February 2015 - City of Greater Dandenong
February 2015 - City of Greater Dandenong
February 2015 Bring in the Lunar New Year page 3 Australia Day Award Honours pages 8–9 Naming our new square page 6 Melbourne food and wine festival pages 7 CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRES MAYOR’S MESSAGE Dandenong office 225 Lonsdale St Dandenong Hello and welcome to the February edition of The City – Greater Dandenong’s monthly magazine. Springvale customer service 397–405 Springvale Road Springvale 2015 is now well and truly underway. In this edition we’re pleased to tell you about the many ways Council will be working for you throughout the year. Keysborough customer service Shop A7 Parkmore Shopping Centre Keysborough This month we’re delighted to announce the winners of our annual Australia Day Awards – recognising some of our outstanding local citizens for their achievements in ensuring our city is a more welcoming, caring, and inclusive place to be (pages 8-9). Paddy O’Donoghue Centre 18–34 Buckley Street Noble Park All correspondence to: The City PO Box 200 Dandenong VIC 3175 Email: [email protected] We’ll also be celebrating the Lunar New Year and welcoming the Year of the Goat with Springvale’s renowned Lunar New Year Festival this month. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about how to get there and make the most of the festivities on 15 February (page 3). Also, this month is your last chance to have your say in naming our new civic square. Don’t miss your chance to take part. Page 6 has everything you need to know. Thanks for reading and have a great month. Phone: 8571 1000 Fax: 8571 5196 www.greaterdandenong.com Mayor Sean O’Reilly @greaterdandy facebook.com/greaterdandenong youtube.com/citygreaterdandenong TY: 133 677 T Speak and listen: 1300 555 727 Internet: www.iprelay.com.au TIS: 13 14 50 [email protected] IMPORTANT NUMBERS Emergency calls Police/Fire/Ambulance.................... 000 Street Lighting Faults/ Non-operational Alinta Hotline.......................... 13 20 99 Traffic Signal Faults/ Non-operational................... 8571 1000 Hoon Hotline.................. 1800 333 000 Hard Waste Collection WM Waste Management Services......... 9721 1915 my CITY An estimated 700 people attended Dandenong’s ‘Walk Against Family Violence’ on Friday 28 November 2014 to commemorate White Ribbon Day. Participants walked from ‘The Kitchen’ at Dandenong Market and proceeded through central Dandenong to Civic Square, where they heard from former Police Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon about the impact of family violence upon individuals, families and the community and what we can all do to help prevent these crimes. Families, friends, neighbours and colleagues from across the city joined in the walk to show that our community stands united in opposing violence and to show their support for those who have experienced such violence. Cover photo: Thousands of people will flock to Springvale on Sunday 15 February for the annual Springvale Lunar New Year Festival, now in its 23rd year. See page 3 for all the details. Picture: Hilton Stone Australian Protection Society............... 9798 8415 RSPCA................................ 9224 2222 Nurse on Call.................. 1300 606 024 This publication is available in alternative formats upon request. 2 the CITY SPRINGVALE ASIAN BUSINESS ASSOCIATION E stablished in 1989 by ethnic community leaders to act as a liaison agent between traders and local government, the Springvale Asian Business Association (SABA) now has many local traders as members, a major annual event, and even more grand plans for the future. The organisation aims to promote Springvale to the wider Melbourne community, assist local traders to grow, and encourage people in the region, including new migrants, to participate in local activities. Spokesperson for SABA, Stan Chang, said members included “small businesses including restaurants, Asian groceries, butcher shops, barbers, and gift, clothing, and jewellery shops.” SABA launched the first Springvale Lunar New Year Festival more than 23 years ago, exceeding all expectations with approximately 30,000 people attending. This has grown to more than 70,000 in recent years. The festival is being coordinated by Council in 2015, in partnership with SABA. Mr Chang said the benefits of SABA membership included networking with other Asian business associations, joint promotion, and the communication of news and developments in the area. Any local traders are welcome to join by contacting Mr Chang on 0411 131 130. Bring in the Lunar New Year T he name Springvale has become synonymous with Lunar New Year celebrations in recent years. The Springvale Lunar New Year Festival, presented by Adviceline Injury Lawyers, is now in its 23rd year and is one of the largest Lunar New Year events in Victoria. The festival is produced by Greater Dandenong Council in 2015, in partnership with SABA. Each year thousands of people from across Melbourne flock to the Springvale shopping district to enjoy the fine Asian culture, traditions, entertainment and cuisine that the area is renowned for. This year’s festival is poised to be the most vibrant, sociable and entertaining yet, as Greater Dandenong’s Asian community come together to sweep away the old and welcome the new with the commencement of the Year of the Goat. Traditional lion and dragon dancers will lead the show. There’ll be fun for people of all ages with carnival rides including a ferris wheel and giant slide, sideshow attractions, market stalls, and family-friendly Chinese, Vietnamese and Japanese entertainment acts. Springvale’s most popular eateries. Even the most discerning foodie won’t be able to pass up the range of fresh, delicious Chinese, Cambodian, Thai and Vietnamese food on offer throughout the event. The details Sunday 15 February 2015 10am-10pm Springvale Shopping District Cnr Buckingham and Balmoral Avenues, Springvale. Getting there The festival is easily accessible by public transport. Catch the train to Springvale Station and find yourself right in the middle of the action. There’s also plenty of parking, including a multilevel car park in Balmoral Avenue off Springvale Road. To find out more, including a detailed event listing, see www.springvalelunarnewyear.com.au Entry to the festival is by gold coin donation. This event is proudly presented by The festival will also showcase the many culinary delights prepared by the CITY 3 your COUNCILLORS COUNCILLOR CONTACTS Lightwood Ward – Mayor Cr Sean O’Reilly 0422 523 258 [email protected] COUNCIL MEETINGS Council meetings are held on the second and the fourth Monday of the month. All Council meetings are held at the city chambers at the Dandenong Civic Centre, 225 Lonsdale Street Dandenong. The February meetings will be held: •Monday 9 February •Monday 23 February. Lightwood Ward Cr Youhorn Chea Ph: 9547 5745 Fax: 9547 3586 0417 320 645 [email protected] Lightwood Ward Cr Loi Truong Ph: 0466 004 618 [email protected] Paperbark Ward Cr Roz Blades Ph: 9701 5821 Fax: 9798 5927 0417 053 612 [email protected] Paperbark Ward Cr Peter Brown Ph/Fax: 9584 5149 0408 138 939 [email protected] Paperbark Ward Cr Heang Tak 0403 072 291 [email protected] Red Gum Ward Cr Angela Long Ph: 9795 6574 Fax: 9795 4412 0466 004 616 [email protected] Did you know you can watch Council meetings live online via our web-cast service? You can keep up with all the latest decisions, hear questions from residents and find out the many ways your local councillors are serving the community. To view meetings online simply go to www.greaterdandenong.com and look for the ‘Watch Council Meetings Live’ page in the Your Council section. RECENT COUNCIL DECISIONS •Council endorsed the allocation of $137,272 to 50 organisations who applied for financial support through the Community Support Grants Program 2014-15. The grants will provide local community groups and organisations with the resources to develop and run a range of programs and events that will benefit the Greater Dandenong community. •Council adopted the Green Wedge Management Plan (GWMP), the City of Greater Dandenong’s strategy for the future of its portion of the South East Green Wedge. The GWMP provides a clear vision, objectives and actions for the future management of the Green Wedge for the next 15-20 years. •Council endorsed the Activate – Sport & Active Recreation Strategy 2014-19, which will guide Council in the provision of facilities, services and programs designed to increase participation in sport and active recreation and improve the health and wellbeing of the local community. The aim of the strategy is to get more people, more active, more often in Greater Dandenong. Paperbark Ward Councillor Roz Blades congratulated the staff from Greenleaf Beauty at Kingsclere Shopping Centre for being finalists in the City of Greater Dandenong’s Festive Windows competition, run for local traders throughout the Christmas period. Red Gum Ward Cr Matthew Kirwan 0403 072 295 [email protected] Red Gum Ward Cr Jim Memeti Ph: 9792 4683 Fax: 9792 4683 0434 560 239 [email protected] Silverleaf Ward Cr John Kelly Ph: 9793 1777 Fax: 9706 0186 0418 350 743 [email protected] Silverleaf Ward Cr Maria Sampey Ph: 9790 1291 Fax: 9790 6104 0438 800 027 [email protected] 4 the CITY Mayor Sean O’Reilly was on hand to launch the Summer Reading Club at Dandenong Library during December. Mayor O’Reilly read The Incredible Book Eating Boy to a lucky group of local school students. Lightwood Ward Paperbark Ward Cr Loi Truong Cr Peter Brown I t’s exciting to see Springvale really in its element this month, as the Springvale Lunar New Year Festival brings thousands of visitors from all parts of Melbourne to celebrate this auspicious event. P During the day-long festival our Asian restaurants and shopping strips will be busier than ever with visitors sampling everything Springvale has to offer. Peter Brown: Welcome back to Noble Park, Ron. Ron Kirkwood: Thanks, Brownie...good to be back. A lot has changed. PB: And a lot more to come, too, Ron. Cr Roz Blades and I secured Council funding in the Budget Review for stage 2 of the Coomoora Reserve Development and traffic works in Dunblane Road. RK: About time! It has only taken 20 years. PB: Rome wasn’t built in a day, Ron. We are also going to landscape Keysborough Reserve and plant shade trees. RK: I thought you were going to sell it. What about Ross Reserve? PB: No way! Extra funding has been allocated to complete the whole of the Ross Reserve Skate Park with good landscaping. RK: Any chance to underground the railway crossing? PB: It is one of Council’s top priorities, along with Chandler Road. RK: That’s good, Brownie. My family and I are building a new home off Chandler Road. Don’t want to be stuck at the gates for ages. PB: Greater Dandenong has a great future, Ron. RK: I know. That’s why we are moving here. It would be good to be able to contribute again on Council. Some young people in Keysborough I know are interested too. PB: Always room for new people and new ideas, Ron. RK: What are your racehorses doing? PB: Eating. RK: Take them to Sandown...fantastic course. PB: Another terrific place is Eight Dragons horse property in Riverend Road, Bangholme. RK: Horse heaven! PB: Time’s up, Ron. Time for a coldie at the Noble Park RSL. RK: Your shout, Brownie. I’m certainly looking forward to being right in the heart of the festivities and I hope to see many Lightwood Ward residents out and about enjoying the day’s events and activities. The beginning of the new year is a great chance to take time to celebrate the continually changing face of Springvale and the many new developments that are contributing to Springvale being such an enviable place to live and work. In 2015 Springvale residents will reap the rewards brought by the completion of a number of significant local projects, including: Springvale Grade Separation Springvale businesses and traders will continue to benefit from greatly improved commuter, public transport and pedestrian access to the main activity centre as a result of the removal of the Springvale Road level crossing in 2014. Town Hall Refurbishment Council is currently working through initial design concepts in relation to the refurbishment of Springvale Town Hall. The hall is currently a major function venue for the local community and is utilised most days of the week and every weekend. The town hall is a well known landmark that has served the community well over the years and I have no doubt it will continue to serve the community well into the future. The hall currently comprises meeting rooms and a function room that depending on set up can cater for up to 850 people. Springvale Asian Gateway In the coming weeks an exciting new attraction, the Springvale Asian Gateway, will be completed. Council will deliver this landmark project in partnership with the Springvale Asian Business Association (SABA) and the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship (OMAC). The Springvale Asian Gateway will help reinforce Springvale’s reputation as the Asian hub of Melbourne’s south-east. Cr Loi Truong pictured at Spring Valley Reserve. The reserve is a popular place for local residents in Springvale due to its walking tracks and dog off-leash areas. A new beach volley ball court has recently been installed, which proved popular over the warmer months. aperbark Ward councillor Peter Brown recently spent some quality time catching up with former Springvale Mayor, Ron Kirkwood (1987-1988). The two chatted about the changing face of Noble Park and Keysborough. Former Mayor, Ron Kirkwood photographed with Cr Peter Brown outside the Noble Park Post Office. the CITY 5 working FOR YOU COUNCIL RENEWS OPPOSITION TO LANDFILL SITE I n the lead up to last November’s Victorian State Election Council restated its opposition to the depositing of contaminated waste at the Lyndhurst Landfill Facility and confirmed its support for the earliest possible closure of the site. Council wrote to all election candidates and sitting MPs from all major parties calling on them to make a commitment to closing the landfill by stating their position on the closure, advising what actions they would take to progress the closure and when it would occur. Council has been pushing on behalf of local residents for the closure of the site since 2007. Since that time Council has been instrumental in achieving a number of improvements to the site, including facilitating a community health study and the formation of a Community Reference Group to discuss with landfill operators issues that arise. However, Council remains committed to working with the new State Government to develop an alternative state-wide strategy for waste disposal. Last say in naming our new square! O ver the last twelve months Dandenong’s new public square has become a much-loved community space, hosting movie screenings, community celebrations, festivals, our inaugural New Year’s Eve event and more. More than one million people have visited the square since it was opened to the public in April 2014. Now, the only thing missing is a new name. In 2014 Council ran the ‘Name Your Square’ competition and Mayor Sean O’Reilly said he was thrilled with the strong response. “We received more than 160 initial suggestions,” said Mayor O’Reilly. “Submissions ranged from those echoing the history of the area to those that reflected how residents related to, or felt about the space.” A shortlist of 6 names, each meeting strict guidelines set by the Office of Geographic Names Victoria, has been compiled and the Mayor and Councillors are now keen for you to have your say. Tell us which of the following suggested names resonate most strongly with you and be part of this once in a lifetime chance to contribute to Greater Dandenong’s history: •Harmony Square •International Square •Opportunity Square •Welcome Square •World Square •Wurundjeri Square Tell us which of the suggested names resonate most strongly with you and contribute to Greater Dandenong’s history by submitting feedback online via: [email protected] www.greaterdandenong.com www.facebook.com/greaterdandenong Feedback forms are also available from Council’s Customer Service Centres or you can provide details of your preferred name in writing to: Name that Place City of Greater Dandenong PO Box 200, Dandenong Victoria 3175. GRANT FUNDS NEW RECYCLING INITIATIVE Ferman Zekirija from the Dandenong Thunder Soccer Club is looking forward to the new bin infrastructure being installed at George Andrews Reserve. G reater Dandenong’s sporting clubs and pavilions will be cleaner and greener with the announcement of a new recycling initiative soon to be trialled at 12 locations across the city. Council received a $50,000 grant from the Australian Packaging Covenant (APC) to fund the installation of new infrastructure that will enable Council to reclaim valuable recyclables that have until now been lost to landfill. This will save energy and resources as well as ensuring our sporting clubs can offer clean, safe and welcoming facilities. A recent study has shown that approximately 80 percent of the waste generated at sporting clubs in the City of Greater Dandenong is recyclable. Council will replace currently-used rubbish skips with four yellow-lidded recycling bins (1,440L capacity) consistent with our residential and 6 the CITY public bin systems to make it easier to correctly dispose of waste. The bins will be secured in enclosed cages accessible only by sporting club staff and collection contractors. This increased security will discourage the unauthorised dumping of rubbish at the grounds, which has previously been a problem. New infrastructure will be trialled at the following locations: •George Andrews Reserve, Dandenong South •Police Paddocks (Soccer), Dandenong •Noble Park Reserve, Noble Park •Shepley Oval, Dandenong •Coomoora Reserve, Keysborough •Greaves Reserve, Dandenong •Edinburgh Reserve, Springvale •WJ Turner Reserve, Noble Park North •Warner Reserve, Springvale •Ross Reserve, Noble Park •Lois Twohig Reserve, Dandenong North •Police Paddocks (Softball), Dandenong Melbourne Food and Wine Festival G reater Dandenong is once again gearing up to take part in the Melbourne Food and Wine Festival with two great events on offer. Dandenong World Fare The popular Dandenong World Fare is returning to Dandenong Market. Travel the globe at this enchanting world food fare extravaganza and experience the tempting aromas of global cuisines, cultures and entertainment. Enjoy live music and dance performances and beautifully presented food as you wander through outdoor Cultural diversity is widely celebrated at the Dandenong Food and Wine Festival. hawker market stalls and canopied stands, sizzling hot plates, and sweet and savoury treats. There’ll also be cooking demonstrations in “The Kitchen” for those keen to continue the feast at home. Pop-up Springvale Best of all, it’s a free event, so grab your friends and family and make the Dandenong World Fare your destination on Sunday 1 March , from 10am. An Asian pop-up event will delight commuters with the best of Vietnamese, Cambodian and Chinese street cusine. Where: Dandenong Market Cnr Clow and Cleeland Streets, Dandenong. The pop-up will be cooking up a storm between 3pm-7pm. Come along and experience for yourself a taste of the best Springvale has to offer. Details: www.dandenongmarket.com.au World Wetlands Day Visitors to Springvale Railway Station on Thursday 5 March will be able to experience the exotic tastes of Asian street food. C ome along and join in the fun of World Wetlands Day with a free community event to explore and celebrate our beautiful natural environment. Take a guided tour of the wetland at Tirhatuan Park, North Dandenong, enjoy a live animal show and take part in a fishing competition. There’s also a free BBQ on offer. The theme of this year’s World Wetlands Day is Wetlands for our Future. Bookings are essential as places are limited. Call 8571 1702. The World Wetlands Day celebration will be held on Saturday 7 February at Tirhatuan Park (Kriegel Way off Outlook Drive, Dandenong North). the CITY 7 Australia Day Award Honours S ix outstanding local citizens have been recognised for their community spirit and commitment to making a difference in our city as part of the annual Greater Dandenong Australia Day Awards. Mayor Sean O’Reilly said the award winners each displayed the important qualities of generosity, hard work, and perseverance through their tireless work in a number of different community groups and organisations. “We commend the winners in each of the six award categories for their many achievements,” he said, “and we thank them for their service and dedication to making Greater Dandenong a more welcoming, caring, and inclusive place to be.” Winners were recognised and celebrated during a special citizenship ceremony held at the Drum Theatre on Australia Day. GET TO KNOW OUR 2015 WINNERS y_postcard.indd 1 Citizen of the Year – Beverley Douglas Beverley Douglas 27/08/2014 4:29:15 PM Beverley Douglas has been giving back to the community for nearly 30 years. She has been instrumental in helping the Springvale Learning and Activity Centre respond to a changing community through the development of new programs and services. Her community spirit, ‘can-do’ attitude and selfless commitment to helping others demonstrates the true meaning of community service and makes her a standout figure for Citizen of the Year. Rohullah Rahimi Young Leader of the Year – Rohullah Rahimi Arriving in Australia only a few short years ago, Rohullah Rahimi is passionate about improving the lives of young people and ensuring their voices are heard. Rohullah is heavily involved in his local community and represents the Association of Hazaras on a sub-committee of the Refugee Council of Australia, is a volunteer advisor with the Centre for Multicultural Youth, and also works extensively with Council’s Young Leader’s Program. Highly Commended: Carroll-Jade Doran was also recognised for her dedicated work on the Freeza Committee and as a Council Ambassador. Through her volunteer work Carol-Jade has been instrumental in delivering a range of activities and events for young people in the City of Greater Dandenong. 8 the CITY Volunteer of the Year – Natalie Irvine Volunteer language tutor Natalie Irvine has helped many local residents grow in skills and confidence through her involvement in English conversation classes and one-on-one language tutoring. She commenced her work at the Dandenong Regional Adult Literacy Group in 1994 and has since been a valuable influence at Dandenong Library, and more recently, the Springvale Neighbourhood House. Natalie is recognised especially for the care she has taken in guiding those she has tutored to lead more fulfilling and rewarding lives. Natalie Irvine Kelly Applebee Sportsperson of the Year – Kelly Applebee Corporate Citizen of the Year – Gerry Ryan (Jayco) Kelly has been an indispensable member of the Dandenong Women’s Cricket Club for more than ten years in roles as varied as administrator, coach, captain and club president. During her time as president, Kelly has worked tirelessly to promote women’s sport in local schools, especially in encouraging multicultural communities to get involved in local sporting clubs and activities. Gerry is a well-known corporate figure in Greater Dandenong whose company, Jayco, is based in Dandenong and employs thousands of local residents. As well as being a strong corporate sponsor of local sporting groups such as the Dandenong Jayco Rangers, Gerry uses his skills and influence to provide opportunities for others to grow through work and training, and is a passionate patron of the arts, sports and the wider local community. Gerry Ryan Mas Mai Multicultural Award – Mas Mai Mas Mai is an active member of the Burmese community who has established a successful social enterprise – the Free Burma Cafe in Springvale. As well as showcasing the best of Burmese food and culture, the cafe acts as a hub where members of the local Burmese community can come for advice and assistance, to participate in social activities and to celebrate and pray together. Mas Mai is highly respected as a community leader who promotes the values of harmony, tolerance and inclusion and is a great asset to the City of Greater Dandenong. Leadership Award – The Hazara Women’s Friendship Network – through Dandenong Neighbourhood House The Hazara Women’s Friendship Network, founded by Rabia Nadir (pictured), has made a significant difference to the lives of local Afghan women by connecting them with others for mutual support and giving them the opportunity to develop the language skills necessary for them to confidently navigate their day-to-day lives. With the support and friendship offered by the group many participants have overcome significant personal hurdles to become more positive, confident, and engaged members of their community and to improve their own lives. Rabia Nadir Abuk Bol Corporate Citizen of the Year – Encouragement Award Abuk Bol (The Twich) Abuk Bol established an African Women’s Sewing Collective in Dandenong called ‘The Twich’ that supports women to be trained and employed in the clothing industry, an important step in enabling them to be self-sufficient. Abuk migrated from South Sudan and has achieved so much in her own life – learning the language and obtaining Australian qualifications while managing a large family at home. Abuk demonstrates the qualities of perseverance, determination, innovation and resilience in the way she now assists others to enrich their own lives. the CITY 9 community CALENDAR FEBRUARY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 2 English in the Community and Workplace Jan Wilson Community Centre 9.30am–12pm To register phone 9795 9279 Adult Exercise Jan Wilson Community Centre 9.30–10.30am Ph: 9795 9279 Combined Probus Club of Noble Park Meeting Noble Park Social Club Rooms Ph: 9546 9693 CWA Noble Park Branch 2015 Craft Day Paddy O’Donoghue Centre 10am–1.30pm, BYO Lunch 3 9 Playgroup Jan Wilson Community Centre 10am–12pm, Ph: 9795 9279 Council Meeting Dandenong Civic Centre 7pm 10 English in the Community and Workplace Jan Wilson Community Centre 9.30am–12pm Ph: 9795 9279 THURSDAY 4 Greater Dandenong Neighbourhood Watch Committee Meeting Paddy O’Donoghue Centre Rooms 3 & 4 7:30pm Yoga/Pilates followed by Meditation Jan Wilson Community Centre 12.30–2.30pm Ph: 9795 9279 Intermediate Computer Skills Jan Wilson Community Centre 1–3.30pm Ph: 9795 9279 to register Library Storytime Dandenong & Springvale Libraries 10.30am Computers for the Confused Jan Wilson Community Centre 12.30–3pm Ph: 9795 9279 to register Yoga Jan Wilson Community Centre 7–8.30pm Ph: 9795 9279 18 LOTOS (ladies social & activity group) Jan Wilson Community Centre 10am–12pm Ph: 9795 9279 12 Playgroup Jan Wilson Community Centre 10am–12pm Ph: 9795 9279 Library Storytime (4 year olds and over) Dandenong & Springvale Libraries 10.30am Adult Exercise 19 Jan Wilson Community Centre 9.30–10.30am, Ph: 9795 9279 Library Storytime (4 year olds and over) Dandenong & Springvale Libraries 10.30am Dandenong Seniors Club Meeting Highways Tabaret, Springvale 6pm for a 6.30pm start. Ph: Neil on 8787 5968 CWA Noble Park Branch General Meeting Paddy O’Donoghue Centre 10am Library Storytime (4 year olds and over) Dandenong & Springvale Libraries 10.30am Springvale View Club Greyhounds Entertainment (previously Sandown Dogs) View Road, Springvale 6:30pm, Ph: 9700 1976 or 9791 5161 Playgroup Jan Wilson Community Centre 10am–12 pm, Ph: 9795 9279 Council Meeting Dandenong Civic Centre 7pm 23 10 the CITY 17 Adult Exercise Jan Wilson Community Centre 9.30–10.30am Ph: 9795 9279 11 Library Toddler Time (4 year olds and over) Dandenong & Springvale Libraries 10.30am 16 5 24 Yoga Jan Wilson Community Centre 7–8.30pm Ph: 9795 9279 Business Clean Up Australia Day www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au 25 Zumba Gold Jan Wilson Community Centre 10.30–11.30am Ph: 9795 9279 26 Playgroup Jan Wilson Community Centre 10am–12noon 9795 9279 Library Storytime (4 year olds and over) Dandenong & Springvale Libraries 10.30am www.greaterdandenong.com/Calendar 2015 FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 1 Miracle Christian Centre Jan Wilson Community Centre 9am–2pm Dandenong Market Cnr Clow and Cleeland Streets, Dandenong Every Sunday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday Ph: 9701 3850 6 Alex Wilkie Nature Reserve Open Day 9am–3pm Free event but bookings essential Ph: 8571 1702 English in the Community and Workplace Jan Wilson Community Centre 9.30am–12noon Ph: 9795 9279 7 World Wetlands Day Tirhatuan Park Bookings are essential Ph: 8571 1702 Springvale Rotary Sunday Market Opposite Sandown Park Railway Station 8am 14 Dandenong & District Orchid Club Meeting Agricultural Society Admin Building Greaves Reserve, Dandenong 7pm. Free event Ph: Ron Daniell on 0412 188 263 Springvale Lunar New 15 Year Festival Corner Balmoral & Buckingham Avenues, Springvale 10am–10pm. Free event but charges for some activities Alex Wilkie Nature Reserve Open Day 10am–5pm. Free event but bookings essential, Ph: 8571 1702 Miracle Christian Centre Jan Wilson Community Centre 9am–2pm Playgroup Jan Wilson Community Centre 10am–12noon, Ph: 9795 9279 20 English in the Community and Workplace Jan Wilson Community Centre 9.30am–12pm Ph: 9795 9279 8 Drum Theatre 8571 1666 Dandenong Library 1300 630 920 Heritage Hill Museum and Historic Gardens 9793 4511 Alex Wilkie Nature Reserve 13 Open Day 9am–3pm. Free event but bookings essential, Ph: 8571 1702 Alex Wilkie Nature Reserve Open Day 9am–3pm Free event but bookings essential Ph: 8571 1702 City of Greater Dandenong 8571 1000 Dandenong Alevi Cultural Centre Jan Wilson Community Centre 3–6pm Dresden Callisthenics Jan Wilson Community Centre 9.30–10.30am ✆ 21 Octonauts Live! Operation Red Shield Drum Theatre 10.30am, 1.30pm & 4pm Bookings essential Ph: 8571 1666 22 Dandenong Alevi Cultural Centre Jan Wilson Community Centre 3–6pm Dresden Callisthenics Jan Wilson Community Centre 9.30–10.30am Jan Wilson Community Centre 9795 9279 Paddy O’Donoghue Centre 8571 1436 Springvale Library 1300 630 920 Springers Leisure Centre 9701 5900 Walker Street Gallery 9706 8441 27 28 Alex Wilkie Nature Reserve Open Day 9am–3pm Free event but bookings essential Ph: 8571 1702 Playgroup Jan Wilson Community Centre 10am–12pm Ph: 9795 9279 Dandenong Market 9701 3850 Submit your community event online at Cultural Tours 9771 5777 www.greaterdandenong.com the CITY 11 Do you have a child attending secondary school? C ouncil is advising residents that this year, for one year only, the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (dTp) vaccination program will be offered to secondary school students in Years 7, 8 and 9, in addition to the existing Year 10 program. Nurses from the City of Greater Dandenong will visit all secondary schools to deliver this program. From 2016 the dTp vaccine, along with other free vaccines such as Human Papilloma virus (Gardasil) and Chicken Pox, will be offered to Year 7 students only. This transition will provide students with earlier protection from these diseases and simplify the vaccine program from 2016 onwards. IMMUNISATION ADVICE AND ‘CATCH UP’ SERVICE Every Monday from 10am-11am, Dandenong Civic Cente, 225 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong. Look out for the vaccine consent form/s coming home from school with your child. You need to read, complete and return the form/s regardless of whether your child is being immunised at school. Every returned consent card will go into the draw to win a family swim pass to enjoy local recreation facilities. These have been donated by YMCA in partnership with the City of Greater Dandenong. T his service is for newly arrived families (migrants and refugees), to present their child’s vaccination records to be assessed, and then arrange a vaccination ‘catch-up’ schedule with a registered nurse. All newly arrived families who have had any vaccinations overseas must attend this specific Monday morning service, as this ‘catch-up’ advice cannot be If your child is in Year 7, 8, 9 or 10 in 2015 and you have not received a vaccination consent card from your school, please contact the Immunisation team at [email protected] or on 8571 1000. To learn more about these changes, the diseases, the vaccines, or how you can prepare your child for vaccination go to immunehero.health.vic.gov.au. provided at a general immunisation session. Please bring all documentation related to your child’s previous vaccinations (this must be in English), as well as your Medicare card and child health record (if available). This service also caters for parents who have concerns about any vaccination issues. IMMUNISATION TIMETABLE – FEBRUARY 2015 The Immunisation Timetable for the City of Greater Dandenong is available from Council’s customer service centres or Maternal and Child Health centres and online. Phone Council on 8571 1000 or visit www.greaterdandenong.com for more information on the upcoming immunisation sessions: DATE TIME LOCATION 2 February 5pm-6.30pm Springvale Service for Children, 23–28 Lightwood Road, Springvale 10 February 10am-12pm Paddy O’Donoghue Centre, 18-34 Buckley Street, Noble Park 12 February 10am-11.30am Dandenong Municipal Offices, 225 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong 17 February 10am–11am Springers Leisure Centre, 400 Cheltenham Road, Keysborough 18 February 4.30pm-6.30pm Dandenong Municipal Offices, 225 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong 24 February 10am-11am Jan Wilson Community Centre, BJ Powell Reserve, Halton Rd, Noble Park North 25 February 10am-12pm Springvale Service for Children, 23–28 Lightwood Road, Springvale 28 February 10am-12pm Dandenong Municipal Offices, 225 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong 12 the CITY Easy parking for disabled parking permit holders P arking bays set aside for people with a disability are located near the entrances to many buildings and shopping centres throughout Greater Dandenong. This ensures easy access and shorter walking distances for those with mobility restrictions. But did you know that all on-street parking in Greater Dandenong is free to residents who hold a disability access permit? Permit holders are also permitted to park for twice the allowed time, so if your car is stationed in a one-hour zone, you can legally park in that spot for up to two hours. If you or a family member has a permanent or temporary disability that restricts mobility you can apply for a disability parking permit by downloading an application form at www.greaterdandenong.com or picking one up at any of Council’s Customer Service Centres. Once completed the application will be assessed and you will be advised of the outcome. CALLING ALL YOUNG LEADERS A re you interested in improving your leadership skills or becoming more involved in the community? Council is looking for young, motivated people to participate in the Young Leaders Program in 2015! Weekly sessions start in Term 2 and conclude at the end of Term 3. Applications close on Friday 27 February, so apply now! For more information, call 9793 2155 or check out our website: www.greaterdandenong.com/ youthservices Council’s ticket machines each have signage alerting permit holders to their free parking entitlements. Council’s Parking Management Officer, Riyad Hodo, shows where the signage is located. JOIN THE HOLIDAY PROGRAM LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE C ouncil is looking for young people to join the Holiday Program Leadership Committee. Committee members will benefit from a 10-week training program and will have the opportunity to organise a range of fun activities and outings for local youth during the school holidays. If you’re aged between 12-15 this is a great opportunity to make friends, gain skills in leadership, learn about marketing, promotion and event planning, as well as to get more involved in the life of your community. The training program will commence on 20 April. For more information, please contact Youth Services on 9793 2155. the CITY 13 business NEWS The award-winning Polish Rye Crust Bakery has appeared on SBS’s Food Safari Program. Bakery co-owner Andrew Lipiszko is pictured with the program’s food presenter, Maeve O’Meara. Awards for local bakery P olish Rye Crust Bakery in Dandenong won every colour of medal at the Royal Melbourne Fine Foods Spring 2014 Awards, including gold for its Polish rye sourdough in the ‘Light Rye’ category. According to Andrew Lipiszko, coowner of the bakery, the business’s recipe for success consists of organic rye flour sourced from Russia, not to mention a 104-year-old starter (which helps the bread rise) from Poland. Mr Lipiszko has almost 20 years’ experience as a baker and opened the specialty bakery with his wife, Hanna, in 2009. Program in 2013 and incorporated recommendations from the program to make the venue look more sophisticated and to establish a website. “When we opened it was during the world financial crisis and the city’s revitalisation works, so we restructured the business from a bakery to a bakery café with a master Polish pastry chef,” he said. The bakery features in the Council’s new Food Strategy video, has been part of various food tours, and has also appeared on the Food Safari television program. Drop in and take a look for yourself in Foster Street, Dandenong or visit online www.polishryecrustbakery.com.au. The Polish Rye Crust Bakery took part in Council’s Streetlife Mentoring SUPPORTING LOCAL BUSINESS C ouncil recently conducted a survey of 400 public service workers in central Dandenong to find out more about their local weekly shopping habits. Council’s Greater Dandenong Business Unit found that the average office worker spends around $73 per week while at work. The survey was conducted as part of Council’s Local Retail Consumer Spending Capture Project, which aims to increase local spending and enhance the retail sector in central Dandenong. Currently government administration workers, including Council staff, spend 14 the CITY around $9.5 million annually on goods and services in the area. According to the survey results almost all workers buy something before, during or after work, with less than two per cent of respondents reporting that they buy nothing at all. The most popular shops for workers to visit were cafes/restaurants and groceries/fresh food stores. In addition, almost 27 per cent of respondents said that they buy clothing each fortnight. The survey results also show that the Revitalising Central Dandenong (RCD) initiative has positively influenced people working in central Dandenong. Over 87 per cent of the 382 respondents who answered this question indicated that the centre had improved as a place to work as a result of the RCD initiative. Respondents pointed out that reliability, convenience and value for money were at the top of the list of deciding factors when choosing where they shop. Word-of-mouth carries a lot of weight for Dandenong office workers as most respondents reported finding out about new products, shops and interesting offers from their colleagues and friends or simply by exploring the centre. community NEWS GOLFERS UNITE FOR LOCAL CHARITY T he Greater Dandenong business community will turn out in force for the 6th Annual Take a Swing for Charity Golf Day on Monday 23 February at Sandhurst Golf Course. Greater Dandenong Mayor Sean O’Reilly will launch the event alongside the sponsors and local businesses that have been the driving force behind this highly successful event. Register now for Clean Up Australia Day T he City of Greater Dandenong is already making plans for a big Clean Up Australia Day this year, and we’re inviting the whole community to get involved. Get together with friends, family and the broader community to help make Greater Dandenong a cleaner and safer place to live. Start planning for a fun day out and register now for Clean Up Australia Day – the nation’s largest and most popular community-based environmental event. Clean Up Australia Day Sunday 1 March Business Clean Up Day Tuesday 24 February Schools Clean Up Day Friday 27 February Register at www.cleanupaustraliaday.org.au Special Clean Up days are also held for schools and businesses. Registered groups receive a cleanup kit including gloves and rubbish bags. Individuals, schools, businesses and local groups can organise their own clean up site or join an existing event. The City of Greater Dandenong can also provide extra equipment by phoning Samantha Ondrus on 9797 1715. Raising nearly $200,000 for local charities to date, this event is a great way for business and industry to come together to network with their peers, as well as having some fun and giving back to the community at the same time. The recipient organisation for 2015 will be the State Schools’ Relief Fund. Money raised will go towards the purchase of uniforms, footwear and other essential educational supplies for disadvantaged students from the Greater Dandenong region. It’s a great cause, so why not get a team together? Contact South East Business Networks on 8571 1576 or email [email protected] to register your interest. BECOME A FOUNDING MEMBER OF THE SPRINGVALE LIONS CLUB L ions Clubs International (LCI) will hold an information session in Springvale on Thursday 12 February to discuss the formation of a Lions Club in the Springvale area. Local, communityminded people who are interested in becoming founding members of the club are warmly invited to attend. LCI has 1.3 million members, all volunteers, in 45,000 clubs across the world. As a Lions member you will have the opportunity to help make your community a better place to live, work and grow whilst also learning new skills, improving your confidence, and meeting new people. If you are interested in attending the meeting please contact: Gordon Connor on 9887 4167 ([email protected]) or Ha Nguyen on [email protected]. Take a Swing for Charity the CITY 15
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