinng their accounnt.
g Unavaila
able Dates
EM allows au
uthors to enter Unavailable Dates
from the Additional Infformation sectiion of the updaate my personal
information page.
These un
navailable datess can then be taaken into accouunt when Editoors invite Authhors to submit
Authors enter dates for whiich they are not available and
d provide a shoort reason for thheir unavailabiility. Authors ccan
also enter up to three potential substitutes.
Confidential – Subject
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 13
Submittiing a Manuscript
Once an auth
hor has logged into the system
m, the Author Main
M Menu willl be displayedd:
Click on the on the ‘Submitt New Manusccript’ link. This will display tthe Submit New
w Manuscript menu. Authorrs will
be asked to enter
data that is
i associated with
w the manusccript – this can include text, im
mages and desscriptions. Som
me of
this informattion will be maandatory; other items will be optional.
Eachh submission sttep is outlined below. This
information is
i customized by
b the Publicattion; therefore, some steps m ay or may not be part of the ssubmission proocess.
on Step Limits
Confidential – Subject
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 14
The Editoriall Office has thee ability to resttrict the numbeer of words or ccharacters usedd for the follow
wing submissioon
Fulll Title
Short Title
The word or character coun
nt is made available at the tim
me of submissioon if this featurre has been enaabled:
o character cou
unt limitations imposed by th
he Publication hhave been exceeeded, the userr may not contiinue
If the word or
on to the nex
xt step. If this is
i the case, a warning
box willl appear if thee user clicks ‘N
Once the worrd or characterr requirement has
h been met, th
he user may cllick ‘Next’ to pproceed to the nnext submissioon
y Submission Fields
Confidential – Subject
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 15
Depending on the publication’s settings, secondary
ds may display for the ‘Full T
Title’, ‘Short T
Title’, ‘Abstractt’, and
‘Keywords’ fields
during th
he submission process.
Thesee are typically uused to capturee the informatiion stored in thhe
primary field
ds, but in anoth
her language orr format. The secondary
fieldd will follow thhe primary field in the interfaace.
For more info
ormation on ho
ow to use thesee fields consultt the journal’s ssubmission insstructions.
Select Article Type
The first step
p of the EM maanuscript subm
mission process is to select an Article Type, which is a requuired step in thhe
submission process.
Using the drop-down
n menu, select the Article Tyype that best deescribes the maanuscript. The
Article Type designation deetermines whicch additional stteps will be dissplayed. (For eexample, an Abbstract may nott be
part of a ‘Lettter to the Edito
or’; therefore, that
t step will not
n appear in thhe process if thhat article type has been seleccted.)
Click ‘Next’ to proceed or ‘Previous’ to make
changes on
o the previouss screen.
Confidential – Subject
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 16
Enter Artiicle Title
An Article Title is the first required step in the submission process. Ennter the title off the submissioon in the space
provided. Cliick ‘Next’ wheen the title has been entered.
Enter Short Title
If the Editoriial Office has enabled
this steep, authors may
y be required too enter a Shortt Title in a text box that appeaars
directly below
w the Enter Arrticle Title Box
to limit the Short Titlee submission sttep to a certainn number of characters, Authoors
If the Editoriial Office has chosen
will not be ab
ble to type pastt the allotted am
Remove Au
The Author submitting
the manuscript will be listed as the
t Correspondding Author byy default. Onlyy the Corresponnding
Author will receive
any e-m
mail notificatio
ons from the system. The dessignated Corressponding Authhor may be chaanged,
Confidential – Subject
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 17
but this perso
on must be a reegistered Editorrial Manager user,
because hhe or she will nneed to be contaacted throughoout the
submission process.
Other Authors do no
ot need to be reegistered in thee system, but m
may be includedd for the purpoose of
appearing in the list of all Authors.
A firsst name and lasst name are reqquired.
The Author can
c designate th
he order in wh
hich Other Auth
hors, includingg the Corresponnding Author, should be listeed.
After the Add
ditional Author information has
h been entereed, the list of A
Authors can be reordered by eentering the deesired
display rank in the ‘Order’ column and clicking the ‘Up
pdate Author O
Order’ button. T
The Author wiith “1” in the ‘O
box has the label of “First Author”.
The Corresponding
g Author does nnot have to be llisted first, andd can appear
anywhere in the list (includ
ding at the top of
o the list as th
he First Author)).
pt submission process
is, by ddefault, the Coorresponding A
Note: The usser who beginss the manuscrip
To change th
he Corresponding Author, firsst enter the nam
me of the new C
Correspondingg Author in thee textboxes andd click
the checkbox
x next to 'Please select if this is the Correspo
onding Authorr'. If the personn entered is nott registered witth
Editorial Man
nager, the userr will be unablee to designate him/her
as the Correspondingg Author until that user has bbeen
registered. Iff this person is registered witth Editorial Maanager, his or hher username m
must be enteredd. However, pllease
note that if th
he Correspondiing Author is changed,
once the
t manuscriptt has been subm
mitted, the userr who has enteered
the submissio
on will no long
ger be considerred the Corresp
ponding Authorr and will not bbe able to acceess the manuscrript.
The new Corrresponding Au
uthor will receiive an e-mail when
the PDF iis built, askingg him or her to log into EM too view
and approve the submission
n before it can be sent to the Editorial
Be aware thaat the journal may
m require or make
optional secondary fiellds for the Co-A
Authors’ namee and address
information including
onal identifierss such as ORCIID or PubMed Author ID. Thhese fields are intended to stoore
the informatiion kept in the primary fields in a secondary
y language or fformat. If you have any quesstions about whhat
should be pro
ovided for thesse fields, consu
ult the publicatiion’s submissioon policies.
Note: Publiccations may ch
hoose to requirre that all co-au
uthors are listeed with unique e-mail addressses
Click ‘Next’ to proceed.
Confidential – Subject
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 18
Select Secttion/Catego
The Section/C
Category list iss used by the Author
to indicate that his/herr submission belongs to a parrticular ‘Sectioon’ of
the Publicatio
on or belongs to
t a particular ‘Category’ witthin the contennts of the Publiccation. This sttep may be opttional,
required or hidden
by the Editorial
Officee so the Authorr may not see itt.
Click ‘Next’ to proceed.
Submit Ab
The ‘Submit Abstract’ step allows the Au
uthor to type orr copy and pastte the manuscriipt’s Abstract iinto a textbox. This
also may be an
a optional, req
quired or hiddeen step.
Click ‘Next’ to proceed.
Enter Key
Enter the key
ywords for the manuscript, with each keywo
ord separated bby a semicolonn (for example: active vitaminn D;
parathyroid hormone-relate
ed peptide; hyp
pocalcaemia; bo
one resorption)). This may bee an optional, rrequired or hiddden
Confidential – Subject
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 19
Click ‘Next’ to proceed.
Select Classifications
o open a windo
ow containing a list of the claassifications used by the
Click 'Select Document Claassifications' to
Publication. Classifications can be vieweed as a predeterrmined list of tterms associateed with a manuuscript. The Edditorial
Office can crross-reference Manuscript
Classifications with
w Personal C
Classifications oof potential Reeviewers to findd
qualified Rev
Confidential – Subject
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 20
Click the cheeckbox next to any classificattion to be seleccted. Authors m
may select as m
many classificaations as
appropriate. Click 'Submit'' when finished
d. This may bee an optional, rrequired, or hiddden step.
Click ‘Next’ to proceed.
Additional Informatio
The submissiion step called ‘Additional In
nformation’ allo
ows the Publiccation to createe custom questiions that can be
answered durring the Submiit Manuscript process.
The questions
in thiss step are definned by the Pubblication and m
may be
mandatory. Examples
of qu
uestions includ
de: ‘How many
y pages is the m
manuscript?’ annd ‘Do you havve color imagees?’.
Some questio
ons may be con
nfigured with multiple
steps, dependant on pprevious respoonses. In thesee cases new subbquestions willl appear as you
u answer a queestion with multiple parts.
Confidential – Subject
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Enter Com
Enter any com
mments to be sent
s to the Edittorial Office. These
commennts will not apppear in the mannuscript. The
Publication may
m configure this as an optio
onal, required, or hidden stepp.
Click ‘Next’ to proceed.
Suggest Reviewers
If this functio
on is enabled by
b the Editoriall Office, Autho
ors will be askeed or required tto provide nam
mes and contactt
information for
f as many rev
view candidatees as the Publiccation requires for a submissiion. Please filll in the necessaary
Confidential – Subject
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 22
When finisheed, click the ‘A
Add Reviewer’ button to subm
mit additional R
Reviewer inforrmation. Clickk the ‘Next’ buutton
when ready to
t move on to the
t next step.
Oppose Reeviewers
If the site is configured
to in
nclude this step
p, Authors are provided withh the opportunitty to inform thhe Editorial Offfice of
Reviewers th
hat should not review
the subm
mission. Proviide all of the nnecessary contaact informationn:
Confidential – Subject
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 23
The Oppose Reviewers step
p is similar to the
t Request Reeviewers step inn that when thee information hhas been entereed,
Authors may
y click the ‘Add
d Reviewer’ bu
utton to submitt additional Opppose Reviewerr Candidates. Click the ‘Nexxt’
button when ready to movee on to the nextt step.
Note: Publiccations may dissregard any reequest for specific Reviewers to be either innvited or excludded. The Suggest
and Oppose Reviewers
ps simply proviide information
n for the Publiccation to use w
when selecting aappropriate
Request Editor
Depending upon how the Editorial
Officee has configured the EM site, Authors may bbe asked to reqquest a particullar
Editor to be assigned
to a su
ubmission. Th
he request will be taken underr advisement bby the Editoriall Office. Selecct an
Editor by usiing the drop-do
own menu and click ‘Next’ to
o proceed. Thiis may be an opptional step forr a Publication. If
an Author is not directed to
o request an Ed
ditor, the submiission will be aassigned to an E
Editor selectedd by the Editorrial
Click ‘Next’ to proceed.
Select Reg
gion of Orig
Authors can identify a geog
graphic region (or country) off origin for thee manuscript, w
which may havee a ‘Country of
Origin’ desig
gnation that is different
from the Author’s country. This i s referred to ass the ‘Manuscrript Geographicc
Region of Orrigin’.
Confidential – Subject
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untry or region
n for the manusscript by using
g the drop-downn menu and cliicking ‘Next’ tto proceed. Thhis
Select the cou
may be an op
ptional step forr a particular Pu
Attach Filles
Next, the Author will be ask
ked to attach all
a of the files associated
withh the submissioon.
Some Publications accept in
nformation offfline or outsidee of their EM w
websites (e.g.., e-mail, postal mail, or fax). If
offered the op
ption of selectiing either ‘Onlline Web Systeem’ or ‘Offlinee,’ the Author m
may click the aappropriate buttton.
Note: EM
E supports Open
nt Files in the following
formaats: OpenDocuument spreadshheet (.ods),
ocument Word
d Processor (.od
dt) or OpenDo
ocument presenntation (.odp)
For each Item
m to be uploadeed into the systtem:
oose the Item frrom a drop-dow
wn box. Manu
uscript, figures or tables may all be separatee Items in the ddropCho
wn box, as the Items
listed maay vary with eaach Publicationn. Make sure too choose the coorrect one.
Enteer a Description in the text bo
ox (e.g.., Figurre 1, Table 2, ettc.)
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y Method by which
the Item will reach the Editorial Officce (online or offfline).
Seleect the Delivery
Thee option of online or offline may
m not always be available siince the Publiccation may reqquire the Item too be
mitted online only.
Locate the file on the hard drive using the ‘Bro
owse’ button.
Clicck ‘Attach Thiss File’ to uploaad the file (uplo
oading may takke several minuutes for larger files), and the
owing window
w should appearr:
Confidential – Subject
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For Items to be sent offline, please select the Item from the drop-downn menu, click th
the ‘Offline’ Delivery Methodd, and
then click ‘A
Attach This Filee’. The Item will
w be added to
o the list of subbmission files w
with the ‘Offlinne’ designationn so
that the Edito
orial Office can
n anticipate thee Item’s arrivall through an altternate deliverry method.
Repeat this process
until alll Items in the submission
ve been specifieed. All attacheed files are visiible in the list at the
When all Item
ms have been attached,
click ‘Next’ at the bottom
of the ppage.
Authors will see the summaary of the files to be sent to th
he Editorial Offfice, and shouuld ensure that eeverything thaat
should be inccluded has been
n listed. A meessage above th
he grid will infoorm the Authoor if any of the required piecees of
the submissio
on have not been included.
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A th
hank you message will appeaar on the screenn, and the manuuscript will now be
Click ‘Build PDF for my Approval’.
located in thee ‘Submissionss Waiting for Author’s
oval’ folder on the ‘Author M
Main Menu’. T
To complete thee
submission process
and sen
nd the submissiion to the Edito
orial Office, thhe Author mustt view and apprrove the PDF. (See
‘Author PDF
F Approval’ in the following section).
Even if an Au
uthor is unablee to complete th
he submission process, no daata will be lost.. The submissiion can be acceessed
by clicking on
o the ‘Incomplete Submissio
ons’ folder on the
t ‘Author Maain Menu’.
File Orderin
ng Mechanism
File order can
n be changed by
b entering num
mbers in the tex
xt box next to each Submissiion Item. The files are numbered
in the sequen
nce in which th
hey were upload
ded. For exam
mple, if four filees are uploadedd, the default vvalue for each IItem
is 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively
y. The user can
n then change the order of thhe files by typinng in a new ordder and clickinng the
‘Update File Order’ button..
If the Publicaation has electeed to impose a particular file order that diffeers from the orrder used, that imposed orderr will
supersede thee order used. If
I the files are uploaded
in an incorrect ordeer the system w
will alert the Auuthor and updaate the
order accordiing to the publiication’s settin
The Author may
m change thee order of the files
that are off the same Item
m Type. In the example above, Items 2 and 3
may be reord
dered because they
are both th
he same Item ty
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The Submission Item Lab
bel Can Be Ch
hanged after th
he File Is Uplooaded
The ‘Item’ co
olumn in the list of attached files
contains drop-down
boxxes for each filee, so the Subm
mission Item
Description can
c easily be ch
hanged after th
he file has been
n uploaded. Foor example, if aan Author uplooads a Figure, bbut
did not selectt the ‘Figure’ Item
from the Item
drop-down box, the Item
m label would bbe incorrect. T
The Author cann
change the deescription by ty
yping the correect information
n in the box.
Example: Fille ‘Order’ and ‘Item’ designa
ation, and ‘Desscription’ can aall be changedd after file uplooad
Removing Files
Once files haave been attach
hed, you can reemove them fro
om the submisssion individuallly or in groupss. To remove aan
attached file, simply select the file’s check
k box in the seelect column off the attached ffile grid and theen click the Reemove
button. Checck All/Clear Alll links are avaailable for seleccting/deselectinng all files. Onnce one or morre files are seleected,
a ‘Remove’ button
is enabled, allowing th
he user to remo
ove the selectedd files. You maay select any nnumber of attacched
files for remo
oval using thesse steps.
Uploading a Compressed File
Compressed files are any fiiles created by a “packing” uttility, such as P
PKZip or WinZ
Zip. A compreessed file may
consist of a single
file, or multiple
files. The
T primary pu
urpose of ‘zippping’ or ‘comprressing’ files iss to reduce thee
overall file siize, thus facilittating faster traansmittal. Com
mpressed file foormats supportted include .zipp and tar.gz.
The behaviorr of a zip file on upload varies based on the publication’s cconfiguration oof a submissionn item. The fille
may upload as
a a single entity, maintaining
g the compresssed archive if itt is not to be buuilt into the PD
DF, or unpack iinto
the individuaal files, at whicch point the autthor must selecct the Item Typpe for each indiividual file.
If the file is unpacked,
hors will see a set of drop-down menus aboove the file list when a zip filee is uploaded. The
author can usse these drop-d
down menus to quickly assign
n an Item Typee to all files of a certain format. The user m
further adjustt the Item Typee manually forr a specific file,, if desired.
The first drop
p-down contain
ns an alphabetiical list of the file
f extensions of all files succcessfully uplooaded in the zipp
file(s). If ano
other zip file iss uploaded, any
y new file extensions are addded to the drop--down, and thee list is re-sorteed. If
any zip file contains
files th
hat have no exttension (i.e. Maac files), the w
word “Other” diisplays as a chooice at the endd of
the list and ap
pplies to all filles without an extension.
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Selecting Fille Format
listss all Item Typees configured for
fo the selectedd Article Type.
The second drop-down
A button labeeled “Change Now”
appears to the right of the dropdownss, but is disableed until both a file type and IItem
Type have beeen selected.
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Selecting Iteem Type
Once the auth
hor has selecteed both a file ty
ype and an Item
m Type, the ‘Chhange Now’ buutton is enableed. The author then
clicks the buttton, and the seelected Item Ty
ype is applied to
t all files withh the selected ffile type.
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Example: Alll files with .jpg
g extension havve Item Type seet to Figure
Authors may
y use this featurre to change th
he Item Type fo
or a given file fformat as manyy times as neceessary, as well as to
change any in
ndividual item manually.
Attaching a URL
Publications may configuree Submission Ittems to allow Authors
to provvide URL/URII addresses rathher than uploadding
large files. The
T Author pro
ovides the URL
L by selecting the
t “URL/URI//External Resoource” option ((if options are
available), an
nd entering thee URL in the “U
URL/URI/Exteernal Resource Location” fielld. The Authorr can verify theey
have entered the correct desstination by cliicking the ‘Preview’ button too open the desttination in a neew window.
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When the infformation is co
orrect, he clickss the ‘Attach This
T Informatioon’ button to addd the new item
m to the File G
(displayed on
n the lower porrtion of the pag
ge). When the item is listed iin the File Gridd the File Nam
me displays as
External Item
m. Hovering th
he mouse over the link will diisplay the URL
L it represents. Clicking this link will open the
destination in
n a new window
g arXiv Filess from the Los
L Alamos National L
Authors can upload
source files directly from
the Los Alamos
Nationaal Laboratory aarXiv database. Many Authoors
(primarily tho
ose in Physics and Math) posst their research
h on the arXiv server as a ressource for otheer researchers.
Authors may
y then submit a manuscript dirrectly from thee arXiv databasse.
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To upload filles from the Lo
os Alamos arXiv server, go to
o the ‘Submit N
New Manuscrippt’ interface, fi
fill in each stepp
(Article Titlee, Article Type, etc.), and proceed to the ‘Atttach Files’ steep.
If the Articlee Type is config
gured to ‘Allow
w file uploads from
Los Alam
mos arXiv servver’, the ‘Attachh Files’ page
displays speccial instructions and a text box for entry of the
t arXiv file i dentifier. Authhors can also uupload additionnal
‘regular’ files on the same page,
in additio
on to the arXiv
v file.
Example: Atttach files page with arXiv filee upload box
mission Item frrom the drop-d
down list and enter the arXiv code, which coonsists of a striing of letters aand
Select a Subm
numbers iden
ntifying the parrticular Los Allamos databasee (i.e. hep-th orr physics.acc-pph) followed byy a forward slaash
and a 7-digit number unique to Los Alamos (e.g., hep-ex
x/0401001, phyysics/0401001, math.AG/04001002).
Next click ‘A
Attach this Filee’. When the arrXiv code is reecognized by thhe Los Alamoss server and thee correspondinng file
is found, the compressed fille (.tar.gz form
mat) containing the source filees is downloadded from the Loos Alamos servver.
The .tar.gz fiile is unpacked
d by the system
m, and all of thee individual filees are uploadedd to EM. Eachh file is listed
individually so Authors can
n associate each
h file with an appropriate
Subbmission Item,, edit the Descrription, and re--order
the list of filees for PDF creaation.
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Note: This function
is not available
n submitting reevisions. Whenn submitting a revision, Authoors do not re-uupload
the submissio
on from the arX
Xiv database, but
b rather choo
ose to carry forrward the files that do not require revision, and
can then uplo
oad just the revvised files.
on the Los Alamo
os arXiv server are in LaTex fformat. To asssist Authors whho may not be ssure
Note: Most documents
which Submission Items to select for vario
ous arXiv file components
(suuch as .bbl, .clss, .sty, etc.), thhe Publication ccan
create Submiission Items in the drop-down
n menu, which describe thesee components (B
(Bibliography ffile, Style File, etc).
If an Author is unclear about which Item to choose, seleect the Item thaat most closely describes the ffile and the sysstem
will proceed without a prob
Author PDF
Authors must approve a sub
bmission beforre it is sent to th
he Editorial Offfice. Click ‘S
Submissions W
Waiting for Authhor’s
Approval’ to bring up a tab
ble containing all
a manuscriptss that are waitinng to be vieweed and approveed (see below):
Once the PDF version of a manuscript hass been created by the system,, the Author will see a set of links in the Acction
column of the table (far leftt).
o building the PDF may takee several minuttes, depending on the size of ffiles and
Note: The acctual process of
outstanding PDF
building activity.
n’ allows an Author to view the
t PDF versioon of a submisssion. Authors m
may choose to make
‘Vieew Submission
alterrations to a sub
bmission such as spelling corrrections, descrription changess, extra graphiccs, etc. – this can be
done by selecting ‘Edit Submissiion’. If there is a problem creeating the PDF
F, there will bee a message in tthe
F explaining what may have caused
the prob
blem. The Autthor must view
w the PDF beforre it can be
dit Submission
n’ will bring thee Author to thee same interfacce that was usedd when initiallly submitting a
nuscript. Autho
ors can removee or add files at
a the Attach Fiiles portion of tthe submissionn if anything neeeds
to be changed. If any changes arre made, a new
w PDF file will be built. Oncee the Author has viewed the
mission, he or she will click ‘Approve
mission’ to sennd it to the Edittorial Office.
move Submisssion’ allows Authors
to remo
ove a manuscriipt from the sysstem (the Mannuscript will neever be
receeived by the Ed
ditorial Office). Authors can always removve a submissionn and start overr if desired
When a subm
mission has beeen approved, it will be filed in
n the ‘Submisssions Being Proocessed’ list inn the ‘Author M
Fees and
d Paymentts
on Fees
mmerce Manager, Authors wiill have access to the Fees andd Payments paage for each
For publications using Com
submission th
hat has at leastt one payment record
associatted with it.
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Authors may
y access the Feees and Paymen
nts page in the following
1) At the end of the manuscript
bmission processs, if a Submisssion Fee is connfigured for thee submission’ss
Artiicle Type, the Author
is autom
matically taken
n to the Fees annd Payments page after clickiing the ‘Approove
Submission’ link and
a answering ‘OK’ to the alert ‘Are you suure you want too approve the ssubmission?’.
2) At any
a point after a Fee has been
n levied on a su
ubmission, a neew ‘Fees and P
Payments’ linkk will display inn
hor folders. Authors
may cliick this link at any point to taake action on F
Fees or view thee payment stattus.
3) An Author
Payment deep link merge
field may
y be included inn letters. This link will log thhe Author into the
systtem and navigaate them directlly to the Fees and
a Payments ppage.
The Submisssions Waiting for
f Author’s Ap
pproval folder is the first oppportunity the A
Author has to seee the ‘Fees annd
Payments’ paage. The subm
mission step forr an Author is to
t approve the submission byy clicking the ‘OK’ button onn the
‘Are you suree you want to approve
the sub
bmission?’ aleert. Upon clickiing the ‘OK’ bbutton for the ‘A
Are you sure…
alert, the Autthor is taken diirectly to the neew ‘Fees and Payments’
pag e.
The ‘Fees an
nd Payments’ page
displays th
he settings con
nfigured for thee appropriate suubmission.
In the examp
ple below, the Submission
Feee has two optio
ons – Society M
Member is leviied one submisssion rate (75.000
USD), and Non-Society
Meembers are leviied another sub
bmission rate ((100.00 USD). This Submisssion Fee has tw
possible Paym
ment Method options
– ‘Bill Me’ or ‘Requeest Waiver’. T
To complete thee submission, tthe Author wouuld
select which pricing option applies, and which
payment method he woould like to usee. There is alsoo space for the
Author to entter comments to
t the publicatiion.
When the Au
uthor clicks thee ‘Proceed’ buttton on the Feees and Paymentts page, he prooceeds to the ‘A
Author’s Decision’
page which confirms
that he
h approved thee submission (n
now it will be ssent to the Edittorial Office) aand indicates his
selected meth
hod of paymen
nt for the Subm
mission Fee.
Confidential – Subject
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Author has sellected ‘Bill Me’ option)
hor has selected
d ‘Request Waaiver’ option)
If the Authorr selected ‘Cred
dit Card’ for th
he payment meethod on the ‘F
Fees and Paymeents’ page, he oor she can thenn click
the ‘Pay Now
w’ button and proceed
y to PayPal wh
here he or she ccan pay by creedit card or perssonal PayPal
uthor is NOT required
to havve a personal PayPal
accountt in order to paay any fees by ccredit card.
Note: The au
Confidential – Subject
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 37
Once an Auth
hor has compleeted the credit card transactio
on, they are retu
turned to EM.
is payin
ng with a cred
dit card, the sub
bmission will nnot be forwardeed to the Editoorial Office unttil the
Note: If the Author
credit card trransaction is su
uccessful. If th
he transaction fails
(i.e. the A
Author’s credit card has expirred, invalid card
number was entered, etc.) the
t submission will remain in
n the Author’s ‘‘Submissions W
Waiting for Autthor’s Approvaal’
folder until th
he transaction successfully co
ompletes or sellects another ppayment methood.
When the Su
ubmission Fee payment
is com
mpleted by eith
her the ‘Credit Card’, ‘Requeest Waiver’ or ‘‘Bill Me’ optioon, the
‘Fees and Payments’ Action
n Link is displayed in relevan
nt Author foldeers.
Clicking the ‘Fees and Paym
ments’ link tak
kes the Author to the same ‘F
Fees and Paym
ments’ page, exccept now the A
will see the current
nt status, along with any notes the publicatioon may have enntered for the A
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Other Feees
Other Fees (ee.g., publication charge, pagee charges, etc.) are initiated byy the publication after the maanuscript has bbeen
submitted, att some other po
oint in the edito
orial or production workflow
w. The Author w
will receive ann e-mail tellingg him
or her that a Fee
F is now duee. The e-mail can
c include a deep
link to thee ‘Fees and Paayments’ page.
Clicking the Author Paymeent deep link taakes the Authorr directly to thee ‘Fees and Paayments’ page, so he or she can
pay the fee (o
or request a waaiver, or requesst a bill) immed
diately withoutt having to loggin to the system
m. This is justt like
paying a Sub
bmission Fee, as
a described preeviously.
ne fee, the Auth
hor must selectt which fee he oor she wants too view on a new
Note: If the submission has more than on
‘Select a Feee’ page. After making
a selecction, he or shee will proceed tto the ‘Fees annd Payments’ ppage as shown
Confidential – Subject
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Additional Views of the ‘Fees and Payments’ Page
When Authors access the ‘F
Fees and Paym
ments’ page eith
her via the deeep link or the ‘F
Fees and Paym
ments’ action linnk in
the Submissions Being Proccessed folder, the
t page will be
b slightly diffeerent for each F
Fee. The speciific look of thee
‘Fees and Pa
ayments’ page will change deepending on:
pe of Fee (Subm
mission Fee or Non-Submissiion Fee)
ment Method
Priccing Options (single or variou
us amounts avaailable for fee)
ment Status
The basic lay
yout of the page is the same, including
omized instrucctions, fee-speccific instructionns, payment
information and
a any notes to
t the Author that may be enttered for this F
Fee. Below aree some examplee layouts of whhat the
Author may see.
Submission Fee
F – Waiver Request
ng example:
Submission Fee
F – Credit Caard Transaction
n Successful ex
Confidential – Subject
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 40
Fee – Paymeent Due examplle:
g the Prog
gress of a Submissio
Once the man
nuscript has beeen submitted to
t the Publicatiion, the Authorr can track its pprogress by vieewing the
submission in
n the ‘Submisssions Being Pro
ocessed’ list (see below).
Note: It mayy not be possible to view the status
date of a submission, ddepending on thhe system conffiguration chossen by
the publicatio
Authors will be notified wh
hen the Publicaation has made a decision. Iff the Publicatioon has providedd access, the A
will see a ‘Seend E-mail’ lin
nk within the list of available actions. This will allow the Author to sendd an e-mail to tthe
publication at
a any time. Th
he publication will
w have set up
p either one orr multiple Ad H
Hoc e-mails thaat can be modiified
for use by an
n Author. In som
me cases, using
g an Ad Hoc leetter will allow
w users to attachh files to the leetter by choosinng
from personaal files.
When an Ad Hoc letter is configured to alllow attachmen
nts, then the seender of the lettter will see a nnew ‘Add/Channge
Attachments’ button on thee ‘Customize Letter’
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Clicking the ‘Add/Change Attachments’
will opeen a window w
where files can bbe uploaded ass an attachmennt from
a user’s locall computer by clicking
the ‘B
Browse’ button and choosing the file to be aadded.
When the upload is compleete, the attached
d file will displlay in a grid onn the page. Whhen the user is ddone adding annd
selecting files, clicking the ‘Proceed’ buttton returns the user to the ‘Cuustomize Letterr’ page.
The attached files now disp
play above the ‘Add/Change Attachments’
bbutton. If the uuser clicks the ‘‘Add/Change
Attachments’ button again, any files alreaady attached arre listed in the ffile table in thee order they weere attached. IIf the
user deselectts or removes any
a previously attached files and
a clicks ‘Prooceed’ on the ‘E
E-mail Attachm
ment Upload’ ppage,
they are remo
oved from the letter
Other Autthor Access to Submisssions
Publications may configuree Article Typess to require that any Other Auuthors of a subm
mission must rregister with thhe
publication to
o confirm that they are a conttributing Autho
or. When an O
Other Author suuccessfully registers/logs in too
confirm a con
ntribution to a submission, th
hey will be giveen access to viiew the status oof the submissiion as it goes
through the editorial
Confidential – Subject
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Submissions for which the logged-in Auth
hor served as an
a Other Authoor are now inclluded in their S
Submissions Beeing
Processed, Revisions
g Processed, an
nd Submissionss with a Decisiion folders (whhere the submisssion’s Articlee Type
requires Otheer Authors to register and thee logged-in Autthor has successsfully done soo).
An “Authorship” column iss added to thesee folders to dissplay the currennt user’s relatioonship to the ssubmission
ding Author” or
o “Other Autho
or”). The new
w column is dissplayed in thesse three folderss only if the
currently logged-in Author is associated with
w at least on
ne submission aas a registered Other Author. If the Author is
associated wiith at least onee submission ass a registered Other
Author, th
the column dispplays in all threee folders, eveen if
they do not contain
the subm
mission for wh
hich the Authorr was an Otherr Author.
View Other Au
uthor Status” iss added to the ‘‘Author RoleM
Manager’ page. When this
A new permiission called “V
permission iss enabled, Auth
hors see a new View Other Author
Status A
Action Link (whhen applicablee) that leads to the
Author versio
on of the ‘Otheer Author Statu
us’ page. This Action Link ddisplays for Auuthors when thiis permission iss
enabled for th
he Author Rolee and:
1) Thee logged in userr is the Corresp
ponding Autho
or on the submiission.
2) Theere are Other Authors
on the submission,
and at least one oof them has beeen notified thaat verification oof
theirr contribution is
i required.
3) Thee submission’s current Articlee Type is config
gured to eitherr require co-autthor verificatioon or co-authorr
Confidential – Subject
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The Author Names
are link
ks to the ‘View Author Detail’ page for eachh Other Authorr, where the Coorresponding A
may see the information
thaat was entered for each Otherr Author when a manuscript w
was submitted.
g Other Auth
Publications that use the Co
o-Author Veriffication/Registrration feature m
may also proviide Correspondding Authors
permission to
o “View Other Author Status”. When this permission
is eenabled, and att least one Co-A
Author on the
submission has
h been sent th
he notification that verificatio
on of their conttribution is reqquired, then thee Correspondinng
Author sees the
t Author Stattus Action Lin
nk in the Submiissions Sent Baack to Author, SSubmissions Being Processedd,
Revisions Being Processed,, Revisions Sen
nt Back to Auth
hor, and Submiissions With a D
Decision foldeers. The link leeads to
the Author Details
Sample Auth
hor Details pag
ge; Correspond
ding Author vieew;
Confidential – Subject
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When the Co
orresponding Author
is given permission to ‘Manage Otheer Authors’, thee ‘Options’ collumn is displayyed on
the Author Details
page. Authors
may seee the following
g links in this ccolumn:
1. View Questionnaire Responses – disp
plays for Co-Auuthors who havve submitted reesponses to thee
Author Questionnaire.
Clicking on th
he link navigatees the Correspoonding Author to the new Vieew
Author Questionnaire
2. “Questio
onnaire Not Co
ompleted” – dissplays if an Auuthor Questionnnaire is configuured for the Arrticle
Type but the Co-Authorr has not yet su
ubmitted respoonses.
3. Resend Letter
– sends th
he letter config
gured for the ‘N
Notify Other A
Authors’ event to that specificc CoAuthor.
4. Request Confirmation
– displays for any
a Co-Authorr that has not yeet been sent the letter configuured
for the ‘N
Notify Other Au
uthors’ event.
ng Authors witth ‘Manage Oth
her Authors’ permission willl see a ‘Send Letters’ button oon this page.
Clicking this button will sen
nd letters to alll Co-Authors with
w a status off ‘No Responsee’ or ‘Confirmation Not
Requested’. Additionally, Corresponding
g Authors may be given perm
mission to Manaage Co-Authorr verifications and
update Co-Author E-mail Addresses
direcctly from the Author
Status ppage.
Submittiing Reviseed Manusccripts
When asked to revise your submission, th
he submission moves
into thee folder called ‘‘Submissions N
Needing Revision’
under the Revisions heading on the ‘Autho
or Main Menu’ page.
Fiile Inventory, R
Revise Submisssion, Decline tto
From this follder the following options aree listed: View Submission,
Revise and View
View Submiission
The ‘View Su
ubmission’ link allows the Author
to see th
he PDF of the m
most recent verrsion of the subbmission.
File Inventory
The File Inveentory link allo
ows the Authorr to download any
a of the sourrce files that m
make up the subbmission. Authhors
can access su
ubmission filess and work on them
before cliicking the ‘Revvise Submissioon’ link.
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If the Publicaation’s EM sitee is configured to do so, then Reviewers or E
Editors may doownload sourcce files, annotatte
them as need
ded, and upload
d them into thee system. Non--manuscript filles such as imaages or related materials may also
be uploaded. The Editorial Office may giv
ve the Author access
to thesee files for aidinng in submittingg a revision. Iff
Attachments are available to
t an Author a ‘View Attachm
ments’ Action L
Link will be prresent.
Submit Reevision
The ‘Revise Submission’ liink provides acccess to the ‘Su
ubmit Revised Manuscript’ innterface that leeads the Authorr
through the submission
This interfacee is similar to the
t ‘Submit Neew Manuscriptt’ interface. W
When the Authoor arrives at thee ‘Attach Files’’ step
in the process, he or she is presented
h the list of source files from tthe previous veersion. The Auuthor may choose
whether or no
ot to carry over files from thee previous verssion to the new
w Revision.
When presen
nted with the lisst of source filees, there is a ch
heckbox displaayed to the righht of each file. The checkboxx must
be checked to
o carry the file over to the new version of th
he submission. Read the insttructions the puublication will
provide on sccreen to see wh
hat they prefer.. See below:
t next page, where there wiill be an optionn to upload revvised files to bee attached to thhe
Click ‘Next’ to proceed to the
Revised Subm
mission. Again
n, it is possiblee to reorder thee source files w
with the arrowss, and upload nnew files (see
below). Click
k ‘Next’ to build the PDF.
Respond to
t Reviewers
A ‘Respond to
t Reviewers’ submission steep can be displayed on the ‘Suubmit Revisionn’ page. Authoors can click thhe
‘View Decisiion Letter’ link
k to view the deecision letter, which
includess the blinded coomments from
m each Revieweer. If
Confidential – Subject
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the publicatio
on has enabled
d this step, the Author
should respond to eacch Reviewer’s comments by ttyping (or copyying
and pasting) responses into the text box.
ond to Revieweers’ step is ‘Req
quired’, it will not be possiblle to build the rrevision PDF uuntil text has beeen
If the ‘Respo
entered in thee ‘Respond to Reviewers’
xt box.
The Author may
m have accesss to the submiitted responsess to Reviewer C
Comments in thhe ‘Revisions B
Being Processeed’
and ‘Submisssions with Deccision’ folders.
Decline to Revise
when an Author
decides not to submit a Revision. Thhe submission record then m
moves to the Auuthor’s
This link is used
Decline Reviisions folder. If
I this is done in
i error, the Au
uthor will be abble to reinstatee a Declined Reevision.
Reinstate a Declined Revision
If an Author accidentally cllicks on ‘Decline to Revise’ or
o the ‘Removee’ link, the subbmission should be reinstatedd,
instead of sub
bmitting a New
w Manuscript. Reinstating a submission alllows the revisiion process maay continue.
View Deciision
An Author caan view the Deecision Letter by
b clicking on the
t link in the ‘View Decisioon’ column.
Invited and
a Comm
missioned Papers
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Some Publications have a pre-submission
n phase, during which time Auuthors are inviited to submit aarticles. The
invitation maay be for a speccific subject area, a symposiu
um in print, or a festschrift hoonoring a distinnguished colleaague
(i.e. a retiring
g Editor from an
a eminent pub
blication). Theere are two genneral scenarios in which Authhor solicitations may
1) Com
mmentaries: A Publication may
m solicit com
mmentaries on a submitted arrticle (that mayy or may not haave
yet been
accepted for publication
n). This featurre provides a w
way to invite ann Author to subbmit a paper annd link
the existing
(‘parent’) submission to the associaated commentaaries.
2) Proposals: A Pub
blication invitees a leading exp
pert (or expertss) to submit a m
manuscript aboout a particularr
topic; or a Publicaation devotes an
n entire issue (special issue) tto invited manuuscripts for a pparticular topicc(s).
Thiss feature provid
des a way to in
nvite Authors to
o submit paperrs and link the submissions foor the purpose of
Invited Au
uthor’s Persspective
Invited Autho
ors are notified
d of an invitatio
on to submit a manuscript viaa an e-mail. O
Once the e-maill has been received,
the Author must
m log into the system. On the
t ‘Author Main Menu’ therre will be a new
w heading callled ‘Invited
Submissions,,’ with two link
ks below:
ons: This foldeer holds Propo
osals and Comm
mentary Solicittations for which the Author has
My New Invitatio
not yet ‘Agreed’ or
o ‘Declined’ to
o submit a relatted article. A llink appears foor the Author too View the
mission for wh
hich an opinion
n/commentary is
i being invitedd. The Authorr is also given a link to the
invitation letter sen
nt by the Edito
orial Office. Th
here an Authorr is able to eithher Agree to Suubmit or Declinne.
vitations: This folder holds Proposals and C
Commentary soolicitations for which an Authhor
My Accepted Inv
has ‘Agreed’ to su
ubmit a related article. A link
k appears for thhe Author to V
View the ‘parennt’ submission ffor
which an opinion/commentary iss requested. Au
uthors are alsoo given a link too the invitationn letter sent by the
out of thiss folder once thhe ‘Submit Invvited Manuscrippt’ link is clickked.
Edittorial Office. Submissions
Thee Author can th
hen submit the manuscript
hen ready. Oncce an Author bbegins to submiit an invited
nuscript, it willl move into thee regular folderrs for Submittinng and Incompplete – just likee a regular
Viewing Correspondence Hiistory
t submission
n process, letterrs are sent to th
he Author regar
arding the subm
mission, from thhe notificationn that
Throughout the
the PDF is bu
uilt and ready to
t be approved
d through to thee point that thee Author is notiified of an Edittor’s decision.
If enabled, alll Authors are given
access to
o a ‘Correspondence History ’ page. The Auuthor’s ‘Corresspondence Histtory’
page lists onlly those letters sent to or from
m the Author via the system, or those sent ooutside the systtem but added
manually by an Editor. Succh letters includ
Confidential – Subject
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 48
y letter where the Author is th
he recipient, including Producction Task Asssignment letterrs and letters reelated
to Commerce
nager such as Payment
Due leetters.
y Ad Hoc From
m Author letter sent by the Au
Thee Submit Task letter
sent by th
he Author.
Exteernal correspon
ndence added manually
by th
he Editor.
pondence’ Actiion Link in most of the folderrs displayed onn their Main M
Authors will see a ‘Corresp
nk is clicked, a pop-up windo
ow will display
y all letters sentt to or from thee Author regardding this
When this lin
submission. Letters
are disp
played in date order
(newest on
o top), but caan be sorted usiing the standarrd sort arrows.
External corrrespondence will display for the
t Author on the ‘History’ ppage. The item will be markeed with (Externnal) to
denote this message
as haviing been added
d manually by an Editor.
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 49
Author Rebuttal
o a Rejectted or Withdrawn S
This feature is
i used when an
a Author wish
hes to dispute a Reject decisioon or reverse a Withdrawn suubmission. Thee
Author will need
to contactt the Editorial Office
outside of the system tto inform the E
Editors of the ddesire to rebut tthe
k Quality Check
If the Publicaation Office haas this option en
nabled on its siite, figures subbmitted to the P
Publication willl be processedd
through EM’s Artwork Quaality Checking (AQC) system
m. The AQC syystem analyzess the artwork, aand provides reesults
back to Edito
orial Manager. These results are then made available to thhe Author and//or the Editor oon designated ppages.
g AQC Resu
After submisssion files are uploaded
and sent to be built into a PDF, alll designated filles are sent to tthe AQC tool. From
the ‘Submissions Waiting Approval’
or ‘R
Revisions Waitiing Approval’ ppages, a link w
will appear labeeled ‘View Arttwork
Quality Resu
ults’. Authors should
click on
n this link to viiew the results.. Publications have the optioon to require thhat
Authors view
w the results beefore proceedin
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 50
All files will be listed in thee AQC Resultss, but only thosse designated aas requiring anaalysis will dispplay any resultss (i.e.,
Pass, Pass wiith Warning, Fail).
Authors may
m View the PDF, Downloaad individual ssource files andd View the Arttwork
Quality Resu
ults for each file.
Example: AQ
QC Results pag
When the Arrtwork Quality Results are vieewed, a ‘Profliight Detail Repport’ will proviide analysis of the file.
Example: An
nalysis of the Artwork Qualityy Check
k Quality Resullts will also dissplay specific information reggarding any prooblems with thhe file as well aas
The Artwork
possible solu
utions. This meeans that an Au
uthor can makee any necessaryy changes to thhe artwork filess and upload new
files, better suited for produ
Example: Dia
agnostic inform
mation from th
he Artwork Qua
ality Check
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 51
Similaritty Check Results
If the publicaation is perform
ming a CrossCh
heck Similarity
y Check on maanuscripts at suubmissions Autthors may be ggiven
access to a veersion of the Siimilarity Repo
ort for submissiions. If the Auuthor has the abbility to view thhis report a
CrossCheck/iThenticate Reesults Action Link
will be avaailable for the ssubmission. T
The Score of thhe report displaays
next to the lin
Partial displa
ay; Submission
ns Being Proceessed folder:
Clicking the link will open the Similarity Report for thiss submission inn a new window
w. The Authoor will be able tto read
the informatiion, but is not logged
into thee publication’s iThenticate ac count; they aree only viewingg the report resuults.
Sample Pagee:
y show in any of
o the followin
ng Author foldeers:
The link may
 Submissions Sent Back to Autho
omplete Submiissions
 Inco
 Submissions Waiting for Authorr's Approval
g Processed
 Submissions Being
ding Revision
 Submissions Need
visions Sent Baack to Author
 Rev
 Inco
omplete Submiissions Being Revised
Confidential – Subject
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14, Aries Systems Corporation - 52
visions Waiting
g for Author's Approval
visions Being Processed
The Author may
m also see th
he link on the Confirmation
displayed to the Author after they apprrove their
submission or
o revision, if a similarity check has been co
ompleted for thhat submission..
Some Publications opt to usse EM’s ‘Referrence Checking’ tool, which will automaticcally check thee validity of thee
references lissted in each maanuscript’s bibliography.
Reference Ch
hecking will atttempt to find each
on citation in PuubMed and/or CrossRef. Hoowever, Refereence
Checking willl not search fo
or books or in press
articles, as
a these texts aare not listed inn PubMed or C
CrossRef. If thee
Reference Ch
hecking tool is able to find th
he citation in Pu
ubMed and/or CrossRef, a linnk to that citatiion is created.
If the Publicaation has Referrence Checking
g enabled, Auth
hors will see a link that says ‘View Referennce Checking
t ‘View Refeerence Checkin
ng Results’ link
k will allow thee Author to seee the results off the reference
Clicking on the
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If the bibliog
graphic entry iss listed and ‘Vaalidated’, then the reference cchecker was abble to find a maatch in either
PubMed, Cro
ossRef or both.. If the entry iss listed as ‘Nott Validated’, thhe reference chhecker was not able to locate tthe
citation in CrrossRef or PubMed.
Publication citations
that caannot be match
hed with an enttry in either PuubMed or Crosss Ref will be liisted as either ‘‘Not
Validated’ (ssee #6 in the fig
gure above), meaning
the too
ol views the citaation as a Jourrnal reference bbut cannot locaate it
on PubMed or
o CrossRef OR
R as Not Check
ked (see #3 abo
ove), meaning the citation dooes not appear to be from a
Authors shou
uld view the Reeference Check
king Results an
nd attempt to reesolve any prooblems with thee references priior to
Confidential – Subject
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